n i EVENING PUBLIC- LEDGER PHILiibELPHL EtiNESDArVjUNE 25?1$19,T' " ; V ft ',t r I -gS f m. i' Vv s fv T k f I , Jl i A hr ft W Is f Wt f BRUNO DUKE VtMver of Business Problems k t- lUDnl i WIIITKIIRAn "ft;' rf .. ,,--- .- Copyright. E' 'PnOIJLEM OK THE VAN ISHED TKOFIT Thought of Window Dresslnj: , ilf BUPrOSK I'd better go to Ashtou K . r I .1 - ,, tlnnrr Mnlllhon. t, - BUU BLU -HID ....... ,7 Iwda't I?" I asked Bruno Duke, after i 5 trading Malabon's letter. TJ ''Tm." Duke acrccd. "I wrote htm Pt'iUut a week afo and eased his mind on fit.. -,,eHon -f iMin for stud.Tinz his I t 'v ...... t . ruMlilam T Ulan tielriVl llfm fOr KDltlO I HT M.VWIUI. "IP ......,. - , jVparticulars of his methods of dolus g& business. His reply F-hoNNed that h. knew very little of bookkeeping or re- itv .... t tall store management, and hU at- OS ... f.iii ' 3r tempt to write of his way of doing bui-i Sf, .... m. . , l5H was pitiable TllOrr R nlllV OnCl 1 i . , 1( . . . !. i sowing to ao, anu mai s 10 k" i" ,u anrl looted tn the tlilnc Alltotl I seo, and jooKed to tne tniug. .snmii. r.i, U a iimall town in an agricultural com- raunlty in the wetem part UtV - , 01 the I So to days later I loft Mary. jiit a Jittle tearful at such an early ,mra- tlon "after our marriage, ntid wont to " Ash ton. xo" . . I checked my grlP at the Mation and 'strolled through the tnn. The tou. did I say? Let me correct that and sav u.u j. the one street on which thero wore any stores. In a few moments I crime to Henry Jlalabon's store anil was Mir- . , ,,,... i prised to see how well kept it appeared i .1 il. ...!. !,,.-, in comparison with the neighboring nteaa siurea. The windows were wen crunmea. une contained a tine display of Miiall ngn- culturnl equipment, while the other liutl a really well-planned dipla of kitchen utensils. On one "-ide was a kitchen I cabinet facing n stove on the other i side. Between there was a kitchen ta- ble.tm Which were a UUmDcr ot small ... , , i, kitchen tools. I looked at the window of the grocer next door. There I saw a mo.t remark 'able collection of flies' I assume thev ... ..,. r- .!... ,!., ..It tt.ot TVere Itir -air, mi ui.il i .ii,.. ui. .1.. iii.ii ,1 1.. .l. ., I.,.!.,,. ..nii limn lniiui. .. i...... CTldentlJ put tticre lor rue lues m n-cn Upon. If I wanted flies I'd h.-ne gone there, ...... . . .... .i. i.. OUt 11 1 nau wniltcu nam, u s uie nisi. . - - - ;r, place that I would hate ili.trd! , s,r' E,r?i ,m, hGr"0 S J"'!',," iV4"iU , This misuse of the store wmdovi ..Xi'ifmi - Tunc 21 mrmmr k started me on n tour ot inspection 01 the other retail store windows. The horrible examples! saw seemed to me, to Indicate one reason why small towu Inhabitants trade a, from home TVkenever nftor this I hear the small vneneyer, aner tins, i near int sinuu town trade association wail, What it.. Arx . lrr. t-lin nonnlo trn.Iin in yre do to keop tnn people iraaing 111 can thstr-nn-n hninn town? I II kuuw what ' tO Say. I'll -of t-11 ,. - nnnenl tn tlio II not tell them to appeal to tno patriotism of the people, or to put up - -:ii- -1--- col, no "tf ,n I,,,-1 any silly slogans such as it we buy OUt of our town and you buy out of t-i. ill U . ...... our town, what will become of our nm?" I lowI1' People will patronl.e Their neighbors SO long as it won t hurt their pocket- . books and they can get what they want. '(yne thing they want and seldom get lsUlile j nt private Remains may b m intelligent, courteous service!. Failing v"h viooo'-jifn. 24 elizareth r mat, tney will go wnere iiieir money, wire m i-renericn nagoon ano daughter K.. ,. ' , , of Bll7ibth It and late Jame, p Murphv OUyS tllO most. I jtdtives and friends Invited lo funeral I'll tell those trade associations, "Ifisat ft 10 i m ui 1 jRih at snl.mn you want to keep trade nt home, jou must be as live as your competitors and your competitors arc not the fellow -.tradesmen in your midst, hut the mer chants in the bigger centers which at- lr tracts your customers." iiur. coming DacK to store windows. The retailers of Ashton evidently don't know that it is the usefulness or plea sure of an article that causes people to buy. The Bight of an article u ill ar0USG - j.,t. 4N ,,. :r , ,-,: . a deMre to possess it its service is Ki.antael Tf hah nt no a nermtiv- - ,. display which appeal to quite different buying instincts, the appeal of one ar- Ucle is so different from the appeal of the ., .ui .1.- . i -i, -. . omer, inat. tne mo appeals ciasn anu -Antral u hi effort Tor instance, the little dry goods store had a window in which were jumbled a . w few women s hats, some umbrellas, ama(n(, mtl h(. viewed vei . after 7pm fw waists two or three nairs of men's M'I OsicnT Suddenly, June 2'-' KLIZA lew waisis. iwo or inree pairs ol men s BBTJI mcCIX)SKKT (nee Smith) widow of DOOts, some. Sheet music, a notice Of a ratrfck MrCIoeko Rlatlea and friends In "hftTYii tnlnt" rnnrprr thlrh hnH hren i 'ted to funeral Frl . ft 30 a m 714 ftth nome taient concert wnicn naa oeen B, solemn requiem hitrh mis- t Paul tiven ttWO weeks aco and some cakes Church 10 a m Int. New Cathedra! Cem ... m 1 Autn funeral uiadft by the women s guild. . mood rune 24 nt hg 1 an- .v j Th Hrnir Rtnrp window rnntninotl r HKISTINI MOOD atred R3 RclatUe and xne arup store winuow contained. fripnds inltPd to serinea rri n m among Other things, Candy, mosquito at Xl E Church Ferrell T J Int Terrell joss bucks, feome uxes oi staiioncry. j .ti . 1 - . two hot-water bottles and a pile of . ... - ,. .! bottles jf asthma remedy. ... . .. . . ... cieiv tuni irioe .-so in 1 kj n 1 in Neither of these windows had a single vtd to funeral Thurs ttiii m. -.07 NV price ticket on the goods. Those win- Nrrl t Solemn requiem mas, f,t Fd V . nit. j i it wards Church lo a m Int Holy Sepul- dows seem to say, "Abandon hope all ye chr Vem o-lici unter liere'" This xras m- thnnrht PFEIFrF.R June "1 IDA II PFEIF wno enter Here. i n s Nvas my tnougui , rER vHf ot rnarl pflrfr (n Br((n as x entered .iiaiaDon s store. TODAY'S BUSINESS QUESTION What is a revcnue cutitr'T Anticer tcill appear tomorrow, ANSWER TO YESTERDAY'S BUSINESS QUESTION A lsurveyortt it an agent of an insurance company to examine and report on applications for vxarxnf or fire insurance. BISHOP MUST SELL HOME Uondon Churchman With $50,000 Salary Cannot Keep Two Dwellings Ixndon, 5Iay 2d. (Correspondence . . .t.j T..- v T.I. - l . Ol ASSOClatea 1'rCSS.I The Bishon Of lr. ' TTo-.too riootor Tne-mm -in, !. Rs VoTei7i & j .1., "...I -ei, ui .r arkwu .inj - i uua inui lie luuuul Ki-eii lin .V .Vil, f el,. .M..... -,i.i .i.l P?. his position, nnd proposes to rent or bell , his town house. i The bishop explained to a diocesan - conference that ?3L,u00 of his income ' went for income tax. suner-tnx. mn- Rk Blripal taxes and insurance. That left Min i IiLm ultr 41 T FJV tn maintain t-n a ' (ablishments, to keep a motor and the SBlnimum ot ten Servants absolutely : M-e.t A. -lT.ill.n.n tlnla.. t.t. . tVTyucv ui - mni ihibh, uib (.uuilltjr hcae, alone. . r - fOlMCARE TO VISIT BELGIUM . ) Jiiffre, Foch and Petaln Will Aecom- ?'.' ' n-nu Ep.neh Ckl.t v .:-. - ,.,.. iels. June 25, By A. P ) Kwint Folncare of France will visit WfimtU, July 21, which is Belgium's IHHIIiasl itte day, lie will be accom i1 by JMarshals Joffre. Foch and Ptin at a rttiew of the Belgian army 4ifr22. t vrident I'oincare will confer upon ? time P tlbbon of the Legion of Honor itaifceroic defense against the Ger- ta-lBH. He also will visit -MercUr-at Mallow. MARRIED KING.WOOD Married In Wsshtnston. O, P., June 7. 1IB PAfTj KINO and ELEANOR JIAnVIiT WOOD Both of Dill Bimfljs FUSTIAN June 24 KLMEfl CUIUS TOrilCK HAITIAN Jr , son of Klmer and Helen Hast Ian lnc Msnella), aged 2-? months Relative and friends InUted to funertl senlcs Thura - P in residence of parents 1747 S Conetoira st (5'th and Woodland ae j Int private, Kernwwd Cem. RT.VDEH June 21 CHRISTIAN hus band of late Ullhelmlna Hinder (nee Tlurk- nflrntl. a em s.l nlntlf ami irirnrifi III i lted to funeral Thurs t p m rhapel of i Wetiel jfe Son "1 ilermantnun ae Int Qreenmount Cem Autoaerilre I niNKBIt -lune 2t. aKOUOB husband of i 1. 1 Hk.t ni.i... niti.- ..-. i.i.,l. in m (Aiiuir- (linitri iinnmi' nii) i i i-'iims in Mtd to funeral 17n Junlnla ft Hat R 30 a m Solpmn hlah maun of r'qulrm at St Srrhn a Church 10 a in Int Ilolj Tulchrc Cem rruce June 21 mnrgaret bruce d.nrhr.r of Ch..!.. f ,.A 1.-I,.-.,..- Mnll.n ..,.... . v,.n,-. . nuu . i,-.,...- -.....-. K5 "it. 2J months nlatra and cd to .rnlrr. turfnt rc.l '"V'WiKt'. dnc 142 luilrt at t.03.n rhura 2 p m. iiranr At nan--o-a v i s,mnd day. riiu Muiiiii in .-.-.! - iMunmri ui late Daniel and I lunnah "tockton itU!1bi , Helathea and frlenda Imlleil lo funeral, nnrora v i urih da 2 .in p m int Krlrntta Krloun-t f'enterton N 1 Autos will mrf I" -.-. n Iruln frnm Ma rlt ut "rn I'nna hi MBPunMiie cmfforii June 21 MttV rlauahter of ' rlck and Annie i llfTord Itela- lhri an(1 fr,n(lll ,,,,,, lo lunxl Tlulr, p m 2-.nt s 111th t solemn requiem iii.-f -1. 'ii'iii.ifi VMUUil air a III I III I prU.ite ("ntiTM.ral Com COOl'CIt June Jl C I.TPB C hiisbind ' of Id II Cooper and on of Kmma K and rl7n(,7,jr?,',d 't'o fun'S .erUcHe,.lr"rhu?,nd , ;rl5.m ,aW.Wej "e" l" ft tin -June 24 wn.i :am t hauj ne. I allien and friend, and all orKinlzatlnna 01 whl h he 1 tnamln r limited t,. the I I aenlco Thura 2 p m .-.24'l ddlson t 1 in. JW!', ,.M7AKT ,AV 1 " ff ,t'm rn J p m reiience t ,,,,1 in Uw u.seph A rt lin Iwlinil I 1 int Itl'htiorn 1 em "'" '" """ tmiie nt ihntwro i. ni, t ri i kn iuno 2t joiin TosErn son 'of lite ihirlea and Annie ( ullen airid 1 -. Reiamea and friend, Jr iinu Name m ,l'lv nf u,lr ,""1' of Mt I nrmel Church mute.) to funortl -.at a m J4.M i 2d "" "lsh r"iuirm ma, a Ihurih of Our I.lilj ' of f , ,rmrl ., l0 , , lni ii0ij , roa, , t-e'n Vut, eerlc I iiwimiihm lune 21 Isvv v widow uf l-.ter funninBhim ruwrai and Int prlvite rhnr, in i in 1-rlenda nn Cdll Wed to ID p m tllil (Hfirl at I I'KM.IS' Tune JJ MtltT DEVLIN' Due notice nf luneril will lie ien residence of i John Hotter JJ14 l.aniroft ,r . WNAulIl u 1 1 nl in Krin.o Nlij 22 erxt JMI s ,in if tohn ami Vnnte H Donanhv anil crtnl-nn of ute Mltjiael and Hrlilnet De. wn late if .illj imdalo.-k .1 h.ihiii.. nun i ri"il'l Kelntlxe, and fr!"no inlled to oIpin requiem mass st I Ii7ileth a I hurch Thurs ! i',op.on June 2t s'.c price . d-iuirhti r of late Thomas 1 and Fllzalelh H"??,.,,?,;" .,li,fcF,;,.Hf',T.n,'pi. "v'"iV I adie, of iini.i Eacie I ettin rnn Pel ekah ''orl-'r. Nn. 17.'1 I 0 F . . Hirminv Lodes. NO ', i snepnerd, or llelhlehem Cimp No ' ins T" O S of A ln It. d In f unera I en ,,., rr, h p m -,. , R, r,m den I Int at smford !el s-,t i "T"'"7r Tun. 24 THOMs F hu-b-in 1 I of (m R Povie (nee tuirti aired in Reatlvea and friend, Imiled lo funer ki i.i.nui nu itciativcs ami friend in d f,Sra, Arhk"te: PA,V,,,,ni,!l,,h'N,"i'"r jf)M -'n nT Xtl ,J- rf, Ceraid inet Niconn ancd 17 Relative, nn I JJJ- g -jni.hTm''"'-? V'l? Ml?i,,NK: frl-tiii jlan St 'stpnhpn s fn'i llnli Vm Isorlctv sr Jnnhlm T H so.Iet Mil tusl Heneflclil As,o I oi.al No r, ol Re (ir Bm ,,,,,, of N.nrtn phllndeiphl-i Pi, enner sntinn p R R invited to funeral Thura s n ,i m from parents rchlme ,njn N ir,lh t Solemn rcfiulem ma-a at st S'tephen s Church tn Int Pt riomlnlo mt I am A llf A usst loo iMllllni' n v n .ii---.-.,- Fl NIL June 24 JOIIANN C, widow ' John u Flail Relatives and friends In ,,.,, , r,lirs rhurs sin P m 2004 w iio.ton ive int Pottavi ie pa rn afternoon Pottsvllle papers please copj nji.uBit of 2nos spring i.nrdeh ri 'June. '4 sutvll It wife of Nathan T Fol Well nur i i nrin.nr. iii i iu- ni.iii-ii , rviro, fd j p m onver 11 nair. Mid- 1"-'" ' heetnut st Int prlvati FORREST June 22 KATHRYN FOR I REsj dugh.er William ..m m I and friend, also Swasteeka Social. Invited L. '"J"' ;17.,'c." ,7hsu". 'J0 ..Tu..?' ! 1 nign maes ot nqui.m -i .xninonj s i. nurcn I 10 a m int Hotv Cross Cem Auto fu jr.NDRI k" Tune 21 CNROLINE s wife of Pull Jendrvk aged 77 llelatlve, and friends invited to funeral service, Thurs 2pm lilts B Haines st Oermantnwn Int private Friends n.li oull v r d eve JULIUS June 24 WEN'DEIL PHIL LIPS ion of Vathan and Gertrude Tuilus -iged Relatives and friends lnvltd to services Thurs 2pm residence of par ems -LOO Rldse ve Int private, Jlar Nebo Cem KANE . Suddenly June 21 ELIZA Ti; TH I rla iTC"httr nf I.Hn T'Hrlr 1 uivH larv Khph Helatlei and frlnrl inlted ' to funrat Trt 11 a m rednoe of -,,.- .Tr- ? t f,.-.H- -.io, r- ,- snlimn hi.sVi maac nf rnnnlrm Pli.irVi nf IllT" i-?,, "" Pr'V-" "0,S "- '":..-"" i4 ,?. r mi Ad, 4 Id -tn-.., 11 i,i.,iM nui- mi ,. am Jr serv ce, n st Phi Ins iK,..h j i-i , n-,i.in.n.. , I .ia, ji'n";"i7 'Vi i m T-lVrinen wliat; I n n .i. -.. ...... ..-. ,.E McnTv'V vallt,', friend In.lted to funeral Thurs 2 p m sTiorj..u. Tn ii..t. timn P.-, n, 1 i.urr.i ani MURRAY -June, 22 EDWARD M hue - band of Annie A Murray 'nee Herberti rveiaiies una irirnne Bdvwrd a 11 V M Sodality. St Fdwarl s Holv Name So- nan Relatives and friends inlted to fu neral service Thur J p m N E ror iiiase ae and (. umnerland st Int pri vate Wmi Laurel Hill Cem 1 OTTERSOV Iun 21 THOMAS HnOLD OTTERSON .'M 32 ReatleH and fi lends GU.sbora Lodge No p.fi I O O K HiawathA Tribe 1 O R M Mutual Relief Asso of the emploeK of Whl tne v Gifts Work, "fli.ssho-0 Fire Dent Co No 1 all of GUsboro S J imited to funeral Frl 2pm Glaabo o V J Services at the I home In Olaisboro uto funeral RCTNOr D1 June 2. ANNIE widow of llllam H Rev nolds and dauchter of late arah and Samuel Conwa Relatts and friends lnitod to funeral Thurs h 1ft a n residence of on-ln law John J Ewlnc 82ft N 43d st West Philadelphia Solemn hich mass of requiem Our Mother of Sor rows Church 10 i m Int St Denis Cem , Ardmore Auto funeral SANDS At St Louis June 22 MART A ' ft. Trt-arv) wife of Jesse E Sand and daughter of AnastasU and late Michael Treacy Notice of funeral will be Kiven from mother s residence 424 Leldy ave , West Phlla SEARS On June 24 191ft MAR. A P REARS widow of C. W Sears, aged 80 i Int strictly priate tlivtj June o PAiiftuwi wiaow or -n-llllam O 8hl (nee Nacel aged TO Rela. SHIVE June 23 ISABELLA widow of Uvea and friends Invited to funeral services Tnur8 8 p m. daughter's residence L'"12 , is i-ranKim ri nil C7eiiersviiie ra. pr m Train leave. Reading- Terminal 7 1(1 Also serNlces In Selleravllle Lutheran Church ft a m. bMITH June IJ CATHARINE wife of William Smith and daughter of Patrick and late Marv Dunn Relatives and friends In vlted to funeral, Thurs RK1 a m , from father's residence ?029 McClellan st High mass at St. Edmond s Church at 10 a m Int at SI Dennl.'a Cem Auto funeral SMITH Jvne 22 RORERT M , husband of Catharine Smith and father of the Rev Joseph M Smith Relatives and friends In vited to funeral Thurs Sam 1811 S 17th at Solemn requiem mass Church of st Thomas Aquinas n.30 a m Int Cathedral Cem Auto service Ohio papers copy SMITH Juno 24 THOMAS C. SMITH aged Of). Pue notice of the funeral v.111 be given from tus late resiaence. uts N SUPLEE June 21 at Coatesvllle Pa ABRAHAM L on of late llenlamln R and Hannah Y, Suplee. aged BN Relatives and frlenda Invited to funeral servlcee NVed , a 30 p. m . parlors of David O, Frankenfleid Hon. 322 K S2d st. Int at Mt Morlah Cem Auto funeral TETER June 21. CLARE WOMELS DORFF TET2R, widow of Daniel K Teter and daughter of late Lefevre and Rebecca Mill AVomelsdorff Funeral services Frl 2 P. m . residence of eon. In-law. E Everett Hatch, Rlrerton N J Int at convenience of tamlly. Pottrvllle Pa . papers co-v aTWnERTAKEK" J ' DIAMOND nKvrnn WARROV At Allantlo City N J Jiina I JOHN W non of lata Robert and He becca Wanton aired nT HelatUen and friend Hteamfltters Ijoeal No 121 of 'hltadelphla Incited to funeral services reatdenre of sister Mrs Marj Kellv m N Robin at Wed , ft p m Int Thura at convenience of family Mt Morlah Cem WfcinMAN Tun. 21 C1IARMS8 husband of tote Kmma Weldman aed nrt Relative and friend l,ennl Lenap Tribe No ft I O R M Kev stone ..odere No 2 P of If and employe of Henry PlaMon Sons, Invited to funeral service Thura 2pm, 1140 R Tioga, at rrlendi may call Wed . 7 30 to 0 30 p m Int Maanolm Cem WHITK lune 21 ANTHOVT IT. hua band of Mar White need An Refatlea and rrlenfla inviii io tne tenica Thura - n zmii weneri at int Arllncton f'om Hnminw nia De umm wn e UII,KIVON - June 21 M VnOAIiET Ifo of John Wllklnaon UeUtUea and frlenda iMiten to aerirta in l p SOU Callowhlll it lilt Mt Morlah Ct-m I WIM.IAMi On Hun lun 22 lulu at h"T late ruldanca Round Top nar Went Chfl-tfr. Pa SAHMt KI.ISAHKTtl WtL IJA5I1 HlJOW of tllf lato Matnr .Inhn Worthlnnton Wllllama and dauchtfr of th latf Srimu.l . and KllMrtMh arman Ky ar of Baltimore In tho 7nth far of her affa Int private Tleaaa omit flower? LOST AND FOUND KITTHV I nt rmll i-moke-coloreii An rnr:. LIMm me lime Snn.la. UfAirnei to ini i wiS o rhe'tnut llll! i ." '"" I ' Kora Kltlrn aome nnie sun'!a Howard roe ae PERSONALS NOT reaponalhle for dehta unle rontrai lert '' neif Ham fa 1 o-,ott 4-. y Mll irk .. HELP WANTED FEMALE RKI.t, TRTKPHONF; UPBRATINO Experlenee Nece,sarv 10 PKR VMJKk FOR UF-GINNCRS alar InereaFed after the first four weeks' training period Tounir wonfO between lfl and 21 will find tele phone operating er,r faselnattnc ilennwork with unusual opportu nltlea for advancement In ailjry tnd position. tn addition to a pool s-ilarv we hive com fort-vole rest and lunch rooms where food Is Sfrved nt co,t Call pernnallv First flror tail rrh st Mis, Rvnn revd nAO nrpinrnj PPTA III'REAl' OF l-MPIOYMEVT WANAMAKFR . .,, ,., 7 nOOkKEEPER wanted pplv In person prnmpflv to C. M Plowman 4 Co ion ne",nJi! " '" ,!" 't'' HxPerlenrerl hill. .. f " .,":.''""" "".".V1 "'s Mills Allechenvave and It incock anted on Uamtxon - Vn& ' "i WZnV'S' , rrWf''" Tie, .mi mi., ,., COOK Second cook wanted Ht once Applv Children s Homeopathic IIorltnl th and IH llll '-si Ml "St- i iiK rtrt cIt- for rratiurant no un FTlrmonnt ao ' PI-I'INTR f mn a nnd nmin knitted niin'ii uit v no run rro it Kttl-.. rtnd if. ft titternv f- wantp.l h a riant maklna hlnh - lawR con nf rf.hllihn 1 rrputatton permnnnt roltlin and pood aleir and r perm-innt ro pnGil!- chAn for advancement to the rlKht pprnn W . i' n nox 1470 nnnssMKBRs on conts APPLY llt'RFMI OF EMPLOYMrVT WWA MAKERS TORELADY capable and experienced for drnntrs wo'k ppls J H N -in Solver Camden CA.xrPRELL s SOUPS ESTABLISHED 1SC0 WONIFV AND OIRI.S FOR KITCHFN WORK PItEPAHIVn VFtiPTAHLF.S NtE NTS BTC ALSO OENFHAI. FACTORY NVORK STEADY EMPLOYMENT HIGH NNAOFS INCnFNSEO NCTONNTICNLLY TINIE AND IINLF TIME OVER 4S HOI-RS ILFNTT ONERTI.NIE IOSEPH CNNipnr.TL co .'D AND NINRKFT STS CNNIDEN N J OIF !. 0,.r in and xounc women . h.,. positions open In our ass.nThllng depart ment where wotk i ugnt and clean and In the michlne department on power presses t RWITIS inarnmef. TOOf liretB and man. I SS'ln'T mode"" .VA",; Vacrt'o4nVhn K7n "? rMiiW andVtnr.,eh..- ....I, fit ull nAottona nt .S. 1. . ' . . 1 rearh of all sections of the fit ' .'v ''' " .... ."."'''..' "" counr ot riose l'iiiiriio ui wie uowav uirne of close pioxlmltv to the subwav I I -monster ave Darbi Spruce I waster axe Darbs Sprute liaitlmor. ,, and Spring. Garden hrldse surfdL- line f a'.stc'S ' SMUW" off'"- " T 1 . I GIRLS 14 to 1(1 ears of age jht -rork experience not necearj pteadv nosltlon rood w d(tFB. Frledberser-Aaron Mfjr Co 4WO N ISth st near Uajne Junction. 1 nerountlni? mmnff ana nunir, 10 taHe newn- .,.. .,--. s,.,... --.., piper poeltlon offerlnc opportunities 'or rapid GIRLS AND WOMEN WANTED advancement to office manager Write, etat Girl oer 1 )'hp of ace wanted for IIJft Inir ase qualifications etc to M C31. Led factory vsork wacn ?10 per week and ger Office nonus maKine- 11 easy to earn- over 512 per Applj t hnrlen )Z Hires Co . ion 1 GIRL wanted cnod wacpi steadv wnrU I also have po-ltlons open for girls or women who deeire to work pnrt of eirh da Annl Vatlonnl Lmbrelli l-rame Co,, 30lh an Thompson GIRL' for light, rlenn work S-hour da ex perlence unnecessar splendid opportunity for ad.ancement Bond pav Appl National mcult Co 11th and Glenwood ae GIRLS wanted nrlrl .nrt i..rr.a-. steaflv work nnn unod waces, wold Worsted fri p.irhv Pn Apply Gri ' ' HAN'D SENN-ERS OV GF.N'CRAL NVORK APPLT HUREAU OF BMPLOTMEVT NVANNMAKER'S HOVSEWORK general and laundrv 2 in famllv sleep In reference required Chest nut Hill 4NO T or 7fl'.'l Germantown av LAUNDRT FANCT IRONERS APPLT MARKET STREET LAUNDRT 130S FILBERT STREET LEARNERS wanted handy with needle to learn trlmmlnc men's hata ood vvaires, stead emplovment pply Frank Schoble A Co lllth and Oxford. KNITTERS AND TOPPERS Experienced on F-tandard Banner and Ecott Z. Willlama machin- Experienced on flnarle and douTrk stitch work LEARNERS on knlttln; and topplii-r Jft per week while learning PAIRERS AND FOLDERS experienced on nnseamleta hosiery LEARNERS In the flnlshlns department EXPERIE-NCED KNITTERS on Wlldman rib machines STEADY "WORK GOOD PAY NOTASEME HOSIERY CO, Oxford and Mascber ata. ( HOSIERY WELTERS NVANTBD on ladles' stork LEARNERS WANTED and paid $10 while learning WALLACE NVILSON HOSIERY CO Orchard billow Unity t., Frankford HEJ.P WANTED PEMAXE Hostcnr Topprn nd knltlrm on Scott Wllilum and Hannri flne uork Aleo Scott ft William ror work. I.arnrn wanted and paid 110 nrr vr. whll leamln. WAI.I.AOK IL'nN HOSICUT CO Orchard htlo Units. Krankford ito!ir.nT Mr.VDRRS WANTED on rojrh work tXAHNKIl1" WANTKD raid cll while leirnlntr WAl.I.ArK 1VIIAON 110tli:ilT CO Orchard below Unit st , Krankford. KVITTIIRS AND TOPPBn") on men a h If hose Hsnner machines, no tloubllnir WAl.l.Ari: WU.SON IIOSITIRT CO 41HS Wain t Frankfort HOinllT Tr.IVC5 KNITTF.R WNNTFD on Scott it Ullllinia and Hinmr msrhlnes Learners tiken Pnld 'in while leirnlnir w m.t.Aci: wit miv iiomi:rt co Or harl below I'nln s . Frankford Hot si: mm, wanted and i hrMlan .herrv Cafe, Proad IIOl'SEWOItls Olrl for Keneral housework IIJI N llrojtdat TloeaTTi J iiTURVTORS COLLAR SETTER"" Eperlencnl on ladles tailored cotton shirt wilst, best prices paid ste-vdv work Mil CRAM MI'O to 1214 ARCH ST. OPFRATOPS W VVTF.D OV POWER M -CHIN'FS ISii A n.W l.BATtNTRI TAKI-V A' D PAID WHILE I.KARMVO QCAKBIt lliiltr ( o TCNTII ri'mi: I Alt kIN III Dii J2I) AND R'"H npBRsrons Experienced front m ikers ind eleev r makers on ladles tillnred cotton shlrtw lists, be,t prices paid ,tead work NIIICRNM NIFO CO 1214 ARCH ST OPERATORS exp on Singer "ewlng ma- rhlnes good vvage, steadv cmplovmmt Applv Frank s.hoble A lo l"th f. Oxford -OPERATORS OnU those experienced on draperj need ipplv J I Nan Sclver tn Ce mden . SU.T.SLAPY wanted .xierlencid ribbon de partment prrmnent pcltlon Appl rieorce Allen Inc 1J14 Chctnilt ,t FOR SH"K NOTION' Np IKVKRAT. OTIITR pnPARTMKNT APPLY UntHAU OF KMPI.OYMKNT WNTAMKF.R S SAI ESNNOMEN NNe are paving SIN perl week to good saleswimen vou must be able and wIllinB to travel and emplov others. I bond rt quired Cnl from 1 111 p m tn 4 in p m B S Smvthe Room Nil Denckla I nidc N NV corner lltli ii-d Mirket ata smi! s Lxperlenc.d v inner UN N l.'th ,t tenth floor SHllBs Bxoe'tencid evrletter 11N N, 12th tenth floor siiols tllrls on alngles ind samples 31.1 N l.'th tenth floor SHilBS Experienced tenth fl'tor i loser ,11B M 12th, shoes Experienced button sewer 12th tenth floor SHOES Experienced hand folder 12th ttnth floor 81, N N SHOES--Experienced button marker 11N N 12th tenth floor SKEIN SPOOLERS wanted Allen machlre, nn worsted work Applv Shackamaxon Mills Allegheny aye and Hancock SILK WINDF.11S experienced on tram and artificial -Hk good wages steadv. work 12 month, of the vear Friedberger-Aarnn Mfg Co 4RO0 N lfith st near NVavne Junction SPOOLERS experlen-ed on cotton and mer-eerlr-d skein Mm, rood wages, steadv work F ledherger Aaron Mfg Co . 4000 N 1Mb. ,t near NVavne Junetlon STENOORAPIIFR CNPARLF. OF DOING GOOD NVORK APPI T nURBAU OF FNIPLON MENT WANAMAKERtS STrVOCiRAPHF.R ind to tvpe reports and columnar statements from written drafts hrlcht xnd Intelligent clrl ibnut IS for ar. count -ini s office permanent no.ition state !. '"P"l''n' Rn'' si,l"n r ,ni ledger. Offln v r. f(u ritT-R experimren for "nl"is 1 department minufacturlner corrcern App"v 1. Metal Co Fr.nkford ae and Rich tnord I si .MHJItAPUm r tinted fctate ace refer- AnreH .md Mlin lesird P filT T.edger '"tire 1, miii-R of piiman shorthand for a hu,l nq FChool -tate pc "dniTHon exnerl ence and alar delrd P 12 Lcdffer ! !1 I If on Knole ?n-,m white ork I fiirard orated Co Howard and Hunt I iriedcui . V. OMAN of eood rducation and thorourh arrretarlal tralntnjr (lneludinic stenoicraohy. WOMAN .rhoo tearher dslrlnc chance of emploment will hae reult rewarded. mut be procr,!' soid i-alir ind liberal hnniia ma we send ou partlrulars P 53. ledger Offlre oiT VN Restful outdoor enmtoment for nubile school tearher suitable work for m Itnble net-on particulars Kent rn tecelpt nf nn-Hnt.-.T-r P "s T er1r Offlre WOMAN I ha- a position with old reliable firm for an edurated woman familiar with executive work who can earn 40 a week I ndv anrement P 1 R T eder Off lee lifnenl BCSINES SERVICE fO 1116 Land Title RKPRS M8-K20 CLERKS (ren'l bill, 111 STFVR $m-S22 Fren h L Span. $35 HELP WANTED MALE ACCOUNTANT wanted for manufacturing plant capable of taking charge of general and cost account slat? experience salary and give references excellent opportunity for right man Addrcs P 704 I edger Office AUTOMOBILE REPAIR MAN first class capable nf repairing and running different makes of cars man mu,t be sober steadv and unquestionable refs caoable of nan dllng men state salary P 8 P O Box 1N00 BENCH AND MACHINE HAND5! FOR NVOODNVORKINO PLANT Rfte PER HOUR APPLY GEORGE N SMITH L CO 40TH ST AND BOTANIC AVE BOOKKEI'PER male In stock hroker's -lfflce state experience references anrj Falarv expected B 7 I cd-rcr Office BOTTLER experienced work on Junior ma chine 217 TasKer si CANOYMAKER for Asburj Park, no Sunda work highest wages carfare paid, can start work at once C II Jenklnson, the Nrcade Asbury Park N J CARPENTERS heeds Derham, contrac tors Columbia ave bridge over Schuylkill river Falrmount Park East River drive l-EMENT FINISHERS experienced men wanted immediately Atlantic Refining Co emplovment department 3144 Paasvunk ave Philadelphia CLEANER Colored man good workerAp. plv Children's Homeopathic Hospital 8th and T hompaon sts COl.LKi TORS ind salesmen reliable ac tive Catholic men. to work In Harrlshurg and Allentonn districts national organisa tion good oppoiunltv for a hustler Call and see Nlr Baxter 1HI2 Land Tlt'e 111 lg I DESIGNER of men's and women's knitted I naming suns who inn creaie aiyiea anal draught patterns Is wanted bv a plant making high-class goods of established repu-1 tatlon permanent position and good aalaryi and every poaslble chance for advancement! to the right person O 3 Postpfflce Box 8500, DIEMAKER wanted first class, for punch and die work in large hardware factory In reply state previous experience, age and wages expected Address Postofflte Bog N 21 New nrltain i onn DRAFTSMEN. 2 oi 8. first class, thorough! , experienced In blast-furnace workt perma nent position, state full detail, regarding experience, ualary desired and dato available. at 4 ioner uinc-. DRAFTSMEN. 8 good, first-class aalary. Apply 4x.ii TacKawanna at . rrangtorq. pa ELEVATOR OPERATOR for private plant, steady work! good wages. Apply P 036. I ledger Office. I ENOINKEna. firemen, chauffeurs, butlers, i porters, housemen and laborers turn on I short notice, .035 'Master. Phone Pop. ?SIT; HELP WANTED MALE V S-JRUCTURAt, DRArTSMEN WANTED Several (Irtt-cUrs detallera and checkr by larce buffalo fabricating ahop:s permanent roaltlona with excellent opportunltlea for advancement, dependlnr upon ability, nlve aite, education, references and experience In detail. M- 719. LEDOEn OFFICE FINISHERS PORTKR8 PACKBRS WAVAMAKER FU11NITURE WAREHOUSE N E COR 21D AND WAHHINOTON AVR KIIAMR MAKERS wanted. piecework, ateadv work uood waitea Apply Chaa. F Felln ft Co, ok road and Injtler afa HOO ISLAND SHIPYARD WANTS nlVETERS RIVET1NO OANdS COPPERSMITHS. riRST CLASS PARSER BOYS MUST KB OVER !. AND FURNISH II PROOF OF AGE APPLY 300 WALNUT ST 5BE .MR. SHATTUCk Oil MR. PHILLIPS 1-.21 ARCH ST. SEE MR SWARTZ INSPECTORS Reliable men only, about 10 ara of ace ran aecure ateadv ork and ffood xa HYi a lartre New York concern no labor troublra SKK MR ROPERTSON" Tl'R DAY 12 10 TO .1 AND AFTER 7 r M llrt N 1TH ST OR WRITE A 32-i I.r.DOI.R OITICE LARORERS Ffda A Durham contractors. Columbia ne brldse oer Fehuvlklll rlxer. Falrmount Park EHt Rl er drle T.ARORERS and helpers on structural Iron uork. Appl Steward A. tpens Iron U orka 172fi N nth LAUNDRY SHIRT IRONERS HAND WORK APPLY MARKET STREET LNUNDRT 180S FILRERT STREET MACHINE OPERATORS AND HELPERS For hand screw and casting ma chines, steady, reliable men can secure good pa, no lay offs or labor troubles, with a largo New York concern, SEE MR RORERTSON TUESDAT 12 30 TO t AND AFTER 5PM 110 N 1VTH ST OH NVRITE A 325, LEDGER OFFICE MEN WANTED AT ONCB FOR THE U S MERCHANT MARINE TO BE TRAINED AS BAILORS FIREMEN 8TEWARDS I FOR GOOD JORS AT OOOD PAT ON OCEAN-GOING HIP PAT WHILE TRAINING RO RD AND Ql'ARTFRS FREE AGES l JO 35; BRINO P1RTH CERTIFICATES APPLT TO U S SHIPPING BORD AGENT CITT HALL YARD PHILADELPHIA i U N S K I I. 1. 1 1 1 il E N FOR PRODUCTION NVORK - Ages 18 to 45 Weight 140 lbs or more IN GOOD PHYSICAL CONDITION Good Living Wage Paid While Learning Steady Work Assured Apply In Person Communicate with Factory Employment Office THE GOODYEAR TIRE & RUBBER CO. LINOTYPE OPritATORS AND AD MEN NVANTrri APPLY fifth FLOOR LEDGER RLDO . 6TH AND CHESTNUT STfe - MACHINE handa wanted must be famlllae with window frame cutting uut, good wages, steady work Apply Chas V. Felln Co York road and Rutler sts MAN past middle age, for Information and hall clerk in offices of large corpora, tlon. abort hours: good position for retired railroad man drawing pension: must be able to use i telephone, reply stating cxperlenoa. p win i .eo--r .. - MOUNTERS for hot-air furnacea and gaa ranges Applv Abrain Cox Stove Co. American and Dauphin sts . Pl.UMHhRS NVanled 4 flrat-clasa plumb, ers, good wsges and steady work. Apply to ames Doak. areen-vllle. S. C. PORTERS AND CLEANERS APPLT Ai'SlA1KA,'L0,rMKNT HELP WANTED MALS N. T. HErRESENTATtVB WITH HIOH-CLASS OFFICES Avallabl for product or publication of merit: abundant aalea and advertising experiences referencea and financially responsible "En. ry," Room 805. 110 W. 34th t.. N. Y. AT ONCB WANTED AT ONCB RIVETERS RIVETERS RIVETERS FIRST-CLASS SHELL RIVETERS , APPLT CHESTER SHIPBUILDING CO.. LTD, FRONT AND KERLIN STS. CHESTER. PA. SALESMAN AND OROANIZER able to earn INono per enr bv buildlnr a subscription nraanl2atlon for the Country Gentleman In rurnl territory adjacent to Flillaueiphlii permanent oosltlon with larije posalhtlltlet, for an experienced subscription prcducer wllllna; to demonstrate his ablllt M actual fle.d test tn the man emnloed we offer on an luil silnrv contract for at least Mono pros, fldelltx bond and a lleht car required If sou can prove ability aa a aalea. man of first rank or aa an oriranlrer of sub. scrlptlon salesmen, call today on L. E Clav, Aaencv TJivlslon, Curtis Publishing- Co , Thll adelphla SALbSMbN We want aeeral men of proved ability The compensitlon la partle. ularly attractive to men of hlah caliber Ne must have men of moral strength and char acter Ralea experience neceaanry.v but we teach our method of Medina- ttefeeno. -. oulred Apply Saleanianacer 410 Perrv Itldg SALESMEN Snetlalty men for Harrlsbunr. Rcranton Elmlra nlnchamton Allentovvn. hlKh commission $(W per week proposition Mr Prennen glB N lfith at SHIPPING CLERK Intelllsent man wanted ror nntnt work textile mills, must be sober steady and not afraid of work, state ace, referencea and salary expected P 121 Ledger Office SPECIFICATION WRITER. A-l. wanted to take eharire of apeclflcatlon department In nrge architectural office trood ealarv : per marent position to the right man Apply Howard Crane, 232.N Dims Hank Rldr , , Detroit Mich 8TE.BI DESIGNER, atructural first class high grade, of not less than 10 yeara' ex perience, and preferably one familiar with Hast furnace of ateel-plant work, permanent position state full details regarding experi ence, salary wanted and date available. M flu. Ledger Office GENERAL 8UPT. LITHOGRAPHY Wanted W laega company operating 30 metal decorating presses, this Is a good po sltlon for experienced lithographing execu tive preference will be given to man ex perienced In metal lithography and who haa held similar position, write fully, giving age experience and former position. SI 718. Ledger Office TOOLNTAKFRS DIEMAKERS MACHINISTS A few flrst-clas, men only can se cure steady vvork. good p-iv. with large New York concern, no labor troubles SEE MR RORERTSON TUESDAY, 12 80 TO 3 AND AFTER 7PM, 110 N 1VTH ST OR NVRITE A 325. LEDOER OFFICE. UPHOLSTERERS tTPHOI.STEREP.S Good pay and steady work J. D. Nan Sciver Compiny, Camden WAITER while or colored, io vvaltand make hlmef genersllv useful Sherry Cafe Broad and Christian sts WANTED EXPERIENCED MEN NND WOMEN LEATHER GLAZERS FOR MOROCCO NVORK ONLT. GOOD WAGES. STEADY NVORK NO LAROR TROUBLE APPLY AT MONROE ST GATE F RLUMFNTHAI. CO ulLMIMiTUN, DEL NNFANFRS on Knowlea looms, white work. Olrard NVorsted Co . Howard and Huntlns don General OREENEWA LD' S SALES MANAGER, EXPORT. STRICTLY HIGH-GRADE MAN should earn from $10 000 to $n 000 curly; prominent con cern: product In (treat demand, applicants of nroen ftbllltt and a rlenn rerord nnlv con sidered SALESMAN. FOREIGN TRAVEL. I manufacturing experience required one who can close hie contracts can earn $10 000 a ear. prominent w ell-known corporation, hltrn-trrade men with clean, successful rec ords only considered, senior accountant. C P A , exp , $4000 earl, permanent connection no traellnr. private secretary to nubile of ficial, secretary to handle ItalianFrench correspondence designer and estimator, steel re-enforced concrete butldlnrs stores fac tories good openlnff, credit expert retail or Jobbing experience: foreign correspondent, assistant employment manager female, inter viewer assistant secretary, handle details, stenographers, experienced men and women, wages up to $1500 Some e attractive openings for executive men and women with clean records, no others Information blank and booklet gratis No enrollment charges 2N0 S 11th Bl'SIVFSS SERVICE CO 1114 Land Title ONLY internstlonal ora;anl7ntlon securing CLERICAL TECHNICAL SNLF"! EXEC UTIVE and MANAGERIAL positions paving ,-ilarle from S00 to X1N 000 with emp'overa here and elsewhere N'n charge until placed WE TEACH YOl' TO DRIN'F AND REPAIR AT'TOMOnTLE"? 2 COMPLETE COURSE 2N DAY AND NIGHT "LAPSE" Battler's Ifini Spring Garden, Open Sunday AGENTS "LTONS" STEEL TRAILERS For the cor owner The logical answee to transportation problems ...-, AGENTS' OPPORTUNITY The Lsnna Trailer sells on eight. Built to last. Capacity 710 lbs, Prfc- 1120. Write today for particulars Make It pav vou to own a car. F P LYONS IRON WORKS. Manchester.N II Department T SITUATIONS WAHT-iU --JXa-AJ-J. X'o'.'r.. and repair any mak starting and ,-t-'. i. d o.ltloo ..lighting batteries as good as new Ignition v,.r.irv mi..-. .... ----,.,-.-" clerk: knowledge of typewriting P o:e, Ledger Office SITUATIONS WANTET3 KAtE a eiftteitTl HT . T7Al-ii A,-r -. t - kalU comm'ercla! and 'cost accounting, hivlog 10 years' practical experience and with abllltv to take charge of a department is open for negotiation with a live concern, graduate of college and has also acted as purchasing ... k.., ..ii.n.Mi a ii I...1.1. ntn.a ACCOUNTANT and auditor 33 veer. old. rVa VxVcutl've offlce position P 63 Ledger f Are si Office STENOGRAPHER An epert stenographer 250 words per mlnut. with business and secretarial tralnlnr desires position with firm or IndUldual of Importance, salary $25 A 22 Ledger Office EMPLOYMENT AGENCIES MRS KANE 511 S lth st Wanted, sit uatlona for flfst-class cooks, chambermaids waitresses, butlers, chlldnurses. girls for chamberwork and waiting housework girls w Ith references Spruce 14111 COOKS, waitresses, chambermatda, general liousework, chlldnurses and girls for sea shore 2015 Master Phone Poplar 2H47 ENGINEERS firemen chauffeurs butlers porters, housemen and laborera furnished on short notice 2015 Master Ph Poo 21147 COOKS, thambermalds. chlldnurses want po sitions Miss Rote Dougherty, 1313 Glrard ave FARMHANDS and dairy hands and married men while and colored 418 Race at WAITRESSES laundiessea and housework girls want positions 1.11.1 NV Girard ave AUTOMOBILES TO HIRE TOURING CAR. T-passenger limousine. $1 so per hour up Poplar 1867 MOTORCYCLES AND BICYCLES NENV and 2d-hand bicycles tires, all makes ANDRENV T BIRCHETT. SOS S. 22d CARPET CLEANING CONTINENTAL CARPET CLEANING HOUSE 20TH ST ABOVE CHESTNUT Summer Storage. Free Phone Locust 1060 ESTABLISHED 1875 Automatic Carpet Cleaning 3044 LUDLOW S-1 Bell. Preston 2408, Keystone NVest B028 D Carpets and ruga cleaned scoured and stored: Oriental ruga our specially, fine, dur able ruira woven from our old carpeta WALLACE 7 n in 1826 N 20253 Church Lane. Qtn DANCING D4D1VIDUAL INSTRUCTION by experienced young women. Five private lessons ,5. Btlmont 3i3 1, v i - , tjbed Automobiles We know there are many places in town where you can buy Used Cars with the utmost confidence. Our Used Car show-room is one of those places. The purpose of this ad is "to toot our own horn." "iiiiiiiiiiniiiiiiiiiiiiin 'I Kr. rK 1 Our Special 5000-Mile Guarantee in Writing If a tire falta to run 8000 miles, we will replace It with another tire for one.half the list price. siur junes are guaranteed one year against defects In material and workmanahlo Size Nnn.Skld 30x8 8 2 10x14 11.10 32x3Vi .... 12.2(1 81x4 18.711 32x4 31x4 34x4 1S.2S 18.71 17.50 37x5 SPECIAL DEAL Tube free with every pair of 33x4 Tlrea this week Mall orders filled promptly Express prepaid on all orders. If check In full accompanies order OPEN FOR GOOD LIVE DEALERS HENDLER TIRE CO. 69 1 N. Poplar 4111 uuiDiuiiiuiiiiiiiiiiiinniii 1 ill I More Miles Per Dollar TIRES FOR HALF Our Special Guaranteed 5000 Miles If a tire falls to run 6000 mllea we will replace It with another tire for 4 price listed below. CALL AND COM PARE OUH BIO STOCK OF ALL STANDARD MAKES ALL STYLES ALL MZES. ALL TUBES guaranteed foe i YEAH against defects In material or workman hlp. Vie tell to jou tlrej which deliver more mileage per mo auuar. a trial will size Non-Skid ubesj.Blze 30x3 It 43 i: If 3ox4 3(ix14 11 31 2 M 36x4 11x34 11 SJ 2 NO 31x44 3JX34 12 93 2 6N 33x44 34x14 11 4) 2 0 Sx4 31x4 1S4J 3 10 3ix44 32x4 16 95 3 2.. Jix5 .-3x4 17 ;; 3 41 3(1x5 34x4 17.9 3frl 37x5 Mall orders filled promptly at prices quoted above E-presa prepaid when check accompanies order. Leader Tire & Rubber Co. piOTs?05 7IT NORTH BROAD STREET, PHILADELPHIA, PAj AGENTS IN PENNSYLVANIA WANTED Mi? MHW Ml in ltd ?20 30x3 4 N. 3 OL'H I'rlce $13 30 M Ttmrnm sm TDCSl! fW rr-M"n n )u " M I I I yw wQ r iv $58.85 N..S. 37x5 Tires OUR Price $35.00 nnncaQ lSK) 3 Fresh, carefully felecfed hand- some tires and tubes, from all fa- nious makers; the kind that g thousands of satisfied owneis have boucht here for lears orisr- 3 Inally 3500, 4000, 5000 mile firms. Plain Non-Fklds Tubes SOrl s V ID 00 J2 IN S3 5 11- aiiM1 31 nn 11 7i -nil c " .12x1Va 12 81 11 NO - l0 I $ .11x4 is no in 4 ii so I So 31x4 1S2S in 7N 3 US ' O All other sires In stock at low S I S prices NVe ship all orders C O 5 6 D. on approNal NVe prepay h I s charpes when pav ment In full ac- i tompanles order g ij TIRE SALES CO. I 1334 Arch St., Philadelphia g No Connection NVlth Nnv Other Stores B iHlllltlllllllllllllClllllllllllllClllllllinilltlllllllllllllClllllllllllimil tORD radlitors. all models, 1910 inclusive, liberal allow anee nn old ones 112 N 111th TNNO ''.ton White trucks stake body, with closed cab. these trucks are practically new have been used four months and not over 2nnn miles C BANTA. Ellsmore Del Auto reapplies Rep-ilrlng STORAGE BATTERY AND IGNITION REPAIRS Our expert battery mechanics will test, re renalrs a specianj NORTH BROAD AUTO SERN ICE AND HA.lir.nl pirtiiiw 1112 14 N Broad st Ticca f.'ns l-OR HUDhON AMI HI'PMOHII.E REPNIR lOU iiuiaiu. . VORK See the Unndvwln" Auto Repir Co Feoff i Ruj, Mmpson form. rls w Ith ""- s.liwartz Co now estibllshed at lmn-ia Brandvwlre st 1 cpiar -lui BUSINESS OPPCBTUNITIF.S A...-.. 1 OIOAR manufacturer located - in IMmor-. , 'pfHnd'.roJ'e'rSer'Vx.le'n-.e-'op: I 'irr . . . ,. .vnntlnn I nmnn . it. .a -vr.on.1 an f-vcent lona I nrnno ! Ti.. ulll be made to oulck buver. no brokers A 111 ledger Office EQUIPPED poultrs term Over 2000 hens, poultri houses hrooders and all necessary eaulpments, one of the oldest and best-established plants In Vlneland, N J . fine house, beaut surroundings. .com. to business dist.: a money-maker $1500: terms RUFUh S McKlLLIP Thomson Bldg 1118 Chestnut st CAPABLE business man will Invest $5000 or more, with services In "tab profitable business, state line A SOU. Ledger Office. BUSINESS PEIISONALB DIAM0NDS BOUGHT Positively htghist cash, prices for your dia monds, any klze from H to 10 carat; none pav higher: also old gold, platinum and silver lought Estates bought (pi Ivate) Est. 10 yrs The Diamond Shop 43 N. lotn st, intb ah Murk- DIAMONDS BOUGHT any size price no OBIECT KELLY A CO , (132 CHESTNUT ST Suite 21-22 Over Chllds Restaurant Private Lady Wants Fine Diamonds Pav $100 to $1000 each Mrs McCutchen. Call 10 to 1 Offices 1311 Real Estate Trust Building Broad and Chestnut sts, Phone appolrtment NVane 347 R SAMUEL SIMPSON NOTARY PUBLIC 727 NValnut street Philadelphia NVRECK1NO OK ALL KINDS PUILADFI.PHIA NVRECKINO AND CONTRACTING COMPANY 8015 Cheatnut at VISITING HAIRDRESSER, formerly with Mies Cloud, eyebrows arched, henna treat ment, all shades blond and black NVood- tand 3N2Q NV ELEC treat, and manicuring. Office Hutch, laon Bldg , fourth floor. Room 406-407 122 H lfltn si , noura lii-n. ELECTRICAL TREAT . physical culture, .. ,. ' ,...! it..... lo . . a all, n iio'nu ii"u" i" o ill m o i m. ELECTRIC treatment- V manlcu ' i on, Heed Hldg , 121. Filbert at nlcurlng Room lic 3(111.. HKATINO plants Installed at cost Box II 3, Leuger uuii. v BTAMPB AND COINB KTAMPS. PACKETS. DIME flRTH Albums and supplies for stamp collectors. nuuiu :Oi.vni- vu, tjsed Automobiles 'V Bigelow-Willey Motor Cow Dt8trt6ufora of the Paige 804 North Broad Street Philadelphia h I IKI )Ki"'""B,l3 Tubes Size Non-Skid Tubea ..S17.7A ,3.0 .. 18 25 3.7S .. 21.75 4.00 .. 22.75 4 15 .. 28.25 4.20 .. 24.2 4.25 .. 25.00 4.50 $2.03 .3x4 . 2.25 311x4 . 2.50 84x44 . 3 00 85x44 3.10 38x44 . 3.25 37x44 . 3.50 35x5 . $20.50 St.75 Broad St., Phila., Pa. Open Evenings prove 1U Non-S.Ud lubes fill , it J fa; 4x 1S 43 13 75 18 95 190 22 Hi 4 05 23 W 4.13 23 95 4 2.1 24 95 4 33 25 25 4 M 27 00 4 75 27.93 5 03 SIR MJL $33 35 33x4 N. S OUR Price $21.00 "v? . M - mmmmt raia-vN-iir FOB SALE We Make and Sell National Cash Registers and Credit'-Files Lowe it prices, small monthly pay menta, no interest charge! t writ. guarantee, old register repaired rebuilt, bought, aold and excharurti. JOHN T. WATSON Agent The National Cash Repister Ce 7n CHESTNUT ST. Phono NValnut 40N. Main 287. TYPEWRITERS RENTED MWVlSIBLE 1 MONTHS. Jl VISIBLE 3 MONTHS J7.BO UP Factory Rebuilt Typewriter " American Writing Machine Co. "02 CHESTNUT ST. NVALNUT 24sn MAIN 858 OFFICE FURNITURE Larae lot desks rafes. flies, eabtnete and general off.ee furniture store fixtures. NVe Ruv Sell and Exchange PATTERN FIIRNTTIIRE CO IOCUST4mn 1127 ARCH QT RACE 2808. DFSKS. partitions telephone booths safea, filing cabinets and other complete office equipment: Immens? assortment of everything- In fine condition nnd ery cheap. HITOHEi 11th anfl Buttonwood FOLDING AND INVALID CHAIRS FOR SALE AND TO HIRE Theatre chairs movlng-plct machines, ete J school desks church pews and pulpit chairs. CHAIR EXCHANGE S B cor llth and Vina CLOSING OUT balance of men's uncalled for suits made to order gar. $83 and $3S valuea for $22 NO- some as low as 115: per fect goods HESSERT. fl1V37 Arch st THREE-PIECE porch folding set. consisting ' eluding deliverv anvvvhire In cltv .CHAIR E.NCHNNGE-S E cor lith ui arnuiiair seitee ana taoie, it ny, m- and Vino BABY CARRIAGES, complete, 1919 line! I over 180 stv'es all colors, see nur $19 special Miller. fini-Qil S 2d st Open eves. ' BABY coacl-ea reed Pullman coach $S. new' I reed stroller $S, sulkies $1 50 Open eve nlngs Auerhach'a 1HN2 Olrard ave BATHTUBS water clo.ets enameled sinks, waahstands pipe and fittings, all sizes. DOODY 2724 Grave Ferr ave ' UILLIAItD. pool, comb't'n 2d-hand. bought, sold rented exch Keafer 821 Glrard ave. HOUSEHOLD furniture, beda and cots com plete Shero'a Broad and Christian. PAPER BALING TRESS rlaanlnv nut - lot of new haling presses and baling wire ew baling pre 111 N 2d st REFRIGERATORS and fixtures for grocerej ind meat markets terms If desired. RANDALL & CO . 381 N 2d SAFES, fireproof, slightly used some thin walls, also steel safe cabinets. 72 N Fourth STORAGE AND MOVING VICTORY Storage 5215 Market Largest and best. Phone Belmont 4070 for an estimate. Goods packed for shipment. Pierce-Arrow vans for moving. WATSON STORAGE Two trucks going to New York 1 to Reading, Pa . between June 23 and 27. wlah return loads open tor engagements to Baltimore or Washington and all summer resorts, prices reasonable-645-640 N 17th st. Poplar 534 ""-" The John Rhoads Co. Storage Packing, Moving Carpet Cleaning) 4157-59 Lancaster Ave., W. Phila. WALLACE N 191826 N 20 258 Church lane, Otm, . LOSO-hlRTANCB MOVING FIDELITY FIRE-PROOF WAREHOUSES 1817.1810 MARKBT ST. CRAWFORD 8TORAOE will take half oaa of household goods from Philadelphia ta NVashlngton or 1 load In return Phono Belmont 6124. night phone Belmont 8087 W, FIREFROOF warehouse, est. free. N Phlla, Storage Co., 2083 Ihlgh ave. Diamond 78HI1 Longer he distance short.r the rates. COBBS' CREEK STORAGE. 105 N. 63d at. Wanted, loads st special rates to New York and Atlantic city Pn Belmont 1820. 20T1I Century Hlorage NVarehouae. absolutely fireoroof: speo, piano, pointing A rug rms.l Pierce w.A-o- e,e n,ed 81.'! M,efcet at. MONARCH STORAGE CO . 8870 LANCAS TER AVE AUTO SERVICE STORAGE. PACKING. LONG-DISTANCE MOVING. PRINTING THE CARD SHOP. 820 Chestnut ft. Com merclal printing1 and engraving our spe cialty: 800 business cards, $1; letterbeadt snd envelopes printed quickly, t . IL'KI-BKHVE BAtiK - r? ww .5 M I -MewSi fl V 4ILA, .STAMP CO,. .U.S. 17th st - OPPOS, THW.FSDERAL'RlieERVE 4 .fl-A.5"iti n w , " - j i iv,,- 'V'if tl if ,?hWt ,I.Xt. ., ..-v:iV-ll-n.i-dBIir d.. AJ L j- i a ;u v'- 1 tf nrV'Sle , ,,J" J) -' .a, !-f- f-mfit ,". 6-Vi ... - ,-t .. .?r-j, ,.'' . iUJ