w -oivr ,"-; w s. s .- c c "a s .? ' EVENING PTJBLIC LEDGER--PHIEADELT?fflA, TUESDAY, ' JULY 15, 1910 -, ; 5 1 I' Si: N, X ,. ' r' X TIPL1TZ LANDED SO HARD WITH THA T LEFT UPPERCUT HE KNOCKED CHANEYINTO RETIREMENTS i ? W 1 SI '.' C. ' - yvK a..' i.it AIN'T IT A GRAND AND GLORIOUS FEELING Another Star Discovered When Glassmans 'Protege Flattens K. 0. Boy at Shibe Parle 18.000 Fans Sec Tendler Batter Welling and Lewis Beat Latzn ' II) ItOllKKT V. MAXWIXI. i snort rrtlff 1 vrnlns I'nl M I r -fr Covnln'it. tn11 h, V"h'ir I fl'J" ' A I.EPT tipp-mit. started from tlio flonr nml hut led in n mint haphazard t manner tow-ird no plan- in pmti. iilnr, .i-wrd n ImlPs-eje at Shilip Paik last night ami brought into th- lliiir'ight of poptiliirlt n iw'dioerp Ihimt i That same uppereiit. pitkrd up ft om fie -.line Hour, marked the passing "f i game little slugger who had . orrd manj ktiorkouts in tin- -.nine identical way. Krorge Chnnev pnssi.il nut of the piHiuc Mini little .lop Tip'irz stepped out In front to take his bow lrfoie tin- Hirering thousands. ! A loft uppereiit !ih'n. wi'l runniti n left uiipcrrut. thr onlv dlfferr-me being in the onf who ii-o it. Snini'tiiiins it tile harmless' b.i . othir times it , la'cleverly blnikrd with the aim-, nml on nir elisions some iinfortutiui'- sin ' stleks out lii hln nml rl.t pint" i .hit Clime ili'l till' in tin- third imiml. j and he wns thntiiRli for Hip cven'ni. Thr Mow lifted (Jcorg on" his f""t mill t he flopped to tin unit, fare downward. He nn'-e hcf.it e the .-niitil of .en. I staggered into a shower of left- iuil li-lit. nml "hen th" hrnten 111:111 w.is lying helplessly ngainst the rop-s liefeire I'op OT.rieii stopped the .oiite-t t was the on! thine to lie ilonr. Joe Tiplitz was the -t.11 of the veiiitic although other li.iv.eis ..itii lu'Kei reputation-! perfonned lie eelipsed the iiit..umliiis ii-t h'vaiisc he hail th" n.erve to outguess nml outgeiieial on- of th. leading slnscer-. in th. i-onntrv and take n elinnec when nil hope -letiiMl lost. Por two rnit nils Tiplil. jaif an .vhibitiou of how 11 hit jab should In used , ami had Chanr.v'x fire plow Ins like 11 lip" ml nppb . II" kept the Ihiltinioie 1 boy nwnj. never allowed him to Ret elo-e and use his deadlv left. idesteppe.l. I ran backward, slid to tin licht and lift, alwajs kicpinc the lett Jab in hi- ' opponent's face. In the thud hi tired and tieoiRe bcRim to drie home ...tue telling blow. Me staRRered Tip it with a lett to the head and followed with a hard smash to the bod. . 1 The bov looked like a eertnin l.iet nml the gents at the tiiiR-iilc remarked 1 that onlv n niimele could sae him rhaiiej uislied him to the rop. nperated on his ribs. Then he soakul liini on the the break Chane.i. with visions of m'tiirj toward Tiplitz to laud the final wallop. nml law intl thej elim'heil. (In taiiliR him i.i the fare, leaped hi"" B "? y M w&Mm&s " - V7HEN Vou'R'e ABOUT i5" MILES FROrA home om a rocky road AND RAtJ IS COMtrsJG COvAJisJ IM 8UCKCTS - ArsID VOU FIND TriE. ROAD Closed for repairs and Thct DETOUR .SIGN Potrsi"Ts5 To AN UNFREOVeNTED AMD (MUDDY sSTRETCH - AND To CAP TtlE CLIMAX AMD ADD To Your Trouble? i You Hav;f a PUNCTije. - uZ''Mk ', ' ' . li . .X .'if ' ' ' f I frt M1UW 1 rrrt-. -omxM. mfimzi AND YoU LUMBER AND SKID ALONG AT ABOUT lo MILCS AN HOUR IN (MOD To THE HVB3 m-"?- f -. - - - r FftRMrrH 3z&!.iiSm3i , -F You Finally hit a Good Simooth stretch OF MACADArvv AMD You HtT'GR up The- rest op the trip AT 40 MILES Atsl HOUR JliXk ' s s s MyA fBWjMr&Ai&y7. '' Amr i,i..U SWF Ss -and you land safely homg to The enjoYc-sit- op a little, of That STocK You laid in - anD A GOOtJ CIGAR AND A G00D METAL- QH-H-H- BOYM- AIN'T IT A Gtt-FVR-RAND AND0 m I H " '" Wv" j '-M 'wW -- WILD LEFT UPPERCUT MAKES JOE TIPLITZ, ENDS GEORGE CHANEY ' ;l t'U rcavhril iti 111.11 1. , 1 l.n,ii ..... ' unit. I't "' Hint 1111I1111' !( 111rl.nl up Unit Ict npprrmt low the ni.ir-M. hinlnl it ilnpcratrlu 111 flinucii'i tliirvtitiii l it ""' time to M.r;i ;). 1 he iccoiitt bout teas urn . Tendler s Work Best Argument for Leonard Bout TnVAlV. were other bouts on the card, other bouts which t .reived, mucli ml vertisins. but the Tiplit.vClianey affair was the headline!-. The Ihiri crowd of 18.000 whi.-li packed the arena thtmpht so too. and it did not hesitate to show it. The crowd. b the wa. wns th. most orderly that ever attended an open-air boxinK show. There was no rushiiiR for good seats, and late conu-rs experienced no ditncult in hi.un-; their .-oupons honored. The police, under Captain Kenney nnd Serse.'n.t S. 1. Wilson, did wonderful work and desotic lots of credit. They held the ciow.l in check and kept ecr in the stands TaL-inir it from every ni.Ble. IM.il Classman's second show was a hi.Ke -u. cess. Lew Tendler performed in the wind-up. nnd it. six rounds put up one of the stronsest arsum-nts for a bout with It.nn.v I.e. maid that we hate een for some time. Lew met and vnnuuislKd Joe W.-lliu;. of Chicago, win nlnp; b5 a jood marsin. but was fo. 1 to do his best from the openiiiB stohr until th final bell. .loe is a same, willing battler, never quits, and, although he took plentj of puni-hment. time wns 110 tct-up in his oik. Tendler is 11 K001I Inner. 1 1 is the best in the li(;htwe'r,-ht division with the possible eiiptloii of l.eoniinl. and deserves a chance (it the title. lie is there fort wiijs and it will take a cliaiiipiim to beat him. He tarted on Wellins with hi riRht jab and was eiy libetal with his left shun. Joe. h.uverer. met everj attack and neier faltered. He. too, handi'd out tome pui.ishinent. finding u murk with his left jab almost ever time he used It in th" earlier rounds. In the setonil Lew was on the defensive foi a time. Widling tu-hing him against the ropes and soaking him iiidi-criniliintelj It looked as if Tendler tyas in tor a stormy vojnge, but he rallied near the end and laml.d a Hock of stinging slams which evened tilings up. Lew was looking for a chance to end home a few hard wallops, but was cc.nsidciablj aiino,ed bi that left bandy which constantly wn snieaie.l on his .ountcnan.-e. fllE loeal bon 1 liamiiil I111 tnrtui iu Hit llmil. nml nflr, 11,, n il,, tenult no lanaer irm 11. iluiiht. Tendler s Alternating Attack Baffles W c'ijr INSTEAD of wasting his time with futile lefts and rights to the head. Lew launched an attack on Well'ng's bo.lj. Si straight times he sent home his left to the ribs, nnd .loe as beginning to wish he had never left hi- I'ticle Sam's navy. Another soak in the ribs was in prospVt when the ox -sailor dropped his, guard. Quick as a flash Tendler changed the direction of the wallop and it landed on the chin. This was he turning point of the fight. Yelling did not know where the punches ere coining from, and instead of forcing the mill adopted defensive tactics Joe took everything handed out. mine buck lor more and his griit,. uphill battle made a hit with the crowd. In tht futiitii. however, after being htung by a right nnd left to the head. Welling tore into Tendler and landed three -wallops to the body and head. He fenced Lew to clinch, but on the breakuwaj Olassman'R pride Kenred with a hard left to the head nnd a right to the bodj A quick left and right to the jaw the famous "one-two" punch made .toe tep back and behave. ' A wallop over the eje inadi 11 deep gash, which bled profusely, and Wellin Also began to bleed from the nose, lie was tired, while Tendler seen.d to Im prove. In the fifth nnd xixth Lew raised a lump over Joe's other e..e, soaked him, a few more times in the body, ami at the end was the victor by a pair of city ' blocks. Hut he met a good, game boy and did not lime a cinch. The opening bout was a tough one. introducing Harrj Tierce, the sparse haired wonder from Ilrooklju. and Kddie Moj , of Allentonn. Harrj took enough punishment to knock out a dozen lighters, but he remained with us until the end, stopping everj thing with his face nnd mukiug it as unpleasant as possible for Eddie. Mr. Moy. however, copped the verdict without a dis lenting vote. JUIOY itemed to 1111 pi ore fls the bout pioiieseit mid gate u niie tJchi '" bit ion. lie M n icilling bnlller, has Iota of tierrc and can take a beating. M'e should tee moic of llddie in the future. Lewis Drops Twice, but Beats Latzo UT there was another bout, one which never will be forgotten b. the en- ' - thuslastlc fans. Ted Lewis, nfter taking the count twice in the first round v v.ii'' and looking like a lieu-peeked sardine trying to get out of a jam, c-atnc back ",$ nd vhaeked the daylights out of Steve Latzo, an exceedingly rough person !.' from Haileton. Pa. Ted ouce was the world's welterweight champion. He j" -rf "... ... ..... . ' .. . ., . ,, ., . . taw ipugut Jack llrltton once too otien, iook me nign uive aim was relegated to yJL the b'as-bcen class. He made an attempt to come back last night and every ii " oae will agree that lie arrhed. FOR ST, RITA'S CLUB 1 lt H as Fight Night at Shibe . Outscore Corlov and St. Monica Park, but Aerial Drive1 CRO WD ENDANGERED B Y CUSHION A TTA CK TURNER TO PLAY FOR Mermen in First Catholic Club Meet Mars Star Show PASSING OF CHANEY RYAN IS DOUBLE WINNER t. IAMUS S. CAHOLAN liita's Catholic Club scored the st number of points last night in 1 lii-'h .. ...... .. .. n u:n,..t ... .. -..... .............I I ... uiiiii i.s tiiiit-ii .is .a i.iui -, ,11 in 1 -w r (jj same swiiiiminc meet in liron" "no 1 euerni streets, hut it developed into a TT WAS figlit night nt Shibe Park. J- Prom the time flic army of 1 fight fans stinted its drive on the gates until tri- nrin passed through thci exits, it was just a series of battles. ingle affair when the Aquinas Hub ''r? ,y ""r"',s neuntig A.,...-, failed to appear. St. Hita. Corley ami i.-..- .....in um 11 u.e ir; ..... 1 St. Monica conuieted and finished in the "'ere forced the (ombutive Lddie 1 tmint soring in the order named. St. alker to subdue a number of warlike 1 Ititii srorecl ".1 of n grand totul of (!' individuals. Then the bojs in the roped points. arena put on their five distinct nits. James Uuin. of SI. Rita's, won the Following this regulation affair the fans J.-,-ynrd sprint in 10 seconds, beating iri thrv , f)Mk 011(M1,,, Crial 'M.Cotter. of the same club; , bj J .vr K .bombardment with cushions that for a lie reneated 111 the .il-nrd dasli. win- . lit.-'by l seconds, negotiating the .lis-1 "' W the straw hut coverings tan.".' in A: s.conds. 1 "f "lu"-v "Ususjiecting and itmoceut ' Sixteen-ear-old Jerry Delaney. tep spectators. I i.seiiting St Hita. copped the 100-.Mird Silentlj ami without even 11 faint j dash In i yards fiom Jimm Hyan. nlso warning the bombing" began. The of the siune orgiini.ation. in it spectne- black -covered mis.iles poiitideil and ular event, in the time of 1 :41. Inn- , rns.lictl against tinprute. ted nations as siiboing that the eve,.' ts '' the, hastened , the ticl.l. Then lfol?AVai-nrM,"nMrn,,i a:?:'; the boys with the strong anus finally j im. n. '., "-i '' "eeon.l Tom Ueu.iti. Kt the range of the funs collected j l "s!'i on',1 t!f.u Wen u'v'-Kr.ink .-.-iputo st alouud the ring. Adoen w cll-diieeted I Hit. Lionel 11 .ytld. Corle Time 1 1 sn,ts forced the Into worshipers to Ihlril liet Wen by .Iam"- Rvnn Si 1 ' Pin. "..onil Hatpin. St Monies Time, si atter speedllj . Kilhanc and If ox Meet at Phils Park July 28 Johuiiv Kilbime nnd Joey Pox have been signed to clash at the Phillies' Hull Park on July "JS. This was announced at Shibe Park last night. This match has nn inter national flavor, as Kilbime is the American featherweight king and Pox the English champion. James P. Doughcrt.v . the Leiper villo sportsman who stngc.l the Kil-lmni'-Leonard bout lieu- two jents ago. will promote the Kilbane-Pox show It nlso was announced that Jauuiicii Kid, Dempsey's sparring partner, and Paiiuinii Joe Onus would meet in the bcinilinnl. BIG ADVANTAGE OF BALL CLUB MANAGER COMES WITH QUITTING Frank Chance, Four Steps Tim Side of Old Age 'After Dropping Reins Over Yankees, Is Growing Younger on Orange Grove ' 'r;'r , IN THIS SrOKTLIOHT By GRAXTLAND RICE Copyright. 1010. Alt rights reierved , The WaY of the Crowd UVirit.nJ the game is young, kid, As Kingtlty said so tccll; When all pour praise is sung, kid, Hefore thci giveyouhell : It's just as iccll to know, kid, I hat those trno enrcr todap Are trailing for the How, kid, That sends you on your icay. They'll like pou for a bit, kid, And back you icith a will, A i fonp its iiou ran hit, kid. And furnish them a thrill; ' lint when you start to slip, kid. You'll find the first to turn Are those who tossed the yip, kid. When you had speed to burn. Thr moral of this song, kid They like to see 'em flop; Don't kid yourself too strong, kid, ' While you're still on top: Don't think they mean it all, kid, While you aie still the crush, i l'nr tehen you start lo fall, kid. They'll be the first lo push. s, "W"V d. tllC,T rn" " bloW ,,c,iv(,rc1 nt "" l"lCK: ot ,no "cni1 a rabbit punch?" VV queries n render. Very likely because one of thf quickest ways to .kill n rabbit is to soak him ju the back of the bean. If this isn't the reasou some one will have to interview the rabbit. After the Hurly-Burly rplIEUE'S one big advantage about managing n big-league 'ball club. You J- teel so good when joti quit. ( When Prank Chance left the Yankees nfter tils tempestuous session with that i ill-fated machine he looked to be nbout four steps this side of old age. When we saw him in Toledo some time ago inspecting the wares offered by Messrs. Willnrd and Dempsey be looked to he IhVnge of a kid recruit just breaking in. "There'.s less bother in handling oranges than there is in handling a ball club," snid Chance. "I had my fun out of the game with the old Cubs, but I can't say I had any wild joy in trying to lift the Ynnko. The nranee erove I looked pretty good to mc when I finally quit. t .-il ,,,..., v. r, .,- lit rrv u. Hit. . -l. Illl.l ,.,,n,l .Ism.- P..n. St Hit, thirl 1 ri.nk i .-.ip.ite ft nit... fourth. .IUxmHI st. ''vvVa'aLh-nrst he.u .,,. m uu-.h nh, r sit Htt. second. Luuhrun st , Mr.ron.Tht-W..n b, .1 M.O..ter M ni'H M-icnd J .tohiison. 'nrl," Tim., in. Third h.t Won 1V ' rHnl: sMiulu st llllta. Msond Halein. St M..nie Time !i 1 Fourth hal VVon by .Iiiien ,''.in .si 'lllta nnd. Kelly. St Monk-. T me :. I-lnal Won " ""'". "!", ,St . "'" neeon.l Mf Cotter St. Ultii. third Canute. , si u fourth. Hatpin. ?t. llonlej. Tim, "T . .... .-,.. 1,... ...r.n I.. ...... ... . .iii.j.irci uasn nisi .,". "" " .'""-o iieiniess nnd harm i Iv.iCotier it Ultn: second Johnson Corlcv i"v'lsa win iiuriun I Time all's . ' on the sward were I Second heat won pv .lame. Pita, -ecnnd CI -.irv. Corf. Ill r-irul Wen h Jim." it. all I lm... :Ih: peeond. MeCetter, time 47b. third Johnson Dangerous Altai I. I'vcry figlit was unilei th.. .outiol of the police. The cushion attack, a dan gerous practice, went on uninterrupted. The police merely iciuained well back and told the retreating funs' to make for the exits, that all would be well. The rpsh for the exits was a risky one. Between the i .ingestion and the continuous pattering and smashing of the heavy cushions from above, the . cash customers oinpletely nt the of attackers from above. The could not reach the upper and out into the fiehl. Ted Lewis had n couple of close calls. Tendler once just missed crashing his head against the iron post near the timers as he bmked against the looe ropes in a clinch. Despite the handicaps it was a great night listicall.i. The bouts ntdiated action, bteathed suspense, were just gruesome enough to satisfy, the blood thirsty and thrilling enough at times to make the fan- forget home and other (tires. Critical Puns The Quaker Cit fans aie the inopt Veteran Terry Will Exhibit' With A's Against Former , Teammates in Cleveland ' (tf'YK hem lining age out their in place of putting it on." In Which Something Is Said Many arr called, hut, alack and alas! Moil of them want to get in on a pan'. The Man-lo-Man Test nWC Dim nnerraT roaihiI 'p,t!A;'K MOKAN brought out n good point recently when he remarked that UIMt HUN U the AT AGAIN i - of all nerve te.sto midbrains before the contest opened the fight game carried -Won I" Ii ti fpi end Hall in IV ' Cle.in Corl? IMuuse for dlitanie- ' . . , nrlm. -IS ft . Mnnl. i '-' . third. .Inluo-en Coil, j .ft fturth. O Nell CTI" .v.- II 3on.ard ran Won b. J, rr. IVUmv st tttta. second Gl.more, St Monln, third 1 VV Mi-CnUer. St. Itlla fourth. MiCann ' Corle'v Time, 3m flt. 4R i tnercj c.st ...''.: 1 1'"""' Corirj fourth, pavilion, lor to ilo so would have left the field unguarded. The guardians st I were in lis much ilangei as the helpless ' and inonensive civilians. Here is just u little tip for the licit fight let the fans see twentj or more loutids of boxing on a hard seat. Uo away with the cushions on tight nights. Against'n dark skj and a green baek giound, it is almost impossible to locate If Jlciri. wel.l t.ike m. -dilee rhlr-e.i "' ot the falling missiles until it is cr.iT witn in iirmin Kii" nr iinmu willllll a lew icet ot tile ground. critical in the countrj. They know good tights when they see thein and they detect the flaws in the bad ones. Pights to go over here must have ac tion and must be regular frajs. Xlnnj of the preliminaries to thei Willnrd -Dempsey battle were tame, sad1 nffuirs. but to the tntijoritj of that ) gathering thej went over big. All fights looked alike. As long as gloves ' were flying and gladiators were moving j it was called a fight. Not so here, however. .Mr. Ureb! and Mr. Levinsky learned this before the end of the third round. .Messrs. (ircb nud Levinsky were siuceie in their' efforts, but one wanted to. fight, the! other ilidn t and the fans suffered SI. Louis, July 1."i. At the bottom for four successive j-onrs, Connie Mack is satisfied that there nro not enough phenoms in the minors to lift him out of the tail-end position for this season. The fiist move to improve the Ath-' letics may cause a series of laughs arojind Shibe Park, for Terry Turner, I nn American Leaguer for jenrs and .venrs, recently I cleaned by the Indians, has been signed by Mack. Turner will join the .Macks in Cleveland Thursday nnd will join the box score immediate ly. "I have toured several minor leugiie circuits," snid Connie jesterdny, "nud T cannot see unj thing hanging around thnt is better than what I have in my line-up now. AVe must remember that owing to the war the jotitig ball players were fighting for I'ucle Sam nnd weie not being developed. Now and then we may run into a young stnr, but I doubt if the supply is sufficient to go all , around the circuit. j "Take the big minor leaguers and what do we see. Their leading pitchers I are major league discards nnd it would I be foolish to bring them back to the ' American League." ' the hardest. It is alwajs the ninu-to-inuii test that hits each contender harder the night before or the minute before when he knows that at last he has come to the big splash with no one to help him nn one to cover his mistakes. Pootball and baseball are both competitions between machines. In these affairs no one man carries the burden. BUT in a fight il is man against man, icith no outside help. Aiyi the fight game i'( the only test in this respect. Other Man-to-Man Affairs , THP same holds good to a lesser degree in tennis or golf. There is no physical contact in either of these sports, but the old element of man vs. man still holds. When you make a slip there iC no mate to eocr jour misplay up. There is no one else to attract attention nnd divert the spotlight for the moment. ,, That is why innn.v golfers who nre stars in four-ball matches, or tennis pla.vers who nre cracks in doubles, nre fnr below pur when tossed out upon their own. 'Villi spotlight liitn than, standing alone, and the caie in follows. Voh con talk to old football or baseball players and they will tell you they aie far more nervous before a tough golf or tennis match then they were at cither of the former sports. WALLY HINKLE LOSES Defeated by Young Joe Borrell In National A. C. Wind-Up Young Joe Borrell defeated Wally I J inkle inutile wind-up nt4he National A. C last night. Wally used his left to good advantage up to the sixth round. In the otJ)cr bouts Lew Stinger and Johnny Pinzzi fought a sizzling draw. AMATEUR BASEBALL NOTES Bingles and Bungles "r " ".i"" :: ..i.i . u.. ... -i i.i nnipr its ii ri?ir- itttu in riuire some uitntor to Ills hull lurk nhrn the Crowd Well Handled ,.!' return." in,. . ,- . , The cushion attack was the on i I'ocfcnni yrnrtiian rev ttessing incident.. Th .fii-L.tfrr ft full I nt a b'oiu oul (i the Cl,irln,nti machine, Tht lltds u'eie woici. vui itj iim j.ince. (ii ' e.itt iir.il.ahl. neiir his Meadow will he aide lo sumii olmosltlon. Terry Turntr turin 'oov prrtiaps a O.y iiclo. Irs ran be turned HucKuard. Thej guve the perpetrators of the dull hl,1,p -Mitchell outclassed Lddie Hood, net the "Grand tliss" mid the "Ilojul I Voting Sherlock outpointed Young Mack Stump." Three hisses and two stamps, in hix rounds, and In the opener Jack every ten seconds. It made life most ' Iiumond gave Lddie Kirby such a drub iinpleiisunt for the pair. uing In two rounds that the hitter's Passing of Clianey seconds did n Jess Willard with the ' . .' , towel. Hie crowd knew tluil a icnl battle was' on when Chancy nud Tiplitz were exhibiting. When Chune.v weut out In' Frankle Burns Downs White the third round more than one voice Jersey City. July 1.1. Frankle Ilurna. the l 'Ted started but furiously, and in a mix -up which occurred nine seconds fc , iTHtter the bell stopped a right hook and sagged to the floor. He was all but Mb lit'ro . . ... i..i - ..!- j... ... .- .. ...... . ! ,. ., C t?ttyX, uur. struggieu io u icri, uiuy iu gci wnnuieii uguiu in mc sume place. JU;he lay on the ropes, apparently dead to the world, Charley Harvey, his J" iinager, rushed up to him and shouted in his ear : f-tel "You're still the champion, Ted! Take a couple of more second's rVuV oil right ami can lick this guy!" V, l Ted got up and managed to weather the storm. Latzo should have scored v . knockout, but was too wild. Ills blows lacked accuracy, and theie was nothing rWTOU ai 's urn. Beginning with the second round Lewis showed what champjons are - 'jfuwie of. He nutgenerulrd his husky foe, made him do all of the leading and ''liijul atood off hnd nennered him with everything he had. At the en.) T.nt . '.- . . - . . - . . .. ----- --.v nan bj from th nose, month and ovfr the eye; he was all tired out, while 'vraiMinmttrked. It was one of the gnmest up-hill battles ever fought wla'wa the winntr. It wns a ble surprise. ' "Ktefi.-;--.., - - - , , While Connie Mnck w.ts iliatiliis; around the countrj looklnic for biugers he mleht ' hHVe Mtaed at horn- and discovered Joe ' Tlnlltz at hln oii Shlhe Park If Tlp lltai can't hit tl.or-e i loin j .. r..it jtandfr ' If C. lark had steiiiiril Into the shlhe t tlt"in In the IvilllBlit "f lat rtenliiE lie uni.l.l ln' fe't ""it lie "u- hark In the itn.n when VTorltt's serle. elt.l .rowds wrre f common ill inrnw.nr.i .urn hiiu i.riiis.l livriiue. 7(je A'h nite'rt Is-.'' 'o bad nt that. .Vol one roller hew been hooted anil not nee ball throw .1 wild In tour imincj In SI. Looie. The only time " Mackman 8loprU nn . I .. ..- whMn the llrowni Mr ut Ili. I Not one memher of the Shibe family not I . .. uiihtr loan Beeond l.eorlte stSler rota olT man. run for the iiaukb lllu nne-htin.lr.1 rilteh nf setervld'H i lid rhi'fk nreveiileil the A' from arorlmc In the eienin. 7'heref oaf thing Ulmer Jacob likes about St. Looie. He won't have no far lo go hotne uhen tht acasou c.io. Nalor' walk to Wellman In the eiffhth resulted In the wlnnlnu run. It was the flrat and only pirf lued by Itoland. At that the Tourth bill WMi a close one. but Oirena derided In favor of the llrowiu, At that II'" only natural Ihit the Olant .hotild tower over other men In the National lvalue. . H'latera proallu la o cold iceotncr pitcher. He dM' look any loo good In twelterlug .Vra' Vork vetterdau. Urooklyn Down Card Headline. The refomcr certainly are setting In their work. was heard to exclaim: "Well, it looks pointed Jaiwz White, of Alb.'ns. in an Inter like good-by to the ring for Umiiey. i 'S'W" 'i".;r Ad lAUt "' tM ope,,"alp Brena t i .i ,i .... . 'ne Armory a a. Two crashes to the lloor within sin Twilight Ball for Christ Church to dishearten any lis- tiessing incident., The crowd was an orderly one nml nc.epted everj ml cheerfnllv. The nnliee mwl tin, i,lw...j c'k I?? rool'e6 'ffi .'"h'n, CZ Sv.S'iW ""l1 '" Wy-f "o .''"ids upon the i "'''' ,' eu0UU n-srrvrii nrnin. iiuii in unier in get don n "',. .... i . ,. ' Christ - Church A A. will Rke twilight the east aisles, which were guarded bv ' "lhl "llrf" mnmics uuer iiiuitz nud baaelmll trial TJiurBday evenlne on lt at least four men wearing official upe" 'I'-ciaimeii li.e winner, ilobb.v I SR'n V ti h- "he at faction ihe" badges, it was uecessniy to show the "eynoius cumc lorui iroiu unanejs will start at n:ia, reserved seat check. i dressing tpom uud infoiincd us that - If Connie Mack could huc ga.ed I C'lnjney has decided he has had enough Hest rhltililelphln '. C. will meet the ftronB Nativity C. c on the latter's crounda Kundav The club has Julv 10 open for any firel-i'iasa home club navlnff a Buarantee Ralph A I'anzullo, 3S1II Lancaster avenue. S.sitt-I'owrll I)alr, formerly the It.an A. C will pl.iv Vletrlt C C In a tvvlllBht irame Tliurpday at the former's hall park, forty-eighth and nrown streets Manaicer Nltholson will book the best teams that can be secured Tulprhocken Reds, traveling club, has July 19 -0, I'.'i. 27, also August dates open and would like to hear fron home clubs willing to pay guarantee F VMIllam Kal bacher, 4114 Cleveland avenue, manner's baseball nine still has open dates for nny second-class teirn having grounds and paying guarantee for any Sat urday or Sundaysln July and August T. P MeCarney, superintendent delivery. Illauner a, S33 Market street. The O. II. C. Hovers will nifty twilight hall 'on the club grounds Tuesday and Thursday and would like to hear from lead ing teams in the Manufacturers'- and Main Line leagues and the best Independent semi pro traveling teams. a Wllkenson, 3041 Wade Btreet Argo A. A., a semi-pro traveling club, has July If. 2ft and Sunday dates during July and August open J H Dalley. 711) Bel grade street .litpnnnril A. A., n flrst-rlass traveling team, desires games with home teams paylntf a guarantee for dates in August W Krsutz. 185:! Cast Orleans street. Cramp A. A. has Julv in open Phone be tween il and 8 p. m . W. Johnson. Kciislnj. ton 3S00. The Media A. C, will nlav the Newton A . (colored leuin) at Sixtieth and Oxford streets July 11) nt 3 n. m -Media will pre sent the following line-up: F. ilollm. lb.; vv. .Morrison, rf. ; A. Weaver, p.; C. Havlles. J?-:, c-,mS.nn e': H. fnlterer. If.: Frank Mollm. 3b.. n. Standers ".b.. K. Totterer. cf. Diillnn Club, a flrnt-rlass traveling team, has Julv 211 and 27 and a few dates In Au. gust open for teams paving a guarantee. J. IITCarroII. 747 North Thirty-sixth street , Klnin V. V.. a ,nrt-rlass traveling club, has July 111. 2(1 and August 2 open for horns teams In or out of the city. William. Hill. 2D.-8 North Third street u Sillier A. V. Is without games for July Iff 20 iitt and 27. Want games especially with New York Ship. Merchant Ship and Cam den City. II Klsn. 173 West l.lpulncotl street Anchor (Hunt are without a name for Saturday. July 10 and 2(1. and would like to hear from teams having grounds and Duying a guarantee. F Robinson. 130 Cast Cheltcn avenue Hunter Club, a first-class traveling levim, has all Sundays In July and August open for home teams paying a guarantee. R I,. llcecher, '-'(107 South Franklin street er' perUtde shoots wer Jnst upon that wouderfitl gathering it would have brought back to memorj the world's 'series dnjs of 1111(1, 11)11 and 101", when the lo.vnl Muck rooters flocked to this same park. The fans want the lighter or the team with the punch. AVhen the finned Athletics of a few jears ngo cairied the k. o. wallop, they had a follow ing. The boys on last night's Cut il ea ril were famed for their punch. Tlie crowd of 18,000 came to see buttles and wns not disappointed. , Captain Kinney and his small-army of bluecoated huskies maintained or der. Two rushes from the leftfield bleachers were frustrated. The hojs came in droves, but it didn't take the bluecoats long to spot the invaders and chuse them buck to their moorings. Classman Makes Good Phil filassman, promoter of the show, lived up to his promises. He hud a small army of police and ushers present, and the crowd nlvvavs was under con trol. When Joe TipliU put the skids under (leorge ( haney the youthful promoter forgot all about the crowds, the revenue and other minor afTalrs. Promoter Olassman had visions of nn other champion. With Tendler and TIplIU, the "T T." twins, lie has two very brilliant lightweights. The rones around the-rlnz were fnultr They were too loose anjj thin helped to of the ring game The passiug of the famous Haltiinure boy mnrks the end of u gieat tighter' ami a gate attraction. Tendler,Glassman cfjremsrem PHILS' GAME OFF Paulette and Meadows Arrive Two Games Tomorrow The rain of this uioiniiig canned the postponement of the Phils- ltetls' guine this afternoon. The buttle will he T played off ns part of u double bill to- i morrow afternoon, j (iene Paulette nnd I.ee Meadows, the two Curds obtained Jn the trade that' sent .lucobs, Woodward and Ilalrd to ' St. Louis, arrived this morning. Pun- I lette will play first base tomorrow. The three departed Phils were sent awuy last ntght. They will join the! Cards In Brooklyn. liATIONAL LEAGUEPARir TOUW AT 3:30 PHILLIES v. CINCINNATI Seals on Kale at lilmliels' and Mpln-V ft! i i-'iv t'ii no i w CAMBRIA OPEN AIR AltK-NA illrn, & Fecney, Mgr. KM. Are. Cumbria M, reenrj. - Kenln. July lHlh ' JACK WAKp t. JV'K ;N1' .v""KV Ktinr Other i'rafkerjack llout. I Iliurrr Ilarn E, isr iivsmo wrjMo. rnwn rwMre I make lue Biiieni' justv a time imiio, i BPBCIAILI PhiU. JACK O'BRIEN'S ns OUR JULY SALE STILL ON All Furnishings Greatlu Reduced $1.50 Neckwear d-! $1.00 Neckwear CC- now OJJC $10.00 Silk Shirts &rj A j- $2.50 Madras Shirts $1 .85 with collars to match X $5.00 Bathing Suits, consistinu of white worsted shirt, blue flannel pants with money pocket dQ AC and belt, nov... PO.4'0 8X8 CHESTNUT ST, i 'Il I'!"1, "''"I' W '"'',!, ' ii ' ' i '' ! 'l,1. y ' j '); f ;p '",'" f'"'! "yw '.!.;! !r " M w!l','''ii ' ta1'1""' ' WHil 1 1 l IsssssssssssssssssM'.. ,4 !, . -i I 'ilESIi ' h 3i. I !"iJ .'ssssssssissssssssssssssssssssa i UtH ' '' Il sssssssssssrTsBi!" IB il I lil I l:Vmh IV S : (.iWAW H ffiS ii l.l! HsssBssssssssssssssssssssssU Hi 1 ,me m,mtrViMiMiMGttm:v!'snJKummm . n 'I !ssssssssssssssssBsJsk i::i!i " !', Ai tiWwn i!Mi;;7nit7ihSRMHMHHi III t ')!: 'sssssssssssssssHssssa&!7sX Hi' l!!l'''l!"!" i,.flHill','i! ''' 4tfi!l'll!l1isssKSssssssssssBI ii l! I !.!l ssssssssssssMWlHIiriW II IU' -"I ''V'' l1 'iX'"!11 Ml1 "Sji ' '1 1 il Fsssssssssssssssssssli ffli'l Hi IsBBBBBBBBBBBBBsfllsBaBsK IU 1 I W tfV A W J Jl' M M WM'Wl, .1 iSsssssssssssssBssssBtsssV IB I V - I 17 ! S1 sssssssssssssssssssssll ! I i feH I ssBbHBsH ISSI iwn&hif,?ffli m H5wL. IBS IjOK gl .II1', B VV lppHWMrBT'PT-.sssBl BssssssssssssssssssssH "i! !i' I !iil i i lr tt h h wlM isHii I ; LI ill l I Ii " IBH i IIP W ? f I II11 J T ! " i' ssssssssBsssssBMi5WM' 'M '' J x 1 1 I1MLIIIM j I III' li ' '''m'wfi i t ' i T'sssssssssHH v.G! t.xsHMHlMRHMHHffPflBPPisfllllltl ?. 7ir''d0 v . if 'Lia HHHHiinnhliite 1 " " "SWiiiiiiii iiif---T---n Mil IMI1IIJIIIIN I' I 'H l i i . Minr-S.-fUsl-llii1. 1 I ' llsslllMl m sslllsssslll HI ! tWsssslsl sslsHsslllllt ! si I !( .j VjritJ.J tlHlsn:isnFtsssBSssssBBBg4clsKBssBUsBr7M-K "&-