. 1 tr i K f ?w l. .' I h ' I mil 1 o J5R5$Rw7f "v w " SSSSSiffSSPSlISS tfv 1 KILLED, 17HURT ' iSWEEK-EHDTOLL Truck Driver Crashes Into Auto on White Horse Pike, Injures Four and Speeds Away BABE AND PARENTS IN CRASH One rhllndclplilnn van killed nnd seventeen others injured in automobile, motorcjle, trolley nnd other accidents over the week -end. The dead person was : Mrs. Morris Flnhe!. twenty-five years old, 3310 Haverford avenue, (struck by an automobile. The injured persons are: Mrs. ltoso (Shirk, thirty-nine years old, 330 Wot (iirnrd avenue; fractured! skull and other injuries ; automobile smaidiuii. Eugene (JliirK, forty-one years old, her husband, same address; contusions of the side and face; automobile smash -up. Margaret (ilurli, twelve years old, their daughter: contusions of the legs; automobile .mahup. Morris YA'usshouii, thirty-nine years old, 3234 North Front street : cut about the head; automobile smashup. Dai 111 Chuilnow. twentj -nine years old, 023 Mojiiim-nsing avenue; injuries to right knee, elbows and liead ; automo bile smasliup. Lewis Meluick, twrntv-eijrlit years old, 2010 Alder street: left side of bend cut and shoulders injured ; automobile accident Samuel Debs, twenty-four years old, 2210 South Eighth strepf, left elbow injured nnd body bruises; automobile accident David Pearl. 1714 Wolf street, con tusions of body; automobile accident. Jesse Hoopes, thirty-five years old. Forty-ninth street and Woodland ave nue, cut about face and head; trolley accident. William Itenneman, fifty-two years old, 1414 Xewkirk street, fractured hip , Jn trolley accident. Charles Oreyroyse. 1.S40 North Mar shall street, buck injured in fall from cherry tree. John Kowslti. 4."2 Salmon street, gen eral contusions and lacerations, motor cycle smasliup. Sophia Koivshi, bis wife, same ad dress, general contusions and lacera tions, motorsycle smasliup- . Frank Johnson, negro. 113 North Felton street ; lacerations about head and bruises : automobile smasliup. William Mctirath, eight years old. SSS Iladdon avenue. Camden : lacera tions about head ; struck by an auto mobile. An unidentified woman, injured in the trolley crash. Mrs. Finkel met her death late Sat urday evening. She alighted from a trolley car near her home and as she passed around the front end of the trol ley an automobile being driven on the wrong side of the street struck her. Death was almost instantaneous. One of Auto Riders Ai rested i. Raymond Moore, 1441 South Forty - seventh street, one of the two men in the automobile at the time of the acci dine, is under arrest. The driver of the automobile is expected to bo ar rested today. The three filueks and Wussboun were injured when a motortruck crashed into the rear of the automobile in which they were riding on the White Horse pike, near Lnwnside, N. J., yesterday. Mrs. Gluck is in a vers serious condi tion. The others will recover. The four Injured person wero taken to the Cooper Hospital, Camden. Tho driver of tho truck which ran Into the rear of the passenger car never stopped to nscertaln the extent of the damage done. His license number was taken, however, and he will be arrested today. Messrs. Clindnow, Mclwlck, Debs nnd l'carl were injured when their automo bile overturned on the White Horse pike ubout eighteen miles from Atlantic City, All were taken to tho Atlantic City Mospltal. Mr. Kowski and his wife, Sophia, were injured yesterday by being thrown from the sldccnr of a motorcycle which collided with a motortruck at Ortho dox ncd Paul streets. Their slx-month-old baby, in the side car also, escaped Injury, but the mother and father both received cuts and bruises about the body and head. They were taken to 1'ranUford Hospital. John Pitirus, driver the truck, nnd John S?o koas, of Kdgcniont avenue above West moreland street, driver of the motor cycle, wero arrested. Motonnan Is Injured Tdo persons, the motonnan of one trolley and a woman passenger, were severely inured last njight, when a Willow (Srove car running north on r.leventh street, crashed into a Luzerne street car at Montgomery nvenue. Mnny of the pus-etigcrs in both cars wore cut bv living glass, but they were treat ed at the scene of the accident and went home. Mr Hoopes, motonnan of a Willow Grove car. was badly cut and bruised and was taken to St. .losepli s Hospital. The woman, whose name was not gnen to the police, was taken to the same institution. The accident was peculiar, Inn J.u zerne street car. which a ruunins north on eleventh street, stopped sud denly to permit a Frnnkford car to run M.i'mi tlm nvenue. The AVillow (trove trolley was utiabl" to slop as speedily and rammed the other trolley in a rear end collision. Such was the force of I be impact that the cars were tele-scoped and it required considerable effort to back the Willow Grove ear away. .Mr. Itenneman was injured when he fnl while boarding a trolley car near Moorcstown. N. .1. Mr. (iicyeojse was hurl when he fell from u cherry tree near l'ov Chase. TO DISCUSS MEXICAN OIL Carranza Officials and Petroleum Men to Confer In New York Washington, June 23. (Hy A. 1M Relations between Mexico and the 1'nited States are expected by officials here to be greatly improved by confer ences to be held in New York this week between General Cimdidn Aguilar, son-in-law of President Carranza and minister of foreign affairs in Carranza's cabinet, and representatives of the oil companies operating in Mexico. General Aguilar, according to official information, is empowered by President Carranza to make any agreement neces sary to effect a settlement of the trou blesome oil question. 70 BODIES ENTOMBED E 38 Corpses Recoverod by State Troops in Tornado-Swopt Minnesota Town NUOVJ DELEGATI ITALIANI PER PAR1G La Politica Riguardo la Quos- tiono Adriatica non Subira' Alcun Cambiamonto 100 PERSONS BADLY HURT Fergus Falls, Minn., June 23. (Hy A. P.) Hetweon sixty and seventy persons were killed nnd more than a hundred were badly injured by the tor nado which struck Fergus Falls late yesterday and tore a large section of the city, including the business district, to pieces. Thirty-eight bodies have been recovered. State troops began senrching the wreckage shortly after daylight. It is believed thnt more than a dozen bodies arc buried In the debris, which was the Grand Hotel. Fifty persons were in this building when the tornado came. About thirl v of them are dead. Much of the residence district south of the Ked river is a waste. About T.OO stores and residences were demolished. A score or more of per sons are missing. The property loss is estimated at several million dollars. Yirtuallj the entire northwestern sec tion of the city is in ruins. Public buildings and .hiirdirs were destroyed. I Hospitals are crowded Wltll victims. I but city officials snid this morning tho believed Fergus Palls would be able to i provide relief for its sufferers. I U17.CI1S SiUU ui'V ... i"' - ....v. storms struck the city In quick suc cession. Several persons corroborated statements that three funnel-shaped clouds were seen. The lirst apparently struck the town from the northwest I and tore through the Lake Alice dis trict. This smash wrecked the Grand Hotel. The second cloud brought driv- I ing rain and approached from the south - ' ...not St! Paul. Minn.. June 23. (Ry A. P. I Railroad officials here said tnej ..r0 nnl,le lo obtain accurate informa tion of the conditions caused by the storm last night at 1 ergus l alls, .mini Kffnrts to learn the number of persons injured when Great Northern passenger j u.nin Vr, 1. known us the oriental i-im- 1 ited was swept from the (.rack have been , ' unsatisfactory. Karly reports said , that onlv one girl was injured nnd her, 1 hurts were not oi a scrums uuiiuv. , 1 No mention has been made of the mem- ! hers of the train crew. Published unit DUtrlbutM Under , ., PEHMIT NO. 1)11. , Autliorltert hy the net of Octohir (I. W7i. n "I" at tho Pcutoftlcd at rhlla- ily order of tho Preali)-nt. A 8 Hl'tlMSROK. Postmaster General. Itoina, 23 giugno. Si annunzia die 11 Senatore Gugllelmo Marconi, il Sena tore Vittorlo Sclaloin cd il Senatore Tommnso Tittoni, ts-rnlnlst.ro per gli Aflnri Esteri. saranno I ntiovi Dclcgnti Italian! alia Conferenza delln l'ace. Vi e' raglone per credere oho cssl scgui rnnno la politica dei predecessor! ri guardo la questione ilell'Adriatlc I giornnli antagonist! al ey jresi dente del Consiglio dei Ministn, On. Giolitti, hniino condotto una violcnta canipngnu contro la fonnaziono dl tin gahinetto Nitti ed hanno clitamnto l'On. Nitti "un luogotenente di Gio lilti." II "Giornale d'ltalia" c "I'o pooa" sono specialmente violent! nci loro articoli, sostenendo die ncssun uomo die abbia eonnhonza con i neu tralist! o con quelli pronti n fare rlnun zie sulla nspirazioni italinne potra' an dare al poterc lieH'attiiale niomcnto critico. Gabride D'Aiinunzio, il grnnde poeta. uno de campion! del movimento, e' giunto in Itniuii ed ha scritto un calo roso atmello alia nazlone. pubhlicando lo bill "Popolo d'ltalia," uel quale sol- NANNY GOAT HAS $7.50 MEAL Owner Pays Price of Flowers In Magistrate's Office Miss Nunny Goat, owned by Samuel , Cnpalio, 510 Fast Itittenhouse street, dined yesterday on n $7.."0 meal. When Capalio was called upon to pay for the dinner another goat ho has strayed all over the office of Magistrate Pennock. at oOfm Germantown avenue, but Miss Nanny was at homo nt the time, digesting her meal of yesterday. At noon yesterday Miss Nanny in vaded the green houses of Robert Jam ison, nt Chelten avenue and Musgrave street. Tho young lady ignored weeds and dined solely on dainty blooms. Jamison couldn't catch Miss Nanny, so he had Cnpalio arrested. The price of the meal was fixed at a hearing today. Why do so many have their developing and finishing done at HAWORTH'S (Eastman Kodak Co.) 1020 Chestnut St. Buy your coal now The price will be much higher. We handle only the very BEST COAL Satisfied customers for 30 years. 21M0 lbs. to every ton for 30 years. Our business lias Increased from 3000 tons a year to 150,000 tons. Icclta tuttl 1 vcrl patrlotl ad unlral "contro la cosplranlonc." " 11 "Qlornalc il'Italla" dice die l'On. Nitti ha notificnto D'Annunzio chc cgll biamavn Incontrarlo In "terrcno ncu trnlc," desidcrando dl spiegargll la sua politica, II giornale nggiungo cue D'Annunzio rcpllco' declinando dl lu coutrare l'On. Nitti In "terrcno ncu trale" polche' non nc sentlva la neccs sltn', clo' nonostnnto cgll si djceva sempre pronto a ricevcro l'On. Nitti qnalorn questl si fosse reento al suo Hotel. 11 glornalo dice, inoltre, chc fino a tarda ora dl sabato, l'On. Nlttl non nveva fatto alcunii replica a D'Annunzio. II Times, nell'edlzlone del pome-rip-gio dl lerl l'nltro pubbllca tin artl colo nel qunle dichlara che il trnttnto segreto dl Saint Jean do Mnurlcnne, dell'egosto 1017, tra l'ltalk c-le Totcnre dcll'Intesa, e' stato Rcuerlmento dl mcntlcato pcrchc' ombrcgglato dal trat tnto dl Lomlrn, ma cio' nonostante c' molto lmportnnte In consldcrnzloiie ddla poslzione dell'ltnlia. "II trnttato dl Saint Jean dc Man rlennc dice 11 giornale dava Sinlrne all'Italla, con la condlilonc chc Vac cordo fosse stnto rntlflcato dal govcrno russo. Alcuiil mcsl plu' tardl l'lnghll terra denunclava il trnttato con 11 prc testo chc I bolsccvlchl In Itussla non potevnno ratlficarlo, ma lu rcalta' l'Inghllterrn peusavn dl dare Smlrnealla Orcein in cnmblo del proinesso niilto da parte del Prlmo Ministro Venlzelos uello opernzionl In Macedonia. 'Inghll terra proponevn die l'ltalla avesse Ana tolia, ma il Harone Honntno (HnIstro It.allano per gll Affarl KHterl) rlfiuto' dl fare un nuovo nccordo." WILLIAMS'S BACCAliUREATE President Garfield Approves Interna national Brotherhood Wllllnmslown, Moss., .Tune 23. (Ily A. 1'.) President anrficld, o Wllllami College, In his bnccnlaurcatc sermon yesterday emphasized the need of a growth of the spirit of co-operation. He approved the idea of an international brotherhood of man, but condemned the raiiicat extremist Who "iacta tiioaV 1 titude oi friendliness that brines' men ' . together and makes possible ,the blot ! ting out of differences." 200 Germans Held In Food Riots Mannheim, June 23. During serious! ., food riots hero twenty persons have) been seriously injured nnd 200 arrested. Troops were called out to quell tho disturbances. ' Several Hundred New & Handsome Silk-Lined Suits to Wind up June f JO Each one worth $45 or $50 at least) PERFECTLY hand tailored, beautiful worsted patterns, lined not only in the body but in the sleeves with finest pure silk. June has been a splendid month at the William H. Wanamaker Store because highest possible quality at the lowest pos sible prices has been given men and young men in the kind of suits they want. These last suits will sell in rapid fire order. Choose yours early. William H. Wanamaker I 4JBJJQ I Q ' 77 1 i Gb fg Ire serve you right I Ip5 Largest Coal Yard (it 'ht!a. Ife Tr.ntnn Ave. & Wettmorcland jTp " " ROCKINCHAIR Athletic Underwear r Men &Bq73 OLouse v V IN BACK NV 1 i ' . 1 CLOSED l-'i'iTOl SIAT AND q ll X CHOTCH X nw vrMin I II if IV & MlfllilimiilMllW Tke ideal underwear for the outdoor man and boy. Allows such absolute free dom of movement that you are never reminded you have any underwear on! Henderson & Ervin Norwalk, Conn. cl Headquarters Rockinchair Athletic Underwear 1217-19 Chestnut St. ONLY ONE STORE 11th and Chestnut Streets mfflnmmummm mmmmsmm Next Time Buy SOLID TIRES They will give you more mileage. They will give you easier riding. They will give you real service. They are designed properly They are built properly. They are tested properly. brio to Rtt THEY DELIVER THE GOODS We sell Fisk Solid Tires because we believe in them JtwD H. T. E1SENBERG TIRE SHOP 301 North 15th Street Philadelphia Chestnut and 12th Sts. An Extraordinary. Fur Event For Tomorrow Tuesday . "It Was Impossible to Have Our Entire Stock of Valuable Furs on Sale on the Opening Days." High-grade assortment of furs were ordered at a time when the market was lower than it is today and may ever be again, with the constantly increasing demand for furs. Through our fore sight, advanced models for the coming Fall and Winter, may be selected now, Fur Coats and Wraps Hudson Seal (Dyed Muskrai) Genuine Mole Nccfural Nutria Natural Muskrat Natural Squirrel Eastern Mink Marmot Sport Model At A Fur Scarfs Hudson Seal (Dyed Muskrat) Hudson Bay Sable Taupe & Kamchatka Fox Genuine Skunk Natural Squirrel Natural Nutria Genuine Kolinsky Capes and Sets Hudson Seal (Dyed MusJ(ral) Taupe & Kamchatka Fox Natural Nutria Genuine Mole 9 Genuine Skunk Cross Fox Natural Raccoon Very Remarkable Saving At the present time we have no facilities to store furs, and owing to the extremely low prices, every sale must be final, no credits or exchanges. l-'Wi liiiiM r I 'I; ,v -VV !l