Evening public ledger. (Philadelphia [Pa.]) 1914-1942, September 09, 1919, Night Extra Financial, Image 22

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ti I
fc. 'J
Penny of
CopurlBht, mil by The RciUu Lee Co.
Jo (5nry. n joung rnnelminn, em-
, ploy?'! nt Top Hill Tavern, u ranch
belonging to n Mr. Kingiloii In u
western state, takes n business tiip
to Chicago. There lie meets nt a
dntice n joiing girl who culls heisclf
' "Mnrta." The fall In line with
raeh other, lint Mnrtu ictuses to
marry him She confesses that sin
In n thief nml suihienl.x illsnppems
after leaving a note for him that she
h going to .trj to "make good " .lo
returns to the rnneh where he is
met by another emplojo miineil Knit
Walters, to whom he rontnles his ex
periences while awnj. Knit nihles
' him ngninst nnj fmtlier thoiiRht nf
the girl, hut .lo is lonlnlent she will
again come to him. Kuit. who is
nctilig sheriff of the ount, leailis
from llemler. tlie jailer, that a oung
i woman from Chicago has been in
rested for sti filing anil is in the tail
Her inline is Mait.i Sills. Kurt uli
tnlns Mnrta s u lease from Hemler
and takes her m an automobile up the
trajl to the Kingdnn rniuli After
being forced to pass the night on tin
road bemuse of a shmtnge of g.i-oliin .
be tells her he is taking her to the
best womnn in the woihl. wheie she
limy lenrn to be honest Marta tells
Kurt that her real name is Penelope
l.amont and that she is i ailed 1 ennj
for short She meets Mis Kingiloii,
who recehes lier with tMideriii-ss de
spite her iiilmissiiiii that slu is u
T7"l HT WAI.TIMIS was onlj nt
ing sheriff."
"That's so We seem to be niosllj
fetingers or in tonnes," he allowed.
"Say' turning feroiioush to l'rniieis,
"whnt business has a box looking like
an owP Loosen up and hae some
The box s fin fjte flushed
' It s none of xour business how I
look, .lo mr '"
"Wow ' Now Min're- talking We
can't hght In fore a huh, though "
"Cook sns jmi look like a wish
bone, .lo. ' tamiti d I!ill. coming to his
brother s defense
"She did diil she' Well, the cook
can hn-ig me oxer her door, and then
I'll ki s her."
"I'll tell her, and she xxon't dance
with ou tonight."
"If you do," threatened Jo. "I won't
tell vmi win re tin re nie four little, now
kittens what hnxen't got then pecpxis
opened xet."
"Oh, where, Jo'' We'll not tell her.
Please, Jo!" pleaded IJctt.x
"I choose to name them." said l'tau
cis. "Tell. Jo."
"I'll not tell unliss jou get jour lit
tle nexx phi) mate lure to promise nie
w 1S....1 . . M"-
"Arcxourcallx going to hnxe a dance
tonight'" asked the girl cagerl).
Sure tiling xxe me Bight bote in
this mess hull, mid " looking at her
fixcdl) , he iiddid shiwl), 'ou un
dance, too xxith me"
"Oh" ' she tiled, her e)es shining.
"It xxill seem so beautiful to dnu.v
"Ugain. What do the) dame up hei
iox trot''"
"We dance an) old thing the mus:
tells us to."
'JSnme as tlie) do in Chiiago?" sli
asked demiirel).
"Noxx, tell us where til
demnmicd Belt)
kittens nie,"
"Follow me, little Bl.uk nnd Tan '
in nor excitement Hett) forgot to re-
ent Jo's pet appellation for her.
. . 111- ,. , 1,111. 1 ..t.l..u .--
lie led the wii) to a ( orner of the asked tluir p.u titular fi lends, nnd the
too'housV , ,ook spitefullx "sat it out "
Beposing in a nest made of piei es of ,, , . , , , , , m
carpet lined with soft flannel x croionr ' "", 1""1 ,'," (,,,""W U'rC "" " ,' "'
puffballs of maltise xxl.icl. we.e (,4klv " "s 1(,ur1l"1d M ' "-. Bt '''"
jathered and gaiue.cd b.x Pen and the ok -' ''o the w.nt, . before and Sleep,
.hil,lr,. ,.1,11.. ,i, ,.,.i. ..... i. ..... , i Sanilx thoughttiillx timed Ins tune
on with proud but npprehensne e.xes
Who fixed them ouh a nue bed?"!
aaked Francis.
"Your I nele Kurt. Itut they tell
we he rode uxvii) nt first irnik of day
break, so he didn't cie them."
"And the) II baxe their c)es open
before he gets back, mojoc." lamented
"Perhaps," put in Jo, "he'll Set bis
ycs openisl wide while he's gone. Then
he nnd the kits mn meet on equal
"He'll miss the dame, too," snid
Betty sorrow full)
"Whom do jiiii men dance with?"
sketl l'en.
"Well, there's Betty here Mays up
for three dames unjway, and there's
3Irs. Kingdon, and Ag. und the onls,
and the other gul and exer) thing else
failing, xxe make (iene l)osSey play
"What music do you hnxe?"
"We'll- got two of the timst fiddlers
.that ex'er drew u bow Sleepy Snnd).
and .Tnkey Fourr Sa.x, Billy Kingdon,
if you squeeze that kitten so hard, its
yes'll bust open before the nine-day
limit. Put them all down now, or their
ma'll baxe a kitnip fit."
"I ehoos-e to name them," said Fran
cis. "Vncle Sam is this biggest one;
the one xxitli xx-hite on is (ieneral .Toffre, ,
and the little one is King George j
and "
"Hold on there!"' cried Jo. 'Tncle
Sam nnd (ieneral J. goes all right,
all right; but there aiu't room fori
another gent s name You'll haxc to
change King (irorge to Georgette."
"I won't hnxe her named (ieorgettc!"
aid Bett) "Her nume is Fair) Queen,
and that other one is "
"It's ray turn!" wild Billy. "Mine's
going to Tie named Mexxtrnl."
"You mean Neutral," corrected
Francis scathingly.
"No; he's snld it." declared Jo.
"She'd mexxtraled nil the morning. She
don't seem to like her boarding bouse.
Txow, all )0U kldletst run to the kitchen!
ami ask cook for a cup of milk and a
v-lenn rag. I'll force-feed Mcwtrnl,
cause she's a little suffragette. Don't
turn" back too fast."
ITie children xxent xxith alacrity nnd
leturned In the same xxu.x ; but Pen and
Jp Improved the opportunit) for con-
", vernation without the three interested
' "Here, Jo," snid Bill) , handing over
- the milk when they had returned.
& "Let's see )0U feed Jlexxtral. She must
A )e hungry.'
'' "Jf she we
ere iue. said Jo, wlioce
.ftM were sliiulug, "she'rt be too happy
? .1 ...
lie fed the litten nml then tried in
vain to obfiin further converse with
l'en alouc, hut the children ivitma
fti'uvcred till li'i efforts ami fiimllj- I'cu
took tucro liacis to tlie nouse.
Top Hill
"When?" hnlf whispered .lo, ns they I
were leaxlng '
"When Mrs. Kingdon n.x." Miel
murmured in reply
She turned back for another clnnce
He xxns stnnding. cap in hand, with
the air of a compieior
"What's the verdict on .IoV" nsked
".lo's inimitable." she leplied lightlx.
"Walt until j on dance with him,"
i he snid ".lo dances his wax Into exery
I girl's heai t."
"I (it n beliexe that."
"lie's one of those suiirx henited
fellows that people take to be shallow,
but iindei the snrfnie biiglitness there's
1 a tub r.ibh deep cuneiit
"And he nexer nuies a grudge. If
mil one should stiik a knle in .lo, lie'd
onl.x make a question mink of his ee
blow and gixe a xx mulct ing smile."
"What 1 can't tuuli rstand." snid
I'm. "is whx tin iliildini don't like
"lie phigins us all the time." mm
plalniil Itittx
"It's xi r.x odd, though." roniinenti il
. T ......t.... .... .l,,ii ,1. ..I, ,i tul ititli it
1 IXIilllK'll, IIH'll.l.ll.'l'. ...'. ...... ..
,,.,,.ll.i in lit.i itl "IlllU Mill llll llkl
to be plngiieil oil nie ahxaxs tugging
tit !u hi els I think .xou must be m
ipii tting xith .In
"lie's n dlffeleul with tlielll flutli
Km t. said Mrs Kingiloii "Km t i-
1 mi patient and so sxxnt with ihililien
lie understands them
I 'Ixiiit." said I'm. "seems to be like
1 some things that are loo good fin
exn.xdn use He should be laid awax
I on a s If foi siii,ns " Thin, meet
ing Mis Kingihui s wondering c.xes. she
addnl with a little Hush "That isn't
tine anil its unkind' I don't reall
litum it
"We .lie all nailx foi out sewing
bee " obseixed Mrs Kingdom, smiling.
"What shall In gi i''
' I in wondering, said I'm niedila
tuel. ' if 1 hadn't bettir I ig ui ""nie
thing exining like for the d.uue to
nMii. If inn miild lit nie hot row a
I white muslin i urtniii I ollld iasilx l ig
it up into an impromptu dame froik.
".In snd hi knew a man who tin lied
un aiitomnbile into a lamp post." said
I Isottx.
I "Oh, ltitt ' ' ljiiglud l'eii. "nu.xbe
there is hope fur a Mimei to be tinned
into a s lint "
I "We won t liaie to icsnrt to cur
tains." snid Mrs Kingdon "I baxe a
white sntin skirt that is too sluut foi
me, and ou inn fashion a waist from
i a pin e of white muslin."
"And Doris left her white slippers
that were too short for hoi." renuuiUd
, ,.l , , .. ,....,. . ,i.
III Ullllh, Illi'tlUIIini , in 'n-' iul,
i lis she deftlx nit out u waist, "that
I the thief should be making exciting
ilothcs whin it xx as onlx but .xesterdii)
she was booked foi bais instead of
balls '
rplli: two tulilieis weie tuning
iii-triimi nt-. when the party
then ,
from I
the house intered the in-j -lighted mess,
... . ... .1 f
"'.til a,, staited loiwa.u win. an n.. m
lissiiianic to il.iim Pen When he lie
held hei he stoppid nbruptl) . lost ill
ndniiiutiiiii ot the daintilx dad xoutig
pel sou whose Castle-iut lm ks had been
luted to a (oiffuie f i mil xxhiih little
tendiils esi npiil in bibxish lings.
.lake Pouir, sn mid xiolui, glimpsed
'her at the same turn and not lied Jo's
J hesitating halt
"I. iidn s' I 'lion e
In shoiiti il xx 1 1 ti a
, gun.
t,, I....L ...1 nt her evoi i lllllt lx but
I v.uulx. for she gladddiul the pride of
, .... -1 .
Tram is bx , boosing him as her pnit
Ititti nml 1 till i inlltllllllx (hose
,.n,i. nti,,,r Mrs Kingdom
elected 11
' r x,,i,.. n.i tin. other t-irl"
then to .mil shin tened the minimi then
Jo still t.il foi the belle of the lull, but1
u xouth in (onibiiuuNnn attire of
limit) i . iow bo) and soldier was ahead
of him
"Would xou bonoi nie. ma'am"'" be
askdl '
Shu would and did, but she nexer I
learned the name of the wonderful danve'
with which she "honored" him. It had i
boon a (use of "whither thou goest I
will go."
Again Sleepy Saudi was considerate
and (Ut this number short also.
Then Bett) came tunning biouthlessl)
up to Pen
"Jo sa)s if xou don't dnwo with him
this next tune like xou promised he'll
drown tlie kittens Pleas., Aunt Pen!"
Tn ti ill tirmttnlli on liiniil thiu tittte
This is mine."' be uss.rted, 'luuless
vnt.'re d.ioied out lix Mint eink "
"M) dam ing blood isn't up xet." she i
said, slipping into his amis She didn't
tare to knoxx the nume of the dance, i
All she ktuxx xxns the ustns) of the,
moment in the flowing, melting rhthm. I
.lo lllld me (nx iissunin.e nt inc.,,,,, ,, .., ,l l,.l.l... x.l,,,!,,.,,,
, , , . ltlllll l,illl.l tAOIU.lll'O tl.lllllVXIIIII I
dancer born, and she w.nt wheie li fll0. but n. otlur sp..tut,ir ulloxxi-tl "
willed, as if she were floating on silxer ,,,, ,, ,,,. iut(,, ,Io w-ls BnzlI1B lt
xvires Finnll.x. Sleep) Snnd), xxntdi- her as one gues at some marxelous por
ing them in inxious admiration, xxns frm,., , but his axve and admiiutiou
uxxure that he hnd plu)ed as long as WHn. expiessid in a simple but effutn.
the law of limit allowed. phrns,
"Isn't this better than Belli) 's?" 'Oh babi . but )ou can put it over
she asked demurely them nil'"
, ' ' N - ' I ' V '1
...,...... r,.-,-, . '. ) . ; I 1KM... KTTr -JL JAttJtju. . . ,. - -TJliffitos "Ji m 1"Jt'iArll - " fiilf 1 r Jitifclfhin A fcn3'aiifd,Lju--n' -
"There will nexer In the world be to
me a night like the one nt Kcllly's.'
he replied. I
".lo. whx don't jou go into vnude-
xille'' m dancing would bring you
txxlie whnt jour work here must."
"Mine is n man's jnV he retorted.
"I'd rnther dnnie horsebnik thnn on
mix stnge. I hnxe to go oxer to i nriey
xxith n lot of inttle tomoirow. It will ,
tnke me thne da.xs. You will nnniige ,
to sic me ngitln when I come bnih''"
"I suielx will, Jo." she promisid.
Don't bt .lo monopolize on," said
Kingdon. coming up to them at the
dose of the dnner "We try to givej
the boxs plent.x of recreation, nnd they '
don't get iiinu.x girls to dance xxitl,
None like xou
IN n dutifiill.x promised to do penance
with the rank nnd tile.
"I'll go mill ask the cook." said
.lo. mnuriifullx, "else I won't git half
I llltlolis l in il I ii ciune uiu k hu .mi.
MM I'll 1 I t
IJelin tantlx he gnxe xxn.x to (iene and I,
ppio.n hi d
Six' 1
the cook
asked with a iiuirk to his
want to hook on to the xxish-
Those iliiined brats fetih and cnir.x
rxthing the hear," she exclaimed.
Tin get it A wishbone's the best
to puk nu.xxxa.x
'1 hen after he xxaited paticntlx for
I'm to do hn dut dances mid slip one
i with him i
Pin xxi nt to sleep that night xxitlt
blissful leiolhctions of her wonderful
(Iiiiiks xxith .lo and n xague i unositj
whither Kilt t Walters lonld
d no
I 'or the grentei part of tluee da.xs
she sewtd assidiiousl , suriouudid tlie
while hx tl adinliing diildren who
listened ( iitrmieed to a new kind of
Scheh( i.iade talis. itetxxeen times.
she gnthenil lloweis for the innni loirs
mid jars, learned to make snlnds nnd ,
to pel form little household duties lnth-
( rto unknown Then smlilenli there
enme ,, sxxift .hnuge of mood. The
"ense of uneasiness, the need of free-
(loin, the ilesue that perxades the xxist
fn notev .,f tl,,. , . i i.i. .i ;..
'' Miinisinnii tdiii iisi in
Ik I lilood
'Mr life is too full of woikd.ns."
she (Iceland "Three daxs of domes
tuitx' I i. in no more I will sec if
.lo hasn't letuim d "
Set king new liehN that night she
slippid suireptitiousl down to the mess
'Halloa'' gieeted Jo raptnronslx .
1 xi In u Willi lung foi jou, I.i'l Pennx
nti .Inst got buck. What xou lieen
lining sime IIK, name.'
"Md.axing And I must get oxen
some xxn.x or go stmk mad. What
mix o xou been doing.'"
M. ' .l.ikex here and I xe been en-
. ..lining ooiseiies wiiu a game ot
(i.iis '
' I'hix it with me instead. It's the I
oulx game I ie nexei learned
Sure I II show ou. Sit down heic
mi tin limn "
I.nti i Kingdon. in sennit nf Hi.,
missing guest. ..trolled down to the mess
I... II I.ll..ll. . .
...... ... miner nx a . ippnng laugl
Inn lis, ,1 with lesnoiisne cuffnxxs
furious, he looked in. Seated on the
tlnoi weie Jo and l'en exntcdl) pla.xingi
.111 ex (111 milt, hill cune. while n I
udoi ing ( in le of nun applauded, en
(i)iu.ig(d ami srnffid in tuin
There weie two put, lies of crimson
in l'en's (leam-wlnte i hooks, a bnght
sparkle of exiitdiient in her ijes,
wlinh ihangid to the iippiehuisixe look
of a ihild "vpeiting lepioof as she
looked uji and axx Kingdon.
i m liming sin h a good time.'" she
told him deprc(.itingl) .
He smih,!
"ou look it The (hildien and the
lest of us ai e lamenting )our absence.
We want a good time, too."
'I'll (.Hue again," she piomised, xvith
u h.ukxxuid look nt tin nun, as she
dm ib lx walkidou with Kingdon
Jo humid aftei them.
' Tomoriow's held da," he runindod
liei 'ou'll be thoieV"
"I in lixing on the thought of it.
. oil ie the inuuager
aren't joii'r"
He gunned.
"Aitiug ninnuger foi Kuit
eis "
"Mnjnt I do a stuul. too''
... .
"'''l (ag(rl).
"Sine thing, ou mu). Well be
glad to hnxe a noxelt) in the wax of a
lad) u.rfonner. What'll it be? '
"I'll sie ou in the moriuiig and tell
jou xxhnt I can do."
Mrs Kingdon smiled unilerstniidingly
when she hemd of the game of tiap
"Just a fexv dns up hue hnxe done
woudiis for jou," she ubsuxul, looking
at her .xoung chmge appioxingl.x
"es, I feel ph.xMiallx lit like a
real soldier."
WITH n llttle "'S1' "f r'l'ef nn
'' pleasure, Pen laid aside some gar
ments, on which she had boon stondilx
and Mirrcptitioiisl) winking, mid sought
Come down und.i .oxei of one ot
the hills." she uig.,1. "and I xvill show '
xou xx nit uix nait in the . nv s xxoik
Here's Hoping It's Soft Cider
Author of "Amarllly of Clotlin-Llna
Alley," "Mildew Mnnse," el.
Thnt afternoon when the Kingdon
household enme down to occupy the row
of rnlscd t-ents erected in the "field,"
1'en was missing.
Her absence wits n injstery until the
following t.xped progrnms for the day
were handed out :
J( ;,UY, Champion Itider of Top
m m ri(c Turil Turtle nnd Pineh
SI.KIU'Y SANDY will ride Ilntleshlp
(irny nnd Ilnb) Doll.
JAKKY KOl'HH xx 111 ride Pickled Pete
nnd Piker.
tlKNII' DOSSKY will ride Hiawatha
nnd Whizz.
(Miss Penelope I.nmontl
Will ride nn.x thing biought into the ring !
oukat nxinitiTiox or HOt'OH
KIl)IN(i t tlie most luminous uun
0f the West. Onl.x the most unmunagc-
able animals will be ridden.
Kingdon's e.xeglasses came off with n
sense of shod,
"This will nexer do, Margaret he
exclaimed. "Those irary bojs baxe no
ense. The '11 bung out some ot mosc
w,, horses, and thnt meek-looking little
daiedexil friend of Kurt's xxill mil mix
bluff. She mustn't be allowed to line.
1 in i mi.
.., ,, 1 t,i. no l,o stnrtei .
i ins wiie ii-si...""
inn) . . ........ .i... .i. .,., .1
I teel i.iniiueiii nm. o.- "",,
lan.itliiiig she told me she could Tide "
,U'WeU"he he esgii h " al -
girls to x.n.i judgment, so I suppose I
ist mux but I an. surprisedat ,ou "
rhe ilnhlren were thrown into a state1
of exi itemi nt on ib'i Ipheriug Pen's part
ill the ( omlllg feilts
A bugle sounded
Into the ring lode the four sl,m.
xoiing top ndei
of the rnm.li tone,
Ihapaioj..- . nbrcroii being niu.li
l'hex gnxe the
usual stunts in the
tiiin.nl western wa.x en a tracU trnmpeu
I ,,'c linl us iisohalt. the tattoo of hoofs
milking the haul nuith ring in the
soundless atmosphere. Their feats,
singli nnd together, xxere huumIoiis,
but theie was linking to the onlookeis
the charm of noxelt, ns the had long
bien iiciiistnmul to these nnd similar
exhibitions of horsemanship
Kur.x urn heart beat a little faster
with x'pc tunc, tliitefoic, when there
nine another blme ot the trumpet mm
ine run; ....... -.-- ..-...
-li '"' straight as a bo.x s.out, chid
.Xllss 1(1111 .xiue.
'" I"""'"" :",rK ulue ""-ecnes iiim ....
nine iiiao umi. ..
A sleek shj colt was suuuoni) in-
oiuko in." .... ..i.v .,i n. . ...... ......
theie higiin n fnsk) game of nianeuxors
The little, would-be rider proxed as
The little, woum-nc r.uer proxc. as
w.) and nimble ns he colt on winch
shehmillx sneceeded in shooting a bn-
,, Another round of oine and go,
ami one leg went oxer the slender nock,
am tnin down me gius-.,, u... n mui u.u
. ., xx-:. i i,
.. , .... .!. .-1...... I....1. .1..1 it...
utile iimi.c t. .in I. ., urn i inn. tin'-
i. i, ,-i...i ..ii .i
tactics known to his species, but thex
xxeic of no nxiiil. nnd aftir circling m.d
re.ir.lmg the ling. Ton caltnl) relm-
i mushed him mu! axxaitod the next of
A wild-ex(d mustang wns the xie-
tim As soon ns she xxns iniiuiiti.il, he
rose high on "is hind liut, nut tame
low ti like a liiuib and ended in spuming
like a top around the ring.
A genet ill protest xxent up xxhen a
deiiionuiiiil-looking buckskin was pro
duced. "Tlux are horse-mad!" exclaimed
Kingdon "Mnrgatet, this A going to
stop light hole."
"I.ouis," she leplied e.iinestl.x, "this
is onlx horse-pill) to l'en. No, I mil
no' punning. I didn't knoxv she was
going to make this exhibition, but some
wu) I fiel that she can cnsil) lixe up
to the pi onuses in tlie progium "
With a plunge the buckskin went
straight into midair nnd came down
haul. Thin nt full speed amid a xxhul
ing of dust, be tiled all his tiuks
but alwaxs the little figure held hei
position, easil) tiiuinpliant, and tuiallx
the hitherto unmouutable animal again
eniue truiibling to earth and obedientl)
( folloxxed bis rider's xxill.
"You'xe xxon!" cried tlie eowbo.is
"Now, bring me a horse, n rebl sad
die hoise the kind )ou gixe n kingdom
for!" she demanded. "I'd like to ride
la bit. if .xou don't mind."
Thex brought here a beautiful thor
loughbied. She rode nround the ring
a few times, nnd tlion, leaping ine
fence to the inclosurc. wus nwa) and
oxer the hills, her blood throbbing,
her heart pounding ns she felt the soft,
southwest wind in her fuce, the sit on
song of freedom ringing in her oars
ITbe .mine sweetness of the mountain
I nir was' in her nostrils. She wns re-
,..ll.l f., 1,, ,-rnte nf rltnnsn.lv In
the sound of pounding hoofs behind her
J She half turned in her saddle, expoct-
..... ... . ... Tn Slltn , llll, if till! ll tltA l.,tt
lll(i l.r -IT .,. ..." ....................
nianding-toned "Wait!" to rein in her
. .,, , , . ..
There xxns nn luserutatile look in tlie
blazing ejes of thc approachiuj; horse
mnn, a coinfjolliuB foicc in his broad
filimtltlciM as he rode up to her.
"Where arc 3011 going?" he Ie
ma mled.
"Nowhere. .lust riding," the re
lly Jean llaxvtborne
TT WAS almost n wee bit of old Paris,
-L the Paris of boulevard cafes, and et
it really Mood In the business district
of conventional, puritanical Iloston.
Sergeant Ians rubbed his eyes mid
looked again nnd, w-onc!cr of wonders,
it was still there; n shnlloxv court, tilled
with small, round tables, huge gnj -colored
umbrella nnd the whole facing
a street lined xvith speelnlt shops.
Kvery dnj , after that discovery, nt
l'' :.'I0, Sergeant Hx-nns took his lint find
cane nnd hurried, ns fnst ns his limp
would allow- him, to the little restau
rant, there to spend his lunch hour
lix ing ngain the wonderful jear nnd n
hnlf he lind spent in France. It bnd
been n glorious brenk In his career ns
a xer.x smilll clerk in very large in
surance companies. It bad not been
one of those "oo-ln-ln" sort of things,
that one learns of from popular songs,
but a good fun, Yankee vacation, with
a little dirty work to pay expenses.
And nfter he had been wounded the
whole (ountry had seemed to open up to
him, mid even Pnris, the forbidden, bnd
been his for n couple of dnS. That
was xi here he had learned to enjoy
boiilexurd cafes.
One dnj, ns be snt nnd dreamed of
the past and planned future trips to
the old country, n girl enme in nnd
took a sent nt the. tnble next to him;
u tail, strniglit, cnpnble-lookiiig girl.
Sinreitlll ClUllS llUZXlCll fol" U lOUg tlllll
t. ,. .. niil
lielore lie llin. "--.. ...1.. -"
n hpr (l1)1pi lth his most nillitar
walk, and snlnted.
...., , ,t nere XOU exer n
ir.loii me. but were xou exer
nn,se at the llordeaux reconstu.ctio.,
ri'r"2 ou
"cs. i deed she said. jou
a !'' ft tHero .
l ti,il. ion were the sister wno pui
me life into this ankle," be nnsweied.
Itut there hnd been innny piiuvius
nnd few nurses nnd it xxns ouiy liner
that she rciuemueieu iiim. .-v....
theless, she nsueii nun u "' "
,l,ev spent the rest j "' 'n. j"
tnlKing oxer uiiirun . . -t
1P there hnd been a war
The next dny they rani again, nnd this
time the conxersnuo.i uec ... .... .. , . ,
,, .. i.tniin nnf.
sonnl. Miss Hutler xxnnteil to Know ,,,, t ,,,.,,
Iloston wns his home town. . Jf j(n fo j,,,, X- iTi right
Tor the present, )os," he answeieU. now ml1, fin(, thc fc.,k mlM nnt n,(o
"I am leally from the West, but good K(,tU(lf mppy ovcr the slloltnRP 0f , ill -jobs
don't grow on trees, so xxhen I , , ,ab()1. Mnny sMIed itnijns )mve
was offered this I said 'Boston is home. mlRlntp,i ililck ,0 the nml of M1sliine
How nbout ourself?" t itml noble bistoiy and their skill be-
Mlss Hutler laughed. comes at once a competition.
"Oh, 1 just grexx , like Tops) ; no . mufotm s.xsteiu of education nnd
father, no mother, no mime aim in. i..-.
, . .
pt 1,at '
founil a unciui nn"
xxitli some medical
""' , , , ,
knowledge, and I am it. But some tin)
T ,.,i c0 back to 1'atK nnd t call) sec '
nntr," '
rxf n " said Sergeant Kxans.
iito summer passed lapidl) and bx
Oil " ".""' ', , . ,
" "boulevard icstnurant
' p l mc " "JJ utcP the txxo xxnr xet-
."low.1 for ' t,n lnros.
erm, ha 1 fo un. lot o rmcc r, ,lh
f. .,., nil ItlllntV
...u- .. " .. ,
"r,lii i." he said, for she xxns
, .
i .,-. Miss Itut er to bun
'it has
,conie, nt Inst, sooner than xxe expected,
n cbnncc to live in I nns for the next
' live ) ears; good job and a dandy salnr) .
We snil in June.
"Wc?" qiiorud Miss Butler, in n
.xery smnll xoice
Whx . of course, you ami me.
"And bnxv do I go, ns se. letntv or
as i unsanction aide?" asked Miss
Butler, and the small xokc was almost
a xxliisper.
But Sergennt Kxnns nail scin nci
nnd did not waste xxoids. He just took i
her in Ins nrnis.
"ou xxill know before we npply for
passpotts," wns nil be said.
The next complete noxelctte Sam
uel's Conxersion.
The Business Doctor
Author of "The Business Career
of Peter Flint" and "Bruno
Duke Solver of Busi
ness Problems"
Ainerienn Supremacy Depends on
II1!NI!VBB n business entcrpriae
hns needed expel t teehnicnl mnn-
ngemint it bus generally looked nround
for n mnn with tlie neccssnr) equipment
to take hold of the job.
Sometimes, very seldom unfortii
nntel) , the concern hns found the mnn
xxho hns the required ability nlrcndy
xxoiking in its seixice. More fre
quentl) , the concern looks among its
competnois for the man it xx lints.
.. " " ' ?' '" i "" " ' "'b "
Pei Imps equally ftcqtiently the con
"'" "'" h" t", ",""" " W.".".
""" ""'"" """ ul ""4 """ ""c "" "
form some pnitieulnr technical stunt.
The lestilt is thnt xxe enn travel nil
oxer this i ountry nnd find Englishmen,
.,-.... T...XI V
"ii..nn..i. rcmc......-.i. .uiuni, .u.
'xxogimis. etc , at the head of manufac
In,,,,,, niii .ninmnri nl iinrrnH.ny
" """ ,lN""" .....,... u.
That's all right, for these people mnkc
good Americans, but suppose thee ex
perts went back to where thej came?
4Ioof !" the light-brained optimist
ma su , "I guess we can easily get
onto the dirves of the game. We bhould
Of course w,c could get onto the curves
of thc game, but why go to that trouble
(In the firtt chapter irm foW how
the birds appeal to Hilly and l'engil
to turn a and violin filayer into a glad
player. Hilly it just coming under
the spell of the sadt tmnic, icifn
Penelope, the girl in the toner, sends
a message begging them to aid her to
Hilly Under the Spelt
fDir.IA is under the spell ot the
D sad, sad x-iolln. Hoo! Hon! Now
we arc lost," hooted Judge Owl ns Hilly
galloped axxay on the bnik of Hnlky
Snm to the rescue of Penelope, the.
iirnid In tlie toxxcr.
I'eggy fenrcd thnt what Judge Oxxl
snid was true. Hilly hnd gone to the
aid of Penelope, it is true, but be hnd
gone slowly and reluctantly, nnd not nt
nil with his usual rest to help any one
who xxns In trouble. And while he gnl
loped nwny he kept looking mournfully
bnek, ns if tlie lure of -the iolIn xvas
still strongly drawing him.
There xvas some odd tharm nbout the
plalng. Pegg.x felt it hot self. It made
her feel blue and lonely , and before she
knexv it teais were sti earning down her
face nnd she x-ns sobbing as if her heart
would break.
Seeing this, Johnny Hull began to
howl, Lonesome Hear growled nnd
groaned, Hill) (!oat bleated, Hollo, the
monkey, chattered mid screamed, Judge
Oxxl screeched. King PHicr rattled,
Hitteru (reaked like an old pump, and
nil the other birds shrieked their loud
est. It was all xery weird and de
pressing. I'eggy quiikl) noticed thnt xxhen this
rncket diowncd out the xxnll of the vio
lin, her spirits iosp nnd the ache went
out of her heart Then, as the birds
and flnlmnls got out of bieath and their
noise giew faint enough for the lolin
to be heard again, her'sphyts xxent down
like the meicurj in the thermometer on
a chill) dax.
"How awful for any person to make
xxhen h) u xery simple and practical
plan of education xc can train nil the
nti tin in ml in ii ii t lii nnnli nf iiiiuliinuti
UK II m nun in hiij hihhx u vi uininv-ti
, .
training ox tnosc sine nianutacturers
xxouhl hnxe made tliem independent ot
lux giuup ot xxorKers so Inr us labor
. . .
. 10ncerned.
I was talking to a mnn who is '
inteiested in the development of Amei i
inn shipping. et he, who bus a firm
faith in the future of Cmle Sam on the
I.. t!.l 11XX-.,'II ,., , nl,l ...
I sens, said. "We'll not be able to com-
pete with Bnglnnd or (lermnnj for, cms
bmnllM. 0 dolt know enough nbout
!,,,, u b,B BJ,nplllR busln,.NI. Xon if
,lhcl, fcw f the bK managers from
Buglnnd to get us started light
could go ahead vei) quicklx."
But, I protested, "There's no secret
nbout shipping. Anjbod) enn hnd out
hoxv Ibiglnnd or nn.x other country docs
its shipping business. And xxe'xe plenty
of people here xxho can tontrol u busi
ness any old sire )ou like to make it.
Take Schwnb "
"All true, or nenrl) so, but xxe need
not on!) the knowledge but the expe
rience. Of course, xxe'll get botli
xxe'xe bnd it before. But xxhen xxe get
it again xxe mustn t forget it. We
must see that our shipping companies
cdii. ale their people so that the se
nets' or the experiences iiiid the thou
sand or sn of little txxists nnd turns
of the business lire familiar to them.
"Book hoxv business continues for
generation nfter generation. Work
men pass their skill nnd expeiienco on
to their sous and so perpctuute the
nbilit) of tlie xxoikmnn.
"Europe has done Ibis for genera
tions. We want to do the same thing
in n bigger and bettor xxny.
"The peid for insuring the skill nnd
nbilit) of toibnical labor is evident.
Education and training pointv tho
What my friend snid is 'cjuitc true.
Noxv turn it nround and apply it to
yourself nnd our business. Are you
insuring tlie continuance of skilled
xx'orkers b) training the )oungsters
xvho are xxoiking there?
If )ou happen to be a skilled xx-ork-mnii,
are .xou helping to uphold the
commercial supremacy of our coun
tiy by passing on )0itr skill and ex
pel ionce to others''
If )ou are, oti baxe n good sense
of citizenship. And )ou are u good
citizen aren't )ou''
New nrk, Sej t ! Cable aclilces received
at the New "imk M tal Ixrhunse this morn
lnif quoted prlc es in Iondan today nn fol
ic s Tin Spot 'J ids unchanged fu
tureM 70 an tilanv of lis, slralis .ihJ
a decline of 1 ilfs Spot. .10 tons, fu
tures JM tons htitndird copper Spot 100
ins, an advance of fi& futures, 101 3s, un
(hHUKtd hales hpot 10 tons, futures. 430
tins KlectroUtlc spot 1011, a dtcllne of
1 , futures f 1LO unchanRid Iead Spot,
J3 Js tld fuiiirt-s J1 17h Ad both un
chanced Spelt r hpot 40, futures, 41,
both down 3s
riilcflKO. Sept 0 llVTTKU Hecelpts,
11 .Mil tubs Market Arm Kxtra. 05c,
firsts fiOV 14e seconds 4H049WC
KCOS Iteieipts 13,493 cases Market
stead Firsts 4iTi44t ordinary firsts 3H
30c miscellaneous 37 (f 43c
Coprlcht loin lo tho Hell Sjndlcate. Inc.
n 7s
1 1 f v. I, (fej(f-r,'B' J
' '-iyT if yi
He began to play
other persons feel so sad for no cause
at nil," she sobbed nnd soon wits cry
ing hnrdcr thnn cx-or. And nt once the
animals nnd the birds begnn their racket
While the din was nt its loudest,
Italkv Sam came galloping back.
Astride him, clinging on tightly behind
Hilly Itclgium, wns Penelope, the mnid
from the tower. Her face w-ns nil smiles
nnd she wa-cd her hand gnyly nt Peggy
nnd the nnimnls nnd the birds. Hilly,
too, npparently bnd forgotten the sad
call of the xiolln nnd was shouting xxith
glee as he urged Hnlky Sam to n faster
and faster pace.
The din bid the noise ot the sad vio
lin, so Peggy smiled bnek nt Penelope,
being glad xxhen she heard the gay laugh
of the prisoner of the toxver.
"Whnt a tine xxelconio," cried Penel
ope, who thought thnt nil the rneket
was in her honor. "It makes ine forget
that I do not lox-e the perfectly prim
and pioper ricli old man Aunt Pruc is
foicing me to marry, and gix'es me hopes
thnt I mny be happy nfter nil. Come,
let's phi) and mnke the most of this
jojotis hour of freedom."
WHEAT Receipts. W7 727 bushels llie
murliet ruled Arm but nulct. Quota
tions C ir lota In export elexntor KOvernm.nt
BtAndard Inspection, standard prices No. l
red winter, J2 311, No 1 northern spring,
J2.11 No 1 h-ird winter. 2 30. No 1 red
winter, Karllckj, 2 17, No. 1 red wnulft
J2 311 No 1 red Barlicky and smutty. J2 34
I'nllod States Grain Corporation's purchases
of wheat are Imsed on the follow InK schedule
of discounts No 2 xheat, 3c under No 1,
No 3 wheat tic under No 1 , No 4 xxheat.
Klo under No 1, No 3 xx hent, 14e under
ixo l. ror nil xxheat otherwise con.urne
Ing to the specifications of No. 5, or better.
ut ueucient in .esi xxeien.. lite uinmu...
t.... ...u i . ... .. . .. ., l,,flnl
from the No 3 price win be 3c per bushel
.or eacn one Pound dene ency in lesi wen....
Wheat grading bcloxv No. 3 for reasons
other than efflilencx- In tet xxeishts xvlll bo
uuuiiii. on us menu amui.y uni;.. i
ho illeounted iiccordlnff to the decree of
pmutt. but In no case less thin 2c per bushel
under the rorrcuponnlllff resular urri Oar
leky wheat will he dlNcounted Just ns hereto
fore lie tier bushel from tho reuulnr Grade
.Mixed wheat xxill be discounted from "c to
Tie. according to quality nnd condition of
mixture, but unlens otherxxlso instructed, the
tndo mxy count on our taking No. 2 mixed
wheat at Philadelphia Just as heretofore, I.
e , 2c under the corresponding rcirular urcide,
I'onv Iticelpts H2"i'l Iju-hels Demand
xxaa llfcht and the market xxna xxeak and
loxxer X'e ouote. to arrlxe. xtlloxx In car
lots for local trade, ns to nullity and loca
tion at i s.',l 110 p. r bushel
OA1S Iterelpts 2:,3".J bushels. Demand
x as light und there was no ehanpe in prices
Vxe quo.e Car lots as lo location No 1
white siffsjc. Nn J white Mlljsii .No 3.
white, 7llfflS0c No 4 while, 777S Old
oats LommanU about 2c premium oxer these
KLUUn Hecelnts. 4 2R4.S11 Bounds In
s.cks Demand continued Hunt, but prices
ruhd steady Quotations To arrlxe per
111(1 lbs 'n 1411 lb Jute Harks. Winter
strxlsht xe-tern new $10 lintuln 40, near
hx new !lo''C 11, 21, Knnsnn BtralBht. new,
llll2."i Ktms.ts short patent, new
fll 2"iiU (10 toinnic, snort patent, old, $13
W13.-.0 do. sho.t patent, new Sll 75012,
do p.itent eld, $12 r,0(H3 do do new,
SimSlli'i do first clvur. old. JO. 230
111, do do 'nexx- SU l.-iliU 31
ill K Fl.OI'lt was dull itt nuoted rates
Vx'e ouoto nt $7 dot" 7 00 per barrel In sacks
as to ciuallt
The market was qulpt anl barely steadv
Fo lowlncr are the quotations lleet In
sets smoked and alr-drled 34c beef knuck
les and tenders smoked and air dried 33c,
pork, famlU. 3Sc hams, b P cured loose.
3c do. Bkinn-d loose 34??33c. do. do
smoked, 3dc. hams, boiled boneless, 33c,
Picnic shoulders s V cured, loose 23c,
do, smoked 2flJtmc, bVllles. In pickle,
loose, JJe, breakfast bacon 4-c. lard 33c
Uht ofterlnKs restricted business Trices
wire unchanged on a basis of t)c for fine
nUTTXIl Pine coods ere In small sup
ply Hnd Wc hlBher while medium and under
Krades were quiet and unchanged The quo
tations: Solid-picked creamery, extras,
3sVat, hiffh-scorinir good .WiilllHr, ex
tra Ylrstb 37'ac, firsts, B3O50, seconds, 30
dp 32c, b eet eranu n , chcice and f anc ,
(i0V&OG2Hc. do fair to cood. 3SH ft. ii4c.
fancy brands of ptlnts jobbing at (13&o3c;
fair to choice. 330020
IXiOS Supplies of desirable fresh egg's
wero smalt and p-U es ruled firm under a
good demand The quotations follow Free
cases, nearbj. $lh 2ft per crate, current re
ceipts that wilt grade, $13 00, fair to gocd,
$14 40013; western, extra firsts, $10 20 per
case, firsts $1113 flu, nearby and western,
seconds, $13 JOOlt 10, Inferior lots lower,
fancy selected egg) Jobbing at OLOCSc per
CHEESE The market ruled firm, with
demand absorbing the limited offerings The
quotations. New York and Wisconsin, whole
milk flats current make, fancy, 3J4
SJlfcc specials hleher. New ork and Wis
consin, whole-milk (tats current make, fair
to good 3132i, jobbing sales of fancy
goods. 33034c
LIVE There ias little trading except
In fancy desirahk -sized stock, which com
prist d but u small proportion of the ar
rivals apd met with a good ojtlet. Fine
fowls were hleher The UuUtlons ranged
as follows Fowls, net Leghorns, fancy,
fat. weighing 3i?i7 lbs apiece and over,
via express 373St fowls, not Leghorns,
smaller Mzes, via express 323Hc, fowls,
"Whlto Leghotns via express, aotfaic, spring
chickens, broilers, not Leghorns. ellow
skinned weighing 1(&,2 lbs apiece, 340
33c, except lima 1 lots higher, spring chick
ens broilers not Leghorns, el low -skinned,
weighing 11H lbs apiece. 31(j33c; White
Legnorns, yeuow-sKinnej, weigning 1 u2
lbs apiece, 30c, W hlte Leghorns, yellow
skinned smal er sizes, 282i)c; roosters.
23(ft24c. ducks spring 28c, do, Pekln old,
272ftc, do, Indian Hunrrer, old. 25 27c.
pigeons old. per pair, 40c. do, young, ped
parir. 3140c
DREbbKU Demand was fairly active and
By Chas. McMarifis
The animals and birds, hearing this,
stopped thctr noise, put on glad looks,
nnd began to play In the moonlight in
the same glad wny they had done the
day when Penelope first learned to laugh
and have fun.
But just as their fun wns getting
started, the. wail of the violin sounded
elenr through the woods. Penelope llsn
tened in surprise nnd slowly the glad
light .died out of her face", and the
old mournful look of her perfectly prim
and proper days took its place.
"Oh, I'm so unhappy," she sobbed.
"I've got to marry that ugly rich old
man, nnd I knoxv he will make me
miserable all my life, and I'll never
have n real love story of my own, nnd
I'll ncx-er, never be hnppy. Oh I Oh!
Oh I" She threw herself on the ground,
buried her head in her arms nnd gave
xx-ny to her grief. I'eggy grexv indignant
at the maker of the sad, sad music.
"Shame on him ! Shame I Shame 1"
she cried. "Hilly, you go stop him tills
Instant. Teach him to piny glad music.""
Hut Hilly xx-as nlrcndy on his wny to-xx-nrd
the strange musician. He had his
oxvn violin nt Ills shoulder, and as be
xvent he begnn to piny. And the tune
he plnyed, instead of being glnd nnd
gny n Peggy bnd expected, wns the
same sorroxiful nir thnt wns coming
from the sad, snd violin.
"Hop! Hoo! What did I tell you?"
hooted Judge Owl. "Billy is bcxvltcbed
by the snd, snd music. Noxv we'll have
txxo snd, snd violins instead of one.
Goodnight! I'm going to move! Who
knows xx here there Is n nice hollow tree
for rent fur, far nxxny?"
But Peggy wasn't paying any atten
tion to Judge Oxxl. She xx-ns too busy
trying to comfort poor Penelope.
(Tomorrow will be told how Billy
is brought out of the spell.)
prices xxere well mnlnlalned. Quotations
follow I'owls. fresh-kllleJ. dry-picked. In
boxes, welshlns 44 ls and over apiece.
41Hc do, welghlnic 4 lbs. apiece. 40V4C:
wels-hln 3V4 lbs as1llc welghlnir 3 lbs.,
3S33flc, smaller sizes, 32034c; fresh-killed,
In bbls , fane), drj- picked, xxelchlna; 4H
lbs and over aplec. 41c, xxelghlnir 4 lbs.
apiece, 40c, xxelRhlnc 3X4 lbs apiece. 37
3Sc, welirhinir 3 lbs. apiece. ,1l3.-,c. smaller
sizes 31 (f 31c. old roosters, dry-picked. 27c.
broilers Jersej choice, 4.1?o0c, other near
by. 3Kitf40c, exceptional sales of small sizes
hleher, do. xxestern, xvelghlng 2H02 lbs.
apiece 33(1Cc. chickens, western, xxeiRhlng
21 (U2a4 lbs apiece, 32fr33c, spring duck
lings nearbj, as to quality. 321335c: squabs,
xxhlte xxeighlng 11GM2 lbs per dozen. 58.C0
WD 2K do do, weighing HWIO lbs per dozen,
$7 5008 25, do. do, weighing 8 lbs per
dozen, nctffpcj 7, do do, weighing 7 lbs per
dozen. $4 CO (if ."1. 2", do do xxelghlng lipciUi
It," per doren- 2 nod?.! r.O- dark, l,tP(9
2 25; small and No 2, C10c(??$2.
Choice ftpplea Bteady Ortllnary stock weak
rnchps in kooiI demnnd nnd firm Wo quote:
Apples, per basket A0c$l 75, do, per
bushel hamper, COciifjS, do per bbl., $3JfO
(f?R. rantnloupes. New Jersey, pr baoket,
S'iOOc, do. western per flat rrnte. $1.2fift'
1 ITt, wntermelon Jersey, per 100 SlRi
peaches New Jersey, per crate. $23..1(),
do. New Jersev. per bTsket Jl? TtO: peari",
Uartlett, per bushel $l!3 2,i: crapes, Con-
rord, per pony basket 1R22p, do, Dela
ware, per R-bapket rrate Tfi2, lemons,
per box, 12 70fif tl 33. orancea, California,
per box, 2 1'0 'jr,
Potatoes were In Rood request and steadv.
Cabbage again lowe- utider free ofCerlnKS.
We quote: While potatoes. Eastern Shore,
Vlrclnla, per bhl No 1 $3 7AG1. 2.1; No -.
$2 noR)3 2.1. White potatoes, Jersey, per
basket No 1, $11 21; lower grades, no
7."c White potatoes, per lBO-lb. sack.
$ 1 ?i)P4 AO Sweet potatoes, southern per
bbl No 1, f3.7604.2A; No. 2, J2 .1001.
Suert potatoes. Jersey, per basket, jl! 2.1.
Cabhnpe. New Jersey, per basket, 3r.7.1o,
do New York domestic, per ton, $t040.
Onions Now Jersey per basket. $1.251 B.
'r "i Jprsev nor bushfl hamper. $1 00
2.25: do. per 100 lb. sack, $2 5003.73.
Declines of from 5 to 10 per cent in
the prices jobbers nsk for woolens and
worsteds suitable for the women's wear
this fall and winter arc noted. The
softening of the market is said to pe
the direct result of the slackening in
bujing operations by garment manufac
turers during the last two weeks. Some
jobbers beliee that a revival of gar
ment bujing on the part of retailers
will bend the manufacturers into the
maiket after piece goods again and re
store prices to their former levels. t
The surplus property division of the
office of the quartermaster general of
the army is offering for sale under bealed
proposals, 4000 pounds of powdered
boric acid and fiOflO ounces of chloral
hjdratc stored at St. Louis, Mo. Uids ,
will be opened at 10 a. m., Septem
ber 20.
Switzerland Intends to Americanize
its entire industrial sjstein. Ameri
can machinery for the making of
watches, textiles, chocolates and other
Swiss .products will be installed there
as rapidly as it can be sent abroad.
More activity is noted In the whole
sale women's outer apparel market than
at any time in the last three weeks,
according to manufacturers and job
bers, who confidently expect a revival
of buing before the week is over that
will rival the July rush.
According to a telegram received at '
the Tanners' Council of Americn, col
lectors of customs have been instructed
by the government of India not to per
mit the shipment of skins and hides
from India to places outside the British
empire without sccuriug the authority
of the Indian Government. This ac
tion prevents further shipments to the
United States for tho present. No rea
bou is given for this sudden and unex- x
pected action.
Despite high prices and hot weather,
trade in fur garments, in both the re
tail mid wholesale ends of the industry,
is brisk. Itetailers, because of the
large volume of businpss they have done
on their early showings of fur gar
ments, are forced to cull for additional
supplies from the manufacturers. Buy
ers for retail stores, who formerly de- .
pended on reorders for filling in their'
stocks, are visiting the ""market in per
son now and placing orders for new
Leather dealers assert that active
buying' may be expected withip the next
two weeks. The decline in purchases,
they state, is due principally to the
decrease in tho production of finished
leather goods brought about by shorter
working hours. Manufacturers of ,
leather bags, gloves, suitcases and nov
elties have on hand inorc leather than
can be converted into finished articles
for some time tc-- come, although this
leather is not svrJleient to cover orde ,
standing on ;hgMkr ,
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