Evening public ledger. (Philadelphia [Pa.]) 1914-1942, September 17, 1919, Night Extra Financial, Page 15, Image 15

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    rti TJ i
J&.Tb 'SeJpIeEmBER
Government Shoo Will Start
Week From Today and Handlo
All Merchandise
One week from tomorrow, TJncle Sara
will set up in business here as a retailer
of merchandise.
If yon need nnj" wool underwear for
cold weather use, he'll sell it to yon
Maybe you need only balbrljgana. Tour
TJncle will sell you those.
Socles, bath towels, shaving brushes,
garbage cans, hats, brooms, gloves,
lariats in fact almost nnything sal
able will bo handled at the nation's re
tail store. And you won't have to carry
home your purchases, cither. The par
eel post system will bring them to your
Twenty Other Stores
Other cities where the stores will be
established are : Atlanta, El Paso, St.
liouis, San Francisco, Los Angeles,
Denver. Washington, Seattle, Port
land, Chicago, Jeffcrsonvllle. Indiana;
Xew Orleans, Boston. Detroit, St.
Paul, Omaha, Charleston, S. C. ; New-
ort News, Va. ; Columbus, Ohio, and
Ian Antonio.
Following list includes the commodi
ties to bo offered in the stores and the
prices which have been fixed :
Arctics, cloth top, $1.00 a pair;
arctics, all rubber, $2.25 a pair;
blankets, all wool. KG each : blankets.
wool and cotton, $5 each ; blanUeti.
cottou, $3 a pair; bags, rubber, hot
water, sixty-live cents encn ; boots,
Tubber, hln, $5.20 a pair; brooms,
stable, with handle, seventy-five cents
each ; brooms, corn, sixty cents each ;
brushes, scrub, fifteen cents each ;
brushes, shaving, fifteen cents each ;
candles, tallow, twenty cents a pound;
cans, ash or garbage, assorted, $3 each ;
canteen, fifteen cents: drawers, wool
ribbed, winter Heavy, $l a pair; draw
ers, winter wool. Hsht. SI a pair:
drawers, summer balbrigian, nainsook,
elan, seam knee and full length, fifty
cents a pair; gloves, jersey knit, fifty
cent a pair; hats, oil skin, seventy
five cents each: lariats, sixty-five cents
each; leggins, foot, seventv-fivo cents
a pair; overalls, Mb, 5l.-.i n pair;
overalls, combination, $2.S0 a pair;
raincoats, commercial, $n.25 each ;
staffs, flag, five-foot sectional steel,
$1.10 each ; staffs, flag, eight-foot sec
tional wood, $1.10 each ; socks, summer,
cotton, fifteen cents a pair; socks, wool,
light, twenty-five cents a pair: stocks.
wool, heavy, fifty-five cents a pair;
thimbles, saddlers, eight cents each;
towels, bath, forty-five cents each;
towels, nucic, twenty cents eacn ; unaer
shirts, winter, wool. $1 each: under
shirts, winter wool, light, $1 each;
uncersnirts, cotton neece nnea, ntty
cents each ; undcrshirtR, summer, fifty
cents each ; whips, artillery, 51 eacn,
Renovated Article Prices
Price list of reclaimed or renovated
articles :
Arctics of all Kinds, $1 a pair
blankets, all wool, $5 each ; blankets
wool and cotton mixed. $3.00 each ;
blankets, cotton, $1 a pair; cans, meat,
twenty cents each; drawers, summer,
twenty-five cents per pair; forks,
twenty-four cents n docn ; knives, forty
eight cents a dozen; leggins, foot,
thirty-five cents a pair.
Overalls, combination. $1.25 n pair:
overalls, bib, seventy-five cents a pair;
spoons, eighteen cents a dozen; socks,
wool, Hght. twelve and one-half cents
a pair; socks, wool, heavy, thirty cents
a pair; undershirts, winter wool, heavy,
sixty cents each; undershirts, winter
wool, light, sixty cents each; under
shirts, woolen and cotton, thirty cents
each; undershirts, summer, twenty-five
centH each.
The "cannon ball
service" of tennis
means tired muscles.
quickly relieves all
musculir strains.
Get a tube today
Tk.s. LhbIh c. n. y.
fWk s
Primo and
Conservation of fabrics Is now
a- patriotlo duty. Ion ran sate
moner &ntl still 1m vaII 4r.a4l
by having? yoar clothing truly
French dry cleaned by the Irlmo
Process, which not only take
oat every particle of dirt and
grease, bat lengthens th life of
the fabric. Jost phsne
Walnut 6565
Primo Dye Works
Cleaners and Dyers
Wholesale ft Retail
810-li-li N. 13th Htreet
Sit S. 18th Street
Better Grade Shot for Men
V.,l5riOMT All, A
34 N. 13th St.
New Fall Styles
now ready, including a
variety of broad toes. -The
Boylston Last
shown hers. Is
a medium broad
too. with Donald,
erably more
etyl. than aver
age broad- toe
models. Black
and tan, calf
and YlcL
i I tot)
i I tall
i I a
i I VWV Bna tan. calf S
I ?Y nd vlcl. 6
Keep Accurate Record of Your
Food Costs This Week
Prove for Yourself How You Can Smash Old "High Cost of Living" With
avaaaaala sbbhbIbV aVtaa' Jt& BVaaaw elaflsa aalra aetata ofisaT .eW
Just Right
The High Cost of Living has become a serious thing. It must be reduced. It
can be. We, as a nation, have been eating too much of the more expensive foods
and too little of the good, old-fashioned, and more nourishing food Bread.
We want every housewife in and near Philadelphia to take part in this two
weeks9 test to answer the question,
How Much Can We Lower
the High Cost of Living?
For this week keep an accurate record of your
expenditures for food. Eat the same things
you have eaten during previous weeks same
quantities of meats, eggs, and just the same
quantity of Bread you have been using. No
more no less. This daily record, or the
record of the entire week, will determine what
your food is now costing you.
Now for next week! Begin with your pur
chase of food for Sunday, September 21st.
DOUBLE your quantity of Bread. Naturally,
you will correspondingly decrease your pur
chase of other foods, for the reason that you
will need less.
Throughout next week, continue to eat two
slices of Bread where you ate one slice before.
Again, keep an accurate record of your expen
ditures for food. Compare it with your food
costs for this week. The difference will show
you how much you can cut the cost of living
with Bread.
We know that an increased consumption of
Bread will materially lower the cost of living.
We know that the fine quality of BIG TOSTY
BREAD its pure ingredients, perfect baking
and delicious flavor will invite you to eat more
Bread (and enjoy it) than you ever ate before.
We want to give the result of this test the widest publicity,
and for this purpose invite housewives to write to us re
porting their success in this great economic demonstration.
Ask Your Grocer for the Booklet That Tells 32 Ways of
Using Big Tosty Bread to Reduce the Cost of Living.
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