'mnyr. TH.- S 'U )v nfc X fv i t I- I) M r L'i ( f i " CITY REALTY SHOWS MILLIONS IB E Total' Assessment for 1919 Taxation Shows, Rise of $39,000,000 VALUE BY WARDS TABLED According to the report on the amount'of taxable property In Philadel phia, which has just been sent by the Board of Revision of Taxes to the sec retnry of internal affairs, at Harrlsburg, the total valuation of taxable real estate In this city, for the current year, is $1,805,405,000, or $38,042,000 more than last year, while the total of tax able money at interest, together with n small Item for "carriages for hire," is $702,242,784.03, or $074,571.82 more than the 1018 total. The Item, "car riages for hire," is only a trivial part of the total, amounting probably to opt more than $40,000. There is nlso men tioned in the report an Item, "horses' and cattle." The valuation of these is. given as $l,4Q0,p00, or $300,000 less than for last year. A feature of the report is the fact thatfthe increase in taxable money at interest is unusually small. Lant venr, for example, the total was $701,508, 1212.71. or $34,074,140.02 more than the 1017 total. This year the amount Is only $074,571.82 more than the 1018 total. It is generally believed that the EVENING PUBLIC LEDGER-PmLADELPHIAr WEDNESDAY, JULY 2, 1919 li small increase is due to the fact that largo investments were made in Lib erty Bonds, which arc, of course, ex empt from taxation. Investment In homes also helped keep down personal property totals. With regard to the taxable real es tate, the board's report shows that the amount taxable at the full city rate is valued at $1,088,137,825, and that as sessed at suburban rate, $05,001,235. Property assessed at the farm rate is valued at a total of $21,005,040. An increase in all three classes of real es tate since last year is Bhown in the fol lowing tables, which give the total valu ation of real estate in the several wards for this and last year. In addition to taxable real estate there are in this city properties valued at a total of $200,343,148, which are exempt from taxation. These include such proper ties as churches, schools and others used for public or philanthropic purposes. ORGANIZE TO FIGHT CROOKS Big New York Business Men Will Form Nation. Wide Organization New York, July 2. Plans for organi- ration of a nation-wide society for mu tual protection against "professional crooks, dead beati), fraudulent check passers and impostors generally" were set on foot at a meeting here yesterday of hotel proprietors, department- Btore managers, bankers and others on whoso unwilling bounty thousands of plaus ible crooks thrive. Under the plan, clearing houses of in formation on all persons who live by their wits would be established in everv city in the country. Each would send bullesins describing the latest Impostors encountered nnd their methods to ccry affiliated organization. 8- An Extraordinary Purchase of 800 Men's $4 Straw Hats for $2.75 Brand-new, clean, fresh hats made of English Sennit braid by a prominent Fifth Avenue manufacturer. We secured these hats at such a low figure we feel our customers should have the full benefit of this purchase. All Stiff Straws Lighf-weight in Four Dimensions Just Unpacked and Fresh on Our Shelves RLAYLOCKBLYNN.Ine V 1528 Chestnut St a tfM $ Who Can Elect Our Next President? The Republicans? No. The Democrats? No. A third party? Wrong again. William A. Brady knows the answer. He tells us in an article in the August Photo play (it's on sale today) called 99 A New Master in Politics" He's got twenty-one warts and a gross of freckles. And when it comes to really, truly kid parts, he's more in demand than a Julep in Georgia. Wes Barry is his name. You want to meet upvwith Wes, he's a boy after your own heart. Get acquainted in the world's leading moving picture magazine (Photoplay of course for August.) p "Where Do We Eat?" lis the title of an August Photoplay article that sits you right down at the table with your screen favorites in their most affable moods. Pre-historic, itchy-things fighting titanic battles to the death, germs at play and at work, careering flowers, all have recently posed for the camera man and the inside story is one you mustn't miss. So be sure you get your Photoplay on your way home tonight. The August number with Alice Brady on the cover. , s THE WORLD'S LEADING MOTION-TICTURE MAGAZINE PHOTOPLAY JAMES R. QUI&K, PullUher x AUGUST ISSUE OUT TODAY 20 cents the copy $2.00 the year Jru Gimbel Brothers c&umLZ Saturdays. 1 1 For Tomorrow Thursday Store Closed July Uh and 5th. L 1 1 Gimbel Brothers Wednesday, July 2, EHf , in ton. TheVery BestTRUNK Costs Least-Gimbels An experienced traveler grew tired of old-fashioned trunks, and the ills they were heir to so he finally schemed out A Trunk That Won't Smash and Won't Crumple Clothes This was some twenty-two years ago. He built a factory and bought a woods in California to furnish the material needed and that trunk? Has Won Fame in Europe and America It conforms to railroad regulations for size and in all is the despair of trunk builders everywhere, for the important features are patented. Innovation Trunks have hangers for garments; drawers for hats, shoes and small things and so they practically pack themselves. Arrange your outfit as you would in a wardrobe and bureau then draw the trunk together and "snap" goes the lock. Open it in Bar Harbor, Pasadena no matter how distant the point and the garments are "hung up" and in readiness. Lasting indefinitely, the trunk costs less per year of service than any trunk of any price on the market. Sold at Gimbels for many years and now sold here exclusively. No one has to be taught its uses there is nothing to pull out or push in or turn around. There's a natural place for everything. We have seen wardrobe trunks so full of frills that one style was needed for women's use; another for men's. The Innovation has no gender. It cares for everybody. There's a hump on the end so that the trunk can't be stowed to upset its contents. You can roll it downstairs everything is hugged against sidewise shaking, by the brace as shown $&B All Innovation Trunks are" 45 inches long (or high, whichever you call it) that being rail road regulation. Can't keep up with the demand skilled labor is still too scarce but we have a full line at this moment. Showing Six Men's Suite and Ten Women's Gowns in One Trunk With Hats, Shoes and the Like in the Drawers. Prices $45, $52.50, $57.50 and up to $1 10. Out-of-town customers get full information rrom a booklet. Olmbtln, Fifth floor. Now the Packed Trunk Is Ready to Close. No Need to Sit on it. Women's Dresses the Tuck at Least One Extra "Traveling Silks" at $17.50, Waist Into That Suit C $25 and $29.75 The Taffetas that so many women like best for train-trip-wear mostly blue. Specials at all three prices. The Foulards that are both practical and dressy. Mostly blue and white. Specials at $25 and $29.75. The Georgettes especially some pretty little beaded affairs that are specials at $25. Soft, pretty blues the "dressy" blues. A Close-Out of Fine Linen and Voile Dresses at $12.50 Big Savings Two "street styles" in the linens. White, Copenhagen blue, rose, maize and leather brown. Sizes 36 to 42. Two dressy street styles in figured voiles, in sizes 42 to 52. Combination-Voiles white tops, dotted skirts broken sizes. Fascinating New Organdies With Fagotting at $25 In wonderful colorings sunset and maize and blue and rose and flesh-pink. And white, of course. As to the Great Group at $10 Plain Voiles and Foulard-Printed Voiles A couple of dozen styles. Draped or tunicked or gilet-flnished. Gimbels, Salons' of Dress, Third floor ase Chances are you'll want an extra two! Handily Grouped Cotton Waists, at $2, $3, $3.95 Up tq $7.95 Practical styles. Dressy styles, too. The new collars. The new collarless treatments, too. Voiles, Organdie3 and Batistes. - White and colors and color-trimmed white. Handily Grouped Silk Waists Specials at $3.95, $5, $5.50, $5.95 and $6.95 Dainty Georgettes. Daintily practical crepes do chine. Mostly pink and white. , Gimbels, Salons of Dress, Third floor I 1 $2. I New Arrivals in Misses' Printed Voile Dresses To Sell at $10 and $15 One of the newest models is of dotted voiles the dots arranged in a pleasing manner. Plenty of the popular blue dots on white. A cunning vestee is of white organdie narrow pleating is a trimming note. Girdled in blue taffeta. And other stunning models with cream lace collars, or silk quilling that outlines the neck. Soft grays, lovely blues and striking black-and-white combinations are quite prominent. And blue or pink checked gingham dresses, with inserts of organdie. Models of individuality at $10 and $15. For ages 14 to 20 years. Gimbels, Salons of Dress, Third floor Tub-Skirts in Easily Tubbed Styles J at SZ.95 to $12.75 And it all depends upon how you're going to spend "the Fourth" and Saturday, which of these you'll need to get to morrow : Coloi -striped gabardines at $3.95 to $5.90 sports-style stripings; very smart. All-white Gabardines at $2.95 to $8.90 with quite the most fasci nating pocket-treatments yet! Embroidered white Gabardines at $5.90 to $12.75 growing hand somer and handsomer from price-step to price-step! Embroidered white surf-satins (cotton) at $10.75 one of the smartest models of this whole smart season. Practical don't-show-tho-dirt Khaki Skirts at $2.95. Gimbels, Salons of Dress, Third floor Women's Bathing-Suits That Keep Their Looks Because "mohair" at Gimbels is mohair; "silk" is silk; cotton-surf -satin is the sturdiest fabric that ever resisted salt water; and the knitted suits are the knitted worsted suits. Knitted Suits at $6.90 to $19.75 Two-imone suits. Sleeveless. Low-neck. Some with gay sashes. Some with belts. Dark blue or black or vivid green. Strikingly color-banded. Some with striped insets. Silk Suits at $5.50 to $35 Taffeta and satin. Styles that are as picturesque on the beach "before and after" as they are practical "in the swim." All-black with ruffles or good-looking buttons. All-blue. Black or blue with the smartest, gayest color-pipings. And whole suits of "Spanish Stripe" silks with the cutest, Frenchiest pantelets. Mohair Suits One-Piece at $3 to $15 Including Sicilian's Color-piped. Usually collarless, but tho yoke trimmed. Cotton Surf Satin Suits at $3 to $6.90 Usually Black; Usually Color-Piped And cute as they make 'em! One-piece. By the Way Tights and Combinations at 75c to $12.75 Beginning with black cotton tights and going up to black fiber silk combinations. Children's Bathing Suits at $2 to $5.90 Some With "Brief" Skirts Rompers how cute the dimpled, chubby things look in rompers! But grown-up skirt-suits, too, for some ultra little ladies of four years old. Gimbels, Salons of Dress, Third floor Tennis Rackets and Ballsr -Croquet SetsWoven Hammocks Everything for an Enjoyable "Outdoor Fourth!" Spalding and Wright & Ditson Tennis Rackets at $1 to $12. Racket Cases. At 50c for plain canvas case up to $7.50 for fine leather. , Spalding Official Championship Tennis Balls. Scarce in Philadelphia just nojvl Gimbels is about the only store that has plenty. r At 55c each, or $6.60 a dozen. Other Groquet Sets, at $1.50 to $12. Ten Dozen Fine Woven Hammocks, Spe cial at $7.25: Save a Third! Extra heavy weave. Full width. Throw-back pillow, deep valanck. Spread at both ends. Variety of pretty color-combinations. We took all the maker had so these at $7.25 each. Woven hammocks in many styles de lightful to swing in a shady noqk or on the porch! at $2 to $12. Gimbels, Sporting Goods Section, Fourth floor Just the Sort of Soft, Cool Silk Shirts for Men To Pack in the Vacation Grip Pongee silk, in natural color; they have separate collar to match. - Pongee silk just wears and wears gives a lot more service than usual sorts of silks for shirts; soft cuffs. Just received a lot that should have SwK Rukl been on sale earlier ; save 20 at Gimbels, First .floor, Ninth Street $5.50 Some Gimbel Candy, of Course! Wrapped Caramels at 50c lb Candy "Specials 8-Ball Croquet Sets, Special at $2.50 a set. Varnished and painted. Complete. GIMBEL BROTHERS: Market : Chestnut Eighth and Ninth Gumdrops, assorted fruit fiav1 ors, at 45c lb, 'j; Chocolate - covered Peppermi IPatties. at 50c lb. -n -Gimbels, Chestnut Street Annex, Grand Aflii ........ t suDway move. . .1. : a iff. if 3l3 4m - M f v ' r-4t awe r . 1. i'8 M r- i'&, Si & m tr"t-ji - :i r I :i " A j. .tm jw m Vil VI iKt'rM S ;S m 'ft; fv'l 7f. m la spM i iftjH j i , iim X. .& rtj ?! t m if','-' 'At ..9?fciM - .