fff-f - - -V 3' u ... 'i , V BWlfCl KJBLlfl LJ)DaJJR PmLADJLPHlA, MONDAY, SliJJbTEiUBiJtt 8, 11)19 '! wi Ik s i jiSXATB IOKBAXB Sfczzs r ,1 i. , t' 1 irn; Are You Looking for a Home either await or lares', ! bave largest ll:T G. C. SEIDEL & CO. 4T1I AND CALLDWHn.L BTB, 1344 N FRANKLIN ST.- tory, 12-room .I4....a .11ln.r tnt QTvllfl! tlTlCA 1700(1 CONTINKNTAL-EQUITABLr) TITLE AND TRUST CO f 31 'B. 15th lit. , POSSESSION at once, D.rms i fporch. newly painted, papered. Smith. 1638 rt, Brcexe HnlMIng Lola. TwyforT Hltee. Kta 20,000 SQUARE FEET. BROAD and MT. VERNON Worrell & Co., 555 N. 17th 130.000 SQUARE FEET deslrtibla ground tor sal In Kensington district: suitable , lor industrial purposes; wmiw"- . 1 h. c hyvin co T21 walnut st. SITES, ItAlLnOAD Penna. and Reading. 920DO per acres ana up. bcotihihb vo in.i Inquire tor tntii. Dletcrloh. 787 'Walnut FACTORY site, 03x140. adjoins Pa. freight: .Ught 4 aldee SMITH. 15.8 rt. Breeae av. Factories; Within 2 squares or 12th and Market: light en 8 sldee: for Bale very cheap and on eaey i'ouMccnVo'a'EnMANTOWNAVE V,igimim tt"i i-w-m v INDUSTRIAL Planta. Warehoueee. Vacant Laud, Railroad and Water Frontage. J. I, BTEVENSON A BON'. 822 Land Title, More and Dwellings nnir" nini irrr roth and Columbia av , 8-atory etore and dwelling; vacant: convenient location. Wm IiCravon'a Bone 2010 Columbia ave 17S BERKS Or., .onv. loca.: rood order. Wb, I, Craven'; Bona. 801B Columbia av. ffMT Philadelphia TALK OF THE TOWN 1100 Mode S. Ruby t : new, modem homee Sherwood section, between B3d and B4th. Bi north or inesror btb. , u roouw. """-!., re 1 -t i....i., wt.lt. an mn.hnsfl.nv finish. hot.water hVat." gas rric. "rdwood noon; price $4100: 4bOO cash: monthly ex penes $.8 B0: an additional payment on sec ond mortgage Agent on premises. Open evenings. or RYAN. IHIOH MARKET ST. FINISHED A fine renovated home newly papared throughout and finished 'n ma hogany and white: electris lUhtai .painted on the outalde: 4 BKDROOM3. hath, DUTCH HAW., price $5000; BIO Webster at., lm- mediate -possession GEO. A. ROECKLE. T23 S. B3d at. SIX room, bath. Porch! main atreet. op poalle Dartrama Park; rebuilt, painted and papered: vacant: 8348 to B85B Grays ave.. see sample. B347: agent on premises, rea sonable price: liberal terms. .,., Vacant. 6359 Grays aye,: 8-story "rner store and dwelling; also renewed repapered and repainted. Salot, 3133 Frankford ave Kensington 111" . . ..... H - V.A& -( ARTISTIC HUMJSH uur now uwu. '."-. advinwe-Wlth hardwood floors, electrltf light, ?whlt. nd mahogany finish: ; M have 'FooklnV the town over "they , decided their home was the " Jy T wf,lr Pb,li HALF RIX)CICVFROM ELEVATED ItXAl'i. Puo j.ifcvJ. "- BEFORE buying look at the 1800 block B Cecil at .right, at 68th. and Cheater nve: 2-atyT poKh-froV dwellings conU nlng rf exoeptlonally Urge rooms, bath nnd Pl"tered bJiement -laundry, with rear loor to yard oaienVt toilet, hardwood floor, eleo. I ght: newly flnlahed. white and n",h.0nvJ,n11'"0. house open: Immediate possession; 1750 cash required; price 13930 Knats. 788 B. 20th st. '-! Market Street Corner- N. W.'cor. 6tth t.: lot 72x: 8 stor, . brlclc building: should appeal to lniestore; at tractive nrlce and terms. J. T. JACKSQNC0.cS:nr TO-HOME OUTERS POSSESSION . 1500 block. Angora ter.: 2 story, porch. M20O 842 Elliott, hot water, electric... 4800 228 N. Hobart et .2 story, porch.... 2800 K01O-2L Market et.: a story, porch, each 0000 S020-31-M-U Harper, 2 eiy , bk teach 2100 rf AUlAf-E', ""J" aiu. ... 1300 Block Frazier Street Ofi1 A beautiful twin house; T rooma rSnZlnJ. i.aih! itipctric llsrhts. etc Lambert & 'McDermotto3pVTnEB;T WHY NOT BUT a 2-famlly apartment build ing. In the Overbrook section; each apart ment baa 5 rooms and bath, private porches .,,. S-..K K..ll.llna lla nvlvtl htttln1 And 'U- llghttntT system! an investment of flOOO per mits ypu to live, m one apartment o.t .uuui half 'Usual -rental: prlc l-$730-ml could not be duplicated today fcr (10,000 FITZPATRICK, 1541 N. U,0th. Belmont 4B44 4903-10-i'fl -7CINGSE8SINO AVE, TJiree atory, llO-room, porch-front homes, modern; -poeeesslon: neai49th and Chester ave., prlci. JBOOOj only 1.100-cash: will paint; and paper. itillv J KOEItl.l-ff.4 PO.. 1420-2.2 Cheat- 'nut stj 'fnone lcubi mifj ana reece xoii. . - ---.- - '7'ii " . 1 ... S09 ' Bs 63D ST.. overlooking,, Coobi Creelt Park! now vacant: DeacnamDers. Dam. shower on 2d flr;f back autrway. basement laundry, hardwood firs throughout, el. light h -w. heat. Inclosed porch; must be lnepeqted to be appreciated Knatx 730 H 201h st, lalOO 145S-SQ N. EDaEWOOD ST. Six room- and bath: lot 14.4x70: veiy desljable IS200 5540 MABllsil i -our Dearooms, bath; act quickly and secure this bargain. OKOROE A BOECKLB, 725 8 82d St. OVERBROOK SECTION. Edgewood st . 100 El. block: beauuful o-room home, newly pa l oared and painted throughout: Immediate poi : great bargain. "E M. MOLL. Ina downe ave 'weat of fl3d wr Belmont fi07i, " IS800 ONLY t LEFT, S824-28-33-S1 Trinity a at.. 0 large rcoms and bath on second noor; btirk launaries; biggest value in v.v l Phlla, William L, Cra,ven'a ions. B8th anq wneater aye. S!7finf) 8-story residence: ill rooms, hot tiuuu water lu-at. electrla light: living hall; Immediate possession . . . BUQSNB I TQWNSEND ltootheaat corner 40th and Baltimore Ave. WB SELL ONLY .T1IH DEBT ilOO block NT 29th; 8 roomeTbath: good lo- oiuon, vvnAiM a. wiri,i(, dmu unriS' .UlAn, ' J7 a; 02O BT 8 rooma and bath. Blvilrvinr st.,0 rooms and bath. i 17 N. 01st st, 0 rooms. tiiAti u. jiuuwn cu , -n . lsrosq 327A MONTH buys nicer 7-room house having cni-waier neat, eiectrio iikoi: close io uinn m.t . ATTllIim -T T.T'.TfPnT.TV KA m-nA T..n.h, t ?& , .:, tVrr brick dwelllnv; lot 21x120 fjeti price IVO.tlOO. Philadelphia Trust Co., 4X5 Cheat- nvi -it- JTAT.l ikm it-ftT-nf "ey 'iVW ' ', . fiT.u flfttlttrlQ Uchtn.t Dutch hall; aide yard; let yiTllil KDUU IDCB.UUII. alUB. JT.IICH rDlLB. L'yr4c'n nmmftM iv Cto-pAitnAVK., 60J4 Four larra badroonu. bitmnt laundry, ' etc , SO-ft. et.; S0.100; iia,aru iiuuib. uaiiLiy. lien usluk. pnru. ytfrh 170UU Hew majiiki, owin ana c:oar. I &000iLar' Dutch hall, flnlibed In whits ana , wnanogany; iarcs tuninv room ex- aulBlteUr paperva. Dearooms. eiectnc unt, ART1IUTX J. IJCUPOLD B2d and Larchwood rpXR'nVBNT HOU8H. ft baths. 15 rooma: quTclc , ila:? eoccaptlonal opportunity. 3611 Foweltonave, B7TH BTi 1000 BLOCK, below Chester ave. -Two itory, 8 rooms, bath. 4 bedrooms; rare $47ti. Knatl, 786 B 20th-st , THRBB-S' IORY porch front, hot-water heat; 17QO blo-lc S. 68th at.; bargain ED. ABRAW8. 623 Real Estate Trust BldC. Qnnfl CMtarlne street, B817t .modern 8 , 9OUUU tiry. newly decorated. JOHN v. KNUUKU. a -Vi liaitimora Ave. COUNERI nwi 6 rooms; Inclosed porch) all IrrmroveoTilits: 15S0O; possession Oct. 1. 280 B, Hlrstlst. Belmont B20 J. 6400 BLOCKI, Pine St. Nine rooma; newly papered anf painted. Inside and out: price 14700 D. V. Wveddlrar, 62d and Chester ave. 561 B 6STH BY. Two sty., 8 rms. and bathr 6048, Sanioni 7 rooms and bath. M ill. MatatniW. Real Estate Trust Bldg. 5T88 COMME1ICB ST.TiTw.itory. porch front, 6 roonVn and bath. .42700. , DAVID D. GCiTF. 7prpennaylvanla Bldg 4884 A8PEN By. Vaeent, 7 r.: porch; all convs.: $70 (iish. Empire Trust Co.; 44th andiAncaeter. XrTLETREBI B'fT. 6618 -Teo-story. brick. r. rooms, eauiiinni im mo : price sisou. O. A. awhljjt. ivia c-itarnuT ur. WQNDKRFUIj OTnr, op-poslta University! rood for rftttauVaj.t or cents' furn.tbtnff. ED, AiwAMOi Oaiff ivei mwh ITUH Uior, eOTH S"K Main ifrtet home; will Increaa vatyl cnbWLEY.T 1241 N. 60th , MODERN JEND. HUflB , sldewlndows. 4 bedrooms and bats- B842 Washington ave.i , 871100 JOHN A TllOMAB 638 8 60th t in utue: jaioo ioii o roomi. nowjy i Alden bt. abqvw girard ave Nin rooms, 4 bedroom! $1700. CROWLEY, SKf' .111 I8O00 Main-street hofai6 rooms -and bath; pginiPiou a.unw v ev, - CLAUHUlvr oevoi ana viirara ave. VALUABLE building nttiM rltv block! m ltaa In Waat Phlla. ! city block: mate offer. For nartlcu lars 6 C Beldel ft Cot 4th and Callowhlll WB HAVE 85 houses, tiorch fronts; Bid to (Its north of Marklt Home. 18th and wnartou. j6H8 J. 81TII BT, TSree-story dwelling. DAVID D, HOW", 704 VennsylTanla Rldg. IT A V 1 13 I3t IHJP,jrf Tin -ennsyiTantq iag. B71H. below Plnei 8 TpomVTba'h. porch: din. , 'tug. room ha wtndoM '.and side yard, 1 prise Interesting Bedm.y. B(i yv.' 4?0 Blitr Klngsesslajr siv KIlJPBXIuy !& ?T ,Jj XEAIi ESTATE TOR SAIiB ' writ Philadelphia OWN YOUR HOME $58 Month INCLUDING GARAGE 1 4 Minutes to City Hall No Change of Cars One 5 c Fare Brand new semi-detached stor.e homes, beat location In Phila delphia, high claaa, convenient. Four bedrooms on second floor. Cars every two or three min utes, day and night, I960 cash. 5S monthly carrying; charges, small payment each month to reduce your mortgage. Builder and owner on premises, dally and Sunday, at Mth St. dlrect lv opposite tho terminal of the Market Street Elevated. John H. McClatchy Builder and Owner 848 LAND TITLE BLDO. A House Within Your Means $400 Cash 41Q .70 Monthly J HJ. J Payment AND IS PER MONTH ADDITIONAL TO REDUCE SECOND MORTGAGE Extra-Large Rooms White and Mahogany Finish Modern Plumbing SEE SAMPLE HOUSE 6019 UPLAND ST. Take No. 18 ear. Chester ave., to flOth and IClngsesalng: walk '4 block south. No 11 sub tea y car to 60th and Wood land, walk 1U blocks north, or OWNER ON PREMISES OK SAMUEL STERN 210 NORTH AMERICAN BLDG. ir0verbrook Homes With Private Garages MARLYN ROAD JUST WEST OP 64TH North of Jefferson at. $9800 Cannot be duplicated for 111.000 today. Two story. 20-ft. atone fronta with Incloaed twin cement porchea. atone (lreplaces; all tile shower baths. In fact, the same features found In our tlO.000 homes on 04th at. South of Jefferson st. Including Central Plant Heat Moss & Taylor EUOENB THOMPSON, representative SAMPLE HOUSE 807 N. 84TK ST. REGENT ST. (60TH AND CHESTER AVE ) Alrllte homes with all modern Improve ments: eiectrio lights, parquetry floora nnnh.i trna- artistically dSCOratOd 'and finished in white and mahogany. $20.62 MONTHLY CARRYING CHARGES ONLY $650 CASH REQUIRED And a small payment each month to building aaaoclatlon to reduce mortgage. SAMPLE HOUSE. 0085 REGENT 3T, AQENT ON PREMISES $1000 CASH $31 Monthly Expense Plus a small additional monthly payment to reduce second mortgage .Electric light, hot-water heat Hardwood Floora Throughout Porches Inclosed, Screened and Heated White and Mahogany Finish SAMPLE HOUSE 209 8. BSTH ST. SWARTLTEY, Agent B214 CHESTNUT ST MAKE YOUR SELECTION MODERN HOMES 4600 Bl, Larchwood 7 bedrms., 8 baths 6200 Bl. Larchwood, shower; possession. uioy in, ine, excel, cona.: posseseiuu intNl 111 rl nisi; remoaeiea im ; poan. N. 01st St., 6 ran , bath, poss Larchw'd, attrac. Interior, poss Larchw'd, 4 bdrms, ; mod , pos Malcolm. 7 rooms, mod , poss 8 Conestoga: restricted loca, Hampton rod: garage, 8 Alden, 7 rooma, modern. S: Edgewood. remodeled. N, 02d. 7 rroa. ; excel, con : poa. 100 HI rami in. B7O0 HI. 5600 Bl. 500 Bl. 100 Bl 800 Bl. 1200 Bl. 100 Ul. Commercial Guarantee Co. BULLETIN BLDO. Locust 4828 $750.00 CASH $29.00 Monthly Expense Plus a small additional monthly payment to reduce aecond mortgage ELECTRIC LIGHT nOT-WATER HEAT HARDWOOD FLOORS PORCHES INCLOSED. SCREENED WHITE AND MAHOGANY FINII8H SAMPLE HOUSE 6158 LARCHWOOD AVE. SWARTLEY. Agent 8214 CHESTNUT BT. 'We Sell Only the Best"- Block Chestnut 8. 48th street 10010 0000 and Thames ave.... ... .I8IOO . ..18000 :-::HK8 .... 87000 ..,,16200 I Block.S, B8th St.,... itlocK vveosier ..... Block Catharine ,1.. u. Cecil street ) B. 57th street.,,... I Tllm-V r-alharlne. . . . .sovu DONALD A. WINTER "" 5740 CHRISTIAN ST. (Bfeautiful Sherwood Section $4000 hAdfield st. tPIUUU . , (8300 BLOCK)' aiEAPEST HOMES IN WEST PHILA.' fltim heat, electric lights, hardwood floors. etc,; only 3 squares from B2d and Baltimore ..-' aamnla hntiaA. ng?ll7 sample house, 0820? aii ,..- , E. & T. DOYLE CO. 681S MASTER RT, SELLING FAST . IMMEDIATE POSSESSION Most convenient location. Take cars Routs 80 on Walnut at , direct to houses. ELMW00D AVE. 66tn SHIELDS ST. Stores, Schools and Churches Nearby, ALEXANDER FERGUSON BUILDER AND OWNER, pn Premises. A CORNER HOUSE, WITH OARAGB 5632 KINGSESSING AVE. , $6250 nOT-WATBR HEAT ELEC. LIGHTS TARQUBTRY FLOORS KERSHAW & CROWLcnSt. A NE.W OPBRA.TION Sample House 2074 N. SID ST, Overbrook Only H few left: attractive 3-atory atone houses with twin porches; garages; open nrcpiacea. mi vaif iiiea ,viurra ana in novations. (3aa earner houae Ill.OOO. r SpcKijaH Bwr4)(ei Sd t la4 REAL ESTATE FOB BALE OKRMANTOWN tTrora&WM New Homes in the Beautiful Lincoln Drive Section of Germantown, $12,500 Including Garage New homes being completed, have real open fireplaces for logs and contain the most exclusive up-to-date new ideas in home construction, INCLUDING THREE BATHS Mako your selection early. Come out today by auto along River Drive, through Wissahickon Drive to Lincoln Drive above Horltci Street, undoubtedly the most restful and prettiest auto drivo to any residential section of the city; or Wayne avenue trolley on 13th street North to Wayne avenue and Horttcr street half. a block, walk or Electric trains on Pennsylvania Railroad to Upsal Station a block and a half walk from these beautiful new homes. Builder and Owner on Premises Daily and Sunday. John H. McClatchy 848 Land T,tie Bunding ixfcwnn Tvrsr riin.Anr.r.rniA New Overbrook Homes With Garages $500 Cash $38 a Month Carrying Charges New homes on Atwood road, hlgh claae neighborhood, every modern appointment, attractive porch front, tile bath, shower: real open fire places for loga, hot-water heat and garage, nuy a new home, J38 a month carrying charges, email amount monthly to reduce your mort gage Take Market st elevated to 63d st., free pass on 63d St.. north to Lebanon ave. (1100 north), then vtalk it blocks to 05th and Lebanon ave. One 5 cent fare. John H. McClatchy BUILDER AND OWNER 8lS LAND TITLE BLDO. MODERN HOMES S88S 5011 601 n 0000 6023 013 731 R80O B94n 6842 121B 1050 6200 8120 1123 Pentrldge terrace. 0 r. and bath Cobbs Crk Park'y. 4 b. r.. no. pen. rhrletlan at . twin. 4 b r. Block Latona. 0 rooms and bath. Wharton. 6 rooms and bath. R. Mth. A rooms and bath, H BSth. 0 rooms and bath. ... Mock Angora terrace n. s . 6r.A b. Nassau road, 0 r. and lb , garage. Webster, 0 r. and b . financed. S 58th 0 rooms and bath. Larchwood, 4 bedrooms B Frailer. r. and b. , financed Block Washington ave , 8r, a. 2 b.: garage. Webster, 4 b r , breakfast room. O rlniK A V PArtmi S0Z9 Washington ave twin, 4 b r. MICHAEL A. MAL0NEY 1 02 1 SOUTH BOTH HT STOP, look and read! U'a hardly believable, but It'a true, a S-story dwelling, side yard, on a .lot .Jin n . o Dejitumin"-. bath & storeroom, living room, dining room, kitchen & launory. ann )n wioum .mo alia of the rooms, too. hardwood noora. elec tric lights Wltn Classy mum. iivi ."- vatel with beautiful wallpaper and white and mahogany wood wood, not put on any old way. but real workmanship: 1402 S. sstn ar, the beautiful Sherwood section, price $6560: can be Inspected Sunday, phone Lans- itwm 1421 M M't ID" o -"" ' 10000-BEMIDETACHE3D: 4 rooms nd bath tnriti- .team' heat. William L. Craven's Sons BSth and Chester ave ZTtlfKX KverythJnc you could wisn ror in IUUV o..orv house, excellent convenl- ..- suit tfia tlnn. .'.OHN M. ENDURq. 6201 Baltimore Avenue. Bl MARLTN ROAD.Overbrook section: house In lat-clia. condition: -.nl.hed n manogany "S. w.Vt of 88d Delmont 8870. . 87O00 Inclosed porch. Dutch hall. 4 bed rooms, eiectrio light, hot-water heat: near 00th st ARTHUR J. LEUPOLD. 8d and Larchwood IP T.OU WANT A HOME, 8 room, , and 1 hath aveTcili'ARTOUR'n.' IBKtKeT 1210-perin Bquar mo. '21 BUILDING LOTS, lnctudlns on corner, ontii ana uru .-.-- meftts real barrsin. y"nxDER,T21 8 51st St. Ctt, 1237 ORETLOCK ST (48th and Woodland! Ttto story porch front. 0 rooms and bath; 12700 Empire Trust Co , 44th and Lancaster. THRKE-FAMILY apartment house, ren 1800 per month Including 4 private g ages In rear. JAME8 D WINCHELL. 1 rented ar iu and Hansom sts VACANT. 4043 Florence avs : 0 rooms, bath and .jaunary, newiy yiiv ihiuubuu.., JUiin i r.i-. n' ..v. " "w - i80 B. 6BTlP Perfect condition: Immediate -Sn.....fnn- 4 bedrooms, strlcllv modern: price J7500 JOHN A THOMAS, 038 S 00th OVDRBROOK Beautiful corner southern exposure 8 rooms modern throughout; garage: screens, awnings co with house. VVVKU IPJO 1 .wm,,.m, p.. SPRUCE ST. WEST OF S2D ST Modem 2-story twin house; remodeled, flnlahed In white and mahogany; very fine, iniw M BNflUnO. 8207 Baltimore aye rtnilnees Fropea-tteei and Store SPECIAL Butcher, or merchant, ripe atore lneitloit 6218 Baltimore ave : bargain at I4TKO. P. EARL YON1CER. 07th and Thomas ave "tores and Dwellings s w COR. B7th and Lanaaowne ave. Ex. ceitlonal oppor. for llw buslneaa man AdiTlnh 11 1 Cases r. 00th i. Iinsdowne ave Oarage OARAOE on one ot West Phlla 'a traffic thoroughfares, doing a lara sory business: owner entering arfotr leading rao tacces- other line. w.',gAn"tTONKER 57th and Thomas ave. flERMANTOWN ffl('3jaSI3JtUffiaaiaaaJ5I3I5M3I3ai5IS El . .rn. $U,UUU Modern suburban dwslllng, 7 cham . o h.lhi hnt.ivatar heaf. tr. trie and gas lights, hardwood floors open fireplaces, etc Repapered and repainted and good as new. Terms lo suit. MAURAN, DOLMAN, & CO. n N. E cor Broad and Chestnut sts. tgigiBtaBIBiaBI5IB15HBlBI5iaJBEISiaia5fE SBtjODETACHBD stons'dwelUnir. lot 83x "00 10 rooms and 2 baths, all modern; "ttfTtSMwllho. Bulletin Bldg Wa "also have for immediate possession houses ranging from J80OO up to $50,000. Send 'or our list before It Is too late. EjJlORTTER ST 7TOora twin dwgs : con vent en cesjeaiJerrnjiLJdJJ14JSVilnut TKN.HOOM detached house, thoroughly mod ern' 18-lnch atone walls: 'lot 00137 feet, beautiful lavvn and shade trees with garden and 2-atory stone garage In rear, can bo seen todsyi owner moving out of city, will a,ll at bargain and give quick possession Sit B it "si .t i Mt Airy (WOO North). BIDK-YARD HOMES -.unusual prices: Itoss at below. Tulpehocken: ateam heat. 4 bedroome: $40001 Lenson below Tulpehocken, $8000; terma arranged. ' ABERNETHY, 1J28 Chealnut WORSTBR 8004 Germantown ave $4050 FOR 8-STORY iemtdetiched residence within two SQuarea of Queen Lane eta tlon and lth st. trolley line, porch front lion n" "'". .v.. K . thin. n II. I ann alas: one ni ww . u..... .. ... ..-. id side: one nt tne net ' - .AAa !. ...ba... .w Imm., mediate poss. IHfU vl.ai lin ." i , .......vu. - . , . .wi.p.n-ip. 8,721 Gtn ave fttjiq large apartment house. Ideally and Svenlenly located! cbst $300,000 to build! wonderful Investment! finest con structed building In dtyt open for offer, Belmont 4001, Casper, U238 Hav.rford ave, Vf UPSAL. close to Germantown avu, Blda-ard home! lot to baok. street: great prospects! positive bargain at $7000; quick ""'""aBERNETHT. 1828 Chestnut LAROK corner property, on ate.. 14, tooms. 4 bi corner Sedgwick and En Greene and. JohnN laths: sraraae Lot Kmlln sta,, 180x184: splendid location Jtia" A BARK CO 1420 Chestnut Spr. 133, $18 800 Splendid horn tn Mt Airy, Sedgwick Station: 10 rooms. 2 baths. trio lights, stesm heat: deep, lot to .treat Call Chestnut Hill IBM J. near .,,.! wctino Block K. Chelten. ave,: 8. story, twin, electricity, ho Dutch, hall norch: art quick. t-water neat, M HUREVIT4 831 N th $8700 48M. MORRIS 8T.I new, Ihoroughly r2g 11 BWTPW"I f.egt JWWT I.WU 1 . w."-wjtaainivi, "TZ' " "" "31" " i REAL ESTATE TOR SAXE OWtMANTOWN $8500 UPWARDS FOR IMMEDIATE POSSES- fj SI0N AND IN EXCELLENT CONDITION l i Modern semidetached dwelllnre. with m 10 and 12 room. 1 and 2 batht. 8ev- Hi eral of these properties have space g for garage. v.lth lota 35 and 40 feet M front. The porches are detached, eleo- la Irlc lights, parquetry floors, open fire- fj places, white paints and attractive B decorations Within .1 minutes of U Scdcnlck Station. Chestnut Hill P. k R or Germantown ae , schools, & stores or Allen lane station Chest- nut Hill P R. R. within 10 -minutes' SI nalk. If you are looking for a mod- m ern nome In a convenlert nrd Kood a residential section examine these H properties without delay. H S. C. T0URIS0N 7014 BOYER ST., GERMANTOWN S Gtn. 083 Gtn 4431 H II Bllll Ill'SlBIIWIilllin II.SiTiS3!iBl!BIliS3 NEW HOMES BUILT BY KILLOUGH With and Without Garages Just Completed &? &SJJW FERN HILL ROAD (Bst Apsley and Berkley sts ) $37 Pe er Montn Ceirrjlnr chares 11000 Mih required. See Furnished Sample House 4547. , Asent on Premises Built to nult sou and complete In every detail Electric llenta, aruum outlets, hot-water heat, hurdwood floors etc An Ideal and Convenient Location TaVe train to Wayne Junction. 18 min utes from Reading Terminal. 170 trains dilly, or No R8 car on 18th at. to Apsley at , walk weat 2 blocks. G. PERCY FOX I On premises or 40th and Lancaster ave 324 W, LOGAN , OT Three stors twin, oorch. Tl lnr room 10 f rooms hardwood floors, hot-water hat. eiectrio lights, neighborhood restricted, pos session 30 days MO WATNB AVE Three s(orr twin 10 rooms J 1000 has been opended within last 0 months, property has a good future, house Is cheap at 10500. 4708 OFtEENE ST twin reception hall, 4 bedrooms, heat, electric lights, property Two stors', hot-water vacant 810 W T.OC1AN ST Two atory. living room 3 bedrooms hot water heat, electric lights, lot 10x120, per feet condition, neighborhood restricted, pos session October 1 485 MOnRIS ST Two story, living room. 3 bedrooms, tiled bath, built-in tub. shower, ooen OreDlaie. hardwood floora. hot-water heat, electric Ushta, garage, poaaesslon at once. ROM NKtmiU. 8T Three story, twin, 10 rooms bath, laundn , good DU) THOMA1 H EVOT 4809 Wayne ave illEiljMaaKfflraKiBEllIiin'BPMlinKaEflEK Only a Few Left $3600 New Air-Light Homes Six rooms snd batr Hardwood floors Is res srds MAYLAND STREET j Bellow Wanhlntton lane at Chew tt : ! fGOO cash and J27 ner month nay all i carrying charses, Includlnr per I month reduction or second morfirags in he car on uermamown ae. io i Washington lane walk east tn Chew it , or rar on Chalten ae t Chew t wo lie north SAMUEL STERN NORTH AMERICAN ItLDO. Or ROBT W DROWN. Age.it. on Premises Phone Tloaa 802rt W MiffliiratEffliraiiscasEiianiB'ii.Tiiiia tjiciBiiirffi MuiiniiH'iiiHiimwBniieiiniisniiniiJi $3800.00 b Two slory porch-front homes on S main street; hot-water heat, electric g and gas light, gas cabinet range, "j laundry tub, parquetry flooring. Lota g lflxsn ft H TERMS: Only 1300 cash required. J We place mortgages for the balance B free of cost. MONTHLY EXPENSES ra t.'.i on B SAMPLE HOUSE A014 N "lat Rr. No 75 car on Olney Ave, at York . M Rd Germantown or Wayne Ave. to I Penn and Chew Sts , walk north on ! Penn St to Church Lane (1 square I S east to 21st St ) Phone Germantown g 1008 J at 8 a m , 1 or 7 p. m. CARSON BROTHERS IS !uiH::nH;aEiKscH;iiiREB:!!ua 03EJ5fiiM2JiMi " $25,000 Detached stone dwelling" and 2-car garasn: a flne corner lot. 6 chambers dresalntT room !! baths Ready for Immediate occupancy, MAURAN. DOLMAN & CO. E, cor. Broad and Chestnut sts. m ft$$!S$$!SRM$WW!S!!S!&i POSSESSION OCT 15 Twelve rooms story, large lot. Agent. 335 Drlnton E. HORTTER ST 7-room twl )om tvvln dwellings, loid, 714 Walnut. oonv . easy terms l. TRAM! FORI) 1840 ADAWS AVE.. Frankford 8 story. 8 rooms and bath porch. At con ; large tot. garage prlv , price 83300 Webel, 32S2 Fkd. TIOOA 3653 N. 21st, trio llahts. $6500 .Three sloiy. porch, 11 rooms, 2 baths, eleo- VACANT! IMMEDIATE POSSESSION Key at 8830 N 21,t st C, HARRY JOHNSON 1420 CHESTNUT ST IJ700 Two 2-story porch-front houses" tl rooms, hath and shed, larae yard. 8400 block N, Smedley at. MT. AIRY OrRMAN'fOWN MOUNT AIRY Slenton district. Owner will sell semidetached houss on lot 40xl83t 0 bedrooms. 2 baths: Inclosed porches: open ? replaces; basement laundry: eiectrio and gas' llhling: In flrst-clasg condition: 8 minutes from either Stenton or Sedgwick Station, on P. & R.j possession Oct. 1 Pbons a.r nnniown TOO, 7181 AND 7218 CRESHE1M RD. Mt, Jtry, few rolnates from Urod St Station, at Allen Lane Station near Germantown; at pre-war prices; modern 9 rooma , 3 baths, elc.1 magnificent dwellings detached: on terma to suit 7208 Crrshelm rd. has been sold. , LB DM, REALTY CO. 120 North, American Building Phone Walnut 28811 OLNF.Y BOULEVARD, 884 B HORTHEA8T (Cor A kaH ivaiAIH a KasulsaiAnrl Aala llipaiia.L., u 1 A kataal vieuxtm K kwl HAml Aavnpa IhrAtigt-iSnti HEAL ESTATE TOR SALE FISCHER BUILT HOMES WITH OARAGES pth st between Rockland and nuscomb Bamnle hniten. 41)11 V nth at Two story, porch hardwood floors through out, eiectrio lights and hot-water heat C. HARRY JOHNSON 1420 CHESTNUT BT . TWO-STORY twin house, living room 11 bed rooms tiled bath hullt-ln tub, ehower hot-water heat, electric lights hardwood floors, real open fireplace, spacious clostts rretal weather atrlpped, price Includes 7 tons coal, awnings, shades and screens through out THOMAS H EVOT. 40t Wayne ave 1501 OLNEY, 7 rooms and bath 1184 Rneklan. A rnom and hafh 901 Llndley ave : 10 rooms and bath ah mooerni price right M II MATSINOCR, Itesl F.atate Trust Bide LURA BT at N E bouletard 2-story. norcn mod dwg with gurage vatant. CHAB L intowN ft co , an h Hroaa BELFIELI) AVE , n of Wyoming. 30x80. $1500 cheap. John Frost. Broad Cayuga VACANT- 'Two-aton. norch front, modern n4in n Ulh. Key next door OAK LANK ELEGANT suburban home Large lot 2 porches. 14 rooms garage, IIP BOO, Kenll worth ave near sta Lloyd 8600 N Sth OAK LANE Modem 24 -story homes with sarnge at S7500, sample house open st 0781 N Sydenham st M. T Canter. 788 Welnut et Thone Walnut 8818 rKNNSTT.VANiA irnrwrtAN CHARMING OLD SHADE Large stone house 14 rooms, a baths, In complete repair wltn 11 conveniences, 3 acres of rarden aid planted lawn: close to good neighbors, schools, library, churches, country club snd all convrnl encee of comfortable living: 800 ft from trolley, 800 ft. from Lincoln Highway, thus having all these conveniences, but free from dutt It would take 100 years to nroduo. tho Union of this pronerty and lis charming old shade. Price 112.500. To a good party bujlng It for a permanent home $10 000 may remain for a long time at B per cent Interest Hot-water heat and open fireplaces rosseaslon October 1 SAMUEL C EASTBURN. Langhorne. AlUNQTOX TOWNSHir "The Willows"' A real home In the county: atone dwelllnr, (table a-araee, hen house and apalry. nhout 3 acres mostly Iam This Is n remodeled farmhouse, aunlnt and picturesque, with nil tnfiilern rnnvenlonr nM tghkilia fruit treen Springfield water. IIS rooms and 2 baths, lro(fpect rond below Aelsh road, near Wil low Oroe Park nlthln 10 mlnuteV walk of music pall!on 5 minutes to Philadelphia trolley, PAR station nearby Apply to owner. Bell phone, Walnut GSflO. STONE COLONIAL HOUSE containing 12 rooms and 2 baths: alt modtrn oonenlenees 1U acrrs of land and small parage, convenient to train and trolley HERKNESS & STETSON LAND TITLE BWIt.DINO A REAL COUNTRY RESIDENCE, with 8Hi acrea. only 12 miles from City Hall. In lovely part, for sale at an attractive price, 17 rooms. 4 baths, best of water: Includes caretaker a cottage of 5 rooms, bath, laun dry and garage, 8 minutes' walk from station and trolley. Address Owner, 4805 Spruce et , riilladelphlt GENTLEMAN'S COUNTRY ESTATE 20 mil's from city cnntslns 06 Acres and 7 buildings In best condition, 30 years' collec tion of rare plants, trees, etc . from all parts of the world In the 10 acres of .rarden. JEROMB B JARDELLA 13B5 inrmian st WESTOVMi HILLH The new A convenient suburb ritht at 08th st. terminal: Cc far to city; a truly Colonial house, all atone, with very up to-dat appointment; 6 bed chambers tils bath with shower, hdwd. floors throua-hout, eleo llrht, h -w heat; rar re. beautiful lawn, shrubbery ft plants: early I'cww i prn.w. 4-a tn iv ii t a. ian p eJllin BT, "WILL rent furnished. October 1 foe one year UT, iov raonimy, comioriSDio iu-room lome. aleeplntr porch, exceptionally attrac tive house and grounds tennis court, vegf- isbin ana nower garaen an cons , excellent R R and trolley facilities 7 miles from City Hall, refs required A H4. Ledger Off MILLBOUHNItt HCIQHrB Two blocks from Mlllbourno Station on elevated: 5o fara( 16 mln. to city: single stone and stucco dwelling. 4 larte btdrooms second floor, til bath, attic: owner obliged to leave city, early pnsftftsolnn ICnats 7Rft 8 20th st ALDAN Maryland ae 10 rooms and bath, electricity, gas. garage, sewer, 7 minutes to train or trolley FRANK P HOMER Aldsn Ta COUNTRY PLAGK. 11 miles from City Hall, 1 U tnllSB from Penllvn. house, stable. garaga nnd chicken house In good condition. fine old ensae . , THOMAS K DUNN. IM S Mh st . Thll Soburban Tot AT A SACRIHCE ntHLDINO LOT. nOxtBO. DESIRABLr, CORNER IXT. SIDEWALKS WATER AND OAS, OWNER MUST SELL THIS MEEK P 010 LBDflBR OFFICE GET a building lot In the right place', within 8 minutes of train or trolley, build a bungalow and end your houee troubles; send for circular 7020 Germantown ave. ALDAN AIJAN Why pay JH00 to 100O for lota elsewhere when you can get lota 40 and KO-foot front In this beautiful suburb, with schools and even city convenience, for 10307 Write or phone OLIVER S KEELY k CO 4370 Main st Manarunk ARDM0RK MODERN detached dwelling IS roome. baths: old ahade near station. $14,000 GEO M AMAN 121 Chestnut et nnoow.iNK NOW building half stone nnd frame dwell Ing gsa and electric iisih. large lot, 11 minutes from 09th St lormlial Sin not Geo. L Tlarncs 1S01 Chestnut st , land Park or Hlgh- COI.LlMinVLE COLL1NODALE MoxSern stone-and-ahlngle S-story dwelling, 0 rooms, Sprlngneld water; gas. electrlcltj. lot lOOxloll; line lawn and shade, 1 minute to station, early poesisston. 17000. bPRINOFIELD MANOR DEVELOPMENT CO . D05 Otis Dldg Phone Spruce 887. Mr Clayton ONE. fare Darby and 60th and Market, de tached atucec corner residence, 14 roome. vater heat, electrlcltj, gun. laundry trayH, tiled porch floor, carag-e, lot 133x185: $14 400 to settle estate Swore & Bon. iti yjiln Darby mini) kiiiwii!ii;ira,i!E1!Baiiiiiiiiu"!iffii!aiiiBiiiiii,iciiiia!ia!i btone & rrame House I Desirably located, with garage for H 2 rara! eTrallent condition modem. S with hardwood floors throughout, lot 145x200 ft.: fine old shade, Invest), gate: low price. HiRST & McMULLIN wvt.t pvn T-ntTRT RLDG tairaii nmtu itiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiwiaaiiiriiiiiiii'iiiciiiriiiiiMiii? DRIIV T0H WALNUT ST BTlck 7 room side-yard home: heater porcelain bath and sink, near school: $2700. HvVOPB SON' Bl Main Darhv IK QV apiiiraiiiiiaiBiiBiiiiiu Investigate This Stone houee very rear station ion tains 14 rooms 2 baths. 8 chambers electric light, gaa rarge and water heater, all In excellent condition atable and garage, mull's room. Hi acrea. vegetable garden, abundance of frulti prlco reasonable Hirst & McMullin WKBT VIKTi TRUST BIDO S SiiiiiniiEiiiiiiiiiiiiiiBiiim FERN ROCK TO BUILDERS AND SPECULATORS As few attractive suburban houses are for aal. any mote, new houses must be built, a big building boom has begun; therefore buy lota 4iow when cheap and obtainable, only one-tenth of price payable In cash. Hope, Sr Nedro ave , H square east from York rd . S'OMB attractive houses for sale at $2300, $4,100. $4800. $(1000, $$000. $8000. Includ ing large Uroad at, house and a profitable apartment house by HOPB Sr flLENoi.nr.N MODERN corner dwelling. 12 roomsl lot 75 1251 ahade: near atatlon and trolleyi pos- SSSSIont $8000 O, M AMAN 121S Chestnut. OLKNBWn MUST DE SOLD within IB days, poaaeaslcn 81) daya; ownsr leaving town, beautiful homo near train, trolley, stores, etc.: stucco on brick. 12 rooma. large open living room. hot-water heat. gas. electricity; fine condi tion! lot ToxlftO; $10. BOO, direct or Ihrouth your broker: 100 Menlo ave. Bell phone Ogontg 074 W. FEROUSON'B lots. $55 up: H-scre plots, $800 upi pried far below nearby land, no charge tor Improvements! booklet, Fergu son. Front and York sts HIOIIIJtNl VXHK TSN-ROOM reeldenci.. stone and stucco, in- eta pores, iioi.waier i.int. gas ana eiee. TOatBtll marnKkunt lawn, Irult $14. WW qovw.l.. Barnes.' isn REA3J ESTATE F.OR SAIiE rr.NNvi,VANiA wiiHtmn vn HUNTINGDON V.M.I.KY MODERN SUBURBAN HOME 10 nOOMS AND TWO BA1II3 MODERN COTTAGE 0 ROOMS AND BATH NINETY ACRES LAND Suitable for farming or development Korl-flve minutes from City Hall Excel lent Investment Must b sold as owner Is leaving cll Price $C2 000 Tosses slon at once Address OWNER A 312 LEDGER OFFICE 4KNKINTOMN MODERN ENGLISH STYLE RESIDENCE AND GARAGE Largo lot high eleatlon old shade best section between train nnd trolley, houee contain 11 rooms and 2 baths all modern conveniences Including large open fireplace, excellent order, garage "HERKNESS & STETSON LAND T1TI E 11I.DO PHILADELPHIA 11U1LDINU Bite, beuutlfulli lucated, large manlon partly constructed, also small brick building 7 acres will sell reasonsble terms Geo M Amnn 1218 Chestnut st " LAM1HOBM. 2V4 -STOUT, all-stone elncle house, 2 porches, 10 rooms, hath running water, modern plumbing In kltchin elect-lc lights. 1H acre of ground. 5 varieties trees Doylestown and Brletol trolley m door 1 mile In station on the N. V division 21 allies to city, op posite the Burks County Countri Club THOMAS II EVOT 4809 W-vvne ave I.LAMTffll A RliAL HOMK Priced for Quick Sale Located on corner lot. 150x150 Stone and shingle slate-roof dwelling 11 roome front and sld porch, ever) modern appointment, old shade scrubbers Tor fur ther particulars phone llelniont 1147 or See RYAN, 5908 Market St." MODERN RESIDENCE CorrUlnlng; 10 rooms and 4 baths all modern conveniences excellent order and attractive Oarage for 2 csrs Best section S minutes walk from sta tion Grounds ar spacious and prettily planted Prlcn $27 fiOO HERKNESS & STETSON LAND TITI.K BlaDO PHILADELPHIA ISUM-H 1VAIM BEAUTIFUL COUNTRY PLACE AT NORTH WALES OS acres facing stump road with creek running through ground, mansion house, IS rooms, all conveniences etone farmhouse, barn and cirrlage house , large sprlnghouse, must be sold to settle an estate Price IIS 000 r P COWARD CO 50th snd Jefferson sts 01 EltnitOOK FINE STONE HOUSE 18 1100M9, 2 BATHS 1105 N. 63d St. Corner Two wide streets. 170 ft on Md St.. lf ft on .Lebanon ae . 2 rows of largo shade trees on both streets, Gld street trolley pasies door, connecting th Market street elevated at flSd and Market, beautiful home, summer and winter, owner leaving city cause or sale. Apply on premises or of CHAS. J. HOOD & CO. Monms hldo 1421 chestnut st miifflTiiimiiiiiMiiiiiiniirRiiriiii; k Trn k trTt rr r ts s r Tvlth slRe roof, containing 11 rooms, 2 baths, 7 chambers modern !mpro. ments central heat ecellent loca UoK, larere lot. possession In 30 dajs, prlc refteonable, Ineetlsnte HIRST & McMULLIN WEST END TRLST BLDO. in STONE & PLASTER RESIDENCE containing 8 chambers and 4 baths, electric light, wpor scuum heat, hardwood floors, csratre for 2 cars man's room, hot-water heat, old shad Hi acres, excellent sur roundings, reasonable price for quick sale. HIRST & McMULLIN WE"T END TRUST BLDO nOSKMONT EXCELLENT OPPORTUNITY to purchase this stone andframo house with A baths. 8 chambers nan electricity, stesm heat, open rlreplnces Isrjce porches; carage 2 cars 2-8 acre old shade shrubbery and fruit trees, price reasonable, very near sta HIRST & McMULLIN ' WEST FND TRCST HUI1.D1NO HOMionoi nil COIJNIAL MANSION' and 10 room home girage stable SMITH lUlPMlrw SECANE BEAUTIFUL country residence, 10 rooms, sun parlor, steam heat electricity. Spring field water, lot over 4 acres, fruit trees, 1 em, H mll-a from city Hall on I' It It and only minutes lo trolley 8WEETWOOP SMITH 88th and Christian Woodland 7130 V $3800 2a -atorv detached home, o rooms htater. porcelain bath electrlclt- chest nut Onlsh, chicken houee Int 75x138 SWOPG SON, .111 Main Darby SHARON HILL CHESTER PIKE, at Sharon Hill, opp clec- ! trie station from 09th st terminal: fine mansion, every moatrn conv , oiu snauc, 1 irii,,. .: uiiwrr.: hthk. una. huuii. tr.niH tportatlon, 3 electric and 2 steam railroads Oliver S Ke.ly b Co . 4370 Main, at . Myk. willow nnovK For Immediate Possession In Excellent Condition Lot 123x200 ft S 12 cor Vleh rood snd Talrvlew ae , overlooking Willow Grove Park, 5 min utes from tratn or trolley j house of 3 story with slate roof, flnt floor splendid ty Inld out for comfort, second floor. 4 bed chambers, bath and sleeping porch third floor, 3 rooms and large storage closet All modern conveniences, Springfield water, res and electricity, cosl and gas ranges, gas uater heater; open fireplace, heated by hot water, roomy porch. Garage for i! cars and sleeping quar ters for chauffeur above, grounds In ex cellent condition, shrubbery, shade trees, bearing fruit lawns hedges, largo gar den with artificial Irrigation. Warner Murphy, Agent willow ukovc. r SOI Til AftllVIDKB 8EI.1SCT your future home sites along the great Ardmore trolley near ihurches high school, stores and stations and at pre-war E rices. Inducements offered to buyers and ulldera lo Inspect see .WM H HV1H otflce at Ststlon MOST desirable building site in South Ard more: alze 7x125, southern exposure, great bargain at $1300, act quickly it Interested WM S. DAVI1 office at station MUN LINK ciiDitmniiHium:mQununiuimuuinummiiiinui'mfiiuirn:tiUJi!:niiiiuuiutii)bi)j MODhKN HUML of English design, containing 10 rooms. S baths and 8 chambers, ga C rage for 8 cars, excellent locality; high-class surroundings, old shade near station college schools, e(c, , attractive price for quick aula Hirst & McMullin WEST END TRUST BLDO ritiiaiiiiiiiMiiEiiiiiiiijiiciiiiiraniiuiKitiEaiiyjiiiir.iffiiiiUK HKVON Hollow Tile & Piaster Residence 10 rooms. S baths, 0 chambers, all modern Improvements, vacuum heat, on high eleva tion with extended vlewa, very near eiectrio trains; over -4 acres, prices reasonable. HIRST & McMULLIN WBBT END TRUST BLDO RESIDENCE & GARAGE House contalna 14 rooms, 8 baths, 7 cham bers; gaf.ge with rooms for man: 2 acrea, fine garden, old ahade. fruit trees, etct everything In excellent condition, low vrlce (or quick sale, HIRST & McMULUN tVMJ WD TRUST- JBUMl, ..' HEAXi ESTATE TOU BAIiE NF.W JERHEY aUlH,TWN CHESTNUT RIDGE,, N J Beautifully dealgned and substantially Omntructed bungalow with all modern conveniences: site of plot 100x155: only 5 minutes' walk from station on Atlantlo City eiectrio line, 80 minutes from Market st ferry: 1 hour lo Atlantic City: railroad serv ice early and late by 50 trains each way a da price $4100, caeh S10IO. balance mort gage, a great opportunity 'for a real home A i: MUELLER & CO , 1331 Chestnut at. DbSlHAHI.E building lota ann private dwell ings for sale at reasonable prices and ea terms, please make Inspection L. It, l.eddon Clayton. N J LIM1ENWOLD N J Pour lots fronting on Main et : sale or ex change Box 201 Abeecon N J AHII1.1M1 St HCItliAN HOME corner propertj. ."j storj everything In flrst-class condition, S large rooms conveniences, 2 porches, as rape all klnas of fruit, plenty room to ralat chickens lot 100xl7A ft must be seen to be appreciated, price $4500 monthly com mutation lie 11 trains daily each way, plenty trains during rush hours Sunday train leaving Philadelphia, Penna ferry, 1 p in A O WlDENEIt Ashland N J COM.tNOrW 0011 SPLENDID modern 12 room house, xvery convenience hot-water heat, elec . garage; good location, corner lot 7010 ft . price 8210 RALPH MARTS 1322 Tark Iloule vard Camden. N J , HEAUTIFUI. HOME 12 rooms, all Improve ments 78x171 feet a lot of fruit trees lo be sold nt a sacrifice owner leaving cllj Apply Olio t'srk ave Colllngswood N J lUnDOM'IKII) iUtCKrno.NALLr large lots 71x110 fett end up on the beiutirul Ulrdwood tract. $450 up sewer, water, gas electricity, cement walks, stone roads we will build for vou on monthly paymerts, get map and booklet GILBERT O CALLAQHAN 708 Welnut st MT. Bl'IIRMM MT El'llRAIM Bargain beautiful hoi modern brick Bilxl.'l feet HOME I1UTERS CO Prexel Rldg RIVKRTOV NEAR THE HIVEft Thirteen room house h w heat nil convs ; gariae. lot 121x00 rholre Iocs . nhnto rETEU3 t. HON ng CHESTNUT BT .PHILA NKYV JF.BSF.Y .SF.AIHOBB llnlldlng Ix-te IIUILDINO IXTS for bungalow or bnathouae. Harry B Hood. Keith's Theatro Bldg CHE! IE 14 ROOMS 2 baths 40 S Dover, apart ments, sell furniture 7 elecplng rooms, poeeesslon 80 days, plpoleaa heater ATLANTIC CITY BEAUTIFUL, well-arranged. 2-famliy house In residential section Pacific aye , cheap to Immediate purchaeer. income from one apartment pivs all carrlng charges and a return on the Inveelment, front and back porches, large rooms, finished In hardwood, tiled baths, separute hot - water heating plants. . WILLIAM B nit.ET S S South Carolina eve Atlantic Cltv OCEAN CITY AN UNUSUAL OPPORTUNITY Is offered to secure an old-established hotel centrally located: 3 aquares from beach and opposite park, fully occupied for entire season: the price Is right, the terms will be made to suit. Apply only to O 'A ANBLET 1218 CHESTNUT ST GREAT UARQAIN to close an estate, corner. 60x100, 8 bedroome 2 baths, sun parlor, open fireplace electric light completely fur nished near 31st St Station, beautiful ocean view open for Inspection Jlrs J J Tnylor, ""in mm . piurai aye , upeen i.liy r. I FINE all-year seashore residence I04 At lantlo aye . 0 bedrooms and bath hot water heat all conveniences large lot, must sell to settle estate. Price 18000 H4.HVEY T LAKE. Ocean City N J vm.Tmoon HOTEL D VTTON Best located and eetab llshed hotel along the coast, fully fur nished hot and cold running water, private bath team heat, best equipped kitchen In Wlidwood 70 bedrooms. 110 rooms In all For particulars vyrlte A McMurray. Hotel Dayton Wlidwood, N, J , Fumn noniUA We wilt build jour home on productive farm land near larknonvllle at 10 per month Write Jax Heights Co, Jacksonville KIs FIOR1UA OROVE. on Indian river, beautl- ful location: 25 acres of 4.1 Planted: went Pennsylvania, farm lands A 31. Ledger Off rK-NNH-U.VAMA FA RM SOO-ACRE FARM AND COUNTRT SEAT 21 MILES FROM CITY HALL Larae Colonial stone mansion, 4 baths and nil conveniences; atsnds well hscW from rosd In fine lawn, large ban, farm'iouee etc , thla hlah clao propert la offered for Immediate sale st low price Folder wlh vlew PETERS f. SON 008 CHESTNtlT ST.. PHIL . UARQAIN. .18 acrei. only 22 mllca out on state road and trolley excellent large buildings electric lighted rich soil, stream watered, fruit, timber owner Includes H cow's 4 horaes 2 hogs 100 chtcUens all crops ami machlnen . see photo Getty III) V llih t KT.W 4FR1EV IMBMS DESIRABLE FARMS for sale at reasonab'. J rices acroi r.0 acres 40 aires 5 acres ft acrev 10 acres 43 acres 4 acrea 130 acres 120 acres 41 acres 111 acres 80 acres 42 acres 65 acres Please make Inenectlon L P. T.rnnON Clevton V T 7V, ACHES cor property only $.!23 nav able $V monthly- fire land, good neighbor bond. ELY. 700 Federal st , Camden HEAL ESTATE WANTED HMUL DWELLING WANTED A careful and prompt tenant having received rnllce to vacate present house wants to rent cltv or subi rbln house on yearly iAsa with ODtlOn to nnrrliaae. r.til al,nii. e0 I.-.. e 1 reference furnished M 818 Ledger Offl-e NTED October 1 b 4 edults In rltv nr I auburba north of Market st residence con- , tainlng II to 1J rooms and 2 baths, not over ni n-r monm or suilauie apartment not llauie apartment not A 232 l.edrer Office i.'.r, r n r mnmn .WANTED In renr 7 tn a ,.m ...k..-i,.H "p?D,.XL ?"! 7.ltco,nvrenTnc",.Vur.a? ncnoois P' IV f IM. 1 Tire, fern til v tinfiirnliha.1 deicrlti fullv TV TV TinTTH-rnv nm Land Tltl Bldg I , . $2 REWARD for Information leading to in) renting 4 toll T?om unfurnished house n- apartment about $50 a month. Oalllco 1210 Wldsner Uldg I Walnut .'Jill QUICK RESULTS Modern houses above Lehlah ave : see us at, once THOMAS 2115 Lchlch ave. WE HAVE ro'va of Investment houses fori sale, tnese properties will all ahow a high 'Investment return. ' JOS A HARR CO . 1420 Ches'nilt "or f.13 I WI"ARB looking for a ground floor of about 1 200n anuara faaf In p.nl.il .. .1 .1,. . t,l.,.,uJ,,b,e '5-r P"lc aid atorage of paper P 32Q Ledrer Office COUPLr.' want to purchase home In cltv nr suburb will pav cash, must havo about 10 rooms aarage Included preferred 213, Ledger Office WK Sr.I.L ONLT TIUI BKST List jour properties with us, w have buyers for Weat Phllsdflphla and Oermantown homes li A Winter fi740 Chrlattan st WANT to buy J or 3 atory porch-front drell Ing In Germantown vvevt aide $3000 to $7000 Arthur Roawell "HI y )an, ,( DnsiRn TO RENT, unfurnished or furnished house In suburbs: Pennsylvania preferred Thono Lomtvvid 1010 WANTED for winter season, furnla'ird tious't vlclnltv Illttenhouso Square 3 batha el leeet A 220 Lerfgsr Office DEEDS mtgs wllla written: exnrrt work: mod chargea K F SELLERS, 1201 Chestnut PimillAMB or lease 1 to 10 acrea or more. 0 to 10 room houee or larger mod invn . Chestnut Hill Ambler pref A 22 Led Off WANTED To rent with option tn buy modern house In s ihurbe. convenient to cltv A 133 Ledger Office HAVE BUYERS. West Phlla properties at fair prices S C ADAMS 141S Walnut SMALL furn or utifurn for winter months. In subs Write nnrt'r. fiM Harrl.on Bhle. WANTED 3-storv house hot-vvnter heat, electricity, prefer g baths P 432. L O DEEDS mtgs , wills written, expert vvorx. mod chgs K F HBLLEBS 1201 Cliestnm Faetorles. Monnfaeturlng Floora WELL-LIGHTED FLOOR, 80x100 fset or more, for manufacturing purposes, or could use building If not loss than nti feet -wide arlawold Worsted Company, Darby, iCIIIl. VANTED Floor, about 4000 square feet, for weaving purposes; wilt tak 1st Octo ber: must be strong D HERKOVICH 1I3S N Franklin PKNNSV, I.VAM simimrtAN RESPONSIBLE Tartv wants to rent subur ban house, furnished or unfurnished; bedrooms, 2 bstlis garage, will pay un to $100 per month for year or longer from September 25 C 334, Ledger Office. NEW JCTSKV SlmiTBPAN WANTED To rent In New Jersey, unfure nlthed modem houss; not over $30 psr month; Rlverton or neighboring towns pre ferred Kom 201 415 Market at.. Camden, Phone Camden 1103. I B. E. SALE OR EXCHANGE BJm.dAIlV-Iifimoalats fcoVSgSlon, fin a fit .mantowrt house j a barbg; bo -waUrt) MJ imumww spr pikTis uer vvj vmvmemmm r m REAI. JSg TAtre-gAl,li OR RBWT CITY FOR SALE OR RENT Private garage, Rasu eom st near ISth A 210. Ledger Ofr.ee CHETNti- mix Very Desirable Residences for Sale and for Rent FURNISHED . JOSEPH M. JENNINGS CHESTNUT HILL. PHILA. Bel) Telephone. Chestnut Hill 1SJT SEAL ESTATE TO EXCHANOE UJH TnA.I,B lare building and lot clear m.,!....1" r1' properties suhlect to cne morlgsge George A Roeckle, 725 S. 824. REAX ESTATE FOB RENT CITY dnh.m".,STT:!f, J1' "Ending toy rniMrn?,." ' ,a tory brownstone-front 3 bath?.' m..'i; '.n " "Pl I" rooms! fVnT.'hVd o'TTnlurn'reh,''.;"- "" "0,M MAOTHAIIM llltOM FLEISHER , H.4 s Jcnn Squars ' HF.TAL LISTS TlfiT: DVL'VafMt.. ty-- 'u.M.rjii.vAiN A W PANT m?V.rrl,Ca?T ?!l Uv" an'3 Orantlng An-i-? " rfOln, lor $150 232 3 22 I7r f me. ai 2'a' ?pr' ll.r lOO! 823 Ra." loVr'SJnJ in rront llr 221 STOHES AND DWELLINGS 8ia:,:8aili1tt"iI5S llnslneaa l'rnprrtle nml stores 38 So. 8th St. Handsome Double-Bulk Front Including Steam Heat J- A. Patterson, 130 S. 15th St. raelorlea. Manufacturing Floors TWO LARGE FLOORS 18.000 Sq. Feet Each .kit.?.". eVe'crlD- ?"Sr'n"J SHSC "ndy.""""" C" ' "'"Shi "litlon. R. P. McNeely, 1732 Randolph . mjr. UIAJIUAD S121 io?M,,(;:,.H-.T.'.'."..'?-r--''id.. . p!Rn. al.n an linVy . .. " ! . -. -sty. Bldg.if also 30 00O , ,, o4 con.truct'n through-' --..-, j..,. .. . ,, n-niim, n FLOORS Laroe Smnll W BRUCE RAnnnw tan xr. .mi-iv aw. Estsbll.hed 18ag Factories a mtcMtr Witl'.HU'LP central loft building 80(10 feet per floor, for desirable party. ABNER II MER8HON 33,1 Land Title Building WIi",I' .e-'iS1" ."U'LDINO. 80 000 to 300 000 leaT" I, ferER?cff ,',,.,,n.n.t. " FACTOriY buildings nnd sites with railroad sidings central section .-.ii O C BEIDEL ft CO. 4th and CaHowhl L OFFICKS. m-BlNEHH ROOMS. KTf!. MILLINER OR DRESSMAKER ftS? SSSMaS1 rh,0Dcifyn: 13ft Locust, with 3 large display windows: also- 2?.V..Ii-Joom" ,or workrooms! Immediate possession EDOAH O CROS8, 1411 Walnut 1417 LOCUST STTT' Second floor front, very large room SliBO rt , well lighted; Immediate possession EDGAR O CROS9 1411 Walnut THOMSON HLDO . 1118-20 CHESTNUT ST. I "".: "uwi, pou square leei. I l??J?.nobL 1U.nU,v.ftr'Jr00' building I ME4RS St rtROWN. 20J B. IBth st! 004 WALNUT ST "-Fourth floor, large room: strong north lliht. suitable for st-jdlo or li 5i SlilinV,f,tur.ln,I Eatate of David M. Hess 004 Walnut st , 1TJ ARCH ST. J large, business rms., 1st I florA."tl.n"' Arrn " '- ""bt and heat: ia. .- wi.,ii,,ui. ,, . omnirnTiii irust iiiqg. FINE large professional office with lavatory, flrat floor, 882 S. 10th T, MERTON ORE1M3. IJarrlaon Rldg locust 928 514 AllCH sr Uusuitaa rooma. best and lleht Inctudiag D H Chamber. 710 Cnmmerelsl, Trbst Ttld. OREBI.E BLDO.. 1708-10 Che.tnut Choleo sfo for artist J.B Jardalla.Llga Christian. Irofeaalonal Ofilcce LARGE first floor office. 1B1R Spruce st. Ahner II Mershon 335 Land Title Rldg. rKNVHYLVAvi summnAN Suburban Home of Stone 12 rooma 3 baths, 4 acres, convenient W train and trolley HERKNESS & STETSON LAND TITLE BLDO ARTIST H country home, furn , 3 mllea.from Paoll, overlooking Chester valley, 7-room house, mod convs,, stable and garage! $75 i month from Oct. 1 Thone Malvern 89 J-5 3" 1TOK RENT FUHNISHED GENTLEMAN'S COUNTRY HOME, , UNTIL APRIL 1. 1020 ' Six h.nrAnmi h..,i.. m.. i...tf ttw. ! 2-car garage atable. mignincent lawn anA enruooery su mnea rrom Philadelphia oh, Reading Railroad, 32 tralna dally, con venient to tralna nnd trolleys. Inspection Invited, rent $130 per month A 123, Ledger Office or nhnne Diamond 7157 QK LANE , ' 510 OAIC LANE Detached atone house 13 rooms hot-water heat hardwood floors atono en rare, large lot, rent $125. " ' T II. JARDBLH JR 1420 Chestnut Bt. IT.NNW.VM SUHUKBAN ' IIRW MAW It COLONIAL STONE HOUSE ,, Situated In the beat location, good view containing il baths. 14 chambers, large ga. rare, 10 acres, reasonable rent by the year..- HIRST & McMULLIN' " WKST END TRUST BLDO. MORTGAGES $100 TO $5000 to loan real eetate ownors, note or rnort gige se'tlemrnt In one day If necessary: psinblo In long or short terma or Install, ments, obligations that are dua taken tip. ARTHUR F. LEUPOLD - . ,, " vtf nil nrtiur.i iiuui . I..IB UiESTNUT tt ,y I oix fer Lent rirst Mortgages F"' . "ale In amounts ranging from 13500 tp JOHN H. McCUTCHY " ' 848 LAND T1TLK BLDO i n r w. m ' f ": $50 To $1000 NOTE OH MORTOAOIS Immediate settlement! Unsettled estate loans , Building association fund. 1 DEMPET & CO, 27 S lfith st ' iii, Heal estate security. .Imme diate settlement Interest la '$50 I TO 'sftirirg, imuii i,i(i $jii once. $2000 EDW. M.MOLL 133 S. 12th St LOANS, HEAL ESTATE AND ESTATES. ANY SUM DEI.ANT 84 S. Broad (West End Bldg YM ALL AMOUNTS 1ST AND 2D MORTOAOES Quick answer M4URICE H MATH1-NOER. R K Tr B dg. ' TST AND SB MORTOAOES I OANS ON INTEllESTI IN FSTATES JOHN A BARnY f.07 UMD TITLE BLDO, W. If HALL A SON 48 LAND TITLE RLIV1 MONEY SO LOAN ou can uokhow ssuney ON DIAMONDS AND JKWEMIT $25 AND UP.V.....2 PER CENT $7.1 AND JP Vn PER CENT $200 AND UP 1 TER CENT RIEDER'a 128 MARKET ST. niDOE AVE, AND OXFORD ST. 22D AND SOUTH 8TO. READY MONEY DIAMONDS, WATCHES A JEWTSLRT United States Loan Society 117 NORTH BROAD 230 Market st. 2948 Germantown ave. NEPED MONEYS We wlU loan money on salary or furnl'tMtai ' to reliable people, No honest erolloie nf" fused. Courteous treatment to all, - 'i . D. D. PRAKE WOOD BIJILD1NO -400 CHK8TNUT T. CASH MONEY AT ONCK , kT on Jewelry -bonda autoy ftogla- of any MhA Pcdol'a Loan Office. HOJ N ?d at KiT;. V. ? .li 'it I i 'M W a5.' 'Jtfl rV xf .h 1 '" 5 ass &?! hi eVud ! - ft ,vsa i'A " w,,M rm . rrl 2 Jh y "w , vUHPVf . Vism . ViiTim. 5 1 ' B ?, rL v 'rsrji "r- " .. "v. ' ,r f.. 'i.,-'? n7 .to: aS Y 4 ryi 4,tl ikwiV-' arv CW,- HU UtOaovf 'rfc '