"JV1 . .." '-ij ' TM V . ? ti EVENING- PUBLIO LEDGER-PHILADELPHIA, M&fcb-A AtTGUS'J? ' 25,'' OlOi v ' 'l 18 i y Oiitt'ult) Stdck Prices fAoruat 28. 101M leai tallnwlna- lilln shCWS the last ' a uu .. ...a ,.i at tranaaetlone ' M.V trust comry and various local T seldom, and In some care. " Jf In en tha Philadelphia stocic ""-"" WtoTj compiled bv Barnes 4,..-.. Dtnkl Datsot UtS ai May 2?. P2? nlc 1" I' Commerce , ', Nov. ft. Ug. Feb. Apr. Nov. Auk. Aor. Dec. 13. 20. 22. 14. m. ". n " -A, ni.i v.. :. "7r us 54. 'IS a". '.lK khth ieiCiii """' 4" S5rffit1lp,:JAiV-iVA A.f ?5- ;:;. io. !? !r5a. rti National "J" Oct. rb St. nklln Ns'tUna i ' . . " 302 4 2 2!l is' 20. 4. 1. SI. 13. S. 7. 20 a. 20 (I. 12 14 A 111 2. ia si n. 24. . 10. 1 rmiiLinwii 1411 417 lis 330 no 442 ST I 128 ?0?U 290 4ss jan 3174 30: 202 ls 12 MRU 241U sr.n ;in 45 Apr July Aue Aur. .lure AUI Mar Mev DfC. Jan. Aur Aug. Mar. Nov .Tun Jun JaU A" Julv July Dec Jan Mar. Irard National nalnaton National Jiayjmk National r?" J' National atlonaF oiw 1.117 usnK. nai neeunty . National .. Beth N 4 inn . , . ( ( hrn National .. . nwfatfrn National. in 10 M9 l 'IT III IB 10 10 IS Ts MS 10 R. National", I ..'. masipnia national.. T.pily National Id NHMAm th National ";" national .. outhwestern Nkilnn.i renin. Nations! . . . SKA'VCT.1.1 iftl4"5.! National lat Philadelphia Trust Companies f.UMIne Trust 1U0 June MP MO 111 19 in IK .,! :' 17 1 IP 17 10 I 'in . 10 10 i ' i seiraoji Truat . Ltjryn Hawr Trutt 0 Kaentral Trust & Sav OS MSeiten Trust . 140 ES'lVt! Trait J ; wsft jsit Feb. Msr. May July Julv Julv JUlv Ana AUff Mr Jlllv UV May lh Jsn Vsy Oct July Julv Jun fr Julv Tun Mv Vh Juno Oct. AUK Mav Vus Mar Autr. Nov. Julv Aue Auir Ant;. June Arr Jt-l Aue June Aiu Aus: June July June 4ur. Fb. June July June Tuly rb June i5. i 20. '! It lfTtl i Iru;? 20i TjT .AIbIMib T ..- -. ia. pttfl Truit , Ifc." is. 11 14 4 21 21 30. 1 2.1. IS 3 1 21. in IS IS. 20. IS 13 P-JiUTIItT ITUat fiin in in , to is 111 ' '!" (0 111 :iSi n . 10 1 111 in lit ia IP in 1 ',sm Ka cj i' JfcnHrr,CT"t . t77 '"SK-iJ J "'L1 runt mi 75Vi ano ll"l-i 121 inn niu JJadillnrton Tlt iVr xHolmaahurir Trust urir Trust ttVtM"aj.lJl iirutt Trust Hti S R'iT i i ' W- yfLnlntown Trust Co" im IVlanslnrton Trust . . nnH ttr7". .' Trutt nnn gPWty Tlti, T?u,t im Kwran Trut ..... 1.1114 T.lfanarunlc Trust mil at nvo :: m 'uISlifviA url0JLrust. " .ilrSfi'Si'Wl!. Tuat Co MS iguti'Tr'usI 48 20 IS . 1S n i. 20. 1 n 20. ?i no. 10. 7 n 10. 23 is. 23. R 10. 16. CigofhTwiaTrutt-. .ion 111K tun 411 140 Esvi's'sira. T" slham Tniaf enna Co for Int.' to! 1 VOOlJ Tm4 Phlt.Co for a Mt. Phllsdainhis. t... B60 Rhtaj'altato T I ,j" ij? l&rlK s:Ul" Tru" c. ss ;rollo Trust" I 2H ., ittanhouso Trutt obart Morris Tr i hrt fnl - ?? Maoomr s D T irT-- . life ?-t'"t ..... ! inVlu l'ma nso J. I a T. . 101 li-Vaynr Junction . . 4 ijvasi jsna Trutt. . ,iA : Poll, T T...; 74 Julr ftfe loinnrn. t . pi!wuft. ... au-7:: T(illMiipBla Life 101, 'ug Fire Inanranco Coninnt SfTro Association ...320 afranklln ... ..fl() ?(ndependence Security iu Ina Co of State of Pa. 80 Aue. Aua Apr June 1. 13, A Apr. 2. Srt. 11. Nnv la uinmrnuo loo Mechanics' 7K reopie'i National 10U flallance ni4 July Apr July June 30. 20. 23. Jnllrtl Flramen'a.. victory , 12U Fsawnrer Rallirar Mocks amdsn' Suburhsn.. 20H Msr pltlns (10th b 11th). 22.V jun,: 20 if). 2S. SO. IS. 80. 3. 80. 23 in. 1. 14. 27. 8". . onunemai on June tot Pk s Haddlncton. 4 Oct Yankford A Southwirk ?R4U .i..n. ermant'n (4th & 8tb) 01 July Hsatonvlllo M V AU. .inw Fdanrat 01 July Brean & Coates fits fl.1 .Tuw Pjnlladelplila City. ... 117 July llftiti.flrAVa Varv ATtT HI... If " Ave. 200V4 Nov. iuiu c 41.411 oia. . . .11a July rtetntli & 15th Sts. 186H Aur. on Passtna-er .. inn Dec. t Ptlladelphla . . . 165b Apr. 20. '19 m RaII TMl1a 'S4s )ji4ati A Tliifllnir fis StU Julv Apr. July Jan. Mar. June Auc. Aur May June rob. Feb. Mav Aur. Julv Auff July Msr Aur. July Auk. SI. 20. 23. ' twins. 1st sref ' 42 j 2d PTtf 42l4 ttnut HUt 03 iwaro ill. A Bound Brook. . 18ft Mahanoy. . . . Rn fnnwy.VRnta .. SOS 12. r, 20. 30, 20. 21. 0. 4. S. 17. IS, 17. 20. s. 12. 20, 28, Williams com ow -of ;nvi 4 B Top com. . ref alley oref ... Schuylkill ia Valley HI A Sch Haven. . Pennsylvania. ., I t Trenton Otn 4V Norrla... d Cos of N J. .. era N T Pa . . 10 lfi 43 14 fin; 71) 1IIS 11AU 1924 21 Miscellaneous ( Pipe Con Co . . ser & Enrel Brow. -ret ..ir Hook & Eye. prise Mfr Co . , ..tone Watch Caae .bants Warehouse. ord H K Co hern Liberties Oas '1 TrafTlo. ;ia Cold Storage... ,.1. Warehousing. . . . 12V. Julv Aua Aur. Feb. May Apr July July July June Mar. Mav Aur. Aur. June Sept. Apr. Aur. May Aur. Alls'. 2. 13. 13. 19. 14. n 2.1'i 1104 70 82 SB 3m 2Vl 13 101 5 ID. 4. 19. '-'I. 20, 20? 13. 23. 9. . 21 fl". 20. u 1 I '. ua uourse.. 'o-prsf 20H .la warehouse 11Z 41a Wha 6 C S 87 iitlu Kiln, ft French 0.1 Uon J B 193 do sref SOI ctor Talklnr Machine 7.1 esunoreland Coal. ... 840 HRCHDUKE HAS QUIT, Ik All ICC ADC IMCHDMCn i ttntstn lAix Affsk!nl lAfxJ ruiia uoia wiuuiai vvuiu K- Formation of New Cabinet fM in Hungary a. 07 the Associated Press l?E Paris. Aur. 2."i. The resirnntinn ite.'Tv : : .... t-;,ra Hungarian gavernmeni oi ArcnilUKe EWweph, previously reported in press HMYlces, was announced In messages JftfiTrd by the Supreme Council today. ao messages indicated that the resig ' lation occurred at 8 o'clock Saturday yjfehf and that the formation of a ,J;In the new cabinet, the dispatches tet Paul 'Garaml, minister of justice th Peldll cabinet, will be minister . .. commerce, while former Premier lea Peldll will be minister of food. it! Payer, minister of home affairs in " Peldll government, Is designated as Wfr ot labor In the reconstructed .'3airyf and Count Crany, cs min- ' 'ftf far!, nfffiirs. The other nlaces f f jiot yet been filled. ;i Ster Herbert Hoover's appearance if- y e. ttie council of five it was an- Lott-;f A..J stia Miimi.ll l.arl ,4nt A nnlfl tn " Jt fcW4.4. - - """' ttf5l. tliat It would not deal with " ,vfvcnt under Archduke Joseph ')f h Hapsburgs. I ..JHfoqveT i reported to have talked tsi)jr to the supreme council ai 1 correspondent. :.W time for pussyfooting and ,, "viA'iWIomatle notes has passed," he . a !W' "'Nothing but" a club will AlifSa, result la this situation. ffKt itoianevisia uur vuc xina necessary it we nav direct action In a crisis. J''TSt? riuch gainst the Bolshevists tae iiapsuurgs. ; Was Forced Oat .Jauian anny had its tJM.' bulldins whore ws eet(iE m & "-? j afiisilU Bmi.' GOSSIP OF BROKERS APPROVE LOVETTS PLAN CONCERNING RAILROADS Comment Favorably on Clear and Concise Statement of Actual Conditions Gossip of the Street THE cheerful atmonpliere of Vrldny last pervaded the tlnatielnl district during the linlf sewlon 011 Saturday. "One of the most frequent topic of di'Ctisaion win in relntlon to the report of the previous day nbout tho railroads. This npparently veil authenticated report was to the effect that the railroads are to be returned nt the end of this year, and that the govern ment guarantee is to be continued for two years more. The favorable comments on this temporary settlement of the railroad question were referred to In thla column on Saturday. In many brokers' offices on Saturday there was very favorable comment on the statement of Judge Knvctt concerning the railroads when he appeared before the House interstate nnd foreign commerce committee. This was spoken of ns a clear, concise stntrment of actual conditions. It was said by one broker that if the roads nr,c to be turned back and the government guarantee continued for two more yeari, Mich a move would meet Judge I.ovett's nrgtiincnt that the queitlon before Congress is to find out how to get the capltnl neressary to keep up railroad facilities for national needs. Such an arraugement. It wns said, would have it tendency to draw the new capital nccesnry to the roads, nnd give sufficient time to find a perma nent solution to the railroad muddle. A banker tald that the test of gorerninent operation had been unfair, as conditions were abnormal, but with proper government supervision for tio jrars under normal conditions it would be easier to arrive at an un prejudiced conclusion. A well-known iniestment banker said he wns pleased to see Judge Lovett take up that part of the Wnrfield plan about a distribution of profits over f! per cent nnd deal with it in a practical manner, both as u railroad man aud a lawyer. There i a feeling that rnilroad own very shortly in the bond houses English Railroads in Worse I A well-known hnnncier wnru speaking ot me rauronti situation in tnc foiled States sniil that perhaps our only real consolation lies in the fact that our neighbors acros the Atlantic are in a much worso condition than we aje He called attention to the following recent piece of news on the matter: "Sir Kric (ieddrs. minister of wa.is nnd communications of the I'uitcd Kingdom, discussing the Irnnsport bill before the House of Commons, set forth that the lucreiiM- in the cost of running the rallwajs during the early months of HUH. lis compared with the same period of HH.'l, was from fOO.ono.OOO to f JOO.OOO.OOO n month, rising steadily, aud now foreshadowing 11 deficit of 6(1.000.000 for the current yenr. "Adiices received by the bureau of foreign nnd domestic commerce of the Department of Commerce quote Minister (Jeddes as planning to meet this deficit by elimination of competitive sen ices and private cars, by increasing capacity of the lines to run traffic by judicious electrification, nnd the decreased cost of traction by gradually improving the loading gauge, by reducing the detention of rolling stock and by standardization of locomotives, etc. He also announced thnt it is inevitable that for a time freight rates must go up." 19 is 1 10 1 I 'in , i" i Debacle in Exchange Only Halted 11 ' At the close of last week the opinion wns general thai in default of Fome finnncial relief measure such as was outlined by II. I'. Pavisou, of .I. I'. Morgan & Co., or the plan of Senator Kdge. of Nev Jersey, the, debacle in exchange has only been halted. There was n great deal of loose talk of the probability of sterllug falling to even 54 for the pound, or even loner. Leading British bankers along the lines of Llovd (Jeorgo's remarkable statement expressed the oplniou that (treat Ilritniu will have to curtail its purchases even of the raw materials indispensable to thnt country to a minimum and virtually stop buying every thing else from outside countries. The situation is aggravated by the approach to the time of year when there is a flood of American grain going out und Inter a tremendous movement of our cotton. The anxiety displayed by foreigners regarding the outlook is reflected by the fact thnt the rally in sterllug ot six cents on Thursday caused an almost immediate advance of 1 00 points in cotton. It is clear by this time to even a novice how disastrous to this country would be n choking up of our foreign trade. ' Kvery point of decline in,the European exchanges is so much of an increased embargo on imports of mi.ch -needed sumdles to Europe. If this situation Is prolonged it is inevitable that the prices of com modities decline, and this brings into discussion the prospect of further unsettlemcSt of labor. IteferrinR to the Davison plan, a banker said the reports circulated by a certain New York paper that the Federal Reserve Board had frowned upon this plnn and he was filad to see the story flatly contradicted by CJovernor Harding, of the federal reserve, who said he bud not expressed any opinion on the subject and thnt the only information concerning such a plan had come to the board through the papers. This would indicate that Mr. Davison had not yet submitted his plan to the board, formally. Banking Houses Review Business Situation The following are opinions of ccitaln concerns on the current financial and relnted topics during the past week: Chandler Ilros. & Co.: "There has been a sizzling, somewhat two-sided market the past week with sharp declines followed by rapid recoveries; but the weight of action was on the selling and declining side very pronouncedly. Seldom have the newspapers spread before its readers a more lugubrious goulash of bearish news than in Monday morning'i issue. Mexico was stealing our airmen aud holding them for a $lfi,000 ransom. So great importance was attached to the ransom feature that you might have easily added three or even six naughts to the figures, llcsides this item of news, nil of Orenter New York would have to walk, crawl, dance, fly, swim or navigate from their living apartments to their various business booths, because nil the railway emploves, elevated, surface and subterruuean, were on one grand strike for 50 per cent increase in wages nnd for a number of other social, religious, labor organization rights and privileges hitherto denied. In addition. United States Steel employes generally were to disregard and forfeit all their stock ownership privileges and other bonus benefits, nnd they, too, were to "walk out" nnd tie up this and other great steel plants of the country. Washington was seething with undercurrents of suppressed hos tility and Inst, but not lenst, Harvey's Weekly had taken one grand flop IS 19 10 10 IS 19 IS 10 19 IS 518 10 10 18 :.? .i i 19 1W 17 10 19 1 19 is 19 ia m lo to 17 nnd berated the United Stntes Senate for delnjlng passage of the same inter woven peace and league of nations document that it had been to steadfastly opposing for some months past." e Hecker & Co.: "With the peace treaty not yet ratified, the railroad question still in abeyance and labor unrest continuing, the market is not yet on a sound basis for a resumption of tho upward movement, although the recent severe decline has more or less discounted these unfavorable factors. The testimony of Judge It. S. Lovett, of the Union Pacific Railway, before the House committee on Interstate and foreign commerce should give con fidence to those holding railroad shares." The Annalist: "No page In the history of oil development Is more interesting, nnd none is so little understood outside of the oil industry itself nud the coal industry which is directly nffectetf, ns the developments which have made fuel oil one of the big industrial factors of the present day. And the page is by no means complete. Thus fnr only a beginning has been made. "At present nearly every one knows that fuel oil is being used by the locomotives on certain western railroads; that oil-burning; transatlantic liners have come into being; thnt warships are being built to use oil ns fuel, but there are few who appreciate that oil has very largely supplanted, coal in the industrial life of New Kngland, and that in New York city nnd its vicinity the use of oil as fuel will take the place of some 2,000,000 tons of coal this year." Butcher, Sherrerd & Hansel!. The high cost of politics nil over the world is to a great extent responsible for the difficulties and expenses of our present living conditions. This is a thing which probably will take much time to materially help. During this period of waiting it is well to keep thoroughly prepared for storms, financial and otherwise. If our preparations are sufliclently thorough and far-reaching they may prevent any serious difficulty. We think it not unlikely a storm may be necessary to clear the financial atmosphere, but we are hoping that the recent slow, persistent and de clining market may have accomplished the desired result. Jf ui of re- new was forced tn resign and a new govern ment was formed. It is not In any tense a popular government. "I consider that the American army fought in vain if the Hapsburgs are per mitted to retain power. The supreme council sent th follow ing note to the Hungarian Govern ment: 'The allied and associated powers have been further considering Intorma tion derived from our reports, and from other sources, as to recsnt events In Budapest. Their conclusions are as follows : "They are most anxious to conclude a durable peace with the Hungarian people, but they feel that this cannot bo done whilo the present Hungarian Gov ernment la In power. The government came Into existence not by the will of the people but by a coup d'etat carried out by a smell body of police, under the protection of a forelgu army. Would Not Support Ilapsburg "It baa at its head a member of the house ot Ilapsburg, whose policies and actions were largely responsible for the calamities under which the world It siifferinr. and will long suffer. . A peace " a or any It Is guns nerntiated bv such a corernmint ia tho likely to b lasting; nor cat the x THE STREET securities nre going to come into their whicli deal largely in these securities. Condition Than Ours ami associated governments give the economic support which Hungary needs. " "In Its reply that Archduke Joseph Is prepared, before approaching the allied abd associated governments, to submit his claims to the test of popular elec tions, we must reply that this procedure cannot be satisfactory if the election is to be carried out under the auspices of an administration which the archduke himself controls. "The difficulties in the way of ob taining by election of a faithful re flection of the popular will nre, In the present unhappy state of Hungary, moat serious. They would be overwhelming if an election were cr.rrlcd out under Ilapsburg Influences. Even 1 an assem bly elected under such circumstances were really 'representative, no one would think so. "In the Interest, therefore, of Euro pean peace the allied and associated governments mean to Insist that the present claimant to the leadership uf the Hungarian state should resign and that a government, in which all parties are represented, should appeal to the Hungarian people. "Tho ollled and associated powers would be prepaned to negotiate with any not government wuwn poasctseu me C0U fideuce of an assembly so elected," allied I GERtVIAN FINANCIER ' CRITICIZES AMERICA Declares This Country Is Aiding in Depressing Value of Mark ' LEADERS TURN TO EAST Berlin. Aug. 25. (ny A. P.) Oeorge Muech, financial writer for the Tngeblntt. criticize, the United Stntes for failing to assist Germany financially and asserts that Americans arc even guilty of machlnntlon to depress the value of the mark artificially. "Americans are exploiting Germany's needy situntlon most selfishly," he de clared, "by delaying to grant credit which Germany needs, and depressing the value of the tnnrk with the intcn tion of obtaining such German products ns dyes, chemicals and brushes at low nrlces. On the other hand, they offer America., products to German buyers at as high prices ns possible. It is poor comfort for us to know thnt the Amerl- cans are playing the same game ns ftheir former Allies." He snvs the American government could novv show whether It really wishes to help Germans in their work of re construction bj allowing Germany to enter the American money market. "Not without reason," he concludes, "do the glances of our economic lenders turn toward the ont. It is ever clearer that rescue is to lie found there.'' The financial writer on the I.okal Anzeiger likewise takes a gloomy view of the financinl situation nnd the decreasing value of flip mark. "Only foreign credits will save Ger many from complete bankruptcy." says the writer. "If Finance Minister Era berger is able to induce foreign credits to German), thrn dlsnstcr can be avoided." He cites an alleged threat of an Amer ican financier to remove the mark quo tation from the stock exchanges of the world, declaring this would make the mark utterly worthless. The correspondent was lntormeu nt the Dresdener Hank that on an Amer ican draft he surely might count on eighteen mnrks and probably more per dollar. Finland Honors Phlladelphlan The decoration of Chevalier of the First Class of the Order of the White Rose has heen conferred by Finland upon Iientenant Commander Edward Burton Robinette. a young banker of this city nnd navnl attache at the Amcrionj. Legation at Stockholm, Sweden, according to word received here recently. Mrs. Robinette nnd her daughter. Miss Klsie Riddle Robin ette, sailed recently for Europe to join Lieutenant Commander Robinette. LOST AND FOUND TIRES $2.1 reward for return of 2 new Goodrich cord tires, tubes find rims, sis 34x44 ; lost from Itulik; no questions asked. M 701. Ideer Office. PACKAGE1 Lost, pack me containing shoe horn. Return to 7021 Clcarvlew st . or phone C II . S0.1. Reward HELP -WANTED FEMALE AN EXCELLENT OPPORTUNITY J 13 50 PER WEEK AFTER 8 MONTHS 11 TER WEEK AFTER 1 MONTH 111 PER WEEK TO START CONTINUOUS ND RAPID ADVANCEMENT TO POSITIONS PAYING J20 TO 133 PER WEEK BEST FNV1HONMENT AND WOPKINO CONDITIONS SICKNESS DISABILITY BENEFITS SPECIAL PAYMENTS FOR LENGTH OF SERVICE GOOD LUNCHES AT COST TOl'NO WOMEN BETWEEN IS AND 25 YEARS OF AGE CAN SECURE THE ABOVE BY APPLYING TO MISS RYAN THE BELL TELEPHONE CO OF PA FIRST FLOOR, 1631 ARCH ST BOOKKEEPER with some knowledgs nl stenography; steady position to right girt, chance fcr advancement. Apply 1840 Ma rket st second floor. BOOKKEEPER. KNOWLEDGE OF STEN OORAPHY. WANTED; GOOD PAY PRACTICAL WAIST CO., 018 CHERRY. CHAMBERMAIDS. Apply to Housekeeper Rltz-Carlton Hotel. Ilrosd and Walnut sts. CHAUrFEURETTES GOOD WAOES AND PLEASANT WORK CALL AT ONCB 188 S. 8D ST. SEE MR. SHATTUCK OR MTt. PHILLIPS CHOCOLATE COATER8. EXPERIENCED Arn.Y BUREAU OF EMPLOYMENT WANAMAKER'S COOK, chambermaid and waltreea, 2 girls Protestant, while for Jrnklntown: 4 in family; rood wages. Phone Ogontz 808 GIRL. good, white, to do general. housework who understands cooklnr In im.n fa.ti..'. wages I0 weekly. For further particulars' aDniv Dr. Anck. Room C24. nMi I,..,.. Trust Bldr.. Brosd and Chestnut sts. GIRL to work In drug store; no experience required; subway 84. Wm. Scargle. East I.ansdownc. OIRLS AND WOMEN CAMPBELL'S SOUPS ESTABLISHED 1898 OIRLS AND WOMEN FOR KITCHEN WORK PRKPARINO VEGETABLES MEATS. ETC. ALSO GENERAL FACTORY WORK STEADY EMPLOYMENT HIOH WAOES INCREASED AUTOMATICALLY TIME AND HALF TIME OVER 48 HOURS SPECIAL BONUS 2 PER WEEK JOSEPH CAMPRELL COMPANY 8ECOND AMARKET STREETS OIRLS. 18 years up. to operate punch press eat t!2 tO Start. With mora mnnav .. .... as on piece work: excellent working cond. Miner uocn i-o., urtnoqos anq Tacony. Fled OIRLS over 16 and young women have an excellent opportunity to secure steady work In modern up-to-date factory; Ideal location for W. Phlla. girls on account ot close proximity to subway, Baring, Lancas ter ave., Dsrby, Spruce. Baltimore ave. and Spring Uarden bridge aurfaca llitest operators wanted In ths assembling department, where the work la light and cleani also ou lpresnti. Upper and other light machines. I For details oall at one factory offlce. 'a, T. FUt Co.. 8241 Arch .t, ' I.P "WANTEiDrEMATjI! loo oirtt.fl WANT1CD IS NEW UffiPAriTMKNT oi'er ia TEAns or aok IN CICIAHETTB UEPAHTMBNT I.IOHT, Aint FACTOHY DKSIUAlir.n STKABY VVOBK HOT 1.UNCHK8 SEnVED AT I.K8S THAN COST OOOD PAY! EXCELLENT TIIEATMENT LEARNERS PAID I0 WEEKLY INCREASED AFTER 8EC0ND WEEK LIOOETT MYERS TOBACCO CO. 8D AND ONTARIO 8TS. OIRLR, AROUT 16 TEARS OF AOE, TO I.I5ARN LACE CURTAIN AND LACE MENDING! THESE AHE OOOD PAYINO POSITIONS, AND EXPERIENCED OIRLH ARE EARN'INt! OOOD WAOEBl 41.HOUR WEEK APPLY NORTH AMERICAN LACE CO., 8T1I AND ALLEQHENY. OIRIA OVER in TO LEARN MILLINERY APPLY BUREAU OF, EMPLOTJIENT VVANAMAltER'8 OIRLS wanted for laboratory work, labellnr. fllllnr. etc.; hours. 7:45 a, m. to ft p. m : Saturday. 7:45 a m. to 1 p. m.s lunch served In the hulldlnr; permanent position. Apply Smith, Kllnw French Co., Canal Poplar. OIRLS to learn mendinr on knitted fabrics: 4A-hour v.ek and rood pay. Apply North American i.sce i-o.. sin ani Aiicrnenv. OIR1.S, near 10 to IS years of sge. for nosl- tion in nnisning room: cnanra xor aovance- menti 4Rhour week . Applv North American Lace ro , win ano Anernenv ave. OIRLS. experienced and tearnera: rood Apply Orlswola iart and stesdy work. Worsted Co , Darby Pa. OIRLH to label and wrap tallies: rood piece work rates; no experience necessary. H. K. MMIfnnl Co., 42 3. ISth St. housekeeper want, Apply nny evenlnr afte a47tWaper at. wanted; rood home and a In Tnmlly: references. after 7 o'clock or write LADY to handle nrat-class shares In a ffroff Inr concern! rood proposition to right 6 arty: commlttlon and salary. Writs P, O. :ox 44. T.mes Souare Station. Naw York city. MENDEHS on men's wear, fancy woratsd, HHACKAMAXON MILLS. Allegheny ave. and Hnncnck st MILLINERS, EXPERIENCED APPLY BUREAU OF EMPLOYMENT WANAMAKER'S OFFICE ASSISTANT, with some knowledre of bookkeeping and stenography. C, A. RmvelL 5IU.V17 flermanlown ave. SALESLADIES Toune and bright, to lesrn the business, rood opportunity for ad vancement; steadv employment. Apply 1040 Market at., second floor. SALESWOMEN WANTED EXPERIENCED SALESWOMEN FOR VARIOUS DEPARTMENTS EMPLOYMENT BUREAU LIT BROTHERS SALESWOMEN FOR ... MILLINERY, NOTIONS AND V4.RIOUS OTIltfR DEPARTMENTS ... ' APPLY BUREAU OF EMPLOYMENT WANAMAKER'S SALESWOMEN Chestnut t, store require tho services of competent, experienced sslosw-omeu for suit. coat, rown and blouse departments, permanent positions with good salaries: excellent chance for advancement. P 22o; Lodger Of flee STEVhORAPHER CAPABLE OF DOING GOOD WORK APPLY BUREAU OF EMPI-OTMENT WANAMAKER'S STENOGRAPHER, experienced: N. E sec tion: one who takes and read Holes ac curately nnd nulrklv. Addreaalntr rlvlnr age, iuii experience, natiomvii.y, religion, eauoa llen and sslsry expected, 'and nearest tele phone, Q 14, IVietofflcc Box 8.100. STENOORAPIIEU AND TYPIST Wanted. one familiar s Ith flro Insurance work: permanent position stile salnry and cxperl- ence. p jjlg Ldrer Office STENOGRAPHER and typist, thoroughly ex. , perlenced: unusual opportunity for ambi tious rlrl. Write fully or call Mrs. Norrell, Phlla. Rspld Transit Co.. 820 Dauphtn at. STENOGRAPHER. Protestant, accurate, r liable, rnr general office work. Write full details and salary expected, C 20. Ledger Office. STENOGRAPHER for bldg. operation office; must be competent: one with slight knowl edge of bookkpg, prefd. Apply Men mornlnr, John H. MrClatrhy, Hth and Market ats. bTE.NOORAPHER. joung lady, wanlesl by old reliable firm, must be neat anil accur ate: write stating experience nnd sslsry ex perted. Protestant preferred. P 22S. Ledger Office STENOGRAPHER .STrnt tnlMt nnil apnruU spiller for mall order adertlslnET depart- B I Dewces 1.22 fhe.tnut st STENOGRAPHER, permanent poa. with ad vancement, Lawrence Pub. Co.. 2fll S. 8d. STENOGRAPHER wanted, state experience, sslsrv expected P 110, Ledger Office STENOGRAPHERS, EXPERIENCED GOOD WAOES AND GOOD HOURS CALL AT ONCE 138 8. 8D ST. SEE MR. SHATTUCK OR MR. PHILLIPS WINDERS, rkeln. on flns srn; also learners, oter III years of age; 48-hour week, good money made on piece work. Apply North American Ijico Co . 8th snd Alleaheny. TELEPHONE OPERATOR, experienced on Bell and Keystone; state salary. M 823. I.deer Office TYriST and clerk for small office : state age, salary and experience. B 220, Ledger TTPIST8 Wanted. 20 eaperfenced opera- tors to address envelopes and fill In let ters at our office; piece work; can work part time If preferred. Annlv TTntv A. dressier nnd Printing Co . 704 Cheatnut st, WAITRESS wanted; good wages paid. Applv In person. University Hospital, S4th and Spnice sts. WOMAN, strong; college graduate preferred; Join group college graduates running lunch room; to do dishwashing and house cleaning: live In or out. Household Science Kitchen. 1010 Arch st. Walnut 0731 WOMAN, middle nged; college graduate pre ferred: for cashier. 11:3,1 to 2: lunchroom run by college graduates. Household Science, isucnen. mm Airn at. walnut B7SQ. WOMAN Cook rnd butler for Oermantown; about the middle of September: must b first olsss: references very Important. P 803. Ledger Offlce 'WOMEN. WHITE, FOR CLEANING APPLY BUREAU OF EMPLOYMENT VVAVAWiTfrn.u ms.4..-, WANAMAKER'S YOUNO WOMAN, amblilouli. wanted. Man school and business collego graduate, for permanent position: must be accurate and a good typist: atenorraphy not essential; pless snt work, good future, sslsry to start 14; state are. experience and give phone num ber AildreaaPI 1 4 Tdver Office YOCNO WOMEN. OVER 17 A8 CASHIERS AND INSPECTORS APPLY RUREAU OF EMPLOYMENT WANAMAKER'S General BUSINESS SERVICE CO.. 1118 Land Title. Bookkeepers. S25: stenographers, to 80, HELP WANTED MALE ATTENTION SALESMEN HERE IS A' HEAL WINNER Oil Corporation now paying, quar terly dividends at the'rate it 1 per month; give personal bank and mercantile agencies as reference: tun equippea kit and prospectus sent on request; good commission, but no aavances. AMERICAN SECURITIES CO., 217 Htarks Bldg., Louisville, Ky. AUTOMOBILE SERVICE MAN. must be a flrst-class man on repairs to motortrucks. Apply at the Atlantic Refining Co., Employ ment Department. 3144 Passyunk ave. BOOKKEEPER with knowledge of typew'rlt Ing and stenography: central retail atore, siite experience ano salary, i-aiw, i,u. ijii. IIUUKKEEPEH wanted: state experience anal sslsry expected ! itw Leqrer time. HOY. over H; neat, 1,bvm crammaF aehl bright, active! mutt tin to start. H. K. Mulford Co., S. 18th. BOYS. IT YEARS OR OVER,, TO WORK IN WALL TAPER FACTORY! OOOD WAOE8. APPLY AT ONCE, BECKER. SMITH PA OB. WATER AND BNTPER AVE. BUTLER wanted: tnutt b married and iniea; must pa marnea anq . be good cook: Jobifor sx- only. Apply tn K. of C. Bureau, 171T Chestnut at. wire must pa gooa cook: jonixor service rren Employment HIITI.KH anil woman rook for Osrmantnwn about ths middle, of Sept.: must be first (last; references vary Important. P 804. Ledger Offlce. . ' CANDY Expsrlsnctd bard oandymaksrs; ' also ascend bandit aiied' wares Ijmdy posl- tlaa. ioi.c.basb touts' frfp sfS'.fss.Mlu HELP WANTED MALE BOYS WANTED AT ONCB 1 YEARS OH OVER CAMPBBI.L'H SOUPS ESTABLISHED 18BK ofcNERAL FACTORY WORK STEADY WORK! OOOD WAOES TIME AND HALS' TIME OVER 48 HOURS PLENTY OVERTIMB WAOES AUTOMATICALLY INCREASED SPECIAL BONUS 12 PER WEEK JOSEPH CAMPRELL COMPANY 2D AND MARKET STREETS UAMDEN. N. J. CA.ILI?...EH.NCHBI EXPERIENCED ON LEVER'S MACHINE. APPLY. STATINO FORMER EXPERIENCE, TO M 628. LEDGER OFFICE. CLERKS Young men for nlrht clerical work: houra 12 to S'.in; those with addlnr machine experience preferred; opportunities for, advancement Applv. statlnr are, ex perience and salary expected, P 820, Ledger Office, CORNICE WORKERS wanted, brlnr tools Talor Shoet Metal Co 5th and Concord ave.. Chester, Ph. i DRAFTSMAN Wanted, first-class designing draftsman by leadlnir machine-tool manu facturing concern: splendid chances for ad- vancement. B 30, Ledger Office. DISTRICT REPRESENTATIVES wanted to tsko chararM nt eitherrlntlnn wnrlf fne The Stars nnd stripes the veterans weekly: must be able to furnish surety bond: splendid commission proposition, opportunity for live wire to make blr money. Applv The Stare snd Stripes. 1110 F st.. N. W. Washing Inn. D. c. ENGINEER for night work In milk plant: must be familiar with Ice machine: give references and salary wanted. P 215. L O. DRAFTSMAN FAMILIAR WITH RIOOINO. JOINER WORK AND PIPINO; MUST HAVE HAD EXPERIENCE IN SHIPYARD DRAWING DEPARTMENT. CALL AT ONCE 180 S 3D ST. SEE MR SHATTUCK OR MR PHILLIPS ELEVATOR OPERATORS. COLORED TALL. WELIAPPEARINO MEN APPLY BUREAU OF EMPLOYMENT WANAMAKER'S F.NOINEER licensed. cn obtain rood Job If he Is an cx-eervire man and It he calls at once at the K. of C. Em Plcyment Bureau, 1717 Chestnut st. ENORAVER First-class engrsvr for rellft work: stesdy position. W. F. Roehlen. 30 N. Water st . Rochester. ?J. T FINISHERS. fATERICNCED ON rURNITURE APPLY BUREAU OF EMPLOYMENT WANAMAKER'S GARDENER, expert, who Is n ex Servlce man. can obtain good Job by railing at K. or limpiojmcni uurcau. 1717 17 Chestnut at . nt once, OENTLEMEN lo handlo flrst-clsss shsres Is a growing concern; good proposition to right party: commission and salary. Writs P. O. Box 44. Times Square Station. New York city ICE PULLERS wanted at once. Appii:210 I Lombard st ' EabORERS wanted at Tygert-Allen Works. S. Delaware nnd Weccacoe aves. : rood waea and steady work year around for rlrht men. bus leaves 2d st. and Snyder ave. 6:3p a. m. . takes you down and brings you bad ICK free or cnarse. MACHINISTS. BOILERMAKERS AND CAR REPAIRMEN WANTED BY THE CHESA PEAKE AND OHIO RAILROAD APPLY TO J R GOULD. SUPERINTENDENT MOTIVE POWER, RICHMOND. VA.; H. st lmnwv. SHOP Rl!PltI11NTETir.'T I HUNTINGTON. W VA.. OR VV. P. HOIlI son, HASiKii jwi.i;iiAmi;, uuvinuiok, IiY MACHINISTS with experience wanted at once; ex-servlco men can have Jobs by calling at K of C. Employment Bu reau, 1,17 Chestnut st. MAN for night work In mill and restaurant; must bo steadv worker and capable. Ap- plv at Orlswold Worsted Co.. Drby. MAN wanted for general work around build. Ing; one who can do painting. Aup'.y 600 Chestnut st.. secoml floor. MA.N to take (.nargj of milk dairy. gle ex perience, salary and age. 1 203. I eager Office. MEAT CUTTER WANTED. A FIRST- CLASS MEAT CUTTER: OOOD WAOES TO RIOHT MAN. APPLY NATIONAL PRO VISION CO., 7. 0 AND II CENTER SQUARE Al.LENTOWN, PA MECHANICAL DRAFTSMEN, experienced In pine and sewerage lasouts. Apply William Slrelft & Sons Co limn Arch st. MEN Wanted, experienced time study and efficiency man to lake charge of better ment work In largo metal factory hi the East; onlv executive and experienced man need apply; state age. experience and sal ary, reply In own handwriting. M C20, Ledger Office. NEWSPAPER YOUNO MAN, OVER 18 YEARS. WANTED FOR CLERICAL POSITION IN AD V E R T I H I N O DEPARTMENT; OOOD OPPORTUNITY FOR AD VANCEMENT SEE MR KIL PATR1CK. PUBLIC LEDGER. ' OPERATOR wanted Hcffl man presslnr n-acblne 2100 South st PACKFR8 AND PORTE'RS TOR FURNITURE WAREHOUSE APPLY WANAMAKER'S FURNITURE WAREHOUSE 23D ST. AND WASHINGTON AVE. PLATE! PRINTERS. EXPERIENCED APPLY BUREAU OF EMPLOYMENT WANAMAKER'S RADIATOR REPAIRMAN, must ba experi enced man who understands repairs to Honeycomb Radiators. Apply Employment Department Atianuo Kenning (Jo.. 3144 Pawwyunk ave RIGGERS are wanted badly and at onoe. The K of C. Employment Bureau. 1717 Chestnut st . haa a number of such Jobs open for ex-servlc men. RIGGERS, must b flrst-class experienced men. willing to go aloft. Atlantic Re fining Company, Employment Department, 8144 W. Passyunk ave. RrVETEHS R1VETINO GANGS PASSERS MUST BE OVER 16 YEARS AND BRINO PROOF OF AOE If vou are looking for a real chance. THE LAROEST SHIPYARD IN THE WORLD naturally offers the bast op portunities: FIFTY WAYS AND FIFrr SHIPS ALWAYS UNDER CONSTRUC TION: a wide field to exerclss your ability; you are paid according to what you produce: NO BETTER RATES ARB PAID IN ANY SHIPYAIO?. GOOD TROLLEY AND nAIL FACII JJ.,,!5;A NUTE8 FROM THE YARD TO AVAILABLE UP-TO-DATE HOUSES CALL AT ONCB 188 8. 8d at. See Mr. Shattuck or Mr. Phillips 162! Arch at. ttta Mr. Bartley ROOFERS, tin. slag and tils: permanent pc anions for good men: good wages. Apply Joseph E. Brown Co.. 1008 Race st. ROOFERS on tin and slag Qultm Ilr slag lobbing: first. ciass mechanic. Diamond sts. roa.. Front and HOOFINt sold. rtrs wanted tn tH t-ooflng rS isii dept.; steady position. Apply 237 Arch. HOOPERS Apply Warren-Ehret Company, 80th and Grays Ferry ave.. Phlla. HALES REPUEHENTATIVK wanted, tx perlenced In textile and tanning Industry: good future to ths right party, B 81. Led- ger Office. SALESMAN FOB. STATE OP PENNSYL VANIA lo HANDLE OLD-ESTABLISHED LINE 'OF RUBBER, BELTING inn nimnEn PRODilcrrs fwr uimiiMi. CAL PURPOSES: PREFERENCE GIVKtf TU ir.l.liri.1...' RI.IIUUU UKAUUATla WITH EXPERIENCE IN CONVEYOR IN STALLATIONSl DRAWINO ACCOUNT AND COMMISSIONS MAKE THIS AN EX. OEPTJONALLY DESIRABLE OPPORTUN ITY. WRITE. STATINO AOB AND EX PERIENCE, NEW YORK RUBBER CO.. P, O. BOX 118.), NEW YQRK CITY, ' HELP WANTED MAMS . , , .SALESMAN An exceptional and remunerative oppor tunity la offered an Intelligent, aggressive, well-appearing man to affiliate himself with a large manufacturer, established 40 years sgo. .Slate age, experience, references and pnnne numner. M oat. Logger Uince, -J. SALESMAN wanted for Phlla. and Camden to sell tha BEST TERFUME LINE -made! a high-class bommltslon man selling differ ent line would be considered; also a sales man for eastern Penna. and Maryland, Addrets Solon Palmer, Perfumer. 87J Tearl st., New York. SALESMAN Wanted, younr man, about 20, to cover established trade In South Jersey) well.advcrtlsed. and highly regarded food product: must ba ambitious and full of pep) ""'" w ewinry, eir. fll nan, linger IITTICe, SALESMAN for steel and copper plate en- MinTinK. primma ana line stationery! rood opportunity for nret-clase man. Address. staling experience. C 18 Ledger Office oiL.c.t3iicis- apienaia opening for ener gstlo Lathollo men wo nre ambitious to make the most of their opportunities; our proposition Is unusually attractive, good all the year around: city work! we train you, give you splendid co-operation, show vmi how to make good, and cans assure blr returns and rapid advancement to men of even average ability who are willing to worki if you mean business and want to connect with the best proposition of Its kind In tho field. It will pay you tn Investi gate at once, See Mr. WINTERS today, 80S Chestnut, Room 70.1. salesmen Several high-grade salesmen wanted for ens of the moet unusual stock offerings that has been offered to 'the publlo ,uaii? jtursi severs! national banKS. Brndstroet H and Tlun'e a rf,rnA.i 14 ...... arc Interested we asic that you make 'a per sonal Investigation. Sales Manager, 410 inty lluilllina, SALESMEN Two salesmen wanted to sell an established automatlo gat water heater In Philadelphia to plumbers and re Jf.,r1d'J commission and salary basis. P ,102. ledger Office. SHEEr.METAL WORKERS on blower work-flrst-class mechanic. Qulnn Bros.. Front I1.J .IHIIIUIIU B4, STENOGRAPHER, experienced; N. E. sec tion; one who takes anil reads notes ac curately and quickly. Address, giving ags. full experience, nationality, religion, edu cation and silarv expected, and nearest tel ephone. q 14 P. O. Box 8100 STENOGRAPHER Protestant, accurate and reliable, for general office work: write full details and salary expected. C 10, Ledger Office. SUPERINTENDENT THE WOOL SfOURINO AND CARnoN IZINO PLANT WANTS A NIGHT SUPER INTENDENT: MUST BE STEADY AND CAPABLE MAN THOROUGHLY KXPKRI ENCED; OOOD OPPORTUNITY FOrt RIOHT PARTY; STATE FULL PARTICULARS. P PHI, LEDGER OFFICE. SWEATER MAN WANTED TO TAKE CHARGE OF OUR JUVENILE SWEATER-COAT DEPARTMENT; ONE WHO UNDERSTANDS DESIGNINO, 8EW INO AND FINISHING OF JUVENILE SWEATER COATS MADE ON CIRCULAR MACHINES: PLANT LOCATED IN THE MIDDLE WEST: PERMANENT POSITION AND EXCELLENT OPPORTUNITY: STATE EXPERIENCE AND SALARY EXPECTED. M nan, ledger office TAILOR EXPERIENCED ON WOMEN'S CUSTOM WORK APPLY BUREAU Or EMPLOYMENT A.i ,.MA1 frit s TAPFSTRY WEAVER Phlla. Tapestry Mill, Allegheny nnd Front. TOOLMAKERH are In demand. Numer ous Jobs for ex-servlcc men open at the K of C Einplojmcnt Bureau, 1717 Chestnut st. TRUCK SALESMAN, on ccmmlsslun. for urgent lln in America (Jil nnrt'M), making possible largest number of sales, largest commissions nnd best record nf sue. cess because hne model to fit every truck nred (Instend of 2.1 per cent. .'I,1! per cent or .10 per cent sties possibilities with limited model line), trlflerx need not apply; onlv men who will appreciate genuinely unusual opportunity for successful truck salesmen who reallv want to tnrrease Ihelr earning capacity ind will continue tn work enenretl- cally and rcourrefully nfler earnings dou- ble. triple or quadruple Apply Earle O. Payer f'nmnans 20th and raclflc. 10 to or 2 In 4 p m UPItbLSTERERs- EXPERIENCED ON FURNITURE ArPLY BUREAU OF EMPLOYMENT WANAMAKER'S LWAGON PAINTERS. experienced men. capable or striping and lettering wagons Apply at Employment Department, the At lanta Refining Co . 3144 Passvunk ae. YOUNG MAN lo wor't In newspaper library evenings: must he about 20 years old, hav high school education nnd bo able to oper ate typewriter; tliln Is an opportunity to learn a highly Interesting vocation. B 204, ledger Office YOUNG MAN to learn nuslness; hlnh school graduate preferred. Wllllsms, Brown A Earle. Inc . 018 Chestnut st. YOUNG MAN, white, to run passenger ele vator at Warwick Apartment House. Call st 1008 Sanom st , YOUNO MEN. 18 to 20. rood opportunity to lenrn retail Jewelry business: Mat ne references and salary desired. P. O. Box 743. YOUNG MEN with knowledge of bookkeep ing nnd general clerical work. P. O. Box 1311. General BUSINESS SERVICE CO.. 1114 Land Title Agent, special underwriter, who knows Pa . N J , Md. Va and W Va., at J.'.OOO COST ACCT.. who knows autos. at $240(1 BOOK'RS. several factory, office, to 13.1 DRAFTSMEN, arch., concrete bldg , inech MANAGERS, sales export. Spanish speaking, S. Amur., fsnoo, dry goods store. 13000: di rector flro Insurance rating bureau and stamping dept . $n000; factory rubber tires nnd auto accessories, 9.1UUO, SALESMEN who know varnish trade. 13000. STENOG'S. 7. general and export, to 30. SUPERINTENDENT, knows leather from skin to finished product. SS000; expert ice cream maker for St Iiuis S4000. BOOKKEEPERS wanted to take up publlo accounting work In their spare time Wu are doing a great deal of placing and are nlsn using students In our publlo accounting practice. If you desire to become a prac ticing accountant in 1 srar'e time then ad dress George G Stafford, 81B Land Title Bldg Spruce 82-02. 121X1 AND UP for those wno tan qualify: training In ship, ping in :..lerstate and export commerce in your apart, time until ou do qualify for those who are now employed. Phone Sprue BJII2. Ask for secretory. Mr. Ketchcin, for appointment P 'JO.1 LcdTr Office EARN niO MONET Do Iathexwork. auto rep enatr mechanical and electrical, driving or storage battery work, we train men on practical lines. Philadelphia Mechanical Electrical School Call 014-818 Brown st.. Philadelphia AOENTS INSURANCE OPPORTUNITIES Desirable territory throughout Penna. open for as signment to men qualified for present or eventual general agencies: liberal contracts to prooucers; standard, up-to-date low-priced accident ahd health Insurance: funeral bene- nts. write National Accident Society. 820 Broadway. N. Y city. Established 1883. SITUATIONS WANTED-FEMALE ALTO SOLOIST, exper'd. desires position In lst-class hurch choir. P 030. Ledger Off. SITUATIONS WANTED MALE ACCOUNTANT, office manager, able to sys tematize routine work and costs, proven executive ability; are 20; command of 8 languages: desires chance. B IB. Ledger Off. ACCOUNTANT of wide experience open for position: references ns to character and ability tha best. B 111, Ledger Office. ADVERTISING MAN. newspaper experience, salary .1Q O 11. Iledrer Office. CHAUFFEUR wants position In private family; can drive any make car; willing to be generally useful; make ordinary rt- pairs: coed reference. W. A.. 223 8. 8d at CHAUrFRUIl. mechanic, first class, wishes prlv. pos. ; 14 yeara' experience: careful ariveri satisfactory reierences. 107 Sibley ave.. Ardmore. Pa, M. J. K. CHEMIST Young marred man. with earB practical experience, desires oppor. lunlty with manufacturing concern, In oi near Phlla.; ref. furnished B 183. Led. Off. MAN wants to learn to run a couple high grade cars, do minor repairs. B 224. L O. MECHANICAL ENGINEER, graduate, mar ried. 10 years' experience design, construc tion, operation, maintenance, desires potltlon in i-nnaoeipnia qistrict. u ou. logger Off. SALESMAN Young man. 30, calling on de. partment stores and Jobbers in Penna. dee. hosiery, underwear or notion line; can furn. best of credentials. II 800, Ledger Office. EMPLOYMENT AGENCIES HOUSEKEEPERS', cooks, chambermaids for Catholla rectory. Miss Rose Dougherty,' 1818 Olrsrd avej COLORED help eupjflled for all positions, Hursey, 1283 8. 10th st. Dickinson 3640. BUSINESS PERSONAL DIAMONDS BOUGHT Positively highest rash prices for your dla monaa. any sise irom ,s io,ni raratsi none pay higher: also old gold, platinum A silver bought. Estates bought (private). Est, 10 yrs. The Diamond Shop HriM, GENUINE DI :Amonds WANTED A l.s waa onjerea "' or 1400 for n dli ui.iiiviiu init 1 wag willing tn huv for 18001 If you have At mond to sell call only between 10 and 2:80. T will nav from 8.10 to S1OO0 each for kenulna diamonds. Mrs. McCutchen, offices. 1833 Real Estate Trust Bidg..t Broad and Chestnut sts . or phone appointment. Wayne 841 It. I will rail at once py intcnine. SAMUEL SIMPSON NOTARY PUBLIC 727 Walnut at.'. Philadelphia i-B a BUSINESS PERSONALS DIAMONDS BOUGHT, ANY SIZE PntCE NO OBJECT irrT.T.sr 4L rf 141 m,VBTMt,T OT Bulls 31-22. Over'Chllds Restaurant, rlT. Oil fort los.1 your hftllae. Big tn X2Si Immediate aervlne. fl. Roves. Architect,. S8788 Real Estate Trust Bldg. Phone Wal. 8187. Office hours. B to 5 anq from 0 to 7 p. m. I never disappoint. CAST-OFF cftmitNO bought! highest prices paid for ladles' and gentlemen's discarded clothing. Write, phone Bellgsohn. 718 N. Front st. Msrket 48m, HAIRDRESSER, visiting, formerly with n . Prominent New York firm: French method In henna and all sbsdes of hair coloring; (ray hair a specialty. Thone Woodland HHO. ELECTRIC treatine-V u tnanlcurlnr. oT- flee, Hutchinson Bldg., fourth floor. Rooms 4 08-407 122 8. 181h r. Hour 10-6. ELECTRIC treatment & manicuring. Room 108 Heed Bldr.. 1215 Filbert st. Loo. 8862. ELECTRICAL TREAT., physical culture. 802 8. Broad, Hours. 10 a. m. to 8 p. m. USINES8 OPPOIlTTJNITT.ES $IO00PERMONTHv An eastern corporation has an opening for a live man with aales and executive ability to nu position as ma manager for counties in rennsyiv es In Pennsylvania, mak Ing Philadelphia his headqusr- lers: wo are marKeunr an automobile accessory which haa a world-wide demand, an article that has been tried out nd In dorsed by the largest companies tn the country, one that has absolutely no competition: for an aggreaslvs man who Is de alrous of establishing n perma nent and legitimate business of hla Awn and whn pan Invett (for Initial frnm IfiOO to S1S00 order of merchandise, which should last but 80 days), for a competent man siuuo pel month is easy monsy For ap- riolntment, wrlt at once, giving elephone number and address. M (127. Ledger Office. SHOE REPAIRING PLANT FOR SALE Doing J40.000 business yearly established 80 years: In southern itv of 200,000 popu lation, M B82. Ledger Office. $6000 FOR SALE IN A GROWING" CITY Hardware, plumbing nnd electrical busi ness showing a profit of 110,000 per annum: owner retiring; opportunity for llva man. M mil, Ledger Office. BROOM FACTORY, well equipped and run nlng, cheap fuel: best shipping facltltlrai country town: a J17.000 proposition: doa't write unless you can raise rash and mean business. M 1128. I.edgsr Office. MANUFACTURING plant .for sale, suburbs: 3 Penna R. R. sidings. A artesian wells, electric light, heat and power to all build ings: 100,000 square feet: 80 dwelling houses: possession at once C 24, Ledger Office. OOTH ST.. 303 S. Store and dwelling ext to corner: now fruit and vegetables: pos session August 1: eaay terms, Richard P Powell. 2t)2 8. 62d st, CARPET CLEAUING W A LL A C E T N. 1 1828 N. 202.18 Church lsni, Otn. LONO-DISANCE MOVING ITSED AUTOMOBILES CHANDLER special landaulet; A-l condi tion, at a bargain. See Mr. MacArthur, Slutz Agency. 000 N. Broad st. , FORD CABRIOLET new motor perfec con illtlon. excellent tires, extras, 1475. 600.1 Snrncr st. MITCHELL 11, Roadster, 3-passcnssr, condition; full equipment, extra tire. S Rvnes. 2481 W Gordon good OW. OAKLAND SENSIBLE SIX. tourings like H new car; S073. 0110.1 Spruce st. lUmon ovi-m amp, .... .,..,, must ".NrDin ,"r, inii m"st sacrifice. Call 1013 "Trillion rrood condition: Arch st. WINTON SIXES Clearance aale of used tourings and Inclosed caia: some over hauled and repainted; prices from 111O0 tn J.1000. Tho Wlnton Co., 24th and Fair mount nve. roplar 0807. . Ansa Papnlle BeoalrlHr FOR HUDSON AND HUPMOBILE nEPAIR WORK See the Brsndywlne Auto Repair Co. Eeoff A Rav Simpson, forme-lv with Oom ery-Schwartz Co., now established at 1933-3.1 Brsndvw Ine st Ponlnr 208.1. AUTO repairing on Ford, Bulck, Paige and Velle; we speclnllze oA thess makes. Dunn'n Garage. 1037 Brandywlno st, Tires IVnntnl WILL PAY GOOD PRICES FOR USED TIRES lit for the road. Need large quantl ties regular. Blow-outs O. K If not buond repair. 074 N Broad. Thone Pop. 0074 MOTORCYCLES AND BICYCLES HARLEY. 3 speed; A-L condition. I.elthgow st 20.19 FOB SALE We Male and Sell National Cash Registers and Credit Files Lowest prices; small monthly pay- ments, no Interest chances, written guarantee; old registers repaired, rebuilt, bhuaht .sold and exrhanged JOHN T.WATSON ' Agent The National Cash Register Co., i 730 CHESTNUT fcT Phone Walnut 405. Main 2072. PAINT composed of pure whltelead and cot nra ground In pure linseed oil: the paint con sists of dark green, copper and brown, etc: will sell at one-half the preaent cost of man ufacture, special price on barrel lots; can be seen Sunday at 2KRI E Huntingdon at. Phone Kensington 4nfl or East 33, OFFICE FUHNITURB Large lot desks, safes, files, cablneta and general nmce furniture, store fixtures. We Buv, Sell and Exchange. PATTEN FURNITURE CO. LOCUST 4070 11 27 ARCH ST. RACE 2606 CENTRAL IIOUSEWRECKINO CO. S. IV. cor 12th and Sprlnjr Garden sts. All kinds of office furnltura and fixtures. Bathroom outfits completo Bell phone, Poplar 1180 BUILDING MATERIAL We are demolish ing building on the northwest corner 0th and Montgomery ave.: 14 roof trusses OS ft. long and all building material for sals on premises. , GUNS! GUNS! GUNS! ALL MAKES ft ALL GRADES, from 1B UP. BIEDER' LOAN OFFICE. 128 Market St. BILLIARD, pool, comb'fn, 2d-hand. bought, sold, rented, exch Keafer. 820 Olrard av. CIWEB TRIUMPH coal rango: good con dition: 12.1. 800 Wynnewood rd. ICE FOR SALE In carload lots. B 201, renter timce. QUALITY gas range, 4 burners; double 800 Wynnewood rd. oven: soon mnu, i --", REFRIGERATORS and fixtures for grocer and meat markets: terms If desired. RANDALL fc CO.. 331 N. 2d St. SAFES, fireproof, closing out. used some with thin walla. 7! 00 slightly N Fourth, STANDS CABINETS etc. : tc. : blr bargains. Phlla. Printers' Supplv, 14 S Bth st WALL TENTS. 8x10. each new. complete. Phone Filbert BS0O. $1S 501 12x14. $80; 1023 Callowhlll st. FOR SALE Baby carriages complete. 1010. Miller, 004 8. 2d St. OLD GOLD OLD gold, silver, platinum, plated ware, old style Jewelry, teeth platea bought for cash. Est. lSl7 J L. Clark, refiner. 807 Sansom. STAMPS AND COINS. STAMPS PACKETS. DIME BETS Albums and supplies for ntamp collectors, PHILA. STAMP CO.. 21 B 17th St. STORAGE AND 'MOVING CRE8CENT STORAGE WAREHOUSE. 1635 fL 2d. Phone Kensington 8978. Local and Unf-dlsfancs moving. Large padded auto vans. One month atoraga frse. Goods Insured while In transit. Reasonable rates. Excellent services. Evening; and Sunday, Belmont 77ZQ J, VICTORY Storage. 5218 Market. Largeat ind best. Phono Belmont 4070 for an estimate. Ooods . packed for shipment: Plerce-Arrow vans for moving. TERMINAL WAREHOUSE- AND TRANS FER CO.. Columbia ave. and Sydenham st. Local and long-distance moving by. cour teous experienced men; clean, aeparate and locked rooms for your furniture, Let us estimate. Phone Diamond 4472. WATSON'S STORAGE Pr-ddeif vana. careful mens move to of from anywhere. Wath.. Phlla., N. Y., Botton preferred. 645-49 N. 17th at. Pop. 884. ' MOVINO ... Wanted Return load from New York or vicinity to Philadelphia. Pa., about Aug. 25, EXPSLSIOH ! STORAdK WAREHOUSES DII3 Flatbush m., Brooklyn N. Y.t WALLACE 7 i.ighJAwr.g gag&S"1'' qta- .FIDELITY FIRE-PROOF WAREHOUSES " 1817-1810 MARKET ST. MOVlNOlDAY MADE EAST Large padded vana. expert movers. North phlla. Btorsga Co., 2083 LehlrK Est. free. Bhlhe Park fireproof hulldlnsr. Dlsmond T160 MONARCH BTORAOB CO.. 8870 LANCA8 , TER AVE. AUTO SEnVICEi BTORAOB, i.ONO-blBTANCB MOV INO. PACK1NO OIRARD STORAQ.E,. 1 OIRARO AVfl r tnoviw, suckle storing.' rir tmu Ki :.-wrtl a ,r. L Jfi T-.r - .J. .-i'l -syj ,r. rt " -r ;-.i-y - n. Kids "s" J&!& 3 .,aa