Evening public ledger. (Philadelphia [Pa.]) 1914-1942, July 19, 1919, Night Extra, Page 14, Image 14

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tha unriersl:-he,l hm marie HDDlfra
elnn fnp the renewal nf eertlflcats No
HlftUB (or 37 shares o( capital stock of
American Telephone and Telegraph Co..
Issued and registered to Matilda O Schenck
trel not Indorsed by her, same having been
lost, destroyed or stolen
N, H corner Oth and Arch sts
June 80, 11110
Capital 2 nnn oiio ut)
Surplus n nnn oon on
Undivided profits . .. tm 139 si
Tret Board of Directors of The Land Title
and Trust Company has this diy declared a
Quarterly dividend of l'lve Dollars per share,
payable Anruvt 1, 1010, to stockholders of
record at S p. m July 10 loin
lewis r ouioi n 'jr
July s. 1910
i -
Bpeclal Notices
Philadelphia. May 2th lino.
TJitlr ts herabv clven that In rtnri.iitne,.
nr resolution of the Doard of Directors of
Commercial Trust Company a Special Meet,
Ini of the Stockholders of the Coinpanv will
be held at Its rreneral olTlce Commercial
Trust Hulldlnir northwest corner Ilrrmd nnd
South Penn Souare Thllsdelphla. I'ennsyl
Tenia, on Tuesday, tno fifth nay of August,
010. at two o'clock p m for the purpose
nf votlna for or aralnst sn Inrreast cf ths
Capital Steel- of the Company from II oon
OOO to S3 000 nOO to be offered to the stock
holders at t?00 per share of which one half
hall be adled to and constitute part of ths
surplus funds of tho Company
New York Exchange Closed To
day to Give Brokers Breath
ing Spell
tin it r.1). in n i.-i i.ii- .- i r ,,
"axn'VlFRItlF.V fi.1(l Iloursr llldr.. l-lilln. iRr'- " ' '' " "rKe nunimr u 111(11
JuH 111 HUH
SEALED rilTO-'At.S endorsed ' Illds
for the construction with appurtenant work
Of Schullkllt River Ilulkhend west nlle
south of Tenrose Ferrv Itrldge ' v. 111 be re
celled until 12 o'rlock noon, Tueselu.. u-'
Knit 0, 1010, In the olTlce nf the Director of
the Department if Wharves, Doi ks and
Ferries, 550 Iloure nullllns I'hllad.lphla
and then publlcl opened
Flans specifications and blank forms
upon which bids must be made can be ob
talned at the olTlce abn.o mention 1 upon
the deposit of a certified check In the sum I
of $10 00 to cover cost of blue prints umir tl
ssnicn rnecK win i" irimn u upun me i , . , .
celpt of plans anl specinc-ition in this im '" n ini;i rnniv limn njtins n tort
office In food condition and unm-irke! The niftllt np till' iipvviml pn.t-riss of -c.
euccessfut bldler will n. furnlhel with il . ,,,.
necessary blue prints free of ch-irte llllltl pile is lllls been vtltllllll It 111 II
Proof must be submitted th- Department tin lipid In s,no instiin. is tlie ml
by tho contractor that he nns anppt I th ,
provisions of the nrhlnRtnon oiiip mi niio uih uU lit nml Hr tnr ulnr,
fnrnm?nCt.0fcoJmpenrstlonPl7andl:",'ns".'red" J,?, I " "-' -- nin.,.l..l.i.r tn
liability thereunder or si ured e tnptlon . I1 "i" 1 ' points It wis nltnpetlicr
'"'btd'vvlll be considered unle.. c-m '""-m-il 1 1., r. iii tint th. lust l.nlf
panled by a eertlflcite frim the ilt soiir of tin v i k luuilil iip witno'-sul a
itor of the City of Phil idelphla t therlTet VN, l. nin .if tlm nniliiti. ,1,1 ,,,,
that the pnntslons of an irilnanrt ri lulr -ni K luu nl tlm inuKits wtlil imp
tnK proposal bonds on d 1 hll exieedlne In 'l , tlNt I. .If ,,f t,o upik w is L-noti
amount 1500 arprocl Maj .0 ist.o hvi I " ' ' ',, , , (."
been complied with , ovpi to hullisli ip liKiii-trutlons, pri-
The Director rei..reB the rlRht t r'Jet ,,..., i. ... ,i.,. s.. i v,..r(, illlf t,
any or all bids ni hf mm leem liest for tho ' ' -imn. lint the
Interest of the ins of Ph a lelnhl i i hn'i' mill Kot i stiolig I lie liming
uW.Ki,i, i Liu,Tn i(lf lmist.iiU linilK lr uli
tlint Kpeiulntlon in vccurltlos will be
vtifloil br thp t,linrtHRP nf futiils This
nould ntonii tlint diirinK tlio hcJclit of
inn proMH'rit) tlio stock market would
nlionilj linc stiirlnl to rcrnlc, but this
N likolj to happen at all events, In
iiiiiikIi as tin- inaikit is nlwnvs well
m aihance of the (imdltions which it Is
The follow Iiir rommciit on the moiiej
sitimtion ninilo bj it liuik Is typical of
tlic( iniitinnnry uttotumd from this
quarter "While In the opinion of
Bond judges f.eiuiit prices liavo not
id In en full adjusted upward to eom-
' pan with the Koneinl piiie levels of
REVIEW OF WEEK'S TRADE "'innindlties, the money situation fur-
uilies food fni thouglit as affecting se-
unit spreiilatinii Ihe I'tderal Ilc-
Netv Yoili, duh l'l The New nrk .(rve Itoaid Ins if-mrd two warnings
Sun's finamiil ieu of tin- wiek and the fallini? rtsmes of the iesere
folh Inuks", coupled with the violent lltic-
Aiinther wiek of leninikthle vperu tuitions m tin New 'nk till money
Htive aitivltv on the stik Kxilnnge r,fi arp Sj,Illltm not to be liRhtl
has been added to the utipip edenteill ,k,( .an,.,
' With a desire to nlleve the reserve
banks of their holdings of war paper
it is mil a (Hirst inn of months before
ptissure to Inpiidite such loans will
be npplhd through the raising of the
earning rates on this paper. While
the Loniini n i, il demand foi nionev is
loiii list if (iinsci iitiw nii'lmii slnre
.sessions Psot onlv v is there no tes
( . itlnti in the volume of Imsim trans
- acted, hut new high pii((s for the
-near were again niched In tin mar-
Holiday Will Enable Members to
Catch Up With Mass
of Work
vidtial stocks sold nt ntvv high hvil
for all time So tremendous Is the
wave of spit ill itmn in whnh the liu in
(ill mnrkets nie ingulfed th it th
Sloik rMhnngc is closed todiv in or
der to give luokoin'e honsis n hrc ith
nig spill in whnh to i i(ih up with
tluir vork
Sinee the turn of the imdvi ir or
(all inoni v rate ciased jump-
New rli, .lulv in Ilmlness on
the stoik exilinnge nnd nllied institu
tions was suspended toila tn ennble
ineniliers tn catih up with the mass of
wotk resulting from the vveek'ii extra
oi dinar mtivitj.
nvcr stock exchnngc linuse had its
( lerii ill foice hard nt work straighten
ing out iK(oiinl and luingmg thera
dow n to date In home of t'n largei
coinmission houses thro shifts of eight
hours null have been emplovtd for nov
el nl months
Wall street now hns experienced some
five months of unparnlleled nitivit,
almost evirv full session of the exchange
not ovcrhiavv, intinsnig business at 'auraging at least one million sliaies.
high prucs of libm and materials is In nient wnks, the average has been
nuking itself tilt and rates aie firm, nearlv '',000,(IO( shares.
ven at this mid suniUKr seas,,,,, Asme I These (minimis transactions have
from the ii((il- of mil govt rninent forjtnxid the mm Inner of the exchange
funds Ihe cpeiled proicssjon of loins to its utmost 'Jhev also have exhaust-
to fnn ign (ouiiliics stittid ofT prompt- 'nl (he incigv of the tbousands of mi u dominant in the lnterintional industrial
lv with the signing of the treaty of and women who gain tluir livelihood I field
Noted Financier Tells of
Conditions Which Led
Up to Near-Revolution in
Great Britain and Means
of Averting It
Premier Position of Eng
land in Industrial Field
Was Endangered Prior to
War by Advance of Ger
many and America
EN'(I,AND'S industrial situation nnd
outlook nre enormously interesting I
to Aim rit nns. Sinci the birth of moil
em industrialism England has been pre
pe if e,'
It wis learned this week that bank
ers are arranging foi a loin to Svvit7c.r
lind which, however, is onlv a pre-liiiiniaiv-
step toward the extension of
l.ui,i i ii dits to 1'urope.
Philadelphia Markets
UKLAVVAIil. HlM.ll it Vll 1KUII
a imiiK.i; to
Broil Ptreet StHtlnn
Philadelphia Julv 10 1010
Sealed propo-nls will bo rti.eled at tills
office V-ntll noon of the list dl of InlT
1019. for ssle to this company at the low'
est price not cTcecclinc imc of surtl lent
number of Its First MorUtaa" 41. Honds
maturing ucust 1 IMC to Inve.t t! . sum
xrf $15 100 In nccordince with the sink itf
und provU.on of the mortuate securing the
said bonds
1 S VVS7WPT Tr.i..,r.r
Economic Conditions and Fa
vorable Crop News Factors
in Grain Pit Oats Easier
anAiv hki.t wi:Tiirii roitLf isj
Clllrncn Julv 10 lllln Is and VV luer
son Fair tonlifht ind probal I SunUv
not much change In temperature Vll
souri IMrMv loudv tonlcht and un.lii
nrohabl unsett'e.l w.st Mlnne on
North and feeuth Dakota Mont mi nl
Wjomlnc Pair tonlnht and sunda not
much Chans In temperature low
Partly clouel tonlsht and Sun lav ome.
what unsettled vveat and centril Ne
bra.ka Parti clnudv nnd somewhat un
settled tonight and SunMaj Kins is I n
settled . prolmblv with local thund r
Etormb tonlbht or .sunda
VV lin VT Pcc-e nt" "lOi ii tushol. The
tn .rk t was Mrm The i . tiitione were
N 1 r I lnl r JJ 11 No 1 nnrthern
l rlni. Ul'i o 1 hurl winter VJ Tl No
1 n 1 wmt r kill! k J I" Nn 1 red
mil S ' til Nn 1 r, 1 wlnt r 12 1(1
N n rl I rn. nr . u Tl N. . Ii, , I
reil.liss piopottlnns anil was eoll'lllitid "" r "- vu - red win r nriui
1 sin h
'reiljiss pioioitiniis and was co
1 with so little leg ml foi lutiiiiMc v lines
I tint the innveiin nt was f row mil upon
N i
At no time prior to the wnr did
I in 'he luminal distiiet
t'fl .1, tin siiitimm tlio utitlinrll ioj
of tl. st.Nk iveliniiiri- wue i ecitiested '"e 0,"'" ' mn.e progress nlttiough
to make on Sntuicla a iccess, but
the pctitim of the members was not
til anted
111 i niisi native IinaneiU nicies. this
ati-cd a pntnl iliMUgence of iKtivitv
into the i ulroad stntks, anil this de
i n Inn nt (f the mnk(t' expeiiencid
gn Hi i pnpul uitv than at an time so
far this t u
Movinicnl in 15 ill Stocks
Jfiivuu l i nlioael stocks was
the oiiti nnn ol uiv i1 finite change
tlir btttu in the outliiik for tht 1.11
u is It w is basi d mi tin lealizutio
I until t si m N . i
wlnr .' I-- No 1 n -th t i ejilni. JJ I.'
Ni t lard wlnt.r $- 1.' No 1 t.d winter, I
s u i i i . ji i r ii sinum J--ii
I w r i. r 1 1 h in the r I J.TII-.
i UI1N I( in, IT" i lu hi Is Tnli sm
"1 w hi s jpi I s w,r, "tiiHll in I prices
ml I fct.aK V fiu I 1 iw In nr lits
t r k il tr Ii is tu fiuillu ml li atlon
at J . e 1 I n r lil'hel
UVr II leipts f.iUJ lushfl" The imr
hi i i ii Minei i.iti nrni al in. nti de ,,!.,.,.,. . -
din. on iitcii. i.ir iot ,i i i,r.iauthoutiis nri
Hon No 1 l Hi s;i, ss, Nn J wMti
si ( s;i, s i B1,t s, o-s, ia, s 4
whit. s 3 ' st , !
H '( It It I- - -Hi M Is ml . IT! 1-4 I
lhv ti ,.il Th -1 .1 i. .. u .i.l. , lull
for firm Th intitlons w i s f II ws To I
nrni. r l lie in l in ,i nil sarks
wliltr r in, in nprii oil ll"7"itll
tie e ti, lit-, ne, in oil Sln?iln7
,t,ii i t . u - . .. . i w ins is ii o ism new
till' blllkils Wiiu'd not '(i Hit nance .1 .lni I 1. Kai sas .Inn -iiuit old J1J
ffl- i ii w III Infill i , sprint, short
pueni ii Tl- i'f11 do i lUtit oil
i f 1- , u
'I I ll
llll' II il It
en l it i-.'n'iMT'. p. r I 1 I In sj ks
Ii st f it ii -V 1 1 ! t
in ww nni iiuurt1
Larger Companies Hold Quota
tions Around Levels Prevail
ing Since Early in Year
( nt million of tin tniilhndv up InJ
dm.' of mdusti nns The spciulative
stiuiture in (lint si inn nf the market
wis growing topheavv, but Ts condi
tion was stn ngtheni d In the silling
whnh developed m the industrials late
in the wiik 'Hit move mi lit in some of
the l ills attained epule large propor
tions, notablv in the cas,. of Xi w
Ilivin. M. l'uul, houthdu I'm me and
llowiver, the railroad department
was onlv a sulishow ceimiureil With
the pei fin main i s of the u.dustmls As
New .oi!i, lulv 0 Tliere h is been
nbsoluteh no let up in the nnpiovcnent
in the stcil sitnition, and leading
mole optimistic than
evi r before ovir the o itlonk. Xntuialh,
thete is coiisnleiable tal't about ad
wiik is in pnus for products of villous
kinds, but thus fei the laigcr com
ptnies have In nl 1 nil quot tinns filmlv
around the live Is wlneli huve pitvailid
sine.e e arlv in the veai
In some (pi utirs, however, there is
first l-ir oil 1 1 301 in vvell-deliind opinion tint some of the
II siowb ni f nner rates Miniiei llniepe lull nt (ompaiiiis will ud
v nee tlit ir puces foi special products
This action will
lie lil(ill"lit llliiitit In tlio Ini-iin nrrlnru
Iieni i 1 wis onh mn ler tt I ut prl a!,, i ,i. i . i .., , ,
r- ilrmh ne d Ouotati. ns lieef in sts. ' w "lcli thev hive rcfent'v received and
k 1 mil mr ilrkd u"i knueeee anil ; ,i 1, 1, I, !,.. .,,,,,, I,, I Hiiir neil..r li., .lis
,i --. . . - ....... u
Oermaiiv, nnd the l"iiited States in
later vears, progressed on so much more
rapid a scale th.it Imgland's premier
position vvns being endniigeied.
England's great industrial ndvnntngc
lav in lurcoil and lier workmen. Most
of her raw- material -ad to be imported.
She could not feed herself, but with the
genius of the Knglish for industrial
oigani7ution the island was turned into
one huge inilustiial stttlement, and u
national life has been built up which
is ns ch pendent upon a continuation of
outside demand for products of llnglish
workshops ns would bo the ease with
n New rnglaud mill town
There is a population too large to be
fed bv home supplies, that nins itH "liv
ing bv passing taw mateiials tluoush
the workshops and selling (he product
to foreign eon' .lies for the means with
which to hti food ami more raw ma
te rials
I think the picture of I.nglaud that is
in the-imnd of the average American
mainline tin e who is looking forwntd
tp intVrnntieitnl competiti-as is that her
indistrus have great! benefited by the
xv ir.
He hns krovvo. English industry before
the w ir n- h iippereil ii tin introduc
tion of the latest tvpcK of labor-saving
tnichire-v ''iroiii'h n cettain ennservn-
Today Mr. Vanderllp writrn of England on tlio verge of revolution and
how the wie leadership of her captains of enpitnl and labor cnirlcd her safely
past the crifiis.
"The brutal truth," writes Mr. Vanderllp, "Is that gland's labor had
been so underpaid during the first generation that it had been unable to keep
a roof over its head. The need for housing is so
gieat that It has become a national srnnilal."
Hnlish manufacturers had met bitter com
petition in the world's murkets before the war
To hold these markets it was neceisarv to keep
down prices. The obvious vvny to hold down
L2Hw$i!j& ! ct"" "ns I0 110ll novvn wngts in tuc minus oi
rrVsP""' Zj&jt- ' mo'lt Uritlsli manufacturers This in turn vwih
met with the most complete labor union organi
zation in thp world. Kiglitj -five per cent of
Urltish workmen are organised.
The nimistice brought on the Inevitable in
dustrial disorganisation. Stnkes ensued. In
Kebruary the transportation s.vstem of London
was par.il .eel. niecttieal emploes were threat
ening to cut off London's light and power.
Unrest spread Tanks lumbered ponder
ouslv up and elovvu the streets of Glasgow Half
n million rnilwav unel transportation workern
were threatening an immediate strike unless
their dilheultid were iniinediatel settled, the
coil miners were asking for n six-hour dav and un increased wage. The tem
per was hostile anl uncompromising on both sides.
Then came the change. How it was brought about will be of intense in
terest to evei business man and ever working man.
ii s. i
r W' "I
Wet Weather and Domestic and
Foreign Demand tho
be organized in unions, nnd the leader-1 there is urgent need for homes for
cottov nEir weathwi conditions
New Vork. July in The following tem
peratures were recorded In the cotton belt
this morning Knoxvllle, AS, Nashville,
I'ort smith Oklahoma City and Little
Tlock 70. Memphis Macon Auirusta and
Atlanta 72, Vlcksburs: Tensacola Mont
aomer Thnmamille and tacksonvlllc, 74 1
Han Antonio and Tampa, 7a New Orleans.
Charleston. Havannah anl AV'ilmlnaton. 7A;
flali etnn So a nd Corpus Christ!. SI.
The following precipitation was recorded I
Tampa and OR'nhoml nl; Thomasvllle,
0(1, Wllmlnirton 11 New Orleans. 14t,
Bavannoh 10 Montcomcrv Oft Charles
Ion 4H. Knosvllle 1 (11 AUBUeta and AU
lanta. 1 SO IVnsacoIa. 2 20 and Macon.
S 30
New York, Jul) 1!). New high rcc
oids for the season were established la
the cotton market here toda on general
bu ing, due to wet weather in the west
ern belt and reports of a continued Ac
I mnml from domestic and foreign trade
'sources. l'lofit-taking caused reces
sions from the best. With the New York
Stock I'tchnnge closed, business was
somewhat icstrictcd. Ileallziug con
tinued in sufficient volume late In th
morning to halt further advances. Wall
I street and western operators weie mod
el ate sellers The south traded both
wi.vs on a smnll scale.
'J he close was steady at a net gain
of ISO to .? points.
The iceeipts at the ports for the
dav are estiinoteel at 12,000 bales,
against 10,(!1S bales a veeU ago and
.'1 l.";i bale s a ear ago.
cxtiemelv high order. It has in the This need is so gi cat that the domes
main been studious leadership, in which tic situation of labor has become n nn
men have recogni7ed tint there nre un- tloiinl scandal, recognized bv I'arlit-
I mutable economic laws and have striven meut unel emplovcrs, and one of the
to understand than ami tontorm to racist important national movements in
'nle the lcstnctive lit'eH and
Liberalism vs. Tor) Ism
This w is met bv a good deal of blind
ton ism among the emplo.vers, nlthojgh
on that side there are examples of
liberalism of thought mid n depth of
Intelligence that I do not think can be
mitchcd in Ameiiea.
On the whole the forces tending to
keep down wages provid, for twenty
.vears prim to the war, almost as strong
as (hie fonos tending to raise them, nnd
the result ins been during that period
that with a somewha increasing cost
of living, tue standard of living of the
laboiei has eertaitil) not much nd
van-ed nrd I believe on the whole has
Whatever the statistics of Indet num
bers ma.v show, at least two great broad
facts are tviddit. One of these is the
lUtermr'tioti of plijslque. It mav seem
strange to suggest a detciioralinn in
Ijiiclisli manhood in the lielit of r.na.
tism (in the pint of both emploveis nndi land's ni complishment dining four
mil one-half )enrs in battle. (Vitainlv
f'm llv (.' ii.mii. n i lined' i)o Is''i) un'il tin ir position has be i ome such that ' agi eeinents of union labor limited thej slie is not a nation in plivsanl decadence
J -j i. sKin-i, I iiihc an'iiiiilf fl Mhov I an llflcrd lo lint nn n u i w ori.l
1 sm led 4ns'cl41i do billed bmeles". l ,, "' "" ri '" '"" "I1 I11"" til"'
"i il nk hiiulil.rs s i cured 1 ose .'ic, allow othei m il c rs to git the business
Jsc b"kr.ibiJn""4e Hrd"' lw3e' I that vv -mid natuiallv hu v e c, me to them
--... ,,.- "he polKV of the l.ngei steel men of
ncrnecu ouusno
itraitiviness oi uue raiuoiit stocks m
,(i(asis sonKwvhat Insause of tin possi-
' hilitv of foliwTess i iifli turn In ti, tir nil
Chicago, July If). Distuibed ei o- ' legislation loi the (.uiitrs A good
nomical conditions and favonhle nop eleal of the Inning of the rills Ins
advices continued to lnllmnee the mar
ket for co n and heavv selling was re
the eouiitiv is still fuvoiible toward
nn..i.. .. ,.. ii. i.. .w.. ...a ... . .... ... .
time weais on the spofuative at- , i r ! unanL'.d 'on a ' b7.l.uf ic ",? stJl"i,u- 'H'f uelu w- that it is just
nn i naiiu iiiru ns iiiipin nine in piiviui: a riinavva)
DAIRY PRODUCTS tinuket du-im: an iiptmu as it it to
fHrrsi le ,m kit nil, I tlrm with ' ",tpml,t tn h",(1 nl,c,'l ulliu 'n
deimm I alsirb ne ino limit 1 tfeiini, eju i lis 1U piogless It is lllovvil that these
lilll I. If lull. Ill 1,1- Ml-lll MUU1
sumed, causing further severe losses m
values. No bu)ing power of eonsc
quenco developed until prices had been
forced four cents under the previous
close for September and more than two
cents lower for December.
The strike of the marine worlers,
which hns led to the placing of iin
harcoes against water shipments to n
number of ports, hail caused i couple
Ik e ii men lv becatiso thev offered a safei
eitit'et for speculative enthusiasm than
did the steel, tin lubber, food in
li itbci shates wlin h temporarily weie
in an unsafe technic il position
Itip'Oits of tuide (ouditious have all
been of the most fivorable nature In
v (linle sale and rduil lines business is
moving lapidlv foi the suiumn scison
Coppci metal adv anied to 2J'j cents a
pound foi hepteinbi i deliven a figure
ltpiesinting n 111.11 kid resnveiv fiom
lnteicsts ire holding .-tindilv to this
billet but it is onlv reasonable to lo ik
for the I iw ot supplv and ileimi.il to
i untied the pi iks iventualiv.
(should the pi i sent demand iniitiiiiie
outtuit below the output pel man in our
oivi shops under similar eircumstnnccs.
Our nierit.m manufacturers be'ievc
that the war Ins geitlv imprnved the
nosition eif Publish indnstrv through n
frrccd mvakoiuiic to the rnsi' lliti-s of
lnbor-sivlne nincbinerv ind tli-ouuli
I'ng'and to.lav is connected with the
housing pioblem.
llieie is a progrnm working tlirniigh
national aid toward the immediate
building of 500,000 houses. -It is ad
mitted on ever) hand Hint the dete
liorntion nnd crowding in houses have
gone to a shocking point have gone so
far that nothing shoit of n itional aid
can rescue Knglisb labor from an in
tolerable position.
Cop) righted b) Maemillan Co.
Mondiy . Mr. Yander'In will con
time lus diseirsion of "Nipping n Re
volt in rnglaud."
New York, July 19 The eofiee mar
ket opened epiiet at declines of 11 to
10 points, in sympathy with casiir
Hrnil cables. Trtding was light. In
the absence of selling pressur. Intel
theie were gams of about ." pointi oi
so fiom the initial figtites v
Cotton Buyers and Sellers
New York, Jul) 10 Julv Hopkins
offered August Montgomery bid ;
Hopkins offered. October Rinrdan,
Wade, llnrtlett, I'linn, U. IlubWd,
ISenl. Pariott and Martin bid: Cone,
Wntkins, H.ineniann, Ilussell, Newman
and Smith otTeied. December Kiedcr,
Hubbird Iiartlett. Sigel, It. Hubbard
and Kouutree bid; Ilussell, llrooks,
Montgomer), Wilson nnd 1'arrott of
fered. Jnuuniy Watkins, Munds,
Schlev bid; Coleman. Schill, Wathen
and Iiartlett offered. Mi.rcli Nevvmnn,
Wilson and Sehill bid; Deacon, Wat
kins, Iiartlett and Walsh offered. May
Schlev bid; HusscU, riinu and New
man offered.
foi never has there been shown sue!
bulldog tenant) or gieiter ph)sic il J;Jtr'
courage. lestnier
Niverthele-s. a visit to tl e mill towns l,r"?mte
in me coeion -spinning ciistiicts. for cc-
.imnle, shows almost another lace of
tlenl coinpnrid to the well-fed V.na
the relaration of leit.ietive legulatious I b'men we know in Lot don. a iac:
1 ebruary
. I April
Cre i Ulch T.3.. Ctc s.
.Jl in 21 'O Jl 111 Jl "O VI 4 i '
.'1 11 .'1 il
21 ne) 'l 20 21 C'-, .1 in Jl ii
, . . .1 i "i .1 ( e
jii no o no
211 "ij 20 SO . I 1"i -il 71 .0 71
ic) 7J Jll ll I I
20 -1 jil ill I
.20 40 20 71 2(1 111 jo HI LO l'l i
Cottonseed Products Report
Washington, Julv 10. The census
buieau in a report issued today on cot
tonseed nnd cottonseed products places
the production of lintels from August
1, 1018, to June ,",(). 101!), nt.iC-l.USO
."iOO-pound bales. The report places
the aiiiouut of cottonseed iCceived at
the mills, June HO Inst, nt 4.-131,404
tons The quantitv e rushed during the"
period was d.'il',.!" tons. The amount
held nt the mills on Jimp SO, was o0,
T" tons
Financial Briefs
The New Yolk subtieasui) gained
20 in 2 o "(i in
..ii) "n -7. 1 ?"--' 000 fiom the banks csteula).
imposed bv unions.
Wnt Iji"lnnil Overcame
'Pin genei ll belief in Ameiiea is. or
nt lei I wa tbrie inniiths am., that
America wi" i nooutiter moe iiiteMiient
nnd inure (ffertive c oinni titinn from
. ...,..--i..i . ....
cms.1 ueiore. nun inni ..nn i--i ic i.ru
ain fines soil... lb s'.erate needs, the vcrv
nrossn e of Ik i liT'-ii'tics woul 1 i isnin
her indtistrv v. ith n kecne" intellienee
in its neridil turn and -mrp insistent
irossnr'. fie oi t'.ut On the vvlioV it
of grain elevators at St. Louis to -hulith ,,,., ostIon obtaining a few months
down, and fears of fresh hrc iks in f
Ign exchnnge were not allaved bv
efforts on the part of certain bankers
to stabilize rates
The receipts here todav wcte 12s
Private cables indicated the Kuro
peou buyers had become disconcerted
over the condition of coin in Aigcutiun,
where heavy rains arc said to have
made much of the new crop unlit for
July, which was slow in opening,
was nuoted at $1.00, against l.su 1-0
at the close vesteida). September
ago and a pmi at which tin re is a
large maigin of piotit foi leading cop
per pi mime is, although c lining state-I
meats have not vu hud an oppoituiut
to litleet this betteiiiitnt
.Steel Stocks Move Upward
Sinuluilv promising conditions are re
ported at steel and iron centers. Opei-
ations in the 1'ittsburgh district have
been on an expanding scale this week
and the outlook is for sustained ne
tivitv thiouithotit the summer, even
llltltMtt (lilt llllli.l llll.t . ft .,-,. ,1 1......
". .v ""' ""'.'. '"'"'"ii -; Viinilc welkhlnc- .1 lbs Hll.re -IJffl
vv men sooner or late i must ot itself be ii Fin.lier sizes inifT lie fresh killei in
i.ome an important fa. tor. The steel ' 'HT jsrc 'weiKhiniN's'li-s 'I't'fi.
stoi I.s witlr tne exception of I nited i"f- ...issinK T lbs apiece ii w i.v Mn
vvithciiit lMtiiiuptiou there is no douut T.ntish ini'usln than has evei been the
that all e 1 issi s of stcil m.il.ns vvi'l ad
v uue their prices ami ciinstiiiii rs will
,iav tue lngliei levels because their con
liai ts nie being placed to covei their
uipiiuuii nts foi the ftituii. It is the
in pi i sion in some quarters that users
ut steel who huve Ik en ho'ding off for
nniilhs will he snrpn id whin tin find
i' (liLI ult to have then otdns tnkm for
(let. ve lies v.hen thev aie w Ultcd
vmeii oi nie eiisnission i iucs,nt is I f0iinvvlnc the nniusliee Tnd-ed it is
aiiiiuid the coming lepoit ol luiui'igs ...11P mei.siiiv tn in tiirl. of tlint nnd
ii" the suonl ipiaitet to l" l-sued on . i0i n,litt'e more deenlv into the tensou
ill 20 b) the United States Steel Cor- i Nn1 nntlnrd keot In r industrial su-
lollovving the publication of nro.nnrv ns well as she did.
Cnmnneed with the T'nitcd States, she
was Inn M"i"ed bv lack of raw mate
rial. That disadvantage wns m n wav
opened nt Sl.SS1 to 5.1.S0j, against
$1.00 at the end .vestcrdav. December
'. . - , rn .. . r-n ..,ti- -"
:.ee -l ...- ..i ..i,, Mans Mm, an mane rapid piogioss 1 1 r ,i
J .. ' ' ..::..i ;.. ,;;,. .... ' "" ! mug mnrketw ise the mi ,'".
I lit IK tUO U I Ul l lit IJvut-tJ ismti. , , , ... Il K nillll I ). ri un iu
--"cc " x linn pniiril' m inniimL nn i t 111 tn., .. -i....i , i u. ....
the bottom on covering, but sentiment , " " - " '"I'r';, Chin's flWioi.
nswl Inn inn. u iik. '. Hrt .In ii nil hlnc
IV r instance, at the top prire roach oil
n UK 11m mr nt in ik m t. i J
y tiuU hia - u biK it 1 U tx n-sii,
w fml ni k 1 1 1 irrti t in il r fair it n i
11 l f . jj.bti.b t il i cf fine tjuu
3-1 i3i
li 1 I ! It Tn tl w i s!lv ih t,su il n
niiirii s it U tl in irK i .s uiuh nir,'1 1
(Jj tut. tl- 11 1 I I I 1 " Htl fS XU i.-
r ( Uli. i r J M tiw r i 't i"v th it
r f J iil nt, i- I .xtri hist- "ti t'rts
" 1 "ir sti li - 1 "l sl t i rt-tin r
'hi li fin- 17 l ' do fillr t( kml
'"' fitu hrt h ot i mta joLblrt ul
.Um1 f fHir to tholf M'jr,iK
1 I ( tin i u I 11 ,fij w-fii m l!
.(loan 1 ut ml ill m 1m un ittrn- v " m k
wn lull nnl x'alt quotatl hip f 1 -w
I r rt tk irb 1 t i i 1 1 rrtitt tun 'tt
rt". 1? -s 1"i vt r i r-fa tlfin 31" '
1 r c i tints II, nf irb in 1 u i1tii -
I r ntl SI1"1 n 1 J ii i fki(K tfltPU 1 k-.1- u
1 lilim it 1 1 ft Mi ht Ooz r
I F Tho m irkt wn dull ind It wer
with suiimI" in txtts or limit rtnuir
mi ntM Qui ntiLim Vow 1 la expr
tn hnrini. ( hit Iti n. hr ilrrri not es i n
. 11 (sklnm 1 w ishlne 1" S J 1M a pi re i lo
siliMJ unit r un iita Mm k hiKhr, i
ri rlnif hicktns I rollprH not Ixiehoriif el '
1 v hkinm 1 wtluhlmj 1 'it i'v lhs jplfre porn 1 1011.
ueifchiru? i J us splice 3nri7p lo tho Lackawanna htoel Compan nnd
A veil .w kinnd HmRller ires Hiiil'ic ' i. mtMip Iron nnd Strol Primmm r
Km8tHii Jifijc Ducks I'ekin j&SMk Mic iron aim nun lompim re
do Indian iiurmtr JbCt-Mt gpov, .no , ptirf the prediction innilc lun eoial
riMon oin,i.r pair tuvci it: iu, juun. .,n(lll flrt ,i.nt fu i11 . ..... . t, . .... .... .li,!ib i,i
I or li.ir t 1 41C "ni h mv viic niiiMiiui, miii ut , rOTTlPvlIflK " l" ' '" 4 tiuun. iu mi in
BrV'rnT'iTroirr." ve?" .VulV nVV. T I lathor l'slI'lHintuiB' to those vil.n hail .tenm-lii'w f-i- 'mill the incominR ami
Thf iiiotatluna .r' ns follown imi been exptcting fuvornble eoinp.inntis Is 1 tlio outroiiijtrii.
f,rh !'"!' !? .Wn" "letehini"' B'aUuallj KrovvinB. roniUn.ff- ... nvvv mntrrfail cnine in.
i.ne eiir,ninKs ot tne iteiuitilic lorn- more hulkv. it is true, tnnn tne miinu
Iinnv weie issiiiil during the list week factureel rocxIi tlint went out, but theie
and it must be admitted that the com- wits neiei n line nf i-tenmshlps, no miit
p u isons weie better tlmu maii had be- Iter whinte t'lev- mlcht i ome, to which
lievcel possible. However, as t.iteel I niiKlnnd coiilt not fuinUh bonie thing of
heretofore, not mm li "lKniheame hIiouIcI u car(,o outbound.
iltr-i7ed. unileifeel, tindei developed and
I.lovd Oeoice's fimoiH utteinnce that
ou could not ltiild nn A-1 cut inn out
of n C .1 p pulltiein lnih mu,1( ele m into
the Eiu'li-h mind Tin statistics of
phvhicpte wliicli the miht.irv nnn lis p-i.
duce slio.v tint one-thii.l of the male
population of li'htin ne was unfit fo
mlitarv effort
rnlaml Hm! Itis Housing I'roMrm
The other great ouKtnndlni; fact in
clieatiii" in nntih industrv n vi ie
se i'e insuflieient for what is leenrded as
wis biliivifl th it the v.ir wnii'd resii't ii ininimiim st indarel of liviiiK is found
ii i 7'cnt uvivjii in H'iifh in lust-. in tlio glint nalloua' In isin nrub'em
Xovv 'rt us e.'H.'ine tlie ficts in the Hie hmtal Jrulli is tint Ki j-l.ind's hbn
I! -lit nf cents .,f the firt stv month , 1"'i, U'',I1 s0 uneleipaid eliiriu the last
genual urn nun it ins neen un in'., tn
l.eep n loof ovei its lienl, .md tod tv
Brown Brothers & Co.
Fourth and Chestnut Streets
Ne iork Philadelphia """,n
bearish and biding was
The nar, market oncned easier nil "m VK -"lrlule W nK up
...Uw. -- ivmiilk fi.t.. 1. !.. r l-i. ... i
Belling on the outloolt for exports. On ''"',., Vn ' ' . "
" ... . lSptlimhrm Stipl win tm 1fi nn!.tc in
ttue decline, there -was imr bujuiff a , .,. 1n . . i. i'""-
Lading elev'ator interest and local bulls, I M T lT."
aused by unfavornblc crop advieei,. , , , . ' ', """"
Wie receipts hero tela ere 245 car. :",r:
July was quolwl lnchei at 7SSo ,' l tiili nil " ' "' "'""r "
RonfAmhPr Rtnrtnil nt TSc tn 77 1 ,f . , T ' " ."...,..-. n-mtu-u Phm
'tfiV oil rro-ters lr tl(K'M 21
i lrrso I'ffiiOr do t th r nnr1
ill western HffttU nnrliiK di kn
l-)t tr Tslan I 1'c -quahs yr ilozin nhl
ut li?-n tt i )
do do v-elkhlnK 8 lbs p r rt 7 n
lfitl7" lo do welshing Pi t r fl07'n
J'lI," J" do i) welffhlnc fl7ri U x r
(U i n J-' It " dark Jl "(ill J ?j nmII
anl No .' r.OcvfTIS
Sosukinff of Oil
rlilnic... Julv 17 HOOS !lifflpt. Illiwi
heil rnevenl. Rtenfl to Jl liUh r tlnn
v t rl. n trnilinif Tun IJ' n hf-iiv.
t.'O ir.ffi JJ 1" mMliim Sjo i,-,r( ... in iitit
iii.lkht f jo il'iSi JJ '.0 llcht IJil.-fi'l
be attached to the reports for the sec
ond quarter, m.iiulv because the im
provement in sticl ordeis did nut begin
until the middle of Ma.v and the new
contracts tailed for deliveiies Inter in
the .vear, when the earnings will relliet
the larger orders now being taken.
against 78'4c nt the close jesterdaj.
December opened ut SOHc to 7!Mjc,
ngainst SO'bC at the end jesterdnv.
Private cables said that supplies of
native oats in the United Kingdom were
Leading futures ransred aa follows
Com tnew delivery)
Op.n Hlkth Jjiivr Close
Sept I Miii ibi'i 1 n;4 1 9i),
eaept 33 no
Oct 33 ."0
July 27.01
Serpt 17 70
July SI 40
Bept tu.BO
1 57 1 Cls,
. 1 e)l
33 87
33 75
IS 00
J7 05
31 42
31 10
57 ",
27 CO
33 87
33 75
'JS 00
J7 00
SI 00 49 80
13 40
BU 75
hi .vv pi.klnn kiiuh smooth ll7"Tljero
Priiklnu ptrni nuKh 51H 'OTPlo ru i lun
Jin lowjn 10
e V.TT 1,1" Iteeelpls 700 htilfl Compin 1
with week ago -tr rtlv i,u d lo primp
iernfe.1 pte.rs Ilitl&Jl hlshpr 1. r
h stock steiiiv Medium inl common
prass steers and she sio, I, unevenl. XI
tl VI lot.er hulls nnd fi edi rs V1lTc
lower Cfllu. mostl 10 lower '
Slirn Iterell.ts IlClOfl ben I Comnnrel
.ntu !, n,nPln. I ... ... .,, . .. with week nixo Native Inml s steiilv
" n ..-i. ." iimue in iiisiouiuing w Sterns mostls 2V Wither fit kheep scarce
iiiuiieiiive iirosnerous cone t cms. It.'JIe to me hinner wnn .none
is well to hear this m ,,.i,l r 'show ne more unlns ree,r inmis 10c
is win ici pear tnis m nilnil. Irre , 7-,c hiBher Ilre.dini,- .wes niustlj 10c
ivpeetive of the question as to bow much hluher
faither security prices mav have to I . .
e,t lfn, !,., i i i ii , ' I" lisliliruh, Jul 111 HOtlS lleeelpls
rise before tlioroughlv discounting the loem he.d Lower lienvi.H l.jfijjji
future, inilustriil stinks nie .,. Icnn h"vv. jorkers . J ''"-' " "!' vork. rs
-- ....rtv. ,,, ..,, pies Jllfini'l
rather tlmn present conditions. It was.
more important to note that unfilled
orders on the complin's books showed a
substantial iueieibe. '
However, cm lent prices for steel
mares Indicate clearlj the rapid prog-
P v ether 411' '
InmM 10oT1.CH
on the bargain tounter. 'Iluo m
.. !.. ! .. - ,i . , . .... Ton sheen
si... un, ii .s i.,.j iiuu in niHKc jiroiuauie i-aLVKs,-
siinF:!' AND LWIIW- fleednts iluo head
Jin i iff ii ton I unl s ii7
.rtieelnts .10 ht .t t hi. 1. rnn
ptircnuses, nut; tne eerelseof careful -"
lllUOri,,....!,...,, ..Ill In. ,inmiL .. I """""""
"V ,"- "-.. i.,,,,,1 KumnH rtT ju ,.1 IIOOS- Iteiflp's
now on, whereas a few months ngo al- 'on n.nd hicher Hulk li - to jj. ju
most am thing on the list could be
bought with safetv
There were m untoward develop
ments in the monej market to embar
rass holders of stocks on murgin.
Nevertheless, the call rate was film,
averaging 7 per cent eluung the week
for lndubtiial collateral and gitting as
Coal Inci eases Shipments
Her outgoing hull: was increned bj
hei great coal shipments, nnd so, on the
whole, theie was n fair balance in cai -goes
and much of her disadvantage in
respeit to domestic law mateual was
oveiionie Still Ocinianj was bettei
BUTTER, EGGS AND CHEESE placid as to raw material and Had, a
New lork Julv in lit Til K-sirady I greater gumm lor lactoiv. oigiiniiuinn,
K,no,rl'!,Ukia70,7TeC",e",.r,sl l.tlff?tr ArlM." I "? T''i "auCe(' ln '" r ,!ntl" l10
"14 tftTHae. ittonds 40HJ.1lc, stits dulr. I sition
"StJaft-Firm. nec.,p,s 17719 ses America, rolling in a vvialth of raw
Trsh .-Bthered eitra nTHc slornse mutennl, but with a wage stale two to
Sa rrji,tfcfln,..ArV7iV- tUric limes .is great as her lumpen.,
oniis 3Jt' He checks nwJ3i dusks un cuiiipctito-h, innde her best progress
rhTtesa.i.iV KatTiered" VhUe, ' .io i ,7 ,n those tvpes of production vvheie labor
western whllis i.whj; i-icibc coisi re,tj
1'lc, western anil soumrn jain.rta wlillrs
4tlf?i 1 ic state and nearly lienn r browns
110 ISc ralr r.d browns tn 1 i Ixed ctors
51fi14. fair to nrlm 42fJ1i
CHKESh Illih trade llrtn llecelpts 30CIU
1 oxes 1 I it current mike i ol red avernfc
run 11 'a Ik 12c flit t urrtnt mak w h t. s
nverii.t- run "Wli Ctj)32c. i oloi d spilIhIs
aj'aCflJIr white speclnls "MH il 13i
Commercial bar silver wns iuotul In
New York todiv at $1 Oil's an ounce,
nn advance of csC
medium welahls 21 IMiii JJ . i llihts 121 SO
fii JJ 'li lluht llkhts JI ttlfl Jl 75
I ATTI.r- Receipts lull In ml nnd nll
calves Market for wek Heavy beef catite
.teady to i'c lower othe-s Jit to ll higher I
Ilutc her .attle Jlc to $1 lowei canners 'tic
lowers cows 21e hlrtier i.ilves Uftrl I
low , r feeil.rs mcstls steadv stfickers aen
erHllv 2'c to 10c lower slock calves 30c 'o I
III mr I
11111 V rtecetpts llinoheal Foreek
Stock lambs lie to Jlc hitter sheep "lie
11 Ji m-ner brveAiiw and feedlnk sloik
ost wns a coiiiparntively hinall part of
the completed -value.
The stiuggle in the neutral mirkets,
lwi'ver, vvns Ml keen that it bore on
uElanel with increasing severity. The
obvious wa.v to hold down cost, in the
iinds of most manufacturers, was to
hold down wages. That was lesisted
bv the most complete union labor or
aninition in the world.
I'ightj five per cent of the industrial
vvoiKeis of Client Britain arc said to
high as 12 per cent on one occasion "" sdts "fIld
The monetary situation vvns more oi stu,i, Omul,-. Jul- 17 -ltoi.s -rie.eipts
less thieatenlng at all times, and the I " n" i"ai) steadv nd i.wer at veierdjy's
trading community was never quite free! ,l"TTLrnecep!sft-s,.o'heVS' 'comnare.i !
of the bugaboo that banks might boost I nllh ,e'1 ,nKO I'fy.'"1 steers 75cfi)$i 1
.lu i hlEher Ktxid and choice bit.hers' cattle
u.,n "k""" stroruf. common ainuw anu aeass cattle J
New Yorh, Julv 10. The foreign ex
change market this morning was very
confused, and quotations were in the
main nominal. Rates could only be
obtained by persous actually seeking
to do business. Such figures as were
obtainable showed a weak market.
In srerllnr. attempts to reaffirm the
i"'.i -nmnlr.ftl litrurefl nt thfc close veaterclnv
i t 4.43 for demand and 4.44 for cables,
4 "feWUlted in a flood of selling orelera by ti indication of the stiingency of i T,v"' l0Vk'l ,c"' 5IJS Hll,"v,r.,-B00'?. ""
iw.MmM.i.l IhlnreiatB Th rAOlf .. .. - -.!-. I l .u.. , cuui." riw.nr.B ..... .vr.. .JV nituci .
I?lvviu.'..i, .i. ..,, v oaiiii . s iiioiievv was uiiuiu.'ii in me marKC't tor i common Kinos uneveniv i.we
l'l jitn altnost'entire absence ot buying or-
4-i Here, uemana leu to t.aayz anu codics The legal rate in sueli cases is ex
ceeded bv means of a "service charge"
for nil above 0 per cent, but the in
cident shows clearlj enough the de
mands for accommodation which are
pressing on the market.
The interesting view is held bj some
market followers that it will cost so
much to finance our prosperity and at
tho name time exttnd credit to Europe,
fv 4.3fH..
fl Other nuoationS Were equally unre
Nlfable. Kranc cables were quoted ut
,0,08, compared with a nominal (1.02 on
'we close jMitcrday, and cheeks t 7,
i-jw. red -with U.VO yesterday, tiullders
. Mta to be niit tor cables and
fsr checks, compared with 37
ST J( the final figure yesterday.
timo fmiils when S ner cent vms ,i,i,,l,.,I SHl;lP rt.relpts llillli head I.imhs 21o
time luueis wnen per cent was epioteil hlf.her Mheep 25t50c hlcher, feeders
about steady
lower at
1.1 st ItulTiilo, N Y, Jul. 10
llecelpts 10 tlOll he d Dull
K.celpts 150 head blow- SI
111 ne jii
ItlelS Receipts 2(100 head Active nnd
stladi IlFUr mixed nnd yorkers IJ1 Until
vorkers JJJ 108SJJ 7' rls $JJ 50, roughs
JJO lilifJ-O 71 etiirs $12018
SlIKRI' AND lAMIJ.S Receipts GOO hesd
Active Lamba 50c lower Vearlinss steady;
ethers dels hle-her, Lumbs S12rlH. year
linns Nt4 wethers, SloAtO 50: awes, let
04 0; mUed beep, IS.SOiitO.
nscontinental Osi
Caddo Central Oil
We have prepared descriptive analyses
of the abate stocks aiid shall be glad to
supply copies on jeeMesf.
Members of tho N. Y. Stock Exchange
By Wm. C. Van Antwerp
From the Walls of Babylon to the refinery
at Bayonne.
What is under the 2,000,000 shares in the
new Transcontinental Oil?
Who are Benedum and Trees the world's
pioneer geologists in Oil?
See the
Philadelphia News Bureau Bulletins
Next Monday Morning (in all well-equipped finan
cial offices); also Wednesday and Friday and in
Philadelphia News Bureau Summary
the same afternoon.
. I'
S?P ' Q.
-ApV:.!? ' ',jter&9j.'L,..
- V
yiM k
' &..t
erl- .! 1 '. .
jt If. j