Evening public ledger. (Philadelphia [Pa.]) 1914-1942, July 24, 1919, Night Extra Financial, Page 7, Image 7

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Organ Plays at 9, 11. 11. 55 I T-sr a t a r a Trrr)c
nnti.i.5o I WANAMAKER S
Fa i r
SI ore Opens ;tl M
Store (loses al 5
ltlrm nt Noon
The Living Wells of
Living Water
far up in the silences of the mountains still dis
pense refreshment and health to the weary and
People who lose jewels advertise their loss
and promise rewards for returns.
Tljese rock springs in the valley of the Alle
gheny do not advertise, hut they put many peo
ple on the road to find the lost jewels of health.
Whoever keeps his health can work, and
that, in time, will make him independent.
It was a woman's eyesight that discovered
a well which saved the life of her hoy.
This Store is one of the city sights for
uch Summer
Kept as tlie.v've boon, in dustproof glass eases, most of these
hats an frc-h ami in perfect condition. Rut they've ben lip re a hit
loreci than we lil.o so we've changed prims veiy decidedly.
'1'lirre aie bmad-brimmed dress and garden hats, flower trimmed;
there aie hat.-- with feathers and wing; theie ate hats with smaitl.v.
tied how-!, and as to culms all the fashionable -hades aie included, with
tome white and a number of black hats, too.
Small and large hats aie here and the variety i wide enough tn
afford liitoiesting choosing.
You'll be pleasantly surprised with their small price-.
(simmihI 1 Imir, (lirstnut)
Women's Summer Suits
for Less
Pongees, crashes and linens mostly, in bright and daik colors
as well as while. All of them aie made in spmts style.-: and a few
were made m our own fcictoiy which mean- that they approach
closely to the custom tailors' standaid.
Prices M3.i to JoO.
(Ilrst h lnor, (pnlrnl)
50 Women's
Tweed Coats
and Gapes
Now they are 15 to s,"i. which
means a saving of " " sir' OM
every one of them.
There aie cape.- nith waistcoat
fronts, coat.-, with long or shoit
capes some detachable, belted
coats, and capes which don't pre
tend to be much of an1hiiiK "Isp.
(olois aie giay and biowns
chiefly; but there aie a few other
color mixtures.
Prices $12.50 to $50.
( l"Ir-t I Innr. ( pntrnll
The New Gold-
Plated Mesh Bags
Are Lovely
with their fine and glistening1
meshes. They are all in the
finish that is so fashionable
now the green gold. Usually
they are in the new long and
narrow shapo and frames aie
in any number of atti active de
signs, with slendei, pietty
chains, $18.50 to $05.
And to cany with the bags,
and in the same gieen gold fin
ish, theie are coin boxes, handy
little powder boxes and mesh
purses to hold small change.
(Jonelrj Sl.irc, ( Inbuilt and
A Hundred of the
Finer Silk Skirts
Reduced to $15 Each
Beautiful shirts they are
skirts which have sold in our own
stocks for ?10 to $15 more, so that
will givo you some idea of the re
markable values.
This is the reduction which
usually comes in August, but
assortments are liioken, so we
have lowered the prices now.
Glistening, beautiful snakeskin
silk, richly embroidered ciepes
Georgette in flesh and white, a
few novelty crepe skirts, many
tucked skirts these make up the
Violet shades, blue-, greens,
rose and pink, oichid and flesh
are the colors, and then- aie white
skirts also.
Women packing vacation trunks
and bags will find this u wonder
ful opportunity to get a sinait
tkjrt and save considerable money,
' (fir it Flour, Central)
Millinery Is
TUKORE of those much-'-
tr a it te d Philippine
chemises and nightgowns
have arrived in the French
Room some sleeveless, all
ivith simple scallops and
some with more hand em
broidery than just scallops.
Chemises start at $2.75.
Nightgowns al S.7..J0.
(Tliiril 1 lour. ( lo--l 101(1
All the Clothes Girls Need for Summer
and Early Autumn
New frocks and wraps coming every day or so Summer dresses and suits at
greatly lowered prices all these make the Young Women's Store the mecca of interest
for clothes-needing girls and their sisters.
Handsome New Suk
and Tricolette Dresses
?30 for a charming little gown
of daik blue ciepo, on up to ?75
for a stunning new tricolette
dies.-., nclily embroideied, is the
price range, and there are any
number of smart new frocks
between the two extremes.
I 1 to 20 year sizes.
Young Women's Sports
Coats Reduced
$25 to $32.50 for wool Jeisey
and knit wool jackets in the
popular sports styles and be
coming colors.
I I to 20 year sizes.
Wear Pongee Suits All
Summer Long
$35 and $13.50.
Thev 're in excellent style and
ery practical. In two good-looking
models, of the natural col
ored pongee, veiv woll tailored.
White Broadcloth
Suits Now $60
They've been much more ex
pensive, are of beautiful quulitv
broadcloth in an ivory white,
and were tailored in our own
workrooms. 1 1 to 20 year sizes.
Waists of Filet and Voile
All white, needless to sav, with real or imitation filet variously used.
The prices aie S10.50, $13.50 ard S15 75, and the $lu.o0 style iB
tucked on front and on rufllos, while the $15.75 style boasts a little
hand embioider.v in addition to its lace.
(Third I loor. flit ml)
Artificial Silk Sports Coats
Special at $3.50
A style that buttons down the front and ha? sailor collar
and sash. In the following color combinations
White-and-black, pink, lose, giocn. lavender, Copenhagen
blue, peacock blue, tizuic blue, gold and canary.
l.llI Wnlr.)
ringing your common
IF YOU are going to nerd
furniture at anv time
within tlie iiot few years
now is your timp to buy it.
Vp make tliat statoniPiii
at the vpry beginning be
cause it expresses the par
tieulai' significance attaching
In this
Furniture Sale
of 1919
The opportunity which
this Sale brings is the op
portunity to buv furniture
at low prices on a rising
Anybody of ordinary busi
ness sense can see the ad
vantage. Conditions in the
furniture business at the
present time are of nobody's
deliberate making. It is
simply the fundamental
principle of supply and de
mand in its legitimate oper
ation. The war created a
lumber shortage amounting
to many billions of feet.
Peac has brought a
vastly increased demand for
the things of which war has
left such a serious shortage.
Furniture factories are
not able to cope with the de
mands that are coming to
them. It will likely be some
years before things will have
adjusted themselves to any
thing like a normal degree.
Bearing in mind the
world-wide dislocation of
business during the war. all
this is perfectly under
standable. And it all points to the
wisdom of buying furniture
now and also to the wis
dom of taking care as to
where you buy it.
Tub Frocks Anient u
for Big and Little
SS.50 to $10.50 for cool, cusp
little frocks of white or colored
oiles, lawns or novelty cottons
Scores of styles 1 1 to 20 ear
511.50 for white and 812 5"
for blue linen regulation drosso
in fi to 1 1 year sizes and these
are alwas useful and practical
for young gills!
$1.75 for white poplin drcsp
with smocking in color ! to 1 1
yea is.
$5.75 for another style white
poplin ill ess with coloied colhu
and patent leather belt. (! to 1 I
year sizes.
$"..75 to $57.50 for still fine
frocks in hundreds of new styles
cotton, silk and .-erge to 1 1
year sizes.
Coats and Capes for
Girls Reduced
$8.75 to $15 foi velour,
checked and tweed top coats in
conservative styles, for girl-,
who weal G to 1 I jear Mes.
C-rniiiil I I'Hir, (lirslMiitl
a " a
Here again vour common
sense will tell you that when
any adverse market condi
tions happen to make their
appearance the last furni
ture store to be affected by
them is the store with a vol
ume of business equal to that
of any other three stores
combined. This furniture
business of ours has grown
too great to be susceptible to
the market conditions which
seriously handicap ordinary
The stocks which c have
secured for this stile are the
most coinincing proof of all
They prove it first of
by their magnitude.
More Furniture
Than Ever
and All of It
Despite the almost uni
versal shortage of desirable
rfjtsr?r r
$13.75 to $22.50 fci maN and
capes in blue, tan shade jrtd
black-and-white effect-, m 15
and 17 year sizes.
All the-e wiap- aie much ie-duced.
Japanese Cotton
Crepes, 65c a Yard
Judging from the puces we aie
paying for next season's goods it
would pay forehanded people to
lay in supplies for cm tains,
rompers, smocks and men's .-hilts
for a year ahead.
At piesent we have a good
aiiety of the faoiite colors
blues, gieens, tans, giays, ioc
shades and lavenders.
Solid colois aie !5c a yard.
Stripes are 75c.
(J-uurlli Moor, tlittniil)
furniture, ue have niore of
it in this vale than ue have
ever had.
We are as sure of the qual
ity as we hae ever been of
any furniture that ever came
into our possession.
That is a point well worth
keeping in mind, because
during the past few years
there has been a tendency
toward skimping. As a re
sult there is a good deal of
inferior furniture on the
market at the present time.
We need hardly tell you
that we have none of it. We
had no nped to buy furniture
of that kind to "fill the place
up lor August."
We have been able to se
cure all we wanted of the
finest-grade furnitme made
in America. This means that
we have ready the largest
stock and variety of high
grade cabinet work in the
possession of any one ret ad
Every piece of it will be
tit a price It) to o() per cent
less than former prices. Our
entire stock, with the v-i
tion of office furniture and
some patented articles, will
be in the Sale.
Next Monday
Is the First Day
of Inspection
All the displays will then
be ready for all the people
to see on that day, or on tiny
one of the other three days
of inspection and Courtesy
Tuesday, Wednesday and
Thursday of next week.
Selections may be made and
al! transactions dated from
Friday, August 1st.
A new type of flow pi m-i .or
holds the most beloved ie-e in it
giasp and would make a really
welcome gift to Mime (i.'iidinei
Lady. $2.
The good and graceful old
fashioned stork sci-sor- lor em
btoidery are $1.30.
Huttonhole sci.-Miis f:n tioin
lomantic, but indispensable in thi
world of buttoning and unbutton
ing .si. 50.
If you should want ti c u' the
youngster' hair at home here aie
the barbel's shears, S2.05.
Thoe powerful .lahini: hear
used by editois with ui li .in air
of finality, $2 25 and .: .'".
Diessmakei' slwji-, bumble,
but painstaking and -h.np 1.1H)
and 2.85.
Carving sets of standi steel,
wan anted not to iut. t.un nor
tainish, and with plated silver
handles, l!.5ll. $S.5n end 1 1.
Com slitteis foi that niot
toothsome vegetable, nickel, .25c;
silver plated, 5iic
Coin holdeis, 25c a pair.
Did you ever - e a housewife
who couldn't uo anothei paring
knife'.' Good one- a- lo a. 12c.
liig glass knive- with lazor
like edges foi cutting acid flints.
The easiest little aff.ui foi the
sharpening of cutlet y. 50c.
A potato dicer that does the
dicing almo.-t like winking, 05c
Steel meat knnes. 00c to $2.25.
I I mirth 1 tiiur. i ?ntrh
Treo Elastic
Good foi sport, negligee or
ordinary weai when one wishes to
be uncommonly comfortable.
The 12-ini h length is $4.
The 14-inch length, $5.50.
The Hi-inch length, $5 and $10
these prices indicate different
Oliinl Floor, hrstnut)
Mohair is a tropical uit fabric of
iiroat popularin. There l4 miw
thini: about it that K practical and
that appeals to the average man. who
knows he must always reckon with
the practical side of things. Apart
from their coolness and .trood line--,
mohair suits are an economy because
of the way they save the regular
Summer suit.
Of course, the same is true of all
other tropical suits, such as "Palm
Keach." breezeu eave and the like, but
in mohair suits it seems to have ;
special significance for the averau'
practical man.
We have a selection of mohair
.suits that are all that mohair Miits
should be. being especially light in
weight, neat in appearance and well
In blue and black self-triped;
also blue with white stripes.
Prices S'23.ri), ?2." and SSO.
i I lnrl 1 lr. Miirl.-I .
The ((Stock Exchange
Hat" Men Call This
Spwi.'i! V'"v ago the StoiK 1"m hinge put a
ban on stitl-br mined stuiw hat- In moments "f
excitement on tin 1 lor motllbei , had been jabbed
in the face bj thin fnend' hat bum
So the peuiil-cutl maekmaw ,is uuoihcially
adopted as tin mo-t suitable suniniei hat to wear
in 'Change And being a cool. mfoi table, dig
nified hat it b' Id- the honoi -til
We have tin hat at $1 and 5
i M.iln 1 loor, MiirKn
A Fine Showing of
Men's Cordovan Oxfords
These ;u e such slmcs as appr ll partinil.ii lv
to joung men of t.i-hion
Thev an a.l on tiaight Kinrl -h la-'- with
n.iltow tors, -tiaight tip, wiilr -hat k- .unl loi ,
bioad heel- nd all hi dei p ro h h.idi' of
I'llC.-s .it. s(l t,. - 1 l.
I Mlllll I loot Mill hrl I
iXew Velvet
Handbafs ,
Taupi . brown, blue and black
tire the i nior and i at h b.ig i
piettily -ilk lined and lontain
a pill so
In slnillmi . louml pouch
-hapi , mm with r v e t
handb an 1 "thei- Mith tingei
.-trap- in b n-k
l'll.-e v ,
( Miiiii I lnor i r nut '
For Your Comfort
Specially Priced
Toilet Articles
Hath spta wiih laige -pra
ends, S5c.
Toilet soap. , .. ,,ilr, 'Mir a
Tooth biti-hf- .'"i
N'ail biushi'-. -"r
Hair blush.-. ' n to J".
I'eniM'de, ..5c for . laige bottle
Violet ammonia Jo.- and .15.
I -sl li.li"
Months yet before the come up
and winter tluoi uoeiing go
dew n.
Raj; Rugs of Various
H12 ft., SI."). SI 7 "ill VI and
7 iiinii ft., vl2. SI'! and H" 5n
r.! ft.. s7.r,n, 'l. sin 75 and
1 1 Ml
"How Will I Ever Get the Mustiness
Out of the House?"
So ask the housekeeper. 111 (lermaiiiow n and i-st Phi!arjlnhia and South
Philadelphia and all our town and all about tlu i-.iuntrysiilo.
There came a spell of weather, a. eM-r.ljinh knows.
Its effects were peculiar. Carpet- necame damp and sodden; curtains cen
mildewed where they hunj;. Nothing could he dried mil.
Thorough cleaning and een disinfection i aib isitlile everywhere.
The greatest of all aids is the vacuum cleaner, which should cover nery inch
of the floors and the walls.
The Superb Vacuum Cleaner at $70
is efficient, powerful and reliable.- It cleans very rapidly, requires the least amount
of exertion and excels in value
As against cheap cleaners, it is like a fine full-jeweled gold watch against a
cheap one.
(luurlli I'luiir ( rulrall
Mohair Suits For
Heat-Weary Men
2000 Yards of All-Linen
Toweling Special at 30c a Yard
flood all-Inn n towtlng i- - -. an-e at tin- pi n p that the mere
.11 pounii mi nt of tlv- .' ,rb -iiitag. o ,s spci ial purchtise -! .uld be
i noiigh This i- all tin mon tpje i oti-idet ing that pat t -cotton goods
an -i llnig f1 i i- in'. i li. oi nt in
lhis i . 1 in ii t 'w ' -.l. " a gor.il. i' ; i vsiae .unl j.ii.l jiui ng
iiiibt. 17 inch.- wn. i ' w"t i 1 m bud. '' -mfilib foi toa
tow i 1- oi t oil. t u -e ., . . i i t '.Hi i ' i '
I ir-l I lunr I lti--tliilt i
St. Swithin Permitting
We'll Now Play Golf
Afiei tin ii eiifoiced inaction, golfeis will let no clear 'ia'
gO to IV, 1st..
o,. n clubs .M.50. .ii; and S7.50
In. ii-. s .,1,, sf 5).
Kadi" Mini K'ltir. lv. .1 Mi-li. Ulii' l"'.i-h and Taplov i a, I
l'l tO 1 ", , .Jo 'I'l'
Bag- -1 5(1 to '.".
inl ' i' i "i t lines to iriie you can 'et b.ith'ng uit- a few
-t.p- iw i I In- i- not iin ' i Ij i plea-ant i , -"me mon did plav
,n li.itluii - i i- 'In "'h. i da
I I.. I. .11. r. , l lii'Vinm
Still Plenty of Use for Summer Rugs
fM5 ft., ?22 511
121" ft . ."f. 5il
I'iber Itui;-
''U ft . sir,.;,ii ami si
K !ln ii ft .17
ii'i ft 10 and $1 1 5"
T.iMlii. tt . .1'.
1 sv. 11II1 I lunr, I In st mil
A New Shirt, a New Tie
and a Bathing Suit
" ilh a chanire of umleiwi t and -oik, a - .it of
p.iiama-. a li w h.indki n h 1 1 - and eollai -, -h iv ng
outfit, tooth bru h at' I b.ip luushis. man 'an
throw tins., int.. ,i tiavl.ng bag and be ei(ii pped
for .i wi i k-i iid it tin -bote
Shuts of tool, cb an madia . some with sep
al ate -oft i ellai to malih, ?2 ." to ..:;.5(i; of beau
tiful -ilk, i-..5li to 12
NiiI.'ips in four-in-hand ini bat-wing 'yles
at 5iic to s, including tie- of unpolled foulant at
75c to $1 5ii
Bathing -uit- in the new one-piece style, with
kirt, $ii 5u for wool and ,7.5u foi woited; tun.
piece uu. 5 and ,'ii .""; blue flannel pant- with
w lute oi blue jei , "i 5il.
( M iln 1 loor llnrl.i-1
Men's Initial
Handkerchiefs for 25c
Not a'l lotto'-. ,ind -unal f To ! n t stv'e
Wi c nl In'' I in th"m fi 'hat pi u i the
.in- cm i lb n' gi ,ii. mm i ui I g' 1 1 aliji i ' i ti if
on I ,i ' to '.il-i tin w ' oiig in 1 1- '
I .-I I W..' i-li-i
Speciallv Priced Raj; Rugs
!'12 tt . .s'l.75 1215 ft . sl7 50
f X H ' ft . -S.75 o 1 t , s.5 75
Speciallv Priced Rush
Oval 'MJ ft . s.- ,,,! sNln ft.,
H'o. k d. - gn i f sjt and
T i,in ; ft -Jl .' 1
--.. 4- ' JTi