-v- 21 Jj SHORTENS REMARKABLE ATGH IN NINTH FRAME SHORTENED MACK'S RALLY AGAINST DETROIT H i EVENING-' PUBEXO LEDaE.VpHIEABELPHiA, FRIDA.Y, SEPTEMBER 12, 1910 lv SHORTEN PREVENTS UPRISING OF MACKS Chick SticJts Digits in Way of Burrus's Drive and Stops Another Ninth In ning Rally by Athletics BOB HASTY IMPRESSES Hy EDWIN J. POLLOCK TP THERE had been n little more lift to til wnliop off the bat of youtiR Mr. Burrus yesterday there might have been another story to tell of our A's rising In the Intc minutes of the pns tlmlng and smiting the enemy at the Shlbe recreation center. Mr. Burrus was ipscrted Into the proceedings after Anio's Strunk. who was Dugan's proxy, had singled ntirt Lirwton Witt, who pinched for Dykes, hiyl sacrificed. Dick caught one of Ehmke's pitches just where he could put the1 might of his shoulders behind it. He gave it a ride to right field and it looked as if it was going to bore through the fence, but it got no farther than Chick Shorten'' glove. Mr. Shorten plays .n very fleet and wift game in right for Detroit, and he ran backward faster than most folks can run forward. He got his digits on the sphere as it was speeding over his head and the Mack menace wns stopped. It was only a matter of about six inches that prevented a repetition of tho rally that thrilled the fortunate few on Wednesday. If the drive liad been sjx inches higher the fence would have been in for a lot of punishment and the old ball game would probably have gone to the rookies. Hasty Not Hasty CMACIC sprang another one of his youthful (lingers Fnnred from the Atlanta club on the fnhful nud again a recruit made good. It was not alto gether Itob Ilasty's fault that the Tigers copped the final of the scries by 3 to 2. The fact is that Hasty pitched a very impressive ball game. True enough, he got away to a bad start nnd allowed a pair of runs to trinkle over the disc in the first, but thereafter he was ns steady as the City Hall clock. He per mitted only eight bingles nnd outside of the first kept them well scattered. Also it might be mentioned in passing that he fanned Ty Cobb, which is some thing for a recruit to do on his first day out. This Hasty lad is built on generous lines. He had on Scott Terry's uniform and he crowded it all out of propor-. Hon, which is Eomc feat for a normal human being. He has six feet three inches of height and nbout 200 pounds, also a fast ball, a slow ball, a curve and good control. But his name is nil wrong. When he's not on the hill he's ns hasty as an As bury Park accommodation train and he looks as ambitious as a conductor on any line after 2 a. m. He's a typical southerner. Sox Here Today TTACK is getting so many ball players " that he's kept busy finding work for them. There's not- enough room on the bench, and the overflow is taken care of In the bull pens in left and right field. The bench is the only thing that's been crowded this year at Shibc Park. A new job has been discovered for Up-lo-Mbmtc Marks of Leading Batters AMKKICAN I.KAdl'K (i. a. n. it. it. r.c. e-ol.1.. Drfrnlt Ill 4411 IS 171 .SSI Inckson, (lilt-urn 120 4ns 71 HWS .X.VI nrJl, Detroit 125 417 7S 1(1(1 .31S SIsllT. SI. Ixillld HI) 4.V H 1S .34(1 rrrkintmuBli. X. Y. . 100 3tMJ S3 12S .333 NATIONAL IJiAOlT. O. A. II. It. If. r.c. rn-tU tMillni1lnhtfi. HO 213 33 72 .333 llMlfth, Clnrlnntl... J22 407 (17 1411 .31l (iroh. ClnrlnnMl. . . - 1l 410 78 m .307 HornVbj-, SI. I-rniln. . 123 4JJ r,7 130 .3O0 MetiMl, Philadelphia. 131 475 59 145 .305 Oeorgc Burns. Ths Tioga boy stands in front of the right-field bleachers nnd shouts instructions to the new out fielders concerning the correct places to await hits from the different bat ters. The work is so tedious that two others arc assigned to help him. To Ctiach West Philly NEW COACHES FOR YALE Lauder and Hunter Will Assist Dr. Al Sharpe Now Haven, Conn., Sept. 12. Two assistant coaches to Dr. Albert H. Sharpe, Talc's new athletic director, were announced today by the Tnlo Ath letic Council. They are William Lau der for the baseball team and Talbot Hunter for the soccer, hockey and la crosso teams. Hunter, who is a Canadian, coached the same teams at Cornell and Lehigh. Lauder has been Yale's baseball coach for two Fcasoiis. His appointment dis poses of the rumor that Doctor Sharpe intended to officiate as Yale's baseball coach, a position he held at Cornell. HONOR ROBERT LESLEY Phlladelphlan Elected Second Vice President of Seniors New York, Sept. 12. A large num ber of the members, ns well as the visiting Canadians, were on. hand for the annual meeting of the Seniors' Oolf Association last night, nt the Apawamis Club, Rye, N. Y., where the Seniors' nnuual competition is held, nt which time the following new officers were elected: Honorary treInnt. Horace Tj. Jfotchklss. Hyp. N. Y. : president Frnnk Presbrev, New Yolk: first vice president, Judcr V. O. Henderson, Columbus. O. ; Becona vice- presi dent. Kohert M. Lesley. Philadelphia: treas urer, Joseph A. Flynn. New York, secretary. AW H. Hate. New York. Hoard of director. for three vears: James lfarber. Nder York; wintam viara. westerly, it. I.: i nnries Hathaway. New York: J. W. Herbert. N-.w York: Alexander H. Ilevell. Chicago: vice chancellor. - v. Mtevena, aiorrlstown: h, Charles Welsh. New York, njid Colonel A S. Worthlnuton. Washington. HARROWGATE IN NEW YORK Kensington Team to Play Treat 'Em Rough Nine Sunday New York, Sept. 12. Following his plan of signing only the best of the enstem somiprofessionol teams, Ouy Kmpey yesterday clinched n double -header with the strong Harrowgate nine of Philadelphia, to be played next Sun day afternoon at Dyckmnn Ovnl, near tho Dyckman street subway station, against the "Treat 'Em Hough" team. It will bo the Quaker City team's first appearance in this city. Poll Perritt, Jeff Tesrenu, Marty Walsh nud Marty Knvanaugh, all for mer major league players, will be in the local team's line-up. The first game will tnke place at 2 o'clock. -i - ffmcM BfcTff 5 DAlfllMKIt STAXnAWP SHOES -5-T WbB 'l. Ill n: You Get Incomparable Value ALWAYST-at Dalsimer's THIS genuine calfskin j fT shoe for Men id f $7.50 "Jv i X ?:- J7St S to 11, AA to E j&s&Z Dark tan or k'ack .rfiS English, medium i or broad toe. We are In Business to Make a Profit But Not to Profiteer. We Sell Shoes for Men, Women and Children on the Most Closely Calculated Margin Compatible With Business "Overhead" and a Firm Foundation .Underfoot. We Watch Markets Vigilantly and Give to Our Customer's Every Economy That Fore handed Purchasing Secures. We Urge Comparison of Our Values. Tkimmm 'TIS A FEAT TO FIT FEET 4 1204-06-08 Market St PENN LOSES STAR MINORS ARRANGE SERIES BACKFIELD PLAYER International, Coast and American Association Winners to Meet Inillaimpolls, Sept. 12. --Under ten tative plans announced hero yesterday by President Thomas J. Hlckey, of the American Association, the winner of the association pennant will play the champion t the Pacific Coast League. nud the association team which finishes! second will play the llnltiiuore team hich has the International league cmiaiit sowed up. Original pinna had called for post eason series in which the chnmpions of tho three leagues were to meet. The change in plnns, Mr. Ilickey mid, wns the result of the difference in closing dates of the lengue seasons and the dlsi inclination of Mlko Kelley, manager of the St. Paul club, American Asso ciation leader, to make the long jump from St. Paul to Ilaltimorc and thencd to the Pacific coast. Joo Heinzelman, Eligible for Football Here This Year, Re-enters Lehigh BLOW TO QUAKER ELEVEN J. HOWARD HRKKY Former Perm footOall captain, who will coach (lie grinders nt West Philadelphia High ifriiool this sea- SOBl Scraps About Scrappers BOXING nt the Cainlltia indoor club tonight. For the llrtit time in a couple uf months the Kensingtoiiinns will collect under n root! to view some boxing struggles. Protuoter Johnny Hums will present Jnc Ward, the Kliznbcth, N. J., bank c'lork, against Kddie JIcAndrews, the Mn nayuuk hur ricane, in the wind-up. The other Cambria bouts follow: Willie McClockcy vs. Jimi iy Drown; See Snw Kelly vs Geot.ve Wnrd; Young Kilpntrick vs- Kid L&mis, and Frauklo May vs. Tommy Clea ry. Tht Nntlonnl A. A. will stacx its opening program tomorrow nlsht with Tn.'ry JlRrtln. 5?" I,ltcst,1fthelirtit headllnor-, opposing Kr.Ji, '". ".1:0"n. tha ruuBfd New York lnil. ilartln Ih the hov who handed Joej J:'ox such a reul surprise In Iioslon a few w.ka obo. 'w'.V ,Vl'lll'r' will bo sent nd.itns "Hr-n-VLJi !.on '" 'J10 iwton of Johnny liuff. of A, .? ln ,he National semlwIni'-WP. In i.nn)?thi'il-i1,'!"1,''-wi"l' Hannon b-ttl.s' Loui siana. AMilley PiiiBMriiM encaiies AlIeitown Dundee, and Al Hell meets Mlko JUVioney. . I'romolrr I'liU (llasMiinn. who ha 'l the rnurasa to call off the shibo I'ark oih'.ii air show rather than send in n. llnck .if sub- slltutes. said csterday that he would, not icnst T away IJ.nny .Mc.N.lli. the KnBlUh bantam, win ?ie 5,.?B!1r,,",i nt ?. '""aire party tonight. HeV i . ...mi . ' . ODI. "unnls and Jack 11a ..;, i. !', ' ' rarty. i-reddy has Kilhie1;'.,xinB flol,i an'' now ' 1" Inn Tj n eh nini 7V.ii.tt- xv. ...in i.. !..!, .or ?0'1 "? season In Daltlmore on, ..V. '""" loiiimiL wnen tney engagn In ih. S,'1,;1"1 u.nwe. Jonnny Tjman ami 1' rankle nice are duo to clash In n ten round semiiinal. l'rnk O'Brien will ref erte tho bouts. Snllor-Jfnrliie rniro.kpy. the former Call fornlan light hcavvwclsht. may make Ills stnrt in a bout against K. O. llrown In lie. trolt next month. The sailor-martne Is still ?,?ini? his tralnlnir at Philadelphia Jack 0 IJrlcn's health studio. .To llurmnn finally ha been named to appear In tho wind-up at the second show at the Olympla on Monday nlsht when he faces Pllly llevans. the Wllkes-llarre entry. Hurman camo east to battle Joe Lynch, hut the rnlllmc olf of the Shlbe I'ark show made l'urman ao.llablo to face the rueged l)c ans. Yoiinc MrOinerii. the lianl-hlltlnu T'ort Klchmonl bantam, will bo seen In the semi final ak'alnst. YounR Montreal, of Providence Hattling Leonard meets 'Joe liorsev In the third bout. The other bouts follow : llobbv Doyle vs. Little Hear, and VounB l'uck 1 lemtng s. Hob Hurman. . -"" ..siiMutij- nut ne wouia. iiui Io to start west with Tendler until, at Tuesday. The p.ir probably wlii. be about two months. t in Pcnn may hnve n wonderful back field this fall, but there is one young man who will not be wearing n Hcd nnd Dlue jersey. That young mnn is Joe Heinzelmnn, football player extraordi nary, who, it was reported, would play for Pcnn. It was stated this morning, In a dispatch from Itethlehcm, that Heinzel man suddenly hud decided that he would not re-enter Pcnn, but instend return to his first love Lehigh. Last fall Ilelnzelmnn attended Lehigh ns an S. A. T. C. student for several weeks. Around tlie middle of January ndn zelmnn, quite unannounced nnd unher alded, appeared on the Pcnn campus and stated thnt he was n Penn student. Play football? Surt he intended to try for the Pcnn team. Dy then now rul ing made to fit to war conditions Hein zelman would be eligible for varsity ball. All wns serene in the Penn camp. Yesterday Heinzelman enrolled ns n student at L6high nud will report on the opening day of football practice. Another well-known athlete to enter Lehigh yesterday wns Harry Itote, of Harrisburg. Last fall Itote played quarterback on Howard Berry's Camp Hancock eleven which played on Frank lin Field. Eastern Travelers' Boxing Bouts The Eastern Travelers' Club amateur boxing bouts resulted as follows : 105 class: Kddie Nealey bent Dick Walsh in three rounds. Mnt Dechtcr bent Johnny Mnuser in three rounds. Steve Drown beat Jimmie Darling in one round. 110 class: Young Xendell beat Thomas Hicks in four rounds. II." class: Deuny Link bent Young Phillips in three rounds. 120 class: Ynnkce Swartz beat Frank Pierce in four rounds. 1.13 class: Kid Dnker beat Joe Hol loinn in three rounds. OTHER SPORTS ON PAGE 22 Rostafng Joins Anchor A. C. New York, Sept. 12 A J Ttostalnc, the New Vork A (' distance runner hns sev ered his athletic affiliations with this cluti nnd will represent the Anchor A, C . of Jersey 1'ltv In future open races TODAY at ftAVRE DE GRACE 7 Races Daily Including a Steeplechase Sn.tcial Pennsylvania Hailroad trajiM leaves 12:34 P. M, West Phila delivlua, 12:33 P.M., direct to course. ADMISSION Grandstand and Pnddrcfr, $1.65. Ladies, $1.10, includ ing wut tax. First Race at 2:30 P.M. :M. & H. SELL IT FOR LESS: eason lor Wild Duck, Geese and iranf Opens Tuesday iVit Yr I in PennsyK-2' in, October 16 in New Jersey and October 1 in Dela ware. Season for Jack or Wilson Snipe opens Tueaduy. and season for Ruffled Grouse, Qrya" Ring-neck (English, Chinese and Mongolian) Pheasant opens O ".t.ober 20. Rabbit season starts NtW ember 1. The great hunting seasiui is almost upon us with its great cjutdoor thrills of pleasure, and Here are the Shotgun Bargains for It Prices Cut y3 io y2 This is a special list, consisting of high-grade She tauns brought from our former store. Some of these have been sligbttly scratched on the barrel, others are slightly dented on the stocks vm the moving, out are otnerwiss periect. $12 Shotguns,. now $8 Single barrel. Unly a few. 3-Section Shotgun Cleaning Rod, yfflC Includes 3 brushes. Loaded Shells, Ver 100 Smokelcsa powder. $4 $46 Rep'ting Shotgun, $3b $166 Parker Bros. Shotgun, $90 Double barreled, hand somely engraved. $48 Ithaca Shotgun, $34 Double-barreled hainmerless. Heavy Duck Levins 75c 10-llors IlotltiU-1). Shotgun, $16.50 r'So kind yovu will pay 11 vC'O and 2 ifre. Wilt last for yeal y. Catchesol BIG FISH Beink Reported in M. & H. 5th AnnutVl FISHING CONTEST Here is a lS-lb.-2-oz. Flounder caught by John F. Hcilmanrx, of 2iSS N. Front St., president of the Kensington Fishing Cluby, at Anglesea; a 45-lb. Stingray caught off the pier at Sea Islf City by D. Cinni, of 1126 South 9th St.; an lS-inch BrounX Trqut caught by (7. D. Evans, of Lansdale, Pa., at Valley Forge; an 85-lb. Cow Nose Ray Fish, captured at Tuckerton, N. J., by IL R. Hillcgaa, of -718 Cherry St., and many others of similar kind. The fishermen of Philadelphia and nearby points are sending in the reports of their catches, and all are hopeful of winning ojtoof the 22 PRIZES VALUED AT $300.00 offered to Btimulategfointerest in thm healthful open-air sport. PlenWof Time Left for You to Win One of the 22 Prizes Valued at $300 Call or Write for Particulars No Obligation gjjjpi fa cap gp !E1 RmpsHwirziHEEawiriI! I mm- BIBHM. Evtrylh'ing far the Ganntr tttte muEmat 5iaMARKETST.. 'M'I'V wlriimnv AXI XATrifllAY KVK,IN08 Hittiquaxttri Baikrt- ball Eqaipmtnt iiiii ,?? :W ;& il&. , m & wy & & & Wp li;i ill Mi i:::ii: mm I I 'm Doing the H. 9 eat r iNE of the largest hat manufacturers in this country told me a few weeks ago that his factory cost was more than my retail price, and the rest of his trade was selling my quality for about twice my price. Another hat manufacturer made me a substantial offer to relieve him of my contract, explaining that he could more than double his profits by delivering less than half my hats, to someone else. Every hat man in this city knows that the values I'm giving cannot be duplicated f6r the prices I'm asking. But the answer is simple as A, B, C. I placed my orders for this Fall '"''V the first of the year, when the factories were hungry for business, and loaded up with raw material. There was a lull after the armistice Gfc and retailers were afraid to buy because they 1l I ww s. J thoup-ht that the market was p-oinp- to break. Now, when you see these $8, $10 and $12 prices in the win dows, don't accuse these retailers of Profiteering. They thought by waiting they could buy later for less, but the longer they waited the more they paid. They paid the penalty for playing safe, and you've got to pay for their mistake unless you'd rather save the differ ence and get the benefit of my early plunge. 1 j i "-S ,J: f Truly Wtrntt i I trgwi trtm ii'Ari ft$gfithr I QJVHT' tJieaclquarters ufor "mzn 1307 Market Street v ,s as a- a I IliMHii-iigis , ,g ,rf. A, f ' u- .a -"n c t 'V. "