fe .71 T'Wffr "iSi '. fV t-v -- - j 'Uf :, ww-vr-vrw . i fK , ' Ol 1 a f " t VJ t V f f , ' i Ctetffiig Piihftc fe&0et I v U. i PHIFABEtPHIA, WEDNESDAY," JTOY X? 190 - . fj t I r. ' " l??.i v X h v A v. fr V fl l- r S .Ac w f n-Fi ttp! , &y. . &;, Hurrahing for Peace Treaty in London : Paradise Farm Tongue Test : Fishing From Seaptanf ' . . 4't ,'; "i V',, rTicito "bGILUA.MS SERVICE. f ' ' . M HBnpPPlihKWii "f-'i H '""?,& .-'-, r k- '" V''. photo srRvicC. .. HS START OF the long-distance run in the Washington Yeoman-' .'""to! "" ' ' Pherto l I.IWI. wiotp vlcE , - Photo bvj LEtGR. PHQTO StRVICE'- , 1 , "T C . ' - . ' W' k .J limousine to fish. E. K. Jaquith is RIGHT OUT OF THE SALT WATERS of Strathmere.N. J., a nice one just reeled in by E. Miner Fectonf o? j?Uy." ' '? wRier w iry ncain. - a'nuaaciipAis. i i, r K?- . ; .t j T A RPAPr.AHJ! PTHHERMAW. Jnhn RnlRfon., who fiiia" nut to sea from Atlantic Cirv In the airmarine ' la w- - "..; - .- --.---,. ---- " - - - "". V. ;,: , ., V . .i ? t , ,es- .-J the.miou When the Man xau to mte in one locality, uie puot mes nis piane over we (i r t"v. t' . "h t . . i, ,- H-r -y-aB ti : - ' i' . " X?fr-r LvSi4i'r .c-'5&Si':ft',8 Ppc',rii'-; ' -v. ?- . i , t H t "''v :vff .;p' --, t .ti t-f- F "'an.V. . Mi.i V1L ,....!' A 'l. ,TCav:v .. .tit T; 15;. :t 5 " ..'' -