Evening public ledger. (Philadelphia [Pa.]) 1914-1942, July 24, 1919, Night Extra Financial, Page 8, Image 8

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    Jk ',;-,"?"' "Hn
-, u ,
r. -
pc'.V,WWro.lt i-4V :
Ln frmitlern del nrotincro rlcoiiosciiita la prima voltn si rlconosetiuo In parti-
nrl pntln ill T.omlrii iu fnvoro dcH'Itnllii colnri iittitiidini clell'ltiilin ml occtiparsl
r ttnln niiclii' ninpicsj'U da Wllcou ilio rlci problem! buIcnnlH.
la litenne cfiiMillcntn. Itlsunnln ill
Propose to Produce Captured
Letter "Liars as Usual,"
Senator's Reply
Russians in North Rebel and
Turn Over Town to Soviet i
Bv the Anrl.i(f(l Tic.'
Mexico City, .lulv 24. OflSHnl nr-
cotints of the robbing of American tail
ors from the I S. S. Chevemie .lulv '
nncl of deaths of AniericaiiM Imve been
Riven out bv General .limn Itarrngnn.
chief of the presidential vtafT. in the
form of governmental dispatches. One
of these stated that tin- nilors iinpni
dentlv went up the river Tnmoi into
rebel territory
A ftatemont Riven nut hr General
Katrasau je.tnrilny conclude- ii f 1
"Tomorrow there will be mnde public
various documents boloneinic o the,
archives of the bandit. Frnneico Villa. '
which ere reeovered in Juarez in the
last fight in that city. Among thee
documents appear- a letter addressed to
Villn by Charles V lluut offering Villa I
a viit bv Senator Kali and other per-
sons to confer with him (Villa i for the,
purpose of helping to pu'h to su
London, duly 1M. The Rorernment
ha reeeixed n dispatch from Maior
General William K. Ironside, com
mander-in chief on the Archangel
front, stating that the Husslan troop
haic mutinied and joined the ItoNhe
viki, hnndiiiR over the town of Onega
and the Onega front to the cneni.
The latter alo tried to tnKe the rail
road front, but vcre repuNed
There aic fin P.ritiMi troops on the
railroad front and uone on the Mnevn
front General Ironside now ha the
situation in hand and lielieves that the
lVch llnti-di volunteer troop
ripinl in ihcii illtliciilt and perllnu
Ciornali Estori Augurano
Pronta o Favorevole Solu
zione Sulla Questione
PuNI'tinl an 1 Pl'trlhnleil Under
IT.IlMir Ni .HI
Autlinrlx-il ! 'Ii" "i "f Oetohjr H.
1B1 T nn Hli il I'll t'nunflli- of rhlln
illihl' I'.i
Pi nrdir i'f tin fri-ldcnl
-- miii.i:snN-
Pntlm ii-t ill nernt
Fukushlma Citizens Aim to
Japan Out of Tribunal
Tohin. .Inh 1M (1? , I' i The
itiens f 'ilk u-li i inn haie started a
miivemnnl ll'-.'lillst .llinnii nn rl ii-imif mi"
t. ,,- ,....-.. .,- '-' i, ,, . , ..,... ..i , ... ,.. .
the enmpaien against the present Me.xi-!'n in- nin. um wuiuimi u. u m-
can Government and the reply given uy
"These documents are rer impor
tant, for Senator Tall is of those who
former Ueimnn emperor, on the ground
that sih'Ii action would lime a bad
eflfei t upon l!ie .Tapane-e people
Vi-count Tnknnki Kato, inembei of
Roma. -'" lugli'i iritnrdnlnl. II
Corricrc della Sera rh eve da
die ad una inteiroga.ioiie di Lord
are 15rw'c. contrario nil annessinne dell Alto
Adigc da parte deiritalia, rlspose il
.nttosegretaiio ill stnto per gli nffari
esteri n nnme del niinislro. esponendo il
buon diritt" deiritalia riconociuto
dnlla Conferenza delln Tacc Lord New
i ton di'e die il territoiio assegnatii
Keep nll'Italin e' nhiinto dn 'JtHl.tlOfl tedeschi.
ma neirinteresse iiena popoia.ioue
stessii i delcgati nlleati riconobbero
sarehbe -tato un errnre spe7.7.nrc nrbi
trnriiinieiile I'litiita' gengraticu ed ecu
nntni'ii del Treiilinn ( oii"iderando e
due zone, la regione con popolazione
italiaua n-ulta doppia delln leie.ca
pleblsdlo mi cul inslstevn Lord Itryce,
11 sotlosegretario risposo die era Inutile
interrogate la popolazione data la
schliirelantc superlorita- numerlca 1cr11
Itnlianl nel Treiitlno, conslderntn come
unn unltii- indlvlsibile.
i II Corrlere delln Sera commentando
trova die i suddetti rIiisIIssIiiiI crlterl
a rlgnre dl logica parrebbern addltare
evidentemente nnaloRn soluzioue del
prohlctmi ill I'iinne. II Riornnle ri-
fereudosl alle feste pnrlRine scrlve die,
sebbene nou nncorn sicmi delle proprle
,ortl. rII itnllnni sono felici die nueste
, feste nbblano re.stittitito nll'intesn fresco)
pretornpeiite senso del 11)11 die crnsi
i and.ito impaludendo nelle bassurc delln
conferena. Vorebbe die inolti fran
cei leggessero 1'anRoscloso ultimo np
pello di I'iunio o dice dl sperare senipre
I die I'arigi ascoltrra' la Mice della citta"
Londrn miiiatica. Iu tin nltro articolo da l'a-
rigi dice die conviene rilevare il si
cmtbatn die pun' nsutnere I'lncuricn
niiniaii' a inioni ill stuilinre il tiro
Parlsl. 'J.T lugllo Da qtialehe
tempo la slampa dell Austria tetlescn
si occtlpa della questione dl Hume c
susclta commenti. tieneralmente la
questione vlene giudientn fnvorcvol
mente nintalla. 11 "Xpup l'rele
I'rcssc," In un recente articolo, cosi' ha
detto: "I, 'Italia cntro' In guerra con
il grldo dl 'fuorl i barbarl' e orn nou
vuole tollerarc die n posto della
monnrchia subentrl una Jugoslavia od
una I'rancia. A Flume vl sono 20,000
italiani a cul l'ltalia non vuole
Altrl Riornall austrlacl mnstrano In
rontro a qunli pericoli si va lusclando
insolutii la importunte questione di
Fiuine o rlsolvendo a mnlamente.
c It-glttlmn cotnmozlone. II glornalc as
seriscc essere probnbllc the dette cou
stnlnzinnl avrnniio rlperctisslonc nclla
Oommissionc Incnrlcata de csnmiuiirc le
clausole del trattnto dl pace.
Daniels Tells Congress Navy Should
Rule Radio
Washington, duly 2-1. Secretary
Daniels. In nshlng Congress to enact
legislation permitting the' Navy Depart
ment to continue handling commercial
radio messages, declared that "nh In-
toierauie situation in inc ousinessi
world" was threatened because of the I
inadequacy of other International com
miinlcation systems. ,
In n letter to Speaker Olllett the
secretary said the navy operated S." per
, -J W
nnnl rtf nil inrllri utntJAtiti tn thn Iiiltndl
II "Matin" dl Tarlgi dice che lp con- I SlntPN nd thnt with its existing organ!- I
zatinn it could continue the work which1
"no commercial company is now in n '
position to accomplish." No hardship
on privnte companies would result, the
secretarv said, beecause only five com
mercial stations within continental
I'nited .States maintain continuous
stataziniil fnlte da lranklin r.ouillin.
presidente della commission!' degll nf
fari esteri frnneesi. sulln situazioup
deU'Italia creata dal negozlnti delle
Conferenza. sono state lutigamente com
nientnti' ed assicura che nei corridoi del
btilgnro. la ossennre die per ' Palazzo Iiordone' cnusarono profnndn
DELICIOUS, luscious fruit candies, pure and juicy
100 To" sugar. Fine for the kiddies fine for you.
Everybody likes them can't help it.
Have a package !n your pocket hive o box
at home. You can buy them everywhere.
have been working the hardest against 1((i n(lv
our government in tue .incru.iu .-i u
ate "
r:Ahn.nl TJli'iiritn llonznles. chief of
tin. Tnmnwn r:irrion. in a dispatch re- l'nka. expri
porting on the murder of John W. Cor- 1 league of uatmu. would restn. i iiitu.i
rell near Tampleo June 10. stated the meuts and --aid he livlieveil that evpati
murder was committed by Tamesi . slnn of the .l.ipaui'-e miij wn un csun
bnndits. He said lie had ordered a. pur- to . intnot of the empire
suit of the outlaws and that four of I
the bandits had been killed and twentv
hordes recovered in a tight at the
bandi's' headquarters. . . -
Other official dispatches on deaths of Fecs That Restrictions Are Too
Americans placed the rosponMbilitv for.
the incidents in some case, upon the! Severe: Tardieu Defends America
men killed i I'.'irl. Juh 21 A'ertions that cloe
line uouic oi r iTv. ,nni lorinei I'Mi'in
i minister. nddrc-Miig a meeting of the
I Ken'-ei Isai. or opposition pam lit
vv(.,l iloiilit whethf tip
Waslilngtnn. July 21--"Ther n-e
liars, of cour-se. as usual." -aid Sen
ator Fall, of New Mexico, when shown
Mexico f'it dispatches announcing ilmi
a letter purpoi ting to offer oertuie
to Franci-co Villa through tne sena
tor was to be made public today in
the Mexican capital.
The New Mexico senator said that
without his consent or approval the
letter was written to Villa by Colonel
Chnrle- F. Hunt.
"There is nothing to that letter."
said Senator Fall. "It was written two
years ago and sent to the New York
Times, where it a published in March.
1017. by Colonel Hunt.
"In the letter Colonel Hunt said that
Villa had written to him and asked if
he could arrange for me to meet Villa
at the border and linve n talk with him.
Villa, Colonel Hunt said, wanted to
prove to me thnt he was not implicated
In the Columbus raid, and he wanted
to assure me thnt he would protect
Americans in Mexico.
"When I saw the published letter I
wired Colonel Hunt and asked him for
a copy of it. 1 tiled the copy with the
State Department us soon as 1 received
It. I then wrote to Colonel Hunt nnd
told him thnt 1 would be glad to talk
with Villa at nnj time I was at the
rc-triclinii nri being put upon passports
to American" d'iiiiu '" visit France
are pinoking dis, u--i"ii here Heph
ing to criticism.. Andre Tardieu, head
of the general commission nf Franco
American war matters. s:i in a letter
to the Figaro that m asures have been
taken bv the From h mission in th
1 mini States to f:n ililate the Msits of
American tourists
Germany to Make Surrenders to
France and Belgium
Paris, July 24. (By A r I tier
many will hnve to surrender to France
500 stallions, :100ft fillies. !I0 000 milch
cows, 100.000 sheep and 10.000 gnats
according to a report made before the
French peace commission sitting under
the presidency of Uene Vhinui. by M
Dubois, economic expert for the coin
mission, in commenting on the peace i
treaty clauses.
Two hundred stallions. 5000 mares.
15000 fillies. 50.000 cows and 40,000
heifers also are to go to Belgium from
Germany. The deliveries are to be made
monthly during a period of three months
until completed.
Two Airplanes Marooned
Souderton. Va.. July 24. Two air
planes that left Atlantic City last Sat
urday, bound for New York, are
marooned at Souderton. where they
landed Saturday evening to get their
bearings. The pilots are waiting for
the weather to dear. In each ship were
the pilot and a passenger.
830-834 CHESTNUT ST.
(Cnnllneiitiil Hotel)
A fSl Gornmnt rainproof
I th gh J material tn a 1 tnlo
' SXIJ emart en Ulan aiviti.
I OS Genuine bargains lust
(SIS to US
at the time they are
Genuine Palm Beach
and Other Summer Suits
I j
You'll like
I D-O-E-S lifi.' S
IM ,.r .-.t -r (8 & VA
&.w iii&mB&mAg& f
ask ni it nr i i.b !
. B wjSt a i &.f''? .!. -'- j Ts"
H I Ira V serve 5t wi 1 1 Jff isWfwip f
Lifflril lemonade II ,; u uvW m
1 4SIriI iSS i li'lii WSk jf
rat ' SffiysfeO -j:-- mmWJl
IB The pride of skilled bakers of 76 years' I '1
Be experience in baking quality cake.
BO I heels.
II At grocers i : j
pARisBIock Place du Palais- Royal parls
urJUwhrm.lW. ..IMffiSS
;nTtnti: orrxs daily n a. m. as oi.omis at r. r.
M.1L A I-1IOM. OKIIt.ltS ril..l.lSD:s:
Tl"- Prire la for the One Dai
Oi'lu '
$1.35 Scrim
Valance i
Curtains v
A" irlcnl drapery for Hie bedroom
Elegant quality white scrim with
two-inch laco edge. 2'4 yards loiif.
l asuig for rod.
So Mail or Fhove Orders
Wiiich Unilii Advertisements for
Similar Bin 'alnen
Urol hers Till KU KLOOH
One Yellow Trading Stamp With Every 10c Purchase All Day
t-ti PHILADELPHIA r ..., :
Annual August Furniture Sa!
ns Next Monday, July 28th
'Men's $8 Tub, fi ftC
Silk Shirts j v,ua
Very heavy quality, with self satin
rnd colored stripes. Soft eiifTs.
r$6 Shantung Pon- M'9Si
gee Silk Shirts.... ;
j A rich tan shade. Silk worked j
I buttonholes. French cuffs. j
51.50 Nainsook Union OQc
Suits OV
TOPKIS make, in large plaids.
Athletic style.
Tomorrow last day of inspection selections made now will be held until sale opens.
Store Closed All Day on Saturdays During July and August
S2 White Pongee
SportsS Shirts. ..
Convertible collar and
Batswing Bow Tics at 40c
Ml rntlirr- -Iir-t Floor, Tilt St
One of the Most Interesting Announcements of the Summer.
Sounding a Call (o th Thrifty
Surely .
Misses' Fascinating Cool Frocks
The Designs Will Swing These Dresses Into High Favor on Sight and Their Service-
Giving Qualities Are Certain.
Developed From Plain and Figured Voile. Batiste. Tiissah.
Net and Gingham in Various Attractive Checks anil Plaids
Some styles of gingham are very prettily trimmed with
j pique collar, cuffs, vestee and pocket flups, like picture.
T,",, "-I M M tt m ! it 11 mM - II
TMTi . T. ., -.,. .,
imsses wmte voile uresses 1$
oummery ana cnnrniinc. with embroid- J
ered bodice, gathered skirt embroidered at foot and trim
med with folds. A net collar, loose-flowing sleeves and
contrasting satin girdle also lend notes of beauty.
Women's Handsome Dresses $i C
Of organdie, French linen, plain and figured ID
voile, crepe do chine and taffeta, in navy, black and delightful
summer colorings. Draped, tunic, tiered and long-line models,
featuring girdles and sashes. One pictured.
Bathing Suits, $2.98
Of satin and mohair in
navy and black. Piped in
black-and-white or con
trasting materials, trim
med with buttons. Some
) CI, :..!,. C" no
unix in, jij,vo
Of white surf satin, with
shirred waist, loose belt,
slash pockets and pearl
Others of nioue and ga
bardine are equally smart.
Pique Skirts, $1.98
Showing gathered back, belt, novelty patch pockets and small
I.lt Hrotliers SKL'O.NT) FLOOR
pearl buttons.
Friday Barcpins
Mail and Phone Orders Filled (Exceptions Noted). Bell
Walnut 2800 Keystone (Our Free Service), Main S700
Fashionable Footwear of Good Styles,
Yet Inexpensive
Women's $6.50 & $7
Pumps, Colonials $
& Oxfords
Brown and glazed kid. tan calf, patent coltskin, gun
metnl, white Nubuck and linen. Military or Louis
SolU l'Uenhere at
$18 to $22.50
ttr yea "111 And ummr etlt and
cool comfort at real money aavtnir.
On cxpandlne our buulnejj to larg-rr
auartera WB n'r theaa apeclally
pr!cd Bummer Sulta as a "yet
acquainted Him,
Hart Clothes Shop
830-634 Chestnut Street
(Continental Hotel)
All the Novelties, all the Fashions, all the
Elegances, all the Parisian Comfort.
Considerable assortments of Silks and
Woolen Materials. Uncomparable choice
of Patterns and Colors.
Furniture, Carpets, Table and Household
Linen, Trousseaux, etc.
di Application and by return of post we send our special Catalogue
for the United States.
i WnmAn'a S1.K0 n
S2 Boudoir )AQC
Close-out! (500 pairs
in lot. Choice of either
i leather sole and low
J heel, or plain slippers i
I without heel. Have J
t pompons and rjuilted j
! under-sole. All sizes in t
Men's S7 to $9
High & Low J
Shoes, 34.98
Of cherry tan calf-1
skin, gunmetal and i
j patent coltskin. Kng- j
j lish, medium and broad J
j toes. All sizes in lot.
Misses' & Children's S3 to $1.50 Polly Anna
Pumps & Oxfords
Sizes 6 fa S ' Sizes Si. to 11 I Sizes U1 to 2
$2.19 $2.49 ! $2.79
1500 pairs of famous Krcider's make. Patent colt
skin, gunmetal and tan cordo.
Women's $6 White Lace Shoes, S2.95 I
High cut. Nubuck or kid; covered Louis heels.
I.lt Hrotlieri. KHtST FLOtilt, NORTH
A Purchase Involving
10,461 Girls'
From Several of Now York's
Leading Makers
At LessThan Cost to Make
$3.50 to $7 Values
$1.65, $2-49 & $3.49
$1.65 Lot on Sale 10 A. HI.
Materials are fine ginghams, fig
ured voiles and solid-color voiles
trimmed in various fascinating
ways affording choice pleasing
to all. Sizes 8 to 11. Surely an
opportunity. Two sketched.
- jt
$1.75 Sheets, $1.35
ScanilPsF. 131enrlied or unlilenclird
Slii;htl rumpled. K'zn 81.x
While lot lasts.
35c Pillow Cases, each 25c
Kleaclied 12x36 nnd 4rx3fi. 1m-
lwrfcct. While lot lasts.
Ml Ilrntlirra First Floor. North
Women's 39c Extra- lIQc
Size Vests LZ3
Fine cotton ribbed. T.ow neck ;
sleeveless. Some Imperfect.
I.lt llrotherh-Flist Floor. Poiith
$15 Dress Trunks, $11.45
Good lum
ber wit h
Hhcnt I pii n
blntllns mid
eentir band.
Uiass trhn
niliiKs ti n d
two leather ttraps. 32-lnoh tlze.
Lit Itrulliers Second Flooc
84c El Almonda
Castile Soap
Hair Brunlicn. guaranteed . ,25c
3fle Kpsoni MiltM. y-lb. pkg. ..lde
HOe Wltcll llniel 5r
ISe 20-Mnle Teum IlurHV, lb .lie
SI Vlnol . Sllr
2Sc Sen Salt, S-lb !Me
l.lr lVroxlil, 2-lb. bottle .. ..30c
Lit Ilrotliern First Floor, South
Clearance of Sample Couch
Hammocks, $9.45 to $29.48
$12 to $35 Values
Jean Cloth Middies,
$1.49 to $1.98
All white or with colored collars
and cuffs, sleeve chex ron and some
yoke effects. Sizes 8 to JO.
Jean Cloth Skirts,
$1.49 to $3.98
Also plaids nnd Herges. Plaited on
to waist or band. Lengths 18 to 31
Lit nrotlirra SKCUNI) FLOOR
i I
( ) -
! n Tr
6 '
1 IjW BBOTHKHS xsrzrir
Men's Spring & Summer Suits
$15 $16.75 $18 m $23 $25&$27.50
Opening a New Avenue to Men Desiring the "Best" and More of
the "Best" at Less Money Save About a Third on Each Suit
Smartlv tailored in swagger single- and double-breasted waistline effects
and two- amj three-button F.nglish models; also dignified conservative
In good-looking tweeds, fancy cheviots, beautiful
cassimeres and serviceable worsteds.
Variety is uncommon stocks are immense and practically complete.
Men's Genuine Palm Beach Suits,
$7.50, $10, $12 and $15
j In a splendid assortment of new styles, including waistline and con-
servative models. Each suit bears the Palm Beach label.
Kirschbaum $20 to $25 Mid-Summer Suits. . . $B C
In Palm Beach and many other desirable tropical fabrics in J A
checks, stripes, mixtures and plain colors.
Boys' Norfolk Suits, $10 j
All-wool blue serge in skirt or
trench styles. Trousers have peg
tops, belt loops and watch pocket.
Sizes C to 18.
I.lt llrylhrra Second Floor, 7th St.
j Boys' Wash Suits, $1.75j
In Junior Norfolk, Oliver Twist,
Billle Boy and sport Btyles in white
or tan linen, blue chambray and
blue, brown and gray striped gala,
tea. Sizes 2 to 9.
Khaki or cr.iv duck, hIfd fancy
stripes. Sonirt have head rest,
guaranteed Biirlnga. wlndshulds
and lalest attachment!!. Soft top
tufted mattrcsres. Some show handling.
55c to 70c Awning AQC
Material, yard .... ' "
Remnant leiirths 8 and 10 oz.
khaki duck, also fancy Htripes.
$1 Window Shades, 87c
Oil opaque. Wanted olors. Spring
rollers. Complete.
$3.50 Utility Boxes, $2.95
Cretonne "t!i hrasn handles.
Larpro size.
25c Bureau Scarfs, 12Vfcc
Limited lot. I.nce Insertion cen
ter and narrow lace edge.
No Mall nr 1'lione Orders Filled
I.lt Itrntheri. TllinU FLOOR
15c Tumblers, 10c
Thin-blown clans ft rape design
$5 Cereal Sets, $2.89
N'lne pieces four hirer cereHl
Jars, four tsniall plci jars and cov
ered Fait box. (Jreclan pattern, lni-
peripct. I.lt Ilrntliern Third Floor
Remnants of Silk, yard, 65c
Odd lots and short lenglhs.
Sport Satins, $1.98
4n inch. 'White and polnm in
stripes and plaiils. Limited lot.
. .llnll or Plume UrderN Fllln!
Lit llrolhrrh First Floor, South
$5 & $6 Dining "1 $9 QO
Room Chairs . . ' &.J70
Odds nnd ends "Walnut golden or
fumed oak. Some .slat seat, others
pad feat In genuine leather. $7
and $8 A1UI CHAIUS to match,
" $22 & $25 Children's
Beds, $14.98
From broken suites Ornamented
wiui nowers axu and jxx sizes.
$22 & $25
Chiffoniers .
Without glass. Five deep drawers.
Gray and ivory enamel,
$30 & $35 Triplicate Toilet
Tables, $22.50
American walnut, Ivory and mn
horany Adam. Queen Anno and
William and Mary les'nns.
$30 and $351 $1 n QE
Desk Tables.: ' --.0.!70
Mahogany and fumed oak Adam,
William and Mary and Queen
Anne designs
$8.50 Upholstered $i.49
Stools '
William and Mary and Queen
Anne designs. Upholstered In tnp-
pmij, conn uiiinasK anu veioui,
I.lt llnitliern FOt'nTH FLOOlt
$8 Indirect
Fixture, $6.95
1 Cinch bowl. ("!aa
or electr'c
70c Inverted
Lights, 45c
nrass burnt r. half
f rostcil globe and J
good mantle 1
llrotliern THIUI) FLOOR I
Occupying the entire under floor of this big store and sell
ing up-to-date seasonable merchandise greatly under price.
IIATK TlllilMKlt i;iu:
$2 to $2.50 Untrimmed $ f OQ
Milan Straw Hats ' L ,,U
Special purchase. Large
shapes in white, pink and lavender some
white with colored edge3.
Men's $4 & $5 $0.98
Shoes & Oxfords . ' 6
ftunmetal calf nnd patent ciltskln.
Button or lace. All sizes In lot
Women's $3 to $4 j$- .98
Gunmetal calf and patent colt.
Boys' $3 & $3.50 Oxfords,
Sizes I to 512, $1.98
Gunmetal calf nnd patent co'.tskln.
$2 Tan Sandals & Play $ 1
UMU'U"! """ ul"
Women's White Canvas
$2 and $2.50 Pumps and $ 1
Oxfords x
$2.50 Pumps & Oxfords, $1.29
$3 Pumps. $1.59
$3.50 Pumps (high 1 $9-29
and low heels) . . .
1 w ti 11 ir 1 r
No Mall or I'lione Ordrm Filled on
Nubwajr I'ootwcnr
Women's & Misses'
Silk Frocks, $10.95
Of plain and check taffeta.crepe do
chine and taffeta-nnd. Georgette com
binations in nuvy blue, and black and
.1 few tn light thades.
Gowns &
Chemise, 98c
Special purchase.
Gowns have
Rquare or V.neck,
trimmed with lace.
Chemise of soft
material with or
gundlo medallions
and lace. Onr
Women's 49c
Stockings, 29c
Silk. In colors and
white. Imperfect
Skirts, $1.25
Of pique, llnene and
Si v
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