gyw y"&&ijg!WI&iv3&3m9'jt?rr4- WlAj?q J-WWi!$WP '''1- l'Vlw(WSiitF'?w?''1 -HlWf jiirTf; w.-1 I i - r I Uuenmg IpubEc &&$ PHILADELPHIA, SATURDAY, AUGUST ' 2, 1919 "'Se l' Biflr Four of Rooster World : Destroying Army Airplanes : Boston Babies : Selling War Bacon &&. -.W! ar ..- -Til c-; f .. V S , 4 f ,T . . V .V. , hKy-V &:.. vhi i.V a'- !L 3f. im9$ rt . rrr MS sSS EatSOU warn ',p" ;7 &'afc) '"Hf 'l.'-T.- v. . It - J I ;m Ln Vp- -.1! - .. . ' --grjfj ifr. "NT- ,vw i$r 5saew?i fcI& SJ- &8KSW ii?? & I m 57, eKH KHK8& fc&g r T l-ftes ws '"tM Y5j ?' VV. k , 'V IV Pv"-"? ?V'i "'-!' 'r"t c , f W1?''5&-1vfi "M -?. i'l-, J'M 5 !?,r;. SSIHN B$H U f- 1'0i m44 h 4 'M&Zk&n m- A -Wf 'Wiik&S " f .-vv, S&i m i$r mi IhL ?imn& mt i?i ".,:,'! It' w S wi 'lr .!!?' ir ' 'Xi. :f Li-f i i,t ;5mi : l fjwsrtK - , ' " W ' , rl HiTlrri iaiWrr JiffrM ;IKM iffltei IM im ?;! Jpwcij Vt fy Is y 75 H.DE MISS ELIZABETH PITT CAMPBELL, daughter of Representative and Mrs. P. P. Campbell, of Kansas, whose eneacement to Can- lWi.-i tnin SViiplHs taT.'3: r ii,. :-t division, has been an nounced in Washington. . & "',': i 5 Mr'' jfts-iw . t! S! . ' ?,; ??f A,Avfcts..' "- W wMmK WW ? L& ' r;nm? V30S r ?,tf?;K7i r ' , , is; . S.5' y.J !'' VaSV' i A' ' x..."y'J '." ' ''V ' ' i ''. V -H'4t,. 'SZ. ''i VS FRED STONE, well known comedian, downinf a bull after an exciting contest at the Chayennc (Wyo.) Frohtier Days' Annual Round-Up. Ltd gar PhoVoervfca. THE PRESIDENT pre sents the world's most famous roosters, "Lloyd George," "Clemenceau," "Orlando" and "Wilson," to a delegation of Ala bama citizens, who will in turn sell the pioud birds at auction in hope of raising $200,000 for a Dixie Highway bridge across the Tombigbee river. The birds, in gilded cages, and the delegation will tour Ala bama in a special train. In the view the rooster named after the Presi '.dent is being shown on a tray. Senator S. H. Bankhead is at the Chief Executive's right. ,tSnLi KiXLSS SM .i-Wi. ; te??ikl !.--. ;i . 7i "?-4 ',; nr,. 'K 1 s,i s y. f ". Z ',!''' Ai,j(VvM51?. -X ' .Mill' ' y '$' ,h fy ' V. . ? SiiS" 7fc " .sl t v ' '? ' vr .- ,T 5i- ?i ssritM t VH j ?. r?: t-r-'s K;- S'.ts ??d Mgl f$-4&J'P ?tiJZi"-rbiJL-4. ti"V7.-j'- ,.; . '' KrVff 5?si. iPi I V J-A",'"" ' '- s 1.11 m-ti mm&zs. iJ5IW4SiS' li s 'X ' ' s -K A ., ' i " p $ -' ' -y,.ft,tU v 'X"" '' " " .'-: -Jr.Zf. m& H. 5fi" Sgir -i;!0?t!il:;v, Ms.K-.ra t.P-.S. Photo.. ItABIES pacifists and militants entered for prizes in the baby parade and show at Norumbega Park, Boston, on the lawn just before the, judging. Not only Boston but many outlying towns and cities had their infant repre sentatives in the show. Sf f!H v -.rtf!v s J- j 'i n r T.i 11', . " i,ff" ,' . Wih v . - t i' 6 " ji ,. - ''' mm wmsimt m$. $w i !"? w;&, v -j P"ii ' ' 5-T'-,- - vV. ',..... ' .',-.??. ' - .'. ." '''''"..' Ft.;i.. r ' . . t. "' ' ! ' S ' 'j V ,- v S' TBQs IhfeiXI Wi K r?,?. "-- "'" v ".r.,:!V ! t4 Sst ;? :v I . '-Aw Vv v ,'-4 l,!fty. .?. -; j .i j t . - , 4 . C i'jHsBfn c'- ' -.'??. I - " j. -hj L fe'.i$ ,.; Si ytss : s vsi-: T-Ti ' v' t sx c M''S. b- mi ? S'v lY'i Hs.Cs Safe bj? ys t fm yi? t'S SK )U.U i gf y?t t " u-r; ?() , irss? ,XttM S?! rHy 1. ffi &'?'$& .a- Prjcc t.S. f J BILE OF- army airplanes, alleged to be in good condition, burning at Colombey-les-Belles, France. Congress is investigating the reason for '-,- the averred wasteful destruction by army officer. REDUCING LIVING costs in Newark, N J. Mayor Charle3 Pi Gillen selling bacon purchased by the city frorn the War' . J.I Department More than 12,000 pounds were disposed, pf at price about fourteen cente a pound less than that, charged -at retail - MJica , ; . tores. . , . ' - J- - m" ' . &, -fV . ii '4.fflW?7- ''. .1't --.. '!T -.., - - '' Q ..'vV, i ? "v; '''A.J!l.''di ' '.JKJ lw. .