w IC. ly V 3 V M ! f; I-F. In K P V I ft. II '.V9 n "."-, f t. F FLEET Six Superdreadnoughts and Thirty Destroyers Start I on Long Voyage MARKS EPOCH IN U. S. NAVY Old Point Comfort, Vn., .Inly 10. The vanguard of the Pacific fleet sailed1 .. ii. ..u., i c."n .! ,i. Irom Its nncnorage here at S:.,u o clock . . . I tins morning bouml for the western coast via the Panama cnnnl. I No unusual ceremonies marked the departure of the six superdreadnoughts , ,.,,... , , . ; . , and thirty destroyers and tenders which are leading the way for the 'J00 naval craft now aligned to l'm-itir waters. Formidable n the fleet looked ".tcanilnj; out on the vojape tliat will end for s-ome of the liipi only after a call at Honolulu in mid I'nrinV, it represented only part of Admiral Itnil man'n forces. The detrnjers he took out with him were but a quarter of those he commanded. In reserve at At lantic yards, the others await erew, to man them. The sailing of the preat fleet today marks a eninplete clinnKe iM naval pol icy, a change srowliu' "nt "f the de feat of Germany in tli" event war. IOt Wlli'e til" (Jeftll'ill Pi et ,ited. nor while German w". were h m led covetously nt the re h and uiid"vilnpe, resouri es nf South and Central W.erien. could Anietiian naval .tieiixtli have been divided. Village Marks I'rcrcilcnt The becinninc of the voyage marks an epoch in American naval history. For the first time the tleet has lven divided with evactlv half of it- imv or assigned to guard, the we-tern .i-aliiiii"l For the first time nlsn the -'nit" ." vnlue of the ciaal is to he full) test ', when Admiral Mush Hodman moves hi armaihi t' nuisli to l'aritir water-. And for the hr-t time American- of the far w.-f are to see with their own ee tbe full imnip and ioer of the navj that has been their pride for )ears. Through the input the (treat lli.f laj lilinkins and w inking its mtiMe-s nies sages ai i'i' the -ileut ro.id-tead. The big, ilpn onttleernft and the -lim ile-Btroyer-, ane shapes with brilliant oji- of liplit iindi r a ehuid-streaked sky, -ee.nid to be talking among them btdves in the dark. Dayb-eal; In ought a eolotful sunri-e poking long criiiisoj liug-i-s nf light p.jt the pier to wake the sl,i,- tin the VANGUARD 0 LA GUARDIA'S SHAVED HEAD AMAZES HOUSE MEMBERS' Colleagues Believe He Lost Bel on lT'illard or Plana to Remain Hairless Until Country Is Wet Again Bv a 5toj7 rorr, Kpoi d at 1 Washington, July s.pi,i Con- ' pressniun riutvllo II. I.aCiinr.l' i. of jVcvv York iitj , low :i b.t on tin- U'il-larrl-Dcinpsfj- n-7.o fight, or iliil lie take oath on July 1 not to ail. .W his , hair to grow lonK until tne country goes "wet" nain. is the .iicsti..n over which u. embers of Congress aie pon dering. When I.nUiiartliu , vvalke.1 into th House of Hei.rcseutatives ,ine .lay tin- week with nil the hair shavcl from head the members looked in unitize- ment. rubbed tln-ir e.ves to be sure nothing was wroiiK with their vision a and then nudged one another and began1 -nshiug whys and win r fur-. Even the oldest members eoulil not -recall that a member of the Ilou-e had -ver come upon the tl....r before with j" his head shaved. Sure, there have been members so nearly bald they rmild pass for shared heads, but no member lias had the nerve to shave hi- head and mingle with his colleagui-s .111 the floor. The change made by LaGuardia was particular!;, noticeable, because be h.is very full, jet black, wavy hair, which lie has been accustomed to wear ex tremely long, say, six or eight inches long on top. His colleagues are convinced that unless he is paying a bet or doing penance the Fourth of Jul) hot wave Went to the New York member's held and he went to the clipper to obtain comfort until cooler weather i mc along. "If people traveling from drv states would keep out of New York city there would be no drunks on the street there." That was what Congressman I.a Guardia, of Xew York, to'd Congress man T'psihaw. of Atlanta, the man who legislates during the week and pi caches frpm the pulpit on Sunday, a few days ago during the debate on the prohibi tion enforcement bill. I.aCuarilia fol lowed this up with other rematks, , Bhowlug his belief that the iinuor-wise ! New Yorkers could handle their 'hooze ' witn dikcrption, bat that it is the men from tlie dry states, cniiiini; to the oasis but rarely from atar, overdrink their rapacity. LnOuariUa's assertion that the preacher-congressman from (Jeorgia knew that the southern moonshiners Were anxious to have the prohibition euforeement bill passed because it would increase their business provekrd Kencral applause and laughter in the House. 0 ncplyinc further to Upsluuv. I.n - Guardln declart'd tlio Hnuor people of New York ilo not want the ptttronasfp of the "dry" southerners because it I keeps the police courts congested. I The temperament, mannerism and ', tiliYsiral malte-up of Speaker Frederick, II. Gillctt and Champ Clark, whom he ' succeeded, are very marked in contrast. Ihe comparison Is rather favorable to , h the Massachusetts Republican. , Mr. Olllett is always smiling, easy to approach and hold iu conversation, listens attentively nnd sympathetically, olid h extremely courteous. Mr. Clark't sullen countenance alwuys gives the impression that he is scowling anil nngry. He Is rather difficult to ap proach, nnd when spoken to usually make? noini- abrupt reply nnd keeps ,, ;rl(cht cu his way. a. 'XUe present gpeakcr is rather tall and ' wy lithe ond nimble. He pltter patters c .;.X. . h 74, . ' ' eventful hour. In from ttio Atlnntlc nlso enmc tlio Inst tide to serve them, swlns them how on for the start. Admlr.il Tolerntes No Delay Admiral Hodinnn hns set K :'W for the sailing hour. lie would tolerate no delay; wait for no stragglers, hl eai talns were told with ehnracterlstic force, the ilrt lunheams saw barge, gigs and motors hurrying on lost min ute errands. The roadstead was huv with them, llelow deeks stokers tolled and black smoke clouds roe over the licet. (iradually thr stir died nwny. 1'ow after bow was holsteil dripping to it chocks on deck. Nimble, barefooted jaeklrc hastened tn their tnks of lash- ing nnd making all shipshape aboard f,,r ti,r voyage. 1 lie unite jackets oi "liners nun men st.m.i out iiiiiiiiy .... . . against the gnm itrni ar paint. .liore little groups of wft-eje.l women, snihirs' wito or sweethearts. crowded dockhead nnd M-rnndns to wave Kodspeed. ,,,,., At S oVlock the bugles called softly fr(iln ,h(l Tip ,mrrillK hlto tigm-cs on each wide deck were suddenly still. It was "C'olor. " ami as the strains of the distant bands rose and fAtt r, t ..,1 . I ..1.....,, "" "" "" "''. nii.uii 1 men 111 the white of the 11:1 j or 111 1 nrinv khnlrl st.m.l i-Iim.II' nt 'ittelltlnil nimj hiiahi si.iou rigiui.. at .iiiwuhmi facing the bright Hags Hung fi"in ever , ". ,, h , . 1 staff in the gray tleet. i Long Lane nf Itrstro.vets In a moment nil wu hurry again. The sun picked nut the bras-work of the ships to set it glowing. It caught and colored stiinps nf tlags from signal arms, showed . liar the gesturing boatds of scpiaplior. . ,n hisb bridge ends anil hel 1 i j.ickn ., with ",aing arms, ' ,, send jerk;, cnetiug- t, inmrail other shiji- Tin- lilimliiij; blue Hi. ker ..f the ln light "blMiker-" joiind in liere and :h."-e. Tin- 11 of the tleet were t.'i'ku.g now and ine-snge- ciiss .rossed each other all up mid down the long line under the shifting -in..ke pall I'romptly at s;;,n a ilc-tr.ner stole sb.wl out from its place in line be hind the battleship-. A double -tiing of signal Hags on the New e.ie,,, where Admiral Hoilnan's f.uir-stair. I llag flapped lazil nbmo the Imnded t . . of the tall i-ngo ma-t, showed that tl rilir had b. en ghen t. begin the voyage. Il.e d '-trover -uimg tnn-tird Ih 1. tripping -i.i.n.tli down the channel. An ..ther followed, nnd th.'i iiimther. spa. e.l 11 perfei 1 interval-. They formed a '..me t..'.-iiii tin- -,,;), drawn up in two columns. n.-r to leave her anchorage, the l!ags.ii New Mexico ciivled shiwlyund swiuiR int.. the water Ian" between the lIl'stl'OM-s (In her In ! nunc the Mississippi. looking Ilk" I s.t,,r .)i with Ini,.; iiM'i-luitig'i'g plow. In order, the V. -.lining. Arkansas, m m'k nnil Texas -tijimed diet n the moving lane, the ti ndets do-, d in behind at,. the whole Hut mon 11 off nero-s the buy to the open. in .itnl out of the Hnn-ip with a short, quick, utsv sti-i.li., sinli Hs (,n.. udiiI.'i .'i. i-ti'il of a iiinti who Mime vcni-s a-., vva- .! liiiiiinii.ii tenuis jifajer ami win. now- almost tlailv plajs n louml .u-tvvii ".f t'olf. t'hiiinn Clark, on tin. ..the- liatiil, walks with a Ion;;, slow. ,l,:s. rat., tread, with henil well Lent moi 11s tlmiigli 111 diM'ii anil grave tlintiiflit. In the si vvee-s that .Mr. Cillett lias liocii siiiaker lie i;i luiiidlcl himsxlf t., tin' entire -a'isfat tiun of Hcinililiian unl Democrats alike. He has sK,t '. ways to hol.l 1'iiii-elf m the l.iiekjjrounil hi-'deal kindly with mnhihor- while in nil ' out of tho speaker'- !. ,ir and lias su- i ee-stiuiy nvouleu anjthiua approai-hinj; flasli. sivnir.u iirsniiTs JFFFKRsos, . New Waombek HOTEL AND COTTAGES Jefferson, N. H. IN HIE HKART Ol- TUB WHiTh mountains Golf. Tennis, Fishing, Riding and Dancing- I.ill,v Cnn-rrl. OITN rROM Jl'NIJ JH TO OCT. for booklet address Jiottl or .l 40lh St., Neiv Vurk N. T. Stock Kx'-harffp Ofllr. 0f N. V CARPKNTEK & CO Frank F. Shut'. Owner John I. Ilrnne7. Manager (iOIUIVM. N. II MT: MADISON HOUSE ('..rl.ain, V II "The Gateway to the White Mts." Opens Jim- -" Honv-llke a.n.ofphere outdoor Sp .rta F':i.. June nnd July trout fishing- W-'I equlrpfd (tarniie Write for "' Bn" : ! '"r-" frop. Burlington Hotel Lens than live mlnut.-s from everything American and turopean rlans 431 Rooms, 222 Baths, $2 & Up m i .Mii.i.i-4it. .Ala na icer I NI.Ci.n FALLS. CAN. r ll A "Wonderful Vacation Playground THE CLIFTON Niagara Falls, Canadian Side Under Direction United Hotel Co. of America A modern hotel In every dctilt, Oultoblc on American and Ctna dlan Fall! and VMlrii 1'i.k. Tho prlvllriee of a hf.twUu country rluh. Golf, Teooll, Ridlni and Bovltng. European Plan French Cuisine The" Dansant . Dinner Dancing Rritrratlonl mar be made at an f Tho United Chain, or b orillal direct lo The Clifton, Minra Falll. Oat. CEO. II. O'NEIL I. F, DAILT Genera! llanaoer llanaoer 1 1 PWiBBB" EVENING PUBLIC prMMEit BEsonTa ,TI.NT1C CITV. NJ. 0Ambassador ' &aianticrCitu.N.J. The Atlantic Const'a newest nnd most luxurious hotel costing $4,000,000 now open to the public nnd catering to a select clientele. On the Board Walk, yet in the quiet Chelsea residential district. Direction of D. M. Llnnard. Presi dent of the California Hotel Com pany, operating the famous Hotels Maryland, MuntlnRton and Green at Pasadena, the Alexandria and Cali fornia Hotels at Los Angeles, th flelvedere nt Santa 'Barbara, the Fairmont and Palace at San Fran cleco, and The Llnnard to be opened next year In New York City. AM.',,r,.,V tl V It.'llli mnnl.l -. .- ...- ' "X-.-' "." 1-1-. iJO Ul) JUIUly, Sin Ull YCCKiy Ile,t Located Popular Price Hotel NETHERLANDS N1V Ynrk ,. so yd, from lliar.!.Tlk I Overloukuu; l.ir. a m ocean Capacity. 400. K "val.11 11. ,h e,n lie' and cold running 1 Jalpr ,1 . i , 1S uli iini, B rvI,, K reilture st'Kcm. rui.i: Ft ATI UK" IIVTHINO I'ltnil.l'.ll, FROM llOTi:t, LMVN TKXNls ( ill RT. nxxri: I1.nnrt llooklet "ltli points cr interest mailed AfiiCST r.rmvrEL Proprietor. Coolrst und l..t ttrartUe I.orntlon HOTEL ESPLANADE iviioi.i: nioru on:N ttiont I)irfti on the l"'ii rciw n !K Uuwori to bover ljtn Avp tn ry w V- t'hlea gci'tlnn. Cao. Ron. l-'u-Kh ;u d . , uHi.r t ttliH prtati ani ruh'ir, ami im. bp!" 'iinn nt MotWn 1 vim' hp mic r M'i' nun ni urrnptriii In.n; .'i Y n mieia triln TlnnVlet, DCXTTOn 1 xrt.1.1. A -. ,U...I...,li en.! nteel.Pter. C.na.lvI?Jl Areer-esn rlnn. table and service spec.elfia'.vJres p.lvstebsths running water . 5 In r cms elerat.r;reajoiihrals Ooennjl fi yew Ownerselpniinaitm-nt. J. L- LLLDb. TT6 tTl J AC K SON MI MI( m. N. .1. ' i-'.f 1 1 ' r 1, i- . 1.1 1 1 Ml., ,1k and s-.. I' 1 ; ' 1 1 1 . 1 I . l ith ... I,.ih. run- -ir.t grill. M 1. rates. I'll. IN AMwa kM Z I. m"wrm im jL i r-t3M$T.CriAKLE8-i ..v.-uw.iui...jii-, t O. the Oeeaa Front. Atlsntlr Cltr, N. . I Amerlcnin Pl.in. Win. A. I eeclt. Mgr. IRoauois SouLh Carolina Avenue, adjacent to Iwach. Cup Xi,lii-iint'tipatrona;e.niuiif, dancing, ttr.cv.y mcKier n, table diiclaur vice excellent, larfce so! mum. Houktet. . Kihik-UIo HOTEL MERION "":''"oi) and th." .1 3 .VI lih. .' in rn tn bin man 1 - h n, nr all at li la'.s, modern I. r lr!v baths. ,', Exteniive M L FARLEY 1 'inn iil' :,. 1 , h - iu I." DITNCV Nf" YorK a.e.. nwi I'-a, h. 1st . 1 ...t K.. ,0 , ,1. .. n ,....4 a .... ,,.ot ,,' '.,,...' , ..iu u It lll'tllll.lj I,. M mark, t ofluld. hatns. ,t.l u: I-'.. I wit , nv "'iii' 1.1. .-. iu '- r Ka'h. UP wl- 'v i'ap , bat.tlm; from I. on-, , fte ' .- .1 to .Mo, 1 . Y.I .".11 112.50 tv M U'I'nNKY - 1 HOTEL AUSTINE Paclrtc Ae. anJ St. Ji wi Place, Centr.it, (i -n FLrrovimltngs. Oppuslto the Catholic .'nJ rrotehtunt churches VI daj up. UnIer j..tne iitdaC'-n:ent for 12 yara. J. R. Jrmj HOTEL CONTINENTAL Ale Alwavs ready r writ, M V I', 1 ,ns mod .lis., i ti, an I'll t. HOTEL FKEDONIA I llPF.S l I. imi! T, r.IMSS, e .,e. Jtt Off! 11 lw.uk i: ir - nn plan Ever appoint-I mt. M '1' 1 .' 1 , '' r. -laurant Worthineton MlH' ,,ri "ni1 I'acjtic Atea vrnrjiin.iuiici,k trum iMlh ,v Heading . . ' 1 f ' t .v. 1 1 u ... n,' wat. 1 m ,,,. 1. I .1.,- 1 '. J R V.OKTIllN.; .l ' B'CAYNE il"tuck' Ave. Fourth hotel SJ -, , ,i , (u'":,.'wkK A"":r- I,lan' HIPPLi:. Prop Hotel .Boscobel Jff"1"01 A,V e- ""nr,ar ' iieacn. $3 0u up dally. An i'n . 1' UUt A. V. AlVUION . Hotel Arhnston MhiKan v n. Ileach Allantl- city .I i . ".,r II ,1 OSHorjXK .,. , ,; NUTTALL t ? T-i e u" ""''I'rd. .aU. L.trellent table. 1 ' " 1IIIC L'OMFOKT. US St. Jaim Pi nr. beach; i--... callor wkly rca m V K Parrar New Clarion Ky- Ave- n,Jth. (iiraee. new ictiiun pookl, f. K noNirACK. POfOXt) MOt'NT.MN viiawne-on-Dflaxnre.. S'a, wf-: BUCKW00D INN (FIREPROOF) SkaVDCt-on-DeUsrirc, Pcaoijlrtaia NOW OI'KN ATiotel of notable d'.stli -tlon located In a park of 10,000 acres, exclusive to guests:; mllea Irom New York, 75 miles from Phila dtflph-a. Home of the Shawnee Coun try Club. K CHAS. V. MURPHY, Manager J Delauarw Water Cap. Pa. TJTIIE MOUNTAIN PAUAIHSF. THE KITTATINNY nr.i..v.Ki: x rr.it ..i. pa. The lea. line hotel of this famous rrtlnni open to Dec. Capa.lly r,otl. Strictly modern. Golf, tennis saddle horses, bittilng. boating: orchestra Concern, dances Exceptional I ui.slne American plan, also a la carte Brill. Garage. Pooklet. auto rnntu and t-rms upon re- lZ-LJZ?l-nY .PJL .- Motnt Pornno, Pa, MOUNTAIN HOUSE KI.KVATION AIUH'T 1H00 1'F.lrT Private baths in hot-I and .ottage. Capacity 00 Forty-two ears same management Indoor and outdoor amusements Music Hooklet E. J,. HOOKLIl.r.jJtianager. "" niXVlLJLE NOTril.N. II. The Balsams Dixville Notch White Mountains, N. H. Season Juno to October Rooking office row open. 8 West 40th St.. New Tork. (Town fc Country). DAVID4B. PLUMER, Manager Phone l:n Vandorbllt. HIUUNKV. VT. TUP DORMS ta OKEKN MOUNTAINS ehads; Sports; .-ood table. Ntar It. It. f.nd trolley. MO jueeta. Modern UnprovtmtLU. (IU is ixv. ,-oomtu arox u. o.-r I, .... t.,r v r SHAW. , i"" ' " '." "."",'", "'"' '"' , r)m,Eh .fivi Iteliitlves and friends Invited to "'"me neen granted to Fldl tv Trut com- " , fealiirs,' '' A'linMr I ...ist Matchless I '.'""'"' ,V.rv 1" Vue 1 2 3ll p ni? S l: fanv. all persons Indebted to the said estate I MOTEL I 'sen-,. ' - bvthmg He -ocean and 'un"o"n'. h' ,, ittdge'ave. Int. Norlhwo , d re requested to make payment, and those' BO A PiQjC IF'VfBsMEm l,. ! , ".V"' "ur " . ,. Cem Auto service Friends nay cll Mon I h,lvlnK e'"'"' "gnlnst the same to present i 8 ke h. i H & KIM., The Kngleshle ,.ff.-rs n.edern appointments '.'I"- AUIU crMCC r,cr " malr l" -,,on- them, without delay, at the office of the B3&Vfci.W0F g .PilirAm ?",1-;'TI .',''" M"lr,rr'j;'.,",e ba,',h,,,,0.,C- LOWER -Vuddenlv. Julv 17. WILLIAM. I fald compnnv No.. 323-311 Chestnut St. Vlr,JXeeV.re,"VlTtb'STe.l, Or.hrsin. j'.-P,", ,. Mk,';t- hushan.l of Anna Lower and son of William I rhlla' F,DEL1TT TnST roMP.NV nf Cspsen,. Fr:.er,ir. cemfer. .ndl AUoTt.e v3iAinw&" WUmSm KlZZ'ot '?' laoelph an" Re", d"- TIDLLITY TRUST rOMPA NY. .njovment. Se. -ster e.ll... pri-.l. .nd p.nMie. blT UUf "I I 1 "OTCTIiT"" I "'Snt Ilallvvav (Nev? Yirk dlv . Inv-lted to President, . j-ri. A.,Hr..pl.lpJ..I.,E.T'P. JU ' UUUI ",l UILUL. lay funeral service,. Mon.. 2 P m. Sfinj N r7S'KSTATK OF SAR111 4ANK PORTKR. msmgrment I. C VV O.IHKOnn. Proprietor fl lJ r I U I U I A A itH tn fnnrw ..r.l.p. M,,n " n ,n ,1J,I ,i'T.fVN'i:i,l.. JU1 iivti.i i i, r- il. A c i,,,.na, .,, ., ,.rf, ,,, ,, , ! ,A,r,w.'i I . huvlian,! at I.il'eil.i . J.on- . i ., iiii'iis i-i.a.-i; & I'Avin. wi: m "" K,- w.re,i iwjiiv.. j w. j : r.-- i " 1'rK.it. halliK A. C M.-Cl.n.l ' N ' ANDCRSON Julv IS cr.on.ii: h.isbrfnrt ! St Anlh.im'ii H . . '"l''HtJ. Hulv , Ull.I, CL.KHK llxririPiii-.rt 1,111 clerk nnd ' .". "7C,uZTZ7. T;- ,, . " nf Mi"- Anilerron. no-d TO Itrintlvpx nnd Njiiip So. it . Hronwrn ' ..um-ll .N' '' J. . tiilst. famlllar-hlth Un l'rn-nod machlno Cliannell ' anl c' a pa "'" h-'ront frlrn.l.. So.lt. i,f Ani.rl.Hii I-lnrlla all U of '. Kmoula fnthnllc I lull. ini.10j.'H muat b quick and accural" at llBUres. Apply I """" lv. Amer & Ruropcan plan, other rluhn of hl. h h ..ka m-niiwr In- of lielniont l'umplne htntlon. Invlte.1 to th AJax Metal Co.. Vranklln ae. and ,.,, . ... - , ,.. r.n A C Ch.inn, I, ..u, r Mtwl to funeral srrl-, s v,-d , j-.Ki p m.. funeral. Mon K.3H a. m.. 241!) Ivlmhall nt. , m.hmonrt "t. r- . , J " 1To,n: .Mil Woodland BM- Int Ml MorlahCem Solemn ruiulem muss M AntHon5 d Lliurcl, . BoilKKKKIKK. to aBflst In hookkeeplns DcIancey-LakeWOOd If' S- :l" Remains may l.e Mee,l -lues., from b to in a "...! ,t,,lMr,ll-t-'vnciAnKT M departrnent of corporation In northern JI - JlL "J-.-P -I .. MfVAN ARI-nTlI- A, re.,.,.,,. ,:,, w sor- w fe of Jonn-r. W. "h '1V;I rTVefeVr'ed- yu,e"'n","x0peS BSS'Sf. A.,, lnn CeanendVliBlnla Ae "Hvate "i-ant l July J,1" ''ATHAUINi: H. wfle'late Patrick and M'iry Me'hat) Itelamei. arl. e,ted P nn.l Ledger Office M1 t., m,... I'ui.nuir lal.k- H. W. vilnm '""''.".L V.er-. .. ..... rn. Mi I . I' r"1 ," r,.i'rnii orKll i TIN'ISHKRS ON1 CLOAKS stha'J A LEDGER PHILADELPHIA, SATOBDAy, 3V1JY 19, 1919 fHIMMKIl ItliSOttTS or BAN rrrv, N. .1. Norm1;tet!ie-Sea !0f) rooms. lOO nultrs with nrlvflO hnthi own Artesian well water; Ic plant, electrli lUht plant nirVAtorrt from ir round floor Dlrecth acini? the cean, Culcln th bet Tor ratei, full Information nnd booklet ad &rt 1'. II. S, CAKi:. MnniUHr. THE BREAKERS Jci Moardwa.k hotel. K. A. YOL'Nu Hit Hotel JicnryJ! rale rale. Excellent Mrs O. II. !Ienry. Trnvmore ln enl'y Kxc. cuisine jr --- ownership mm. U. P. FRY. Tlir Mnvhprrv lh Vf'rlnl "M esa. 111C lVJayuerryfnn Mn s n MBh,rT , Swnrlhmorf 'r'nnl'' cnurts Near tnch piors. w i-.au r i.ippinncott I.OXfll'tlUT. N. .1. HOTEL ABERDEEN I.ONCPOKT, N. J. i Plrertlv on the nrenn front. An Ideal fsm'h hot'-l In comfort and surroundings at ,n,,.1 r,l rules '2 mlnn 1V trnllev or fltltn 'f.n, viinilc cltv IlUlt .John r (inssler I fiom Atnntic -uy. nKit. jnnn 1. i.ossier. 1 ' "" I origport's big new concrete seawall and niesn nromemid. are now completed C.U'B MAV. N. .1. COLONI'AL HOTEL w p., lb ..Sen V It v n. r nnd Prui spr.iNo laki: nr.uii. n. ,i. i t( tf Tl fripfi.U invlte-.l to ftinT:it, Tus , H:3n h. m . sfv a fllX.-. S ZiV. from tltno .iin-hn1l Snlrmn man nf (LUC JOTCftRCT' "''5 "l - i-rrfed1: a1..!1- i,-i,ni- JB l vt v v "Ofwru wvwrv , kehioaN. At Wnvne, Pa July IR, I .n.v ,,. . . Illf.li. MILDRED ANrililtsnN POST, wife srniNO uitc nr.Acn. n. j, Ocean front. Surf bathing; tennis, golf, saddle horses, music. Ideal family hotsL Exclusive clientele. Excellent table: goo4 trvtce. No iosqultoe. Uirnsrsol msnagmnt. MOT" N Mima. in: VCII IIAVHN. N. J. T H E E A' OLE SI DE IS MOST PROMISING ol Sh . : - . . .... . .... . - . u. in ni ..ru.11. .. i.ni.u'r.. rr. .nee 1 : ." ..,...- ... ., - ,. ,u. ,,-i rn ... Kenrri or HOTEL BRISTOL IMVOOI.. .!. NEW SHELDON "'Zta most Cao. 2r,n Elev : prlvefe lath, rooms en suite; bklt Aulo V .1 We 1 K dun met Now open nri.w i.iiiim:, ,1. SEASIDE HOTEL Dlfflv 'in t'1 'Mtl front All Kilt fit -"-"c -"-'--"'i'-o ritXNKI.IN (III NTY. PA. A l"imf (net iu'Sumn.rr Mini A lit limn Frrrirt. A strictly rrnHdn hotel vi'h fxrellrnt tuble nrd BTviro. A'titude JfiOO feet. Prtfnriid rriRri . xtif trrinp, etc. Will I.emnln Opfti I mil Ortnbrr Jilm . "l't' "" IprwrPT IIEMIN. Wvnburne Inn 0n Maln 'An"- c'!"' r..-s m. n .. th r.itii.li'-. et rcusrinitbl nt, ItuoniH with bath 1 lam Inc Larce err,,,.,,! wM. . i.-nda Plmne ItorwM. " - I l.entitl. ARROW PA. win ruse iitiuner iioaruers tn m ....iln... .... ti.r... ii'inr, ,.",. .,",,, ...1,1 ...ir ICJ' r - OLUE RIDCE MOUNTAINS nlo provide permanent home for uceil peo- MORRISON, nn Ameriiiin citizen, Is reported pie who are v.llllni: to iiti for rnniforts.lhvtheAnierhaiieon-ul.it I'limpho .Mexico (ARDLN SPIIT TMII.i; WATlJlt CO. The legal r.pn fCtitatlves of deceased can Ur.,... Pn. obtain furth.r Info.nn.-.tinn by npplyllis to . . Department of State, ashlnston. D. I . IVI-RVI-IISVIIII- PV ' MORRISON -Julv IT. EMILY SCOTT. UI.ICSJ ll. I,l,l 1', , rlaushter of Eliza and late Samuel Morrison The Hlchlnnd llott-e Now . th" fa ,1-u.- I., b tn-.n Vale nnd ir.-'i a" ..lr. M I pen ner,ooklns Send for rates HRINKLEY ' Thf Hill!de n'"u ,l'w: 'lrlv ,Bth- p. 1 ne '"-iacCTnI,, Kathertne Gerhart! IN MEMtlRlAM Mei'AI.I. In lovinu- ne mnry of our son amain HOWARD C McCAI.L. I S C who fll l.'.llns his men on the Held f honor In France at Chat.au Thterr. July lit, lilts Oreater love hath n., man than this that a. 11111 lay down h.s life for his friends." . BzathB ADAMS July IS. MINMRVA lf of William Adanifc HfInlh.' and friend In- ttfrt to funeral serMie Mon . J n m . 244 hu.bi.nd ot Murv i: wm .' ,-..;. . " av-.o , .-ia- tlvef. and friends I f . ,1. 1- and A ai . .ileut.. l ,pter. No 2S4. II A M . and Coenart Y i rt lien. Abo.. mvlt.d lo funeral H-rv.c Sun.. 7 p -,n. 32d ,i. Int. Mon at rnnvcr I ..I V. rrr,ll, nienc, of the family l.t...M .m.iv ... ....m.-. son or late ( nan,- anu iiriuei i.e-inj- itrninp. ..no frl'nd. Int-d to funer.ti Mon . in a r.-Hldenre uf Lrotber Itl.h.r-I Hennis. 710 .'lie ten ave . (!tn S.,ei..:. requiem m.t Iinn.aiulate Cone ptiou . hur. h 10 a. m Int. H.,'v Seiuil- hie Cem. HLIZAI'.D Julv 17. l.VNII'L R. him- lind uf Llllie R IUI'zir.1 'n.e c.rlsell. ReH- HIIITTON Julv 17. JOSKPH H tana or liojse tiruion. nt-i .,1 itelitives i .nd friends, William !' S bti.der Lo.lue. , V 41I F and A M. Innted to funeral Sun ion m . 111.1(1 N Sth ht Int Mlckie !.'...! Cem. Omit linw.rs I ROWN. Sudden y at Vnfh I Harbor M Julv 17 JOHN A URtiWN Jr 3 i notice of funeral will v, ,.,n .WF.NAL'flll Suddenly, at New Castle, Dfl.. July IS, 191U. Colon' I HARRY CI CAVKNAunn. V S A . retlr.d. huiband of Ilarrj.t Montgomery Cavrnauh In his 7fith .,.r Funeral servlcea vlll be held at late residence, the Strand Tuen Julv 22 4 P m Int private, Arlington National Cem.. Washington, I). C. CLF.GC. At Wildwood Crest N J. Julv Id KLIZARETH N.. daucht r of John R and Eleuthera S Clegc need 2." of 1 4 HI E Columbia ave . Philadelphia Relatives and friends InWted to fun.ral serlces Mon. S p m . summer home of narnta 112 Stanton road. Wildwood Crest. N J Friends may view remains Sun . 2 to 4 p n, Int. St. tnrv'M Cen. Hurllncton. N J.. Tues .'OLLMAN July 17. ANNA, wife of Kd. ward Coleman (nee Connellvl Re atlves and friends invited to funeral. Mon . h:30 a. m.. i from late residence. 2.".4fl Cedar st Solemn requiem mass ai. Aims . nurrn it. a m. lilt Hllv Cross Cem. Aulo funeral rilHHLT At Evanston 111 July 15. I KATHRYN W.. wife of Ilr Wllmer U tnon Hnrl Martha Hlnden Dertnsrer Ttoij. iivcb and freml iiiwm l)l . No lin. ' fnfm.ry of 1234 uirari ave m .... (i .if II. C member of P. nna R R. Ilf-K'lifi and frlenda Invited to funeral. Iltf Aso . Invlt-d tn funeral verrlcea, Sun, . ! '. o a m. residence of Mrs Joseph 3 P. m . H4S Mnple ave Codlnsawood. N J ! schmltt 1" S-U N- 5UlE'-, iYi1'mn rf" Int private Harlelh Cem ;..,r", m.n St Peter'a Chuich 10 a m. . reeiv an, i aatigmer oi A.ieia.oe ano laie ' ,v e niiehael L. Simon ana daughter of Joseph Wetherlll, aged 33 Relatle and I wife &','. i: and Sarah Head aged 4R friends invited to funeral servlres Sun . L Ut I eier ' , , nd, Irlends of the Gloha P m. residence of Joseph P Cre.ly. 100 n . 'laJ',enWt.rl " ',n1' Mnn a n- '" Atlantle ie. Iladdon Heights, N. J. Int. i Market ln Ilea io i . private iiarieign uein AT, .j rn Krlenda mnv ran mm eve PABOKT. July 18. the Hev. rBJF.R F Oakland Cn. r. KARAH E S.MTHi DAOOllT. rector of Assumption B V. M. I S.M'' ArValdon and Florence F Smith Church. West Orove. Chester county. Pa J" rviikra) Relatives and friends invited I.ue nollre of funeral will he given nlf,,,.i siin. "" son-in-law's residence. DGHINCIKR July lo, EUGnNIE II. I ' '"t Atlara White Horse, Dike and Yale DEItlNCIEIf daughter of late Calhoun Josepn ' .;' N j, int. Kvergiecn Cem. '""' of Jimes T. and Margueretta Dougherty atul granddaughter of the late Charles and Madge Hougherty. of Harnes road. Rally- bafey. palish btranovlar. County Donegal, I Ireland I DOL'OHKRTY Julv IS. 1D1I). at Norrls- tnwn. 1'a.. MAROl'ERETTA. dearly beloed wife of Jamea T, Dougherty, .100 Arch St., Philadelphia KISIJNHOWER. July 17. at residence of brother William F Elsenhower. 43.1 N R3d St.. MARTHA L EISENHOWER. Relatives and friends, faculty of Jefferson Public School, Invited to view remains. 0311 N 10th at. Sun., b to 10 p. m Int. private Pottstown. I'a ESCANDEL. Killed In action. Nov 10, 1TI1S. In Frame. First Class. Private CHARLES A , son of Henry and Mary Es candel aged llu, late of 111211 Jackson st Int France FRANK July IS. PAULINE FRANK (nee llurckhardt). widow of Herman 'rank. aged r.d. -Retatlvea and frlenda, Oamen Veieln of Phlla Turngemelnde. Invited to funeral Tues,. 2 p. m. , 18:0 N. Ilouvler st Int rhelten Hills Cem. FREAB. July IS, NATHANIEL K, FHEAB. aged 03. Relatives and friends. Jerusalem Lodge, No. 006. F. find A. il.. tlves ana friends Invited to servlie. Mn . AW5nv ! July 1. MARY E.. wife of 2 p. m . HUH Hjini p p I't private -th p Snovel. Helatlve and friends. IioroilEIlTY .Inly 1. irl. at Norrls- i Kn 718. of .. Invited to funeral town Ph . MAROUERBTTA. Infant daughter , j0(f,e' .Mon' 2 P. n.. residence of daugh of Jimen T. and Murcueretta Doushertr I J Prvlf!; Kthet McKeone. Ki X N Warnock and Washington Camp, Nn. MO. J O. 8. of A Invited to funeral services, at resi dence. Anuaiusln, Burks county. i- . .vion., p. m Im Ait Mtint rem Torresdalc. rRtnoiANDBR Jnlv IS. IIBItMAN. , husband of Isle Pophle rrle.llander "Red 7S. iieiaues and rrtends invited 10 lunrmi. Nun . 1 p tn.. parlors of Kmntiuel Asher ft. hon. Ulna iJInmond t Ini Mnntenore Cem. Oni'THEK At Parkland Helnhts. Pa. July 17. JOHN r . huhnnd ef Itsrhara Ofu ther (nee Martin), aged 77. Ilelatlves and friends. NatlnnRl-Nnttniial, No. '.'; Husnue. hanna Ave. No. 1. Fidelity and Peeond Active U and I. Assos , HI. Michael's tier man Lutheran Church, all Nocleilrs of which he iiu a member, inlted to funeral serv ices. TU'S. i p in . !HI N. -d st. Int. Mt. Vernon I'em. Friends may call Mon. eve Auto funernl. .. . OII.HKHT July 17. RATtAlt t.OUPIA OIl.HKliT (nee Schurchl. wife of Wlllnunhby y. OUtiert nired nj ltelnllvea nnd friends Inv itnl to funernl. .Mon.. .1 P in., from late int private iroigpniT. I.uife inn iuiiu. i.UKn J.,,,, i private OOUIlLACIf July 17. DANIKU "son of Pauline nnd lute Hanlet rlnerlnch. ased 40. Relatives and friends Invited to funeral servhes. Sun., 1 p. m , luon Ilelmont ave. Int trlvate .;'";' :'",''t'','n"X"1".,; W" ,. ;,iVY lilHMJI' lil.l.UW .lUl.V 1. J..M.MA. unUKO Relatives and friends Invlled to funeral serv- 1 '"te ,rf .Martha Cameron Lindsay, deceased. Ices. Mon . 2 p m.. Ml" Pulaski ae.. Uer- having been granted to Fidelity Trust Com mMntown Int private. ! Pany, alt persons Indebted to the said es- 1111 ki:y - .inly 17. i'iiam 11., son or . Joseph I. and Mary H Illrhey. of 442 N upai si , aged Relatives nnd friends lnlted to services Mon. 'J p m.. nt the olher ,, ))ar Mir ,w chestnut st. Int nrlinte. Friends may view remains Bunday evening. HOI.LINnsiIKAD. On bonrd transport Fhoshone. KM.WWlD ROGERS IIOLLINOS M1:aD. son ef i:ilwoo.l and Lvdla llolllnga head. of Moorestovn. V J . aged 21. Due notice of funeral will bo given. tn-r-i.-1-i T,,i.. 1? m.TArtl-rrif r. Rimrlnr ater vounget daughter of late Samuel and Re l1 R IL J beccii A. lluckel Funeral servlres Mon . ' "ir ! , n m.. 1(1111 Harrison St.. Frilnkford. Int. kkli.y July 19 JOHN II KELLY, bus- band of Catherine P. Keilv. Relatives and of Lieutenant A. M. Kerlgan. Jr., and daughter or .Mr an.i .virs. vvimam rost. Services nnd Int. private at parents resi dence at convenience of the family. K1SSEY. July 111. WALTER, husband of Mary Klssey avc.l 110. Relatives and friends Invltul to funeral, Mon . 7:30 a. m . noil N. Warnock st Mass St. Malachy'a Church a a. m Int Ileiv rrns Cem. I.AFFKHTV --.llilv IS HENRY II.. son of notice of funeral will be Riven. , LA.MHEItT J 11 1 V IK. CATHARINE A..1" I wife of Arasmus .1 U-imbert. Sr. Inr.. 'mav call Sun vlewp.t M,m S In 10 I, m MARTIN Julv II. ACNES TOX widow of William Martin late of Clifton Heights. Pa IM..tlv,s and friends invnen to iu- ; tirriil s-rv.ie. Turs . 2 r m, resldrnce of) sister Mr James F Dumler 3'", V. Wood- . land av sh.iron Hill, Delaware county. Pa. lot private MAYI11N Suddenlv July HI. LAW RENi'E 11. husban-l ef Faustina Miiybln (nee Smlt'O. Iteintlvcs nnd frh-nds Invited tn 1 funer.ii perviies. Sun. 2 p m., 21311 N. rlp.,. .. ttil Arllnctnn Cem M. I'ARTIIV t Sen Isle fltv. N.J .1U1V IS .VIAIIVi.VHI, 1 , VVKH.W .11 ..HI..-..-. M.Cnrthv late of 17311 Cleveland live tMorrts ah"' ' tsthi 1 .ue notice of funeral will hi Klv.ii rr..id.nt, of John Wf.ltrr Hurk" s 1: .or. 17lh nnd Morris sts McDliVAI.D Ju'y 17. KLIZAUETII M,l,,w nf John M.'Dir. ild ltelallves and friemW tnvlt.-.l to fun-ril. Mon . h:.'!U a. m.. 14.17 Leh,r "t . F.inltfor.l Requiem hluh , nnsc od hit S"t .li.acblin 10 a. m ' M.N1.SH1 - -.1 iilv 1, .vi.vivv v.. wuc j. Jiitii.". M.N.sb.v and dauffhter of late Patrick and Aim Nolan Reliitlv.s anil frlcn.K Ft, red H.art and Alii, r Sm-letles, Church of isltatlon. Invited to funeral. Mon, 8:30 a. m husband's rcldonce. 2H."tl Jasper st Solemn rt'1'il.ni '" " Churrh of Vlsllutli.n. 111 a m. Int. New i-utnear.il ueni auio funeral MECK.--July 17. CHAItLES. husband of rath.rlne M-.kv (me Sthmltt). uned lis. Ileljt.ves and friends li.vlt-d to funeral, Mon. b 30 a. in. (102U Lltniliilti pike. Int. private. MITCHELL July Id. ELIZA, widow of vv-i nm Mltctull Relatives and friends invlt.-.l to funernl services .Mon , 2 p. m.. Ml late r.-l.lence. 2.-.I1. N 2Uth Bt. Int. private North Latin I 11111 Cem MOR'niSliN'. The death. April tl. lain, at .1.1.. Ill inc., Vera Cruz. MeI,-o. of A !r't ." '"?, '""'" ,0, S:, ' p, hi Ltiet Cedar Hill Cem. Train for Uuatlitnn leaves Hroad St. Station 12:03 P MCRPHY --Julv 1S. JOHN, husband nf Mirv J Murphy (nee Svhmltt). un.t ton of the late Peter and Mary Murphj Relative, and friend-, also me.-lbers of the St. Ld wir.l IIolv Name Society. invHed to funeral. T,' . hJinti. ni.. from 21102 N ..th st So. .'inn fe.iulem muss at St. Ldward s Church, in n tn Int. Hol' Sepulcher Cent Auto funeral .m,v . .., ,., (,'1-tlN.-... '. .11.13 ... .,..,,.. ......... ,,, M-irtin and Nra O'Connor (not Urnwn). .cod "i) i:-I.ile Em. friontH. Catji..lral -P A "l ut' U"ly Name Society. ln.Ltl t , . 1 T,.l .III II repldenp of aunt. kllia K itruuii. ltd- Mt- Vernon M SoU-mn mi na nf pMiu.i'in Cathedral of Sit peter and Pmil !) u. m 'nt llol ros vyn, Aulu funeral H-tlilmom rrtpprn copy O'DONM.M- 17. DKNNIS T. i '." '. ..,, Weatmliister L em c uirrn '"'"' ,', .'.( V ni inin' NULL lteiaii' "ini funeral. Mon ,. ! . " a,1.- J't!, , nr. Mr au..- .'........-, ---., . --,l ,l" IJfirilll.N .I. C ,l '. Solemn requiem mn .".u." .'.'.'..""' Solemn requiem m . " - N.itlll. I'I a "" "" - AUlo I'lnera. iVin-rFpioV July 17. CIEOROE W . fon of Hubert and I.IIHmii Pntt-rson. aped SI. Relatives and frl-nd. imlted lo 'uneraj. Vnn 1 SH n m.. 2"47 Pierce nt. Sen ic ifotter 1 en.oflal Ilaptlst, Church -j-M P m. nt Fefnwood Cem. Fl lends ina lall hull. ";0I tt.U Phlla int. private. Friends may view "tlrvN'Wl-s'.ddenlv nt Ocean Cltv. N. t ";, 19 THOMAS T nnd CHARLES T rti-YNER his eon. Pue notice of funerals "'irm'&l'Eh July 17 MARIAN nciDKN c,-1tfSSI ER wife of Edward H. Schuas. ,.J. rteUtiven nnd friends milled to umir.e.. -.--- vn.. 3 ti in f n of Gloucester. N J.. Invited to "'i Tues.. 8:30 a. m. 1417 N Howard solemn hlkh requiem mass St Mlrha.rs jr?i To a. m. Int. private. IIolv Sepulchre J-. . ' JiFcnnooK. July n. J. Howard, son .HJiillam II ami Jennie O Sheubroolt, of-e,i 11 RelatlvcH and friends Invited tn ? ."'m ! P. m . 020 S Heerhwood .', tnn n. ood ...li T i. Ml Morlah Cem. st int H. "" Krlenda may call Sun. eve ANNA ELIZAHETI! roan auiiu' - a ...inhnn rv . ..... fiinnriil. ' rr,;:; i..,hel JlcKeone. .'.nil N Warno , 'V'r' '?; Rock. Int. private Mt. Mori; f,, tlienda mav call Sun eve L5,riia July IS. aEORGB THiiMS, K uurifin TllUJin. "'-,iii :,:' '; hn.iM.nd rif Anna 1 " " Aunmson) '""cTHl relative, and friends, all organlVa .rt. of which he was a member. Invited Lone?.nera servlcea.,JIon.. P. m. 103 N acer uunn -,""l...-, to funerai prL ""'v,,,., rm Tri.n.iu V.. fith Ht In, ureru. "" -" - tivMUB may CVHJNNA -u!yPl'8.JO"N J . husband of a.l.h n Whim- nelallvea and friends rved to funeral. Mon., 7:30 a m . 139 W. n,Jmh?rland st. Solemn reaulem mass SSJo-Th of the "visitation B. V M. 0 . m. Int New vaincu.a. BflOAD And DIAMOND j ",; ?A,';r;-",', .i,,.. i?.n n.i1,-.l,.i; r navlnB wen grantea to Fidelity Trust Com- I KNITTERS, experienced on fashioned work PHILOJ 1-.NA MARLMII nelatlves an I , ,- all persons Indebted to the said estate on power flat machines" best time-work Urlcmls imlt.d. to funeral. Ties... 10 a. m . Br requested to make payment, and those wages with bonus Highland Hh.ii.e h.i.. Knrom 'he residence or nissisier.virs.vvni. having ilalms against the same to present, Co., nth and State sts, Pamdcn, N. J. 1 West I.-iiir-I HI rem ltemalns may be i Ha(i ronimmv. Kn as.aai rh.nii t eT,V.r,;vTlv 17. OF.OROn F PHTRV. hus- .... .t.,i Meru.lcnre Cem . mm I IPS Julv IS HAUlir w. nus- A.. Keystone .. -'" ,-niie l tof.in.rSl nf A I'enna iv. ... ...". ,-r-. o.n t,. m.. -ij ix. rarson ... . St James a m"J.n-vi?'?t.luly 1 r.l.I.EN. widow nf ChrsUan II. Sender, a Bed 42 Relatives and ( nrisiia... ... Drrtmlne Lodce. No. 14. o. fr, s fun T..... 1ft uNnBitTAKHrtfi .I iaei.es suss sasirmneTliiie ns in .. fi mff rTM HJT ii B.V.a3 nKATits Frc.l.rlek R While .Tl.tatlvn. and friend : -."""" -- ......... -..........-.- .. - - - Invited to funeral services, parlor of Charles Jt Htuard. Ardmore, 1'a., Sun,. 3 v. m. Int. 1 (IllVltlP -" I.IMAL ADVERllSEMfiXTS rttt" 'TirK IS IIKRKIIV OIVHN THAT lUtJ an application will he made to the (Invernor of the State of Pennsylvania, on August I, J0IB, hy Henry J. Uemiili'.' John O. Mosle and ,Ioeiih ,1. I'oley. under tne Act of Assembly of the Commoiiweattn of Penn a.tlvanla, entitled "An act to provide for the Incorporation nnd regulation of certain cor porations," approved April M, IS74 and tne supplements thereto, for the charter of an Intend, d corporation to ho cslleil C'ulilll iliilldliuc nnil l,iun Association, the chnraiter and object of which Is to conduct a building and loan association under the laws relating thereto, and fr these purposes to have ami possess and enjoy all the rights, benefits and privileges of the said act of Assembly ond Us gupplrmrnts. JAMBS K. MA8TERKON. Solicitor, . rr3F' lT.TK OF MARTHA CA.MURO.N W t ttVliutV Ju...,...l i.Mlltirv lei. I t'rs of admlnlstrktion c. p. a. upon the es-, iaie ore requested to maxa paymem, anu those having claims against the same to pre sent them, without delay, at the ofllco of the said company. Nos. 32o-331 Chestnut st., Philadelphia. FIDELITY TRUST COMPANT. WJ1, P. GEST, President. Jf3SlUSTATB OF IIAKIIARA TAI.LMAN. e-11 flecensed belters testamentary upon the estate of Rarbara Tallman. deceased, having been granted to Fidelity Trust Com. pany. all persons Indebted to the said estate re requested to make payment, nnd those. svine claims sgolnst the same to present ' hem. without dlay. at the office of the said , hav them. company, Nos S2S-331 Chestnut St.. 1'hlla. FIDELITY T11IIST COMPANY. WM. P. OEST. rresldentr . ff5rllTATK OF BENJAJIIN 1". I4AW. V Itr.NCK. deceased Letters of ad ministration d. b. n. e. t. a. upon the estate of Hentamln I'. Lawrence, deceased, naving neen granted to Fidelity Trust uom. pany, all persons Indebted to the aatd estate 1 are requested to make payment, and those ! having claims against the same to present' them, without delay, at the nflice of the said company. Nos. 31!3.331 Chestnut at.. fmia. FIDELITY TRUST COMPANY. WM. P. GEST, President. 5'I1.,TATB OF KATI, "INT. lie- ' .rii.r,, ,,,. 01 Bominisiraiiuo ir esnro or ni wini neeeasn, rv imnn inc rwu.ie 01 .-..-.ran jane t'orier. oeceasea. Phlla, FIDELITY TRUST COMPANY WM. P. GEST. President. LOST AND FOUND HARPIN Lost. Wednesday. July in dla nicmd birpln. Schuvlklll Valley train due llroad St. l-tntlon !i:SS a. m. to 17th nnd fhe'nut "Is bv trolley to JUh and Chest nut st Reward by L. N. Robinson, 1731 WM, ., HM,r RIN'n Lost Mondnv evenlnir, between r,3d und ."Hlh st.. on Raltlmoro ave.. diamond platinum rlnu. stamped J E. c. fc Co II 4240 Liberal reward If returned to J. E Caldwell & Co., Juniper and Chestnut streets PERSONALS 1 , , WILL any motor vehicle owner or operator who was fined by tho authorities In St. icv - onr."1. Delaware on Sunday, Julv 13 last. I communicate at once with EUGENE TC. 1 HOP.LE. Screturv Automobile Club of Phil- I ad.lnhl.i 23 S. 23d St.? -rrr HELP WANTED FEMALE BCI-L TKLKPHONn OPEHATIXO No Kxpfrienco Necessary $io pun wnnic von ncoiNxnns Salary Increased aftpr tho first four weeks' training period. Younir women hotween IK nnd 2i will find tele phone oneratlnK ery faFfltmtlner clean work, with unusual opportunl tlM for advancement tn salary and position. In addition to a Rood salary, wo have com fortable, rest and lunch rooms, where food la served at cost. Call personal! First floor, lim Aich st. Mlaa Uynti IVOIIK OOOP PAT. APPLY RFRNSTRIV. IIAI'M-DACOSTA CO.. 22D ANTi anr!!; BLF.VF.N'TH FLOOR. .. I "".',rlii. a,K:".- .r."1"1,".!?-. .9" . :'dl'' UH IUI-.-C1. j'-iicn-yi w. V.H.. lUJj I Filbert. BXAMNBns wanteoon ladles- 6nk drea.e. , I'trlsteln & Co.. in;i Filbert. FINISHERS wanted, experienced on ladles' I.-N1SHERS wanted, exp. I ik dreeH. Perlateln I (JAMPRKI.T.'S .., ..-'4 Kflhnrt sottpq SSTADLISHEU lbOO WOMEN AND GIRLS FOR KITCHEN WORK PREPARING VEGETABLES MEATS. ETC. ALSO GENERAL FACTORY WORK STEADY EMPLOYMENT HIGH WARES INCREASED AUTOMATICALIVT TIME AND HALF TIME OVER 4S HOURS PLENTY OP OVERTIME SPECIAL UONUS 2 PER WEEK JOSEPH CAMPMELL CO 2D AND MARKET STREETS CAMDEN. N. J, GIRLS 10 years and over to work In wall-paper factory Good wages. Apply at once HECKER. SMITH PAGE Water at. and Snyder ave. GIRLS, not under HI years; steady work, good pay. Apply Hush Diamond. Jas- per miiu vji. ,,.,. e.o llAIRURBSSnil -Must he good marcel . ... .... oaaI iirarrdfl alcrn e.t.lMr... Ji. . . wti.pi, k""" ",,'-"' "'" ""H'l'umiii want ed. Jim. Tofner. 161 S. youth Carolina av Atlantic City. HOSIERY KNITTERS Experienced on Wlldman rib machines Steady, well-paying positions NOTASEME HOSIERY CO. Oxford and Mascrer sts. HOSIERY , Palrers and folders wanted: steady wrk, good pay. Apply Hagar Hosiery Finishing Works. Westmoreland and C ata HOUSEKEEPER, to assist in carinr for convalescing patient In addltbn to caring for ams.ll apartmenti sleep out If desired! white, not over 30 years of age. Address, giving phone number and salary desired. M 10.1. Ledger Office. HOUSE 11IRL wanted. Sherry's Cafe, llroad ana nir...."" LADY, between 21 and 2". college graduate, for stenographic, secretarial and general office dutleai good opportunity. Apply by letter A 221. Ledger Office. MAin Wanted by lady living In hotel a JgffJSf' Appiy-A"212."dg?rOfnc.!""" JTURBE. nfacttcal or housekeeper to cara for amall apartment In addition to ronva. leaclna; patient; not onver SO years nf are good appearance; aleep out I'dealrd Call 8856 N. Pr ve" or Voa Tlora fiS70 J. HELP w'ANTED FEMALE .1 I2T'""l. '!&? JP fVf. .wl niraur wutk. 11 vs-ian n m isaavsori i iniiarwair .,rt yji-i M ir:-rj. "l?J."i lorRANO -Toung soprano for quartet .l-,t...,. "! .musical reputation; unusual possibility; salary 1200. Dox 2, 1518 Valnut at. f'-W'ANKNT POSITIONS OPPOli.' TI;N1IY FOR ADVANCEMENT. ,PUItMC I.EDORn CO. T1I AND CIIKSTNtIT RT3. ASK FOR JHl, WIEST STENOaRAPHEH, exceptional ability: ex cellent chance for advancement for a conscientious young lady between 111 and 2.-. Witt ld' APly by letter or call II s. rront st. lKALIIh.Il Competent teacher, desiring more pleasant and profitable cmploMnent, wanted hy firm, where her training and ex perience can he used advantageously: pat tlcdlars upon application. M 113, Ledger '"': I'." '',"., ."rtf "ass. witn clerical experience, s .14. P. o. Ilox 3470. HELP WANTED MALE BOYH wanted. Id years old: (13 per week. nun. i,r.,..t ..... .-. rto St. CABINETMAKERS AND ALL-AROUND MACHINE HANDS. STEAIir WORK GOOD WAGE'S. GEORGE V SMITH & CO. 4UTH ST. AND HOTANIC AVE. CHIROPODIST wanWd for Atlantic City. Mme. Toffler, 104 S South rarollna ave. DESIGNERS, experienced In medium snd K"f"y ',r,,i"cv. "' ,nc -. neavy machine tools: give age and ex- ..., u11".'-. Address A. Wood, cam Nlles Tool Works Co.. Hamilton. O. DRAFTSMEN Rethtehem Steel Company has severnl permanent positions open for first-class designers and mechanical drafts lltfl OR hydraulic presses and machinery, tolling mills and special machinery: only men who ran deliver .the goods should npnlv, (Jiving ago. experience nnd salary expected, " " i.H..Hilmm'li Bethlehem Steel Com- .",,,.. urtuiriirill, I . r,n ., .,.,., ... - , ' ; " uli. ,7 "anted, strictly flrst.clasi orartsman, .experienced on heavy machines, 00 worJii, '"cation, Philadelphia. P -222, Ledger Office. ESTIMATOR Wanted, general building estimator, familiar with re-enforced con crete, must ho first-class man: state experl ence and salary desired. .M loa. Ledger office HOSIERY FIXER FIRST-CLASS FIjfER en Scotf & Williams full automatic machines Permanent position: good salary Chance for advancement for right man Applv Wallace-wilson Hosiery Co. 4368 Wain st.. Frankford MACHINE HANDS EXPERIENCED MEN on moulders or stickers: 4R hours; hlithest waseB. Pinning Mill. Uth and Tioga sta. ,',;'- anted, an experienced man. capabloJ ... uikAiu.iuK ,m teacninf? a nlftlt-grade course In trnrflc rates and management. Ad dres M in, Lfdaer Office. iJciAb oproitTUNiTins FOR MEN ON PRODUCTION WORK fAgea IS to 4a WKIGHT 140 LBS. OR MORE MUST RI5 IN GOOD PHYHICAL CONDITION' No experience necessary No labor trouble Apply in person or eommunlcatn at once with Factory Employment Oft Ice. . THK OOODVKAR TIRi: AND RUDnCR CO., AKRON.'. O. r WANTED AT ONCE RIVETERS RIVETERS RIVETERS first-class MEN COME WITH YOUR GANGS , THOUSANDS OF HOLES READY TO DRIVE UP INSIDE AND SHELL WORK READY IT'S PIECE WORKNOW GO APPLY CHESTER SHIPnUILDING CO.. LTD. FRONT AND KURI.1N STS. CHESTER. PA. QR SEE MR. DILL, 1.121 ARCH ST. PHILADELPHIA ROOFERS white Annlv 1322 N nth st. SHIP DRAFTSMAN Applications wanted from grade A and R men; rcpllpa treated in confidence giving full qualifications. Ad- dress M 117. Ledger Office. SHIPYARD MECHANICS ' DOES IT APPEAL TO YOU TO 1JAVU A JOU AS RIVETER ' HOLDER ON COPPERSMITH CEMENTERS TASSER DOYS JIust bo over 10 yeara and furnish proof of age ' WHERE YOU WILL HAVE GOOD WAOES OOOD HOURS GOOD LIVING CONDITIONS GOOD WOUKINCI CONDITIONS GOOD TRANSPORTATION FACILITIES GOOD TREATMENT WHILE ON THU JOB ir YOU ARR INTERESTED AND WISH TO KNOW MORE ABOUT THIS FINE OPPORTUNITY MAKE A CALL AT 800 WALNUT ST. See Mr. Shattuck or Mr. Phillips , 1321 ARCH ST. See Mr. Swartx i . ' .. J .'! t r HELP WANTED MALE SALESMAN PAt.ES REPRESENTATIVE IS DESIRED FOR TERRITORY IN NORTHERN PENN SYLVANIA! CANDIDATE MUST TOM SALESMAN OF PROVEN SUCCESSFUL AHII.ITY LOOKtNO FOR PERMANENT J..2JJNKjrr,ON. WITH -OPPORTUNITY FOR STEADY pnnnnEss, Rvpcnn;TR witti AL'TOMOHILr. TRADE PREFERRED! AP- i-i.iv A.-vi AiijKT STATE Ann. EXPERI ENCE. EDUCATION AND EXPECTED RE MUNERATION! ONLY APPLICATIONS MADE BY LETTER WILL BE CONSID ERED. ADDRESS VACUUM DtL COM PANY. AUTOMOTIVE DEPARTMENT. 328 CHESTNUT STREET. THILA. -L SALESMAN, experienced, to take charge nt ., department of laboratory supplies. Wll Hams, Brown & Earle. Inc.. fi8 Chestnut st. STENOGRAPHER, experienced, and assistant. to bookkeeper: permanent position: opportunity for advance ment, Apply' PUBLIC LEDGER CO. 6th and Chestnut sts. Ask for Mr. Wlcst STENOGRAPHER Experienced, flrst-clesi stenographer, capable of assuming secre tarial duties: answers to contain full details as to experience, salary and references. Ad dress A 133. Ledger Office. STOCK-BOND SALESMEN A connection with a newly organized local promotion house Is now open to salesmen who are seeking a permanent future In this line of business; In answering kindly give, your phone number, as well as a general outline nf your selling experience. Addresg A 202. . Ledger Office t TENOR wanted by Protestant church quar tet choir: $(100 per year; In replying state, experience P 2.13. ledger Office, UPHOLSTERERS Good pay: steady work. Apply J. U. Van Solver Co., Camden, N. J. WANTED Live wires, men of strong personality, to organize lodges of NATIONAL DEFENDERS an outirrowth of the war. Producers caoa- bte of earning J.",00 mnnthtv communicate. stating permanent address and phone num ber. ,m 120. Leaser unice. WANTED EXPERIENCED MEN AND WOMEN LEATHER OLAZERS FOR MOROCCO WORK DNI.T; OOOD WAOES: STEADY WORK: NO T,AROR TROUBLE. APPLT AT MONROE f?T. OATE. F. RLUMENTHAT CO. WIMTINOTON, DEL. YOUNG MAN wanted In uptown bank: ex perience not essential: must be accurata nnd eneraetlc Replv In own handwfltlnr. KlvItiT particulars, also references and sal ary desired. P 220. Ledger Office. TOUNO MEN to Ieart trnd Apoly Abram Cox Stove Co.. American and Dauphin streets. YOUNG MAN. graduate In nharmacv, with some knowledge -nf laboratory work Wll Hams. Brown - Earle. ine., Hlft Chestnut st. General WE TEACH TOT' TO DRIVE AND REPAIR AUTOMOBILES J2r COMPLETE COURSE 125 DAY AND NIGHT CLASSES Fattier. 1nl Pnrlnc Garden Open SnndaT. ?IT!I TTOTJS WANTED WALK ACCOUNTANT, auditor college graduate. age 3.". 2 years auditor of government construe ti on account?, desires exMUtlva office position. Accountant, 15 S. Indiana ave . Atlantic City. . BOOKKEEPER-ACCOUNTANT Youngman. 21. desires position with micantlle es tablishment or with firm of nublie account ants; Wharton School graduate; 3 years bookkeeping and cost accounting exnerlence; AOr e ferences P 213 ledger Office. COLLECTOR On ins to a chanpre In the. method of hardl'mr our collections wn nro ohllred to dispense with the services of our collector; we are anxious to Place him. Th National Cash Register Co.. 730 Chestnut st SALES and advertising executive, with 0 years' successful experience. Is desirous of making change due to present employers rrnvlnc offices South. A 200, Ledger Office. SECRI.TARY or office work; open for part time engagement, speak other languages: best references Ad. W. A . 22.1 S 3d st. EMPLOYMENT AGENCIES MRS. HARVEY. 1010 Rlttenhousa, square Reliable help supplied and wanted. BLDG. MATERIALS REPAIRS FOUNDATION STONE FOR SALE QUARRY AT NORTH PHILADELPHIA H C. AMBLER, 3717 Old York road. BUSINESS OPPORTUNITIES WANTED A man with good reputation, with a capital of $2a.000. for equal part ner In shoe business; conducting 2 large Htores In th heart of the city; doing $300, -(ion business nnnuallv. For further Informa tion communicate with Box V 231, Led. Off. AN EXCEPTIONAL opportunity A high grade bakery and delicatessen store, lo cated In the best bus'ness town on the Penna. Main Line; doing a cash business of SHOO per week, with no deliveries. The prop erty and business for sale on account of ill health. Apply to John Price & Co.. 3133 Market CAPABLE business man will Invest $3000 or more, with services, in eatab. provable business; stnte line. A 127. Ledger Office. MANAGERS wanted In every locality; some capital required Address J. J, Carney, l.n,, , nr.ncH ceinci, . . ' ,-- BUSINESS PERSONALS DIAMONDS BOUGHT Positively hlphest rash jiricen for vour dia monds, any size from U to in rarni.' nnn pay higher; also old cold, platinum and iUvr bought. Estates boucht (private). Est. 10 yra, The Diamond Shop i-J DIAMONDS" BOUGHT ANY SIZE PRICE NO OR.IECT KELLY & CO.. 032 CHESTNUT ST. Eulje 21-22. Over Child's Restaurant, Prhr. ELECTRICAL TREAT . physical culture. i:,2L llonrdwalk Atlantic City. Entrance to rlcht of store. VISITING HAIRDRESSER, formerly with Mlsa Cloud; eyebrows arched, tienna treat mt-nt; all shades blond and black. Wood land 3520 W. ELEC. treat and manicuring. Office Hutch ison Rldg.. fourth floor, Roomi 408-407 122 8. 13th St.! hours. IP-ft. FOR ESTIMATES on punch press work ea!I."Jff"8'j write or Pnone fttiA.i.Nr.ni.i wsaurAie TURING CO., 470 'York ave. Market 4088. EI.ErTRIC treatment ft manicuring. Room 10. Heed Rldg. 121R Filbert si. Loo 3082. CARPET CLEANING ESTABLISHED 1873 Automatic Carpet Cleaning Co. 3014 LUDLOW ST. Bell. Treston 2108: Keystone. West 5023 D Carpets and rugs cleaned, scoured and stored; Oriental rugs our specialty: fine. durable rugs woven from your old carpets. WALLACE j N 101828 N 20253 Church lane. Otn. DANCING MODERN steps at summer rates. Apply (trarla Studio. 11 S. Oth St., opposite Postofflce FOIl SALE OFFICE1 FURNITURE Large, lot desks, safea, files, cabinets and central office furniture, etnre fixtures. We Buv. Sell and Exchange. PATTEN FUJINITURU CO LOCl'ST 407(1 1127 ARCH ST ItACPI egl) FOLDINO AND INVALID CHAIRS 1'Ull DA1.E, JHU kJ IllllCi Theatre chairs, movlng-plct machines, etc., school desks, church pews and pulpit chairs. CHAIR EXCHANGE, 8. E. cor. (1th and Vln NEW WIRlTlCE CREAM CHAIRS $30 PER DOZEN REGULAR PRICE 13d OHA1R EXCHANGE. 3 E. cor, (1th and Vina BATHTUBS, sinks, toilets, wash trays. washstands, radiators, hot-water and steam Boilers, pipes and fitting cheap. 142(1 S. nth, J'hone Dickinson 374. BILLIARD pool, comh't'n 2d-han bought. sold, rented, exen. neater, a.-u uirarq ae HOUSEHOLD furniture beds and cots com- pieie. p.ierry e. ..,,,., huh ,iiii.,i.i MEN'S SUITS made to order from your own materials, 12.B0: nt and workmanship; guaranteed, Hessert, 035 Arch st. . REFRIGERATORS and fixture; for grocari and meat markets; terms If desired, RANDALL fc CO. 331 N. 2d. SAFES, fireproof, slightly, used, some, with thin walla: also steel cabinets. 72 N.Fourth STANDS. CABINETS), ete.T big bargains. Phlla. Printers' Supply. 14 S. fith .1. THREE-PIECE PORCH folding set, consist. Ing of armchair, aettee und table, 14.60. Including delivery anywhere In city. CHAI R EXCHANGE. S. E cor. 6th and Vina OLD GOLD Cash paid for old gold, silver: clocks ro- M. Of 1 F A u , A: Uk4 J1- . fe.Ti. M '&T 5r ". -.W- '(v H3? .' "? i- . -' &: