Evening public ledger. (Philadelphia [Pa.]) 1914-1942, September 11, 1919, Night Extra Financial, Page 7, Image 7

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    The Cfrcal Organ WW Play Today
nt 9, 11 and 11:55
The Organ and Band nt 4:55
Storc Opens at i)
Store Closes at 5
Warmest Welcome on Record for a Shoe Sale
A Young Man Walking Down
the Street Yesterday
looking at the sun setting after it had done its day's
work said to the writer: "I have never sought to be
great, I only want to do a good day's work and have
it said of me that I have been faithful."
The first thought of qur brave lads on the
battlefronts with Pershing, when there was a
chance to send a message home by a comrade
returning disabled or upon a furlough, was: "Tell
mother I am trying to be brave and faithful," and
rthat true mother would send a message back to her
"Tell Billy his mother wants him to be true and
faithful, and then nothing is difficult."
What better message than that mother's
message for any of us "to be brave and faithful in
the Store and Home, or out of it."
Sept. 11, 1019.
Of Gorgeous Beauty Are the
New French Ribbons
With silk or gleaming satin for background, these new ribbons
are richly brocaded in shining gold or silver thread, and the com
bination iB perfectly beautiful.
It is such ribbons as these which are used for the panels on
afternoon and evening dresses, for vestees and girdles.
There is black, a glowing coral shade, the new Brazilian red,
a dark French blue, a pale- blue that looks like a June sky and
a dull rose all with well-covered floral or conventional designs in
gold or silver. Some look like old Chinese embroideries.
They are quite wide 9 to 11 inches and prices are $10
to $25 a yard.
(Mnln Floor, Central)
Lovely New Designs in
Rhinestone Jewelry
All are set in sterling silver, of course. Bar pins in the fashionable
Sizes and lengths have gallery backs to set off their brilliance, and safety
catches. $6.50 to $17.50.
New rings, in beautiful designs, some combined with imitation sap
phires, are $6 to $9.
Pendant -necklaces are new graceful, rhinestone-set pendants on
silk cords, with rhinestone slides, $9.50 to $13; others on black ribbons,
$24 to $30.
(Jjiwelry Store, Cheitnut and Thirteenth)
Luxurious Fur-Collared Coats
New and Marvelously Lovely
m 1
Coats of velour, wool plush,
and duvctyno finished velour, so
exquisitely soft you can't keep
from feeling them. Warm and
yet light in weight.
They have borrowed the most
beautiful of colors, from flaming
led to deep violet, tan, taupe,
brown, gray or midnight blue.
The linings are designed to add '
to the loveliness.
One handsome model is in wrap
form gathered on to a pointed
back yoke. Others are frankly
loose coats. They all have
large collars and often cuffs of
Hudson seal (dyed muskrat),
gray squirrel, ringtail, muskrat,
opossum and Australian opos
Thev are $150 to $235.
Floor, Cenlral)
New French Silk Voiles
Exceptionally Low-Priced
.85 a Yard
We have Just received a shipment of several hundred yards of
heavy, high-grade French silk voiles in a few odd shades and in black to
sell at a very unusual price $1.86 a yard.
This is a good opportunity for women who do not mind about the
limited range of colors to get a high-class fabric at little cost.
(Weat Aisle)
Every Woman Loves
Velveteens and
There never was a woman yet to
whom these beautiful, rich fabrics
were not becoming, and with a sea
son of fuis in prospect they are
promising to be more fashionable
than ever.
Just received are some fine Eng
lish velveteens, fast colors, water
spot proof and in all the most de
sirable colors (about twenty in all),
including the fur shades and black,
27, 36 and 44 inches wide, $2.75 to
$6 a yard.
English corduroys, also new, and
fast colors (about 17 in all, includ
ing white and black), 27 inches
wide, $2.50 and $3 a yard.
(First Floor, Chestnut)
In the Autumn a Girl's Thoughts Turn
to New Dresses
.dresses to wear to school, to business, dresses for the s treet or for a matinee, dresses for an afternoon tea
or a card party. Whatever kind of dress she needs or has in mind, the Young Women's Store has too'
Smart new blue-serge dresses, in many styles, $32.50 to $77.50. '
It's to be a great season for velvet dresses, sny-. Dame Fashion and velvet dresses are $45 to $75
Lovely indeed are the duvetyne dresses; the richness of the fabric and the unusual style give these
frocks their air of distinction $110 to $165 this last a fur-trimmed costume.
All in 14 to 20 year sizes.
(Second Floor, Chestnut)
Neckwear Fashions
Are Changing
and you may see the new fashion tendencies in the Neckwear Shop.
The loveliest pieces are hand embroidery and net; cream
colored make many guimpes, vestees1 and collars. New collars
are of many shapes, round and Bertha-liko or narrow and long;
vestees and guimpes are quite frilly, and ruffles of lace are much
-In evidence.
Collar and cuff sets, some trimmed with real laces, some with
handwork or hemstitching, are in many new styles.
But come in and see them for yourself!
$1 to $25.
(Wltln Floor, Centrnl)
Arabian Skins and American
Skill Meet in Women's
Mocha Gloves
From far-off Arabia came the skins soft and velvety and of
fine texture. Then clever American glovers made them into
new gloves, and here they are, just in time to complete Madame's
Autumn costume.
In gray, pique or outseam sewn, fastened with one clasp or
one pearl button at the wrist, $3.50 a pair.
With strap and buckle at the wrist and 3-inch top, in gray,
outseam sewn, $4.25 a pair; with 5-inch top, in gray, $5.25 a
Gray mochas, 8-button length, fastened with two large pearl
buttons, $6.50 a pair.
(Main .Floor, Central)
New Letitia Corsets in Pretty
Pink Materials
There is, for example, a very dainty corset of fancy weave for slight
figures. It has elastic at the waist, eyelets and lacing below the
front. $9.
Another for tall women is in pink batiste with medium bust,, long
hips and strongly boned. $8.
Also in pink batiste is n Letitia topless model for average figures
at $5.
Prettiest of all, however, is a pink broche, well boned, topless, with
clastic all around the top. This is $10.
(Third Floor, Chestnut)
Frilly and Gleaming
Are the New Silk Petticoats
First off, you'll admire the colors they are lovely! Royal purple
and russet brown, silver grays and soft rose shades, blues of many shades
and gay greens aie all in the collection
borne are flounced and some are tucked. Some are all of satin,
some of taffeta, some of silk jersey, this last alone or combined with
ilk or -satin.
$5 to 518.
(Third floor, Cenlral)
Every Day
' Brings Crisp, New
and this is what we've just un
packed for tomorrow all of white
Two styles at $3.85 with lattice
beading; one high neck with turn
over collar and cuffs, the other with
V neck and square collar, and both
with black ribbon bows.
At $5 is such a dainty waist with
many tiny tucks, Valenciennes in
sertion and bands of embroidered
dots in the front, collar or cuffs.
For $5.50 a woman may have an
unusual blouse with hemstitched
squares for trimming on the collar,
cuffs and front.
And at $7.50 is a charming af
fair with many small tucks, a new
collar and bib effect in front, lace
trimmed and with a front panel
of tucks.
(Third Floor, Central)
A Biography of
J. William White,
M. D.
By Agnes Repplier
From cover to cover this Life
of the famous Philadelphia sur
geon and author is intciesting.
Miss Repplier deals in a de
lightful way with the human sido
of Dr. White, his travels, his
triumphs in surgery and, above
all, his friends. Many well
known Philadelphians were
among them. Price $2.
New Fiction
"The Broken Soldier and the
Maid of France," by Henry Van
Dyke. A tale woven from a
beautiful myth of the battlefields
and worthy to rank with the
other works of this author.
Price 60c.
"The Charm School," by Alice
Duer Miller. A humorous story
of a boarding school so out of
the ordinary that it gives rise to
a romance within the walls.
Price $1.40.
"The Cottage of Delight," by
Will N. Harben. Romance and
such diamatic action as to hold
the leader's attention to the very
last. Pi ice $1.60.
"The Little Moment of Happi
ness," by Clarence Buddington
Kelland. Against the tragic
Paris of war time is unfolded a
big problem and a compelling
love interest. Price $1.60.
"From the Life," by Harvey
O'Higgins, imaginary portraits
of some distinguished Ameri
cans, intensely real and as inter
esting as your next-door neigh
bor. Price $1.50.
(Main Floor, Thirteenth)
French Chocolates
Are Food as Well
as Candy
and by that token, good for chil
dren. Wanamaker's French choco
lates are, first of all, absolutely
pure; they are smooth and rich and
delicious, and ever so many grown
ups eat them with relish. Fresh
every day, $1 a pound.
Little suitcases, filled with
French chocolates, 50c.
Celluloid animals, horses, lambs,
dogs, buffaloes or bears, ribbon
tied on cakes of chocolates, 50c a
Celluloid dogs, on cakes of choco
late, ribbon tied, 75c.
Vanilla marshmallows fat and
sugary 50c a pound.
(I)onn Htairn Slore, Chestnut)
Handsome Table Lamps
a Feature of the Sale
For tomorrow we want to call attention to some metal-trimmed
table lamps in the Lamp Sale. They have glass panel shades
chiefly amber color and are for gas or electricity.
Taken from regular stock and reduced 25 to 30 per cent.
New prices are $7.50 to $26.
Also good choosing in floor lamps, reading lumps, Japanese '
pottery lamps, boudoir lamps, umbrella lamps, wall brackets,
candlesticks and shades of all sizes at 25 to 50 per cent reductions.
(Fourth Floor, Central)
All-Black Handbags
Some of silk, others of leather
and still others rich black beaded
bags from Paris.
Handbags that combine a quiet
dignity with correct style.
The leather bags are $1.50 to $10.
Silk, $2.75 to $7,50.
Beaded, $25 to $45.
(Mnln Floor, Clirnlnul)
Time to Think About
the Photographic
The Fourteenth Annual Exhibi
tion of Photographs at Wana
maker's will be held March 1 to
13, 1920. Entries close February 7.
Circulars of details, giving rules
and prizes, may be had in the
Camera Store.
(Main Hnor. ( hentmil)
And why not?
Here, at a time when every one needs new shoes for Fall and Winter, and
when prices are higher than they have been in this generation, Wanamaker's
Over 30,000 Pair of Shoes on
the Market at Average
Half Price
High shoes and low shoes, for men and for women. You can get all the
shoes you need for the coming winter, or footwear for next summer, if you like.
And save good money.
They are good shoes, too. Regular Wanamaker standard shoes, most of
them taken out of regular stock and reduced.
But please remember that the best values are going out fast.
Women's Shoes
Low white shoes at $2.75, $4.75 and $6.75 incomplete
sizes of evening pumps, street, dress and sports shoes.
High shoes at $4.40 heavy tan grain lace boots, black
calfskin lace boots and two shapes of black glazed kidskin
Low shoes at $4.75 street oxfords and pumps, sizes
High golf shoes at $4.75 bluchers, with perforated
straight tips.
High shoes at $6.75 black and tan lace shoes.
Low shoes at $6.75 fine black and tan oxfords and pumps
of calfskin and patent leather; sizes incomplete.
High shoes at $7.75 fine black and tan shoes with various
shapes of toes and heights of heels.
High shoes at $8.75 combination lace boots in black and
tan and patent leather.
(First Floor, Mnrkrt)
Men's Shoes
High shoes at $4.85 good, substantial Winter shoes In
black and tan, some with fiber soles.
High shoes at $5.90 about half of them are extra-heavy
black or tan grain calfskin.
High, shoes at $8.40 fine black and tan calfskin shoes
made on smart English lasts.
Low shoes at $8.40 black and tan, in various toe shapes.
High shoes at $9.75 extra-fine custom-style shoes in
various models but incomplete as to sizes. f
Low shoes at $9.75 extra-fine custom-style shoes in white
buckskin and black and tan calfskin. Sizes incomplete.
Also several thousand pair of men's Army and Marine
Corps shoes at $4.65 and moccasins at 75c to $1.75, according
to size. These are not newly reduced, but the values are ex
traordinary. (Main Floor, Mnrkot)
The Fashion in Men's
Fall Clothes
is faithfully typified in the initial groups of new suits now
shown in the Men's Clothing Store.
They are distinctive and novel, but in no way outlandish.
They are in all respects manly.
Double-breasted, two-button coats are the style. Gen
erally speaking, they are cut a trifle longer this year, the
waist line is high and the lines graceful.
The waist-line model is still in evidence, but an especially
favored style has a belt either half way around or else run
ning all the way inside or outside.
Trousers are cut straight and in a moderate width, not
tight and not loose.
In the advance guard blue, brown and gray are the pre
vailing shades.
It is an interesting but not large, showing of suits that
faithfully interprets all that is finest in men's new Fall clothing
Prices from $35 to $65.
(Tlilril noor, Market)
Men's Finest Soft Hats
Made in America
Setting a mark of hat excellence which manufacturers of any land
will do well to equal.
Correct in style, distinctive in shape, pleasing in coloring and rich
in material.
Sold at Wanamaker's only in Philadelphia.
Prices $5, ?C, $7 and $10.
(Main Floor, Market)
Men's Redleaf London
&? Terry Bath Robes
Handsomest Terry-cloth bath robes you ever saw.
Spme in btripes, others in solid colors with cuffs and collai band of
contrasting color.
And such colors!
Price $25.
(Mnln Floor, Market)
Men's ExtragSize
Handkerchiefs $u a Dozen
For tlfe man who wants a very genoroW-size handkerchief is this
good, practical style at $7 a dozen. It's of spfltless, firm IrisTt' linen with
V or Vi inch hems. We've just unpacked n new shipment.
New, too, and much liked are the hemstitched handkerchiefs with
tapes above the hem $12 a dozen.
(t Alile)
Additions to the Fine Suits
in the Men's London Shop
New shipments enlarge the assortment of this distinctive
clothing for Foil and Winter.
Suits of cheviot, tweed, homespun and unfinished worsted,
individual in design and captivating in color.
Prices are 542.50 to $75.
(Tlis Oallerr. Chritnot)
More Than a Carload of Kitchen
Cabinets and Porcelain
Top Tables in the
Housewares Sale
The kitchen cabinets are made
with the same care as is the best
furniture, and fitted with the latest
kitchen conveniences.
1. All-white kitchen cabinets with
sliding top, larger than usual size
with tilting flour bin, sugar jar, salt
and spice jars, coffee and tea con
tainers, sliding cupboard shelves,
$78.50 each.
2. Oak kitchen cabinets in the
same design as No. 1, $68.75.
3. Oak kitchen cabinets, special
at $57 50. A similar model to No
1, but a smaller size.
(Fourth Fl
4. Oak kitchen cabinets, whit
enamel inside, rocks for pics and
cakes, ventilated bread box, flour
bin, closet and drawer space, pastry
board, $62.50.
The porcelain tops of the tables
in this sale have been tested and
approved by Good Housekeeping
Institute, National Housewives
League, The Tribune Institute and
.Today's Housewife, asd are priced
at $13.50 and $14.75. All are white
enameled and have drawer space.
oor, Market)
Such Fine Umbrellas
and So Many
of Them!
We don't believe there were ever
such numbers here before at one
time. The reason is that umbrellas
are not being made fast enough to
supply the demand, and we have
brought in our holiday stock very
At $2.50 Men's and women's
cotton umbrellas, tape edge, par
agon frames.
At $3 Men's umbrellas, fine-cotton
coverings, guaranteed for one
year that the cover won't cut.
At ?4 Women's silk-and-cotton
umbrellas, tape edge, paragon
frames, sample handles.
At $5 Women's all-silk um
brellas, black and colors, bakelite
top handles, silk cord loops.
Men's fine silk-and-cotton um
brellas, silk selvedge edge, plain
and carved wood handles.
(Mnln Floor Mnrl.el)
The "China Sale Is Wonderfully Strong
in French and English Dinner Sets
Large assortments of French and English dinner sets are extremely scarce. In that
respect, our September China Sale is a notable exception.
We show these sets in large and satisfying variety, and we are certain that there
is no assortment anywhere else that compares with the collection to be found in this sale.
In the variety and desirableness of the wares and the lowness of the prices it ia
exceptional to a unique degree a fact which any discerning customer will recognize and
which many have recognized.
These French and English sets are of a particularly good quality, the French goods
showing a remarkable improvement over any that have been seen In recent years.
It should be noted that every dinner set in our possession is offered at a reduced
price in this sale.
The average reduction is 25 per cent.
This includes over 100 open-stock patterns a fine field of selection with unlimited
opportunities to replenish.
The French china dinner sets begin at $32.50 and go up to $300 a set.
English semi-porcelain sets go from $22.50 up to $45.
All are nets of 106 or 107 pieces.
There is a large collection of high-grade cut glass in the sale at savings of 25 to 50
per cent ; alsopf light-cut glassware in a great wealth of attractive etchings at unusual
(Fourth Floor, Clintnut)
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