- i THE Copjrrltht, 1010. by Edr nice Hurrouhi TpHE little British army In East viirica, nicer suiienng severe re- 'TcrseS at the hands of a numerically much superior force, was at last coming into its own. The German offensive had been broken, and the Huns were now slowly retreating along the railway to Tanga. The break, in the German lines had fol lowed the clearing of a section of their left-flank trenches of native soldiers by Tarzan and Numa the lion, upon that memorable night when the Ape-man had loosed a fam ishing man-eater among the super stitious and terror-stricken blacks. The Second Rhodesian Regiment had immediately taken possession of the abandoned trench and from this po sition their flanking Are had raked contiguous sections of the German line, tho divcrsi&n rendering possible a successful nieht attack by the1 rest Udf the British forces. "Weeks had elapsed. The Germans were contesting every mile of water less, thorn-covered ground and Vellngingly desperately to their posi tions along the railway. The officers of the Rhodesians had seen nothing more of Tarzan of the Apes since he m had slain Unterleutnant Von Goss l.-i and disaDDcared toward the very heart of the German position, and there were those among them who believed that he had been killed with in the enemy lines. "They may have killed him," as sented Colonel Capell, "but I fancy they never captured the beggar r alive." Nor had they nor killed him either! Tarzan had spent those in tervening weeks pleasantly and prof- If itably. He had amassed a cpnsid- ' arable fund of knowledge concerning the disposition and strength of Ger man troops, their methods of war fare and the various ways in which a lone Tarmangani might annoy an army and lower its morale. At present Tarzan was prompted by a specific desire. There was a certain German spy whom heivished to captuio alive and take backo the British. He had made his first visit to German headquarters shortly . after his wife had been murdered by Hauptmann Fritz Schneider; upon that occasion he had seen a young woman deliver a paper to the Ger man general, and later he had seen that same young woman within the British lines in the uniform of a British officer. The conclusion was obvious: she was a spy And so Tarzan haunted German headquarters upon many nights, hoping to see her again or to pick up eome clue as to her whereabouts; and at the same time he utilized many an artifice whereby he might bring terror to the hearts of the Germans. That he was successful (was often demonstrated by the snatches of conversation he over heard as he prowled through the German camps. One night as he lay I concealed in the bushes close beside ( a regimental headquarters, he lis- j tcned to tne conversation 01 several boche officers. One of the men re verted to the stories told by the na tive troops in connection with their tout by a lion several weeks before and the simultaneous appearance in their trenches of a naked white giant whom they were perfectly assured was some demon of the jungle. 1 "TLfellow must have been the aame who leaped into the gen eral's headquarters and carried off Schneider," asserted one. "I won der how he happened to single out "the major? They say the creature leeme'd interested in no one but Schneider. He had Von Kelter in his grasp, and he might easily have taken the general himself, but he ignored them all except Schneider. If Him he pursued about the room, seized him and carried mm on into the night Gott knows what his fate was." "Captain Fritz Schreider has some sort of theory," said another. "He told me only a week or two ago that he thinks he knows why his brother was taken that it was a case of mistaken identity. He was not so sure about It until Von Goss Ifijwas killed, apparently by this same creature, me muni, uie ui- cun.ltu the trenches. Von Goss was attached to Schneider's company. One of Schneider's men was found with his neck wrung the same night thatthe major was carried off, and Schneider thnks that this devil "is after him and his command that.it came for "him that night, and got his brother by mistake. He says Kraut told him that W presenting the, major to Frauleln Kircherthe former'a name was no Booner spoken than this wild man leaped through the window and made for" him." Suddenly the little group became rigid listening. "What was that?" snapped one, eying the bushes from which a smothered snarl had issued as Tarzan of the Apes realized that through his mistake the perpetrator ir of-the horrid crime at his bungalow , ctill lived that the murderer of his Wife went yet unpunished. For a long' minute the officers 'stood with, tensed nerves, every eye .riveted upon the bushes whence the emlnous sound had issued. Each recalled recent mysterious diap- ("pearancea from the heart of camps its well' ob from lonely outguarus. Each thought of the silent dead he had seen, slain almost within sight of their fellows by some unseen creature. Once the bushes moved almoCimperceptibly, and ah instant 'later one of the officers, without ' warning, fired into them, but Tarzan of the Apes was not there. In the interval between the moving of the biwbs'fcana the firing of the ahbt, he hd meltod.lntp the night Ten mln ,tM loUtf-A wa hfvtktg on the "" V ' gVEflftfg ffufclCf GULDEN LOCKET : outskirts of that part of camp where were bivouacked for tho night the black soldiers of a native company commanded by oneHauptmann Fritz Schneider. The men were stretched upon tho ground without tents, but there were tcnti pitched for the of ficers. Toward these Tarzan crept It was slow and perilous work, for the Germans were now upon the alert for the uncanny foe that crept into their camps to take his toll by night, yet the ape-man passed their sentinels, eluded the vigilance of the interior guard and crept at last to the rear of the officers' line. Hero he flattened himself against the ground close behind the nearest tent, and listened. From within came the regular breathing of a sleeping man one only. Tarzan was satisfied. With his knife he cut the tie-strings of the rear flap, and en teied. He made no noise. Tho shadow of a falling leaf, floating gently to.cavth unon a still day, could have been no less soundless. He mocd to the side of the sleeping man and bent low over him. He could not know, of course, whether it was Schneider or another, fqr he had never seen Schneider, but ho meant to know and to know even more. Gently ho shook the man by the shoulder. The fellow turned heavily and grunted. "Silence!" admonished the ape man in a low whisper. "Silence I kill." The Hun opened his eyes. In the dim light he saw a giant figure bend ing over him. Now a mighty hand grasped his shoulder, and another closed lightly about his throat. "Make no outcry," commanded Tarzan, "but answer in a whisper my questions. What is your name?" "Luberg," replied the officer. He was trembling. The weird presence of this naked giant filled him with dread. He, too, recalled the men mysteriously murdered in the still watches of the night camps. "What do you want?" "Where Is Hauptmann Fritz Schneider?" asked Tarzan. "Which is his tent?" "He is not here," replied Luberg. "He was sent to Wilhelmstal yes terday." "I shall not kill you now," said the ape-man. "First I shall go and learn if you have lied to me, and if you have, your death shall be the more terrible. Do you know how Major Schneider died?" Luberg shook his head negatively. "I do," continued Tarzan, "and it was not a nice way to die even for an accursed Germarl. Tuin over with your face down, and cover your eyes. Do not move or make any sound." The man did as he was 'old, and the instant that his eyes were turned away, Tarzan slipped from the tent An hour later he was outside the German camp and headed for the little hill town of Wilhelmstal, which was the summer seat of government of German East Africa. piRAULEIN BERTHA KIRCHER knew that she was lost. She was humiliated and angry, that she, who prided herself upon her woodcraft, was lost in this little patch of coun try between the Pangani and the Tanga Railway. She knew that Wil helmstal lay southeast of her about fifty miles, but through a combina tion of untoward circumstances she found herself unable to determine which direction was southeast. In the first place she had set out from German headquarters on a well-markrd road that was being traveled by troops, and she had eveuy reason to believe that she would follow the road to Wilhelms tal. Later she had been warned from this road by word that a strong British patrol had come down the west bank of the Pangani, effected a crossing south 01 her and was even then marching on the railway at Tonda. After leaving the road she had found herself in thick brush, and as the sky was heavily overcast, she presently sought recourse to her compass; not until then did she dis cover that she did nothave it with her. Her horse had traveled all day without food or water; night was ap proaching, and with it a realization that she was hopelessly lost in a wild and trackless country notorious principally for its tsetse flies and savage beasts. She found, just be fore dark, an open meadowlike break, in the almost indeterminable bush. There was a small clump of trees near the center, and here she decided to camp. The grass was high and thick, affording feed for her horse and a bed for herself, and there' was more than enough dead wood lying about the trees to furnish a good fire Well through the night Remov ing the saddle and bridle from her mount, Bhe placed them at the foot of a' tree and then picketed the ani mal close by. Then phe busied 'her self collecting firewood, and by the time darkness had fallen, she had a good fire and enough wood to last till morning. From her saddlebags she took cold food and from her canteen a swallow of water. She could not afford more than a small drink, for she could not know how long a time it might be before she should find more. The horse must go waterless. It was now dark. There was neither moon nor stars, and the light from her fire only accentuated the blackness beyond. She could see the grass about her, and the boles of the trees, which stood out In brilliant relief against the solid background of impenetrable night; beyond the .'The Jungle seemed ominously i wlt Far away she heard .faintly1 lis? p&& tUSM iff mF w i aHrafBJf m $mrMr SI I ( iwW - !v ml m WSk jfmk fmyfW- ffl jt m v If-f "s -m. XF-OA tvP vk ilaj &) ur aJ imTTfT) The the boom of cannon, but she could not locate their direction. She ar ranged her saddle near the fire and pulled a quantity of long grass to make a comfortable seat, over which she spread her saddle-blanket. Then she unstrapped a heavy military coat from the cantle of her saddle and donned it, for the air was al ready chill. Seating herself where she could lean against the saddle, she prepared to maintain a sleepless vigil throughout the night The silence had been broken only by the distant booming of the guns and the low noises of the feeding horse; and then, from ' powibly a mile away, came the rumbling thun der of a lion's roar. The girl started and laid her hand upon the rifle at her side. A little shudder ran through her slight" frame, and she could feel the goose-flesh rise upon her body. Again and again the awful sound was repeated, and each time she was certain it came nearer. She could locate the direction of this sound, although she could not place that of the guns, for the origin of the for mer was much closer. The lion was up wind, and so could not have caught her scent as yet, though he might be approaching to investigate tlje light of the fire. Suddenly her horse raised his head and snorted, and with a little cry of terror the girl sprang to her feet. The animal turned and trotted back toward her until the picket-rope brought him to a stand, and then he wheeled about and with cars up pricked gazed out into the night, but the girl could neither see nor hear anything beyond the fire. An hour of terror passe, during which the horse often raised his head to peer long and searchingly into the dark. The girl replenished the fire from time to time. She found her self becoming very sleepy; her heavy lids persisted in drooping but she dared not sleep. Fearful lest she might be overcome by the drowsiness that was stealing through her, she rose and walked briskly to and fro; then she threw some more wood on the fire, walked over and stroked her horse's muzzle and returned to her teat Leaning against the saddle, she tried to occupy her mind with nlans for the morrow, With a start Frauleln Kircher LBDGBRmpAtEBPtlA gATOIiDAY; The 7SyIIZAN wwn.it. n JVI IIIU.II VVUIUUIL Vjpif horse was almost at the edge of the bush awoke. It was broad daylight. The hideous night was gone. She could scarce believe the tes timony of her senses. She had slept for hours; the fire was out, and yet she and the horse weir safe and alive; nor was there a sign of savage beast about And best of all, the sun was shining, pointing the straight road to tho east Hastily she ate a few mouthfuls of her pre cious rations, and took a swallow of water. Then she saddled ner norse and mounted. Already she felt that she was as good as safe. Possibly, however, sh might have revised her conclusions could she havo seen the two pairs of eyes watching her every move" intently from dif ferent points in the bush. Light-hearted and unsuspecting, the girl rode across tho clearing toward the bush, while directly be fore her two yellow-green eyes glared round and terrible, and a tawny tail twitched nervously, and great, padded paws gathered beneath a sleek barrel for a mighty spring. The horse was almost at the edge of tho bush when Numa tho Hon launched himself through the air. He struck the animal's right shoulder at the instant it reared, terrified, to wheel in flight The force of the impact hurled the horse backward to the ground, and so quickly that the plrl had no opportunity to ex tricate herself, but fell to the earth with her mount, hen left leg pinned beneath its body. Horror-stricken, she saw the king of beasts open his mighty jaws and seize the screaming creature by the back' of its neck. The great jaws closed; there was an instant's struggle as Numa shook his prey. She could hear the vertebrae crack as the mighty fangs crunched through them, and then the muscles of her faithful friend relaxed in death. Numa crouched upon his kill. His terrifying eyes riveted themselves upon the girl's face; she could reel his hot breath upon her cheek, and the odor of the fetid vapor nause ated her. For what seemed an eternity to the girl the two lay staring at each other, and then the lion uttered a menacing growl. Never before had Bertha Kircher been so terrified never before had she had such cause for terror. At ho; hip was a pistol, a formidable ". v. . . .- -"?VW'2PsMIE!,?";fe when Numa launched himself through the weapon with which to face a man, but a puny thing indeed with which to menace the great beast before her. She knew that at best it could but enrage him, and yet she meant to sell her life dearly, for the knew that she musi die. No human succor could have availed her eves had it been there to offer itself. For a mo ment she tore her gaze from the hypnotic fascination of that awful face and breathed a last prayer. No one can prophesy what a lion will do in any given emergency. This one glared and growled at the girl for a moment and then fell to feed ing upon the dead horse. Fraulein Kircher wondered for an instant and then began to attempt to draw her leg cautiously from beneath the body of her mount, but she could not budge it She increased the force of her efforts, and Numa looked up from his feeding to growl again. The girl desisted. She hoped that he might satisfy his hunger and then depart but she could not believe that he would leave her there alive. Doubtless he would drag the re mains of his kill into the bush for hiding, and as there could be no doubt that he considered her part of his prey, he would certainly come back for her, or possibly drag her in first and kill her. Again Numa fell to feeding. The girl's nerves were at the breaking point She wondered that she had not fainted under the strain of ter ror and shock. She recalled that she had often wished that she might see a lion make a kill and feed upon it. How realistically her wish had been granted 1 Again she bethought herself of her pistol. As she had fallen, the holster had slipped around so that the weapon now lay beneath her. Very slowly she reached for it, but in doing so she was forced to raise her body from tho ground. Instantly the lion was aroused. With the swiftness of a cat he reached across the carcass of the horse and placed a heavy, taloned paw upon her breast, crushing her back to earth; and all the time he growled and snarled horribly. His face was a picture of rage incarnate. For a moment neither moved, and then from behind her the girl heard a hu man voice uttering beastlike sounds. fuma looked suddenly up from the girl's face, at the thing beyond SEPTEMBER G, 1919, By Edgar Rice !HLfc "BJ. air. her. His growls increased to roars as he drew back, ripping the front of the girl's waist almost from her body with his long talons, exposing her white bosom, which through some miracle of chance the p- claws did not touch. Tarzan of the Apes had witnes., the entire encounter from the mo ment that Numa had leaped upon his prey. For some time he had been watching the girl, and after the lion attacked her, he had at first been minded to let Numa have his way with her. What was she but a hated German, and a spy besides? Ho had seen her at General Kraut's head quarters in conference with the Ger man staff, and again he had seen her within the British lines masquerad ing as a British officer. It was the latter thought that prompted him to interfere. Doubtless General Jan Smuts would be glad to meet and question her. She might be forced to divulge information of value to the British commander before Smuts had her shot. Tarzan had not only recognized the girl, but the lion as well. All lions may look alike to you and me, but not so to their intimates of the jungle. Each has his individual characteristics of face and form and gait, as well defined as those that differentiate members of the human family; and besides these, the crea tures of the jungle have a still more positive test that of scent. Each of us, man or beast, has his own peculiar odor, and it is more by this that the beasts of the jungle, en dowed with miraculous powers of scent, recognize individuals. Tarzan recognized Numa as he whom he had muzzled with the hide of .Horta the boar as he whom he had led by a rope for two days and finally loosed in a German front-line trench; and he knew that Numa would recognize him, that he would remember the sharp spear that had goaded him into submission and obedience; and Tarzan hoped that the lesson he had learned still re mained with the lion. Now he came forward, calling to Numa In the language of the great apes warning him away from the girl. It is open to question that Numa the lion understood him, but he did understand the menace of the heavy spear that the Tarmangani carried so ready in his brown right hand, and so the lion drew back, growling, trying to decide In his little broln whether to charge or flee. On came the npe-man yith never a pause, straight for the Hon. "Go away, Numa," ho cried, "or Tarzan will tie you up again and lead jou through tho jungle without food. See Arnd, my spear? Do you recall how this point stuck into you and how with this haft I beat you over tho head? Go, Numa! I am Tarzan of the Apes!" Numa wrinkled tho skin of his face into great folds, until his eyes almost disappeared, and he growled and roared and snarled and growled again; and when the spear-point came at last quite close to him, ho Btruck at it viciously with his armed paw. But he drew back. Tarzan stepped over the dead horse, and the girl ly ing there gazed in wide-eyed aston ishment at tho handsome figuie driv ing an angiy lion deliberately from its kill. 1IXHEN Numa had retreated a few ' ' yards, the ape-man caltcd back to the girl in perfect German: "Are you badly hurt?" "I think not," she leplicd. "But I can't pull my foot fiom under my horse." "Try again," commanded Tarzan. "I don't know how long I can hold Numa." The girl struggled fiantically, but at last she sank back upon an elbow. "It's impossible," she called to him. Tarzan backed slowly until he was again beside the horse; then he reached down and grasped the saddle-girth, which was still intact. I Then with one hand he laised tho carcass from the ground. The girl freed herself and rose to her feet. "You can walk?" asked Taizan. "Yes," she said. "My leg is numb; but it doesn't seem to be hurt" "Good!" commented the ape-man 'Back slowly away behind me make no sudden movements. I don't think he will charge." With the utmost deliberation the two backed toward the bush. Numa stood for a moment growling; then ho followed them, slowly. Tarzan wondered if he would come beyond his kill, or if he would stop there. If he followed them beyond, they could look for a charge; and if Numa charged it was very likely that he would get one of them. When the lion reached the carcass of the horse, Tarzan stopped, and so did Numa, as Tarzan had thought that he would, and the ape-man waited to see what the lion would do next. Numa eyed them for a moment, snarled angrily and then looked down at the meat. Presently he crouched upon his kill and resumed feeding. The girl breathed a deep sigh of relief as she and the ape-man re turned their slow retreat, with only an occasional glance from the lion, and when at last they reached the bush and had turned and entered it, she felt a sudden giddiness over whelm her, so that she staggered and would have fallen had Tarzan not caught her. It was only a mo ment before she regained her self control. "I could not help it," she said in half-apology. "I was so close to death, such a horrible death, it un nerved me for an instant; but I'm all right now. How can I ever thank you? It was so wonderful: you didn't seem to fear the frightful creature in the least; yet he was afraid of you. Who are you?" "He knows me," replied Tarzan grimly. "That is why he fears me." Ho was standing facing the girl now, and for the first time he had a nee to look at her squarely and ,(ely. She was very beautiful that was undeniable; but Tarzan realized her beauty only in a subcon scious way. It was superficial; it did not color her soul, which must be black as sin. She was Geiman a German spy. He hated her, and de sired only to compass her destrue tion; but. he would choose the man ner, so that it would work most grievously against the enemy cause. He saw her naked breast where Numa had torn her clothing fiom her, and dangling there against the soft, white flesh he saw that which brought a sudden scowl of surprise and anger to his face the diamond- studded golden locket of his youth, the love-token that had been stolen from the breast of his murdered mate by Schneider the Hun. The girl saw the scowl but did not inter pret it correctly. Tarzan grasped her loughly by the arm. "Where did you get this?" he de manded as he tore tho bauble from her. The girl drew herself to her full height "Take your hand fiom me," she ordered. But the ape-man paid no attention. "Answer me!" he snapped. "Where did you get this?" "What is it to you?" she coun tered. "It is mine," he replied. "Tell me who gave It to you, or I will thiow you back to Numa." "You would do that?" "Why not?" ho queried. "You are a spy, and spies must die if they are caugHt" "You are going to kill me, then?" "I was going to take you to head quarters. They would dispose of you there; but Numa can do it quite as effectually. Which do you pre fer?" "Hauptmann Fritz Schneider gave it to me," she said. "Headquarters it will be, then," said Tarzan. "Come." The girl moved at his side through the bush, and all the time her mind worked quickly. They were moving east which suited her, and as long as they continued to move east, she 03 Burroughs Was glad to have the protection of the great white savage. Sho speCu- , latcd much upon the fact that her pistol still swung at her hip. Tho man must bo mad not to take it from her. "What makes you think I am a spy?" she nsked after a long silence "I saw you at German headouni. ters " he replied, "and then again J inside the British lines." M$ ana could not let him take her back to them. Sho must reach Wil helmstal nt once, and she was deter mined to do so even if sho must have lccoursc to her pistol. Sho cast a side-glance at the tall figure. What a magnificent creature! But yet he was a brute who would kill her or have her killed if she did not slay him. And the locket! She must have ' that back; it must not fail to reach Wilhelmstal. Tarzan was now a foot or two ahead of her in the nar iow path. Cautiously she dicw her pistol. A single shot would miffiVp. and he was so close that she could not miss. As she figured it all out, her eyes rested on the Lrown skin with the graceful muscles rolling be neath it, and tho pciject limbs and head and the coinage that a pioud King of old might havo envied. A wave of revulsion for her con templated act singed thiough her. No, she could not do it; yet she must be free, and she must regain posses sion of the locket. And then, almost blindly, sho swung the weapon up and struck Tarzan heavily upon the back of the head with its butt. Like a felled ox he dropped in his tracks. AN hour later Shceta tho leopard, hunting, chanced to glance up ward into the blue sky, where his at tention was attracted by Ska the vulture cii cling slowly above tho bush a mile away and down-wind, for a minute tho yellow eyes stared intently at the biul. They saw Ska dive and rise again to continue his ominous circling, and in these move ments their woodcraft read that which, while obvious to Sheeta would doubtless have meant nothing to you or me. The hunting cat guessed that on the ground beneath Ska was some living thing of flesh either a beast feeding upon its kill or a dying ani mal that Ska did not yet daie attack. In cither event it might prove mdat for Sheeta, and so the wary felino stalked by a circuitous route, upon soft, padded feet that gave foith no ' sound, until the circling Ska and his intended prey were up-wind. Then, sniffing each vagrant zephyr, Shecta the leopard crept cautiously forward; nor had he advanced any consider able distance before his keen nostrils were rewarded with the scent of man a Tarmangani. Sheeta paused. He was not a hunter of men. He was young and in his prime; but always previously he had avoided this hated piesence. Of late he had become more accus tomed to it, with the passing of many soldiers through his ancient hunt ing ground, and as the soldiers had frightened away a great part of the game Sheeta had been wont to feed upon, the days had been lean and Sheeta was hungry. The circling Ska suggested that this Tarmangani might be helpless and upon the point of dying, and so easy prey for Sheeta. With this thought in mind the cat resumed his stalking. Presently he pushed through the thick bush, and his yellow-green eyes rested gloatingly upon the body of an almost naked Tarmangani lying face down in a narrow game trail. Numa, sated, rose from the carcass of Bertha Kirchei's horse, seized the partly devoured body by the neck and dragged it into the bush; then he started east toward the lair where he had left his mate. With his appe tite satisfied, he was very comfort able and inclined to be sleepy and far from belligerent. He moved slowly and majestically with no effort at silence or concealment The king wnlked abroad unafraid. With an occasional regal glance to right or left, he moved along a nar row game tiail until at a turn he came to a sudden stop at what lay revealed befoie him Sheeta the leopaid creeping stealthily upon the almost naked body of a Tarmangani lying face down in tho deep dust of the pathway. Numa glaied intently at the quiet body in the dust. Recog nition came; it was his Taimangani. A low growl of warning rumbled from his throat; Shecta halted with ono paw upon Tarzan's back and turned suddenly to eye tho intruder. ClOR a moment the latter stood his giound with arched back and snarling face, for all the world liko a great, spotted tabby. Numa had not felt liko fighting; but the sia.Kt of Shecta daring to dispute his rights kindled his ferocioub brain to sudden fire. His' eyes glared with sudden rage; his undulating tail snapped to stiff erectness as with n roar he charged. It came so suddenly and from so short a distance that Sheetn had no chance to turn and flee the rush, und so he met it with raking talons and snapping jaWs. But the odds were all against him. To the larger fangs and the more powerful jaws of his adversary were added huge talons and the preponderance of the lion's great weight At the first clash Shecta was ciushcd, and though ho deliberately fell upon his. back and drew up his powerful hind legs be neath Numa with he intention of disemboweling him, the Hon fore-' stalled him and at the same time closed his awful jaws upon Sheeta'a throat It was soon oyer. Numa 70(k 1 , - 'C- Vi fU :4 u M v! x Jl i i h T 3 1 "x& .l V JJ t 1 JC T ., r '1 .r Wt U fl wT.fa ',"il v JJ v i '1 o . :,, VsVuS v -". ;?" . , r "isuifiamr: ..' i(y.-v U -frT, ', n . ?' ' M '-a.-i " m ,1 -' . -i ii" .iHa.' iS f T I"