ffititoJte&fytffi ' i.i'y -t... J ' V"Tt """WJ?If71 - .',..wrr-wr i- -a,,)! syytw Twjr,v rvmfmfmr . -PI EVENING' PUBLIC LEDGER-PHILADELPHIA, MONDAY, AUGUST 11, 1919 J&r' s HB9ES BUSINESS NOTES ItauoiM for Hie decline In the pro duction of camphor lu Tnlnrtn. .laprtn, durtnjr the lost three yenrs. arcordltiK to n ronshlnr report from Toklo, tire the shovtage of lnbor, higher wngen palil In other Industries, nnil the ner-elt.v of going further nnil futther Into districts iiiennred by snvnge'', In order to get good trees, A report Issued by tlio .Japanese Cot Jon Hplmirii' I'nlon ho that net . profits obtained by thirty-five cotton uplnnlng companies in .Inpan Inst year amounted to $."4,343,471). this being n record since tlie spinning industry started in Japan, some thirty years ago. In 11)13 net nrofits of thirty-five spinning companies were only $0,533,314, The paid-tip capital of these companies in WIS was .fll.7S2.270. but In WIS It was Increased to 507,503,600. Prices for leather continue to ad vance and the prediction is heard on all sides that still higher quotations will rule In the not distant future. The re port of the Federal Trade Commission ,to Congress, wherein It was charged that tanners, manufacturers and deal ers were tnklne undue profits, was quietly received by men in the industry. Buying of fall stocks of coats and ' milts for women by retailers hns begun to taper off and a period of comparative Inactivity is expected by the manufac turers until the. first of next month. It Is believed that between 00 and 05 per cent of the retailers' Initial require ments have been ordered by this time. Inquiry for an aggregate of 150,000 tons of pig Iron from various European. Oriental and South American buyers is reported to be before the trade. Do f mestic Inquiry is also large, but re stricted In a measure. Great Britain is the) largest single export Inquirer for Iron and Is seeking basis. Export and producing Interests expect further in I nulrles from the same quarter. Predic i Hon of a price of $.r0 a ton for pig Iron is heard In one quarter. Two Aliens Break Jail Chattanooga, Tenr... Aug. 11. , Rlchnrd I.uders and Robert Beese, two enemy aliens confined at the prison bar- Yaeks at Fort Oglethorpe, made a dash for liberty early yesterday during an electrical rain storm, Luders being j stopped by a bullet from the rifle of a ' guard, and Beese escaping. I.mlors's ! Injuries are not serious. Both men had escaped once before, butMater were recaptured. GOSSIP OF THE STREET The following companies offer INSURANCE of all kinds Beidler & Bookmyer General INSURANCE BROKERS 424 Walnut Street Lombard f(7 Italn f New York Office 95 William Street 1817 1919 Association OF PHILADELPHIA N, W. Cor. 4th & Walnut Has given Its policy holders w-.lld Indemnity for more than one hundred years and has never been so strong flnapclally as now. Have you a policy In this old and rellahle Company? CHARTER PERPETUAL Commonwealth Casualty Company Oldest Philadelphia Casualty Company Assets $700,000.00 Automobile and Tenm, Accident and Slcltnes, Insurance Attractive Liberal Rates Policies Prompt Claim Service Atk Your Broker or Commonwealth Protection Call, write or phone urexei isuuaing WILLIAMS C& WALTON General Insurance Aeenta Nos. 416-420 Walnut Striet PHILADELPHIA lllllllllllllllllilllillllliiilliiiiniiiilliiiiiii Fire Auto Marine Insurance Company of North America 1'hHadeIphIa OlitH American etcck Inturanet Cb. Founded J7tt Capital . ..." 4,000,00 Aoeti Over 80,000,00 Oorplus to Policy holder!' ......... 1S,00,00 Loiiti Paid Since mi. . .S20i,llt,.'l lliiine (mice Third and Walnut Mb Uptown Office Sin Heal Eitate Tr"F nMr, PRESIDENTS SPEECH IS WELL RECEIVED BY LOCAL BANKERS Decided Improvement in Stocks Considered Proof of Opinion of General Public Gossip of the Street rTUIB decided Improvement In the prices of stocks on the CTchflnRe on Saturday was considered proof sufficient of the opinion of the Rencrnl purlin on the President's messDRe to Congress. This opinion wns jtcnernlly confirmed by Interviews with as mnn.v lending bankers and brokers ns could be reached dtirlnj; the Saturday hnlf-sesslnn. It Is tnic there were one or two who found some faults with the message, but they were largely In the minority. One of these based his objection on the President's failure to recommend n reduction In the prlceH of tthent and corn, as he claimed so long ns theve commodities necessary to the production of meat are kept at present or higher prices the costs of living will not rome down. Another claimed that the President Is wrong In his conclusion that failure to ratify the peace treaty by America Is contributing to unsettled business conditions. If there was any one point more than another which received favornble com mendation from a large majority of those who discussed the subject it was this one. In fact there was practically unanimous agreement that the President had diagnosed the situation correctly. Among the brokers there Is a belief thnt when the full meaning of the text of the message Is digested between now and the opening of the stock market this morning, the effect will be most favornble. One well-known banker whose sympathies are not with the President or the present administration said In commenting on the messnge. "That man Is n perpetual surprise." Plans for Foreign Credit Clearing House There is quiet complaint In certain quarters of the financial district that our local bankers are not taking the interest which they should In the develop ment of banking and credit facilities for export business, and are depending too much on the lead of New York bankers In this most Important matter. ' Those who regret this condition are not nil financiers. They believe with the constantly Increasing Importance of the port of Philadelphia, both In the matter of shipping facilities and shipbulldlug, an opportunity to place this city ns the first In the country In the matter of exports and import Is in danger of slipping Irretrievably through our hands. It is true there are a few very progressive bankers who arc fully nllve to the ritnation, and to whom much of the credit for the present prosperous condition of the port belongs, but it is said that to secure the best results the utmost co-operation between the banks and the manufacturers and merchnnts Is now necessary." A banker when speaking on this subject said that with the co-operation of other bankers and businessmen throughout the country, n number of New York bankers are formulating plans for the formation of n foreign credit clearing house. The plans under consideration, he said, look prin cipally to the simplification of the present cumbrous means employed In collecting and distributing credit information from abroad. One of the points under discussion on which there nrc differences of opinion, he said, is if such a clearing house he formed, whether It should or should not be operated for profit. There are some financial concerns In this country that have gone to a great dea' of expense to provide foreign credit information free to their customers. One great advantage of such an Institution would be to relieve foreign merchnnts to a large degree of making out half n dozen or more reports to as many mercantile agencies and manuf icturcrs, as they nrc frequently obliged to do undtr the present system or rather lack of system. Bankers Discuss Financial Situation The following expressions from a few of the local and out-of-town investment concerns deal with the subjects, which to them, appear im portant: Chandler Brothers & Co. In our own city we are witnessing in shame faced way the downfall of a financial institution wherein every honest purpose has been sacrificed to the Inordinate desire for gain, whether by the over drawn borrower or the underpaid emploje. The problem now Is terrible enough to try to support the plainest and most meagre family on ?23 to $110 per week, but, when you propose to run more than the allotted one family nnd keep instead a couple of establishments and a few nutnmoblles, what can such a pay produce except disaster of one sort or another? There has been a very serious shrinkage In a few days In the market price of Pressman Tire stock. Here is a business of a quarter to a half million dollars a year, capitalized at three million, par vnlue $10, which, by its advance to .$27 becomes an JfS.000.000 business. The capacious yet necessarily limited bag of the pool on the New York Curb suddenly closes against its rapid absorption of too much stock and the quotation in two days drops from $27 to $10. The Pressman interests have been brought into the North Penn Bank tangle. There is hope that present unsettled condi-. tions will be settled up and prices Improve. Heclter & Co. The market became demoralized ngain last week from heavy selling in every direction. It was a case of "stage fright," and had It not been for powerful banking support rendered at a critical moment when prices were at the lowest, the result might have been very serious for all concerned. It Is to be hoped that a consideration of general condi tions nnd the fact that the important interests referred to were willing to give their support, will bring people to their senses and ranke them realize that everything is not going to the dogs by any means in this great country of ours. That American horse sense will prevail, as It always has prevailed, in bringing about the proper and just solution of every complex question thnt is now disturbing us and this with our crops and big world business on which the last six months steady advance has been based, will have its hustaiuing effect, with result that these who buy good stocks, either for cash or on substantial margins on recessions from present prices, will reap a rich reward later on. H. M. Ilyllesby & Co., referring to the growing demand for petroleum products, say : "The Increase of automobiles In the last year is estimated nt 1,000,000. In addition to pleasure cars, trucks and farm tractors arc coming into rapidly Increasing use. The yearly average consumption for an automobile is about ten barrels of gasoline, while for trucks nnd tractors it is from twenty-five to forty barrels. The fact that the latter run largely on kerosene hns greatly increased the kerosene demand, so that it is no longer n drug on the market. "Another factor for higher prices is the tremendous foreign demand. For the next two or three yenrs the entire world must look to America for its supply of light oil. Before the war, the. total production of crude petroleum in Europe was approximately 00,000,000 barrels, while now it is not more than 40,000,000 barrels. The production of Baku aud Roumanlu is less than one-half what It was before the war. Only one new well was started In 1018, and so far none has been htarted this year. The only present source of light oil In the eastern hemisphere Is the small quantities produced In Japan and Burma. It will tnke two or three years, under most favorable conditions, to bring Baku and Roumnnla back to their former production, nnd the discovery of new fields in foreign countries cannot have any appreciable effect on the market for two or three years, ns it would take that long to develop them nnd get their products on the market. Viewed In Its broadest, Its world-wide, sense, we cannot see any valid reason for n lower market for either crude or refinery products in the near future." The Annalist, commenting on the general municipalbnnd market, says: "The general municipal market continues very active, with prices remaining firm. Large blocks of both long and short-term issues are continually being disposed of at public sale at very satisfactory prices, the same being true of over-the-counter transactions. High-grade bonds in New York state find n ready market nt prices yielding a 4.2o per cent to 4.30 per cent basis. This also applies to municipals in the New England section, while In New Jersey, Pennsylvania nnd other large states the yield is a little higher, being around a 4.40 per rent basis or better. An issue of City of Hartford, Conn., bonds, due 1020 to 11W0, inclusive, nre offered at prices to yield from 4.30 to 4.40 per cent, also an Issue of B per cent bonds of the City of Elyria, Ohio, due serially from 1020 to 1048, inclusive, are offered at a price to yield 4.05 per cent. A new Issue of Memphis, Tenn., 5 per cent bonds is offered at prices for the various maturities from 1025 to 1040, Inclusive, to yield about 4,70 per cent. Guaranty Trust Co., N. Y,, discussing general trade conditions, says: "There are no Indications of any abatement of the unusual buying movement that has spread over the country during the last few weeks. On the other hand, there are suggestions In the constantly mounting prices of commodities that producers see a genuine shortage in the not dlstaut future unless industrial unrest Is composed and the lnbor forces of America turn whole heartedly to that increased effort which the destruction of war and the enlarged foreign demand made Imperative If prosperity is to be maintained. There are numerous and serious strikes throughout the country, notably that of the marine workers in New York harbor." Outside Stock Prices (Autuat 11. ltltfll ...Ii"?. follow ln telle ahous the list re cnrfled me prK.e nrt dates of transaction, ? nanV. trim rnmnans nnd various local Melee eeMnm and In eotre rase, never, dealt in in the Philadelphia Stocn r.irhanae. Quotations compiled by Ilarnea A l-ofland. Hanks rtn.",r,fn """k "".N "i cemmerre .'" 1' rtiteof I,a,t Rule. Mav 2I. 'IS tiHi - --v "inmerce i.i J;"k.of North America 270', nrond Rtreet . no '"ntennlnl National 27". f ntra National 4tr. Corn Eirhanr Nafl. aST Pffi;r;. Merchant . no v!V.lT"t." A M'chNat. 170 te.:-.a,,nnai . 1MO "" rh street NMIon.il 330 r-r;l "": : !?!. ri. .L '" iionai . rmarton Olrarrt National Manamnk National J'1 St National Middle ritv nnk . v?n im-l. ?'curlty . Jlnth National North Penn . . .Northern Veflnn.i rin-ri.h".r,,?rn National' 401 i Philadelphia Markets GRAIN AND FLOUR ilFAT"n"'."f" " 3lm huhel Th. market wa; quiet Quotations No 1 red 5Mn,?rL,Ja'1 N t not them eprlni. 2 S: VoJ hard winter inn, ,- i red. amut'i . 3H No I red. aarllrk) and emutt 12 .It N" ( "d winter, Vi 3d. No 2 northirii "Prlnir 12 ,1C, No 2 hard winter J2 31 No -' red winter. Bflrllcky J2 34 No 2 red. amuttv. 12.1.1 No i red itarlliky ami amuttj 2 3, No .1 red winter. 12 J. No a !r.i'rr.n. "frlnir, IJ 1.' No 3 hard winter 1 .1J .No H r.il Winter urlrV 1.10. No S red emutti IJ 211 Vn a reH arllck nnd tn .. . . .... - . w? Philadelphia to Hamburg AMERICAN STEEL STEAMER 10,333 Tons Sailing Late August Shipping Board Rates THE CHARLES T. MEGEE COMPANY , 874 Dime! Building , 'TftOVH 171 LOMBARD t. . i -,... 'r ii -rrayey l LOCAL MINING STOCKS TONOPAII STOCKS Bid Jim Ilutler Otnev tiftwir Pnn N,Mnr.,( J&'JSJl'flW Natlona'l 147li 417 121 .110 isr (10 , 442 .140H 210 rtV4 j'n 4..1 Nov a. in .tuna is. Mf i en 't. ' i HmiiMx kw 14 mt'i. 1 OUN ""'IPta I "'VI bushels The mar t.i 'A ' f'1 "". lnrS"U nominal We quote ellow ArVr id tnli'V",1' ,01" ,or l"ial trnde ns to quallts and ftjl- "4 MR ,0?" LS "t -' 141(2 in rrr bushel iH s5 MS i. '.,AT?-7 Kclr's .11 no bushels Tho mar liify V "1U I ki' r11'"1 "mi and 2"ir hljher under litem s. :ii,"u, t r. .."'.'"'; 1m.,nn. . x:a'lzi:iL ?' Mil Nyj No. 2 white. MI0MII-I.. No 3 white 21. MO CROP NEWS INDUCES ' INITIAL GAINS LOST SELLING IN CORN PIT IN COTTON MARKET Weather, Labor Unrest and Dis- Sellers Restrained by Fear of "'J '? National" 13" cood Natlonn 317'i xth Nitlonal 2,17 Si... u "rK National .202 Tenth v1: National is. r!S.,h: l.stlonwl . . i2r,u, Tlf,J'.N'"lonal . lisii $y.TJl Nntionil . . iJW i nlon Natlnna Sin West Phn.tJui. -!" iMitm . , 43 .Tnly Oct Feb Apr July .Tune Dec lime Ttine 2.1. July SI. Nov Mar Mav Pec .Tan July Aue Mar. Nov. June June Julv June Julv July Dec Jan. Mar. is". 13. 4. IS. s. 7. 20 n. . 12. 14. 4. 10. 5 Sft. 31 n 24. e 10. .... Trust ("nmnnnles Aldlne Trust mo Tlelmont Trust " a-. r!i-...i'"Jr rut . m vj-mrai Trust Sav rhelten ;.,.. Bav nlonlal Trust ' folumbla A Ti 1411 10SH 200. 4 I Ml r!.m.onr!,l Trust ' " 280 a-TrtV.'Tr7;?" te r iiiriii- 'I t-ii a 4. 17. 11 2f" in 23. 2.1 dVSd0tnr'.r"tpr" Prankford Trust J-ranklln Trust Olrard Ae TAT (llrarrl TV.... ' "uiranlee Trust noiii 1 0.14 Ift-.'i 177 1KV. 217'i - "l mi iraw JJiddlnaton Title A Tr' i?i iil... . .'1 ln,,I IH4 : . . 18SH ... . . 22.114 t Co . IMS June Jan, Keh. Msr. May July Julv Julv Julv June June Apr. July Aur. May Ft Jan. May Oct July July June Dee Julv June May Feb June Oct. June My June Mar Aur. Nov Julv Au Oot Am June Apr Juno Apr June Aur Juno .Tune July June Aur. Teh June Julv June July 21. June Julv ,.... , .I . In""n"", romnnnlea Philadelphia t.ife . ,,, TTU-y- -' wnite. KIIQTMH, f , - 1'lfS1'4P No 4 while '14P ! MM'R Receipt, .17S.Oun lb In aacke !." "Mrket quiet but steady Quota tions To arrive per 190 lb In 140 pound K,.,!y.k" "'Inter atralsnt. weatern. olrt. fiS!s.U n'w 10 TB trw KB, nearby, old tioeiiu 7.1 new, l7.1tfio. Kansas straight new $n 2.1 ax i in Kansa. short pntent. old. JI21J12 .Vi new 111 Jilll 11 7.1. aprlnf short patent old, I1.1W13 r,0 do r.l'JJL 1'1 111! BOW 1.1 do nrst clear, old. IP till 10 UVK FLOfii ,nlld alowlv at former rates "e ouote nt JiKO'Sn.'.i per barrel In jacks aa lo iiuallti PROVISIONS , 'or maraei ill) generally nrm. wnn iir enter Jobbin demand for most description The was weaker. appointing Outside Demand Also Factors orain nni.T WKvrHKR Fonrr,sT rhlcaao Au 11 - Illinois Partlv cjnudv tonlirht and Tuesdav fnlloved b showers north wnrmer tonlaht Mlrsourl rartlv .lnud tonlirht and Tll"iH probbu unsettled extreme north tnnlant Wisconsin Shnners lonl.iht snd Tud 'xieit fer west 'Puesdn warnir Mln nesota- Vartlv cloudi umlerht nnd Tues dav probably unsettled east tonight warmer southeast Tuesdav lows Mostlv cloudy with thunder showers extreme eaet. Tueedn fair with warmer east North Dakota Eolith Dakota Nebraska and Kansas Fair lonlRht and Tueda not much rhanre In temperature Mon tana rartlv clnudv local thunder show er tonlrht or Tueda west warmer south tonlrht Wlomln- Parth cloudv lo'al thunder showers southiMst Tusda riilrasn. Auk. 11 - KinnriiMe trMi Developments in Trop ical Storm rriTTOv uki.t vi:T!tnn rr.N-DiTinvs New lnrk, Aur It The rollnwlnr tern peratuiea were recorded In the enltnn bel this ninnihis Wilmlnstnn (Ii! Nashville j '.' .l",'"m" ,'1'' Mewnhl. Knnxil'le and Allanto 70. Fort mlth l.lttle Hock Jckabura Mi.ntRomer and Thnmavle i.. Shreenort Sun Antonio Augusta s. jannah Jaiksnnlll and Tampa. 7 rorpus i ihrlsll nnd f'hnrlestnn 7S rial eton New drleins nnd 7'ensacola SO The follow mi: lireclr.it, Hon were recorded rampy. nt KnniMlln and ThomasMlle. .1.. Jarsnnvllle and Montgomery 22 Haiannnh .10 I'hnr'eston lot. Vli k burff l ns New Ynrli. Aur. 11 -Tho rotfoii mnrkof iiioiieil .tomlv ultli prl. e ttn rlmtiRpd Cnlilrs tnrt cTpoi-tntions itirre n n littlo hiu ne hi anot Combined Reserve Dnk Report IVjshlnrlon. Aur 11 The weekly reaet of the combined condition ot the twelve Fed eral Reserve bank at the close of butlnesv on rrioav aususi n. announcen ny tno Federal Reserve Hoard Is aa follows (000 Frldav omitted); rtESOtTRfER Ausutt S Hold coin and certificate. In vault . . . 1262,741 Gold settlement fund fiis.fl.1d Aunitt 1 trr .Tl fB05.1Tl ToUl (told held by (1rA ivlth fArrirol ll. (.r R(tnti 1 0R4 047 1,071,807 flold rtlfmpMon fund with V H Trvni!urr 110 '.2S 1U.B07 Tntdl M1 renrvi 2 0fi4 7.1(1 $2,088,475 I-rpfll tnflr iillfr rr- tlft'fli nnl uhjldUry . . roln ... rt7 32 AlrWX Totnl rTVpa nilM di-onunt'! derurd iiy Rrrrnmnt wir on t2.r2 HA I2.1.-VA.S27 All OthT nilln bouchi In o p n ITi!rK'tt . .11. tin JM $l.M2.Alt( j."v,a.i sco.siro AS! 241 S74.7B1 Total bills on hand 12 21.1 .110 2 22?.TS0; 1' ft tlnvernment bonds 27.0S.1 21,004. f S 1'lclor note . 20 2S0 L-. fl certificates of In- ...... riebtednesa. . 220 724 21T.BS2 Total earnlnr assets 12 472J.1S 12 4.1S.0 Sit S0.1 til, got nnil wrfitlirr news, Ishor nnicst nnil n , liniiHos nm j-ollrrs orr rrstrnineil liv Rink prem'se I'ncnllccted Items (de- , It. f.i.l frnitl B.nM He- llsapnolntlnc ontsiile (IptuhHiI indtirorl . fonrs of flrtplnnmrnts in the fennh-nl ..n',."lI'!., .,.. liiltildation of corn todh nml the musket , illstiirluinrr In the middle of the Car- f"nd npilnet Federal Htismess wns Immporotl It) llihonn Son ,'f T other resource 70S 043 73M1T 10.SM n sin 10.71 n.ssd rf.-.'.ii uriusnii lor most necriin""D. .'" , ... nun .in.. ,,--. . .. ,-., n. ale. .... ...1. ..u..i 1. 1 (- ...... ..ffm.tA.i n. i .Iried'Mc knuckle. ., rt tender smoked "'"r ",rP '"".'" .."- '"',' 'IBs weather mop itvolf n. fnirli Total resource, t.1 4.10 S01 M.303.1153 and alr-drled 05c pork, family. H7c. ham,. It moteoroionicHi i nniiitinn-.. i iim- fnvonthlp for t a KaI, a. nA..:nit.. ... k- roosi' StsU ,SSrio.L4i&.M40rn.I,So: '"' fr0m "" """Htrj TP -nid so, ,, hr ",,,.,, , !,.,,.,. Iiolled. bonei.ss, 51c picnic ahoulders. ? P , to lie InrRP. storks of old Krnin nre i tnro invtirreil Ctirci nose "91. .In .nnbnl "1) 9 ZO? ' .. ." . . , ,. . "nurri-II. bellies In o.ckle loone 3'c breakfast baton. Iniil.ll. mil receipts lotitinno tun iiRiit i" permit iu. nfcumiilntinii 44 lard p.cl Sic REFINED SUGARS Tluslnrss was reatrlcted by the llcht offer- ,nlnk-a and the market was unchanred on lU '" " f- HT line Kl.llU'ntvu 2jj: ;io DAIRY PRODUCTS is! '17 nt'TTCR Trade wa nulet and price de- . MB ellned lc under lower outside advice The 14. Mil Quotation Solid racked iresinery. extru.s 4 MP S4Vc hlhr si orlng goods WJttH'ic the 2H MS latter fur JohblnE nles extra nrst oic nhonro nf fre-h nnlalile hill III Hie- nun -2) MO Orals fil'iSJ.ISWc .ecindo 4BJ.11e. sweet . OPSenro OT iroll OMKIIIO OII.MIIR tno nun 1" , i.remer tnoice to fanc on1 O'jvit. oo i(.t wonkenoil nttor s nrm stnrt. :ie- l'ltrair to rood .11'i It 55HC rano uranoa oi ,. , . , i , , Marr-i. in prints jobblnr at (10302c fair to choice .10 ceipts were small, hilt the Mippi.r of old "rr MAHIUT1E8 rMpital paid In 3 S07 ?U'P,U" . 21 222 Government deposits . 101 (ISO Due o memlers reserve ii count 1 i .ill S07 lleferred avallabl Itv Alt! ,,.!, rains reronth hme been of I I". '.."'.. . .. -in.. ",i , -,;;,, .1.1.1. i --- - - , .1 .. nc'ive moriTiia. trnt nenin PSPtl to initml other deposit inrimitnir beneht to the giouitiK i-rtip, the nnnl i.ri for Bow-rnmeiu credits 10, s2 outturn is expected to he well under 1 .n.. , . .,, ,., ,. ... ... . Total rrcs deposit 2 ,128.S10 J2.303.7S8 , ' , ....... .... ip,iM Reserve notes In ore est limit oil nt 12.000 bnles. ncr.lnt 1 actual circulation . 2.332 0.17 2..10.S20 After the 'tnrt jirlers ndvnnred nhont ten point nhovo Rnttirdnr's rlnp nn 1S.1.B12 si.oAt 6S.SST 1 T42.4TS 881,231 1 13.731 enrlier expeitations. Ilrokers were nervous bernuse of the efforts being put forth to rut the imt of Ihins, "nd the bull ide wits lc- regular. Outs showed no snap nnd in tho 0S74 bales a cok ago and SOU bale- .'".'n rVreSaHan'"? lnduatrlal Trut .inveriiy rUSt .Tenk ntown t.. Kenslnrton Trust 'SAii I.and Title ft Trust iH ''' Jill,' TiTruit: .10? ijnn i rust iaouL Jiiseiytt .ir""t . SM iiediTm.'w t'' '" Northern T... s' ;nn ISTt .102 1.10 1110 101, 1 to nno North Phil. V...-.' t&iIiJhw'S5rn "lru" reihom Tru.t r.Cn'"' 'ns etc People's Trust Fhlla t'o for (J Min., Phlladelnhl. V..."."' Provident Life Trust 4j.r Real Hstate T I AT j"? Real Estate Tru.t com .'a no prer Republlo Trust niltenhou.e Trust Kobert Morris Tr Co Tacony S n T 4 T Tlora. Trust I'nlted Pec I. I A 't S'"v.I1c.Ji,ru:,oo 11 est End Trust Wtlt Phlla T T ' 35 nI 2t4 ni 101 lorn', 101 71 inn 147 35: in 21. IS 3 i?: 10. IS. is. 2S. IB. 18. 7. S 27. B n. 30 i). 18 (l 21. 21. IS n 4 2.1 .10. 10 7 n 10. 21. is in. 18. a .lour ngn Hatunlnv AilTiisl 11, tober December TaTiuirv ' 1 n r.fle is ' i-;(i(',s--Tte market ruled nrm on siricuy fine er the limited receipt, of -which met wnn H KOOO outlet quotation r ren crbbi nearby 11,1 do per crate, current receipt that will trade. 115; fair to rood. 118 60 14 40, western extra flrata. 118.60 per ca,e. flrat 114 4001.1, nearby and western ,ec onds 110 80012 no. fancy selected , Job blnr at fiBtreic per doren. rHBKSE The market wa unlet but steady The follow-in were the quotation New Tork and Wliconaln whole-milk flats. mi,,.., n-.t.. e.n.v 1i!flSVi c enecl.!. .2 hlrher New York and 1VIcon,ln. whole milk " flat current make, fair to (rood. 3I w 32'ie fancy rood, Jobblnr at 34 ft 33c outs is large. Many complaints were heard about final threshing returns. Iadlnr future ranged ns follow, Com (new deller) Pat'da Open High I.OW Close close Sept . 1 113 1 04 1 n 1 now 1 04 Dec . 1 rr. 1 MS l.r.j11, 1 53 1 M'i Oat a Sept. . 7rt'l 7H 74!.i 74' 78 It .Sib. rtli t TTU 1 " . m t n 1 t, I'ork lll.l 'In. Ml 17 1.' U'fl 11 .12 "fT 10 12 Irt'i 11 1. 11 IS 32 1BW22 open 12 OS .12 3 t? 2. 1.' 21" .12 21 1.' 01 32 Id 31 B .11 LO POULTRY MVK There wo little tradlnr and re ceipts while light were nmple Price, shoed little ctwnre The quotation. Fowl i in express 3.1 if 30c , aprlrff chicken, broil era not Ivcghorn,, yellow -skinned, weigh ing 1, ffl2 Ibc apiece. 3S4J40C spring chick en broilers not Lerhorns, ellowklnned. weighing 1314 lb, apiece 3H37c, white l.ejhorns vellow-, klnned. weighing 1 3 2 lbs apiece 3384c. white lyoghorna. yellow Sept 17 00 l.ard 'Sept 12 no '(lit .11 si I nibs 1 ept 2 00 Asked. 47 CO 47 00 774, 47 80 47 32 no 31 CO .11 52 11 42 31 01 11 31 31 ,10 .11 40 28 7.1 28 30 28 80 in , skinned smaller ,l:e 3uff32c, rooster, 28 In 1 'ti -'4C ducks, spring, .iihg o.-c, an, teKin. oiu, .. )illlnn Am ItiHIan llimn.r aI.I "flflfHn.i I II , . 1. .,-'1 ...w .. ....... .-u,.. . y. - . M.lc do joung per Liverpool Cotton Iiverpool. Aug. 11 A fair business was ilnno in spot cotton todij . ith prices stendr on the Iwms of nn advance of .V points for middling at 1S.!!il The sales wore 4000 hales. The re ceipts were 1000 bales No American cotton. I'utiircs opened steady nt nn advance of Til to 62 points Spot prios iere: American, middling fair. 21 4V: good middling lfUtSd. fully mid Hing. lil.-iSd; middling. IS.SSd: Ion middling. 17 74d : good ordiunr, 1." fid. and or dinary. 14 0."d. .1 23'1 320 111 21b SO 100 7.1 1BV1 fl'li, 12'i 23 Mar Aug Fire Insurance Comimnle. Alliance Fire Association Franklin Independence Security Ins Co of Slalo of Pa Lumbermen's Mechanics' People' National . . Reliance United Firemen' .. Victory Pnssenrer Ralln-nv Stock l-amoen It Suburban . 204 Jr v""ri'n i.'.iu a. uini .n'ii Continental . pn Fmt Pk Haddington. 41 Frankford Southwark 24,-i Oermant'n 14th t Sth) 01 Hestonvllle Jt F . . . . sji, do pref . . 51 flreen & Coatee sts . 01 ThlladelphH Cltv . . 117 Philadelphia Darhv. 3814. Phlla A Oraya Ferrv. . m llldge Ave .... . . 200 Second Third St . 201 Thirteenth A 1.1th Sts ISH'i Union Passenger 110 West Philadelphia . 181H 28 8 I. Aug Aug Apr. .1 .Tune 23. Apr 2, Sept. 11. Nov 1 a July 80. Apr 2. MO July 2.1. June 23. June June Oct June JUIr Julv Juiy Julv July Dec May Nov. July Aur Tlec Apr. 28 M8 18. MB rtnllroftda Camden A Burllnr Co.. 21'i Catawlssa 1st pref 42 do 2d pref .... 42ui Chestnut Hill 81 Pelkwar 41S Del A Hound Brook ..188 Rest Mahanoy .. . 30'. Kat PennsyUsnla. . .. 514, Klmlra A Williams com 3BH do pref . ... 70U Hunting A n Top com . 8 do pref . ... 10 I.ehlgh Vallev oref 120 I.lttlo Srhulklll fjli l.vkena Vallev .14 Mlnehlll A Sch Haven . 841, North Pennsjlvanla . 70 Phlla A Trenton . 108 Phlla Otn A Norrls . 120 United Cos of N J . 102Vi Vetern N T A Pa . . 21 Mlsccllaneou Amer Pipe A Con Co.. 12i Bergner A Engel Brew. 5H do pref . . 23 IJ Long Hook A Eye. 22 Knterprlso Mfr Co . . 30'j Ketone IVatch Case . 70 Merchants' Warehouse. 82 Mulford II K Co 30., Northern Liberties Caa 31 A I'enn Traffic . . 2' Penna Cold Storare .. 13 Penna Warehousing. . 101 Phlla Bourse ... 5J4 do pref . . ... 10'. Phlla Warehouse . . 112 Phlla Will ACS. .87 Smith. Kiino Frencn no. Julv Apr July Jan Mar. June Aug. July May June Feb Fej May July Julv Aug July Mir. June July Aug. 31. 518 20. MO 23. 12. 3. 20. 30, 0, 21. 8, 4, 3. 17. 23. 17. 1. 8 12. 10. 23. pigeon old per pair 40 pair 3.1CT40C. DRESSED Th market ruled firm on ll(ille interests nl0 bought. fne desirable-sired stock and price of folsi advanced lc The quotation were a fol 10 Ii w. Fowls freah killed dry-plckert. In ,.1. 10 I hoxe weighing 4 lbs and over apiece, , .,,, ,40',c, weighing 3'i lbs 37938c. clshlnj; H,ptemtr 3 lbs apiece 34S81C. amaller ,le,. 32 ft , October in ' 31c fresh-killed. In barrel, fancy. dr'- N-.mher 10 . picked, uelghlnr 4 lb and oler apiece December iSUtie. uelghlne 3 lb . 3837c. weighing 3 ya,,umrv . JSilba 31&34C. amaller size,. 31032c, old p-Vbruary I" . .,.. i.i.i on, h.nll... Inrinv .i. . '.'J'S'.'i" ".''"' .!"?' '.'"SJ3:,,V j .Mircn fl".'II.Tic, lit-, oilier nrflruii oiihoom ... western. SSiftSSc. spring duck. Long Island and nearbv. 3334c. soulh. per dozen white, welghlnr 11012 lb , IS 30 I) 25. do. do, welghlnr 01M0 lb per doien. 17 ,10ff S 23. do do, weighing 8 lb per doren 18138 73 do. do weighing 7 lbs per doren 14.10012.1, do do. velghlnr nilinW lbs pe- doien 12 30Jf s 88: dark. 11 30 2 23. small and No 2. 60c312. NEW YORK COFFEE MARKET New York, Aug. 11. The market opened irregular l'ocemner .1 points,. et CDCniAl M I ocooinn higher, other months unchanged to a "Ol 01 l.uihi u. j. ol:ooIUIV decline of 10 points. Trade nnd New Orleans -old. with scattered bujing by , Suffragists Request Governor to Call Wall street. Trade and commission1 Legislature to Ratify Amendment Sea (iirt, Aug. 1 1 With a view to urging upon (invernor Runyon the ex pedient y of immediate action by the April May June Frl close Open 20 20 . . 21 01 20 0.1 "20 SI 20 85 20 7.1 20 111 "20 20 ni 2U .IS 20 113 20 8.1 20 81 20 f,2 20 80 20 till "20 f.O 20 35 20.51 11a m FRESH FRUITS U'altermelon of flne qnallti were ecarre nnd higher other fruit sold fairly and alue generally were well sustained Qui tnllons Apple, per basket. Ifcwjl 50. cantaloupe,, western, per crate. 11 253 2V do. Delaware and Man-land per crate. 50cW 11 ,10, waternielqn,, Florida, per car. 1221 nio, blackberries. per quart, 13320e, peaches, Delaware and Man land, per crate II 5032 30. huckleberries, per quart. 18 2.1c. lemons pr box. 11 51W4, oranres, California, per box. 12 50n 10 VEGETABLES Potitnes nere more plentiful and weaker. IB w lth dejntnd onlv moderate Onion and Ifl cabbage were stciau neia. viunisuon U)i vnue potatoes r.iuirui rimi .u potatoes, Jersey per basket No 1, Jl?f 1 25 lower grade. SOiSTMc White pota toes per 1 50-1 b aek. 1.1 2HT5 50 Cabbage, PennBjlvnnla, per bbl . 12 Onion. New Jore. per basket. 1101 50 do New Jcr- per ousnei namper inu..i 7 MB MO Mil 17 MO 10 ."j. M8 1 MB M8 1.1 M'l MB MB Mil M7 Stetson J H 330H do pref 153 Victor Talking Machine 801 Weitmotelind Coal.... 7.1 Julv Mav May Feb May Apr July July July June Mar. Mav July July June Sept. 25 Apr 0, Julv 2.1 Aug 8, May 21. Aug 5, 14. 14. IB. 14. 2; 2. 18. 4. 10. 28 5! 13. LIVESTOCK QUOTATIONS Chicago. Aur 11 HOOS Receipt,. 13. 000 head. Top. 128 10 Heavv weight. 121 10if23 medium weight. 121 2.1 0 23 10. light weight 121 10W21 lhht Uahta I19 21 7.1. hea.vy packlnit sow. smooth, 120ST21. packing ,ow. rough. 11SB20 pig, 11.C10 CATTLE Receipts. 0000 head Market strong. Beef steer, medium and heavy weight, choice and prime 117 7.1WIB 3.i; medlu mand good 113 2.1!ffl7 50 common. Mil 75W13 25. light weight good and choice, HSIH-IUT; cnmmnn medium. 10 754713: M , hutohor cattle, heifer. 17 751T1B. cow S7..10 MO '1(14 50. canner and cutters. 18 25 7 30, '! eal calve, llgnt nnn nanov wriaiii iiiu.A-i No Change In Refined Sugar New York, Aug. 11. The refined sugar market is without change. Vir tually nil local refiners are withdrawn from the market, due to the light ar rival of raws; but it is expected in the trade that within the next week or so arrivals will bo in larger volumes, which will enable refiners to increase their meltings. Haws nre unchanged nt 7.2Sc. The importation of sugar from August S to 10 included 21, ."TOO bags of Cubas to Howell & Sons and 14,000 bags of Cubas to the Federal Kcfinlng Company. GOVERNMENT BONDS Liberty 3a Bid Ask 1947 00 eft 00 00 Liberty 1st 4s 1047 Liberty -o 4 iiij Liberty 1st 4'. 1B47 . .. Llbertv 2d lil 1042 . Liberty 3d 4V, s 1028 I Iberty 4th 414 IMS Victory SH note 1022-23.. I Victory 1-4 nolle '""-" Panema cOUDOn 2 11180. . . . Panama registered 2,1036 . Panama, coupon !a 1838 ... Panama registered 2a 1038. . Panama coupon 8a 1081..... Panama registered 8 1S81.. Philippine 4, 1034 Philippine 4, 1833 Philippine 4 1088 . . . U 8 Govt coupon 2 193J IT H C.ovt registered 2 1010 V S Oovt coupon 3 1048. V H Oovt registered 3s 1048 IT S OoU coupon 4; 11123 . . U S Oovt registered 4 1923 Dl,t of Columbia 3-83, 1024. MacNamara . Midway Mlipah Kit . Montana . ... North Star ., Re, cue Kula West End ... . ,.31 .4.84 . .22 . .07 . .18 : :?s . VA OOLDFIELD SIOCKR Atlanta 01 Tllue Hull 02 Hooth . ,. 07 Dlamf nn 0 Daley . nt Kewana, 03 Ask 83 .07 o !oo .20 .00 .20 Oro Sllv.r Pick epaarheail . . MIDCBI.LANEOUS Art tlnlted . ,.,..,,. ..,,, 4wvw3 hi fji,tie rs .0.1 01 .00 02 .01 04 ,01 ,08 .08 I- m . 04 10 04 30 . 03 14 03 20 . 04 00 04 40 9.1 28 03 82 . 04 08 9.1 00 0.1 .13 03 .Hi . 00 84 BO 88 , 09 84 00 SO 08J, . 9'; oovi 08, 01i 004 . 88 02 . M 02 00 08 00 04b 00 08 001, 100 094 100 80 02 80 02 miUi lnnli .loi4 mm; . 87 100 Financial Briefs Th New Tork subtreasury gained $3c5fl.OOO from the banks on Saturday, making a cash net gain tlnce Friday of .$432,000. The New York Stock Eirhange hns ndmitted to dealings United Retail Stores Corporation rishts. The weekly listing sheets of the Phil adelphia Stock Kxchnnge shows ?270.. 000 addltiocal common ttock of the General Asphalt Company listed In ex change for $180,000 preferred. There has been listed $400,000 additional Electric Storage) Rattery common, Is sued In settlement of profit participa tion contracts with certain officer of the company, pursuant to authority of reafllutlon of the board of dirKtow. r'Ji 1 """ " J ' . . - i . ;j!'P"J l se,r PeUnS held July, J "Nt feeder ste l7ttll 23 eera. I8.2.18T 13 73. stocker leer. i western range Hirers i.i"t in ?: Am. ..nrf hvlfere ISdM.I 50 SHKEP Itecelnt,. 10 000 head Market strong Lamb. 84 pound, down. 1141117 1.1; common and medium. 10fri3 in yearling wethers. J9.7512 30; ewes, medium good and choke, 17 250; culls and common 12 705.73. Pittsburgh. Aur. 11. ATTIjE HecelP ;. 2800 head Higher. Pter 1186 18 75. heif er $1314l cow. 1012 Calve, re ceipt. 1200; ,teady. top, 21 HOOS Receipt 2300 head Mfher. Heavy, 128ST23 50; hea-y sorker. 124W 24 23. light yorker 122 50923. Pigs. 122 22 50 SHEKP AND LAMHS Receipt. 2500 head. Hither. Top iheep, 111 top lamba, 17 Kat nuffalo. Aug 11 CATTLE Re ceipt, 4100 head ActUe C.ood 33o to 50o higher; common teady to atrong Prime teer. en f018 50. shipping ,teer. Sill 30 617 30: buicher,. J10S118 23, yearllngj. 110 501918 30, helfr 18SJ14 cow,. 14 SO 11, bull,, 17 30011 50, docker, and feeders I8ll.5fl, freh cow, and prlnrera I8301 170 Calve, receipt 1.100 head. II 30 high er 888J23 50. HOOS Receipt, 7200 hejd Pig 25fl high er Heavy mixed vorker 123 30, light york er,. 122 50 023 plra 122 2.122 50, rough. 82O5021. ,togs. $12918 SHEEP AND LAMBS Receipt 1200 head Lamb, St 25 higher, other, 73c hlrh ?? Lambi" lioeia 50: yearling. $8 14 50: wether lilWll 50. ewe,. $4010 50. mixed aheep. $10.500111 state in the ratification of the federal suffrage amendment, a delegation from the women's political nncti will await I upon him tomorrow ul Trenton. 20 7l' Miss I'mil.i I'iersou. of Newark, state Inrgani7er for the part. hns written to Governor Ttiinyon. nsking him to call a ' special session of the Legislature, so 3 THEATRES FOR CLEVELAND ,hnt ,h(" "nieudment can be ratified im- I mediately. lltthllll I All other liabilities ln Mudlnp foreign ko em inent credits Total liabilities Ititlo of total reere to net deposit and r eil ersl Reserie note lla btllt'c comblneil Ititlo of gold reeeries to federal Heere note In circulation after set ting aside 311 against n't deposit liabilities. 20.1 318 200.815 10 172 17.770 $1410 301 3.89.1.nSS 30 8- 30.3 81.1 HER DRINK HAD "KICK" Pittsburgh Woman Used Recipe and Landed In Police Station Pittsburgh. Pa.. Aug. 11. "You nre the first woman to appear in any police station In this cltv nn a charge of In tiiirntinn since Julv 1," said Magls- ' trate norland to Miss Mary Marlln jesterdnj. who was arrested while In an intoxicated condition. "I can't understand how you can secure liquor when habitual drunkards nil me ther can get nothing but the worst kind of 'bootlegger lightning.' Surely 5011 would not stoop to drinking that stutT." Hearing riery evidence of refinement, Miss Mnrlin nppeared ill at ease as the magistrate chided her Finally she told him thnt f-he bad not bought liquor. "What was It?" he asked. "I did not feel well." said Miss Mnr lin. "and I acted upon the advice of a friend, who told me how to make a drink thnt would do everything that liquor would. It is made of apple Juice, alcohol, vanilla nnd raisins." "ion may go. said Magistrate Bor land, but don t advise your friends trv the drink. BUTTER, EGGS AND CHEESE New York, Aug. 11 -T1UTTER unsettled. Re'celDts 12.173 tub High -coring. 52t" BsSc'MltM .1S3.V'4e first. 51'45H.c: I.ccnds 40V, 0Slc, .lata Oalry .Vjli , fl S3c ECM3S lrregulal Receipt-. 14,708 ca,e, Fresh-gathered extra, 5JH 5814c atorage nacked extra first,. SlW.ISe ,torag packed first, T 47H50c, gathered extra flr,t,. Sl H'jc. nirtiea iso 1 . ... ..-,".-, ''-- -." - Canadian Firm Will Erect $2,200,- ' 000 Office Building and Playhouse ' rietelatitl, Aug. 11. A $1!.200.(M10 1 business building and theatre is to be , erected in the downtown Euclid avenue district by the Allen Tlieatrlcul Hiiter- prise of Canada. This will be opposite ' the new office building to be erected 1 by Dan It. Hanna, in connection with 1 which there will also be a theatre I The William Tnjlor & Son Com- 1 pnnj department store nnd the Keith Theatre interests are to prect a .1.,)00, 00ft store nnd theatre a block removed from the main business section of Eu clid avenue, which will practically dou ble the space of the store. New theatres to be erected by Mnr cus I.oew. moving-picture theatre mag nate, will give him control of eight in the city. He has formed a S 1,000,000 company. BUSY WEEK FOR RUNYON , , New Jersey Governor Will Speak at Brown's Mills on Friday Sea, flirt, Aug. 11. Oovernor Itun yon will put In n strenuous week. To morrow he will be at the state house nnd will address the employes of the II D. Lee Mercantile Company at Trenton. 1 The next day he will attend the meeting 1 of the Bergen county Republican com- 1 mittee nt Hnckensack. j On Thursday he will attend the West Jersey grove camp-meeting at N'ewfield. ! He will deliver an address on Friday at Ilrown's Mills-in-the-Pines on the oc- 1 caslon of the welcome homo to return- ing soldiers of that section. On Sat- urday.the governor is scheduled to nt- I tend the harvest home celebration at Quakertown. WHEN a New England investment security is purchased from us, experience has demonstrated that usually it is the beginning of business relations with the customer which will extend over a long period of years. Manifestly, our interests are iden tical, since we first subject our offerings to the most riqid and exhaustive investiga tion before we purchase the issue. Our cu-rent Bulletin describes a selected number of unusually attractive New England Preferred stocks, which are obtainable now at prices to yield 5 to 8 Send today for tliis Bulletin, P.P.L.-344 Hollister,White & Co. INCOSPOSATCB North American Building PHILADELPHIA BOSTON PROVIDENCE SIRINGFIELD !.... aTUDAfae. weatern and fouthern rath ered whit,, l.iffS3c. atate and nearby hen nery brown, MWiWe cathereii brnun and mined. VlT57c, tar to crime. InJMac; CHEESE unaettled Receipt,. MOS hoxe. Flat, current make, colnred. awase run. .llU0S2Ur, flat current make uhltca nver run 3ie31He; colored ,necl,l,. 32 Oxfith "hit. special. M4 O 334 c. FIND MISSING BOY ASLEEP Youth, Believed Kidnapped, Was Home In Bed All the Time The police force of (Jloucester and many residents there conducted n two-hour search through the streets last night for three-year-old Bar tholomew Shea, who was sleeping nt the time in his room on the second floor of his home at .118 Hudson street. His parents missed him early in the evening. The police were notified and a search started. A theory that the child was kidnapped had heen accepted by tho police. The hoy was found asleep. rnoTori.AH rilOTOri,AYK MDSIO ZKCKM KH HAnN Philadelphia Musical Academy noth ,e.,on beg-In, Sept. 3 A lew vacancies for advanced pupils under eminent artlit teacher,. Theory, tnatrumental and voc.l. Student,' Symphony Orchestra, and recital,. Branch,, In We,t Phlla. and Tloe,. For prespectu, addreas UIIAHI.TU.N J.15WIM MUKPHT. The following theatres obtain their pictures through the STANLEY Company of Amer ica, which is a guarantee of early Bhovrinjj of the finest productions. Ask for the theatra in your locality obtaining pictures through the Stanley Company of America. PHOTO PtAYS THRU company r OPlMERICA A1U,1,,, lth, Morris & Paaejunk Ave. rtinamora M.,t Daiiyat 2, ngi 0 join REX HHArH "TUB rillMSO.N UAIimSKIA" 331 MAfJkTT STBEET THEAT11B . lunula 1 0 a to 11:151 ALMA HANI.ON In "KDSIUND UHEKZE" II. U. A Tr I C fSD L THOMPSON STS -NlVjUL. MATINKE DAILY HAROLD I.OCKWOOI) In "A MAN OP HONOR ' CHESTNL'l Ilelon 1BTII 10 A M to 11 -16 P. M "CARKER OF KATHARINE HUSH" ARCADIA UROAD STREET AND SrSQI'RHANNA AVE N1TA STEWART In A MIDNIGHT ROMANCE BLUEBIRD 1017 Sprue Street Manaclnr Dlrectoi fHOTCriTg rnoTorivAYs THEATRES CWNEa) AND MANAOED BY MEMBERS OT THE UNITED EXHIBITORS' ASSOCIATION BELMONT BID ABOVE MARKET MAT MURRAY In "WHAT Ail I HID" fftDITL'A 10TII A MARKET STB EUKLfvA MATINEE DAILT CARL MOORE In "THE CITT OP COMRADES" II I1VIRO ONT BT b GIRARD AVE. J IJ1V1DU Jumbo Junct'on on Frankford "L TAY1X3R HOLMES In "IVB A BEAR" V rri ICT BSD A1D LOCUST STREETS tAJLUMMat.l:8C0:S0. eth, 0 :0 1 11, WAOOMiTIUCJi't NIiYnNI B2D AND market sre VIVIAN MARTIN In "LOUISIANA- PAR kT JUBGE AVE A DAUPHIN ST. rlAIV Mlt 2 IS Ee tl:15toll. WALLACE REID In "THE LOVE BUROLAR" R IOI 1 MD A1D SANSOM 8TS. II V V-J,1 MATINEE DAILY OLIVE THOMAS In "LOVE'S PRISONER" ?TRANJn OERMANTOWN AVE J rVrMLe1 AT VENANQO MRS. VERNON CASTLE In "THE FIRIKCI LINE" WEST ALLEGHENY ffiA-L EMPRESS MAIV matV'Hilv PAULINE FREDERICK In THE FEAR WOMAN" FAIRMOUNT "USafi BRYANT WAS1U1URN 111 "A VERY OOOD YOUNO MAN" TTARIIl V THEATRE 1S11 M,rltet St. rllll-I 0 AM. to Midnight J WARREN KERRIOAN In "A WHITE MAN'S CHANCE" r TU OT THEATRE- Ilelov. Spruce. 3D 1 Ti 3 1 MATINEE DAILY JACKIE SAUNDERS In "MUOOSY" GREAT NORTHERN nAs9p,.lM.r', WILLIAM FARNUM In "THE LONE STAR RANQER" IKIDCPT AT n0Tl1 WALNUT STS llVlrllirU-' Mata J, 80. Ev. T A 0. ALICE IIRADY In "HIS BRIDAL NIGHT" I rTnFD IST A LANCASTER AVE LbAUE-tV. MATINKE DAILY MAROUERITB CLARK In "GIRLS" I lOITDTV KROAD A COLUMBIA AV. Llpt-rv U MATINEE AILT "BHINaiHO W HGTflf t MnDFI 423 SOUTH ST Orche,tr. 1V1VUI1, Continuous 1 to 11. EMMY WEHLEN In FOOLS AND THEIR MONET" ' MASKED RIDER" NO OVERBROOK 63D FgSJfk. CATHARINE CALVERT In "MARRIAGE FOR CONVENIENCE" PA1 APF 1!U MARKET STREET 1 fl-.r. 10 A. M to 11 IIS P. CLARA KIM11AI.L YOUNO In inn iiciicn tviris P. M. PRIMprCO 1018 MARKET STREET I 1X11-NC30 8 'SO A. M to 11:18 P.M. "TRl'E m-ABT Sttdlie" " "8PITFIRE OF SE ILLS' RFP.FNT MARKET ST Blow 1TTH nCljKJN 1 11 AM. to irp. 1 "THE BELLE OF THE SEASON" IS. RFAI TO OERMANTOWN AVE. UlrtLl ly- AT TUI-PBHOCKEN BT. D W ORIFITIPS OT' "HIS BRIDAL NIGHT" l RIJRY MARKET ST. BELOW TTH l.rj llfVAlI in "HIS BRIDAL NIGHT" SAVOY 1!11 MARKET STREET OM.VU I &L TO MIDN,aBT WHITE HEATHER" STANI FY mahket abovh kith airtlNLLl 11 IB A.M. toUllSP M NORMA TALMADOB ,n"-,0'M- "THE WAT OF A WOMAN" VIPTORIA market bt. ao. dtk " VlllWIi nA.M.talljlJp. jtft THEDA BARA In ""' ' "A WOMAN THERE WAB". ' , When in Atlantic City ct&A. HDJtiX OBBr" - &,: "UUJtiX JMJBB" ,: i.i i A - -vi T'to i &'L ka Ir dii-At i jrf'i n o v l jf .- .JV!.4Ji AV, H - l-VUKi ifimm