V '' 'sV S2.';" i .ws ' r "-" i 15. : ''V'i v rts EVENING PUBLIC LEDGER PHILADELPHIA, WEDNESDAY, JULY 30, 1919 15 rm 1 y t- wvP i . ,' Vtj vS -4 s J - p& i -V y ISr- L re Is" I'm m. PER LE RELAZIONI TRAL'ITALIAES.U. II Conte Macchi di Cellere, Am basciatore a Washington, Pro babilmonte Sara' Richlamato rjiMUhtt n Distributed Under ERMIT NO. 341 Authorised '.1T on 111. the met of Ortnhp A. 16 the PostMflca of Fhlla- delphU.. Pa, . order ot the President, v . A. S. BUnt-ESOV. Postmaster Qe.ieral. Iloma, 20 lugllo. Tanto i glornall quanto ncl clrcoli official! glornaUncnte el disrate la noc'cmlta' lt stoblllrc del planl per plu' atrcttd relaziont trn l'ltalia c gll Statl tJnltl. Ioplnlouq generate c che le nuestionl riflcttontl l'ltalia non'sono utotc presentatc con ablle manicra Innanzi nlUi , Confcrcnzn della Pace o innanzi alia CommlsMone j Americana ed at PreMdentc Wilson. Ij'operato del Conte Macclil di Cel- ,;v ,l?re, ambaoclatpra, italiano a Washing- . ton, c' molto commentate. II glomnle "II I'opolo Homano" critlcandolo dlco quanta appredso : ' "Le finance nmcricanc sono, ora in uno stato di colojsalc espansione. I banchlori amrricnnl e git esportatorl hanno oro, vivori e earbone da esportare e sona' pronti ad iniziare su larga scala ll commerclo eon t'Europa centrale ed 11 orientate. Not non dovremmo rtmanere ozlosl mentrp In Jtigo-Slavla acquista energia datla giovanc America. Ij'aiuto iamerienno pun' gettnrc nnovn vita A nell'Itnlia e ringiovanire la nazione.." II giornale nggiungc che, oocondo le ultima Infnrmazlont, il richlamo del Conte Macchl di Cellere, ambaBclatorc Itatlano a Washington, si rendern' no- cesFario. ' Roma, 30 luglln B' stato annunzinto nei circoli ufficiali che il l'resideute del Consiglio, On. Nitti, stH organizznndol una nuova mlsslone per gli Statl Uniti. IO fscono di quest mitsione sarebbe quello di far presentc i bisognt flnnn 4ziarl ed industrial! dell'Italla, stabilire niiovl credit! c facilitare le esportnzioni ed importazioni, compresa la fornitura di viveri e materiale greggio. Si considera probabile 'che 11 Senatoro Gugltelmo Murconi sara' a capo della uuova 'Missi.one. SERVIZIO Dl VAPORl -TRA PHILA. E L'lTALlA La Direztonc della Societa' Itall ana dt N'avigazionc "Italia-America," della quale e' Agentc ttencralc per la citta dl Philadelphia il Slg. Frank Di Berardino, uno del plu notl c stimatt banchieri di questa citta,, ha annun ziato che col prossimo settembre sara' rlattivato il servlzio passeggteri con va- pori che partiranno direttnmente da Philadelphia per Napoli e GenoVa. La Direztonc della Compagnie Ital iane, che ha aruto sempre a cuore 1 desidert del connazlonalt dl Philadel phia e della Pennsylvania in generate e. non ha mal mancato ,di -agcvolare e migll.orare per quanto c stato phi poBslbile servizto nell'lntercsse del ccnnanzlonall stesst, non ha potuto rlmanere indtfTerentc alle continue ricli leste che da ognl 'parte giungevano acciocche '11 servlzio del vaporl da questa cltta' fosse rtpresttnato. L'oper ato della Societa' Italia-America 'c dei suoi rappresentanti e' altamente en comtabile c non vl e' dubbio che gli Italian! di, Philadelphia sapranno ap prczzare 11 grave sforzo compluto per rlattivnre un servlzio tanto utile.. La partenza del Vaporl da questa pitta' fu sospeso poco prima che gli Stat! Uniti entrasscro In guerra c cio fu dl grande. nocumento per gll itallanl ch qui risiedouo, specialmente per coloro die dovevano rssere raggiunti da persone di famiglla. Per avcre una Idea dl quail inconvenienti vengono eliminatl port la ripresa del servlzio del vaporl da Philadelphia, basti pensar'c che pre kentemente coloro cho devono . tornare IqItalift, sono costretti a-recarsi la New Sork due, giorni prima della partenza del vapore, subtre una spesa maggiore .per il trasporto'ln ferrovla ed affrontarc JmtnancablU incident! specialinentc per coloro' r;bel portano tieco la' famiglia e bambini. ' " - . 'La prima partenza da Philadelphia awerra con 11 Vapore "Caserta," uno degll otttmt tra quelli Compagnie Ital lane, 11 quale partlra' da questo porto il gtorno 23 settembre prossimo dirctto a Napoli, senza fermarsi a New York. Da notizle assunte si calcOla che gia' oltre un miglialo hanno fissato I biglletti per la partenza con il detto vapore e parecehie altre mlgllala di Italian!, cJie devono tornare In patria, hanno dichiarato dl non muoversl fino a che non potranno imbarcarsi da Phil adelphia. Travel A FALL TOUR AROUND' THE ' WORLD A charming, lel surely voyage acron the Paci YOUR NATIONAL PARKS Great Circle Touri of Amer i c a' a National playground -- Yellow tone, Yosemite, Grand C any on and other. Three to nine week. Tour at inter val throughout the summer sea son. fic to the, Philip- pines; to the land of Cherry Blo omt, Japan, to China," 7nd on around the World. F i r t Tour sail Oct. 17. Fall Tour to China, Japan and . Il'Il .".! -?. iitti T ' llla. -llLfekll '! JaaLmaW .SH a ij .' V'IIV V. . Jk '. WeAC ,1 -sit" .'! J J. I .JT WHICH ILLUSTRATED BOOKLETS MAY WE SEND YOUt Wherever you to -remember you aTO -remember American Express An . liitninK. unii. iinnii. rnnnei Jiiin. fiwrMar. .MfAMERICANEXPRESS TRAVEL DEPARTMENT ffi? "'"r f ' 7s " f.. wtwater. pa., ,67- H " ""rir., "" - TTaT vasxMmmr AMERICANS LEAVE TO MINE GUIANA GOLD Society Leaders Head Expedi tion to Retrieve Deposit Found 1 8 Years Ago New York, July 30. (By A. P.), Sailing with ?1 ,000,000 worth of ma. chlnery and a party of fifty mining en. gincers and workers, Mr. and Mrs. Perry Tiffany, prominent In New York society, yesterday left for Dutch Gulani on the steamer Prince dcr Nedcrlandrt to retrieve a gold deposit Mr. Tiffany said he discovered on the Moroni river eighteen years ago. The secret of the discovery, declared to have been made 200 miles inland, has been carefully guarded, pending tho obtaining In France and Holland of con cessions giving his mining privileges for 100 miles along the river. Mr. Tiffany said, adding that Colonel . S. Gage, a mining engineer, in the meantime had corroborated hiin In his "find." Mr. Tiffany said he had 150 more men nwaiting him In Guyana, and that headquarters for the expedition would be Established at Paramaribo, fifty miles from the mouth of the Moroni. "A" STARTS HOME AUGUST 15 First i Division Scheduled to Leave. , 8000 to Stay In Germany Coblenz. July 30. (By A. P.) The First Division of the American army will begin entraining for Brest on its return to tho t'nlted Stntes nbotit Au gust 15, according to Informal Informa tion from central headquarters received here yesterday. This would leave n total of about 8000 American troops in the army of occupation. This force would be composed of the Klghth In fantry, which probably would be gar risoned at Coblenz, with a company of engineers, a company of milltnry police and a unit 'of af tillery. This program, it was said here, Is subject to change upon suggestions by1 the, interallied council at Paris. The American Third Division will be gin entraining for Brest August 5. It was said a week would be required to move the division to Brest. Elkton Marriage Licenses Elkton, Sid., July 30. Marriage li censes were Issued here today to Joseph IF. Ansel and Marie Mullen. William K. Huttcr and Minnie Mnneely, Joseph D. Kent and Margaret M. Orr, Harry Gradwahl and Emily Levan, Harry Watdrou and Mary Miller, all of Phila delphia ; 'John S. Krabonja and Anna Perry, Camden, X. J.; Harry L. John son and 5lary K. Broadwater, Mag nolia, N. J. ; Walter M. Trout mid Bertha Wyckoff, Trenton, N. J. CHILDREN'S WALL TENT Erect a lent for them In the front or back yard, the air wltt da them Rood. Xxiti of fun. Best quality S-ounee whit canraa duck. Poles, pint and rope. Writ lor cUK on larger ! a Dal ramp enDPllee ABMY BOTFLY CO.. Ml HAKKXT -Sis 'fA Don Marquis cures every kind of a grouch, including those of July 1st vintage, in his gay new book PREFACES Pack up a copy in your old kit bag and "week end it" in perfect harmony with things ' and 'a smile for the water pitcher. Picturia tv Tony Sarg, $1.50 everywhere. THIS IS AN APPLETON BOOK Travel GREAT LAKES and NIAGARA FALLS Two thousand miles on inland water, with all the joy and rest of ocean' travel and none of it monotony. New teel passenger hip with every device for com fort and safety; ST. LAWRENCE and the SAGUENAY Delightful cruises down America' most historic river, and the dark mysterious S.aRUenny, charmine Lake George, Lake Champlain and Hudson River. Scenery unsur passed in gran deur. Manila, and Around they World, those apendable-ev Travelers Cheqties those apendable-everywhere flsW Bill Would Bar Sugar Exports Washington, July 30. (By A. P.) Iixportntlon of sugar would be pro hibited for two years under a bill In troduced today by Representative Kl liott, Republican, Indiana. He said wholesalers were giving as a reason for failing to fill orders from sugar re tailers the necessity of filling export demand. 8V.1IMKR nESORTfl ATLANTIC CITY, y. J. PITNEY N,w rork ave" nir Den let-class house; table Abun dantly nupplted with beet market aKordej bathe, all conveniences; bathing from hoiue, free shower bath. 2.S0 up dally. 114.00 up weekly. Capacity 250. M. C. SWEENEY. TKAYMOIK AiuimcaTY IWmSS GREATEST liOTELSUOCESS HOTEL FREDON1A OPEN ALI YEAH. Tennessee ave. lust olt Boardwalk. Eurorwtn plan. Every appoint, ment. Moderate rate restaurant. The Dudley 80 So. Pennsylvania Ave. Near beach anit nil n((r,n. tlons, nunnlnr water In all rooms. Private baths. Home cooking, L. It. POLLOCK, NUTTALL Atlantic Avenue and Board nuiiftLLwll Excellent table. Phone 11170. HOTEL B0SC0BEL h1f"J,u'Y,;?V,n"r beach, Bfttnlns from houiej open all year. Bklt. A.E.MARION. PHILLIPS HOUSE Meachutt Av.. near Bench, P.P. Phillip OCEAN riTV. N. J. Normandie-by-the-Sea 300 rooms. 100 suites with private baths; own artesian well water: Ice plant! electrlo llffht plant Elevators from ground floor. Directly faclnc the ocean. Cuisine the best. For rates, full Information and booklet ad oress I-, ii. p. i;,ikk. Mnnncer. THE ALVYN 8U Brighton Place.' '" , , " Itunnlmt hot and cold water In all J'nomB. A. YAItOEn The Shore "nt un'1 ro,d running; water'lh every room, 3400 Central ae. Melrose ''" Asbury Ae near Board- The Oceanic . n'VndWes,'J' ' A. E. Hflhcr. Oh ner & Mcr. Waverlv inn Weeley ave. near Dth st. STONE HARnolt. N. J. Hotel Harbor Inn Mlh Boardwk. ah ocenn rms. Heaeble. Mrs M. I,. Miller E. noeenberiter. Props. WIMMTOOn. N. J. By-thc-Sea And Wildwood Crest iiest llshlnr on the Coast I Write today to W. C0URTRICHT SMITH Secretary nonrd of Trade. Wildwood, N. ,'".. '"i"pr ana ..riniirn in- lormation. THE WYNDMERE "" "'" . antest place In U lldwnod tn spend your summer vacation tho GOOD THINGS we provide to EAT. an EXCELLENT LOCATION and truly HOME. LIKE atmosphere pplace the WYNDMERE In a CLASS by Itself. Rates 115 and up. Write for booklet. FRANK ROSS. HOTEL SAVOY Beach 'ront: Private nuiuL,ur.Tvj baths; run's water; 1D0 capacity; ownership management. W. H. OKnSTRL. Wildwood Manor 5""lt' 400: ?" block: ocean front; fresh nnd salt water in baths; running water aot and cold, In bedrooms: electric elevators; tennis courts, etc. NOW OPEN. MRS. WM. R. LESTER, Mgr. DAYTON 1S'0W op"n tor "eason of 1010. The same courteous treat ment will bo extended to our patrons. Cap. "BO. A, McMtTRRA.Y. Owntn & Proprietor. NEW SHELDON w"dwoh1.'-'1 mod. hotel. Cap, SS0. Elev. ; private baths; rooms en suite; hklt. Auto. D.J.Woods.Own.mirt. Now open. ARLINGTON ap- :o- FlnMt " tion on Beach front. Rooklet. A. R. ft C H. TOPHAM, Owners. EdtretOn Inn cn,Ira,,J' 'oca-! nr. beach; B white service: cap. 2R0: orchestra! booklet. J. ALBERT HARR IB. Gettrsburr, S12 Amusements. E. Poplar Ave. Near beach. It. M. NEWSTEAD. Prop. The Roval Inn Nellr baoh- Excel, table. 1 ne nvyai aim , BUSHi proprlMori MnimoJin m E- lrnolla, fur. rms., hkp, magnolia , Xj A & J E Ja k Winrmn Wild, av., nr. Beach. Prlv. baths. vruiuua Qwn mon,s.t Mrg Q w F,Bn,r riarview Poplar av. ft Beach: nr. ocean CAl'B MAY. N. .1. HOTEL LAFAYETTE S"-t On Beach Front. 30th season under same mrt. All mod. conveniences. Rooms en suite: private baths. Open June 28 to Sept. 15. John Tracy & Co. THE WINDSOR $ cj m.. 125 rooms. SO baths.. lutes and literature on application. R. HALPIN. THE BALTIMORE INN OPENS JUNE 1ST. CLOSE TO BEACH. WISH HAUKIHUN. Star Villa Ocean St. and Beach Ave. M. L. RICHARDSON. AVALON. N. J. Hotel Avalon, &&$, ISLAND HEIOIITS. N. J. ) a combination of simplicity, rood tmste and comfort. Maple inn is elf an. coot and dependable. Maple Inn makei your vacation a success. Bonklet. Island Helrhte. N. J- M. V. COOK. Phone. Tulsnrl HaUMw gS AVOKBY-TriE-BKA. K. J. Hotel Buckingham I MINUTES FROM ASBURY PARK In tho heart of New Jersey' Pleasure B.lt: pn Jun. Sti. C. Pitman Baker, Jr., Hit. Hotel Colonial. Phlla. Pa. DEACH IIAVKN. N. J. Mix Miles nt Hca No Land Breezes HOTEL BALDWIN (OCEAN FRONT) Beach Haven, N. J. Hot and cold sea baths. Capacity 400. Tea Room. Oarage. Excellent Culslns. ' "Writs for rates, routes and rooms. M. F. ft W. J. WARRINGTON, Props. BEA OIRT. N. J. THE TREMONT 'ht on ,h Be"- 1 " -,. Every room oceaa view. A quiet, restful, refined, hor.i.llk. tamlly hotel. Tab! i supplied with frssk product hy our own farm. Surf and stilt water ba thins; tennis, golf, dancing, Coun try awrroundlnga t no boardwalk. BaohUc BPKINO T.AKK 1IE.CII. N. J. THE WARREN ON THE OCEAN SPRIW IMIK REACIf. N. J. hnn that'a "different" In (, m& appointments, artlstlo decorations, homelike atmosphere and service. Surrounded by green lawns and garden at the edge of the ea. Opening Jun 18. For reservations ""(?.". SICDBrt. 114 XV, 70th Street. New York THE BREAKERS On the OMSB. Spring Lake Ueaeh Open until Oct. 1. Excellent table; music. r 4. 'rt" rr XS iLj . -tiEaajKT) RUMMBIv ItESOIlTS Annuity tahk. n. j. New Monterey Hotel NOItTn ASnt'ItY FARK, N. J. Directly on Ocean. All out Bide rooms. NEW MONTEIIF.Y GRIM, Entirely new service a la carte and danclnc laritest and most beautiful on the Jersey Coast. Ideal for motorists. SHERMAN DK.NMS, Uanaetr. mm i&m BRl S7rs rfiom?&f,'$mttfs HOTEL ALBION NEW: ONE Or THE MOST MODERN , HOTELS ON OCEAN FRONT &" jvlth ttrlv. Mthi nhnnes In all room. KUKVATdlt. rUlCIIKSTRA. P.OOKI.ET. E. P. TOWN ffl.1. Owner and Proprietor. American nnil European. New iip-tn-ilnte prill, nrrectly on the Ocenn Front. Modern In eterr repect. C'apnrity 300. Trnnla Cniirta, I'rhale (larnne. VM. AFPLEC1ATE ESTATE TarJkerHoue ASBURY TARK ",.. r,i-i&. zi N. J. rhone 704 ior. is Modern cor. 1st Ave. ft Bert; St. Accommodates 200. "ne.ocRn view: reesniable prices. PARKER ft PARKER HOTEL THEDFORD Flxth Ave.. ocean. Suits with bath, refined njlrnn,. HUM. HARRY Hl'FFIllt.I), n-rner Trop. Hotel New York 1,"' AV";' n'"r "an Cap. 1BO Excellent cnl'lne. ri""llt. O. M. OAHUT.r The Alameda,-;0T,Se"nth vo.. hiocii to ocean; refined patron see I'MorKhV, F. -A RHKPHKRr). THE WESTMINSTER ' h Avfnu OCF.AN flROVK. N. .1. NORTH END HOTEL COURTESY SERVICE Qt'ALlTV SHA WATRR IN ALF, BATHS Csm"itv .-.no now oprn I,..,..... i ..I. .ii, i,-,, A? .MnnRB'er GROVE HALL The House of Quality and Comfort. Rooms Willi luiiiima n,ri nnu fir,vaie Paths. v. u. nuiviv. uwncr ftMgr. stvatfrkvH I .. In v- bech and VU Ab - nam rrounds: fnrnt).. i nnm. ec HpiH. A. AI, GrlCgS ELDORADO HOTEL At Heach. Facing Lake. A. W. Crelln, Prop. Stokes Hall ;: ucean Pathway. Hot and cold runnlnir ni.r ,1. .. .. V.aia9 A 1. V Ctra..l.i. a J ISstf- "Bin". ' ' unronuil;pr UWHer, Hotel Le Chevalier Ccn- wbb , " '-'urcmui. Orrun lloiif( '- Main Av., nr. BHch, Priv, lrnrir rrmm-i.e ""wi'-ii . ... Jflllirnn. TUP NATIrlNAI. y Main Ave. JjA. 1ICNRY HOTEL SUMMERFIELD CX-ean pathway. Third house from beach. nr.i.MAR. n. j. THE CARLETON Only Iiotel with tennis courts. Ocean front. Capacity 2501 rate 123 to 30 single: MO to iui iwo in romii. iiwmcl. . ii. aTOYT.B. nKAl, HF.ACH. N. J. OCEAN VIEWD.!;Al'-nc.A?.". f J- nujwnar oui8ia rooms 12."' up wklv Xw managrm'Tit. TRHVISA N roiNT ri.nASANT. n. j. POINT PLEASANT, N. J. The Coolest Spot on the Coast THE LEIGHTON Incomvaraolv located, directly 02 the Ocean Opens July 17 THE CARROLLTON Now Open Tea Room and Grill in Connection Facing tho Ocean. Kach Under Distinctive Management. Oolf, tennis, dunclng. riding, bathlnr, fishing, boating, orchestra. ROBERT M. CROUCH, Prop. PINE BLUFF INN t'nder new management. Among the .pines on the beautiful Manasquan River ehore. Every Hhtini.iu.i " . nBMwi.-, . i r , ,(( COUniTy. All outdoor sports, nklt. .1. K. rieerbower. I.AKK lUIPATfONO. N. J. ORKEN CROFT. Lake Uopatcong7NTJ Modern house on shore: attractive rates. I'OCQNO MOUNTAINS CASTLE INN DELAWARE WATER CAP, PA. Open until November. Capacity 300 Fireproof Hotel and Oarage Private Baths. Running Water. Golfing, nnnsante. Motion1 Pictures. MISS T. T. DOLBEY Also the Palmer, Lakewood. N. J. THE CENTRAL Delaware Water Gap Electric lights, hot and cold running water, baths on each floor. Tennis, golf, boating, bathing and fishing. Ca pacity. 1. Private garage. JAS. H. GHAVHn Mount Porono. Ta. Mount Pleasant House Mount Pocono, Penna. OPEN UNTn. NOVEMBER The Finest Resort Hotel in Northeastern Pennsylvania 103 rooms, 24 en suite with privets bath, lieu service, gas, orchestra, dancing and all outdoor sports. FREE GARAGE Accomm6da tlons for 40 cars. Charm ing walks, good roads, magnificent views Unique In quality of food, cooking and service. For Illustrated literature, room plan u,v , ..tiu ,aca nuu.rps v.. W. A. & H. M. LEECH The PocohaSSet NeT, manBTrant: ex. let A ratee on request L. II. ARIEL. Pron. Delaware Water fian. Pa. " " THE MOUNTAIN PARADISIC " THE KITTATINNY DELAWARE WATER OAP, PA. The leading hotel of this famous realoni open to TJec. Capacity S00. Strictly modern. Oolf. tennis, saddle horses, bathing, boating; orchestra. Concerts, dances. Exceptional Cuisine. American Klan: aiso a la carte, gnu. uarare. ooklet. auto maps and terms upon re quest, jutin runui turs, Creseo The Old Ion Kor rest and recr"n In Pocone alts. Mod, .wlm, pool, tennis, amuso. Oar. Rklt. New ownership. Oscar A. Htapff, North Water Clap. Pa. UrTTF.RMII.lv FAI.I.S Cottages and farm. Cater to auto parties. Mrs, a. LA BAR. East Htrondshnrg. Pa. BERWICK INN OT Farm connected, illustrates Booklet, , C. D1CKERSON. Owner. Mount Pocono, Pa. The Ontwood ff: gftgy-" Mountain rfnme. Ta. MONOMONOCK INN Mountain Homt'i lendlnr hot?. Ideally loc. fltMtn hnt1. TUtf ri. Now opn, Bklt. Mt. roronn. Tn. POCONO MOUNTAIN HOUSE 5yrs. samemanaxement, E. L. HOOKER. Jr.. Mgrl BTMMKTl RKSORTR 5! ,rPHE news had spread; X rnenandolficers.divided between hope and .fear, crowded to the rampart by theChateau.whereDufferin Terrace now overlooks the St. Lawrence, and every eye was strained on the approaching ship, eager to seewhethershewouldshow the red flag of England or the white one of France. Slowly her colors rose to the masthead and unfurled to the wind the red cross of St. George. It was the Britishfrigate T-owestoffe.' She anchored before the Lower Town and saluted the garrison with twenty one guns." Vont"MonlcaIm and Wolfe" , By Francis Parkman HOTEL TRAYLOR AM.ENTOWN. PA. The Week-End Resort of Mie Lehleh Vallej, European Plan $2.00 Per Hay Roof Restaurant; service: A la Carte, Table do Hote. Dancing Saturday evening. Famous Traylor Orchestra Special Kuntlny Dinners. SI, 50 J. LAWRENf r, D r I.INO. Mrr. WERNERSVII.I.E. WALTERS PARK INN THE resort hotel of the Blue Rldse. Mod ern In all Its appointments. Every necessary thing to make you happy nnd healthy. Just the place for a week-end or a long stay. Efficient but eenarato sanitarium facilities TUr- Hilltlrln Beau, view; prlv. bath. pa. IMC nUlSIQO .,. Katherlne Gerbart. AKRON. TA. Will take Bummer boarders m my ixtaim ful farm home; good food and :lne ioca'lon, also provide permanent home for aged ij'i. p.. who are willing to pay for comforta. OARHEN SPOT TAPI.K WATER CO. Akron. Pa. IIRIARCLIFT MANOR. N. V. BRIARCLIFF LODGE BRIAnCUFF .MANOR. N. V. A popular 134 mile motor run from Philadelphia. Booklet and route card obtainable at Public Ledger Travel and Resort Bureau. LAKE OEOBOK. N. Y. VILLAGE OF LAKE GEORGE The center of the great macadam road eystem of the north, good hotel, and room ing houses. Illustrated hlatorio booklet and road map on srollc"0" ,0 Oord of Trade, Lake Ci.org.. N, T. PKCA8-0N-LAKE-OE0KOE Mnhirnn Unmn Summer sports. Rates ivionican nouso niooto tuo.oo. nkit. AUtiUR LAKE. N. Y. THE INTERLA 'KEN Sk,.AunSf Lak. Champlain. Aussble Chasm. Send for bklt. ft rat.s. C. B. White. Keesvllle. N. T. NIAGARA FALLS. N. Y. TEMPERANCE HOUSE Quiet, homelike; centrally located, opposite Union depot;' 12.50 and upper day. Amer ican Plan, . r".&i,ra, rrop. u.. fnltare a'2 Flr.t t.; , first-class Hnye VOlWgo room,. American plan; tlSO up. MRS. C R. RUSE. THE EDWARDS '"gSK&f No bar, Eat. 1SJ3. Mrs. D. C. Edwards. Ugr. VTASIIINOTON. I. C. Burlington Hotel IflM'jt $rk& 1 S X AiJ . X I n iam&&&&&s 1 1 'A W U .. rv 's&Vffi'-r-Tff Jfcfab7 Xt.t!t&KVWJ C SIS A I "1 a T6 i A A Ci nil tfi i A in in fe 1 H H fl D at TT 1 i is , i t " t i .! a i "8,1 itt ai sw ti vh 7ssk n n n -' . u m. m f "From Niagara to the Sea" rililillliMn 1 BA ,-svC ,T5 -31 W . fflBWmnilllllllllllllHIIIMIHll'.'MIIII IIIOW THL SflCUEMAY nc.5.i..Hcrrri.i T"?5?SSQ5ir IT ATirm TgCALEXANORIA BAY . AMROCHSfErT I I SNoMfr:A?rt FAUS A thousand miles of travelA thousand thrills of pleasure I $ Devon, ta. , impkdi Hoxr.i. VV!Uftlfli?'?IWir1tag?itJ5IIMrMIIl ' 1 viy. .!... i un iiiaii j.ino, nnw - 11 tun can 1 -ii" TfnvitwiHiiiaija u .11 ii rv . i v ness men with families. Rooms wltn bm SW I iB W fafL V. II I II ll Mil XI f I ' j5zL ,S--'L'ZL'-- t at reasonable rates. Dancing. Large Veaftrftl . iH v III llll II HI ,11? Ul JMM&532pPll S AU 1. 'S grounds, wide veranda. Phono HerwynW JTWl itlllll MM w-J k ill ill lllllll ll j7 , fEm5sg'-: sLwfl I f . 4 FRANKI.fN rOITNTT. TA. . .iWffj Mv7 M .... ft.lllllll j ffl H ,, 4 if ft lmMi vm MmA 4 c;utMr woLUErfibcE mountains a&L&wffii hv 1 1 . i j i n hi .' " ii I ' HHrllKm i kwmtr .- (Puera Vista Springs. Franklin Co.. Pa. HnlSOTl . ,lj I llll., . Si I I " I I I WSSSaaSSiA f I I SPBKSKwMm '" ADistlnctive(--ummerandAulumnFe;orU iJHgixKIi ll I U'JP HfiJ I I V I i i I ' ' .BIJaTMSk'alsT J I is-'BSi Mm K ' S A strictly mcnlern hotel with excellent afiBNSa&Cn'Xl ll III llll . . GaB ' ' ' ill 1 3 MUlSUxTU I I OfflSBB ,.M. A ...,. Aitiiiri vctti feet. EMafllEII i!jcji I 1UIII IIIIHf I I JIM, I I I it Hllr, ?R&- 11 II W3'J . iri' .-;- - : .- . -: r BUBBBBBUiaakri s iswi iiiiiliiljl. .---: arasii i i i 1 1 .- i si ins- m: .rwv r , ii ii a e win rtemnin orcn ruin ortoi.er uMSHRIiiltnnF IKW IlllVltl i m wmuBfttitttht (tfBlil n If mW Vt ll VU .lohn.i rjii.-.-- Mssrer 8uRllll0ll llllil fiill llrXI III I amHHll' IRw nini II I il IlllU JDAfeVNtf vfiil.illlIlfffUJIM jBtitIxPIa.-i ' m .HUi! il II III llllil V I' S3HM JHlvFjii I STMJIKR RK,ORTS Here History Staged the Making our Nation THE actors have gonp, but the stage remains. Some of the settings are altered, but all the scenic background of natural grandeur awaits you. Jts historic interest is enhanced by the flight of Time. Here was fought one of the fiercest, most important conflicts in History the Battle of Quebec. Here on the Plains of Abraham, the indomitable Wolfe wrested from France her stronghold, giv ing Britain a permanent footing on the Western Hemisphere. Make this famous 1,000-mile inland voyage "Niagara to the Sea." Look at the map. You can begin your journey at Niagara Falls, Rochester, Toronto, Alex andria Bay, Montreal or Quebec. You can stand on Dufferin Send 2c postage fur to the Sea," to John Steamship Lines, US tourist agent. VXCTOH.IA DO YOU KNOW "THE i-a. CP A xrwv e mmWtSii il NO. It isn't a play. It's a sea trip on the Canadian Pacific "Princess" steamers with Seattle at one cor ner of it, Vancouver at the second, and Victoria laughing beyond Juan de Fuca Strait, ready vrith tea and cakes a trip included .in your ticket without extra charge. SEATTLE the metropolis of the Pacifis Northwest with 200 miles of beautiful motor roads within the city limits. VANCOUVER is Canada "West, from its bustline harbor under the Cauchant Lions, to the roof garden of its tallest hotel. And VICTORIA as English as clotted cream, with more roses than you ever saw at once, behind hedges glossier than anything in Devonshire. Victoria has time enough to play golf whenever you like it or give you a spin on the Malahat Drive. FURTHER INFORMATION T ITS WAITING FOR YOU AT The Canadian Pacific Railway Ticket Office .tsfc for Kesort Tour .Vo. JM-A Phone Market 3108 R. C. CLAYTON, City Passenger Agent 629 Chestnut Street Philadelphia F. R. PERRY, General Agent, Passenger Dept. 1231 Broadway . . New York City Atk or Resort Tour No. 182-A TORONTO. CAN. UT'HB work cf eloquence Is to c X twenty mlnutea." EMERSON. We do It EVERY DAY. Day tn. day out year In. year out we succeed In making men admit "they have changed their mind" on tho all Important subject of what a OOOD hotel really IS, and If you chould ever visit us we will be glad to try It on you an well possibly In LESS than twenty minutes you will admit that Emerson was right us far as "THE HOUSE OF COMFORT" Is concerned, anyway. GOOD Rooms GOOD Meals FAIR AMERICAN PLAN. $3.60 to W.50 PER DAY EVER ALSRT ASl WATCHFUL FOR THE WELFARE OF LADIES A.VD CHILDREN THE HOTEL CARLS-RITE "TUB IIOUSK OF COMFORT" OEORGK WBIU1IT and K. M. CARROLL, Proprietor TORONTO No- Passports or ffrplstratloii Cords rrculred lu American cllUrns traveling ESMMWHln BlTHtr.R RKSQRTS CANAPA of t55 . Terrace and gaze down the pic turesque St. Lawrence, just as the little crowd of English stood there gazing in 1750, but with wildly beating hearts, while the fate of a nation hung in the balance. In safe, palatial steamers you pass the beautiful Thousand Islands; safely descend th Rapids; through lakes and rivers, an ever-changing panorama of scenic beauty with a wealth of historic association; Montreal, the great Canadian Metropolis; Quebec, with its famous shrine of Ste. Anne de Beaupre, and the beautiful Saguenay River with its towering capes, "Trin ity" and "Eternity," higher than Gibraltar, are on the route of Niagara to the illustrated booklet, map and guide, "Niagara F. Pierce, Assistant Traffic Manager, Canada C. S. L. Building, Montreal, Canada, or any ""Mi TRIANGLE RUW"? ' TTi" "- K .'hone Market 3706 TORONTO. CAN. lillDllllIUUI - V VANOUV IIAOl 'I , SIATts, change the opinions of a life-time In Prices KIV..PEAN PLAN IF DESIRED ' l1 jMIMH.ltttiyltHIJlWMyywi I fUJJajJIM fitn. ., TW tion. tia4.ni. airy. StrilMKR KISHOBTft CANADA aw c .j2tS i s Qt iiugs;g;;s:(-;; B.f in am mum Sea.' Business Pleasure r-Hsti -s-r J-rrS ifV?h& W'Mi ij&yr&'&fjr TJWl III' IS "j5E3rc SEE Canada in the making! Let your vacation take you to the land of thriving opportunity. On discovering this greater business 'field at your elbow, you can settle down, orinvest at will, with maximum profit. A visit to such cities as Winnipeg end , the Prairie towns will acquaint you with a bigger future. i "9 Sdeafi Vacations" I In the wide lands of Canada, thou- sands of happy surprlsesawalt tha vacationist. Health and strength renew themselves in tho invigorating atmosphere of Princo Edward Island, St. John River Valley, Muskoka. For the hunter of moose, deer or bear, there is abundant sport In Nora Scotia, Quebec, New Brunswick, New Ontario and Eastern Manitoba. Great grizzlies and nimble mountain goats draw tho sure shot of the hunter in British Columbia. Tho fish are biting at Rainy Lakes. Nlpigon, Lake of the Woods and other Ideal spots. A Vacation Planned to Meet i Your Weeds Choose! , Go back to Nature or camp close to the conveniences of civilization attho Laurentldes, Algonquin Park, New Ontario, NagofiamiRlver.JasperPark. A wonder panorama unrolls before the travclA through tho Canadian Rockies., mampcuia vaucy. La Bale de Chaleur, Gespe. Cape Breton and alonqr tho ocean shore of NovaScctii. Historic I acta (hid old world setting in Oue bee, Montreal, Hall if and their tnvlrons. It you have only ureel r Our Art DMkLt v local Vaca. la It tlooe." few days, spend them Joyously at Muskoka. Sparrow Lake or tits Maritime Province!. you'll flad sua. atstlens ,n :nfti nio you 'Fa YOUR I - - : ., Call, or mtl.t th. '-ddr.-. Every Detail o eo..7. "2'. your fs. , il"'. Planned.' m The Canadian National Kail, ways have col lected fact about Canada that will help you plan any kind of vacs'. JA ' tj M 3 "i i fe-a J'li. '. t. . .. .T 1 a."l 1 t '4 Uf il t!l , fl 91 " I Ml 51 il M r.-l ' wi; 71 21 il ft. V f- X tfl i '. -i TKrsr"-" , ail J.,ja e tt Tt-. r, ia"i.j. wu s -. . lay'ii-a. w- ,r . i u, r - - .. io.ti r T . "L'aWUtC-., - &' I',,I'n'. W TH T? mn ' ' " " ' ' ' ' ' ' t'-'fh , j-klLIUliww.i sua - 1 - -' --- - -. - i .- his i . r '..! n i , ,. , -".-" ".. T-