WlaM "tSlpe'WW9?WM "''""'TfrSwSsy'' r" ' ""-".iVf.' H ' i" ,(, 7ft f' 1' r EVENING PUBLIC LEDGER PHILADELPHIA, -FRIDAY, SEPTEMBER 12, 1919 Jt MINERS A I OF JOHN MITCHELL Industry Halts as Funeral of Labor Leader Is Held at Sorantoh FATHER CURRAN OFFICIATES By Ilio A,ocIntetl Press Scranton, I'n., Sept. 1L Tn tin- ery heart of the hard coal region of l'enn sylvanln where he had piloted his fel low men to vietory in the great ntnl.es of 1000 and 1001!, John Mitchell, be loved of loaders of the unilirgroutitl workers of America, was laid at rcst'to tlay In Cathedral Cemetery. Not a wheel turned in the great min ing Industry In the Lneknvvnnnn and WyominB vnllejs during the daj . It was the miners' wnj of expressing their honor nnd respect for their leader in those trjing days of nineteen nnd leeven teen years ago. Thousands of mine workers, many of them accompanied by their wives nnd liable, 'me to ikranton to attend the funeral All night and uutil the hour net foi the relcbration of the requiun mass 11,. ..!,. ,l !, l.t. ,n Ht Peter's thousands pawed the bier in Ht I etrr s Itoman Catholic Cathedral. It was the. first time in the historv of the Cnthe- .1 1 .... I..I. ,1 1.. K.l. ..f n lv,ni, ,uui iiuiiaii mill, in,- u,",j v. .. ...j.. .. had been paid such a slgnnj tribute The itcv. .1 .1 Ciirran, frienel of President Itnosew-lt, who plmed a part in bringing Mitchell and Itooscvelt to gether during the big strike, was cele brnnt of the mass. The lle. T .1 Comerford, of Anhbald. who converted Mr. Mitchell to the Catholic faith some rears ago, was diacon, nnil Mr Mlteh ell's home pastor, the itcv .1 .1. Mc-i ( abe, of .Mount ernoti, .hub Thonsniiils of mine woikers ae ted as an escort to the eemeteij, vvheie the sermon was preaUie.I by Cather Curran Men prominent In the political and la hoe llf ,,f New Ynrl r.T,.l Penosvl. -!. .. i,. f- ,i. f.,n..ni it tt m, Mii,I,..1I'm ,eKt thai he I,. h,,rld In iirmninn I vu.... . ..I......".. TEMPLARS' MASTER THANKS PHILADELPHIA1 Joseph K. Orr Says City Gave, Great Welcome and Conclave i Was Success "Kveivtlimg was nirangrel on a giand BIER .rale and we certainh bad a good j s,t(,I1JPnt of oxnol tprms nllll time Pliilnelelplna gave us a great I would ugree to stop lighting ou all welcome, and out conclave was l spkn fronts . . ,, I liefoip pioieediug Ilullitt said he cliu success i asked Colonel Hoiim a number of qurs .Toseph K Orr. of Atlanta On .,tions bearing on the American position thus oieed appreciation of himself and and House told him. he haul, thnt if his knightlv brethren nt toe Tmln,.' tvb i.,l.r todav Mr. Orr was installed grand ninstei at the final session of the gianel en campment lnte jrestcrdav The new grand master bended a dele gation of several thousand Templars and their ladles who went to Athntic CiU for nn "after com lave" bolidav Other visitor remained in the cilv to welcome General Pershing. Mnnv of the knights particularly those from distant places, have begun their homewniel jnurue). A fireworks ellspiav will be given at Woodslde Paik tonight, nt which the set pieces left over from Wednesdav 'h exhibition, owing to the lam, will be thowii. "Stni Spnnglcel Manner l)av" tomor row, the lO.'ith anniversary of the eon ccption b I'rancis Scott Kej of the national nnthem, will be marked by a display of national colors from biibiness houses and dwellings. This is in com pliance with the Mnvor's proe Imitation to make the occasion the greatest tnbutc to the American Hug ever beheld in the city of its birth. KING'S LANDS FOR SOLDIERS Italian Chamber Cheers News of Victor Emmanuel's Plan Rome, Sept 12. Premier Xlttl in trodueeel vedterdav in the Clinmlior of Deputies n bill under which King Victor Emmanuel assigns all the crown prop erties for the benefit ot the fighting men and rwucen the civil list by 11,000, 1)00 lire ($(100,000) The announcement of this nrtion of the king met with n groat cleinont,tra tlon. The whole Chamber Htood nuel cheered nnd the public galleries joined In the enthusiasm. Tt 'was announced on September 2 that the king of T till j had decided to surrender the crovvn properties In favoi of the peasants and for national work for former soldiers. The crown proper- I ties are verv large. The king s civil list was used largely to udmiuister these properties or for ehnrilahle purpose" GERMANS HALT AID FUNDS Delay In Remittances Blamed on Teuton Government New York, Sept. 12. Dclnvs in the payment by the Atnerienn relief ad ministration of remittances to persons in (iprmanj sent from tins country is the fault solelv of the (Jpnnan Gov ernment, according to a cablegram from London headquarters of the adminis tration, made public here last night. "The German Government." sajs the cablegram, "first purposely elelnjed all payments ufter July 1, und then re fused to pay all remittances to indi viduals for 500 nnd moie. "The reason given In a letter from the German Government wn that such payments were for (.pcculativu pur poses. Only when convinced that such payments were for relief nnd when Jersuaded by us did thej strfrt July B to pay nil remittances to Individuals up to and including $5000." HE RUBBED ALADDIN'S LAMP Lawyer Makes Million Dabbling In Oil as Side Line Ranger, Tex., Sept. 12. Fortune has snilltrt upon Prof. Grovcr Hartt, who came here about six month ago and opened a law" office. He v.ns a countiy school teacher in East Texas after ob taining his law degree from the Unt veisity of Texas Later he was a mem ber of the faculty of that Institution. The lure of the new oil fields called him and he eame to Ranger and settled don u to dealing out law nnd, as a side line, transacting a large business In the nurchase and sale of leases and the nro- durttnn ot oil. During the six months that he has been here ho has become a millionaire, Jle nnd his associates own home of, the choicest oil' producing 'lirupertr ih tli Hanger field -l 33D DEGREE MASONS TO MEET HERE SUNDAY Supreme Council of Northern Jurisdiction Brings Men From Many States Thlrtv third-degree Masons of the northern Masonic jurisdiction will as semble here next week at the annual mipreit4 council of the order. About 1000 persons, including both Masons and. their wives, are expected to visit the (-in These will come from the New England states. New YoiK, New .ler set, I'ennsvhnnin. Pelawnrc, Ohio, In dinini. Illinois, Michigan and Wiscon sin This will be the first time the su preme council lias lomcucd In Philadel phia in six years Functions arranged in connection with the council will begin Sunilnv. when nt I o'clock in the afternoon there will lie n special religious service at the Church of the Holv Trlnit. Nineteenth nnd Wujnut streets Hislinp Hubert I' Harris, of the l'piscopal diocese of northern Michigan, will piench. Music will be tendered bv the Mai-onic Con- siston choir There will he n reception Moudn) niglit nt the licllrvue htiat ford Ilusiness sessions of the council will begin Tuesday morning nt Scottish Kltelhinil police ropes stretcheel from Suutli Hall, Hio-ul and Ilnce streets On I lVun Sepinre to Wharton stieet waited I'uesela night the tliirt.v -thiiil degree wlll be conferred on new members In Cormtiii'tn Jlnll, Masonic lcmple ItllHIIieSK SCSSIOI1S Ol II1C I OlinCII Will .,,,,, w,li,liiv mnrnlmr t Seottisli Kite Hall fPLn . . I ...II .lt.,..n . "" ""'1 - lliuillll l,l I'ljWia ft ,,, unt,nn 'riiursilfi v yui, iri.,i,ipnt Maishall mid nutiier- mm othei prominent men are expected, to nttenil the council. T...f Tr T rT W llSOIl Held UP J? n 1?i,rcin IMipOl f Oil llllSSlU (ontlnue,l From l'nge One President Wilson's original ptoposi ll" " ihp '''ague of nations, written bv Ins own tjpcwrlter, wns bled witli;'" ' . , . ,, , , , , . , , , 1)T Mr ,,,,, "' -; J ,. . ,, ,.,,, iiim,, T1, K .mi, ' ',0 ' '1V W"S PfWted to llullltt vailed upon the llllgl V t rattle olllt CI to bv Colonel II Al House nnd bore theinvnil himself ot n two week vaci.tiou ine riptloti bv the latter "in nppreun- titsii of jour help in the hour of need " ,.,... in n us we.- 10 a itie'suoii 01 enaioi Knot. Ilullitt said that in its final form the onlv proposal bj the President that rimainid intuit nun Article X. Senator Knot wanted to know If lliete was not a feeling of dissattsfae tion nt Paris nt the a in which I the American delegation's work wus 1 bundle d. 1 Little C'otihirt With Wilson I 'There was little contact between the top of the delt gatiuil und the ex pi its, ' llullltt n phi d. Ilullitt said he was sent to Itussia bv nei re tar.v Lansing in rebiiinrv to ulttniii finm tint jtn, lot (.ninniinnnl ilose of1""' noishevikl were leaclj to stop tignt- "B e"1" ei'c'iire nu uriiiiMie-e cut- c linen State n vvoulel approve. Ilullitt wns in KuoHian one week anil on IiIh return to Paris sent a report lo i Preeiclent Wilson Talked nf Recalling Troops 'I here wns serious difccuiwioii of ioii elitions in ItiiRsiii ami the iiuestion nf vwtlidiauinc Iroons. Ilullitt tcslifucl. nod it wns beenuoe of this tlinl he was: elirecteel to proceed to PetreiBrnd. I Kioni Hehiugfois llullltt sent conh ! ilentinl teleerains to the President. Sec- relaiv l.unsInK anil Colonel House. ex Ki i...rt.. i ,.i iiiiiiiiuiK i "iiuiuwiir, us ne iiiiiiiii ineui inni snimff I.enine nnd otliers nssoe intnl with him realized the neeel of peuie. 'Ihev were rend, he said, to pnv tluirlthis inmitiv since the ait of Ileueiln'i foreign debt!'. Askeel liovv this mfor nintion was receiveel bv the Am man mission. Ilullitt said . "Colonel HotiRe vvrote me a telegram of congratulation, but because it was signed 'House and mission' it wus not sent The colonel gave it to me, vvlieni 1 got back to Paris," Ilullitt said he anil Pnlnnel Itnt were enthiisiusticnllv in favor of milking pene e on the soviet proposal "I prepnred a statement for the presH," Ilullitt said, "which I submitted to the mission, none of whose memheis were ready to take the report for pub lication. It was referred to the Pros! dent, who said he did not vvaut it printed nt that time." Bullitt said the President mnele ari appointment with him, but canceled it. "Later Colonel Iloure cxplainid to me." llullltt added, "that the President had n single-track mind nnd as he was dealing with' (leimnny he could not bother with Itussia." GO TO ZIONIST MEETING Prominent Philadelphia Jews Leave for Conference in Chicago Prominent Jews of this c itj left .ves terdaj afternoon for Chicago to attend the twentj -second nnnunl contention of the Zionist Organization of Amencn. which will be opened in thut city next Sundaj The following delegates have been elected bj the Zionists of Philadelphia to represent them nt the convention: Professor David Werner Amram of trie law faiulty of the fnlversity of Pennsvl vanlll. Samuel Aronoff Isaac Ath Ur Mai Harbour, l)r Jacob llernan 1, jin,,, Mmon nrUklln ilr and lira, Harry e hi- V.rovV M,r itVtMr" A. .'., ri"'" Solomon 3.ra.nl...",.'!'b, keemuel Krleeiman of Temtle Jletll f Moses Freeman Mrs Hose Tlsfcn I run Uivld J Oaller H a Olassitold Jacob lllnsliurK I)r Ilenjamln 1. Uordon Max Cordon I)r Julius H Oreenstone, Miss 1 dlth tirobsman Ilahbl James J Heller of keneauh Isrnel Tomple Abraham Hlrsh llabhl Joseph Krauskopf of Keneseih Inael Temple Mrs hadyc Kress Miss Hor ttnso l.evj Ixiuls lxivy William II leaf 1 uuls Levlnthal Aaron l.lehtln William I. ip kin Charles l.lpsihuti I'rofesaor Max Mar Bolls of Dropsle College .aniutl Mareolls ininitn .iiriuifii iiauui ADrkflatn a vru man of llnal Jeahurun e'oncreEation Dr llnal Jesnurun l'onerfcniinn rir I! Nustaum William 1'nrtner Adolph Itos - enbluni Jerome J Jtothschlld Or I ouls S rtublnsohn cranil master of the Inde nemlent llriler of Urllh Sholom VVilllarc IlLdler. David Sacks, Tsathun Splvak Vlr mid Mrs Hamupl BLhlmmel Morris fenn t Cukolorf, Mrs It 1 llsfenbrun David Ii Tlerkel I ouls Toll Adolph Wachs H Wald man. Max Wagenheim STREET MARKETS FOR N. Y. b00 Trucks Will Sell Food Direct to Consumer New York. Sept, 12, (Ilv A I ) Pluns have been perfected bj the citj Department of Markets by which it is hoped to have on the streets of New York in a week or no, about COO trucks laden with foodstuffs or sale to tho people at prices 40 to 50 per cent be low the market prlee. According to Commissioner Jonathan O, Day, one company or several will be organized to supervise the trucks, and the fatd will be 'carried straight from the rirocltipcr to the, consumer. ' f , j BUEHLER RESIGNS TRAFFIC POSITION nil Ull Police Lieutenant Called the Carpet" for Misconstruing Parade Orders RESIGNATION NOT ACCEPTED Chmhs ltuehler, lieutennnl of the traffic viuad, tendered his resignation to Superintendent of 1'olice Itoblitson Inst night ltuehler todav is beginning u two weeks' acatlon imposed b the super lntendent to ghc the lieutenant time to think it ocr " Misconception of onlcts ns to tin loute of jistenlm industrial ii.igcant caused Ituehler'H m Hon 'I he lieu tenant commanded the iniiiiutiil fence which he ailed the piocesslmi The of tlcinl mute led down liioud street to Wharton riioiisjiuils of persons assemble el be Uiiinh for several bonis to wnv the turnout At the 1 nlon l.etigui mil Mnnufaitureis Club then- as similin disappointment ltuehler nftei rounding the we-t sub of Citv Hnll continued the eimiil nf that building and guided tin long ltti of floats back to Spring Caiilen htnnt the point of ilKimssul itttrJiler "On the tin pet" Complaint of tins action were uinele to hupiTinti neb lit Hi'bltison lie sum nicneel Hue lib I '1 lie lieutenant dee lines bis orcli rs e nihil for the southern tuiii Ing point nt Cit Hall The supeuii tendent eh tile il issuing such three turns There was a warm argument At its end ltuehler hiiniliel civet his bulge mull kejs ib i lining he would u sign mi I whiib win owing to bun. meanwhile holding tin ii sigiuitioii in abevniiic Huelilir went to his home. IM) Peutl stni't lheic is no iloubt thnt Lieutenant I Itiiehlei wis in iiiii about the parade loute ' sinil the supi rmtc iieleut tntljv ' When he was enlleel to lie count for it he lost his temper and handed m Ins bailgi He bns resiguid. but I I have n't aeeeiitiel it ' Cannot Spare Itiiehlei I ' Itiiehlei is n good officer He t uf the' kitiel the tin Li' i annul afford to lose 1 hope when he eonls off be will iciiuisiili i Ins lesigiiatinu " Hue hie i is a veteran inwilrvmnu He lias been in the polu e serv Ii e sivernl jears, joining the fence after an armv , i.neer in liulian eninpiigns unib i en tint lliirfh I. Seott His two sous served in the Ann in an armv. ' Sine n ItllT In' his bun a lie lite mint i of the Unfile Miiiid. although tciupoi I nnlj tn that npae itv fur sevcial veurs I Itiiehler has led tin pnliee detail m nil big parae.es h, n ilining Ins eon in i Him with the tiaflii Miuiil In In absence. Sergeant I'lul loesih inni maniled tin1 tinffii' miiiiuI in tin es i urt lo (ieniral Pershing POLICE UNION DENOUNCED Senator Myers Puts Its Members In Beendlct Arnold Class y aslilntiin, Sept l'J -illv A P I v.n, m,,, i',i,, , ,ne,, s union of Ho-. - 'tim , tl. Semite toihiv Senntoi Mvers. ,. a.. ii,., i j it met rat ol Montana, ueeiiieu ineir I courhC one of the must ihistiirelh nets nf infiimj tint hns ever nuinieil in lAiuold He eliariu teried the strike an 'evei- , lastinB shame and disginie to H"" ' countiv "What Huston needs is an (He linn ! '0" fl,r Iin"r ' s"1 Senator Mveis ' "llnu Ul,r 0"Rnt ,0 ll1' Ipw en.' I llnnsi'iis in (ougiess and n few Ole I Ilnnsoiis woulil also improve the Seuatel nf the- I lilted States CHOLERA RAGES IN CHINA 10,000 Cases In Shanghai With Death Rate 6 Per Cent t, ,... , , ,rr ., !.... SIlttllKllHl. rtUB. I.-;n urri-iMiiiiii n, ,- ill Trie ivsioe laiPCl rressj v noiern, whipli liminio opicieinii' in Clilnn tins hummer fm the first tune since llll'J linn nppenicHl in live northern provinces liv the mldille of AiiRUbt HliniiKli'ii wns the Interest until in winch the cllstiisi clcvelopiil, nuel In this jiurt which hnnillis about linlf nf I Cliinn's foienrn Irnele. Khtnnlni? sttfTirpil henvj losses nnil mails wcie ilelnveel It v.nt cstiiiinteel that in Shanghai ami itM environs piohablj 10,000 eases hail ile velopi'el from u population ot nbout 2.000,000 The death rate vvim nppioxi inntelv tl per cent LEGION POST OPENS DRIVE Doylestown Body Strives for Goal of i 500 Members Doyleslovvn, Pa., l-'ept 12 To rem Ii n goal of 50(1 ineinbern the Ilovlestown l'ciht No '210, Aineiican Legion, opcni'il u campaign todaj to seetue evuv si rv ice man within n melius of tvunt five miles Officers were electee! to servp until the national eonventlon in November" I Chairmnn Lieutenant Dnpicl I) At I kinson ; vlee chnirninii. Captain Sain i ucl II Stllvvell: sicretarv. A l'li'tleni Si beet, nuel tieasurer, Iliurj 1) Live. e.v ' n,lllrvrn ril AOT lll I r Tillr I rUWUtfl DLHO I MLLC5 IVVU Many Hurt and Windows Shattered Near Hollldaytburg Holliil.isburK, l'u.. Sept. 11' The i plant of the Htaiiilnrd Powder Compiiiiv I of I'lttNbuiRh. loin toil to in miles eust of HolllduvsburR. wns partl wuil,cd bv nu explosion vi'Steulnv. Two wiukiiieii were killed nnd sevetnl otliers Hiiffereel, minor iujuiles. All the window glass in buildinKN within n rnilius of a mile of the nec'ident weto broken. Boy Sees Operation on Himself HarrlsbiirE, Va., Sept 11' - Ills nrm tlirtti'rrel In two plin.es nnd tin bone exposed, twelve-year-old Itny mnnel Maj, a farm lad renlillu); noai JHcldletovvii, rcf used to be etlierizeil vvlille phytlelami In tho Uurrlsbiirg Hos pital treated liU Injuries und never fllnclnvd u the bones vvero replaced and set. Ilia arm w&a broken Iu tlirre nlacea yhlie opatIn6 eorpiijhreeJden n n stniMitrt nrtORTs .. I ATKWrlj t'lTi N ,1 , OSBORNE eor Panne L Arkinsas k nfelv liulle eno Bo-ratled fire trap innsiru ,on wld halls ecnel stalrwav elevator hot nnil rnlit lunn It i m loom, private paths nathlnt, mini hotel use of bathhouse ami shower laths free private walk to hen h orchestra dunt LnK NV"ltc service fireproof KarnRe llooklet & auln map mnlleil I'M I c luHi:i RAN Hotel Biltmore Rlioile Inland At. nen lloarilnatk Open all jear Amer and European Plans. All outside rooms Suites with bath. Orchestra. Dinclnc Capacity 25J Hot anil cold sea water hatha tieclil 1-nil rales Now booklnx tlltTMOKI" irrvri:i ro 1HP On. IKg Ocean fronll I Hewn sforie?sof Confcrt Special fall Ternvs pei hW A-Lcefth.Aufer HOTEL CHELSEA lll'I.N MI, 1KII SEPTEMBER The. most delightful month of the jear stci hi: n!'srit vno.Nj .1. II Thompson Co. THE WILTSHIRE rwluta Vv, it ii 1 II i h el eim lieu r I . ilv CU prlMH baths runnliu. Miner In i ons elevator , ,. Aincitittn plan sptiial tfKiv ri,in iniiki l lull II hi I n HOTEL AUSTINE p an 1 st 1 urn IMh e ik i nn s t itl i im elpen "iir l'rott,tant a (I en oail lil . I I It ItlNI-X THE DUDLEY 30 U lnnsilvanli Ar. Ni nr 1 ei h nnil nil at- Ira Uon Itunnlni; vvit'r In all rnoma I'rl- wtflmho lloln toikli if I It I'Ot A)ri EdrrelOn Inn Centmlly loented nr leacn b "' whlta servleo cap 210 nrclu-stro booklet J AI Ht It T HAItltls Westminster i5" ,A n,ear Drach e" ., . , to t irlntp I Btl. run ",J.r " mvcUls -' Ml up itally C Miilne NUTTALL diulltli civ nr rti All VN I KVV aVntinARlnVAlK M.lt fIMK (lr ii scpl mler stop" '"",.,'. '.;" . ". '' ' ' I 't Is IM'I II in- (fitiii i i nut sPltlC.rUI in ( hn j THE WARREN o Tin: tin n srniMi LKi: m:cii. n j A house that s illfTorent In lis nn. an pointmonts liniiauil and artistic Jrcoritlon. flntnillko Htmoalher anrtserli SurrnilnilM tbh.B.r;;n oS.n" snP.mwn9 ut the eUlfa of 1IK( II II H l-N THE ENGLESIDE 111 VI It 1IM s Heinnltis Open I ritll hiiiNnilier Hit PrUar I ith-, wlili htJ j,, ', qtl , enn lint mil op ti (IrjiUe- e haiin tin-", mi I biff veak fishing It I 1 M.I I si in in i hi i mm 11 vv i mii rtirtiM) tun m is IIH VU II THt l,l' I'l 1 Mill Till ellVUMstll M n IIN 11 ThcMountnin Paradise cxztimi DELAWARE VAl ER CAP. PA. the 1,1, il Vi i f-.ll, I. Vlinintulii l!eorl llotpl Cljieti to Iltrcniher 1 hours freiin I'hlljtlrliilila rennilvnulu It It Mau-liltk nt MPtitr lna t no l'rl vale bitliH runn i, nuti-r in rooms I valor" eh Irli litht pa , s Mln ,uir lors "Mini hit li llr, 1 xreptlonul intuitu morl in plan aliio a la urt mill Uhk iupp . I 'nni Kltlallniv fann lit listrii rotuirts tin,, a clulf I, mils boatltiK bathlnk tlRhlin, I llooklel auln iiiaiia nn t t nni iipin r ipnst Sew kirnir IIIIIN 1'1I(II lll'l at mllis fr.ni I'lill i i.cnhI rouils nil win POrnWfl JI0U.NTV1N IIULSli V The Ontwood ' ' J "!",fo.r b!", "nJ 'i ' ' " ' ' Arttnati 'in olio I like LAUREL INN ,l "' r """p1"-""" , ilsn c . limit c i i it. i"'mi ., iiiin im,, lal lo I'kit A K Herrlrk Munnlaln Home. l'n MONOMONOCK INN MollI,.n Homes leadine h el ideall, ie ! bteatn heated Hates reis Now opn nut J - vm UM.Itsv 11 1 I i-. .. . . t-cDC D A DF Itvixi VV X-i 1 'I-tiroJ X fll. UNIX tiif r.sn lnwuf " iiiii. min m, rrti Hi nil u HPixinu t i r icp-nary ihlnK to iiniK Mill inui nni iiLinti) lust i)t p i for u. 1 ml or a lon nttiv 1 1 fflcltri luit orpirtti m tjirium fflUlillesi scum nkvii i r, pv Pprlciomen Inn lelfal modtrn rrsore; oats lialh c Hh K Tcnnli lll.lt O .M Carl I uno. i'. n ,,. Surn,llp, oir,iPr, ,n mr bmT ful farm nonie, poou iouu ana nno loratlo1 slso provlle prmiinent liom for arert rco. pis w'11 nr Hlllltt; In pav for romrort (URII1 N SPOT TVIlin TtB CO kr,,n I'n s1iiNrni!Lr. Burlington Hotel I tlii if ml s from pc-vthlnr American and European Plans t31 Rooms. 222 Baths, $2 6; Up I' Mil I 1 It Mn WushlfBton D C PliiladelpLia Musical Academy Mill nsnn Ix-cms Mnnitiv Spt 8th with trorcrst farultv In school historv Open for rm'slrotlon t-e-pt Id '"nrnllmsnt ot IJ'.n stuJen's issl vcur crowillnic th In s'itutlon to the ilours make earlv rcyls. tratlon sdvlsabl? rhro are m tnw va isnrlcs for ei'l nnr-.d pupils unclrr .ml i nt srllst iPrf Its rllFO!t IN'sTKl MINTM 10CI, stulftits s nu In iii Drdipstras p;lvs nnpni tunny for nflPtnlile p!ulnM' flnj freuurnt rccllals "Ufr splendiil riperlsnca In concert work Mason anil Ilumlln I'lsnis or nrospei lus sililress (II till TON IF Wis MIK1'II, Mnna't Illrcrtor. 1017 Mnrnre Ml. (Main Hrlinol) inanities at Blli sprure ( . W . l'hlla. lOJ'! VVeHtninrcland St.. Tlotl CoNSERMroiarySusic .l"ith i'nr Imllviiluul Instruction Per sonal Sursrvlslin Ml brnnrhts theoret ical and implied . si hool of I'ubllo I'Lr. fonniimr lisiHim Norninl Training oursi' I'utill s, nun Mus hupervlston lomplrtr llililier land I) nt Uisrres inntirrpil Two coinpi1ti' I'uplls Hym I h ny Or-hestr.ir Hinproonl Ilelatlons with Unlv of I'n Dormitories for vvunirn Year Iloolc Tr," Gllliert Ilioneilils (niiilii. Illrritor Orflcis Studios llormltorles Ilroad & Heed Ragtime Piano Playing Taught in 20 Lessons Dooklet upon Ilequest Christemen School Popular Music 1KS0 Cliestunt St., 1 hlladtlphut lloom HH4 Phone Hprue OBI HVPFRION 8CIIOOI, OF MUSIC nirtiMun oi'l'.N NOW Vocal, Violin. I'lano, Orcan Franklin U Cresson; Dlr , ITM Chestnut pt.. E7 K. Tenn St..Otn. J; JACKSON VOICB CULTURE ITOS Chcstaut St. imm ifiWMSut! flQIEBVn ARRlDVi ABiiWI i . rnr rviMFn. -"" I.AKr.WtlOI). cv - Water Hsp, Pa. , Mount 1'nriinn. pa ?M IliiUi sren "A Touch of the Country In the Heart of the City modern i hool w Ui over two , entunes of worthy tradition lor boj s and irls Irom tie primary KrariVs up thruurh the lilph school College Preparatory and general couriu Large playgrounds Abundance ol light and air Emphasis on broad general culture and simple Christian living, with rcgird to the needs and aptitudes ol each pupil School now open for inspection and enrollment Opens Ninth Month 22nd Catalogue upon request FRIENDS' SELECT SCHOOL THE PARKWAY CrJEKIlY AND ifiTII STS. WALTER W HAVILAND, Principal Physical Education I our .Hid two jear courses pripar mi: tcichcrs of phyical tr.nninu in t'leitic itt.ii). IhkIi, normal sthooK .incl colleeih. (irndiiatt's well placet) I)e- (,'rt.ts cottfcrrcil on Rr.tdtiatcs from ftitir-jcni course. Vtnlctics, ijmttas. tics, pl.n grounds, cl:iiitni(j, ballet, sports, Mciutiui; il,tK and sanies. Cotirsc atirtditetl in Xt' ork. lU'Kislr.ition, September 18 I'll'). Course opt its Scpti mlior 2, I'M') Is, (,, Catalan l'-lh. Phone. Diamond 0.1 1 TEMPLE UNIVERSITY I'llllililclplllU THE PEIRCE NIGHT JS t Hljlllj j.vj iH Op.! lor the I all Term Mumlaj Kmi;i". stptimbcr !.", 1019 New Mini lit Miilng lo ! n ' fli j tilt n i! lit ii t in die 1 1 itu u d t ill it tli ti h m (cnliif iluiiiit, ill w ck if inriln s pti'iuhiM S it in il i t ,c ej it l f T ilu purjM -n f ii 1 tllr,il - Ii I II "( tf -.fllllX PEIRCE SCHOOL of Husiness Administration PitH' St . West of Ilroad, i'hil.t. -Jflonteort- st nooi i nu i itti r ( mi dki n Boarding & Day Departments M'lU C . nTKI 1 T r I (IK1IMII i;pMfnH for (.Mi Vpir In October t'l nno Ir nt n 4H.' Auti H r lei tlenllfii nirfrtlun for NORM VI, till dren I to II uir- II, aim of this hoil t to pi rintil dilution un pii ii .run nt in hi t ih fopontuiinu' Im puis s ( f i 111 hi TIC in lmi frt d hi for ir h llna uronfh t)lrtlon fixers I H t n i- I run I) port merit (on ti l f Hrnotl nf (i npiitlnn rt llf I i f r full nl I. luil cMllil N WIMlfr r!T. Dlrntres Monlissorl IHiiloiim Home 1014 COLLEGE I'urkxi it Itullilin;, Ilroad nnd Cherry. Strayer's Business College Philadelphia s Greatest Business Scliool til t ' o ' i ' ' i a 1 1 1 1 i ' STRAYER'S 807 Chestnut St Phone, Walnut 384 Our gr i hi itt s irt in tunhtnnt Jpiii in 1 tor soot nn in; i hiii ui urtpn Riorum i m 1 Ht'in omplete 1j ihiik h , "" '" and surt'tirlnl n ur h ua nnd Mlu 1h-s Ii I iim trulnlnp I i r nn Ii p (. ill or rlte fur full j r ul i ml uil llocut 111 ii in nim'ss (tn i n.i: t lid ( dllfo nf ( oinmprrr 101? Lliestinil 1 . riillndelplili La Salle Extension University r i ti i 1 ' i st 1u t Is Iml t I ip it h i til liit si i I It ho it inn rf i lil nli i i i ith ,o" l r.-- l ,!'! ir i i nt rM UI SIM s IIMIM-.ritTIIIN lltMMss I I 1 II ll-UKITIM. 1 V IUMiIM. lit tl FIC n i t thu i IV nut nni MdllsIM I SI I'lill MIM I'HIV PallllS BllsillCSS ColletfC l"l I 171 l i III si ' t i nu I i's ir ' r nil I il ll'l i-im i I-nKllfh l.i Mi ' I I nstru 1 1 it s i ' I s ill I T ll M,ftt v it li tlnp 1 -I lnllviil ml i i1 I nroll now ! . m ill s rK it m iioui. I II Ii ikh uutoU is ft rl ! iln lor cartel t i , w ' 1 pi,e tirriiarotlon Oall I i ti 1 il I I t , ilr ruso ,07 i VVNMUeil)I l'. Montgomery School The Country Day School for Doys Tnlei liovs f om tlie beginning nf their du Tt on to eollege. nxcelle-nt fai-iiltv froir Colum bia Ti'ie'iers c oil. Re Hoys Mn nil el iv Arn moon plav anil aiblill s ut dfr constant Etipeiv ii.on I'rnritlon ot lei Fonb fur n t rla under the cl'reotion nf i.nrh'ri Vnr In form it ion t lelress nc r.io-ciN qui. a ii . n n ii,iJni,.i inieuneiU I'enilsylvnnla VltllMOItl I'V r The Lyman School 'Until UMIII " Sl'l I mrnslrr te. Ardmore, Penna. Kind ruarten in I I'ritniti fit tioth liov m Htil Blrls lunior ml s.nlor s hool for Klrlw onlv Hit" -irilie from West I'hilii Ui CnilioiK ii 1 Mfilon Opens bept '11 Ml' " MISS M II STI IN rrlmlpal MIST (Hf-sTllI. l' . ' West Chester State Normal School On I'ennu It It trill, i in 1'hlln i'n. for teachlni; collrae I iiilnis s '-'ei n 'sn fur lioard tuition etc prrjeur U M Thllipi Pun NNIIIK I'l. i.kuimin uni.v eu.i i ni: lo d Jll mllea from ll.irrlsburs ADllS Mua 11 Degre s C oil c A adem Music Oratory Art Vr mellialCours lerms mod nnsi.YN. va School for Exceptional Children Every facility In a beautiful sub. home for ths rare, and training ot children who throuhmm nrl schcola Dept.of Dom.Sct forolder glrla MeiWe . Woods, I'rln. Dot lit. Itoslra, ra, t 30-IKAY BUSINESS UCATIONAL Until eie WANAMAKER INSTITUTE OF INDUSTRIES fornrr "Til nnil M iitiint street" Begin Sept 18, nnd End April 6 Tuition Cost for tile Period llniulnc , . $ X 00 l'lilntliiB oil Muter ami rhrnn HOD I ncllili I ii mi ti e II 111) I rriuli nr sininl.h . , in 00 I'l wio or lolln . 'J" Ofl sleiincrillilM hrt.liiners 1 00 sirnonriiiilii iiilijuiril 14 ill) lMiewrltlnir en I, 14 Oft llmikl ppiiinir 21 00 lt!'''.krrtilnr s,,,cr, lr an, T,enrlllnir teinlilnril 27 00 I II nc anil I .luliic 10 00 Untitles I iir'UIi 1 1 oil ltnie rltlunrlle 12 011 I'flim inthJi, K 00 I orrrspnnilenrp K Oil Pull le s, I ,, f, , ,tlin, r, no I'e lille s, mil Hllienltes 11 Oil I'rlnllni; It 01) Ural I lnle it il t onte, unrlni; 1 fin 1'lllillr Spoklnc (for mini in 01 rt r, lkor1. nnil ( r'whetlnir n Ofl t oiikeri ml 1otp-I r s!rrnr(l Iff Ofl llrristmiklnr ,r Mllllnrri 17 00 rriirp, tor il Iinulntr nnil Speri. Ilnllon. . IS 01) teclinnlr! DniTliift 1ft no lltne Print Priiilhir: for inrrlinnlrs 12 Oil 1 ncr vln- . 24 00 MnMi nnil (lock MiiKlntr nnil R.t piilrltiir . 24 On riei riiniis- in on fi.,fi-, 1pi,' rinlliln- IK On Shorthand in .'() Days 1 M"rItliiK ( oniint rdul Siilijrtf 1 1 r UDpotntmput piiom:. Lot cst isc.t I'hil.i Sihool of OIHce 'I raining' II. Ill '. I liilnnl s. !!, liitlrlnlllil Short Courses l i il t s r,t, t j NO Am ANf r IS II ITI S I Mi n ril t I.n I ii ' I ii ' I I I iiiptntnt ter I i mm ! t iit now lndl i I -Mm i n I'll mi i: s( mini in s0ih loin si Philadelphia Turngemeinde f o! 11 hhi Mfpieml r Sth Gjmnai' s m j, lm il anl edlew irU to i hll d ' f 1" its for ST per pnr Ilnrol "J 1 li i i t il llumhi Ae GERMANTOWNFRIENDS7 SCHOOL 0"n, '"', A ffw cn ' i - or irnpii OHPjre prepir- smle) I: Varnjlt rrlneipi ' ui r ui l- st'l'.IM, (.VltlllS INsTITlTE r - Mutinies 1 le trli.ltv AutomoMle , I "' ' nmiwctlipi Knroll now snj I for Inokl, IlrOTit tin 1 sprjnc clirUen sts ' hit VM) ii Mm, sr minis t ihe r,nn. rUTii i Iusttm tin I School or Industrial A f Mrnirt nni Pit e strots Opn Sepiem ber i elrulirs on rrqnrat BANKS stem tfriplin, ,ni,i tvpsts BUSINESS "! Fr"", '''nellel Il-iv mil mil Pre nl-1" e It "e Int.r not LULLht,t n,q Vtlnut s THE TAYLORSCHOOL '', O (. 1 rll ni t r l h I pt ritnir Unot ki yptHr-Ml ( rs.o JJa Niut I Mil II Kltllll MIKIU s nooi IM'HrMIlN M Si (,K Mi T T H "i iking - ri I Mm, I I 171 I h tnuf Mn r l r i ninr Uomen ir d dlrld in 'Jh,(cwled behoof a or Girls In ilH Itf Phi h 1 Irl f k itmrb op i. I i ! np Mntinn nnd b "i iiilnut a ilk fium trolley ! inrtn ( r I Hi w stron twpnrril murtni is r Art Ioin- i c s 1 i " Priimrv ihiotidh Hie i N h I ni I ! r t ir d ( 011lf"J Oil r H nton l I- lir tor f plann ! Tlltnvnt Itr dl t h trful rliiB ro ni up ry i ilil tlr- lndl ldml ntt nlh n ot Lataloj Hn 1 I w s tiitln g Wl Mil TON ( OU I F.S, A. n lift) I nf i liunl Oil, I imp, rinl uielpliln, a MISS HILLS' SCHOOL 1S08 prucv s r t Up rno -pt 29h The prfnrlpnK Ml I lllin ( hittrnden Jonn nnd MIh biip-i Hell tMtn iUI be it th thoul aflpr eptetntier IMh WALNUT LANESir' City and country n 1 mi ,ti Hi(,h ihoal Grnduitep Homemik np t 1 s Prepar tor Spcrptnrlnl i i rito int Decor tlon hort tnrv Witlinir r i HiloriebaeK rldlnp f iinniinc hil( tl ill 1 ninr Mi. I tarv drill Mli S llni loliii-tm STEVENS SCHOOL ...Jlj'. Ul n T I 21 1 " 1 r k i I 1 1 r 1 1 ., Pr, p 'Spi i Ij I H I v t I ir I I i ill i ir rlfups. e ti till. Ml-- M Ull 111 NTI V Prill . SM t t lirllrn r e.ln Training Scliool for Kindcrgariners I ti r' Mms 'Int i 1 1 it t,r I til ' nr s I'limiii in 't tl U In I tkiirtiifrs Ml- V T t I MN lur tor llnx I ?rnn Wilnut s i'l The Holman School :;ni v i m r .nti 1 1 I s h nl for l.lrls tin I - t I Cil Iiw f ll" T i i et th V it 1 1 rs I 1 1 mii rn u nn i i llenil Mi(rrs I ll s r t r I n f in s, )i oi , tlilx VI 1 1 ti Ovtrl r ol I mi I r ill Open-Asr School for Girls Tin-I'lii in vsTiieiitM Mmifi sihoiti I of llrin MHiir i i I l nni mfn -, tlip op n , Inl? of ii I'rltimi 1' n i in nt m n llltlon Ii ' Its lUnifntir in I i IIk I'r isintnry I e o tsrp lir i I Inf iniitl n Hill I TIM Mlllll I M until Ilrvn Miur Tel llrvn lhwr "01 Phila.School of Design for Women ! Deslun Normal nrtl fine Vrt IHu-lrallon llltllXI) MI VIsTllt STHIIIS, 'IUI, I M VII! 1! I'lll I' lull ns ip Inloriiic j nlv rMl J f i n , 11 I4i - nu iiiuinnu r " I Miss Sayward's School for Girls tlverlirooK 1 lilln I'n c n i,,, miar o 1 nnd secretarlnl lour is lunlnr nnd Mi si n Inipts lliltlis l in silt Srlenr Cnr lae I calls for lul mil ll, h i m ud M rinn n j Wynni field Miss .Innet Su!!!!! I'rln svv vn riiMenii-. i", MARY LYON SCHOOL ,j;?, A. home erhool Handsome new llrtDroi residence llall tlultlo ir i IRssioonis Collec l$tll ZrrZl JXSS. Address Hox 110B SMiirthmore I'n. I.ITIT. l'A LINDEN HALL SEMINARY For 178 seftra It lias been -ducftttr.i: nd trutnlntr jounsr womn for worthy llvln Alms Rt hlBhfit rtMelnpment of body mini and character ProMdi;" a happy whole om homf life. Iipautlful hnlthful locu tion. Comfort W bulldlmrs modem qulp mont. QymnnMum Ardfmlp. Co1lp Pr'nursitftry, lu"' t pAmt ifleD Beer" 1m-Ip t" t-! tiYi BEV, V. W. -XTKNOKI., rrlntlual. Box 10S. Lltpi, Pa. I I onn Men nnd Hays WKMINUI N .1 V V Viwl y J s Where character, manliness and honor arc dcreloped. Wenonah is an independent unit In jour boy's education, nnd not mercl a preparatory school, Ilcalthfull.v situatid in a solely residential town. A facult second onlj to that of West Point in efficiency. Academic studies for college preparation. Special nnd business courses. Military Hstem brings out nil that is Rood and map';. Separate junior department for boys of ten or over. Academic course, seven hundred dollars for the school year. Junior deportment, six hundred for the school year. Cnltttniur nnd Vino Unnk Ifpnn Request im ciiarm:s H. i.OKLW'CH. MAJOR C. A. SNYDER, r'rrsi'rf nt Superintendent I10X 112, VK) MI, NKW JERSEY H VKTIIMIIIll P Vyrhy Not Go to School In the Country? Jsojs fiom Plnlatlelphia, Ch-tei, West Chester, l.ansdowne and MoiIm can oaa'lj icach Svvarthmore Preparatory .11 MOn SCHOOIr- suporMsccI pla I PPHR SCHOOL all sport . H. TOMLINSON . V,. V. TOMUNSOX Hcadmjtcr" Teb phone, .Svvarthmore i)G Hox 120, Swarthmoru, Pa. VV V ttf'iir if If HHsssBHsssssBasssHssHslssslasBt The Episcopal Academy Juniper and Locut Sti. nil M)h It I r ti IlltlK' f r hoH fiom s ( irs nf hk lo oil if I mh i experu ) .t il mil sui ii-fnl inistti" an ill tuuul (It i Ifijimt nt of ib bnv - th dl urpos uii'l olijoi t of the adtnn I'lo s on U id' fur ih iellK out uilt -l tuii inoril iml ph -Ual Ul It lit llltf Of till 1 1)( V nn iil iouri fur t t b not gointf to t iihK Wood worl in, nnd in n- u il r trn ii. Mulcul intru tloi an 1 r )i"tru Hilor dlnnthm if A V I in Nu Ni-nl n Ol r itor of tho I nip t hn ( ! ib lloxlnir nnd phv nl n! Un nln, under Trof in I II rim n i Kim. IMitllp A t1Iiiiiiet7 Jr , '.I. I), Ui .Mljiinntrr. ulll he nt Ihe r ih!pii. ii n anil aftr fpt. Hth ltenrinter! mnlled on npnllrn- tion SrliintN up n, I pprr .pt William Penn Charter School No. 8 South Twelfth Street PHILADELPHIA I'ounilfd ii It's' tuU l arutul by Will m P nn on the name iiv nn Hip city of pftlla de phla 'Ihp I'trn thirtfr Srharl hi main fsi H nn unintfrr iptcn rurpornie nHtence Durlnr t lip nut 44 m it the ft hool hut cm u t d mer mm pui li" of whom mor thnn l.ill hiio r nt hlM thPlr studle In i Bt.i " or uuniriu n anu pruif- tuiiiii b'iTJOI 1 hp i r iuhI prorortlon of nlumnl who hn tniipn on or m ire unfprlt d Rroes 1 du JnrBPl to the churnrtr nnd nernmnncft of -e or uniMniii n nn proi"" lonui e-noo'T thp teurlilni, stnff tiumnrri-; tter 3(1 mm tr Clf lh, ih sK snior msmbers hv rv(, rt 111 i hiinl n h 4t 1-fs fn farm A f 111 I'll li vi n us, us nil i si-i. iriin art fprxlre of Jfi fnrR Tor three eirs ther- k..- 1 n .M In III.. ulnlf m.,t,. .1 , II lie1 u-i il ill in nihio ill iiir ninn nn n nu- d tlonn to iif-t tl-p TPfiulrptrientH ot Inreas ed pnrnllm t whirh h nlr ad iixt-J totniailt tl ne huildlnp ndded to equip ment Inst vpHr UfirnlnVont ilnvlnir Held of 2J icr n ifi ! nninlp fucliHIei for th 3terrl.) n' i P hool of 10ft Th ?11 ir hrln erdrmber Tr,j The Prop for 110 20 r-ndy for dli trll utton Till linn nr oppn for 1ntp',',tlon ftPtl f'lJ fli-it"" nf pllPl1 OpTltPn-hT 1111 wriiu;i ,"T'r ri Miirfjf , n. " tTii. rniuT TNTlfrfK ( IIOOl- Of MIAMI MC R1 Draltl ik Mith rtnt'-" Mprhanlc c IIITM rx nr ( HpsiM nu i . Chestnut Hill Academy ST. MVKTIV CHI -TMJT HILL. V . I Preptrrttlon far . dlepe n Jdeallv locatei conn I r Cn nnd hnurdin? nchuoi foi bojii 1 uptciftlh low rTt for (Ivp -Jay bourder Hirth Mftiit urd of ho irh'p t netcelled eihl tl itiulnm t I" 111 ttree plainir fields BMTinMum swimming nool and recr. ntlon huildink T r S pttmbur 24 Catllns-t! i in" rlcabemp A CMiillal .rlinnl Near 1, ( nnltal ntf A eot nirv school founded 17HH L.oete4 .1 th tanks of lr beautiful Susquehanna ' Hlver Ideal for health and scmery Moders bulldlnjis lump campus Advantage of smsM slssses and Individual Inslruc Ion rnoroiuri eollece preparation rtatca I52S to I8JJ Stpervlsel athletics Separate school lor younger lioia We Invite closest 1nvesttB tlon a personal lit If possible Write Is ewitsinini'. t and ti'in, for pew dormitory AHTriHK K rtltllUN It lldmslr I'lNMNI.ION N J. - The PENNINGTON SCHOOL Ii ul pr parati in I i lnj;ton J funic Women nnil Clrls III MIN l' DEVON MANOR A UUARUlNCi ,liuoi of the " Ii hliec tjne offerlnB colleKe tne'i iratorv and mnlor tollefie cources TIkiourIiIj piactlcal trilnlnfr in vocational work which ineetH the demanc's of the hour Domestic Science Secretaryship, Social hcrvlce Art nnd Mualc Open air kcIiooI rooinx campus of sixteen acres out-ot-iloor sports Includlne riding On th Main Line of the Pennsylvania rtallroari liteen mllea from Philadelphia, In the, historic Valley Forea rerlon. V.IHT,!! SAMSON, l'rlneln ISoi; JI0, Pevon Manor, nvon, Va. Vl mile: Mlelille. I'llli; loner 23(1 J If mrtni'SMrnn r r -- Yftnng Mm unit Hot I WKNONAII .1 .if Wenonah MILITARY ACADEMY SVV MnilMOHl , I'l INSTRUCTION In una 1 1 troupt pr 2 Bona I can In 2a jeam. 78T to-r dntfl preDftred for 1!1 entleirea fKr. B0 per rent of our BludenU am honor men and leaders at rojlof Music. Or -ton llunlnene and Agriculture 3chol -arahlps parate Junior ffhool undti- constant supe rl.lon complete equip- mmi "."nit'sif i mrarv ujmnatluni and 20.o"re campus All athletics. ' Military Drltl Dellnhtful horn llfT Aholeome re leioua Influence Hil- - xtrttt. iiuirr ui ruiltlHI'iru IOT PrOOl modTilo rn n "Tatftlrurue nstAK KPiriiFf,. n n . rriacioti rr ,u j,ir, i rnu,DiirK, II, MtRjKBincnn. pa. The Mercersburg Academ I OK I10 Mereerbrr, r. snil f"" sla os-tie to m Hni llnnn Irrlte I'h.O , LL.D.. " Iletiitmnster. IlnTlio. M.TI)N. N. J. S3 M.mu vi. Vlir.UV For bora, v t li' modern enulpment, persnna.1 s'ttnvlonl AUl4 lor Artilry . Prlnelrsl llm I N.wlen M. rA PARCEL POST - DIAMONDS BOUGHT Ot It MVNY If'AllS OF I'M'KRIKNCK AM) llfll 1IC1M ST AM) I'ri.lAIH.'KS. MUTHoriS ! Yllfll Ol l'ARNlKi:. lTll HHMCIMH NBIIIIKO AT O iB TO PIt- oi'K onprn a i i, Htrs '. ro IS-' iaiivt-c win v rnovt nn ;0 iiso rn I- Ion will nt Jrnst siivp 10 per cnt. ffiS 40 pir iml In solium eoi.r diamonds to UIS. W " must Imvp hpin I states liouitht eprlvatrJ mi, i nni imo Mrir in i ii initiiim csiair Itched 10 l ho"p IVnlnu 7lcS ui 11 s mill 10 h ob MVI? !- IHnm m I l Wl'iippllll? I -, i 1 UPCl flnU f nvtloppn nnd iiu cafrtii l.k Hoxes t 1 for 259. n. Pjper ' 50 for 4 SW he Ci lull i ntpef l per caf i 1 i eu e Pnpcr Whlt-i ' r, 1 flOei -y IJflllS 1 t nu !( .".flrt mnmtmti EZRA LEVINSON30 l",!lLVnhE .00 UP Men's Overcoats Walter s Pwn Shop j 904 VINE STREET -- no.voKD to tii i: ciTr -,5, FINF I OT " vni st its J111C lv-l ,,, st)r uu I'stlerns. Ill K l'HK I. 13 all m 1 I mnvlm f ou On i I ipninrp l nt 1 III nl n l. smi i,i, rtini'i it. mio r,ntRi xr. STFJiMMiy NOTIC BROOKS STEAMSHIP CORPORATION mi nhii'in vr new iork tn IMMIIIKO. rol'.KNHAn.FN n.N7.IO nl fll sHONG September 13 tNOK.A September IS , nu ii-1 I'HM n. IIWRP. , AWE.NSDAW .September IS nivv o i nsi iu nf-'MIs IRhS ALDERMAN . . . .September IT ARGENIA . .. .September 19 I I Inj.l" Iteeisler lir Ititri nntl Information Apply MEGEE, STEER & COMPANY Jill lfil-107 Hrer Iln 11 1 nr ) ! i Mi lomlnH "liIU220 earnlineT Philadelphia Havana nvKvn at. fARnn un.",",," viw.uu U, S. Shipping Board Steel Steamer 5. S, "LArifc UALfcKA ". ..Sept. IS S. S. "LAKE FLUVANNA". Oct. 10 For rates and particulars apply to Earn Line Steamship Co. 4S2 llullltt lllilf. I'llllailelphU " MHltlCir.S e eisTi.i i.c HArrnttiiiKRRr .. Bep1- teinber fl ice llndilon Hels;h s V J , fVrHAItlSK AIIVI-S IIATTKKSIIERKr ani vn i,l vl r rosTi'l.ui . j ri.THKIlSTcjNK - l)C)l. Reptmpr o Men hr v vvexil) to KfcnmvAND 8 if rHKIKIiiM I Lancaster N. H t.VARTI KV-SAVIX3H Miss MARIO NWIAJIt iliujlner uf Mra John Ij Nv. lir of Chestnut Hill tn ljr VVII.I.IAM U SVVAini.KY ut el o cloc U edne.sla, Scp nmber 10 ut Chestnut Hill ns.Il.Ey Sent 10 at hlseA rjethet townshln Delaware co , Pa. JpHff V ltAIt.KV aired 72. Ilelatlves and friends, elmioua Tribe I O It M of llethel townr ship invited tn funeral serrlces Mt. Hop thureh Hun 8pm Itemslna may b viewed at parlors of W, C. HlKliy Madia, l'u Snn ,in,ll Q n m Int. nrlvata in.ANCO r-Heot. t, VENTUIIA,. husband ian4 ana of Cntherlne A . lllanco it,tttiea friends Invited to funeral 6atM .S0 a. i iti In & OV I W i i 0 17u rTunKiill ai, Doiinis rxnuisin nsss l lllrsrulous llfdsl t'tiurfi 1UH3 Nprln chsf. . ' d-i a JO a m Int New Cathiclral CVat ( Auto ftneral Frlspda may alv Krl fl la -"" Hoieron reauisin tsus9l v, m. tfVli - f J j'tF i r - wil- $ 'A I hi i I ii $ 1 V " i , sn n t ".'1' X ..