,T 'v-ilV "K; " "" i'" M t "'TR''TBri5v! "i ff"Tc r C A EVENING KJBLIC1 LEDGER- PHILADELPHIA, MptfDAY, JUtY 21, 1919 - M Et-. "f I fff 1 h V i 7W WORLD FOI? SALE (Copyright, 1IIIS, bv( Harper 4 ltron ) THIS STAUT.S TIIK STOKY Klcdn Druse, ilnfeglitcr nf (inbrii'l Druse, of gypsy blood. shoots in n en n oo t'.c C'nrilloii i lipids on tin- Sag nine river whcic it Hows, between the towns of Mntiitoii inn! Lebanon In the Canadian Northwest. She Is res cued from the whiilpnnls below bv Mnx Ingolb), n manager of gre.it interests, who hns come to Libainui to unite the two towns and make them the center of (onimeire in the western north On the hore she is insulted bj I'elix Mnri'linnd. a power fill but disreputable . ham. tci of Jlnnitou lugnlbi utta. ks Man hand, who vows revenge l'lctli is il.iinnd b one .lethio I'awe as Ins wifi, under n gvpsv iistoui whiih muted them in iii.ih1.ikp when the weie children Tleda rejects Imn and . jealous cluairel msiies between Puni and Ingnlbv. Man hand t n - up a feud between the two towns in unhi to foil Insulin's anibitiius H,, projects are to he v. iecl,ul and lie, himself, thiown into ti'ie iim. In golb), in disgiusi, "mingles ne nuht with his eiiimiis in Manitou I'awe reveals Ins duiptioti and Insulin is rendered blind b a b'ow on the lii.nl Flcda comes to him. N! HKHi: IT CONTIM I.S "Y"0' have a tongue like none I eer heard ' li said ltnpiilsheh "nll have a ininil that tliinl. nine gut disli nml can take risks ,, took iisks 1 1 it dav on the C.iritl.ui It ipuN. It .i culj the i.-u before that I'd met n bj the old ford of the S.ig.il.ie and m oh tip to jou Ami ihoked me though I was ,i wolf or i enl loose The net d.n win u I saw lngi.1 bj hand Mm out to tin crowd fiom In iirms p,t unstj 1 him lits like tli.it sometimes when I'm' had ,i littli tm inuili Iicpior I felt it nioic Im nisi J on le the onl.i could eer get ,i was j on made mi kind of w oni in th it real hold on me It get the bos i.iinii.i lug nod set tl As jou sa toiuhs iiiomii I get hold of It's not haul with moiie and dunk You i an bin human mtiiie cheap i:ft man has his pine thes s,n .and cn-ii woman too Men sn ' The thins is to find out what is tin pri.e, am then how to bin Ann i.iii r Inn eieri one m the sainr wav, run if .ion Us( a dilTi lent price Aou've got to tind out how tin i want the pn e whether it's to be hand ed over the loimter. so to sjiiak. nr to be kept on the window sill, oi 1, ft in n pocket, or diopped in ,i pni.i, or dilg up like n potato, with a ruiilii nuke be lieie that fools nobnili, but just pl.ijs to the Inpocrite in eier.i one evir.i where I'm saving this to jou beiiiiise you've sein mille of the woihl. I Int. than one in a million, mu though you're s .Miung. don't ,.,. vih) w. can t come together. I'm to be bought I don't saj that mj pi iec isn't hi'h You'e got loin pi ice. too. Aim wouldn't fuss Miursclf about things hen In Manitou and I.ebmnn, if then wasn't something ion wanted to git Tout ru ' AVrll. isn't it woith whili making the b.iigain.' ou'ic got sin li gift of speich that I'm just .is if I'd I,, mi drugged, and .ill mum:, fue, Iigun cjes. hair, fool and gudle, .mii'ic woitli Riling up a lot for Tie pleuti of .lour s.. and I le he.iid imwds of them talk, bul tliei never had am thing for me bcinnd the minute. ou'vi' got the leal thing Anu'ie nil f.mi i You've bun thinking .mil (liiaiuiiu- ol Ingolb). lie's dune. He's a baik num ber "There's nothing he's done that isn't on the tumble sime last night The financial gang that he dniiuid aie out alread) against him Thei'll h.m In economic blood. Hi made a splash while he was at it but the .illigitoi's got him It's 'Exit Ingolbj' now " She made a passionate gestme. and seemed about to speak, but he went on: "No, don't sav am thing. I know how you feel. You've hud joiih fine tinned his wn.v, and .von uin't look elsewheie all nt otue. lint time rules ipiuk, if you're n good healthv human bung. Ingolbj was the kind likuv m liinu a girl. lie's n si footer and over; he spangled a lot. and he smiled piettj routine le printemps, and was sharp enough to keep dear of women that rould hurt him. That was his stnuig cst point, after, all. for a little, slv sprat of a woni.ui that's made pjes at you mid led jou on, till vou sent hei a note in a huirv some time with some loose lint vvouls in it. and she got what she'd wanted, will make vou p.iv a hundred times for the goods vou g( t Ingolbv was sham enough to w ilk sh), until you ame his wiv and tin n Im lost his undiM pinning lint l.i-t uuht got him in the vitals hit him bitivien the eves: and his stink's not woith tin rents in the dollar todnv Hut the nunias are out. and he's ilmn an, Ml never see his wai out of the hole he's In" In- laughed at his gri-lv loki "It's natural to let him down nisi Y'ou've looked his wav . he did vou a good turn nt the Cuillon Itapids. and you'd do one for linn if M'U eouhl I'm the onh one can stow the vvoist from - happening You w.mt to p.iv jour debt to him !ood I rim help jou do it I ran ston the strikes on the rnlhviivs and in the mills I tan -top the row nt the Orange funeral I inn stop the run on his bank and the drop In his stock. I ran fight the gang that's iigninst him 1 know how I ni Othe mini that ran brim: tiling to piss He paused wit" ",M" s"n,, "f self-npnroviil and .omeit r.nd his f.nriii liikrd the corners of Ins nioiith u n wn Hint drunknids have in the "earlv niornlng wlirn the effect of last niKh't's drinking has oi n off He snrrad out IiIk ImnilK !' tl'c air of a man who had nnpnrUed hi soul, but the chief rhnrnrteristlr of his manner was rgrfgiouH belief in himself. At firt-t i" Iiit desire to find n vinv ' to meet the ueeds of Insolby. Tleda had ' listened to him with fortitude and eve-, without revolt. Wit as he began to nrak of women, and to refer to herself with n look of gloatins whlrh nieii of bis breed cannot hlilr. l"-r angry pukps beat haul. She did not quite know where ho was leadinK, but she was Mire I lie meant to say somethlns wliieh would t ... .....1 l.n t,.l At one 1110- .....!, meant to cut short lil liar- Tex tier ue""" ,. -H rntlve. hut he prevented her. and when k ' nt last lie ended, she was almost chotc iL. J, f-Vwin. n-ltatlon. It had seen borne K. -,M ,. -- ,, . . , in upon. Her. '? '""" i'"""' .-VM tbt 1.9 would rather die than ac--'A'.aBvthlnc from this maur-auytulBg " " I ! II ) IV&SS , I'r ; .?? '&,, , & VW&y :: ,;: 38Bs MBtsmr issmASi , 7Tz& .J&x Kvtij on- has poisoned f .1111 kind l'o tight h l in was the onlj thing Nothing Ise ioiiIiI pieiail in the end His was the sei i u e of the iliippuiti lit tliuf "And whit is it vou want to buv fioni nie'" s(M u-l,( (1 evenh He did not until e, ami lie mil-! not ic.llith.it oiiiumiis thing and fa, e 1 want to lie ri hei voice fiii nils with .Mill I want in s, e joii luiii in the woods, to inn 1 ion as mu met Iiuolln I want to talk with jou. to lnai vou talk, to b iiu things tnuii jou I iniei Ip.ii mil bifoip. to " I She inti iiiiplnl him with a swift gistine. " uil tin n afti'i that"' Whit do vim waul at the mil of it all'' One lauiiot sp( ad ., time talking and Wondellllg in and li ai mug "I have a the woods ami d n lung Aftn that what.'" liniisi in Montii.il." In s.nd eiasiuh their alone " ' I don't Willi! to live lie l.inghid "It's big i iiniigh tin two. be us two. if li foi two. md at the i ml it might With shaip aiuei . let wnh i oolness and iliginii. sl hmk on his words. "Might hi us two!" s,i ciilainiid "I bine uevi r Ihought ) miking nn I ip in a sewn. Do ion think hut. im. it isn t am use talking' ni don't know how to deil wnh man or unman on ,iip pi i vi i ted " 1 do not mean wl meant that 1 si , Mill." he plotestnl must of mi Nam i lour mind ng-inj-t me it Mill uie.iii; I w ml to iii.n 1 1 ' i mi think tin in has poi-onul l.ler.l one has p,,..,i,,e, ,m ,nl, against jou." she n tinned, ,md mum self most of all I ,,iu ,,, , lrN to injiiie Mi Ingolbv ; ,i, Ilim that jou will m to injiiie me; hut ion will not sun ml ' She tinned .md moved nwn.i fiom him iimikli. taking the path towanl Iip own dooi lleialled something afti i her. but she di, nt or would not lu.n As she entinil the open space in front nf the house, she hem footsteps be hind In i and tinned iiu'uklj, nut with out appieln nsion A woman inmi hiiiiinig tow ml hei She was pale, agitated, hagganl with fatigue "Ma. I spmk with jou.'" -1,,, a-ked m Pi em h Sinilv." nplud I'leilil 'I lie Woni.in rroin Wind Kiver "W HAT is it asked rieda. opi ninj the dnnl of the hollsi "1 want to speak to vou iboiit M'siiMi"." leplied the -ail -1 ui cd unman though'1"' muite a inotliin o hi r head h.uk- ward towanls tin wood "About M sieu Mini hand rieda's fni e hanlened. she hid had moie than nioiigh of "M'suu" M.n -(hand" lu was bitieilv ashamed that she had. iviii for a iiiouiilit. thought of using diploiu ii-j with Imn. Itut this woman's line was so fuiloiu. apait and him li that thp old spit it of the Open I(n id milked its will. In far off duj'S she had never seen u DOROTHY DARNIT Figured It Was as Good as LITTLE GIRL WILL VOU GET ME A BlTE TO EfVT r" ifsrcs ,-w r ' i'-rni y uo -ssr, r ' -r'vsii i;M r? -jl: .t. gzzS Vs"s. i - . r, i 1 f iMrff-rW &tt.Mpfl ? ; t - 11.1 1 t 1 -. 1 , - i 1 -v v. - v ob m - s s. 1 ki iu "ta J v Co J-k I S9R J L sss... - 1 1 " -j t fi . 1 ' L- rl.. c-3 H LfLjs & ? t chas. M'-nfsW' mj mind .-.ilnM j :i. she letiiined, "an! hi'p im hiing tiirnnl .iii.n fio'n n Koiuain tent, m diueii fiom a Honianj i.iiui Sin ii'ieiud tin dooi and stood iisnli in admit the w.n fan i tin nioiiii tits Intel tin woman, tidud and tie-lunid. -.it at the ample bn.ikt.ist wlinh was i halm teiistie of itoiiiiuv hoine life The woman's plate was ho inlifiillv supplnd hi I'lnla. and In i i up till' d linn .- than oni e hi Madame I'.ullnl. whih old (l.ihiul Diu-e bulked fiuiidh oni all His fine now showed none of the passion and stiinupss wlinh had been piiseut when he piss,, the Selltillle of the l'.itnn upon .lethio I'awe. nothing of tin glooia tilling Ins cms whin he left liignlliv 's hoiis, The Ki.n ions hounli fill look of the ii.it I in h. ot the head ol the i l.in, was upmi him. The husband of oni will. i;io tathei of- ihild nt tin lti ot ltjs had -nil the oil 1 looking. plotnllli s, s( . of oin who had I in i ai i ot ginat inuiihiis ol peouh His ,ii eves toie-aw mule ot the ston die woninii was to tell piismtlj than i it Ik i ot the wmiun of his hoiisi hold He had s, en mini sui li iiniin ii as tuis and had intleibli uiilgid b I M i n (In in nml those w no w i Ulgl d tin in hin have jou i onu fiom ' a-l eil. as the meal diew to a i lose I'ioiii Wind Unci und uiulei had " he i:n. .Mu uni, nn, iiu- woman uii-uuiil with a look ot nlui. IK'i f.u p was o those who nn loiigu (.in In ,u the sunt s s( i n ts 'I help w.i sileu,,. while the hnak l.ist things wen- i Ilii nl nw.ij ami (he iiiiidn.i was tiuowii wide to Mn- lull imn mug sun. It bioke thiough the bi am lies of pine and nd.ii and juui P ' . I' made tiansliKcnt the h.nes nf tin maples; it shjunueied on I'leda's blown hair as she pullnl a lln bush at the window and the fin loin (leatuir m ' Inispi -vvoolsei" ihess and blue llamnl J.uket, whose lose fiom 'gin II to the gin) the loose skill Wlls (o.nsinril hi outdoor life, but who had soinething of irnl be.iuti in the mtiusp blue of her ei es. She had been a virv iniiielv liguip in her best d.n-, for her . wni-t mis Mii'ill, In r bosom ginth and i hrmlv loiiniVd. and her hands wore finer than those of most who lne and wink much in the op mi air "You slid then- was -.mWliiii" ion vi.hed to te'l me " --ild 1'lnl.i at hist The woiniii ene( sjnwlv i mind at the three, as tliou"h with p'l'led ap ne.il There wns the look of the Out -nnder in her fnie: of one who had 'sen rvi'ed fiom fnuiiMir things nnd nl ices In iniiiiiiK she was like a i hild II(M gl.ini e wamhiiil oiei the f,u es of the two women, then her lies nut those of the I'.i, and staled theie "1 mil old and 'I h.iie si ( n niaiiv -oiiows," Miid (l.ilniel D.u-e, dinning what was in In i muni "1 will tij to undei stand "I have Liio.vn all the bitterness of 1 s, ..' T 22-tiBi.tes'. r-L- XX s II t -c- , r TrrTTI- .& n rsTTZ WASMt - - ArtD 1 GAVE a VOU SURE. DID -BUT) rv riAM ?,,,. KKluo Cvnc7Tc Tn VCO HERE YtSiWWHERE VOU A PiECt J f SAV VVHOMAOE I MADE T. gSORE, WHV EXPECTED To A MnMTM I Ln nt: DiF. rMHN'T lv 'A -ruv-r- Dit ?Cs hin VoO fj.-, , . , J QX SEE YOU J S-,, flr.nV ''-. f.L A-sT x-37fi (l ..s CI FATITr " tf f s.MXo AKIV tvior?E j 1 v w - 1 1 '.., r's, t. y.r -" - - . - . ... , , w , - . l j.-o -" u,.'Jt j- jr r ,v-. w i " 11 Y" " '- . -..,.,,. . ;. . fly SJ GILBERT PARKER Author of "The Scats of Hie Mighty," "The Money Master," c(c. jouiself, inrst of all life." iniei posed tin low. soft lone of M-iilame liulteel All i ,11s nie the s.nne he'e ' iiildnl. looking the woman in tin rip.1.1 eips. "I will 1,. instant tcpli 1 mm 1 thing, I lei llligeis lap w it 1 1 11 1 fan 1101 nils tire twined nnd until 1111 d in !: 11 1 lirMiuisiiPss bodi Her Ill Its lie- shown hi mil! tan- via- alnm-t ap.ttlntic 111 spur, hut In 1 bodi ,had an mm age She sg..l he,n ih and began ".M) in- I- Alain ll.i Stone 111.11 lied fiom nn home ovei mi upiight I was ii?.iiiist Wind liiv.r hi the .lumping S 1111: .ill-. Hi- in miner was a iiiuiih 1 m 111. was nlwiivs 1 apt nn of the gang iii the wood-, and laptnin of the 1 in 1 in tin- stimui. 1 Mi unit fn 1 was deaf and dumb. It was veil lonili at tunes when nil fathei was awai I lmed 11 hoi .1 good bin, .1 in 1 In- was killed In raking hoi sis Win 11 I was tweutv one m.us old mi mothii dud It was not good loi in In he alone, nn father said so u iiui-t eithei gin. up (he woods and the inn. 01 he m- I must man). nil1. I saw lie would 111 in 1, for 1111 iiiotlui's f,n e j,. a m in . ouhl not foi gi t " SSS 'I he old 111.111 sin rid in his seat. lint ' oni1 I have Men smb. he sunl 111 his d icp vou e. "So it was I s.inl to mis. If I would 111.11 11," she ..nt nun il. "though I had lined tin- hoi tint .ill. d uiulei the hoofs 1 of the blink stallion Tl weien'tl ni.inv gii's nt the .1 ping Sandhills, I and so time vine nun. now one, now another, to s.n things to me whiih did not tnui h 1111 In ait. hut 1 did not I laugh, beeiusi I undei stood that thei ,weie loneli it I liktd one of thrin 1 more than all tin- otlu is "l'o, 101 nn laiiici s s.ikc. 1 .aiuri , 111 .nor In Dennis, and at hist it seemed! I .mild bear to look at him anv time, of the dai or night hi- i.iiup to me up was iiiiiii iiui a pine me ami nail u pluj fill tnii-gue. and also he was a lanchninn like the lb" that was gone. It all fiime about on the d.iv he mile in fiiun the i.ingp the wibl w liked bin. k stallion whiih all mnge lideis had t:nsl for veils to upturn It was like a biothei of the hoise whiih had Klllnl HI) ni" - oiiiv nigger vv lieu , Dennis mastei.d bun and mde hum to in) door I made up nn mind, and when he wlnspeieil I mi the dlp- pei of buttermilk I gave him, I ...ml rs' I was pi oud of him He did' things that .1 woiniii lilns, ,id said the thiu.gs u woman hues to heii, though the) be the sunn- thing said over mid over again." Madame liulteel nmldiil In 1 head as though 111 a .Ileum, and the Iti of llu sat with his two gnat hnudi on tin ihan aim mid his ihin dioppul on his 1 best. I'll da's hands mi., .lusp.d ni her lap. and her big e)es nun , ft n,,. woman's fair. (To m: co.ntmm i:u) Rough on Rats DAILY NOVELETTE HIS CHOICE By Minnie M. Toiinscnd UrplllH one'll do. won't It. mother? -1- Lots of closet loom nml Hire floors." Old Nut Abbott just barely sensed Hint theie were doors which did not lead out of the apartment they were cMinilnlng, uml n diisoij glance down ward had irvrnlril neatlj pollslied tloois, but he was liaidlj conscious of anything else. Some lomnieut was necessary, but nfter Mumping the streetR and by -wajs for a week in ippst of n new home lie was not in a mood to see the line points or in, lepaneies of possible i nbodes. Visions of his daughter .lane's eggs on toast nml stiawbeiij shoitenke dallied tlnniigh his hind Again he nun mined dtnwsjlj ; "This one'll do, won't it. inn?" .Mis Abbott still bad lots of enertrvill., I,,,. I !,, L l..,,l,,,. , , left within her thin person lining In-I spineil iinj i mint nier of the apmtiiKiit she linnllv w led her vvnv to the sink mid bent over an iiuagiii'irj nil) (SUP IIII lll'll Id ll'l slionsn li n Ideteiminid shrug of her shoulders. Mnks too low, Nat I'd bieak my biuk." M'llinniinllv th" old man shuffled to ll aid the door The sink at the last plaie had been too high His tiled liiain legisteicil the ide i of getting 0t n patent on nn ndjustab'e sink Not capi ble of further lonunent he followed bis better half down the steps and out to the dusti sheet Ome Mis Abbott stopped to pei use a long list of possible homes and hopeful!) old Nt ghmied oiei her slumldei He tinned auav in lesigmitioii Theie weie two un- linked nihil esses ,m the list. Us vi sion of eggs hud Ik (ome s, rambled, and the shmtia.kc was a mere far iiwuv lui7v Pink di i am He had a)st , lisl powei of intdligent thinking when a shaip ' ar Abbott '" hionght him to '" 'y('v He stopped shoit on the hot. d isti sidewalk and clmifi.il U it (...'. win me ,'une the rail Ills wife was' pen bed. like I.ibeitv ndi iff. on tbestonej steps of the in t to the hsf nddiess.' her huge iiinhiella held aloft, pointing I nt linn nicusingli '"n,p i,,,n t Are ),.ul dieaining, Nat Abbott? Can't ion read' llliniliels'- r,,llvv ,M (hi,,.. Jon irav " lb nodded apatlieticall) , ton, turd in n iiionsti.iti Dm. inside the dingv rooms be ie- prated the old foi mula. "This one'll do. won't it ma'-" II,. didn't ei.ui ..mde si end to look mound him. All in ciaied mis hi. d nt home. Thoughts of line's siinpi, had pntiielv vanished Wlien he had stnitul out on a ipiest of 1 low home he hud held dei ided views on inst what should .(institute ilmfl home .nut now uni thing iith a inof Wr glanred hnpi fullv Tin- blight nf the sin, est She was follow . was anept'ih'e r M-s ,v li'id lost its int." iug the path of n lone tiail-hitter .I'M oss Hip drsri t of dusti kiichin iia .-sue iinneii towiird him. almost inglv. "Sir that? Inhabited! s. (ties this plaie." arciis Thut Nat bowed in submission nnd ome I tniiiie Honied (owmd the .lone mm.:. tune he fastened his e.ies on the point of lu-i 'tillli held umbrella and fn lowed almost iinconscinusli down the1 seenuuglv endless stuet He did , I notii e whin (hei tmiipil into a mettiei 1 iiii'.'lih.iilioid Onh when the o'd di ' hpsil.ited hefoie a little white (ottage nnd slot, pel ( 1, insult her slip, did he open hi- en-s nnd look nbout him. If...-. ' ing made spii it w is the M'Kl,t place thei on. ned the 1 1. ketv gate and went in 'I li" fnuri mt scent of sviinga hushes tilled their nosfri's lid t de 1 0111 id the 1 mil giass) viinl with hiin gi) cies lie inuld just imagine his old ill nn hull their hv that o'd aiuile tiee '"" Koier 1 mini conteutedh ni his ,,,,i,,i .. . " ' "iiifiiu-oii ai ns 1 sun was just scH,n.s ; I feet bla I he oNolor off nt o'ie side. That hei rould see every evening as he o,rnvc, his pann and evening pine His mind I wns made up This uoiii or none, 'What ...itt.-i-ed a frw cieaki steps ,, I low cei'ings' He gl.imed shrewdlv nt his spse ' I bi, ,.. si,., Li,,,. i, i,.i ..... ... 1 r losets mid old fashioned w ill niiiiei- in' 11 iinj tint he well k'lew . He stiaight- ened liis shoulders, cleared his throat nnd begin. Such n hole. Cosh, I;niinv, jou .oiildn't liir in a plaie like this. Look at them walls, nnd lou'd never get those 'er lloors clean " , "I've washed doors hefoie and got "rm (lean. Nat." she snapped s.irr.i ticnlli. A hopeful feeling ( rrpt within li i ill mil) to be dispelled as she inn tinned. "But I diimio abput this sink, it's prett) low down and teiiibl) small." A pnniikv premonition lr.ir he win. going to lose his hoinv little abode made bis heart beat faster, but In turned witli alnriity and raught up his walking stick as though thp ipipstiou wns settled. "Yes, jou" ght. Kinim, lou'ie not as )oinig ns jou iisid to be and theie's no ijsr in wo: king under dilhi nlties." "Well, maibe I'm not as .lining ns I used to be, but I'le known lots older folks at my age " She tinned and looked mound at the dust) 100111s "1 dunlin but w hat I'll " she hesi tated, finger on lip. Tlie old man's bent leaped in delight, but he hid his felings behind a fiovin "Do .vou t cully think .vnu'il like it I'liinn'? Ueinciuber, we'ie nor useiv 1. move again in our lifitime and thu sllll " "I ain't goin' to die just .vet. Nat Abbott." she exclaimed nosslv, "1 think we'll take this house." Some time later the) went out into DREAMLAND AD VENTURES-By Dadd (In Mm Woi; Peggy nml lllllu take pml hi mi exciting lontmt for llic mlr uf Iltiilliinil.) - lilidland Wants a President SI'IjASII! Splash! Splash! p..gg.v went dancing nlong the IiiimIi of the piettj kike wheie her fniuilj had a siiiiiiner (ottnge, Splnsh ' Splash! nml she didn't rare how the water Hew about. She didn't cine bemuse she was wearing her little gieen bnthlng suit and no hnini would lie done If she got wet all over I I Ei If i In t,i in i it. flu, unlni' liiln i,,.., r f u ii,;,,,, ,..,,1 !... .. ,.-I glad to throw herself down on the vlinilr siioic to iest. Anil there she vins hliifking niul .nodding vvlieu all of a sudden her ohi fiieud, (leneijil t'ronk- er tin, fr.ir l.ilifleil l.io 11I11 ,il. Itnuliln lm fast and was all out of bieath. "t'ro ak! Ciu-nk! l!nr jou ljeard the latest news fiom lilidland?" he panted. I'(gg) hndn't lienrd and said .... "" inn inMa witli me ftiiik. gasped Cieueuil Cni - nl. ! Cio-nlt!' ('maker and awn) he went hopping mid splashing along the shore. "Tell me the iipvvs," cried I'eggy, lint all (tPiirinl Croaker nnsweieil was: "Cio-nk! Cro-nk!" so l'egg.v ran after him lis fast as she could. "Ciee! Ciee' Have jou heard the latest news fiom Iliiillnnil?" shrieked (icnitihl Swallow, swooping down from high in the nir "No. ' aiisvveied IN ggi "Then follow me!" slnieked (ieneial Swallow and tinny he sped to ward the woods "I loo! boo! too! too!" rame .lodge Owl's lour fiom far awa.i, ymiiiling like n distant liKoinotiie ''Conie. l'lliness l'rgg). and hear the news!" Thus uiged. 1'eggj inn nnd inn un til she found heiself deep in the woods and at the idge of the coilliril loom of Itiidlanil. line weir gatheied do.rus of her fealheied fl iends. .ludge Owl, Hedih Woodpii ker. Kinglisher. .Mr. Kobin, lllue .la.v, Honier and Cat lie BRUNO DUKE, Solver of Business Problems By HAROLD WHITEHEAD, Author of "The Business Career of Peter Flint," etc. TIIK I'ltOBI.KM OK TUH SMKitiLKD .inWI'XS I I Muuie Cleft's Letter Starts Somrtliliig ! W!i lli: "The Pioblciu of thei miiggled Jewels" wns lust mtio- 1 diind. Bi 11110 Duke little suspected tin tlnilling adveutuie he was entering llpoll I Mamie Cleff. the rod-headed gill. 1 whom Duke first rescued f 10111 ill diunkeu father mid then iiicouinged' nnd he'ped until she had heroine 11 new manager f.u n soap loncei'ii, mill) j intioilund the pmblrm. In spite of Minnie's ninthei wit mid lilt 111-11 1 slnewdiiess. she neier made heidwav in idiu.itum mid was almost the same slangv. Iinj, .Miung wom.111 who so iliaiuatieillj enleiid into Duke's life two jeu-s pieiiousli. At in miliar peiinds she vuote nf her piogiess to Duke, mid at lengthiei pel lods still she called on him. Sin woishiped him with n blind adoration that made her awkwanl mid silent when near him. Mamie knew from hnpp) epeiieiiip the big bent that went with that (oiintenaiu-e whiih is so .old and austeir ill liposr, fol-v-.he bad seen the gleam of luiinoi (unltji his cies when talking with fl iends, mid the smile of oniiailesiii 1 vviiK 11 lie aiw:i)s gave 10 . , . '''" ' ung-ter he met. " 'U' ,l "1,s '."."'. "' "l""""' '."'T- 'l'" "' MM" """'" "ll ,"U"" '"" "'""" K!l1'1'' s'"es "f ,"Vt'"1S "'" ' ""' to relate. ,)"k' l,n'1 ,1?'1 a l''"-"'""'"" I ",'avJ mail that morning and sevei.il pi oblenis "f uiiiplic.itril natures had I,,,.,, sl,. mitteil. so that we weie both (iiueeu- tinting inten h on our wmk rinnlh he opened Mamie's lettir nnd lead it. As he (lid so he lit -t 1 buckled anil then lookd giaie as lie passed the letter to nie sn.v lug: "Bead this. Then 1 lead tl"1 following: Mister DuLc. Dear Sil I gettn cpininish now on oil the sope 111) gurls sell. The big she boss, Miss Alterliur) . she se "Miss Cleff," inTlin me, ")ou'ie ihiin' 01 bite an' I see bi ther books vou getting tweny six bucks pei uuw on a avciugc." I not no watta aveiage is so I jest se) to bur how I new ml about it. Oil I no is 1 get nil twen.v bulks (UOS) ecih Satrnlj 1111 evei) nuintli the) slip nie u wndda doe 'about aniither seventeen (17?"? I. I pull nif a stunt Lust week. I 1 all at a home an who was theie at the door buttn wom.111 fiom thu the gathering dusk and locked the old door witli a feeling ot pioinietoishjp. Bemuse she had chosen the new home against ins judgment. Mother Abbott hhpped her whito lotton-clad hngeis. thiough his arm us a 10111 iliatoi) meas uie. Old Nat smiled whiinsiciillj to .misrlf us lie clasped them tightl) .vithiu bis own nud tinned bin k to look with happ) e.ves at his hoke of a home. The next complete novelette Con (lulling Jonas. Copjrlsht. ll'll), b (he Hell SMidleate, Inc gVS ".j r "KACING FOR A THRONE" j (Irnenil Cioaher, tln frog, landed hcipluiih beside her. I'igeoii', King lllrd, Illur Heron, (ien eial .Swallow nml lots of others. Anil here, too. weir Billy Belgium, Balky Sam, Billv (iont, Johiiii) Bull and Iayiesome Bear. "Hail! hall! l'riiuess l'egg.v," scieanied Hip biids, '111111 tlii'ii nil of n sudden, a,s il tliey had said soinething the) hadn't meant to sn.v, they abruptly 1 luinged their cry : "No, no, not 11 ill -less 1'eggv, but Miss l'egg.v, hello! hello. Miss l'egg.v." l'egg.v was pii7..leil. Why nfter greet ing her ns "Princess Peggv" hud they i hanged to ".Miss Peggv"? It was inni c than a )ear sime the biids had thosen her as uiler of I'.iidlund nnd nil dining that lime thp) had lovingly inlled her "Piimess." "Wliat is the matter? Am I no longer .voiir piineess?" she asked. "No, no!" sen allied the biids. "Haven't jou heard the news? Piin i esses have gone out of'slvle. Ask our war hemes the) 'II tell jou." And the birds tin noil ragerlv tow aid Came mid llonier Pigeon. Balk) Sam, Billv (ioat mid .Inhmi) Bull, who evideutl) had been telling .varus about their mi (Copjrlcht ) osoklecu s.uip 10 an she m. to the woman mine ain't no good ineeuin as mi soap wns punk so I ups an' s..,, "oh isMluit so 1111 who are jou to no wat sope is? Look 'nr 1 sc7 I b 'tiher mi sope denes twist as good an' iiuiik as jouin an if tTt' huh likes tei gimme an jou sum rinse I'll bcti ha 1 slm jou wats wat in sope. She's spoit an' goes me but loid hue mm she limit no how to wash and I all dun and finish bcfnie she almost stinted. Of roise she bolt mi sope beciuse I dimunstiatu: mi sopes bet teiness. Snj Mister Duke I all 'tomorrow ou ji 1 (.111 I? 1 mrtt.i a bit of n guil who is now soiu' beeoisp she loan all hei monej her father left her to 11 gu.v who mi) it nil light but not .vet THE PARABLE We went, I and Krtuinh, unto the fiie.it Hull while the Symphony Or- .hestia of an luindird nun who have I skill pl.i) on liistruniiMits of Mus'uk. And line said. This da) theie is to be a I'iist I'eiforinaiKe of a New Over , tine, and tbr Composer is n man of 1 this Citv. Come and 1111 et him. I So I went and bed speei li with him. ' And he was Neivoush Awaiting his 'own number, whiih was the Thinl. und I the hist two weie long and seemed to I him longer. And he opened his bent and told me mini) things. And he said, I have lived all in) life 1 in hope of this d.n. In mv hoi hood 1 loud Musick, and I winked haul to I run money that I might stud) it. Then I did I begin to te.uli Piano nnd Violin land Voiir. lint now 1 ten h only llar 1 iiioiiv. And all tbr yiais I havr wiiit.d for tbr time when a piece in, nunc own ((imposing should be pln.ved bv the S.imphouy Ouhcstra, and I would lead it And he told me how long it took hiin to ((impose the Overture, and how man) times he wrote it: and how he laboied Lnighti for Pour .Months to copy the scoies for the Oiehestia Paits. And it came to pass that his piece was lciidcied, and he conducted it. And it iciiuiied Twelve Minutes. And for that he had worked Forty years! And ut the end he was applauded. And they called him back tin ice. And after nil other men and women had ceased still did I applaud him, and Keturah she also applauded, so that those about us joined ill, and bo we gave hini one mom comc-bnik than the law leiiuiied. And Ketuiah said, T havr never known thee to applaud so much. And I said. This man is of mine own clt j and tiradeth the same hard paje inents that jar inr. And hr hatii long taught leliietant pupils to play ou the Psaltery and the Snikbut and the Dul cimer and the Jewshaip, all the while di ruining of this day. And his tiiumph lastrth just Twelve Minutes. Now the land do so to me nud more also if I give Him not nil that is coming to Him. And Kcturnh said, But the iest of the progiam is of the (Jreat Composers, By Chas. McManus m t qtAS. M'-nftW' tontures nt the fighting front In Eu rope. "Ilcc-hnvvl ltVtnie," brayed Ilalky Sam. "Tlic people In I'urope haven't nny use for them any more. They aro electing presidents instead." "Oh. j'd rather bc'n president tha n piineess," said Peggy eagerly. "Ai ll an "Are jou going to elect me?" . 8 "Ilce-hnw, It isn't the style In Eu- fl lope to elect princesses or kings or j ipieetis ns presidents," brayed Balky $ Sam. v "Hoo! IIoo! Prlnrcss .Peggy has I been the wisest ruler Birdland has ever , ' had," Irooted Judge Owl, ' , "Hee-haw. but it isn't the style in Ihirnpc to elect wise rulers," brajed '? Bnlkv Sam, ; "Then jou'd better elect me," hooted .ludge Owl. "I'll be ruler ot Bird- ' laud." - J "No. I will. Ilee-havv!" brajed Balky Sam. "Cro-ak! Cro-ak! I'll be president," croaked Oenernl Croaker. "I'll be president! I'll be presidentT' I vote for myself!" shrieked all the birds, and for a moment it looked as though there were going "to be u big low. Peggy frit a bit hurt nt the sudden way in which she had been overthrown as Princess, but she kucw that what they said wns true princesses ivere going out of st)le. And she didn't wnnt to be out of style any more thnti they did. If the birds wanted a new rulpr, they should have one, nnd she sensibly made up her'inind to help them get one. "Hear )e Hear ir!" shr called out. "Quit )our siiuabbling. Wr will lime II fontrst to deride who shall be presi dent." 'Tine!" shrieked the birds. "Wise Piinccss--we menu Miss Peggy! Hur inh for Princess we incnn Miss Peggy"." (Tnmniinir will br lohl how Ihc tontrit for Ihc title of Midland it mutinied.) nn I think she's dubble crost so I tell her vou no eveij thing nud I tell jou of it She is 11 nice purl and siiuildnt have to wink at soin and so I close hopiii jou arc well as this leves me. mamii: rMUT. The next tjaj Mamie turned up it bv liei sells but not TODAY'S BL'SINKSS QUESTION H'i( ha "foricaider" .' Ansncr will appear tomoriow. ANhWKU TO SATURDAY'S Bl SINKSS Ql'KSTION .In "open tiirount" is a running 01 unsettled account. OF THE LIVING t" even Liszt and Mozait and Mendelssohn. And thou didst applaud them but ltltle. . And I said. If the (iicat Composers VS, weie liiing in this town nnd walked the lloor nights witli the baby, then would I applaud them more. And I said, I also am in daily com petition with the Mighty Dead. For men say. Why should wr pay n Dollar nnd the I'ourth Part of a Dollar for the Parables of Safid the Sage when wr ran buv Shakespeare and Bneon for a half dollar each? And Shakespeaie and Iiaeon ran now live on snialler lojaltirs than I, and their wives need not new Easter Bonnet,s. Hi en so liath this man been all his life in competition w i tli Liszt and Mendelssohn and Mo 7.ii t. And he liveth in my town and hath a nnine thatvis spelled like unto the wny that it is pronounrrd. And the Intermission ended, and we heard 41 Symphonic Poem by Liszt. And him I applauded some nnd sufficient, but Liszt had been dead some time. nnd there was another man who came back one time 11101 e because I nnd Ke tuiah kept clapping. From Parables of Snfed and Sage iu the Congregationalism ' and Advance. Keeping Up Appearances Perhaps there is somewhere a point nt which the recipient, of nn income is able to cease from worry over the cost of living and the manifold prob lems of adjusting the outgo to the in come, in a wny to bieak even nt least, -" even if there can be no provision for a surplus. There is a popular belieff, lor instance, that Mr. Itockefclltr is t$r nee irom mis worry, anil undoubtedly, there arc otheis, although the num ber who are not compelled to give some heed to their expenditures is consid erably 'smaller than' is generally sup posed. Some of the millionaires, nml even the miiltimillionniirs, do not entirely csrnpe tlir'r problems. When n man's wife announces, nnd nt least one such instance is on iccord. that she nuili $75,000 n year for dress and that it Is- '' impossible for her to live in a manner befitting her stntion on a personal al lowance of less than ?12."i,000, it is easy to see how the husband may have a few fiuancinl worries. AVith some of theso special object lessons we can understand why it is that in some circles nn in come of ?."0,000 or so is regarded as a sjnonjm for wretched poverty. The size of niiy income, of course, is merely relative. It is big or little, not only in comparison with other incomes, birt in proportion to its possessor's obligations, needs, desired, habits and point of view. It seems safe to nav thaf ninety-nine cases out of a hundred it seems disproportionntelv small. wiiciucr 11 amounts to SOOO or to 5,-0,000. -. Hut the continuous financial burden to the average man is imposed by his own or his family's effort to "keep up , appeainnees." This Is a fancied obli gallon from which comparatively few persons arc aosoiutciy free. It un doubtcdly presses with greatest force upou those who have to support fam ilies upon what aro popularly called "comfortable salaries," for they have certain tastes that must .be measurably realized, and any social Intercourse whatever entails ccrtaiu requirements' that cannot be Ignored. They have to live, and to tonic extent, at least they have to "keep up with T(lMle.,,-ii F, II. Young In the Providence Jour-! ua. 1 i i .- r - , 1 a 1 4J ii- ' 1 i.-LMi .ILULV. TUi," V . W ' t I " V I.'.'' 1 x 'Itfh 1 v . i. .. . . ;. . .'..su-j-.. ',r" .si1' - " r. . ..- .. i r- . 7k a v jX ,jbir ' , ; '&&&. e ". rffcOffjc .wr . &