9affp4Wwp tj-wsffai &" ii - t 2i BNING PUBLIC LEDGER PHILADELPHIA", -FRIDAY, JUNE 27, 1919 Km It- iA ft i s.", is? Rr ? i r fr1 & I A isrr - i s3 f, i - BANK BUSINESS GROWS Big Increases Shown In Reports of t(ew Jersey Institutions Trenton, Juno L'7. Heionrees nml deposits ol tlnntidnl Institutions tinder Jurisdiction of the New Jersey llnnk lnR nntl Insurance Depnrtinent slum substantial incrensps for the bankiUR period fiom August .'It, Mils, to M.ij 12. 1011). tu that time resources of the state bank, trust companies ami muhir bankx of New Jcrso increased from ?(m,(1.11',rM0 to STXl,i()l,7i;s and the deposits Increased from .$."11.11M1,I(HI to SOIO.HOT.TOS. The Biiri)lus funds and undmded PARCEL POST IS THE TIME to take advantage of the money - saving reductions offered in our immense Ml II Reconstruction Sale The Builders will soon start work on the new building to be erected here, and there is not much time left to continue the Sale. Prices Have Been Cut Down to Rock-Bottom in Order to Speed things up. ThisWeek'sSpecial (Beginning Saturday) AN UNUSUAL OFFER We have on hand a dandy line of these $40.00 suits, all sizes, all excellently tailored, among them some famous brands, such as Society, Kuppenheimcr, etc. Some are silk lined, and they are in the newest, snappiest styles. They're worth looking at for $22.50. C SILK MOHAIRS Greatly Reduced Palm Beach Suits, $4.00 up Hundreds of Full Dress, Tuxedo and Cutaway Suits, at a great sacrifice. oamiaei cooper 1010 Girard Ave. DIAMONDS WANTED FIFTY DIAMONDS WANTED AT ONCE TO fill our nnnrns win pav jis oo to $1000 00 each Price no object KELLY & CO., 932 CHESTNUT STREET Suite Jl-28 Over ChlliN' Keatiinrnnt DIAMONDS BOUGHT Positively highest cash prices for lour dla montu any inze rrom to in earat o 10 carats nona platinum 4 silver . l-ate! Est tritn I 43 N. 10th t. lOtli ab. Market ray msner alio om poia. pi; bought Entates Ixtufrhttprlva The Diamond Shop Sherwin-Wfl I iams Family Paints FOR INSIDE OB OI'TSIDH $2.75 Per Gallon Roof Paint, $1 Per Gallon Red, brown and black. Mill cover 500 sq.ft. Government Sparvamish X' open niSKAN ll xv- IRRI AVE FAfiS.l"J,vrt" nell rhone. Poplar 2I11S uiimis ill llie inreo I iiisi-m hi naimi i mnrKvt rilliu iphii out mere win. nut uu. ii slUMIi isri I a una iiii." .ftV '. H .... . ...,.... .. tf . i ii-lltin ln. In,,i,n.l in. d ..t...l ,l 1 fl... i loln-B Ue uuote Cur l.ils to.lo.KMon- . ,," ," .","i h'".'.'..?" .""1" .' H,i.' ?'. .. . . Btnteiliellt as follows sue No I whit. 7sW7!lc So I white, lamp" M.WHI 0theMunchanKed ter"nf Patrick I and Kllrabeth Fee (nee Surplus fni.ds-fn.m OT1 I.W" W '"ftjIR-II-llerelp., IWW I-und. In 'W'f,.,! ,?7 -HOGS-Iteeelp,,,. ! Sr" ' B?' " H 30 am'paren', "r'e.ldence' to S.Tt,2l)0)!)S7 .-!, ItndiWdcd profits- k. Ilosln... a oul.t l.upri... ruled jy,"7t, ""("h,,"! lmtrhera 1B07 Edgley at (near U.th and Diamond slate bank:. S1..W0.7.M ai. a total ... I &", tlffi luTr llK J ,n Tt , ,;u r ,.i! ' JBS' slronB 'y nfyn crV rom m? al $& wnHPfor.I.etl.rw.plass.-.nfl.nnksof ; nnl" ,&, ,-,- MiLnp-K,.-9 isoo head. ,.,v I 71l!&Vem,Mh ' "irfi.Wi t Me MU.SOS.-llU Ob llJJ'. do ahort pitent IIJUlU'iO aprlnu Suits 1 tf MamaBmaatBJitMaBotmoa iVex Time Buy RED Time to R-s-tlr-aT (ivy i-takj BftBl'' "ilaW THE HANDSOMEST TIRE MADE White side-wall Red Tread jFor Sale by Dealers il GRAIN AND FLOUR , WHHAT Itirpltita 14 ROfl buhfl Of ferlnffg were Jiicht and the market ruled Arm but quiet Thp qtiotMlnnn were an fol low, t'nr lotit In export rleator R-overnment standard Invpertlon standard nrires -No l reu winter f iW o l Houinvrn ni'rniK IJ 111 So t hard winter $2 .III ",''' w Inter gnrllekv JJ 17 So 1 r.d smuttv IJ .01 So J rd winter $J 3tl So 2 north- ern spring IJ 111 So 2 hard winter $J fin So J rid winter garlliks IJ SI so red smuttv $2 11 S'o !l red winter IJ 32 .So .1 northern spring J 12 So 3 hard winter IJ IJ So 1 red winter garltckv IJ 111 No 1 red amuttv J J" No 4 red IJ 1(1 .So 4 gorlkkv IJ 2S So 4 emlitt). IJ J7 So 4 uarlkkv amuttv IJ Jo No o red 12 JS So 1 garllrkv IJ Jll So i amuttv $J,J1 So 1 garlliks amuttv IJ 21 I OHS Kecelpta none me inarnei an nulet but nrlit s ruled stomli ' nuoti illo tn for lot for tin.il trad ''sliLTt,!,,. jj? jij bushels' "hi. I IJ J'i do ehort pitent IIJfMJ'iO uprlnu 1 hhnrt intent llJftlJVl ilo intent 111 "ip tf'UJ" !" Ilrit ileur ID J-.fllll It V I PMl 11 m null I Htid iimhiitigoi! Hi iu t lit I-Jilts 7S ptr trril In -1 k- h t fiitlit PROVISIONS lh i w i n fur jobblnir dim-inl and i in irket rule 1 Hrm The uuotitlnns li.f m seta -omiki. 1 nnd nlr ilrli 1 1st kttirkl-a anl Hnlir" amoked nn 1 ilr dried I"- ti irk fnnilU iKiVii- lim si P nir 1 hoe 1(i. (itn7' r do aklnne I looie khnrl mlnnt tt ill I 'Jl .In llitl-nl ,11 "ill I ur 1 ho-e Siilj (f(37'ir do sklnne I Iooe unFttled Ilnelpta 21 21t tuba HlVh .J 11117. do ,lo .moked asifri'n do. in 1J-,J'4i extra IIU SI', r- m?" ,1 il bin. lea. -le plenli shnill li rs S P.SOW.le aeennda 4iU4ll4e state dalrjjn ur il Inoe J'li do stiiol.,.1 IK In lib a 4l4sU,e "a.ry, 411 ill Ultlcl lfto&e .1 It 1 rnkf it ) uon 4V tr . tu. ork and l-conthi whoii tniin nnT tur- rent innke fair to coit.l 41,i''Ml HI TTFItl- lh marke; wa- 'iul t md I rli i of oltd pat kid i r inn rv d-1 Mneit ' i Hit tut tut inns ruriKed in follows s.il I 1 i 1 crmmTV xtras ", ( hlwht r er r n, u " U MiffMr tho hitter for Job i nVd evtri firsts jr first- 'ilfll "ill I v T I- -IMfPii -ue-t rnamiM (hoite1 i .. v --ff ; d fuir m khoi vifii-it KthlNtu bUUAKb , " " .'. 'WI ""Lr. ni ' "" irai:e-rarkr.i . ." ""' v"l "'. "'"- y "V.'7 "":: " ""' i the pennon cnmna not do arrflntea ... . . . . k r a -' ti.n.tn..n .1.. , u r -.. . "'"inilt- 'M h,l , .!., n.n. .. .. n.1 fl ...!.. , in. market w ,. .,, on a ..... of o for Vp7 illr'ne's . "V 'U WRr1" ."jfeg bT'STl n'.nW 7l7 aJ "shuliala") $'&?&$$ SAJFtiFZtKl DAIRY PRODUCTS Tiirt , IB .-"S RK.'M-V'.nS MW STMTS' fiXrC'X riiL-i l i-,.i i 1..1.1. -.,.1 ..i.i arm tindpr .. u. .''... -..'"J atate n , m n. n 1 1 .. i .. iii,i,f lum ri,.,.i. d .trlliut on of the fund and from recelvlnir ....... .. -.'I . .OKI. III., i u. .. .. il. lirnj in Ill IIIU'l V I rillin. 1 1 'fl I . ffa II, .in ... V1..1.-l .. ..nil .'... .. v.ivni- , . j, , , . . .A.l lluht nffirlnj.a Quototlona Sew lurk and on I brown nn I tnlv.d . olor d lofi-, , S' nut st Int prhate Ml Morlah Cem their dIMiIcnd of so .... Ul.ion.ln whnli milk tl.ita current in iki to prime 41HHi Hrsts 41 fl 4, " n'SLr HAOEL June Jl at Oeenn Clt N J THOMAS M HATS'.' run.. ". T Hi., .....i..l hlilier SVw .17iS44c ' ' Kronds Tvtl.l.lAM hiiahand of Annie (nee Mlllerl DAVID A LOS'O mE Irnnl. .f jrlnts Jobhlntf at i.lfoM3c h t. . -1iui.c ' - nnl nrt ntnek wti in pno i i rf .. i.i. H... i i. ui.t I 1 IMI II r Til II II "(UMlHlr'si lllint II .'! f I mini; were the quotations n irl first' li per crite t Ipt M I 4(i wfHtern extri firM Jit In ftn - lttil e,Wi Job iTtI "'( Pi r d07erj POULTRY 1 M 1 hinln -4 I i fa ir I nnd ruled firm hl!e hroilin hi 1 ns wir. more plentiful nd prh s f i r d Hjv rj Quotatl ins i wls n ,XIn- TiiTf prinir r hi k tis hroi rs n t 1 khnrt m i How nklnned Uhinif 1 'i J li- pit V)1i-i d 'nilirs not Iehmns vellnw nklnncd uhint. 14 ff I ' il - ii mih 411 Ihi. nl'e tch-)ins mIImw skmn 1 welchlnK W Gi 2 il dpi ii 4nfi n t ii ?m tiler si 'i - iHfMiH Honstirs t?i. lm(k Pekln .Tfi. I In linn llunn r J"?tJ7i Uttue, -'ir Pli;( ms nil t r p.ir Uiii i'c do . tung p r pair i ji lu i f-Ith'-si u iv vt i I with i fair de m,ind n 1 licht tT rlnj.-- 1 he quotations I 1 IW p r no dn In wiithin,' t V ll n i "n qirft ?1 Vt J t.'K $J .null mil FRESH FRUIT3 II i.ipt. of int iloupei. mil wterm-lons n-r 1 Lht an! th. mirk.t rule 1 a .iml Irm r with a fur i utlet for 'hole-- .tick nth r fruit. wr ..inir-illi tiail 'Jmt.i- II n lemon. p.r I n 5. 4n'o J Ho Orin-es VEGETABLES I' titr s lT tine nuilHv ol i fnrlv and ilu v r wll sustxiiud Mimnt were lutt i tn 1 am in 'a!tHr ill tu w it. in in nd rut rU't at rtvisel lit:ur ljuotri ti ms hitf p t itoej- -.outh ( amlin and Vrth t inilini rr Ibl No 1 mi 4 -" J $1 7 "i ft J ", hit pnt itoa Kiflti rn hort- irtrlnn per bid Nn I J4T( " N . JJ J" a "M Whit m tallies Nur folk ir 111 No 1 U"ft4Ji Vo 'J jl "if'( J ( abb it, nattrn h ir pt crate Jl li 1 "iu lr lVnns inm pr t bl $1 7"i t. t" C-ninn1 hiitrrn shnr i er bu"!"! himpr $1 7"i' - -" ili Ntu J' rsr it-r Luak-i t .il 1 l LIVESTOCK QUOTATIONS (Meigo. lune J" linns Tin. lit. Jl 1 h ad 111 irk t Hhir lop -J! 40 lulk ?iimi(?iJ1 II li 1. wi Uht J.il Mf( .1 r in- lioni eht JJiMiKiUl 4n hcht mm sio ' Jl i" iisni nni i. 1 mdv w . ifcht J17 J'iiih " t njf r ater-r u: Htu kir aueis J a i lJ.Jp nf , iptM in um h ti ,, nr,til l iil Top lunlH $17 T- linibri M pi umls I u a Jl'i JVrfl" r" i ulN in i eommnn i in r,ii(a l-t 7"i earlinn thers jlttjifi li " vsep mdtum sool mlihrl. lh "o n I H .", rul's and fommon jj u r ii breed j. 7i 13 Mi inw t M Ki.nit t lt. June 'J7 linijs-i. ipt "ifinti lower bulk $Jii 7uCi n Mt havif .jd iuftJl medium weights IJtt'nTiJi t . liBhtH $J(-0tf(21 Iu lUht likhtM Jj(iYn railunff sows lt Ti jn "n ilhH Ji'i 'n)rn Jii .i" ('ATTbij uei etpin iiruu w hi srrnnz to higher h. iv s li.ef .t. . - Hi1'ol4ilo m. dlum and goo 1 tlJ'.inl" , omm n S1H71 ,11 nn light w itht gi.j.l and eh.,1, 11171 fill PO i ommon in I medium Si-illJ butiher caltb heifer. Id ln'o 1. on nw. i inmon $ vo , Ml 1s1 st Louis, June J7 HiK.S Re.-.,-, i,l J'.til III, high r top 1.1 ti- f ti In fit) 1 mti I t rh f r i urrni r Jl" flr-t mt; tt ' rim i. rr .h kin. i on pieum i .. -'V, "" . June 21; apc.I'sta wife r Tr'""- "l Anns li v ji Modality in- m 111 xet weikninu 1 in. mm ner apieie . '"- ' iiemriies and frlen 1. Imlted "'. 'u '"..'.J' -"" n o" a- m parents Ti witvulnt. inl'i 11.. 14 .miller size.. ,l""rV'l J!"n J III p m 1 in w tllrird residence Cl41 Aramlngo ave Solemn re- I'll IJ fre.h ki 1 1 in birr I. funii dr - K, ,,,,', ."' Morlah Cem itemilns mas yulcm mass Church of the NatHlty, 10 am. I1 k I wrlirhlnt t lb. ml our apiece. irinsi-uni " '" " " m Int. "Jew Cathedral Cim IV? weighlnt, l ft 14 lb. -pi. ii 11'fjll ,. i,,' ,) ', ,"T ,,,,n' - ANN' (nee CohIinl . ,LI l-DS June 21 EDYTIIE dauchter of .innll-r alzes loo IJ, ,.11 n.o.t.r. d- i, ,", ,,.'"?" J'elrne HelatUo, nd friend. Lincoln E and Emily Leeds Tuneralserv- it k-l o inller. neirl.v -.JfltUi do hur, I r ,"L. the Imm-ic-ul it.- Conception Jfea at residence of pirenta 1 Jl I'otnnn i ,t , ..t,rn is? M M.rln lu.ks lnsr l.nn I s jl 1 "ii!""f", Isnlghtaof Gerrnantown. Sat at -P m Int prhate Ufni. .mil. rr.li7.-n "hit- welthln. sVa n," mm nlJh "i ,un,,raL ,""" of li l Lm li" i JS , ULIZAIIETH widow llfil' lln ter I 17 Islilll'l dn do n-milr-n, n, . ," Rlcnmonl at So emn or W I Ham H Lewis aged Hi ReatUes . hTng iiil'l li per " !7in"s !- fn'" m i?,t ,,n"',ul, onceptlon Church and,frl.nda Invited to HerUce. pRl o . 'it ii "unlink i"' -a nn i t ii' i i ur- mi run ii rit nf rj ni n . i . J' i a fornla r l.i isiiii. i, Mrm nMiiI,l June Jl HKl.FS 11RAS' Beea ' I rro. I-r ouiri - . 'i . ' mm niii- .i.ii.i naucnter of llunh Hliil Mar. ii. .. lun-erai. oh. , ilifirn,. ,-r -rat. ,Vo4 V.erm.li.n. nl., (nee Dolanl a.e.l' J4 ""RelaUieJ'T,. ' N.-.J r uir id i.i i ti f(" ", . '".V"'1" ' iii-imi- Hnr-"-,is nf t hllils rtefaiif-.,V ' m Ini P" . irm lar-mini per pitri i . i i iir innti tn tuneral at 7 n n n , McKK.N.NA. rl.s n. rh l-r lh-our Mi .'. Peuh.s I. n nf brother in Uu Geor'e JrffrT A . of late John a - .--.ii -. L -ii ( inn ruitittnn. m.iuii, ..., i.i . i.i.i .....- .... -. prttt,r, c,.. , - ........o iiir anil ui .... ..-.....".". nuu du ui mia iit-ori r .11, hirtii iirklni: sow. imn ill S.-nfj. pn'" ,.,' Ieti ..'-fe. of Sacred H.a,i dnl Man Shoemier Nlemnnn. Relatlwa .uin .ii king sows rough $PI J It .o nig,, ' .'J.F'"0","' ,"" ' 'hurch of Truna and friends Invite 1 to service Mon 12 nooli M7 J" M MO , , , m ? ri r, ! n,I (W u8" h-l"a OlUer II llalr Bide 1H20 Ches'nut st Inl, i TTI F K lelpta 4 ".no hiM-1 I ei f M. er. L, ,,' "", r' "' Thomaa F Roche -? p r " prlate. Woodlands Cem ' ihK md .r.m. I ut, her stork -1 w I f-huVI7 of -iv nl s ', ,mn T1-18' "f re ,ue,n RIEBDR June Jfl. ANNA E. wife of, I w.r K. f.el. r. atea.H It. . f n . ra h" " rIi .-Tn, l,rHflon lP " "Int U"" Hleber. aKed 411 Relatives and ii Hum inlheui w. light i hi li- in trim , i i -T . " ' m, .V1" ,(,uneral frlenda Invited to funeral. Sat. 3 n ni M4 104H1VI m.dlurn and K.iod U' s rgt JDIIS I ." "'e uT June J4 4K1II N 4th at In' North Cedar till Cem 14io common tubulin lUhl w,lhl , ,.r". J1,,M,NJ ,',,",, ,f J"hn nnd MHVi Rt'I.EY June 21 HARRIETT J wife of . i n,l .h.ilce lino?1,' 'rmh'","" " " to fun r-il sV"'1;; ,n,i 'r'e'd.,n- Marshall J RSley. "ed 77 RelltUei and' m .limn $.107111 hi l""th' r iai n- he f.ra ", ' J s ',1",,i m, iwrenta , frlenda Invited to fun iral. Sat 2pm par ,, 7.1-111" ,w. J. 4(KilJ in i inn.rs HlJhnus.si I, , T, . ? h Cta"lln N I lors of A S eers i Sons (in E Baltimore iid.uttir. i,.fi 7 4ll 'fall ily a light and ,"n "."",".' I'."l h . ( hurch tl a m In ave Lanndoww Pa Int orlvate. Fernw,,o,l sill.mil on miners inn i itt,r. , . 'n it.iiiv jun,. JJ MARY flGVI TV nf it. ." i it.. iit.111 ill ittiti. it i,n, 'num., i.riniH ir.i.n n. .. -. , (UU 11 J- fnl.r at.ir. I-. noli. frl-nds H V 1 1o Villi " ,M, J"1.'1 i. gv,,l, .', ',N""I,'lal Pl"" storl.r st.er. I71UJJ1 hurch Inv ,ted to fun??a Sa" s in i"h ' w "jS f.m' ?".T -Li-Y "' I o F'.,ln shki.p R ,,tpi lino e,i ., ,i, residence of John Hoctor "it T a m - i vlted to funiral ser-. I. es -at . 2 p m . 1728 Lambs $1171117 10 .ulla anl ,mm', st s, I m, hlrt ti.,, of "r,nm ' W ?"" ,"d"1 " '" l'r le. Forest Hill. lamls Jill J If 11 in ve.rling w-tlera $in nlcia (hurch in , m Tn, i,n,,i,tr.Mo- C"'SI!,,,,,, . Ol j 71 .w . $1 Iiiifi K iw.s ull- ni ("em A ui i funeral U"'r Cross 8IMMINGTON June ;i JOHNSON C. FiSIt TOP TIRES Big mileage Fabric Tires built with an extra ply and a heavy tread Big tires with mileage com parable to that of Cords. V mm 121 8.1B2I (IV heavy whisht, J5IW21 08 me dium weight $J1 .nfl'21 75 light weight Ji J.lW2i,4ti light fmhi. $l nnfrso in heavy tucking sows smooth, $ti) 7B6 111 T.i packing sows rough 17 if 18 7. Pla $11 Jf 2o CATTLE Receipts (10(1 head etcadv Hoof steers, medium nnd henvv weight medium and good, 111 MJflU.'. common 110 nciHi II 11, lightweight, good and cliulrc. til SOW 14 ,.1 common and medium sit iVidl In butcher rattle, heifers IN10W14 2.1 rows $7 1iitrll dinners and cutlers $IIJ14f7 1l veal calves, light and hand weight $13iff ,7 ,-, twit, 'steers N '.W1l -( stnrkers steers $7r.ntrrl1 UIIVM'M l)..nnK I.imti Ml pourtdn V IMrtf Itt It",, riill. m 4IIH head atend nda 1on (inrludln anrlnaa) 11a and eommon IHWU so VPltrllnBM PthTl ill Mlrtf 1 T.I) nu aa -nw. ilium n'J ' h"W e. $7fl7 Vi tulln and com men $J flOCfl Hunt IlufTiiln, Jun 27 CATTI.13 p fplpt- 4J"i bond Hlow and eak CaHrn $Sff JIiSO " hPfUl ArtUe ,l hher, IKK1 Hprrlntft. JOurt bonrl sw, 'r. ,. ""; n''-i m-,ij niixi-u finn orKpr sy, ittstiurch lune 27 linn nnniniD 1'i'it h ni HK-hir Heiies and hea MMk.rs J1 7-ifi Jl - Unlit -orkera uu js Jll .0 plKa IJOWJII Jl IIH P S1 l.VMlts lteerlpta. S00 head Tup sheep $10 top liirnlM $17 ( l 1 sll,-eilpt ion hid Actlie. Top jn BUTTER, EGGS AND CHEESE ..-.. .uir.. .une -I --ItL 1 I lilt lj.w ft, 1 l,(!(Js IrrpErulfir rresruliir Hecelpta, 17 81 raaea hered extra. Mlfhsje Bto?aee i rt n Knth 'i Mi;i;ri irrn ne ept n4n t Ijoxph Flat rurrmt mak inor"l iverncB mT tlfiimc fl tt current mike whltr aver afje run IHHl'if rulnred .poi Uls 3 VA r whites .prc 1 iIm r,j TJW, r " -- " I Mi;M01CIM . I'l? riniiri in imi -. APOLFOU IJ; PIKHRA w h n . V , i.hTl Jij" Mindn) June J7 ifion ".-, wurt decade we have fnld a nrn mi ih .. t ' . .. ."J"-' "tXu tnP ruKv Pth of this world Rri1?hb7n'nt'?h7 TfimU do ve hold J ulth in the tender Fatherhood of Cod UAUOHTURb d-UBhterrtlfT,UnI.'".!'", 1ARV V ANUVL J TarvS irf''""" of al.ter Mra Hob. r "alhedr-ll Cem " m Int ',r'""- ,i -ill.llMl-HI. FormerH of thn i.,i,r. -.-..iiiuiii. June Jtl Mini' I' ii ii. .TiiV.iVinii ",." l"" .'" ''( -o rniwna, I MMgnia .1 J --erviies l.umrran Church 1 Sill 7inril . . ntriira It 'Ml? alnln t'11 ?r. i. m. Inl f1ni-lml.nm VT I r-l.. frier 1. i. i, , Au"'uhl IlelntHe. -ind vlt.d to funeril -erilce. Mon J p m 111 inenila Inylte , fumrnl aerlie. Mon J N '8th at Int ( heater Hurnl Ci m Friends i?ii u '. N "" ' . Camden V I Inl "" ?' Sun ' 30 " '" " m !.. J . h l cm rlmda ma cnll sun 7 III ' lBLLY lun, Jl ANNA II. daughter '".!'. l'.ni 'of Jamea and Anne Kelly Itelatliea nnd n e Arni. M... u....i.- , .7. : - - nii iTi..:.""' ..'.'." """" inenus in A-,,- '" ""irrai in. n Junlnta st Sat mds t "hurch 1 Int nt. i Hols iro.a ti Ant i funer il l nilA'.i; sullenlv Tun" - npqTrn iin.t. , ti. '.,. " ' 11 n fi I j i I 1 .. n ind friends Iniltnl to IIJll S ,-,-,tn b Int oiir-. st I p Mi lids- "5KH Still, nh t li t m -un r m .-l- . . ,n,.n -v,,a II '.V.. 'V'"1 "I I. ir. . ....... .... ,,,,,!! ,r j t, sii. , "i"-'-- j uin ;.-..;'1 '.V'nt II ,m 1- to 1 CARROI tun .4 KATlTARIr- r .r. ROM IleUHu aril friends Altir and ,,n j ri ,. ...-! i rinn mai i RAPP -MjriJni i,.no on . , . , W hulnl if HiinUrM2l I AKPvcn an I r . - - -i i,-'- itprrt l I iifnrUr I HPd ate Man 4 ,..... acr-r) -IK f rn r! nf 10J4 ('jmap cf r.. I it lun ra will ho ri,. t :-?!: i . tii,h lf rii-ii , i urn .f4a s ' A M . i V J'1. Kr T Jun" -- JOHN JOSEPH .a-1 of late Uiirles "and' Annie' Cult n agVd ,,n Si Relatives and friends Jr Holj S'me So. M i.ua . . :. , . - --"inie i nurch. , n. "' J11''1 requiem ma8 Church of" Our I arti I ,- i.i itinera! Ml Ha m oinn .. . S 2d - T.aiSw y.' " ..m,., iu m. im Hoii c.; Cem Auto service Holi Cross UtSORsClI I. r. EI.IAI1KTH DE- SORsl H ii.nl 14 Requiem hhrl mi.. oT James. ( hur, h llh an Ch, ,, ,SI si In u m Int private li.mH! U b. vlw-eirn 7 to 10 p m OlivTr ii SlBiV Bldg lain Llestnut st " ""'r DOHMEN sHrt.ni. ,... . :,;, .k -'iiiii niBn mass or requiem ' '", o nu irienas tnMteil to funeral tLT.i.v ' ? n s Lhurc, 10 a m Int Holy I ""Vc" 3un ,4pm residence of hu.bnnd nVv..r''rrl 13.' Haitwr ale Logan Int Greenwood nisph.it jun. .- ,.r.. ... ,-,,,,, (em Ilrookhn. N v Tm a m va,. dauht.r of a, Jrt ,,, ln ,r ' !.;"." York papers cop .ml friend, mut.d to fun. rTl servl.eC irft i ,M.A,?,(,A,N' Suddenly. Jujie 25. n'.,'n Vlher '.' 'Hr Hid, lajfi Che.l CHARLES JI. husband of Elizabeth M and nut .t Int nrii-ito i ne.i wn f . ,.,. , . ,..,,.. ., uimn i s i . , " "' i-pon nrrlid of train .it mi, j i,r ,v -". ?ulr -" i-.iiiurvu it mt- S J lunni, llml s i .tVtlSi., "ford rr.R Si Relitlvps and friends Imlted to 'At II Jun. J", hi in ,,,"',? m funeral serloes Sat 2 p m. parlors of UU.iniMilni s1Ui ist ,.ih ,,,rn'. Srhler . Magulre 15411 N 20th st Int (turtlmli cirr iLei -1 i, ,".',d ,H ,f PrUHte Auto funeral frl.nl, milt, 1 t, funeral .-n, J" nl , MU'n. Junr "I' ANNA K- "lfe "' p in R ehh ro Vnrli it , '' 1 Toaeph Mini Mil daughter of the late Rifhtaro i em vol;. 7 hurrl1 ln' Inaeph and Sarah Vile Relatives nnd n II, I l T,, , ,n ' """" "'" l-ai friends Imlted to funeral. Sun. 2 p m I, It p"",1 ',-M ' ,m i ' hur h i'J(i S th st. Int. Fernwood Cem Auto REI-II MALDE il if r j,hV nr' I i,,0'M '.""! Iven.lt -.ton Lodge. No Relatives and friends Invited I ? DtXPrn. it ,1 -To,-and A . v 0""" R- A Chapter. services Sat Ip m 1 " Tk, ""ffl1 I i,1R3 .S1"" PhUad lphla Postofflce llng-iwood S' J lmt private FrUnrt.'olr,enlber!,,Ken'l.nR'm.M I: Church invited I cad Fri 0 P m n m ....... ..,, nKATHH DOTSON. June 28 NANrv PIIICR daughter of Uti- Thomaa J. and Kllinbeth Donaon (nen Walker). aed Bn Itelatlvea and friend alao ridelltv Temple. No 10. Ladlea of Oolilen Eagle Lettla. Tenn nebekah Lodge; No 178. I O. O T: Harmony Lodge N." A?' Sherherda of llethlehem Camo No. 108 fV O fl of A invuen to funeral aerv .a2n, "'nsnn at . Cam at Rraford, Del. Sit teea, Kri . 8 p den Xi 3. Int, mornlnir DORfr June ST Et.t.KN V. wife of Jamea 11 pnrrf aired 01 nelntlvea and frlenda lnlted fn funeral Sat.. 8pm I i emaln; maV be tei-e r'rt 5 n m' om 1 'pTiivkSt rW,.1 f k fm! CT.. .. "s.., it iiiiiiv ni Tnl ftrllntn Vnrlh fnn Illll r Wptne !,. iiiniVi1 'V. . !, i"': f7Jlj,' Jo MAm II if. of Holllleb I.berle (nee Oroaaman) Helatlie hum iiieiuie iniieu in ninerni nun 2 p m Anodl)ur . .Mnniua piKf nini tini Tune 2". WII.MAAr T Mr MITUIIOW FOI.SOM of IfWrS Orpen Pt atfed fil Itolatlvpsi and frlpnd invited to funeral Sat H 40 a m Oliver ir IVilr IMda: IS.'O Chpstnut Ht Ilequlpm hUh mass 8t Pat rirk s Church 10 n m Int New Cathedral Cem POWLHn - Suddpnlv Jun 2 Rr.T.A L wldiiw of Charles v rowler nelatlvph and friend- Inv ited to nerv Ices Sat 2pm rpsldpnce of son Charles V Fowler 2310 Sepvlva st Int Orennmnunt Ctn OAUOHAN. June 24 PHAN'CIS son of Patrick and Cathrrln (Jaushan nitPd 2 Itrlattvei and friend i Invited to funeral Sat 2 p m . from resident- of part nts. lfp.'n S Wilton t Int Hoi) Cross Cem Auto funeral OUlKFITir Huddenlv June 2 DAVIO It husband of Salllo lrin;ith late nf d4 and son of Into t1olfre nnd Chrlatlan.i ITauel aped 71 Kelatlwa and frlenda In Mted to funeral aerlna 'at J p in 1117 IV Cumberland at Inl prllate Mt Peace Cem HAOOOD Tune 24 ELIZAT1ETH n. wife of Prederlck Hanood nnd diuirhter nf Elizabeth It and late Jamea I Murphy. Helathoa and frlemls Invited to funeral, Hat S 10 n m IIJll s 2dth at rtolemn high maBa of renulem St Anthony's Church 10 a m Int Holy Cross Cem Auto fu neral. . HANI OS' Tune 21! OEOttGE V II N LON. ,Sr need 4fl Further notice will In Blven from 41 H 7th at Hirln HENSI.m June 21 r-nEDERICK I! husband of Mars E McCann ltenale need 4 i 'Itelatllea and friend Shandlkln Tribe No ni7 I O It M iniltid tn funeral, Sat , 7 30 a ni 4so Klnc at (Jermantown oolemn rcnulim mnaa -t lucent de Paula Church II a m Int It Denis a Cem HOOAN lune 2.1 TAMKsIt hualwnd of Marearet C llounn aced HI Ilelitlies and frlenda, Prinkford I odce So JIIJ P nnd M , officer, of the Court of Quirter Sea "lona Str-iwlim Quoit Club lnUcd to funeral. M.in ' t m 1717 V 'i7lh el Int North (c.lir Illll rem nemalna mai 1 viewed Inn S to In p m I I1U.MKN June Jli lil.l.A J wife of Thntnn. Itnma Il.tM..u ,! ePlan.ia l-I.N.I U1D June "(1 I.KTITIA Tir .MAOE wife of William Jamea" l.lnrmrrl --------- - ..aLa avviix i,t1Hl"inil Relatives and friends inM.rd to a V m , 332 Hroadw-ij, West Frlenda may call Frl , 8 to II vate Juno 2(1 PATltlrt: r mnr. nd Margaret MiKenna Rela- a ln.tll-tf.,1 t.... i ft. ., a. X".."" ; ''. "- '"Y'r " .V"1' "J. . "' "in icri.iriuM ui uroiner-in iiw . fjnwjtrft Met nfferv 31(1 N 12d at West Ph uSJl. phia High masa of requiem si Agatha's i hurch 10 a in. Int. Holj Cross Cem. Car riage funeral MAT'I.TV rJune 2.1. JIARY. wife of Hugh McSulty and daughter of Mrs Dald Mark ReUtlies nnd friends lnlted to funeral snt H 10 a m residence of mother 34ni Kelm at Solemn requiem niiBf Church of thj A onnalnn 1 fl a m Tn i.i. n - I - -.-".. .. in am., jriuij . ruii i.ein auiq Fervice Mmonil June 20 EConxn n Mn. NIEMANN June 2(1 FRANCIS sunt-. MAKER husband of Elizabeth K Vl.mmn of 1110 W-alnut st and son of late Henn P tern mit nowers I nrSSEI-I, June CS AN'ASTARIA wife 'of H imuel V Russell Relatives -and friends Ttnia HI Tllo-h m-l nf mr,,lam i"t,,. .1 uiifti iu iui fin "iii . n in a m ui in r m Int WVstmtnnt'.r i'am A..t ... t -v,,-!, n.M "'" "' '" "'Z1 twjjv SAVM Jun 22 at Sf T.ul trT a SANDS (ree Treacy wife of Jesse r' Michael Treacy nelatlyes and friends In- vin rn iiin.rHi .-.ht . a m r . n...u, i:.j : ..- ...... ."- - !.:'" .1""v-,.o:. " Sole,mn nigh mass at ("hurch of Our Mother ii.uinte. -t.i I i-eiuy nvi . wsr hii- of Sorrows 10 a m Int. St Dennis's Cem SCHULh.1l June l LENA, widow of Charles Schuler aged 74 Relatives and friends Invited to funeral services Sat p in. 2S12 Helen st Int. Noith Cedar Hill Cem SIGGINS June 2(1 rt- inirv r am. GINS huslnnd of ( itharme F Slgglns aged 70 Relatives and frlir Is Olive Branch nusuanil or. fcrntru (nee Hoffman) Rela. iu tuiirin, B-T,iten x r, . n, m residence I or son-tn nw ur J Hirry s augh. 141S XV. Allegheny ave Inl private Sat mornlne- STKRS'HLHOER --S -.Ml. hi. SIMON hus band of Pauline G Sternherger aged 71 . at Marburg Apartrnmls Atlantic City, N J Relatives and frl nds Atlant a City Lodge, So J7I1 11 P of E Pequod Tribe, No 47, I O H M unit 1 to funeral -ervices. Sun , .'.a.. J' Parlors of Mrs Jamea Oormley. lolll Pai Ifti ave Atlanrli (-11. V I t,H hi n it, h iu ai i napei or vjt ainal Cem Phllldelphia I si ITU . Tune 21 J mies husband of I .urn i uueii inee viriireaels I or Yorkshire. Kngland Relatives and friends employes I of l amden Forge lo all other societies of 'which he waa a member invited to funeral. I sat Sam 11(11 10th t . Camden. I s J Solemn requiem high mass Church of I the Sacred Heart 'J 10 a m Int. Holy i ro.s i em rrter.as may view remains Frl eve Auto funeral Washington (D. C.) papers enpv i - SWIFT At Cnlnrartrt Knrln. fn 7nn 24 residence nf mother Mrs F R.' Swift. ivuiivia-m viiJHUAS aged II TEIII1S Tune 2b ELIZA E widow of Vvllllam R Tebbs Relatives and friends of family Invited to funeral services. Mon, 1 10 p m at 4(138 Hedge st Int private. East Cedar Hill TITI'S Suddenlv June 2.1. OTILLIA E F TITI'S. wife nf Elm.r Titus Relatives and friends lnvltid to funeral. Monday, 8 a m from 4401 Chestnut St. Mass. 10 am at St James a Church Int private. Holy Cross Cem Auto funeral Remains may be viewed Sunday from 1 tn 0 p m THOMAS June 25 WILLIAM, husband of Mary Hanna Thomas aged 72 Ttelatlves and friends Invited tn services. 1403 Ken wood ave (cor Pembroke ave ). Camden. N J Mvn . 2 n m Int Mt. Morllt. c-m . Phils Friends may call Sun . nfter 7 P m I NOERWOOD - June 2. lirjnERT WALKER husband of Julia A Unl,rwood. aged 4ti Relatives and- friends ituted to funeral Mon 8 30 a m 815 nelmjiit ajie,. Colllngawood N J High masa St Join's Church IU a m Int Holy., Cro, & m Auto funeral Friends may call Sun ., WAI.7.KH. June 20. AUOU8TA 9E.n wliinw of lTenrv Walzer atii 'an Relatives and friends Zlon Presb,ra"n r-ht,r,-h Fslrmount Husren Frauen. -f i. IFrauen Vereln Falrmount Post. N0., in vited to funeral services San , 2 i m residence of oaugnter, luaa utenwoei, -, (near 28th and Berks sts ). Int. OUw "j s-i . . Il...l. -- Vi nl.iu-iil Out 1-l-ruu em. HCIllMlll" : uu ll-snm h jq 101V?ELDON June S4. WILLIAM If hul. band of Phllena (Peany) Btoeter XS-SZ" rfNDEltTAKKRW k' BROAD --Nt DIAMOH1 Joeph Karneat ttelatlvea and frlenda widow or jamea wiiaon. ngea in iiemiivea 1'urllv reirale Tenrlv iien.nVi.i ql , ' and frlenda Inv ted to aervlcea. Sat , 2 p. m , lnl ed to eervcea Sit " "" nc'"',,,?"f!''? sen In IaWa-Teaidence. J Clifford Forrest. LWh.V. lV.mi",. 15..,.1.P.,S. CT"l.'!'n "f 7012 Torresdalo ae.. Tacony. Int. Maenolla --- -- ....t wims.a.. i lilliiv ni i . ....'...., ........Mi .. wu.vn -inn r. venanso . T Inl lir int. Vnr h f'nnH Illll r a " W BROAJD mC i'a- DKATIIB Relatives, Rnd frlpnd. lo Tort Klchmonrt Council No. 234, r, P-, A i Court 8omr-et No. 221, P. of A i nichmond Ne-t No 18-V4, Order of Owls, and employes of nichmond Ilmnch, Philadelphia and Urn din It U . In vlted tn funeral services. Hat . 2 10 p. m at S.tfll F3- Clearfleia st, Int private. Oak Innd Oem, ' Ilemalns may be viewed Frl. eve , nfter S o'rlock Wtt.SOV On Juns 2fl lftlft AMCK riLI. widow of Oliver Wllnon In her nnth veir Itelntlves nnd friends Invited to fu neral at the rpldence of her son In-taw Ocorcp Corson PI) mouth Meetlnn Ta on Spvrnlh'daj, fllxth Month l!Sth, at 2 30 o clork Int private . ' WILSON Junp 23, GUI7.A1IKTII 13., rem WOOD Suddenly, June z , UI.IVEH son f ito mum ll K, and Ann M W ,KrA nil IlclatUes nnd frlenda InWtec OI.IVEM D ired mi Ilelatle8 and frlenda InUted to funeral Man 2 p m , .112 N m el , cam den N J Int prlate Hnrlelgh Cem WOonsiiiB luno 2n. iaiii.i.i,a Mire of Ilolart Woodalde ISealdence. 42"7 N nt4i at Due notko of funeral will bo Elen JKOATi AmEnTlSKMKN'TH Ifpr1 THOMAS M. HAINS s. MlV. .U& 1IAKIIY A SONS TO.. INT. C. P. No. 3. Sept. Tern. 1017. Nn. 1331. To tho creditors and stockholders of fcilw. r lnrbt & fonvCo.f Inc.: Tou will please- take notice that the Court nf Common Pleas No 3 of Philadelphia county on the fith Any of June. ll)ll, granted a rule on all creditors and other parties In Interest to show call no why the receivers fhoutd not sell nil of the assets of the above named defendant"! at private sale for a prlcp sufficient to pav First Tho compensation of the reeelver and their counsel Second All claims entitled to prlorltv Third A dividend of r0 upon the amount of all claims of creditor whu-e claims nre unsecured The rule N returnable Juljr 7. 1010, at in o'clock a m , n the Court of ommon Pleas No T Cltv Hall. Philadelphia Pa at uhlrh limn creditors and utorlthnldprs mav appear nnd show cause why the pra)er of Hi celvers ijfcZr KSTATK OF MATILDA 4, JAMES - deceased Letters testamentary on the above estnte having been granted to the underslprned nl persons Indebted to said estate are' requppted to make pnvment and thoe haInff claims to present the same, without delay to , F,LiZA TAMH3 S, SPENCEIt CHAPMAN Kxecutors Or tn thMr ittorneMt' CHAPMAN A CHAPMAN 142(1 Wldent r nulldlnr Ijri KSTATK OF FRASf IS II. el3' MKKE. derensed Letters tel OUM- estamen tary on the aboe estato halng been granted to the undersigned, all persons Indebted to the said estate are requested to make pay ment, nnd those having cUlm. to present the same without delaK at (hi office of the executor. 40'1 Chestnut street Philadelphia, PennaIanla. THE PROVIDENT LIFE AND TRUST COMPANY OF PIIILADEI I'HIA ASA S WISO Prealdent tlST" EMATB OF FIJIHIM E t'l'NMM K-3 II VII, dereaard Tnfoi rnntion desired of the whereabouts of Georgi inni Cunning ham Charles nnd Willi im i unntngnam slater and brothera respectlel or any other relatives of the above nnm- 1 decedent. Communicate with HYRON HANI Ot K Admr . 1113 Stephen (llrard Bldg IrtRs" 1XTATE OF Kl.l.V C. McCAV f-i ilerertseil Letters te.tnmentnrv upon the estate of Ella C lleCav deceased h-ivlnir been granted to riDELITY TRUST COMPANY .ill persons Ind, Mod to the said estate nre requested to mike pnvment, and those having claims against the same to present them, without delav at the office of the said Compnnv. No. 121 111 Chestnut at , Philadelphia FIDELITY TRUST COMPVNY. WM P GI'sT President (KJp" KSTATK Ol" .?. I.HISO MKARS, r-- ilece.ised Letters testamentnrv upon the estate of J Ewlng Mears deceased having been urnnted ro FIDELITY TRUST COMPXNY HENRY P BROWN nnd JOS EPH T BROWN all persons Indebted to the slid estite are requisted to make pav ment and those having claims against the sime to present them without delav. at the office of the said Compnnv Noa 325-331 Chestnut st . Philadelphia FIDELITY TRUST rOMPAVY WIT PvOEST. Pre-ldent. LOST AND FOUND HvNDttAG Lost pigskin handbag lontuln Ing clothing on Widneadav morning at 11th and Locust sts literal reward If returned to 73J commercial Trust Building Phone Spruce .101 HELP WANTED FEMALE BELL TELEPHONE OPERATING No Experience Necessary $10 PER WEEK FOR BEGINNERS Salarv Increased after the first four weeks' training period. Young women between 18 and 2'. will find tele phone operating very fnaclnatlng clean work, with unusual opportu nities for advancement ti salary and position. addition (o a good Irtrv we have eom irtable rest and lunch noma where food Is berved at cost. Call personally First floor in ll Arch st Miss Rvan BILL CLERK one quick on typewriter with comptometer experience Apply A JI Sullivan 8100 Oravs Ferry" road BOOKKEEPER and stenographer, thoroughly experienced- rrood salary: to take charge Call Hughes & Brvidlev Co , 147 N 12th or .......... it'.i ... A , e.ri .. . . . iiiiuiip ."a,,,.i -...m mi mnioninneni ouurir.i.crraiiiviiirii Apply in person .,ro.mp.t-y. ,0 c- " Plowman & Co , 106 -""" -" BOOKKEEPER nnd clerk wanted. 3 veara- experience: steadv position. Apply Iouls Blumhera- 338 N 4th at- BURLERS Etnerlenoeil hands wanted on men's wear, fancy worsted Shackamaxon Mills. Allegheny ave nnd Hancock. CHAUFFEURS WOMEN CHAUFFEURS WANTED EXPERIENCED FORD TOURING CAR DRIVERS GOOD WAGES APPLY 300 WALNUT STREET feEE ,MR SHATTUCK ' - , OR . MR PHILLIPS COOK wanted: a'so waitress; experienced references requlrrd Mrs. John B. Clarke, Bryn alawr. la i iiqop nij-n iwuwr ii rnoK. colored: short-order cook. Sherry's ('Hf. uromi win. . iiii.tiaiii CORRESPONDENT THOROUGHLY EXPERIENCED . IN BTES'OORAPHY APPLY BUREAU OF EMPLOYMENT WANAMAKER'S DESIGNER of men's and women's knitted bathing suits, who ran create styles and draft patterns, is wanted by a plant making high-class goods of established reputation: permanent position and good salary, and Avery possible chance for -advancement to th right persnn B 22 P. O. Box 8484. D8ESBMAKERS Can make more money with us than they can in any other branch of tho sewing trades We need opera,1"" embroiderers und girls to learn the different branches of the business JOHN B SIMPSON 014 Walnut street. FORELADY. capable and experienced, for drapery work. Apply J. jj. Van Oclver. Camden- OIRI.8. over" 18 years; light work: experi ence not necessary, steady position; good wages. Frledberegr-Aaron Mfg Co., 4600 N. ISth St.. near Wasne Junction. GIRLS wnntedl good wages, steady work: also have positions open for girls or women who desire to work part of each day. Applv National Umbrella Frama Co.. 30th nnd Thompson , GIRLS Vwanted. famlltsr with 'light ST. Apply Jfi XBD.Co.r rhlnery: sieaar employment .year around. ejwen if una lav Bmun xvarusey )TJrV,4'- ff -HELP WANTED FEMALE ' CAXfrilELL'S SOUPS ESTADLISIIED 1889 WOMEN AND OirtLS Fon kitchen vronrc "Esn33 ALSO OENLltAL rACroIlT WOUK. STEADT EMPLOTMENT 1110H WAOES lNCtlEASED AUTOjrATICALLT fPIME AND HALF TIME oveh 4s nouna PLENTY OVKItriMB JOSEPH TAMPRELL CO . 2D AND MAHKET ST3 . CAMDEN. N. J. (llRIi wanted about 21, to naaist In show room aa ealeslath , familiar with keeping stock Applv between 0 and 12. Hmllh-Ilani-aa Embrolder Co . 1M40 Market at OIHL from school, over 14 years of age. for .S1nd' '"Cory, bring certificate. Apply 3HJU Hamilton at OI1I1.8 vwinted experienced and learners, steady work ana irood wanes. Apply Oris wold worsted Co . Darby Pi! vy HOUSE .OIHL wanted. and Christian Sherry's Cafe, Broad HOUSEWORK-- White girl for general light housework Telephone Diamond 41IJ IV HOSIERY WELTEns WANTED on ladles' work LEARNERS WANTED and paid S10 while learning WALLACE WILSON IIOSIErtT CO Orchard below Unity st , rrankford HOSIERY Toppers and knitters nn Scott i Williams and Banneri fine work Also Scott 4 Williams coarse work ,. .Learners wanted "..""l .rf'!''i0 r."r w""k while learning. WALLACE WILSON HOSIERY CO Orchard below Unity, rrankford HOSIERY MENDERS WANTED on rough work LEARNERS WANTED Paid well while learning WALLACE WILSON HOSIERY CO Orchard below Unity st , Frankford. KNITTERS AND TOPPER? on men's half hose Banner machines, no doubling. WALLACE WILSON HOSIERY CO 4308 Wain s , Trarkford. LAUNDRY FANCY IRONERS APPLY MARKET STREET LAUNDRY 1308 FILBERT STREET HOSIERY STRING KNITTERS WANTED on Scott & Williams and Bann'r machln. Learners taken Pild $10 while learning W-vLLACE WII SOV HOSIERT CO Orchard below Unity st . Frankford OPERATORS. COLLAR SETTERS Experienced on ladles' tailored cotton shirt .waists, best prices paid steady work. MILORAM MFG CO. 1214 ARCH ST. OPERV.TOP.S WV.NTED ON TOWER MA CHIS'ES ALSO A FEW LEARNERS TAKEN A! D PAID WHILE LEARNING QUAKER ROUE CO TES'TII TLOOR. LAR, KIN BLDG . 2JD AND AR(,H. OPERATORS Experienced front makers and sleevemakers on ladles' tailored cotton shirtwaists, best prices paid, steady work Mil GRAM MFG CO 1214 ARCH ST. OPERATORS, seamers facer etc : ladles' underwear Tenn Knitting Co , 101(1 Sua- nuehanna. ave , 2149 Warnotk st rhone Dnmond 047 , OPERATORS Only those experienced on drapery need apply J B Van Sclver Co , Ca mden , ntESSERS wanted on athletic underwear, will take learners- paid while learning this Is ateadv work and pass big Shed- aker'a 44 N nth at 7th floor SALESWOMEN We are paving $11 per week to good saleswomen ou must be able and willing to travel and employ others, bond renulred Call from 1 10 p m to 4 30 p m . E S Smsthe, Room fid Denckla Bldg N W corner 11th and Market sts SALESWOMEN FOR SHOE SECTION APPLY BUREAU OF EMPLOYMENT WANAMAKER'S SALLSLADY wanted in dry goods and no tion store .lulu ii-aiiiiiiuii- i.v-j SILK WINDERS experienced on tram and artificial silk, good wages, steady work 12 months of the vear Frledherger-Aaron Mfg Co 4(100 N. 18th st , near Wayne Junction, SPOOLERS experienced on cotton nnd mer cerized skein arns. good wages, steady work Frledberger-Aaron Manufacturing Co , 4(100 N, lotn at , near vvayno junction. STENOGRAPHER YOUNG LADY WANTED: FIRST CLASS GOOD SALARY STEADT POSITION Ledger Branch 150. loth and Moore. STENOORAPHER CAPABLE Or DOING GOOD WORK APPLY BUREAU OF EMPLOYMENT WAN.lMAKER'S t STENOGRAPHER, one with experience In either credit or collection department pref erable; excellent opportunity for proper partv; future -secretarial prospects good ed ucation essential, Btnte salary expected P 72J I.enger unice STES'OGRAPHER Young lady wanted bv large corporation steady position and ad vancement, state age, experience and salary expected M 710 Ledger Office STENOGRAPHER experlencen, fnr sales department manufacturing concern. App'y AJax Metal Co . Frankford ave'. and Rich- mono STENOGRAPHER wanted, state age, refer, ences and salary desired P 633, Ledger Office TYI'lbT young lady wanted by large cor poration, ateady position state experience and salary expected M 720 Ledger Office WAITRESSES WHITE APPLY BUREAU OF EMPLOYMENT WANAMAKER'S WEAVERS on Knowles looms; white, work; .Girard Worsted Co , Howard and Hunting- don sis WEAVING Women, 18 sears of age and over, wanted to learn weaving; will pay $10 per week white learning, after 3 or 4 weeks can eam $30 to $35 per. week. Apply Shackamaxon Mills, Allegheny ave. and Hancock WOMAN of rood education and thorough secretarial training (Including stenography, accounting billing and filing) to take news paper position offering opportunities for rapid advancement to office manager. Write, stat ing age. qualifications, etc.. to M 031. Led- tree Office WOMAN School teacher desiring change of employment will have results rewarded: must be progressive: good salnry and liberal bonus may we send you particulars! p B33, ledger onioe WOMAN Restful outdoor employment for public school teacher: suitable work for sUtable person: particulars Bent en receipt "V liiisllfloltlnna P 514 T,eder Office WOMAN for blndery.famltlar with p am phlet Plnuing IV.1U "ewril ..uin. n.nva R.,ai, lll experience gP 70T. Ledger Office. WOMEN-tQoqiI pay: light work: .experience not necessary: steady employment. Fried. be?ger-ABTon Mfg Co.. 4600 N, 18th st.. near Wayno Junction. WOMEN wanted for light work In clean. light, airy ininii c. ,i. luii nnmiign nd Green sts RELIABLE help wanted to register free of charge at the P. E Mission Employment Bureau 225 S 3d st BIIHINKSH BFRVICE CO , 1118 Land Title. BKPns. U8-S20: CLTSRKS. teo'I. bill. 15; STitN'RS.! MtVtKl FrtOJA.4 8aa. IStV HELP WANTED MALE AUTOMOBILE nEPAirt MAN. flrat rlaas, capable of repairing ana running different makes of caraj man must be aober. ateady and unaueattonable refa t rarnht.. nf Son. dllng mrn; atate aalary P R. P. O rtox 8100. UlODT MAKERS Expert nn nil kinds of f body work,- we na tn all-yrar-round Job ior koou iiii-ii nun win ray me wages, call and aee in and hne a talk with ua. Aak for Henry Johnaon, superintendent Apply I,owry Top nnd Dody Co.. Paul and AdVmi Ptreeta TRUST COMPANY BOOKKEEPER A trust comranv, centrally located requires the services of 1 or 2 competent Burroughs operators on ledger and stntement work a good opportunity for the right oung man p 710 Ledger Office. BOOKBINDER. experienced on ordinary nuarter binding and pamphlet work) ante salary and experience. P 710 Ledger Office, BEN-H AND MACHINE HANDS FOR WOODWORKING TLANT (10c PER HOUR APPLY OEOROn XV. SMITH & CO. 40TH ST AND BOTANIC AVE BOOKKEFPF.R, mate in stock broker's office, stale experience references and painry expei-icu u i, i.eager urnce. CARPENTERS ALL-AROUND MACHINISTS GENERAL REPAIRMEN PIPEFITTERS . SHEETMETAL WORKERS I SPECIAL OPPORTUNITY Applv in person or communicate with factors cmplovment office to earn rites ln accordance with our abllitv ateady work nssured. no labor trouble, bonus paid on second and third shifts THE GOODTEAR TIRE RUBBER CO AKRON. OHIO CARPENTERS Seeds A Derham, contrac ture, Columbia avo brlca over Schuylkill river, Falrmount Park East River drive COLLECTORS ind salismen. reliable, ac tive Catholic men to work In Uarrlaburg and Allentown districts, national organisa tion, good oppoi-unltv for a hustler Call and e Mr llixter. 002 Lnnd Title Uldg. COST ACCOUNTANT for manufacturing plant must be thoroughly familiar with all details of coat work, good opportunity for right man. Give full particulars as to snlirv nnd experience P 711 Ledger Office COUPLE Japanese an houseman and cook or took and mild or houseman and maid, location Johnstown Pa , must have refer ent e For pirtlculars call ut 1G14 Widener Bldg Philadelphia CUTTER-OUT Steiidv. best wages sash and door mill Pick and Gtenvvood nves DESIGNER of men's and women's knitted bathing suits, who can create atylcs and draft patterns, Is wanted by a plant mak ing high class goods of established reputa tion, permanent position and good salarv and everv possible chance for advancement to the right person Z 21, I'. O Box 443 STRUCTURAL DRAFTSMEN WANTED Several first-class detatlera and ch-eckera bv large Buffalo fabricating shop, permanent positions with excellent opportunities for advancement, depending upon abllitv. clva age, education, references and experience ln detail Jl 7111, LUDUEU OFFICE- DRAFTSMEN, 2 or 3. first class thoroughly experienced tn blast-furnace work; perma- ncilt ff.ltiuili st,-..--, it,,. uc.a.ta .MCUIMS experience salary desired and date available M 420. Ledger Office. F-INISHERS PORTERS PACKERS WANAMAKER FURNITURE WAREHOUSE N. E. COR. 23D AND WASHINGION AVE riREMAN experienced operator on Wetzel or Roney stokers, to take charge and operate J 0 horsepower boilers, industrial plant, day work no ashes or coal to handle Address "H 27," T O Box 3100 rRAME MAKERS wanted. piecework; steady work, good wages Apply Chas. F. Felln A, Co . York road and Butler ss HOO ISLAND SHIPYARD RIVETERS RIVETINO GANGS COPPERSMITHS. FIRST CLASS PASSER ROYS l MUST BE OVER 18" AND FURNISH PROOF OF AOH APPLY 800 WALNUT ST. SEE MR. SHATTUCK OR MR. PHILLIPS 1B21 ARCH ST. SEE MR. SWARTZ LATHE MEN Wanted, with knowledge of woodwork; need not be a mechanic Apply Becker, Smith & Page, Water st. and Snsder ave. LAUNDRY . SHIRT IRONERS HAND WORK APPLY MARKET STREET LAUNDRY 1308 FILBERT STREET LINOTYPE operator, experienced on book and Job work, state salary and experience. P 708 ledger Office. LINOTYPE OPERATORS AND AD MEN WANTED APPLY FIFTH FLOOR LEDGER BLDO . 6I AND CHESTNUT STS. MACHINISTS wanted badly. Apply to K of C. Employment Bureau, J4S0 8 Penn square at once. Free to ex service men. Fifty lines at business need men also. MACHINE hands wanted: must be familiar with window frame cutting out: good wages, steady work. Apply Chas. F. Felln & Co York roid and Butler ( I MAJ?i r?i"1 , "We .age. for information and hall clerk In offices of large corpora- tlon. short hours: good position for retired railroad man drawing pension: must be able P3"tMiSd,gVTncV,"p'y "ut,n "'". MEN to serve morning newspapers. William tit"i"i -u i.; ninimn St. METAL ratternmaker for stove and radia tor patterns M 728 Ledger Office MOTORMEN and conductors wanted: ex service men can have Jobs at once hv calling at the K of C. Employment Bu reau . 1430 South Tenn Square this morning, Fifty other lines of business need men also. MOUNTERS for hot-air furnaces nnd gas ranges Apply Abrarn Cox Stove Co Amerlcnn nnd Dauphin sts OPERATORS. COIaORUD. ON DRESSES WANTED. LIBERTY SHIRTWAIST CO.. IB'S. 8D " PATTERN MARKERS, 25. nonunion: 80 cents per hour. 8-hour day, Answer by telegrnm Annlston Steel Co . Anpleton Ala, FJaRo PLAYER , for 'evehlrur. Bherry'i (life. Hmid UTI J-htajKHj,,. - " Cafe, Broad and f brietlim. HELP WANTED MALE MEM WANTED AT ONCE FOR TUB U. S. MERCHANT MAniNB TO BE TRAINED AS BAILORS, FIREMEN, STEWARDS ron GOOD JOBS AT GOOD PAY ON OCEAN-OOINO SHIPS PAY WHILE TRAINING- HOARD ANTJ QUARTERS FREE AOES 18 TO S51 BRINO BIRTH CERTIFICATES. "" APPLY TO V. B. SHIPPINO BOARD AOENT CITY HALL TARD PHILADELPHIA AT ONCE WANTED AT ONCE RIVETERS RIVETERS . RIVETERS FIRST-CLASS SHELL RIVETERS APPLY CHESTER SHIPBUILDING CO.. LTD. FRONT AND KERLIN STS CHESTER. PA. PORTERS AND CLEANBR8 APPLY BUREAU OF EMPLOYMENT WANAMAKER'S PROOFREADER, experienced on Job and book work, stato salary and experience. P 7nn, Ledger Office SALESMEN Good territory and liberal commission for big men. Hosiery and un derwear direct from mill to retailer Show us at least a $3000 record and we will show sou how to double It This Is no place for "pikers " P O Box fill Reading Pa. SALESMEN We want several men of proven ability; the compensation Is partic ularly attractive to men of high caliber: we must have men of moral strength and char acter, sales experience necessary, but we teach our method of selling: referenre re qulred Applv sa 1 os manager, 410 Parry Bldg UNSKILLED MEN FOR PRODUCTION WORK Aces IS to 45 Weight 140 lbs or more IN GOOD PHYSICAL CONDITION Good Living Wage Paid Whlls Learning; Steady Work Assured V I Apply ln Person Communicate with Factory Employment Office THE OOODYEAR TIRB & RUBBER CO. AKron Ohio SALESMEN, to work on commission basis wanted Hundreds of Jobs for ex service men can be had by railing at the K of C Emplosment Bureau. 1480 South Penn Square, -at once. SALESMEN Specialty men for Harrlsburg, Scranton Elmlra Blnghamtnn, Allentown; high commission- $(10 per week proposition Mr Brennen 21.1 N 1.1th st. . SHIPPINO CLERK Intelligent man wanted for night work, textile mills; must b sober, steads- and not afraid of work; state sge, references and salary expected. P (121 Ledger Office STENOGRAPHER YoungT man. wanted; first-class, good salary; steady position. Ledger Branch ISO, ISth and Moore. STENOGRAPHER for South America: must lie single; state age and salary expected. P 711. Ledger Office. BTEiSL DESIGNER, structural first class. high grade of not less than 10 years' ex perience, and preferably one .familiar with blast furnace of steel-plant work: permanent, position, state full details regarding experi ence, aalary wanted and date available. U 1. Ledger urflce. STOVE MOLDERS, experienced, to work on furnace and stove work Company houses for men with families. Apply by mall. M 727 Ledger Office . WANTED EXPERIENCED MEN AND WOMMfn WORK ONLY- GOOD WAGES: STEADY -rf WORK: NO LABOR TROUBLE. 'APPLY AT I MU.SKUU HT OATB F BLUMENTHAL CO. WILMINGTON. DEL WANTED MAN THOROUGHLY VERSED IN MAKINO BASEBALL OLOVES AND MITTS FOOTBALLS AND BOXING GIXJVKS. EXPERIENCE WITH MA CHINES USED IN THIS LINE REQUIRED. STEADY EMPLOYMENT GUARANTEED. COMMUNICATE WITH OFFICE FOR FURTHER DETAILS M 726 LEDGER OF. WEAVERS wanted badly; 200 Jobs are open for ex-service men who apply to the K of C. Employment Bureau, at 1450 South Tenn tquare, at once. The service Is free. WEAVERS on Knowles looms; white work. Girard Worsted Co,, Howard and Hunting1- don SIX THOUSAND five hundred Jobs are open for discharged soldiers sailors or marines. They are ln all lines of In dustry. Call at K of C. Employment Bureau. 1430 South Penn Square, at once. RELIABLE help wanted to register. free of charge at the P. E. Mission Employment Bureau 221 H 8d st JOBS ln every line of Industry by the thousands are on file at the K, of C. Employment Bureau. 1430 South Penn Square. Ex-service men can obtain em ployment nt once In the lines that suit them best by applying at once. General BUSINESS SERVICE CO . 1114 Land Title ONLY international organization seeurlnr CLERICAL. TECHNICAL, 8AI.ES. EXEC UTIVE and MANAGERIAL positions paying salaries from $800 to $15,000 with emn oyers here and elsewhere Nn charge until placed WE TEACH YOU TO DRIVE AND REPAIR AU llMHlilL,i-.r . $2f COMPLETE COURSE $55 DAY AND NIGHT CLASSES Battler's. 1601 Spring garden. Open Sunday. SITUATIONS WANTED MAIiK AN UNUSUAL OPPORTUNITY Aggressflve. capable, thoroughly trained business' man and salesman offers services, Including dally use and; upkeep of automobile, for $8 50 per day or $3000 a year at any sort of occupation, provided it Indicates merit and future possibilities: long hours and arduous work are only a means to an end, B 2l, Ledger Office. ACCOUNTANT Efnclent young man In both commercial and rost accounting, hsvlnir 10 years' practical experience .and with ability to take charge ot a department. Is open tor nr,ttattnn wllh a. live concemi graduate --7, of colleg-and has also acted n, putehiMaeT A I Egret) beet rtttertnotn, AHfiptfttr OfS. c -! . . - . i i . i . -I -.-. i l MMttffl Jk!tf. u. ' . L.vi tit - ? '., 7J V'v i- .'?-?- 3 Stf r. . r-A- " - ' -vi ! v$ If, - .'.).. i' si-,jy .'X - ,. i ' . r r . - -.,W- rfajimte -aM -. J! .-.- --..- ..iSsi.. , . t k ti -ii'Jifr.Trit.k'itT"1 int, , ..tii 1. i- n.i.inT..ii irWflCiM-tfrr , nhtf-i'st , iTln A sf irV iii s, i, , hi'ir- in',, , kaA &Ji&k&WklfJ t I Left "V r. U LJC . . tfli $m H K.f All. jy O'