Evening public ledger. (Philadelphia [Pa.]) 1914-1942, August 14, 1919, Final, Page 5, Image 5

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    ' "
.Three Families Homeless as Re-J
suit of Blaze That Destroys
. Feather Duster Warehouse I
firemen in tlie northeastern section
of the elty hnd the novel experienne
today of fislitiiiK Annies iiiiileiEroiin.l,
on the earth and in the nir
At another fire in (lie downtown see
Hon three families were made homeless
when the warehouse of the N'ntinnnl
Kenther Duster Company, 107 Kenil
worth street, and n frame dwellinj; net
door were destroyed.
Engine Company No .11 was ealled
about 1 o'clock this morninR to ficM
fire vlilch liad started under the
foundation of the stutionan endue in
the basement of the fidelity Holcr
Company's mill, northwest rnrner of
Hancock and Huntingdon streets
Despite the high wind the firemen
were hnndieapped by smoKe which filled
tlie basement of the fmu-stoiy tnir-
turc, but after two hours' wmk they
managed to cxtinsuish the llnmes The
A damage was slight.
Fire In Manhole
Shortly after that hlaie, Ilnsrinc Cum
pany No 2."i was summoned from
Jasper and Adams stiets to extinguish
R fire in a manhole at I'rankfoid n c
nuc and Huntingdon street
When the firemen arrived spontane
ous combustion had nlrea.lv rnused the
rover of the manhole to blow on" nml
Are and smoke were beldiing fiom the
Underground pnssnge. The blnzn te
slsted their efforts fot almost I wo hours.
The next experience was witi a n-v-rnt-foot
electrie pole, l'ngine Com-
ltcuslinw the patrotmen did not testify.
After the ilinrges of nssnttlt and bat-
Itery had been entered against them by
I the Stingers, the magistrate held the
jPiiiroiiin'ii ior oiirt. iney were roin i
nilttcd to Mojamctising Prison.
They Promiso Sensation Wlion Police
Assault Case Is Heard
i in Court
Seek to Get Data otv Man
Killed by Gas j
I'ollee of the fifteenth and llace
tieets station are investigating the
(tenth of n man known ns '
PRISON who was found dend in
iil, wiluam it, ishnxkt
Tlner- patrolmen of the Seventeenth
pnlhe district, nt Twentieth nnd fed
ral stirets, weie committed to prison
toclav In Mngilrnte Henshnw in default
of 5iU)(l l,nl each, which thej made no
attempt to get
The pa'inlmen weie held foi lourt mi
ihnrges of assault and battel brought !,
i.-.. ..e ii
l In two lmillinis nnd n nenhew nf
'Lieutenant (Icorge Stinger, who Is then
JHiiperinr officer. The prisoners will
'he given n hearing in rnmt sooner in
i lew of llin fni 1 lli'nt tltpv ilid lint nrt
h.-iil ' i one knew
Pastor of Fletcher Memorial Sue
cumbs at Perkasle Park, Pa. j Thrv promise a srusation In
Tlev Dr. Willinm ( Ilennelt, pastor court when thev will gie their side of
of the fletiber Methodist Kplscopnl ! "'' '' for the first time.
I. Chun h. flftj fouith nnd Master ' ,'r"',SP,MI,?rs "rp U''"r, "
I ,,,,,, , . , . . ,."nnl stinger, hrothcis of the licuten
st.eets fell dead of pa. alvsis last night ,,, ,, ,,,, Sit,RpIi nP)lru.
nt 1-eikas.c fa.k. I'n , while on his mi- 0 ,0 ., nf AhruM ., ,,.,,
I '''".'.V" ,,..,., , , r. ; i i II"'boinc onleted .lolm Stinger nwnv
Ucncl of Ins deal . cached Phlla.lel- flm p ,(lrnol of Tw(( .sp,pI1, ,,
. pl.m 10.1.1 and shock. d his friends . who j IV,,rln SPP. -, hr lnnn m , wUh
I supposed he was m good hciltli Iciiit ,, patrolmnn and n fight started in
ili-.ae was given ns the cause of dc.ith ,l0, i:,lnnn j, .li(j ,n n(np ,-0no),
j Do. tor Ileum It was on Ins vvav to I'ntmlmnii Holland then appeared, and
I meet Ins wife mning from this . ilv j vni.I.t.. hu,vi. been ben I en hv the two
. when he dii.I men llenn Stmcei is then s.ii.l ..,
fi.iin insliinl ,hae .nine un nnd Inine.l in H.o .i.
I . . - - ' '"
scene wncn iiniinnce
Mr. Sines,"
bed at bis
boat. ling bouse, 511 If Ar.h street, to
A fellow hoarder discoveied the bodv.
The man was l.vlng in bed with u gns
lube in his mouth nnd the gas turned
on The Uehnles in the room were
plugged. The body was taken In Hahne
mann Hospital, where "Sines" was
pronoun ed dead, and then removed to
e morgue.
I. I sons at Ihe boarding house said
thev knew nothing of the man except
that he gave Ills name ns "Mr. Sines."
He had been there two weeks. No
where he had worked or his
business in I'hiladelpliln.
I Mother of Six Children Sentenced
Mrs IMiib Stemulski. tlilrlj -eight
,cars old. of I'ensnukcn. N". .(,, the
mother of si children, was ctit to the
New .Wscv Home for Women todn i
. hv .luilge Kales in the Camden County
I Circuit Court The woman's husband,
.lolm temiiNki. asked that this be
done, ihaiging that she neglected her
I fnmilv
1 Hi
hrnlhci vv.is s.ivcil
while going to the
'mo nan I'lcnn torn m i
Ihe clctii.itv f i nm ,i low telephone Itie.ire.l and Ihe tintiolmen took the lliic
wile gl.inud fiom Ihe wooden linuill. 'men to the police station j
on the umluelli be was fjuniR. He, Heniv Stinger was released and. it I
vvns slightlv binned j ,s s,.,,. , nnmp lu,i,P( flom tp ),,,,
'Ihe fiinei.il will take place .Momlnv . t. vhrc station. Infoimntion on I
nfteinooii in the fletihei M H Cliur.Ii this sul,,,t ims been tefuscd hv l.icu I
rei vices win dc inniiii.irii iiv inc ucv. j icnniil Sinigm The follow ing da.v .lolm
...iiige II liicklcv. suprrjiiiteniieni nt nu.l fdvvnrd Stinger weie nrrnicneil be
Ihe I'hiladelpliln Methndisl Hpisi npnl
Confeien. c Inlcmient in Ml M.niah
Cemeteiv will be ptiv.ite.
Doc lot Iteiinctl was hoi ii in I'liiln
ileliihid liftv si vi.ns ago. He first
foie Magistinlo I'ennock nt City Il.lll
and held in SHOO bail each to keep lhe
peace j
The tlnor Stingcis then had warrants I
Hn V ! .. ..11.! C t .,
I""fj""' "'" '"" "oiu ceveiiui , .,, .-i,,,,! -v. .. ,. U lnul
and Diamond strrels to find that thoJMni.h fumi tlie Methodist . lunch in'
Wire bov nt tlie top of the pole, which Potlsville He lift u widow, two sons.
Is stationed in front of mi's t.crmnn- ' , ., cl.iughlei His sons me Vincent
lilled pulpits ... M.ssonii and then vvasl01" "" nwiii-ttliPi.Btinlinrn.wlio I O Q 3. V Hll Q
called to his ual.vc state He wentl""' nniiiBiindlKfoin MiiBist,nto Hen A V V J CI XX L
I Lbnil III ut 'II. ....!,.. t i!...l 1 .. . At.- .
Every Day
shaw lust 'Ihuisduv. At that time the1
1. .nnng was postponed until to.lav I
At the be.irlng hi fo. e Mngistiatc
town avenue, was a veritable
They were unable to cope will. it.
so Truck Compnnv No J! Second and
Norris streets, was called. With the
aid of one of the longest ladders the
firemen fought the flames seventv feet
in the nir and soon extinguished them
Hen Into Street
The downtown file stn.lcel in Ihe
warehouse of the Kenihvnith sheet
plant. The neighborhood is thickly pop
ulated. Joseph Stenfoki. who o. cupies the
Hirst door of a house net to Ihe wnic
house, was awakened bv the smell of
smoke from burning feathe.s
He aroused his wife and tin cc rl li
on b of I'.ennctt and Willinm 1. Ilcnnett
The Rev. L. B. Coleman
The Itev Lewis II Colcni.... f.ume'r
pnstoi of the Nnzmeiie l!iiptl-t CI. inch.
Nic. and l,vconnng sliccls, died Tucs
dav He is sinvivecl bv n widow, who
was M.ss Sarah f Hidges Mr Cole
man was a member of Temple Lodge'
No 'J'J. f nml A M His fuueial
will be held (omoiiow aflcin.ion audi
buii.il in.ide in IMen Cemetery
Miss Elizabeth W. Moore
Miss I'linbclli Wiiglil Mooie a
tench, r ... the Stephen (i.inid public '
school, cln.l vcslei.l.iv ill the home of
her nxilhti. Mi. K.illiiinic I Nloo.o,
1311 Walnut Street
Phonographs Records
(Iren and huiried them, fccic.iming. lonl i:t"n! Wolf stn.t. She was the
the street. In un instant (he nelghbius daughter of the late L'.anklin It Mooie.
were awake, swarming the naiiovv J Miss Mooie was a ii.cu.bei of the Iln.n
street, erjlng from bediooni windows. monlon Clu.iitci. Oidci of Ihe fast
er hastily gathering tlieli fuiuituic midlein Sin fiincinl seivi.eh will be held
valunblcs for a cpiiik getuwa.v if the , , ,,.!, k Siitnidav fiom the home
(lames s.prea.1. Into. incut will be In Woodland Ccme
Fiom the second llnor of Ihe liou-e. tcrv.
Felix Itofonski and his wife can id, ' .
their three childicu lo safetv, and the- Mali struck by Tran Die8
father returne, In the n.om fo. the; i.lonrtlml, 5-5 South fiftv
three other child. en .' ninth si, e, I, who n .cntl was sl, , k
Andrea Ia.nsk,. w.th Ins wife nnl ,,, ,, oin.i turn, at f.f
four children, lived in thc-.-iltic Ihe, t ... ., . ,
rt l!n1 ..... !..,... ' "' " " '"' ""
llaincs wi-n- iuimiim 'mihi.ii ins ui
clows and dense smoke tilled Ins in. in,
before he mauaged lo lead his fai.n.v
to safety.
The firemen weie helpless in the fine
of the tlames from the burning bales nf
feathers and the strong wind
The entire win chouse was gutled
five hundred bales of fcathcis w.ie
destroyed. The frame house next door
burned to the ground.
Fon roi,
Kew piinriplt. cvsUftt iur
, iIt: 54 to 3U nllcn lc. nili
I pdlatora, too Thtr Is noth-
In: Juit ts cood. rrtci Soot.
Reeves Stove 88
& Foundry Co. So. 2nd
VI ilv
Hospital at, u icj-uR of his
Hlgh Cost of Dying Under Fire
nlniil.iRliam. Ala.. Aug. 1 I. USy A.
P.) Request lias been made of District
Attorney I'ettus to investigate alleged
profiteering by undertakers, the claim
being that charges for funeral service,
were out of all reason. The distri. t
nttorney took the matter tinder n.l-lscment.
Broid and Oxford Sk
Wedneiday and Sitord;
In-iriirtton Iit F. A. Ca
rhn P.i.p (4(3
J-. sftmicni iinK .:..jy!
West Phihlnhh
Art Glass Works
Phono Prcslon 49?9 for Esfimalos
iiKtiiirt '
Onc hundred and ninctA
aiie women in Delineator
families arc buying sewing
machines toda - and every
dav! Among the w hole
million they arc buying
l fifteen thousand cans of
j talcum powder today!
Forty-nine thousand pairs of,
stockings todays One mil-,
, lion and fourteen thousand
dollars' worth of food to-'
dav! And these arc only a
few of tlie many articles for
personal and household use
they buy every day! Every
one of them reads and is in
fluenced by the contents of
7ie Maqazine In
'"T One1 Million iomes
I.et our 31 r. or prnrllen I
solve nur Cyn Trcnihlc.
OlttmnrtrUts . Optlrllin
Fastest Train
to Wildwood
83 minutes from Camden
I.fBT Itea.llns Chestnut Street
'Kerry 4t20 I. SI. Ilally
i m J a.
Brert & tent for
them In the front
or buck yard, the
nir will An thm
bowi. oi or mn itftc riuaitiy ounc
wnlt ctnvaa duck Polfn plna n4 rope.
Write for catalog on larser ilien and
ramp Mipplle
Polishing & Relacquering
Slnitle rirres, Larce or Small I.oU
232 N. Fifth St.
Eatatltshid Since JH7.
,. ,if ,r,. ..niniiiir.mil
U JlAk
BKASONAnrr, tooi
No matter In what conditio.
Rwne o or drop an a wvnl and wo'B
eud a rnan to estimate.
3101 Ludlow St. ?;,ri,"cj,V"
Users of PEA Coal bo ad
vised and buy now. We have
tho size and 'quality. We
handle only tho very
Egg. .$10.75 Stove $11.25
Nut.. 11.35 Pea... 9.45
Tlie Trice Vflll lie Much Illtlier
We serve you right
Owen Letters' Sons
I.aigcst Coal Yaril u 1'ltila
Trenton Ave. & Westmoreland
Kennedy Bro-
Cor. Vrary Lans
Bar Pins
A Bar Pin
Of nH platinum hanijeoincly criBraetl
posHnitiff h plea bine tndl Idualliy that at
nrn1 pronounces It a mont rxtraor $215
dlnary mounting for Its 17 diamonds
The better rtinmnndn in the neurit
&ffftff0i rtrr fJitf rnln nnd not
the exception at Kennedy a
I'HtnlillMiril 1818
Pure Virgin Spanish
Olive Oil
We sell any amount barrels, II.
gallon cases, gallons, jars, V Gal
lons, quarts, pints and half pints
The best oil on tho market. Cream
OHva (or medical use. Delivered
In short time. Phone Walnut 1050.
The Spanish Products Co.
13th and Locust Sts. t'hila,
A Peirce School Course
. Is Concentrated Experience
Young men succeed in business as their
natural ability is directed into the right chan
nels. Others fail because they persist in work
for which they are unsuited, while their real
ability in another direction is wasted.
One reason for the rapid advancement of
Peirce School graduates in business is that they
start, as a result of their training, in the work
for which they are best suited.
Your start may determine your ultimate sue
cess.s Peirce School training insures a good
start in the right direction..
Courses for young men:
Husiness Administration
Courses for young women:
Shorthand and Typewriting
Day and Evening Sessions
Write for Z5tli Year Book
Poire School
' Business Administration
Pine Street West of Broad Philadelphia lM
Important Strawhridge & Clothier
Shopping Neivs for To-morrow
The Store that gets the new things first, that gets its merchandise direct from the sources of supply
in such quantities and at such times as to insure tlie greatest possible advantage to its customers. Fre
quent special opportunities for economy are available to us, and through us, to you. Many of these are
here presented for to-morrow, the last shopping da ' of the week.
Autumn Hats are anivinfj in intcicstinf:
ami inci casing numbers, and promise well
for a season of unusual beauty and distinc
tion, in which this lino of 58.00 to S12.00
Hats will be a special feature. Koi 1'iitlay
a new group of
150 Panne Velvet Hats in Early
Autumn Styles, .$8.00 to $12.00
Mack I'annc Velvet Hats, in the small
and medium sizes; trimmed with flovveis,
ostrich feathers, ornaments, ribbons and
wing's. The Hat sketched, .$9.00, is in one of
the new shapes, faced in color nnd ti mimed with olriclj tips. At
$10.00 and .$12.00, aie many of the larger t.vpp of pictuic Hats of silk
civet nnd panne vchet, tiimme.l with the reason's most mtistic
Remaining Summer Hats Greatly Reduced
Including manj, distinctne Hats from our fine-t collection.
I .-V StrawhtlcUi A IoiIiit
i 1 I )r Mark t i ic l r v
, Summer Dresses will hurry out at these greatly
l educed prices. Many models for gencial wear
and for informal parties ,
Misses' Wash Dresses, $5.00 & .$7.50
Models of plain-coloied oiganriie with white
organdie collar and cuffs; (iingham Di esses, --o
practical for general wear; Kiocks of checked 01
figured voile in pink or bluc effects, some with
fancy vestec and collar, with tucked or tunic
skirt. All much reduced.
Misses' Summer Dresses $10.75
Lovely Di esses of figured voile trimmed with
plain voile 01 taffeta silk, many tunic models
with deep giidlc, whitq organdie or taffeta eollai
Others of plain oigandie with plaited collar and
tucked waist.
Misses' Wash Skirts, $1.50 to $3.50
All our remaining stock of white Gabardine
and Cordalmc Skirls i educed. Many styles, tai-
loicd or fancy pockets and detachable belt.
Girls' Gingham Dresses (See Sketch), .$3.00
The nicest kind of Di esses foi school of plaid gingham in blue
and blown shades. The sketch shows the new panel fiont, white
oigundic collar and black vchet ribbon belt. Sizes 10 to 1-1 jeais.
,.- Str.nvbrMg'j A. clolhicr ir-ion'J Tloor MurKl Street
Autumn Suits and Dresses Here
Interesting days these, for everybody. Summer
1'iocks, which so many women like for indoor wear
in winter, aie greatly reduced; and, at the same
time, we are showing an exceptionally large line of
Autumn models, in both Suits and Dresses, among
them n fine, new collection of ,
Smart Jersey Sports Suits
In black, navy bluc and Oxford. Smaitly tailored
in Norfolk 01 patch-pocket style, with a trim, nar
iow belt confining the fullness at the waist-line.
Two-piece skirts. Sizes U4 to -IC. Prices .$27.r0 and
?:)0.00. The model sketched, $110.00.
Other A'nr Autumn Suits, $27.30 to $123.00
S - t-liri vhri.lcr A ClolhiT -c"n J I'lo ir M.rk-I Siren
Organdie Dresses now $12.50
In ihitc, black, pink, yellow, bluc, Nile green
and lavender; others in white with pink 01 blue
floul patteins; some veiy much bc-f rilled 01 all
flulT.v with laces. HUHATLY REDL'CKD.
Voile Dresses now .$8.75
In medium and dark shades. Made in drnned :inrl
tuplc-skiit effects. Some with embroidered cstecs. others have the
mund neck, the simple bodice being trimmed with buttons.
Gingham Dresses now $5.00
Combinations of plain and plaid ginghams, in blue and in pink;
also plaids in brown nnd bluo mixtuics. Worth much more.
New Autumn Frocks of Crcpc dc Chine, Moire, Crepe
Georgette. Satin and Crepe Meteor, in many charming ncio
styles, $22.30 to $123.00.
t--r. crannricl8(. 4 c loll.lor Vreonil Floor
t ' .
250 Women's
Remaikably lovely Hand-made Mouses. Six different styles of
white batiste, all beautifully hand-stitched and finished with all the
little niceties and dainty Kicnch touches.
-Slrjnbr dg.' ( l'lothir lrncli Sjlun Third Floor West
Our Entire Stock of Furniture is in
the August Sale at Reduced Prices
and the Assortment is Very Complete
The business records of every clay tliis month have shown an increase ovet the corresponding day of any former
August Sale. That would indicate that our stock will be smaller at the end of the month than for many years past
because, while we arc receiving shipments from time to time, and have a large reserve stock in our warehouse at Ninth'
and Poplar streets, delivery 01 regular orders are nicely lo oe slow and uncertain lor some time to come. Therefore
it is wise to BUY FURNITURE NOW, when all our PRICES ARE REDUCED, and while we have ample quantities and
variety of Furniture for EVERY ROOM IN THE HOME.
M.UI IW,i.h,, ,j1- round Klnor lU.t
I -V Huawl.ritlsp f. t lothWr Furmturf Ililnl II
Stationery Special
Special at 73c-A ot
containing 72 sheets of
ished white Writing Paper, with
I'l Envelopes to match.
Special at 30c-A i-ok of
" sheets of white, linen-finished
Writing Paper, with 21 Envelopes
to match.
RtrM whrl 1
f3 J M " i
I hma news iter men
, l I Inllil'l
nn. I in Lcntro
Shirts That Boys
Like, Special, $1.25
SOn' SHIRTS, of the well
known "Collegiate" brand, white
ground stiiped in good-looking
.n n.l onlmintrs. ComfOlt-
able, well-made Shuts with neck
band nnd tum-back cuffs 5I.j.
C,u '.r.'J
band nn
Night Shirts. Unusual, $1.25
Boys' Night Shuts, of sturdy
muslin, plain or tummed. Our
own carefully made brand.
Strahrl'lK" & ' lotliir
Second Floor I... ...
Fine Madras Shirts
Unusual at $2.25
Made of fine wovcn-tiipc
madras, fast colots, in handsome
color-combinations. Could not be
bought to-day to sell at this, price
in fact, Shiits of ordinary
printed fabiics arc being sold at
this price or more $2.25.
1 straw bridge i f lnihir
i:at Store. Ulghth Hire!
Men's Straw Hats
Reduced to $2.65
Fresh, clean, high-class Straw
Hats fine, medium and coarse
sennits, fine split straws, soft
roll-brim and pencil-curl straws
all worth much more than the
price $2.63. ' .
ALSO, a lot of Straw Hats, in
small sizes, 6Bs to 7 only, reduced
to $1.95. (Some worth double).
Panamas $3.55 and $5.55
Genuine Tanama Hats, at less
than half the average regular
prices. ' .
Strwhrldf rlolhlr
Second Floor, Jtjirket -Jjlrett, flul
The Summer Clearance of Clothing great variety,
from tropical weight to cloth of year-around serviceability
is of interest to many men. We don't like to talk about
increasing costs, but our customers must be informed that
these Suits at the REDUCED PRICES are very extraor
dinary, and that some of the prices
are lower than the same grades
would cost us in the market to-day:
Suits Reduced to
$19.50, $21.75, $24.50
$26.50 and $34.50
These arc fiom our lcgular stock odd
lots and broken lines, for the most pait,
but so grouped that a good range of sizes
will be found at each price. Chiefly in good
spring and autumn weights.
Blue Serge Suits at $25.00,
$35.00 and $40.00
Men's and Young Men's Suits, bought
long ago, when serge was lower in price.
We still have a fairly complete range of
sics in all proportions.
Hot Weather Suits
at Special Prices
Cool Cloth Suits, unusual values at 511.75
and $10.50, Palm Beach SuiUi, for men and
young men, special at $13.50. Mohair Suits,
black or gray, in subdued stripe effects, spe
cial at $10.50.
Youths' Suits
Long-trousers Suits for young
fellows of 15 to 19 years, reduced
to $12.00 and $19.50.
Strawbrldse A Clolhlr
Second Floor Eait
Underwear for Men,
I Women, Children
Dependable Lndeiwcar in well
known makes, including many of
the most-wanted kinds.
.ron MEX
Nainsook Athletic Shirts and
Drawers T.'ic each.
Nainsook Athletic Union Suits
Swiss Itjbbed LKIc Vests
l.ov ., I, slecvcksM Seconds of
an eyellc.il nualllv KejruUr sizes
i"i 1 uo I Ml ji Klzrs .IHp
flihlied Cotton Vests, Special. 29c
V-Hliurw. or Hqiiarc neck xleeve
I ess . iiKulur sizes
,Iibbcd L'nion Suits, Seconds 40c
i:ti.i-size Cotton I nicin Sulli low
neck, sleeveless with tlulit Knees.
Nainsook Athletic L'nion
Itov s
suits 7.IC
Uojs' White Gauze Cotton th
letic Union Suits $1.00
i Girls' Ribbed Union Suits
.niton Union Suits, low neck,
sleevclcss. with lace at knees.
.small sizes 55c larRe slreo 60e
I SlrBwlirlrtse Clothier
I . Mulct. ; ami .', Market street,
I nnd Aide 4 and 3 Centre
Durable Umbrellas,
Excellent Value, $3
Coveted with fine American
taffeta (cotton); plain or fancy
caivcd .Mission wood handles fin
ished with a wrist cord on
women's. Plain Mission wood
handler in hook or crook style on
blrawhrlcUft A- Clothier
Aiile 7 Market Street
Flannels daik colois $7.50.
Serge, black or bluc $0.75.
Neat striped Trousers $5.00.
Khaki, extra quality $3.00.
Strawbridge & Clothier
Swings for Porch
and Lawn, Reduced
Now, to close them out quickly,
come reductions on two of our
desirable lines of Swings:
Wooden Porch Swings, $2.95
In Flemish finish, comolete
with chains and hooks. At a re
duction of more than one-third.
Lawn Swings, now $7.50
Strong, durable Swings, to hold
four adults.
Strawbrldse & Clolhl.r
Fourth Floor Centtfl
America's Foremost Business School
i -
! T
" un.
.. o