rs i fiH,tt " 'k' ; t -j - '.i)it sjT' U failed) 28 Hurt v as Airship Falls Continued From Tote On above the engine. In a moment there wna a puff of smoke and the 'disputes Hint will nvoid controversies flames attacked the lilg egg-shaped Hint result In war. paa bag. Almost simultnneously four, " this country lie committed to n TMirnchiitcs nniu frnm n.. .u.i.i., Three ant free nf Mm,., ,,.,' , ,. u i . .u i.V.u . . chanic of the dirigible, was one of those who enme down alive. Mis back wns urum-u, iiuscin, uuu in: is uni cxpccien to lire. Milton O Norton, a -photographer. ' employed on a morning newspaper. nKo ine mum. was caught it, the falling the league of nations i, ,IP Brnnl, to Home of Bryn Mawr Relatives ,,nn fo .,0 rln cfs we e urnc 1 - ... . """"", , , V" , . " . tn.......i.t.i. . , iminiini. ., .lUp.-rs- balloon nnd burned. Its passenger, Tarl step the world has-ever tnken toward (itiorce A Nolan fiftv-five M-nr ",,' mp, r . cnf" "PrP ,rnur'1 "' I'"""! "-Ithln range It ! believed Hint in(. ,,,,, Weaver, mechanic, of AU, on. plunging peace; therefore I shall support "hi old ,HH Ml. the Tolicilnlc Ho.piui las, ' ' ' "' -''-'" he hour- uumorous casualties rn,lllB from s,,l.,. to death. Harl Davenport, publicity league, ns It Is the hope of the world " Xhtn f rmi. Ipx . 1 1 "' " . .'"' r" ''!'""'"'''- '""! nvo not hern N,'," s-"' ' r' " -'' man for the amusement park and one .,, ofpn UnR,( r'"' "' llS tlp n, ,,. nf '"Z ZZ " .3o7- nf '" P0,i" reV'Vc.c''n nil: 7n" .vc,', '""hi. Z tlr'M" "'mri, ' M ""'I "i"1: "Our .ommerce extend, to ,l,e limit, Thlrtronth and Walnut streets, where , Sa v 'JJ !", ,J ZtU f "l"','' '-'"'.'' "' f" " b..-. . "f X Z ll!l i ," Z from the machine. HI? body was hurled ' mincrcc extc n is to the Hmit.s ( stricken He limned nt 1S0.T ,," Minnaj niglit crowds of orgnniued demonstration ngiilnst negroes ., , , In the stiect tmiii the through the bank roVf and burned to a "' "" ' "" '''' H'nutor Jnhn ,(? ,", , ;';tkP"' " te men assumed the aggressive, las, has been circula.e.l among soldier. ,ln3,"f a gauigo 'a, K 11 ami IJ crisp. '.'"" "f North Dakota, defending the Tl(1 ,,,,, ,, mv t Ur,n M at "iKht siioting was marked h. n general sailor- and marines , H around ( ,,,.,. N,, ,, ., ,,,,, ,r S Hark llroken In Lean ,"K"-.. "."" "" cons,crcd , nf .-.... r .Tmu ... ,nr ,inri n, hip nnsrops. ";"""" , " - ;"; ."" "V1 roundel I lie li.Ml.linc and. spin red bv lamicci, nut in doing so nis ,eKs were,mjKi1( ,.ome when Hiere would be n'l resent district g.ivernment is unqiies broken nnd his condition Is nitical. ' . ,.0mhinn,ion nirninst us in lefll, tionnbli incapable from weakness, in- Jack Boettner. pilot, who escaped in a parachute, said: "As we neatcd ,1, State Rtreet I felt the machine buckle1 4 , . . . , ,, nd there was a tremor throughout the 0 1 .1 1 i , 1 fustlnK. 1 knpw nmPthinR nnd Jiap-i j .1 i 111 t penea. and saw tne nnnios ncking nic hai. 1 el.m.lAil Inr fill l. tit.i,., ,it,.I Lh Li 2t. IZ " s!,"n .i'TtrU"!. ee bteik "frlm ZtXLnl ee block, from where the airship fell. I leaped three Investigations Hegun Fcdernl, state and city officials to day began a searching investigation nf the explosion of the balloon. Charges thnt several devices used on;1 the giant blimp were virtually untiled w t.i jidii were usco mr 111c ursi nine nu fthis type of aircraft will be made the 'subject of rigid inquiry by nffiiials pne of these devices was a rotary motor which was loaned for the pur pose by Major Clarence Maranville, chief of army airciafr division at the Akron, O., flying field, who de clared that wlille there was danger of fire in its use, he believed eter.t neces sary precaution had been tnken to pre vent an accident. Another device snld to have hern used for the first time on ' n blimp was n number( of silk balloonets attached to the mam body and Mnjnr .Mnianville sns the friction of these hnllnoncts I110I.,.jn greed 'All the elements nf automobiles negin desperadoes in pnr against the silk sides of the stiutture,,,,,, tionnl suspicion anil jealoiisj ties, singlv nnd in pniis rained retolver may have been responsible for the ncci-1 1)0 nn)v ,(m PV,onl j,, nlmnst etcit shot, into group, of whiles whenever dent. Promise Thorough Probe Coroner t'eter M Hoffman and State's Attnrnet Hoyne declared that It wns nrohnhle that several officials I of the Chicago office of the Cootl.tear I (luce Ooininnt to militnr.t impotence, it Tire and Rubber Cnmpnnv would be! is not the soothing ngenc.t of the league taken into custody before the cud nflof nations which osss the task, but the day. The said eter.t effort would be made to hx responsibilit.t for the disaster and punish those found to be "I shall not dwell upon the sbnniefiil guilty. 'episode of Shantung, pausing nnlt to Seventeen persons nre detained nt mi) that it is not to the league nf nn downtown hotels for ue as witnesses tinns, but to .In pan that (lermnny re at the inquiry. I noiinces hei rights, title and pritileges Marcus C. Callnpy, foreign exchange hinder the ptnt-isinn nf the ttent.t. teller of the Illinois Trust nnd Sntlngsl ! u)pe thnt nn examination of the Bank, who wns serlouely burned when trcatt will convince others, ns it hns the blazing blimp clashed through the . convinced me. that the instrument is in iroof of the bank building, lapsed into imitel.t woise for us than eten the unconsciousness early today and it is ' league of nations, bad as it is; the raid he may die. All the others who i provisions of this treat) imiueiliatelt were injured are expected to reenter, land without recourse thrust us into the Coroner Hoffman enipnnelcd a cm - i endless snnrls of attempting to set new oner's jur.t of well-known business hmindaries for contention laces in l'u men to intcstigate the disaster, lie also inpe nnd impose upon us n share in the named a commission of sj elei trical I task nf holding fierinnnt in leash engineers to act with the jur.t in an "This ticntt nf Versailles is us men advisor) capacit) in living the blame , ncing ,o the peace of the world as the for the trnged). treaty of Iteilm was forty .tears ago, Charles K Clyne. l'nited States tlis-'and unless we can make in it ihnnges trict attorney, detailed several of hislwhiih I deem prininrily essential, 1 assistants to assist in the inquiry nnd j shall not tote for its ratification." gather evidence for possible use l.itei j Speaking in support nf the treat), in prosecutions for ninnslnughtei m I Senator Beckham. Democrat, of Ken criminal carelessness. Ituckv, urged early ratification without , . ... . I lesorvntions, declaring n majority of the Body Falls at His Feet Anieric people fntor a trial in .he F. I. Cooper, assistant cashier of the hone that the leaciie of nctinns will nrn bank, lett ins ucsk a iew minmes dp fore the burning balloon crashed through the roof to put some records nwaj H.. . . . . ,, , , The body of a man, so badly burned and mangled thnt I could not tell nt first thnt it was a man at all, ramc hurdling through the nir nnd fell nt my feet," said Mr. Cooper. "Then there vns an outburst of terified scream ing from the railed -off (.pace where the girls worked and everything in their space seemed to be a mass of flames. "When the first shock wns over, the mfen employes quickly manned the emergency fire hoses and turned them on the burning mass, and soon had the fire under control, and hnd managed to extricate many of the injured from the wreckage." The damage to the building was not mare than Sl.'i.OOO, according to John J. Mitchell, president of the bank. He was reticent in discussing the property loss, in view of the denth of so many of his employes. The corporation counsel today began the work of drafting an ordinance regu lating the operation of aircraft above At.. U. .yWJC W... . Senators Reject ' Wilson's Pact Plea Continued From race One the United States by refusing to 'join fbe league of nations not only would endanger its own safety, but would break faith with its associates in the war. Senator Moses, of New Hampshire, a Republican of the foreign relations committee, in an address demanded radical changes in the treaty. He said that while the league covenant was bad enough the'treaty is infinitely worse. McNsry Supports Treaty Supporting the league of nations, 'Senator McNary urged, that it be ac cepted without any such amendments or reservations as would "niter the splen did purpose of the covennnt or weaken it so far as it affects our duties," The Senate, said the speaker, could, without harm, adopt certain "reserva tions In the form of interpretations," but should not endanger the covenant by making reservations that would vitally nffeet important features. Ar tide X, he said, must be unimpaired, because it was "the pillar section" of the league, "I am stoutly in fnvor," said Mr. McNary, "of the principle embodied in any c effort to insure the 'permanent peace of the world, and I am willing to accept the covenant of the league of nations contained in the peace treaty. "The Senate could, without postpon ing the day of the ratification of the treaty or requiring its resubmission to the, other nations, by a resolution, place Its interpretation as to the meaning of articles in the league susceptible to one or rnore meanings. "The constitution of the league Is not , the final and unalterable judge of the 's opinion. Time opens the way and presents iropnt nnnnrtimitv rot- nil needed amendments. Withlri this lenirue will j ripen n new rode of hiternlffioiinl law and justice that will guide the nations of the world hj the path that leads to peaceful settlements of nil Itilprnnllnnnl ! 1 -. . ..... i .l. .11 ...... . .. '..' -.i .. i ....' i.i, '.n"."K if "" Rrrnt '"nmerrlnl nation, enter tMs ongnp nm) no remni ,,nf? slmuld we not be regarded with cumin nd suspicion? Our giea, commercial 1 interests, nch lands. fnorci geographi cat nositinn. would soon nlnce ns In . position of standing alone. The time ,1..,:.. ,-, ,.: nn,i ,,:.,,- ,i,i. ,i..u ,.,.,, nt the ln,m. !,,. ,.! -.,.-ii. 111 . 1 ii, 1 null 1 1 1(1 1 1 ,,. .,.. i.. c iiiiiii.i iuriiin 'i iiiiiimup, tT'tlil I ill . . . , ,. i..i... i. many '"'iii," nn lllirili ill" Jiiulill', 111 . ,......,,,..., . ,,. ""' gcnernlli -ntisfnetor, . nlthnugli. n'ilM' T""- " "" "' ,.hn ... .... ... (. ...... " .Mose, Demands Change, Peclaring it is not the league nf nil - tinns but the big fit e to which the ...,.. : :uiii. 1 "- "- ii-i.yniinj .i"v,iiii. in.- n-iiii- .,1 ,.-ii, .-. .-.-i,.ii,m nses. told the Senate thnt by accept, nc uie roie ni a principal power as .,c- 1 1 1 . 1 lined 111 the irenty. the 1 tilled Mates would embroil itself for mnnv jeinw to i nine in die (roubles of Kmope. JMn this trcatt." si,l S(.na,nr Moses, -nre considerations of mnnt thin, .ii.-s,- -,iiis in,- 11 irini s iic.ii .-. and with them I have no qunriel Hut 'These constitute a victor's peaie . .. .. i..i. ;.. ..-. .t. i. ,. ....- . flu "hX, :7, ,.n" H-Mnfr; .... ... .... .Ncitner can we nnd neie nn.t itui- hrnintion of the prediction that this t,.ent.t was to be written in ilisiegnrtl f t,'(, n, nuer of the balance nf pint cr nn, nith nn element of miLional emu- article nf the trenty. Denies League's I'ower Throughout the whole line of minutely detailed stipulations which re the stiong nrm nf the prim ipal allied land associated powers. mote international concord. i Opposition to the treaty because nf i... sit.. .......... .... ::.. c...A.. i..i I III.' t-l lllll llllu r ll isii.ii, ,.i- iil'l K'rn , . '. I , ., , , . . mini . inn m in 16CII lis ,iur- in in,- .iun I lowest arguments yet advamed " "I think that under all of the cir cunistnnces the peace (onftiieme Hid Novo Typo V Pump r rNovo Engine world i the nos t nn of i nnrer no unnl.l l, ! who. durine the ilnr. nnW-linsei linn lmmr " '""" '" ""'" "'" I'-iiiisji s ,n.,.v ... Kill il, lr.' I .t .!. J siS?f-"- , N Novo (I A.I9)m cks-v 4 t . The Standard Scale & Supply Co. 523 Arch St., Philadelphia,' Pa. PITTSBURGH NEW YORK BALTIMORE CLEVELAND CHICAGO DALLAS Manufacturers of "The Standard" Concrete Mixers, Trucks, Scales. Novoputfits in stock. Call, write or telephone for complete information. EVENLY l?U3LlOIr)GliR PHILADELPHIA, TUESDAY the beet It could In rcgnrd to the Shan- tune Issue, he snltl. "Let .Innnn tie 'Riven the opportunity to make Robtl her promise to right the wrong, original rommltteil liy licnmii, lieiore we undertnke this secre and Improper criticism of her." george a. nolan dies Stricken hv Aoonlexv Dodv Taken Riots Bring Call fnv AJrtffinJ T mil S(,r,,nr" nml nttackcil white men wheie I Ol ItlUI IIU.1 iVMtteV0r f, The first casualtj mcurred - - Cnntlniil From Pnre One for the good women of the land. The rffielenpt or tlmldltv to deal witn the situation with the firm hind reouired." All n. .,.. .. r ,pmu-n.l fnV 1111 IIP 1 r-iriiii inn-, niT- 1 i v t ' i"i ,f 1.. .,, ...i ... iiiiii-ii- 111 nn- 11-11111 11111 n, . . nt .i. ,.n.. .,11 ,rt...t,,tt 1 1,1 1 1-1(111 1 111 tin- nnr 11,1 iiiiiiiiiiinyj nn, nnniwlmm imlnv nseil sellinir file I Plchnnts. nuns. There is o law In the capital ! gmerning Ihe sa,es. and the meichan.s lolnntnrih needed to the request of, . . .... .. . . . . .. die police 'rneie WH n r,s,l ill Ciri7el,s mj , ,)n nrm, Th(1 nPKrr, ,, J rioters demnnstinted in last night's i cii"s nnd the picvinus diitlll bailees .. . ., . 1. 11. .1 ,niu inc.t weie wen .iiiinni. nnotlier iioman .iiincKcn . ., ... ....,..! '!-.-... . its. nn inn fniiiMiT rn 11 rii ...,,-.-, , .iiinui.i ....i..- ........... .."..,... injured In a neRrn nt Capilnl Heights. " "Uhurti to the northeast 01 tne cn. , The negro who had loiteied nbout the i woman's house all .teteiday wns first Iscaied awnt. nnd then, hiding neiiitiu a hedge. ei7ed her ns she passed by late . , .. ,,n.s "'k'". ,I,,p "nma," ""'', v1iltllllv fllsroneil ill he sling" e Willi lier ns- Uln,,,. .ho r . snriiii- ied nm i tten li 1 111 hnilr. """ "' " '"K"' "" ............ This was the sotcnth attack on white 1 women bt negin men in nntl near the District nf (Viluinhin within twn weeks. i From trollet cars nnd swiftly moving thev fniind them, nnd all night there was scattered firing frnm houses in which neuroes. terror-stricken, but not , n,IPorti nn, hairicaded themselves. Seveinl of the injured were reported fntallj hurt this morning and at least 'J00 vioters were under arrest. The lend include Detective s;pr).pnnt Harry Wilson, shot through the heart bv negro girl when he entered a house Ladies Have .a Clear Sweet Healthy Skin By Using Cuticura Promote skin purity, skin com fort and skin health by making Luticurn boap. Oint ment and idicum your every-day toilet preparations. Just touch any redness or roughness with tuticura Oint ment Wash off in tit e minutes w ith Cu ticura Soap and hot water, best applied with the hands which it sof wns won derfully, nnd continue bathing a few moments Rinse with tepid water. Dry gently and dust on a few grains of Cuticura Talcum Powder, a fas cinating fragrance for powdering and perfuming the skin. Contrast this simple, wholesome J treatment with tiresome massaging I and manipulating. &mplt Eicfc Frta by MtU Addreif peit-eard I "CnUcarft, Dejpt 6M, Boitoo " Sold everywhere Soap 25c Ointment 25 and 60c rateum 26c Compact Portable Power THERE'S no delay in get ting Novo Power on the job. Novo Engines and Outfits are compact and portable quickly shipped, quickly shifted from job to job. Our distributors can fill orders promptly. if And Novo Power is simple, economical, reliable. Many of the country's largest con tractors and engineers have adopted Novo Power because it ftieets their needs quickly and reliably. 71 TyA".2nd ?'"' otHoistB, Pump '" Outfit!, Ait Compresioit. Saw Rif. equipped with Novo Eniines. Operate with gasoline, kerosene, distillate, natural or attiOcial gas. NOVO ENGINE. CO Clarence E.'Kment.'Vlce-PKi tCa.Mjr. aelorr nd Main OHIcel Lan.In,, Mich. Ww Tork- Woolwortli BjllJlnc Onlearo.old d.u..iiniMiR' Distributors-! from which he wn firitiR liullcrlin-1 inntnlr Intn iU fr. DctrrHvo Hernnr.1 w Thnn,nnn n eiious1 woitndeil li n j)ejrei in the mino section of the clt Tleserve squads of police nnd provost L.innl. . i..i ...i...i .1 1. .. I - " - ...It- I.TIIIK I I llll Ml I Iiril I IE II 1 IIP .trcets nf the citj all night in answer .o no, ,.-,. Ar,n,;K;;;;!!7;";;;r;,,7 stationed nt the precinct heailquiirteis r"" " " im.-.iii.i iiriiiiiuiriPi s ""I' " "'l'""1 of ,1", nrrnn with mitti died, of revohers. rnrly In the evening thei formed Into crowds in thelr own when I'ntrnlninn .1. C Miinii. wlm was I attempting to place n negro under ar- rest, was shot in the snouldei Itunn j is repined ,o he the hes, no, nn the local pnli.e force nnd bus participated 1 in n number nf nntinunl matches. Shnrtlr nfier Hie -itrnlmmi n wounded', a neero. 1 i.linir oir the hack i-i - - 1- 'nlntfoim nf n street mi. mencd Hie .... -..., -, i with nn nnrnmntlf iovoUpi- nn n itowiI 1 " nn mi iiiiinm - of while men. women nnd childicn. . wounding four of them, two serioush . before he was felled In seven In, le,s Hied by an ofiiccr who succeeded ,11 i. .1 i ... 1.1... .1.1 1. 1 liimniniK Hie cur rinse 111 nun oiuiihik" end, bullet ,nk elTect. the negin was j wild to be not fntnlly injuied. , I.atei. in nnotlier Incalitt. a necin. . , wim uniiiisuen a retoner 111 an 111 b iriiiiu in 110 111 1111 a srreei mr, leiieu 1 .... . . I mn rin rifinu n t. ni . .... ..l. si . .. ... . irnnvi n iinm ni'ntiiin linn kIMH' i poii iIaiI i gun and was fntnlly shot when he EntKheit Itrondus. was shot fnfalh. J)( an( attempted to escape. Two , rk rrp !lltrr, ,ht , ,10 noitliwest sci Hon of the eitr. one aftei he hnd shot nnd serioush wounded twn while men Marine Shot In Neck (Tne nf the most serioulv wounded in .l.- i,c. .r ,...., allies uni I'rlinte A hert :m., who was .ho, 1B .i.- i i.. - ..... .i.. T..n..... building An unidentified catalrt man wan reported to have been shot from hi? I nl.lln nnim n thn cit-t. A marine sergeant was shot In the neck b. a negro, and 1'ntrolman Herman r.ln.s man was wounded in the log In negiocs speeding bv In nn nutnmnhlle. 1 ill in tUn ninlil ttlin iinm ..... Ala . . , , , ., t,,bilt". in wliirli tlier rated through innmies. 111 wnii'ii tiier nun t irniicli the ,trots. pumping bullets fr.un nuto lama nveiuie iniircii in ncgin section, aim ciean ineni oin f'aralrnian Kill, Two In 11to Two negroes in nil automobile weie shot and instiiiitlt killed hv n Unitefl States (ntalrttunn on patrnl nfter thev shot h's hnrse from under him nt Sev enth and M streets. Noitliwest, 11 negro section, at I :4." o'clock this morning. The police said the negmes hnd been driving tneir niitomnmie win, nnout tne streets, snooting proiiiiscuousij at wnite ))(M, f,nv- pedestrians. .1 i- .1 ' , , , Willi the pollie nilllllgeiiients In be the, passed the, Htalryman and shot tn, , ,, if ,,, .,,, )(,s ,., at him striking his horse He was ,,,, ,,,,, ,, .,.M.11I r ,,r thinttn bt Hip wounded annual, but,, , , . ., ,, arose itnniedintelt and. firing nt the '," "'"''"'K nti.-ns. the .,ttm ,ll mai hine. innde twn direct hits, instnntlj '"' 'l't m hand killiiiK the negroes ' i nn tunc lnt ntclil wns the iitt l'nlicemen in nn nnlnnmbile mirsiiine die lawless negroes arrested two negin women who were in the machine Negro Kilted: Another Shot During a lint neni n mo, Inn -picture llientic near Fourth and N streets. Northwest. Itnndnll Ve.ile. cnlnied. slinl and iiistnntlt killed His friend 1 - - ...... i.i (Jeorge Dent, tolored, was utmck bt an unidentified white mnn in n stieet car tienr Seventh nntl I! streets. The whiles jumped from the car Dent slomi on the hack platform anil einptitil ui piioi into n crown oi wi ne men and women, shooting Albert l'uileysnn Hi the left hip and l.rnest (liovnnettc in the foot Dent in turn was shot rite - nd h,.lW wounded by Detectlte I sergeant .-stritcner i iinuni ev noitie r William Su ran. both whil orr ,,,, tl,jn, n iien mie of BECAUSE we pack LORD SALISBURY in the most inexpensive and the most attractive machine-made paper package instead of the , expensive hand-made cardboard box, the bulk of production cost is in vested in the quality of the tobacco, not in the wrapping. You can't The LORD SALISBURY is the only high-grade TURKISH cigarette in the world that sells for as little money as 1A r 1 K TURK1SL &J cents for I J cigarettes LordSali ) Guaranteed hy fhSLf JnMJtsrt&z w IMOOaQM.ATItO. JULY 22, 1919 i Rent's bullets broke a plate glass win now ,Vn"""" !' white sixty years sr. w l, V". pM ntirens iiriiii-tl with repenting rifles weie nliling the poliio in pntrnlllng the streets I ( ml i-iil s lit the into nf one fPM nr JiitmitcM ;irn turning to poller x --f"- " -""" -f tlfginiiing nt niitlnighl squads nf iiegiiniinc n nuinisit situnns of ma rip '"Mini: rllles rode up nnd down -,., ,, .tm ,n llMl th huildlnt ( -n-lion the police united and n.ic,e, the negmes. .. '" ' 'ntciiion iml.n the Mnaiil n' 1 ' omuiis,in,iers. the Kotertiiiia inithmitt nf tin siip, nf Cnlumlnn. snnl nt 110 nine Inst nieht was the situation lietonil the imillnl of the illltllni Hi, . and Ill-it witli the aid of the and ,1 1 iiperntinn of citizens the pn ,il, remain incontml I'lie t,ite , '" ln "li n-t nt the lllc t Inlen it hull mi in iei was sporadic in chat in ter nml inns, nf ,he slum, nigs :in,l nlliei ,ui, luges took plate wbeie sm,i I i I 'tw 'Is in nn tlnwtls n, all weie gnlli- I cicl I lie large imwds and it ha, inigli, plnpitlt he termed ninbs weie dlspeiset In the pnlue nntl the prnt.wt gu.iul without great ditliciiltt and with but few mutt ic. The prntost guard lontiniics to as I sist the police nuthoiities nutl will con tiniie so in n wtth augmented fori es i ,ln ,,. being made for' i ...... i, s,r,e,ei ,-ese,-te will be i tn-iintainetl to be thrown -jt beret et thet lnn be needed It mnv be nciessnt in i lose some streets to vehicular traffic The i ml authorities are in complete li.uge of the situation and the mill- i ,, lontiuiie in assist them smoke the box. Then why buy it? TURKISH CIGARETTE is inevitable S Or VJ CniCt LA t which means that if you don't like LORD SALISBURY Cigarettes you can get your money back from the dealer MANN & DILKS U02 CHESTNUT STREET One Sale Spring, Summer, SHIRTS NECKWEAR Silk HOSIERY Cotton Silk. BATHING SUITS Bathing Pants Shirts, etc. KNEE DRAWERS White Madras Knee Drawers, Shirts and Union Suits. Office Coats. Overcoats. Dusters. Palm Beach Suits, White Flannel Pants, Winter Overcoats, Bath Gowns, etc., etc Mann & Dilks U02 CHESTNUT STREET SBURY 9 Each Year Fall, Winter Goods Silks of all kinds Madras Cotton Cheviot Collars attached. Knitted Bow-ties. v4 ''A v T -."B ,. - i) . i) tVlsJ f. ?' W 'V 1 J ' 4."! I i' Ivi- iZk .JtC-JrJB Mc ,.,.. XVAMi