sy "-r 'FJ jy PAT 'r$' VC" i .i, " v, r M, - -?M W5f ' V-Si" 1, itf1 .? H?" 1 I j f v. jf if: I i W tI' r ' f i v' f - ?t . U EVENING PtJBIilO LEDGERPHICADEEPHIA', THURSDAY, JULY 10, 1919 ? d fsmtrr'ite S'A. Vws m fk- 3T m . re si ?.-.' !, "ST.. ;How the Market Looks : From an Expansive ' Viewpoint Our Market Ttevlew this vek ntlns an article on this subject Jtna should ba read by all who are interested In the ouhook ror mocks. The, lafeur Information obtain- 'utiles on the following stocks, among- others. Is cHa. Continental Can General Cigar Company " " U. S. Smelting U. S. Rubber ' Allied Packers Perfection Tire & Rubber United Retail Stores Cosden & Company We will be ver.v Rld to semi this tltvlew to nny one Interested. Ask for J, 407 HUGHES&DIER . i ... 1 Thill. Stork Kxehange Members chloneo Hoard of Traile H3S Walnut Street. Philadelphia New York Office. 80 Itroad Street NEWS OF FINANCIAL WORLDNEW YORK AND PHILA. STOCK PRICES LAKE SUPERIOR THE LEADER ON LOCAL STOCq EXCHANGE STRENGTH IS INTERMITTENT ON THE NEW YORK EXCHANGE General Results of the Day's Trade Were Losses of From One to More Than Five Points uly Investments We have prepared a pamphlet which con tains brief descrip tions, prices and yields of about 30 bonds, notes and stocks. Gov ernment, railroad, pub lic utility and indus trial securities are rep resented which are considered among the most attractive invest ments on the market. Send for a complimen tary copy of this Pam phlet No. E-.1S. handler Company It M . Franklin 3ink Bids;. Philadelphia New Torn Boston New nrk, July 10. The general result of today's trading was losses ranging from 1 to more than ." points, but there was :i wider range of price movements than Is Indicated by those net losses, the market having been strong at times during the day, tnnnj issues moving up from I to more than .1 points In the early trading. The turn came shortly before noon, when the Street was filled with sug gestions about what the Influence of the President's message would be, and although those who analyzed the address of the executive carefully could not find anything that might be regarded as an Incentive for liquidation. Itoom traders started a vigorous selling movement when these allusions were made, and thej were successful In reaching stop orders in many stocks. Before the afternoon had progressed far selling became more general and met only a thin market on the buying side, there being some licaltntlnn shown nlKiut taking a long position until full knowledge of the Washing ton situation could be obtained. t'niteil Stntes Steel, which had snld at 113V diopped to 1 I1nt before showing any rallying tendency . The widest range was in Canadian Pacific, which after selling nt 170Ts declined to 104. Mexican Petroleum showed n loss of more than Ji points, felling down to 1 00 1 4 . and oilier petroleum stocks, after being strong in the forenoon, de dined sharply in the afternoon The specialties which had been prominent for n long lime were among the greater sufferers on this movement, there being little nearbj support for those stocks when the selling movement occurred. T'nited Fond Products attracted nttentlon hj advancing more than .'! points to nbove SO, when the rest of the market was on the down grade The bond market held stead, the dealings in bonds being inflnenci'd hj llie easier money rates. Viotnt notes were in persistent demand and moderate offerings were easil absorbed without important change in prices. Hailroad bonds were stead) Industrial bond, generally followed the course of Industrial stocks. PACE IS SLACKENED "CRAIVIP TOUCHES HIGH NEW YORK STOCK SALES Adams Kxpress Advance, Rumely Adv Rumely pf . AJax Rubber . . . Alaska Gold M , Alaska Jutieau . Allls Chat Mfc . Allls dial Mfs; pf. Last clone 55 75 102 ;i JJ 4S!f 00 a.oo High J-ow I m. 5.1 HX'i 514 52 51 51 7'J! 725.' TM 103H 1011 101f 2H 2'i 2U 48'. 40' Am Arrlcul Chem.lin i in maw innu Am Beet Sujrar . m tlRl, tint POM Am Bosch Map .!12 1I2J, 11IU 112 Am Can 61 (UM 59 00 Am Car & Kdy . J llj-i nj), HI 111 Am Car & Kdy pf MB US', US.', 11M, Am Cotton Oil .. P3 iWi 02 i b25 Am Drug Syndl . 12 12 12 12 Am .... on,jt- i,ri4 ufir, yO! Am Hldo & I.ea . 3"H 39.'. 37H .to! Am H & L, pf ..132M 135 132f 133h A"t Ic (I3'i 01 t)4 04 Am Ico pf 72j Am International. 112H 113U 112 112! Am Unseed .... 7Q)j 7p)j 7i)t$ 77)a Am Linseed pf .. 07H 7h 7'j 07j Am Locomotive . 021 ",i4' 113 93 Am Loco pf 107' 107 107 107 Am St 1st p'f cof d. 30 Am Smelt & Ret. SRJi Sfi'j SO !0 Am S & It pf ...107,' 107,'i 107't 107,' Am Snuff 124T Am Steel Fdrles . 43J 40 45Jt Ui Am Sua Rcf ....13SJJ 139' i 130J 13Ji Am Sum Tobacco. 1131 114 1H 114 Am Sum Tob pf . J(9 . . Am Tel & Tel ..104; 1015 Am Tobacco ....282 .. Am Woolen MR 19! Am Woolen pf ... lOOJi Am Writ l pf ... 5JU a'li 53H Am Zinc L . S.. 2r.Jt' 20'4 25!i Am Z 1. & R pf . i2j Anaconda Copper. 71i 74'i 74" i Ann Arbor .. .. AH Asso Dry Goods . 52 Associated Oil . . Q'2U . 102'i I0JW 101H lOlh IC3l 105 103 103 ISO 73H 112h 113Ji 111 HI I 101 a Yl9 104l iio '74! e-, Desirable Investments We specialize in the con servative bonds of well es tablished corporations sup plying electricity, gas, trans portation and other public services in growing communi ties. Many of these bonds are Free of Taxesi in Pennsyl "Vania. A list of those now on hand will be furnished on request. Edward B.Smith & Co bankers &ITABUII1EO 1391 Iffmberc .Vftc Voile mi Philadtlghtm BUck Sichaiiots 1411 OntMt SjTunrr 0 Pins Stscit Pun ADEIlIU Mir Itu Session Is Active, Although Not Replete With Spectacular Advances New York. .Till 10. The New York Krenine fun's finsneial review this nft ernoon is as follows. The stoi'k market slackened its pace today, but for all that it was an nrtivn session, nlthouch not as replete with spectacular advances ns on former oc casions this week There was a general disposition to take profits and the pro fessional element experimented on the short side with creater confidence. Iliisine-s started off at advancing prices, as it has on ever.v dav this week, litlt quotations were not followed up ns readily in the general list. A good many specialties were pushed forward for one reason or another. The steel shares laRRed prior to the publication of the unfilled tonnage statement of the Tinted States Steel Corporation at noon. These figures were certainly ns good ns generally expected, showing n gain in orders during Inst month of tl10.ri4.-i tons. The shorts in Pierre-Arrow and In dustrial Alocohol were run in, account ing for the strength in these two issues or. .. h,r nail'. K fl CI KfA Kflfinll ,llll1t'llll.l ll,,i, 111 ,, -" lllJ uv't. .... The heavy necuinulatioo which has been in progress in Marine common be came still more obvious today when 'the stock was marked up several points to a new high hgure on ery nenvj trading. All the shipping stocks came in for increased nttention. The ratification of peace bv the der- many Assembly lifts the economic block- lade against that country and it is tjiis situation wincn tne iooq unu m.ii.imhk 'stocks in particular have been discount - ing. The greatest obstacle to the imme I diate resumption of trade with (lermany is the scarciU of ships. Another reason assigned for the quieter speculative conditions prevailing this morning was the uncertainty ns to what President Wilson might saj to the Sen.ite Mis speech, however, contained nothing to disturb sentiment and wus looked upon ns rather imonclusive Urgent Buying of Shipbuilding Shares Fisk Rubber Tire Again Active New York. .Iitlv 10 The most prom inent feature of the tr.iding on the Hrond Street Curb wns the renewal of the urgent buying of Trump Shipbuild ing, whiih wns traded in nt 174 to 1S2. ngnin lifting its high record. New York Shipbuilding was also stioug with large transactions nt TiO'j to 00. Submarine Itnat was steady, selling at 1(1 to 10". I'liitcd States Steamship sold at 2 to 3. Kisk Rubber Tire was again active, large transactions being made at ,"! to r.2'4 Martin-Pnrrj attracted attention be cause of buying from strong interests, on which rose from fi2Vj to the new high of :i:i',. I'nlted Uetnil Stores, after advancing, from Sir. Vi to 07V4, re acted to flOVfc. Aetna Explosives sold at l-'V, to 12-i8. Denlings in Sweets Company of America were also on a large scale, about 15.000 shares changing hands at ll'j to 101-.., ii new high record for that stock. There was continued accumulation of Cosden at It's and 1'J. Simms Petroleum moved up from 111 'K to 31 ?4. 'Sinclair Consolidated wns traded in at IlIVsi to OIlTs. Sinclair (Julf sold at .-iSi, to .V). Allied Products sold nt 04 to G4'i. Atch Top & S V Atl Coast Linn . Atl Culf & w I . Atl f! & W 1 pf . Daldwln lxco . . Baldwin fxico pr.lu7't nan .- unio ... -I.ri'b Dalto & Ohio pr .'it'..' Barrett Co 14 1 Hatopllas Mlnlns. P, Bethlehem Steel . 97 Beth S Class B 07J-I Beth ,teel 7 pf 100 Beth Steel 8 pf.121i Booth Fisheries . 21'. Brook Bap Tran . 3(l'i Br n T cfs of dep. 2G't Brook Union f!rn. Sfi Brown Shoe ...,103 I'lerce-Arrow Plerce-Arrow pf . fierce Oil 'II ts Coal Pitts Coal pf .... Pllts & W Va. Pond Creek Coal. Pressed Steel Car. 53 ' J24H OOJj 42U 60M ' 23H 73 '40 20H 91 127H 127 63 53 close Hlsh 1-ow p m. Owens Bottle ... 67 67 67 67 Pacific Mall .... .Tfllj 40H 40 40 Pan Am Pet & T.107H 107JS 104f 10Ht Penn Seab Steel . 40 4114 41 II Penn rtallroad .. 45X 4B 40 40 People's Qas Chi. 62M Peoria 1 Eastern. 13M Pero Marquette . 24tf Per Mar prior pf. tfljf Philadelphia Co . 42 605 i 1C6 24 72 S A0H lOJi 01 24 Ofl'f 42)i 6(1 "shii 7o:t 20M oo: 24 (10'( 42'i 50J1 23H 72.' i '40 20H OOJi Pullman Co 127H 127 120H 127 Punta Al Sugar . 63W 03t C3JS 03i Pnnln .Sliipnr rfH. . 4M Hy Steel Sprlns; . 05Ji 88J 0QH 90! TT,- S! Cnrlni, nf in$U ... Bay Consol Cop . 2,riH 25,'ti 24'f fleadlne T04 01 01 nwnlnKton Typ . 84' 8.) fi5 Republic I & S . . 08li 08' 081j 265 ii 91 86 08' i rtcpuhllc I & S pf 104" 1031f 103' 10.1K 59! 118 am 59H 117M 117' 45' Mi AT,H ,if.5i 65 65 141,'i 131'j Ml' V.i Vi Vi 117 1)7 97 97 97 97 100 10O 100 II'.", ll'ili 112i 21JJ 21'i 215i ;;o'i 30' 1 .-so-t 103 l.VJ 'J" ao.'i 71' 39 17o'i 33 7 ir.r, 29si i3H 103 1 at Burns Brothers . lEfi'v li'J 15S Butte Cop & Zinc 12,'i 12'i P.'.'i Butte & Superior, .td'i Wi :0'i Butterlck Co .... VA't Caddo Cen t) & B. 445 Cal Packlnjj TO CiI Petroleum . . 39 Cal Petroleum pf SI? 1 Cal & Ariz 75 Canadian Pac ... 170 Central Fdrv . .. 29', Cent Fdy pf G4J Central Leather. lOU.'i 1094 lONJi ll)8Jt Cer-Tecd Prod ..40 Cerro de I'asco C. 01 MJ G.l'i fi.'l'i Chandler Motor .2(T 205 ; 2li.'i 205'j dies & Ohio ... to in,! B5't (.ri"t Chi & Alton . . . 10 12 1 Chi & Eastern HI 7 . Chi & K 111 Df .. lt C C. C & St I. pf 72 Chi O Western . 10 Chi O W ft 28 .. Chi Mil & St P . . 44it' 45 Chi Mil & St I' pf. C9!j fiOJi Chi fc .Nwrn 101 101 73i 10 II) 45 GO), 100) a 33 07 12 73' a 10 45 09! Rep Motor Truck. 68H rtovat D A shares 117 Roy D NYshares.110!!- 110H 11SH 116j St L-Kan Fran .. 20W 2fl'i 25M 25 St L & S F pf . 35W 35W 34 St L Swrn 22 22 22 Savage Arms .... 90 91!i bO Saxon Motor .... 11! j Sears II & Co ...205 jni" 20UH Seaboard Air 1 . 10 10i 10,'i Seuho.ird A L pf. 20 20 20 Shattuck-Arlz ... 14'a 14Ji 14Jt Sinclair Oil Ref . . 03H Mli Sloes-ShelT S & I. 7I' 73h Sloss-3h S & I pf 97H . . . Southern PaclOc .10S,'j 109i' Southern Rwy ... .jl'i 315i Southern R pf . . 08)51 09 ' Strom Carburetor. 6fi'i 57Ja Studebaker Co ...lOS.'f lOUJj 107 Sludebaker Co pf.lOlla Stutz Motor 99 Superior Steel . . . 46'i Tenn Cop & Chem 13.' Texas Co 271 Texas & Pacific . bli Third Avenue .... 24 Tobacco Prod ... 104 Tob Prod rts . . . 23) a Tob Prod pf 100 Tran & Williams. 60 Union B & P ... (19 f3; 71 i()75t am OS 57 34 22 oG 200) a 10!t I20ij 14U M 71i 107 J i :ni ,os- 57; j 107 Electric Storage Battery and Cramps Share . Interest Later Sells at 185 Balance of List Quiet Interest on the Philadelphia Stock ' Kxchnnge at today's session centered around the shares of the Lake Superior Corporation and those of the Klectric Storage Mattery Company. The first snle of the former wns nt '-Ma gain of a full point over last night's rlose, when a block of more than 1500 sharps came out and the price jumped to 24t,4. Profit-taking followed and the price ensed off No explanation was given to explain the tinusunl activity In this issue. It has been severnl years since there has been'nny such Interest shown in the stock. Ileports were current in the financial district that selling orders placed I two ynrs ngo, during nn advance, hn been canceled today. Rleetric Storage Hattery wns under pressure nnd sold off. The snles of this stock aggregated more thnn !2."O0 shares. I The shares of the William (ramp Shipbuilding ( ompnny brought nnother sensntion to the exchange by n jump to 1ST on odd-lot(Snles. but fell back Inter. The high price represented a gain of 11 point from this morning's opening. The femninder of the list showed llttie of Interest. A snle of ten shares of T'niteil Companies of New .Irsy was made nt nn advance of 2 points. Penn sylvania Hailroad changed fractionally, while the Pennsylvania Salt Manu facturing Company's stock, was off 2 points on a smnll snle. Brills wns off several points. "The largest trnnsnetion in the bond department wns In t'nlfed Flnllwny In vestment fis. a block of $12,000 selling nt 77. unehnnged from last sale. 1871 1919 AxAPITAL$500,000,OOU (f SURPLUS(EARNED) 11 II $2,000,000.00 JI VjjSixth t&SpTngGardervsrZf 3HijujElWIAj!tfr Philadelphia Stoclis Net he 1 100 4054 Wi 272 GO) a 22i 104!i 10()5 100 40H lhj. 100 13H 7n 272 "cow "GO! a 22Ji 221 KM), lOl.'t' 24!f 24'i 99Ji 100,'f 994 99 99 Union Pacific ...134'i 134M l.'H5 134'j . 195't' .HOJj . 54 12M, .191 14! Ha 54i 190' i 130' i 5,1 i 129 lOO'i 14.',' 3o'4 :! 73 3; 73 Chi Pneu Tool . . 80'i Chi I! 1 & Pacific. 29'a 29!t Chi It I & P 6 pf. 70T 71." Chi llUPTi pf. b3U 100't 101 S3't' 27'i 47't' 29 ' i 71.1, Kl4 29 '1 7l'i 47)i 47 62'a 13', 28'i 0 ', Amn Explosives Am-Mrll Mfu Am Marcnnt Amer WrlttfiR Papr Air Heductloo Canadian Car Co Cm far & Fi1 prcf Carbon Steel Carwen Tcxil Chalmers Motor Chpvrolpt Motors, t c'ramp Curtls Aeroplane Envmon Phonosraph Hall Slarnal Hupp .Motors Inter Products inter Rubber I.aKe Torpedo Float Lehlsh Coal Sales l,lhli McS" 4 I.lbby Lima Loco I .Marlln Arms .Martin rarr 1XI11STKIALS Old 124 Yes close Ask (sale) Spruce 343 Race 2353 Canadian JMimiclpal Bonds V Bought Sold Quoted FINCKE. BANGERT & CO. Franklin Hank Hide, BOSTON I'hlladelphln VEW TORK I'rading in the afternoon was given over .,mSnf;3dTnns- ."" mer ran i-uip ilevstor . less .Motor . K . '4 HH S3 411 90 1US . 3 . 10 2.W 170 111 Vj 12', as 21 1H fiK 30 74 31 . 32't .' A . & hH no 30 . IV, . is . 30 .12 30 3(1 "'J 3 IK nil US $50 $100 LIBERTY BONDS HUUU11T AMI MOLD Biddle & Henry 104 SOUTH FIFTH STREET Uimtm PUIUtltipola blue ttactuuicch Ohio Prairie Pipe ,s o Cal . . s o N V . X .210 ..1 "SO 3 SO r. lU'ii. A Complete Federal and State Tax Service NATIONAL TAXAUDITBUREAU Tax XinrrU nml I'nblle rrouutloU I 41 C'olnnlnl Trn.t nid. i market and 13tta Ms. j Rprnrs 1075 RmM Mai LIBERTY BONDS BOUGHT and SOLD Anr nennmlnatlont Samuel K. Phillips & Co. 107 CHESTNUT 8TREKT Mtmbtrs l'hlladelobla Stock Enkasn FtNAXCIAI. Dlrldenda nie weekly statement of the Bank i I of England Khnwed sn increase in totul " ir.nvti.'s. ta, ' The Hoard of Directors have declared a reiular semiannual dividend of rare na onVhnlf per eeji ISW.) on th. prtf.rred r ijS .?"".'. '.. "'. "".corporation, payable lr T i iolr JS. 1010. o preferred atockholdsr. o? iMUrteirt of July t, 1010 Th. StkJnrinj 3fi "hv beon declared elnjed from S p. m JuiJ ' It. 10. " o l "P'netl 0 . m.. July )0' j4 tA' M. C DITTMANN Treasurer. jnB AMMIOAN Iikonzk cokporatiox. I reserves of 455,000. while loyernment . ,.T.:'.,4. 'A. 1 ,., , rue mi Aan secuTllien 4iki,.i,iiwi, The foreign exchange market was quiet and without important change. Franca recovered aoout six points. fotton wan strong, reaching new high price for the present style of con tracts. The bond market was dull and irregular. IMKPKNIIKST OILS . largely to specialties, with the standard Nor An stiares standing still. Tnited States V!"",':' Food Troducts na m-tivel bought, ah Vrfection t . : i ..:-.. i. i 1,,1. Lnn.ln .o'orns were iniernatiotijci aRrii-imiiuu, i""" r'ooie rcns; .... (common and preferred shares selling nt gjjj; 'J1,V ;; new high prices. scrlpps-llooth . Ameriynn Hide and i.enthei. Central glTllo,!,0""'" I Foundry. TexaR and Pacific and Den- I Submarine I ver and Itio Orande acted well. 'I'lin i Tmiii Shlphuildlnic early movement in the oils, which car- ft'ileiMni'oT,, rled Ohio Cities flas to a record pi icp. i'nlted 1'rollt Sharing did not carry far. American Scot U-cfrM,?-1lrrrhlP '. . Kugnr sold 7 points above yestcrdn 's . Wright-Martin Air irm j DTAMItDD Oil. ... . , Illinois . IM llil llllllll'. i-urr-i hi i ("-i and held at t per cent during most of the clay, the money situation causing i less uneasiness than for many days. I Vei-nrthpl.Ku. rhp market as h whole was plainly "tired" and required time to adjust itself to itR new levels. P.ut Int no time was there any urgent prcs ' sure to sell, and all offerings were ah snrbed readily enough. This encour- aged pool exploitations in new direv- tions. Operations for the advance were abandoned in the last hour when it I became appnient that the market had been temporarily oierbought. Quite a volume of selling developed once prices weie fairly started on the down grnde. ! The movement was due to nothing more , than technical conditions within the market Itself. After recessions of from 1 to fl points had been scored, prices steadied. Cnlted States Food Products was picked up during this weak spell laud crossed R0. The whole market ral- lied ngaln before the close. ft 21. 2's s oH 12'. B V? 12 V, tie, 4IS 100 112 11 10 4 30O 180 IS s 12. act - 32 7B 32 33 ' f, 61 ' 02 40 U l4 .VI .', 3S .Vi let', 1 12.1 1 Ti7 2 3 1. 1V 121! 10', 174 jnile Copper .... 1'c'i Chlno Copper .... 4"'i Cluet Peabody . . t;t .., Colo Fuel & Jron. o'.' M'j Colo Cos & Elec . G.'Uj C4, Colo Southern L'7 2S'j Con Clsar . .. Ci'JJi 0 U Con Clpnr pf . . . M Consol Gas ... . 103;' lO.t.'i KM Consol Int Cal M. lh', lS't IS!, Continental Can . U7 !)7.'i '.)f'i Corn Prod Itef .. 00 10'i 00' Crex Carpet . . . . 01 Crucible Steel ...11R", llR'i llo Cuba Cane Hug . 39' .TJ'i ,'W Cuba C S pf SfiJJ Sfi't SO Del & Hudson . .llljj lll'i lllJi lllJt Denver & Illo Gr R.'? . . Den & Hlo Gr pf. Home .Mines .... '-8 . fiO'i iat t 07 uoj, ns :to;, so j n 1A II 13 V 32 If. 2.. 2't 15 14 . 3U!t . 37 . 03 J i . IKJi . 30K 113 in 43:, SB 44)i 10 tun 3sn 201 2SJ 74(1 381 381 27.1 2SJ llen Oil lloston Wo Oil (osden a ( Klk naslll I International Petrol lilsml Oil b T Cilenrork Oil Houston on Kentucky Pet Merrltt Oil Met Petrol Omar Oil 4 Ons Sapulpa Reflnlns Sequoyah Sinclair Oil Sinclair Oulf Rnuchwest Oil United Oil WMNfi TOCKi IN ll'l H' 2H'.s 7S il 'i 11R 1CI "A' .IS K3V, RR' 2.1 no 12 30 74 H'. 121 11 27. 34 2 113". IP 3(1 3i II'. V4 .10 '. r.'o Klk Horn Coal Kmerson-Braut I r.noicoit J Erie Kris 1st pf . Fam Players-Ij Fato Players its Fed Min & Smelt, Fed SI & 3 pf Freeport Texas Gaston Wm & W. 35.'i General Clear ... SI Generol Elecirlo General Motors .'J36J Gen Molors pt . '.I.').' (Jen Motors deb . Sl'j Good (B F) deb. S7.'j Tranby Consol . (59 Gt Northern pf !'37 Gt -N C for O P . SI', fJreene-Can Cop Gulf Mob & N Gulf States Stiel 71 Haskell & Barker 71 Illinois Central . . 1U0 Inspiration Cop .. 07J ilnterboro Consol. 7' ! Int Consol pf . . L'S I Inter Arrlcul . . . 31'J I Int Agrl pf .... SS'i Inter Hurv new . 115', I Int Harv pf ....110H . I Inter -Mcr Mar . tS'j Inter Mer Mar pf T-O.'i Inter N ckel IL' Inier Paper bs Inter P pf ttpU . 70 , I leuel Tea . . 3.S ! Jones Te ,',G', I Cll South . ;'3', I Kan (' South nf . 5!i Kelly Spring Tire.lo; 1 Kcnntcott Cop . -10 Kejilone T & H li'i I4'i 37 lfth 11 11 04". 1". 113", U.i 30 113'i '. 4 IS1, 30 1 13',. 44 44 M!i lfiO'i 44 flli . o.'i Ti, 3(1 SI'. Sl'j 1721 4 173 ',' 10 ' j :3S L'34U 1'34 0).'t OP 4 O.j, S'J'j h'llf 7P '.) Union Pacific pf. 71'. united Alloy St United Cigar S United Drug .. I'n Drug 1st pf 1'n Orug 2d pf United Fruit .. Un rt3 Invest Vn rts Invest pf 31',' u s cast I P i F, 33V.j U S C 1 P & F pf 74 II S Kxpress ... "7 U S Food Prod . 70! i V S Ind Alcohol . 13.1, 139'i 134 1' ii I Co ... 47' U S Kubber 133' j I" S Hub 1st pf.118.' U S Srn Jtef & M. Wli U S Sm It & M pf". flo f S Sleel i-'5i U s Steel pf ....1 10', -'irtii supper .... yj;a I'lah Securities .. 17 v a-Cnro Chem . . SB' M 71H Wi S4j 104i 104!i 130.' j l.'lOJj 53H hi'; 1-.9 IL'0 l'J0?i 1904 14.'' I4J 7li'j 7b'i 131 j ' bb). 134,'j ' (VJJ, 3.r.l. :.' 73 27 7(1', VMU 134JJ 'o6)i 113' 4 no:. 93.', ISJi s; Va-Caro Chem pf.MSii 115'ii 08! j 11 Sj.'i & C Va Iron C Wabash Wabash pf A . Wabash pf B Wells-Fargo lZx Western Md . . West Md 2d pf West Paclflo .. Western pf Western Un Tel Westing A B . . West'ng li & M Wheel & Lake II. Wheel & I. i: pf White Motors Vinson & Co . . . I0UJ KIJ (; Wilson & Co pf.KUf I00:,' 100J, Willys-Overland , 3S 301 j ."te'i Willys-Over pf . . 97' , . Wisconsin Cen . . 41 Wool (F W) Co .13JJ Worthlngton V . 83 C.9 . II . 33' j" . 2.V,' . dOJ 5 . 13'. . ..; . 24j . 5(1 . SO .124 CSJi 11 23', 11 lit' 112'i no:.' lie, 02.' i 92) i iR'-i ik;.- 87 S7 1151 115, 08H OSS 11 11 3oU 3oW Close :uii4 45 H's ns ,i n.-.-iMt n.-,V4 i'n S'J 1 lllih Low KKi Am Strs .TH, 32 'A 15 Halt & O 4.W, l.'.-'S, 335 nrill .1 C, fiO's "R 2S.M Elec- Stor 00 04 t, 2s,-r( nice stor no 04 JO.") Oen Asph 82 81 IK.") do pref,122j 121 Vj 122', 2 Vi 10 fit Nor O 7,1 fil "il 'T 30 I C N A. 32 18100 l,k S Cor 241,!, 100 r,eh Niiv 00 100 Leh Val. 02 If, 10.- Midvale. 00 247 Pn It IS. 40 43 Pa Knit.. 81 00 Philn t'o. 42 .-S8 do c'm pf 37 1000 Phil nice 2.-) 030 P U T tc 21) Vi 100 Itciidinc. SO HIGH RECORDS MADE ON COTTON EXCHANGE 48 YEARS of continuous, conservative banking experience. Cheek Saving r'und Trust Safe Drposit and Foreign Exchange Departments At Your Service Advances of 34 to 48 Points Scored Shortly After Opening Call Liverpool Purchases 32 V, 32 V4 y, '22";h 22'K V4 (!8ij (HI 14 52 ri2 . . -)0is 00 4- 4.-) 4.V6 ., SO SO 2 42 -y, 42 30 i 37 4- 14 2,-.Vi 2.-,i,4- "l 23 Vs 20 ',4 'si 80 SO 2 I 10 So Pac. .100; 100Vs 100',k 1Vs iKhfs ,'.,,. (sou Ton lie). iSh i.-)i 10 T'n I'd P. 78 78 3 In Tract 30',4 3fVi 420 V (i I... OS (17 Vi 10 V (' N .1.102 102 310 T S Stl.112 112 SO Willjs-O ,".0'j 3S", 373 V (a').1S.-( 174 New Ynilt. July 10. Advances of from 31 to 4S points in the cotton mar ket at the npeninj; today curried prices. to new IiIrIi record for the present bull movement. T.irerpool houses were pond buyers on the start and active trade bnring de veloped later, with the result that prices advanced lapidl.v after the npeninj; nnd before the end of the first twenty min'. utes they were .'." to (HI points over lust -ov Ii! i it i """ " ,li',ti"rl hrondenine of ini 1 i nM' n ,llp n,,v,,"', ll,s morninfc. ' ,-.;; ;' Commission house btokers were better, (li-ii , supplied with orders nnd it wns evl- ,", ", "Pnt i"1" 'be continued strciiRth of' I Wi 1S3. 4-0 I10MJ1 . Illsh l.o s.- floxt 8.-1 00',... .ii)i...4- (" CI CO 111 102 V 14)4 30'i 251' 12.5.'. fiOli 1114 73'. It 30' 4 an 124H 50 IP4 14 SOW 23!f 121H i'iO llJi 1 1) J ' 100:, 1 3SUI S."00 Am fias HI .'is sr. . 700(1 Choctaw .-s 1)1)1 , ,, 1070 F.I & Peo Tr 4s.. OO'-j "lOO Lake Sup Inc "is. . 04 0000 Val (Is '2S..102Vs 102 3I.-.00 Lib P.ond 4th 4VJs 111.20 04.10 04 4000 Philn Co cons .'is. S7 S7 s; r.(M)0 Phil Klec 1st fi.. .'000 Headiii!,' RCIl 4s. 12000 1,'n lUy I II V ."is. Net l'2 ' ! Iiiverpool. prospects for the settlement iO'j l'a ' of the Manchester strike, the ratifica tion or the pence treaty by Germany nnd the unfavorable clinracjrr of the crop news was lirliiRlni; in some fresh buvinEfoi long nccotints. ' 'Iti'tilixliiK was active at the new hish prices, and after selllnj; .'() to 70 points nbovo last nijlit's closing tlgures orders were better divided, with the result that there weie moderate leactioiis. The receipts at the ports for the clay were estimated at IS. 170 bales, com ' pnrod with 4120 hales n .vear njo audi 3S1.S bales two jeurs ng". 11 00 1 no lei closi (Ippii a in 11 in. 34.41 ST.14 . at H.I . .14 7 S .11 L"J lie 34.2.-, :14.7.", .11 v 31 m 111. ft 1 4 I f- ' ,i ' CLINTON- WRIQHt WIRE COMPANY Preferred and Coramon Bought and Sold. Circular on Request Liggett MIMUR N Y- STOCK EXCHANGE 6l BROADWAY N-Y- Phone BoY?hnGrecn 6760 105 CCVOMSHIRt ST. BOSTON 20 .-,V. !).- or. 2 'IM.JUh 1 October I)tremlir .lHnunr March Mxt 31 17fi.11 In 31 : .11 'iscti 40 ml .11 .1, 11 74ST.13 sil 11 ts .n cr,v.n 70 si n7 S3i,4 S3',4 S3', JS3.' Ml, S3.', yVett; York Bonds 14'. 70 70; 100 07.' 4 74 2H' , ,I4'4 '.10 140 S7' 70 ll.j.'t ,"l'j 44 , S'P, S7', 70 Hi1).', o.'l. I 4J!i I Sales In 1 1 000 0 Ang- I'leiiih .1f ,-)S Mb liomi :!i, 33 do cv 4s, , . , do 4'4s do 1st 4 ',4 s. , do 2d 4'Js do 4th 4',. Vic Note 1 , do 3-i, s .... Un K (It P. .i'-.s 1021 . l.nw 2 00 NEW YORK COFFEE MARKET New YorU. Jul 10. Trading was coinpnratively (pilel during the cnily session nnd after the opening advance prices showed little ohanne. September sold at 23.0." nnd Maj at 22.4.-. making new high points, but December and March ruled a shade un der the host prices of j cstcrdav . Senti ment here was evidently unsettled, with some -traders inclined to buy on the 1.-S IS 107 3.-4 37 4.- Hlsh 07V !7 07 00.34 0D.32 00.31 03.70 03.00 03.70 I ndvniice in tlie Itio inaikct. while cithers 11-. 111 o-. in o- nc, "ere more Impress j tue rc.ictioniiry "' .,,-. ...F.IMI , . . . - ,.... tcncieiic.v 01 o.inui-,. (iwing 1o the fact Hint the Santos crop was supposed to be sensationally smnll. while the Itio crop i a good one. Itio lias been expected 'to show lelntivc weakness unci the firmness of the Inst two clajs lias liccn 11 disap pointment to . 0.1.22 D.VJO 0.-.22 . 04.20 1)4.14 01. IS . 04.24 114. IS 01.2(1 .. O0.DS 00.00 00.0S 100.04 100.01 100.04 I . !ISi2 0SS !IS-7s BANKING SYSTEM GROWS Charters Granted 189 Institutions During the Fiscal Year Washington. .Inly 10. "I'npiccc dented growth" in the iiatiniinl hunk system in the fisml jom- c-iulcd June 30 was reported today hy John Skelton ' Williams, comptroller of the curieiicy. New charter were granted to ISO banks and nutlicuitj to increase capital to 224. ' the new capital from both sources amount ins to X13..-44.10(i At the close of the year there weie under investigation 214 applications for chaiteis with ,, niiiMiiscd' ciinital of $14,107,000. and 220 implications for inerense in capital iiuiiuinting to $23. 07.S. 0(1(1 Dunn? Hie thcic weie lift.v-s lliiiidntlons of luiiks with aggregate capital of SM. 100.000 mid f reduc tions of capital nmoiinting In S210.000. WANTED A Limited Number of EXPERIENCED BOND SALESMEN to represent us in the sale of investment securities in Philadelphia, eastern Penn sylvania and southern New Jersey All applications will be 1 treated in strict confidence. For appointment address Edward B. Smith & Co. Mil CHESTNUT STREET Philadelphia the local sel Vest I 70 1)0 Kill , tulv I Sintpmber I October PscembPT Jnnunrv I March XKW YORK Money on call, miied ' run Cl's. clop Openlna 14 1 cio rv-js 11137. . . so'... so 1. ., ,s'.ii,., MONEY-LENDING RATES -".'.ii'i 22 Sil 22 'ill 52.47 4 I I--. -H.', I f-'l 4 'J I 11.2 II4'j Refined Sugars Unchanged New York, .lul.v 10. -The market fm " ictined snnrs continued vittnnltj tin ':', n 'ha'nged, both ns to condilioH and prices. 'ii Vs Tlie American Cnuipaiiy continues Id 22 It ni'fcpt 11 liii'i toil nmiiunt of business for shipment tlii- month, while Arlmclde I Ilrotheis nie Kccnting business in the Bank of England Statement soft t1.(t,.s, s. 1:1 l 14 in Imriels Iindon. .lul.v 10. The wceklj state- ',. SS 70 basis, bill nie still with- nent of the Hank of Ktiglnncl show.s the draw 11 on irriiniiliitnl. The Time money was cpiiet todav. with 0 following changes; Totnl reserve in-1 Compimv iciniiinccl vvitlidrawn Unws lire iinclianiecl lit i J'sc, dcliveied. for - 1 collateral, opened today nt 7 per cent for too I lending and renewing. On nil Indus- (,7 1 (i7',itrinl collateral, the opening rale wns ' '' 1 Vi pei cent 7'. -7i .... i!)', .is" l-'l 12L' 3'J S3 B1v sm, 111 Laclede Gas W Lake Krle i Lack Steel Leu Hub &. Tire Lehigh Valley Loose-Wiles Bis Lorlllard tP) Co. 202 .117' . 51 '4 II . S Jo?. . 02), 70! 1 C'S. 1.14' i 4H'k 11V, 31, () .17.', .. .'4 1207, ,1v 17.' 4 per cent heiug bill for all maturities, i creased 4.i,).li: circiiiimon necienseci Onlj a moderate amount of funds ciinie ! f 332,000: Imlllnu increased X102..-v2: out. there heinir un diMio.sitlcin m li.nnmther secu'ritii's decreased fl.Vi.OOO; except 011 call There ,veie 1)0 -degree centrifugnls. 1J.'P, -lu.1, 118 l.l.i 4(1. US (i l' l .Ik 1": rroposals m i BKXA1VAKK KIVXK IIAII.KOAD & HRIDGB CO BroI Ptreet Station ' Phlladolphla. Julr 10. ISIt a.slrrf proposals will be rscslred at thli ruiriea until nooo of th Stst rtar ot Juir itl9. tor aalo to this company at the "owl tat price, not eyceodlns- par, or aufrtclsnt nurnbar of Ita Flni Morfcan Bondi. nulurlnr Auxust 1. 18.VI. to Invest th sum 2T 15.B0O In aeeordarvce with ths Htnklnic '. l. JKjnd provision of ths mortgage securing- hr , J. . VANKANDT. Trrasur.r. .'.'.: r iVrwoaala for Vlctery .Blbbon. omca Dl. UAer nf Purcbaae. lu. a is. I)lv.. Furchis. ,Ciwl Contract Hcctlon) .Munitions Ilulid. T".."hlnglon. D. C. Sealed proposals. u ,1a, yHI be ieelvtd at abov o7 'f. ' 1, .. ,iTua-ii: -.T , m. asLissi vinu r . vfl am, ( " Vldtorv Rckhfu - ----- -..--.. ----- - ear ivarsnir jer ja ".ttatl Msvakai; 'Use Financial Briefs The New York Subtreasury gained ?5, 108,000 from the banks yesterday, making eash net gain since Fridaj of $13,2011,000, The board of governors of the New York stock exchange have decided to ap point ne special committee to consider the fealb(llty. advisability andMractl blllty of bousing the New York Curb market,, In thi New York aHchexcbanf! WMfmi. ) : - a ua, o, Alaska P 1 M Hid Ledm nnslon Mont Bults Nvv vork ( F H A Jerome Con Aria First National Oolddeld Cons noldfleld Florence Oolrtdeld Kevvanaa floldtleld .visrger 7. Orcen .Monster , Hecla Mining . Ri, Howe Sound . 4 Independence Lead . r 2 Jerome Verde Jim Outll-r . 2fl Jumho Eatenslon in MaeNamara Cres S McKlnley Darragn . as Magma Copper . 4H Mother Lode 41 Mines to of America . ', National Tin , 4 Nevada Hllla 3 Nevada vv onoer ... Nlplaslng . . in. Hay Hereulea 2s Ran Toy . .7 Tonnpar- Kslenalon . Vi United verne .. .. t; West End Con .... 11, White Caps . . in noND Cosden Oil fia 100 Cosden Co as leci rtusslan Oov SJ4 . 1 llusslan Gov flVia n IA 1A . 121 . (It M' Hii 7bj ;io?i (in 4'. 3 12 R7 n. 4S 41 43 10', 2Vi to 2'i 41 1'7 tn.v ton M no I.oui, & Nash Mackay Cos Pf ManbaL Ulev alert Manhattan Shirt .Maxwell Motors Ma. M 1st pf .. Max M 2cl pf .. 1 May Uept Stores, lthf. I Mex can I'etrot . WW Ki 1 Miami Copper . . 2S '" ', Mldvale Sleel ... AD G0J, Minn ii St I, new. 19h .U' I M St r i: S S M. Vi Viu I Mo Kan &, Texas . 10 Mo Kan & Tex pf. IV. 1 Mo Paclflo H7lj .Jlu I'clflu pf . 5Ujj I Montana l'ovver , n!i National Acme . . Hi)!. National UUcuit. 12il, Nat Cloak 4. Suit. hWi ,al Con & Cable. 221, Nat Unam & H . S0)j ui I .it k S ul . . 11.' 2W ' Nat Lead j:t,' i , Nat Lead pf . . . . U0 Si'j hh S' 1'. 72. ,' 201 !2(Li few renewals at fiom (l'ji to 7'i per cent. Acceptance hills were unchanged at 4fiM .r-l(l per cent. The acceptance market was ex tremely cpiiet. J rest Notwithstanding Hint the Federal He 1 lu'r serve Hank ilinilc withdrawals from local institutions today mouey rates weie comparatively easy, considering thai .the.v have ranged ns high as 20 per cent during the week. imlilii- deposits increased i.'.'.ii.OOl); other deposits increased :',S.201 .000 ; notes tcservc increased 424.000; gov ernment securities Increased :!S. .. ... tw, MM, n rMwtimi'tlnn nf I lie linnt.-'s reserve 'to liabllitv this week is I2.:',0 enshire for almost three week oil last week it whs 14. 111. LOCAL MINING STOCKS rovoi'.Ui stocks Jim Huller MarNaman 111,1 12 M' l available the stock market was some- toninn 72', what erratic, but on this occasion the North Star .. . Ill 211 let I movement could not be ascribed to anr UTfi"Kni'i in. .ill, M ill', 41.', 10' 20 :ir 5; WW MM London Metal Market New York. July 1J Cablea received at the New York Metal F.irhange quoted prices In !,ondon today a followai Tin Spot. 12.10 ins. n gain of 10s: futures. (2(0. un (1. and alralta. (250 IPs. an advance of Ills, gsles spot. SO tonas futures, sno tons. Htandard copper Ppot. 10: futures. 187; both off II to a. 8a1e. S00 tons. Rleetrolytlo Con ner Snot. (100: futures. (103; both un. changed. I-ead Spot. (23 12a J, an ad. vanra or 2a no; luium, . in ta. un-1 etiannd. ViSpelUn-itoyt, 111 lg. a gti,f4 d In g. tit. vtt Sa. 4'4 127, 0u 1-iVi 'li 102 rj i ill 101,' 22J 4 120h o4Ji .11 i 5,'D i 70 3'Jlj 110 2Mi o'J , 1U 9oJi 10 20 ;s 67 yw 1-7'f lu 221 j M 102 oa1 UOii 1101; "V', difficulty on the part nf the brokerage I " ' I community in securing sufficient funds 1 to meet their requirements. .ii'. W'j 7'J 40 II I -! ', fl'J'c I'J Oil, 10 2(1 .IS per 1 I'llll,.I)KI.rHIA full. ,-i-tJ .cent: time. .)) cjf (I per cent; commer cial paper, three lo six months, fly, (ii I TtVs per cent, nnd six months, 0 per I cent j LONDON Money Is quoted nt 2V, I per' cent. Discount rales, short hills I "', per cent; three-mod Hi hills. ; ' ' per c-cut. . I Ailanl 1 Ulue Hull !oth .. Illnmf " I' tl-ilsv Kewans Oro is I'. OOLDPIKl.t) STOCKS . . . u.i . . .HI . . . . ns 01 'II 11.1 . . 01 Silver rick . "' Spearhead " MISI'KI.I.ANKOUR United skeil .11 ST as nn 20 in 2(1 Manchester Strikers Win Lonilrn. .lulv 10. ( Itv A V 1 The Manchester cotton strike, which 'hits tied up the industry tliinugliout l.nti- has heen settled after a Ion; couferenc. The operatives will resume work on .Mnudav cm the basis of 11 fort.v -eight-hour week nnd nn advance in weekly wages nuioiintinit to SO per cent. No Reprieve for Murderer Montpeller. VI.. .Inly 10. -fll.v , I. jJ-Kfforts of counsel for (icorgc '.. Warner, under sentence to be hanged some time this week for murdei;. to obtain n stnj of execution fulled jes tcrclrt.v. The Supreme rnurt lefused to permit counel to lile a petition for a reprieve. Packard Motor Car Co. T, Cum, Pref. Stock A. D. CONVERSE & CO. Truit Building Philadelphia cv iirk ll.iltlinur Ik HHHiin (. Miiryl..nd Trust Midi. Edward G. Budd Mfg. Co. 8', Pfd. Stock Price on Application This is no uriUHU,tll t;oocl leturn on one of f'h ladelphla's successful mlerprise' Write tor clicular Naulty tS: Gompany I'i.m)kri iirii.DiMi Walnut at 15th St., Philadelphia A ,liiinn Nevada Wonder TreoiM Mining () DIVIDENDS DECLARED 4 '. 1 127'. FOREIGN EXCHANGE lU, j New Vorh. duly 10. The foreign ex hl!t .''iiaijue intjrKei tins morning wns stead! 102 M', U 1.7 tOii. -; -to 127 61 X II of M 2d pt. 8i Nevada Con Cup. 1U!, New Or Tex & II. a0 N Y Air Drake .V.QX 127 ,' Y Central .... bOJi bl N Y Chi & St L. :)2i . . . N Y Dock 3'J N Y Ruck pf .... 59! N Y N H & H .. 32?.' 32)i 32M 32) j N Y Ont & Wes .22 Norfolk Southern. 15 Nor & Western . lu". North American , btti Northern Paclflo, U0J( Nova Sco H & C. S5 Ohio Cities Q . 61 0f.M S6 am Okla, Trod & Ret,, J IK Ui J I in tone, with prevailing quotations as follows: Demand sterling, 4.-40VJ ; entiloM A r,fl t7rflni, nheclra It 7ft . nl.t... "?.' .'.?? ' : "re checks. r!..'12; cables'.! ISwiss checks, fi.fH : caDles, n.fta ; guilder' checks, rtRVi : rabies, .18 V, : peseta checks. 111.48; cables, 1IUH); Hiock holm checks, 24.85: cables, W.O.I; Phrlstlanin checks. 24.2.1: cables, 24.4,1; Copenhagen checks,. 22.85; cables, 23.05; Antwerp checks, 7.05; cables, 7.0.1. In the afternoon the market became steady, with prices as follows; De mand sterling quoted at -.4ns;, cables 4.4nT; franc Hft;K O.WV6. cables B.?ciVi lire. gMkr fijJWf1..iW M7 107 107 oaji 4H o'JJ, Ottljf 61 II 'OstarlojMIniiifc- .. 8 ' W. SH SM'BwIh iMMJaii' WWty, Cluett. Peahods' t Co.. ouarterlv nf ', per rent on common, pnahle August 1 lu stoek or reenro jniy -i ... Colonial Trust Company, ouaterl) nf per rent., pa) able August 1 la stockholder, of rconl Jul)- R I t'onsoltdatecl Traction Compan) uf N'evy Jersei aemlannual of ! per cent, payable Julv !: aa registered June 30 Liverpool Cotton Liverpool. July 10. An improved business was done in spot cotton today t with prices firm on the basis of an ad- 1 vance of 03 points for middling at 21d. ' The sale were 4000 bales. No recelptH. j Futures were steady In the early deal j iirgs. Spot prices were: American, middling fair, 2.'l.ri.1c ; good middling, i o'jlfhl: fully middling, 21. (Md; mid dling, -Id; low middling, lt),2."il; good ordinary, 17.00d: ordinary, 17,07d. o Petin Traffic Declares Extra Dividend The Penn Trnflic1 t'omnanv has ie- i-i elnred a regular scuiinnniinl dividend of i-.S per cent nnd nn extra of 1 per cent. paynble August I to stock of record '.Inly 1f. The same -rate was pafd six months ago. ' Xmerli'iin stores ('ecu. and I'ref. I'ltles Mervlre. t'nm.. I'ref, i Deli. VVItir.liitliin (" I'ref. Acner. 1. & K. ' I'ref. X Del). II. (i, I. . 10W" I nlvil f"'l ,ill '", ' "V laorukt tiivt Land Title Bids .oik1 414 New lork Tel, ('ttmieellonn. UHnnvcr A161 BANK CLEARINGS Bank ciearfprf koif omMr1 iA " 'aititil it statu iwt ,-r (jiorreiipqntHni w.i4Hi MOItim Ith (ha jam WE WANT . ' CONTRACTORS, GUILDERS, MILL and factory superintendents and all users of paint )o know "ZEMENTINE" the perfect water paint for all solid ins'de surfaces plain and ilccovative. It is much cheaper than other pUnt, both fn first cost and final cost. It nialtes a first-class, durable job. It Is t easy to mix, easy to apply by hand or spraying machine and gives a firm, hard, lasting finish that does not flake, scale or rub off. In white and colors hy the barrel, 7c lb.: smaller lots, 8c lb, "ZEMENTINE" has been in use for over 25 years. Specify it. 2-lb. Carton At Dealers 20c Carton Belli Ji FofiAf JOHN C. OETERS, Mfr. 1243 N. 31st St. Keystone:, Race iS45it VV i -.! SI 1 fl 7 'r ;-i '; :i I i: iftfti Ism. e D ..iKi .i,, tlt J. TrV-! -"- "V , 1A. . M X j I.. .V-s. n. - 1 Si- ! v.. aHj-'SaiWf'i T ..'-iitf-iarM.i.,..