t 20 EVENING' PUBLIC LEDGER PHILADELPHIA, FRIDAY, SEPTEMBER 12, i19 "BEAT 'EM TO THE WIRE" IS THE SLOGAN OF EVERY STARTER AT HAVRE DE GRACE MEETING BILL Y KELL Y FOUND AMONG COMEBACKS OF RACING SEASONS IT HAPPENS IN THE BEST REGULATED FAMILIES r. . Last Years Brilliant Tuo-Y car-Old Surprises Sir Barton in Six Furlongs Event at Havre de Grace Opening. The Exterminator Exterminated by The Porter l to ItT. FA i J .i. I filet r I, i i . ' iii koiirkt v. m vi:i fipiMfilif f1 hi ''?' r ,. "DIT.T.Y KIM.I.Y piuni- l)in U t" Hinri' ilr '.run- "-t.Tl.i mul litoiiRlit iuihIi jdT nml "nine knlo to tin- UlfM lit tlic will known men trnrlf Tin- 'on Of Dirk 'Wclli stoiipoil out in tin- tlilnl rnie nml inptiirril tin- Ilip-Ilip-Iloornv piif.0. wliirli ofiiisMoil of SJll.". in n ranter or walk or ulintecr tlirv mil it Ki-llv trimniPil lii riiniiinK mato. Sir Itnrtnn. in tlio m furious l:ixli on n mnilih trnck. vliirli irm In1 l n ciinil prltitr nml a mm! linr- while Sir Ilattnn is nut a M-lutillntiiig tnr in linit ili-tann- I'lrnh Tins n not tin- fi-ntiirc i vent of tin- ii;ieniii!: iln pniKriini lull it at trnctnil ino-t nttentitin. Tim rrouil. wlihli numbered about T"0il. plni'il the Hos.s entr nlmnvt olT tin- hniiril nml th" wintn-i'- rererntl ten i i-nt. for nrrv dollar tln wnKi'ioil All of hnli pit- to linw Hint our i m make lots of rnonpj iilnviiiu the nnss if uiip .ticks to it 'onj; piioukIi. Ui-l.ni!: n imoli-ou to cnptnip n illnip is nhiiit the proper mnritin of profit and loss Kplly took the lend .it the start and un- link ami n k with Sir Mnrton all tlip ivn.i. Tln luc mi'p. liowi'M'i- known as tin- llnrlo'd Count I laiitlifiip, with 53000 milled to make the Mi tor lmpn was one of thoe upset tlniiRs The loynl order of ilnpeitcrs iijiardid the in i nt to l'Mi-rminntiir. li"rntie he ieini d to be the onh real horse in the inc. As a lesult the iiinelnnes linked luer rlly nml extra tiikets had to lie i-w.ied to the ".entlemen who wasn- on sure things iAterniinatoi pit off to a swell start, took tin' li.ul. held it a Iiiiik as it did him no pmd a Mil in the t retell The I'orter steppnl foiward and copped He paid SI"., whiih did not mean n.n. timii; to ,i g inaont of the spectator Exterminator was spconil and Slipper Kim slipped in tliinl Ilnulieik won the most interestuiK and titi-fniK ran- of the il.n when hennncMil the tifth ectit, whnh had no name or iiiivlhiiiji TnkiUK the lend at the start, he held it for one mile anil M'Miity iirds, IiiimzIii,; under the wire an caM winner The result never was in doubt, and it was like Kitting in the rockins ihair on the front porch waiting to be called to dinner I linen of the Sen was the seconil lion e. but Sande put up .in iMuiih'Ii bum rule and Was nosed out for the place b Hank U'll.i. who is said to Iium- been named after nn umpire who bears the same moiiikei Cll ltl.ll: WIHUI I.I 111!, tin Inull ilrrnlic nf llir lulf. filiilul I nil ill In Ml" I In tlrrjiluJini. nml Chmlii Hi li'hl. 'I lull lioit liml '"i until llir lint linimr. irlmi In nprnitl -p nml inihlnd easily. 'I In opium a ilny mi mi' " i.; nt the mil mi if it hmki as 1 it ituitl'l hi n hiih i'iiu Hint '". Odds Shift to licds on Long Series TIIK t'liii immtl Iteds, to put it mildl . aie delighted at the dunce made in thp annual classic from seven games to nine. The think this change gives them almost a lnuitgnge on the honors ami that it spells the doom of American League supretnac . (her the shorter mute, so tliej assirt, a club with two star pitchers would have a marked aih.intage against an adversary. OTer the longer distnnce, a i lub whuh lia sieral clas.s, piti hers can outlast the club that lias onlv two. Hack in l'.KI.'!, it will be remembered, the arrangements of the sci ies called fur "winner of the lust live" to be crowned ihnmpions. Pittsburgh, short on pitcheis, but full of speed at the start, crushed the Hed Sot, nml had it been a i-eon-game set might have so disiouraged the ltoston men that they would have fallen easy victims. Hut the Ited Sox, more numerously equipped with pitchers, runic bnck. tiled nut the I'irntu btalt and won live games to three, after l'ittsbuigh hud seemed a icitaiu innipieior So, the Iteds reuson, it will bo the same this tune the i lub with the greati r number of good pitchers, will win sure. The Keds, of course, .in n't a bit son to shale in the proceeds of five games instead of four, but think the fans of both cities will be delighted with the change and the thunce to see more of the might batters. 1 was ready to take the ilianee, seven games or nine," lemarked I'at Moran jesterda in Cincinnati, "because we liut . the club to win with, but a longer series looks fuller for the fans. I.uts of fellows who couh: .see ouly one game formed can get off work long enough to see two. and nianj c good lad who might not have been able to see any games nt all will now find his way to at least a single tussle " Tin: c mill ' effect of the chanije mit nininfritiil at oiiee in nil jilarei where hi ttmij is hemi) ilnne ill ruiMr oii inn ilnfted. .1 feir cnfiminti irno liiid hien ofjmiui li In nn the .Soj- mthilrew nil offas, mid fnni ulin hud hri n iiittimi ei en intuitu un the Hah inmle it 10 In II on Muiitn s nun, n ith ft le Inliri. I S 1flD QLE.ISQX and his White Sox icill le hete today to entjmie in deadly combat teith our new upholstered A'? in a three-name series. Connie prohahly irill introduce some more new talent, hanni) bamboozled Detroit out of the last tertes, copiinn txco gamei out of three. VrA GLAD To , , ( ARR UooKihJGI AWW KZti RIDS HOME ' 4 in home IUec You GisCKy how ARE VOiy Xlfp i gUPoP : t4ToZl- Hi-RO-THE 3UMMEP PLVCF - ciji c (JSSZ- &? J)J 'jTjiiFjS' S fTSSFV fArD 7 Ten. You I D " ,i, t. ity's ' v fs ,', ZZ& A Tsiisi.e ,. corAC home nights- sot RiiH-r J;"! ; y-'JxL' x -"l" l lookimG PLce! ,. EvJGRV ni3ht- no - but Z0V ST-trATo- .:fL-3d r,Ml Aj-K-'. 1 VJHVr You ThinK- I'M f Com m ', IK !lii isir-ccwc r-r WMuxr' J-- fMSr (a fine mess- Vv-' ..-' m&fa- H1 ' tw ''Mikt'-'P iffi &0mk Wab-solutly th, ,UiTY X ' - gZ; IfifffS h'jff ' interior N entrance stZ0& d' '6fr t .MIIMDCD CVeTCM IM I i LONG SERIES LIKELY TO LESSEN INTEREST IN DIAMOND CLASSIC Falling Off in Attendance at Eighth Game in 1912 Proves That Original Motto, "A Short Strife, but a Merry One," Was Right IN THIS Sl'ORTMOIIT HY OUANTLAND RICE ComrioM, mm. Alt Illohts ncserved TIIK motto of the world scries wan conceived to bo "A short strife but a merry one." A hlnc-gatne world series is going to be neither short nor merry. For In n world series both players and spectators become keyed up to the highest possible pitch you might say a wild pitch and when the series is dragged out beyond the nerve endurance of all concerned it quickly goes "bloole." You may still recall the details of 1012, when it took the Giants and Red Sox right games to decide the issue. Did the eighth game draw an enormous outpouring of the fanatically In- cllncd. who werp there to rave over the deciding contest? Xot by nn nwfnl lot of paid admissions. There were only some 17,000 present, where thp seating capacity was around 30,000, ISriofly, the park was nbout half filled. l rpnr. l;eieit-up fan had got his fill around the seventh game, and nt that point decided to go back to icork again and absorb the result) fiom the sporting pages. Add "Competitive Soids" I TON'T 1 JL' I)ap of you think," queries n Pittsburgh sportsman, "that the name p llerron should be added to the list of Competitive Souls?" lie ond the faint glimmer of a doubt, Hcrron's exhibition of nerve control in his final match was a masterpiece of cool and unruffled serenity of quiet nnd determined confidence. His ability to finish n week of tine golf with the finest round played by any one in the field on the edgp of championship honors lifts him high in the list. lie was thp coolest and calmest first occasion victor Hint wo have tver seen arrive at the top. w And lie is the only nmatpur champion we linve ever known who would nlso have landed the title if the result lind been determined by medal play in place of match. 'VIllF! should about tcind up the argument in his case. Not Like This One. Y IMPORTANT GAMES SGHEDUL DISTRICT RULE MA Y BAR STARS FROM A. A. U. MEET Titles Are at Stake in Little League Games Booked for Tomorrow RACES DECIDEDLY CLOSE Shititfi of Hob Simpson and i'.arl Thompson to Be De cided at Special Meeting Tonight HOI LI) WEAKEN CUBS I e(.s and While Sox Well in Front i IT1HE pennant races in the National and Ameiican Leagues are likely i.i be V decided b the end of next weik Hot!, ( 'inumiuti nnd the Wlute Hux have commanding lends nnd it's a Kill to, 1 shot they never will be headed. 3XIowever, to help the argument along, ht's drag in a few tiggers. , This mo.-ning the Iteds lime 7 uctoiies legistered in the won and lost i column ngatast 40 defeats. That means they have played 127 games, with only 13 to go. New York stands "S and 40. with K battles still to be fought. If Cincinnati takes hcven of the remaining games the Oiants will have to win iixteen straight to tie them This is hardly posible, because the Moraiunen will finish nt home while .MtCraw'a athlete are fighting on alien soil. If the Gotliamites drop three or four games the stuff is off. i Now for the American League. Yesterday the Wlute Sox split with Washington and have SI victories against 4."i defeats. They hae 1 1 games to play against our A's, New York. Hoston and Detroit. All they have to do Js win half of these, while Chveland, with nn official standing of 7,'! and ."i'J, will have to win the remaining 15 conflicts to tie. This, too, is almost nn impossibility, because the Indians will be up against some stiff opposition from now on. Therefoie, the Sox and Ileds will be forced to engage in a sine-gaum series to sec which team gets the most money. "While no definite arrangements linve yet been made, it looks as if the opening tilt will be put on about October 1. The week after next, after everything has been settled and the pennant races decided, the clubs probably will ploy a few double-headers and end the season a couple of days ahead of time. This will allow the plaers to rest up for the big event. An effort wil lbe made to start the series soon ns possible, because October is a very uncertain month out here Snowstorms are not at all (Uncommon, and if the clubs run into inclement weather no one knows when the championship will be decided. For that reason it's a cinch the big noise t will start about two weeks from Wednesday. The leniaining Satiivilas will si e the 1 championships of the numerous little leagues in Philadelphia and iiinit. de- fided. Alain important contests are on the schedule for toiimnow afternoon. I Soudertoii has a ilinnie to nmu"C the fliampionship of the Muntgoiner fount ciicult Thev have a two-game nd- i vantage ovi r Ambli r 'it pre-ent, and la win at the expense of Ninristoun will I lassuie rsoim,.riiM1 the goniaion. in' game will be pin fil on the leadei's own field The rhainpionship of the Dil.iwarc 'River I,' ague ma be tml up tomonow when It.ish phi s ! Linal. the onl game on the si lieilule for the fill . Har bor now lias a hnlf-giiine advantage, but has completed its schedule, and a win for Hash will fause a tie and neies sitate a pla.v off series. Main Liners to Clash The ipening clash between .1 & .1 TMisou and l.nnsdowue, vviniuis of the Main Line si i ies. will g, t under Iwa.v. The first contest will be pl.i.vnl Ion th" giouiids of the DoliMin team. The si coinl half of the Main Line ' Amateur Ionguo is nl-o tied up at present, with !eiwn nnd St lieuis 1 i.ieli having won .S and his! -J The one that is fortunate to get the det ision to nioriow will stmt the following Satin dav in a scries with Ili.vn Mnv.r, lust 'half titleholdeis for the Vinson's iluiu pion-lup. The second clnsh In the set ies for the Delawaie countv gonfalon will be staged ut Merion. This club won the first I battle last Saturday b.v defeating .Media 1 1 to 3. Another vieloi.v willgivi tin m 'the flag. Joe .Tnokson will again be on TIlPRi: will 1 ing of the il be nn impoitant meet hnmpionship committee f the Aiiiiitiur Atlihtic I niim this i veiling nt s. n'cloek in the Hotel Adel phin. at vi huh time the status of sev ei.ll ot the leading athletes entered in the annual si nior championship garni s tomoiiovv on I'lanklin I'leld will be de termined. The meeting has been i.illeil due to a misunderstanding of sen nil of the clubs over the in vv distiict mle. The loi -niariou of seveial new distriits in the A A. 1" within the past year has caused the iiiutiisioii. Ai cm ding to tin uling of ihe championship committee an athlete nnnoi lepioscnt a i lub un less he (hulls in the ilistijit to whnh his (lub hi longs. JIj) AITert .Simpson The Illinois A. A. and the Itostmi Athlitlc Club both have enteieil nth letes who, a cording to a sfiict intei pietation of this rule, will be baried fiom mmpitiug for the above orgaiuza tinns The athletes in qmstion aie Hob Simpson, holder of the world's high hiudle i (. who is enteied from the Illinois A A., and Larl Thompson, prisent national hurdle diampion. who is si hediiled to compete for the lioMuu, A. A 1 'SPWi&' 1 EASTERN I BASEBALL has known n number of highly prosperous not to sny banner .vents before, but none like the one now drifting on through the September haze to an early finish. Nineteen hundred nnd nineteen drnvvs the purple plum. When ball clubs well out of the pennant race can entice from 2.", 000 to US, 000 of the populace out merely to view the pastime bereft of any ulterior Hag motives all other years must drop behind. In other ears a September battle between two clubs hopelessly adrift was lucky to draw forth as many ns 5000 moody sightseers. Poth's Plan for North Phila Americans Big Boon to Cage Fans -sV-----ss--s--l--4s-s--ss-- JIMMY BROWN CAPTAIN ip W w: .Wx'.&mfta&S&AS&&g3 HOIS SIMI'SON A. A. U. BARS ATHLETES Simpson, according to some of the nlhi ials, doesn't live in the distiirt to whuh the Illinois A. C. is assigned Whether he does or does not will be tluashed out this evening. Thoiiinson. I on the tiiln r hand is a htudent nt U.ut- I'roni th mom ii i ouege nine inontns in the year, but his home is somewhere out on the i'acilic foast. Whether being n stu dent nt Dai tmoutli makes him eligible In represent the Hoston A. A. will be settled tonight also. Stais Implicated outcome of the meeting this "Pete" Maxfield and Amlof Ineligible for Junior Championship At a meeting of the legislrntiou coni inittie of Ihe A. A. U. Inst night at the Hotel Adelphia Kric Amlof, a Swedish athlete, was baried from com peting today in the junior games. He vas enteied in the hop. step and jump New York A. C, but won the Haskelbnll fans will have the privi- of knowing who they nre watching in the cage during the coming season, especially nt one club, according to nn announcement by Crank I'oth, manager of the North Philadelphia Americans, the new lnial team in the Eastern League. The pilot of the Hroad street aggregation will have the pla.vers nuin beicd nnd programs will inform the spectators nt a glance just who tiny are watching in thp cage. The occasion was the assembling of a dozen or mote pln.ver.s ni'd as many fiiends nt n get-together dinner at the Hotel ANaltou list night. Numerous I spei'flies vveie made by leaders and I la.vers in the cage world nnd the spirit of optimism pievailed throughout. i no luiirei-s 01 me team were nn nounceii ns follows: .Manager, l-'innk I'ojh; assistant manager, James Coffey; Ruled' '' ',' " -rovviiurst ; ih-kcl en louum, w ooiomon ; trainer Jack llngen A tlnshliglit was taken for the bas ketball guide and during the evening vocal and musical selections were ren dered by well known entertainers. I I )li X JL A ! 7iB 1 i vuin m i W I 2 fib T - o lashing Salet i Beginning Tomorrow WE PLACE ON SALE Fine Quality Wool LUE SERGE Made to-Measure for All-Season Wear itMl Wif o "J Motor-Paced Racing at Season's End THERE will be no more motorcycle races at the Velodrome this season. Last night, when a healthy rainstorm butted In, Johnny Chapman, man ager of the I'oiut Ilreee drome, announced that everything was off for the season of 1011), and the fans will have to wait until next year to have n look J at their favorite riders. ! a rfimui -iiuvcu iu,wb "" ii'; " ouv..,ooiu. mil jrar. ne new track, fcft which was reduced to one-sixth of u mile, gave the spectators more of a chance. S. to see the riders anil made the events more interesting. Hig crowds journeyed tosthe park every Thursday nnd Satuiday night and liked it so well that they 3 nlwavs came baik. The snort now is iirmlv established in I'hiln.lt.,1. ;.. -. , , , , , .,,.., Mv,jyu,a HUH jieit year siiouid ue a oauner one. ah oi ine leauing motor-paced and sprint ! xiders iu the country will appear. r, . I fliAUEXl'll C.IIIMAX did the best work on the local track, but t w teas closelu pressed by tleotge Chapman, Vincent JfaifoniKi and I' n'ilcv, w SrpOMMY WALSH, the hustling manager of Joe llurman, tried to put in the J- llurman-Lynch bout at the Olympin next Monday night, but failed be i"'cause iAiicb is boxing on Tuesday nnd Friday of next week. How ever ha 4r vloscd with Hnrry Edwards to stage the match on September 20. This X) should be pne of the best buutnm brawls of the year. t ... K, TTKIIJ3 it some scandal from Cincinnati. It isn't Helnie Groh who plays ' XI third butt tot the HeiLs. He is sailing under an assumed name, and some ot bis cousins iu Cincinnati ore ready to prove it. His real name Is spelled "UifciHXA ami he it kmi! n ue as jnnru a rrencuman, a ittpie ecu Mar- out KtflK 'i-v iii fcinT v;( ri t 'ii!i- Iir n bri, "ball rerlortn. the mound for Morton and Jink Kiatise : oilier fur Media. I xiM, Industrials Busy evening will have on important bear What mnv prove the deciding ion- "' "" tlu' ''B1'1 r,,r l""m j'011""1 '' '. . . . . . ..vi mm I'.mu.v I jitiifit't tin' nrii.riiiiiiii i.,.t in t in Vliinii .11 1 nrei s .i iiiriii. v. i " ,T ' " '"""wn. be pin ed tomorrow afternoon. The big clashes are Stokes A. Smith at Henieut Miles and Wheeler at V. (i. I. m n double bill, "ne of these games wan, piotested n few vvieks ago after I' (J I had won. and thev should draw n lug throng. The gnsmiikers were eliminated ns a contender last Satuidav, and tin in turn mil knoik out Wheeler, who still has a line opportunity to land the title. A close race also is being staged in the Northeast Manufacturers' League Schvvnr7 Wheel holds the advantage over Disston and Titler bv a single game, but ns the first division contend eis draw easv opponents of the seeonil biftitiii tomorrow there may be no de velopments until the finals on Scptembci 20. Tomorrow's layout rends. Arsenal at Disston, Eitler nt Abrasive, I'lumb at North Brothers. If Simpson and Thompson nre ruled ineligible to compete for their ie I spective clubs then both will be vveak 1 ened and the smaller clubs will be able to step in and take the points whiih would have gone to Illinois and Huston A Theie also nn sevei.il uthii athletes In addition to Simpson nnd Thompson, whose status will be selthd tonight Swedish chanipioijship iu that event in l!li:i. l'eie Mafield, former Dartmouth and l.afa.velte weight tin oner, will not be allowed to represent Meadow brook in the junior events, us lie won the junior national indoor sliolput in 101(1. At that time lie represented Dartmouth. C. 1". I'aulson, entered in the liur dlis by the Pittsburgh A. A., is on the loiks The registiatiou committee was not sine if it was the same Paulson who won the middle states collegiate hurdles in 1017. and if it can prove before this afternoon that he is the same athlete, he will be bailed l'ittsbuigh A. A. and ('Imago A C have each entered C. E lten h a polevaulter. lie can only rep ri si nt one club nrrjMNG show NATIONAL A. A. sat. kvtnino i M. IUI.,..MTk;M.KJV"',0,B "',',"';. 1'.l!.7.f.','r"!'.1 VH- Alleiitewn Ilnmlce H. 11. Willi llnnnon vn. LouUlann l'nto Wiilhiif is. Johnny Iluff Terry Martin vs. Frankie Brown llfkptH nt DonncIir'N, 33 S. lull Mt. Suitable It is the actual superiority of our tailoring that makes a man pass up other stores to come here. Nowhere can you buy such values; even the un r v.tJsv r,4mr iMiieT nnnvrri irmi vw rillf- jreauj-iiiuu; Biuica inuat viicvigi; jvii uiuic, uui, i because of a cash transaction loner before the rise Z in woolens and a surplus stock of serges we want 10 pass ine savings aiuiig 10 vuu, 100. : MADE TO UHUtti Th flnflt lot of Dicrcoatlnjre 3011 vr . All Ihe popular rlothv. Finely tnllorcrt. Worth $40. $25 C'AMIIKI.V A. (' Ilurns & Teenty, Mtxi. kcnxlniftim Aie. .SuniFret Ht. I ItlHAY l-.VKNINIi. SKIT. Uril JACK VUI) n. 1.1)1)11: SlrANDKIAlS roru iiTiii:it stah ikiuts P. B. WHITE & CO. 104 South 8th Street ' 4 --&& '" $ 4sVf Outwit the Profiteers 1 1 Ulympia A. A. Mn..,,r nil()l AND. IIUNIIMIIOK RTHKKTS SltlNUAY KVBMXO. SEPT. 15 Bob Burman v$. Young Buck Fleming' Bobby Doyle vs. Little Bear i Battling Leonard vs. Joe Dorsey Young McGovern vs. Young Montreal Billy Bevans vs. Joe Burman AllnilufHon auc. ! i.uu, hi.dii, ss.ou National Track and Field Championships, A. A. U. OnKATEST OATIIKKINA OF WORLD'S fHAMI'JON ATIIM:TE8 ON KECnitD Franklin Field, 33d and Locust Sts. Today and Saturday, 2:30 P. M. Tlckrto on alf at ilmlfl Hroii., Mnnlil. Inns' WlntOBker' Nportlnic fiowln Htore. ltfMTicd 4fitt. SI. 10. (irnr-rul Admli .Inn. A.lr. ! Come nee Jotc Knr, Hob flimpioa, Frank ! Tomi. tf In artlon. Shibe Park Today, 3:30 P.M. Athletics vs. Chicago See Mark youth battto with propetlve champion, Heats. SOc, 63c, 5t, 1,J0, Ju ndrnnre nt tHmM' and NpaUlncn. PALACE RINK ttth Mark Bta. EMUW All. XI Fall And Save $8 to $12 by Getting Your Suit DIRECT FROM OUR FACTORY At Wholesale Prices $14 to $27.50 Priced $20 to $40 in Any Retail Store We are not a "second floor shop," or a re tail store with large windows and expensive fix tures. We are manufacturers, and a3 such are content with our manufacturer's profit, giving you the enormous retailer's profit as you can easily prove by comparing our prices with those charged by any retail store in the city. Come in and see our workmen actually mak ing the clothes we sell. PURCHASING ORDERS ACCEPTED .4 fOML.C& Mt '.ij.vui. juus oau8vm.il J. SALSBUPG, SONS CO., MFGRS, OF SALCO CLOTHES 00? 4 V3 ". XJIK o . v. T.',.W?J TV r :tT3l ""- Ti.fc tatmJtrfii !" a IS ., ..- -aHfMfl V. . rfpKtf'wlfc tf--yH--r;---- i-rffiin.ir-- far" "f P.