fv- fiv'H MiCM" Hf r,"i'Alnr 'vJ3v5fraf7y' Ijt 1 , sp EVENING PUBLIC LEDGER-PHILADELPHIA, WEDNESDAY," AUGUST 27, 1919 r m Jfe. f i 8 f- w IV I: M ft F 7 f Jr BEINSCH HIS POST AT PENH American Minister to China Asks Wilson to Reliove Him of Duties REASONS NOT ANNOUNCED II) (lie sscl.ilfl 1'ro.s Washington. Aiijt -J" - Hi l'-ml S Jtcinscli Amoriinn niini-.tri' lo ( hum has rcxlgncd Ills rwlRiinlinn N now In thp hnndi nf rrpinlrnt Vv iKon hut it vas tlpnlH Hint he linl iiicoiitoel it ' "ntidtlf nl) ,' rrpoitiM m .lniMiiri dlsiintclim to Honolulu It vviih paid lit flip Wlnlo IIou that the I'rfuclriit hail nut vrt nc trel mh tin' irrlKiintion Uiasom which led Imtm Jleiiwll to ifk to In- rolii'M'ii o! It t office vvcre not mndi puliln Honolulu, Auk -T t llr A V -I)r. I'uiil UpiiiscIi, Anin n nn miniMcr to Cliiiui. bns lcslpncil that pst in ronliuR to n Tnkin mhliRium rmnril by flip Nippon I'm. n ,Iapnni".o ivv. paper here Tin- c nbleKi urn -mil Docinr Jlehisili prpsci trd his lPiiRiiiitinn ''suddctil.i " Called fiom the chair t political rconomv in tin' I invor-itv of i.poii.iii n tVw tnontlis nftrr IVoiiIent WiNou -first maiiRiiiatioii In l!li:i. to npi p-fti Hie t'nitpd !StatP at I'ekin. Hoc ten Hplnsch s appomtiiipiit a1- minister hnilod ns appropuntp, alike for his ik1p Knowledge of Omntiil nftiiirs and for his fntnilinritv with diplo oatie iimirk ho had obtained as deleRate i -epral international convcntioni. Tliese in cluded thp third l'an Aineucan i onfer ence nt HIo de Janeiro in 100(1 and the fourth confeienee at Huenos Ains in 1010. In 1011-lOlli he vvns Hoove velt cxehangp profevsor at the univer- sittes of llerlin and I.c'ip-ic His selection for the last-named pov was said at tlie time to be paitu ulni l w m . m. . agreeable to Kaispr illiani Ai a member of the lomnnttee on the roditicatioii of international law of the American Association of Intel nil tional l.an, Doctor Hcinsch won wide reputation as a leituter and writer on international politics His books. which have bppn translated into both Japanese and Chinese, include volutins ou "The Common Law in The 1'arW American Colonies," "World 1'olitns nt the End of the Nineteenth Century as Influenced bv the Oriental Situa tion," "Colonial (ioiPinmcnt." "Co lonial Admimstiation," and "American LeRislntmes and Legislative Methods." At the time of his appointment to the Chinese mission Doctor Heinsc h wag rcsaiilcd b) the President as a mini who was fully (iipnble of hnndling the delicate diplomatic situation in the Tnr Rast. Mr. Wilson and Doctor Iteinsch had known each other lntimntel) iot "'many years. In .luly of the present ear Doctor Iteinsch was summuned to WnshinRton from I'ekin. It is understood he is to report personally on the Shantung and Siberian questions Doctor Heinscli is a native of Mil waukee, Wis., born July 1C, VC!) Graduated at the t'lmersiU of Wiscon sin, he studied later nt Uerlin, Home and I'm is CUTS WIRES OF FIREHOUSE ! - ' Electric Company May Lose Brielle Contract as a Result Brielle, X. J., Aug. 27. Because they disconnected the light wires sup plying the Brielle fire house for non payment of n bill by tbo borough, the Lakewood nnd Coast Electric Comiinny lias been required to re-establish the service and stands in n fair way to lose t;he munieipnl street lighting contract. Since Brielle became a borough there has not yet been c (fee ted a settlement of nssets nnd liabilities between the new niuiiicipalitv and Wall township of which it formeilv was a part. Con tiecjuently the new hoiough has not hail iuuds with which to meet its curient bills. A settlement between tho two municipalities is expected within a few weeks, but the light company superin tendent refused to await this settle ment and cut off the current. Seize Whisky Disguised as Medicine! Ilarrisburg. Aug. 27. WhisKv, dis-1 piiscd bv coloring matter nnd diluted, I w-a.s found in bottles carried bv Hobert H, Fleming, anesteel b.v the Ilarrisburg polite toda) The bottle were of the "medicine" type Much of tins kind of liquur is said to have been -uId re ccntly in this vicinit) bv bootleggers IjlilM i 1 KING "8" I ImmtJiatt Dtl'wtrj n ,4i Moitlt iVo j ' ? ' Raitt in Prut gjf '! I ' The "Eight" has four power lp 1 r impulses per revolution; the e J Six, three; and the Four, 11! I I two. This continuous flow of Ian"1 I i - overlapping power pulsations 1 ; 1 j, " ; results in flexibility which , Bp E , ; practically does away with 1111 8 Wt,' gear-shifting. pijj pt American Service Corporation llHl 'fj i 202-204 North Broad Street flU ft, Klnr Motor Car Company Detroit jN I f'- i '' t?tJBKRR ammmnilu 1 I I m&Q&ss- J''v Hh I Vm n isnMBt "iBf r fl&Z 9J, AV "w'KKoswiJjBjKj. ES'iMMwriawfc5ZSsZISS tt?$3&&frVi&&A 1)1! I'M I, n. HI INS( II I nil rcl Sl.iles Minivter to ( liin.i. Mho Ins leslcni'il liiv oflii e CANADA TO PAY SOLDIERS $3 DAY.,, "i;,,.;, nr.min.nii lc Pnrr.dfl tn Rer.orr Waffe bv Recrilitine FailurR Winiiip.c. Man.. Aug 7 Canada ,. is to Iin the hiRhevt pud vJ.iiiillUK aiim in the woi Id .neoidiiiR to nn nn , , , i,i ,,. iiouneement In imlit.it lHad.iuarteiv Invt niRht The pi) of prn.ito soldiers is to he lucres,,! (mm SI. 10 : day to ..'!, it is vtatid The le.ivon is (hat olfirerv leeruitinj in WiuiupeR .mil elvewhere foi the iei - main nl fone Iiiim" found it i iitunlh unpowibl,. to git mm of Rood ilmrneter. ' 1 and plnsnall) tit to vene m the arm) for SI II) .1 d,i when tliei i ,in nuike fioin S:i to Ml) ,i i,i ni olhei Mini tlons Nearl) iif iimnllm the eiiinp iim of l'i mi P.itnrin to he stationed heie lmv nvnlliil in the ae quivitioli of ouh louiteiu nun. Othci units hae fund even worse NC-4 VISITS HERE OCT. 18 , , Major Si hroeder, the second to finish. Lieutenant Commander Read to StartUtiuted fioin Toionto Mond.11 at 1.' ' Coast Tour at Portland 1' '" anil . nded Ins touiuev theie ves. i-ii,..,i m a..,, )- ti . itiidav afteinoon nt .1 "''. lonsiunuiR a Portland. Me.. Aug. ', - 1 1. te.HK,()NS u,ni, f o,, ,,0,s al, .,7 mniuU.s. tntive ittuernrv of the mivnl seaplane! Lieutenant Mn.vnard. third to finish, N'C-4, which is comiiiR heie October alighti d at Itoovovelt Field at (I'll last 1. for the start of a tour of the Atlantic "'K1,1' ,!lr,''l' t,!; '''"I'50 of n Bl,oss "m0 ,,,., , 1 ot I'd houis, II minutes since his stmt and t.ulf coasts, was announced )es- llcI(l MoI1,i,lv afternoon at -1 01. tenia). Jn nnnouuc 111 the fust tlnee racers The fliers will remain a number ofi,n complete their tiips the Ameiiean davs ut each port. Riving exhibitions. I Plvitig Club stated flint actual living In ilimge of Lieutenant ommander A. C. Head, who flew the XC 4 acioss the Atlantic, the plane will leave here October Ii , Iloston. October 8; Provi dence. October 10; New Haven. October 1 ; Philadelphia, October 18; Ilalti innre. October 12'J : Washington. Or tnlipi. 'JO: N01 folk, Va , October HO: Charles- ton. S C. November .'! , .IncKsonv ille. Fla. November (' ; .Miami. Nov ember 10, Pensacola, November 11, and New , i Oilennv, Xn ember 1 SIX KEYSTONE CASUALTIES I Pennsylvania Has One-Ninth Names on Today's List of Washington, Aug "7. Siv Pennsvl vanians are named in a casunlt) list of fifty-three names made public b.v the War Depaitment today. Losses for the state are as follows: Dint Jom Arrfelcnt nnd Other Ccttlfttii I'RIVATKS Ralph I" Armotrons-, War rcn l'alrnk l ninir I'hllniif Iphla Dlrcl nf Disease I'RlVVinsl c IpsLiw emlerkl HiiU'nn c it. Kusine M .McDonald sirdnttm WiiiiikIinI MIk!hI rRIVATF liioreu V Adams lrrum lteturnrd to l)iit, IrelouIj- Keiiarteil 1tis. inK In Action J'ranklln N' Jllller Ili-thlehem Brewery Becomes Milk Condensery Ashland, Wis., Aug. 'Si Brick buildings to replace the wooden build ings of the Ashland biewer) plant will house n new milk condenser), operated by the Ashland Dnirv Products Com nanv . capitalized nt $-00,000. The con densei) will have a capacity of lio.OOll pounds of mill, a da.v. BELGIAN SENATE O. K.'S TREATY Brussels, Aug -7 The t Helgiau Senate has uuniunumslv approved the pence treatv with Cerniany The Ichamhei of Deputies intiliid the tieat) August fr. apt riiiionro nrnnv hul nmonco ULnoi IN CAPTURED FOKKER "' Canadian Aviator Arrives Toronto Despite Pain in Arm Shattered by Wounds vino, on the Hcrcvlim rier, fiftv miles 3 U. S. FLIERS REACH GOAL,' "r M""K- "7"'"' u7 ''""i" II) Ilip XssiirtAtril l'rrss I'm onto. Aur ''T Colonel W. i lliirkei fnniouv I'niiiidmn lice. IhiiiR ii i upturn! (ierniiin I'ukker. (Oinpleled the muml tup fioin Tuiniitn to Wv enk in the iiitei natiouiil ueiinl (let In at !t '1.1 it ni todn) lie said that liiv wo'ind vlmttMid lift mm, whlth uav in irh fiiMpn iliiiiuj; the ravtetn flight v.iv nneonifoitalili', hut had not eauved I no imir h lmmmwiM'th (. in niakiiiR tin lni troin IttltT.llo thlv inontlR. Minor It V Sihiiedir landed hue at !i ,"iU n'eloik lavt niRbt the tirv aiiilni lo i p.n h Toronto after eoveriiiR tin round tup foiiivi. in the Interna tional enal Ierli Ills uc t mil S - iir tune miv .it., minutes the Ameibnn ir (lull to me I'linie m wales, lit'-nniit Colonel ll.irttie imueflnt I 1 -1 i 1 he htt, r, Mini h extended an in- I i .l..t...., to the nrinie to usit the lnl. ili.iiiipliisstiii in lliel oiled St.ntev. unsl divpiitilinl luuiudiiiteli l niotormr. 1 .loi.ln.i.l.il 'I' It Cotllt also lauded nit:. m:i Captain C H UeMioldv. iho left Miuinln in ii De Umilund "four" at '' " "' uned heie at .--i:i m the afteinooii. t'lkniR eiRlit houis and nine lnl,t,.s to oniiileti the liis-l half of the raee Lieutenant I II I.oRan. in a I.a 1Vp narlII1t rft Mim,niu nt 'i f n m aimed ,i shoit tune later. MlnfnUt y 7Taur. S7.-fIly A T I I.ieutinant Wallaie ounR left Hoovpm It I'uiil at .S ill." o'clock thiw i moiniiiR on the last Icr of the lace ' In ln n '1'oiouto iimi New otk. and l.i. uten int S 1'nlnnr left at !C!lfl it Ini K lliltn VtiiiMw 111 .ni wn 11 n fiinn finished in the uiti 1 national nenul derhv I between Mu, cola and Toionto lit 0:14 f icrruiting lor'"' hick last night Licntc n mts M .1 1 liimli and I V Vlavnniil completing then mu ni tups hue unci .Major 1! W I ic luoc cji'i ciuling Jim ut Ioronto Lieutenant Plumb was the first to fin ish landing at Hnoscvclt Field at fi :r0 1 ji 111 a ftu 11 rioss tune of -0 hours US j minutes since Ins start here Moudii) afternoon lit ." 1" ,lmp woui't not lie Known lor many Hours, wiien an stations along tne route had ri'liorted arrivals and stmts at their points. The winner of the Derbv will not be known until official rejiorts aie ull in. it wns added Lieutenants Plumb nnd Mnynnrd both I used De Hnviland "four" niachines with 400 hoiseiiower Liberty motors Major Schrocder used a Vought. SERVED FOOD UNDER FIRE Mazeville Hero Wins Russian Order1 of St. Anne for Bravery ' New nrlt. Aug "7. For hrnverv In elistiiliutiiiR food in villnges behind thej lines under Bolshevist fire, the Itimsmn Order cif St Anne has beeu confeired iijion Mnj'or Hn.v R. Poverte, of Atlan tn, (!a , and Captain John C. Miller, of Miupvillc, Pa . it was announced heie last niRht bv the American relief ad mitn-tratiou of the European children's fund. Head stopped up with summer cold rose or hay fever BAUME ANALGESIQUE DENGUE will quickly'clear it. Healing and refresh ing. Get a tube Thai. LecmiiU St Co.. N Y. Tlie Ii oisse . Heppe & Son Downtown Mason & Hamlin, Weber, Hcppe The demand for player-pianos is greater than ever, and the production is not up to normal. Con sequently, if you are considering the purchase of a player-piano, you should buy now while the price is reasonable and while deliveries are fairly certain. For $595 we offer a player-piano made by the great Aeolian Company, containing the famous Aeolian patents and fully guaranteed by them. The price is standard throughout America. 4 Our Supply Is Limited! For many months we were far-behind on our deliveries. We now have a few of these wonderful player-pianos on hand, but the supply will soon be exhausted. Settlement may be made in cash, or charge ac count, or through our Rental-Payment Plan, which applies all rent toward the purchase price. Catalogues will gladly be sent on request. Downtown JX174119 Chestnut Street .' , u,n4 " , .... ',4 fin Prlr KvHtmni Anaita In 1141 I poles hem in myslowitz Surrender of German Garrison to In surgent Forces Expected , (Inn. Aur 1!7 (II) A. ! I insurgents in upper Silesia nw MirioundiiiK the (ii'ininu garrison m Mii-liiwltx. mid that town is expieted to Mirteniler. (nrs a I'olish ofliciu coin iniiniiiie ire civic! heie tiiihij. '(till- ttoops lime reni'heil ltelsmo and mi1 pursuiiiR the eneni),,'' it adds l'v ISi'lsino it. prohabl) meant Here "'foiies wen' leeentl) reported to he lid wim MIR in this lCRIOtl. JAILED BY GERMS Friends of Allies Put Faith in Man Now on Trial for Be traying Cavell MANY WERE CONDEMNED ii) tlie .svoci.lli'(l riess ,, H A , -J7 -Almost .vpi.v al , , ,, ,, , ,, , 1"'' vrmpnthii 1 m Hru.'N nhn eame 111 contint lth CeolRes (.livton (Juien iilleRid Ik trui oi of Kdith Cm ell, ims v(llni in tested ntnl londi'inned b thr ,. i ... i. :.i.. ,.e ,, i , i.eiuiunv .iiiinciiiiK in nit- .n nii-i.i to . . i . i .. 1 . i. .1 .i In nn. In 11 I Hill I ,, III. II 1 l','". ."it.". ! miiiiR those uii'iitioned the pies- ident w.iv I'athei I'.onvteels, who, he lieiiuR (linen was honesth nidiiiR al lied sohlniv to escape, Rae him a mill noil map which showed the latest German modifications. dither l!on steelv was snem sentenced to twehp )enis' unpi isonment. It was die lured that Quien had asked a Muibun Van Dame to aid two )ounR lieisnns to escape, and that hhe directed them to the fiontier mid sent an- """'' U,h "'."'. "le!n "V1 B"'.'it! l'he fniii win tailed nni'i condemned b) the liermmiv r.Lii, ...I, I llliwl .111' llOllllni.lllOll Qui " "dniitted hnviu seen Miss Cm 1 II mi .lull 'JC after he had vis Jtoil the luinie of Madame lSudait. and tiint ,, .Maes accosted him in the stlcet The 1 e was lend into the lec ord .1 statement that Maes was in the pa) of the Ceimnuv Madame I.od.iit pave Quien a package to he left at the home of Madame MHclnel. He admitted he Knew it con tained maps for the use of persons attempting to escape fioni the countr) It was pointed out ii) the prosecution that one of these- maps had caused Madame Ilodnit to be condemned b.v a Herman 1 cunt maiti-il Window Cleaners Ask $40 Syracuse, Aug. -7. Window' clean ers here have Rone on strike for an in crease fiom S.'iO to S40 a week, with ;.") extiu foi woik above the second story. I "TheGuaranlee it the Bank for Me." UIEN &fejsnsrei" i ggy--T GUARANTEE TRUST AND SAFE DEPOSIT CO. ! 316-18-20 CHESTNUT STREET ' 1422 SOUTH PEXX SQ. 9 SOUTH 52D STREET that He 1117-1110 Chestnut Street Uptown 6th and Thompson Streets Pianos Aeolian Player-Pianos, Pianolas, Duo-Art Pianolas Victrolas Good Player-Pianos are scarce You should buy NOW! C. J, HEPPE & SON r ,.-- -,..... ..., ,r -. NG TO TURKEY . . t , ., r J. . U. a. amirai s rroxesi Mgamsi Massacres Stirred Ad verse Comment - MOLLIFIED BY EXPLANATION II) flip Assodated Tress I I'ails, Aur. -7 An informal wniuiiiR ItoTuikc) that miisvacres of Aiinenians inust cense, Riien recentl) by Hear Atlniirnl Mm Is L. Itristol, c omniander of the 1 "nihil States jininl fences in iTmkc). caused somethitiR of a Hull) in I'ri'in h otlicial iiuiiilers, and in the Su- pieme Council of the I'uice Conference. it developed todn) , III the council theie was it polled to lime orcmicsl shnrp ciiticism of Amer- ii no iuteifetence in Tmke) thioiiRli liiiwicitis and otherwise, despite the fact Hint the Tinted Stutei had shown no i disposition to accept the mandate for thn nclministiation of nii Tuikish ter- iiitoi!. The inipiession )iieniled that I in this case the Tinted States hud acted I alone in a foi null communication to 1 the Turkish (ioiernment. rt was explained hi the Ameiienn , , i,.,,,, ,. thai the wnrninR I r l "n. ....... .. . n was cleliieieil iiuormmi) ny .iiiuuriii Iliistol si'icnil dins ago, that no formal note was sent but lueich an informal statement, the I nihil States alone not nttemptiiiR to speak for the peace con feienee. On receiviiiR the warning. Tin Key i it nppenrs imiiiccnuiciy c oiiitiuniii'ci mi Great liiitain and Finnic, sn.ving slie wns tin call lied. The expanatiun of the Anient an delegation to the pence con feienee that the warning wus informal, however, app.ueiitl) removed the objec tions to the Aineiicaii action bused upou the idea that the Tnited States was speaking for the confeienee Charles It. Cinno und Dr Henry Chun hill Ixii'R. who went to Asm Minor 111 June us an Ameriinn mission to in icstiRato conditions 111 the nem Kast, ic turned to Paris todn). MERCIER TO SAIL SEPT. 15 Itrussels, Aug. -7. Cnidinal Mprcier will have for the Tinted States on, September 15, according to most recent 1 infm mat ion It is said that he probably will meet King Albeit mid Queen Lliza- ' beth in Anieiica. I Cuticura1 For BabVs Tender Skin Alt druffguti, Soip 25. Oint ment 26 and CO, raIcumSS Sampl each free of "Catl cara, Dept 6 I, Boston " ewnser isObld ii Many early Philadelphians hid their money in "safe places," only to find it gone when they went to recover it. Tor them there was some excuse, as in those days of long ago the advantages ni banking were not so widely known or so easily obtainable as they are today. To keep large sums of money in the home or office is UUStlfe failure to profit by the interest which that money would earn , is unwise. Open an interest-bearing checking ac count with us. ppe built Francesca Player-Piano (Arollan-Mnclel $595 Untown 6th, and ThompwaJBtreeU I ' I HELD FOR BOOZE PURCHASE i i I Cornell Student, Escaping Murder Charge, Faces New Allegation Illiaca, X. Y Aur. 'J7 (lly A. I'.J Donald XV. i'ethcr, the Ccirnoll 1'nl-M-rilly sophomore, who wits released xevernl dn)s pro 'on u vvrlt of habeas mrnilU nflnH l.n!.... 1...I.1 . npnl itnra nit .."."."i..i..i til in iinu iinui mija uii n ehniRp of mimlerliiR Hazel (Vnnee who disappeared while on n canoeing trip with him, wns held for grand jury action in $1000 bail on a WuirRe1 of illegally purchnsliiR a cpuirt of whisk) on July II), the day of .Miss Crnnce's disappearance. It is underntood t lint a fund is being raised here to employ professional dlerH tn senich for the )outiR wonmn'n bod), whiih prapplers lini c failed to find. DEATH DINNER'S CHEF DIES Fifth Poison Victim Succumbs In Alliance, O., Tragedy Alllanre. ., Aur Ii7. (it) A. 1' ) With the death last uiRht al Canton of TinnK McAioy, chef of the LnKcsidp Countr) Club, the death list resulting from eatiiiR unwholesome food nt a club dinner last Snturdii) night wns in creased to Inc. John C Shurer, ofi Allimue, the foiilth lictim of thej traged!, died jesterdii) eening. Mrs. Sharer's conditioii leinuins ciitienl. i Tiineral sen ices for Colonel Charles , U. Wc.ibrcihl. one of the Hist to die, and in whose honor the dinner wnw ghen, will he licit! heie Friday. Tull military honors will be paid the dead oflictr tssootJ,f7l No Time to Lose If You Wish to Share in The Tremendous Savings in This Sale! "Opportunity knocks but once" and this is one opportunity that may never come again. Furniture prices have advanced from 50 to 100 per cent, since we bought for this yearly sale! 'n nearly every instance our sale prices are as low as present wholesale prices. And remember these prices are only for this month! Stern & Co. is the largest Home Furnishing Store in America 8 floors crowded with furniture samples more than full city block in space. This naturally gives you the largest and best assortments in the city, together with our 23 years' experience of honest and fair dealing. Four Piece American Walnut Bedroom I Sffss"jrinrafll b ) ' yi" J St " ""V i OUR HOME 4 Room $ DeLuxe Outfit u $3 A WEEK a Week Delivers This Columbia GRAF0N0LA $ A splewtJil Ij-nre model of exiTjulBltA r flnpment aft a pieco of fur nlturf and n perfect "won der of a talk las: ma Order I j jl 1 at once ' 7: Hupidt 1 J" chine jour a a nnr kudiiI' 1 limited A pay mnt f one dollar and a half u viek dell era it to jour home, MAIL OHDERS PllOMIMrLlfLFILLTii)- x.Pm so;4 I 1 ,50 Slil' ifflmM Th 1 4. 1 9 Second In Floor J p""""""""P"j"KMlllillSj"iMMMMWII.HBYIII Hill LI jBBjWBBBl liiypHl . iHiiK whaW WNMfinSiiJ JDAJ I .1 K WwF"J'"T T-ninnTrm n mi l mi " ""B . r' m I? sixth v ) ww F,oor ft v ; SERBIA TO CALL ASSEMBLY New Premier Outlines Policy of Reciprocity With Neighbors llelgrndp, Aug. 'J7. Announcing in the Chamber of Deputies the gowrn iiient'n policies, Lloulm Dnidoiitph, the new piemier, isufd, iimouR other things, tliat "Srrbin In the impendliiR rpoignnlzntlon of the Hnlkans would not s-ccK speclul privileges, 'but would bnsp hpr cIhIius iijion the piinciples of international justice " ".Serbia, nevertheless, must defend to the utmost her just dciiinnds wherever they me threatened," he said. "When pcarp is concluded, Serbia should pur sue a polio) of leeiprocnl confidence with her neighbors and cultivate inti JHVortunc Telling and Fur Remodeling arc m4 two entirely different professions. They J vary firstly and lastly in that; ethically practiced, there is no guess-work in either the Remodeling or the Repairing of Furs. At least, not with us as your practitioner. Work done now at a third below regular. "Pay the Cost in the Fall" ' MavCson & DeMarr? i2 15 Chestnut Street Fifth Tloor OUTFITS ARE WONDER VALUES Room$ Period Outfit 4 Room $ Bridal Outfit $4 A WEEK 345 I $4.50 A WEEK is Mahogaiiy $3.00 a Week There is a magnificence to this most wonderful suite that makes it stand head and shoulder above all others. Three massive pieces with cane back and upholstered in finest velour. Note the "comfy" loose cushions. 712-714 Mark-fit St! m um m jl -.i,mj. frJt.rii T -P 2JS.. mrC!.iS '- mate frlcnclHhips. Ozfcli-Slovakia nncl I'olnncl seek good rplatiotis with US', as do (Ireece nml Httnianla." , Detailing a wide domestic program the premier announced tlie government. In n few dn)s, would submit nn electoral bill looking to the convocation of the National Avsembl) . v Pershing Reviews French Regiment Paris. Aug. i!7. (lly A. P.)-Ge-cinl Pershing reviewed a French regi me it of the Pmis garrison today in fiont of the lintel des Invnliilei and ileemated sexeral officers ntnl soldiers. This was his last public nppenranre be fore bis departure for ilrest next Snn da.v . Suite This suite is in the ever pop ular Colonial design. Massive ly constructed, yet the rolling lines give it a most charming and graceful appearance. I tPnnm? I 4Ap-art't4 $5 A WEEK Cane Back This 4-Piece Dining Suite, at $3.00 Week A "Queen Anne" design of unusual richness and distinc tion. Note the highly carved legs and particularjy the six legs on the buffet. iet - 'wL&&' ...8tere .imvJUneriea-ji. Ii 4TvT. j Uwi JBfcWf C WlfW!rtW 425 95 I Library Suite on so ij V " t1 """"j--r TrfyHr w-"-6- Tr IPM '- ' r , c i l A1 lJ,"J' i T"" m 4mf '"T "'1 -T- - --- - r if" !S 'M -n. a. aaHhKiIS'' V .- . .rfiS, '& llrialMMlllil I iiinfiif Tn . t - I. v . t. .j.v uaMMast r ,., ii j$mzz:iz&zzZR - m-&s. -;Ti (-Tir---Mv' -v- "" - r f' S-.-iM --wr4Hl i " jJj:,BiV"J-VV T!I&IlML':;: