Evening public ledger. (Philadelphia [Pa.]) 1914-1942, July 03, 1919, Night Extra Financial, Page 3, Image 3

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"Sprinkler was
100 efficient"
GLOBE Sprtnkleti were ready when fire
Urted In tho boiler room of the R. P.
Andrews Paper Co., Washington, D. C.
A letter from the president of the cor.i
piny readu "The sprinklers were 1001
efficient and thoroughly extinguished the
2015 Washington Ave. Dickinson 531
CLOUh Sprinkler protect '.he pUat ol th
vtcK Ltirmicai company.
Willow Crove Man,
License Tag, Is Slain
Hurt in Crash
David R. Twining. -Tr., fnrtv-twn
year old, of Willow drove, was killed
In n strange ncritlont in front of Ms
nutomobilc repair simp nt 2'Jf Xorth
J'iftccnth street last night.
t ' Twining n fixing n license lag on
(lip renr of liii automobile when nn-
other mat bine, i mining wild. dnhcd
across- the street mid hit lil, pinning
him between the miiiliinc ho was living
nml n telegraph pnlc.
David Simpson, ?.(." I Xoilli Ninth
i-treet. owner nf the other en, l.n.i
y M.
i Hi
Mopped on the other side o'f Fifteenth I "K1"''" ns Colonel (Jeoige Wnynp An
(trcet. When he got rendv lo il.ivc ' 'lerson. nf Itichniond : Joseph Packard,
nwny he 'i-niikeil his engine. The car of . Hntiinnre ; Itoger Sherifian Itald
lind evidently been left in gear, because I win. of New Haven, Conn.: Kustace
as soon ns the engine started the auto- I Conwny. "f New York: Charjps Francis
mobile started ti move, just missing Adnms, of Boston, nnd I'nited Slntps
striking Simpson. Then it struck Twin- I Senator Blair I.ee have beconi" inter
Inp's ninihiiip. , ested in the work of the nrgnulxntian
Simpson Is under nrrest in the j.'if- nml are serving as mcmbeis of itsbonrd
tPPiith mid Vine strpets stntion awaiting "f gocrnois.
tho action of the coroner. I , , , ..
Dr (i. F. McCloskey.awi North I Founded In inn.
Seventeendi stiecl. wns severely cuti The nescendnnts nf Jie SigiiPis of (he
nbmit the knees yesterday when his nu- ' Declnrntion of Ini.ependence were
tnmobile was struck by a motoi (ruck. t founded on Julv 4. 1H07. in' Inde
The nccident occuned nt Twenty -fifth pendence Hall. At (hat time it was de-
nnd York s(reets. ,,i(Ip( llt rnoh nlmnl congress should
j be held (here on July 4 of each year.
BAR N. Y. SHIRT ORDERS i" onr "",,,"pml,(,r w"! Vl,tr "" 1"
amendment tn (he cons(i(u(ion (ha( will.
wi.. u i ji 'unke (he dnle of the annual mngress
Workers Here Indicate Sympathy; Apr,, . The amendment is being of-
With Strikers in Gotham ferpd in (he hope that it will lead to
Cnlon shirtmnkeis of Philadelphia a full ntlendnncp at the meetings and
Will absolutely refuse to work on orders n,so pnnMp tho meinbers to create a
sent from w v.,,.1- !,. tu larger interest i in the history of the
sent unm ew orK, where (he union . t . , , i ,i . i
1 " signers. It is also believed (ha( because
shlrtmakers are on strike, is thededara- nf flip Rreat celebration on the part
tlon made by union officials at their , of the nation on July 4 (he (rue im-.
headquarters here-. ,1202 Kace street. ' portnnce of the meeting is lost sight of. ,
They have taken tins s(nnd, (hey say. The firs( meeting of (he organization j
because they feel that (o work on such for (his approaching congress will lake
--orders would be aiding (he mnnufacdir- place at 1 :30 o'clock this after- j
era combat their fellow workers in New' noon nt the rtcllevue-Strntford. when I
York. Ill,,, board nf governors will meet. An1
In Philadelphia there are about 1000
union shirtmakers. This number, it
Is claimed, nt union headquarters, is 00
per cent of all the shlrtmakers in the
Men will be called out of places that
take what is called "scab work" from j
New York.
Up to the present no pffort has been
made to have, work sent to Philadelphia '
because of the strike in New Yoik. I
Soft Drinks Alone to Enliven Out
door Parties
The "dry" Fourth of July picnic
will enter upon the stage tomorrow.
In bygone years nintry respectable
persons celebrated Independence Day
with picnics nt which firewater did not
join with fireworks to make the occa
sion festive; but many respectable
persons, avowing that no picnic was n
picnic when the dry July dust wasn't
washed away by beverages with more
authority than lemonade. These latter
stocked up with bottles and carried
more drink than food out to where the
grass is green nnd the sky is blue and
the clouds are white.
Booze will not play an important
part In the picnic tomorrow. Probably
nevpr again will a Fourth of Julv pic'
nle include a baseball game stimulated
by a keg of beer on third base.
Of course, all of the nbovc isviiot true
Hamilcuiv if all that last-minute beer
and whisky wns purchased especially
for tomorrow and hasn't been evapor
ated to date.
William J Skecn. 4002 XVxaluslnir i.
ti. ""Z M' "UBh. S7.S3 JiarpVr h ''
(by H. Pnntepact. I.4-, nljge axe
,,S,5fnrfi '. 1'111' AS-'!' Herbert at.
"n. cultonf iiWSd' j' a"d l:,h" ' street. It is thought that the fire
Antman0h"3''f)"s"'' isi J,th "'' "nd Sjlviaimay hnve been started by some tramp
liodoiphe 'siadore so? v' tirnad .t ntor vagrant, who may have been sleep-
rir,.rf!"' ' R1"y- s-113 x I7?h t "' ' i ing in one of the houses.
Charm n Jonen. liiL's niyimm .. ..j .
.Uh Tn "'J','""?. 2 Kastham Terrace.
Ldward K Tier. e. 2.11 R N Franklin it , and
Rose Megoni-iral 2.,.ir. N. 7th at.
Henry A. Weber. Indianapolis. Ind., and
.nu.bv h Ravenmrt. a'.'a S. nroad t.
Charlea Healt. lajii nodman nt , and Kerol
I Carroll, SOR 8 Juniper at.
r"xnrar)i'?,r,s,A'l!r!i AIa- nd Helen
j.. , Allan H Heltz. 73t Northeast Bld and
fe ''""fn ?' Stratton 81T2 1: Glrard axe
c Joieph W Itoran trl l,ehlah ai., and
, Anna K droody. 31311 Corllea at. .
i I rrlion n. Hrubaker. Lancaster. Ta , and
w J '.;' A (orrlon, Columbia. Pa.
Charier f!nrter. Il'n vt Imh . n t.ji
ii 'iv. "uu 1'iiu ei
I, ', t.lj.- ?o. -,'' ."'" " """ '"
tv -.c' j:--- upittr ei
br- r -xiauriea h
lWln. 11117 r.nr.nal al
ytuurev ijieirien. i-nmnan v T
An'in m i'aima. 1331 need at and Jlo-,-mlIda
A Fllllpaldl. 833 Keed at.
IIH?nns.mj"h;.,,"i:l. r"1ama '- "id -"an-
, Mclieth. 04tl Bulat ave.
Geonre. n. Newman. 3472 Baltimore ae.,
and Elizabeth U Arpelgare, 823 8. St
Bernard at
Harry J. Uarli. mm B. Cumberland at.,
and Dorothy A Hathaway. 037 K. Clem
1 enton t,
i James If, MeCluskey W Tort Ttoyal ave..
.and tlertrude J Lee. 131 Jamestown at.
i Albert r. Hemphill m nichmond t and
Anna C. Andreai, j Dunlon t.
Aj. Wlllla Daghv fjnn IlurlHn at . and Omealla
" Doraett. 1700 N Norwood it.
Hush Watera. l.inn'8 Taxlor at . and Calh
x rlne Itellly. H2n H Ettlna- at.
Joseph Jf. Walden. Atlantic City. N. J., and
Bi " Jrarnaret M. I-oaue; 2024 Webater l.
f . Olen S. Lovnll. Malta, Jfont., and JlarJ
,1 A IsOKtc "Wayne. Pa.
' Mervtn 'W. Horley. 12S7 V. I0th t
and 1
IlV;rWoUn Sudler, I4 Kmlly
iviyri 14. unier. i,hpna in
at , and Llilth J. I
lv uracly. (114 Km v at
( Ttusaelt T). Morretl, Connorxllle. Ind.. and
3 Tearl V. Nlemyer. 234'! N. 10th at,
t Thomaa Denard. 344 Wharton at., and
It slul Thomaa. Bn40 Wharton at,
. m'lfllsrn 3. O'Rourke last 3 Hollywood at ,
' and MUd-ed ut Wt Wharton at.
, Jilawrenra) 8. Oullok. 40 JT. 87th it., and
' sUrmr.t,0(Buh. M20 Thomas aya
k . u v .. i'
Descendants of Declaration of'
Independence Leaders Hold ,
Opening Session Today
The annual convention of tlip Dp
srondnnti nf thp Signers of the Declara
tlon of Independence will open today
In the Hellcvtie-Stratford.
Thp congref, la particularly signifi
cant tlila year hpcause the descendants
of the men who signed the parchment
that formally dcelnrcd the independence
of the thirteen original colonies will '
Icelehrate the victory just gained by the,
I treat nation grown from thp colonies. I
i Thorp arp morp than oo0 members i
nf the organization in this country, and
the majority of them have signified their
intention of being present nt the con
clave and viitory cclebrntion.
143 Years Ago .
The main session of the convention
will b held in lndpppnder.ee Hall July
4, commemorating tlic historic deed en
acted there by their forefathers 1431
years ago. .
Pnlnnnl ttnnlnn MlPllhe. l.rCsi '
dent of the organization for the last i
four years, will not be n candidate
again. Russell Duane, of this city,
first vice president of the body, will be
chosen to succeed Colonel MrCn.be. John
S. llrnxlnn. of this city, is treasurer,
nnd Carl Mngec Kncnss, also of Phila
delphia, is secretary. i
In the timp thnt Iip lias heen prrsi-
dent Colnnej Mi Cube has enlarged the
sphere nf inllucnre of the orgpnizntinn.
It was larRcly as a consequence of
Ins interest that such notable national
hour Inter (here will be a general meet
ing of the society. In the evening
the nyinual banquet will take place.
Saving Certificates in $100 and
$1000 Denominations Ready
New savinRs certificate' in denomi- '
nations of $100 and $1000 havp"bpen is
sued by die government. Announce-
inent of the issue was made last n.glil
b Director Matters, of the Thud ril-
eral Reserve District, who xvas informed Knights Templar Will Invite Presi
by the Tiensury Department that the, dent t0 Triennial In September
cirtifica(es could be purchased today- ..,,. xviu.. ..in i. nsi,e,i
TIT :.... ........ ... Il.n .Inn.....!
.,'ntln,, ..f S.-. nte convertible into the.,e
T 4, I -(- ,,..!,- lllll" ... ." .....'....
securities, which bear the same rate of
nterell as the 'savings stamps. . ,,-r
cent . compounded quarterly Savings
and investments in the J.' stamps 1 axe
been widespread throughout the conn-
try-. . .. ....
The .'slliO cenincates are convertiu.e
Into S1000 certificates. The limit of m
xcbtmcnt of $1000 for each individual,
which is a feature of the savings-stamp
issue, has been letained.
Tramp Believed Responsible for
Blaze In Harper's Hollow
Fire xvas discovered early this morn
ing in two unoccupied houses which
stand together iu Harper's Hollow,
Nineteenth street ami Thorpe's Inne.
One of the houses wns completely burned
out ami me ouiei- ivmi ciimi uy uie
firemen before the flames had done very
much dnmage. They are the property
. ... -n s 1 i. .i.'
nf the James McMullen ests(e audthere
has been no estimate of the damage
given as yet.
Two alarms, In connection with (his
fire xx ere received by the firemen, one
coming from York ami Tabor roads ami , Germantown Business Men's Assoc!
the other from Church lane and Chew ... . . - . C11,,h
Some Pertinent "DontU"
for the Fourth ofrjuly
Avoid the use of firexvorks. But
it you insist on permitting children
to linnillo (hem
Don't fail (o have in mind die
nenres( firebox and how (o pull it, or
(lie neatest phone nud the xvoy to
get help; ,
Don't fall to keep n watchful
eyo on children xvlth matches and
burning punk"; they Ignite, more than
fireworks ;
Don't fail to xx-atch the small boy
with the gun. He will want to imi
tate the soldier this year if never
Don't fail to warn the children
of tho danger of the 'firecracker nnd
tho other fireworks thut 'have goner
Toy balloons are forbidden by act
of Assembly, Do not buy them and
do not use them if given to you.
Toy balloons specified in the act are
the ones sent up by igniting cotton
saturated with easily burned liquid.
In the last fourteen years Fourth
of July fireworks caused 18f'J deaths,
l.ijiued -H-'JIOl) nud caused Immense
lire loss.,
Independence Hull tailing
... ww...., ...... w
1 "
Doctors and Nurses All Ordered
to Be on Duty Krusen
Cautions Celebrants
Ihiniighnnt the city hospitals are
preparing for a luiy day on the Joint
of July by innhiliziiic their entire fnne
, of doilors nud nurse. They are pre-
paring huge quantities of antitoxin
nlso to combat lockjaw.
Director Kiusen has Usued n bulletin
of what not to dn in older to bne the
nation's holiday iinmaiied. It follows:
Pon't use (iiewmks. pislnls or ex
plosives of any kind within one
Minnie of any hospital or other in
stitution for (he line of sick, or in
jured pei sons, or of any dwelling
where serious Jickness exists.
Don't fm get that the nuisance cre
n(ed by uunecessan noises applies
(o (he Fouilli of July as well as to
any other time.
Don't sell or use tor eartHilgc
pistols, toy cannons nr devil bombs.
Don't sp or use fireworks con
taining picric acid, picrntes, dyna
mite or odier highly explosive com
pounds. Don't sell or use blank cm (ridge
pellels nr other tablets contai.iiug
dynamite or other highly cxplnshe
Don't let the children have any
kind of fireworks in their possession.
The supposedly harmless sparklers
and lighted punk liaie caused fires
that resulted in loss nf life and prop
erty. Don't set a poor example for your
children by shooting off fireworks for
(heir amusement.
Don't raise toy balloons. They are
readily set on firp nnd oftpn fall on
places distant from their origin of
Don't have Japanese lanterns nnd
other lighted decorations near in
flnmmable material or fail to keep it
close watch on them dining the period
in which they are lighted.
1 I'-HIVIIl 'T ll.lll ..... ... .-..
'"HeaU at iniiepen.ience .quaie o i nep-
'em"e.r .ur r " "l"-"'1"-' ' " " "I"1,','. "nII 0,' the
fjX ' Templa r 7'vZA "",r""r- A" h
"Ts'Kh'at ' iZLl"""' -'- '
w,u bv!n m) m members of die order ' ''' the muri
tember S. at the opening of the tliirty-
i ".'" '"""""" " l
In addition' to the President, gov-
renresentalives in Congress nnd
army nnd navy officers of national repu-
tatlon win oe invltfil to attend tne
Independence Square celebration.
The etieumpmenl will dike on the as
pect of n national peace jubilee, and
the first four days of the x.Jk wil! tie
full of ex-ents nnd pageants that will in
clude n parade of riO.IKM) Knights m
their picturesque uniforms. The parnd'
will be on the Parkway and Bronil
street. Headed by the grand master of
the order, Lee Stewart Smiti. nt Pitts
burgh, the parade will be ildic!'.lcd to
the men who served in the fighting
forces of the country during the war.
The committee thnt will ex"ml the
i invitation to the 1'resiueui niciuucs
j Jolin Wnnainaker, ex-Cioverfmr Fdwiu,
S. Sdiart. (iovefnor Sprmil. Senator
."-.. .. .. ., . ... ..,.
i Penrose and Ueprescn(at!"s '"P.
narrow, urqnam ana jiqoic.
; I ntC I UHhUlliU lUlllunnun
Dtxiuil nan ivi unm 1 v.M. ...
The Business Men's Association of
Cjermantown safe and sane Fourth of
July yoinmittee, lias completed orrange-
ments tocarry out their big celebration
in Vernon Park, all (lay tomorrow.
The celebration will include athletics,
'field meet, spenkiig, airplanes, moving
1 pictures., featuring Charlie Chaplin,
Douglas Fairbanks aud Mary Pickford,
Burness Band will play in the morn
ing, afternoon nnd evening.
1 The committee in charge has obtaiued
'n speciul permit to tope off (ircene
stteet from Chelten avenue In Kitteu-
I house street, where dancing will be
I held.
Copy of Declaration of Independence
Offered for Purchase
The only officially cerlitied copy of
(he Declaration of independent e extant
wns yesterday offered for sale, (ojmthcr
with 'two other documents of the utmost
historical Importance at an art gallery
In Walnut street. The pi ice is $100,
000. The documents include (lie original
Declaration of Independence nnd tlie
Articles of Confederation under which
the thirteen original colonies were gov
erned until the formation of the gov
ernment of 17fi.'i, and a letter relating
thereto. AH three documents are signed
nnd attested to by Ilcnjamin Franklin'
aud Silas Deaue, ministers pleuipoteu
n its Independenre l)nj rosttiine fur
cobbs creek gala day
1500 Servlce Men to Participate In
Fourth Celebration
Nearly l.'OI) service men. under the
commnnil of Captain Iuiebauser nnd I
liieiltelinnt P. A. Tobe will fentiue '
the Independence Day celehuitlnn in die
Cobbs Cieek section of Wi-si Pluln
ilelphia. tn be held in Cobbs Cieek
Park, between Thonins nnd Plot cm c
inclines. Chin i'h orgmii'nljiins and
Km and Hill Scouts will Hike p. lit in
(he exercises.
Addresses will b" made b I'apl.uu
A i. Mitchell, of the Itaiiihnw I ix i
sinn : Cit Statistician P. J. Cntlell ami
II. D. Westeiptt. while I'ommuiiit sing
ing will be led by C. II. I'lncndlci
Daniel ! ''Council will snu' ns ihnii
man. nud die tield sports will be uu
dei the iliii'i'tinn of William J Wil
Mains mid A. ll.'Cill. The Woodland
Coiiccrl Hand will fuinish tin- inu-i. .
The oigani.ntinii of ci(lcu conducting
these i-xeicisrs is led by- Fdwiuil .1. Cul
len. Ilax ill I.. Monro is (rciisiuci'.
At Milhoiiiui' Heights, the iitiens
will hae illuming nud ntternoou base
hall games, a parade, llng-iaising unit
II plngllllll nf sports. Till' pninde will
he nun -linli'tl by S. C. Pel kins mid 11.
.1 Ityinc. with C .1 Johnson atul
! James nu Dyke as mdes. In the etc
ning the Ladies' Auxiliary will seic
refii'shnients. The day will be . lo-eil
with loinmiinity singing and tircworks.
ririi nrR t r rn
.HI IUlIM I Irlr 1
Wilkes-Barre Authorities Force
Suspect to Take Murderer's
Willies-Barre. Pa.. July :'.. lily A
P.I An arrest which may clear up
(he murder of Peter Vnrnntas at Bans
Souci Paik late Tuesday night wns ionise, Giistaw Forstcr. Thomas Bell.1
made last ei cuing. The siispec(. Harr IJeiilenaut W II S Balemaii Ileiun
Jacobs, forty -one yenis old, of lunula mill M Dale. William Weilaiul. . I Wil-
1 Patch, a settlement near the scene of
I die minder, wns partially identified last
night by Miss Winifred Cnnnhan. who
I wns with the miirdeicd man.
At 0 o'clock last night the tragedy
'was re-enacted nt the si'ene of the
murder. Miss Cnnnhan wns taken to
(he place and Jacobs xns forced to
walk oxer the path (aken by the
he emerged from the
he repea(ed (he i email
derer :
I don't want
",,. jMt the rl..
Miss Connhan, in great ncitntinn.
declare, Hint th in of .lmh,'a v,.i, ,
was die same as that of the murderer.
. nn,i t.inr h ,,,, th Rnm hlli1(1 nm, ,,,.,
same shuftling walk. '
When (he home of (he suspect was
searched, a thrty-two-caliber revolver,
from which one shot had recently been
fired, wns founJ.
.Incobs hnh served three terms in
prison on charges of carry itiR concealed
weapons, larceny nnd other offenses.
t t .1 n. ... ..
z.ieaier. ine tsaroer. to moio i-Tteenth
---. . .-
...rm.i ,t0e" Ziecler's tiftcenth safe
I nml snne Fourth of July celebintion is
expected to attract hundreds of chil-,""" 1-leutenaiit ( nlonel l.eorge Scott
dren to the Tioga spcdon. 'Stewart, Jr.. adjutant Twenty -ninth
The celebration will include a special Division, who wns wounded in action.
matinee and Victory sing nt the Cayuga, Janips K. Leniiou. president of Seln t
Theatre; a puradc stinting at 1 :.'I0 p. 1 Council, and Kdwaid M. (Jlcason, pres
m. ; band concert and dancing from 7 1 ident of Common Council, will repre-
to 11 p. 111.; games and speeches. Prizes ( sent the city.
will be given for the best floats in. the - 1
parade and for wiuncis in contest Status of City's Finances '
in ,1 i.tt.i.. n.t.i .. '
KUllll-s. iii '' uui.iini - ..s, ,
, . , . , , 1 . , ,
Wear patriotic costumes an, to nice at
1812, Cayuga street at 1 o do. k I'rulay.t
. unniiiAPini
rUiIUftnUb tAUhftlMUCHDLt
Three-Cent Stamps, However, May
Not Be Traded In for Twos
I'nused two-cent postal cauls and
three-cent stamped enx elopes xvill be
exchanged for postage of nu equivalent
x'ulue, it was announced by Postmnster
Thornton here today , lu accordance
withx, the passing of wnidme postage
Instructions hnx-e been received in
the Philadelphia postofBce In (his effycL
Three-cent stumps will not he exchange
able for stamps of a lower dcnoiniiia
(ioii, It wns added.
TlECAUSE you can't
-? see anything in ad
vertising, , doesn't cause
yoar competitor to cease
buying publicity.
Advertising Agency j
Everv Phage of Sales Promotion
UQO Cher.tniit Street Philadelph! I
I CIil blrllnl.i
Baseball Game to Be Plaved in
, ,
Afternoon rvlacLaughlm
Will Be Main Speaker
I'l.'ibin .Hi' exercises me plum,
I elelunlioli of the Fouilli h llie
iiiunin nl' l.ogmi whiili liti- n pcimancni
I "on I III nf Julx i nmmitti'i'
Thi' pingimii will be In-Ill in llii' l.n
gnu phivgrnuiids. York
l.iillilell stieets. At s,::!(i
i mid and
in." theie
will be ii pantile to the plat gi oiinil in
whiih lnnil -.i honl children il .Hed in
led. while mid blue. Km ami Ciil
Siollls nillj the I.ngiin Iteil l'lns nnd
11 gi'in' Aid oigmii.itiniis will
A seiies of athletic eents im lulling
ii pi limit si nimble, shoe nne. tack dri
ing i oiliest mid pie eiiliug mutest xx 1 1 1
he In Id mid pi ics will he awmiled
All illMiilltioil will' lie iifleled hi the
ltc Chmles II. I g. nf Holy Tiinily
l.pisuqial Church, ami llns will be I'nl
lowed In a llag-iaising nml salute In
die inlnis by Tinop Tlllee nf the l.og.ui
I'.m Si nuts.
F. .1 l.lltTelty . plesidiMit n llie l.n
gnu Iiiipuuemeiit League, will iulioilme
the main speaker. Joseph S Mm l.augh-
lill, lllicetor of supplies.
. i... t.-i. .:... m.i i
' ""- " i'i - .inuin n
nm i.-iiiiiit- iinui iiuei iiiiiiii anil eeillllg
proginm"s and at 2:.10 p. m a baseball
'game will be staged between llie l.ogan
A A and the (ierniantow u Collegians
A disiihn nf fnewoiks nl Min.nl .-mil
SiuueiMlle incline, tngedier with mm-
niiiinly singing nud ilmicing will con
i hide the pingrnm.
The ollicinls at the ntlilctic iwents in
die iiioi uiug me :
Honorary icfeiees, .lacub Ynttng. Sr .
Ilscnr K. Cermv. Kefeiee. I.'eiuge W
I'leemiiii ; starter. Chmles Flesh;
(lack judges, William K. Johnson. .1
W D.indo. Captain FianU Ixlingcr,
(iieoge II. Hoy I . i lei k nl ionise. Wil
liam II. Morris: assistant cleiks of
hur .Mcms, ( harles D Ixnnwles. nidges
nf special en(s, II. Kellcimnn. Jr , J.
P. MiCusker, James Feigusou.
. -
Old Pine Street Church to Hold
Thanksgiving Exercises
Councils will introduce this onr fni
the fiist finie a religious service as pari
f the official Fouith qf July i elebrn
tlOII. This Will tnke pllll e in lllC
nioniiug nt 10:3(1 o'clock in the Old
Pine Street Presbyterian Church, and
is in clinrge ot a committee of tlcigv-
men representing the icliginus bodies
which were conducting churches in
Philadelphia at the dine that the Dec
laration wns signed.
On this conunittpp are Bishop Thonins
J. finrland, Episcopalian, -linii iiihii :
I Bishop Joseph I". Beny. Methodisl ,
the Hev. K. I'l. Delk, Lutheran: the
Ht-v. C. H. Jones, Baptist, the Ilev.
IV, H. Lukens, Presbyterian; die Hei
W, Miller. tefon,.ed ; the Hev
William II. Hobeits. Presby lerian ; the
II !:- I 11-. 1.1 (, ...
uev. j.miis x.. asuoiii n. i,niscoiim-
I lal1;
the speakers will he (he Kev Hob-
Plt N'ott l"K'is. of .Newark. .N. J..
iM.ilnilellill n hml il e.lsl. l,.,l, .. ,.f
I 1111,1111 I iiiiu imxt ti iiihii I'll id (1 1 t- Hi
S7t77,;..VJ in the treaaiirv for the
,k P11(UnB jesteiday. according to the
I report of the tily treasurer, hied today
It follows: Amount paid in. S1.0..:;
o."n.0."i; amount paid nut. Si'i.'t!i.
,"."1 l.'-'l! : bnlanic. not iucliidiitg sinking I
fund, S7.T7U.'Jor,..-L'.
I.unrheoii nml Ivr Crruiti
of the miiif gunllly lis WliU
nian's CaiullfN.
Open in the cvenimf till elcvm-
thirty or nod a qnU ot
1516 Ctoestnut St,
Commercial Bulletin, However,
Warns That Competition Will
Not Bo Negligible
The 'oiiini"rolnl Museum believes (lull
H moild In. "unsafe" fur Amerienn
business ,,iih In place ton mm h cicdemc
i (he minor picluriiiR ilcriiiiinv a
neieh awaiting the signal in 1 mc n,
f 'iiniitnhli- iniiHiclitni fr win Id tiaile.
(In the other hnuil. it empliiisies, it
w mild not be safe to .issiune' I lull f.ci -mini
mupetitiiiii "ill be "" entireh
lieiilljlble fnctlll
German Itiilntr
Tin i iii'trnilli toi j Illinois n to the
nt in ii n nf tJeriiinii bullish ! hen the
"in wns in pi ogress, of ihen working
i'iiv nml night iiccuiii.il llmg tniU fm
cioit in. having their i oiinlei part in
Hie eipiallj i onlrailii Inn rrpiut of th"
Milium .if goods nhiili IJcrniiiin now
Iris nl ils t.oiilcis n w .lit i 1 1 n l lie truing
of the pe,ne ami llie lifting nf the
him kinle " snjs a museum statement
The lehu wh.ih hns inki'ii plnie in
He srimc ,,f tM, peace ticiiti
tin nl" iiiiilitioiinl n'Tepliiin e i if ilk lei m
hns .iiTniileil an oppoiluiiiM for n re-
Ulsiili latum nf Hie llllliieillllle cflcet n
the . tli.ll signing of the tleilt upon
llie Hill Ill's iutllisll'l nml eiillimelee ill
gelirinl This is elllileh llilllt fllllll
Hie i iTe. t the evasieness nnd insitiecr
il uhiih have chiiliu tei i?ed the ilelnv
ill hae llllllll the uliestimi nf til
.iiniHiMi f cnminemnl iel.ilmn with
lieiuinnv itself.
The nuuai signing nf die tie.iu will
ileai up siinie of the urn eirsiiiides. nml
pel Imps the inn i Ii one. wlinh Iim de
teiieil Hie inriiiiiir mil nf ii'i'tiiiii imn
i mil pmiect's. p.'iitn'iil.uh tho.i nf
huge piopnitions exlendlllg mi'l II long
I ami the signing will also tiuitk
in a histniiial sense the heguiuilig nf nt my . Consi ipieinly theie are nn exlia
that new i'i ii nf i'oiii ii i ' -i n 1 lelatinu- em's nniilnhlf fm special exiilisinu
hips whnl will be n diteil ie,uli ofitituus inniniinw. ami milt the regubii
Hie w.u lint
(he signing will not nf
iiseii ii.'ui in. in lustily inn expei la
tiiui nf an immediate and iiipul n'liiin
nf hiisiness tn n niii'iiuil ami satisfm inr
Iliirileis KeinoMil
"The lessatioll nf aetlllll hnstilitjes
with the signing of die iiiniistiie nn N'n
eniher 11 by icniiuin sonic of (h
h.niieis whiih stood-in the way of free
mil n iniisi- nml h icle.ising some ship
ing did penult the shipment of icitniii
,ici iiiiiiilatid onli'is anil also ntheis nf
an i ineigi ncy natiiie. hut it did not
le.nl to the ie-estahlsuiieiil of p-. ma
neiit business relndoiis tin a large si ale
A gnat dial has been dune in thai
diiectinii in the s,.en mcjiilhs which
have elapsed, hut what mtiialh has
been iicmmplfsheii has nm measured n)i
to the geiieial expei tntinns.
"There hns been mi iiupi ineiiient in
... .n. i .
iinei nun usiuess tomlltlons ltii-
IJ. inn llie mn fulfill Has lifeu urn
';iiiiiiini n is unilkcu null the ionise
of i nniiiieicial events in the mniiihs im- I
incdiiili ly follow ing the in tual sim,i11(. of '
pen e ttenty will show any inml.nl
" intion fiom die history of Hie months !
immediately follow ing the signing of the
.ii hum ii c.
Palmyra and Rlverton. N. J., Will
Celebrate Peace, Victory and Fourth
Palmyra, V !.. Juh .'!. A joint
parade nf the leiiuneil .ovt ice una nf
liiw't'tnn ami Palmy i.i is to he the i hit f
I'i nl lire of the I'niittli nf July pen e nml
Mlui' i elehtntion in dinsc twin tnwtis
I '-null turn by main, tin- two com
iiiiinities suhiueiged theii loiig-stand-ing
dlfferein es lu imiluuj I espei I fni Hie
day and the s'lil" men who ale tn
march, and a new era of gpnd feeling
lutween the two l expei led tn lesiilt.
Boy Is Hurt In Window Fall
When lie leaned ""t of the sciiuul
siory winilnw nt his home y cstenlay af
leinoon Itlissell .Im twehe yeais old.
Uedfield street, ne-ii liii.inl ineiiue, In-t
his balance nnd fell in the p.iwiiicnt be
low, lie was taken In die West Phila
,ll,.l,!n llmnnnli.llhle llnsliit.ll. snlTei m-
,,, internal injuries Uelaliies of die
bov said he had complained of the heal.
nnd had climbed to the window- ledg
in order to get n breath of fresh nil.
Do Not
DORROW from us if you must
have money, or if worried be
cause you have no safe place to
keep your bpnds, let us take care of
them for a moderate charge.
Call and talk the
matter over with
our officers.
City Hall Square
Broad and Fifteenth Streets
Railroad Administration Heads
Say Shore Business Men
Were Warned of Move
Protests of the Atlantic Cil Chamber
Cnintiieice anil other business nr
gnnintinns nf Ne Jersey seashm
suits ngainsl die lliilelielldeln
ll.i bun
in cxciirsjiins will imt riiiise the bun tn
he niodilied
"Military ncicssjt" hn effeitielt
tied the hands ,,f ,,. fulenil nullum!
nilininistiatinti. It was n pin innl t I n
Iliisiness Iiihki- mid hotels in Atlantic
f "il x I'lnitu that lliei weni in gnni ex
pense in prepaiiilinn fur Hie Pniiiih
ciowds. and that lhe hml mi until e nf
"iiirell.ition nf evi'iiisiims 'l'he will
lose .'iJIHI.niMI tolllnllnw hilllllse nt It.
they siii in a teleginm of pmll'si
Chmles K. Ciinps, assistant leginmil
directnr heie. n ill thai the shine ie
wei'e giicn notiee tun w I'l ks Ign
ills fur i't nt sinn ti.iin's p'nb.ib'v
wniild ant be .'unliable nl Hits time In
ilttlse nf expei tell tlii'ip Unit I'lnetlts
A glellt Ulllllher nf s,,,els ,, ,
it ei sens hnti been landed at tiirioiis
ioils in the hist few d.is. anil ntheis
will lnnil IihI.iv ami tmnin'iiiw ' Most
of these men " Mr t'apps said "ate
eagei to get home for die Fourth and
the Win Depni liiieni is lining cei
tiling in its pnwei m iniiiply with Iheir
w ish.
"Kei passengei i nm h ami sleeping
car that eoiild hi sp-ued fintn the ng
iilar tinthc Im
been taken mil' b tin
f Hie railtnad ndmiiiis
(loop sis tlon
triKioii and duelled tn the uses nt die
lnllll . ,.
"This ban will be on pmhiihlt until
August 1. when die Hnup nioxeinenl will
about lime i nine tn mi end A lessening
of the unfile likeh will lie fell ill the
next week or ten days.
"I would like eiy mm h In en
npeinle with (he slioie business men
bill I inn do nlcnltilelj iiothuig
Belgian King Bestows Crown Order
on Ex-Senator Lewis
Washington. July " Ixiug Albeit
of Belgium. hs bestowed the dignilx
of guitid officer, in the Ordei of the
Ciown upon foiinei I nitcd Slates Sen
at nl James Hamilton Lewis, nf 1 11 1 n ol
in nppieeiatinii of Mr. Lewis's ' dem
Hon to (he cause nf Belgium."
b c cono- of
Traveler and "Viacalionisls
Suit Cases ""'Tiarclin(c Dacs
plom "r fitted Silver Ebonr. Fi-cnchlvorf es"-
Dnmtj' Ovci-Niohl ""AVcck-End Bajjs
c- Ladies
DrcPMno Rolls "'"Cases
Luxurious " plain sets Jar Camp Use
Sell Your Liberty Bonds
ill '"IfcitralMlt's
Member Federal Reierye System
j i
Services for Former Atalttant Cjty
Solicitor In Germantown Church
, Funeral services were held thin
afternoon for Theodore llnrrett, former
assistant city solicitor, who fell dead
l.isl I'rltla.t ublle wnlking in Independ
ence Scpinre .Mr. Ilnrrett's body" waj
in (lip innrgiip for seveinl days before
identification wns made.
The serviies were held In tho
Second PresbMerlnn Church, Tulne
hocken and Orcciie streets, (iprmnn
HEAVY town, with (he Kev. John Harvey Lee
Mr. HnrreK wns appointed an nssist
nllt rty Milieitor in January. 1011. br
Michael J Hjnn nnd held (he office
until H1HI. when Mr. Ilan wns super
seded b t'itj Solicitor Connelly.
3000 Saloons Sold Beer July 1; Now
It Is Soft Drinks Only
Chicago. July " CliiiaRo's "bone
iIim ttil" wns kiM!ircl elnimioft nn
yesteidny after Tuesday 's brief lesplte.
when nimin nan oi tne cuv s iHMNJ sa
loons sold 'J''4 pel cent heer and light
Yesteidav about KlOll saloons were
open, but nnlv soft drinks were sold. The
pitliie lime been ordered (o enforce(ha
state seiinh and seizuie law, which
prohibits the sale of beveiages contain
ing inure than one half of 1 per cent
ah nhnl
Quick Action Counts!
on da J
ours It
"y' spn for luch Cat-
tom-built White Buoki.
A toeciftl osDortunltv
for you to ret w patr to
wettr over th 4th. Bat
S-l i for Today only.
y Sale Opens 8 A. M.
Closes 9.30 P. M. Tonight
AU ovtr Phila. you'll pay $5 to StO or
White Bucks Our phenomenal malm glome
you tamtmv-Made quality at $8.40. Come
tarty male ends tonight 9.30.
N. W. Cor. 13th & Market Sts.
1204 Chestnut Street
OX TIIK SNI) floor;, open evknikoi
, .
$9 White J
Buck , '
d ,1?
I y
'"rV.i2i .1 If 'RI ftMIW.
1 .1. tsai.j B
' vi I, "w -aiaMar'swwasaataBayaapayMt
fa"? j ' il " ' 3 W '' H Ii
?Mmmi.Ul,'iij' .. i.1 -0mm&mmil2kJ.imiL... J'.... ,- M
drv 1
7 -.