M P In1 Inc? So Theyf Were Married . - d) UAZEL DEtO BATCUKi.OIt C'cpyrlxht. tl. by Fubllo Lector Co. cutiiT Titto fc-rnrtv TniUV WaNU was taken (o the train by Scott, Wi ftulh and'Hclcn. The two trunks hud ihMn cnt on ahead nnd Jane carried iMn her traveling liapr. which was spick land span-ami new, only the things sne Iwntild nfcfl mi tlip 1 ml ii for herself and nJoy. Iluth had seen to it that there ir4..n uffiAlntif .iiK'nnva tnr fnt nf them. As usual Jane's mind had not taken in tho end o the journey, but only (he Ubestnntnc. and she had not counted at 'ill tin the way a long train ride has of fobbing one of freshness. So in the bag ("were two frilly waists, iresn gioves, plenty of clean things for Joy nnd, in short, everything necessary to Jane s arrival in the little western town. She cried n little bit. and) flung to (iluth when she snid cood-br. nnd Im pulsive tears came to ltuth's eyes. There Iwas so much of good in Jane and she fjvas so terribly interesting, if only ehe I would abide by the advice Helen had 14 given her and try not to'grow slack and ,A ffc ! tin bi. Ink I-Uitillil I... IrAllf Kl LO JVlf UU1V1I UUIB Wilton DlllUlll iv H. 1 tip"1 after the ceremony as well as bc- ate. If only Bob loved her enough to be tolerant, things surely ought to go nil right for them. ijIn the days that followed Ruth's im- Ftgination was with Jane on her way IWost. She could imaelno the interest Itane would be sure to evoke on the Strain. So attractive a joung mother ttnd so darling a child as Joy would D9 certain to nrouso interest. then rtberc was Jane's arrival, and, of course, aBob would meet her, and there would be the excitement of meeting thtf new rela tives afterward. It was all ery much Hike a story. ' Jfcedlcss to say, both Iluth nnd Helen vero eager for the first letter from the IWest. June had promised to write often land to tell them everything, but, as Helen (said, Jane was as undepemlable ns the Jsun.'nnd would probably omit eteiy Ithlng from,her letters hut the most oN IVious things, which would tell Scry Illitlc. As it was, Jaqc surprised them, -for tho first letter was full of iutcrcst. It. was written just before the marriago Iceremony, in fact tho day before, and i was full of quaint comments. "You have no idea," the letter lan, "how strange everyone thinks my hnlr Is; No ono out hero wears it cut nud I some of themthlnk it most improper for a mother to adopt n style so un dignified. Bob's mother is a dear, but she is very conventional. She suggested L that I let It grow, but I explained that ? it grew so slowly and was so, curly fthat I hardly thought It would be n BuccesS. We are staying with Hobs i , people now, but later we shall have a S-'M,.., 1- L I time apanmcni ul our uwu. "Thcwedmng isn t EOlug to oc nearly as quictras I hnd-thought, so I am glad The Woman's &? Exchange b Purlm in 1901 fffb the Editor o IFgman' rage: iJmDear TMadam Will sou be kind unnougu to ten me on wnni uay, uaie U-.i u--ii. l tnnt n T . ll. l,-i:.ln uu uiuuiu iu ui. vuc tfVlltOII 11UII1IUJ, urlm.'Wl? nOSK. The 'Jewish holiday, I'urim, fell on Si'esdaytarctf.G, in 1001. ifyj nrnai a rcucrai oanK is Ijfo the Editor ol trpma.t's Page: l ucar Aladam Kindly inform me through your page what bank (or bauks) in this city is backed by gov- ernment, funds in case of bankruptcy; 1 a trust company as safe as a national (bank: does the Federal Reserve Bank deal with the private individual, small I depositor? A READER. 'Thc'national bunks lire under national supervision but not backed by govern - Lmcnt funds. The stockholders and di rectors ore lesponsible. ji ,in answer to jour second question. it depends on the trust company. Many I trust companies arc quite as sufcas tm- , lionnl banks. The Federal Reserve Bank receives ronly tho deposits of other hanks. does sot deal with any private individ ual, business concerns or corporations. The Question Corner J Today's Inquiries !1. What is the game of "Guessing -Weights"? 2. From what fnmous old song arc theso lines taken? "I see thy face in every dream: My waking thoughts are full of thee; Thv glnneo is in the slurry beam ,, That falls along the summer Is sea." '3, What udds n pungenf frngranec to me potpourri made with Uovv C er petals? i4. Why should outergarmenfs be hung in the dark? D. How can n run in a stocking be stopped until there is time to mend it? C. What will remove n scorch staiu from white cotton or, linens Yesterdny's Answers 4, In spending money on clothes al low 70 per cent for outcroloihinj is. J.I per per cent for underclotlrlug. C, per cent tor accessories and 'i per cent for care and fimliiiL--. ThK is n budget suggested by the government. . 2. The marriago announcements are ? not mailed until the day of Urn wedding, after it has taken '- place. . The lines "Her .brow is like the snowdrift j Her throat is liko the swau : Her face It is tho fairest , That e'er the sun shone tin," are the first four in tho second verse of '.'-Annie Laurie." 4, A. very high polish can be given to cutglass by sprinkling it with warmed sawdust Immediately after wn&hlng and drying iu tho usual way. Use "a very soft chamois, .kept for this purpose Only, to givo the final polish, 5. To mend an unsightly hole iu a laco curtain wash and starch , a. piece, bl similar net, place un der tho holp and press with a warm iron, 3rflo remove a stubborn mcilieiu') odor from u bottle uso fresh pow dered mustard. Shake vigorous ly, let stand and rinse tbor- ougbly. . " I r qur STORE ORDER 'jfAftB AS GOOD AS CASH 7 pl -liable ou to buy at tho de- f i"rimeni oa ptcimy rioren you ,.' ur(fr, Our trpia r batod on tho n' 1 .:.i; -' - 7. ..(" . ,nu. rav (T --. 1 Itr 4 t. f.a .,! J. . Ill r-M VlflaaaJ L.1 Auo A. laaataaM -fl I bought the pink georgette frock as you suggested, Iluth. I tried it on with tho big hat last night just to sen lf etcrj thing wus nil right. Hob's mother said, 'In that hat one wuuld hardly notice that our hair is short.' That stos nbsolutely the onlv remark she made, If it hadn't been for Hob's father, wtlp is like Hob, grown older, I should h'ac felt a little desolate at not being admired. They wouldn't let me show myself to Hob in my Vrdding clothes." "livery one loves Jo.. She Is going to stay with nob's married -.Istcr after the ceremony while Hob and i go uuaj for a few datf. So I nm going to hne a real hone iiioifu after all." "I think she'll be happy," said iluth looking up from tho letter. She and Helen were sitting on the davenport to. gether. Scott sat in 'the open window listening to bits that the girls lead aloud. "Itemember thiss onlv the begin nlng," warned Helen, "Jane hasn t had to face any nf the leal part of married life as ;,ct. She Is just skim niliiir i,n (nn now. Heal niurrled life Isn't like the stories she write-'. nu know. She'll have to discover uiiii vy and by " Just nt this time Ilulh's interest was diverted from Jane b something nearer home. Klsle C'nrsUiirs was spending entirely too much time in One Ma thews' studio. They were together nil the while nppnrrntl and Scott ua.s genulnly worried about l!ene. wnci mm nlwa.vs been one or ms uesi iririiu-. "Itp'q never made such u fool of i,i,0lf hrfnrr." Seott mid to Hutli-- nnn nvpllllll?. "I (lon't I.IIOVV whnt tn make of it. I' wMi lie would leave, him alone. He's just nn experience to. her. that's nil. and he's neglecting In nilf nnil rverNthing else for her, to snv nothing of the trouble he may g-t into with Joe." "Oh, Scott, do you think there s any danger of that? I might speak to Klsle." "Don't get mixed up m this thing: you don't w ant to liguro in n case, j ou know. Hut Joe Hanning is rather keen about Klsle, I've heard, and lie lia-n't heen married to her verv long, s-6 his pride is involved, too'." Iluth wondered why she never thought of l'.liie Carstnirs as .Toe Haii ning's wife. She always seemed Klsle Curstairs just as she had before her marriage. Iluth felt suddenly sorrj for Joe Hanning. He vvnsu't an attractive man, but he deserved some, considera tion from his wife. Tomorrow Elsie Comes to Iluth. White Filet Lore White filet lace is still u-cd a gteat dial, not onlj as mi accessory of die-. for collars and ruff nnd bauds in frocks and blouses of muslin br crepe do i blue but ulso for the main poition of some of the smart late summer after noon frocks. THE EVENING GOWN IN BLACK AND WHITE The hlacli. and -white evening gown is alwujs one that men admire. Here is one that has that fascinat ing bit of ostrieli trimming iuaSify considered, cheaper even than 4rmy Blankets! Tills la wlmt our customers US- uhnut our Hlanket tocl anil IIIjOAUtii: WK KNOW, we'll xerlfy tliflr ntotement". I.urje nnHortmrntn in a Btore devoted to tielllnE at wholesale. wlifr good nervlro l n liobby, and layllfflit nn usnet. Flxtra-heavy Cotton $C I ( Blankets. I'er Pa.'r iJtXKJ prettily colored plaids, with finished ends. (Not over 3 palra to a cuBtomer). tirny Cotton niankets. A 1 ( colored strlpea; pair. 1VI Seconds of same grade ; pair ?S.H1 XVool-tlnlth blunkrtN, xvhlto and Erhy oxerplaids 4.80, .i, 5S.50 & (0 pair. Wool blanket (with binall per centaK of cotton tn nrt1 strength) very at- ?Q Jtt trnctlvely prlcd. palrO- Rome frnmnte? llbinkett. Fllghtlv mussea (wortn ys a r nc pair more). .i'"'r ""s J?,"trif Snrrinll Amoskeag 32c (iinKliams Lively patterns tor .school dresses ;' 27-Inch : priced a couple cento heluw today's wholesale price. , W. H. Smilli & Sons i BVEN&G VtJBIilO CHOSE DEATH V iatfMMtaa - Air ' - S::Tt V . ft-nj m tlmt it 1 ti imlvncsui i ii l,tt i-1 mX fi '('? J s'J XW Mil l" I11-' UHi"-.' .!,? Iimiiiii ?" T f v. i .1-..J. t . . j t s & ;y a m i- . ; t?$?A - ..' i '-,. - , -"''.-v I C rf. , vXtWA .!'- -1. '"," A William Filch Tanner, of Wlniietlia, HI., preferud death with his wife lo life mid perished with her when Iter font was cauplit between a rail and a board at a crossing of the Chicago Northwestern Kailro.nl. a few miles from Chkago, beforo mi approaching train. After falling in fiantlc efforts to free her, ho threw Ills arms about her nnd crjing, "I'll sta.v with ou, Alai) !" was rushed tinder the train with her. Above are the two principals in I he tragedy. They have tin co small children, phtiircd below, William, Helen and !..) man OPINIONS OF TANNER'S ACT OF SELF-DESTRUCTION VARY Letters to Evening Public Ledger Discuss ''Love and DAy" of Man Who Decided to Die V Complex questions of love and duty presented in the sacrifice of William Tanner, of Hubbard's Wood, III., who died with his wife la'.het than stand by and see her crushed lo death by a train, are still debated in the city today. Letters received by the EVKXixa Puni.ic Lcixskr from renders give widely var)ing opinions of Tanuer's act. Some laud his self-destruction, seeing iu it proof of his devotion to his wife. Others, of sterner minds, see n 'neglect ot dot). These think Tunuer should have k numbered his three ihil dren and lived to taic for them. Siiine7qiiestioueil his icsourcefillnesa I in that moment when his brain should IJinve been vvoiking fust, These think Tanner should have found some way to I icscuc his wife and, iu this combination of courage, -and good sense nvoid the loss of bis own life riud give to his children the mother who is now lost to them. Of this mind Is John P. Dowling, of ."07 North Sixty-third street. Iu u let ter to the Evi'Mno Pum.ic LcDCJim Mr. Howling says: "The account of the death of William P. Tanner nnd his wife ou the tracks of 'the Chicago and Northwestern Railroad , hns been read by me with u deep sense J? ose3efaJ (Ftompfexion Smooth and velvety nt the Detele of a rote U the complexion aided by I Nadine Far a PmviW .. i...... ' :....' i Imparts an Indefinable charm-r-a charm ifhlch lingers In tho memory. Tho emootli textura of tiadlna adheres until waihcd off. It prevents unburn or tho return ol dleooloratlons. .Its'coolr.ees Is refreih inc. and It cannot harm tho tendercst it In. Hodlns Face Powder beautifies millions of com plexions today. Why not yours I Poll U Credit Btxu OnJ Sola Jiy Jacob HriMi . 1018 CheetBut St., and other toilet eaanttrs, ,-r ,, "f "( ji I 1 K"""jfc Zfiviffl V ,.i T'lliviisKyTSk n N'' 'M, "' r HI - rFIA, Pfnfc SH iJrunett Whit 41 tAry Aar.n'i , l-j mail IDc. 5E II NAT10NAI. TOILET COMPANY, -i, Pirl.Tton. I IIS 4TVr? ' --' T TSabF&WsXxBM' IjEbaEB - ipHIEABELPHlX PXilDAY, .SEPTEMBER 5', 191$ WITlt HIS WIFE AT Under Train With Wife of admiration of his heroic sncrilice. but when the Ilri'MMi I'ltiMC IjI.doki: usks me whnt I would have done under similar circumstances I am leniluded of uu incident which oiytiiicd at a rrossiug of the l'ciius)lvnnia Ilnihond. near Tvvent) -fifth street and Washington avenue, in this fit), manv venrs ago. Without expiessing an opinion ns to whether I consider Tanner's act one of folly or i.ot I will iclale in) experi ence. "I wns only n little fellow and m THE WHOLESOME BAKING POWDER Look for the big pound tin sixteen full -ounces. The powder with a food value. QRr iwvnm n SKIHq. POWDg Go buy it today Picture This "U. Gas Range in glass 'Iu S&$?1Kg . ' WSfeSfttlsV. sli'i iimther was lending me by the hand. I , "i ; 'g'W '''" i iE and m.v foot beiaiuc wedged I w.v-l''fe - ' &I "- "lLiiI the rail nnil the planking In sin h iiniiEiflCfiDri ".jlj- ii i RJ M aTB i M L. p M ao mme ixcmmz I WMB.MMWWUMHW.aMMMnMMrrMMMMnMmB I I 'Well-known architect selects S 3 B A "LOVEKIN" FOR HIS OWN HOME ? Q I . ' LOVEK1N -WATER HEATER COMPANY I Jc j ffl KwPiiSIjr'uMc Jmm 11 JsnKfwFBi'fs 3in Alfa J j G2F3 c I Heater, don't delay it will sypply your Hot Water needs in all seasons, 'irrespective of the coal situation. TERM PAYMENTS Broad and Arch and DUtriet Office t THE UNITED GAS IMPROVEMENT COMPANY -""' Tar !' - f i. I... ..- -i. i .. . -- J R. !R. CROSSING hand, tween of ooped secolidH hnd un laced mj shoe, nnd it was then nn ras.v matter for l le lo slip my foot out o't the shoe. "The trail' cm the Northwestern must have been some distance nvvay when rs. Tauiu r's foot became caught in the frog, else the flagman would not hnve permitted them to start ucross the tracks, and it seems to me there would have been umple time to unlncc her shoe nnd enable her to withdraw her foot be fore the engine hole down upon them, nnd thut is whnt I would have done had 1 been in cither Tanner's or the llngmnn's place " "Destinj" is the explanation of Aunu (iiavcs lleurv. nf .'Ml Winoiin avenue. In a letter, inclosing some verses en titled "rate," she snjs: "I inclose vnme ha.til.v scribbled lilies, referring io the question asked, I wonder if any one else would view the dH OTMif More inimitable stories of Eng lish sea-faring folk. $1.60 aiAltlESSCRIBNERSSONb FIFTH AVEAT-18SE NEWY0RK now that I use e Wherever the trouhle, anil whatever the cause, Hesinol Ointment will usuall) stop it at once. And if the trouble which causes the irritation is not due to some serious iuternal disorder, this soothing, healing application seldom finis to clear it away. Try it yoimnlf and see. Relnol Ointment lM by ill c. i'K'"H KorlrM ample. lil. Dcpl UN Keinol lljltimor q. I." Standard Your Kitchen s w - -i?Jt , h jiats are readv tins weeic. xm Kesiiioi So bright and cheerful, with Us neat enameled parts! And such an abundance of oven space for nil kinds of cookingl So convenient, too-r-especially the oven door and ( heat indicator. No 4 matter what the size of the kitchen, there is a Modern Cabinet if- tas rpnge to fit it. If you have not bought' a Gas Water matter as I do. 'There is n destiny that chapes our ends' to tny Tho verses follow: i:rr. oh w',flt puzllr.K qu8lion I (If fill.. mi ! ,, - ,"" ' iu urn Jlow do , I now what wo would do? Vhn w; ,hrow oft Ibn AiihI mask? I't.elnt" my mm and Imsglnr a train With ii (rlKhtful kIhtp comltiK on. And I iinv n fancy name one I love, will jut in hn inaluiit i none' TrT." ft"' ,h" "h'ver and awful thrill' rhat tomra when a cold pale fner, a near and dear one, doe not respond' To tho clasp of a wild embruce Ilovy could we ailallre deeda that rome, Like h poel a IlKhlnlna- Ihomlit, ro liuman lelnir could aafelv plan ,, n act. w V re itrlra denlh la fouelit I 'rhapa itte reault of th man's brave deed To Ihe world looiia very.unwl. Hut 1 ale bad decided the chlldren'e career Oemanded the eaerltlce ANNA (lltAVKS HBNtlY Other letters received follow: "Hdltor of the Kvfmno Pum.ic Kkijofii : "About Mr. Tanner, if the man hail I courage, he would be alive tn-dnj lo j care for his children His act was folly or showed that he lacked Found sense. "A. V. Y " "Editor of the Ekmo I'l m.ir I.mkimi : "Pew men, rnllcl upon to innke a hurried decision, even when not in the presence of danger, art with full judg ment. Most of us, when thinking over very oidlnnr.v nITnirs often say : 'If I had been nble to think over that thing. I would have nctnl illiTcreiitlr.' We say that when the question decided re mteu only to n few dollars How much l harder are the questions of love, lojalt.v and ilutj. hnt is dutj is not the same in every mind. Tanner made his decision to die with his wife while n train came rushing ilnvvn the track. He snvv his wife's patient, heroic face. He remembered the vows they hnd ex changed. The world was far. far away from (lint man at Hint niomeut. Hi's derision to die left tm doubt of the full ness of his hue. And, loving his wife so well, he must have loved his. children, and. If he had time to think of them, must have thought that in d.ving he was doing his duty tn them, in giving them tnc Heritage ot such a ehivolrie end. "(J. H." "Editor Lkdcieu : "If Mr. of the IhuiMi Pim.ir Tanner had exerted himself graceful lines to the figure and, above all, the outdoor Fashion. 9Q.75 "d J w upwards New Fall tailored and sport Mew ML SP1T-WL StoTsCaTsI 1 Mannish simolicitv and e I " i v I" :. 1 ''t :,0I M '4 Vj? Let b. ) that 5 Complete the efficient foot dress for school by fitting out the ''Kiddies' in Geuting's Famous TRIPLE-KNEE SJOCKINGS ' a-u'll t" I saWIII I . lall II I lj III liHWlsT TlWIMaWsaPayMpirtll1j ' J'. jmanfdlly to the last minute in tho effort minu. I to save his wife be would have done his I duty. That would not have been stand ing by nnd seeing his wife killed. He could hnve honornhly lived to enre for i his three children. W. I. Ii." "Editor of the Ev kmmj Piiimo Ijfdohi: "1'rncticnl persons" are not the best judges of what is heroic life. To let them establish standards for us would be like letting an illiterate man tell us what is poetrj, nrt or music. Mr. Tanner's socriliec was too fine for prosy judgments. The children of such n man will never he left to suffer want iu this world (1. T." THRONG AT FUNERAL OF TANNER AND WIFE! a . r -j x a j x Aunt Decides to Adopt Orphans, Declining Offers of Wealthy Women Chicago. Sept. R. The funeral of Mr. and Mrs William Pitch Tanner, of Hubbard Woods, was attended b n great throng In the Evnnston Memorial Chapel jesterday. More thnu a score of men nnd women, mniiv of thcni wealthy, came to try to adopt the three' orphaned children. Mrs. Prnmos Cos sidy, of Albnn.v, aunt of the children nnd sister of Mr. Tanner, settled the uiloption question. "I shall take them all," she snid "We ore not wealth), but such as we hnve we shall shnre with Will's chil drui. Thej will huve the same ml vantages that we give to our own I son." The children are Helena, six; PARIS NEW YORK "The Paris Shop addition, yto-Mvc ss .uiterexZuia coleetiotix Privately Created Designs Ufefrioduction6 ofLnatiuniL PARIS MODELS M 176" i h This House is known to present at all times the most, extensive assortment of International Fashions Wn7wt? Parent about School Shoes Send them back to school in Geutmg Double-wear Shoes especially designed for crowing feet and fitted by experts. Foot health and foot comfort rtp essential to the best school no matter what the grade. The biggest and best stocks of Shoes. for young people ne hnve ever gathered now ready marked at less than they would cost us to duplicate today. You benefit through our adcnee buying. Bring the kiddie3 in this week Us Make a Foot Chart not only insures perfect fitting, but enables you to telephone your orders for the balance of the season as wo keen complete and accurate records of their feet. Often slight pronation in childien's feet can be easily remedied when taken at once. A Geuting Idea The "SjljE-TREAD" Shoe The ideal combination of complete protection and the muscle-developing freedom of the mocassin. Rased upon the principle of natural body poise, they produce a correct, graceful stride, avoid fatigue and give double wear. Sizes from Infants' to Grown-Ups' 1230 Market lrh yeorm of Family Store V M finLJniaMaiitKki arrmd Alio a Quick-Serrice Men's Shop at 19 South 11th Evtry Foot Proftstionally FUtedrThrto Gtvtipff -Brolhert aupervwng f ..i "T Lyman and Willtam, ltfn ot JtoiTfp year. The Rev. E, Ashley Oerluird' .mud ' no mention of the clrciinistnnccs of the Taimers' death, Hut the neighbors from Hubbard Woods turtde up for tho minister's ictli euro. Nothing else was talked about, IloW Tanner nnd his wife started for tho movies: how, while they were rross lug the inl'rond tracks at Huhhard Woods, Mm. Tanner's foot beeaino caught, how they tried to liberate her nnd how the husband, seeing his wifo wns doomed in the pnth of un ap proaching train, put his arms around her and died with ht'r. Striking actors will give a big bene' lit for the Tinnier children in the Au ditorium Sunday afternoon. Workman Falls Two Stories While working on the roof of tho home of II. '. Cornell, at I84.- Xorth Sixth street, Morris Madley, L'22I North '.Seventh street, slipped and fell two Tories to the ground. He wns taken to the Jefferson Hospital, whero it was ascertained he had suffered probable In ternal injuries. Milk or IaiafiU & Inrafitb Na Cooklnr A Nutritious Diet for All Ages, Quick Lunch; Home or Office. Avoid Imitations and Substitutes o America ise llvvTuIlJ ".iraavH Tttr'"M-'' sv-iww aTMJJ WAI WIIT ST I I pwitADELPHIA I l' i Vt ' ' 15' p ! THE Summer with ell its out-of-door hours is tho time when your children develop foot strength. After.thls long period of freedom, don'tforce their feet now into stiff, restrictive, unfitting Shoes that will break down all the foot-power developed during the past weeks. 1308 Chestnut lukomamko avrma B Famous 5KotJ Family Stora Ti aal zfl, -II t-,ii j 4 ,m .ffl "51. ii jeg m "? -,531 &KJ1 am . -Hi xM 4 M ?sv J" . "m "Mf-i Vv lf 1 3.1 W ) a i -"ft fl3 tf a A , It " kib (P v it L- , VJ.V-." ' Jttr s. l2t-!. "ft ft I TO , it , a :i. If k, Ji f o o ' u' itl'rtiHidi'd ,JS.J.,:.a..-. .S.-J.M, ii-mni ! ..'I "l fflt'lMYIS.ltf1MlTi' "f 5 a.tr Jji Li"...?' a. iJLuam!...