aMaMmiutiltm Ijll l.j'riiptli.liM ,a.w..i,J.-.l" "' A7 "V;'' !?, J U y EVENING PUBLIC LEDGER PHILADELPHIA, THURSDAY, JULY 10, 1019 CAPT. GEARHART BACK Had Charge of Locating the Dead and Registering American Graves WOULD LET BODIES REST Captain Kobort II. Grarluirt. .Jr.. for merly pntor of the firace Lutheran Church-, Thirty-fifth nml Rprlns Onnlen strfftd. has returned from fourteen months' service in France, where he directed the grave registration work Captain Oearhart expects, to receive hi discharge from the arm? within two ivceks' time, when he will resume Jtii duties nt his church. Captain (Jenrhart firl served with the aofith Machine Out! Itattalinn as chap lain as a first lieutenant. Later he was appointed n captain and mnde senior chaplain of the Seventy. eighth Division. Then he became senior Hinp lain of the Second Army and was finally appointed to take chnrge of the regis tration work in France. Captnin Oearhart. while serving with the Seventy-eighth Division, completed the , records and located the graves of every man in the division who had given up his life, with the exception of two. For this he received n personal citation from Oeneral Pershing, and his success in this line of work led to-his appoint ment as leader of the large force of i STOLENAUTOSWORTH $30,000 RECOVERED Nine of Seventeen Machines Found in Raid on Salford Street Garage ALL NUMBERS CHANGED Thoto by Dooner CAI"1 ROBERT II. (JKARIIAKT beautiful Captain Oearhart has ever seen, he said today, and he voiced the opinion that it would be foolish to try to bring the bodies to this countrj. Where Heroes Are Hurled The 22,000 men who 'lost their lives on the Argonnc are buried at Romegne Sous Motifncon. The heroes of St. Seventeen automobiles, valued origi nally approximately at MO.OOO. have been rCCOVCrer! I,i' ll, .tntontl,... Imenm. 1 since last Sunday. I I'uder an act of the stale I.egMn- Jk jyiilelt became effective .Inly 1. the police are empowered to -onficate any automobile found with n mutilated number plate, or which shotfs anv evi dence of having been tampered with for tne purpose or changing original ap pearance. The same act increased the penalty for nut Mealing to a maximum "' ten years' imprisonment tnd MOUO fine, nr both. Four of the seventeen cars recovered this week have been returned to their owners, mid. with the exception nf'one. the police have established the owner ship of the remaining thirteen. A roadster, the property of Dr. Mar garet Dunnlugtott, of the Heal Estate Trust llulldlng. is ninong the cars. The machine wbb recovered when members of the "nuln sipind" raided the privnle garage of lleiijaniin I'ogel, on Salford street near ' Callowhill. Eight earn were seized in this raid. The garage excited the suspicions of persons in the neighborhood, nnd the; Informed the police. Detectives Hock tnnn nnd Freund forced nu entrance one night last week and discovered the eight cars. The numbers on eery ma chine bad been filed off, they reported, and four of the cars hail been repainted. Warrants have been issued for Fogel land others, who, the police saj , arc not in the city. On the uight of November I'.O. IMS. the garage of Dr. Julius Schuenn. nt 2117 North Seventeenth street, was forced open and a roadster was stolen. Yesterday afternoon detectives lteck inan and Preund noticed a repainted cat standing at Twelfth anil I'llnert strrrls. It is the practice of the "auto squad" to investigate all repainted machines, and an examination of this car prutei that it was the propert of Doctor Sclieerin. .tnhn Diinsninre. a fonner automobile agent, was arrested in connection with the case. Automobile thieves, the police s-av. never attempt to sell a stolen machine without first changing the engine num bers, the license tags and sometimes j repainting the car and changing the wheels. A short time ago three unto thieves were sentenced to jail for limi; terms. They could change the numbers nnd appearance of n car in fifteen minutes so that the owner could not i recognize it. .. ,l-,li. i . .1. i i . .,1111 pi arc uurieo ni I III llicnuri. in-iw men uetnlled to the tnsk of registering.,, . ,, ., ,. . i .,.,, "Met!!. The craves are on the site of .the graves. rturled in Trenches Kvery body was searched, he snid to day, adding that some of them were recovered only after they had been ex posed to the sun nnd rain for from six to seven weeks. Everything personal taken from the bodies of the dead sol diers was sent to their' relatives. It was impossible to dig single grnves for every American who was killed, he said, in explaining that the majority of them were buried in trenches. Coffins for every man were also out of the question. The dead were wrap ped in blankets and buried with reli gious services in the creed of the various men if it was possible. Crosses were placed over the graves of every man. with the exception of the Jews. The graves of the tatter are marked with si aba. According to Captain Oearhart, the Oermans gave the American dead decent burial and were as considerate of thr bodies as the American registration workers were. American engineers' have made blueprints of the vctrious cemeteries nnd have established the exact location of the grave" of every soldier who was identified, Captain Oearhart toTil of one in stance, howevrr. ..'xben the Germans wer not considerate. He was conduct ing a buriaV-phrty to the cemetery, he 'aid, v4nti'n German nvlator Hew over and took a photograph. Later 'tlVey were bombed, he said, but .for tunately no one was killed. On one occasion Captain Gchxhart narrowly escaped death when a nine inch shell exploded within four feet of him. The cemeteries in which the Ameri cans are buried in France are the most German nriny headquarters in Sep tember of 1018. Ilobey linker, the la- i mous I'rinceton football and hockey plnycr, is buried at St. Mihicl. as is Major I.cesburg, who was one of Amerl-, cits lending aces. , total oi .iiiiii Americans nrc buried at Heaumont. Many of these men were victims of the influenza epidemic in France. i Captnin Oearhart enlisted in Janu ary, 11118, and nfter work nt Cninp Dix, sailed for France in May, 1018. He re- turned to this country on Saturday ( night, and spent Sunday at his home, in this city. He went to Cnmp Dlx Monday and returned here last night. Captain Genrhnrt is thirty-four years old. Had lie not enlisted lie would have received the degree of Ph. D. from lit; University of Pennsylvania this spring, i I The Home of Style and Economy or 923 MARKET STREET LJwTi 90lk m FIRE PUT OUT.BUT NOT AUTO i Takes More Than Flames to Put -' This Car Out of Commission I They stop, but they never stay stopped. An automobile, genus flivver, stalled at Fifty-second street nnd Westminster avenue shortly after 8 o'clock this morn ing. Muttering, the driver got out and cranked. Xo action. He cranked again. The engine went off with n roar, then backfired, setting fire to the machine. The tire engines were called out. After dousing the machine with water nnd chemical the tlames were subdued. Some one suggested that the owner get another nutoinobile to tow the div er awny. He cranked it and the engine started and the "poor man's friend" went off under its own power. Fojp Tomorrow the Last Shopping Day of the Week We Have Arranged These Won derful Saving Opportunities Beaded Georgette DRESSES I9-75-25-00 Also charmingly ciiibrolderec and cordi il Georgettes, handsome foulaul silk and satin combinations and manv of Hie new est modes or Georgette with xcstces ulcolettc. l'i ices ate remarkable sin.j L K'.7.-. 25.00 New Cotton Frocks no "00 cool, summer ollc ami srltiKhani dresses In attractive plaid and .low ered style Manv de lightful st!cs for oimn and inls?es. ,Sfi nnd I ln oappie o !A pippin cfn DRINK" Just think of Southern pippins the finest flavored, juiciest apples that grow. Then think of eider pressed from these pippins. Then think of this eider so delightfully car bonated that it fizzes and sparkles and bubbles in your glass. That's O-Apple-O. But it tastes' even better than it sounds. It has a flavor that reminds you of cool, shady orchards and the old cider mill. You can get O-Apple-0 where ever good things to eat or drink are sold. At soda fountains, restaurants and clubs. And there's nothing better for the home irJe box. The whole family will like it. Your grocer or druggist will be- glad to supply O-Apple-0 by the case. 1 Skirt &Waist Bar gains d ;2.00 Wash Skirts 1,49 I I '.on npe gabardine .Ms in attractive licit 1 and pocket st les. "ine quaintly stitched M -Izes. 1. 00 Wash Skirts nnly 100 In thp Sale II wonderful Mitues Ml --izes and manv marl sljlcs. 5.00 Silk Skirts Only 100 of these fine Ik larrctas In the Fri day Sale, Stripes am axon it colors. All sizec 69c 3-00 '4.50 Georgette Waists A notable puirliar or ucorpette and frepc Hp rhln hlmica In Vinnti. i tlfullv emhrnlil.M-pil il J! HflsR trimmed st le Klc and white AM m" 3. $1.00 Lingerie Waists lnOO fiefh lovely In gei'lf VVahi in xcnri of delightful sf les 2.50 Fine Silk Waists Very -penai l''ritl'i Ririraln niter tf white and colored silks Se -era! dainty stvtcs 1.85 STRKKT FLOOR V 1 - ' ill wSflJl I 1 iBai I St ' 'I ft I ( i ' I In W W mM hi 1 1 ii ! ' h I L It . mm Ifei. Jill 111 I II 1 7i W '111 I . Virginia Fruit Juice Co. Norfolk, Va. PhllaJtl,hta OiittibaUf Wintert & Keler LtUratuBMt. Underwear Bargains H.50 Gowns . J 75c Chemise M I.aietiliniiitil v in 1 111 hrnlilered Uiikcih T,L 'plnnp .'liniKi m I ..jut t 75c Bloomers in $1n:o5p(L??nf ni,,,,. 1 00 2? I Fine batiste blnomer-. f $, bust inrwts I'lnk X' m I elastic top and ln-e slindeo. I I KTRKKT FLOOR ;MMxljf ZTAP,r' vjrmkjJwi.':7JB-i4. tit.. X I 1 kWMMM Lovely Voile Dresses All $5 Values A wonderful opportu nity two creat rack ruli of dainty new linn ired voile and striped ulntfham dresseB One of n dozen charming h vie ,letched. All sizes. Krlilaj liarRaln only 3.98 $10.00 Silk Dresses Another p h e n o ineiial ulue these ami tine atln and Silk poplin ilrctKcs, 2" of the iery newest styles from which to select. 7.98 .'.98 7.98 $6.00 Summer Linene Suits Kvery woman and miss Jtqinir away will want one snappy sports styles In white, blue, tan and rose Just 2U0 In the' Sale -Seil Children's $1.00 Gingham Dresses jfl flrellj alyln Sti I to 6 yr.ari. Girls' 1.79 Gingham Dresses Very ijicclol puniasf. Stita (i to 1) year Girls' 2.49 Lingerie Dresses Velighllul styles. SUci 6 to U yeure. Capes, Dresses, Sacques All for tots up to i a nt ase. The cants fllf are1.00 and1.60 value.tJi. fVT iwt and sacnues Att tn.,,'J5lat,", . - ' ', -u' . liii x 69c 1.00 .50 wte. 'tf. Creepers & Rompers 1000 fine 75c creeperi and rompers cf sturdv washable fabrics. Sizes Summer Shopping Hours-9 A. HI. to 5 P. HI. Strawbridge & Qothier Summer Serfice A 4 Jl & Helps I i to Really W Wk. ivW Enjoy Your Outing FHE STORE WILL WE CLOSED ALL DAY SATURDAY-DO YOUR SHOPPING TO-MORROW, FRIDAY The New Shopping Coins Up to 40,000 Now Ready We are substituting ncu shopping coins for those now in use. It will be necessnrj for all 'clinrRc customers to have the new coin. We now hnve nil numbers up to 10,000 (the higher numbers to come later). If th number of your coin is I'NDKK 10.000. please pre sent it at the Main Desk. Fil bert Street, and receive a new coin. If Mm cannot convenient! call, the exchange of coins ma he made by mail. 39c I Summer Lingerie Dainty and Cool. NIGHT GOWNS Of flesh-color batiste, some lace-trimmed, others tailored $1.00 to $3.25. Tailored rrlodels of white or flesh color crepe $1.50. KN VELOPE CH KM ISE Of flesh-color batiste, variously trimmed with lace or satin, some in tailored style $1.00 to $3.fi0. VESTS Of jersey silk, white or flesh-color, with arm-holes or ribbon shoulder straps $2.95. PETTICOATS Double-panel models' of long cloth, trimmed with eyelet embroidery $2.00. Straw hrldpe Onthi.'r , Thlnl Klniir. i vt Envelope Chemise. 1.00 liiusual at this price N'ain ook -Envelope Chemise, trinmicd front and back with lace and em broidery. Strauhrtrlf A ('lothi.-r-VllhPrl Slrrr-t l't(,H.s Alii. Porch Swings Lwn Swings Two Excellent Values A Swing for porch or lawn in jures comfort for leisure hours: Suecial at $2.93 Wooden Porch Swings, flcmfeh-finished; complete with chains and hooks. Special at 57.50 Lawn Swings., for four adults. Strong and well-made. iIk r News of Cool Frocks From The Misses' Wear Store Pretty, fluffy, frillv affairs, so light and airv thev make one feel cool just to look at them. See these to-morrow: Misses' Striped Voile Frocks In rose, tan, navy blue and Nile green. Made in the pretty stvle shown in the sketch at the right, with frills nnd sash of the material. Sizes 14, 10 and 18 years ? 15.00. Misses' Organdie Dresses In white, yellow, blue, lavender and gray, with attractive pin-lucked Tuxedo collar, cuffs and vestce of white material; skirt with tucks and finished with broad tie licit. Sizes 14. 1G and 18 years $7.50. Girls' Organdie Dresses .lust out of their boxes four attractive models, showing pin-tucking and ruffles, and prettv round- ami square-neck etlects. In rose, pink and blue. Sizes 8 to 14 vcars $i.50 and $8.75. The sketch on the left shows an $8.75 model. " New Sports Blouses Of white jean, trimmed in rose and Copenhagen blue fiont, fancy pockets; with rows of stitching nnd buttons 18 years $2.25. - SIrsubrl.ii,-- s ilnlh Laced Sizes G - oml I'loiit. MnrkM Slrr-t The Clearance of Summer Footwear now going on involves hundreds of pairs of smart, seasonable Shoes for men, women and children at worth-while reductions from original prices. - Slrnhrlils. ,t ( InNliler KlBhth ull'l KllU"rt Hrwl. Oh! For a Swim Clad in One of These Bathing Suits Women's and fourth IiiH'IT- rloor t'rn(rrt Women's Raincoats Don't try to get along without n Raincoat when such becoming Raincoats as these arc priced this way; At S5.50 and Sfi.50- -Of rub berized Canton c'oth in olive, tan and blue. At S7.25 f rubberized bril liantine in red. blue and gray. Both are light weight, smart looking, and have open or closed collar, pockets and belt. Stniului.lKf R i I'.tliler S-rnni! Fluor fithpil street Umbrellas, $2.50 It willipay you to take u look at your umbrella and ee if a new one is advisable, or if it would be well to get one espe cially for vacation use, for these Umbrellas are particularly (jood value for their nrce $2.50 Of cotton taffeta with tap' edge, made on the strong para gon frame. Siihw liruls- ' I'll hti i. II Mail, i Sit. . i & I OUni? Gll'ls Flnthtnr- Suits vn ctvirt.lnrl-ii,n eM comfortable for a dip in the suif or an invigorating .-. im. Special at 21.85 Women's Ulack Satine Ilathing Suits, round netk, trimmed with colored piping and buttons. Special at $5.00 Two attractive models of surf satin one trimmed with piping at the round neck; another with silk poplin collar, cap sleeves. Special at $3.85 Hathing Suits for mibhOtf and small women. Of black surf satin, with jaunty three-tier skirl and round neck. Women's Bath i n y Tiihls. cotton, 7'tc to $2..i0; wool, $:Ul') and .S.J0 Uatliing Caps, in variety 25c to $5.00 Uatliiny Shoes and Slip- U f.,xjWJl I1 nN? fffSJZS J-Wfll bfimax IV t pernaXc to $2.50 Khaki Suits That Double The Joy of Camping $3.75 Fancy a camping trip in a comfortable, trim. Khaki Suit! The sketch shows the neat, becom ing blouse and the bloomers buttoned fast at the waist line, are cleverly designed to but ton at knee or ankle. Freedom, comfoit, and be comingness commend these practical Tan Khaki Suits. Many women use them for gardening, too - $'..7f, - "iianliriilir I'l.ilhi. i i i II W. !So Wifcr lei are Coming Hundred Strong to Tlis Clearance of C louring! JS " THE past few years liave taujrhl thoni the lesson of real eronomx . The sauiiK in this event ranpe from 15 .. ,.l,,cfi 1 1 Ml tfr ipnt nil thp Mrirriii!! tiriima "" ' i" " '"v - " i" -- or seasonahle. desirable ( lothinjr t liu 1 men want right now. The variety of styles, fabrics, sizes and price groups meets every individual need of taste and purse. The investment possibilities of this op portunity will be of greater import in the near future when Clothing prices fulfill pres ent indications of advancing to higher levels. Now $1 6.50, $19. ,50, $24. 50, $28, $34.50 Hundreds of Spring and Summer Suits have been marked at these low clearance prices in order to quickly adjust our stock. Practically every desirable style and fabric that men want right now is represented in each price group. Blue Serge Suits "&" $28.50, $34.50 They a,re of ALL-WOOL, FAST-BLUE, and wear well and the extra pair of Trousers is an added economy featuVe which no man can deny. The Suits at $34.50 are of the famous "Alco" make. Practically all regular sizes for men and young men. Two-piece Suits of Tropical Fabrics, $11.00, $13.50 Reduced to nearly half price. Of cool cloth fabric, in summer colorings. And closelv resembling woolens in texture. A Collection of Palm Beach Suits at $9.5.0 And many other very unusual opportunities which must be seen to be appreciated. - Htrabrldee & Clothltr Second Floor, Kt ews en $- k You Save More Than One-Third On These Men's Straw . Hats at $1.95 Aside from the saving many men who take pride in their ap pearance, feel that the condition of the Straw Hat they bought some time ago, warrants the in vestment of $1.95 in a spic-span clean new one. Choose from smartest Sennit Straws fine, medium antl coarse weaves' and' pay one-third less than the regu lar price. A few split Straw Hats and soft Itoll-brim Hats included in this 'lot $1.95. (I'enuine Panama Hats, $3.95 Worth double and more. Per fect in every detail of weave, style and finish. Stiff Straw Hats, $2.85 Presenting a saving of about 120 per cent, on desirable Hats, fitted with ventilated cushioned leather s -at band that insures cool, easy fit and comfort. Str.oUirl.lfri- t, C'lolhlr Sn-ond floor. Mmket Street, East kf m Most Men Favor Bat-wing Bows Here at 65c, 75c, $1.00, $1.50, $2.00 and $2.50 They look undeniably smarV"! when the vest is laid aside and 'they permit full display of the pattern of the shirt. Our present collection includes some ncu and very distinctive patterns in foulard, crepe faille, grenadine and other desirable silks. siralinrlit ti C'lothlfr Aile 1 Market Street Men's Madras Shirts at $2.25 Of woven-stripe madras and at about the same price men are paying for printed stripe fabrics elsewhere. The attractive stripes of black, blue, heliotrope and harmonious combination stripes are woven dear through the fabric and, lipuce. absolutely fast. lri'i.n.lii A Uothlei l.i-l si,,,, ' et)lh airfri Golden Special forMEN wdailVX (iys)iM UJSPECIALg Check Nainsook UNION SUITS Exceptional Value at 75c Athletic Union Suits at an unusually low price for un derwear of this quality. They are well and durably made ot check nainsook, and have the populnr elastic waist band, SlraiThrld.i rio(hlr, Alile J, Market Strctt OTMQ I H7DTTT"""AT7V P "T "nPOTT7'D market stubSt' O 1 SXfL.XX OSXIUKjEj OL KsLjKJ I OlElA. SSSSkfiS ., w -- Y MARKET STREET EIGHTH STKEET tlLUEUT STKEET i - 'M ,S ftHwwf-UirtilSC &. M - T. .. "'-'h,. . : J e it l. J r, ):. P. A At H - s " - ' m k 5J Kr .V lr i n .I. - - O !' ;.v,' d'!j i-i i l CCrCi- .- ti.jJ '.