Evening public ledger. (Philadelphia [Pa.]) 1914-1942, August 02, 1919, Night Extra, Page 11, Image 11

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W ,4)
Nancy Wynne Discovers That Canadian Rockies Are
Popular This Summer Chats About Other Places
and Events Summer School Entertains
TTAVnVou noticed how ninny people
are traveling through the Canadian
Ttocklcs this glimmer? I suppose it's
hecause they can't go to Europe jet,
and they do want to travel now that the
war is ended and they don't have that
awful feeling of wanting to Rtny just
where they are "until this thing Is
over." And ns far ns that's con
cerned, I don't see why it isn't a pretty
good idea, anyhow, because now that
wc know so much more about other
countries than we ever did before, why
not know a little bit more about our
The Adolph O, Itosengnrtcns, with
Adoplph G., Jr., have gone to Montana
and are going to tour the Canadinn
Hockies later: Sir. nnd Sirs. 11. II.
Ellison and their daughter Edith left
last week for the same place ; Colonel
and Mrs. Kdward II. Cnssatt started
off this week for a tour of t'annda nnd
Alaska ; Frances Clyde Itrodhcnd and
her mother went up the middle-of July
for several weeks her engagement to
Mark Cooper, of Home, On., was an
nounced this Bummer, jou know and
then, as I remarked jesterdny, Mi.
Norton Downs and her family have
started off for Lake Louise by way of
the Canadian Itotkics.
THi: golf tournament nt Cape May
this week was quite a success, I
hear. Mrs. Caleb Vox won, which is
not an unusual event at nil. Did jou
know that the Cape Slay Country Club,
wlicre the tournament was held, has
decided to devote Wednesday after
noons to the smaller children? The
orchestra will play for them to dance,
and there nie to be putting contests
for the ones who aic beginning to plnj
cdnesdny seems to be children's
day this year. That is the dny that
Sirs. John It. Fell has chosen for her
dancing class up nt Narragansctt Pier,
at the Casino. There nre about twenty
members, 1 believe, who come every
week, nnd tea is served afterward for
the older people who come with them,
which makes it awfully nice to be un
older sister, or mother or something,
piesscd into the escort service, for lit
tle John J. or little Slurian.
T 1IEAU that the summer school of the
Aeadcmj of the Fine Arts gave a
straw lide one evening this week iu
honor of some of the students who were
leaving. The summer school is nt
Chester Spiings, nnd is n perfectly
beautiful place. They have some teal
good times out there, but manage to do
some awfully good work, too.
The students who left and were
feted with the stiuvv ride were SIis.
Susnn It. Chase, widow of Hear Ad
miral Chase, of Washington ; Sliss
Custis, also of Washington; Sliss Sallic
(ioodvvjn, of Athens, (in. (isn't It funny,
both Athens nnd Home in Georgia? I
never noticed it before, I should think
they'd be deadly rivals), Sliss Elsie
Slills and Sliss Kirby, of Ilaltimore.
HAS nnj body ever written or said or
sung nn thing about the psychol
ogy or philosophy or whatever it is, of
,a thild with a pair of scissors? Wh is
it that they never seem to he content to
cut paper dolls or pictures, but nlwu.vs
have to extend the operation and cut
clothes, wall paper, curtains or their
For instance, little Polly is the baby
of the family and the pride theieof. She
has beautiful shining brown hair, which
is ahvajs worn, after the fashion of her
six jcars, hanging about her fnce
nnd held back one one side. She
wns all dressed, fresh aud clean
and neat the other day, ready
to go down on the beach for the
afternoon. At the Inst minute Slothcr
discovered that her belt had not been
bent up from the laundry, so she slipped
down to get it, leaving Polly serenely
murdering some "cut outs" in a maga
zine. When she came back Polly was
not in sight, but she "responded to sev
eral calls and emerged from behind the
door. One side of her head was all
right, but the other had the wild and
unhappy appearance of something that
the dog has been chewing.
And behind the door, In guilty proof
of the crime, lay the scissors and a pile
of shining brown hair.
"Whatever made you do such a
thing?" gasped Slothcr, as soon ns she
could. And Polly shuffled, put nn in
adequate hand over the cropped head
and answered shortly: "I wanted green
Mr. nnd Sirs. Tnyette It. Plumb, of
Ttoscmont, will entertain informally at
dinner this evening, Inter taking their
guests to a roof garden.
Sir. and Sirs. William A. Itolin en
tertained nt dinner on Thursday eve
ning. The guests included Sirs. Fred
erick Payne, Sirs. Ilichard SI.
Heckschcr, Commander Lathrope, V. S.
N., Captuin Sterling, N. S. N., Sir.
John Sullivan and Sir. and Sirs. Fay
ette Plumb.
Sir1, nnd Sirs. J. Chandler" Barnnrd,
of 2.114 South Twenty:first street, are
receiving congratulations upon the birth
of u daughter, Barbara Alice Barnard,
on Monday, July 28. Sirs. Barnnrd
was Sliss Emily Eleanor Owens, daugh
ter of Slajor aud Sirs. Arthur-Burnes-ton
Sir. nnd Sirs. Edward II, Newcomer,
of 5301 Wynnefield avenue, Overbrook,
announce the marlage of their daugh
ter, Sliss Beatrice Newcomer, and Sir.
John White, of Swurthtnorc, Wednes
day evening, July 30.
Miss Eleanor II. Vcrner, daughter of
Sir. and Sirs. William It. Vcrner, ot
Wayne, nnd Sir. Herbert Casey, whose
marriage will take place In October,
have taken a house In Wynuewood,
which they will occupy upon their re
turn from their wedding trip.
Miss Frances h. Sullivan, daughter
of Mr. and Sirs. James Francis Sulli
van, of .The Woods, Hadnor, will leave
next week to visit Sir. and Sirs. S. P.
Garran at Kill Knre, their home in
the Adlrondarks, for several weeks.
Miss Jessie Da Costa, daughter of
Mr. and Sirs. Charles F.xDa Costa, of
'Vlllanova, has returned from a visit to
Misa Banning Grange in Cape May,
" MIm XmIIuii O. "WfllUum. dauthtcr
- n- v.-
of Mrs. Willlnm II. Walbnum. of
Tthnn, left yesterdny to visit Miss
Frances B. Clark, of St. Martins, nt
her summer home, Estes Park, Col.
Mr. and Sirs. Alexis dti Pont Parker
are visiting Mr. Parker's mother, Mrs.
Stevens Parker, nt Sunset, her homo
in Vlllanova.
Mr. and Mrs. David M. Ellis nnd
their son, Mr. II. Itowlnnd Ellis, of
Bell Bryn, Wytincw ood, nrc spending
the summer nt Magnolia, Mass,
Mrs. X. J. Carpenter nnd her daugh
ters, Miss Elennore L. Carpenter. Miss
Edith K. Carpenter and Miss Mildred
Carpenter, nnd Mr. Samuel Carpenter,
Jr., will spend the mouth of August at
the new Stockton Villa, Cape Maj.
Friends of Mrs. E. Spencer Miller,
3d, will bo glad to hear she is lecovcr
ing from her recent serious illness nnd
is now recuperntlng at the home of
Mrs. Walton Clark, Jr., iu Cape May.
Sir. nnd Mrs. A. Hcckschcr Wethprill
have Miss Maiy Itro vn Warburton as
their guest over the week-end at their
home in Cnpe May.
Mr. and Mrs. Duflirld Ashmrad, of
St. Davids, nre spending n few weeks
in Bench Haven.
Sir. nnd Sirs. Harry Lipplncott C'ns
sard have ns their guests over the week
end Sir. nnd Sirs. Edward T. New kirk
at their home in Cape Slay.
Sir. nnd Sirs. McClurc Fnlineftoek
have ai rived in f'npc Slay, where they
are vi, iting SIis. Fahnestock's family.
Sir. and Sirs. Horace Eugene Smith.
Sir. nnd Sirs. Charles Calvert, Jr.,
"f Ardmore, will spend the week-end
with Sirs. Cnlvcit's mother, SIis. Jo
seph Heinington, nt Sea Crest, her cot
tage at Longpoit.
Sir. and Sirs. Ficderick P. Itad
cllffc. Jr., of St. Davids, returned this
week from a visit to Cape Slay.
Sir. and Sirs. David SI. New-bold, Jr.,
of 20,'i4 Locust street, who have been
spending the summer nt Cnpe SIny,
nre now nt their cottage on Lnkc Cannn
daigua. New York, where they will re
main until early fall.
Lieutennnt Francis John Crenmer re
turned to the I'nitcd States last week,
having served two .vcais with the avia
tion section of the signal corps. He
was iccommendcd for n captaincy, but
sailed before the orders came through.
He repotted to Garden City, L. I., but
expects to join his parents, Sir. and
Sirs. Willlnm II. Creamer at their cot
tage on Heather road, Wildwood Crest.
Sirs. Thomas Philip Hammer, of
Xnvahoe street. Chestnut Hill, accom
panied by her dnughter, will spend Au
gust in York Harbor, Sle., and Septem
ber in the Castkill Mountains.
Sliss Illanchc O'Brien, of Marcclona,
Slich., is visiting Lieutenant Com
mander nnd Sirs. J. W. Crnndall at
(ilrurd Farms, where she will remain
until the middle of this month.
Sliss Elizabeth X. Fox, of Torresdale,
will return home this week after n
month's visit nt the Ciirl Scout enmp at
Sir. and Sirs. Oeorge D. Firmm and
family, of (Jlenside, arc spending the
summer at their bungulovv in Toe
Sirs. C. B. Le SInistre. of 5370
Overbrook avenue, will lenve tndnv for
Bocklnnd, Sle., where she will spend
me remainder ot the summer.
Sliss Gertrude Bittel, of 4G03 Oer
mantown avenue, will entertain at a
house party over the week-end at her
summer home in Parkland, Pa.
Sirs. Henry Blackwell Bartow and
her daughter, Miss Emily K. Bartow,
have been spending the greater part of
the summer at Four Pines, their country
place in the Gwynedd Valley.
r,TLhe,'ti,,ek,5' dance oC tlle Fellowship
Club of Gw)tiedd Valley will be held to
night. Sir. William Just, of Amhlcr.
is among those In charge of the enter
tainment committee.
Sir. Raymond Woolcock, of Jenkin
town, is spending a few weeks in At
lantic City.
Lieutenant Geoigc L. Borda, son of
Mr. nnd Sirs. Chailes A. Boida, of 113
Walnut street, Jenkintowii, who has
been serving with the military police in
the A. h. r., has returned to this coun
Sliss Slary G. Wright, of' .Tenkin
tovvn. has returned from overseas serv
ice of n year's duration.
Sir. and Sirs. E. II. Hand are rcceiv-
Photo by Ilachrach
Daughter of Air. and Mrs. Charles
E. Uoothroyd, of 3750 North Car
Ible street, whose engagement to
Mr, Monroe Buckley lias recently
been announced. Miss Uoothroyd,
who is an accomplished musician,
always accompanies ,MIsa Margaret
WMcea wbM.stw ias ia (hi ekr
in congratulations on the birth of a
daughter. Mrs. IlnneL prior to her mar
riage two years ngo, will be remembered
ns Miss Elizabeth Allan ays. During the
Inst year Mr. nnd Mrs. Hnnd have been
making their home in Ohio.
Miss Ethel Macmunn, of Oak Lane,
left yesterday for n visit to Mount
(Iretna, where she will remain for two
Mr. and Sirs. Scott Stewart returned
yesterday from n trip to Ocean City
and Vcntnor, visiting Mr. and Mrs.
John J. II. Phillips nnd .Mr. nnd Mrs.
Milton Hagy.
' The Twentieth Century Club Is plan
ning n large fete for October 'J and .1
on the clubhouse lawn to raise money to
pay for the lot adjoining the clubhouse,
w;hich was purchased recently.
Miss Louise Vnnznndt, of CO West
Lansdowne avenue, is visiting friends
in Madison, N". J.
Mr. and Mrs. James J. Keating, of '
lorty-fifth and Pine streets, have gone
to Boston to live. Mrs. Keating will
be remembered ns Miss Elizabeth C
Ilicgcr, daughter of Sirs. Elizabeth F.
Blcgcr, of Penllyn.
Sir. and Sirs. S. Kardon. of 0201
W. nj-hington nvenue, and family arc
spending the summer at their npartment ,
at 110 South Ilhodc Islund avenue,
Atlantic City.
Sir. nnd Sirs. John V. Mm tin. nf
1021 FarraEUt terrace. ill leave tndnv i
j ' "r. " "! " ".rent Lakes ihey
before returning to the city.
.. ... -,v. ... I. ....I.-, Ill lllKl (SII1C1C
Sliss SInry IvVefo, of Lausdnlc, N. J.,
is --pending n few weeks as the guest
of her cousin, Sliss Glads Murphy, of
Noith Ilroad street.
, Sir. nnd Sirs. W. It. Shoe, of 132S
North Fifteenth street, are taking un
automobile trip along the New Englnnd
const. Miss Lydia Dunning. Sirs.
Shoe's sister, lias returned fiom several
weeks' stay in Ocean Cit .
Sliss Until Slauger, dnughter of Sir.
nnd .Mrs. Hornco K. Slauger. of 1.12S
West Lehigh avenue. i- spc nding sinir
time In Boston, Slass. Sliss Slauger's
engagement to Sir. Lewis S. Sinners,
Jr., son of Dr. nnd Mrs. Lewis S.
Soiners, of North Broad street, wns re
ccntlj announced.
f- 1 Af H'1t..- (J .lnr. .If A
Mr. nnd Mrs. Ernest .T. 'Whito. of
Lake (ieorge.
'Sir. Francis Drcxel SIcBride has Ser
genut Ferr.v. Sir
Stanley Sloorc and
Mr. Joseph Haig as his guests for the
,,,r,,l, nf AiK.uut nf hia Sfnrris nvenue
s It
t h
cottage, Atlantic City.
-. . v -. f-. tm
r'-1? -sorin v.raiz siree, . wi,. k. i ,,,, ,-, Vf;,, f ,' J, ,J J rJ,J 17 slock i:xh..nK,. HullllnB. Tj.uIs .s . 1 u Mn- ...
Craig Hall, Atlantic Cit.v , for the pres- i o- - " ....,. .. .,ULu.c. ..... . whntuhtiand itn"' jty,,,""' '""": '"" u" N"w Voik man I KiS Hungaiy justice." Then "a
c,lt "lont"' Soldier TaliCS One, Mrs. Stanley Flagg the Other n"'' interrogated mle than Oeimnn-bom cigar maker" objected to
Miss riorence C. Sillier and Miss J J bb i uI-Th' Thir'third Sv." Jiorrh.1 s"nn' ' J '' I"1-"'-, onl.v one of whom ad- the tieuty because "it is unjust." He
Emma Sillier, of 1533 North Eighth' Thipl ntm iirwn tret. I Si.knion pi'.'.-, ' "mini he had rend either the peace "ad not lead the league of nations and
if,, .et ..ill Um frulnv fnr n trill to II TAliri'T. Tl A Tf t! ITT il,. fn .. .,,.1 ,1 . !.. .,.. . .North ThirK -third Btre, t. Mrs It 1. Tlfen- treat or the ns,n. ..c .1.. !, 1. it
....... ..... , .... . . .. ...-,, . - ---. --,.,........ '......(.. .... nxiiiiin 1,114 lllfir l,-,' ll-llls 111 in,- -
merly oTsouth 'Philadelphia, hav'e been near Philadelphia, and Cerard will leave Trni "'"' ''l"1'' ' 'lmy the bojs
enteitainlug extensively at their home. ' the detention house of the Gloucester ia,r?':s ,"'c 0(',an.- ( nt,la" jesterdny
r.535 Webster street, since Sir. SIctinr- immigrant station todav or Slnndny nnd I '"i;,1";'11 mnmissioner Hughes that he
vey's recent return from ten months' ' E0 o n,Hr,.,tovvn. Sid., with "Bud" WI" "irnKli the bond either today or to
service in the A. E. F. Sirs. Slctiarvey , Crnndnll, a former Yank soldier. morrow nnd take the bov to the home
is the dnughter of Sir. and Sirs. V. of his sister, where lie will lie ediuated
vt.t ni.Milin nf L'-JS South Seventeenth
Sliss Lillian Leary. of 1723 McKean
street, has gone to Bnr Hnrbor, Sle.,
fur the renininder of the senson. Sliss
Learv is preparing for extensive work
in the opening of the theatrical season
of the coming car.
Sir. nnd Sirs. Edward L. SIcLaugh-
lit o-,4(i So'uth Carlisle s"treet, are!
I spending the remninder of the beuson at
their apariineais iu uueisvu.
Sliss Mildred Nelson, daughter of Sir.
and Sirs. Victor elson. ot JVecKet,
L-onoiSIont., is making an extended visit to
, , ,
1 fi.r, TH,,1n T),tM no Irtllfrlltrir fif Tf
l.ne uiBfnr- "VI rS , . . 1IIIIZ.
nnd Mrs. E. L. Bowes, of Osceola Mills. "f ,,. statlon , auil , ming tier- I
i . . .. 1 1! i. I..1
l'n.- Mill DO Piucriiuiii'u iil uiuikt in in
ooninR by Mis Itortha Sander, of liJS.'tU
South Sgjenteenth street
Sliss Surey Love, daughter of Mr.
and Sirs. J. Love, of 241." South Six
teenth street, will spend the week-end
in Wildwood.
Sliss Helena Alexnndcr, of Tioga, is
spending the early part of this month
with her aunt, Sirs. Joseph Alexander,
at Ocean City.
Sirs. Charles Small Pnxson and her
children, Sliss Helen Paxson, Sliss Slur-
J'.j. Ti. M.... fPI...: i.
and Master Charles Small Paxson, Jr..
their return iu the nutumn
Sir. and Sirs. Frederick Sl.vers and
their )oung sou, of West Tioga sheet,
are otciipjlug their summer houie at
Oak Bluff. Martha's Vine) arc!, and will
remain 'until tlie middle of September.
Sir. nnd Sits. Chnrles Schofield, of
Leverington nvenue. vvitli their son -in -
, .1 .1 l.nH Vf. ...l r ,i ,
law line, uiius'iii , .,t. .inn .ii-n, . iiuries
Merrill Brecht, of Germ.intown. hnve ,
taken a cottage at Longport for tlie
Sliss Bnv BooCOCk. of Hnrmon rnml
west of Kldee avenue, has returned
home, after an extended tour of the
Great Lakes. i
Slrs. William Steele has returned to '
her home. MIJ(I Itldge nvenue, nftfr
speudiug the early summer in Wildwood.
Sir. and Sirs. Arthur Littlevvood. ot
Lyceum avenue, have gone to Ocean City
for the senson.
Slaster Allen Strlttmatter, son of
Sirs. Frank Strlttmatter, of 178 Lever
ing street, a pupil of St. Slary 's Pa
rochial School, lias won the scholarship
will be glad to publish itrms 0f 80ciol
Interest sent in by the readers.
Items should be written on one side
of the paper only and should be
signed with the name of the sender
and the telephone number, that they
may be verified.
Address Society Editor, Eveni.vo
Public Ledger, 000 Chestnut
who came home mr a snort, nine irom St.liau f Klorldn. who has been living ",0. atternoon and cv g. , , , llf .,,.,. ment Against Monument DlM'" ln l'aml' lllM' tllls Jpar-
itieir camp cm uie i ,-.K. ..mn ui c.ruters .... . Among the events is a battle mv a. n . ' ' -......-. , Resi,lents of Glcnuestei V T ,.lli ' 1P '"ttiilion bands and the head
Ford, will .eturu for the closing sum- '" aunt at the lulls soint .(h Me .. . , Noti,hs,an,lig tlie t.einendons size w, h t ' u'hl' '' ' 1'trs stippl, and machine-gun otwjr
mer weeks, when Mr. laison will join time. blindfolded. Each man will wear of this mgaiiiation. ,. ,s condu.ted 'J l "flZ 1 m I f l"n- t the Sixth New Jersey In
l"em' Miss Christine Anderson is diaper- boxing glove nn his left hand ami in his '"' pitessiou.il tone of onlv 3011 . w( ( "k"' '" fnutiy, National Guard, which are also
Sirs W. Armstrong Graves, of Park oning a part) of tlilrtj-two Junior Uc;- right, bound to his side, M. in .-nriv l''1"1 "'"1ei'' The otheis nie volunteer ,,,,.:.... .' hU .)tT.,... ..... .,.,,, here, wen- left In hind ami spent the
and Allegheny ..venues, is spending the serves from the tails loiing omens' n ,,,,, ,,,,,, ,. ,., ,h ,mitlml(MlN,,- wmkeis. ,. ncciding to James E. ' ,, bl c meet inc "f ,t Ilnll V ,la " 1''' '" '"" -lotinS their
;reTb5a ctor-G'ive're gTlrJielruiu IZ " T"" Tu "T j" Uu' XrZ fu, "- --"" "ilX'hnl,," ,. . n, loinids under the super-
in,l. 'ii.ii.M.. n( the ..i.'.Miliitmn in fuller ' w. Iu '' bl ""n" "'l'1 " f'tb.ill will re- """' ..I"r'. '." I".",V"".",S ''.'U,U " ..-,() iillll. Funds vv ill be raise, th. n,.l, i-"'" "f ird W Spencer, inspector
... ,. T. , I Boxborough. Miss ltn.hel Hoberts. ' W ' cniiventlcnn ! mallets nnd 7'llt,n"- ni1""'-' ,n u''' 'V''1 lll(' "ork , an appropriation b.v the utv mid bv general of lille p. aeti.e.
. JIr'.an? sVf.'- !"'?"' &?"?' "flHecretarv of the Falls association, and I'""- The plii)eis will ,,t I ,t,d. alone mote than sufficient 'ompciis,,- I '','. l- " Tih1.1 ,!. men will break camp
ii.:. "... i witi,f!( ! .- I several of the joung business vvcmieu lire Tennis, busdiall. woter polo and pisti) - ,,,,n- some time aco it was ilecbb.I t'n tne.liatel) after the noon mess and
linn iuiiut.i ... ...- - ....,..,,. m nftenil tip the conference at (ami) lie- I i onsiiiniiiL- cniitesfs C.i- fin. ..!),.. ...... ' . , ..,.. . nn.l, :, tin. n ff, .,,,,,. fr ilmli. 1,
f nor new noiue in tiaK i.nne on . . ?. . .. " " u , c rei i u iiiiiiiiiuii'iii iii.u lainei in nonor "".' i "--s v.. .... ........ u
Bin '" JKTCH MB O. ';,?'!
MiBKl' -" tjpi ,i i7i i & kz-:.,rm
h 'HpmT - 'vv ' HHK'wCiBMBfln tiT4 x v
4Hp iHBI i
. mmnf wc-M'-t , ,& :. s - Wr
mr ',!. - :.' w.iv ssi w. - v-b $&i
mi'v" Eaiwsa"5 ' .' six, 'i &&'
Wflliy- MWiSiMir -'W. OF J&ffr "-.- uirie- n.n.1 the response to them caused , of nations" nnd thought that the Prcsl- V,
K iiv'y.. V..rAlllllMlsRyZ- - ?... X' -. j vVVi.iC TL. V.lr.nl.f .II,,... .li. ..... ,. him tn llct (hn u..Kt....... .!.. I .1 ' V . U
1 1 jf X AVfBiMWlWKafri-''' i, T !? &'Vt-Ig 'to ritiv-hw m,,,; , ,,,, f, i "..'" .," i , ,, -"j" i- i"i nave wie uent siioum "maKe tne senate do what '
U '& 'mSBSm ' tr&SC ' yuir W,L" ;&l ie attention of IMilln. he wants, so we can get back to open- f
R .4Hi5&-v. J& J;i:!rr;S-,milirnlTS,,A?,i "' tMr r,Iu,h, i-'Poitance bar dn,s and make a little profit. II. i
1 sMfflHrVjt. '3fo, net. ihhc A.h H.i Und Trunt liuiluhm "i 10"rt-' thmight proh 1. t on was "a d s ght .
tfe VBPW f V, KnHAVASIrri :;"! ','' ' '"'; ,-' f Hving: (2, -rse than war."
TCSBSlEBSfflPW' iP' V '!-h.Tr,fUr'?u I1"? ""KTm !n The "shoe dealer" vvanted "the Sen. V
OSIilSXSSimiWMilffvmM3Flm: eV'Jfe V Hkn .. , " " niraBm avenue, .viri, Hum ...'. n-iiiuim mr me ate to stop iniKlug Its lool Heart OH
i mSpWmWLwm .WL VS. !.,..' 4 llull ." h,!IIM'"1.'i;i"L'. .' and, pacification of the snlrit ,,f iw t t .! n .,..,.!,. m.i..i. .'
JlkVWSC I JX7J'.i 'TTUtf.VBBri ' iyBC- XT -.1 . ''" ' iiIU(lIIZ 1U10 Jurth Thlrti-lhlril ,.l.:..l. !.. , ., . . " - vv " " Ww.vu. ahu nail
i jailXCv.X H ttg llil . ...- - - . Sl, -, Billet A JI nils North Fifth ktn-et """" " m-lll lO lie resDlinsiIlle for fie ,lr..r" vnllinteere.t tlm
fwi jbi r m mmm.x a 4
Who lias many friends In this city, where she lins often visited, nnd
was matron of honor at the wedding of .Miss Alice Dlllenliecli and
Sir. Ieslie Grantham, of Gei'inaiitoun, early In the summer
.venr-old Belgian bo, nnd Emil
. Paul fierard, the r rench boy. who rami1
j to Philndelphia two months ago on the'
(transport Shoshone with Flitted States
soldiers and were arrested as stowa-
wnJ"; .' not So back to their native
I countries.
Bnriatt was liberated eailv last eve-
nine mill hrnnplit tn n linv Scnntu" cninn
' -ur- s"v 'kk. "' '.' -uawr.
who is connected with the French It
lief Association, and Sirs. Bn.vard
Ilenr. who is nt the held of the Bel
gian Belief Association, bct.ime inter
ested in the welfare nf the bovs two
weeks ago, and jesterdaj the furnished
bond for the release of Itanatt.
These women supplied .voiing Batratt
with new clothes. They' hnv
t1Pms(iVps to give the bo an
avc pledged
i anil see that ne noes 1101 oecome u puo-
cu imu-
t he was
red with
lie charge.
When the boy wns told that
I , 0 ,, ul(0rnt(Mi i1(, danced
" . i
I glee and bade c.ioii nnd ever) on- goon-
I I .. itl 1. ....,! , n til ft liltin
1 A'J. enr-nhl UelL'inii hn . n,nl Kniil 1 the latter. He w ns cheen.il li Asi
course of four .vents
College. Philndelphia.
at st. Joseph's:
Sir. and SIis. Joseph II. Ileame, of
3.1(50 North Thirty-fourth street, arc
spending the summer months nt Island
Heights, N. J.
Sliss Willa Dodge and SB'S Slnrgnret
Dodge, daughters of Sirs, l'.lln Dodge.
of ,'l."47 Queen lnne, will spend the late
'cummer nt lnne JlttV. 1 lev Will OC
. r n. ,.. 1 I
'accompanied bv their cousin. Miss Anna I
lanwiu, nuiuii, i-a.
.Mr. Jacob SwnrU. of Washington. I
D. C., who hns been the guist of his
aistcr-iu-luw. Sirs. II. SI. Svvnrtz, of ,
Ainslee street, went to New ork on
Tliursda.v to visit his brother, Sir. James
S. Svvurt.. befoie returning to Wash
rs,.--,,.,.,, Aflll n d..arm. tuu
Ceremon' Wl" Be p"'ornled This
Evening at Home of Bride
An interesting wedding will take place
this evenitjg nt the home of Sirs. Fred-
",,. ,,. c,. . , . ....... ... ,', . . ,
,r,,k "' "",,"'r- -"'- ",vl LU",Dor-I ...-casion a co.nmittee of tweutv -five has
land street, when her daughter, Slissiluen appointed. Its pmpose is to ob-
Cuthnrine Sn.vder. will be inniried to
Sir. Harold S. Se-ull. of 131s Hunting ,
Pmk avenue. The ceienionv will be
performed ut 0 o'clock b.v the Itev. n.
Cluy Feiguson, D. D., of the Harper
Memorial Presb.vterinn Cliunh, and will
be followed by a reception for the
The bride will wear a gown of white
crepe de chiuc veiled with georgette
crepe, embroidered with pearls, a geor
gette crepe hat and n corsage bouquet
of orchids. Sirs. William J. Wright,
I her sister, will be her only a
'and will wear a pluk frock of i
upe ue i
chine veiled witli. georgette crepe nnd .
n pink georgette crepe hat. Tea roses
will form her corsage bouipiet
, ,
Sir. G. Walker Kelly, Jr will bo
lest man. The bridegroom and bride
will leave on their trip after the re
ception and will be at home after Octo-
ljcr 1, at 2204 West Cumberland street,
1 01
1 the latter, lie was cheered bv Assi
oiniiiissioner .Inmes L. Hiigln s
told him that he will nlso be libeiated
in n day or two
Itnrrntt wilUspend a few davs at a
Itn SiotitH cjiinn mid tlicn cm to tlio i
home of Mrs. Flagg
(Jernrd will be adopted by Crandall.
who wns with the IlOllh Ammunition
and taught a trade.
Both of tlip'hnvs are orilinns. Theii
fathers were killul on the lintt'ciield
nnd their niotheis weie killed by bombs
which diojiped near their limncs. Thej
wandeieil about Fninfe with veiy little
... ...., n...i e. ..;t 1....1 t.. .. i.., t.n
III .III .11111 .I.".,- II. Ill llll'l,ll I, 111-11 ill!'
sMiers of the ammunition train found
them soon after the ntmisticc was
Tlie bo.vs followed the train until it i
iwns orileieil tn
ns nnleicil tn prepare to return to
A.ne.iui. Thev pleaded that they be,
allowed to come with them.
When the) nrilved in Philadelphia
to return to
i... .,.,,. ..- ,, .. -,. . i.;
llll'fl ( IOl i t ll II t tllCV ll( ltlllffl tn tOillllllt
the lmvs were nrdeicd deported. Thev
in this coiinti). ,
Outing Will Be Held at Curtis Coun-I
tr ri,,h tinin,,. r,. di. j
, CIU,bVnlc'U.e Ga"1" Panned
1 ha nilinrfiuMirr firm nf V 1 .
.... .......... ...h ... .. ..,,-,
cS. Son is giving nn outing for the 400
or more persons associated with the
organization nt the Curtis Country Club
this nfternoon
The Ayer family, as those associated
with the A.ver linn are known, villi!
gather at the club in L.iwn.l.ile at 2:30.
A nroernm of iiiii.inJ mi!n.,nnt. ,..!
' "
,,,, ll,.nrn,,,l.l,... . ...,tt,t I, .. I.. ....
innged to provide eiiteitninment through
nre on the list of events, and siiicinl
contests nie niiuugid for the girls.
Tennis leprcsentiug cm li dipirtment
ill compete in the minor events, and
appropi late prizes will be awarded.
After supper iu the clubhouse there I
will be dancing. '
, nnnr -rn ,,in ...
I. O. O. F. Branch Seeks to Enroll
100 New Members
lv) Lodge, No mi, I. O (). F is to
obseive its fortieth anuivoarj Xnven,.
her 10. To the end of irlehrntliig tl.i
tain at least Kill new nieinbeis b
hv No-
u''"",r ,' I0 """'B'' '' nnuiveisnr.v
celebiation, nnd to vvelione home the
biotheiK who Im ve been in the militar)
n ml iiavnl serviie.
Provided the desiied number ()f mii
didiitcs is obtained it is piopo.sed to
have ll dramatic ecmpllhc.itinn of the
hist, second uiul third devices ut Lu Lu
To Establish Foreign Trade Bureau
Like One Here
The Houston. Tex., Chamber of
Commerce Is contemplating CKtnblish-
Imr u foreien trade bureau m,l..i...i ....
the lines of the foreign trnde hi.ro,,,.
of the Philadelphia Chamber of Com
. -......
Tho general manager of the Houston
chamber has requested detailed infor
mation, as to the workings of the for-
eljn tAide bureau
AUGUST 2, 1919
Plan Mooting to Confer on Ques
tions to Come Up at
Pi,l1n,ieinht ,11. ... ..,., ....!
Zlonlsf rn,,v,,(l . i..t.i t ni.t.
cago, September 14, will confer nt the
New Ilinghnm Hotel tomorrow on
questions which will tome up for de
cision at the national meeting.
This will be one of a series nf con
T. .u m mm " win-
ferences called b.v the Zionist organi
. zatlon of America, in preparation for
the Inrge tasks it will assume when the
Peace Conference sanction the plan to
establish a Jewish commonwealth in
llabbi Jnmes J. Heller will open the
conference Sunday in the absence of
i nor. David Werner Aiiunni. president
of the district.
The most important question for the
conference will be the application of the
. iiiMuingii piniiorm. 'j Ms wns
niiopteii at the Zionist convention held
in Pittsburch last t,.,,r. f i.iu w.
I wealth.
...I..-I..I-. .. "- "- "
of the Jewish
It TUOtllW nn.n.i. .l.r
., . . " -- -";
T.. I... . ; .,. ... . :
-v. .nun iiiiiiuumizuuun hi
nit-niiiii-, ine puunc ovvnersliip or
,.tiii;n ...:it.in.. .,.. ,. .i ., ... - .
'..,."':., "'l ,,"".0,uo" ot ' ":'
s Inl Vev.:i ' , ' . J - .
li! exploitation oi the
-. .
r-rK,."mB.nKrrA w",hin'!, n'u. ''""i'.s
rwui", .m'''1,, 'n.'' Sul"" ""'"""'
OHtVrHV.JlaKfa ".'Z'. s's"
iu south Xlnili street, Jmoh dins
V:.K. " '"" "fi. itfnjnmin I. Hi r,lon
1S4.' South llronil lre, I .,v l!,.r,l 1 !
."rth 7.!'! 1M' !.': JullU" H (Ireon
HlJIt Nfirrh 'ihlrl.iAiith lr...i kMiii,
... -. .'r.. :,'"!." v.vi" ."v v-"V
ii it rtr-ui-r Ktnti jitinPH j
K.nf ni:. tm ski avinuu. Mulje tlnnii.iv
4HIN Nurth Ciirniw Rtrnt Hnriiimi
j I e v
14JI .North Fifteenth Btre. t MuIb
lnu suih rifth str.et. William li
I.ivinth.il. 7LM I'lrw street, Aaron l.l.htln
lino Vurth .-..iriHln street VV II lam l.ipkln
1 IIU7 (.h.-itnut htnet. Iharl.K l.li.s, hut?
neienth and iMrnrrt avenue Jlns M.ireolls
Hane ami i.iiunln ilrUe. Munul M-iruolli.
.101 j I'arltHl.li nenue, Nathm Mi linul 4is
na mreet v A. .Vum.ui .i.Hl .North
nih sin. i Wllllain l'ortner Hfth ami
l str..t, AHolph ItoBenhlum 1U40
street Vlarln N ithan -'.'IS North
South Tenth Htreet, Jerome J IlnlhKelill 1
1 run iij 1 .south Hixth Btre, 1 iimo. u
dir.inl .ienuc, Max WuBtnhilm 312 .south
'""' '"r"''
H N Wh S h SIN
, r-s nr-r-s r nr- - -M I T--
345 of 'Em at Treasure Island
and Boatload of Sea Variety
Bound for Cape May
Three hundred nnd fort -five scouts
nt Treasure Island, a batch of sea
i scouts aboard the Emil) bound for Cape
I .viav nnu thousands ot new memuers
..... ... :
'J0""1"1 tl,p "W'i"" ""J '"'''
is the substance of good news from the
headquarters of the Boy Siouts of
. I
The youngstrrs on the island nre look-
ing forward to a fair, a circus nnd
,etenm week Veteran week will tnkc
,,,. tlt the dose of canip. August 3
M- "'"' " l'ct"res,,e ptogrnm hns
liiinii iiri-uiiffiul fur tint filil.tiinnik
" " i- mm -.
The sea scouts have been t.lMng fort-
nightlv finises in the Eini'v thioughnut
the; snnnncr Last week tl.ev went fn
''"l"" Hetilnpen. and last Slundav a two
'weeks' cimse was hcguii tn Cape Jla.v .
UpBNtlnl,0 flir 1P cruises are mncje
I " .. '
Mitll William Smith, skipper, of the
Hiverside Yacht Club, Essingtou, Pu.
New York headquarters rcpoits that
the scout drive iecently concluded '
i . i. . i . t t . I.
,'-,., oc.n t. "" ;""'.'"' ."
A'""1' ..Thm " J ' .'" X1.""1 pl
rw,'",J ,",.. , - , """"
a'1 1 .OfMt.fMM) "associate si-outs men
,uuil nuinrii nun nun- .i.ii,ni iin-iiiii-m-i
.. ...I .. . . m ,n iu nn. I n 1.
.Klu s,l"im,,1 nm,mn, ery ear
British, French and Italian Honors
Given to Philadelphians
Medals nnd cuisses from the Bntisli,
French and Italian Governments have
been leieived heie fin thru' lisidents
llf lIh .,i, who serves. , ,i. r.
Captuin Vim cut Slnmmi, of 70!)
South Eighth st t. one of the iccip
iients. was avvniih-d the Itrili-.li Sledi
oal r,os" for 'x(','lltlnllal clcvntiou, skill
n,li""""l,rJ;nt.,lI. v, , ,
tsrikiuiu . ( ni ' p
South Twetit) -hist street, leceived n
Blitisli meritoi lulls seivlce mesial. Ser
genut Andrew II. L)ncli. 2.124 South
Franklin street, was uwaulecl nn Ital
ian war ci oss.
King George Hsadi Air Force
London. Aim 2 King Geoigc bus
assumed the title of chief of the ro.vnl
nil fin ce. New titles for the coniinis
sloned innks iu the nil force have been
given bv King George, unnielv. mnishul
of the nir. coriesponding with lieid mar
shal ; nlr chief marshal, correspoudiug
with general; nlr marshal, correspond
ing with lieutenant geneial; air vice
marshal. coriesMiiidiiig with major gen
eral, mid nir colonel commander, cor-i
i icspoiielliu with lulg.idier general
Band Concerts Today
The .Muiiieip.il Baud pla.vs tonight
at Whitclinll Common, Torresdulu
avenue and Wnkellng street.
The Fairmount Park Band plays
this afternoon and evening at Bel
mont Mansion,
Living Problem, Prohibition and Peace Uppermost in Mind of
"""' sieci 1 inuiuc'iyim, uvarns n. i. iy nicr
piIILADELPHIANS nre more deeply
' ''"neerne.l with the co.t-of-livlng
VroMom thnn wltii nnv other Issue of
ii,- ..,..,, .,. 1...1 ..I..
i the present day. And vviien they lire
not attacking high prices, they kick
about prohibition.
Tills is vvlint nn editorial writer of
the New York World learned on n visit
to this eij;v to tnlk with "the man in
the street" nhout the pence trcatv and
the league of nations. The visit to
Philadelphia was one of n schedule in
cluding mnnv cities where the writer
propoes to learn puhlic sentiment on
these leading questions.
Sfan.v Phllndelphlnns vveie found who,1'01'0 ''e President will do something
supported President w'llson. ,)tnorM to make Fred s salary go further than
favored the trentv ns an experiment, I " ,loe" ""'-"
but, he found, "nil agree Congress talks ' Fred Disagrees With Wife
too much without niting." ' n., ,,,. , ., , . ,,, ,,
,, h i Then "I red, the husband" disagreed
ine reiiiesentative of the World wlfh M lfo l,v .Vlnrlm, Hmf fi...
quest limed men and women In nil walks
nf llf I,... II i. ,
I ,:;" '" 1 A " '"r'"". l"" ": '" tn-r
"I'liiimi. uie peace irent.V -linillil he
fleil uitlinnt f.irtl.n .I..1.... i n .i
..-'""rll ,,"'"'. "' . ' ."'.. ". l"'J
"i'iM..,.u ,,r uisiipprovcii ot tne league
ni unrtnnu ,ii.i
.. -.: '"""
as proposed by the
' Burleson fnivr-ii..
I . . ..
Starring with tl.ee pmjicts, hi- in-
.iiiiiiii". 1111,1 inp rpsnntiui tn , mm n,.......i
. ....... ... in. in HUI.III
'" t'"' ,ri" ""tuioalw In Washington
'-, ' "ir."K"- and the growth of BoNhe-
"'""'"nt: 4) n general complaint
",,r l"r snonuess of labor, which seems
to ),. entlelv iinnl,.,,,,ni
I ' . "Il""l. ImlllflMlnt
to take care
' the sill plus of business : (."ii enmt.lii In.
....!....t .1 . . ' ' ' l"
...i , ., .
i ,f , ' wi mhi t'Ut'ii
, "" s or '"div idtinls ; ((!) n demand
If 11 fl niilM mmv i.! ..
'..,..,.,., ,,";.' :?,,, """ ""
aiinjiiatf niitnift establishment ; (V)
i,, " ."" "'"""l-sal of Sir.
i;"""""i 'is postmaster general whieli
is linrli, l.l. k ", .' whKIl
. , "". iimiiioiiik eu in lnbo
"". .ur
Burleson, in fnct, hns
hei nine nnn ,.f ,l. . .... . 1 .
, " """i uiikcii-oi Ameri-
urns. and. whether justlv or nnt im ,-
lertainh the m.. , i V or,I1.ot' ,lp is
r""l the moit w ide y ci t cized.
in me published account of his
. - ,t i uie league
.v,miw " ,,,m". "n! t,,rmt"1
-v icrh 111 VV nnniunker s and was
quoted as sajius that he l,nn.l l,
1 Senate would ratify both without
discussion. because. Inst ',1.
I President
snouiii tie milled." ami
sr.tu,L '.'l'','l'aps I could sell something
without having to hear a kick over the
I price.
Of Philndelphiuns, the representative
wrote his opinion ns follows:
'As a matter of fact, the high cost
ni lit mi I...I.1.. .. . .. . . .
... ..,... ..,-, -iionger claini on
me auemiou nt the nveiaje man
i-iiiinueipiiin than cither th
treat) m league nf tuitions. It is the
one topic upon which then, ,, ,j.
vision ot opinion. Ever.vhoil) knows
"'tSSJirl' '"
-- ....r.c uaresSes
A PSNM b' r"""-''"l soldiers who'
sa active service in France ill f,. I
, , !, l "7 "'" foa"
"ll l',Kl,'""i annual icuiuon of
"" I!l'rm I'nmllJ Association at Wil-1
low Glove todav.
programs '
Other participants in
tn be given in i-,iuiiiicrinu u,t, the
"' "" -"1s 'inline .nilers. of
Litiisil lie ; the Hi
"f Baltinioi e : th
.1 IttiM lfilii. 1!.. .......
...i... , .. i ki .
He". Di Willi. i,.,
'"" '"",, 'Jr-, ?' ' "-''": tiw B"v V.
Giuhh. nf this cit) Oflieinls of the
association include: Pres.dent. the Kev.
T !!. ti.i..
""" "''.' i-ctki-j . iinitiniore: vii'e
presiueiu, c.eorge i r. H anger. Potts-
i?""' .
Pa.; s.cetnri.s, I)r. j) 11.
Berge.v, of Line Lexington
' .
."kuiijsi iih lnrnitiN mnin i. i. ...ii.if .!,... i.. -n it. ; i
Gloucester Women Succeed In Move-Rented
of the men who went to war, but the
women nf Gloucester opposed this plan
nnd urged something more piactical.
bji HHeISHPIiB99e
&iA vIBiiOiiibVBHH
Daugliter of Sir. and Sirs. James
T. Weart, of Palmyra, N. J
whose marriage to Sir. ' Alonzo
Felten Bonsul, will take place this
evening at 7 o'clock at the home of
the bride's parents.
nnd has felt the effect of the steadTtj' 'l!$$l
Innuutine post of llvllitr. nnd rvt-rxhrtAv ,a'
Is more concerned In having the gon 4Jl
eminent do something to put a stop lj
iu u man ne is in speculating over tlio, ,tj
eneit 01 nirruisiic plans lo maKC war '-"'
impossible. ,T
The writer questioned "a lady," '
rresident Wilson is perfectly all' II
right," she said. "I would be silr-'" ?
prised if there is a single person inV l
the world, outside of Germany, who
doesn't want the pence treaty ratified
at once, nnd it will be ratified the
people will see to that. After that I
ate is right mid that "Wilson has no H
. . .......... ...,o u
; m-mos-. to commit this country to
fnretirn nntnncrlnmento "
I . i..--., ,-.i ,, . i. ,. . . . .
I . l "l l"' 'r'"r.. aUVlSCU 111S QUCS
tinner tn "Ic
leave Wilson nlonc he's nil
' right." He added that he was bothered
, more about the cost nf shoes for his
i to children nnd meat for his table.
! The "hotel clerk" declared that he
heard "n lot of stuff about the league
t1 IlIlllOUN
. -r .1 ,
that all the women are with
dent, and that she is, too.
"The plasterer" thought
the Presi-
thought the league
'of nations wns
rotten," and asked.
'Whoie does Ireland come in?" He
! niiKMere.l liU nwn miestfnn !, !-
liv ... : "::.." " ..,
j li wwii i. ".wiuvj iu ui. un, xie VUQ(1 -
Cv.niKellst Supports President
Then cnnie "the street evangelist,"
suppoiting the President: "the stock
bioker" against the league nnd de
manding an cud to the hizli cost of
M'nK. ami the "chair manufacturer,"
who wanted both peace and. the cove-
naut sigm
'""" '""'
"A Hll
ed at once.
ugarlan factory hnnd" did not
lly ..icn i huuii; iu.
r."'- ,"olir,p:iv:" nt city HaM" tl,ousht-
I President llsou could take care of
I himself, on, I ninlnl In Vim,., i,, i.
fur-Mould live decently on his waces. An
"Itllllnil hnnfhlnclr" iWlni-n,! H, !.!
dent had "a big head," the "street
itllei" cared nothing for nny Iengue. cx
(cpt the Nntional and "blamed the
prohibitionists for the high cost of
The interviewer talked to "the rail
road porter," and learned:
"I don't know nuthiu' about no
league of nations, but 1 certainly nin for
pi ace. I don't think Sir. Wilson has
trintcd the colored lace right, but I
guess ne kiiovv what he s doiu'. I m ST jj
VVOIIKd about the killilic of mv neonle Hfi
uuw and what It costs me to live,"
G--"o Ten Miles Over Roada
Near Camo an .-
Camn R.invon. v. r:t.f ... o
'r- , ' h
r'r,,1 a'"I f'tsore. but with a soldierly
swing nnd a song, troops of the stnte
militia, who hiked into the country yes-
ountry yes
(eulav morning on a long practice
niiiuli. lelmneil tn ..m,,. i,,t. t.. ,l.
lto'ctliei thev maiclicd something Tl'l
niOle tll'lll till miles ilniiin- Mm ,ln'
nnd in the course of the hike Were jnBil
priu ticnl instruction in many things, jfyE
including prepniation and carrying of'(V
the pack emiipmetit. care of the feet.KV
making and breaking of camp, proper! I
ing auii oiner expedients. )
These troops nre the first who weret
'al'1'' t0 taU' thv" -'iduied hike, bad
weather or other causes having nre-
otlier units which have
Five Are Named Caretakers of Recre
ation Centers
Te u miiiiie ipal nppnintmttits were an
loiiiiiiel todav b) the Civil Service Com
Included i'i the list are live care
takers of recii'iition centers, n $!)00 per
milium position.
These appointees are: Slorton h.
Hewitt. 23,1 East Veunngo street?
John O'Dounell sri23 Geimnutown ave
nue, lleiliert A Polk. 1231 Ilotlman
street, Jo-eph (' lVriigno, 730 Fiti
water street nnd Charles Dawson, 2533
i. est ueiuiKoinc. avenue. -tj
Jnsepli A. Singer, 107 South Twenty il
tif tli stiee-t. wns appoiutcil sccond as-v.
stiint. Bureau of Surve.vs, $li0 a Ui
iear; Frank W Curtln, inspector, Ilu- JjTm
lean of Higliwns, $1300 a year;
George W. Kmtz, Jr., (1707 Dltman
sireei, iriinsiimnn, mil can oi wtirveya. '
?10(KI n .veur; Dr William C. Johnson,-, j
911) Spruce street, assistant chief rwl-. -
dent pli.vsicinu, Bureau of Chnritieni
$000 n year; and Louis Pote, 1088 'fta
Noith Warwick street, raker, .Bureau "
of Highwii)s, Sf3.7,1 a day, ,
Camden May Sell Food ."' 1
Will lam Sayers, city druftsmnn, qj' yi
'-miileu. has rrtiirncsl from Newark aid
New York, where lie went to study ,fm''
. methods Used for the distributmiJMf
'government food supplies,. On'
'the llunnctA committee of Cai4(a
I Council will meet to receive, hi ifk
land maice plans tor buying KM
the government and selling it'fe
dents of Caindea,
5 1
1 1
t "!
$' i'v
' n -'
.-' '