Ig'fPIP'-vi " "5jfiv T't 'v v'' " ?r-tr EVENING PUBLIC OQEDGER PHILADELPHIA SATURDAY, JULY 10, 1911) 'tiu-7. U '" s - w k.t. T. V, , VARIED NEW FILMS UNDERLINED WHAT THE VAUDEVILLE HOUSES OFFER FOR NEXT -r., j a "' ?WIWJ ft IPs " THEATRE BILLS FOR A'EAT WEEK Schedule of Entertainments at the Various Play houses in This City VAUDEVILLE KEITII'SAmeYin Stone nml Armnml Knllz, music comedy favorites, In tabloid onorettn. "A Sons Ro mance" ; Mnrymi Vnlde, dnnccr, nnd Ota G.vrI, violinist, I'lnRslcnl reper toire : Muster Gnbrirl. returnine in skit, "Little Kick"; Sully nnd Houghton, musical trifle, "ltctween Dnnces : Hums nnd Frnbite, char nctcr comedinns; Kenton nnd Field', conversational oilillts : llessie Cut ford, "Art Impressions"; "Weber nnd Hydner, song and dance; "Oil 1 in the Air," electrical novelty. CROSS KEYS "Oood Night, Teacher." miniature musicnl fchovv, with largo caRt; Kiiijj nnd Harvey, pinnologne; Henncy nnd t!rnycc, up-to-date comedians; llymnu Adlcr. chnructer comedian; Ambler Ilrotli-pi-r, specialist' in thrills; episode of "Perils of Thunder Mountain." New bill Thursdny. half of week. "Louisiana" Is the attraction the last of tiic week, with Vivian Martin featured. STRAXD "Tho Wliito Heather," feature first half of week. It wa made by Maurice Tourncur. "Hay Foot, Straw Foot" bns Charles Hay n' tho star last of the week. LOCUST "The White Heather," cinema version of the London melo drama, bns a special cast of placers. First half of week. "Girls," In which Marguerite (.'lark appears, comes the last half. FORREST -- "Mickey." featuring Mnbel Nnrmiiml and Wheeler Oak-I land, enters Its fourth week. The humorous nnd sentimental story is one of western mining nnd eastern society. The stnr cuts up numerous laugh -provoking caper nnd wins a horse race for the climax. Fifth week. nritnusQUE GMVKrr Wcllr known fnvoritei will .provide the entertainment, which is In incltliln thr. ptiutnmni . LupIaM.. ' " -"' ' -" ".J UII..I...I, with new music nnd costumes nnd n diversity of specialties and dances. FEATURED IN VAUDEVILLE AND FILMDOM Bathing Girls Coming to Cross Keys Sennett's Ilnthing Girl, in conjunc tion with the fnrce production. "Vnnkec Doodle in Horliu," will be the enter tainment at the Cross Keys, week of July 28. J he girls nnd the fnrce nre GTiQRE "Oil, Auntie," sparkling ( the same offering which crovviled the musical show in tnblnid : tho Ureezeit liestnut Girls, in "All Aboard"; Smith Ii ing. and Pullninu, comicalities ; the Vercis, fun novelty; Charles Hoy den, Dumont favorite in typlcnl of fering; Morntti and company, in nval repertoire; llaby Hosslyn and sister, songs nnd dances, nnd other acts. OMV) A. L. White's Summer Revue, featuring Al White, dr., and seventeen other clever juvenile siugers nnd dancers; the Kilkenny Four, with -Irish mirth nnd melody; Fermnno and Shelley, in "The New Tdea," n musical net; Noack, the Eiffel Tower mini; Healy and com pany, in skit, "A Business Propo sal" ; Morgan and Anger, comedinns and dancers, and opening episode of "The Great Gamble." yiXOX Vaudeville, consisting of five nets of stnudard variety and the photoplay, "The Mnn Who Won," with Hurry Morey as the star, for the first half of the week. "Flips nnd Flops" is u Vltngraph comedy which is to be shown in addition to five acts of vaudeville the. last half of tho week. PHOTOPLAYS BTAXLEY "The Woman Thou Gave.t Me." with Kathleen Mac- Donald. Story from the novel by Hull Cainc, and directed by Hugh Ford. Tho story lias b-en handled in a manner that shows attention to the pictorial side in its nrtistie stag ing. In the cast are Milton Sills, .lack Holt, Theodore Huberts nnd Fritzic Brunette PAI.CE "His Bridal Night," with Alice. Brady. Cinema version of the play lu which the Dolly Sisters ap peared at the Forrest. First hnlf of week. "Happiness a la Mode" is the feature for the lust half, Con stance Talmadge star. ARCADIA "Through the Wrong Door," with Madge Kennedy. From tho novel by Jesse Lynch Williams. It tells the adventures of n ilch man's daughter. In the cast are Herbert Standing. John Bowers and Betty Schade. The art direction was in charge of Hugo Bnllin, while the play was done by Clarence Bad ger. VICTORIA" Man of Honor." with Harold Lockwood. Written nnd directed by Fred J. Balshofer. Bessin Eyton is the lending lady. Bert Starkey is another player in It. REQKST"Kyo for E50" has Alia Nnzimovn nR the star. Albert CapellanI was the director. First Sticet Opera House last Victory Day at Woodslde Arrangements have been made to en tertnin at least 15,000 persons nt the I.uikin victory peace picnic, which will be held next Wednesday at Woodslde 1'urk. In addition to n number of interesting nnd nttrncth! events there nie special prires offered for the vii tors, the principal of which will be the Lady l.nrkin I.eonomy prie. lu the first person who recognizes Lady l.nrkin Economy during the afternoon spccinl prize of V-0 will be awarded. Ilodiu's band continues to give two con certs daily. TABLOID OPERA BOUFFE Amelia Stone and Arman Kaliz at Keith's When Amelia Stone and Arman Kaliz return to musical comedy, which they are planning to do next season, their vehicle will lie an elaboration of their present vaudeville offering called "A Song Itomnnce" in which these popular artists will be seen nt II. F. Keith's theatre next week. The book is by Fdgar Allan Wolf and the music and lyiics by Mr. Kaliz. One-act opera bouffe lias been the favorite; vehicle for this pair since their advent into vaudeville nnd their offer ings "Mon Desir" and "Mon Amour" will no doubt be remembered by the devotees of the two-a-day, so t lint when they retired from "Two is Company" and announced that they hnd nnother of their popular one-act pieces ready for tfSKIE&Sa. ss9f fPtu I -'ilOBfc. KATHLEEN MacTONAUJ 'iWPfflWf sRM JSP J5?v ' (WsBMaHL ana milton -sill's, -woman f31n -JlJfi ihJPM&S , JiBBElKBHfe THOU CTAVLST MF . Sfl AtfMW? Wm&$$Zk tt-ssjusng . t-sk-"- v&gsBKfasi rraaaai:.7 -uvbhi hwraay. i ?- . r .a w&iiULTSva wuimt e t0H&i MABEL NOKMANP. 7Q j0T .$mgBl& ' 7; UTHCVN . . m i "Mirpv yjHtjw ' Aix&mmxttstffStm "s- , ,.xv -vii.. t 1"?:,. JP vSSfek. Wy SMt d$&-MxzL brad'v H, h:::,..:. - m mmr -bril night.- - PAVIdNEAU. GENEVIEVE HAUGHTON. A.NCACk:. .- -l GlotG.'-' Kc?ilh'S- CrdTiO..- ' SIWfiER ATWII I nVJRRflVP WW mmmm Wmm$r -, vr i,.,ywi3'yw'K5:s ww k-s: a. t R I sr S,.HS ' ff ssr 'seras3S(5fiB sk .mtm l r"K i?H3SL "vS ' I & vl?1" wWk 5" mJZM. the title while singing , Fmis f -the TOPICS OF INTEREST Tl Hugh Ford Has Staged Many Notable Screen and The atrical Attractions boy,' when I wan a lcininiscentiy. "It is universal, nn cnu"i' purnric is 1111 iiuiekening of the blood and we get n sudden' th delight or terror. Thc! "ei eniluii', hut 'surprise' Is, tlie instant necessary tu.-fi tiotuil patli for lis to sli calm, matter-of-fact fit to those mements of sp thusiaMii which lift 'the of daily living to the pin snti-rnction. In tlio st ' just finished, with Mips i SURPRISE ON SILVERSHEETlmve succeeded lu present after surprise. llu.-li I'.inl. the man wlio made the 1 "A Mnn of Honor." sta Pi iiniiimn of -The Woman Thou ! ' ?" 'V'"'1 : "lllch. i? nn ?i!' 'invest Me," ndnpted from the novel by Hall ('nine, which will ln the feature ni"t w i I'll at tlie Stanley, is one of the fnnmo'f prodiKiTt Hi the theatrical tin'' mntinn f)icture worlds. hfl Fred Balshofer of Ilonry Mil ttor'u twvol niirl flttph wtll hi ..,..,, ,..... ,...-,.-- fnntitrn nt tlio Vletnrln nlxc n pii'ture said to be strotktp nppe.il. marked by swift ac.nor out ntui spieniiiuiy ncicu a iwood nnd Ills support. I &&1 J v; I I I " TTl b 1 tj. 1 .' ' , M n. E i tlie lieroine. Antonio the camera mnn, nnd tho includes a variety of peen BELASCO SIGNS UP AS STAR IN MOVIES But Only for One Film to Benefit War Welfare Worlc At a salary of exactly nothing, David Belasco, the nation's most noted drnmntic producer, is going to Mar in the movies. For tlie first time in his life he will appear on the screen as an nctor. The occasion is the first of a series of pictures produced by tlie Stage Women's War Belief Society to raise money for the fliinniiiiR of a theatre for soldiers in MAliE KENNEDY. 'THROUGH THE WRONG DOOR"ATcadid" United States Army Debarkation IIos- prnduction they were instantly engaged ',IUl1 N'0 ' Nuw YorK' nml for otllPr for a vaudeville tour. Since showing It Mr. Kaliz has re ceived several offers from producers for the manuscript nnd has accepted one of them with the understanding that Mis.3 Stone and himself nre to have the principal roles. Blllie Burke Back on Stage Billie Burke is to return to tlie speaking stage in September In the stellar role of William Somerset Maughnm'H three-act comedy, "Cae sar's Wife." which is now a London suoei!R. Florenz Ziegfeld, Jr., her husband, lias nrranged with Charlen II. Dillingham, who controlled the American rights, for Miss Burke's ap pearance in the piece with her own company. war chnrities. The cause has won the support of some of America's leading stars of the legitimate, among them many actors who have declared they would never act in tho movies. All have given their services grntiH. Hnd salaries been paid tlie stars for their work the hum would have amounted to a very large sum. The series is to he distributed through the Universal. There are twelve films in all, the first of which, with Mr. Be lasco,' is to be shown at the Stanley in August. It is called "A Star Over Night." The author and producer is suppmted by Bruce McBae, Elizabeth Itisdon, VIVIAH MARTIN Rodent-- RISKY BUT NOT RISQUE "Mickey" Screens Hazardous Feats, but No Double Meanings "Mickej" is one of the best pioduc tinns that -Mack Sennett lias jet put I before I lie puhlii-. and he has (imibined loinedv w it li pathos. 1 The "stunts" nnd claicdevil fc.iN Kathryn Lee Called "Young Mary Garden" in Paris Dm ing the next two wei lis the music- liiviicj public of this iii i' lie Cnen an oppoi (unity In hear Kiii'irvn l.ec, tlie Aineiican snprnnn. who was given the title while singing in I'm is (,f "the voung Mnij li.lldeu with Hie golden 'voice." ' Miss l.i-o U not not milv a singer, I lnit is nlvo a pi.uiist and nn organist. She was in live in I ! ii mry Loan diives and the various c.'inip'iinx of thi' war-win I, nignni.itinns h.4 I.ee is a Nevv Lnghiniler In luitli I'riiir to hi' nflilintioii with 1'nrn iiioiint Artcrnfi piitures, he won an in- Innxil nl ramilnli.o. f.. I.ta ,.n.. i.p.i. i . in i nl,. , i. ill,,.. ni, nil in-. Pint. ii"- ... , . . 'the tinting nnd accurate. Jni , dii.'t.ons. h.iviimput onsll,.hs,et!nhirjvlV(, ,. Tho iljf.fffij51-"-. diiim.'is us ".Inseph nnd His Ilrethren" idecrlbed ns extremely artis , and ' 'lln (ianleii .if Allah" and sUch 'storm .m the island as a raa i . ....... .. ...I. .pillar hlls ns -I'lie Melting l'ot." !""""" "'" . Tlie Y. How Ticket." "The Iiii.l of , Fnn.lise ' "I'ni.ish nnd I'erlniiilter" Hart Fllm PostporfJ T nnd 'Mis. Wisgs .f the Cibbngej Ow ing to tlie fact that thej I'.it.-h." Among Ins leading scr.etiln.it be tinislied on time thijjfl i. in vi'in-ts nn- Hall I'niii.-'s "The, ing .it Willinm S. Hart InJ . ' I i.-iinl I'm " "Sin-li n Little Queen." Ait. raft picture, "Wagon Ttt "Mi- Wiggs of the Cabhnge l'at. h," ' b"''ii postponed from next Wft Sii.h. ' "Tin- I'rin ind the l'mi- wee!. ,if August i. "Wagp? in.' I a stiirj of the great plains, wT 1 nt the I'nlaee. J !ni Mra.li will be seen in a dual ' , rule in her hitcMt telei-t picture, "His Hilda! Night," nt tl.e I'nlaee Mondi. Tii.s.I.iv and Wednesd.ij . "His liri.lil Nili" is ihe st.vij f twins. Vi anil Tinv. Ms Bin.lv gives a . harm li i intiou of the twins In tlie role of 'I'iu.v -In- i- ileuiiiie, tli.iuglitful, i i.ins.-i. uti.iiis, nml n lilt goodv -gooilj . liul n- i she is viva. 'urns, headstrong, mis. In. -v. mm and lovable Miss Brn.lv r-ivi's .'lie!, of llie twins n tlistinit ner- Ihjintilit. Tl.ei lire tvms nf tlie si.ine nge and piisniinl uppcurau. .- oul.i, but not in dispositi.iii. V Cl.lieiii'e (! B.idg.'i. due. tor nf Mndgc Keimrilv's newest plioinpln.v . "Through the Wrong Dom," a pie tiirizatinii of tlie .le-.se l.vn.h V 1 1 - ' limns nine!, whiih will lie the feature next week nt the Aiiailia. expressed unio ideas on tin- nature of ".sur prise" in tliialrienl entertainment. ' Mr. B.ulgi'i- and L.m T llegen were discussing diffeient emotions and their' method of piesentation on tlie stage' and the s. reen. "I'm- the sjiKe of illiisliation." said Mr. Badger, -'.von po-sililj lemrinber AL WHITE, JR DANCER Lad of Fifteen Follows in Father's Footsteps Master Al White, Jr., who comes to the Grand next week nt the head of "Summer Itevue," assisted by nineteen little dancers, is the son of the widelv known teacher of dam ing. , Young White, just tifteen, is among i me promising nam 'eis oi vaunevn e. lie i .... ....i,,.,. , ,., ,. , r: I Keep nm. inkers nt tlie 1 orre.st on edge ZZ possesses additional talents as an en- with ixpetntion n lo wliat next slie E tertainer. Arrnngemeiils now under will .In in t In , inline win li vnil l el e !l little It.lV ! and begun ... ., '.,. i ., I .. . .. I . . ... - - IIII If .1 I'S 111. II Allll l-l.lll lll.l-l- nei- iiiiisiciu iriiinij; ii tie nge of six.1 .... , , i She was p,fe-i,,, .hiiiW, ,,!s,':i"'-y T ,h""t"l",; " ;;nt n ist at twelve and at loin teen she I d.iiken.d loom, tuni.il up the lights to sing in public Her taietit was f a ' and then weic fiightened hnlf out of iliarncter that meiited fuithxr develon-I vour wits hv a eiovv.l of youngsteis inent abroad, nml in I'.nis JIiss Lee nn iping up fioni behind t ' was i oiichul for open h.v Mud. un Weill tun- and shouting: 'S'prise furui ihenk. did that. to. in Franc. IMIIIIIIIIIII!IIIIIIIIII!III!IIIIIIIIII!IIIIIIIIIHII 1 WILLOW GROVE PARK LAsr wei:k or a.oci way will, it is said. White a prominent pliu insiiie Muster ! in a iniisical from the droppina way of risk. Hinging i.iiif of a four-story building, fioin a loft on to the nei k of .1 Creatore and 'His GIUSEPPE CREATORE, Conductor CONCERTS EVERY AFTERNOON AND EVENING comedy during tlie coming season. The I horse, then iiding it in a nice or dioii "Summer H. vue" is called one of the ll'i'iK down n well to save her pet cat prettiest glancing spectiu les ever pres- Kathleen Nesbitt, Hilda Kpong andjented by local talent .-liul engages the Hamilton ltevelle, all featured plajcrs I efforts of the pick of Mr. White's mo-t of the dramatic stage. promising pupils. SEE ANNOUNCEMENT DAILY IN THE PUBLIC LEDGER AND EVENING PUBLIC LEDGER PHOTOPLAY PRESENTATIONS FOR WEEK OF JULY 21 TO JULY 26 Subject to Chants AliIIAMIIRA () 12th,Morrl ft FaMyunlc Xv. Aroixo 82d and Thompson bt U) AitOADIA Chutnut below 18th dt. () DEUIOKT C2d abovo Markrt St. ULUU1KD ) Ilroad & SuiQuenftnna Ave. fi)l I'll ESS Moln M., Mnnaynnk. ) EURKKA . . 40th and Market flU. rAMnvv 1311 Mrket St. ( FAIRMOllNT . , () SOth St. and Otrard Ave. TH 8T. TIIKATBH Delow Spruce St. oiieat NonTnrjjN Broad St. at Erie Are. () DfPF.RIAI. 00th and Walnut Sta. () JEFFERSON SOth and Dauphin Sta. JUMIIO Front Bt. and Olrard Ave. LEADER, , . , 4ltt and I.aneaater Ave. (a) LinERTJf . , . , , () Ilroad and Columbia Ave. LOOCST. . C2d and Locuat Sta. UARKET ST. THEATRH 88 Market Bt. () UODEIj , 25 South St. (a) NIXON , , . , 62d and Market Sta. OVF.RBROOK . , . 63d St. and Haverford Ave. PALACE 1214 Market St. MONDAY "William Karnum In I. one Star Ranger Owen Sloore tn Thfl Crlmion Qardenla Madffe Kennedy In Throush Wroni IJoor Dorothy Dalton in Tyrant Fear Klitv Qordon In riathlnfOJ of Tato Star Cast In sjtulen Orders Sesaun llayakawa tn The C-ouraKeouD Oowartl Mnrv rickford in Daddy Lonir Lrfcs Wallace Reld In You're Fired C'onstanco Talmadsa In Tho Veiled Adventure I'aullne Frederick In The Tear Woman Mabel Normand in When Doctors Disagree Emmy Wehlen In Amateur Adventuress Jess Wlllard n rrhe Challenge of Chance VV. S. Hart In Square Deal Sanderaon Arthur Ashley In The American Way Tourneur'a The White Heathen Tourneur'a The White Heather Hale Hamilton 'In rull of Pep Harry Morey In The Man Who Won Nazlmova, In Out of tho For 1-ARK . Illage Ave. Dauphin St, TRINCESS, 1018 Market St. () DEOENT Market St. below lTth (a) Otn. at Tulpehockea. (() RIVOLI 62d and Banasm Sta. B Martet Bt. below Tth. (a) SAVOY 1211 Market St ( STANLEY Market above 10th. (a) 81 RAND am. Ave. at Venanro. VICTORIA .... Ninth and Market Sta. (a) Wbm. In Atlantja City (a) Villi tbe Colonial Tbaatr Alice nrady In Ilia Bridal Nlcht TUESDAY William Farnum In I.ono Star Ranger GladyB llrockviell In The Sneak Madge Kennedy In Through Wrong Door Dorothy Dalton in Tyrant Fear Rex Beach's Tho Crimeon Oardenla Htar Cast In Stolen Ordera Fannie Ward in The Profiteers Peggy Hyland In Cowardice Court Vivian Martin In Innocent Adventuress Constance Talmadge In The Veiled Adventure Pauline Frederick In The Fear Woman Mabel Normand In When Doctora Disagree Chaplin In Bunnyalde Henry B. Walthall In Modern Husbands V. R. Hart In Square Deal Sanderson Anita Stewart in Two Women Tourneur'a The White Heather Tourneur'a The White Heather Florence Heed in Her Code of Honor Harry Morey In The Man Who Won May Allleon In Almost Married Mary Plokford tn Daddy Long Legs Bessie Barrlacale In Tangled Threads Naalmova In Eye for Eye Charles Ray In The Busher Star Cast. In Better Tlmea Bert Lytelt In One Thing At a Time O'Day Ruby de Remer In Dust of Desire Calne'a the Woman Thou Oaves Me Tourneur'a The White Heather Harold Lockwood tn A Man of Honor Tourneur'ai Th Whit Heather Alice Brady In His Bridal Night Mary Plckford In Daddy Lonr Lega Bert Lytell In One Thing At a Time O'Day Nazlmova tn Eyo for Eye Viola Dana In Some Bride Star Cast tn Better Tlmea Arthur Ashley In The American Way May Allison In The Upllfter Calne'a Tho Woman Thou Caveat Me Tourneur'a The White Heather Harold Lockwood In A IJan of Honor Tourneur'ai Th Whit Heather WEDNESDAY THURSDAY William Farnum In Dorothv Dalton in l.ona Star Hanger other Men's Wives Kitty Gordon in HeiRl Harrlm-ale In Playthings of Fate Josseljn's Wife Madge Kennedy In Madge Kennedy in Through Wrong Door Through Wrong Door Pauline Frederick In Pauline I'rederick in Sapho Bapho Rex lleach'H Frank Kcenan in The Crimson Oardenla The Publlo Defender , Mne Marsh in Madge Kennedy in Bondage of Barbara Day Dreams May Allison in Prank Keenan In Almost Married Tho MaMor Man Alma Reubens In Mabel Normand tn A Mana Country The Test Bryant Wohburn In William H. Hart in Putting It Over Square Deal Sanderson Mme. Petrova In George Walsh in The Panther Woman Never Say Quit Pauline Frederick In Anita Stewart In The Fear Woman Mary Regan Rupert Julian in Rupert Julian In The Fire Fllngera The Fire Fllngers W. B. Hart In W. S Hart In Squaro Deal Sanderson Square Deal fianderson Khlrley Mason In Marguerite Clark In The Rescuing Angel Let's Elope Vivian Jfartln In Vivian Martin In Innocent Adventuress Innocent Adventuress Vivian Martin in star Cast n Innocent Adventuress Stolen Ordera Tourneur'a Marguerite Clark in The White Heather Olrls Tourneur'a Whv Germany Th White Heather Must Pay Theda Bar In oladys Brnckwelt In When Men Desire The Sneak Harry Morey In Comedy Feature The Man Who Won Fllpa and Flops Oladys Brockwell In the prlsellla Dean In Pitfalls of a Big City the Eiqulslto Thief Alice Bradv In Constance Talmadge In His Bridal Night Marriage a La Mode Elsie Ferguson in .Arn Case in The Avalanche The Hidden Truth Monroe Salisbury In Madge Evans In The Bleeping Lion A Home Wanted Nazlmova In Vivian Martin In Eye for Eye Louisiana Dorothy Dalton In Vivian Martin In An Extravagance Innocent Advcntureaa Star Cat In Star Cast In Better Tlmea Better Tlmea Wallace Reld tn William Desmond In You're Fired Barefisted Gallagher Harry Morey In D W Griffith's The Man Who Won True Heart Huala Calne'a The Woman Calne'a The Woman Thou Gavest Me Thou Gaveat Me Tourneur'a Th White Heather Harold Lockwood in A Man of Honor Evelyn Nesbit In Mr little Bister Charles Ray In Hay Foot. Straw Foot Harold Lockwood In A Alan of Honor Evelyn Nesbit In My Little Sister FRIDAY Dorothv Dalton In Olre-r Men's Wives Kmmy Wehlen in Fools and Their Money Madtfe Kennedy In Through Wrong Door William Desmond In Hireflsted (lallafilier Wallace Itel 1 I You're Fired Mabel Norm.irul In Whon Doctors DNikh Robert Warwick in Secret Service Llla Te In Daughter of tho Wolf Frank Keenan In Gates of Brass Bessie Barrlscalw In Josselyn's Wifo Anita Stewart In Mary Regan Bert Lytell in One Thing at ft Time o- Day D W Orlfflth'1 True Heart Susie Brvant Washburn In Something to Do Ethel clajtnn In SATURDAY Morothv Pitton In "I In r Men a Wives are only a few of the feati vvhieh sl,e performi A sunplinnv oreliestra, eon dueled by liil () Wolff. plav "Miekej" iniisii during the showing. VloU lian.v In Home Hrlde Miidre K-nneily ThrouKli VV rnnjr In Dnor Wllllirn Oi-pnnnd! in liar, filled iliilIiiKher VV I'liiim s Hart In s-qunrn Deal .Sanderson Pmmy Whelen In r'noN and Their Mumj Cup for Joint Breeze Race Kugene O'lirien is soon to star in a series of plmtuplnv-t for Selzniek Tie tines. Hi r tofoic lie b-is been a leading 'man. fit- lust velnele will be Hie Perfect I.ovir." based m I.eiiit Ilurtoti I Wells's slot y. 'The Naked Truth" Whenever Mr. O'Hrien gets an nppnr tunitj lie is a spectator at tlie bicjc'.e races in I be diffeient cities- where he is pl.i.ving. lie will donate a cup to the winner of the motor pace race next Thurscl.iv evening at I'oiut I'reee Velo drome. The trophy, n large silver cup. Is now on displ.iv, together with photo ginplis of the slur, in a I 'hestnut street shop w iiidnvv SOLOISTS 5 Miss Kathryn Lee, Soprano Signer Carlo Ferretli, Baritone ! ! ! EXTRAORDINARY MUSICAL EVENT ! ! ! I FRIDAY NIGHT, JULY 25TH I VERDI NIGHT I Sl'LKNDII) PKOGRAMS SOLOISTS COMING SUNDAY, JULY 27TH 1 WASSILI LEPS and his SYMPHONY ORCHESTRA With VKItA tl'RTIS, Dramatic Soprano E (Metropolitan Opera Co.) E NEW HIGH-CLASS AMUSEMENTS 1 nllllilllllMIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIMIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIr MMIISI'T ST. Ah. Kith Toiiiv I'M MNn iTir.ien In "llll. TKAIt wmii Net Meek ritrumounUArtrn HALL CAINE'i. Mighty Romance "The Woman Thou Gavs (ust lndiitles Kntherlno MaeDor Holt. Irltrl llninotte. Illlta and Throdore Koberts .lull- 2s (i.rtA nninAT.T. y "TIIK IICTTKIt M1FK 1114 VIAUKF.T STIIF.F. ( oTitlnnniiH II JI. tn 1!. Toil iv MARY rlCKFO In "IIMIliy I.OXO LF Xl:.T VV i:F.K Mon.. Tnes. ALICE BRAD In "IIIH IIIIIDAL Nir.ir 1h'ircln3. Friday and Satt CONSTANCE TALMi In "IIAI'I'IM-.SS A IJV 310 sl A CIIKSTM'T BEL. 10TI 10 .M. 13. 2, 314.1. Klt.1, ItiSl Tod l WALLACE nit in -tiif. I.OYK wrnti; Nrvt Week tiuldwyn l'rel MADGE KENNED I.N I-IKNT SjIIOWINO "Through the Wrong nA!r Opn. I'ntonleei IV !JT !) A. M. TO 11:15 FA TolH WILLIAM 1'AItXO In -llll. LUM: hTAH KANf Next Week Jletro I'renei HAROLD LCCKWG IN I'lirsKNTTIOX III "A MAN OF HONC. DIII.II ATTItArTION' Aquatic Sports at Rr- Jul W f.KtirtfiE WAIJil 'Tl ITINd IIM3 0KIt You're Tired Ilarrv Carey in Ouleaet of IMker Flat June Klvlrttfo In Iivo ami th Woman llesle UarrlsoHle In Josselvu'a Wife Anita Hteuart lu Mary lleran .Mnrj Maetaren in The Weaker Vessel M'adiro Kenneiiy in l.e.ive It to Hunan June C.rev n When My Hhip OoniPH In Ulhei v inyinn in Men', Women i Money Men, Women s. Money Else Ferguson In Tho Avolanrh- SUrBuerltn CUrk In Girls Whv Germany Must Pay All-Star Taet In Stolen Orders Comedy Featur Flips and Ilopa Norma Talmadpo In Tho New Moon Constance Talnuda-e In Marrlase a La Mode Anita Stewart In Tho I'alntod World i:thI ClaHol In Men. Women &. .Money Marguerite Clark In Ulrls Why (lermany Must Pav AIl-Htar Cast In Stolen Orders fomedy Feature Flips and Flops Slur ClIHl In A ltlg Surprlao Special Constancy TalmaiUe In Man lane a Li Mud. WOODSIDE Something Doing All the Time XEIV AM) WOSDERFLL AUl'SEMEXTS Giuseppe lindia, Conductor Gertrude MacBonnell Soprano I-'rco Concerts over Afternoon and Kveninjr Don't Forget the Larkin Victory Peace Picnic Wednesday, July 23 Athletic Games Valuable Prizes Next Toy Hunt July 30 Hrinjr Your Children Fhcuorhs every Iriday Xight WfM a r m w a a. -0 9 yJ7rlTJi SLMUA o7F)C) rmJ (HKSTM'T IIKLOW TWF.I.FTH STUEKT IT IS MAY AYS COOL & COM FORT MILK AT KEITH'S IMraonlinar Summer Kncajrement of the Musical C omedy l'orju AMELIA STONE & ARMAN KALIZ IN "A SONG UOMANCE" Illtll.l.IVNT NI ( OlllltFl 1 IIMM1 l-Hllllt CTUIN Wm-SULLY liOl'GIirON-fienevieve In "I1I1VVI-IN llN Ks" BURNS & FRABITO I'ri-senllllc Nllim's" MASTER GABRIEL & CO. llll (lltllilNM "III SI I It II'lllVVN' ( IIV1I 111 VN IN -I ITT I I FREDFENT0N & SAMMY F1ELDS BESSYE CLIFFORD EDDIE WEBER & MARION RIDNORl "THE Gllfh IN THE AIR" Wll i:tk i lllll I VT1KMTIOM n MiriMii Tim Mi-ii: a MARYONVADIE&OTAGYGIKffi, in KLi'i uroiiti; n i vsxhm. masti urn:t i t.... slm... I) illi 1 V. M.. S.'ie nml &0r. Nlulitw. R I1. VI . 2.1r lo 151.00 V In ii i- I" Vilvanee. Hell, niliert S .-. Ketone. Knie ll.-.ll s,.it Al.i- ', ",,!,.) (inlrr. fur SniuriUv ur llnll.la.i. MMIKUT sTrtr.HT AT JUM , II . VI. Til 11 r. Ml M T Ul.l'.lt Oil! IIOV Olf OH! AUNTI?. Mile spiittlnu Sutlro Willi Ml Danrlnc s M MtKI'T HT. Itel. 60TH I)MI. 2 Sfli KVr.MXOS. 7 vio.Niv. 'iiKsn.vv wrais - A KIOT OF FUN Good Night, Teac, r.irre VMtli Musical Numberi.' n mi i ciiANisrn Tinmsnw REGENT W IIIIMIW, 11 ll).Y wrannHi NAZIMOVA J rlllll-l. 1I11IAV,ANI fA-Tp' JlMVN MAUTI.N In "liinlslai' T- t "FORREST Tourneur s VVhlto Heather Dorothy Olsh In I'll Get Him Vet Vlvlnn Martin In Loulsluna Marguerite Clark Come, Out of tho Kitchen Star Cast In Better Times D. W Orlfflth'a Truo Heart Suslo Star Cast In Stolen Orders Calne'M Tho Woman Thou Ha. "si Mo Charles !ta In Hay Koot Straw r'oot Harold Lockwood In A Man of Honor Evelyn Nesbit In My Llttlo sister William Desmond In Ilarttlsted Uallagh. r Vivian Mnrlln in Iioulalana. Mabel Normand In Sis Hopkins Htar Cast in Better Times Harry Morey In Tliu Man Who Won V?. Dorothy Dalton In Other Men a Wives Calne a ' lio VV om.in Thou llav st Me Charles Hay in Hay Foot. Straw Foot Harold Ixickwuod In A Man of Honor -r Tha theatrei marked () obtain pictures ttirouttv the STANLBT'Booklngl Corporation, -which Is a euaraatee o; ' Ut Wni JierViuw44etor xbibUon ..,ti.zs'i , - ji 'ii:.''ij. Ckveksa' WSwcrovY. ,) . ftatbe ead ioor otJlavBU' Siua'i ryias owv bent '1 .. tafST'h tralnl; .w.. - - T. "-"" , u now xeix,r iraatee oca.: nc tor hl ", Evelyn Nesbit In My Ulttls sister -r lilt(IAI) a vinN-Tfinvipitv r.d.Miim-.NIrillinirr.Oen.Mcr. . II !. II ! ll(J Vllfl I'AT.MNt.H, 1 4 D, 20e A 30e I Nest Wek M. WllITIVs Summer Review of 20 Till: JUI.MINNV 4 iri:v a liovn: "viiiimim: .hi:i.i.k jr.rr m:i.v a to. Nl k 1st lnisode of Tin: (.iti:.T (.amiii.k" The most thrllllna: s rial ! ever produced Don t miss the opening ,1 reels. rly showing- of tha' flnest productlffno. -ST1 vrt.i MMlfl IIUJ If! i' vk Vto."! boor at Clilcaro, .J,U.!' iirA we Hftlter four tlmej tm- idMn, jq ffT ' ' rood HKUAD & SANSOM STREETS COOLEST THE I RE IN I'HILA. l'WK E 1)AIL. 2:1.1 and 8:13 Nest r1 . 11 ".TS 7 1 Forced to Extend the Engagement Week 5tll WeGK by Popular Demand LETS ALL OCT GLAD AGAIN-A CURE I'OR THE IiMES-THE Ubi COMEDY-DRAMA OF THE SEASON Lss flServi r - A. ivvri "tlinakera N - No woojer lbs riraU are leadlas Ml sajaa. The Pollyana of the Screen THE LATEST THING IN EAFGHS-A CLEAN. WHOLESOME STORY WITH LIGHTNING-LIKE ACTION. Fl'LL OF ADVENTURE. LOVE AND SORROW. MtltyG THE CHILDREN Augmented Symphony Orchestra Conductor, Emit O. Wolf , TNTTfJHTS. 25r. KOfi nnd 75c I MATINRRS. 55 nnrl KOc. -''- i-rr.T'-Ti'irr.T.. .,t. . . rrj-rrrr.' zr.zr:: -tA i ' I "TT ,T . r?. ST" l.'-iWll GLTSX JVZTiS- .- .-,-. ftr r.- nn ..r.r-. .-. ' , V tr."l WiUliT - V ZK i - (- All nous h Roberta on . tn m.n I -1-.1 Maui it.w .k.n.ni7.ni.ib. "..." I t-v KTtt4.aaa.KIUu.. & KOOd UPDrt by hU teamiIUite lav! thll K hlr7 thl f.rnnnn whan th T..n- 1.J? . ' ' . T"T. . . w"ir a "-T - - . "--- --t--. -. t f-w fiHSUB u uu . . j. . , . . J-, ,.-f -. qub Ylll lh ana rofc Club'. ,txaa. XVMOaUKME & CTn Mn ii:nIANTOWN A' S1KAIN1J i:vango hi MM Hid" TOrilSKliB j. STl THE WHITE HEATHEHf! I HAS. It A 1 kTRAl'J -nilT - Mils. slI)Nl; IIRK1V lu ComelT, ,' g RIVOLI SSD AND S'N80M s' ' " KNTIItK IVKIJi-T1II PIPI'IN ' l'ICTCi BETTER TIMES i.eiiiiel to "The. Turn In the) R ........ 4 ,oi lIMIMi HAM. CA The Woman Thou Gaves MlVriN B? bT. 1IKI.OW M.I Wfi r ACTS II and Hi it HARRY MOREY .&&( m THE MAN WHO WOC LOCUST 6!D ANU wcwW" l 1 The White Heatlf Tli'Tsilnv. lMilar ana Saturita .'HS't MARGUERITE CL4$- - & in "GIRLS' n'i BELMONT KUSS,M W(lnMjlav nnit Tliiirair t '. Pauline Frederi &rW&?4 3BBm I'lsWiisBWr; '-" ' 4H-wt,V 1,1 , ., ;"?yi v A . ' '- ' , l ..! .li 'fc . .. ... st ', ' J -r,5;ft ' . - J VZt .; rs ' . ' i A 1 . K 1 . .r ..-"- ' ; h-a'- sit ..." ' .t m hM,: i". -"' i.. 'I , . e.wL 'jCiau. -ijf.iiivliSSi, (C r& W'U ?!?& a VfT ::uTti.5issr'.fcl N-J-'.i.J "tA"-: EK-vgfMfflL'ifVttl