Evening public ledger. (Philadelphia [Pa.]) 1914-1942, June 26, 1919, Night Extra Financial, Page 14, Image 14

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fTraclng of Boundary by Com-
v mission Requires Men of
Broad World Vision
. tL
fa?- A...AHj.Hr if J.rtrfa(rrf Press
J?4'' London. June 17. One of the first
ihVdutics of the lengue of nations after
the treaty of peace with ucrmnny
Is ratified is to organize a commission
"r of. five members to trace the great iron
' tier line of the Sarre va!tey.
ThN task is pointed out in n state
t went issued here by an official of the
' Jeague, apparently Sir Eric Drumraond,
the secretary.
The commission must be set up fif
teen dajs after the peace treaty is
' signed and ratified, sa.s the statement.
f Three members of the commission will
be appointed bj the league of nations.
To be prepared for this and other
t duties of the league a plan of organiz
ing the league is being prepared and
, the personnel of the office of general
secretary is being selected provision
ally. ThN plan of organization is nub-
ject to the approval of the organization
t committee of the league, which isVom
posed of representatives of the I'nlted
States, CSreat Krltain, France, Italy.
Japan, Belgium, Brazil, Greece and
, Spain.
Aided by "certain persons or persons
of diffcrrut nationalities," the secretary
Is working out plans for the creation of
"truly international secretary." It
Is pointed out that the members of this
secretarial bod must divest themsohes
rff international preconceptions nnd that
they arc not to be regarded as repre-
. sentaties of their respective nations,
but must deotethrmseles whole-henrt-edly
to the service of the league of na
tions. The divergent interest of the states
will be expressed in the council and the
assembly of the league, sajs the state
ment, and it is added thnt when im
portant national interests, are involved
It will no doubt be found essential that
prime ministers and foreign secretaries
should attend the meetings of those two
The secretarial, it ii declared, must
be conducted on a wholh different basis.
Men' and women of "broad vision and
flexible mind, interested heart nud soul
in tlfe success of the league" are de
clared to be offering their services.
"This," said the statement, "is proof
of the confidence that the best men and
women have in the promise of the
league. It is the first and finest augur
for the league's success."
British Sportsman Expelled From St. Regis After He De
nounces Girls Collecting Money for Irish Victory Fund
New York, June 20. Sir Charles
Carrick Allom, Itritish n'irplanc nianu
facturer and sportsman and at one time
a putative challenger for the America's
cup. was forcibly ejected from the lobby
of the Hotel St. Regis into Fifty-fifth
street yesterday afternoon. He resisted,
but was propelled to the sidewalk by
three Irish porters and the hotel's as
sistant manager, while It M. Haau, the
proprietor, surveyed the proceeding with
Vincent Astor was also a witucss of
part of an altercation preceding the net
of expulsion. In the struggle between
the lobby nnd the sidewalk Sir Charles
lost his hat and cane, but speedily re
covered them.. They were thrown
through the front door after him.
The row started with u denunciation
by the British nobleman of tno girls
who were collecting money in the St.
Itegis lobby for the Irish Victory fund.
In its sciond stage Mr Ilaan was the
object of the iitor's wrath.
According to the St Utgis proprietor.
Sir Charles told him it was an outrage
to permit money to be eollected in the
hotel for the "Irish rebellion." and
toward the end of the conersation
called him and ever body connected
with the hotel traitors Mr. Hnan re
plied with a few words ou his own ac
Meanwhile the lnbb filled with!
luncheon guests and hotel emploes.
Among the latter were three Irish por-
ters rolling up their sleet es in the
background and awaiting some word
from the boss before getting into action.
They got their signal when the nsMat
ant manager, Charles Maseord, who
is not an Irishman, boiled over upon
hearing the word "traitor " lie ran
around from behind the desk sonic say
he jumped oior it and took Sir
Charles, who had alread been ordered
out by Mr. Ilaan and declined to go,
by the arm.
"Tim." shouted Mr. Maseord. The
first Irish porter sprang forward,
"Mike" and the second representa
tive of the A. O. II. responded.
"Bat," nnd the llnc-up was complete.
It must be said for Sir Charles, who in
his day has been a prbe oarsman,
cricketer, football player nnd quarter
mller, that he put up a good fight
against these odds nnd thnt a wallop
ing time was hnd before the porters nnd
Mr Maseord deposited him on the pave
ment A Celtic chambermaid deposes
that he thrashed around something fear-
fill and thnt she wore out her bands
clapping his swift tumultuous exit from
the hotel
Egli Dichiara che Nazione o
Parlamento Dovranno Soste-
nefe il Nuoyo Mlnistero.
Published and Dltrlbutrd Under
. . rCn.MIT NO 341.
Authorl21 by the net of October (I,
11)17. on file at the Tostonice of Phlle
delphla, r
By order of the "President
rostmaater General.
Men Who Have Returned From War
to Be Paid Tribute
High honors will be paid tonight to
seven members of the Forty-fifth Ward
Republican Club, Frankford nvenuc
abotp Westmoreland street, who have1
returned from active service in I'urope I
They nre Frederick Oehcke, James
Rldls. Alfred Cargen. William Me
Cleary, Andrew McOill. Chnrles Em
hoff and Gustnv Ehressraan. Coroner
Knight, Councilman Frederick Schwartz
and Harry Dunley, president of the
club, will speak
Foreign Minister Expresses Anxiety
Over Italian Aspirations
Itnme, Wednesday June -" (By
A T i TTrtrnir-n TinUtpr Tittnni. ad
dressing the Senate today, called upon
1'arliament and the countrj for their
full and unconditional support, regard
less of party.
He said the Italian Parliament nnd
the country realize with anxiety that
while the disposition of the national
asplratiotib still nre uncertain, those of
other powers nlreads hae been ac
Itotna. 25 giugno. II Senntorc itt
tonl, nuovo Ministro per gli Affari Es
ter!, ha oggl pronunrlato tin dlscorso al
Senato del Regno dimostrnndo la ne
cesslta" die il Parlamento e la nazione
diano pieno ed incondlzinnnto il loro
appogglo al (labinetto. senza riguardo
di partito. Egli ha detto che Parla
mento o Nazione realizzano con nnsieta'
che mentre le dlsposlzioni per la na
zionall aspirazioni si mantengonn in
certe, quelle di altre potenze sono state
gia' riconosclute. e flic egli c dc
sideroso di rispondrre pieuamentc a
tutte le legittime richleste per spiega
zioni. Roma, 24 giugno (ritardatol. La
stampa faoreolc a Sonnino, i giornnli
di opposizione a (iiolitti ed anchc la
maggioranza del nazionnlisti enpitanata
di fiabrielc D'Annunzio hnnno intra -presa
una'feroce campagna contro Nittl,
cercando di sollevare i sentiinenti popo
lari contro il nunio Prcsidentc del Con
siglio del Ministri.
Detti giornnli rievocano la storia degll
incident! quando Bissolati, capo del par
tito socialista prima della gucrra, diedc
le dimissioni dul Oabinetto Orlando per
ditergeuze di Ardiitc sopra 1c richleste
dell'Italia alia Confercnza della Pace,
wserdo egli delPopInlone che la Dele
gazionc Itatlana dovesse fare delle con
cessionl sulla questionc Adriatlca. Nittl,
si dlchlaro', condlvise lo idee dl Bis
Rolatl ed Infatti dopo poco tempo pre
sento' le sue dimissioni.
W ritenuto che l'attltudine di Bis
solati e Nittl, in quel tempo, abbia pol
infiulto gull 'nbbegglamcnto dl Wil
son fino a fnrlo decldere a cmettcrl
11 suo comunlcato relatlvamentc la ques
tlone dl Flume. II rrcsldente, si assc
riscc, fu male informato del numero
del seguaci che sostcnevano I due minis
tri dimisslonari.
Iattitudine di gran parte del pub
bllco verso i nuovi ministri c' princi
palmentc dovuta al timorc che essl non
sarnnno ferml nel domandarc quanto c
considerato nel dlrittl d'ltalla., sopra
tutto la concluslone dl trattatl eco
nomic!, commerciali e finanztarl, 1 quail
dovrebbero mettere in grndo la nazione
di ricuperare lcpcrditc caglonatc dalla
To niinrn deleeazione destlnata n
Parici e' commentata con alquanto fa-
vore, poiche' Tlttoni c' un uomo dl forte
enrattere, ben conoscluto In Inghllterra
e1 In Frnncia ove fu ambasciatorc.
Quando Re Edoardo si rcco in Napoli
incontro' per la prima volta Tittoni,
aflora prefctto in quella cltta' e per
sonalmeLte sugcerl' a Glollttl che sa
rebbe stato l'uomo adatto per rlcoprire
la carica dl ministro per gli Affari Es
teri. I.a nomina di Marconi c' stata.
nrcolta anche con soddisfazlonc, poiche',
date le sue aderenze in America, potra'
moltci contribuire a ristablllrc rcla
zioni amichevoli tra gli Stati Uniti e
I'd. nunto solo si nota favorevole a
Nltti, quello cioc' della sua decisione di
rlmnnere in Italia Inrece di andare a
Parigl come dclegato alia Confercuz
della Pace. Talc fatto fu uno dei puntl
deboli del Gabinetto Orlando, sotto il
quale presidente del consiglio cd il
ministro degli Esteri abbandonarono gli
nffari intern! per recarsi alia Con
fercnza. Parigi. 2G giugno. Si apprende che.
una comunlcazlone ufficlalei non
sara' riccvuta, prima dl serai da Der-
lino, relatlvamentc al piani del
governo tedesco per firmare 11 trattato
dl pace, qualche cosa come un ulti
matum sara Invlato a Berlino dalla
Confercnza della Pace.
Berlino, 23 giugno. II "Berlin Vor
waerts," II prlnclpale organo del so
cialist), dice quanto apprcsso riguardo
al trattato dl pace:
"La pressionc cstorslonantc rendc 11
trattato senza valore. Non dobbiamo
mat dlmenticaro cbe esso e' soUanto un
pezzo dl carta qualunquc. I trattatl
basatl sulla vlolenza possono mantencre
la loro calldlta' saltanto fino a che
dura la forza, Non dobbiamo pcrdcrcl
di speranza. II glorno della rlsurro
zione Terra.' "
Bucknell '04 to Honor Fether
Lewlsburg, Pa., June 20. A bronze
war memorial tablet will be erected on
the Bucknell University campus In
Sale o . .
CI This most important
"move" will take place next
week and the many bargains
that are now available will be
worth your while to come and
look for.
Our new address will be 1611
Chestnut more advanced and
more convenient in many ways.
Clearing Out Many Beautiful
Lamp Shades at Half Price!
Silk Lamp Shades and most unuiual and artistic hmd-piinted Lamp
Shades. Regular $18 ones at $9 and regular $30 ones at $15, with dozens
of others in between theie prices.
Unlimited Choice of High-Grade Pieces For Example:
Hand-Carved Italian 1 .English Oak Table I Italian Walnut Chaise
Chair, Value $125 Value $95 Longue, Value $125
Sale $85 Sale $75 Sale $98
Special Reductions on the -Kier "Downy" Sofa
1112 Walnut Street
Interior Decorations and Furnishi,n&s
honor of Colonel 'W. Vf.f fether,vtvho
was one of the first Twenty-eighth Divi
sion officers killed In France. The class
of '04, with which Colonel Fether was
graduated, made this announcement yes
terday following the celebration of its
fifteenth anniversary at commencement.
IJTHE . r4 .
I Even the fastest express
train couldn't d6 this a
trip of 20 seconds in an
elevator to a roof 21 sto
ries from the ground, and
you leave a hot city street
and come to a cool coun-.j
try Orchard., Sounds like
I a fairy tale, doesn't it?
Methodists Say That War Revealed
Causes of Unrest
Cleteland, O., .Tune 20. (Bv A. V.)
Delegates to the jubilee convention
of the joint centenary committee of
the Methodist Episcopal Church laBt
wlfTf r1i.Mnri.ft tl.nf nnnnr Tiririirir
$" political, economical or industrial, must
fcr-jjjjot be monopolized by one class to the
ucirjuii'iu ui mi' oiner unci uini class
distinctions must be abolished.
Resolutions were adopted stating that
much of the present social unrest is
due to conditions which had existed
previously, but were not recognized
until demonstrated by the war.
A cablegram requesting that wartime
prohibitlou be enforced until all Amer
ican soldiers are demobilized was sent
to Presideut Wilson. Similar messages
were sent to the presiding officers of
"THE matchless performance of the silent
Knight Motor, the perfect functioning of
eery part, coupled with the striking beauty
of modish sport bodies, have caused motor
wise men to acclaim the 1920 Stearns as the
elect of motor cars.
Arranire today for demonstration
Immediate Deliveries
908 N. Broad Street, Philadelphia
Toplar 1565
Some choice territory open
I i
Hl tH. jIB
! .
live dealers
I iff
Bessemer Turned Over to Interocean
Oil Company for Texan Ports
The 7000-ton tanker Bessemer is the
latest, oil carrier to be added to the fleet
shuttling from Philadelphia to Texan
ports. It was turned over to the Inter- i
ocean Oil Company this morning.
The Bessemer, which was launched
at the Ptisey & Jones shipyard, Glou
cester, February 26, returned last night
from a successful trial trip She aver
aged eleven nnd one-quarter knots an
hour for twehe hours nnd was accepted
by the Emergencj Fleet Corporation and
turned over to the oil company.
Buildings Demolished and Several
Persons Injured in Canadian Storm
Calgary, Can., June 20. One child
was killed, several persons were injured
and a number of buildings demolished
by tornado which strucn the out
skirts of Empress, Alberta, a small
town near Medicine Hat. according to
reports receded here early today. Tho
twister picked up a railway car in which
a family wbr living and carried it some
distance to a coulee, where the car
was smashed.
Honest Andy Says:
W&Z "Irn Alave I Ten J
Starrett Hack-Saw Blades"
Cut Quicker Last Longer
Let us send you our chart show
ing the correct saws to use when
cutting light angles, tool steel, etc.,
or hae our shop expert call free.
romplet Stock of
Blades and M&chlnei
Collieries Supply &
Equipment Co.
14 N. 5th St.
Market 4280
k. V
Red Cross Worker a Suicide In Berlin
Berlin, June 20. Brice Binger, of
Petersburg, Ind., au enlisted man con
nected with the Bed Cross mission here,
committed suicide June 24 The mo
tive for the deed is unknown.
EL -
. if
a '
Reduce the Dangers
of; Motorboating to
a Minimum
There is always danger of a
gasoline engine catching fire.
Be ready for such an emer
gency. Equip your boat with
one-quart extinguishers.
Fife Extinguishers, Recharge
and Refill Liquid for all type.
Send us your address for a
free copy of "Suggestions for
Fire Prevention,'" I tailed by the
National Board of Fire Under
writer. Free Inspection by fire
fljfhtlnr experts.
James M, Castle,
Lincoln Ilulldlnc
F Phlladflnhla
filbert 4513
,Bftc 35B7
?uV f'r -
Jt .J..1t
The Real Efficient
Sanitary Tub
Efficient because it saves the back-breaking labor
of cleaning around and underneath. Tiles in
corner or in recess, as illustrated. Sanitary, be
cause it is made in one piece with a remarkably
heavy, beautiful white finish one that is easy to
keep clean with the least amount of trouble.
its graceful lines along with the other Seminole
Sanitary Fixtures insures you life-long satisfaction
and comfort.
Plumbing & Heating Supplies
Display Room
44 to 50 IN. 5th St., 506 Arch St.
139-141 Federal St., Camden, N. J.
7 r '.I
Sea theie fix
turet In our
Rooms. Call
at any time.
r.IHl?r Wirnnpr VM' ?r,i .ntiia.. iiiiiinihw
niiiiliiiiiiiiiiiiiTTiiimiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiimmiiiiiiiiiii iiiiimiiiiiiiiniiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiimii iiiiiiiiiiiiiHiniiiiiiiiiiiiiiimiiiiiiummniiiiiiHiimiiiiiiiiiiiiiimiimiiiiiinma
United States Spruce Produdtion Corporation
Each Consisting of
A Permanent Railway System Tapping Large Virgin Areas of
Timber and a Well Located Modern Sawmill of Large Capacity
The War Department, through the abate corporation, organized nnder Act of Congress, entitled "An Act
making Appropriation for the Support of the Army, etc", approred July 9, 1918, on account of war time
necessity, built railways and prepared milling facilities for the timber from two of the largest hitherto un
developed timber areas of the Pacific Northwest, namely, Olympic Peninsula, State of Washington, and Lin
coln County, adjoining Yaquina Bay, State of Oregon, including the famous Silctz Basin.
Development, at date of Armistice was advanced to such a stage that either of these properties can now
be placed in complete operation, including milling and logging, in sixty to ninety days.
All facilities and structures are of highest grade, machinery of latest type and all work performed un
der the supervision of experienced and practical engineers, contractors, lumbermen and loggers.
Admirable climatic conditions for year around operation.
Supplemental equipment for logging and railway operation, owned by the corporation, can bo acquired
subject to prior sale. .
Every facility for detailed inspection will be offered. Detailed plans, descriptions, etc, arc available in
pamphlet form with terms of sale
Cruises, profiles, maps, ownerfhip data, complete working specifications and master index of mill prop
erties and machinery are available for inspection at offices of corporation at Yeon Bldg., Portland, Ore., U. S. A.
These properties will not be sacrificed nor will bids be
considered for less than reproduction values.
Properties on Olympic Peninsula, State of Washington .
Mill and railroad open up largest hitherto nndeveloped timber resources in Pacific Northwest and make
production available for rail, coastwise, and export trade. 9
One large established, privately owned mill now opening on this Harbor at Port Angeles.
Mill at
Port Angeles
' Clallam County,
Shipping Facilities Along
side deep water Puget Sound;
Chicago, Milwaukee & St. Paul
Transcontinental Railway Sys
tem. Pacific coast terminal rates.
Mill Building Heaviest tim
ber construction.
Machinery Individual unit3
electrically driven; one 10 and
one 11 ft band head saw, 60
in. gang, 84 in. resaws, cargo
and rail overhead loading cranes.
Site Consists of 181 acres of which 67 acres are
available for drying yard.
Bulkheaded and filled around buildings.
Log Pond 15 million F. B. M. storage capacity.
Housing Facilities Camp buildings, modern cottages
and three-story 56-room brick hotel, completely fur
nished; also considerable housing room in city adjacent
Present Condition Ninety per cent complete new
machinery on hand for installation. Capable of pro
ductive operations in 90 to 100 days.
ClallamBayV;?S7WWeTJs ,. J
IfryiVV A i 11 10 9 8 7 4
Capacity 400,000 F. B. M. per 8 hr. day.
Power Plant Fireproof brick building on solid con
crete foundation; Custodis stack, refuse burner, 2400
H. P- water tube boilers; present provision for 1500
K. W. turbo generator; piping and room provided
for additional 2000 K. W.
Ample Water Supply.
Engineering Highest quality skill and design in
entire installation by recognized experts of wide
technical and operating experience.
1. 1J1 ii" i 2
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S. P. D. Railroad No. 1
Thii eonnertJ with tt Mllwnke Sjitm 17 mllt wtit of
Port Antrehs. Main line competed1 mll to UVe Pleawnti
it simple right of way; seaaoned tubttantlal rcadbed; tUndard
sauce 80 lb. rail: gravel ballait: wide clearaneeis E-5J atrue
tnret; maxlnram 14 dee. eurratnrei cradtenU 1.26 ix. loads,
1 Ti. empties! 1 summit. l.S miles tiding Installed; 3 5 miles
additional tidings graded. Main tine construction InroWed
1.260,000 yds. grading. 60 lln. ft tunnels. 30.000 Un. ft.
Biles. 800.000 F. U. M. timber In plaee. 66.000 yds. ballast.
Spurs aggregating 70 mllea graded for opening development
of H4 b'lllen feet timber Immediately trtbuUry on 400 aqnarei
miles, consisting of 2,393,000.000 ft. of Fir, J87.000.000 ft. Spruce, .
843.000.000 ft. Cedar, 2.813.000,000 ft. Hemlock. Timber through
which logging branch tpura are graded. Is privately held with
out Incumbrance by large owners. Productive logging operations
physically potslble within 60 days for marketing logt to Port
Angelea or other Paget Sound mills. Topography lendi Itself
to economical logging and Is fully mapped. Main Ine may be
extended 60 miles through practically solid additional virgin
timber. Nnmerout water power eltea adjacent for large pulp or
milling developments.
Proposals will be Considered For
K. R. No. 1 and Port Angeles Mill sep
arately, or Jointly;
R. R. No. 11 and Toledo Mills
R. R. No. 12 and Timber Tract:
R. R. No. 12. Timber Tract and Toledo
Mill : or for all Lincoln County properties.
All bids presented shall be sealed and
will be received up to 12 o'clock noon Tues
day, Sept. 2, 1919, by the undersigned
at 1U" office In the Yeon Bldg , Portland.
All bids will be publicly opened at 2
o'elock, September 2, 1919.
Detail bid forms and terms of sale on
No bids will bo considered nnless ac
companied by certified check In the
amount of 3100,000.00 made payable to
the United States Spruce, Production Cor
poration, to be retained aa liquidated
'damages on failure of bidder to complete
purchase on award, to be returned in
event of rejection.
The U. S. Spruce Production Corp. re
serves the right to reject any and all bids.
d (III '"fc'-,
IB i
. Wmyyffi, by s
mr"W" .1
Properties in Lincoln County, State of Oregon
Mill, Railroadsr and Timber Trad
Mill at Toledo, Lincoln Co., Ore.
Shipping Facilities Tide water Yaquina Bay,
Yaquina Branch of Southern Pacific Railway
'System: Pacific Coast terminal rates.
" Yaquina Bay harbor development by Govern
ment and port authorities under way.
, Mill Modern Individual electric motor driven
machinery of Pacific Coast type; one 10 and one
11 ft. band head saw; 72 and 84 in. carriagea;
68 In. vertical and 72 in. horiiontal resaws; com
mercial capacity 2(0.000 F. B. M. per 8 hr. day.
Fewer Plant 2,000 H. P. water tube boilers:
1880 K. W. turbo generator and auxiliaries, all
In place on concrete foundation! : ateel stack and
refuse, burner. Complete milt and locomotive
machine shop. Machinery and power plant alt
-k .14. 4Kr In.A.IIJ -.11. .. .Jl.UMf
j to purchaser's requirement. Ample Water Sap-
ply. on. twnwiw oi ou acres, ample zor mm
bar rtorage and housing facilities. Tracks and
teadlnc Sheds with Manufacturing Shed 184x
I2 ft. Office Balldlng and Store Houm on site.
Log Storage adjacent, capacity 20.000,000 F. B.
H, Well adapted fer large scale finished p redact
(tannfactarlng plint fer rail marketing threagh
t United SUtet, Thle Corporation owns Interest
In Toledo ft Slleta leg. R. R., tapping Immense)
virgin Douglas Fir belt Immediately north.
S. P. D. Railroad No. 11
(Taqnlna Northern)
Connecting at Yaquina terminus So. Pec br.
Main line completed 10.8 miles; graded 1.7 mllea
additional; 2.78 miles aidinga completed: 2.09
miles spurs completed. Engine houses, oil and
water facilities, log dumps, booming ground at
Yaquina Terminal. Fee simple right of way.
Standard gauge 67 lb. rail, sand ballast, well
seasoned roadbed. Structures for heaviest load
ing, wide clearances, no tunnels. Maximum
curvature 16 deg. Maximum grade, vs. loads
2.6; vs. empties 3.7. This road taps tim
bered area of nearly 2 billion ft, mostly Douglaa
Fir and Sitka Spruce, with soma Hemlock and
Cedar, which can be reached with continuous
logging development
S. P. D. Railroat) No. 12
(Alsea Southern)
22 4 miles main line completed from northern
terminus on Yaquina Bay. This railroad built
for logging purposes, and dumps Into Yaquina
Bay, Car ferry slips, car barge and stern wheel
steamer to tow logs and barges, make possible
transferring cars to Yaquina V Northern at Ya
quina, Fee simple main line right of way. Six
tenths miles additional mainline graded; 3.6 miles
spurs graded: 2.66 mllea sidings complete. Stand
ard gauge 60 lb. rail, sand' ballast roadbed
fair! well seasoned, structures heaviest loading.
Maximum grade, 1 vs. empties, 2 vs. loads.
16 deg. maximum curvature. AVater supply, en
gine service houses, warehouse booming grounds,
log booms and pocketa ready for operation This
line taps I approximately
800.100.000 ft. timber
owned by this corporation and described below.
Beth abeva rallreads In Una of any ultimate Pacific Coast Una Railway 'Systen Yaqtlna
Bay Termini are ten milts by tide water Ulew Toledo mill.
Timber Tract
This corporation owns In fee above mineral
rights about 12,600 acres of high grade timber
at southern end Aiaea 'Southern R. R. in approx
imately following quantities; Douglas Fir, 816,-
744.000 ft; sprnee. 283,768,000 ft. I hemlock, 100,.
476,000 Jt; cedar, 16,116,000 ft Complete topo.
graphical maps and apur Una locations, beyond
present grading, developed for logging entire tract
... coMPitrcp Kn.GPJia
, pxtvecreo uncs
Address all Communications and Bids to Engineering Department
United States Spruce Production Corporation
Yeon Building, Portland, Oregon, U. S. A.
This Sale is being ad
vertised Blmultaneous-i
ly In all principal cities
in the United States,
Canada, Europe and
South America,
f. rwi
, " p
.' .iC(QMt:
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