.-,,. SlifUfj! VM ,- T'itMjfJCTjroSpV-U,- i-w' fMJCIK . V , . ., , - 24' EVENING PUBLIC LEDGERPHILADELPHIA, FRIDAY SEPTEMBER 12, 1919 f NEWS OF FINANCIAL WORLD NEW YORK AND PHILA. STOCK PRICES ""tV4"!-",'' '' I" f ft w if Vo ;. I. f " i "' at In r-.T tJ .a 3(1 J- f' C 10 Tn !r I i I r - t I ft AVUJ Li ton, ir Oil Company Reports following welts In (Dally Production) Initial Production about 1,000 Bbls. An. 15th well In " 1..100 Aor. nth e.ooo " (i Interest) Sept. 8th 3,300 " (H Interot) Eicht wells now drilling. Dividends payable on Class "A" stock at rate of 12 per year i Full detail on request. Farson,Son&Coj Member New York Stoc'i rtrhsnsa 115 Broadway, New York MARKET BECALMED AFTER YESTERDAY'S EXCITEMENT Prices Drifted Back and Forth as Professionals Shifted Posi tions Oils Features of Strength New York. Sept 12 The calm , differences. As stated before in this hich prevailed throughout the financial column, responsible Wall street has district was a natural r.ftermnth of yes-1 neier taken the steel laDor giiununn terday's violent performance. The sub- I ?eriou1v. because It Is genr-rallj- known J...J l. .i .i ' . t I .-.11aJ An lined character nf the trading naturally contrasted sharply with the excited trad ing and remarkable dealings nf the pre ceding session. The market, however, retained an undertone nf decide! lrength Tnr the most part the dav's onera- tions ere vlrtunllv confined to the pro- tVinf il,e steel unions have enrolled on their membership only a "mail minority of the men The stand Is taken that even if a trike is actually called it would firzle out very quickly, and their defeat would have a salutary effort upon the whole labor world. Chang" at the opening inaicaiea fessmnal contingent, mainly the pool' ,vsion of sentiment in speculative clr und clique combinations, as theie unsieies. In the main, however, the tend relativelj little outside Interest manl- -ner w., toward materialb higher fested The rank and hie of the trading ' prices, especially among equipments, cnniniuniM seemed inclined to rest on i ncela. nils, shippings and lejthers. their onrs for a time to permit a better i American Locomotive, Crucible Steel, measurement of the general situation. I Mexican and California Petroleums, The switching and reswitchlng of I American International and Atlantic position on the nnrt of the professionals r;f made earlv gains of 2 to 3 points. in meir eiiorts to tind the actual trend , Ttildwin Looomothe came forward later For Conservative Investment Purposes We suggest a 6c'o bond secured by a first mortgage on the entire property of one of the strong Ameri can corporations with tested earning power and property valued largely in excess of the total issue of bonds outstanding. This bond has been purchased by invest ors throughout the country who have wished to avoid tak ing any risk with their principal. Circular on request. Hemphill, Noyes & Co. .1fmbfr Aw York Stork Frrhnnnr Franklin Bank Bldg., Phila. New Torlc Boston iranton with Studebaker and General .Motors, also Texas Company and several of the high grade tobaccos, notably Loril lard I'nited States Steel held uthin fractional bound on moderate pres- resulted in the general market develop nig into a drifting affair. Throughout the forenoon, there was. no settled ten dons displaved for nuj length of time, prices moving sluggishlv upward and ilrtM nit fifil O.'irtrrliniT tn tli a n rrt n r kinie '-'' I'm i ir . Miaufciuf, lliuir , (tuffs, of the room traders A,'Iritiormi recoveries from the uncer- "esterdav's wonderful demonstration taill opening occurred in the first hour, of technical strength acted as :i check- j- s Steel being the only important mate ngainst Hcthe .izgies-ivenos on,sto(,)( tn fnll hehind Oils became more the part of the bearish part . On the conspicuous. Mexican retroleum ex. nther hand, the constructive element i tending its gain tn almost (1 point", showed no inclination to push rallies, I Texas Companv and Royal Dutch gain - so the market wn- practical lett tr I IIR sllghtl.i over o points eacn. drift for itself and hnd its own ini it did slowly, accompanied b stead diminishing dealings The calmness of the market, as a natter of fact, could be safely accepted as reflecting the unbroken confidence of the financial communis in a snns- faoton adjustment of the eiting labor at noon. Rails were neglected, but the strength of railwa equipments, the motor group. lYVorthington Pump and Savage Arm lietiectrd favorable trnde conditions. .Reactions of 1 to 2 points later re sulted from the increased heaviness of ll". S Steel, but prices hardened again NEW YORK. STOCK SALES We Offer i to Yield 7 I the 8 Cumulative i Sinking Fund First Pre- I ferred Stock of a prosperous company en gaged in the production of i an estential food product. The total net assets of the com pany, after giving effect to this financing, were over 2'2 times the amount of the entire issue. Write for circular "P" giving coiiipleto details I GEORGE H. BURR & CO. j 421 Chestnut Street Philadelphia 1301 Frnnles Hank nulldlnc riTThlllltni! Main Ofllre! 120 Ilrondtray JI5W VOKK PrelouB S!l-s rl-- Hull niK) Adamsr. 40' 2 40 uon Ad Rum . :tvn :ii'i non Aj.ixRub 'in', m' 4(17 Aj.ixRrts. V, iU 7on AlasJun . ." -' A 17(H) Al Chr-o. . 41 I4'j "00 AmBSug SO sy,'k l.iiHl AmC.in M'.i M's JOO A Can pf lO.i 10S 2ti)i) AmCAsFCn 134't l'!1"''3 ' AmDrus: .11 U3 JTiM AmH&L Tlj't 'i ilW -AmH&I.pf 13'J 12'J'i lOi) Amlcepf Gl tj-S I" 4-J3i s.v .-j4'j 105 135 ll' :ig lT't 6 4i) 7'i r 2's 41 SS 541! 105 l.j5'j U'i Hf I27i IW Snlt. 101) NatC&C 5) Natl-'&S 100 N"atl.enit SSilOOBN'atLd p. . 2 10 .eCC . lino NOTexiM rrp lous clne If. 70 VI' j 10ri' .0 38 13100 Amlntf'or 103'j 1U5( lUo'i 104W 1400 ALmseed 72's 7.'i '- '- '"I ion1. Mi 150)0 AinKoco 'J'l'i 10") Am Malt oli'v s 10 AmSmelt 77 ' 1400 AmStlK W 40 1VK1 AmSuB.ir 127 130: 4ii)0 AmSuTob S7'j S7: 500 AmT&T . UHt'i 101 : 2IKJ AmTob 22"j 225 100 AinTpncwlOl'? 101 MOO AmWool ln'i 200 AmWpf lOlil 400 AmWPpf 50 hill Anaconda fiS1 100 ArryOds. 53 iif S'Ml Atchison 00' 1 P0'-4 -.A) AtT&SFpt f-0' M's 200 AtlCI, 00'j 02 VK) AtlCl&WI 157 100 f.3d0 AmShlpCo 3s)i 3'1'j 00 lOO'-j 121' j ll'.i lOS'i 1073 1 5') 58 S-5 C71! Oo'j 90 SU4 02 1.V'4 3Sh ys 50 50 70'. 77'f, 39i 39'H 127 129i ' i-f.ii S7' 1 100U mi 1 22s 100 NYAIrB. 11 12 JO NYCent. . 7 2MX) NYDock 400 NY.VH4H 400..N'orthAm S00 NrnPac. . . 1100 .NoaSS.. 100 OhloFS 4SU0 OliloOas. . 5100 OklaP&ll. 31400 PanAmP 54 31'i GO 77H 53W 53h 10H 121 0S100 Ball.oci'o 12'5 130'4 1275i 200Profit During the past eleven years clients following the Bab son Long Swing Method of Specu lation have made a profit of over 2007c, or a&onr 30 a year. These figures represent an aver age of alt recommendation including disappointments. Reports will enable you to incrcoi your tnvtitwd capital at a similar rate without the risk and worry involved in ordinary speculation. A copy of recent Bulletins and full de tails of the Babson Method of Specula tion will be sent to investors irilit, Willo on vour lette-h asl fur liul ilm Ml 8 Babton's Statistical Organization WalUtley Hills, Man, tarsal Organization 0 Its Character m tht World 30' i 21.' j IS 7S'4 474 11 1 2liV. :k'4 54i 80 Ill's 151 1000 Ilal&Olilo 40' 40it 100 BatopMIn l' l1 20S Ml H-thMlH C0v I'lJi 100 BthSU8'-r 114' J300 BethSM 200 BrlLipT 2li' .li)0 BoothFCo lh 100 Brkt'Ofo 75'. 100 Butteriek 32 On) Butri.'o II1 i 500 Butte&.-'up 20vj 1000 Caddof'Oil 'M OVIO TalPet filT I00 TalPetpf Mi WJO CanPai . loj'i 200 i'r tredP. 43 J2tjO 'VnlaCo. Oyvg iiOO f'erdel'aa 55 .100 1 li.tnMot. 2W 2oO ClKfiOhlo. 55'. 200 ChlM&SiP 42 2o0 CM&StPpf 03 200 i-RI&Ptc 24'i 6200 CRIP 6. (,0 1700 rhileCop . 23,Ti 700 ChlnCom". 441-j 100 I'luettP . Sl'i 1300 ConCandy. J1H 200 f'onGax . ') 500 ConK'M. . 17n 5400 ComP . fc" G800 CrucStl. ..1S2 200 rrucSpf 105 100 CubASus. 250 40 1M 90-i lOO'l 119;i lOS'j fl'i 07 53H 90 Sl'i 92 lhl) 39 127M 40 l'j 91H 114V, IHH HIW 2)'t C: IS 7M, 47, 11', 2H j7 53 S3' 41 U'I', 53', S(' , 5t 42', li.i 24'i to 23't 44', SI U'i 94', 17 w: WANTED Broker to dispose of all or part of 8fo pre ferred stock issue of 5300,000. This is an exception ally attractive selling proposition. Correspondence con fidential. Address B 107, Ledger Office. 41 UK)', 55 2S7 50 4.25a 03 24'i 60 23'i 44'i M 12 94.'- 17J, h7'i lMh ISO 105 105 20') 344 SOJ,' 17 13' 30 40 31) 102 104 lo'i 24 H 103 33 135 45.', 4S 30 82; i 26 J 32 794 10H 131i 35 to 30 102 104 15'i 24 y 100 .3 111 44J4 47',i 31) S05i 304 2fiV Is 7J 17.' 11', 20 37 51 Kl'i 151 U M'lVg 53' 2S03 50 42' v 03 24' 1,0 21'i 4-"i hi 1H 91U l"-, bhii IVih 105 209 34.'-f N)' 10', 13'j 35 40 30 102 101 15'i 24i 102 31 133 45 47 M 30 82 U 43! 43 43 17H 62H 5SH 21H 33 23 90 00', 24'i 97 7S.'i 73 91 48)5 100 U5!t '. 18'i 15 Hlith 10 75', 70 107 18', 3S!i 111 72 53 31 62H 86H 53H 54M 10! 123!i 43M 42H 43 17Ji 63 SSI 21' 07 92i 32H 241, ni.'i 70.'i 24l 97' 7Slf 724 92 ASH 100 IIQij 12.', IS j 15 Tedav h T.ow cle. 4-1 421, 02 60Ti OH 21 1','A 86 86 SOJ 81' 105 105 85' i b0' Bond Salesmen Wanted One or two real salesmen familiar with Western and Southern Municipals and strong Corporation Issues. Excellent territory open. Commissions and drawing account commensurate with proven distributing ability. This is the right opening for the right men. B 106, Ledger Office Csn. I'arine Equip . 1D1 Lehltn rower bee. Mork S. Notes Jrl Compjijyss. 1US9 neufu I.I tht 6, 10 ID Htffi.n.1 Villty . l'4tj fir,lre 7s. 18SS :ownv( .um ; UUJ Titl JBUi. 8700 CubCdue 32)i 900 TubaCpf . 79J 1200 Den&ROpt 16', 500 DomeM .. XMi 500 KlkHF 3fi 100 Klk Hi'pl 10 .00 KineLlrar t 30 2JO lindicotU 10-1 100 Kndlcott p 105 300 Frie . 15.'j 100 Hrlc-lnpf . 244 2SJ0 Fanil'1-L 99' j 100 FedM&Spf ,lot 3-100 FIsherB 113 3100 FIskRub . 45.'i 0)0 FreeportT. 48 600 GasWIll 30 2300 GenClKar W) 100 OenOi pf 300 GenKICo 15(X) GenMot 100 GenMot p. 400 GenMileb 3SX) GoodBF 200 Goodr pf &00 GtNm pf. 1300 GNOsuba, 290 Gfanriii 1300 Has&U.ir 1400 InCopper 1500 IntConC 400 InGnn pf . 100 IntAeCh. 300 InHCnew 134 133H 133 9300 IntMM. 59'i 61 H 59'i 0900 IntMMpf 120! 122!, 1203, 120( 1500 IntN'IckoI. 20 2b 2.H 25' 1500 InPaper . 56 56'f 56', Sli, 200 ItitPptt . 76 76 76 76 10O JewelTea. 25 25 25 25 200 JonenBT.. 37 37 36U 37 1700 KellySp . 136 137Vi 135H 135K 500 KelSp8 "op 10515 105H 104!i 104'i 100 KelWheel. 64 66 66 60 1100 KenneCop. 35H 35H C500 KeyT&ll 664 667 100 KrenSH. 87 87 100 KressSHpllOa 110 000 IackStl. . b3H b3H 200 LeeR&T.. 32H 31H 300 LehVal . 49U 49, 100 L-WBIsCo 72H 70 6100 LorllP . . .218 231 100 ManShlrt 30W :j0.'f 103JS 103H 103'-i lOI'i lbfih 167H lbb's 160'7 23G'i 238K 232H 236 91H OlM Ul, Ul" 86 86 Sl R3 104H 105 bGli b6J 44.'i 42H 02W 60' I G'i 22M 26 43H 42H 01.li C0H 6h 21 26 44 42M 6l' COW h's 22' 5 In 133 GO t00 PRR 1000 TennSStl. 100 PeoG&C. . 100 PcreMarq 100 PereM p p 3500 PlerceAr. 900 PierceOII 000 PCrSl.RTl 65 100 PlttSCopf 02H 100 Plti&WVii S2IX) PondCC . 1200 IrssSC 4200 PuntaAS. 00 najConC. 000 RyStlSp . 100 Reading. . 200 Kemlntrtn. 3000 RepI&S . 100 RepMT 100 RepSt pf 57000 K05PNY. . 200 do rts. . '100 it!.-F . . 100 StI.kSw lOoO atl..swts,tp 1700 SaageA. . 74', S2 400 Saxon.Mot 2.'j 22V, 500 SeahAI. 9tj Hj 100 SeursRoeb205 201'j MO nliattuck. . l.f'j 14.', 30500 blnOil . . 60 61.' , 100 Sl-ShS&l 05 65' i 2900 .SoParitio 1W IdO'i 5 10 SrnRy 24U 25 200 SothRy pf . 601, M'i 1100 Ptronis". . . 61 05'j 000 StromCrts 9', yi, 23VX) fetudeb.. 1101 117s, 400 Studebpf. 01h 102 100 StutzMot. IM't 115 209 SupSteel. . 42 43 100 ThlrdARR 21Ji 21 lOiOTennC&C. 135 I3't 34o9 TexasCo .2651; 207ij 36J0 Tex&Pac. 49 49't 2G0O TobProd. 97H 99, 500 Transwill 571-; 114 00 TransOll. . 57W 700 UnAISll 5Hi 110 J UnFoodP. 82 200 UnFrult 2000 USIndAl 134 134.1 300 USCIP&V. 31'I 31 58 58 51: 82' i 10 74.' i 79 107 is', 3S'j 111 71 47'i 31 60 86f 76Jt 53.W 53K 10H 121 43 42.4 43 175j 63 57 21 65 92'i 32H 22h 90 C6.' 24 97 78 72 !0't 48 14 106 ,0 12Ji 1SW 15 25 77', ', 204 's 14 . 60 65M 100', 24!i 60H 041a 9 115' 102 115 42'i 21 II 261 IS' 97', 5714 57M 51 SP 10 7 " 79 107 r-h ill 711, 47h 31 60 bOi I I 5311 53." i II i Villi 43 42'j 43 17'f 63 57W am 07 021, MM 22H 90 69 24 97 78 72H I'l.'j 48)i 106 '.8 12?r lWi 15 25 81 RiiwnNniiPR i WITHOUT FEATURE 1 A'ett) York Bonds Ant;to-French Bs Fluctuations Confined to Nar row Limits Chandler Motors New Stock in Demand MARCONI OF AMERICA FIRM 9000. 1000 . ... 1000 . . . 7000 . . . 2000 1000 ... 1000 sooo . .. 19000 1000 5000 1000 10000 1000 . .. 5000 4000 . . . 1000 3000 , 5000 17000 97 1 1000 97l B 5000 . ... 97 1 Am Ak Ch deb 53 1 101)0 . 102 Am Smelt & R 6s 12000 JJ, 3000 R5M 3000 . . 85 3000 .... 85M 97 1 07H 971-, 07' 97 3 07H 07 3 97M 971, 97 1 97M 07H 97K 07h 97K 97 1 07 97 3 07M New Yorli. Pept 12 Buplnets on the Broad street Curb moved iilonu to dav in a quiet innnner, there being no special fenture of importnnee. nnil flue tuntinns in the lurse majority of Mncki were confined within narrow limitp. Stock of the nei T'nion Oil Com pany nan traded in for the first time, about .1000 .hnre fellinE durine the i forenoon nt 40H tn .t9TA. compared with Anier T 4 T Is its subscription price of 40. Chandler 1 Motors ncu Mock nttrncted attention, i because of a good increase in demand, advancing from 0fl'i to OS. General Asphalt Mas one of the strongest fea tures, advancing from fl.i to RS In dustrial Alcohol nights were traded In nt 33 to 30 There uas a large business in I'nited Retail Cand' at 24 to 23V... Marconi of America was firm, about 10.000 shnres being traded in at fi1 to Vlj Colum bia (iraphophnne ranged from 47 to 46 Indian Packing was n weak feature, falling from S'-'1, to 27 Allied Packing sold nt 55 to 54 S7M Mf S7. 87' i 871. 88 !7, R7 10000 10000 2000 10000 1MKI0 1000 1000 .'000 Am Tel & Tel Co 6a 8000. .. 100'i 1000 100;, 1000 . .100'i 1000 100', Am T & T clt 1000 S2 Armour &. Co 4V4 1000 83.' i 2000 101 1000 101 Manhattan Elev Si 10000 06H 1000 96 2090. ... 97 Mich S & Tel 6s 1000 81M Mldvale S & O 6s 3000 87! i 3000 87' 2000 . . . S7M COM R7 Mo Kan & Tex a 2000 . .. 04 Mon Power 6s 6'JOO .. ..00 -Mo Pacific gen u 1000 . ... 58 2000 58 1000 58 1000 5S 2000 . . 5R 2000 58 Mo Pac 6 of 811 4000 . 84' N O Tex & ilex is 1000 56VJ SVG1E Light 6s 5000 t7t .V Y N 11 1 H s 9fi 06 06 957i 055-j 95'j 1000 s etnn Hxploshes was V,LT,& H V "?.4 stcadv with sales nt 11 to 10V4. 1 1""- '..; m, ,. , . , , ' bOOO . iJi There was a display of strength for ucln s c 5s of 36 a time in Submarine Boat, which ranged 7000 8oJ from 1."'.. tn 10 Tobacco Products Ex- I Bait & Ohio 3',4s ports "as heavj , falling from 371.. to 1 1000 .... So.'i SCI. Cosrlen A: Co. sold nt 111. .mull MJ0U MJ 11 Morritt Oil sold at 23V, and 23 Ohio Ts A.k 11 M Coca Cola sold nt 38 to Sftifc. IMIVSTIIIAI.S Aetna Explele 0 Allied l'jrkliif . HI Am-nrlt MfK . 2 Amrlcan Marfenl U'i American WrttlliK Paper 13 Air K"!uct!nn :,7 ("atia'IHn Cir Co 3 c.tii i'Hr rfo prof Ito Cartxin M fl . . . .110 i .irwen Ttol a ("halnipr ol'lrs . i t h ml t Motors . 210 1 rei I ell . 3SS Cramp ISO i urtl.s Aeroplane . , 1'mryon Fhonoicraph . 5 Onrral Arhalt . ST Hill Slin I .... 7 He,4ii Chemical . ()'. Hupp Mnmrs . . US Indian Peck . . . 2. Infr Motors . . 7 Inter Products ... .a Inlir Rubber . . . 2" Lnl, Torpedo Boat Lfhlsh Coal Sales I.lbb MoN S. l.lbbv I ima I oro N Y Sblrbulldlnir Nortli Amer Fapr Pulp Otis EIator )l SI eel Tcerlees Motor . . . rfrcllon T R . Philip Morris . ... Poole Enjr l'res.nnn Tire Pnlt c pek SdMUd . j Pavold Ohio Scrlpps-Booth shll Trans Ptandard Motors ... Merl AI10, Submarine . . . . SuroH (-, of Amerli-a Sulfl Inter Tobiceo Products Todd Shlpbulldln Trlnnsle Film United Motors United Print Sharing: Culfd Itetill Ciindv U P &teHm.hlp World nim Wrishl-.Ma.rtln Air 49 70 close (ale) iu Ohio 69 90, OO.ij . .. 96 1)0 en ; tn ia lin 37 4SH 1 12 ao s nt, 3" 2 3 71W B 3 IS 12'fc .17 an a 2S 4 inn 11 114 300 3SN 200 n 6 Ss 1 1)'. II ' '4 40 2t 3 02 2S as Bo IV, 111 3V1 m is r,n in fin 71 . 0 s 1 12T r.9 HS 143 1 .111 STAND BO on. Illinois 110 Ohio 372 Prairie Pipe . . . JS7 Stand Oil Calif . . 211 Stan OH N J 7"i Stand (ill X Y .1'n! IMIKI'KMIKNT Oil. 8T Allen Oil Potion Wo Oil 201j 14 60 C,5i 1001, 24K 60M 61 H ub onii, ruei I 1".'.' Omar Oil Gas 1A0 Papulpa Beflnlnit Hrins till Cosden A Co Klk B.iiln Home oil Inter Petrol IMand Oil & T Clenrock oil . Houston Oil ' Merrltt Oil . . I Met Petrol Mlduent Oil Ohli, Fuel 2S Senuoiah Sinclair Oil Sinclair Oulf SouthweFt Oil I'nited Oil 102 115 43 21 i:V 2C6' 19 99W 57H 57S 61 S2 1S.1I4 iwjt. ilm' t.,i Gnldfleld Cons ...? ... . L? trx I r:nlrfnM rinrenee .oui loo?, 31H 31i . 11 . 8. . 19 . . 30 ' & 10!l . 23 . v; .173 . 23 . Bl . 7 . SO . 0 Alaska PCM. Biz Ledge Dutte New York Do, ton Mont C F S fi Jerome Con Ariz First National Fortuna Cons m MINING STOCKS '4 1SB 3S0 202 2111 KSS ami 70 2SI, lUs 0 21) 10'4 7H .1 I2n 21 24 17.1 20 7s V, .104 e0, 2o w Halt A: I 1000 . I Halt & 4000 5000 1 1000 . . I 1000 B O P T T 3VjS . 1000 . . S2.'i 4000 OO.'i 2000. 1)6?, I Cal Gas & ISIec 6s , i-juutj .... uu;a I5r00.. . . 91.U Cent Pacific 1st 5000 75 5000 74i Clics U Ohio cv S9 15000 S5H 4000 85!i 1000 8s' 1000 85i dies & Ohio 4 Vis 4000 . . 741, 1000 741, 1000 74j U2000 75M Cent Leather Ss 1000 .... 90't 4000.. .. 97 1000 97?, 5000 97 1000 . . 061, Cent 11 K of N J 59 1000 . lOOM Chi B & Q 4s 25000 95H 2000 . .. 9.1V, 1000 95,'i lnoo naif 1000 94h C & 13 HI 4s ct 4000 . . 29 C B & Q gen 3000 ... 80 Chlln Copper 6s 1000 . ... 00 Chi Hock Is Pac fd 1000 0S' Citv of Bordeaux 69 1000 . . . OO'-j City of rarls 69 76', 76'-j 76' 3 76' j 76', 7SH ll 7 7 hi 5000 5000- . 1000 1000.... 2000 . . 10000 . . . N Y Hwy 1000 12'i N Y Telephone 4 V4 2000 S5'i 3000 S6, N" Y Telephone Co 4000 9'lr, 5000 100 2000 100 Norf & West cv 6s 1000- . . .llJUi North Paclflo 4s 1000 77,'i" 2ti00 77 5000 9000. 1000. 5000 . 14000 13000. 1000 3000. 2000 77 2000 77' Ore V,'tiBh n P. Is 5000 71 Ponna en I Vis 1000 ... . Il.l'i Peo Gas & Coke of Chicago Bs 2000 70' j Pierce Oil C3 1924 1000 .1011, Paa Tel & Tel .63 5000. 'HI Pcnna 11 R Bs 1000 91', 1000.. .. 91' 0000 91', Pub Serv C .V J 5s 2000 Reading 4a 1000 20000 3000 17000 Rio O & W K H 4s 1000 56 Roch &. Pitts 1st 1000... 100', R I Arlc & L 4 Vis 2000 (ill i 10000 62 St 1 Iron & M 4s BRIEF, BUT INTERESTING ASPHALT PYROTECHNICS Striking Stories in Bank Parlors Concerning Holdings of Promi nent Interests Electro Storage at Year's Topnotch A brief but exciting pyrotechnic dis play In the General Asphalt shares, lifting the common 4 points to 88 nnd the preferrtd 8 points to 131, with the uplifting of Electric Storage Dattery to the year's top price, 100, furnished the principal events of today's local mar ket. Both demonstrations were of more than passing interest. In that It was another vivid illumination of ever-possible startling price changes where the floating supply of stock has been re duced to n minimum. It has, long been an open secret that in both Issues there has been what may be termed as a systematic, if not scien tific absorption of the stocks of both concerns. In either instance the identity of the purchasers has been cleverly concealed, although there is ample testi mony Indicating that a bulk of the stock has 'gone to New York. This is particularly true as to the Asphalt is sues. The consensus of opinion in broker age circles is that the remarkable for ward movement in the Asphalt shares is controlltd and engineered by an In fluential New York clique. This may be correct, and the movement after all maj he nothing but a speculative cam paign pure and simple. Signs, however, are not lacking to indicate there is something of far more reaching impottance behind the big rise in these shares than a mere stock ex change coup. As a matter of fact, in banking parlors there are some might interesting stnrlea ofla, .(. .1.'. o T "". vwijiriuui nir change of ownership of the Asphalt shares It credence is to be placed in some of these stories, the controlling in toM"' ..f (Icneial Asphalt hangs ou 1111 extremelj narrow balance. In truth, it U'i" 1 i lurgfl upon the ability of certain prominent local Interests to regain or maintain holdings which they ucte tempted to part with during the suift rise in the stocks and which the felt could be easily rebought when the speculative boom in the stock col lapsed. The story goes on to say that these interests sold Into a bag and did not realize the real purport of the movement until too late. How much of this stock has been .regained is a matter of conjecture. This mu'ch, however. Is evident, that In every attempt to acquire any con siderable line of stock the price is vig orously bid tip. This would suggest that whoever the new Interests are, they seem to have an astonishing knowledge of the location of the principal holdings. As most of the stock acquired during 1 the last six months has not been trans ferred the identity of the buyers still remains a mystery. The revived buoyancy of the two above-named favorites, while having a strengthening Influence upon the gen eral locnl market, failed to inject activ ity In the trading, which altogether con tinued of the same desultory character, producing only fractional shaving or plevation in prices. Philadelphia Electric continued to be well taken at 25;4. an overnight gain of Vi. American Ship retrieved all the ground lost In the early slump yester day, advancing to 30. although it Inter yielded some of the Improvement. T tilted Uas Improvement, Philadelphia Traction nnd Tonopnh Belmont were uueianged. Philadelphia Rapid Tran smit was higher, but American Gas, 00 a sale of five shares, lost 5 points of yesterday's bulge. Disappointment in the failure of the management to give more detailed in formation concerning the committee's plan for settlement of the claim of the subsidiary railroad bondholders' claim, found reflection in n fractional shading of Lake Superior Corporation to 21 Vt. Philadelphia Convpnu cuinulatlie pre ferred was fractionally lower on smnll offerings. The only strong spot in the bond di vision was American Gas nnd Electric fi, which were up 2Vt per cent. On the other hand, Pomuylvnnia Company consolidated JIU weie off 1, and the Heading general 4s 1 per cent. Phila delphia Electric os and Lehigh Valley 6s each shaded per ceut.i IIP Attractive Bonds Our September list contains 00 securities, selected from the world's most dcsjrabla financing. At current prices high-grade securities return an attractive income. Many issues are exempt from all Federal Income Tax. Ssptember offerlnc shset sent upon request for PE-24A The National Gly Company Correspondent Office In ovmr to Cities PUIiJtlpUa 1421 Cltitaai St. Atltstic City Cfeslfontt Block 1225 Botrdwslk W9I Union Oil Company STOCK A. D. CONVERSE & CO. Commercial Trust Bldg. PHILADELPHIA New York, 5 Nassau St. Baltimore, Maryland Trust Bldg. SILVER 7.1 -, Ml, SUj MARKET MUG Philadelphia Stocks FRESH INCENTIVE 2.r, AmHAI, 000 1000. St L & 1000. 1000. 5000. 2000. St L k 1000. 1000. 1000 . 10(1(1. 2001 Hi ... 93 S 1'' ino SO . .. .50 50 .l'J'f ndl 02 'i 02', r.2'. 02', . r.21 S V -t 1,4 SF is ser A :invi 1000, 5000 101)0 2WKI0 2000 10000 C M A: 3000 St OtT, . nr, Ofi'i 07 00', 1 4s 7G.H 100 USUlPpr.. 05M 6.) 05 05 1100 UnPac. . 121 t 121IJ 121 121 100 UnPacpf. fifi'j (I'l C9 G9 100 I'nRylpf . 22 22 22 2' 50000 UnltctS . OfiJi Kill, 07 101'v fiOOO USRuhh. 1 127'j 115 112'i lKI'i 7635 USnuli iim n 1H 12!i 12'j JUll UOIM'III no mi llo'v llli 07 6SJi 07 Gv -I'l'-j 4U', 49', 4fl', A 11IJ0 USKArtef .300 PSSiHp SHOO USSuel 401) USStlpf 000 Utahfop .100 Vai'arrli Onldneld Kewanns . GoldfteUl Merger . . . Green Monster . . . . Hecla MlnlnB . . . . Knue founrt Independence Lend Jerome Verde . . Jim Ilutler . . . .MeKlnlv-Dsrrann Mum, Copper Mother Lode Mines Co of Amerlcu t National Tin Nevada Hills .Nada nnde SI I 1H 15 31 H 40 4 " S(P n 4f 4l 4ii is .in 44 .11 11 s 411 4S San Tov Tonopnh Extension.. Vnltfd Verde Weft Knd Con . . "White Caps . .. 104', 104'i 10.li; 10.3. Xlnlaslnc 114',' 1141S 114", till. Hay Hercules &6'i b0), 85j ho', Sli S2. Slln SL'U 100 Va-Carpf 114h 1141 114', 114'i 2000 WabpfA 30h :i(il$ 30 .30 2,K) WelUFlA 5S 5S', 5S ,- S' i 500 WestMd 12 12J,' 12 121; 200 WestAB 112'i 114 111',' 114 2000 We3t.Mfg.54V, 54J, 54 541, .100 WeMl'nT. SO So H5 h5 1700 Wh&Li:. I4H 14lj 13', 13', 1.300 WhlteMot. 63s 05 tVl 01 3.'00 Wlllys-fJv. ,3.3f 33if ,3L", ,1.3 000 WIls&Co . 84H 85 Ki; s;ji.: 0400 WllsCorts. IH !i l), j' 1430) WorthP... 79V,' e,Vi blH 82, 200 Worth pA. 04H 04 01 1'4 Kx dividend. ''Ex rights. 2H 4.1 111 BONUS Cosden Oil Us ... .IJI Conlen tCol "J RutsUn Gov't 5Hl 40 Hueslan Gov't oH e . 4.1 r 14 U'I u 4-1 1T 104 in 42 4.1 5S ,"S 5S 5R 5S 5S w, 6000. 5000 . . . 6000 . . . 10000 . . . 1000... 1000... 1000... 5000 . . . 1000 .. 2000... . a't SeabrU Air Line a 1000 IP, So Pan 4a 1000 71 4000 .... 71'j So Pao cV Is 3000 ,S2 So Pao fd 1000 . . . . 77i So Pao cvt 5s 0000 102A .,000 10.3 So Po Sugar 5a 1000 To South Rail 4s 35V, fill 87 110 H2 3li 49i 70 301 17 h 70i 40 35ij 0.31, S7 110 S2' 31 4UJ 0 FOREIGN EXCHANGE New York. Sept. 12. The foreign MONEY-LENDING RATES NEW YORK Money on cull, both mixed collateral and all-induMrin.1 col lateral, opened today nt 0 per cent for lendlnc and renewing. An easier tone wa discernible in the money market today. Money was in plentiful supply on call nt the quoted exchange market opened steady for ! rates and, although there was no pres- sterling, and unchanged from the pre liminary quotations. On the other hand, Trench exchange sure nf time funds, accommodation was easily obtained at 0 per cent. Prime bank acceptances nre less ac- was slightly better than the forecast '!" owin" to thr pr frnt c?" mnne.v rate and quotations are diicmingeo. In prime rnerrantile paper, there is only a moderate volume of business owing to the scarcity of offerings. Dis count rates are unchanged at ft (ft ft 14 per cent. Call loans on prime bank acceptances btand at 4 per cent. at R.fiO for cables and R.ftl for checks. Italian exchange was under the preliminary figures at 0.75. for ca bles and 0.76Vi for checks, a loss of 2 points from yesterdaj's finals. Neutral exchanges were steady as follows Swiss rabies fS.GO. checks 5.(12; gull 1700 MaxMot.. 47,' 48 800 MaxMlitp. 80 801,' 1100 MaxM2dpf 10' 40 .31200 MexPet. 205 211' 205M 100 Miamit-i. ii(j -i -1 3200 MldSteel 51K 5Hf 100 MoKan&T 12V, J2H 200 MoK4Tpf 18 18 800 MoPao 275f U7i 200 MoPacpr. , rlflM 46H 100 Mont Pow C2JI 02 200 NatAcme, SM 137 sai). KatAna... 48 tw-JSH "-1 ' u ..... Bafa 1 . . Ll IWt I V , HVH Hi fil 12H 18 27 46W 62H 36H 4SH 22R'f 0fr rab1es .17 Ti-in, checks .TM,4 ; pesetas cables 1(1.1.1, checks 10.10; Stockholm cables 24..K), checks 24.3.1; Christianla cables 23.10, checks 22.0.1 ; Copenhagen cables 22.2.1, checks 22.10; Belgian cables 8..12. checks 8.B3V4 ; marks, nominal, at 3.fi03.0.1 ; ruble notes, en tirely nominal, at 4- Shortly after midday, sterllnr be- cam firmer beln quoted al 4.1TJ4 (or cables, 'ins senr. quocaiion pi marfcn is being shaded. Otherwise, tho mi 1r. tAVul Tliet AT'Slik feSfllw. " """- TT. WK t li.-,.-, u...... i . ...jf 30.U 47', 70!( 40 207H 27 51H 121J 18 27K 40H 02U 30H ASM PHILADELPHIA Call, SfttgiS per cent; time, (Hi (710 per cent; commer cial paper, three to six months, .lffj 1?i per cent, and six months, G per cents. LONDON Money is quoted at A per cent. Discount rates, short bills, 3 7-lfl33 Vr cent; three-month bills, 3 016(3 per cent. t BANK CLEARINGS Bank clrtn todssr compared with cor- Tesponainc T;.fl"l('-y. f J,t"' C M & St P cv 4Hj 1000 74.'. CM M & St P 3b 2000. . . 57 2000 . . 70 C M A: St P fd 4i4s 0000 no 1000 .. 05 Chi M & St P Bs cv 2000 . . 75H 0 f C & Si li 4s 1000 03 li Col & South 4 'is 3000 . 7S', Comp Tab II Ba 1000... . S8 Con Oas Co c-v 10000. .. 100'i 1000 . . 1001, Corn I'rod 5s of 34 1000 ... 100i lien & R G con 4s 2000. .. G5!, Doni Can 6s 19J1 2000 04Ji 1000 .... 045i 2000 . . . 05h .,000 05 limn Can G3 1326 1000 . .. 05 3000 . .. 04..-I-iint Can 5s 1921 2000 .. . OS!-, Duluth Imp K 5s 2000. .. P3H Ile gen lien 7000 51 P.ri It it cv A 1000 43JS Krle It R 4s 2000 fil.'v II T V i: (1 It It en 200O . 00 III ( Vnt 4 of 53 reg (,000 GOJ, ImlUna Steel 3000 04 III Cent 1,0 3 Via 5000 108 Inl Hap Tran fd SOOd 05h 10000 65 10 100 (15 5000 64!f 20000 041' 4000 04!f Interboro Met Wa 6000 31M 25000 31W Gen Electrlu.5i 1000 05H 2000 95K 1000 05 Illinois Steel 4 Ma 2000 .... 85M Iowa Cent 4b 2000 43 Imp J O 2d 8s 0000 31i O B & West Ity 5000 6 1000 55 Lehigh Valley 8s 2000 101M 1000...... 101 TODAY'S RANOB IN UnEKTY IIOKDS Sc ft 0 Liberty Bonii in the Stock JSt diaoe corn (Hferest to dnte of gate. 'Ih teller receives that Interest in addition to the tale pries 0 n to". v "'VI I-3M ? Ulil.1, 2000 04 2000 Hi 2000 fil ,3000 04 1000 0.3', 1000 ... 64 200O 3.3.'i 21000 3.3' j Third Am adj 1000 3IM United Klne "19 5000 !)9J U K of G B & 1 21 1000 OS'i 1000 0XJ OKotaiiii BV4s 1937 1000 on 1000 .-. 00 SOOO 06 6000 00 1000 06 10000 06 2000 06 5000 05J, 10000, 06 Union PdcIRo c 1000 S3 5000 83'a Union Pacific Is 1000 KM 1000 S3'i U H Rubber 6s 10(X) S7M 1000 S7H 3000 87H 1000 n7a 7000 , S7? 2000 '. 87.', U S Smelt Os 000O. . ..102'i U S Steel Ca 1000 100 1000 09U 1000 09, 1000 onii 1000 100 1000 00)i Utah Power & I, 2000 OO'i 1000 h5,N Wabash 2d Ca 1000 81 Wilson Co cv 3000 07i 1000 07Jf 7000 07s 1000 07H 1000 07H 1000 07j 10000 07H' Wilson & Co lat 1000 100 'Steel Confident Harmonious Relations Will Be Restored Be tween Capital and Labor DIMINISHING DEALINGS New York, Sept. 12. The New York Hvenins Sun's closinj; linnucial review today says : Today's stock market session was I important onlj in so far iim the sta bility of prices served to indicate the confidence of investors nnd specula tors that hiiimnnious relations will he restored between capital nnd Inbor with out the occurrence of violent disturb ance. It is the libor upheaval which hn been inilitiiting ngninst quoted values for some weeks nnd while this consider ation is still one of the main forces overhnngiiig the mnrkct the street was more hopeful on this score today thnn it has been for some time. In fart, it is possible to find business lenders who will welcome the culling of 11 strike of steel employes, so sure nre thev that the union" cumiot suc ceed in this instance and that their defeat will ( heek further ngitation. While the trading element wns in a fnlrlj cheerful frame of mind today respecting the utnikct outlook, there . ii..,rtieii'sv, n noticeable contrac tion in the nliime of business done, nnd ... . vi.r mil miiu'd t:ir in either direction. The market did little more than mark time most of the session nnd for this reason wns a rather uninteresting affair. There was little news of general bear ing on securities nnd just at present traders are awaiting day-to-day de velopments for n cue, aggressive opera tions were lacking. NEW YORK COFFEE MARKET New Yorli. Sept 12, Prices in cof fee futures broke further Into new low ground nt the opening today, with De cember touching 14,0.1; March, 14.S0, nnd Mn . 14 70, or -10 to .1(1 points be low the previous close. Around 11 o'clock the list developed a better undeitone and recovered about HO points finm the low of the morn ing, December selling up to 15.20 and March to 1.1.10. Selliug pressure seemed to be less" In evidence, with hear operators in clined to wait fresh developments in the prlnuirv markets. Thr local spot market was reported quiet, unsettled nnd prices purely nom inal around 17 cents for flio 7s, 204 AniStores. . 175 AiiiShlp&C. 0 Am (las 30 ComTlst p 54S5 HlecStor .. "00 CenAsph.. 15 CenAspf. . 10 InC.VA .320 LnkcSwC. 6)3 pnn 5 PhlCeu pf. WO Phils HI... .305 PRTtrcfs. S PhllaTra . 4 Read 1 pf 10 TenthSl.VB 1.30 a TonopBel. . . :j'J S5 I'nTrnc. . . . ,'IH,' 174 PCI f,(,5 0 I'nCos.VJ . .195 .30.l CSSteel. ..104 ".Net rhantfe mrle b 36' , 32 Is .30' 1 . 55 125 103 . 00 .1.32 . 30 - 21.',' . . 43',' . 31!, -OS, 26H .3; Net I,n. t'ln eni;, 36'j .30'2r s, 32h 3." , '.','- '.OH .30.1,4-1 55 55 -5 125 125 08 103 t4, 5 80',5H 120 132 4-9 ?0 .30 -1 21 '.1 - j 43 43.K- ! 34 34 - .1, 2.'f 25'f 'i 26 20.'.' K 6Vi fi.Vf 37 37 130 130 - y, m 3'i 3b! i .38! ( OS OS - -, 1115 105 in:-'! 104 - ', ttimpiriin with lust sale on .New York stuck Kxrhdiitse, Snles In 1 10(10 IKIMIS Net HIkIi l.o, t lne ehce. 3 Amri&i:5s . . S6 SO 81 4-2K 2 I.eh V6s'28 Hll'j K)'. 10H5 ', 1 I.-hVnl cons Us I00 100.', KlO.'i i I.lbBdsSdl'is- 05 05 95 4-10 1 PnCoCtclVis. 03'i (I3W 03'j-l', lPRROenDs .. ui'j OIWOM, i I II 1 11. ( 1 si ls MWi 4 ReadlnKcenls. S1'4 1 ReadlngT 5s 101', Odd lots. 1909 . Today $0.52 1.13 A silver mine in one of the richest camps in the U. S. was worked until panic of 1907, when finances forced former owners to stop. Location: Directly between two active operations. An attractive proposition for a few substantial investors or a, syndicate. A 310, Ledger Office 0.1 11.3',- !i M'j M'il 101, 101'i Charters Filed Dover, Del., Sept. 12. Charters filed todii) were- Mexican Seaboard Oil Cnnipnn IflOO.OOOO.OOl). To pur chase, lease, hold nnd own nil and gas wells and to develop same. L. 11. Phil lips. A. .T. Kingsburj. local Dovoc. Del., incorporators. Detroit Pressed Steel Company. $10,500,000, to 111:11111 factnre. purchase and den! in and with automobile frames, wheels, etc., Hobert It. Hoyt. Oross P.irk. .Michignn : Curl H. I..'1'llutcrmuun, Itu'dolph P. Flint snnnn, both of Detroit, Michigan. A GRAPHIC CHART OF LIBERTY BONDS TELLS AT A GLANCE THE PRIN. CIPAL FEATURES OF THE SE.VERAU LIBERTY LOAN ISSUES. AN IIM. VALUABLE AID IN MAKING OUT INCOME AND SURTAX REPORTS. SENT FREE ON REQUEST. BAKER, AYLING & YODNG LAND TITLE BUILDING BOSTON PHILADELPHIA HIGH GRADE HIGH YIELD RAILROAD BONDS LIST ON REQUEST MARTIN & CO. 1411 WALNUT ST. rixANri j. NOT1CK TO TIIK HOT.TIKKS (IF OEVeHaT mortsjite Inrome bonus nf the Centrsl New Eniliind KsIIhrt Compsnj. serurNl b cenrriil niortKiiRe to the Kidellt, In nirnnre. Tni;t anil Safe Deposit Comnunj SJ .,",S,nV. of hnalilsla. dated JnmiarJ- Notice Is hereby Blven that the Directors of the Central New England lUllway Com pjn have. In .uro-flnnc lth ihe terms of the mortBage K'furlnir tin linmls ile. ffJkSnV n11 n? orel.irej nfty dolUru (nn.nn as the In.tvnient ef Interest on each of said bond", for the year endlnir on the first dav nf Jui. imp Said Interest ll b? paid by checks to the rr,?1",'."''! "n of the b'.lids uron the Tidellty Trust Coranvn of the , It. if I'hllj. delnhlH The- eie. ks ll . miljeil 10 t.e address of the registered owners It ap pars on the books of the company as of rtentember 30th, 1911). Ily order of th, Dlreclors of the Central New England llnlluay Cnmmiij A B. C'l.Artrf. T.easurer U. S. Liberty Bonds $50, $100, $1000 iinrr.HT. soi. i) llF.rOMMKNIlF.O rim invkstsif.nt Newburger, Henderson & Loeb 1410 CHESTNUT ST. Member N. Y. 4 Thlln. Mock llrclianres S'rrposnli YeHtirilax's Todas's 1100 cloMe oncn a. in. September . 11 IH I110 T'eeeniber ... .1.131 M4 10 34 90 March . .... 1.1 VM H 1.0 14 mi .May 1.1 VI) M4.70 14 7.1 Julv M4 7.1 Bid lOfV.So 1 in Low n. m. Lib Bonds 3 . . . .100.00 OO.Ofl 00.08 Lib Bondu 1st At , . 04.84 04,80 04,80 Lib Bond 2d 4 . . 03.10 03.02 03.08 Lib Bond 1st 4V., 03.80 03.00 05,00 Lib Bonds 2d 4 V, ,. 03.23 03.02 03.18 Lib Bdndu 3d 4Vt ' 03-28 0B.18 05,20 j y,,w y,i:.i m,w n I'lfio iw,7H att;n , 7S fl.W flfllM- Ti " '" TJ B 7-r. . !. Lib BiMMifl 4tb Vic Ntf VH, lYlr ) n 4 Liverpool Cotton Liverpool, Sept. 12. There was a fair detnnnd for spot cotton today with prices firm on tho basis of an odvance of 2." points for Middling nt 17.85d. The sales were fiOOO bales. The re ceipts were 22.000 bales, including 12,300 bales American. Tutnres were steady in the early dealincs. Spot prices were: American, middling fair. 20.3nd; good middling, lS.IWd: fully middling. 18.45d; middling, 17.8Tid ; low middling, 10d; good ordinary, 14.35di ordinary, 13,R2d. African Gold Coming to America London, Sept. 12 Oold valued at Rr.(U)ti(i, wntcli is half a shipment Just received from South Africa, has been sold lor snipment to America, the price including th" commission being ninety shillings four pence half penny per ounce. This Is 15 per cent above the Bank of Kngland's ordinary buying rate. OFFiri! (IF TIIK M'rKniNTKMlKNT OF 1TBI.10 OKOVNIIS AND IlI'Il.DIVr.S OF THF. ('(IMMf)MVKAI.TII OF I'llNN. SVI.VAN1A, CAFITOI. IIL'lI.DIN'd. II.tt HISIUKd. PA. NOTIC1! TO CONTRACTORS Healed proposal!! eeeompanled by a cheek on a solvent bank or trust company, dub fortified hi n nroner officer thereof In lh. sum of twenty-five thousand (125.000) dolUrs, ns a propositi iruanniy, win De received at ths otflcs of the .Superintendent of Public Clrnurids and Pulldlnirs of th Commonwealth of Pennsylvania at Harrlshursr. Pa., until 10 a. m. on Tuesday, Mtptrmbrr 23. lDIB, for the construction of the ROMUKRjt AND fAII.OR8 KMUItlAI. llRIDOi: sloni Capl. let Park V tustoii anl Stato street, Harris, bur. Pa. BprcMrntlnns plans, proposal and contract forms are on file and can be seen In the office of the Superintendent, at Ilarrlabure, the office nf the Chief Enclneer In Haiti, more und the office of the Architect In New York, nnd eontractoia ma' obtain sets of the same by depositing $W0 for each st llh the P'lperlntendent. This deposit will be refunded upon return of the sets ulthout marking, d'snrurrrnent or other damagce within ten ds after he award of th contract. The rlnht Is res.rved to reject anv or all proposals or parts thereof Dv order of the IIOAHTi OF rOSfMIR. FinNKRfl OF Plim.IC (IROI'NDS AND ni'ii.niNaH, coitMOf wnAint ok pknn. SYI.VANIA. 1,. V JIITCHKIA.. T. W TKMPI.KTON, Heerctarv, Huperlntendeut. ARNOLD W. nnUNNKft. Architect. 101 Park avenue. New Tork city, .1. F.. OREINKR CO . TCntlnxrs Fidelity Wd- Ttaltlmore. Md CHICAGO PUTTER AND EOQS Ohl. Pept. ,. Bt'TTRg--JUc4lU. Jilt" """, rixtrai m ,siu. ItMkri secondsi 74Ve. tr'i, -'?. '. e.,12.'!" IJtT tiRary orate, hvih psimscmk ul v - ... . V1"I,M .. 4SWi tie. 7 i HEALED PR0PO8ALB will bs open.d by the Hunt of Llshthouses. Ttaltlmore. Mil.. 2 o'clock p. m Sept. 32. 1010. for furnlshlne and niacin riprap atone around Wad Point I.ixn, Wilton, n. . ininrmaiion upon ap plication to thr abovn Sunt. Hpeclal Meethigs ,rS 0T1C1. 1 ut a Hpeclal Mrstlna- of th. Block. holders or tht Drovers ana lurrrnants Rank. AVKUSl. JU1U. a. .4000 shares out- IIKHKIIY (IIIKN THAT hl nn th. 2lBt 4.ay Of uhlph ASnT shares of ths standing wr prssent. either In per sou r by proxy, ana town, a rr.oiuiiort aumoriA- convsrt ths Drovers a, ntiuiHl wist, ism FINANTIAI. Dividends Ine and dlrectln tb Directors and Offlesrs of thJ Bn to Msrelwnts Vnk t iiMl thf sHJ the U wr JIM muttUt nss it 1 ., ATfOW L"' .. rsfeM,arv ,II,,F wnrufMiin e, nnudn ,f u. Philadelphia., P. Heplember 10. Jl., The Dlietftr hy feels rod ,kh fefun Edw.G. BuddMfg.Co. 1st Mtg. 6s Due Aug. 1, 1924 and 1929 100 and Interest, to Net 6 Free of Normal Tax Free of Penna. State Tax Townsend Whelen & Co. 50S Chestnut Street $50 $100 LIBERTY BONDS nncmiT and soi.n Biddle & Henry 104 SOUTH FIFTH STREET .1 Members rhllsdelphla Stock Exrange 4.MF.KICAN CAK I nil'NnilV COMPANY New York, Hepteniber 4, 1010. PREFF.nRKD CAPITAL STOCK DIVIDEND NO. H2 t i,.Mn.( nf nn nnil ,liree nnnrtera rep cent tl on "le Preferreil Stock of thll Company nas tnia oav ueen ueciarcu, p7hui 'IVednei.du,, October I, 101V, tu stockholder of record at the close of business Monday, Hcptemher IB. 1IH0. Cberka will be mailed by tha Guaranty Trust Company of New York. H 8. Del.ANO. Treasurer. H C. WICK, Hecretary. AMr.IUCAN CAR Fni'MHIY COJIPAMT New York. Heutember 4, 1010. COMMON CAPITAL MTOCIC DIVIDEND NO. A quarterly dhldend of three per ee (i) on the Common Htock of this Company has this day been declared, pavbts Weuneft day, October 1, lplO, to stockholders of reo ord at the clone of business Monday, Srrr temher IB, HUH. Checks will bo malted hy the Guaranty Trust Company of New Tork. S. 8 DeLANO Treasurer. It. C. WICK, Secretary. THE BI.KCTKIO bTOKAUK U-lTTEBY COMl'AI,, Allccbcny Aenu and 10th Strsst. Philadelphia. Sept. S. 1C1B. 'rh'Dlrrrtors have declared a dividend or Tvt Dollnrs (g,oo) pr share from ths.nst will u- malted WALTER O, HENDERSON, Tress. OIUARD TRTRT COMPANY At a meatlnir of th noard of Manager, held this day e. qunrterlv dividend ef Nine 111'.) Per Cent was declared, payable on October I. 1010, to stockholders of record on the books c' 'he Company at ths closs at business September IB. loto, Checks will be mslted. OEOROE JI STUART Sd, . Treasurer, Phtlsneipnia. ,-a,, prptemoer ll. ini. kll w -V OttftTiVMir Uiifim Vf'rl Jin III lMW sseaea ee, ew"iw I, '? ait nistrsu4! n fA - Traaeurti.