JikTJBiK KSSPVTA W 'K.'ffflH'T w ' - n - MfirTSW jtsP '7l vr' ' 4 f , '" . (R?.., ' fj EVEN&G PTJBlilO LlUDaEIt-PHILADELPHIA, THURSDAY, AUGUST 28, 1919 21 w as X V IV if lea ' HELP WANTED FEMALE , SHIRT STARCHIER! hand work Apply market street laundry 1308 filbert 8treet LBARNERS wanted wi Ilrldesburr looms: lin a week while learning. Apply John Nerrla, 1839 K. Madison it.. Kensington v. above Allegheny HATnoN for hospital, experiences noni 1 tmlTur with "ff Jmuttawl hgkMpln roHRVHIf HOipiWi i-otfTMi". -i :. :.r.. .-.I- rinrr ttdciiiq Sliackmtxon Mills, Allegheny ae. nl Unicode t. HILMNBRT mntcd. flwUUM JJ only mote nccuiiomea m " - 10 uoiunipm Hfi HELP WANTED MALE HELP WANTED MALE UAD1NETMAK.KR3 and all-around machine handf; steady work; rood wages; light, modern plants best conditions; group Insur ance. Apply, readr for work. Unit Construc tion co. i onin ana uraye are. jx. HOT. over 18 yeara. for office of electrical supply company: advancement for bright. capable boy. Apply Elllctt-Lewla Electric Co.. 1017 nc at. DOT wanted for office work: Gentile onlv. nee ra. oner, iwim w. I'M meemut t CARPENTERS wsnted; a non-union houso carpenters; 10 houra per day. S7.no. Ad- dreaa Box 48. Boothwyn, Pa., or Rldga rd. and Summit at.. Marcus Hook. Hi- UNUSUAL mn a rtwrri Tin '"POSITION "viTIIOobDFOTURB TOR PUBLISHING COMPANT. 7TH AND 8AN- tom STS, ... . OPERATOR, elevator, colored. nln bJ financial institution In center t eJ5 operate electrlo elevator. P " "ager Office. I. T&PTNT0MACHINB8 AND APPLY SuKfeAU OF-"BMPWTIENT WANAHAKER'S ON SMALT PAPER BOXES Experienced machine oper- iji mnA finishers are invited te coma in and talk oner: suit I Kdre Rot Co , . - - tteY ""mmmm EMPIXUMENT BUREAU LIT BROTHERS teady work: a visit will proba bg - our real advantage. National Metal n Co , '?" rallowhlll et. OUI1KS Young men for nlsht clerical work; houra 12 to 8:10: thoee with adding machine experience preferred: opportunities tor advancement. apply stating; age, expert enco and aalary expected. P 320, Ledger office. DRAFTSMEN Experienced In ehop detain on hlgh-crade cabinet wood work, atore fixtures, .etc. Permanent poottloni. Good wages. Unit Conetructlon Company, 58th aniWVavii eve'. DRAPERT CUTTER and hanger wanted, flret claas: ateady work guaranteed: write tig t once. Meektna, Packard ft Wheat. Inc.. Springfield. Mass. ELEVATOR OPERATORS. COLORED TALL. WELL-APPEARING MEN APPLY BUREAU OF EMPLOYMENT WANAMAICER',8 : vi Oeneral OREENEWALD'S Accountant familiar with foreign exchange work large Corp.! Cost Acct., Mend Rkpr., Mfg. Corp. Correspondent. Trlvale Secty to Vice Prea. large corn.. Aeet. Employment Mr.. mutt be rood Interviewer: Bkpr. hotel. SALES DEPT, Sales engineers, thoroughly familiar with road olla. asphalts, automo biles: mechanical, structural men with sales ENOINEKR DnPT. Openings for meehanl-I cm launK men. ormiiinHii iiikii it)iit. mm expert alone: efficiency and production lines, asat consulting engineer for aeeral largi operating plants: asst. chief operating en gineer I2S0O: many good offers for technical end colleae men. . WOMEN'S DEPT Ooofl openings for pri vate secretaries, stenogs., correspondents women expj in emnloyment work: Interview ere wages from .20 weekly to 15000 a jeer. Blank and nnoklet gratis. Same locality since 1807. No enrollment (Charges ESU Slltg.. , l"n UP itnXTIILY ADVANX EMENT Wanted, responsible, conscientious man or woman, now employed, with proved record, but limited chances for advancement an un precedented opportunity is offered In ac countancy work: must qualify for responsible aork In higher accountancy, hut will receive lha assistance of experts for spare lime training. n&Mlnp those who mei the re nulremenls to obtain C. V A. standing or -sk III lead to Independent work in all branches or Higher accountancy: tms snouiu mean i ao.noo more life Income: experience not i , necessary If wiling to master these details .T I with the assistance we can place at vour t disposal: peace-born production ana recent 1 legislation are presenting opportunities of STAMPS AND COINS RTAXtpa .pifiifsTS nlME SETS Albums and supplies for stamp collector!, WILA. STAMP CO- 2 nth ' STOnAQE AND MOVING HEAL ESTATE FOR SALE flBBWAXTOWX REAL ESTATE FPU SALE (J KRM.XNTOWN CHESCENT 8T0RAUE WARnilOUSE. 169 if N 2d Kensington S78 One-half load fs tn nnrl In-d frnm Wnshlnvton. D t . 10 M l'hlla or vicinity by Sept. 15: also one-half losd to and from New York to Phlla. or Mclnlty by Oct. 2, Yisjr goods Insured while In transit. Uxcellrnt s-rvlce. One month storage free. Ressonsble rates. VICTORY STORAGE B215 Market I. unfit and tent, Phone Uetmont 4070 for tin estimate Oooda packed for shipment, rierce-Arrow ani for moMnr r TKHMlNAh WAKKMOU8B AND TRA.NH TKU CO.. Columbia ve and Sjdenham t. Local and lonR-dlftanco molnv br cour teous experienced men. rlean, separate and locked roomw for 5tur furniture. Lat us entlmit Thnm Plamonrt 4472. .. WATSON'S STORAGE Pf titled van rnrcfut men, move, to or frnm anwhere Wash., Phlla , N T.. Hon! on preferred. MiMtt N. 17th Pt Pop B4 WALLACE 101820 N. 20- -Hi Cliurch Tne. Otn. LONtl-nlBTANfT! MOVINU aiOiTiiiiitiiiirn New Homes in the Beautiful Lincoln Drive Section of Germantown, $12,500 Including Garage Thcce new homes have real open fireplaces for logs and contain the most exclusive up-to-date new ideas in home construction. INCLUDING THREE BATHS Make vour selection early. Come out today by auto alone River Drive, "through Wissahickon Drive to Lincoln Drive above Horttcr Street, undoubtedly the most restful and prettiest auto drive to anv residential section of the city; or Wayne avenue trolley on 13th street, North to Wayne avenue nnd Horttcr street half a block walk, or Elecfric trains on Pennsylvania Railroad to Uptal Station a block and a half walk from these beautiful new homes. REAL ESTATE FOR SALE MAIN LINK Building Iiote KOR SALi:-A Piece of land suitable for (I nlre modprn residences, this nlot contains I nearly 8 acres is situated In a community wnere people are onerine; a unnui 10 btuiu a hom. U. Is located In one of the best eltu atlons along the Main Line and convenient to all utilities that make for ease and com fort In dally living: It Is ntable for won derful shade trees of more than SO years growth the owner offers this on reason able terms to responsible person or firm who REAL ESTATE TOR SALK Nmv jBRsinv rAnii" . .., DlRMINOltAM 3D8 acres: goor bulldlrffs. water supply, mansion noun. JOS A BAntl CO.. 3450 Chestnut, gpr. S5, rW REAL ESTATE SALE OR RENT NBTT JKR1KT BKAinORtl ATT-Js-T1C CITV I-RANKTORT AVE.. 104 8. rorBeptember and latrf g rrwima a htha. i.wbn srmp id repponpiuiv 1'Tirun ui ,,,,,, ...... - --- . , -- . ", . .. , ..-, -. will construct dwellings thereon, there Is r"Jm."na, "Ih: beautifully rurnisnea; auo en old mens on in center or me grounu " "!,"" :; " """y,u"' ,n.r ,r" """ e. new gsrsge r,lth capacity for 0 cars and " hoLnHUj ,het. Apply wjv other improvements thst may bs of use In broker r owner 11) S. Oakland ave. T,IU the larger scheming Address C E. H . sell tBr f th, g Mox bi, ttsverrord. t'a , . NF.W 4F.RSBY cUmURRAN woniK'nuiT W00DCREST, N. J. R. E.-J3ALB OR EXCHANGE nmMINOHAM, N. J 70-room hotel. V. seres land, suitable for hotel or Institu tion, deep water: near station: a".l furnished cotnelets: trndo for city or seashore prop- :uo vrucer u:ag.A djacent to Haddonfleld lfautltui riome -" -iiarr .o. altse. lots sr.xIBO; from II2.1 up, good train "" Chestnut. service, lo commutation rsies; irsin " l n. m Market st. ferry, renna. liaurosu John H. McClatchy DAVIS A CAI.nWBLL, 424 Hull 'etfn" Rlda Builder and Owner 818 Land Title Building. rlDKLITt V-mri-PROOF WAnEHOOSKS 1KIT-1SI0 MARKF.T ST. MOVINO DAT AlADK HAST Large padded vans, expert mocre North jHMIiliiira ITl OKRMANTOViN J WKI.lAVOOn VARK , J, REAL ESTATE WANTED Wr soda niBrnNRBRS .,.. LT BUREAU OF. BMI'LOTMEIsT WANAMAKER'B WANAMAKLR a Sho,rdrt3 orne eiperlenco necessan-. " uJj .-.i .amimi. r-rolestant. APP'y. ' i end reference. C 110 Ledger ornce ESTIMATOR ON SHIP WORK Man capable of combining engineering end -accounting data and bulldinc up unit cost for esUmatlnr purposes from ship dratrlng. Apply or serlto to Merch-inl Shipbuilding Corporation. j Successors to CHKSTBR StlirnUILDINO CO . LTD , FROST AND KKRLTK STS.. CHESTF.R. TA. highest rank this makes advancement eaav i Phlla Storage Co ,i'jnw Lehigh. Hst -free. In a pleasant, dlgnlded profession l'hoo. SMh- Psrk nrenrof building Diamond ..VIP tr. Stafford. Spruce 11202. for appolnlm-nt OIRARD STOftAOK, 01R QIRARD AVR : v.lthout obligation. Slrlclly confidenllal moving. Park 42. packing storing Poplar 0204: ROOMS FOR RENT BUSINESS SERVICE CO . 1114 Land Title Agent, special underwriter, who Vnnwe i.i-i.iv.iLAjr,uj . """." .:-.-.;,:""" I viSAn-J u"-""i," ,"; "iVorr,V.uu ", ' CiFswlfrf 20m.-Der7bteoonTTiT DRAFTSMBN. arch, concrete bldg.. mech eio professional. offices ; , MANAQCRR sales eiport. Spanish sresklnr. PrNR ST . 1R10 A nleelv furnished room, TO 2200 N 18tN N 22tT N 2331 N Siaa N itoMn nuTKRS-rosBSSioN pjNlB'iriB BIB BMOIEW1BIBI1I35 llth ! . slnra end dwelling . 55Sci H P lith et a story lloo Bsrtt cm, . nr-nvv-i.Tiir-a s.ooiS'.ULUWIAL KIO)lUt,NLE.H m lnntM nrar bath Tr Monr SlniTfl3 ST, 1711 -Ilouikccpln aultea anl nlncli rooms, nenr Illttihoua Snnarf , r;:-...-. . mTvn rimrtcl. WMiea in " brokerai hpu.e: high school graduat, .pre ferred! stale ealan. references and expert- tnce. P S2B. ledger Office. STKNfXlRAPHER, experienced, willing to assist "ith ienersl ' work: do not spoly unless jou lle east of Frent st. D 47. Postofflce Bog a300. , . siENOORAPHBR. 128 wcH,V.l"?infcert ' week: steady position. 1220 Arch TRACER wanted, eipcrienccd oung Ud preferred: must furnish references and sample of work: 110 per weak; 88 hourg. r 332. Ledger Office. wattrkss wanted: good wages paid. Apply In rVerioS. University Hospital. 84th and spruce sip WANAMAKER'B rlOD BUSINESS OPPORTUNITY FOR SniOHT BOTB I AND OIRLS, 14 TO 18 TKARfl WHO 1IAVB RRACKBb AT .LEAST T1IB SEVENTrt ORADK. CAN FILB AP 5t ICATIONS FOR POSITIONS WITH SOHOOli ! raiVILEOES DURINO BUSINESS HOURS AT IIEADQUARTKTIS ElOimi FIOOR. 18TH t. MARKET STS. FURNITURE PACKERS APPLT WANAHAKER-S FUHNITI'RR .WARF.- HOUSE, 22D AND WAS1IINOTON AVK FURNITITRC FINISIIKRR, EXPERIENCED APPLY WANAMAKF.R'H ftlRNITURE WARE HOUSE. 221) AND WASHINGTON AVE. GENTLEMEN lo handle flrst-rlaei shales 111 a growing concern, good proposition to right party; commission and salary Writ P. O. Rox 44. Times flauaro Station. New York city. , HOUSEMAN, white, experienced, wanted to do waiting and housework In private family residing all year In Atlantic Cllyt wages 160 a month. Answsr. with copies of referencea. M 72l, Ledger Office LABORERS WANTED. OOOD rOMMIS' SART THE KDPPEnf" TO.. SWEDE UND, TA APPLY AT 1010 ARfH ST . CITY. S Amr IROnn. rtrv -roods store I3000 dl rector fire Insuranc rating bureau and stamping dert. 15000: factory rubber tires and auto accessories, $"1000. n a 4 .ji- aA n AAA RTKNOtrS 7 general and export to ISO I A';N.LT .aOO jlrctU-ely '""'"JJJj w" SUPERINTENDENT, knows lcathr from i cc,nt1"n me..rentlemi-n Pres J akin to finished product 18000: expert Ice 1&TH 1B07 Furnished rooms all rnmon cream maker for St Loilc. 4000, I icivcs fnr 1 i,r aent'emen . . --: ' IdTll. N (th Rurlc)" n.tn (1'itA furn rmtm. r and wckl rales conenient in sin Uber st . n story Van Pelt st . 2 story . . S-,dcnhnm St.. 2 story . km snvrier si " siorv. hot-water I heat, electric, reduced to mm nroivn st a siorv 2207 N Lambert at 2 story 2.128 N Lambert st . 2 story ssinngden st. 2 story 849 N liambrey st 3 story 2523 N Sartaln st ,.2 story 2000 N Howard st . S story ... TAri-Af.'iv. 000 Wslnut st ISO. 141 Modern. Clf-i r tl-(i"-h- ieoo g .js BTTUATIONS WANTED -FEMALE A",?:. TYPIST-dlc operator settled, slcsdv des. thins, good nccommnd for traveling people ros. where advance la nswu'd. t- 102. L O lnflfsT N . 1401 Two rooms furnished 1 housekeeping. f) up. single rooms SITUATIONS WANTEDMALE At'COlTNrA.Nr open for part-time work, -rll-toke oft trial balances, make audits and prepare financial ststemchts.sQ IQ'l. Ifd OfT AlTOl'NTAVT of experience and" ablllt open for a position references are the hlcl-eet C in.'i l.-tg-r Office HANDSOMELY furnished room -In liirge modern, prhate home, electric lights 10 minutes to City Hall. Phone Baring 4K TTRACTIVI1 furn ants' some hnu-fekpg Hheruood Apt Agency. 22 S. Broad st. Wanted J ROOMS for lo sdulls (with or without l-o-tnll. In renned Protestant finll tier I.' c i3nLen-er orrice. l.F.RK STENOORAPIIER, 2.1 high erhool graduate, desires position whero InUlnlUe counts; start 123 1313 N 1211, si MAN AND WIFE wish positions together r.j-i uT v- . iii (inner lisa nlcel chauffeur, chambermaid and sewing M frnm room for 2 -.cnllemen, comenlcnt to Itslcllffp Itosetnont I L Phone BUY "iNTfOGA-44950 3800 & 3900 Block. N. Smedlcy Four bedrooms, electric J IlardwoM doors hot -water heat n Porrh snd lerrsce ,f ronls Immediate possn 3R37 N Smedlev si open for Inspection gj I.EWIB l-OHJ-N IJMLS Lincoln Bldg. g 2552 Gcrmanlown Ave. Jlor"lnirid & dwelllna hesl location for snv business In rhllndelnhln large new hulk window i i t. c st:it)iy yo t" cnimwhiii sts 3100 BLOCK N 18th. 2200" lilocK Hunting jr Park ate apl . 2100, block Ontar o st , H .3200 block Sydenham st'. 10i block On fi tarlo st corner. 2000 him 1. Tioga et. m ,Jos A- Rsrr Co 1120 ( lieslnuUSDruce 0S g bstir, m i'ini..Mi:i.riuA ilECHANI("AL engineer, graduate, married i 111 sikskvis av-vaa if.sls-- i,nasleitAltotl r-r Mil f g ,1 rs ,jrv- II rum II, I Vlinil uvui'ii -.,--. at. on. malnlenincA r1lrpi Tt..Un In rhii a i ieipnia dimrict. h no. itirr unicp BOAKDINO Rpiitrrn. nnftfl en. noUf, . tr.Mi-f.tni. watviimaw ii'oi, as nieiit wfticnmiin xh tin- Runrlor lon ' rri "- coo r-dt itxmii et ii t4 gt tvi uTtl U r I niir mrtlllP -- .':1". t? . ' ' " ' " i " on ft A ..nh Oillftf.' Hicwn, purrnawr f rj' . i?iri .'.Poly JOHN KUALHS 2420 Codar t. Kent-urn. i "Inalon IWi, nnllJInr.TeOtw. Fwctor.T Py.w. BiTEH. RAILUOAD ' Penna. "a,Vd,l"tll $2000 ptr acra a"? up. acrordln to loci Inquire for '"" nui.rleh 787 walnut. XMVXOTir 8400, Sjjjjj Near Queen Lane Station t J(100 2 a, i.cry detrble iiton rWfnfe 1 2f00 In tachfd, havtntr on of lhoe Ionrd- nlfllM E foe o.ala. ts.tta. aim Ilts-arv mr,A Atn. 2200 ill Intr room on onf plflr and larc mine room on ma oiner Pour Jar bfdroonn and bath on aond floor, with lha aame on third floor Plfntv of window. In ach room. In fnrt, th ! not room In th hnur uhleh dorB not hao plenty "f nunllrht ri .oni ilm of the day Ttir hit Is another tin fptur-. 17flx ,120 foit (morf or lca) with two (tttpr.1 frnntairrn on nf which la on n rlK patV A front(ft on n prlvat drhwm or lan l alpo h! An old upr Inchon in nn th around. c'flii t rou picture tnla propfrty nflei oiio nlth irtiod Mean nnd a .Ittla mony for ri-rtaln lmprovminti 'jrh na iretrlo lihl hardwood flora palntlnff and landscape work. purrhnaea AN' OVI'ORTUNITT to purrhax for $1.000 in brora u. nnd the onlj renfion prlcn !ii ao low U tm vpcount of pnifT, which dof not ck plro until .fun 1 1020 w may. however., obtain poitnon foontr WE ARE BUILDING HOMES for Discriminating People at WELLW00D PARK MERCHANTVILLE. N. J. Agent on the grounds KsturdsT snd Sunday homes from IROoO and up, tterms) IB minutes from Market at ferrv and the propose! Delsware bridge 1 fsr Take Merchantvllle or Moorestoarn , nr to Wellwood ave . erslk 1 shor1 nquars ,o OsU terrace, then dosrn Oak terrsce Home Bungalow & Cottage Corporation :0tl I.ANIJ TITLR BLDO PHONR SPrtUCB BG1 weiv jnn8n B,siiioity. VTINTIC CITY Have Buyers for Modern . Properties Above Lehigh Ave. IRA T THOJfAfl 2318 W. LKHIOH AVB SMALL TAMILT. forced to acat their J i.iC"nl house on account of leas ex Piling would appreciate Information about jn small holies or part of house, In the elW ' outsldo wllhln a reasonable distance, thst will lie Meant hetween now and October 1: t"!.'n,not esrredlna 123 per month, Address P 023. Ledeer OfOce . I WANTni) hlx-room furnished house ar i rV'.mr' Immedlatelj. in Chelsea or Philadelphia suburbs, until .lunei must I convenient to schools najeonsble and In boo 1 condition M 720. Ledger Office I 1 i wSiARR looking for a ground floor pf but ?M WWJ"t ,n eentrsl psrt of cltr. to f. 1y,u."1 tCr?,f,c n storage of ranr. P 320 ledger Office. i ' ' ' i i I "JVC purthasers for desirable sllr houses ...w,h.,t c"n T e'l for you? Crrlrigton, 1621 i tontgomery aye. WK ,rAT SAMt tnr f' estaU an4 I melts oulit settlements: agents protect. t HurtEvrrz. an n th WOCI.D Ilk. to purchase 3-story T-roon porch house near Kensington and AI1- siienjr aies i' nan ledger OfOce. I "AIn "J'TKna. West Phlla, prlV ,",i i'in.-re n -, Aqams, 1.1H ertles. It walnut. 'MUM INSPECTION POLICITKIJ U J. RUSSELL WINDER g 404O WAVNK AVn. S bi iiibwi an tima Biin'oiiiknnii m m S ATLANTIC CITT. cor Pacine and Vermont ent lot oniiou, ami -.iw i-aciuc rj i adjoining 17 rooms heal, eisctric ngni stovk iiAsron nolldlng Lot ilUlLDINn 1X1 TB for bungalow or boathouse Harrv H Hood. Keith's Theatre Bldg c'nxNKrTH'ft l"?.H',k bu'" waiting List sour propertlsg imrnLeraCohen, 111 Lincoln Bldr CIIB1TXIT HIM, furn Sh.ftreVm!M??'.n? .'L" '"," "'TOMi: mutt Inc euro of bollera. with nprom.. man, 0 seara' exp C 120. Ijcdtter Office. P22 rd. hleh rUiii apartm'tn. t- a frrrT C Q Vi; Flrat-rUPB board. I T AL 1 vJilH.J .,. rftmfftrttt nnnn " ANO WANAMAKEft'S WOMEN .TELLIOENT AND ORNTBKL TO SELL .i't-'i' Hl'llTS IN THE ENLARGED AND EAUTiroLEC!ONKA.T,a APPLT BUREAU OP EMPLOYMENT WANAMAKEICS WOMEN AND "TOUNO OinLS, WHETHER TOPERIECED OR NOT. CAN FIND POSI TIONB AT WANAMAKKR.S APPLT BUREAU OF EMPLOYMENT WANTED ALESLADIES. BOOKKEEPERS, STENOG RAPHERS AND ALTERATION LADIES e TOR OUR NEW STORE THAT WILL OPEN WITH A COMPLETE LINE Or-LADIKS' READY-TO-WEAR ON OR ABOUT SEPT. 4. WE HAVE A NUMBER OF GOOD POSI IONS OPEN FOR LIVE WIRES. MU8T HAVE EXPERIENCE IN TOUR LINE. APPLT AT ONCE, 1318 CHESTNUT ST. SECOND FLOOR DAY'S STTIJ5 SHOP LAB0RER8 wanted at Tjgert-Allen Works. P. Delaware and Weccacoe aes. , good wages and steady work ear around for right men; bus leaes 2d st. and Pnder ave. 0.30 n. m. : takes ou down and brings you hack free of charge. TJSEts ATJTOMOBII.ES 101S IIUICK L111IIT sf.V, newlv painted. smsll amount of cash needed Auto Pales Co.;.riON Broad Tllt'CK 0 ol touring fine condltron; lady owner. Phone Woodland OlQOIt. riinn rhrlntel 1010: like new. fjcrlund e.1 I roadster H75. renovated. flB0. Hprure yl 10IN CRANKLLV. 'Ty Utile used: a bar gain to quick buyer. Aulo Sales Co , ,1.10 North Broad $0 per week, home comforts: phone. , Hnlmrhnn ' T1IK OPfrrNnn nikns PnrV v ncanele, for foil and winter close to Philadelphia bv ( r trsln and trolle Phone Melrose 003 ACTORY PI I l-S r.er where In Philadelphia 1A)1 IS M (.INSllLRU 1201 Chestnut SI S24 W IXDOAN ST Surrounded with old shade snd In t re stricted neighborhood which, hy the way Is a mighty good protection to a proper!) owner, yo are offering this attrct1o 3 story twin house porch. 10 rooms, modem bsth. hard. wnon on first noor. hol-nater heat, electric m:iv iiavkx HEAL ESTATE FOB BBKT iscsnt lights In the most perfect condition, own LABORERS, tory work: $4,00 day, steady Inside fac pav weekly. 1220 Arch et. LARORERM wanted. Co., Inc . York rd Apply C r Felln and Butler air LAIINDRT SHIRT IRONER: HAND WORK APPLT MARKr.T STREET LAUNDRY 1805 FILBERT STREET INEMEN pa paid must be good climbers and re- ooa wages; out of clt: fare nalrmenl g ii .v, lytn st. CYVWYt) In HlttattUe home, nenr stsllnn I mis, t hitli for hskn Th Cynwyd 22.1 W i BOABtTw ANTED HCPMOHILi: touring. 0 passenger, roul bar- I gain. See Mr MacArlhur. Stuta Ageno, i BOO N Broad ' 101H SUPER "SIX injUSON. In elegant shape, ery reasonable. Auto ftalca Co , i .WO N Hroad street. I 10IR PAIOR. BOAD8TER. In tlptnn shape. (400 down Auto Rales Co , 330 North Broad , t lllfs KOAMER, 4-passengcr sport model. eosv terms Aulo Sales Co , .1.10 North Broad , .t...lllnr In the eentrsl bus noes, msiricr ". .'. . " . i !. nml ut I HA TOUNn .LADY rellned, employed, wants , v hi. lii' su,, . , ,...-- "- . , nome In prlvite Jewish ranjn: rererenc ; ''"'' ,. renting nt 1.1.11 month l"t I i.,,71 fl THOMA". 21115 W Ihlgh h- 1 .Vn a "ft I'll ST Store it dwg . h -W heat vminill. iilents. warehouses varum ",-"."- .T"' ""'' iiiin, nsnn land railroad an.lw.lcr frontage '-"" '"" oniy reason ror selling J 1. jvMvsmijt Son. JI2g Land Title . Stores nndI)welMnga. , h ,ht' will appeal to thr.Tvounl folks If YOU ere looking for a I slory store sno rmle.lie.cl throughout In mahogany and white. exchanged M 711. ledger Offleo. MACHINIST Experienced, for repairing lace machines and Insldcs. Aonlv ri. ?.. Van Raalte, 48.1 Petty ave., Paterson. N. J, MAN wanted understanding foundry sand and gravel to eell same on commission basis: only those who have connection with best trade. Apply by letter only to M 717, L-eqger unice. MAN wanted to work tiro press; must -be able to mount large pneumatic tires. Atlantic Refg. Co , 8144 Paasvilnk ase MAN wanted for general work around build ing: one who can do painting. Apply 609 Chestnut at., second floor. WEAVERS wanted on Brldosburr looms APly John Norrls. 1880 B. Madison et Kensington above Allegheny. WINDERS, girls over 10: learners paid while learning. Shackamaxon Mills. Al- lagncny ave mis ii.ncocii. VOUNO LADY as payroll clerk! one with experience on comptometer nreferee. n Xly. tatlrig age and experience and salary eslred. Nelson Valva Co., Chestnut Hill. Pa YOUNO WOMAN, ambit ous. wanted, high school and business college graduate. lor permanent position: must be aeourata and a good typist: stenography not essentials pleas ant work, rood future: salary to start 114: sUt age. experience and giro phone num bsr. Address P 114, ledger Office. TOUNO WOMEN GOOD WAGES Ocod wages while being taught Interesting. easy and nice work with reliable, old-established manufacturing company: a vary short time required to learn, then' earning depends only on your energy and application to the worKi eteady position! bring ad. National Metal Edge Box Co.. 1220 Callowhlll at. RjS.?' " ded era! BUSINESS SERVICE CO.. 1118 Land Title. Bookkeepers. 828: stenographers, to tSO. ' SELF WANTED MALE men wanted at once for'thb u. b. merchant marine to be trained as sailors. ftremen. stewards FOR COOD JOBS AT GOOD PAT ON OCEAN-OOINO SHIPS PAT WHILE TRAINING: BOARD , AND QUARTERS FREE: AOES 18 TO SB; BRING BIRTH CERTIFICATES. APPLT TO U 8. SHIPPING BOARD AGINT CtTT HALL. TARD PHILADELPHIA STI'TZ NCAHt.V ALL MOI1FI.M. Tlin". OUGHLT OVERHAULED AND REFIN- ISIIED: MANY HAROAINS. SEE MR. MsfAHTHItR STIJTS5 AOENCY 009 N. HROAH ST POPLAR 302, AirARnwiNrrs APARTMENT HEADQUARTERS Cenlrsl apartments a specialty Sherwood Atl Acencv 22.1 , S Broad st Rome rrv ' sttrsrUvei furri apts : some housekeeping M'Rt'CE ST . 1012 (llolmehurst) Bedroom. living room and hath, southern exposure, hemitlfully furnished electric light, phones LOCUST. 1.10H Exceptional apartment. 2 moms nnd tvalh, steam heat, eleclrlolty. ?et. private ramnv 1R01 LOCI18T ST. second-sty apt", consist of 3 ims, and prlv. bath: furn or unfur M'hi'ubxn . electric LewliheninLlncoin nioa Wr.HT MIILADHI.I'IILV WK8TCOTT sportster, 1818. 5-pass.. at a ressnnalile hrlce. u-nnri condition See Mr MacArlhur. Sluy Agency. 000 N Broad st. 1918 BUICK; excellent condition: rare op portunity. See Mr Mac-Arthur, Stutz Agency, B09 N Broad. Aaea ISnpTtlle We-oalrlx FOR HUDSON AND HUPMOB1LE REPAIR WORK See the Brandywlne Auto Repair Co, Ecoff & Rav Simpson, formerly with Oom-ery-Sehwartz Co., now'establlshed at 1938-8S Brandvwlne st. Poplar 20HS. BTJSI1TEB3 OPgQKTPNITIE3 SHOE REPAIRING PLANT FOR SALE Doing 140 000 business yearly, established 30 jears: In southern cltv of 200,000 popu lation. M 032, Ledger Office. T' BUSINESS PERSON A3 DIAMONDS BOUGHT Positively highest cash prices Tor your dia monds, any slxe from H to 10 carats; none pay higher; also old gold, ptatlnum sllvor bought Estates bought (private), Est.10 yrs. The Diamond Shop ,2,?vi0S.r.. DIAMONDS BOUGHT ANY SIZE PRICE NO ORJECT vcm.t CO.. 032 CHESTNUT ST. Suite 21-22. Over Chllds Restaurant. Private. L-Ta nM elofhlnr nnd shoes bought: hlirh. est prices paid; orders promptly attended to Max Borasky, 333 N. 8th, St. Bell phone .Mm. aiui iet cTnin treatme"- fl manicuring. Of fice, Hutchinson Bldg., fourth floor. Rooms 406-407122Sjl 3th at. Hours 10-8, ELECTRtCAIj TREAT , physical culture', lo21 Boarlwalk, Atlantic City. Entrance to rlgnt or store. BOYS. IT YEARS OR OVER, TO WORK IN WALL PAPER FACTORY! GOOD WAOE3. APPLT AT ONCE. BECKER, SMITH PAOE. WATER AND SNYDER AVE. BOYS Gulf Refining Co. needs s bright boy over 18, to assist flla room, answer all balls, etal excellent opportunity to learn our ousineas: wtiis. luuy staling age experience, aoxiooiing .as aaiary assirea, Addres let Clerk, BIB Wldener Bldg. ATTENTION SALESMEN HERB 19 A REAL WINNER Oil Corporation now payln guer tsrlr dividends at the rate of le per month! give pergonal bank ana mercantile .agencies as reference; full equipped kit ana prospectus gent on requssti good commission, but lo advascM. AMERICAN SECURITIES CO., 2IT Btarks Bldg,. Louisville. Ky. POLISHERS and assemblers on brass beds: good wages and bonus: steady work. Ap- y J. J. Keenan & Co 8101 Ludlow , ply PRESSMAN ,,- EXPERIENCED ON JOB PRESSES APPLT BUREAU OF EMPLOYMENT WANAMAKER'B SALES MANAGER Wanted, a competent aales manager for manufacturing concern) one who can get results, glvet experience and -.J BIT Tv nffleg riirrcTivvi t 4'i ' "" - SALESMEN to aeU houwhold ftpplla.ncea. wathlnr .machines. Iron In- mMhlnes and .H.i.m s1ani nn vrMirttfnc nCCClSBry: cuarantacd aaUry and commtsilon. Appir between 0 and 10 a. m., Thor l-iecmc anop, 87 Chaatnut at. t 8AAVTER, acroll and band. AptpIy Chaa V. Kelin to. inc.. inrn ra. n nuuer. fel.HCTRIC treatment A mantcutlnir Itoom j o a tlfa ttmr.e uia riiwri ... ajqc. q o j. ASHES removed from cellars; rU ktnda nauiinr oono, ma uuuonwuuu, int. ii OABFET CLEANING WALLACE T M. 18 182 N. 20 288 Church lane? Ha. LONO-DISANCE MOVINO ' FOB, SALE OFFICE FURNITURE lATtt lot desks, safes. Oles. cabinets and general office furniture, stor nxtures, we nuy, nni anu r,ti iihiiki, PATTEN FURNITUnE CO. LOCUST 407O. 1127 ARCH ST. UACH 2800, 8. W. cork 12th and spring Garden sts. APARTMENT, furnished, second floor: $7: 3 rooms and bath: couple Phone 212 M. Media, or II 302 Ledger Office. JfUKrilSHKT) APAnTKrlWTS KITH ST S.. 127 (Th Geneva) Furnished bachelor apartments. 2 rooms and bath, in the heart of the business section, 2 blocks from llroad St, Station N 10TII ST . 1401 Two rooms snd kitch enette; rumisned room private oatn. APARTMENTS WANTED Wn CAN RENT our apartments: numerous appllcntlcns walling NEW BRA REALTY CO., 013 Liberty nidg. Walnut 012. WI3 CAN RENT your furn or unfurn rooms and ants : large list waiting; results guar anteed 1220 Filbert Rms 11-12. Locust 4783 iveit rnii.Anr.t.riUA 4 OK A-ROOM npt . furn or unfurn . wanted hy Sept 1 vicinity nf 32d st "L." Phono Belmont 7241 3 HOUSEKEEPING APARTMENTS ONE large room bath and kitchen. .30: 2 large rooms, bath and kitchen, furn,. $135 Merton Orelms. Harrison Bldg Locust 020. Furnished 820 S 11T1I ST Desirable housekeeping apartments, 3 rooms, bath and kitchenette Apply janitor, on premises, or TAUI-ANE 800 Walnut St. New Overbrook Homes With Garages $600 Cash $88 a Month Carrying Charges Xew l'omea on Atwood Hoad: hlRh-class nelcliborliooil : oveiy modorn appointment . attrnctivo ixirch front; tllo lath : shower ; real open fli ciilnct" for logo : hot water heat and Bornee Buy a new home, J3S n month carry ing; char-Ron, small amount monthly to reduco your mort (rK. Take Market St. Klo vatcil to 63rd .St., free p-ies on C3rd St.. north to Lebanon Ave (1100 N'oilh); then walk two blocks to 65tli and lAbanon Ac. One five-cent fare. John H. McClatchy Builder and Owner 848 Land Title Building MOVE RiailT IN 2b34 N. 20th st . 0 rooms and bath, Hot water heut electric Hunt, hardwood nn Irh. price 14800, make Oder. 5.122 Pemberton St.. 0 rooms and bath, all modern, both these properties In first class condition: must bo seen to be appreciated. tliie In a very delightful 2-stoi tulmhouee, with a stone front porch living room 4 bed rooms hath basement laundry, hot-ivatcr heat, ele-trlo lights, perfect condition. 4708 ORnr.NE ST Your chance to bin this home is novr, he. fore the rush, jour opportunity to see the proportv while It la bchii' 2-story tnln house, porch, reception hall, I bedrooms bath. UunJr.v. hot-water heat, elec. lights 310 W. LOGAN ST rotated In a reelr'eted neighborhood, wc are offering this delightful 2-story solid row onrch house with 3 bediooms belli, base ment laundry hot-water heat, electric lights open fireplace, living room, possession Oc tober 1. ,110.1 WAYNE AVE This house Is cheap for the monr It has a great future, close on to S1000 has been ex pended during the last year for repairs, what am I offered for this 3-story twin house, porch 10 rooms, bath, laundrj" We must sell now THOMAS II F.VOY. 4800 Wayne , ave. Only a Few Left 1 $3600 I New Air-Light Homes g Six ronmi anil bath jg MAYLAND STREET TUInw 'Wfli.tilnft'trsn lnno at Chaw at ! IBOa caah and $27 pr month pay alt carrjrlnsr chara-a, 4 including 15 per month reduction oi second mortnare. - Taka par on Qermantown ave to Waahlnnton Ian, walk east to Cliavr at., or ear on Chlten ave. to Chew Bt., walk rnrth. SAMUEL. STERN NORTH AMERICAN RLDO O' ROBT W BROWN Agent, on pem'ses Phone T'ora r,o20 W IIWIlWSllllMM OI.NKx TO BK SOLO nY MARLIN-ROt KWBM. COUPOItATIl'V New "heallmcl iPghC11"""" ''n- '" D. R Chmliers'70 Commercial Trust myi "nr". HT. 'i '"rgo. business rsns.. 1st n n r-i,."mi,ir Ar'X Mnl "nn he-itLa-oT r B fhsmhers 710 Commercial Trust Bld 1 (I) Buildings and reslty at Willow M ttatej fAnn l.l Bulldlnga nd really at Hamdcn, f rstabllshed 18811 CW UHifll l'llll 'Fh Willow Ft property will b old at publlf aiiftion t 11 o'clock t m , Sept. 1 lPIfl. at tli Willow it entrance to tho plant. The Tlatndm rronertv wltl be aold at puhlip auction at 2 80 o'clock p m . Spt FaeUrla-i. Mannfnetirrlnr riwM- FLOORS Larae Smiill .V.v,.iJllr.U""OW, 130 N. 12TH ST. Factories a gpeofalir' PtvXNSTLVANlA SCBUBBAN ) Ilt-WCIAI-OW, new. mod., I2S; trA gd good trnln service. I, C, Bowman, Cornwslls.PaT MOBTGAOE3 J 1010. at the Dlxwell ave. entrance to, the plant OUR facilities fr placing building aasoola., JCiil! tiroriBAtlon ennrern np these oroo- t nn mnrl,.., --..-;. r?." .1 asaoon-l erlles and the terms and conditions of sale the fact that Wto represent 0 of the largest ""?, "'"'!. M ! :?. desire ,'k". ,", ,b ,ui hvwu in, ia ana n 111 lis inslleii nnnn reuliest tn the MAKLIN-ROCKWELI. CORPORATION 847 Madison ae , New York city. lion mortgsgss are unsurptssrd In vlerr of In 1st A ini -.til. ... gsgfa in any section of the city ortSukurbii.v pryat. fUno r"r r0Od first rnortgatv viniam jimM hkeogn. I,an0 Title Bldr Ot'KAX C1TV TrnTTH-p.TT'P.V.PT'MO APTS. WANTim sunn "" I .,..,. - -.n .1.1I.M-. - ,. kitchenette. J nu .'2Z:'tmi'"r. WANTED Three rooms, bath, kitchenette, also 2 rooms, bath, kitchenette, unfur., south of Walnut, west Brond; prloe. Filbert B7B2 or C 104. Ledger Offjce. Furnished YOUNG COUPLE want 2 or .1 rooms and bath, furnished for light housekeeping, October 1: will lease now for 1 year; city or suburban Phone Walnut 0700 or P 334. Ledger Office, APARTMENT HOTELS THE DELMAR-M0RRIS American Plan CHELTEN AVE AND MORRIS ST, GERMANTOWN 20 MINUTES TO BROAD 8T STATION Furnished and unfurnished suites. CENTRAL HOUSEWRECKINO CO. ur An- 10th and RnrltiF flnrden st All' kinds ot office furniture and fixtures. Bathroom outfits complete Hen pnone. i-opiar iioa BUILDING MATERIAL Wo are demolish ing building on the northwest corner 0th and Montgomery av..; 14 roof trusses 03 ft. long and all building material for sale oi nrsmlseS. .- FOR SALK Edlphone, interchangeable: used fUO OA i J Mn4,lni,- BVn.1l-n auloment for doctor's offlce; will demon Jtrate. M 719, ledger Office. POR SALE Babr carriage, complete 1019, Bllller. ! JnUIH Or.UIIMHjrq 11AI1Y COACHES. ird Pullman coach. 18; new raid ilrolW IS aulklti. $330; open . .. ,,,..h..h,i ans' nitard mv evenings ..,-..--. .... -.- BILLIARD, pool, lomhl'li. a;hencl. bought, sold rented exch Keafer. 820 Glrsrd ar. SAFES, fireproof, closing out, bo slightly .,..d some with thin walls 72 N. Fourth. STANDS OAHINETtl , etc f big bargains. Phlla. Printers' Supply. 14 B. Blh st. TTPEWRlTEK:perfect condition; J40, Mr. noun, es n. ?u.' STAIR BUILDERS wanted. Apply Charles V. Felln b Co , York rd. ana Butler st. STOCKKEEPER Young man wanted as stockfeeeper In private garag. of large corporation: prefer man familiar with auto parts. Apply to Mr. Flynn. 800 Chestnut at. SOT oyer IS, for Inside messenger worki large firm: permanent; good pay and op- Sortunltl.s to advance. A;ply Employment ept H. K. Mulford ft Co.. 428 6, lth st, BOTH WANTED OVER Tat ONCE It TEARS OR CAMPBELT7B 60UP8 ESTABLISHED lit GENERAL FACTORY WORK BTABT WORK) OOOD WAGSS ' THI18 AND HALF TIMJI OVER 48 HOURS PLENTT OVERTIME .WAOES AUTOMATICALLY INCREASED RPEC1AL BONUS 13 PER WKSJC APPLT T A. JI. WAJAMAKER'S OOOD BUSINESS OPPORTUNITIES,. FOR snTnlMi HATS A?s?r C1TP.T.S. 14 TO 18 YEARS, WHO HAVE REACHED AT LEAST THE BKVKNTHORADK, CAN .FILE AP PLICATIONS FOR POSITIONS WITH SCHOOL PRIVILEGES DURING BUSINESS HOURS AJdbt ,jEApQITAnTKrts EIGHTH FLOOR. 1STII AND MARKET STREETS WALL TENTS. 8x10. Jl 50: 12x14 Ii0 Vesch new. complete. 1038 Callowhlll st. rnoiw t"i- ...--. MAOHlNEnY AND TOOL TWO and ft half H. P. Foos gas eng-.s 2H ',! i Bull Dod gasoline eng.: 13 II P. Jaco'bso'n ksrosene eng.: 8 and 7 11 I". B"CTuRcilFlELD"ca:'(..4 Arch THE GLADSTONE 11TH AND PtW. STS. ABSOLUTELY FIREPROOF THE LITTLE HOTEL. 225 S Broad St. A good Place to llvo while In Philadelphia. HEAL ESTATE FOB SALE CITY irt.ino- -DETACHED HOUSE modern con venlences. lot 73x100; stable accommo dating 9 head of horses. ... soinc; Two story, porch front, hot-water heat, gas and electric lights: laundry; 7 rooms 'foftfj'ftxy... Bio Torresdale ave, 708W-10 N"Vnr, 22r.O N ISth, 738-44 Fair mount ave . 2219-21 N. 4th, dwelling and stable- 1033-31 Falrmounl ave. To. A. Barr Co . 1420 Chestnut. Spruce 635. 12000 iwmoi IV A rI!ATtT.MAN 033 Real Estate Trus! Hid? . Walnut 0772. ifn M . D A TWO-FAMILY Why Not Buy apartment bldg. In the Overbrook section: each apart, nas o m snil bath, orlv porches and each bldg. Ifii private heating and lighting ssstem, an Investm't o' 81000 permits you to llvo In 1 ant at about ' usual rental price I" A.ann ,,,! could not be rtunllcate.1 todav for 110 Oflo. FITZfATRICK. 1.141 N 00th. Belmont 4344 New Attractive Homes All corns , hot-water best, electrlo light 248 Fishers ave . 13000 417 Fishers ave ... . .1000 Mot n 4th st . ... sr.oo BB1S N 3d st ... A00O 315 Chew st 7000 OLNEY REALTY CO. Mill N. 5th St. THE best inestment .proposition In Nurth Phlln , private. 7 rooms and bath twin dwellings, with 20 individual garages In rear and additional ground for 1.1 more: alwsa rented nttractUo terms Dallas & Hartley, Ino , 4700 N BroaJ st Wyoming 871. B72 .. ... . , .. M.T-YI11 I r,D- r.tlVO nlnnlr .Viiivi north Chester live t! left:. modern ' TWO-BTOUT porch-front dwellings. 3 rooms 0-room home?. IncloJe' porch hardwood I . nd bath: 1.700 each gas light and hot-air floor, throughout, electric lights hot-water heat: good condition, excellent location heat f4on. J C McMichnel Realty Co. ROTII FpLET Mth and Springfield ave Phone Wocdlandl ,1330 N 0th st. 184,1 ALBANUS ST hot-water heat electric light. hardwood floors thtouxhout. Immediate poas. mini fc rui.ijv .13.10 N ,1th st r.non. WINDSOR PI.A'E. ."SOU Block One square I Price 14.100 north Chester He , contenieni vo nil car tlnesi 0 rooms and bath, steam heat and gas: terraced front: until Sept 1 J37r.O; there after 14000 J. M. Mi Michael Realty Co ,th and Sprlncfleld ave. Phone Woodland .... a-ri. 4.110 N 11TH ST asnnTfJi AnaVr. ter - or? north T4100lA home lhat I- surrounded hv $13,000 ami n5?2 y,'!TfcAv,0Ia '!ir.- " y inn s"1 0l)" Properties your chance Is here to 5R43 Elliott h w elec ... 4JJ0 b .geeptlonally fine house overlooklne --- '' !'""' ?--.'. r -... -- - lt. boulsvaro -siorv twin nouse norcn I.OT1AN 0019-21 Market -t.: 3-.ti.ry porch e,h oooo BSrSSi tiled- bath Mh ""tallt-'Br tf 3020-31-31-41 Harper 2-sty bk each 2100 ,w,r r,gi open llrepinie. hartlnn.i.1 ll,r, TM'LANK 000 Wnlnut st on nrgt foor hot nvaler heat electric lights. MR HOMKHBKKBIt we huvo the house von metal weather stripped throughout spacious aro nn'v looking for and keep It up. 0113 closeta: price InHudes all the shades screens . . .i.i.in n .,,- n h.tk, ' u.iri uunlnn- I h roll ff fl HU t isne'.lenml nelghboVhooVl J. WOO. price will I THOMAS II C OT 4R00 W.n. sir advance 0rt of next month Apply to Ilarytv Void. OOtJ Vtsrkel st WE SELL ONLY THE BEST 0000 block Webster st : a home that lacks nothlna for vour comfvrt and convenience: "" '"""WINTER K740 Christine, st. 500 BLOCK N 1JT1I ST Three-tor Mil let house. 11 r 2 baths all mod Imps. W D CHA.MIIKIIS 41133 N Broad st 11 22 Ps Qe I rooms, porch-front i. I J J UraiZ Ol. residence, refined neigh horhnod bold to settle estate; Immed poss, bornooo ' JIJKT) & co 4th and Callowhlll. ? iT'DSON ST Comfortable 2-story home In tine neighborhood North Phila delphia Trust Co. Broad at.. Germantown and Knee-ii;. n. "?' 27. rooms, i"- 4A00 batn. block Two "lectriclty story. 7 narouetrv WELL-FINANCED thoroughly modern home, within ',t block Cobbs Creek Boulevard. Immediate possession. lm MICHAEL A MALONEY 1021 S COth st 0130 MERVINE ST Three story 10 rooms and bath, lot r.n ft. front with garage W D CHAMBERS 4033 N Hroad St. 4U13 N 13TII ST 3 sty twin house, lOr 1 bath, mod W 1' ''hambersma N Hroad Building Lota AVE east of 0th st ffi ...r null l...uu mn,l,n hMn, halitl .1 .f A 1- I.1NOI.KV AVE iiiht iiot-water heat Dutch hall, cost 127 hive 102 of the ripest unsold lota In the month. ARTHUR J. Liit'iuLU, T.prchwood ave viT.tuni.n nt'ii-DlNQ lot in West Phlla : entlra city block price I"2S 000; mike offer. fnr particulars, a C BEIDCL L CO . 4lh am" Callowhlll sts, 32d snd northern seUlon of the illy, terms arranged; sale figure naiiKuiai'j eiiracuve lor a quick sale. DAL1-AS 4. IIARTI.IIY Inc , 4700 N llroul .! Wiomlng 871-872 PENNSVH MA sriH'RIUX " you buy it of Ackley, it's a bargain." PEREMPTORY AUCTION SALE Tuo cnilrc holdlnita of th estate of H Weiley l.akc d(renrie1 will bq aold without reserve, rnln or ahlne, LABOR DAY Sept 1. 1919. at 10 A. M. In the Bellevue Baths Pavilion on the Boardwalk OCEAN CITY, N. j. Consisting of 250 LOTS 250 nnd h cr desirable nenabore home eisrVvf In lh lmnrt nl Ofrnl CltV. lOnrt feetw f otean-front lota wltK-1 riparian rla;lUH Ilulldlnff lot in th bet section of th clt Hay avenue lotn, suitable for small cottonea nnd bumtalov.r. Itallrond frontarea for cotlave and bualnea purpoat Iot In the 53th Street dectlon of the Island. In fait, we hae the wont B.rled se lection of eeashore locations ever ofTaretl to the public. Remember Earh nnd eery lot will he sold absolutely without rcierve to the hitrheitt bidder This la a real Auction Sal' Inn't fall t act circular and attend tht-i ssle It li your last ano only opportunity to bu any of theee proper tie Make it n point tn he In O.'ean City on Labor I)v and come to the sale prep.irsd to buy intelliaently. No alfta No presents Th land l!l be sold strictly on merit Ort In before It Is too Wto Oenn City Is Kronlni; bv lea i) and bound. Manv hundreds of people could not be arcnm mods ted this enr no buy u lut and prepare for next season Inestorn, nuildera CottaK'e Seekers It is vour thance .Sold by order of The Ocean City Title ana Trust Company, Executors of the Estate of S. WESLEY LAKE, Deceased JOHN A. ACKLEY. Auctioneer Offlce, Wildwood, N. J. ICO To tiooo NOTE on .MOP.TOAOE irninro sie ettlemenl ' Unsettled eslata loans Hullrilnr association funds DKMPKEY CO., 27 S Hth gt. V wH.9KrKI1 2 "IH-siUed nrst mortgajrea of ..:s' cach ?n lwellliig bouses valued at 110 000: each loan Is backed by a sic? .t., ,nnv y. ..,, B(,-rn .no service crattg: nhone for Inspection. Dallas A Hartley lot 47QO N. nroad at Wyoming Wi VtST PJv rtlalo settlement. Interest In TO eststea bought. Cash at one. $5000 LEWIS & CO. o&M.. LOANS. REAL ESTATR AND ESTAT3M. ANT BUM DELANT. 84 . hroad (West ITrtd llel.l MONEY TO 10AN Yolj 1 DOK1IOW MONBY rN niAMoNDg and .tewklrt J5 AND UP a PERCENT J7!l AND UP 1W PRfl CENT 1200 and up i rnn cent niEDEn's 158 MARKET BT. RIDOE AVE. AND OXKORD STj S"n AND SOITTHiaTrl. -READY MONEY- DIAMONDS. WATCHES t JEWELRY United States Loan Society 117 NORTH TtriOAD 200 Market st SMS OermantOTrn . CASH MONEY AT ONCE on Jewelry ronds. autor, goods of anr klnf. Ppdol's Toan OfOce, 1102 jl 2d St. HEAL ESTATE FOB BALE iTOOniHIBY UP IT GO E S WE JIAVr, PEBN NOTTTIED AT, COLONIAL MANOR AL'. 1.1'MllER OOES UP SEPT. 1st Dut eve will accept your order up to tuts at the old prices. esjsa prAxsLVAyiv paiis B wamm NOTICE Wo can build you a Bungalow like this for I1I300. or 4, 0, 0., 7 room HoUbe from lir.00 to I2J0U. Mm lots II Ml to 2,-v0, Easy payments. Wooded plots, one acre or more. A 10-room house for sale. $8300. 7 rnln to Pusey A Jones, tone fare( Sc. I 10 rnln. to N Y fihlpinrd, R n. fae "c. i r rnln. to N. Y Ship , trolley fare te. , i rnln. to Oloucester Ferry, gone fare, 7o. I 25 rnln. to Phlla, 'by trolley, rone fare, i 20 mtn. to Phlla. by R, R. uu trains uauy Trolley every 7 and IB Minutes. r-ija Chestnut fitrest Feerv to nafngsn. then any trolley going to Woodbury. Get cjf ,vii i nrmAH' n-CV HCI.I. tillstnfrss iiIdp. K art... x.Aliitw lint,,, nil fuenlshe tu.pm ai.n.l.l Colonial Manor ........ r .,nj m-.i- ...... . I t Tsl1...farltet nineet tn KnrtVt TTn6. stalls, meeting hali, all bldgs In first-class bury. Qo north two blocks. s"VJ Dovleitown. Pa I COLONIAL LAND CO., Woodbury. N, iff. aeee. Taundn hot-wattr heat, 10,100. o! C 5s-"nfeL Jl CO . 4th and Callowhlll WATCHMAN MIDDLE-AaED MAN. 7 NI011T8 A WEEK. APPLT RITTBR CAN AND SPECIALTY- CO.. HII N, HUTCHINSON. WINDOW CLEANERS Egperlenced pre- terrea. oui learnera swsvuu uu y.,u coed wages while learning! white and col ored. Apply ready for work. OiSO a, m General House and Window Cleaning po use Jrrn B t wrnnn noor. uwr-n.l'I.ANT EQIJIPitlENT Dynamos, motors, boilers, steam and all '"ll'Nrf TOOMEY, INC.r 18T N. Bd St. ELl'.CTRIO MOTORS MACHINE TOOLS '"'1' POWER EQUIPMENT o'lmrm t,iacihnert cq.. n N. n bt. new horizontal steam engines. 8, 12 and 20 h. p,l lOOgal, Iron jacket kettles 2-ln. power pipe cutter, cheap, 820 N. 4th st. WANTED py JOBEPIT CAM?RELf, COMPANT aj '1 t- -s I .- n -',.' -X, . YOUNO MAN. high school graduate, with dome knowledge of general laboratory work. Williams, Drown A Earle, Inc. 018 unesinui v SS&MB-m OLD CLOTHES BOUGHT Cast-off clothing wanted: men's old suits, coats, trousers, shoes, etc.; ladles' clothing of all descriptions and evening clothes bought! highest prices paid; we oall any where, city or country, day or night. Write, call or telephone Kllbert 2172. BELIQ30HN CLOTHING CO.. 84Q N, 8th, ANTIQUE furniture, old china, old jswelery, gold, silver, false teeth, diamonds. An tlaues, 628 Chestnut, rnone walnut 702B ;loTULOCK ?nEI1ST peairable homes; VrMini: underdralned: S2000. 7 rooms, ii c B00 Rlnut Ifin llliH K HIL.MUI, ill .J ruuius; bus, unJerdralned, 7 house.i prlco J150II. AlJothakeyi llroan. 081 Walnut St. Ld. 3738 H0r N 17TH 3 Wats, electrlo lights, hot- ot'e heat hardwood floors, convenient ,n;rfiyjyojtHBLL. ii.i n mh 25-3 N.-RARTAIN ST. Two story, rocms and bath. J.scsnt rows M. scmt shoo Osage ae 2 atoty porch sti-vh AVn VKVMI1 MANSION 14 rooms. front: 0 rooms and bath, modern home H, acres, old shade, trolley station 3 ! M. HUREVITZ. 831 N Otli al n-lnutes- in mils from flty Hall 101 WR SELL ONLY THE 11E8T " ljlger Olfiic. I 4200 block. Chestnut st ; strlctlv modern Milmrlinn Iits I home, 12 rooms anu u bains; price iuuuu AUCTION SALES AUCTION SALES D. A. Winter 5740 Christian st I SttnURRAN U.IS for sale ta'iHjANB, 000 Walnut st 31 0O block V price I24HU, -iiuimu. TWO-STORYporch front ytn ai.i -; and BonsalLstS; Somers't MODERN 3-story dwelling. Dutch hall, clec- Vric7llght, steam heat; possession Septem ber 16 JUgj N. 83d st. , snn HOUSES FOR SALE; M00 down, bal 8 n same as renti list onreouest. ,.., same ns rcnii usi on reiiucsi, ncV'mNnY. 1001 Chestnut st IMMEDIATE POSSBH3ION "'rr.. ,tory, 0 rooms: a 18800. tre'vnV HAPP. 8008 801O N Sth all convs, i prlco -s ,vin si. ilHEF.N. 1588 Kxcellent location for apart Insula: 1 rooms. 3 Uithsi electric steam frssn 11K.OIHI. "snfr un inrii'i... Dig n 15TH Grocery store and dwelling, 'doing good business. rl&wia COHEN, 1118 Lincoln Bldg, 807 N 17TH rnres rata: eiectrio lights, hot-water heat, hardwood floors; convent- ant locality. "' .,..,. .. .-.. ,.v. CAST-OFF CLOTHING wanted! lsdlsa' and chlldren'a clothes t beat prices. I'hone Mar ket 2448 W or call H. Stern. 837 N, 4th, PIANOS. PLAYEI13. TUNING. ETC. .T VURLITZER ORCHESTRA tyaiiui va" t s7 z..vaa3& 1 . " n H is gen H 1ATH Tnree atory. in rooms and Ktttlv I.KVVIQ ww,,, ,,.u moduli, mua. MT VERNON. 3228 10 r b.. porch; good ?An. i nr. 832Q0. v-nsr,ia38 Oreen.Pop.18B1 ortlCKH, lH84-l.r,, 1! b.! large lot; prlco aiJIIU. Vfwrn-,. -,.. M.. ... .... . m. iuw, 7"00nLOCK S ITHAN ST Eight houses. n rooms and hath, furnace. MICHAEL J. MALONEY. 1021 B. 00th St.. Phlla, 300U UtAX'K WALTON AVE 25 houses; e ...,,, oiwl listh north IISIMI lire mi-rs A pothsker & Rrowii, 3:11 Walnut st 13 373s LOCUST. W. of 5,1th Nine rooms, nil 1m- provements Simon Weiss, J OMJH. H recto Chestnut Hill. ort Stratford. Observatory HIll.Elmvvood, Tor Washington, OuUjn N J . advances mad to liulld Kennedy 1001 Ohestniit. Itoom llOH mi iiiiiioici.im; MT. AIRY slBltMANTOWN MOUNT AIRY Stenton district, owner will sell semldetsched house on lot 40183, 12 rooms, 2 bath. Inclosed porches, open fireplaces, basement luundry, electrlo nnd gas lighting: In first-class condition: K min utes from either Stenton or Sedgwick sta tions on P. and R. : possession October 1. Phone Qermantown 700. MT. AIRY. 182 W Mt Pleasant avs. 3-sty , semldetsched dwg noes. Oct. Ifr, bargain. Victor Paul. 8703 Qermantown av. OKBMAXTO.VK 180808800 block Clearview st., 2 sq. east of Otn. ave.; Immed. poss ; sample house open dally and Sunday; 6 r and bath, hot water heat, elec . hardwood floors: near sta tion; 8850 cash, ROBT, W.nROWN (Tlaga &020 W, on premises, or DALLAS A HART IEY, Inc . 4700 N. llroad st. Wyo. 871-872. HALP STONE snd frame dwelling: now bullolntf 10 looms, hot-air heat, gas and eleo light: l.ne lot, 13 minutes from 80th St. Terminal $3000 caehi $03 monthly Oeo. i,. Pernes. l.'OI Chestnut or Highland Park. IIXKIIV DETACHED URICK HOUSE, near 0th and Malm 1" rooms heuter. bath, gas: old shads; 54100. SWOI'Q & SON, BIO Matn. Dsrby. . l'OLCHDhT SH -STORY cottags 4 bedrooms, porcelain 'plumbing, water heat gas, electricity, laundry, traie, fruit, garage: lot 123x123; 11.0(10 SWOPE & SON 510 Main, Darby. fll.KNHIDE BEAUTIFUL stone-and-ahlngle bungalow, eg- ceptlonal design. 8 bedrooms, tiled bath, hat-water heati cor. lot. 80x180; 18000: barg. Wm. T, R. Roberts it Son. Glenslde. Pa. 1H0III.AS1 PARK LARGE coiner property, tlreene and John son SIS,, Xt rVVMIVS, d OKVI1S, ...I., I)t. corner .Sedgwick and Emlln sts., iftOTlfUi sDlsndld location. JOS.iA. nARR CQj. 1420 Chestnut. Bpr. 3, STONE gml stucoo dwelling, 10 rooms. In closed litrch h.-w. heat, gag and elect lot 7xl80i beautiful lawn; fruit trees: $3000 cash? SS3 roonthlv Irclud'g lilt saving. Oso. L. Har.ies, 1201 Chestnut, or Highland Park. mirth oi.Kxmnn iwii to .J-. 1 irilinill) tiinsnva can our nonie", eiu. nai- I ..V'iS!r.,..,i I 'irfc. same ag ront. Kenriedy.luoi Chestnut. bvnuANTOWN 8818 Ambrose st . reoMAt tr-g"" -:-TJ.." JC"? T-j-g'I -....sil-sFanVZt--- .iTaiTZi I .i- hll, In vena ftAT Itg.SAA '9' &rTrtMaJKtfttMTT&hm vm. :&$& . ' .sVaYBaavri... --, JHaHliaiiraini'ujiL. ' , ... uuillsaBssswBsau. i2 - .st'em MaiMgjwaB , lTIRGUSON TRACT Lota 55 up; H-i plots $300 up: priced fur below nei aore nearby rr nsarne , i tin no osuct (or ImorovMKientsi Liberty 1 Kil.PSnnf.lll Bcsu'ttktn; MUt, erraeom, t, t Twit,' STtKX; S n . iF ii "s NOW OPEN FOR INSPECTION ' MACHINERY MOTORS STEEL TANKS FIXTURES An-1 Other Knorinou-, nquJpnutit TO BE SOLD BY PUBLIC AUCTION BY ORDER OF AMERICAN CAN COMPANY Comprising- Entire Plant Contained tn 12 Buildings, Rlrr Street, Edgevvater. New Jersey SMITH & JAFFE Philip Smith, Auctioneer WEDNESDAY THURSDAY FRIDAY SATURDAY spt 3d Sept 4th Sept Bth Sept. (h " Starting at II A M Each Day. , linn rstsl U'r.rklrir Madilti.. Tools, conalatlna- ut ' I'NGINi: LATHER. TURRETI-.VTHES. GRINDKRH. MILLINO MACHINES. DRILIT PRESSES. POWER PBUSBES from Nos. Hi to 83 AUTOMATICS. CUTTING CM MACIUNES, HANDINO MACHINES. METAL WASHERS, OIL SEPARAT0R8V WB?-IIf 300 Motors, Oeneral Electrlo. Western Eleitrlo nd WegnfP A. C, 220 Volts, from X to7 ' II, P. Mostly U. '.'0 and 23 II P., all being practically new. rj Steel Tanks, lecianguiar ana v)iinunci, irum iif.uou io iuv.uuw asis. capacity. , raoaawtei Band Blasting MsrJiine, sietai wood tiyarauiio leaunc aiacnines, t-aint n, Nuratera and Electric Chain Hoists. ." x . ui Ttestinv tinita. Cnoltnr systems. Conveyors. Itallrasd Tracks -wlUt Taiai motive Generator Plant, cimplsts, Air Compressor with two stage, motors Quantities of Chucks. Reamers. Drills. Lag Screwa. Bam Clamps, lawtr I. ft Truokg.v JfcfcK w h.v,s w.ns. liench and Plna Vlsea. Gauges. Scales. Emery Wheels, Anvils. Blimere.-i7 Pipes. Valves, Fittings, High Sped Steel, Bcrgp Iron. Sttel ant .VTa! Metals and Shop Room Enulpment "n3 Tcneflnn WUlv rioecT-tntlvA rsitalncrnn Will CnntlniiDi ?: 11IOMUVVIU4I II v A'lrwws afSBl s-.s0 ...- .. w -. jti Daily to and iRcludingr Kept, za., trom v A. su. to 6 J'. M. ,( v ut""" '..frd.7. from 7oo't1,f-l.t iSih St', every hlfhour " SALE STARTS WEDNESDAY, SEPT, 8, AT 11 A. M. For Further Particulars, Apply to AMERICAN CAN COMPANY 120 nroadwar. New York, Phone 0800 Hector, or aiswrn. 7 T. cr SMITH & JAFFE. A WoWV'Qjfm v . -' r.a ,vj t , . .. - a ftWfflWKbH.? 1