t r J?, " 4. . l ". -i f ? s.-t &. ,s' , ' I . - I r i' 1 m WY flg'Ti km -.,., i .? - tt"; ?ttt '-wtiet" ' .t - -;- .'...: -f.,o." - -- MINIM .".s ' E Accettora' II Compromosso Pre- parato dall'ltalla, Francia e fnghiltarra SORTE 1 Published 1 n'-t-'b"ted Under PERMIT NO. 841. Authorised by the net of Ootobsr 6. 1A1T on file ot the Postofflce or Phila delphia. Pa. By order of tht President. A. 8. BURLESON. Postmaster-General. Washington. Dc, 4 settembrc. Una riva MPatt.Ua regno. In questl" circoll per I placi relatirl al compromesso rag giunto tra 1 governl ttaliano, inglese o francese per p. slstemazlono della' qnestione dl Flume, plarf che dovranno essero tmmedlatamente sottomessl al Presldenta Wilson per la sua appro Taxtone. lia oota collettlra cho i tre govcrnl predettl banno de'.lberato dl tnvlare al Presidents Wilson, non ba ancora rag giunto 11 Dlpartlmento dt Stato c non ,ri conosce sc sara' presentata dall'Am fsasciarore Italiano qui', o, come usual -snente si e (atto dopo 11 rltorno del President? da Parlgt, sia presentata a mezzo della Delegazione Americana. II Dlpartlmento dl Stato c' stato in fonnato del plan! del compromesso per la slstemazione dl Fiume e vi e' ragionc dJ credere chc 11 Presidente Wilson c' SUMMER RESORTS ATLANTIC CITY. N. J. SPECIAL RATES FOR BEPTKIiER AMERICAN PLAN with meals) $3 up Daily, $16 Up Weekly Best Located Popular Price Hotel N THERLANOS New York Are. SO Yds. from Boardwalk Oysr'ooklng lawn and ocean. Capacity 400 Elevator; private baths, hot end co d runn ng water In rooms; tahl and service i feature SPECIAL FRF.E FEATURES BATniNO PRIVILEGE FROM HOTEL IAWN TENNIS COCRTi DINCK FLOOR llnoVI't w'fi Pnlrt" nf Mere-.! tn ill-il On. the Ocean. Froni Elginx sferiesof Gimfert Special Fall Terms WlRam A.LcecKfer . Hotel biitmore Rhode Islaud Are. near lloarilnalk Open all year. Amer. and European P ana All outside rooms. Suites wth bath. Orchestra. Dancing. Capacity 25U Hot and cold sea water baths. Spec's! Fall rates. Now booklni BII.TSIORK HOTI ro HOTEL CHELSEA OPEN ALL YEAR SEPTEMBER Tha most delightful mnth of the year. SErntF. RF.SERVATIONS J. R. Thompson & Co. The Martinique Hotel KENTUCKY AVE. ANT BOARDWALK SPECIAL SEPTEMBER RATF.S European Phn( ftSSi Sft )S1.50 Jack Llpsey (Jlanaitert) Jack R'-nolds THE WILTSHIRE Virginia Ave. and Beach: ocmh view; ca paclty 350. private baths, running nater In rooma, elevator, etc. American plan sperlal week'y rates; booklet. SAMUEL ELLIS. HOTEL AUSTINE Paelflo and St. James Place Open sur roundings: opposite Catholic and Protestant churchea. 13.00 dally, special weeklv. J. R. JONES. HOTEL CONTINENTAL Always open. Always ready. Terms mod erate. -one or write, M Walsh Duncan HOTEL BOSCOBELmucky Ave. near beach Bathlnt from honsa; opon all year. Bklt A. E MARION. Ylllt ATL.VNTIC CITY In September." stopping at well-appnlnted hotels ESPLANADE cr ORAND ATLANTIC N U T T A L L DIRECTLY ON nripu ATLANTIC AVE. AND BOARDWALK OCEAN riTY The Shore Hot and co11? ruining w.t.r is '" w"",c vrry room. 3400 Central ava Open during September. ivii.rmnoD, n. j. Sheldon Hotel j"'0"' September. Fpeclal rates Elec trtc service D J. WOODS. Ownership. Edgeton Inn ,t,r.a".y.l?j"f'1 nr b"!;! white sen-ice: cap 2V orchestra . booklet J ALBERT HARR'S SPRINT. LAKE nrrjr, N J. " THV VARRN ON TirE or-py SPRINO LAKE BErn. N J. A house that's "different" in It. fine sp polntments. unususl and art'stlc decorations home'ike atmospher and service. Surronnded by green lawis and gardens, at the edge of the sea Open S ptember. BRKItrTtFF MANOR. N. Y, BRIARCLIFF LODGE BRIARCLIFF MANOB, N, Y Phfi.arphi" 134 mlu motor r,-n frem Booklet and route card obtainable at Public I.edg r Travel and Resort Bureau. POrONO MOUNTAINS, Hewte Weter Pan. Pa. THT- MOUNTAIN PARADISE THE KITTATINNY DELAWARE WATER OAP. PA The leading hotel of this famous reclnn Open to Dec. Capacity 500 strictly modern. Golf, tennis saddle horses bathing, boating; orchestra. Concerts' dances. Exceptional cu'sln-. American plan: also a la carte grill. Oarage Booklet, auto mn" and terms upon rel quest. JOHN PURDY COPE. Moontrocono, Pa, DflYllVTri JIOl'NTAl.N IIOt'HR rivUllV 42yrs smmi.nug.roen. F I VOOI'VR Jr M.. The Ontwoodv'mVn1 rocono Lake LAUREL INN SS'1. ?. flth'ffAhunfg. Ex. table. Bklt. A. E. Hwrlck. Mountain noma. Pa. MONOMONOCK INN Mountain Home's leading hotel. Ideally loc. staam heated. Rates reas. Now open Bklt AKRON. PA. Will taka Summer Boarders In my beauti ful fann home; good food and fine locat'nn adao provide permanent home for aged peo i,li wh" r" wHIInB to ray for comfort. m OAEDEK SPOT TBIE 1TATEB CO. Aarep. y. ;.t llttKNKMI.I.K. rAV. Pfotaa Inn Ideal modern rasortt tvloomsa inn Wti loea.. prt. uth; attat bath'B flsh'g. Tennis Bklt. Q. M. Carl WASniNflTON, P. C. Burlington Hotel LM " flvt mt"ta from vervthtr.g. American and European Plans nsjaascarsrr H Hfi mm imfiwmxzKsl mm.mmwxm 'JtsioxsMisSJLil'mJ kSiRi Rfwifi'','5ii 431 Rooms, 222 Baths. $2 & Up ' S. T. MTMCT.. Uauairar. i . r t proptneo-'R sccettat-B tt ht ginwall dI proposto accordo snllal predetta cltta'. Secondo quaoto st b' potuto apprcndere rlguardo nl detto corapro measo, la clttn", dl Flume non sarcbbe annessa ne' all'Italla no' alia ugo s'avia. ma la sua Italtanlta' vtrrcbbe riconoscluta cd il governo della cltta' st appiosslmcrebbe a quanto c' stato do ciso dalla Conforenza delta Pace per tl baclno del Saar c per 11 potto dl Dan zlca. ', I plant per la ststcinazlone dl Flume, si djee, a si approsslmano alto schema faro'rito dal Presidents Wilson, quando ! la nrimn vo'ta fu discusso 11 pro b'ema dl Wlume alia Confcrenza della Pace o chc l'On. Orlando rlgetto'. Parlcl, 4 eet,tembre. II Sup-rmo Con i'lo ha rleeisp Hi mandare un ulti matum al Governo Itumeno rlguardo to bue opcrazloni In Unsherla. Li ultimatum carebbe redntto In tcr- Jn' "'''" t"" JltMl mlnn a tnrn' nntApnn(A An tin Intrlatn Jl a. .. r-i.ni a i n i i del Supremo Cincilio. Se la llumenla ' ii rifiutera' dl ottemperare alle richieste degli Allcati. entro il tcrmine fisato. I iv reiaiuui uiuiumatirne cesserannn n gll invlati alleatia Bucarest saranno ritirati insicme ai rappresentanti dip lomatici. II testo dell' ultimatum non sara' fatto noto fino a che non Kara' coneg- nato al governo rumeno. Si annrendo - . ' iva4-.s. che 1'ultlmarum principalmente r!gu- arda le riparazioni e l'evacuaziono dall Unsherla. I ' PARCEL POST DIAMONDS BOUGHT OIIR MANY TEARS OF EXPERIENCE ANT) 0"R HONVST AND RELIABLE METHODS IS YO'IR GUARANTEED 175 DIAMONDS NEEDED AT ONCE TO FILL vj. ........ ...- nuts r,,..r.o. -1 M in PARATS WILL PAY FROM t0 to $1500 each You will at least save 10 per cent, to Wo must have them Lstat s bought (private). A so otl end, silver and platinum, estab- llhed 10 seBrs Thnfe Walnut 714.1 The Diamond Shop. 45 N 10th 10th ab. MM. DIAMONDS BOUGHT Bring us sour diamonds If you want to ren'lze the highest prlc for them No matter what others tell jou they are worth, get ""r price before you sell. We pay J3.nn to J100.00 for each diamond mors than others pay See us and be convinced. We buy an si2e. shape or color KELLY rn c T I 033 rnKlTVr-T ST Tlione Wnlmt 73M. Suite 212? IT'vate IWce 8'l flpnr. nter Ch'lds' nt 5Bea ii i iPAJIS T?pt CDITTI HUQUENELG rLA3Ji. Widow of Andrew Adarrm nA aauffntyr Of atr .Tnhn M ...,! r...A ..,- --.v.w,, m- nrniicn nuail I Chestnu ' eftUneraI ttIU be cUen' from 344Q B ?,.?.btt W1?! ieir.!J .'nv."Lt0 funeral. Sun. 1 1.1 p m , , nrfilt. S..?,'lurcfi Ocean City. N. J. Int.1 nrlate. Seaside Cem Alien EHA,Volu,!1.bus- N- J- SP 4 r,.ir; D.sEnELL. widow of Joseph Bailey. T.J2 rTalKSer,Ylct?, ?rUate residence of son-ln. law John V. Bishop. Columbus. N J. Int. Ldgewood Cem . I'nttstown. ra.. bun.. 1 ul-c-hi Sept 4, MARIANNA. widow of1,",' '"-" -nrisune nosenDoum. aged SB n,a Casper Buchl. aged 7V RelatHes and J!v UnJe,frli.n.1' Cratad Moravan No 15. friends. Helvetia Ladles' Society. Invited to I ?. s p ,s .vl"Hm" -No- ": Clearmkers' fun.ral service. Sat 2pm 471R N i Jrnlon Local No 103 Invited to funeral Poehlll st. Int. prUate Fernwood Ceia ! Sat . 3 p. m . 1012 Arizona st Int. Oreen- xiicnas may call b rl. eve. BUCK. At Atlantic City. N J. Sept 3. LECILE K. wife of Tranels L. Buck nnd daughter of Annlo R and late William U Knowles Relatives and friends Invited to ?1'j1 wrvlces Sat.. 11 a m.. 328 S. -13d t Philadelphia. Int. Drlvate CAMPBELL. Sept. 2, ANNIE, w'dow of ' rairicK Campbell Relatives and triads i Invl'ed to funeral. Sat. 8:30 resl- i dence of niece Mrs. .limes Lltzlnfier. 1261 ! S 50th st Solemn Msh mass of reaulem St Francis de Sales's Church lu a. m. Int. Cathedral Cem Auto service . CONATY Sept. 3. ELLA M.. daughter of James F and Ellen F Conaty (nee Kane). Relatives and friends. 3 V. M. Sodality, invited to funral, Mon 8:30 a, m.. parents' res dence. 2330 S. ISth st. Solemn reaulem mass Church of St. Moulca 10 a. m. Int. Holy Cross Cem. , DEVINE Sent 4 ITAHnr hn.hanrf rtf Catharine D vine (nee Donovan) and father of Rev. A Devlne Due notice of funeral vlll be given from 622 N Sth st DEVLIN Sept. 3 GEORGE son of late Oeoreo and Mary Ann Devlin Relatives and friends. Div No A O II., Mclders' Union and emplows of Thomas Devlin Mfg. Co. Invited to funeral. Sat. S'30 a m. rfsidence of sister Mrs Margaret Pagan, 2213 N. Bth st. High mass St Edward's Church 10 a. m. Int Holy Sepulchre Cem. Auto funeral. DOLAN Sept 4 THOMAS F.. son of late William and Julia Dolan. Relatives and friends Brownson Council No. 003 K of C . Columbus Social Club. Invited to fu neral. Mon. 8:30 a m.. 5447 Chester ave Solemn mass of requiem Church of the Mo-t Blessed Sacrament 10 a. m. Int. Cathedral Cem DU BOIS Sept S. ELEANOR J., wife of Samuel P Dil Bols and daughter of late Andrew and Eleanor Balrd. aged 66. Rela tives and friends. Admiral George Dewey Temple. No 5 O. U A. of Camden. N J.. Invitrd to services. Sat. 2 p. m.. son-in-law's residence. George W Pole, 811 Rth ave .Uv. . - i-.v, uh.iu- ( wukhh, u, lih ir vaif, csvrrKrfen ura., Lamarn rrienasice " " '"ier"i ara memoers 01 toace may can trri., atier 7.30 p m. .T?Jl? :At Plasantvllle N J . Sept. 3. CHARLES I FOLTZ Relatives and friends. Kensington Lode. No. 211. F and A M. . Knalnton R A. Chapter. No 233 and A. C. Hirrnr Runiih fMiih Inv1t1 tr n nrral Mnn n m i-Ti-n.;v ? tiT- i? ' Friends may call aun.. alter s p ro. FULMER Sept. 2 MARY J., wife of GrIf..FS.lm,r- Relatives and friends. Lieut 5 ;V cUlyclrSlei -Vo - A. R.: Camp No 12 P. p. of A.. Invited to funeral serv. ices. Sst. 2 p m.. 253R N Jessup st Int private. Hllla'de Cem Remains may be viewed Frl. 8 to 10 p m. Omit Howers OVLL.GHER Sept 4. JAMES J. hus band of Mary Gallagher Relatives and friends Brotherhood of Rallnay Trainmen No 587 Relief Dep Penna, R R . L O. O M. No 34 Invited to funeral Tues , 8 30 a m . 2081 S 57th st Solemn mass of requiem Church of the Most Blessed Sacrament 10 a m Int. Holy Cross Cev GARDNER Sept. 4. SARAH JANE GARDNER Relatives and friends Invited to funeral services Mon 4 p. m.. at Bap tist Home. 17th and Norrls sts. Int. pri vate. GIVEN. Sudden y at 5317 Walnut st Sept 2. MARY MARGARET wlfo of Jef ferson Given. Jr. Relatives and friends In vited to funeral services Sat.. 2pm Oliver II. Bair Bids . 1S20 Chestnut st. Int private UKKENWOOD Sept. 8. ANNIE K. GREENWOOD (nee Rhoadea" widow of Jonn Q A Greenwood, aged 77. Relatives and friends invited to funeral services. Sa. 2 80 n m.. 5037 Hawtborno st.. Frankford Int Cedar Hill Cem. HARRISON. Sept 3. W JOSEPH, hus. band of Mary D. Harrison Relatives and fr.ends. Tacony Lodge No. 600. F. and A M.. employes of Harrison Hosiery Co., Invited to funeral Sat.. 2 P M. BS15 Jack son st.. Wlsslnomlng Int. Belvue Cera, Remains ninv be viewed Frl.. 7 to 0 p. nif HARTMANN Sept 4. at Reading" Pa JOHN HARTMANN JR.. formerly of Phlla delpbla. Due notice of funeral will be given. HAVERKAMP S u d d e n 1 y. Sept. 4. AQNES, widow of late J Henry Haverkamp inee uurr.min-sj agea no. neiatlves and friends Invited to funeral services Sun p m.. 612 W. Venango st. Int. Northwood Cern HAYNES. Bept O V LUUEKCE ELIZA. BETH, daughter of Jos'ph and Mary Haynes Relatives and friends emDloves Of Fels & Co . invited to funeral. Sat . 2 p. m.. lias ureenway ave west i'lusaei phla Int. 'private. Friends may call Frl. 7 to 0 p in . . . iiei;k suaqeniy. sept. o. ticuivurj l. . son of Hannah Heck aged 18. Relatives and friends invited to funeral services. Sun.. 2 p. m., 2808 N. Wirnock st Int. Ardsley Cem. via funeral car. HENDERSON At Ocean City N J.. Sent. 4 LOUISA 0., wife of Capt. William Henderson Services at 1424 Central ave.. Ocean City. N. J.. Sun., 7 p. m Int. pri vate Buckingham Friends' Meeting House HIMEB. Sept 8 KATHRYN HUiES daughter of Mr and Mrs. Charles H Hlmes. aged 6 Funeral Wed., 3 p. tn.. 2323 Falrmount ave. HOLLINGWORTH Sept. 4, IDA PEN DERGAST HOLLINGSWORTH. daughter it Batrlck and Brldset Pendergast. Relatives 2nd friends B. V. M Sodality of St. Vin cent's Church, Invited to funeral. Mon , 7:80 a, 1 m. parents' residence. 118 W Halnea st., Germantown. Solemn mass rf requiem St ' Vincent's Church 0 a. tn. 1st Holv Sepu'chre Cm. HOWARD Sept. 8 ELLA, daughter of late James W and Tacy T. Howard. Rela tives and frlende Invited to servc:. Sat . 2 p. ra. testdenee of brother. James W Howard 2.j4 N. Ps-V jm D-lvse HOY Sept 8. NELSON WALLACE, son of R. Nelson and Mabel Hoy (nee Wallace), ared 8. Relatives and friends Invited tn tu-C- 0 3 rNTlEnTAKICKH Slit' BROAD aVid DIAMOND jjbjui? h - ycj r-S- 's- JMtt. neral services. San.. 3:80, d. m., parents residence 4848 !. 19th at- M Int. Oakland Ctm. Remalni'may b viewed Bat., after 1 P" ifjMPHRlES 8ept. 4. LYDIA R, widow of John Humphries, aged 80. Relatives and friends Invited to funeral. Bun., a p, n.i residence of on-ln-Vw. Arthur W. P'lce. 5700 Walker St.. Wlsslnomlne. Int Oreen wood (K of P) Cem. . . . . .-. JCPSlJP.-'Sept 8. IIALTON t. JESSUP, M. D Funeral md Int. private. Remains may be viewed Frl . : 8 to.IOp. m., chapel o.' Andrew J Bslr 4 Bon, Arch and 18th sts. KUMMER. Sept. 2. the Rev. PAUL, hue bsnd of Emma Kumtntr (nee Elchorn). aed 83. Relatives and friends, members Bethany Lutheran Church. Invited to funeral. Rat.. 2 p m.. 803 Essex St., Gloucester. N. J. Services 3 v m.. Ilethsny Lutheran Church Int. Ml race Cem KRTJOER. Aug, 22. at Phoenix Arls.. WALTER C. son of Robert . and Lliilo Kruaer. ated 10 Relatives and friends In lted to funeral services Sat., 2 p. ra.. par ents' residence. 222 E. Pnnldtnce road, Aldan. Pa Int. Arlington Cem. Friends ml,fec,&J&.?rt!r 4.P- Catharine c. widow of Samuel Leedom. aged 87, ,relatl-es and friends Invited to funeral, Sun., 1 30 p. m at Baptist Chapel, South ampton. Pa. Remains may be viewed at snn s residence Dorle V. Leedom. 2107. E Susquehanna ae Sat. 3 to 4 p. m. Int. private llntboro Cem. LENHART. Sept 3 POWELL HUN arnifttn son of Mshlon T. and Tevlllla TMihirt. Ared 1 Veer 7 months ID days. Relatives and friends Invited to funeral serv- J', sa" 2 p. m.. residence of John s. Geary. lt loth ave. Moore. Delaware "VPacboNNALL -alii "' i. Caroline s.. Relatives wiaow ui iuoc, ...vww....b.. and friends Incited to funeral sen Ices. Mjn . 2 p. m . 433 w. IiocKiano st.. umey. mi. PrMAXWELL. Sept. 4. JAMES R MAX WELL, husband of Elsie Maxwell (nee Crelahton). Due notice of funeral will be ? 'raa .w:t.',.h s- v Vl ,I,III1U1i1 . kJCUL. , " rii . v w . yi'"? y'h!L"-l?."S,?.lei;iiti..if;I.' VrilAHtllLll.', tJCLJb. ., n't"H. w.aw.wa. "at 2pm 2203 Ej Cumberland at. int. priIfLE9a-s5?t00iAROLiNE!nwido of Thnmas Mlla and daunhtcr of late Samuel and Mary Frates. Relatives and friends 'n- residence of sister, Mrs. Sewell. 2771 Coral st Int private. Remains may do iewea Frl ft to 10 p. m . . . . MILLER Sept. 3. AHEL S husband of Florence 8 Miller at 811 Market s Cm denl N J Relatives and friends Post No. 56 A. R.- nth U. 8. Cav.. of PhiM. Pa.. lnltea lo xunerai seoire. oun , i ., son-ln law's residence. Charles Zelgler. 820 Pino st . Camden N. J. Int. private. Ar lington Cem Friends may view remains LT - . n n n oa,Slt,,pi Y Sim irA'rH" MuTphy the m. I. JUU1A wiaow HI ,ee Walsh Relatives and iVn Sf Wilton st. (52d and Parr'sh st. sole-nn requle- mass Church of Our Lads frlrnds 'nvltcd tn funeral. Sat. 7:30 a. m,. Church of Our Lady of Vlrttirv S 30 a m. Thne tn Oth and Colurblft Ave. Station to meet 10:"O train for Trmnt. Pa Omit flowers. Pottaville rarers copy. KAGELE Sept. 3. MMIY IDA. wife nf John J Nngelo and diuhter of Anna M and late Icon's F. Amos, Ttelath1! and friends InvUM tn funeral service. Sun.. '2 p rn X2QQ W Atlantic st. Int. Northwood Cr. .. v. ,.,, . hii.hand of Miry M. Powell (nee Oray). Rel- ' FU tLU Pepi, - n.i i.i ov i i p,.x .Tites and friends emnloves of W . H'r- rt florist and Pllcrlm Lodre X O O. F . -.. ------ - .-. ... .-. j-, av of L.lon'iie iw . may can pat . a 10 io p m 102 Federal at Int. nrlvat Hnewll M K. '"""'" Chester co.. Pa. Frl-ndn will mt a ,0 m triln at Reed's road. Sun. TtANPON" Anntversiry mAP3 at Lady of Viciorv Churoh. Sat.. 7:30 a. m , for tho re nos" of the aoul of Corporal WILLIAM F. WiV;nv Tr nf fn moth Tnf .. whrt was I 1.11IJ I- ..ll.n l TTSn.. Ca It 4 101Q Only on of William F. and Mary C. Hanson (r,r WaTeTJin.. HATNBS. Sept 3. FLOBUNCB EMZ APETH daughter of Joseph and Mary rt oies of FeU A To are invtA tn ,rn.T ss?"" o m . ft 71saao..J laJa"?h nanes rviaiives ana irienas, also em Frl 7 to a p m. ROHRER Sept 4. rniia tut private. r rienaS may Call at Panlahftrrt M T AUGUST ROHRER aged 61 RelatUes and friends mutea to nmeral services Sun 11 a m Bll Ingsport. N. J. Int. private North C'edar Hill Cem. Autos will meet train leaving Market st. ferry 8.37 a. m. Friends mav cell Sat eve. ROSENBAUM. Sept 1 FRANK, husband mount i fit nemains may ne Mewed Frl h m SCHArER Sept 4 ELIZABETH, wife of Conrad Schafer, ased 89. Relatives and friends invited to funeral, Mon 2 p m . I1.2' ,'.f '. '.PH, ' Darby. Pa. Int. private. Mf Morlah Cem SHANNON Sept 3. ADA I, wife of !1'Tr. H Shannon. Relatives and friends L''V''S '" lunerai services, ast 6-32 Chettir ave. Int private. Westminster Cen Jltd, may ca" Fr'- ev" SHOCKENCY. Sent 3 LAWrttrvfR T eon of Lawrence H and Mary J S'orkency inee jc.irnoii. ueiauves ana rrlends members of Gold Star Eagles Socla' Elec trical Bureiu Continental Republican Club Wlssahlckon Tribe. No. 32. I O. R M Invited to funeral. Mon 8:30 a. m. resi dence of parents 1610 Master st. Solemn requiem mass Church of the Gesu 10 a. m Int Cathedral Cem STE1NER. Sept. 3. at Latham Park. ' Montgo-iery co . Pa.. RICHARD J., hus- i band or Marie atelner. Relatives nd friends Invited to funeial serv'ces. narlors of Sam uil W K-hr ft Sons. N. W. cor. 21st and in ' Sat . 2 p m THOMPSON. Sept. 3. ANNIE wife of lii, . Ihimpson. aged 43 Relatives and friends invited to funeral. Hat 8 30 a. in.. reiOdeiue of husband. 4280 Grlscom st Frankford. Solemn requiem msss St. Joachim's Church 10 n. in Int Holy Cross Cem THOMPSON Suddenly at Monterev, Pa Sept. 2. CHARLES TROTTER THOMP SON. Funeral services at residence. 2116 Spruce St. Sat.. 12 m. Int. private. TURNEY. Sept 4 HARRY iu-band of Mary P. Turney (nee Wiley), aged 68. Re'a tlves and friends Lincoln Circle No 8. B of A Invited to funeral services. Mon., 1.30 p m, 220d N Mascher St. Int. pri vate, rrlends may call bun eve Auto service. WALSH. Sept. 3 MARTIN hushand of late Ellen Walsh (nee M Pheln). of Rook field County Mayo Irelami Relutlves and friends Invited to funeral Sat 7.30 a. m . residence of Bister Mrs Marv Moran. 2129 s 2d st Mass of .equlem Church of Our iauy ti .111 "waiwici a u. in iiii tiuij i,ruJi WECKERT. Sent 3. HENRY husband of Louisa Weckert Relatives and friends. "?T!Ulsl,? J,SJST.,il-N IJS'JjAR: PID also Schiller Lodge. No 05. I O O F.;,5.HJLE EARNING: AFTER BEING Ovk Benencial Aseo and members of Beth-'i, 1Ln. f!rmn n.lnrm.ri Ph,i,.h Inlt ,n attend funeral services. Sat . 2 p. m.. at I the res'dence of brother-in-law. Harry aumpr T.u rj inayer st r ana weitmi HITI.OCK Scot 4 GKLLA mf.- of Adolph Whltlock Relatives and friends, Csmp No. 12D P. O. of A Invited to fii. neral Sun.. 10 a. m 2333 N. Wood stock st. (20th and Dauphin sts ). Int. strlctlv private Mt. Carmel Cem. WIOOINH Sept. 8. flOSA ELIZABETH, wife of Benja-nln, WlTglns and daughter of Herman and Agnes Grassman aged 30. Ret. atlyes and friends invited to funeral serv ices Sat. 2:30 p. m.. 204 Lever'ngton ave Manayunk Int pr'vste Westminster Cem Trtrd -V Ml' t- ev I.KUA1, ADVKRTISEMEXTW IN THE OUPIMNV COURT tr Coi.ntT of Philadelphia. FOR jniy 1 rn ir rn i7 Estate of Robert Dnak. Deceased. Notice Is hereby glv-n that Rose Dosk, widow of the said decedent, has filed In the said Court her petition, claiming J300 In cash out of the pergonal propertv of the decedent, as provided by Section 12 of the Flduc'arles Act of 1017 and that the sa e msy be approved hy f-e Court on Fr'day. the 20th day of September. 1019. unless excep tions thereto be filed befora that time. CHARLES H HASSERT, Atfornev fo- Pet tloner. LPT AVT FOUNT) P()CKET"OOK Lost large black leather pocketbook, containing certified check, rail road ticket and money, on Pullman from At'antlc City to Philadelphia. Wednesday mcrnlng. Liberal reward If returned to .Mrs. c. 1 nnuiniaiin. m. EvCKerc ave,. Reeding Pa. No questions asked. CERTIFICATE Notice Is hereby gvenfhat the undersigned has mad application for the renewal of certificate No. A643 813 for twenty '2"i scares of stock of the Pennsvl- vnnl. RnllrOdri Cnmnanv. leaned tn IT..., I Clews ft Co. and dated the Bth of August, ' 1010 the sa e having been lost or destroyed t -nAn .vi " nu't jiv.. ty., o uroad st New York city. KFYS Lost laree bunch of kess, going from Lincoln Bldg. to 16th and Market sts. Wednday afternoon Return to 810 Lincoln piuki PEHSONALS NOT responslb'e. for dehts unlees contracted by myseix, tv. u. uorvon jio renn St., Camden HELP WANTED FEMALE ALTERATION LADIE3 FOR OUTO NEW STORE. 1318 CHESTNUT. TO THOSE WHO HAVE HAD EXPERIENCE AND DESIRE A PERMANENT POSI TION WE CAN MAKE AH AT TRACTIVE OFFER. AVPLY AT ONCE I DAY'S STYLE SHOP 1318 CHESTNUT ST. SECOND FLOOR u'iji MxiT-wA.mmDLT&ija.x Jilt" EXCELLENT OPFOIITUNJTT 115.80 TER WEEK AFTER, 8 MONTHS 118 PEII WEEK AFTER 1 MONTH 111 PER WEEK TO START , CONTINUOOS AND RAI'tD ADVANCEMENT TO POSITIONS PAY1NO 120 TO 183 PER WEEK BEST ENVIRONMENT AND WO? KINO CONDITIONS SICKNESS DISABILITY BENEFITS SPECIAL PAYMENTS FOR LENGTH OF SERVICE aOOD LUNCHES AT COST TOUNO WOMEN. BETWEEN 18 AND 2.1 TEARS OF AGE CAN SECURE THE ABOVE BT APPLTINO TO I MISS RYAN THE BELL TELEPHONE CO OF PA. FIRST -FLOOR. 1831 ARCH ST. , APPLICATIONS RECEIVED AT ROOM 409. LINCOLN BUILDINO. BROAD AND SOUTH PENN SQUARE FOR BETTER STORE POSITIONS'. IN SELLINO, CLERICAL AND MANAQINO STENOGRAPHER SALESWOMEN FOR MILLINERY. GARMENTS SHOES. ETC WOMEN FOR RECEP TION AND SECTION MANAOINQ BOOKKEEPER, EXPERIENCED APPLY WANAMAKER'S OARAOE 23D AND WALNUT STS. BOOKKEEPER builder's office; experienced: must be accuratu, srood salary. Apply J. H Mcrlstchv. 848 Land Title Building. ( II AMHTHMAiD experienced must references, r'none uatc .ane oo COMPETENT h't- woman; thre In family: no washina; naves Jin: -ust "ae refer- ences. Phone Oe-mantown R804 W. COOK and aifess, , wh'te Protestint: steady work If efficient; small family Tel. rpne Otrontz 171 W COOK experienced; 3 In family. Phone Oierbrook PtTQ ;uin Wv AA ae nnnssMAKraf. Dressmaker wants waist and skirt nnlsiers and improvers; lona seasons: nan o;y sv i... i .. kii Kbsf w a crmm ui l v hlEhet nates paid. Apply 1301 Lo- cust st Gmi.s 18 YEARS OF AOE 10 WORK IN WAT.T,PPER FACTORY N GOOD POSITION APPLY AT ONPE BACKER. HMTTH ,t PAGE WATER AND SNYDER AVE iittit. nir 1ft for reneral ofTicw work and flllnc In a West Phlla. office: wares $10 per week APDIV In own Panowr'tlnsr el-tni Sviou. experiences. P BO,. Ledaer Office. per week Apolv in own panowr'tinsr si-unr umw waniru iu wawi oiiiiuimi; iiiiu im nerse 2700 N rself renerally useful. H. Sllverwood. liltn si inirq noor. GIRL for general housework, white pre-fr-ed 2 in family. Call Germantown 847 R at once. 100 OIRLS WANTED IN NEW DEPARTMENT OVER 1(1 YEARS OF AOH IN CIGARETTE DEPARTMENT LIOHT. AIRY FACTORY DESIRABLE STEADY WORK HOT LUNCHES SERVED AT I.ES8 THAN COST GOOD PAY- EXCELLENT TREATMENT LEARNERS PAID 10 WEEKLY INCREASED .AFTER SECOND WEEK LIGGETT ft MYERS TOBACCO CO. 3D AND ONTARIO STS. OIRLS " OVFR 16 YEARS OF OE FOR I.TOWT WORK IN SOCIAL STATIONERY WORjr. B1"J! A NO tlTIIEK LINES' PLr"NT SURROUNDINGS: GOOD PAY WHILE LEARNING. APPLY Bl'RW'ATT O"" "eMPLOYMENT WANAMAKER'S GIRLS wanted to do electric welding and orlll press ooeraung; no exrerunce neres-sa-v Annly n G itodd Mfsr Co . Emoloy tnent Dept-. 25th and Hunting Park ave GIRLS, colored for 'lght, clean work, in manufacturing; establishment. Call 629 Csllowhlll JACK WINDERS Girls over 16: learners paid while learning Sackamaxon Mills. All.gheny ave and Hancock LADY to handle rst-ciass shares In a grow ing concern; aood proposition to right party: commission and salary Write' P o Box 44. Times Square Station. Nsw York city LAUNDRY SHIRT IRONER HAND WORK APPLY MARKET STREET LAUNDRY 1308 FILBERT ST. LEARNERS, willing to learn operating: lisht work: Singer sewing machines: good wages, steadv employment. Frank Schoble fe Co , 10th and Oxford. MENDERS OIRLS TO I,EARN MENDING "N PLAIN WIIITB AND FANCY '""' ,Av-,rC!v.,.i?DwWi WEEK SHACKAMAXON MILT. $30 PER OHENY AVE AND HANCOCK ST. UO. AUU&- MILLINERS, first class, wantsd Cbertak-Wen-er 1220 Ws'PMt st MILLINER'S APPRENTICES; steady posi tion 20T S. 18th St. it" OPERATORS wanted on shirt In new build ing on nefts, machines; all one kind of work: best pay In beat factory In city. Miller Bros Co.. S W. cor. Broad and Wallace, second floor. orrtAiUKS. experienced on Singer sewing ma ,,i,,ca, uuu vb.vb. B.Cttuy employment Apply Frank Schoble & Co.. 10th and Ox. ford. SALESWOMEN WE REQUIRE SALESWOMEN FOR OUR Dnun wt,riiftiD.l rtlUH WAGES AND PERMANENT POS'T'n.vs i:VvS Ar. THOSE HAVINO EXPERIENCE. Arri.1 (,rujuiK.vr BUREAU LIT BROTHERS POCKET STITCHERS, sergers and plecers. thfrd flo?r" "el(,y Po't'TO. 830 Fllber ...... SALESWOMEN WANTED EXPERIENCED SALESWOMEN 1TO,.V.!y.,i79 D"P,RTMENTS EMPLOYMENT BUREAU LIT BROTHERS' 'SALESWOMEN ,K.I"1WI,S AND SUITS APPLY BUREAU OF EMPLOYMENT WANAMAKER'S .. SODA DISPENSERS APPLY BUREAU OF EMPLOYMENT WANAMAKER'S STENOGRAPHER THOROUGHLY EXPERIENCED: GOOD OPPORTUNITY FOR CAPABLE WOMAN APPLY BUREAU OF EMPLOYMENT WANAMAKER'S - cVrtNOGRAPHER In old-established rest estate office: Saturday half holiday all year: good wages: state age and experience, all applications treated ronfid ntlaliy Pot. STENOGRAPHER and typllt. with real estate experience: steady position; good !!":.. ?. tVnt,wi..a.a.v.a1r.1t- D""1 Irowenut!.!. 1001 Chitnut t. . and salary: "p 814 Leds.r Wlrl -- ..... GOOD POSITIONS -on STVNOGRAPHER8 OTTrvrrinn a utjT t ...k. . .- i. i.. ... ruin FAIR I, PLY 4H STRAWBRIDQE . CLOTHIER BTFNOORAPHERS ATTRArTIVE POSITIONS B-nnj CAPABLE WOMEN; STATE EXPERIENCE. 1"rAB1E A 109 LEDGER OFFICE TF-ACHER-An exTierieno-d French te.che. for small children In ', ,nd se"-rai adult, in private. UT Frederick st. Hw over, Pa. "" TFt fpHON" ops:nATOR, experleneed nn Bell and Keystone; state salary. M 807 .ledger Office. ""' WAITRESSES nTOHFBT GRADE RFSTAURANTl Pv ind "iHOfvT 'fO'ins APpt.iOATtnNS Ri-CEIVED -AT '400 Lincoln i"ti Dlvn GOOD BROAD AND SOUTII PENN SQUARE, kjq Sr AprowtAEa wanamaker's 22b,J?u5JK58s..2.pportwties for BBVUF 52.T8 ANI oiblb. i to is TRAPS. WHO HA Vis BrVru"'D AT f AAOT'RoI'lTI WUsNElsr,iioURaP5TV,LEGBS DUB,NO .,CAPTHBA,';'ARTERS EIGHTH FLOOR, 13TH is MARKB'" STS WANAMAKER'S ' TO STILT. MTT.T.TNERT WOMEN OF REFINEMENT AND TASTE: EXPERIENCE NOT EfwhrrlAL Tj WILL BE ADDITIONALLY-WELL) PAID. APPLT BUREAU OF EMPLOYMENT WANAMAKER'S WANAMAKER'S WOMEN ANT) TOUNO OIRLS. WHETHER EXPERIENCED OR NOT. CAN FIND PO SITIONS AT WANAMAKER'S APPLY BUREAU OF EMPLOYMENT I WANAMAKER'S WOMEN INTBLLIOENT AND PENTEEL. TO SELL MIS8ES' SUITS IN THE ENLARGED AND BEAUTIFUL SECTION AT WANAMAKER'S APPLY BUREAU OF EMPLOYMENT WMAN MAT"RE. for genl. clerical work: h'lly to comnose elTinla cor,enotv,ec and knowledre of typewriting desirable, but stenography rot essential; rear Wayne Jet. True Shape Hosiery Co.. 1815 Bristol st. WO"AN. middi aged, for light housework. 207 B. lth St. WOMEN FOR CLEANING APPLY BUREAU or EMPLOYMENT WANAMAKER'S TOUNO WOMAN ambitious, wanted, blgv school and business college graduate, fo permanent position: must be accurals and a good typist; stenography not essential; pleas ant work good futurei salary to start U; stats age. experience ana give pnons UUtn r..r Addrex P 114 l.( deer nffU. HETP WANTED MALE iwBTTyiTTftwa rjirr'ir.TVWTv Ar nrwve inn LINCOLN BLDO BROAD AND B. PENN SQUARE FOR BETTER STORE POST. TIONS IN SELLINQ. CLERICAL AND MANAQINO. ATTENTION CREDIT MEN COLLECTORS WE HAVE A NUMBER OF EX CELLENT POSITIONS FOR MEN WITH EXPERIENCE IN PHILA DELPHIA: IF YOU ARE NOT SATISFIED WITH YOU PRESENT POSITION. STEP INTO OUR STORE ANY DAY THIS WEEK OR ANY EVENINO UP TO 8 P. M. WE CAN MAKE YOU AN INTER ESTING PROPOSITION. DAY'S STYLE SHOP 1318 CHESTNUT ST. SECOND FLOOR AUTOMOBILE service man: must be a flrst class man on repairs to auto trucks Apply Atlantic Ri fining Co., 3144 W.-PaBsyunk ave. BENCH HANDS, able to read blueprints. Apply Amer.can Insulating Machinery Co., Falrhlll and Huntingdon sts BENCH HANDS electric spot welders emery wheel grinders handy men learners polishers sheet metal workers ON ACCOUNT OF INCREASED PRODUCTION WE CAN USE STEADY. RELIABLE MEN IN ANY OF THE ABOVE CAPACITIES good wages and steady work ire assured If you ctn show what you can do. APPLY READY FOR WORK THE EDWARD G. BUDD MFO. CO, Employment Dept. S5th and Hunting Park ava. BOOT BUILDERS for commercial auto-truck- st adv work Scheid Bros. Com pany. 1T05 Jackson st. BOOKKEEPER ACCOUNTANT to tsks charge ot set of books1 also familiar 'with various federal and state reports: stats age, experience, salary. P 508 Ledger Office. BOYS 17 YEARS) OF AOE TO WORK IN WALLPAPER FACTORY G'OD POSITION APPLY AT ONCE BECKER. SMITH A PAOE. WATER AND SNYDER AVE. BOY wanted, over 16 years of age. to learn, wholesale and retail dry goods business; excellent opportunity for advancement. Apply M Silverman 8; 6bn. N. W, corner 6th and South BOY, 16. for general office wo-lt and to take care of office. Apply 32 N. Front st. BOY tor delivery: learn underpresslng on "i-! 880 ic'lhe-t. t'-'rd flnor. BOY, 14 to 16 years of age, for errands and office work. Apply 1221 Sansom at. . BOYS for general office duties- advancement for bright, ambitious' boys: no others need apply. E. G. Budd Mfg. Co., employment office 2Mh et, and Hunting Perk aye BRICKLAYERS wanted. Apply new silk mill, John W. Ferguson Co.. contractors, Lafayette St.. Lancastsr. Pa. . CARPENTERS. TO cnts: steady position; 40V4 hours: good mechanics izz Arcn. CHINA PACKEHS. EXPERIENCED APPLY BUREAU OF EMPLOYMENT WANAMAKER'S COMPOSITORS stonehands. proofreaders. Dunlap Printing Co Juniper and Cherry. COPYHOLDER Young man. who is good reader, wanted on dally newenaper: night work- 48-hour week. Apply todrv after o p -v . at 608 Cheetnut St., fifth floor DELIVERY BOYS, 16 years of age; also store boy: good opportunity with ebsnee of advancement: brlnr rafar.nces. . Van D-s n a. Stoke. Co, 1123 Chestnut St. evgbaver First-class stesl and copper p?aeXgr5vIrV,ut. ex'perle'c. and salary. Th Evans-Pcnfold Co.. Buffalo. N. Y. ERRAND BOY over J? year, to c.rrv .mall I park-ee,, o--imerclal Photo Engraving Co 84 N. 8th at. FOREMAN WANTED for machine shop near Ph ladelphla tra- Ploying 20 men: manufacturing light steel; vantage; permanent pos Hon and good salary to man filling above requirements: no otherr need apply: give, age, experience and refer ere's. married or single. A 104. Ledgsr Office FOREMAN ORAY IRON FOUNDRY CORE. ROOM FOREMAN FOR A LONO-ESTAB- I.1SHED PLANT LOCATED. IN HLTI- MORE: OTATE aob. cxrKRiB.-ycK WHETHER ."ARRJED " n ink AND WAGES BX-SPrT,5P!?SRMAJ;f?r?FSRPM SITION FOR RIGiri' MAN. ADDRESS M 814 l-E.l-'v&n, v-m. TOIKIE OPERATORB Experienced Ajax forging machine' operators or. heavy high rarboned steel foralng; must set up 'Old machines. Apply Hess-Brlght Mfr Co. Front snn ktis av. GENTLEMEN to handle flrst-clsss shares In i growing concern: good prooosltlox to , i . a arowi rlgiit parti rtyi commission and aslary. Writs ox 4.4. Time tUvsra BUtlotL-Nsw win,...! Ifw tV mYwmWim i DIESINKERS for drop-fore, die work, such as crank shafts, axles, hand ltvers. tlre-carrlsr brackets, steering arms, rocker srms. etc.l must read prints and lay out own work. SIEMAKER3 for blanking, forming, plsrctng and d"" dies for punch and die work on 18 to 22 gauge stock: must read prints and lay out owu work. TOOLMAKERS for tools. Jigs, fixture and gauge workl must work trom nrlnts. PERMANENT WORK Forty-jglithour week and overtime Give full partlcu'ars In first lslter. also rate agreeable to start and earliest data you eao report should ws wlro you. WRITE TODAT Employment Departmsnt ' WILLYS-OVERLAND CO. TOLEDO. O. DRAUGHTSMAN wanted Structural all. ahn fan trtalfA his BSU tracings. WS ply to 'tho Robesonla Iron Company. Ltd. DRILL PRESS operator, abl. to r.ad blus- Ropfsonia. ueras comuy. r' rn:-Co.?t-ralrhlll "and Huntingdon -.... . HOJ&EMAN. white, wanted, experienced, to do waiting and housework In private fam ily residing all year In Atlantlo City; wages 160 a month: answer with copies of refer ences. M 721 Ledger Office. LABORERS needed for handling bags, bales, barrels, etc.. unloading cars truck ing and piling goods In warehouse and similar work: hours 7:45 a. m. to 5 p. m.. 1 o'clock Saturday: 45 minutes' lunch tlma sllowed Apply. Smith, Kline t French Co.. Westlnghouse tUdg.. 027 N. Front st. Ask Tor sir, ivernn an. LABORERS $4.51 day; steady Inside factory work. 1220 Arch st. LATHE OPERATORS, able to resd blue prints. Apply American Insulating Ma chlnery Co Falrhlll and Huntingdon sts. LAUNDRY SHIRT IRONER: HAND. WORK APPLY MARKET 8TREET LAUNDRY 1308 FILBET ST. M'"HIN'STH HOII.ERMKERH AND CAR REPAIRMEN WANTED BY THE CHESA PEAKE AND, OHIO RAILROAD. APPLT TO R. OO'tLD ""P'""NTENDi-.Nr MOTIVE POWER RICHMOND, VA.t H. M BROWN. SHOP SUPERINTENDENT. HUNTINGTON. W. VA OR W. P. "I i.i! SON. MASTER MECHANIC. COVINOTON. KT, MAN, live ambitious, wanted to learn sci ence of aolllng; salary while learning. S100; standard line; well established Arm. ins T.edaer Off'ce. MAN experienced, wide awake, to manage well-established printing trsde: capable of estimating. A 16. Ledger Office. MAN Electrical supply house wants com petent man In order department. M 811, Ledger Office. MANAGER for retau'snt: must be expert enced. Pomerants. 1024 Chestnut St. MOULDERS, first class, on bronze stat wp: "aft uary ana nign-ciass taniet bronze fftrr: steady work. App iy an ween. Arthur Limerick Company. Baltimore. Md, OFFICE WOBK-hov for builder's office gooa cnance tor aavancement. Anaress. stating age salary and references. P B12, Ledger Office. OTFICE BOY wanted for hanking firm to do odd jobs and errands Apply 525 Stock Exchsnge Bldg.. 1411 Walnut at.- PLATE PRINTERS. EXPERIENCED APPLY BUREAU OF EMPLOYMENT WANAMAKER'S PORTERS AND CLEANERS APPLY BUREAU OF EMPLOYMENT WANAMAKER'S PROOFREADER Experienced, up-to-date newspaper proofreader wanted on morning newspaper; permanent position with good salary. Apply today, aftsr 7 p. m.. at 808 t h'stnnt st . nun noor. SALESMEN Several, high grade wanted for one of the most unusual stock off rlnKs that has been pres nted to the public In many years: this stock Is on a dividend- paying basis: several national banks. Dun's and Bradstrret's as reference: this Is . a strictly commission oaBis. ii you are in terested, we ask that you make ptrsonal Investigation. Sales Manager, 410 Perry r.uiiaing. SALESMAN Want permanent connection wtth high grade, energetic salesman, ex perienced In real estats. loans and Invest ments: commission basis; $2000 surety bond required' references exchang.d. Chrone In vestment and Sales Co., 810 Moore Bldg., San Antonio lex SALESMAN Wanted an experienced varnish ss eiman: no other need apply; stato age. territory traveled, references and salary ex- pected- M 806, Ledger Office- SALESMEN Traveling representatives wanted for New York and Pennsylvania states to handle a distinctive and Individual line of beverares; only salesmen of wide ex perience wsnted. The II. W. Fruit Products Co.. Savannah. Qa. SHEET METAL WORKERS and helners wanted: excellent opportunities for flrst class hands Apply 122 N. Franklin st. STOCK SALESMEN Wanted for Immediate aotlon S live-wire stock salesmen tor stock proposltbn of extra merit; commission basis and bonus for q-ilck work: give references. M 808 Ledger Office. WANAMAKER'S GOOD BUSINESS OPPORTUNITIES FOR BRIGHT BOYS AND GIRLS 14 TO 18 YEARS' WHO HAVE REACHED AT LEAST THE SEVENTH GRADE. CAN FILE APPLICATIONS F'"R 'POSITIONS WITH SCHOOL PRIVILEGES DURING BUSINESS HOURS AT CADET HEADQUARTERS EIGHT FLOOR, 13TII MARKET STS. WINDERS Gl-ls over 16 learners nstd while learning, snack ghenv ave. and Hancock, while learning. Shackamanon Mills, Alle- YOUNG MAN, WITH SOME KNOWLEDGE OF ELECTRIC BATTERIES' APPLICATIONS RECEIVED AT ROOM 409. LINCOLN BUILDING, BROAD AND SOUTH PENN SQUARE. FOR BETTER STORE POSITIONS, IN SELLINO. CLERICAL AND MANAGING. YOUNO MAN capable. IT to 20. of Amerl- can and nonunion parentage, wanted by North Phlladrlphla metal manufacturing plant: billing and general ortico worj; rr statins quallflcatlons and schools attended. 110 vo siarv. answsp in uwu ," i 3' I'. U. UOX 0-0. YOUNO MAN. HV1TH SOME KNOWLEDGE OH" li.L.fUTlUU UAl lt.ivic.i7 .M APPLY BUREAU OF EMPLOYMENT WANAMAKER'S YOUNO MAN of amblt'on amJ reflned ap- pearauoe for retail Jewelry, house; state age, experience and waxes. Postofflco Box 1311. , vniivn man tn le. cloture framing buel- TnU.N.a Mu'c1h'.0A,raSnto?erSK3 Oma'ntown YOUNG MEN 16 TO 20 YEARS -OF AGE TO HELP IN STORE AND LEARN THE BUSINESS; EXCELLENT CHANCE FOR ADVANCEMENT; GOOD PAY TO 8TAKT.-BTORB OPEN ALL DAY AND'TO 8 P.M. BACH EVENINO. DAY'S STYLE SHOP 1318 CHESTNUT ST. SECOND FLOOR t) "wmrtmyws j i Jjl'illfrii rfTi.TrT.Tiii ..Jl.i'ifi .m-. fl. R. Itfh If you are a rood man, with a clean record, with experience In any of tha fol lowing lines, we have Immediate opening) for yout 12400" ""r,nMr' holler room experlsncs. Engineer. M. E familiar bol'sr reoma. Shipper, carpets, not afraid to work. R'frwsratlna- engineer, practical man. M, 1. Layout man. familiar boiler roomo. Layout men taml'lar marina machinery. Biles engineers, oils, combu-tlon engineer!. A number of openings for accountants, beekeepers, shippers, etc. Engineers' apptl. atlons solicited. No charge until placed. ,. EXPORT TRADE All railing for men 'and women of hlghes't! attainments. Let soms of (he lesser, tn Id., -...e.i.l sow you how ambitious people can ausllfv In SPSre time fsie tha keKt navlnv .!. . In ths most p-emllng and active fields of modern business. ,. JAMES S. HALL 815 L"d Title B-illdlnr 8pruce 8282 RARN run Mnvrn-v Sr.Jfi'i' T2r? "u, r0"" r-ecbnlcal and INCPAS" YOUR SALARV- EVROI.L NOW Automobile day, afternoon and nlh rtasse. cnrn,nc nt, 22 sn'lnv Dsrden tin..t. ... .- o.,. n-A--i .. BTTTT TTQNS W rVNTETj-FEMALE SECRETARIAL poslt'on; B years' experience: fiat-class. P Bll. Ledger Office. SITU ACTONS WATTTEP MALE ACCOUNTANT of proven ability open for permanent 'engagement: possibly ho Is f'e very man who can master your office details. Hs will call by addressing C 331. Ledger Oflce. ARTIST would like opportunity In any line. A. Orlfnn. 232 Franklin St. .BOOKKEEPER. A-. Protestant graduate h " con.. o.r o nM-jjja. Position; MAN colo-ed, wants place In private fam ily as cook and walterman. Write 2033 North st. EMPLOYMENT AGENCIES COLORED HELP supplied for all no'lHons Hursev 1285 S. 10th st Dickinson 3645 BUSINESS PERSONALS DIAMONDS BOUGHT Positively highest cssh prices for your dls monds. any alio from 'A to 10 carats: none pay higher: also o'd gold, platinum A silver' bourht. Eetatia bought (private). Eit.10 yrs The Diamond Shop &?. "&&,. DIAMONDS BOUGHT ANY SIZE PRICE NO OBJECT KELLY CO. 1-82 CHESTNUT ST. Bulte 21-22. Over CMids Restaurant. Private SAMUEL STMPSON NOTARY PUBLIC 727 Walnut sweat, Philadelphia . mTRlNKSS and other difficulties settle, protecting your rights: collection doubtful accounts; bank ref, : 23 years' experience. Mvituai Aojusimrnv -p.. izio j-noert st. ELECTRIC treatment and msnlcurlnr nt. flee, Hutchinson Bldg., fourth floor. Rooms 4U0-SUI. -- P. Join at. tlours 1U-0. PLUMBER, registered, will do plumbing nnd nesting reaeonauie. . v. luilin. 244! n 16th. Cnll Dickinson 7028 J. ELECTRICtreatrient ft minlcurlng. 8 rn 105 He.d Bldg., 1215 Filbert st. Loc. 3862. ELECTRICAL TREAT., physical culture s urnin nnun in a m. w h p . ASHES removed from cellar: all kind, of hiiiiide .u. em .i, BUSINESS OPPORTUNITIES YOUNO MAN, here Is your opportunity to start paying mall-order business in your spare time send no money, Just your sd dress. Nlkolow & Oabrowsky. Room 1 428, 71 W. 28d St.. New York city. BOARDINO HOUSE business, winter and summer well established, for sale. M 805, Ledger Office. CAKl'ii CLEAN1NO WALLACE 7 N. 107828 N. 20253 Church lane. Otn. LONG-DISTANCE MOVING POOS, BIBD2. ETC. THE Mohawk Rabbltry and Kennels, office 1521 As'iury st.. Ind'anapolls, Ind , has for sale high-class rabbits, all breeds and cavl-s; ferrets: pigeons young b'ooded hoars: hunting dogs of all b eeds and puppies; 10c f0r booklet and circulars. FOB SA.T.E We Make and Sell National Cash Registers and Credit Files Lowest prices: small monthly pay ments; no Interest charges; wrlttsn guarsntee; old registers repal-ed. rebuilt, bought, so'd and exchanged. JOHN T. WATSON Agent The National Cash Register Co., 731 CHESTNUT ST Pho-, Walnut 461. Ms'n 2672. TYPEWRITERS RENTED NONVISIBLE 8 MONTHS. ."l VlRIPir E 1 MONTHS, 17.50 UP Factory Rebuilt Typewriters American Writing Machine Co. 802 CHESTNUT ST. WALNUT 2410 M.IN 828 OFFICE FURNITURE Large lot desks, safes, (lies, rablnsta and general office furniture, store fixtures. We Buy, Sell end Exehsngs, PATTEN FURNITURE CO. LOCUffT 4070 1127ARCH ST RACEJ6M BABY carriages, complete I010Ilne. over -, ,S?..t)rlc5.."Il JolI,! see our 810 special. B. Ml'ler 604-6 a 2d st. Onen evenings. BILLIARD, pool, comb'.n 2d-hand bought sold rented, eych. Keafer. 820 W. Qlra rd. MBKITT tivt,.-i nrafl -oek. n--'e counter, platform scales, mit chopper, butcher block, coffee mill: ued by J. J. Pletcher & Pros . 5600 Oermintown ava. Bell phone 20CQ Gejrmantown. ROLL TOP Tyrv'won-: co -dltlon. J15. 50 , N. 13th (second floor front). REFRIGERATORS and "nt"r-s for grcrer and me-t -nsrketa: terms If desired. RANDALL k CO 831 M ?d st, SAFES, Preprof: c'ealng out OO ellehtlv "used: some with thin walls. 72 N Fourth. WALL TENTS 8x10. J16 50: 12x14. $30. each new. c-moleto. 1023 Callowhlll st. Phone F lberf 5800. ' HAVE 80 barrels autnmob'le and engtnl oil; will sell f"r 15c gelioo and up In quantl ties C. Goldman 83 N. Ame-lcsn st. BEVENTY-FlVE-horsepower alltnmstlc cut oIT hlh-8need engine. Apply Drexel Instl tute. Room 116. FOR SAI E Slx-borsepower upright gas en glne. 030 N. Front st. win- Hir"N ""mr.i '! V J Del OT D OOI.D OLD go'd sliver, platinum, plated ware, old style lewelry. te-tb plates bougst for cash. Est 1817 J L r--k reOner. 807 Sansom. pTO-(tTJ jrro MOVING CPESCENT STORAGE WAREHO("(B. 1833 N. 2d. Kensington 89T8. One- a f load to and load from Washington, D, C. to Phlla. or vicinity by Sept. 15. also one-half load to snd from New York to Phlla. or vicinity by Oct. 2. Your goods Insured while In transit. Excel'ent service. On month storage free. Rensonabls rates. , VICTORY STORAGE" 8218 Market. Largest and best. Phon , Belmont 4670 for an , "tlma,.. oood. 6218 Market. Largest and best. moving. TERMINAL WAREHOUSE AND TRANS FER CO., Columbia ave, and Sydenham st, Local and long-distance moving by cour teous, experienced men; clean separate and locked room, for vour furniture. Let us estlmse. Phone Dlsmoud 44T2. THE JOHN RH0ADS CO. Storage. Packing. Moving. Carpet Cleaning 4157-59 Lancaster Av., W.Phila. WALLACE I N. 191828 N. 20258 Church lans. Otn. LONO'DIBTANCE MOVINO FIDELITY FIRE-PROOF WAREHOU8U 1811-18 MARKET ST. liilViNO DY MADE EAST Larg padded vans expert movers.' North thli fltnrace Co.. 2033 Lh1gh. Vf.t. r S h P-V e-.wrn.f tjnlid'n. TVen-mwd 75S8 MONARCH STORAGE CO 8870 LANCAB.. TPR VE. AUTO SKRVICEt BTORAOE. PA' CKIPU iAinuLiioiArnjt, MUVlflU, 20TH CFNT'iRY Btoraae Warehouse, abso lutely fireproof: spec, piano oslt'g ru rms P'er .'nns e." ei, 81"0 Market st ETMPB AND COIN RTAMPB PACKETS DHdE 8ET Albums and supplies for, stamp collectors iiisfAjii' co.. al b. Tti,. . r vyymgg-L. Ffat MolortCofof .Peiuiwlva n n . r-i .-. TV Hi noamer WKtnujtoj8,l -voajner iuiu model passerr;,.ia equippVd: an extra tlrei rvin less than'l miles; owner, leavlnc for Europe, rnut atone. t K f m wisiVKOLBT touring; lata model! -mo uokeep; 12701 blanc time. CG9 J AJIUHU 91. " -"i".B Chummy rosdster. lata modil:-bi nost new; bargain: cash or lima. ,391 HUDSON Suner Six touring. Iat '17 r?' ryfa sna looks tike new, zoo rn. m LIBERTY 6 Chummy roadster. l18i wti wheels- excellent condition. 208 N. Broi MAXWELL touring and roadster, lata mod. Ii like nswi fins rubber: bargain. " nroad St. . . 'OAKLAND roadstsr late 1T medsl: aaln for aulck sale. 206 N Broad st. UL.UHMOnir.1T! tkti-ln- S vl(nAT. 7 Ta.BI senger: excellent condition : bargain: cart or irr-s aun pi. nroaq st. -- OWRLANrifl AM. MOnEIJl. ALT, TI5AB8 TNCLUDtNO 1018! FlR8T-rLARR CONTJtj TtON: PRICES CUT TO COST "OR FALt v-r.AlJN;p;AIJK alpvj jttt -s1Vs ' Ariu OVERIAND Chummy roadster, late, mpdjlsl almost nsw: cash or payment ,20a -N. I Broad st .i OVERLAND tourlnr. 1818 model 80. almojtl new: oner forced to sen, aire re- mnqi! TOT1 n A t.lr .'a .Hiphtlv used SI -ten truck. 1018 model, equipped .with Rovsl Cnrd United A. tea tires. 85x8: ' IsSlaV Aw A .... m-rm ma m Mm TSt Wm " A tel II uuvii - BrklD, tf-iJsas-ejijimsji f Cresci Brothers Vlneland. N. J. FORD touring car. 4 months old: Ilka. tie' extra eouinment included. Koom f i""wn Hulioing. ;... . . , i i l iinwi .uiiv- ---iv. lava ..una. sooriinv; inauvi. -4-ici rondftlnn. will K-!t1i Psiil Tt. ChanA-fl 1-r. 15 N. 4fh st. PM'a. Bell nhone Mlrt. 44, 1918 BUICK 4-cyllnder tou'Ing, Ilka, newjl harraln- cssh or time. 208 N. Broad at. .1 1018 H"PMOHILE .touring, comoletely OTl nsuieq: parvain. aim n. nroao sv. A-fA w-wpti,.w.n.lrns7 FOR HUDSON AND HUPMOBILE IXZ womt See the Brsndywtne Auto Repair CSp. Bcotr iivv Simpson, io-meriy wiin n ery-Schwarts Co,, now estahllshsd at 188 Ttrswdvwme at. Fopisr znoo. wnroTvP-YrLTa atjt BTC'vCTlTHgV NEW Knd od-band blevdes. tires, all jnaka. A NPnuiw t. nmrHETT,' ooa a. zaq BI0YCLE A-l cosster brake and mudruar so urrene, laiu fine. i MACHINEKT AND TOOLS FOR SALE One aft borenowee gas engl complete, witn extra neavy prong o !- la-flnar itifeh nnd nu'leri ninlnsr I muffler complete with all necessary valjg low price; we neea xne room, ivowrva Co . 80 Colt st.. Irvlngton. N. J. POWKP.PI.4KT EQUIPifENT Dvnamos, motors boilers, steam and .al ensines. pumos. si- comnreen-. ir miHK toomft. INC.. 127 N. 84 at. ELECTRIC MOTORS MACHINE TOOL POWER EQUIPMENT Q'BRT1"N MACH1NFRT CO.. 119 N. 8D DYNAMOS AND MOTORS for oowsr llshl ana weiaing; lavnes. anus, puncn nrsssa pumps, pssteurlier. elevator rrlnastona-1 THOMAS YEABSLEY CO.. 224 ft. tVA ONE (I) No 1 LeBIond plain mllllntr rnn cin. R"x18"x22": one (1) BUI-dell laths 16"x3 ft. John Evans 8ons, 808 N. 18tb all ELECTRIC msch. bought, fold. sxeh. anl repaired. Delta Elec Km, Co.. ISO N. i WAN1EO Ol.n CLOTHES BOUGHT rat.ofr clothing wanted! men's eld anlti Mali trousers, shoes, etc: ladles' clothls , ctM "'ZUaY'S.'Si "!.:" j.7;;ni-V .!. r nlrht Wrtt. ..nil nr telenhone Filbert 2172. SEI.TOSOHN CI.OTHINO CO.. 840 N, 8tXl CAST-OF CLOTliiMJ Gentlemen's, ladles' and children s ciotning ana snoea ox aii t. t n -'-so -feiv f- hKhrst prlcra iiIa service. We call anywhere, any tlma " -ket 2148 W. or call M. "Stern, 837 N. 4th; f ANTIQUE furniture, old china, old JesrahryJ gold, silver, raise teem, aismonosr sn tioues. (128 Chestnut. Phone Wa'nut.702 BROI' ICENVJevvelry, ant'ques. pistols, n hnnQ with -orlce T oav mailed. 1B( cofns-J lth price I pay mailed. 16c. J. B. Boss (People's Store). 268, B. 11th. Wal 4488.1 col past.ofk CLOTHING wanted: Indies' and child-en's vlothes- best prices. Phone MtrJ ket -244K- w or call H, stern. B8T N. VTTtlTTKST PRIHKS PATTfi for slnrle or .ntj furniture, Ruback. 420 N 6 Oth. Del. Tti BOOMS -FOTv RENT CHESTNUT ST.. 2045 Furntsbod room I patn: also single rooms. DE I.ANCRV ST.. 31 1 Attractive muntcatlng and single rooms, furnlsheas unrurnisnea: mnoern a SPRUCE ST single- rooms. 1711-Houekeeoln nlU studiir apartment. VI SPRUCE ST.. 2203 N'cely furnished i:i N'cely furnished root! floor. T,o-ut 2060 T cicely fu-nlssed rooms VI or. Locust 2068 J. JI r r -cnt: e-conq no SPRUCE. 2205 Nicely rant nooAnii '1jif T aaiii( 13TH ST., S 287 Single room: aultaW tor Business woman 15TH 8T., N., 1300 Large. well-furplsM fro-t room' desl-able location. 1BTH, N. (THE RURIC). 189. 141 ModerBl iin.twd9t fnt-n. TiMRlii electr'o thrOUghotiaJ dally and weekly rates; conven'ent to .tt,l lions: gooq accommoo. ior traveuna iiw,i 10TH. N.. 1401 Two rooms, furn. .hou keeping, J8 up: single rooms, fs up. TIItI"n.TrTVnT -nnm vrttn wlndOWS-'flr class board; home cooking; phonr garvtotl f-on vvAon-ann naia j. t MT. VERNON ST.. 3222 Comfortably funtj living rm. and bedrm : bus. man or coirple.1 BOARTJINO SPRUCE. 8806 (The Rev'acl Well-funj-l rms.. superior noara: nign-ciass apv, ; ROOMS snd board; 87: 1230 Spruce. French cook ROOMS, with board. Woodland 4885. BOARTJ WANTED YOUNG LADY, reflned. employed. waBl home In private Jewlh fsm'ly; rsfsrano ftrr-n u '7 m iit-r i luce PROFFSSIONAL WOMAN, employed dart M asy aesircs room ana iw-r'S-T.VIS. vato Jewish famllv: refa exch P 51 8, Lad, APARTMENTS APARTMENT HEADQUARTERS rVnt-.l nnarlm'nll a SDeclalty. Sher Apt. Agency. 225 8. Broad at. Soma A attractive furn. pts.: some nousi frrMVT- l.rn -nnm and lavato-y. l't noJUrJ suit, for doctor or dentist, 75 at 8828.l 16th. Merton pralms, Harrison Pldg.Loc.9a TTVfV Ann miul.rn T-nnmfi itnd nrlvate bat furnished, on Rlltrnhouso st.. 60. Mart) Orelm- H-r-loi B'dg. Loc 08 M! APARTMENT, furnished, second floor. 1 ' 8 rooms and hath: couple, i-none ii; Media, or B 802 Ledger Office. -. 1700 PINE W. Desirable suite. 2 rooml bath first noor- suit oroiessionat mar m.l.f.lnn. AAA TOT!.,.., a, - I ifl'lll'll-ii ,',",, (.ll'Ub V. PTJItNTSHED APA.BTMENTS'1 18TH 8T. S.. 127 (The Geneva) FurnlshJ bschelor apartments. 3 rooms ana nainit the heart of the Business seuuoni a-, oio r-Mnv urn-o Mra-inn 1M1 VfiRTRR.Twn rnnms second fro adjoining bath, furnished housekeeping 110; lares single rooms. 18.50 up; po ohll-4 aren. i p"RTivrviNTa WNTED hittht nrt nrOTCR R-cond story furn't ..e..lat.a,l IsTiM-tt, Thlla m, aiihurhs; or 1 front room- w'lth or ue of bath; funvlh4J CHRLE W HNYO"R. 2101 tm- HOUSEKEEPING) APAKTMENM j 820 s. 11TH ST. DeslraDi bouseksepla apartment, s rooms, nam ana ancueswu App,y Janitor on prsmlses, or TAULANE. -000 Walnut st. n-Wv im. rnMn, hmth and tiled kltehej centnl; f"rnlshcd: so"thm eyposurt818R inciuaing maia s service, pictiuu t.u Hsrrlson Bldg. Locust 028. FnrnlaliMl 1401 s rooms, h'th. kltchmslteij 18TH. N Tli-nienea rnnm bath. 15 50 up. FUnN. APTS.. cent, loci br week If d-slrS. Sherwood Apt, Agency. 223 S. Broad t APAKTMENT HOTELS rt' THE DELMAR-M0RR1V American Plan CHELTEN AVE. AND MORRIB BT. GERMANTOWN T r. urtMiTTwa Trt nnnAn st RTXTTOti i rannireii urm uiumiimiw iuuw. k THE GLADSTONE! 11TH AND POT STS. ' ABSOLUTELY FIREPROOF'3! HOTEL COLONIAL 8SI?hV., 1, 2 snd S roomsand bath spartmsnl European plan: summer ratea C. PITMAN BAKER. Jr.r MgT. THE LITTLE HOTEL 238 S. Br-jcd istjfl good pUcs to Uva wbua 1 IWjaaljSitr -tl o- T- nf rt J&f-uVw. Sfe 5 'le: '" L'l&s&..'io- - i.,ja' 7 ' , -p ,3, '' .WPWtf ., PV , .''.toftJ , 'r MS "-. ,w' rti 5-? I' f. 'S- "' TiJkk ..tfv 5-V t' J &. i'js . i . , , . I. ii 'air 'in 'O -.