Evening public ledger. (Philadelphia [Pa.]) 1914-1942, August 27, 1919, Night Extra Financial, Page 14, Image 14

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What to serve at the church supper roN the train .- cynthia's letters : shopping
'-fc : , I : r -
zfave This Article for the Church Social or Community Festival Exact Measure
ments Are Given for Preparing Food in Largo Quantities.
Old Favorites and New Ones
& vt ntn r a otitrwTtn nAinaiir i
? supper is among the ninny picas
ant diversions tho country folk enjoy
iii the beginning of the autumn. This
njeal is usually preceded by nn after
noon in tho woods or tho community
house center for women nnd a busi
ness meeting for the men folk.
IJsually the food is prepared by the
Committees and then brought to the
center. Coflfeo and one or two hot
dishes are usually prepared, so that
tie meal will not bb entirely cold,
j A New England Country Supper
iTho tables are laid with turkey red
and whito plaid cloths and then the
places are arranged, allowing usually
t'irenty-four inches between each
service. Home-made catsups, pickles
and preserves are placed in conven
ient position. A choice of menu
ciuld be
Clam Soup
Baked Beans
J Brown Bread and Butter
j Potato Roasted in Open Fire
JCorn on Cob Coleslaw
I Layer Cake Coffee
Deviled Clams
Fish Cakes
' Potato Salad
Pie Bread and Butter Coffee
Clam Soup
JThe clam soup is made at home and
is, then brought to the center for ths
supper in large demijohns. It can
tnen be reheated. Beans are also
baked at home, and when a fire is
made to bake the potatoes in the
open lot the bean pots are placed in
the embers to reheat.
J So this leaves just the corn to cook
and then tho coffee to make. At a
supper given last fall it took just
one and one-half hours to prepare
Hls meal for serving a party of 100
people. Serve the clam soup in mugs
or large cups.
Clam Soup for Twenty-five People
Mince one-half pound of salt pork
fipe and place in a large soup kettle
and add three cups of finely chopped
onions. Cook slowly, taking care not
p.t ti brown. Now add
Twentu-five fintlv minced clams,
K tLxquid from clams.
Faur quarts of muk.
4r ive pints oj ivuier,
Turn euva of Hour.
JDissolve the flour in the water be
fore adding to the clam soup.
One bunch of potherbs,
l'One-half teaspoon of thyme.
Stir constantly until boiling and
tljen cook for ten minutes. Season,
and when ready to serve add
'One-Jialf cup of finely chopped
lOne-half cup of butter.
Baked Beans
Wash and look over very carefully
three and one-half pounds of navy or
lima beans. Wash well and soak in
plenty of water over night. In the
mprning parboil and rinse under cold
water and place the beans in pots;
now cut one and three-quarter
pounds of salt pork into two-inch
pieces and divide among the beans.
One gallon of stewed tomatoes,
iSeven tablespoons of salt,
iTtco tablespoons of pepper,
tTwo tablespoons of mustard,
'One and one-half cups of sirup,
,Two cups of finely chopped
in a bowl and mix and then divide
over the beans and then cover them
V with plenty of water and bake slowly
alj day.
'This entire menu, with the excep
tion of the sliced tomatoes and cof
fee, may be prepared before and
hqated when ready to 3erve.
Deviled Clams
Wash and look over twenty clams
and then drain and dry and chop fine.
Now place in a saucepan
Two quarts of milk,
Four cups of sifted flour. -
Stir to thoroughly dissolve and
then bring to a boil and cook slowly
for fifteen minutes. Add
The well-drained chopped clams,
Three-quarters cup of finely
chopped onion,
One-half cup of finely chopped
Three tablespoons of salt,
One and one-half tablespoons of
lrt On tablespoon of mustard,
lev i One tablespoon of Worcest
t'i-i 'eiL a i.M..,.i.i.. .:-. .i xv
jL. "' fc)VS. fcU UiUlUUllljr IIUA UUU LUC11
LJ. "enolc for ten miniitps. f!onl nml fill
, Aaio well-cleaned clam shells and
r brush with beaten egg and sprinkle
Tt wrui preparcu cruniDs. 1 luce in inc
,ovn to brown well and when needed
&," it. 1-A t.MA....i. ii. -r 1 .1
miW.WWU Wil.UUil W1C -lUUU-l'MUpiJCf
! then rub through the colander or
;kJre. Rub one cup of shortening
,,(;i fcttlt twa quarts of crumbs and heat
enougn w worK tne nanas
gh comfortably.
Flih Cakes
. i MmsaV ftfaln hrfw1 In pnltl Wflfi
c'mmH2 very soft and then place in a
ullnt ot cheesecloth and rinse dry.
Jto$ through & fine sieve the follow-
'fHMrwu neeueu iur iwemy-uve
jitrt of
prepared stlt
(Copyright. tt)t7. tv Mrs. it. A. TVIMon
.XII HlohtB Keterved.)
Where Mrs. Wilson's Movies
Are Playing This Week
EACH day finds more nnd more
women interested in Mrs. Wil
Fon's cooklnc movies. Tor the benefit
of those women who have not yet had
the opportunity to fc these pictures
here is the week's 6clieclule:
ciiarlotti: Rt'SSIS
Tuesday nnd Wednesday, after
noons nnd ecnlnKs, Alhambrn,
Twelfth nnd Morris utreets.
Thursday, Friday nnd Saturday
afternoons nnd evenings, Olobe, Ju
niper nnd Market streets.
Tuesday afternoon nnd cveninp,
I'mprcss, 4441 Mnin street, Mnna
yunk. Wednesday afternoon and evening.
Reno Theatre, Suty-fourth and
Woodland avenue.
Thursday, Fiidav nnd Snturdny,
afternoons nnd evenings, Cross Keys,
Sixtieth nnd Market streets.
For copies of the recipes nsk at the
boxofflce of the theatre or send n
self -addressed envelope with one cent
postage to the Editor of Woman's
cup of
One-half cup of finely 7)iinccd pars
ley. Three tablespoons of salt.
One tablespoon of pepper,
Two well-beaten egpa.
Mix thoroughly and then form into
round cylinders and roll in flour,
then in fiie bread crumbs and fry
until golden brown in hot fnt.
Spanish Potato Salad
Wash and then boil in their skins
one-half peck of white potatoes until
tender, and then drain, cool and cut
into dice. Place in a bowl and add
One cup of finely chopped onions,
Four sweet red peppers, chopped
Two cups of diced celery.
Toss gently to mix and then coer
with the following dressing (place in
a saucepan) :
Two cups of water,
Two cups of vineyar,
One cup of flour.
Stir to dissolve and then bung to
a boil nnd cook slowly. Then add
One cup of salad oil,
Mrs. Wilson
Answers Queries
My dear Mrs. Wilson We are
getting some blackberries from
friends in the ciuntry nnd thought
I would make jam from them, but
as I have never tiied, would like
if you could send lecipe to me.
Also blackberry wine or brandv.
Mrs. F. P.
See blackbenv recipes, issue of
July 13, 1010.
My dear Mrs. Wilson Will you
kindly publish some recipes for
peaches? Also how can they be
put away for the winter in jellies
or marmalades, etc.? Would also
be very glad to know how to put
up string beans in jars. Can
peaches be combined with other
fruits, such as crabapples ? Thank
ing you in advance, Mrs. A. M.
See woman s page of August I for torn ner auout tne vests 1 saw or soft ' hard surface like n tnuie top or a mm -npnrhes
and Juno 24 for sinner 1 pink silk, and of n really remarkable ble blab nnd sponge or brush with luke-
ht.T,s Penchns mnv he. combined
:VV " . . " tT , . ... , ...
with almost any other fruit in the
My dear Mrs. Wilson Will you
please publish in the paper a recipe
for pickles, sweet and dill?
Thanking you in advance, I re
main, Mrs. W. II. B.
See series on pickling, among
which will be the recipes requested,
They ae coming very soon.
Mrs. L. K. See a physician in le
gard to your daughter.
My dear Mrs. Wilson Would
you kindly print a rule for sweet
gherkins, which should be like the
kind sold in the stores?
Mrs. E. W. DuB.
See pickling articles, which are
coming soon.
Mv dear Mrs. Wilson I bought
a can of okra with tomato sauce j
and I don't know how to cook it.
as I have never used okra. I
thought you could tell me about it.
Thanking you in advance, '
Mrs. C. L. M.
Use okra and tomato sauce for
fish, meat, in stews and goulashes,
on hashes, etc.
To Mrs. F J. U.
seur. -Consult a mas-
I cannot recall jour features,
Tour words I scarcely caught ;
Bift I shall alvvajs remember
The vision thnt they brought:
Blue depths and a warm air ruffling
The silver tops of trees;
A thousand joung stars dancing
Down dark, adventurous seas;
Voices of children nnd heroes,
Tlfe moon on Uie crest of a wave ;
A challenge of golden trumpets
Oyer a rratlfss firave, y
Louis Untermeyer, in Good
r .., .. hr-
Two Hell-hiaten gy,
Two tablespoons of mustard,
Four tablespoons of salt,
One tablespoon of paprika.
Beat hard to thoroughly mix and
then cook for three minutes nnd re
move from the fire. This salad dress
ing should be at thick as mayon
nnise. If desired thin, reduce with
vinegar or sour cream.
Recipe for Layer Cake
Place in a mixing bowl
One and one-half cupn of sugar,
Yolks of four eggs.
Cream well and then add three
quarters cup of shortening, and
cream ngain, then add
Four cups of sifted flour.
Five level teaspoon? of baking
One and one-eighth enp? of water.
Beat to blend and then cut nnd fold
in the stiffly beaten whites of four
eggs. Bake in four well-greased and
floured layer-enke pans in a moderate
oven for thirty minutes. Cool and
spread with jelly and then cover with
Chocolate Water Icing
One package of A'A'A'.V sugar,
Three-quarters cup of cocoa,
One-quarter cup of cornstarch.
Sift to mix and tnen add one table
spoon of lemon iuice nnd sufficient.
boiling water to make a mixture that
will spread.
With a Purse
TTERE is a storj that should appeal
LJ- to everj wornnn who loves silk
underwear, for it deals with a sur
prising sale of envelope hemises in
pnle pink crepe de thine. Some priced
nt the nmnring figure of S2 nre lace
trimmed, with a ribbon shoulder strap;
one priced at V2'Xi has inserts of re-
mnriinine ipinury lace nt met design ;
while one 1 fbw at Vl.m has n band
of tucked nepe around the top. The 1
strnps nre made ot the rcpe de chine.
nnd some imriow blue nbbon holds the
top firm. You will be Interested in this
sun, 1 am sure.
There is n certain shop in town that lind ho"V "v P-mnicrs or something j w,c
is hnvlnir a sale of shoes. 7p-,t nn J of thnt sort, jet we were not in a x lllnk I ""-led 1ms my ideas con
knows thnt the time to buv shoes i, I
right now, ns the prediction is thnt
prices nre going to rise stendily. Well,
the very name nf this shop, appearing1
011 a shocbot, stamps thnt shoe ns one
of good qunlitj nnd excellent stjle
Now. in the snle are anj number nnd
uuiils ot shoes. 1 saw blailc shoes and
white shoes, low nnos and bush, and I
ciouuc not inai you can nnd a pair
jou will want Most of them have hem'
minced to $." !)0, but I saw n few foi
Here is nnother snle n bag sale!
There nre lovely bundling of silk moire
I in gray, blnik or browji. Originnllv
they were prhed nt S,", nnd some weie
' even ns high as S.'i 7." Rut they nil have1
been repriced nt $2 0.". Knch is well
I lined with silk, nnd ninny hnve loige
I pocketbooks inside Each has nt least
n small purse, nnd, of oure, the ever
IieceSS.iry mirror You'll find good I
values nmong these bags.
I "How much do vou think I had to
pay for a silk undeivct todaj ?" asked
Dorothea Not wanting to disappoint
her, I didn't try to guess. Rut even I
was surprised when she told me that it
cost more than Ifo. "If jou took advan
tage of our shopping service," I said
severely, "you would be a verj much
wiser young lad)." As soon as 1 felt
that she was sufficiently impressed, I
hualitJf"r SI.0'- Yo w"l acee
thnt tli
this is n most unusual price for
silk shii t in this daj and generation
Siifh n lowl) pin I saw toduj '. water of the same tempeiatiirc l)ry
Makis jou think of soft-clinging gowns bj spiralling it out straight nnd Jln't
nnd smart picture hats. It is shaped on u smooth, hard suifnce Draw the
like n soft ribbon bow. nnd the , hand gentlj over it to piess out air bub
enils me fashioned of trlnngiilar-shapid-, oles which mav have fonned undir tin)
sapphires that is, one tiinngulai sap-I ribbon nnd would make it look "blis-,
phlre nt each end. The rest of the pin
is filled in with lovely 1 rench brilliants.
You would vow it wns n rent diamond -
and-sapphire pin, and if jou are as!
fond of the combination of the diamond I
I nnd bapphire as I am, I know vou will i
love the pin, and want it foi join verv
I own. The price is $0 a remarkable
price for bucIi u lovely bit ot jewelry.
For the nnnies of shops where ar
ticles mentioned in "Adventures
With a Purse" can be purchased,
nddress Rdltor of Woman's Page,
Kvenino Public Lgdoer, or phone
the Woman's Department, Walnut
W Second Floor
Advance Fall Hats
The Hats for Fall are here! Tailored ond semi-tnilorcd and
In their varying fabrics and shapes, each expressive of the
individuality that is eer a feature of Millinery chosen in our
Salons Individuality in tune with Popular Price. Tomorrow
f.&u and 10.U0
-. Purchasing Agents Orders Accepted
This frocli illustrates the new side
draper not so bouffant, jou see,
is formerly
A Dally Fashion TnlU by Florence Rose
THE paper doll silhouette hns been
predicted or at least a silhouette
that Plight as well bo so described ns
In nuj other wnj. You must be slen
der, to the point of emaciation, from,
back to front You must be sans curve
and snns pounds in bntk nud front,
but jou iimv ami in fact must balloon
out nt the sides. Which simplj means
thnt we must leinnin ns slender ns
ever, we must be as careful as ever
nbout potatoes and brend and butter
nnd other fattening viands nnd then
we must build out our figures on the
side with extra yards of material. Re-
cause obviouslj one cannot take on
pounds nt the sides without fear or .
ecrtaintj of taking them on in bnck or
jn front.
Perhaps it nil happened because we'
wore tjrt.,i nf ti1(. pcrfectlv straight I
Lilll0llctt0 - vVe vearned for something
different. It was renllv time that we
mood to be mifl-Victorinn. We lind 1
to hide them ns did theilndiis who
wore hoops in Victoria's day or in the
days of Louis X nnd Louis XVI
So there is much side drapery with- I
out nctunllj verj bouffnnt skirts. The
effect is one thnt jou will surelv like.
The frock here shown, new but not
,.xtreme, is of sntiu, with the skirt
draped amph on either hip. The sash
ends nre finished with lurgc silk tu.s
sels nttnehed to the waist line with
a bunch of French flowers. The col
lars nnd cuffs are of sheer lawn edged
with lncc. The lint is of velvet with
n large ostrldi feather,
Now n frock of this soit jou should
have to till the bill fur afternoon
wear, although one should he of pencil
pmpoitions in the morning for the
strictlj tniloied suits in fad. all cos-
tunics designed for going about .
fnr nniiimltce nin,.tilltrs. ulionnini- lioei.
ness or other sni 11 o riisjons i h .t I
to be of the straight up and down skut.
This afternoon jou niily nm t a bouffant-hipped
joung person who tomor
row morning will trip past jou in the
street ns hipless ns a joung faun
(Copyright, 1019, by Klorenop Hop )
To Freshen Ribbon
Smead the ribbon Hat on a smooth.
warm water in which n little mild soap
has been dissolved. Rinse by holding
the ribbon stretched between the hand
nnd nnssine it through a howl of clear
when drj
Hanging and Drying
lu hanging and drjing clothes
Have clothespins and line clean
Put like clothes together
Hang nil clothes wrong side out
linn,: garments bj bands, belts m
Drj white cotton and liuiu luthes
in sun; it whitens tin-in.
Drj' colored uiateiinls iu shade.
Drj woolens iu shade or Indoois
Lay knitted and ciocheted aiticles
Hut and drj them indoors.
Roll white silk iu heavj cloth ami let
stand nt least one-half hour.
All Summer Huts,
priced from 7.50 to
1S.50, to go tomorrow
at 2.00 and 3.00.
Matiteon & DeMai$
1 i
Cnestnut Street
The Woman's
To Remove Butter Coloring
To the J.'rfllor 0 11 oman'i Pace:
Dcnr .Madam Will you please men
tion somethhiR to remove butter color
ing from cotton dress?
a srnscRiiiEit.
Jnvellc water will probably tnke out
the fctnln, but it will remove the color,
toe. However. It would be possible for
cu to tint the dress the orieinul color
nith n little vvnter color. In trcntlng
the stnin with jnvelle water, stretch
the stained portion over 11 bowl nnd
apply with n medicine dropper. Don't
allow to stuy in contnet with the good
more than n minute. Then neutralize
with oxalic ncid and rinse.
j Write Chamber of Commerce
I To tne Editor 0 Woman' race:
Dcnr Madam Could jou inform me
j how much it will cost to go to Knnsns
Citj, nnd how large it is, nnd what
kinds of work nre most popular theie?
(If they have nuy manufacturing I will
be very thankful to know.
Ry addressing n letter to the Chamber
of Commerce, Knnsns City, Mo., jou
rnn cet nnv ninount of intcrostinz nnd
1 helpful information nbdut the various
I opportunities In the citj. Also the spe
cific questions jou nsked will be nn
Iswcred wlllliiRl. ns Kansas City Is rlfili1
now in the liiultt of n campaign to get
' more people to come live In it. For
rnilrond rates on the various routes con
sult tlic infoi tnation bureau In nny
I rnilrond station.
Please Tell Me
What to Do
Ask Librarian ,
M. M. S. It would be impossible to
send vou gnmes fur so near n date ns
jou lcqucRt. Consult the librarian of
the Public l.ibrnrj for idens.
Marine's Letter Continued
Dear Cjnthli The children and I
nre great lovers of nature and. theie
fore, spend the printer part of our lives
out of doors, We nil go skuting during
the winter and in the summer we tnke
n long wall, dnily nil kinds of weather;
in fnct, it's more fun tnl.ing n walk in
n diiviug storm thnn it is in clear
weather, to me.
I read nil the worth-while books, nil
the cuirent liternture, see n good play
ociainnnll, eat good, wholesome food,
nnd take plenty of otcrcisc, nnd people
think 1115 daughter nre mv sisteis.
So it pajs to tnke an intorest in the
world in general, not or.y jour own
home: that's why a mnn is gener.illj
" mora interesting person thnn his
orr,nlm: introductions
I hnve never been nb'e to see just
The Question Corner
Today's Inquiries
1 When a bride hns lost one of hei
iinrenls nud the lemaining pirent
has married, a second time how
should the wedding Imitations be
J What is the "Dictionary Part"?
H. What is public health musing?
4 Describe the bench shawl.
.". What is passementerie?
(!. What will prevent the legs of
chalis from scratching polished
Yestcrilnj's Answers
1. The game of putting odd pieces
of pictured together can be plaved
at veiv little children's parties
A piituie need onlv lie torn ill
two. each littleTlne given n niece
and nil the tots told to tiud the
light paitner.
2. The tunic's fninih pajs foi tli
wedding imitation.
.". It is not necessary for the biide
to give the hi idegroom n present.
but this is often done. It is,
honevcr, the custom for the
bridegroom to give tho bride a
1. A little memorandum pnd nnd
pencil tucked away in the nprou
pocket proves n great boon. So
ninnv things that ought to be re-
niemlic red come to the mind while
oueis working und the Cm thus
be jotted down.
.". A luncheon set in pbiec of tnble-
cloth saves lnundry because onlv
the little doily that happens to
get the spot on it need b( washed
and the set is again peifect.
(!. Two new huge galvanized ash
or garbage cans nuke cxevllcnt
stole places for the bedding, etc.,
to be left at the summer camp or
cottage. The should have covers,
of course.
Diamonds Jm,ry K,u 0ut
3KS-5Gt 11th St. ba Cimtiat
wjlr - i i - '
e 3MJBmja
3M see SM 3nflh
1422 OTtalmtt &tmt
1 l
Fall Suits and
Final Reductions
of All
Summer Apparef
Groups are reduced to limited numbers prices are
tho lowest of the enon prudent shopper will
avail themielve of these extremely advantageous
values not procurable at any other time of the year.
why nn introduction could possibly save
a person from destruction.
Peisonnlly I know men of high
social standing, whom I've been Intro
duced to, nnd whom I wouldn't let my
daughters accompany hnlf n block In
the brond dnj light.
The article on Introductions in n
recent Issue of this paper Is nil O. K.
Rut It Is up to ench woman, depending
upon how she hns been trained, nnd
upon the section of the country shu
resides" in. '
We nre soon to return to the "wild
nnd woolly" West, where "you enn shnke
linnds with n ninn without his suspect
ing jou nre going to pick hispocket,"
ns n writer recently snld.
Out West Introductions never were
in stjle, nnd jou bump Into very few
undesirable men, fortunately.
The people jou meet you nre proud
to know nnd jou nre friends from the
first hnndshnkc until jou "go West."
My letter Is too long already, Cyn
thia, but I've just n few words for our
soldier bojs who linvc icturncd. I ntu
not n suffragette nnd I'm not grently
interested In politics, although If I'm
ever fortunnte enough to run for office
it will be on n Socinllst ticket.
Rut If there's ever nnother wnr. nnd
the women hnve any voice in what's to
be done, I am going to have this good
old U. S. A. give jou something be
sides a brass band nnd million-dollar
arches for jou to see when you re
turn. Evctj man will get his job back or
n better one, nnd a regular old-fashioned
"feast" won't describe the "catV
jon'll get or the roublng good time we'll
show jou, one and nil.
As n finnl salute, here's one for the
woman who is holding down n man's
job, n job one of our bojs is vvnltlng
for. Your worse thnn n slncker or nu
I. W. W., Ilolshcvik or Kniser Bill.
Did nny one ever state, editor of this
column or writer to It, that introduc
tions save persons from destruction?
Methink" Marine exaggerates a bit.
s Tracing Character
Deur Cwithia I am wilting this let
ter to give my opinion in tracing a
person's chnincter to its bource. As
far us I am concerned the disposition
of nn individual is due wholly to the
environment in which he has been bred
in his eailj da.vs.
Mnnj people believe thnt parents
spoil or make reliable people out of their
children, but such is not alwnys the
When a ihild goes to school it does
ot realize that study is of nny impor
tnnec. Mothers can scold and whip
chilclicn as the desiie, but without nuj
effect, while ninny study voluntarily
without the least scolding fiom tneir
pnrents When children reach their
teens, theie uie two roads opened be
fore them, nnd being finished with school
thej piepnrc to find their own path in
life. One path leads to- honor nnd
success nnd the other to fiiilme and
Thus the bright nnd busy people be
come verv chnste nud noble. They
spend- their idle moments in studjiug
nnd piepnring for futur,? life. They
stay home in the evening, knowing
that bad company tends to spoil them.
The bojs learn to paint, to do carpenter
woik and ninny other things, while the
gills belt) their mother do the house-
woik, lcam to sew, --ibioider ami
1 10c he.
The iilenl boy ne ts decently and
politelj to ladies. Keeps Himself n(wa)s
u.ippj anil jouj no mailer wnai en- 1
counters liim. He does not smoke, diink
or chew becuuse he hns not been with
cninpnnj from whom he could get these
bad hnbits. He tries to do nnj thing he
can for everybody nnd does not bother
about other people's business.
The lnzy qnd idle class are just the
opposite; they select the p-ith that lends
to failure and dishonesty and utilize
marvel at our
photos of children
Tho i harm, the slmpllcltj-, the perfect
naturalness of the expressions we eet
Into our photos of children bring: 'Uch
jen to the hearts of inothsis. flit's
win the are so enthusiastic over, )ur
w orl.
I t us make a lottralt of jour child.
We will catch thnt most elusive of op
press cirs ,i natural smlle
ICiii:,','i.;iiiii:ir'Mit,ii'i"ii,ii,'HMi" I 'HI'llilllHIIH'HiiiiiiiiMciiiii Hi
"-" "'' iSSSr ' W- 111 '
ATnL.rrs. """ll '
. j r 1 I L II. B. I 1 "VC -A-s IT'S r
. w.tFyjaaf
s m
But Unfortunately There Are the Joneses, Who Gel Very
Hungry When Traveling!
TyrOTHER Is large nnd the train ride
"J- Is short nnd a brand-new cont In a
trunk musses fearfully. Let me hdd thnt
one of mother's clnlms to Trlory is (he
exnetness of her nttlrc. Never n wrinkle,
never n spot I And thus it was the 1 : 10
to The Summer Vncntl&n found her, In
spite of hot weather and nn objecting
daughter, with the brnnd-ncw blue cont
over her nrm. At the Inst minute when
no one vvus looking It hndllcen pilfered
from the truuk.
Now enter the we shnll cnll them
the Joneses nt nn outljlng station. The
scene is the 'parlor enr with mother
beaming out the window nnd daughter
already doing the Inst lnp on the laven
der swentet that is to be worn on the
Summer Vacation1. The Joneses arc live,
nnd too baffling in age nnd conversa
tion to be catalogued in relationship,
and thus permit mother to penccfully
resume beaming out the window.
Rut this is beside the point. The
next importnnt development in my little
story is that the Joneses had mjstcri
ous bundles which turned out to be
fruit I And it took just three minutes
their idle moments in plnjlng cards,
pool, drinking, smoking nnd boozing.
Their patents nre unable to control
them nnd their way to failure nnd dis
honest is begun. They do not know
how to treat n decent lady nnd their
speech alwnjs bends to 'the vulgar.
The girls of this class use up their
valuable time in huviug a good time
with bojs nnd "become tickle nnd dis
honest. The most disgusting part ot this,
thing, mj dear Cjnthia, is that because
I am good aid wise enough to take the
rond to success and honor, some of mj
friends lnugli at me nnd cnll me "babj ,"
ut the do not trouble 111c nt nil. When
1 meet my favorite and 1 feel that
Cupid's arrow has piciecd niv heart I
en 11 tnke n deep sigh and say that 1 linvo
loved but once and loved right.
x '. D. T.
Keep on sticking to the right road,
C. D. T.
Facts to Remember
Hmdens and shrinks woolens.
Yellows white silks.
Removes color in colored materials.
"Wholesale Prices
"Wholesale Prices
3 t..J? jX
Just as a Tree is Known hy
its Fruit9 so the package
by what it contains.
You can buy Teas anywhere for forty
five cents the pound, but when it comes to
satisfying: virtue and true merit "Asco"
Blends stand alone. To get Teas that ap
proach their quality you will pay in most
places twice our price.
But lei's slop debating
To prove we know whereof we speak, we
are willing to make you the judge.
Buy a package today, try it as often
as you 'wish to make a thorough test,
and if you do not find it as we claim,
bring back the unused portiori"and we
will gladly refund the full price paid.
No -charge for what you used.
We are glad to do this to prove to you
how much in earnest we are.
. XA lb. pkff., 12c : i2 lb. pkg, 23q
Four Blends One Quality
Old Country Style, India and Ceylon,
Black and Mixed
r i
Evferywhere in Philadelphia and Throughout
Pennsylvania, New JerseyjsJVIaryland and
for the secret to come out. In fivo
minutes the five newcomers of tho
baffling ages were entlng as though
they hadn't seen food for n inontn. .
Rut thnt didn't mnttcr j much,
ilere's the climnx of the story. One
we shall call Molly Jones had not
only extraordinary hunger, but Its ac
companying handmaiden, thirst. The
wntcr cooler wns nt mother's end of the
pnrlor enr nnd every time Molly passed
down the swaying aisle she found need
for moral support just ns she reached
mother's chair. Gentle reader friend,
my tragedy is briefly told. She put
her sticky hands on the brand-new
blue coat that was kept out of tho
trunk for safekeeping.
THERE is no moral to this tale, cx
,ccpt thnt the best of plnns of mice
nncl men, etc., etc. And then there's a
question which is asked with a perfectly
open mind. Why do grown-up, able
bodied men nnd women find it necessary
to cnt the minute they get on a train
or boat? Id there something lu life I
hnve misscel this inordiuate traveler's
Wears all fabrics.
Hardens woolens,
Gives silk n rough aud wavy loold
Injures color.
Rleeches and whitens white cotton
and linen materials.
Hardens and shrinks woolens.
. Yellows white silks nnd woolens.
Pndes colors.
Brunette Skins
are especially susceptible to
the ravages of overgrowths of
hair. Dark-complexioned girls
and women should remove
undcr-arm halr-growths (and
growths on the face) with
inn IMijjim
Vou can buv it at all department
ttorri anil uood drua stores.
to Retail Trade"
Save at Least 25 on
the Balance of This Month
Kvory fur garment and fur piece Is
manufactured on premises and we
specialize In selling to the retail trade
at wholesale prices."
A small depottlt will reserve nny par
rlintr. Oniric urralintfl Invited. .
Philadelphia's Moil Reliable
Manufacturing Furrier
1227 Walnut St.
Est. 25 Years
to Retail Trade"
. '
" ' ""''
' .! .'
J I jjpri.ii !"nHprTTfiii(riirmiiiiii ' . jiu" -m
Km .a. .fc A A ? A -1. A -. - .A... . .1. ul. .L r. ,2. -
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