EVENING' PUBLIC M3DGEIt- PHILADELPHIA', FllIDAY, SEPTEMBEE 12, 101J) 0 fa WAIJTKD ol clothes nouoiiT Cast-off clothing wanted: mn'i old suits, coats, trousers, shoes, etc.: ladle' clothing of all descriptions and cvenlnr rlothea bought; highest prices paid: wo call nnv where, cltv or country, day nr night Write. rSiUorJelenhone rilhert 2172. BF.nnstiHN cT.OTinxn w.."i4i N"i!?: XmoKRN Jewelry, antiques, pistols, coins: coin book with prices I pay mnlled Ifip. J. II. Unas (People's Store), 2nd S 11th. Wat. 449". CAST-OF1- ULOTHINO Gentlemen's, ladles' and children's clothing and shre of all kinds bought nt absolutely the highest prices: auto service.. Wo call anywhere anv time. Th, Mkt, 2441 W or call M Stem. 887 N.jth ANTiqun furniture, old clilnA. old Jewelry, gold, silver, falso teeth, dlamoncfs An tiques, 028 Cheetnut. Thono Walnut 7020. OLD CLOTlins, ladles', mrn'a or boy? suits overcoats, shoes, hats: wo positively ray BO more. Rend postal, call or phono utcKinaon nui.i, we can evening, lledman nros We call city, country, day. 144 SOUtll St. WH WANT at onco household furniture: store fixtures, office, furniture: pay spot cash: honest vnluo, phone us about It. La- cust 4214. Old Church, cor. 12th and Cherry. HIGHEST rilll'BH PAID for single or enTlr furnlturn Itubaek. 420 N 60th. Pel 7S47. PIANOS. FLAYEItS. TUNING. ETC, HOWARD VINCHNT Mn-M.8tfl-842-44-4fl N, OTlt RT. SPnCIAt. ItAnOAINH THIS WEEK 1 OKO. HTKCK Unrlght 70 2 WKnnnPinLJi uprights .... 7r. up i.ESTnn uprights jisiuD 5HATIDMAN Uprights S7a up CIIICKCRINO Uprights 10'. up 4 KRTBT Uprights (lift up fl CUNNINGHAM Uprights $12'. up 4 1JLAS1US Uprights 95 up 7 HTKINWAY Uprights ..JICIOup 4 RHOEMACHEll Uprights 7B llt 3 HKPPn Uprights , . ioRup 2 KN4.HT3 Uprights 1 1415 up 1 ANOELUR Bl-Notn Daver . ...$200 S KIERION si-Not" Players. . .sitviun o jv,in, nn-.xoin jinycrw., 1. UP i RTEINWAT flrnncls nii.iM,iiinu oo-.uio i iniTr . .j to sjn up JlR.-i up I2M up .2 ritlOKKRlNa Or.inds . ... 10 MINIATtmn Tlntav flrnn.ls. Every nne of the nhove tilnnon 1m In af-nilr In hno condition, ready for delivery, Includ ing stool and scarf or 2.1 rolls of music and bench and nne year's tuning free. NEW PI.AYErt-PtANOH ;ur, up. $2 no wk. NEW UmiOHT PIANOS S14. up, II 50 wk HOWARD VINCIINI' u" " 830-83S-StO.Kt::-S4l-Mll N. CTII ST. Established Ml yenrs " piaTtos" four "specials" ottered this week at our uptown stores l4r, ('nickering Piano cost new $.,r,o sm.'i Hnllct Davis Piano, cost new 1350. 42(11 Lester Piano, cost new 4."0 $273 Cunningham Olrard Piano. cost new 400. Call or write for full description and special payments. IIEPPE'S UPTOWN STORES COR (1TH AND THOMPSON SI'S do-NOTE plajers made to plav 8S-nnle music rolls, J41V players Installed In anv piano. Vlneland Plaer Action Co Vlneland. N I ROOMS FOR RENT I1ROAD, S., 2327 Rma., brdlns. : nil corns ; elertrlo; porrh. tablo bosrd M. Agnew, CHESTER AVE. AND 40TH FW Choice rm. for gentleman In refined private adult fnrn. Ilv; breakfast If dea : ref. ere A 223.Led O ff, CHESTNUT ST.. 2024 Furnished room, with or without bath: electric light and reference PINE ST , 5740 Furnished rooms In strict ly private family. Owner. BPRUCU ST. 1711 Housekeeping suites. single rooms, stuiuo apartment PRUCE ST.. 1203 Nlcelv furnished rooms; seermd floor. IjQPUst 2000 J. WALNUT ST.. 3003 Iurnlshcd room ad joining bath, third floor: rr.en. 10TH. N. THE RURIC). 130. 141 Modern, up-to-dato furn, rooms; olectrlo throughout; dally and weekly rates: convenient tc ata tlons: good arrommod for traveling people 16TH ST., N., 1401 Two rooms. furn.' hskpg,, 8 up; single rooms, 2 50 up. TWO gentlemen can havo attractive bed. rooms with windows next tn bed: conven ient in rar. unlimited pnono. l'oplar (171)1 J BIST B., 221 Furn rooms for gentlemen, adult family: near "L." nelmont 2881 11TH S 305 Large second front, furn ; crmmunlcatlng; running water, bath NICELY furnished room on first floor, elec trio light. Poplar 753B J. 18TH ST.. N . 1738 2 furnished, comfort able second-story looms: apply after (I p.m. OTOMANTOWN GREEN ST., B802 Furnished rooms; roll venlent to trolleyB and trains; meals near. BOARDING F1RST-0LA8B BOARD. 822 Columbia ave. $0 per week. rtione. BOARD WANTED BOARD WANTED, cltv or suburbs Hus band, wife, child (girl), ago H deslro per manent board (will furnish rooms If neces sary) with Prot, ram. owner pref. , please staU full particulars Tl 104. Ledger Off lee. MAN WIFE AND ))OY, 12 years old, wish board In Ocrmantcwn or would rent 3 or 4 rooms, furnlshod or unfurnished. Address M L. X r.2.Vl (Jermantown nc lOUNO LADY, refined, emplojcd. wants home In pevate Jewish family; references exchanged. M 711 Ledger Office BUSINESS COUPLE wish board at once. Qermantown vicinity. 1 032. Ledger Oft APARTMENTS iimimiiitiiiiiiiiiiiitiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiitiiiiiii I i One of the Two I Most Desirable Apartments I I ' a 3 In, Philadelphia may bo leased from c a October first. 3 3 S g ?Thera are 14 rooms and 5 baths, S e comprising one entire floor. S a H ITho apartment Is located at 1830 5 tllttonhouso square. H " fFurther particulars may bo obtained B 3 from tha s s s g BirEItWOOD APARTJIENT AQENCY. B 1 225 S, BROAD ST., PHILA. inmniiiiinciiiiiiiiiiiiinniiiiiiiiiiniiiiiiiiiiiitiiiiiiiiiiiiianiiiii HANDSOMELY furnished bachelor apart ments with bath, with every modern con venience, adjoining Philadelphia Club; maid ana vaiet service avanapie. Apply Air. iiuiiwinme, i . iuin si, APARTMENT HEADQUARTERS Central apartments a specialty. Sherwood Apt. Agency, 223 S. Broad at. Some lery attractive furn. apta. : soma housekeeping 1830 S. RITTHNHOUSH SQUARE Apart ment for rent; duplex apartment. 0 bd rooms. 4 baths, for rent, furnished or un furnished: Inspection Invited. APARTMENT. 3-famlly. on Diamond St.; modern: rent $25 per mo.: a 15 per cent, investment on $2000 lash. Greenspan, Yerk rd and Louden at. 1700 PINE ST. Desirable sullo 2 rooms and bath, first floor: suit professional man, TAULANE, 000 Walnut st. TWO ROOMS and tiled bath, hardwood floois. on Rittenhouse at., furn . $U5 and S70. Merton Oralms. Harrison Hldg Locust 02(1. SUBLET. 1830 S. Rittenhouse tm , furnished 0-roora apartment. 4 months from present gate APARTMENT Walnut TtT. 20111. enlfri suits In private house; owner; no house yeeplnr. 1503 LOCUST ST. A very attractive apart ment, 3 rooms & private, furn, or unfurn. lyOCUST ST . 1220 Central. 2 rooms and hith: sultaMe for physician. APARTMENTS "WANTED UNFURNISHED APARTMENT WANTED 2 ROOMS AND KITCHENETTE WANTED BY REFINED YOUNO COUPLE; WEST PHILADELPHIA PREFERRED. ADDRESS au, LKuuKK uvriLia. WANTKD Unfurnished apartment, living room, 3 bedrooms, bath and kitchenette; In good residence section Wost Phlla. pos. session bv the 25th Pept. 11 22. Led. Off. APARTMENT of 5 rooms and bath wanted; unfurnished: rent about $40 per month, Southwest Philadelphia preferrtd. 11 32, Ledger Office. WANTED Unfurnished n-room apartment or 0 to 8 room house. It. Putlcr. 138 N. 8th, Phone Walnut 2811 33ACHELOH apt.; 2 rooms and bath: nicely furn.: centrally located. P B18. Led. Pit. HOUSEKEEPI77Q APARTMENTS UVINU ROOM. 2 bedrooms bath and kitchen tts. $150: unfurn.: flna neighborhood, eentral. Merton Orelms. Harrison BIdr. Lo cust 026. yURN. APTB.. cent, loc: by week If desired. Bhsrwood Apt. Agency. 225 H. Broad st. Furnished 10TH BT., N.. 1401 2 rms.,bath and kitchen stte. furn.: large room, private bath. APARTMENT HOTELS THE DELMAR-M0RRIS Amtrlcan Plan 1 CHEITEN AVE. AND MORRIB ST. GERMANT0WN SO MINUTES TO BROAD ST STATION gTirniBpaa ana uniurniinta iuiti. THE GLADSTONE HTH AND rrNB STS. ABSOLUTELY RREPR00F HOTEL COLONIAL i9Wgg AT X1TJI ST. Bsltot apartmtnt family hotil; In tha center of tha cuy: operating on the American plant our tabl srlll plsass tha most exact. ii. PITMAN BAKER. Jr.. Manager ThTMORRIStlJ.S55c7 "3 FtTRNIBHED APARTMENTS 10TH ST.. S 127 (The Geneva) Furnished bachelor apartments, 2 rooms and bath: In the heart of the business section: 2 blocks from llroad St. Station , TKNNSYI.VANIA RllIUJlUlAN SECOND and third floor furnished apart, ments: 3 rooms, bath, kitchenette; ISO-tTB- couple Phone 212 M Media, Pa. Nrov JKitsnv srsiionr. ATLANTIC CITY ATLANTIC CITY Three rooms bath kltrhAnf,ttA Annrtment. desirable location beautifully furnished: will sublet for three months. Hox 80, Dorland Adertl,lng Agency, Atlantla City. N. J. HEAL ESTATE FOR SALE riTY, panniiBOiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiini 1 MOVE RIGHT IN 1 LOGAN HOMES J ANNSBURY STREET ( Between 6th and 7th t(Oni square below N. E Boulevard) Porch front. Dutch hall, hot-water heat, electrlo lights, gas kitchen; gas water neater. naruwoou noora throuahout. NEW VACANT $4700 Edward Unterberger 309 REAL ESTATE TRUST HLDO. Agent on premises Sunday. iimiii'iiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiraiiiiiiiiiiiiiimBMiii"' MERIT SQUARE HOUSES $3000: Audrle st. at Kensington and Sedgley aen : brick and stone construction, all con veniences Including electrlo lights, small amount of cash required. Ask for Mr. Metzger. 3733 Olendalo It. E SMITH. 724 W Brie ave 2435 N. 18TH ST. Two-story trownstono residence. R rooms, all conenlences. Price $8400, Immediate pos.-nslnn ReMel tr Co.. 4th ft Callowhlll. 2022 MO.NTOOMERY AVK J.inno ir.01 S. nth st JOJO 1PJ0N Cimao at 3S0O 1040 N Camac at , .... 3800 2011 N Marvlne st 8890 KELLER A HARRY. 1027 R E Trust lUdg TWO-RTORY porch-front dwellings. 5 rooms and bath. $2700 each- gas light and hot air heat, good condition; excellent location. ROTH & FOLEY .1.1311 N. T.th st HERE IS YOUR OPPORTUNITY Three stoi v, 0 rooms and elegant bath, porch front, sl.ig roof, flno condition throughout; on west side 12th st. abovo Cambria, posses alon 30 days Phono Chestnut Hill 83U W. VU) INVESTORS nrlngs ft return of 18'i on our money 1)01-3-5-7-0-11 s. Jlodlno st , assess-ncnt $1000. rent $13: prleo $1100 Hell nhon L. Hhuhln ft Son, 11130 H, 4th st, 1822 N. 12TH ST. Excellent condition: 12 rooms; cholco residence for prKato family: Inspection by appointment Phone Ken- slngton 2.131. 1021) N 12TH ST Beautiful modernised house: 12 large rooms. 2 baths, electric lights, possession Immediately .T J dOOD- STCIN' 1311 Commonwealth llldg. 1513-1.115-1317 N ORKNEY ST.. near Ox ford at , 2 frame dwellings and brick atnhlo. lot 48x3(1; rental $18(1. sell together WM L CRAVEN'S RONS. 1B46 N 7t hst. 2S2!)-31-3,1-3.1 CORAL ST Two-story brick. 7 rooms and bath; all newly renovated and repaired, rent $14; sell $1000 each A P I rltt. 809 Bulletin Hldg Central Apartment Houses $10 000 to $2.1 000, modorn conen lences WORRELL ft CO . 53.1 N 17th st COLOKL'D BUYERS. TAKE NOTICE 2300. 2314 Carlisle, easy terms, 7 rooms and bath; nil conveniences: private alley. 11 E SMITH. 721 W. Erie ave $1.1(10 S. W. CORNER Park ne. nnd Clear field. 3-story brick dwelling; all conveni ences: In good order: possession October 1 Oscar A Kahler. 3103 N. 15th st. Bell phone Tlngi 7021 INVESTORS ONLY Near Kill and Allegheny ave., $1700 each; 14 houses, 5 rooms bath. Water: rent $10 and $17. c.ish terms CASPA R. 023 0 Ha erforil hp. Belmont 4 CO I 1711 N. 23TH ST., 717 N lllh st . 2230 l'ontaln at . 149 nnd 151 Nectarine st (In cluding 4 properties In rear). 2722 Oxford st . 1720 and 1720 N. Woodstock St.. 237 W Cumbria st . Dussnulas. 182n Chestnut si 2231 33-3.1 N. STH ST Four rooms, bath, outside kitchen: purchase price 9JO00 each. Apply JOHN KRAUSS, 2420 Cedar at. Ken sington 1744 W. $2S0O 2712 OARNET ST excellent home property adjacent to i.ar linos and schools and churches H E SMITH. 724 W Erie ave 2023 N SARTAIN ST. Two story, 0 rooms and bath, vacant now, $2200. TAUI.ANE. 000 Walnut st THREE PROPEP.T1EH for sale 817-19-21 N. Hancock st Apply Dumce & Son Co , in.1 S 3d st GREAT bargain. 1004 N. Fawn st ; $2100. 8 rooms. 1007 Ogden st . 5 rooms, $1400. O C. Chestnut. 080 N (1th st 2032-04-0H-U8-7O E. CLEMENTINE. 0 rooms and bath; all Impts : rent $17, prlee $1783 each. Apply own . B L. Bykea 3423 N Rroadj COLORED BUYERS can purchase homes, $10i) do-vn. balance In rent KENNEDY, 1001 Chestnut st. 2007 K. PACIFIC Eleptrlcttv steam heat": 0 rooms and bath; $2S0O Rubin & Itsyn son 1118 Chestnut st Room 52. IMMEDIATE' POSSESSION Two-story dwelling. 4 bedrooms and bath; onvenlnc; $3800. Harp 3H08 N .1th st. 2010 WILDER ST. Six rooms, all conv.: underdralned, colored nelghb . only $350 cash req : prloi cjear MQ00 P 525 ld off, 425-33-37 W. ONTARIO ST rour rooms and bath all lmpts : rent $14. price $1475 each Apply owner.H.L Syltea, 3425 N Broad. 2010 N. STH ST.. D r. . bar.: garage nai,; exc. bus sec Moore. 1430 W Cumberland. 2309 N PHILIP. IOiOO; could be altered into small garage or factory. TWENTY desirable properties In N K sec tion; cheap. Farrell, 710 S 20th st llnlldlng Lots. Factory Mtea. Etc. 20,000 SQUARE FEET BROAD and MT. VERNON Worrell & Co., 555 N. 17th AT LtNDLEY AVE. east of 0th st. we have 10J of the ripest unsold lots In th north ern section of the city; terms arranged; sale figure partlculaily attractive for a quick sale. DALLAS Si HARTLEY. INC. 4709 N Broad st Wyoming 871 S72 THE MOST DESIRABLE TACTORY AND WAREHOUSE RITE IN THE CITY Within 2 squares nf 12th and Market: light on 3 sides; for sale very cheap and on easv terms, send for .circular Chest. Hill 1544 J JOHN McCREA. 71120 QERMANTOWN AVIB. 120 000 SQUARE FEET desirable ground for sale In Kensington district; suitable for Industrial purposes: will divide. H C HtVIN CO.. 721 Walnut St. SITES. RAILROAD Penna. and Reading: $2000 per acres and up. aocordlng to loo.; Inquire for terms. Dleterloh. 787 Walnut. llnslncwa rropertlm nnd Htoren 50,000 FEET, ready for ocoupancy; H. R sidings, 4 elevators, building thoroughly modern, united Realtors, Ino., It. E. Front and Market sts . PhlK Factories FACTORIES AND A.ryr".jrr hitr Everywhere In PMUflalphla IXJUI3 8. 01N3UUKU 1201 Chestnut at. .N U SKCTION. 00,000 aquar feet floor apace; can bo divided; suitable for textile builnetia: crood codnitlon; ample power; low rate of lnaurai.ee. I' 027. Ledger Office. INDUSTRIAL Plants. Warehouses. Vacant land. JUllroRU and Water Frontaei. J. L. HTUVENSON & SON. B22 Land Title, JOHN SAPPWith a Kick! i. rZZn 'op course 1 6ot) "Jos-r wiisk at the. , ftt tor Soda J I -m 'Sjirwrio DO VOO ( :; " y ( A1H AVOFUL -BAD J ( BARTE.NDER. AKD ME'H- S ( WATE.R. AiSD e. 0 liH w VovJ'RE S2 v- J coup - Vjut A icick ihit VjNKy C "B lTvClwTH? S 'A ., ( u i.' HEAL ESTATE FOB SALE onnMAXTowy New "Killough WITH AND WITHOUT GARAGES Just Completed and Ready for Occupancy On FERN HILL ROAD (nr.TwnKN apslisv and hbrklky STRr.irrs) Carrying Charges, $37 Per Month $1000 CASH nEQriRF.D See Furnished Sample House 4547 OPP.N 0 A M TO 0 P M. DAILY AND SUNDAY Ruilt to suit your Individual taste nnd Ideas anJ complete In every sense. Elec trlo lights, with vacuum nutlets. Hot-water heat. In fact, every modern feature. Hardwood floors The location Is Ideal and quite convenient Take train to Wayne Junction. 18 minutes from Reading Terminal 170 trains a day; or car CS on 13th Street get off at Wajno Avenue and Apsl-y Streil. Walk west 2 blocks. Gnrnrv V(W . rCrAUI rilA CITY TO JIOMR HUYER3 POSSr.SHlON 2200 N lllh at.! store and dwelling $'i"00 1H48 N. 11th st ; a story 2247 N. llher St.: ft story 2311 N. Van Pelt at. ! 2 story .. . 2233 N. Sydenham st. . 2 story... 104 Snyder nve. ; 2 sly , elec; red. lolo Rrown st.. 3 story 2207 N. Lambert st . 2 story 2228 N. Lambert st . 2 story 1210 Ogden St.. 2 turv 840 N. Ilambrey at 3 story 2.123 N Sartaln st , 2 story 2500 N Howard st ,1 story . ... TAtlLANK. HOP tvolnut.st. 4400 4400 . isno . S400 to anon . 20OO .. 2000 . . 2000 . 2400 . 2200 . 2200 ., 1800 FOR SALE 27 to 35. Inclusive, N Con-s toga st 149 to 03. Inclusive, N Cnnestoga st. 130 to 42 Inrluarir, N. Coneslogu si. i 12-1S-20-24-1D-21-23-25 N. lthan st , 7 rooms. , bith porch front Well nnanrer L. SIII'IIIN 4 HON 1030 P 4th st. i Hell phone . WKyrjjMljLADKLrHIA 233 S. 44TH STREET A wonderful home In tha best residen tial section of West Philadelphia, elec tric lights nnd 7 bedrooms with 2 baths. 1 tile, finished In Colonial style; large Dutch hall nnd dining room on flrst tloor, eery room unusually large, with large closets. 2 large heaters Just repacked with asbestos The prbo Is only $0000: terms to suit. ample hnuso 233, now open. Wm. T. Dickson & Co. 201 S. t2r ST A NTW OPERATION Sample House 2074 N (121) ST. 0prbrook Only a few left attractive 2-story stone houses with twin porches; garages; open HreplncHs. the ,ry latest features and In novations. Prlie $8-.00 Lots 10150 One corner house $11,000. Take ' L." exchange north on 03d to end of line MOONnY. 13 N .-,1th st Helmont B304. 226 SOUTH 50TH ST. .1 STOIIY DWKLINO All modern rnnenlncea Itest location in West Philadelphia mucR $0000 Immediate possession can be given ZACHARIAS & WALLACE 1430 SO 1'LNN RQUAItn 1300 Block Frazier Street $6200 A beautiful t In houan; 7 room and Lath, electric Ilehtu, etc. Lambert & McDermottl??? B7T1I ADOVK WOODLAND AVE. Six rooms and bath, all modern conveniences parquetry floors, sample house; sea agent on premise, Immedlato possession J. J. UOOnSTEIN. CommoncalthlUdg. TRINITY PLACn (00th and 01st and Ches ter ae ) Ideal, modern house, 0 rooms, bath, ulectrlc lights, steam heat, hardwood tUors: ?0ou cash buys one of theso beauti ful homes: best alue In city J. J. GOOD- ST BIN. Common eaj.t h Itldg. , l7fO0 III.OCK S B.'iTil ST. Porch front. 7 rooms, electric nnd gas lights; laundry; newly decorated, sample house, 1035 S GMh ot will be open Friday, Haturday and Sun day, 2 to 0 p m. JOHN I SOMKHH. 20th and Hnder ate OVUHHROOK SECTION. Ldgenood st . 1000 block: beautiful ti-room home, newly pa pered and painted throughout: Immediate poss : great bargain 1J M. MOLL Lans dnwne a os of O.ld st Helmont SC7U 07KrtO 3-story residence: 11 rooms, hot V,uu" water hrat. electric light, living hall. Immediate possession. nUOHNB L. TOVNSND Southeast corner 40th and Haltlmore Aye, Wi: SHLL ONLY TUB HRST 2100 block N 20th. 8 rooms bath: gor.d lo cation DONALD A WINTER. 0740 Chris tian st S17000 Everything ou could wish for In Y,uuu a 2 story house; excellent conveni ences and location. JOHN M ENHI'RO. B207 Haltlmore Avenue. 619 MARLTN ROAD.Overbrook section, house In lst-rlasH condition: ntshed In mahogany and white Imm poss. E. M. MOLU Ijins- downc yest of P3d Polmont S07H. 1237 OREYLOCK ST (40th and Woodland) Two sory, porch front, 0 rooms and bath. J2700 Empire Trust Co.. 44th and Lancaster. . THREE-FAMILY apartment house, rented $300 per month Including 4 private gar ages in l ear JAMES D WINCHELL. 17th and Sansorn ts VACANT 4043 riorencu ave.; 0 rooms, bath and laundry, newly papered throughout, price $3000 JOHN M BNIII'HO B207 Haltlmore aye. 730 8 BOTH Perfect condition: Immediate possession. 4 bedrooms, strictly modsm: price $7B0O. JOHN A. THOMAS. 038 3. UOth street. SPRUCE ST WEST OP B2D ST Modern 2-story twin house; remodeled, finished In whlta and mahogany; very fine JOHN M KNIWRq. B207 Ilalllmors ave. SsTH AND WHITLY AVE Two .fnrv electrlo lights. Dutch hall; side yard; lot 21x113: good location. Jos. 'Allen Potts. 4UU0 liammore ave CEDAR AVE., JJ034 Four large bedrooms. ' side-yard house, pantry, new back shed, basement laundry, etc.: 80-ft. st : 10500: worth 7uuu nee amnLKi. omn and cedar. $5Uu Large Dutch hall, finished In white and manogany; large aining room ex qulsltely papered. 4 bedrooms, electrlo light ARTIU'R J LBHPOLD. B2d and La ri-hwood ISrtflil Catharine street, 0317; modern a" 90UUV storyt newy decorated. JOHN M ENUL'RO. B207 Baltimore A vs. 4934 ASPEN ST. Vacant. T r ; "porch; "all convs . $700 cash Empire Trust Co , 44th and Lancaster. 0OTH ST Main street home; will Increase In value, 134-foot lot: 8 rooms neuly reno vated CROWLEY 1248 N. Both MODERN END HOUSE, side windows. 4 bedrooms and bath B042 Washington ave ; S730O JOHN A THOMAS, 088 H 00th B200 11LOCIC Do Lancey at. Six rooms and bath, porch. $8100, Da Wilt Uetts. 1220 rilhort Room 10. $3000 Main-street home. 0 rooms and bath: possession September IB. OLAOHORN B4th and Olrard ave. 000 I1LOCK N St. Uernard at. Seven rooms and bath: porch- laundry; $2800. De Wilt t Uetts. 1220 Filbert St. noffln 10 FOR SALE 4947 Walnut at ; 3-story; all contenlences: best of location; occupied by owner. im.n i.,mu TO SPECULATORS 212-14 S. CeolT"aT70 rooms, bath: porch front; $3000. nell pnone. ii. ntiuitin ct gura, IU30 3 4th, 6700 WALNUT Desirable corner; 12 rms.: 1Q1QO S C ADAMS 1418 Walnut st COLORED Near snth and Market, a rms . $150 down. WURT8. 122B Land Title Hldg. 810 S UOTH ST. Wide street: 4 bedrooms. S. C. ADAMS. 1418 Walnut st. .. 1 r - i n-jiM j '. , 'i . . U ., - . ... .., - L ', . ...... a... !..;', - '".. -t'-i. -' - "'V' r.ii'v,m .. - ,.c. :- t...-.;....." -- r., .,.-,,, ,, .. ...-a .-.. .,.., t.. .c ,?-,, ,.-i.-..v . -c..ife...iir,: .. REAL ESTATE FOB SALE OKRMANTOWN - Built" Homes on prkmises or 40TII LANCASTER A K " WHIT PHILMini.I'IIlA A House Within Your Means $400 CASH $18.70 KSEK And $0 per month to roduco second mortgage Extra-Larp;o Rooms White nnd Mahogany Finish Modorn plumbing 6019 UPLAND ST. Take No. 1 "r (Chfitfr nve to 00th slri-ft and Klngnf-salnr nvc, wulk hlork iouth. nr Nn. 11 mitiway rnr to With M arnl WoodlnnJ iit? . walk 1H blue Km north Owner on Premises or SAMUEL STERN 210 NORTH AMHRIOAN liLllll MODERN HOMES Bfi.io. Pentrldgo terrace 0 r. and bath. Mil Cobba Crk Park'y 4 b r , rnc pch 001(1 Christian st , twin 4 b. r. OOon lllock Latona. fl rooms nd bath. 0021 Wharton 0 rooms and bath 012 H B7th. 0 rooms and bath. 721 B Bfith II rooms and bath. r.Soil Hlork Angora terrare n s . Or o. B040 Nassau road. 0 r and b , garage. BR12 AVel.str 0 r and b . Ilnanced. 121.1 S Bith. 0 rooms and bith B71H Larchnood 4 bedrooms loin s Frarier. 0 r and b. , financed 6200 P.loik Washington ave : Br. & 2 b. : garage. , . , 0120 Webster. 4 b r breakfast room. 1123 S (With -4 bedrooms C02.1 Washington ne twin. 4 b r. MICHAEL A. MAL0NEY 1021 SOI'TlI OOTlI HT "We Sell Only the Best"; 4.'UO 82(1 B4th 8IIII nooo 0200 800 BOO B700 Rlock Chestnut . S 4Hlh street . wnd Thomas avo lllock S BRlh n lllock Webster . Block Catharine H. Cecil street S B7th street $1MH)0 $UOOO $8700 tSIHIO $7700 173111 $7000 . (,1200 i020U lllock Catharine DONALD A. WINTER 8740 CHRISTIAN ST. " Beautiful Sherwood Section n400ft HADFIELD ST. CHEAJ'Efar HOMES IN WEST PHILA Steam heat electrlo lights hardwood floora. etc . only 2 squares from 82d and IJaltlmors ave. . sample house, B82U E. & T. DOYLE CO. riSl., MASTER ST SELLING FAST IMMEDIATE POSSESSION Most oomrnlent location Take cars Route 8d on Walnut st , direct to houses. ELMWOOD AVE. 66th SHIELDS ST. Sturea S( bonis! utul (htirclifH Nearby. AI.KXANUKK KEllOl'Htl.N nUILDUH AND OWNER, on 1'remlieB TAI-K O TIIK TOWN 1100 block B Huby nt now, modern homes Sherwoosl nectlon between 53d and G4th. north of CbeiiUr ne , rt roomM. bath, base ment laundry, whlto and mahocany finish. hot-water heat Ktai, olrctrlc. dardwood floors prim $4100 100 tush, monthly ex pense Jin 1"0 un uddttlonal ia ment on aic ond mortuaEe. Anent on prtmlaea Onen evenliiRB or RYAN tV0H MAKKET ST WHY NOT Ht'Y a 2-famlIy apartment bulld lntc In the Overbrook Bectlon, each apart ment ha 3 rooms and hath, private porches, und ekch liulldlnff Its private heating and ) mtitlnf sNtem. an Investment of 1000 per mits jou to live in one apartment at about half usual rental, pile 1h 1T00 nnd could not be duplicated today fen $10,000. F1TZPATHIC1C. K.41 N UUth. Pelmont 4."44 1 748 N. 59th St., Overb'k. ,; Overbrook home, with every modern conven ience; newly finished. 10200 Can you find 1'n equal for K.50U? roram cv is" N finrn ARTISTIC HOMES Buy now before price adances With hardwood floors, electrlo llaht, y.hlte nnd mahoirany finish: 84 have been sold In S weeks iJ to tenants: after looking the town oe they decided their homo was tho hest value In West Phlla. MILL10K 8T HALF BLOCK FROM ELEVATED RYAN, 0008 MARKET ST. TO HOME I1UYERS POSSESSION SPnO block Ana-ora ter , 2 story, porch. $4fno 6012 Klllott, hot water, electric 4800 L'2S N Hohart st . 2 story, porch . . . 2300 E010-21 Market st . 3 story, porch, each HO0O 3o:9-31-3S-41 Harper 2 sty. bk. , each 2100 TAUI.ANE H00 Walnut at. ALDEN UT AHOVE OIRARI) AVE Nine rooms 4 bedrooms. J370O. I'ROWLEY. 1242 N 10th VALUAHLE bulldlnir sites In West Phlla . entire city block make offer For narttcu- lars O c Seldel & Co 4th and Callowhlll Itnslness Properties nnd HUrcn SPECIAI tluteher or merchant, ripe store location. 11213 IHItlmore ave.i barcaln at 14780. W EARL YONKER. B7th and Thomas ave Stores nnd IfwcHlnss S. W COR. 07th and Lansdowno nve Ex. ceptlonal oppor for lit business man. Adolph II. Caspar. flOth it Lansdowno avw. COR. Arch and MUllck, store nnd dwj.; DOs ; a real bargain Sherwood. 22S 8 Hroad OARAOE on one of West Phlla 's leadlnr trafflo thorouahfares. dotnv a laree acces sory business owner entering- another line; will arrange Ivrms W. EARL YONKER. f,7th nnd Thomas av. flEKMAXTOWN QERMANTOWN Wakefleld st. near Sey mour: 3-story brick dwelling-. 8 rooms and hnth. nice deeo lot. the price Is 12800. MYERB & HAHTH Rldee ave and 10th st, TWIN HOUSE, near Seds-wlck Station. 10 rooms 2 baths, sleam heat, electric; (8000 Phono Chestnut Hill 1500 J ' 6 ItOOMS, porch and bath, laundry; pries S330O drenspan. York rd. and Louden at. , , REAL ESTATE FOR SALE I'KSNSYl.VANIA SfllfllllAN niIIIHinira!IIIII!IIIi!ll!!l!lli!l!lllirMlillllI1IIIllll1llin BUY YOUR HOME OR LAND IN PHILADELPHIA SUBURBS "The Most Beautiful in the World" For 1 7 years we have made n study of the beautiful Suburbs of Philadelphia. We have sold close to ONE HUNDRED MILLION DOLLARS' worth of high-class residence property, this is more than William Perm or any other firm of brokers ever sold in our wonderful Suburbs If you are going to locate your future home in an elegant nearby suburb, then DEAL WITH US for we are the best and largest Real Estate Organisation in Philadelphia. Advise us'the kind of property you care to consider. Wc will offer you some choice places at once. WE HAVE THE LARGEST LIST On Main Line Penna. R. R., Germantown nnd Chestnut Hill, etc. WM. H. WILSON & CO. 700-01-02 Morris BIdg. Members lhil.il i.lu.i Real Halate Hoard IIMIMlllllMllliljlBllill HmilDOMnUM t Kit iIANTOWN BiiiiiiiuQ'iimiiaBiiiiiin!!! imniiBii n $8500 UPWARDS FOR IMMEDIATE POSSES SION AND IN EXCELLENT CONDITION Modern Kt'inKb tnched dwelllnRn with 10 and Ii! rooms 1 and '2 baths St-v ral of iheM iiropprtt's have epai o for Knraw , with lots :i"t Hnd 40 .Vet front TIip porches are detachrd Kloctrlr llBht parquetry floors, npon flreplirM httc paints and nttrnr of Hcliewirk Station Chestnut Hill tlve decor.it loin Within .1 mlnutr- of Sedcwl. k Station. Chestnut Hill 1 and R or (Wmnntown ne . srhoolt st res or Allen lano station (hestnur H.il l u U within 10 minutes wuiu If ou are lookln for a moil-rn bo-ne in a conenIent nnd goutl res.iV ntlal Nectlon exnmino theso propf-rtien wlthouo delay S. C. T0URIS0N 701 I HO l.R OERMANTOWN otn 50U Otn 1131 gi.Bipnn Ban aim ami hiiiiibiiiiihiiiiibiih bb wM ; f $420011800 hloik CleuMiPW nt. 2 (id frifft oi urn hp imm posa ; sample nouse opn dilly and Sunrta (1 rooms and bath. hot-water boat I t hardwood floors; neir station $So(l nnh Hobt W Hrown ITlojra B920 W) on prfmlwM or lalla A Hartlev, Inc 470't Nllnmd -t Wvnmlntf H71 H7U, $4t3n roil .T STONY arnld-Uched n-sldenco within tw Miu u " of .jupen Lano st i tlon and Kith st trollev lln. porch fmn and nldf nj nf thn test thlnK on our lint. IHRRIl.SIORV inin h front dwelllnc S rooms and hath steim heat and electric IlKhts prion $4000 unlv tfiiia insh required WAKEKinLl). I'.'ls Chestnut st 1.122 CHEW ST -termn A F -U t ins , llrciwn. possession Oct 1 , lllll Lincoln Hlds- TIOGA 3 itorv detai hed house all modern ronnIinr(- nwnvr 11 0. I.dipr Ofilr IT. AIKY (1KKMASTOWN MOUNT AIRY Stanton Olsrrlct Ownr will ' Ml KAmtilf'Iftrhpd lioufco on lut 40vT3.V t bftdruoms 'J bath-i Inclosed pur.hii. opn fireplaces; bntnment laundry: electric and eaa iiniuiK. in urm-tmsa conaiiion: ti minutes from either Stenton or Sedywlck Station. P. e It possfKbton Oct. 1. rhon Ur- , DMDtown 7UU. New Attractive Homes All conB hot water heit. electric Ilrht , 1!4S Tlshiri ave 11000 OfilH N 3d nf nooo VIS Chew Ht 7UUO OI NBY TtRALTT CO. r.'ill .V BIh at THi: HnST Investment proposition In North Philadelphia 7 room mod, rn twin du.Il-, In a" Ifh ' fi I n.ll v iilu 1 1 I'll r j mu in r n ' enough ground for 1& morn partfcularn upon request Oal.is &. Hartley. Inc . 170H N Broad Womimr 71 7? 131 K AI.IUNI'M ST Price I450U lint n tl. r In il , Ice lcht Inrd wood floors throughout Immeiilato posstsision ROTH t roi,i:Y ri.'.ao n r.th st. 201 TO 213 W lmnltn 2ii00 Melon 48.19 Palethorp and Hiulf.ircl OAK 1,M 650S KI.LWUOI) Ai:--A most desirable emlauburban honi for sile at a mod. price Sheruond 221 -i llrf id I'h Wul 317, I 00N j 1131 ItOCKlI.ANIi 24-Mory tnln'ri bed rooms inoii-in corni nlenres near trollev and train, prlco und terniM attractUe, In- BPect Sun or vx lt uppolntment. Dallas St , Hurtlev 4709 N' JIrci.nl Wyonilne (i717J. i LOOAN" lleautlful locallon. opposite) nark 1734-30 IS I'l.uillind nt , C rooms, bath ' porch front ell tinnnced make offer lieu i phono I, SHI uin 6. hwi. iojo m 4in. 5100 BLOCK N1,",TII hT Three-atori RadUy liout-e all lniprocmenta. W D. Chambers. 41131 N llroad et 5100 llLOCK MAKVINB 1 1' KlKht rooina. 1 bath hot-water heut (fas and electric IJjarht W J1 hamls-ri" 4?N llroad at 103tl"WINC,OIIOCKIMl ST - 2 story, 6 rm. and bath laundrv electric. vacant OREDNSPAN' York road and Louden at OOilt) III.OCK N-" Uril ST Three-atory Millet hoUM. 11 rooniH 2 ImthB all mod Impa VV H i"halllliers IU33 N" llroad t ntA.NKFOltll UP TO DATK. electric llRhta. Hteatn heat 0 rooms, bath and ebed Krankford ae and Venango st . J'MO cash bus one of these beautiful homes. J. W. CLAYTON, 3152 Frankford ue. l'KNXBVI.VAM St'lll Itll X COLONIAL DWELLING Hollow tile- built t ie,ir nso. plute-slass windows, hardwood floors, tl ihamhers 'J baths, aleeulnE poreh l!-rar heatM ttarire. large corner lot old ihadt opposite beauti ful n.acre country saat, aood valua for 1 20.000 , Chester Osborne .w.S'aKs.S, JCtllN fl " MctKIliTV Miil OtV I ave" V uaiHUCl V,. ayilCI, Jl. W ---."."" --L " ' Mfiu.'ih. w ,f unfurn . Tor Inte-r months FINK,- l.rw-" apartment house. IdeallxTnd ' W r., Tnl.t 111 SFrWK jnj;uhsJV rite narfr. 018 Harris Bid,. oonicnlently located cost JSOO.OUO to , if l'"i and Mark.t Ms . Philadelphia. V '... - - - Furnished structed bulldinur In rlt. open for offer "&- -&-l'3:r i4;'2i-TG?! fu" P-irlor. steam hont. electricity, Sprlne'- , t,',';,.??!1'1' V1u1!, i,,iiiiviiv -,.., , ..,w-i ii.oi iiiiYiTicira ae, I ' ....... mi u,ri t ntira, iruii iirra REAL ESTATE FOR SALE PENNSYLVANIA sriUWrlAN x-o-x.T3-x!3asiir')'t , y MERI0N hn mir w 1 nths 1010 iilTlPe nn-T with fi shlmrM risldnr irnr lot n tif diu im l posiisslon nLout Ortoher t IiHi-t rn hf set n at thli I WYNNEW00D PI n nt hit bdr i. nn 1 sttm po honin of Hmrlt'-h ' turo In 1 nt ( rttlon 7 iih T bth Rfirnc lot nor" IninifHsIutt' po"1" slon ft 'i ARDM0RE Nc.rth .: deni' ' wattr h t.in M polnlni' n si in .ind slilnBl- refi ll' dinoniN 'J bath hot (.lertrlc Unht, SI 1 000. n it nnv time bv ap- w i ST. DAVIDS cj r'ort! r pupirt hollow 111" hou 1 hMr i ut" J ln'hn on PfMnnd floor .1 beilrni rn 1 Luth on third lloor. ct-n-tril plnt hiat elHtrle licbt: k'lraK for 1 rar. about 7 atr- of ground, i iihm, um Octobpr 15 3011). can bo hv appointment BALA-CYNWYD nil f.1 fA w ' W f 1 ; U ! A V At it I I ill ta ho l hotifit. of lone ind Muco 11 ruumi Including 7 ihamhers. 2. baths eer modern con viniiMi. o Inrut- lot woll pi intfd. r inumiblft nrln for ipihk sale Call t'xnwjd .0' Sunday for pronTltles In thii 'i.tlon nnd I otut -B71 wtck dai ft i id y n iiiBiiriB ins mm mm ii'is ii I SUBURBAN C MiimtJ.ik Attrai lif l ntal Immf Cinti-r entrim bf-rs, i tilths .ttitial ht . lol IOOxITiO ft 1 wo - Ktoli ( O r 7 ' hum ; timer ei nr i. a rant1 Ml.HIdN Stn 'nlunlfll halntr Tn . r" '1 UathH ler h.it hardwood I1)! ft IJ1 OOD i(on i oiistrurtlon tr hall U trlfltv, ho HOJI H (j h itnl wnt-i 70 x Nvi:rii:i d It). Instd por h tl wati r hat I nt I mills tde. trluttj hrt i dw ood tlnori or lot. UuvlT" h i intici . J innd" rn 7"xl in ft lmme- hot witter beat 1 wo car Rflrnic. ft Vrro JJ7 500 t H H i m .n i)K I AVI M rn CoIonlHl home eitrlcli. hot Price $! oU0 0 ' hamtorn .. I vhs m dlate possf-i!.' JKNKINTOW V loo itlon. eU m 1 Iosure "i i 1 m trlcltj hot at race I.ut 7ix,ri st rif Colonial. bU'li ,1 tew Kuuthtlh e rt J bH'hH. elf-4 heat Th u tar ra V- ir train & trol 'P I M . & E. A. HAVENS CO. 1 n 3ll! Fl r.AMi lliUIIIIBIIUIIl HI II.DlNtl e ni!!H:Jiai;;;iH;iiH:,iii3 13!! iiwiiiiB.iianiuia.iniQ am i. is iiibiiiiib iiiibiiiiib i COUNTRY HOME rORT ASHINt. .' Knolloh ntvlo house, ba. ni; 7 lnunberu, 1 bathx, electritlt hut ii r hut hardwood floora lncoed an I h if d orrh 2 car pariiKf -' il. ( hi ken house, unique i tnl null 'n np loated on hill with txttnd'.i U vt and direct (southern exiJi.ur. l. ,li nt mndl tlnn. VrU $-" utnl E. A. HAVENS CO. !i i.wn Tin v IIIBIIBIIIIiailllBiilia. i'i ii him; n'iiiH.'11'Bin1 BlillBill 28 ACRES Aet i lusit-r Vlke nnd J n. 1. nut t riMurpiiKHtd fur Hulhllni; I v iMmi SInjflo faro from tl'Jth Si 'Ir-rmitii Hil coiiHumes only 1" minutes It ilni i . rj 30 mtnutAH on thn half-mmr in hi bought at a low tlgur Terms and full particulars fiom E. C. VON HELFENSTE1N 1734 Hl.AL ESrTC TKVST llLU'l. Suhurhnn Lots AT A SACRIFICE nirii.DiNO ujt. nnKi.-iO: nusmni.Ti CORVEll .or S1DI1WALKH WATKK AND GS. OWNRIl Ml'ST SKLL THIS M.i:i I' illn I.I.I1HK11 OFFICII GET a bullillnt: lot In the rleht place, within .1 minutes of train or trollej , build a bungalow nnd end icmr houac troubles, send forcU;cular 7il2'l Urin inown ave LANhDOWNi: 1HH142 ft on 1'himeteail ave : all street lmpts Ilaltey, 201 N Irroad iikooki.im: NOW IIU1MHM1 -Half stone and frame dwelllnp Kas and i'Ic I r 1, 1 nht liro Jot 13 minutes tinm tlltth at t.inunil $111 tH OKO L HVHNK-4 1201 ch.stnut st or lllcfhl.tnd l'.crk Tn Copyright. III11 h l'ubilc ledger Co. C 1 r Wl T 9 .. "Uici ! cnmpli'tcd in R weeks. I'ull par- rair pries H c ADAMS. a I'l-iii. -, mus ir.mi i-ttv jiall on l R u and REAL ESTATE FOR SALE l'KNNBVLVANIA H'rmmnAN IlMlltV OH WALNI'T ST ltrl.k 7-ronm side-yard bath and sink. home: hetter, porcelain ii. -,il n.iMini, 3,lH). .Mll'l'll SOXSHMsIn I)arb , i:i.KIN4 PAKIJ NEW t-iMitenleiit Colnnliil dwelllnB Tn rooms 3 ImhB hot utr he.it hardwood floor". M7 nun M f'nrmlck & MrPormlck. Lincoln IlklK nn.l riklns P.irk . (iLIlNsini; FHIIOI'SO.N S LOTS $",1 up. i nrre plots. 531)0 up, priced rnr below nearby land, no charKH for impnuemenls, booklet l'EIKirsoN. Front nnd York HK.IILWH I'AUK KP-RODM REMiDENi'i:, ston nnd stucco. Inclns.-il ponh hnt-nater heat, irns and electrlcltj lot 75x13(1, lnunlllcent lawn. fruit trees; price MIimpo llni L. Barnes. i. in ni-sinut st . or Highland Park i -. Mv-iiim vn Ht'ltrni?N IIOMI3 for rnt 7 rooms and bHth, uith carant? $.i Ihon "Walnut 316 i.i.wiciuii . a ri:al homu Priced for Quick Sale l.orat. d on corner lot. lSOsirill Slon nn 1 shlmile slate-roof dHdllnir 13 t.inins front and side porch eiery modem Ripulnltnenl. old iilmcle snruhbv Tor fur ther particulars phone Helmont 1147 or See RYAN. 5908 Market St. fruit bcin. s in lli from t'ltv Hall onl II H nniy o mmutPH to trollev. , HKI7rWOOI ft SMITH r.sih nnd Lhrlitlin Woodland 7131 XV I sm'Tii Auinioiu: l NI.W S rn un house, hot-water heat Kan I and eletrli flipplaiv double floorp. cemt-nt ponh lot .10x11' ft bet ahie-. alont: (rre-it Ar.lninit. troll Ht $7J0u tome out today I UM 8 DAVIH offhrt at station. hi J,ri r oiir futuro home ulte iilontr the I Bre.it Anlniore trollej . tienr church1. I hlh HhooI, sturt-s and st a tlons, and at ' pre war prlres InduementH offered to buy- r an i nilllili rn To inspect WILMAM S 1AVIS, ufilcH at ntatton MOP destrahle bulldlur alto in South Ard more, s7o 7rKlJ" southern exponure ETeat b irff iln at J I ton in t qtilrklv If Interested. UM h I) WIS. offlto at .station. MII.IOIV (iltJ K Tim tvn.i.owi" V R.'hI HoniM ia the Country Stone cluf-lllnc stabl" rzalaKo hch houfld and Biai atiuiit H nrrc1!! innstl lawn rr mo.lfltj furmhuu-ce ciualnt anj til ture,cu. nlth alt liicul. rn omcnlcnc t s old shade, fruit tre, h .Snrlnrfii Id w.vler, lTi rooma and 2 batlis I'rosn. r i,iul lielnw Welsh road Wll I)V HHOVK "Wllliln In iiikhiiis w.ilk of muMc palllon. Willow llrue Ttrk S minutes lo Phlla trol. leMi I' and It sta'luli in arby II TKANIf. J. IS' 11ITT1 un thi) premises or I phone 'iiliuit von Ml 1.IXB Wayne and St. Davids llll W 1 WCAhTKH AVE Colonic! Mt'ini- I ouiie It rooms, 2 Inthj, Mmi h u t nnlched In hll. lot IjiixlH-. price 114 000 11 room I li.ctli h.,t air heal, lot 7,1x2.'"' iioisi ili.n 1(11 11500 14 roonm .' b.iths utciln heat lot 150x225 . 14 000 12 rooms luih lot tiOvli'.S. pokhossUiii 1' 1 . XOOO 13 rooms I ImIIi hot.ilr heat lot 17.1x225. R-nraK 12.000 15 rooms. 2 b iths. c . ntral et-'am h-at lot 11.' ix,1u 11 500 12 roolna balh but air lieal. 137210 hMruk-'i 13 BOO HERMAN WENDELL io; Wayne Ave Wajne, Pa. 1' AI l K lint lOI It M' m:y os 1HK MAIN LINE I'llclSK. WAI'NL 4d B0 THE GOLF CLUB Smi to bo the Mecca fur many who bU .it HAVERF0RD V. h.i seeral houses nearbr pr .m. from JlO Oi0 to J3.' OUO. all ""JJ" STRAFFORD A white ' nlontal house, 7 bedrooms 'A bdtlia and 3 neres, SI5.000 ARDM0RE On rorth n I stone and Btuero 7 In ti .. ni' i bti'hs i?rnB- J0 ooo FOR RENT FURNISHED t Hrmrfird 1130 per month, snd one unfurnished In Uryn Mawr. $20u in r mnnih A. D. WARN0CK lij t- torn ar muwiiiiiiiiiiiiiRi.iiii'ii iiuiiiiiiiiiiiiiii'iiiiuHuiiiiiiniiiDiiia By Cunningham ft-Sr I j PlIVFIKI.tJ .ii -i..i,i 'ir.i.u i,t ln,i fuundatton. house "ak ihjvkrs. West Phil REAL ESTATE FOIl 8AX4S nkw JF.itsr.v stmiwiiAM riiESTNUT niDan. n 3 Iteauttfully designed and substantially eon structed bungalow with all modern cons enlenees, else of plot, 100sl85-, onlr flT minutes- walk from station on Atlantla City electric line, 80 minutes from Market street ferry ono hour to Atlantic Clin railroad tervlce early and late by liu trains each way a day. pries H1O0. ciah 11000, bajanc rrortgage. a great opportunity for a real home A. H Ml'KLLlIM ft CO . 1331 Chestnut st MnnCHANTVILLB--10 rms mod.. lot TO xlot I4B00 Powell 7 rms mod . 1 sere 23fto Laurel Springs 0 rms, lot TlixlSO..,. S00O Chestnut Hill T rms . lot Cn17S ..... IiioS ,. . a , ,n, , iam nSIII.tMl SUIlfltUAN HOME, corner property. Hi story, ecry(hlng In (lrst-class condition! 8 large rooms conveniences, 2 porches) ga rape all klnas of fruit plenty room tn rales chickens, lot 100jtl7.". ft must 1m seen to bo appreciated, prlie MSOo, monthly 6m mutation lie 11 trains dally each way! plenty trains during rush hours Sunday train leaving I'hilsdelphla. Penna fsrry. lpm A. O. wrriKNl'.n Ashland N J. NKW JKRSKV SBAHnonB 713 PLT.MOI-TH l'LACK Ocean City. N. J. Twehi-ruom completed furnished and heated cotlage nell loraten 1 squars from bench, npn for Inspection until Sept. 20 Apply K.MIL DirnNTHCn 2(lth and Orars Terry road, Philadelphia. Pa Ilulldlng lits DITILDINO I3TS for bungalow or boathouss. -J-LltJX?Lp-LIod'lten's Theatre llldg. MiW':"liBV- skahiiout: ATLANTIP CITV 1 ATLANTIC CITV Cor Pacldr and Vermontl vacant lot. 50x100. and 210 Pad no ays . i adj . 17 rooms, furnished. 2 baths, stsara ' heat eleetrlo light tVOnltRLL B.1B N. 17th. rKVMSVI.VAMA FARMS A nArtOAtj g Fertile 106-arro farm near Newtown. H Ilucka county. '4 mile trolley n acres hard g wood timber. rend to cut 12 acres meadow. p,vith running stream good ft-room frama M I houo large frame bank barn, stable 1 g I head new pig house rhlcken house; buildings S,ln A No 1 condition plenty of frultl. m g i farmer s farm at a bargain price; only 1)0 B per acre. j i ahui.1i MOLI.OT. Plnevllle, Pa. A RAHH OPPORTUNITY 41 acres on old York road. 27 mile Ctfar I Hall 1 .. rich, leiel land meadow unit sTrln stream, stone Colonial house built 1T8S well cared for and In excellent condition: T rooms lieam c. nines, open fireplaces; eld shade, beautiful and historic location, prettv lew. all oulhulldlnits, near depot. Just cams on the market J CMUtULL MOLLOV. Plneillls. Pa. HEAL ESTATE WAHTIO Moni.l furnished house, preferred In tub urbs or apartment co-.alstlnir of at least p moms and bath fully equipped for hous keeplnct. would take possession October 1 until July 1 or lonrer, married count ot rennement. references eichanged, will taS excellent caro of a irood home Addrss t- n. M. the Covington. 87th and Chestnut sts West Philadelphia, Pa itvirur par ticular SMALL house wanted before October 20 by refined fnmlly that must tlnd place to llTS) by that time, rent limit 122: anj Information about a house to bo vacaled will b sreafly appreciated by adertlser Address P B2. Ledger Ofllro 1B.CO0 1 to 35.000 sq ft of lloor spac wltil . R aiding, will rent or buy. J L STEVKNSON & SON M2 Land Title. TVE SELL ONLY TIIR REST List vour propertleo with us: ws hays buyers for A'est l'hlladelphla and Ocrmantosm homes l) A Winter B740 Christian st. FLOOR or building for manufacturins-i BOOf ,, r,'To T .,r! not lMS tha 2U feet wide. H 10S, Leds-er Office. Properties, at 1418 Walnut. family want ha sssrntsl S1B1. j on. muet hav at least 3 master's bedroom and all modern convenience!: liberal rental, Send rartlculars to J F CONWAY. Jr., 418 Locust st Philadelphia I.k Koom Wan bed D12HK ROOM wanted In ottlr-e bulldlnir: WW at private phona M 010, Irfdner OITlo, REAL ESTATE FOB BENT Factorlfw, .llanufucturlng Floors in 00(1 sc ft on ono floor, or 43,000 sq. ft, on three floors, medern concrete, sprlnkltd nreproof bulldlnir. Illrht on four sides: pas. ener and freight elevator aervtcs; srlthlD t Lnlnu,'f"! ,Klk of Cll' " Charle Kahn U'JI Chestnut st Locust 2400. FLOORS Large-Small W 1I11UCB llAKHOW 180 N. 12THBT. Entabllnhed 1 NSn Factories a ipeelaltT. orricns m'MXFsg nooais. kto. 1722 AKfll HT 2 large builenas rms,, 1st "nor 'aclnn Arch at light and heat! 1(0. T U ChTinliern 71ll Commercial Trust nidi-. FINE lanrn professional office with laratOTT. flrat floor. 832 S lfilh, J7S JIEIITOM OHUI.MS. Harrison Wdg. itbca.t B8 I'rofeaslonal Office LAKQL1 first floor office, 1518 Spruo rf dtl'X 1L-M",'Ll'on. 335 Land Tills VMg. JHNjYI.VAN I HrntTtDAW AitTLST'S COl'NTIlY HOME and B acr: 7 rooms, all conveniences. 3 mile north of I'aoll station. 75 per month 1IE.NKY DAVIS, l'aoll 14B R. SIVARTIIMOIIK IIOI'CK anl irroundH, residential section of hebter. Apply to H K Dickinson. Strata JlHicn Inn Ssvnrthmorv. Pa ' MORTGAGES Ol'lt facilities for placlnu bulldlnir assoela-l ' Hon mortttaees are unsurpassed In vttw ocf I I the fact that we. represent 9 of th larr.rf I bulldlni? associations In the cltv. we desir I applications for a-ood 1st. 2d and split mart-I traces In anj section of the cltv or suburbs! private funds for irood first mortise. William James Ktoah Land Title BIdV. , ! " GUXEDGE MORTGAGES ' fVi AND rtc IN AMOUNTS OF I4B00, ' ! JdOOcI J05OO AND I800A . I C. HARRY JOHNSON 1 20 CHK3TX 1'TSr Spruce 446C44t 1 Six Per Cent First Mortgages ' I For salo In amounts ranging- from 18300 te JOHN H. McCLATCHY 841 LAND TITLE T1LDO B0 NOTE OH MORTOAOU Immediate esttlement To 1'nsettUd e ate loans Butldlna- assoi iinn fund 11000 DEMPSEV t re 2TS lat'. t $50 Tf, ftea I dlate emate securltv iH. settlement Interest ! estates bousht Cash st ono. $2000 EDW. M.MOLL fh4t Ileal estate security. Intra dlato settlement. Interest Is estates bought Cast) at ono. $50 $5000 LEWIS & CO. &2JU LOANS. HEAL ESTATE AND EffTATM ANT SUM . DKLANT. 34 S llroad (West End Bids.) ' $3000 AT ft per cent mortgatre on property selllrur at (12.000. other rood securities. Howard n, Wilson A Co , 8128 Otn. ar. . SJ50U TO l.tnoo private funds to loan en , lat mtse Harry C Little. 1428 Itldc ave. -' "1 MONEY TO LOATT YOU CAN UOHltOW TcrtJNKr ON DIAMONDS AND JEWELJAT 125 AND IIP VKn PROT 173 AND Iir 1H PKU CENT I20O AND UP 1 ran UEI4T ItlKDEH'S 128 MARKET 8T niDQE ave and oxroft; IP8T. TTtl HT iiahu pot: -READY MONEY- DIAMONDS. WATCHES 6 JEWBLHT United States Loan Society 11T NOHTi. nnr.n 230 Marlcst st. 2848 Qermantown y. I NEED MONEY?' We will loan raoner on salary or fcraltar( to reliable peot fa hontrt emplor r fused. Courteous tatmtnt to all. D. D. DRAKE WOOD DUrLDINO 400 CHEBTNlTr BT, CABH XONCT AT ONCE on Jewelry, bonds, aulomobllis. tny kind l'oclol, Loan Offlo. 11M sru VIJ nt .1 $1 F S I ivt