,--l7.,,lj!lJV.j-t1) a ," 7l j, .-&(. . V, I-" S ' W - V y- y "f I' A ? . iScieroftg Ihtbfic ffie&get 'pJV V X' 1 fc,. PHITJADELPHIA, SATURDAY, AUGUST 23, . 1919 I J -..) " - fe F fv t"-te -- S" ' 'A Joyal Heir in Nova Scotia : Parade of East Indians : Candidates for Hog Island Sponsor, I?-, ! m. (X Ki rfd( &? U'- u v -i fy ft SS?fi. raa tt MS N I? ; W tf-V Ll y c hv riJ m& ri T !.'' '?' K'?''4,HiA;, & '- sr-. ' WS- ' 3'V ' ?: sj itW ;??. i A ffi HKo ft lJj LrtY,,' V " St ' .vvv n!T'"v."''i,.:"i' ',""'. - ft rl'Jl 1 IS 1 -Yxk; w .&& t's; :sfc-Ml1 te 1 i$i !, V': "! .w?:a? r ;s.i z at i . f,r.'X ?Mi-,'r' ."rjrcsaJX' its?'v NtS- h, w ) :iS VSl -f v - -f -' vVSs? !?Sfi", P&XU! ZZuzm rm '&(, STidiflZ ;a 's 2; atfr: Sfi ja&s? i,,;. tf. 'Mtfi.ij." w sere' -J.vj-V aS; ,X -f S'w: LPS- 3; ?& " 'A'N,: Kiffi .5rtS 8 - rh,. iii'm VA' m -&' if Vvew . v .AhVv-i Km L'Vm SOLDIER WITH fixed bayonet guaidlng a looted shop in Liverpool. Taking ad vantage of the reduced police supervi sion, owing to the walk-out of the city's guardians, thieves broke in and plun dered many stores in the business section AT KIGHT Prince of Wales and start jn the devastated section of Halifax, N. S., laid in ruins in December, 1917, the result of the explosion of a munition ship in the harbor. m i .sW : jj v4iu'i S? mi 'S.-fe! ;v3S3 mm !i sw R " .Ts' 'f1 FPa S4 rr m SSisAfri ..vy1; - ;. .- j55 .'sss-' -iSK??: 3W5 5Si BtJ?K sh: ; JV! t: ?L m. ffiSSffi;AM3f : 'v , "5r .n ' If :??$ "$i r'- ' , 5 4VXV"V 3 j.i'rv'-.?; ,'a.v . . ;v y'' t '.'-' r. . 4MJ, H vt ;f A" Xfivs.o :iv w. rt-iltfMv; UC4 dWI U M vr?' Photo I.F.'S. ''1.! 5S.- fcS4 f N 1 .v V. !0!M z&m :v k: iifi- ?v'. :K'J P.l ?-s? - BflSJ 'Invj m tf' i''-'--, " 'j v '$& ?SH;1w&?- v'.' - ',-?. ,r ''? ',!. ffl1 &:;r A-tr' ' 4vr-4 M f 'lhs,. KNIGHTS OF COLUMBUS flower girl, Miss "wKitty Dalton, of New York, has received at least u.ou, '-tj-VO 1 rfr. n" H- yi :?. ;. .T-. .i.,- s5ttXir?S '' r , . . ," ssss -VJ ; "is 5.- ucu fA.'. ?M (tV'r c? 'ft .;' JiS- -) y. !" 'A rj 'VS' .-v- -,v-? f? sr,- Bfc!it,-v ''-- -. 0 K ..i";-.! c if"''lf,s ( i-'-Jt.VX'i "sg T ENGLANDIS HEIR decorating a Nova Scotia hero of the world war. n -svl ; rS. iriCOfin vnn.inA M.nAtn1n fn. onlrlinfd vninnn nn,l hi-.T x ' uwv iiiaiiiuKC uivuvDaia iiuiii Duiuicta iiiaiiiica itu Mt if sai'or3' She is a popular singer at K. of G. huts at O Kfe . camps, and has distributed countless flowers to over- 4I E-aV' seas veterans in New York's manv narades. S y ic "V Y-li Photo PAUL THOMPSON BRITAIN'S WARRIORS from the Far East. Hindu fighters marching through the streets pf London in the recent victory celebration of the East Indian veterans and colonial soldiers of ' England. AT RIGHT Miss Elizabeth O'Brien, of Division No. 1, Hog Island, candidate for t sponsor. VEDCIR PHOTO StUVICC '&; - tMLJ'', .J ' ttl.- "'i"fS;'? ."4 :,-, WFTP3i aiimr' 1 ffl VA o1 fSSa f.i1. -v.; saa -; ','' '''' 'f'!, y ' V. fe'-V -W-''- ''." ''"'"Hi.-- w. im ZOzxrJff 4?'X. s . V ?s -jfv.' f- iv-v ',' vi i ?i.'- iH&l: ,; l-: S StfcSI A.,,, . ?', i' ! .srtsp; 4s ' X' i-rtiW' c ' li iVl -? 'il: :H'i.v; rfc Fi iOr V. A. :t'y.4'.!K B"-. Jftil'. K t -' ' '"- I -4 ' .P I y. ,, A i 1 vV f t ij s .r'r " 4Jft UA.Vil'v, .; A '-X fot( yji :& m : &( m "f -' jr ' V ! ?, M i ' !".. . ,1s( -J ns , C t- & - , N'vV IWJ V'lvrA;., lV . Hi ViM r- ,1, stW ES .& tiu .v&,?V 1 H? . 4- RJ? JViV l?W? 'M "t ' Vb-4 .T ' ;; ,-i v?y v!V..!Ci " hH?Hti't& ifit' "ff ' - IK!' hKh-w&U.' &1 8' W W5i-rai ". Lv.ni ''V- ' ,5; 4 rw f,iv'.'. m r. sa f? SI (W 5rVl UH4IHI i T -frsSsy,., i' gr. ' i , J&NGLAND'S PREMIER, Lloyd George, slips away ti C'C p -ew days' vftcatio,' 5 ' adept with rod and re fciikP! W.M.U. LtCCtBL PHOTO SEK.VICL'' cP mz x1 i ;;' it ' j .., ' v?i a s i 7 'io -fc. -.JB.W. ' ji- , , , , xg, yv, fiMp !)ivisibji:Canciidafe' Ctii ?. Criccieth. a small watcrinir nlace of Wales, for a reel and fond of the sea and woodland fastnesses. UDGU5. PHOTO SMVICC MISS NELLIE M. DEVENNRY, candidate ior sponsor of the Hog Irland. The primaries closed yesterday." The final election will take place on Wednesday of next week, . , I MISS-MJRIAM ARCHIBOLD seeking the support of Hog Island empjpyea, in her campaign for "godmother" for the yard's latest ship. V IWS Mlfl fsf- iV' r Mi; v?U -? CRf; 3 K1. .Wl' Hill .( (J-. jt&i -?' 1 k &n '.t . j f j S3 !-" !"- j -rS t ').