$iTOn3fr M&iWWv mmm? PHILADELPHIA", WEDNESDAY, JULY 23, 1019 it- v rf Vf Creek Turned Torrent; Chicago Dirigible Tragedy; Salvaging Scuttled Ship; Divers Views 9b sw TljjjSs xi omI IlJHfUl ff ' fWfc Skills JBBWTwfew- $jjj3?3fey3 ' --'m? ffiBHr jBBJBwHi IsxJS-J . "f.T )Wt.c'vs'-' Photo V LEDGtR PHOTO 5LRVICC THE INCESSANT RAINFALL has proved too much for Cobbs creek at Sixty-third and Market streets. The usually well-behaved little stream has breached the restraining dam and is running wildly down its course OKESS IU.OS Service. A SHORT-SKIRTED Parisian summer frock worn at Longchamps. y siaSHSsjwpwSiSsW1 yl SLIi MISS GERALDINE GRAHAM, of Santa Barbara, Calif., is often acclaimed as "the moht beautiful young woman in American society." She has ap peared in New York society the last two years and is to make her formal debut at Newpoit this year. FRANK L. POLK, assistant secretary of state, and Mrs. Polk, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. James Potter, of Philadelphia, on the deck of Imperator, on which they sailed for France. Secretary Polk is to take Secretary Lansing's place as peace delegate T&ZFfttttS&s&iiAi&v' Aafo ftvt &Zx?ZtJr&s& &s?&?x$8vs&sz - WssMssfisSteS i&iMW.. aiS3SK3SE- iTB ,vjBWJtsS x fc2rJ5BBBittS'tvfrtiK y tfaipiynft j&jf i?3onfti?MBByMBSMMBHBKiBHiiiBBM. jHBmu. f nLsT "Ttiv f ..MMtJBimi 1 1 II I llll I I INTERIOR OF THE Illinois Trust and Savings Bank, Chicago, wrecked when the flaming dirigible, Wing Foot Express, plunged through the skylight, killing twelve persons, chiefly girls, and injuring more than a score of others Photo I.IVS. '". 'L T i ''S-V-V"; , r '' X."' 'W'?'- '. : ? 'v(svs is ', 5 v't - ...., ,, ..,ii,i,.. f'-'-'-'----fiCi'.,,, ' 'v -SVvK? '''; i'JliSl nmin nmMarainiBMnTr i t ., '- -. i ' . ' ' '. -. . - ar"J r HMHPBIi&fa ' "V-- ' 'v m MEN OF the British navy raising one of. the German destroyers scuttled ana sunk by iu crew at Scapa Flow, ScoU land. Many of the Teuton warships, including the great 'dreadnoughts, are to be floated. 4 A THE SHATTERED SKYLIGHT, through which tho blazine: dirigible crashed into the Illinois Trust and Savings Bank, showing firemen at work on te roof t ( i "!' -W ? fj I J'v w- ? .J r j ,H"" " 7- L..IIAVJ1 i. - . . .j ' iT V; ,' . ..j(it.. . .- !", .4 .ii'-S,.1, " . . .-',' 'fl i- ?v. k, ii wfe .. -j k Jjj&al . Li&fwrL&i?:r '' , JiBjMt' iffi5.il. 4.;w -sfeife BliHBMBA.CCUXJr3KiABkiBBBDIlMHiiHHnaiHHKArc 1 . ' ifinlrTlitJifit if p.a; iflBli-ftrffci fir i