w.. EVJ3NIKG . PUBLIC LEDGER IHILAl)ELPflI A, aUITIRSBAt, AUGUST 28, lid) ;n I K ii f, : ES I t' f; n Xt V fc w w 1 .( I M- ?Vir 11? ,LOER GRADE "GAS" NEAR ,,rticoleurri Institute Hears That Sup ply Is Much Limited 'Cotorodo Spring.., Col., Aub. '-'S. ."(By A. 1.) IlccntiRC oC n. lttnltnl sup--ply of petroleum In the Viiltcd Sliitc T refinery have been forced tii produce 'ft, lower craile or woiine """ niiiomo ? Wlc Uianufaeturers must readjust their & Mi'nBlncs to new specifications. Henry ..IMUOr UeSllOII UomUUlimg, !i)oherty told vepreentatics of the i Atnerlcnti I'etioleum Institute In con- A- ntinn here esterdav. Mr. Dohertj is chairman of n committee of produc er' and refiners now rnnaiiltliiR with nutoinobilc makers to reach n eolu tlon. The contemplated bureau of slatKtics 'find researcli to lie etablKlied by the institute will den I with the problem. William II Manning, director of the i T'nited States linrenil of Mine, jcsler 'day asked tlie iiistitute for an nppio- , priulimi of SI.00ll.OtM) a jear for the proposed bureau, the niouej to be raised j 'on a pru rata basis lij icfltirrn and pio dueers. Mr. Dohertj predicted thet n nti- , factory soliitinn would be found with out causitie erinus Iii iu cflicicncj through the lower grade fuel. Triple Holiday on Local 'Change The gotcriilni: Himtnilloc of the l'hll Ittlelpliln Stoik I'xchaiiRe lodaj Mited t close the exchatiRe Sntuidnj. thuv mak- i luff a triple holidnj nb prnidrd R'Mi- erally bj the sto.k and comniodlt mar kets of the rountrj . i LONDON METAL MARKET ork. Aur IS l.nlle ft.Mo. n re reived a! Hi V " urU- in. ml .x.hinivi quoted prices til I I'lnli-n lu.li 11 i fi.l nvv " i'ln-f-finot f-il ilnlln .if hi- tutuicr. tsna ci. it ilion "f ft uriiitH in; losi of til- tal' P"it "in Inn" future 20O tons ii.incl iril Cuiii r-p"' (97 1 . futures as 1 if liotn iiow it 1"i tl. 6pot fiOO lull Ilr-f t ..1 . 1 1, net livilllnble J."iJ .Spilt E.lli fntur.-. r". 7' till Ixilh unrhnng I Si. lur 1 t'tT l.'. fuluren. (3S irm i In-" of 1 "'i 'm i.i.ih sTminr Norit i.h RBCaeiirS lo Uristol Burlington Island t'Park and Trenton Sea the Beautiful Upper Delaware WKK.MI.W .WIMMi 1THIM Altl'll ST. Mll.Utr Vor lliirlliielon Island l'urk 8:30 A. M.. 0 r. M. For HrllCiI anil Trenton S 30 A. Jt . 1-00. fi-00 V JI For Trenton Only 11:00 A. M. (Trenton Express) Sunday Schedule & Labor Day For Ilnrllnirtnn iMlnml rnrk1 h:jo. 110:00 A M.. 1:00. S:30. 5.00 I'. SI. For Hrl8lol II) ou A M, 3 3". r, on. 8:30 p M For Trrnton 8:30. 10:00 . M.. 1:110, S:30. s.sm. '80 r. M. One imv fare 'J.'ic Satnriln ( Sun days and HolMa9, 30r. I'tilldrfn 15c Moonlight Excursion ! Tonight & Every Evening up the Beautiful Delaware Thrce-drk Iron Steamer Queen Anne jeavea f m . jrrn m unari .Moon llchts Friday Saturday anil Hunday 55c. Including war tax. utner stents. 40c. The' following companies offer INSURANCE of all kinds I Beidler & Bookmyer General INSURANCE BROKERS 424 Walnut Street fcemtord f7 Uatn ,t New York Office 95 William Street 1817 1919 Fire Association OF PHILADELPHIA N. W. Cor. 4th & Walnut Has given Its policy holders 31.ua Indemnity for more than ons hundred years nnd has never been bo stiong financially as now. Have you a policy In this old and rllnhli Oimrmnv? CHARTER 1'EUPETUAL WILLIAMS C& WALTON General Insurance Agents Nos. 416-420 Walnut St. PHILADELPHIA Commonwealth Casualty Company Oldest Philadelphia Casual tti Camnnny Assets $700,000.00 Automobile and Teams Accident and Sickness Insurant Attractive Liberal Katea Poltcltl 1 Vrompt Claim SerTlca Aih Your Broker for Commonwealth Protection Call, tcrtte or pnonif Drexcl liuiitting m iauiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiimiiii f. 11TA ll arMn I J?C XiUlU ITXctllilU M j Insurance Company of j TH riiiijwnTnTTrTiFi . ifiTr ..ii il mii3dsS7SSSiit-;iSlr& .w.HTr7. s a? :-y .& k n!,ii.,Uni,i i AtrtHoan Btock nturonc, Ca. Pounded i 17St ratawHal .- .... ... .M. 000,000 , 0, 000.000 f Jsaasls, r , . ., f!1 to rcucr- ..sis.voo.ooa Ld ,m raid IVm i:. ..S703.14T.SM n... i 'S? U. . 13.1. Ill L3 !: tY u GOSSIP OF THE STREET 1 SOFTNESS OF STOCK MARKET OT A flflTTs T DLfilylllfU (Jl , , .,,..,, ,. ,. ,. . , Financial District Gossip of thv Street TMll! attitude of the railroad shopmen to 1'iesidenl Wilson's appeal was said by some to be accountable for the softness of the slock market at the opening jcsterda morning. The labor tUi"tlou seems to dominate for the time ccr.Uhlns In the financial district, and as one broker put it "there can be mi stabllit till c see which a. the cnt will jump." There seems to be a feeliiiK In linanchil circles that labotittK men in all the inilustrics jlo not want n strike at the present time, uinl if questioned itnli idiiallj Mould sn the are satisfied with both wages ami hours of work. This sentiment was expressed b.i a banker who bail made some personal inquiries with the result Hint he was forced to ioiicIimIc that the labor lenders, alone are responsible for lite present unrest symptoms ntnniiL' the men. lie claimed that workmen aic not inclined to keep up the puimculs of their dues u hen there Is aliilliilniit work ami Rood pa us at pteseul, nml the lead ers, who would ollicrwbc be unknown to the innk nntl tile, must ulwajs find some means of keeping tip mi agitation so as to keep the cofleis of the unions tilled anil hold on to their jobs. There Is nlnuM iniiwrnal satisfaction oxer the manner in which Presi dent Wilson took hold of the situation, and nmoug uinuv the belief is held that when he has made up his mind thnt he is right, he will be hard to inoxe iu nil) other dins turn. Those who hold this opinion lire certain lie has made up his mind lie is on the right trat k A well known broker who holds this opinion sniil that some one hnil once referred to President Wilson's mttiil as a Otte-tiack mind, mid there is some justice in the t-emaik "lie is on the one right track now." he said, "not onlv in reft reiii-e tti the railriiaii sliopmeti but to nil foi ms of labor, and il will siiottl ho seen if llieie will lie ii i ollisiou or a rexersitig of the power lo axonl it " IVisiuinllx, he said he helievetl the labor leaders would see lite danger signals alii ail anil i excise " The) will surel) see. he added, that a strike nt the picseut tunc would pnrnl)e business of exer) kintl nntl entail itiilohl Miflering llnoitgh lite unposiiilit oT teiering food. Sin Ii aition wotiltl in nil jtrohahilil) hurt Hie melt iiuil their families mole than an) other members of the t oiitiuniiil) . and the) cetlniiil) ate not liltltd lo the oots(jetlrcs I'ltunb's iipiires Arc Misleading Hitring the iceent controers oxer the xxholesale , harges ol fraudulent capitalisation of rnilriuiN b) lilcnn I) t'lutub. counsel for Hie inilioad brotherhood, thete wtte u good man) opiiimus eiresfed both pro nml ion. Perhaps one of the best replifs to Mi. Plumb's charges on this particular point is the xaluatinn allowed li.x the dixisiou of xaltiation of the Intel stale Commerce I 'omiutssion to the t'hicaco and Kock Islantl sxstem of S410.0ti0. 110(1. wliiili is Sli-I.f HKl.tlllO in excess of its total :l pit ii I i .at ion. ineliitliug its inpital stock- In nilditioii there is an uiuount of SI 0.1. (It 10, 000 in dispute xxliieh the inanagemeiit thinks at least a part should be allowed by the commission. If the other s.xstcnts mentioned b) Mr. Plumb its lsdng nxrrcapilnllzed, show up as xx ell. and according to some iiixestipeut houses the) should make a better shoxviltg tlian the Chicago and lioek Islantl, Mr. Plumb will haxc to rex ise Ins tigures. Marked Improvement in Hand Sales Expected Iiond bouses say thnt there is a siKh nupinxeinenl in business iluiing the last fexx dus. TIlis is cspeeinll) the i ase with bouses xxhnsc spccialt) is equipments. Mail) linns do not expect a return to not null before September .". There is a gootl deal of satisfaction in bond circles oxer President Wilson's stand on the xxage question for labor, as it xus fenrtd in some plarcs'thnt the continunl inroads of the xxage demands xxntihl exenluully, if acceded to. tit into income iu sin h a xxa.x as to jeopardize fixed charges. rirnis who deal large!) in municipal issues sa.x they expect a tlood of such issues at once. The market has been practical!) bare of new municipal issues for a long time, the) sa) , hut inquiries the) are receixiug from many municipalities that icfrnined from issuing bonds for much -needed improxe ments during the war bhow- they can xx-ait no longer. Decreased Exports Result of Shipping Conditions There is a difference of opinion in the financial district as to xxhether the inuch-talked-of decrease iu exports for .lulx resulting in u serious decline iu foreign exchange, xxas u natural result or due in -i Iaige measure to the shipping strikes here and abroad during thnt month. The actual figures of the 1'uitetl States exports decreased from .$!lS.iM-.-000 in .Tuue to !Ci70,0(I0.01I0 m ."liilj - a falling off of over .14h,00(),000 or nearly S per cent This xxas the smallest of any current month during the present jear. At the same time the imports were the largest for un) mouth In the country's histor) At present there are no tigiiics available to shoxx whut extent the shipping .strikes xxere responsible for the deciease iu exports UTEAMeUIII' MlTlf'K (riniifnKfr nml Trflirlit Servlie) NEW YORK lo LIVERPOOL Cat-mania e,lt' , Z Aquitania ePj- J Orduna Sept. 2. farmania Oct. .1 Orduna 9t 2S rarmania ov- 3 NEW YORK to CHrRROURG and SOUTHAMPTON Mauretania Oct. 13 Mauritania Nov. 8 NEW YORK to PLYMOUTH, HAVRE and SOUTHAMPTON Royal George Aur. 30 Royal George Oct. 4 Royal George , Nov. 1 NEW YORK to PLYMOUTH and CHERBOURG Caronia Sept. 24 Caronia Oct. 29 1 NEW YORK to PLYMOUTH, HAVRE and LONDON Saxonia Aug. 30 Saxonia Oct. 4 Saxonia Nov. 6 BOSTON to GLASGOW Klvsia Sept. 17, 'Scindin Sep,t. 271 i NEW YORK to PIRAEUS ' I Pannonia Sept. I NEW YORK to GLASGOW I Columbia Sept. 6 I PHILADELPHIA to LONDON , Vennonia Sept. f Vennonia Oct. 18 1 Philadelphia-Bristol (W) Venusia aept. Iu Venusia Oct. 25 Pier 1G South 1300 WALNUT ST.. l'llII.ADKI.I'HIA CALIFORNIA AND PACIFIC COAST Selllnf Axency Sollrltril br Company Kstabllslird 180S At llaok Ilcfsrencfs. Facllltln Warehouss Addre,s. SeJf HZ & Q- 8an Franrlsco. Calif. rr Regular Sailings MARSEILLES and BARCELONA Steamship ELM BRANCH Sailing About September 25th Loading: at Port Richmond, Sept 12th For Rates and Particulars apply to a American Steamship Navigation Company Real Estate Trust Bldg. Telephone, Walnut 3l0-301 .iH.jJu.i&xlm, ',:: . WJ.n HaJV.. ftr,W C.wtsiS-mtfi tunirn 'li iiilni ihaaritiililiaMa D A TT nr A r 714r.rr'7V7'il"',"r,lltl! "' " report from Consul 1i1u1v(JiJL) lrJllflU'urri I,. Hoover, slxty-elfrht shoe factories In the state, of Y.liich seven- ' 0r tile I 11111'. l',VVryillHlf( III tllC Empire TouPvS1. Adirondack Iroqnnln and Onondntra TralU Thr famous automobile rnuttn in NEW YORK STATE Good roada and excellent notela. Handy pocket booklet contalnlnc full 'n formation of routes and maps mailed free. Addreaa F N. 11AI.V. Sec'r. EMPIRE TOURS ASSOCIATION Newliarirli. New York STKMIIU NOTICES Merchants & MinersTrans.Co I Operating: Frelelit ami Pnsaencer Steaniihipg In resralar arrvlce between UoRtun unci Philadelphia Hottton and .Norfolk i llonlon and Baltimore rroIJence and Norfolk ' Providence nnd Hnltlmore l Philadelphia, Haaimali and JackaonrllU Baltimore- nnd Norfolk HuHImore and Boftton Bnltlinore nnd Providence t Baltimore, Hnvannnh and Jnckionvlllt Fnll Information General Ajrent enrh Port BROOKS STEAMSHIP CORPORATION rilll.ADEI.rillX ANI NEW YORK lo I HAMBURG. COI'KNHAOKN. DANZIG and.1 HKLMNGFORS BUSHONG September 1 . ANOKA September 5 I'lllLAIIELrillA to IIAVRK AWENSDAW September 1 NF.W ORI.KANS lo IIHKOS AIRK3 ALDERMAN September 2 ARGENTA September 12 ! A 1 I.lnjJ RrElntrr ' For Rates and Information Apply MEGEE, STEER & COMPANY 401-46307 DreiM Dnllillnt riilldf)nhl Ii5jbari0ll .Mo. EARN LINE Philadelphia Havana GENERAL CARGO U. S. Shipping Board Steel Steamers 5. S. "LAKE GALERA". . . .Sept. 15 S. S. "LAKE FLUVANNA" Oct. 3 For rates and particulars apply to i Earn Line Steamship Co. I ,48 nullllt IIMr.. rhlladtlnhia from Philadelphia To 'J 1 BUSINESS NOTES " j Tlio niaiuifacliirlns Inilinlrles In ! which leather is tised are well (level- joiieil in Sao Paulo, Brazil, there licltiK, I 'leen are larue nml well-cipilppcd. The Na Department's sale of cot ton goods, bids on xxliieh xxere opened 'xesterda), was disappointing from a standpoint of prices. In contrast xxlth the recent ami) sale, at xxhiclt goods were sold at pi lees alioxe the current, tnaiket quotations, bids on the iiuxal i ' ... 1 II. - .. .. ...-!1l ..... ill' 1 1 iiimoisr xxeie Mill ll'ltail) nutlet picseut x'nlties. ' ()ueslioiiu.iltes. on width me to be slateil the qtiautit) and kintl of xal dxes that will lie needed for the next six mouths, xxere mailed )clcrday It) the National Association of Shirt Mnn uftietuicrs lo printers of cloth, djcrs. n ox en inrii tl.xers and all mills tliut i .Ixr. Ilw.le r,.. i, Mirn Tt.ls mi.II.iii ,i. """ '" s I' "' MHUShter's rcallllllro, ilxe (lieu own jam. I Ins action wns,Mr ,, 0ar(ii stlt s 1(ui, t, int. taken ut the rcnticst of the xxar trade i lio.irtl to fneilltiite its work data on xxliieh to haxc the in securing I issonnen nf I 1 Sllllll'l "I , an nrilcr allowing the itnini ilnile mi- porta , of vat d)es from Cermnii). The next season's xoo! ilip in Sotltll . . , , ,. , f ,ni. in. i I'i'iiiis'r. i" ii.- us.. i un" im from burrs, at folding to a member of a I'oston xxool litm xxho has just re 'limied fioni n Ilip to Argentina. He leause of the sexcrc tainstorms the xvool ' xx ill haxc a ttiidene) to be lender, is ', his iqimion , Dress m.'iuufaclurer.s repoil the ro- let'ipl of more ortlei s than usual, fol lowing Ihe etui of the initial fall bu.Miig 'season 'Ihe Tar W'esi and Middle West rxlXIKItKKc0KT'' . ti,n lie cm r wo'rd-- BLACKSTONE xlrclulii axe. anil the nenc'i, overiooHinir the Steel Pier. Ciinarltt .'.HO. Kxrry eer ire, loeifort and enjoxinent. Sen water baths, tirlxnle and puhllc, SihmIiiI Anierl ran plan 1st ua dallji European plan $1 up ilillx. iito lots to traiiis. Modern tnnle and iiirutlxo hiiltia ileal, attached. HOTEL ESPLANADE Al IIOI.I. iti.orK (tN ()( i; I'RONT iU MniKII ' II- If-t'tt HfftloTl I'nth Hipl "" wwtir hiitlm iniplil" itpitoiDtiHriii Mtnlfin utit ill t-irtiii"!-. UrcliLBtra, etllll 1 hdni Hi U.llV ItlR GRAND ATLANTIC A Irctnlii v. nrnr Dnirht tHiiarllr, COOj lrktl tnniipru jirlMito VmthH iloatur eti notnblt mil' fn Mi up (lulls ppHclnl weekb . auto bur( iiifM tntint BooKleth linthholela under ownership tllri-itinn I" SHAW I Rhode Inland Ae. near Itoanlnalk Open nil Miir Amcr. nnd tturopt'iin Plnn 1 All rutvldr roomc Sultrn w tii batb Orrhoatra Dnnclnf? t'apncllv 250 1 Hot and cold hou untor liitlin. Spec.nf I'd 11 rate. Now tiooklnff. HII TMOltU IIOTCI CO Vlnciniii Air. doe lo briirh and hteel Pier. ( ap. S.T0. Am plnn, prh, Imtlm. ritn'c water. flfntar. Ilpcn all nr.J.J1.J.I.lJis.i)nrr. , i " theWTltshire " , Virginia Ae and Ileach orean Iew, ca-. I pirltj 3.i0 prhutf baths, running water till j rnotnH elevator, etu American plan, apoclul , weekly r.tteij, booklet gAMlTni HIJJS. ( 1 PITNEY New ,nrIt ac "rrir Kich. I 1st- law houaf fahlo iiliitn- Janity empplied with best market affords !r hatnn, all ( oneiueni h, naihlnp Irom nous', free nhuwer baths t- fiO up dallv SI I 00 up neekl Oapauty 2.10 M C SWECNKY TRAYMORE mmitxm iWmiiS GREATEST HOTEL SUCCF; " HOTEL CONTINENTAL AtwajB open Always ready Term mod M Walsh Duncan rate. Phono or write lieach Ifuthln from huuy. npn all yeir Tiki t A i: MAHION Avon Inn 0n end X'lrglnla Ae Prix at n"",uu,lH, runnlnc wnter: levatijr tn utreet Buperlor table. H XX' XVIIllama. NllTTALL DIKKCTLV ATLANTIC AVn AND HOA11DWAI.K Rpprhurnnr! Kentucky Axo near Iieoch Diccuwuuu nnd nil attraction, jo nil unrt'llv Ml' .n un xreeklv V Mirkenthum. Npw Clarion K" Ave- r!earn " INew v-iariunnrio)le,t a ,. j,oniface. rHI'B MAT. N. J I S,e :tI?SS hufloh nnii Ttendinfr Station. CutslriA 1 Fce'.led. G13 Coin mb In Are. I Prop. O, J. Corle. MONTCrAin. N. J. IDEAL COUNTRY HOME Hotel RAontc.air MONTCTjAIR, n. j. XWT IlEMOHTFtltl.Y SITUATr.D KKmrtKNTIAI. HOTEL IN NEW limii's Hrnrniis. v OVEN TUB ENTIRE YEAIl FRKIIERirK ('. HAI.I. COMPANY XTFRNKRSVJI.I.E, PA. Walters Park Inn WERNERSVILLE, PA. THE GREATEST 1'I.X.CE IN The Blue Ridge Every Modern Appoint ment. We'll Send You Homo Happy and Healthy SPECIAL RATE I ,UW Dav W.l-.Fnrl cm Snturdar. Auviist SO. Inrlodlnir Rupir, iu iiirnunj. Tin. ii. inciuaiuK irrKlnsl Single Room for One... $18.75 Double Room for Two. .$35.00 I.fiiro Ilrudlni Ttrmlnal 4:35 ArrUe M'rrncrsllle 015 Mondur Ifute WerntrsilMe 0:01 Arrite Thlladtlplila 10:50 Chair cars both ways. Please make reservations. l'auious Throughout the Country Have You BeenHere?1 ' AUUON Will taka Bummw Boardeis In ray beauil. ful tarm homa; rood food and flna locations also provlda permanait homo for ared D'e who ara willing to pay for comfort. OAUD1CN Sl'OT TADI.K WATKtt CO. AKTOn, 1'A. VTAWIIINOTOW. n. O. Burlington Hotel jjttt than five minutes from eierythlnf. American and European Plans 431 Rooms, 222 Baths. $2 & Up II. T MILLER. Manas-ar. BOSTON; MAHS. BARITONE, experienced L music, desires position. yviute "I'tM.. f I a MOTEL PURITOI i -JK-t CcaonraalB Av ftotcrv 1 B r9P The Distinctive B I v4CK Boston House I yACnsm One ot the moat hotnalBw I J JaW ll,r 'I hotale In t worti y P,l..C0jtf P0 fVjt IWWfit Potoa. JetWtwtt. J BHJaiO Catbollo church p 123. I.dm retailers are sendlnn in reorders, it Li attlrf, upon the strength ot the early business they have done iu their re. siicctUc comintinltles. flwje.i nml other fine' tullletl roods f01' immediate and sprlnc tiso continue " ' "" most MHisiif rnurics in tiio olen Roods marked, with the avnll- "l,' supply relatively the smallest from uhicli the trade has ever had to make .elect ions. Beatfjs ANlll.n.so.V Auc, III. at !UncMn N .f . Xl.xtlX' JA.VK. xxldnxx of (.'atitaln l'lnrl Arderwon. utfert on Iteiatlxei. ntul friends n vltij lo runnnil. M. I) Church. Hrldicrtmro. N .1 i':3li r m tilt Itrldirelioro, N. I l''rtni(Js tna ejill xectileine of daushtcr. Mrs i i.iiaxkwj u i ricna, iianeoras. is. u., juuin. ' txe lixmn. Mlldilenlx Alia. n. TltriODOttl. O . liuilmnd of Mario Ft JIauer. ndatlves and frk-nils Inxlteil tn funeral aerxleeH. Hat 1 a in.. 11.717 XX". I'uniucrl.inil si. Int. V'i xate. ni:rKi,i:t At Atlantic cii Auc -n. lllIMtlm'TA IlWKt.KV (nee x'ort). xxlfe of Willliini C llelklc Uelatlxes and friends llixlted Iu funeral Sat , ' p m.. reftldence of liu-1'uii.l. sojn I'n.fhn axe, Atlantic City. N ,l In tiriXHtc rienKunlvUIn lm lllAJAMIN' AUK. 'J7. ADI.INi:. widow of leu ie NVImoii Jlenjemln. nRed S.7 Itolrt- lives ami frlcnd Invlud n funeral perx- Nurtli bast Mrthodlst Cent, Cei l county, Murxlnnil. Sat HKV.N'1'.lt Xun: 27. ANNA llll.NNnrt. w Idoxx of t'harles .XI Kenncr ltelallxes and frl.n.1. In, Oct I.. r........l . Ina a. .-..a,. ......' ...-., ... lull-Ill. rri in ,'. .. icni- demo of son. Wllll.im 11 Hennr. S02t 1) ?,'' 'JnX ' rim 3'M " '" ItllRllKN Aub 21 JAMKH I, noil of tho I tate XIUIatn and Julia A llern-en (nee Klley). I llHatlxew and friends Invited to funeral, I Sat s 30 a nt reildeiiee of uncle. Thomas j ixsmard RON RAth st Weisl Phlla Sol etnn tilKli tnaas Chun h 10 a m. aerx tee of reuuletn St Airatha'n Int cathedral cem. Auto ntsnor' Aur 27 HANNAH T. . wldoxV i rif Clement II lllstiop runeral t'rl . 3 p. I tn . leeldenre uf nlete, Xlra 1'rnnk II. Clart-' lln sik N. 21th st Int private HilWXtAN uc ".7 (IKOttni; A son of lute ti'orpe anil .Xlarx Huwntan lletallxea snd fl lends Inxlt'it tn funeral t'rl 7."l) it Mi lisldence of hlother In laxx Otlo , Muiliis 2.717 H Ibmard t MaH Lhurch of i mr l.ad of Alt CuriuU 0 a. in. Int. tlotx Cross Cetn UlTl.i: - Auc 2d Kit ItAI.PIt n. IliiM.i;, hu"l!nil of Katharine A Ifotledie Poidirl Itehiltxee and frlende. Noxtetlea ot xhkli Ie- uuh a tiieinle r. nulled to funeral, sal s .711 a in 17.22 XX (jliard axe Sol emn tilKli iiiiihm of teiiuiem Church of Tho fieeu in ti in nil prixaic. Holy i tuna i ctn. Xtlt ' fiin n t llltXTluV ul 2(1 MAllTIJA xvlfe of 1 I Soorkf.-. V Thiitloll Hilallxes and frlenda Inxl'ed tn fuinral u-ixIcch I'ri., 20 p. m. w i: "tw 3SEDUCATIONAL Slfs Until Sfxpn SCHOOL OF (35th rl SUP J9 t tflaPIflFKLlJlB'flPn A r uoukz) ou m Ty -m? in in n nn m W IU Kw EBHI H a MM Register August 27, 28 or 29. The registration offices are open day and evening for enrolling students in Bookkeeping, Shorthand, Secretarial, Typewriting, Applied Business and Management, Accounting (C. P. A. Day), Finance and Commerce (Day), Reporting and Commercial English. The Evening School of Accountancy opens Sep tember 29, also the following special courses: Realty, Conveyancing, Advertising, Business and Sales Corre spondence, Credits and Collections, Traffic Rates and Management, Plan Reading and Estimating,' Industrial Organization and Management, Salesmanship and'Cost Accounting. The Saturday Morning Course in Methods for Public School Teachers (Degree Credit) begins Octo ber 4. Write today for Catalog F-l 1. TEMPLE UNIVERSITY Broad Street Below Berks, Philadelphia WANAMAKER INSTITUTE OF INDUSTRIES N, W. Carnrr 23d and Walnut 8trH Begin Sept. 18, and End April 6 Tuition Cost for the Period Drawlnt I 8.00 I'nlnllnr oil. xrnttr and china.... 12.00 Enlli.li I.ancuae " lYtnch or Spanlih 10.00 Plana or Violin M.W Ktenotroiihy liretnnrra 21.00 htenoffrauhy. advanced 1 rewriting onlj , i.ua 14.UU zt.oa iiwiHiirrpiiiK ..,. lln.l.l.....ln.. U.nkM anil Trnetxrltlne combined .'. ?HX Flllns and Imlexlni iO-.M HuHlnc KntlUh lJ-0 lluxlnei Arltbmetlo lg.nO 1'eniiinnNhlp J.un Correspondence .5'a!; rubllc Hchool foreigner 1B.00 Piilille Hchool Illiterates " Prlntlnr ".JO Renl Entntc and Conrcjanclne ,... Jo.oa Public Sneaklnr (fur men) 1a2!i Art Needlenorlc nnd Crocheting ... .J.00 rookerjr nnd Dometle Science .... JJ.JJ I)reKmilklng or Mllllnerr 11.00 Architectural Drawing and Spstl- flratlon 22-22 Mechanical Drawing IS'!:1: Hue Print Reading for mechanic!. I?."! EnirraTlng 2(.00 Hutch and Clock Making and IU- . pairing -n(l TelegraphT 1B.00 Cutting Men' Clothing 18.00 PEIRCE SCHOOL of Business Administration "Amrrlca'a Foremost Business School" Intensive courses to prepare young men and women to fill the demand of Philadelphia business houses for trained workers for responsible po sitions. Day and evening sessions. Ex perienced instructors. Send for 55th Year Book. Pine St. West of Broad, Philadelphia, Pa. JBANKsS1 Don't BMINEM .- rnfr) I B fJf..Ftffjlii JJrJJMJLsMJl Hunt a Job PreDare yourself for a rood place In the business world, and make the Job hunt you. Qualified workers are alwaya in demand, uwina; to ineanon- ida uf men. there are excentlonal OD poriunuifa ior womenwnoare irameu for buslnesa. Join our claaaea and let iim tirioara vou for one of these splen did places, Day School opens Bept. 2. Nlsht School, Kept a DIP Walnut St Straver's Business College i 7Mlarteljhla' Greatest BusImms fienool ' Skillful teachers Superior eaulpment-. rractlcal courses -Progresslyo management, Tho most successful graduates, Ilsy and night classes Chaises moderate Position guaranteed, riegln your course now, Call write or phone for full particulars. Btrayrr's. 807 Chestnut St. Phone. Wl. 384 Our graduates are In constant demand for good-paying positions. Orerg Shorthand, the easy, speedy aystem. Complete puslneaa and secretarial courses. Special rates for August, inteneiifl irai"is. wnitr any time. Call or write for full SAW particulars ana cautiuauc. il7 iiiii.a. iiimiNixH cii.ij:ii: anil f?nllc of Commerce 1017 Chestnut Ht., Philadelphia "4 '; Night School -!22U2SS52.. ", .! lyJC. nKATlIS eon-ln-law'n reitdenct. Martin Oftlbralth, 4304 Worth at.. Frankford. Itemalm may be viewed Thura. eve. Int. private, - llUItt. At Ilerlln N.J.I AUK. 2.7. itENItT, huband of Mary P, Hurl, aired til. Itelattx-ee and frlenda, Herman-American lien, fioclety of rhlla.. InxltM to eervlces, Prl., 1:30 p. in , Ilerlln, N. J. int. Ilerlln Cem. Train leavea Market st ferry 12 2S-P m. Or,AnKB Au 27 JOSEPH CLATIKE. aued 43. Ttelutlx-en and frlenda. Fraternal Order of Dairies, No. 3310. and tl. H n. A of Mlllx-llle. N j , invited to funeral. Hat. Hervlcea at the home, 2 p. m Residence. Cheatnut nldre, Oleanboro. N. J. Int. Olaia boro. rtemalns may be xlexved rrl , 7 to 0 p. m. CI.IOOnTT, Aug 2.7, CATHAnlNK. wife of William CligRett and daushtcr of Ann and lata Patrick MrCrory. Ilelatlxea and friends loxlted to funeral. Frl R.30 a. m., resi lience of brother-in-law, James Hayne. 2872 Cedar at. Itequlem huh St Ann's Church J"..n..Tn 'nt New Cathedral Cem. COHNF.I.U Aim 27. MMMA E. (nee Fetter), xvlfe of Joseph M Cornell, aBed 05. rtelHtlxee and frlenda Inxlted to fLneral, Mnn,. 10.30 a in . Churchvllle. Pa. Int. Churchxlllo Cem Autos xlll meet train leavlnc Heading Terminal 0:23 a m. at fhtlrehvllln istallo.. DtXTIV. At .120.7 Paeinn axe. Atlantic Cltv N. J . Auk 20 AI.tCE J., widow of William THic) Funeral aervlcea Frl.. 11:30 a. nt., R it llrinchurat It Co 'a. 1021 Arch t. Int Mt. Morlnh Cem , nUKHIIIl. AliS. 27, Oi:ORflE It . hus band of latn Mary Dreher Inee McliOURhlln), Holatlven nnd frlehda Inxlted to funeral. Hat., s P m . 3727 Melon at . Weal Phlla. Int. Jit. Morlah cem Auto aerxlce. Friends Inxlted to toll T'rl ex-e I'ISHKR Suddenly. Auc. 20. JOHN WIL LIAM KIHHi:rt, huaband ot t.enn Flahcr (ne Haru). asrcil 77. Uelatlxes nnd frlenda. also employes of llenrj Insslon A. Sons, invited to lunerni, sat 2 p m irom reitaence or on-ln-law Jacob XX'altz. 7023 Tulip l,. Taconx-. Int Mapnolta Om FRVllflttl Auk 20. MAV mTllUHO. formerly of L'pper Darlw. Pa . aed 06. Funeral aerx 1 ea Frl 1 p. m , 022 Butter axe.. Ambler Int prlxate OlltDON Auir 27, HELEN R, dauuhter of Alliert and ollxe Cilrdon, nsred 20. Uela tlxes and friend, mrmbora of Newtoxx-n Y. P. R. Alumni of Nrrton High School and em ptoyea of R. ailln Railxxay Union. 13th and Calloixhlll .Ie Phlla Invited to funeral, narenta' reetdeise e XVaahlnston axe, Nexv toxxn. Sun 2 p m Int Nexxloxxn 'Cem. Train for extoxn leavea Reading Terminal, Phlla II n.7 a ni OMJASOV -Aub 27. WII.IJAM OI.HA. HON. Reliitlxxs and frlenda. Ht Malachy'a Hot Name So. let' Invited to funeral. Mnn . N.30 11 ui 1711 V 1.7th at Solemn requiem tnaaa St XIhIhIivh Church In a rn Jul. Hulx Senilli lire Cent Alltn funeral CJOI.UIIAHV Auk 27. PAUI.tNIJ GOLD. HAHN. lfe of Lite Carl J. Ooldhahn. Ret ulixca and friends invited tn funeral aery leea. Frl 2 p. m at parlors or George. XX' Harrett Park and 7ehljrh axea. Int, Norlhwood i em Remains may bo vlcwea Tiiura . ft out 8 to 10 p ni. HAI.I.MAN- Alia. 2.7. at Ithan, Pa.. .JCI l.Y lli:l. t.ls'tis HM.LMAN Ralatlvea and friends nnd mrtinbcrs of llasantree Lodce Nn 37" I O o. F nnd Ardmoro Caatle No in." K CI Invited tn funeral services ft Padnor axe, Ithan. Pa., Frl., t'.ilO p 111 .ira xx 111 meet train ieaxlpi- Until ?2Yn COMMERCE Year) ART AND TEXTILE HCIKI0I.8 ot tho Penn aylvanla Museum and School ot Industrial Art. Hroad and Pino Streets. Open Septem ter 21!d. Circulars on request. Youiisr Men and Il0s William Penn Charter School No. 8 South Twelfth Street PHILADELPHIA Toundetl In lfts and chartered by William Pf-nn on the Fame day h the city of Phila delphia, The Penn Charter (School has main mined an uninterrupted corporate existence. During tho past 4-t enrn, the school has Briuluated flr 1300 pupils, of whom more than P-'Ort have continued their studies in a wcure uf universities nnd professional schools. Tho unusual proportion of alumni who havo taken ono or mora university desrees Is due largely to the character and permanence of the teaching staff, numbering over 30 mem bers Of these the pix senior members have irUen to tho school an average term of. per view ui. u jeurs. r or uirce years mere have been no changes in the staff, save ad ditions to meet the requirements of increas ed enrollment, which has already taxed to capacity the new building, added to equip ment last year. Magnificent playing fields of 22 acres afford ample facilities for the exercise of a school of BOO The 231st j eAr begin September 23rd. The Prospectus for 191H-20 is ready for dis tribution Uuildlngs are open for inspection and class'flcatlon of pupils September 0th. uu'iiaui) Morr nrMMKKK. rh. i. HEAXMLYSTKR The Episcopal Academy LO0UST AND JUNIPER ST8. Founded 178E A thorough education for boys 0 years to college Woodworking and manual training. Spe cial probuslness course. Large athlctlo field, boxing, wroatltnK. Physical culture under the direction of Prof. Wm. J. Herrmann. ltev. P. J. Stelnmeti, Jr.. H. T. D.. Headmaster, at the Academy after Sept. 8th. Reslsters mailed on ap plication. Hchools open. Upper, Sept. 18th ; Middle, 10th Lower, ltd. i FRIENDS' CENTRAL A SCHOOL SYSTEM Write for Year Book and Itatea CHAKI.KS 11URTON WALSH, Principal ' 15th A Hare Nts Philadelphia. Elementary Schools In Different Parts of the City. neopena Ninth Month 23d TtlR FRANKLIN INSTITUTE hCHOUL OF MECHANIC ARTS Drafting. Mathematics. Mechanics, NAVAL ARCIIITUCTUKE nell Market 2378 ' 15 B. Seventh St. CHKSTNCT HILL. I'A. Chestnut Hill Academy KT MAIITIN'S. CIIKSTNI7T HILL. VA. Preparation for college. An Ideally located country day and boarding school for boys. P.DAcIallv low rates for five-day boarders. High standards of scholarship. Unexcelled athletic equipment. Including three playing fields, gymnasium, swimming pool and recre ation bunainor. iieopens BepiepiDer , Catalogues on application. Young Women and fllrla FRIENDS? CENTRAL SCHOOL SYSTEM Iieopens Ninth Month 23d Write far Yesr Book a'nd Rates CHAIILLX BURTON WALSH. Principal 18th It Rare Sts.. Philadelphia, Elementary Schools in Different Parts of the City, The Gordon-Roney School For Girls. 411! Spruce Street Genersl and Cclleae Preparatory Courass. J Hoot aaraen ana una. wis iiunar, -rtn. nKATH doth St. Terminal at 1.30 and 1.50 at Had nor, HAMILTON Aug. 2Ti CATHKHMR C. wife of Hugh Hamilton and daug-iter of lata Wllllarri J. and Mary E. Henry. Relative and frlenda Invited to funeral. Sat., 8 a. m.i 2247 S. Kront st. Solemn high mass of re quiem Church of Our l.ady of Mt. Carmel H:.1(l a. in. Int. Holy Cross Cem. Auto funeral. , HAHTLKT Aurf. 2d. KEDAlt 1IAUT I.Ky, hueband of late Sarah Hartley, Itela Uves and frlenda invited to funeral services. Krl.. 1:80 p. m.. parlors of 8. I", Pranken. field Son;. r.8((0 Vine at. Int, Hlilslde Cem. Trolley funeral. Remains may be viewed Thurs., 8 to 10 p. m. JIJSOI.INqfi . Aug. 25. at Moorestown. N. J.. IIBI.U.V.S. wfcLD. widow of Albert O Heullnes. I'uneral services. Thurs.. i P. m.. Trinity Churnh, Moorestown. N. J. Frlerds may call 223 J3, Main st. after It n. m. Thurs. IIORN.-Aug. 2(1. ELIZABETH M.. wlfa of Oeprito P. Horn (nee Uhl). Ilelatlves and friends lnlted to funeral, rrl. 8-80 a. m.. II7 ii!".th ttv'- Lansdowna, Pa. High mass St l'lilloincna's Church 10 a, m. Int. prl aH, Holv Cms Cem. 1VINS ANNA 1,. IVINS. widow nf Aaron n. Ivins Second-day. Hlghth Month 2.1th, at residence of daughter Mrs. George (loner, Taroma, Wash. Notice of funeral KIRCHHOr. Aug. 27. JOSErif J. ictncii Hor. Itelatlvea and friend's Invited to fu nerat. Sat., 8:30 a. m.. residence of brother-in-law, A Werdbch, 1012 N Randolph st. Solemn requiem mass St. Peter's Church 10 n m. Int .Most Holv Redeemer Crn. KONKOEN. Autr. 28. RAYMOND S.. son of Harry nnd Rachel Konegen, nged 8 years 4 mos. Relatives and friends Invited to funeral. Sat.. 2 p m.. parents' residence, Delaware ave., Marcus Hook, Pa. Int. I.awnerest Cem, "lR.YT Ag. 27 MARY ANN LEVY (nee ..m."r,'- widow of Lewie Levy, aged B. "elatljea and friends, also Daughters of I'enbody Lodge, Sons of HI. Oeorge. Invited to funeral senlces. Sat. 2 p. m.. 1317 Morris M Int. Pernwood Cem. Auto cor lrii'.lP'.,2?" mav c" r"rl.. 8 to 10 p. m LYRRAND. Aug. 2S. MARY n.. widow of Abner J L brand, aged no. Relatives ana friends InMled to funeral services. Sat.. 2 p. m . 18.12 E. Wensley at. Int. Oakland cem. Remains may bo viewed Frl. eve. t.iWA?-:W.----Ii- " "- MARY ELIZA I1LTH, dauiihler of the lato Medical Di rector James McClelland. U, s. N.. and wlfp of Henry D. Maxwell, of Easton. Pa. Jlrt AHH - Aug. 23. MARY A, daughter or late .Michael and Anna McCabe. Rela lives and friends InMted to funeral, rrl.. H'SO a. tn . 2101 Pemberlon at. (2Iat and Fltjanter sts.). Solemn high mass of re fiulfin SI. Charles's Church 10 a. m. Int.' 1 "'"edrsi C'ein Auto service, MKIIKLEE. Aug 'JS, SARAH M., daugh ter ot laic Alexander W.und Margaret A. Dob bins Relative and friend" lnIIM to fU"T Int, brlvste. ,MOnAN. irrnn.p, KDWARD C. JIORAN, son of Martin J. and tho late Hannah Moran aged 'J. Relatives and frler.ils. aluo soldWi, sailors and marines.. itilgMs of Columbus. Marquette (Council and all oilier societies of whlih he was a mem ber, lnlttd to attend tho solemn requiem mas'., Frl. 10 a. in . Ht St. John the Bap tist Church ut MnnaMink. . MONEte-Aug L'7. HENRIETTA K. MDhhS Du- notice of funeral will be given irom ri2H N sath st Sll'.MMERT Suddenly Aug. 20. EMU, If huibuml of Julia Mummert (nee Lind ner! Ilelatlves and friends, all organlsa lions of which he was a member. Invited lo runeral eerMces. Frl., 2 p. m.. 1127 i. "in fr nn. private. Krienas may call Ihurs eve. . NEW HOLD --At Haerford, Aug. 20. HELEN, ilnughter of lato Michael and Kslher li. Nenbold. Relatives and friends lnvlled to services, residence, 200 8. 21st kt . ShI , 11 k. m. Int. private. Omit flowers NOLAN Aus '-'7, MARY A NOLAN. nleni nf Maty hnilth Rlatles and friends lnvlled to funeral. Sat.. 8.30 a. 111.. 1048 .N 22d st. Solemn requiem high mass St Lllnbeth's Churi.li 10 a. m. Int. Holy Fepul. hro Cem O'HAllA Auc 20. DOMINICIC. son nf lalo Dnvld and Mary O'Hara (neo Logue), fortnerlv of Falrmount. Relatives and friends, n . M Sodality of Aecenslon Church, In vited to funersl, Frl . 8..10 a. m., brother's residence, 8023 1) st Solemn high mass t'lil'rch of Ascension 10 a. in. Inl Cathedral Cetn Auto service. i Ol'PERMANN. At Poring City. Pa.. Aug. 2.J. lAHLLNE P. OPPKRMANN. daught'r of Albert und Alice II. Oppermann. aged IP, Relatives and friends lnvltod to funeral, .without further notice. Sat, 10:30 a. W, 4, residence of uncle. A. F. Reshon. 21(1 Chest nut sv . nprmg tity, l'a, int. Chelten Hills Cem.. Philadelphia. Remains may be viewed at Spring city Frl , 7 to 8.30 p. in., or at cemeterv. Philadelphia. Sat.. 1 p. m. POLl'M'. Aug. 26. SARA EMILY, daugh ter of Harry W. and Ann D Foley, aged 3. Relathea and friends Invited to funeral services. Frl . 1 :80 p. m . resldenco of par ents. 1030 Illavls St.. JNIcetown. Int. pri vate. Forest Hills Cem. Friends mny call Thurs eve POST. Aug. 27. MARY, wife of Then doro Post. Relatives and friends Invited to funeral. Sat . 10 a. m 8323 N. Hope st. jni ureenmount cem 'Auto runeral. I POWELL. Aug 2.1. at Cresco. Pa.. CHAllt-iiTTtc iti.itrK rrivt..T.r. .i.,,.ki.. of late J Carter and Janet Ronaldson Powell. Funeral services at St. Clement's Church, 20th and Cherry sts.. Krl.. lo a. m. Int. private. PRESTON Aug 20. 1IARY ANN. widow of John Preston. Relatives and friends In lted to funeral services. Frl.. 3 p. ni.. 6030 Wlssahlckon ave. Germantown. Int. Mt. Morlah Cem. Remains may be tewed Thurs eve, PIHNTZ. Aug. 2.1. LEWIS CASSELL PRINTZ, husband of Annie Prlntz (nes Shaw). Relatives and friends, employes of Atlantic Refining Co. Invited to funeral. Frl . 10 a m.. 2M Morris et. Int. private. Bethel Cem. PJemalns may be viewed Thurs., H to 10 p. in. Norrlslown papers copv Auto service. REARDON. Aug 23 CATHARINE VERONICA, daughter of Sarah A. (nee Larkln) and late Martin J. Reardon, Rela tives and friends P. R It clerks Rrnad St. Station, invited to funeral. Frl.. 8.30 a, m . residence of mother, 2418 S. lnth st. Sol emn requiem mass Church of St. Monica 10 a m Int Cathedral cem. Auto service. RICKERT Suddenly. Aug. 27, ALBERT, son of Valentine A. and Bertha A. Rlckert (nee Kellner), nged 3 ears 2 montha. Rela tives ond friends lnvltod to funeral services. Sat , 2 p m., parents residence, Forrest ave. and Upsal st , Germantown. Int. Chel ten Hills Cem RIVELY Aug. 2R. JANE, widow of John Rlvely. aged 8.1. Relatives and frlenda In vited to funernl services, Frl,. 2 p. m., flnanel Hall epth anA Mlffiln sts. Int. Block. ley Cem Auto funeral. Friends may call i Thurs , after 7 p. tn. HODOERS. Aug. 27. IPABEL RODGERS (nee Brown), widow of William Rodgers. aged 71 Relatives and friends Invited to funeral servlres. Sot., 2 p. m . residence of son. John B Rodgers. 0O0 Oneida ave.. West mont. N J Int New Camden Cem. Friends may call Frl after 7 p. m HALTER -Aug 27. SARAH B. SALTER (nee Karsner). wife-of William Salter. Rela tives and friends Invited tn funeral services. Sat., 2 p m.. from 212 Hillside: ave . Jenk Intown. Pa. Int. private. Auto funeral. Friends may call Frl.. 8 to 10 p. m. SANDERSON. Suddenlv. Aug. 20. MAR OARET O., widow of Howard Sanderaon (nee Flynn). Relatlvea and frlenda Invited to funeral, Frl. 8-30 a. m , residence of brother. John J. Flynn. 1024 Master st. Solemn high requiem mass Church of tho Mint Precious Blood 10 a. m Int. private. SARGENT Aug. 20. JOSEPH R.. hus band of Oeoiglnnna Sargent (nee Roach). Relatlvea and frlenda Invited to funeral services. Sat,, a p. m , 4818 Ludlow st. (below Market St.). Int. West Laurel Hill Cem. Remains may be viewed Frl., 8 to 10 p. m. Auto service. SCHOLI.. Aug. 23. -ANNIE E. wife of William O . Schnil and daughter of George W. and Msry E. Schenck. Relatives and friends Invited to funeral services. Thurs . 8:30 p. m.. 2442 N 10th it. Further serv ices and Int. Frl., 3 p. m., Mt. Zlon Cem., Pottstown J'a. 8HARPLESS. Aug. 27. KATHARINE I. SHARPLESS, daughter of late Isaac and Rebecca Sharpless. Relatives and friends Invited to funeral services. Sat.. 2 p. m.. parlors of William H. Strlngtleld. 8001 W. Susquehanna ave. Int. private. Woodland SMALL Suddenly, Aug. 27 at Medford, jr. J.. JOSEPHINE, widow of Edward Small. aged 82. Relatives and friends Invited tc funeral services. Sat., 2 p. m., at the resi dence of Dr. Alexander II. Small, Riverside, N. J. Int. Harlelgh Cem., Camden, N. J, Friends may view remalna oh Frl. eve. SOWDEN. On Aue. 27, 1010 DANIEL D. SOWDEN, husband of Annie If, Sowden, aged 70. Residence 223 E. Allen st. Due notice of funeral will be given. hTEEN. Aug. 23. MARY, widow of David Steen and daughter of late Ansley and Mary Gallagher, aged 77. Relatives and frlenda Invited to funeral services. Frl.. 2 p. m. 2400 N. Howard st Int private. BTRONO. Aug 20. GWENNIE, wife of George W, Strong, aged 33. Relatlvea and frlenda Invited to funeral, Frl., 2 p. m.. 2541 N. Myrtlewood at. Int. Northwood Cem. Remains nay be viewed Thurs. ev, STROUD. In Norrlstown. Pa,, Aug. 27, ISABELLA ,M. STROUD ,g,a 87. Relf tlves and friends Invited tn funeral, niece's residence, Margaret A. Bodey, (131 Haws ave.. Sat., 3 p. in. Int. private, Montgomery THOMPSON. Suddenly. Au. 23, CHARLES II.. husband of Mary A. Thomp son (nee Dlckaon). Relatlvea and frltnds In vited to funeral services Frl., 2 p. m., 2810 N. 18th st. Int. Ivy Hill Cem. Friends may cairThurs. eve. TOWNflEND At Wlldwood. N. J., Aug. 27. JAMES V.. husband of Harriet B. Townsend (nee Martin). Due nottca of fu neral will be given. TYLK Aug. 27, at Greenville, Del.. WALTER, husband of Ellen Thompson Tyle. Due notice of funeral will be riven later. WA8SERMAN. Aug. 27. HERBERT H., husband of Gladys 8. Washerman, aged Bt, Relatives and friends, Bt. Paul Lodge, No, 481. F and A. M.. Invtted to services. Frl., 2 p. m., parlors of Morris Rosenberg's Son, 2000 N. Broad st, Int. private, Mt. Slnal Cem. t.nrvp.TtT.T Aug. 27. nRfYhnrc XV WECKERLY. husband of Carrie M. Week erlv (ne Lewis). Itelatlvea and friends, also members ot Copkman M. E. Church and Hunaav ocnnuij ;". x i.odse. No. 884. F. and A. M. Pltman Masonla Club! Decatur Lodge. No. 88 I, o. O. F.i Continental Lodge. No. Ids K, 0f P.. mi vlted to funeral services. Sat. 2 p. m.. 2520 Nv 12th st. Int, private. Hillside Cenu UNDKItTAKKRH LScBTOS ir l. M " ,. I a Markka $ TOfKNTS V UIVKN fI35f"-NOTIC'K 18 IIERKUV UIVKN THAT . a special meeting of lh stockholders ot the Atlantic Renning company win be held at the principal office of the stld com pany. 3144 rnssyunk avenue. Philadelphia. Pennsylvania, at 10 o'clock a. m. en the eth day of October, IV10. for the purpose et voting for or against a proposed Increase In the capital stock of the aald company by Ihe Issuance of I20.000.000 7 per centum eumu latlve nonvoting preferred stock. In accord ance with resolutions of the Board of Dl rectors of said company, on file at tta office. In the event of the approval of the pro posed Increase, rights to subscribe will be Issued to stockholders as of date et Oc tober 8 lOie. which rights much be exer cised on or before November 1, 1019. w; 1. ANDERSON, Secretary. IfllUWn ft VYIL.T.IAMS j t'ollcltors. IT5JP1 NOTICK 18 HKIIFJ1V (1IVKN THAT. '- In ntirsiianca nf & eepAliitlntt nt the Board of Directors of the Atlantic Refining v-ompanj. 13. a special meeting of the stock nf the enmnanv will ho held at Its noiaers principal office. 8144 Passyunk svenue. Phil adelphia, Pennsylvania, at It o'clock a. m.. on the 0th day of October. 1010. for the purpose of voting for or against a proposed Increase In the common slock of the said company from $5,000,000 to 150,000.000. W. I). ANDERSON. Secretary. BROWN t WILLIAMS. Solicitors. X03T AND POUND TIRE Lost between Atlantic City and Philadelphia, 1 new General Cord tire. 84x 4t4. mcunted on rim. Adequate, reward If returned to F, O. Klchllne, Ibanon. Pa. PIN. Lost.' filigree gnld.bar pin, with small diamond center: either on elevated from CSth street or on 13th street car te uermantown. Kewara. u 133. Ledger Onlbe. aOSXg WANTED rEMAItM AN EXCELLENT OPPORTUNITY $13.50 PER WEEK AFTER 8 MONTHS $13 TER WEEK AFTER 1 MONTH 111 PER WEEK "JO START; CONTINUOUS AND RAPID ADVANCEMENT TO POSITIONS PAYING $20 TO $33 PER WEEK BEST ENVIRONMENT AND WORKINO CONDITIONS SICKNESS DISABILITY BENEFITS SPECIAL PAYMENTq FOR LENGTH OF SERVICE GOOD LUNCHES AT COBT TOUNO WOMTJN BETWEEN 18 AND 2B TEARS OF AOE CAN SECURE TUB ABOVE BY APPLYINO TO MISS ItYAN THE BELL TELEPHONE CO. OF PA. TIRST FLOOR, 1031 ARCH ST. AN EXCEPTIONAL OPPORTUNITY OtRLS OVER 10 YEARS OLD TO LEARN LACK-CURTAIN MENDING: THIS IS A GOOD PAYINO POSITION, AND EXPERI ENCED GIRLS ' ARE EARNING BIO WAGES: ONLV STEADY WORKERS AND THOSE WILLING. TO LEARN SOME THING WITH A FL.URE NEED APPLT: 48-HOUR WEEK. APPLT NORTH AMERI CAN LACE CO.. 8TH 8T. AND ALLE OIIENY AVE. BOOKKEEPER and stenographer, one who has had experience In yarn house. Answer In own handwriting, stating age. experience and ealary expected. P 830, Ledger Ofrtce. CLERK, 55 to Ro month: steady position; plain worn. itv Arcn sv. DEMONSTRATOR. ALERT. FOR ALUMI NUM COOKING UTENSILS: PERMA NENT POSITION WITH LARGE STORE IJ L', I.e.lJUCK Uf f iuk. GENERAL HOUSEWORK. famllyTS adults; good, plain cook and willing worksr; good wages to right party. Cynwyd 200. OIRIi wanted to pack stationary and make herself generally useful. H. Bllverwood. 270O N. 10th st. third floor. GIRLS AND WOMTJN CAMPBELT.S SOUP3 ESTABLISHED 1869 GIRLS AND. WOMEN FOR KITCHEN WORK PREPARING VEGETABLES MEATS, ETC. ALSO GENERAL FACTORY WORK 'STEADY EMPLOYMENT HIGH WAGES INCREASED AUTOMATICALLY TIME AND HALF TIMB OVER 48 HOURS . SPECIAL BONUS $2 PER WEEK JOSEPH CAMPBELL COMPANY SECOND AND MARKET STREETS CAMDEN. N. J. 100 GIRLS WANTED IN NEW DEPARTMENT OVER 10 YEARS OF AOB IN CIGARETTE DEPARTMENT LIGHT, AIRY FACTORY DESIRABLE 8TEADY WORK HOT LUNCHES SERVED AT LESS THAN C08T GOOD PAY: KXCELLENT TREATMENT LEARNERS PAID 810 WKEKLY INCREASED AFTER SECOND WEEK LIGGETT MYERS TOBACCO CO. 3D AND ONTARIO STS. GIRLS Girls, over 18, with or without experience, an unusual opportunity la offered in atveral departments In our up-to-date factory: 47-hour-aeek; rest periods; pleasant surroundings Aonly Emnloy nent Dept.. A. It. COLLINS MFG. CO. 228 Columbia ave. GIRL8 over 10 and younr women have an excellent opportunity to secure steady work In modem up-to-date factory: ideal,, location for W. Phlla, girls on account of " close proximity to subway. Baring, Lancas ter ave,. Darby, Spruce, Baltimore nve. and Spring Garden bridge surface .Unea: operators wanted In the assembling department, where the work Is light and clean; also on presses, tappers and other light machines. For details call at once factory office. If. Tj Palsle Co , 8201 Arch St. , GIRLS, over 16 yeara nf age, rood warn wntie learning in terestlna. easy and llaht worK wun leuinie, oia-eaiauusnea mnu- faoturlng company; can soon learn and in crease nay wltnln a very short time. Ns- tlonal Metal Edge Box Co., 1220 Callowhlll GIRLS OVER lfl TO DO LIGHT FACTOftY WORK Apply bureau of employment wanamaker's GIRLS, over 111 yeara: steady position; good wages- 48-hnur week: Frledberger Aaron Mfg. Co., 4600 N. 18th St.. near Wayne Junction. GIRLS over IB for light -work In mann. facturlng department: guaranteed minimum pay: good piece work on prominent work. Apply H. K Mulfnrd A Co . 426 S. 13th sr. GIRLB over in years on calendar work, gumming, ty)p ribbons, collating, etc.: alao learnerp. Lithographers and Printers Finishing CoT. 014 Wslnut St.. Fifth floor. . GIRLS, ovr.in. experiencea twisting worsted and d silk arns: good wages paid experienced hands, mds. HhacKamaxon inns. leenenv ave. ana nancocic. OIRI.H, between Id and 18 yeara ct age. for positions fn finishing room; chance for ad vancement: 48-hour week. Apply North American Lace Co.. 8th and Allegheny. UIRL8 to vork In factory: nice, pleasant worlti good wages while learning: perma nent poaltlon: good chance for advancement. naypurn Aiiegneny ave. ano jtaa "v. OIRLS to learn mendlnr on knitted fabrics) 48-hour week and rood pay. Apply North American Lace Co.. Bth and. Allegheny." GIRLS wanted for mailing dept,1 to wran small packages. MacCella, d Co,.- 287 UIRL to work In drug store; no experience required; Subway 84. Wm, Scartle. East fvnsdowne GIRLS. 16 years old. In packing dried fruit hnslneas. Annlv 180 B. Front 'st. JACK WINDERS, girls over 16t learners paid while learning. Shackamaxon Mills. Alleahenr ave. ana lianroeK. LADY to handle flrat-clsas shares In a. grow ing Jconcern:. good, proposition to right party; commlsaion and salarv Writs P. O. Box 44, Times Square Station, New Yerk oltv. LAUNDRY MARKERS AND BORTF.nS COLLAR 1RONPRR F.XPSiRIENfF.n AFPLY MARKET STREET IjAUNDRT -liMJ-lWg asasirasjassi ssjiijseaiyiiigess.wssss I.BOAT, AJVtTI IB viawtsf!