dE& ' 'i I'tgig" i" ki'MvPrj ''(', t 'i'i U'.Eff ?; ..'" '.( t - rv: "(. $ ft r I-- V' U :'.k JZVmmG PUBLIC ' LBDGER-HlL'ABiEHIA4, THURSDAY, JULY 10, 1919 i. if . v.. K i 8 X I ,' 1. ,-t w I 4S OUR WELL-KNOWN PHILS TAKE FOURTH WIN IN 33D START Baker's Club Scores First Win Under Cravath ; Have Played .121 Ball Since June 6 A'S AVERAGE HIGHER H.v KDWIN J. POLLOCK DTOriTNO a Mrritk h about no rasy for our Phils n pnllinj; fnngs nut of a rattlesnake with n pair of tooth- picks, but under thr leadership nf Car- Mm Craratlt, the warhorso from the J West, the Haker laborers turned thel trlek ngainxt the Cuba j-estenlay after- ! noon in the seeond game of a double , bill. The Cravathians went eleven innings before endinc the lonR-distnnee lodnR streak and landing their xemlinnnthry i-ietor.v b.r ,ri to 4. It wa theiV first win I In fourteen starts, but it meant mor.e than an ordinary triumph, for it wai the first conquest credited to the Crav ath regime. i The victory was the first scored by the Phils since .lune -.". when the sec ond half of a twin bill wn snatched from the Rraves. That series with the Roston club was the opening set upon the return of the Phil from the din- I trous trip West, when thirteen games' were dropped in a row out of fourteen I played. There has been some doubt expressed i about the number of games won nnd lost I by the Tinker bunch since the club left Yen- York In the enrlv tiart of June. A glance through the records reveals , that was just enough to win. the fad that thirtv-three games have I The Mackmen were easy in the sor been played since .Tune C nnd alt of four ond till. Only six bits were registered, l. ...... .1....1 in :.; ' n(T Cnlior .linir .lolmson wns hit I1H irnmini in vni.ii ir. Retord lletter N' ONK is going lo get a swelled head or a swelled chest over that record of four out of thirty-three. In three days over a month the Phils have, been traveling at the dizzy pace of .121. Despite the fact that the A's per- i rentage to date is lower than the Phils', the Men of Mack have played the bet - I ter ball since June ft. Over the same! stretch of time thai the Itaker club hit it up at .121. the A'" played thirty- I two games and . won eleven, for an average of ."44. And tbnt included the1 double-header that was dropped- lo tliei White Sot In Chicago yesterday. The A's have a consecutive losing rtcord of six in n row. The Phils havei it all over them in this department. They have two straight runs of' thirteen reverses The Macks w nil nr streak " fi-.l tvn In cm nn Tlie is confined to two. in succession. Ihe Pill record is five. , .... Two Faner Ins i- vt innpn ...I,.. n.a tl.o lior., nf ii,,- . m ...... ... 1 tj .1.. iniT ..-nelH'c unrioQ mni p n re- th 1017 wnr1riR xor pr. ma (IP n rp - start yesterday when lie beat the A R n the. other bouts l.en Rowlana engage. Jim j in both games of the double-header. ('jJI1-HJ"J. ,"mmv rarW m"" -Mr,' i He pitched the last two innings nf the' j Tiritt encounter nnd received credit for ,,,,, .,,,, , .,rnu,., , ,k. the triumph. He went tlie entire dls-,on Harry (Kid) Brown before tlie Trenton .i. j ti'l.s,. sj .-,,,.,,, nol ' A. ' on Tuesdav night The other bouts tanee in the second Mtite Sox conquest. fn.. Jn(, Men,ieii y. Smiling mtihle. .loe These were Fnber's first winR in almost, Ptanlej Young Angelo, and tlillv P-vlne .... ..-.. -- two months. The A'p wprp pxti-pmply tronlTlpsome tni.pndprp in thn oppninp rlnuli and Olpason uwd four pitchprs and n pinch -hitter before he could Ret h deoiion. AMATEUR BASEBALL NOTES The lnolyn C. C. has July 19 and 5fl open and will travel for a reimonahle guar antee. Thomaa T Joyce. 240 Pnuth War nock street rhone Pleklnson 3730 n. Tlerre A. r., a nfteen-aeventeen-year-old traveling team, would like to book niw; for Julv and August William Voung. 141., South rhlllln afreet. Columbia A. (".. a flrat-claea traveling team, wants to hear frojn home teams pay ing a guarantee. Renjamln Hill, 343S Rdge mont street A left fielder who can hit and neld would like to Join a first-class hall team. Ift Fielder. 3125 West Diamond atreet. rhtlmore A. A., on account of a mlsunder Undlna: with the Western A. A.. Is with out a rime, for Saturday, July 12. Kdwln Leach, 2747 North Front atreet. TIliat"C!llb. a flrat.-rlasa traveling team, has Sundays in July and August open for turns offerlngr a. guarantee, ft. Iteecher. 2607 South. Franklin street. Drne4!njr A, A, has July IB and "n open for first-class home teams paying a guar antee.. J. C. Eberle. Kensington U2I0 be tween 6:30 and 8 p. m Franklin F. C. haa open dates for all flrat. class teams having grounds and paying a fair guarantee. Raymond McLoughlln. Jewish Foster flome. a thlrteen-seventeeti-year-old team, desires Sunday games with any traveling toam Jewish Foster Home, 700 Church lane, Germantown. Liberty Ptars, a first-class colored traval lnff team, has July 13. 19 and UJ open for teams such as Nativity C- C . Christ Church. Stetson and Harrowgate, r. Williams, 215 South Quince street; North Side Trots has July 12, 13. 19 and 20 open away. Would llko to hear from soma good homo club paying a guarantee, J. J. Hoover. 2035 North American street. Aldan A. A. desires games nn the home grounns irom sixteen-year-old leant, hevln. nlng July 12. Phone I,ansdowTie 1489 YV be- tween 0:311 ana t p. m. a, Wilson, Aldan, Pa. Auburn A, C would like tn arrange a game with some nrst-class home team for July 12. A. Landls, Diamond 1443. Alpine Profs, a strong traveling team, I Havana Cigars ; - and Stratford Servic. Stations are at all , l; I Look for Slep up and nmo jrour iliei ' , What May Happen in Baseball Today NATIONAL I.KAOIK NdIII New ork tClnrinnatl rhiratn . llrnokun rittshnnth St. 'lonls . ilViaton . . Philadelphia. 43 tn an 3. 3 S in ,aa2 .i . mb. S4 .IS 33 .1 41 40 4)1 .1 ,n4n .515 ,ni4 ,40fl .SM .101 .322 .321 .414 .301 .301 .40(1 AMERICAN I.KACU'K Hon l.oat Pet. Win lAie Mllt .331 .383 .301 .301 .433 ,t:n New nrk .B3ft '.MS t.6IS .032 .333 .323 Chlfajcn rietelnnri Drtrnlt Ml, 1nnU llontnn Washington Athlrllra Win two. .3(11 .B30 T.RS1 .303 MKJ f.433 .sua .S22 f.4n:i .4tra. .443 .413 .43S t.4l- tlse two. rotiiniit. :ti .in .w YESTERDAY'S RESULTS NATIONAL I.KAOt'F. Chlram. fli rhllllea. 1. . , , , . thllllra. 3i Chlrslto. 4 (II InnlnsM taw end sainr). I'lltslmrih. 2 1 Brooklyn. " rinrlnnatl, 3i llnslnn, 1. Ht l,oiil. I5l New York, 3. AMKItlCAN T.KAOIjr, rhlmao. 3i Athlrtlr. 1. t-lilrimn. Ol Athlftlca. 2 Iw-nmt mel. Detroit. 2i Wanhlnaion. t (to lnnlnl. s. 1.inl, 3t tloaton, 0. rieflnnd. 2l New York. tl. TODAY'S SCHEDULE NATIONAL I.KAflt'r". I'lilnwn at rhllndflnhla Poatnoned. I'lttbiirtli at llrnokl.rn Tloudy. St. Irfitila at New York ClomH rinelnnatl at noton PoMnoned rain. AMKRICVN I.Knl1". Mhlellra at Thlraro Clear. . Maahlneton at Detroit Clear l2ame . New York at Cleieland Clear (2 earnest. Ilnston at St. I.onls Cloudy (2 iramesl. Itogers breezed along in great Iiape, until the spveilth when he weakened and allowed three runs. Three more came 1 over for the ox in tne eignio and ' - . I.n..l , Inlrtinr oifflil hits in tlirPP 111-' I nings. Wnlly Kinney finished the game nn, pnrmitted only four bingtes, . i c 41 ,, ',.i-tniuirt I JLiaps rtUOM JCrappers lldle Mullln will appear In the main hout al the (.'amlirla nuen-air club tomorrow nlghl. nnpoainR .lack Wlilard. nf F'.llzaheth. V J . In the wind-up. Willie MrCloakey fares Artie Mark in the aemlwind-up. The other hems rollnw. Tounjf nomez va Youna- Kll patrlck. Young Merino va Willie Davis nnd Youna Orlffo v Hills-- Williams K,ldle Wacend and Wnlly Htnkle will claih tn the wind-up at the National on Momta nlahl The emlwind-up brlnsa together .f.ihnnv Plaz7.l and .lack tlowle. The other houla follow: Kddle Hood t Kddle Mitchell. YounK Sherlock vs. Youna Mack and Kddle Klrl" is IMdle f.intrv The boxlna show echeriuled foi Pennaaroe toni'irrow night has been called off. This make, two rluhs that hae postponed hos lilltles for a time. The Rmplre manage ment announced that Ihere would he no more shows al Fifteenth and Balnbridge mnk , rluhs that hae postponed ho. ' unties fnr a time. The Empire manage ' ., ,, ., . , ,....,. m"" announced thai Ihere would he no all the riders who hnic exhibited here mor h , r,ftnth nnd Balnbridge tlli, VPnvntli js , M,emiest and most streets for nl least another month : , , U ""s i dangerous in the circuit. Kverv race . " ... , ., , , ' .. Kranklo nrown. the New York feather- It a thriller, for the boys have to till- , weight, meets Preatnn nrown In the coslng!nlav sneed nnd nerve tn sfnv nn the eight-round hjllte at the Atlantic City Snort- hi tnuh next Thuraday n gni. vicioi I intr tMuh nfxt Thursday nlKht. Virtoi ., t ., .,, llll,. n,.nnlnu r. up,, Hn.i, Wild Hurt Kfnn.T Pik artinn. Kenny Ian! nleht hail lhe rnurafif to climb Into th rlnK at thi Hhnrp and rhalUnse the winner of the .It-ff Rmlth-ranama Joe dana fray Th roauti war a ft raw It looks an t hough the wild one wouM time tn wait. wishes to hear from all home teams paying ! . good guarantee. Kd Smith. HTlil llrajs, avenue. Kensington A, A., a strictly nrst-clasa home team, haa a few open dates and also . for twilight gamea A Urfrdner. Ill Mem- ' phis atreet. Welcome It. C. lias a few opew dates in July and August fnr traveling learns Walter Mulvaney. 131S Soulh Thirtieth ctreet. ' Jasper A. A. haa secured the grounds al ' R and Clearfield atreets for twilight games on Thuisday evenings This Thursdtv 11 will play the Elma F C. William Mills. ' 31 nn R atreet. Oookdale A. A., a semlpro traveling learn, would like to hear from Stetson, Christ r.hurch, Lsigan and Harrowgate. Ed Mlntzer. 241S North Colorado street. .Rook wood Trofs has July 12 and 19 open. fnr any good semlpro home cluba paying a ' IonahlL uarantee. Jamea w. Mcllrrde, 3046 North Twenty-third street. St. C.ahrlel C. C. an elghteen-twenty-year- . old traveling team, wants tn honk games ry',5 'fm,? E.Jinir guarantee R Phllbln. 1240 South Twenty-nlnth street. llealejTllle n. C. haa open da tea In Julv ' and August for Urat-rjaes teams. Martin Dunn, 4242 Richmnnd street. , Philadelphia Profs haa Sunday dates open ' In July and August for all semlpro clubs In ?. "ut- of ,nyn bavins; irirlosed grounds. Hilly Gray. 27(11 North Ninth atreet. . . Ar? A- A a semlpro traellng team, Ju y 19 and 26 open. J. H. Dalley. Belgrade street. has I 719 Cramer II. C. a fast pixteen-year-old team, would like to hear from teama of the . same caliber having grounds and paslng a guarantee. Charlea Blakely. -2266 Micklt, street. Camden. N. J, -mickis . ?f,1.?It"t ' A a flrsl-clasa team, haa July 26. August 2 and 30 and all of Sep. temher open for first-elaaa home trams nay- I Ing a guarantee. H. Harock. 1227 North ' tVnennaiV atrial ,u'1" Pt. Breeze Velodrome TONIOIIT. 1:30 P. M sn MII.K MOTmt.PACK rItK Starter. Chapman. w. renre. Madonna. lt'nii...7l . Corry. Tlekets.30r.M,aj Bicycle Races GOLFERS WOULD SAY, DEMPSEY HAD HIS MAN TENNIS STARS HEET FOR SECTION TITLE V i 'Three Matches Today in East vs. West Tourney on Cin j cinnati Courts !kumagae to play burdick rinrlnnall. O.. .Inly 10. I.nrge ntun brrs of tennis enthusiasts nre here to watch the contests fnr the East -West tennis championship which' began on the rourts of the Cincinnati Lawn Tennis Club todav. ! The tournament will continue through ; to Saturday and will bring together the largest number of tennis stars ns i sembled in Cincinnati ' times. , inco pi;p-ar I n the first day of play. Ichija Ku I inagae nnd S. Howard Voshell. repre senting the Knst. will meet linlpli llui , dick ami Unbert Kinsey. of the WeM , team, in the first of the single matches, while Villinm T. Tihlen. 'Jd. and Vin cent Richards, of the easterners, will, play William T. Johnston and Samuel i Hardy of the West in a "doubles" I nintch. CHAPMAN IN FAST ! FIELD AT 'DROME , ' Jirtt& 10 oian in riTXy-IVIlie Grind at Point Breeze Park (leorge Cliapman. the brilliant joung' ' Once folIOWOP tl'ill l.n nt.n nt tUn lIb, . . ers in. the fifty-mile motor-nnecd zrinil ! iat the Point Ilree.p Velodrome tonight.' I I erci Lawrence. American ihanipion ; i incenl Madonna. Frank Corry and ol,,v Walthour will be the otberl slnrters. I Chuiunnn. who was badly shaken up 'in a fall last Saturday night, has taken the place of (Jeorge Wiley, veteran rider, whose collar bone was fractured In a spill at Hie 'drome last Thiirs-1 j day night. All five riders are capable nf going, the distance in record time. With the "breaks" even the race should be .l .,, r ,, .. .. . I the best or the season. Jimmy Hunter. I Speedy Vandeberr.v. Norman Anderson. j Kddle Knot and Johnny Schlei will do the pacing. ' T,P Velodrome track m-cm-dinc ii'' Ml lie could do tilth the Mack pitch The Velodrome ' , io o In addition to the pace race, there win ne two amateur events anil one professmnal sprint race. ParUeahura Still Winnlnn rarKcaDurg aim winning Parkfrtbtirir. Va. July in By defeating-1 EphratH her yesterday the Parkesburx Club' made It seventeen out of eighteen iramea for, the seaaon. Uefnre Ajrnew's clever pltrhlnn the vlnltorn wer ilrtualW hepie8 Parkas- burn winning. 7 to I. Take Advantage of the Wonderful Clothing Values in Our July Sale Today or Tomorrow BECAUSE the Store will be closed all day Saturday as well as all day Saturdays until September. The finest of our silk-lined suits (which are included in the sale) of course are first in demand. 'Make your choice while selection is ' good and enjoy the satisfaction of wearing a guaranteed all-wool light-weight summer suit at the lowest prices you can find any , where in Chestnut street. July Prices I $25.00 for our $32.50 Suits $27.50 for our $35.00 Suits $30.00 for our $40.00 Suits $40.0 Q for our $50.00 Suits $45.00 for our $55.00 Suits $50.00 for our $60.00Suits $55.00 for our $65.00 Suits REMEMBER there are hundreds of finest worsteds in conservative fash ions, that there are flannels, tweeds, homespuns, serges and fancy weaves and scores of the newest patterns woven by the mills this season. PUKE IRISH LINEN UNION SUITS $3.00 LINETTE UNION SUITS $1.50 AH Sizes. ' An Unusually Advantageous Offer ' 1 -nj, 5 CflLHHBR)xlKBiBRJBHBaw " rnnnrnmii imiinii i in nn m i niiinim una i "I.KNA" m.ACKIiLK.VK Phils' new Infielder, purrli;ixeil troni Ilnston .vestertlay. 1 expected In break into the game in a few at third base, llmig llalrd. who Is not In the best physical shape, will he given a rest Ilingles and Bungles "Pa.iinerello ma.v .oitnri like nn Italian onn," ehlrpel the au lth the brown ilerb., "hut he neted tike n fitll.rotirse din ner je.lerdajt. It's nol ofleo n kid breaks Into a leajrue and wins the ranie In an ettra frame." llmr I'nrKntrt io Aomrlliiiiti in .toy nfmul t)ir htoh vrirr nt apfrrira. His Intl. ,i tie 'rorhfri Tliendnl cnlt him tun hutnlrrti her tits Cnttu nerf n'oorfirnni trrrr riiiei ItID H-llhoMt .peerneA. Pnrhtml tawrcrt thv mrfieMfe uith n 'eic IM111' 1"i! h'lft llft'i I'Vifefril on him. Nrv OmI the Chlls hm een restored Chlls lme ' 3tiine nli-l the plaers. to iteep bet , peace ban hen restored anions I're.I'lFnt ler Wilson will Ji It unuld hate been too mmh of a thork fnr die Phils and the A's In win on the ame d,i, so the Markmen nhlilclnKl I dropped both rnnies to the VtMIe ox. 7ir i.iai f 11,1 f trim Hoof v hurltil inning' Hi Sm in ' hi hr blanked fiem u ith 'our litts. Yfstrrtlnu hr van shelltft vj fie stf. Tin,1? rftnitoMl. Thnmatt. n.lxe foi three hU Simc pevklna Pick' Ru.sell lllackhiirne. of Chicago. C'lnrin- natl. llronkbn. ltostn., N. -I., nnd i wa points, Is eiperteri to Join the frills to morrow. 1 ,t Irnolltu ftnx f by Seorfii pi'f 'f 'or., on thr ihnrt end nt a 2 I count tenth nt Oetioif ye,terrfnl. .Veai r the Hlee o Neill a former &Uckman. -va unkind tn Bob Shawkey Ilia homer slopped ihe ten straight winning streak of his for- m,r i,inim,i. -,. . . ,. 7T . A. The Reds whanged the nravea, while the nrd were hnndlng the o-le in the filaela. ! V" ?ed" nre causing more alarm. In the N ork rnmn ihun fTork nf Unlrifs, Jnf .lackaon had -try mpfttx nau tM fir '","" '" connect inr rour anioiej ami n fr.nle out of air rime.,, .p. nctter ask waner, "" sl"""" ''"'' K"1- r, ... .... From ihe iv! tienrge Burns Is hitting th , hall, It looks as If Dirk Purrus la nevea ! lng to gel hie Job bark tiawge had two ' singles and h triple yesterday, , rMe Collin never gets fat dnrlng A's. III. hattlne iaep.e series with lh sufTered when he failed to hit tafely nut af ' .even times tip. "df Pntkerl 5 blow ut thr eipith put fht Cuhl, nnt , trout, hut thr rht took ih oorj out of fie rfrttr by thefr former ral. i ,,,., . . , ' . ,. . f!wRe Whltted broke loose ti the aeconct Kme. when he (rot four hits Me fa.lled to ronnft aafely in five pretredinjc contest. I f 6 PHILLIE GIE OFF; E E Palmyra Product to Play in To morrow's Came Against Chicago Cubs da night. This nnnounced bj Pro The heavj downpour shortly after motor Phil Nlassman Inst night, noon caused the postponement of the .o t;Hmnii. officlnl referee nl the Phlllles-Cubs bntlle this afternoon. Olvnipm. will work in the first boul be The game will not ho played off until toon Rddie Moy and Harry Pierce, the next visit of the Cub to this city. -r,nk (Popi fVHrlen. official referee Only one game nill ,c put on exhibition :,, ,,r National, will be the thud mnn tomorrow . "" in the ring when .loe Tlplilz faces It was nnnounced this morning that Uonrgr Clmney, Orimson then will per Lena Rlackburiie. the infielder pur-I form in the battle between Ted I Kid I chased from tbo Rraves. -If n rl nrrived ! I.euis. furiner welterweirht rhnniniou. and would play third base fnr Cravath in tomorrow's engagement. P.lackburne is a Palmyra, N. .!,, product. Hlackburne has played with a num her of big lengue clubs. He' has been with Cincinnati. Iloston nnd Chicago. Me wns a sensation in the American Association 'and broke into thr hig leagues as one of the highest priced infielders on record He started his big lengue career with the White Sox in 1000, and was with them for five seasons. In 1014 he wa hack with the Milwaukee club nf tho American Association, but in till," was with the While Soj again The following season he was shipped in Toronto and playel there in lOlfi nnd l!H7. Last year he was with the Hed and was traded lo the (toston club. Jack Coombs was after Blackburne when the Phit infield was in such had shape He should be a great aid to Cravatb's inner works. Tilly Walker Stare (VlldwAod. N. .1.. .lulv 10 Man: link epuld not plaee Its hits properl." here if. terday. the shore boys wtnnlnjc t 7 t n The a'l-arnund work of Walker, lerludlnc eeral circus e-tehea v the feiiure lfhnn nherla pitched for the heme tnlen' ySLXkrE. "papers" the lightest, thinnest, strongest, and beet in all the world, make a wonderful Tuiedo cigarette. Tr.f one ! ) THREE REFEREES FOR SHOW A T SHIBE PARK ON MONO A Y Low Grimsnn. Pop O'Bripn and Billy Hocap In Officiate in 4ll-Slar Open-Air Bouts rpHUIJK referees will officiate at the, nil star boring show to be staged at the Shlbe Park open-air arena on Mnn anil Mcvc i.nt.o. the naziemn hoy. ,hon Harry freb goes into action KORTLANG SCORES 102 RUNS New York Star Causes Philadelphia Cricket Club's Defeat The Vew York cricketers were the winners of the llnlifai cup mulch against the Philadelphia Cricket Club at Si Martins .eserday. Die margin of vli-tort being ISO to Hill. II Korllnng was the hilling hero nf the day, accumulating a centnrj. his contribution being 10'J runs, nol nut I,. It. Miller also made a good stand, tallying 41 runs. K. Hopkinson and II. I!. Carlwright led the Philadel phinns So excellent was the batllug of ilio Now Yorkers that it was not nece-sary for two of their team to take their places at the wicket. New Manager for Corley C. C. 1iipr f misunderstandlne Frank Quinn ha. rndsned a. nianaaer of Hi for f j C. C ir rnteil nim" scheduled " ! Torle, Rill Itifov. the new manscer " oul-i like te -e.r.Be t, echedllle. spit wl.lie. to her frftm lh learns 'vHo were on 1h s.'heiiiile m1 .11 r.s. lim, hevit'S . .. n i. u rj.ifo. ;nii "s-vnh i" cie.i than tin. Now, don't you owe it to yourself to buy & package and give Tuxedo a trial? Not quite as much tobacco as in the tin. but Finest Burley Tobacco Mellow-aged till perfect Plus a da$h of Chocolate . Guaranteed by Je JriurC&i4o rfmaer :o - - INCOetPONATCD 7 DOWN AT against P.attling l.evinsky in that im portnnt meeting the fourth on I lie pro i gram lleferee l)'llrien again will be found working. l.evinsky and rSreli botli are seeking n match wilh Jack Petnpsey and Insisted upon O'ltrien of ficiating. Tlie wind-up between l.ew Tendler nnd Joe Welling will find William II Uncap, veteran ring official, who lias officiated in many championship battles, the third man In Hie ring. Tills Is the first time nn record here that three reputed officials over workeil in one show, ll has been the custom In hao imio referee work in ever) bout Occasionally one official would referee all the preliminaries and another jii-l the wind-up. Itut heie is an all-stnp sm j(, Ihree of the best rocngnizoil ring nf finals in (lie game officiating .. r SK YOLK DEAI.KR i "li r RJjf xZJmdFSrm n par' SI,rr'""tli"K' count in your en- M 5j9 Hffv mStml' X l! J0l,,Pn' r l"f? Here then, on the tii f MMsM$giCm , Jf Ki,z 'm,f ,ou fin(J thit quiet air of J;ffl PtfmW , , Cond brcedinR scric that is quick, fc ' rtrKjYr ' " '"" '"" ''"fried cuisine of the best, 'f j ji Ml MV, iit " " vt.v cool nnd pleasant up here, it-j. ,"f! 'J4 -" 'ft sK far fr"m lnp nUm of things. tyx Ml The Perfect Tobacco for Pipe and Cigarette Beats Them All! The New 'TEA-FOIL" PACKAGE U'a soft and pliable decreases in size as the tobacco is used tobacco does not cake in the package no digging it out with the finger. Keeps the tobacco in even better condition 10c - - " VaMaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaSaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaM mmmmmmmmwLbitLmmmmmmmmT mwr i3SmfwmmMrMwMt9Wmmmm rWaaHHsaaaaaaaaaaaaaaHagaaaaF" jQtWfcjyJTfrTiKsQMaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa Vv7 W FJfGGiTirfXAr9 r m Jt,vw'WAv'vv THE TUR$yi Sterling Outpltches WaUop In ittm taut mmt mtmt nt tm miaann t A V .......... ...... v ... .. ..-,.. -1- . J. J rnwRHle dcffatil Merctmnt Shld ft to 0. Thf W home Unin landed on Watann, the rx.rhlU ... S; lie.' hltrler. In lh flr.l lnnln nnd tiAttlTd V)"- in oul three run on tolld drlvea. After 'thUyifi J the aarne developed inln a pllchera' baula. T. AV' va Uafl. 'f' trm wllh Sterllnu havlns the. belter of Jt, ' ,.'?, - '- ' $r Youii like mm M YtllK IIEA1.F.R ' JO A'' 1 .1 a A r.V'i m v. ,- ' IM v& I 1 PI W c "m m &: ' 91 Sa5 '? u lfJ? William H. Wanamaker rr,j . -J1.-1 rV-- JmrnmurA v'WrJj WEULM ;.u ;, '.XJ i . ,5,j Rf r ' e h feid .. M.i&&&.mAA. - .js. Ammmi&i.: si' .' v .aJWteiirs'; Jt L. t - l"1"11 iwissssasaaasssaMgeii ;! 1, 11, 'mmWWm ' . " - t if'e, ,.. ft 4m. 1 gv, l . .11. j .i.-J".t, . at. . j- J . . ,. IL