. .V-yi4inyVyff'w'V'V' r T if-j" ft. i EVENING? PUBLIC LEDGER- PHILADELPHIA, FRIDAY, SEPTEMBER 12, 1919' tt C I 25 i . j!--w!('.:,r5iwf!, i-.tf-jeWnmss, J . ;u.,.wv u , . -i .;.) tv- What The Annalist Does for Business Executives IT charts weekly the commercial progress of the nation the changes in prices of securities and raw materials; the fluctuation of gold reserves and bank clearings, of exports, imports, etc. It discusses through short, au thoritative articles the business legislation, the foreign events and the domestic forces of importance to executives. It interprets the facts and fig ures that control the financial and economic developments of the country. Send for sample copy. $4.00 a year by mail 10 cents at news stands The Annalist A Magazine ot Finance, Commerce and Economics Published- by The New York Times Company, Times Square, New York The Annalist as an advertising medium lVfEN who are interested in The Annalist are necessarily BIG business men purchasers of goods in large quantities. Thousands of such men read The Annalist weekly. Advertising rates on application United States Treasury Certificates of Indebtedness Dated September 15, 1919 TAX SERIES maturing as follows: 4 issue due March 15, 1920 4 issue due Sept. 15, 1920 Coupon Certificates in denominations of $500 and upwards FREE OF NORMAL TAX May be used in payment of taxes or held to maturity. Treasury Certificates of Indebtedness maturing on or after September 15, 1919, will be accepted at par, with adjustment of accrued interest, in payment for Certificates of above issue. We will receive subscriptions for these Certificates subject to allotment at Par and Accrued Interest GIRARD TRUST COMPANY Broad and Chestnut Streets Philadelphia MEMBER FEDERAL RESERVE SYSTEM We solicit subscriptions to United States Tax Certificates of Indebtedness Dated Sppt. 15, 1919 Due March 15, 1920 4y4 Die Sept. 15, 1920 4V2 Free of Normal Tax May be used in payment of taxes or held to maturity. Certificates due Oct. 7, Dec. 15, Jan. 2, Jan. 15 and Feb. 2 will be accepted in payment with adjustment of interest. Price Par and Accrued Interest FIDELITY TRUST COMPANY , Member Federal Reserve System M!n Offioet ;i,S3.331 Cbatfaut Strit . 43.13 fen rur,A Star Broad, StMt Offiet N. EI Corner of - Broad and 'Cltsttm S tract PRICES HOLD FIRM IN COTTON MARKET Storm Losing Intensity and Moving Toward Texas Coast. Support Is Fair LOWS ON MOVEMENT I TOUCHED IN CORN PIT FINANCIAL BRIEFS COTTON riCI.T WEATHEJl CONPITtOVR New York. P"PI 12 The fftllnwln tm. rfrlturr rr rponrdid In tli rntlnn .11 thlt mnrnlne Nhlll c.'. Okln horn. Clt nj Knottille M Knrt Sm'ih nil Memphlk "H AMI'nc mm AIItint. 70. Nhreveport Vtcksbure nivl Maron. 72. MfrldUn. 74. h.m ATinnlo Mont"mrv ChirlMInn SsMpnsh on-t wilm'nirtnii 7n Cnrpui Chr'tti Ww Orl'-nn. Ptnsirolti. Aurusta TamrM nn.l .Tt 'krnnull. iS a(ilpiton SO Th. f.il'nulnar nrerlmtstlon was rtcPriVi Mrrlli.,n hm.1 Tort Smith. .01 Jarkorvttle ftit Ban Arlonlo. .00. Knoltp. 12 and Allinu HO. The nPrnRP prlre of twenty nrtive in- . dustrlals declined 0.01' per rent yet- r. .. p, . . . terday to 107. IVS, while twenty railroads Drastic Declines Preceded byidM.nwI n.2s ,, r,nt , so.ir.. Strength, Sentimot Early Fa voring Buying Side material extent and Is prepared to handle much larger ijnniit Itirs nf the white metal, and became of this there are many who are confident that Amer ican Hmeltinjr will within a reasonable time again range above par. .Tone St Itaker say 'Settlement of GRAIN HEI.T WEATHER FOnrXAPT Chlrnm. Sert 12 --!lllnM Fair to. ntuht anil prnimbu SatuM MIourl Kantaa and Wlrnnln Fair lonlclit and ProhaMv SatuMav Mlnnojota and Iowa rarttv rloufiv tnnlKht nnd SMurdav wnrm-r tonlcht North Dakota rnt tlert tonight Faturlft probahb cooler Fouth Dakota Part clouds rooW wrjt and contra I Saturday NVbra.ka Fair tontcht and Pattirda coilr tonight lit crt and north Mirttam and MinmlnE Fair and cooler tonlnht atid ?Utjnla. Chlragn, Sept. 12. Further material looses occurred iu the corn market to New York. Sent 12 Earlv burins order of overnight origin duo to the dnv. new low records for the mmement gulf i-torm caused initial advances ofidcing established. r to L'-J points thi morning and tne me urustic ueeunes were preccnen i divitlenrls mi market was Fiitainrd later by good . liv Mrength, pentiment being morel i A bitn nA.r.i fnwnrrl Houidatlng i .. .. . . . .l." ' , . j . -i. hij.j. -r .1,., ,the strike at robalt. the premier silver American Hide and Leather preferred : mining district of ranada. on a basin stock is taken in the announcement vlrtunllv a victory for the mine owners thnt the president of the company ,, 0SprrlliIv gratifying at this time .The had selected the personnel of the commiltee t decide on n plan of re- I'M" t' " llng around 51.1.1 an capitalization. One plan under ctmMtl- ounce with higher prices predicted. In eration. which Is admitted, to he equit- fnct while the mini's at Cobalt were able bv some of the common shnrehold- n..pr a,van,.e(l from ?1 07 tin er. I' for the company to Issm in lieu of the back dividends, ?S..T0n.fH. """" !""1 nr" """ ''e P '" " new preferred, which is the amount of ' loss caused by the shutilowu " the bond tlint bus been retired. If this is done the capitallr.atinn would I The l.dge bill when passed is likelj be JL'l.Onn.tVlO preferred and .11.fIHI.- to be ery faornbv regarded. With the 000 common, with an early prospect ot Webb-Tonierene bill enae'ed there can the latter issue. The Annalist, Times Square, New York. Send me a sample copy of The Annalist. Name Address support fot Liverpool at count and u rumor that the National Winners Asso ciation mid-month ronditinn figures weie fifi.o, against the bureau figures on September 2 of 01.4 After the opening prices advanced slightly, but, on the whole, merely held their own, ns the latest storm information seemed to be that it was losing its intensitv and moving toward the Texas coast The earl) bu.iing sent prices in the cotton market about 3." to ."0 points net higher, with December deliveries sell ing at 211.40, or 10."i points nboe the low leel ot jcsterda morning. At this level, the market seemed to meet increased offerings while there was a slnekoning of the demand from shorts, and prices reacted 2," to 30 points from the best. Selling was held in check, so far as fresh speculative accounts were con cerned, b) the uncertainties of the storm situation, however, and the market was fairlj stead during the middle of the morning. The receipts at the ports for the day are estimated at 12.000 bales, against 330;; bales a week ago and 12.S0.T bales a ear ago. Tft TodaVj n 10 IU elo or.n be no complaint nbout the scope ac corded American business In its foreign friendlv to the buing side earl . helped Snnntnr rnmmln'a amendment to by an advance in live hogs and a steadier i ,j, railroad bill providing for a guar- operations, feeling in sterling exchange Cash and ' !lntP(, 0f Pnrnings b the government elevator concerns were among the takers aftrr )n roa,,, nr(, rt,(,mlcd to private i ' "J i" uhtreasury ga ned carl. operation was accepted with reserva- ".OOO from th. bank, jecferdav. There was a continued absence of out-I Hnn, ,,v ,,oth rniroBfi an, financial ""iking a cash net gum since rldiM side support and traders got filled up',,irPlef. ' ,of 91O.L-li.nti0 on the bulge. When an attempt v.m , ., , m. . , , nio , !. ,fifs on merhniiPht LVimatcs hae recently been made' The membership of Otto Zic7.onis in ' .!..... ...., .-...I ... .!..., Xa... Xl .f-rtT.. ,,. sI.,A t-vnl, ., tt.r.i condition was uncovered and prices i tending to show that the total capital -sew ''k' ""' "' ' declined rnpidh under a general iuh.of the eonipinlcs engaged in the auto- has been sold to L S Harhe for SK000. to unload September suffered the mobile lmmirss j, pproximatelv SI.- , a derrease of ?.,I10 from the previous greatest drop and its weakness was dis-I.Vin 000.000. which is nearly S.'OO.- sale. turbine 000.000 grc.Ver than the total capital .,.,,. rinnll, there appeared to be a com ' nf .national banks in the fnited States I All transactions in Lehigh al lev unnin. mere appear i i -,n.i nf the national Ha road common must be aecompiinicl pete absence of confidence in the bull I" mi i 1 he capital ot me miunum i,.,i .,.i,i side, and bears pressed their advance banks was about .0.000,0 in that M J 'Ij;: inrd. All demands were sup)lied easih The volume of traillng.wao hoav The cash article was weak and offerings weie more liberal Oats followed the .trend of corn The market was higher early on buing bv commission houses. Offerings then were lacking, but traders got long on company receive the money due fro the government. According to street gossip, Bcliwafcj and associates acquired Vanadium CoraU pany of America for $4,000,000, tttt ling the Klannery group $RO0 per thtrs 'A Krederic A. Lanahan, connected fnjj some years with the trust department o, the Provident Life and Trust Corapn$!4. has resigned to take up field work a . agent for the life Insurance department of the same company. J Approximate preliminary flfurei ot Porphyry Popper output for AucunK arc: T'tnli, S.440.0OO pounds; IUyi a.sa-i.noflj rhino. ?3.321.W7. NYvadi. cloved during August on account oil strike. Lackawanna Steel, more than any ob its competitors, should benefit from resumption of railroad buying, of whlck there are alreadv Indications as the per? centage nf Lackawanna capacity de voted to rails is larger than In the ctse, of any other concern. In 11)18 Lack awannn total production of finished tteel was 1.000,024 tons, of which 240,303 tons or 22 per cent were rails, In tbtt same year United States Steel produc tion of finished steel was 13,849,4Ro' tons, of which 1.471..r.0S tons, or a little more than 10 per cent consisted of rails. The Virginia - Carolina Chemical Companv has called SIOO.OOO 0 per cent convertible debenture bonds due May l.'i. 1024. pavahle by the Equlttblft Trust Compnnv. New York city, at 10?. Interest ceases October 1.", 1010, Surplus after charges and preferred dhidcnrls nf the llrnr.ill.in Traction Light and Power Compnnv. for the venr ' ended December 31, 101, amounted to . ."f.fi,i'i72 This is equivalent to l 21 a shore earned on the S10R."1"i"00 common stock, as compared with a the bulge and when they attempted to , of S4 r,i',.-...-.lS. or Rl IS a share nnll.A k1,a., 1.M.l.n l,n..n!. ' ... linnc Hill, llllllM' ll.lll'l,. Shipments from Argentina for the Ortobr December January March May os so 2S on 2ft o i 2S 2H !( 00 2'l 30 2S 01 2I no 10 04 20 O'S 2B 18 '.hi os 2'i U 21 01 21 12 week were 41.000 bushels. Exports of wheat and flour from the Vnited Stntes for the week were S.OOO, 000 bushels, for the season the aggre gated 7l.M4.000 bushels, against ."i.- in the preceding car. dross rcenue was i!.122.412. as compared is it Ii ?0.-00.-.. 13? in 1IH7. The matter of providing for the ?.".- .-on 000 general mnrtgige .". per cent bonds of the Chocta. Oklnhonri and 073.000 bushels in the preious season. c,ni Hailroid. an miderhlns prnpert LIVESTOCK QUOTATIONS Chlraco. Sept 2 HOGS R.cclnm anno head P!ot uneicnh tead to W hUhi than eterdav h central trado Top, $1R 30. ' henv Jian 17 T1 nr llu n. Sltl 7',H IS 2,1, I IlKhmciBht Jl'l 71 'i is .in nBht llrt ,10ft 17 71 hfa packing m itmnoth flUTr I 1.1 PI roueh tl l"f 14 7S pig. Jl'i .103 17,10 CATTLE Receipt- SdfiO head Slow Karl sales beef steer and Fhe etock steady ut esterda s close Pulls 21c lower calvs stead, western steadv feeders slow Kcof steers, choice and prime M.I 7W 17. .10 me dium and good MllfUoO common. $8 7.1tfi 11 Ilihtwcluht. Bond and cholie J13 7.1W 17 71. common end medium IK oT 11 .In hutcher heifers. 50fft4 7.1. cows, (rt 2l 13 .10 cahes. I2nff21 10 RIinF.P ItecelptB inOfl head Steady e to lambs Natles $11 10, nood western wethers tlo nttshnrtfi, P.. celpts. I3"ii head t.eadlnc futures ranted oh follow Corn fmw delierl fip-n Hlsh Low 12.10 P'Pt 1 14 1 1414 I 52 1 52 Dec l i'hs, l ;n' 1 xi 1 2 iT Ol's Pert . e,oi, oi, o Pec 71 71. 70 I.ard o. t ;i c,i oj nn ;s - t;: Asked 70, Ye. I r'ose i n 1 -'.Vi tr,s-4 71 Rl (2.1 til) nf the Chicago. Rock Island and Pa 'cific Itiilwa. has been placed before the authorities at Washington for ac tion These securities fall due on Oc tober 1 net and it was learned ester -dn that the director general has been I asked to furnish the requited funds or I have them forthcoming through the War Finance Cornoration The management DIVIDENDS DECLARED 'itor Talkie Michlne Companv. dildend of the Chicago. Iloek Island and Pacific of J20 rer share 'par lion) on common and . . . , ,l l ., i,li l inviiru ,u, , , (,F wr. ODPT 10 IOl ll " Ml i l us " ' ' I" ' stock of record September 1 Home State Mlnlns monthh of .19 cents a i t. , , i . : .....,rt,t share paiat.le s, member 21 to s'ock .if Seaboard Air -Line, it is announced. iccord Scitember 2n agreed with the railroad ndmlnlstra- Kauffman nr-pirtntent Stores, ouartcrh of , . . r , fl 71 on prrfeirl pfvi.iii. CJctnber 1 to I tmn upon the terms of its compensation stock o( rj-cord eptembir 20. I contract which, when eiecuted. will be International Hirre.ter Compim, uuar i ..., iL ,, .- i ,i terlv of Jl r.n on common naahle Octolwr for St.,020,02.. annunlly. I nder the 11to stocii of r-cnrd September 2.1 m..,.ni ul.lch the roit has made with rcw lork ".etltnl llai road rnmnam I "I- United States Treasury Certificates of Indebtedness Dated September 15. 1919 Due March 15. 1920 434 Due September 15, 1 920 4 We invite subscriptions, subject to allotment, Par and Accrued Interest LOGAN TRUST COMPANY of Philadelphia 1431 Chestnut Street Sent i wnrss rc. Hisher Heaie. Ji7Sj ' iuarterl of $1 21 a "hire, ra ,hie Noem' ! the administration, gross corporate in- 'U c, n,' ord" r.ZVJ' r.,... come for the two .ear-, of federal con- oyarterly of 24 per cent on common nnd trol (last four months in 1010 csti 1W Per cent on preferred Common Is pav-, . ,. -., , ,c,o-io ti. ....,.,. able October 1 to to.-k of record September mated I was S14.lnn.il3. The amount Ifi . n.nf.er.J V..a a. I.A1.-. .... . . . . I a of additional rninpoti-at.oii niiowou in 17 5ft htav -nrkrri US CI ft nn iiKht orkprs 517 117 2 iis. lfi 717. SHCKP AND LAMHS Hwlpts IShO hfad St-ad Top shfip $H 2fl, top lamttti J17 CALVES Kecetpts. loo had Steady Top J22 50. Mirkt ffc in anl prrffrrfd Noumkr 1 to stock rcra tx-ton-r i HrltUh-Atnrican Tobarro Oomninv I-lmittd a Olvkl. ml at thf ratp nf ." per rnt per annum on nrffrrd for th" h ilt v-ir from March 31 to September ,Tu Vy Idenil Wrr Hntnh (nrmt tax. Ji pay- nni" c,piciTit''.'r tw Eaut niifTalo, Sept 12 OATTLK Ho- pjntii. 950 had Marlt dull. CALVES Rrretptff, 7,10 rnd blcher. S7S5..M) HOOP-Uprclpts. r,no had Market Bn. 3ft(f?75p lower He-nv SITTIfriirt ni..rs. $1. pir $17 .10. rough. 514 r.osxi-, sue.! Ortob. r I tn itwk of record Sfnirmbr 17 JIO'QH Ore-it Wtterii Punr Cnmpain quirti rlv SHECP AND LAMP3 Receipts 4C.00 nf JJ 7 on common find $1 7"i on pr f. rre.l hend. Afirket slow .SO'ft 7.V lower Liimlm t and Ut-uil txtn of J10 nn .unimrin Ti I- S f 1 7 jenrlinfct JTfflS aethers, jli 0'fi . "nus are pa m bit October 1 to &tock nf 10 ewfs 4ffi 50. mixed shep li9n ,Vi. KariKas Cltj, Ma.. Sept 1L' HOGS Re- trtpt .lono hid Steady llitk. J1A T.Mi 7 heavies MA rnff 1A 7ft medium SIR 7'S'if 1 .. Iljfhfj. SlSfi 17 10 iiBht llght.1 $151T HI ,".0 picking sows $14" 1.1 ptk-s 512 0 ff CATTLE Receipt. 2100 bead and MO hnd rilvvs Sten Iv t lower Heiw cef stpern choice and prime, tir.irf 17 no. me dium and jrood. IU' 4(lfMS 7R rommmi H 7i"rfl2 3fi. Ilj-'ht booiI and choice, $1J? 17 common and medium Jffo IS 1.i. holf or J 3Mffl4. cow? Jrt 1.112. Conner!, nnri cutters SASAffiMft ve-tl caUes llf 11 in freder steers. $s "WW 1'J "S. ftocKer steers ( RO(??in 2.'i KHI3RP Receipts fiOOO hend T-ower Lamb til SOW is ip rulls nnrt cmmnn, 7fto;?ll jcnrllns" "ethers. JT "()f.j 11 2 ewes. Jrt io?7 s tTt mils and r"mmon .tir-f 0 2.", breedlnc ewes, JOffll 7."(. feeder Nimba -"13 7ft t KnM St. Tytil. Sent 12 HOS n- ceiptK, finno hend Hlcher Hulk. HiATAfT' 17 ."f heaj. S1"Mn".". medium 111 2"ffl is iicht. llOc'rlS lfKht llRhtn. rn .Vic I Ifi 7.1. heaw packtnp sow smooth J13 .'Offi j t", finvnniK ru n, I 'U)iii f j .IM'tl' J ' ,111, plRI, SI, t7 lfi , CATTLB Receipts, 3ft00 head Steady. R'ef Hirers medium and h-iw. choice aid pr'me. 10 7Z(tt 17 7'i, medium .nnd irnod, III .Wal3 no inmmon Ift 71i II llu-hi pond and choice $in Snif' irt r,o. common ;md medium 14 SAfflO .VI, heif'rs, U 7."i Ut .Ml, cow- S17'iiIl.iO cann'rs ind lutters, 54 100 7.1 eal caKes. $1.1 2."n 10. feeder steers. 7 50S7 12 .V), stockor ste rs. Ill .VI CIO PHKEP Receipts 2.10a hnrnj SfA(l to low r T(ambs $11 IT 1 1 2.1. culls nn.1 com mon, in & 12. yearling wethers 011. wcs medium and chnif e $S(if, i ulla iin'l com mon. 13.1 "ft BUTTER, EGGS AND CHEESE New ork. Sept It - HCTTlMt was rtrm Receipt. I5,L'Jri tubs Hi?h bcorlne, flsi-.r, fim, 57 '-4c inrlde firsts creamen , "4 4 .17c seconds, 404 fiftl tc statt iUlr , .Ml ft .17c EGOS were irrenular Receipts 2.1 211 cst-s Kresh Ratherrd extras M(t .Mlc. s-ifiraBP p.tcktd rin-ts tiaff?4,c fresh truth i red extri firsts .i:i nc rresh fathered firsts 47m rile fresh Kathered second 41 fl lie gathered extra first 47."lr dlrtlew. Vn 1 8ff40r, Vo - 30 " 17c chrcks 3ff She. chrcks underjrtadi 2.lfi33. (lr(s, 47 ' t 4c. hecund 41 1 Ifi' , st dr and n irfov bennery hii 73 " 7 "10 k it be red hltes, I Olifi 72c: western whiten fiOi 72c, PicIHt 1 coqst, 75c westt-rn ." 1 outh(n pat tiered 1 whites, BOfifflc state rfnd nen,rb henner I browns, fi2"?firte eaUiered brown and mixed Tiw.lTc. fair to prime u.nc rerriaeratnr No 1. 4.1frf47c. lefrluerator No. '2, 43( 41Uc CilEESE was eas Receipt. 4.1.1 boxes Flat, current make colored Hriite run. oij ,inivi . flat current make while ar .ijre run. 30if 30 V,e colored snet lals. 31 1 ai'ejC, white speclIri HflSmr tlir inilrnnil wlimnKtrntinn wn su.; -IM HI, nnd "a tht larKrt .o far nl Inufd. Whon dividod over two jump fVio Monhnnrd trrfi uoiUtl n rrnun ST. - ri?,',in:Vr';hKVomSn,P1r;N;i"-s-'-. 'i " nvPnM tMV nun the nrtuiil rnrlv roinpoii.nttnn tx duo to othnr rorporatc InrciitiP rnjmocl b tlio roail. ' Yo.otord'n ' rnifirKablo flPinotntralion Spntrnhir 30 to stock of rpi nrH hr -'" ..... ' tnoro vlntlii-nto- tlio tlniP-lionorril In Iv nf 1', ivr ,--m pHiahlr iMnbor l m ' Jlitiotion of tlio etroot. tuner -I'll on I '" n,...'"'nr! '"pi nihor is i striKo iipv k " Snino ppoplp, linppr ' Thf Mt Iirpv an.t Sonhnr Ili'lnml .,, . I Compinx rulflr somlnnnual of ?'s irrltlPVPr will li'.'irn. j rnt pial.lf Oct ibr t to Murk of r fui.ll S'nVr'n,rrnrpor-..inn mitiii ..u-irmrh of Arronlinc to tatompnts in important l'j iir rfnt nn 121 p.ir pin ihl. v ii. r III circle silver proilurini- proportips. pv- to Mncl( of roonrrt SpptemWr 30 l . ., ., . -.. .. . i:i.i. ' , ppoinllv tlinip in Mptn'o. lire lil;p to lipronip far morp iiroinincnt in stoel; mnrliPt tr.itltnR It a said In soiop of tliPo intprnst- that Airinrli'nn Smelting ViViV rronnl cnt.mhi'r 1.1 Hnrt i-ohiffnr A Mnrx rfimniiu t.rn or !.. lir (ni on rrftrrrd pim !p ... .,. v.. V..-I. o..ol.- .'v..l...m on.-o ,.,. I " " " --; ........ o,'j i r Ppt. 'VVVVmtfY first Pro hi RAILROAD EARNINGS lANVniAV NATIONAL H.I.U' lflin In.T, .-(! Si PI ST.17 411 IL'1 Inn I "" l7li MX i! Til o.'n - hns itipipiivil its siher proilurtlun to a UPON request full information will be sent you regarding the following bonds offered by us: School District of Kittanning, Penna 4J Borough of New Brighton, Penna 4H Baldwin Township, Allegheny County, Penna. . . . 43 Chester, Penna. . . . 4 IL v-tm r TV! vt r-srm xv&uymisvz lATAUUUU'(UAlAlAXlATAlAlA1X,XlJLlAlAlAlrJ7Sa Tlicse bo)tdi arc jrec of the Pennsylvania slate tax and all Federal income taxes BOND DEPARTMENT Mellon National Bank PITTSBURGH PA u I 3S I LONDON STOCK MARKET Conditions Customary at the Week End Prevail Oils Strong London. Sopt. 12. Oil sharps worp stronK on the htook rxi'linngr today. Shell Transport and Tratlinj; ns II J -HI. firntul Trunks wore buoyant on expectations that the matter nf tak ' lug over the lines lij the Canadian finv j eminent will be arbitrated. Mines wpre I good nnd donirstie securities were I haidcr. Sldetraekinc of the disrussion of "dl reet artion" at the tradPs union con Kress at Olapgow made seutimeut moro elieerful. There was no enlargement in busi ness, conditions custoinarj at the end of the week prevail Ins. NEW YORK METAL MARKET Nfv Yorli, t-'ept 12 Cable advice received nt the Ne York metal ox clianRP tpioted prices in London as fo. lown: Tin Spot, f2S2 10s. an advance of 2 10s; futures. f2T4 10s, up fl iris, and straits. '-'S3 10s, a gain of 2 lOj. Sales Spot, 20 tons; futures, S50 tons. Standard Copper Spot. J00, unchanged; futures, 100 10s. off fla. Sales Spot, none; futures, 3(50 tons. Electronic Copper Spot, 100; fu. tures, 120, both tinchanired, Iiatl--Ppot, ffe.f5s5 futures, 2.1 Jfls, uu. eht4.,V8peUer-Hpot. W 15! tV turn, 4iil5s, fcoth tinchaoged. ..at j .t ' i ", $1,500,000 Umited Works, inc. First Mortgage Seven per cent Sinking Fund Gold Bonds Authorized $2,500,000 Dated June I, 1919 Due June Issued $1,500,000 1936 Tax Refund in Pennsylvania and Massachusetts Business: The Company owns and operates seven plants located near the oil and min eral districts of the Southwest, whevo it manufactures all classes of equipment and machinery used in the oil and mining industries, including the erection of complete oil refineries and tanks, and complete smelting and concentrating plants. The Company is at present boQked to capacity for at least six months ahead. Earnings: The Company has earned increasing amounts from approximately $50,000 in 1903 to $687,526 -for the year ending May 31, 1919. Earnings, after depreciation but before allowance for Federal taxes, are now at the rate of about five and one half times the interest charges on this issue. Voting Trustees : The majority of the Common Stock of the Company will be deposited in the hands of the following Voting Trustees until all bonds of this issue have been retired. WILLIAM T. KEMPER. Chairman of the Boards of the Commerce Trust Company, and the National Bank of Commerce of Kansas City. CHARLES H. COLE, President of the United Iron Works, Inc., Kansas City. JAMES 1MBRIE, Imbrie & Co., Bankers, New York. Price: 39 and Interest Imbrie & Co, BANKERS NEW YORK . West & Co. BANKERS 1417 CHESTNUT STREET PHILADELPHIA v " , V J Jt i ii ii 1- ,fF, .J K " 1 V! &' 'n"r , !0 1 WSZ