r ' ,iV M " IL EVENING PUBIilO liED.&EE PHILADELPHIA, SATXJRBAY; 'JUNE 21, iftU) 1 , 1 r U' v' V B? m v 3'f & 1 J! it- 1" E v' 3. .1 i h V . 9t i,5. ?3 V c f ; 3 i t 9 fi' T a- j 'fj' 'ill , pNUOVOGABITTO k AFFIDftTO A NUT!? Re Vittorio Emanuele Desiclora cho il Ministero sin Subito Riorganizzato Published and lll-trlbiltoil I'ntliT PKKM1T Nd 341. Authorised by th.- iic-i of Ort.or.er fl. 11)17 on rile al Iho PostofTli'e cf Phila delphia I'a 13y order of th" President A S lUIHI.liPi'N Itnma. 'Jl eiiicno. Como rntw- Rtienza di intr-rvMe tra Up Vittnrlu oil i ' rnpl (lei partiti tiolitiri. si credo che i I'On. Francesco Nitti, o niiiii"tro ,T dollc Finnnze. nvrn' l'tncnricn ili for te, mnre il nnovo (inhinctto ( Iip ilovru' .t Mteccdeic- n nui'llo ili'll'On. Orlando, die diode le diniisstnni gloved!' scoro. Jl He. alio copn ill risolvoro Milled -tnmciitc la prisi imlitlcn. lia coiisultiito nnchc il I'rrsidrtito del Sonnto p iiuello della Camera dei Dcputnti. lopiniono che provnlo in Ilonm p' clip il nimn (inliliiptto ilovrii' ossere formats con cciii piiilulo .(illooiludine. poioho p' lincovMirio die limi sintio in torrotri i npgoziuti alia t'onforonzn della I'ai'p ii I'lirist. Si rrclo pIip Nitii vara' a onpn dpi nnovo iniuistpin, iu-1 minlo mtrprplilip a far parte iiuolie l'On. Tittoiil. Sem bra. pure, c ! dello prt".imi vougoiie hi'' (ftiglii'liiiii Marconi V ex-preslen.e del Co.,siKlio dei Mini ,tin of Cermanv's indemnity to 10(1.- '!"".""" ," "."T "'"." """ "" "'liere. ! ' V , , ' ,, v L. 7 , , , r '"""""' 5,"t At.mcth. Ideation fr 0fl ,1 . ..,., tv.ri,.! ..,,, i i I-. i , " intended that th.se , Images are to " t!lili ' Prof, ssor I'.llls A. Schmahel, head of HfYTFI. Bpeciali.i. .Up per i npgov.iati fiuaiiJiiari. thei'r effort to have former Lmperor " Doctor'''l-'iu'iUi.. "v bo "expressed sueli , ""' , 'l;'j'.:",'l"''',Jt ,C l'Baes at N"rt1'- O r A Rl A HT ' econom..-. mmer, iali. .'William surrendered. j , , l,n,,r Sproul in matters'"' ' gl, Sri. ml and president of the hSPLANADE ! I'arigi, -J g.ugn...- Ne' gli italiani. The note does not sy wh.ther!er- The Temps publishes a llerlin dis- " " ,'.,, .s , progressive ,'"m,1"1 1 '''"' deil and speeches were ne' altri del,,n,i alia confere,,,., della Bi p.,,e,. tieat.v. I.i.t ,l,o 'l-at.-h announcing that the Independent p J tl., the "nbjeef; """' ',',",'" V'";ri ''i':1"""' "h'"V uXWtrcLWSZr. pace bauiiii l vnto nutizieda Uoiiin inference seems clear that s. would ac- Socialists have issued a proclamation,,,,,, ' . interested in the advance- man ol lie nonril (it l.iliieation eominit- .iKn Ave In fxeiuslve eh. len section (.'an. ;...i! .. i. , i ... . ..i.i i . ..:.-. .i . .. . Willi w,s si, mil ii sun in t biirbpp scions, and Dr. .loin "'"i. iTesh nml sea wnler h.'iths. nrlvate unit X la pace .am invjiita a r.i.igi I. npi h9 nione net cireoli della ( oiiterenza gpn- eralmcrite .' iniplla die I'lMi. ( Irlandu ed i sum nssnejatl potranno segnare il trattato do pace con, la I'.crmania. nonostnnte la (ii.luta del (loven,,, Or- ,.,',. ""''-"o""' "'"' .""''1'"' Menu i .tie in ininuiiiii,! inn iti- i- ' nit segueiiieiiii nte mi caniliio nd (ioveun. lion rende neces-ario riteucre imtierativa la noinina di una nuova I'elegar.ione, e Jiessuna sorpresa -p on nuov.i capo di essa sura' designato a surrogare Or lando. I.c n.ucstjiii.1 ili'H'Adriatico p tli i'iump. per le ipiali I'opera ilcH'On. Orlando sembru non abl.ia soil.lisfatto la mag giornnza degli italiani, non e' diretta mentP comvolta con il trattato di pace con la (lerinania, e parpcehi membri della ( 'onfereir.a redono die il nuovo Goveruo ltaliano non insistpra' supra un cambiamento della Delogazionc tiuo a dopo la tinua del tiattato con la (ier mania. K' ritenutu mm prohaliile, tuttavia, che alia present.' Delegazione Ital iana sia pcrtnesso coiitiuua rp i nego ziati riguardo al trattato con l'Austria, ncl quale sunn cuinvolti gli interessi territorial! d'ltalia. I.a questinni! di Fiume nvevn rag giunto una fase criticii prima della par tenza di Orlando e tuttora si mantieiie nella stessa posi.ione. Mentre la Dele- gazione Itnliana era propensa ail lucel- tare la creuzioiie del distretto di l'iume ' come uuo stato citscinetto, iiessuna de- cisione pr.tc' essere ragginnta, come perl l confini tra l'Istria e l'ltalia, la quale ff potesse soddiafare italiani ed Alleati. "' Wnsliington, l)c, '( giuguo. Sfi- n,l nn,i iMitni-i.vuli ..liniti. ner1 per il .. i ... i 11,' . ,U cannli iliplomatiei, la nuova politica del Goveruo ltaliano sura' iiucllit (Il cliiiMlcre niringhilterrn. ed nlln Krancia il picnol - rleonoscimento delle loro obhlicazioui in ' . base ai termini del trattato di I.midra. j I dettnsli delle notizie il" Kiuiitej ' dimostrano die i deputati italiaui ' rifiutano di acconseutirf' ai scRreti ae- jrf cordi intervenuti tra il President.' Wil- t son e l'Ou. Orlando sullii niiPHionc di ' t vti.mo .. r-hi. .niprtiiiiienie sin data i.ipiiti A pubblicita' all'azinne diretta contro -f dettl aeeordi. Acendo s-otto la preghiera -s ,ii i.,ci,i, Wii, ,li ,, div.ilPiirp r vn,r.l.. I'll,. Drlnnilo fn i.nnotente ili V affrontare le eccezioni sollevati; dai rnp- Dresentanti del popolo itnliauo che a grande niasKitirnnzu respinm'ro la pro posta per una sedtita segreta. Quick Action, New U. S. Border Policy Contlnnnl Frern 1'ncc One flcial reports tiled here, nctunlly includes less thau 40 per cent of its paper strength of lfiO.OOO, and its military value is decreased by the doubtful loy alty of some of th" high officers and the fact that hundreds of recruits were for cibly conscripted. Of tlie re'iel factions, of which there are said to be seven opposing Carranza, Villa is reported to he the strongest. Angeles is characterized in official cir- T cles as "undoubtedly the most skillful fi military lender south of the Itio , Grande." The Villistas are conserva tively estimated to number 10,000, equipped with fairly modern arms, in- eluding cannon up to 105 millimeters in fc- caliber. jT So serious is the condition faced by t. President Carranza that he is said to be ' bending every effort to secure the direct support of the United States in main taining his power. This, according to officials here, accounts for tlie case wit -lii,.li the .Tnnrex inciilent ivm closed ( One of the principal purposes of n,,., rJ recent visit to Wnshinirton of General I Cnndido ARiiilnr. son in-law of the' lo od to Ko to roinnu. ne sniu tne president anil a member of his cab- ! inhabitants of the three states are bit inet. it is ilednreil. was to secure thia tor at Germany, clnlminK that she bad Mnnm-t l,r the Fnite, Rlnles Cencml Asullar was authorized, according to report, to settle the oil question nnd other matters that have raused friction between the two countries. It is known Auuilnr conferred at lengtli with officials of the State De partment about the petroleum question in particular, and it is nelieved in of ficial circles this question Is now nearer (.cttlemont than nt any time since iCnr- rnnia issued decrees that resulted in a- charges of confiscation and Immediate jn protests by this Kovernment, Great .Britain, Holland and P'rance. Members of the Asullar mission nlso 6 conferred with representatives of tho 8, oil companies In Washington, and it is fe. If, aid thy will see representatives of the !' ( companies next week in New York. -f, "'.r T- la linmrn nnn rpsnlt of the ennfen. i" nAa tinrn vvna thnt General AfFiittiir r received a new impression of the Amer ican side of the nil question and gave ,.,- renewed assurances that nothing in the Mexican administration would tend to sj 'onflscation or to retroactive effect of ff4 vBBy rcfiuiaiions mciuucu in me new jjP jietrole'im code. Ebert Will Keep Seat in Germany Continued l"rom Pare Onp (lip reparations clau'os of thp ppnpp treaty was a binding part of Hip treaty and having the name force as to tho treaty itself. Sonnlno Participates Thp Council, at iti ninrnlns session considered this notp, railing In Its ex ports on Hip ipirtln of rpparation Itnrnn Sonnlno. thp Italian Foreign minister, was present. I ltpforp tliP ippplpt of the Ooriiiau notp I ho roiinpil had resumed consideration of tlip iiiipniiiplptpd portion of the Austrian treaty. TIip otlicial copies of the peape treat.v. to lip nssignPil liy representatives of (tprmany and Hip AIHpi, now arp liping proparpil In the olfipp of l'anl I'ntasta. gpneral vpiTPtnrj of thp IVaee Confpr piii'p. iiiforcliiig to Mat-eel Hut in, writ lug In thp IVhn dp I'arl' I'lirli of the Allied representatives, whose names must appear mi the iIopm niPiit, have heen asked formally for "ppeimens of their signatiirp.s and thpir , seals. j nprlln. Friiiaj . .tune 'JO. (Ity A. IM After futile nil -day eonferenees with the various pnrtj fni'tloiiM the gmi'rn mi'iit this inenlng deelareil it is iinalilp to iiek n new enhinet and deeiileil to postpone the effort fur fortj -eight hours. Mntliiim I'rzherger f mentioned as prohnhle head of the new (lenniiii peai'p delegation i, is reported to have sent a not" to 1'remier ( 'lenienee.iu. ib presi dent of the I'eai'e I'onfereiM'e. asking whether the Allies will agree to the im- of i'i i made. It is known that ditlieultv i ,,...:..,., i :,, ,,,.n ,i,,L. m!,io.itv withou t ' t, (Jcrnian Democrats for the Inrinii- i tIllI1 f )( K,.x ,.,.,,,,,, ,lt, .,,! t li , i,ii(IK n,im(.,, , ,,,., i:,.zll(,rk., ,. ..,.' ,i)0M. ,, ni.-h the Demoerat'S would uhl re Piiter the majorit hloe. The ( enter party 11N0 has declared that it desire.l similar conces.sions hut its po-.ition as to this lias not been regarded as an 1! llsl.tlklll.il' HUP. The cabinet resigned at '2 o'clock this morning. 1 'resilient Khert will remain in office pending the formation of a cabinet, which is the most difficult task imagin able, because nobody of an.v patty wants to shoulder the responsibility of signing the peace ticaty. An unconfirmed report received here from the arm intelligence bureau at I'oblen. savs Count von I.ernstorlT, former tiermun ambassador to the I'nited States, has lieen named as min ister of foreign affairs and that he will go to Versailles to sign the peape treaty. It is liiuleisti.od the national assem bly tomorrow may vote a referendum of the entire people for Sunday, .lune 'JU. at which signature or the terms will be submitted for ratification. it is as serted this would result in a huge vote of approval, sinep tin' people are siek of war and want peace on any terms. Opposition to Noske Opposition to Oiistav Noske. minister 0 national defense, as the successor of t'liancellor Selieidemann, is increasing, while Doctor .Mueller is on record as : declining tlie premierslnp, pleading ill- I n0'': . . , ,. 'I here is talk of a fpmporary direc- I tornte of live to rulp liennany in case ' I . .1.1 ..!.. ! i . rresuiPin r.neri iu.is it. toiiii a i.tiiu.ei Oil lilts I'litll l- i ll " .l .i ii-- i.'.'.".l '"'.... ' .,..,.....,.:' i ... .,ni t. mating n dietatorslnp and is unlikely to be adoptt'd except as an emerReni'.v Inensiire. According to tlie (Jeriiian eon stitntion, I'resiilent Khert is not re quired to resign, as lie is not responsi ble fu" tlie I'.iliinet'-i acts. Theodor Wolff, editor-in-chief of the Tagelilntt. has telephoned that nevv piiper from Weimar that those in fnvor of signing the treat.v are so active nnd , iiumcriiui anions the Majority Socul- ist-and the Clericnls tliata perempir.v refusal to siKn tlie terms is hardly pos- Ml'ic .viemners oi uie .uii..iiiii .v ' senil.ly who talie this stand. Ilerr Iff says, are neing given nouve support iij several Majority Socialist members of tlie cnbinet, who now nre openl.v urging the appointment of Mathias Krzberger to head the new cabinet. Ilerr Wolff states that the solution now being sought will be in the nature of a compromise, lie believes that fount van Hrockdorff-Ilnntzaii, the foreign minister, enn hnrdly be expected to stay if the compromise represents too great a concession to the elements now clam oroing for the signnture of the treaty. HVinni Tune "t lt!v A T 1 Tt looks more and more ns il'duard David would be the successor, ' not only of I'hilipp Selieidemann, the chancellor, j but of fount von HrockdorfE-Huntzau, ' the foreign minister. , His tenure of both offices will un- I doubtedly be only for n short time, but ' he is accustomed '" that, having held the position of president of the Na- tinniil Assembly for n brief period, be- ins supplanted by Konstantin Feliren baeli. General Crnener, former I'nifsian war minister and successor to Field Marshal von HindenburK ni chief of the German General Staff, arrived here from Eastern Germany yesterday and conferred with the members of the cab inet about the Polish situation and the entire eastern front. He reported that West I'russia, East Prussia nnd Silesia have determined to form an independent state free from Prussia nnd Germany if "' portions of these static are nl- "deserted them and swapped and bar J torfil away portions of , ""' t1"' huK' "' m"rrM The government ?nys it cannot see where any bartering enters into the stud.v ing the broader aspects of eilucn situntion. since it got nothing in re-' tional problems. He evidently ii what turn in dealing with the Allies. Fight-! he describes himself ns being, an opti ing with the Poles is said to be certain, j mist, with a sangniue outlook on the op forces of the independent Noske guards portunities ns well ns the needs of the or tlie i.erman imperial troops ueing the participants. Note Sent to AIIIm Count von rtrorkilorff-Ilnntzaii, lienil of the (Jpnnnn pptirc ddcKiitioii to Ver sailles, lins sent n note to M. Clemcn cenu, preslilcnt of the 1'cace (Confer ence, cith;g twelve Instances in wliicli the covering note of the nlllert reply to the Germans, on June 10 nnnounced lnitiPS n the country educationally, I concessions which are not contained in g lmuld not have come." the nltered text of the peace treaty. Governor Sproul, before the name of Count von Brockdorff-Itantzau askspr, I.'inegan was announced, told his how far the Allies bind themselves to j frlomls that he had picked out a iiian these concessions, and requests written confirmation that the contents of the covering note nnd the memorandum on! these points form part of the new peace offer. I Count von Brockdorff -Itatitznu fur ' rsx& YVl Fit N KSCO S.WKItIO NITTI Ashed b King Mctor Fnunanuel to form a new cabinet, according to a Kiune dispatcli. Nitti was born in ISUS; lias been a lawyer, newspaper man anil professor of iconomies in the I nicrslty of Na ples; elected to Parliament In mill; member of (iiolilti inliilstry in nut and of Orlaudu cabinet recently , i.n.,.1 ii- .isiiiii ..iiiiiit,. ii. .in. , I tber points out several instances where, yy 'jyyy ISS! rpfcTiiMA'iiiv.hii. iX " ;.$:", ;'i MBHMiWBg m ijwyiiML jimy i lip r a ' : met fn i II l i linn ,i in Mini -ivi'lltnii ii l,.A. ' .. . . . I . ,.l. ,.,.n I i .. I . ," ti i I .1 1 I n i Sn 1.111U n 'II '1. K.n lflr.:i nrtnt.-.,.SA.,t ufn...v-.n, , treaty m its present fonn. The proela hciii'.' e - mation warns the goveriuiipnt of the serious consroui ncps uhuh its refusal to sign might precipitate. .ilr,, ,1H. LM , ,. nuthoritatively stated that IVesid,.,,! W.Non intends to defer any action relative to American llill'tc Hill ,-in "i II,.. 1 .in. ,,f nnt una I ......i .... .. . .,. , '. ...., tiiiLit uie ,-spuaip lias lilltueil or reiecieu . ' lie peace treat.v and the Aiuprican po sition hits been detinitel.v establilied ; com erning the league I here have been ippurts that the ,,,.,,. , . , ii-i . ripsident has named tot 1 l.dward ., ,, .i . it Jl. House as the Ami'iictiii member of tie le.igue, and has designated severnl I commissions', but it is now stated that no , appointment of any kind will he made . until the Senate linallv acts. Jleantiinp, such work as is being doiip on the lptigup is vvholl.v tentative, so tar i as the I nited Stntis .s concenied, and, I while there is every hope and cTpcita- tion that the covenant will be ratified I as part of the trpat.v, it i" said author!- I tativcly that there is no purpose to an ticipate this ipsult or in an wa.v com mit the country to ratitication. Colonel House will return from Lon don on the departure of I'resiilent Wil son, acting as pence commissioner on , the remaining treaty details until these I j are turned over to the American ambas sailor. ITALY'S FIUME CLAIM OPPOSED BY NITTI Signnr rrnnce-'rn Saverio Xitti. who has been asked by the King of Italv to I for a cabinet to succeed the over thrown (lilnniln ministry, was a I'hil ailelpliia visitor in .lime. 11)17, while a member of the Italian war mission to the I'nitid States. While a guest of this city, Signnr Nitti paid a high tribute to America's war aims, nnd told of tlie enthusiasm aroused thioughoitt Italy by the news of intervention by the I'nited States. 11" predicted that after the war the I'nited States would take Germany's place, commercially, in Italy. Tidelity to the allies in the contro versy over Finnic caused Orlando's downfall, and .vet his successor has fre- luciitl.v been iUoted as opposed to the project to incorporate Finnic in Italy. In fact Signor Nitti resigned from the special war embassy to the I'nited States, headed by I'rince I'dini, lie cause of the disapproval of his coun try's insistent claim to Flume. Nitti contended that for Itnly to in sist upon Finnic, thereby depriving the ('zecho-SlovnkH, Serbians and Ilungar inns'of access to the sen, would have the result of converting them into enemies more dnngerous than the dual empire of the past. Signor Nitti has for mnny years been prominent in Italian national affairs. Throughout his long career in the Chamber of Deputies nnd then as min ister of agriculture, trade and com merce, h" tool; the lead in efforts to i develop the resources of his countr.v. lie was professor of the sciences and finance in the 1'niversity of Nnples when the Italian government, cliose him u member of the royal comniissinii to tlie 1'niteif Stntes because of hi-, profound knowledge of trade, agriculture, finance nnd industry. i I When Itnly voted to enter the war. he ' was a member of tlie Snlnndra cabinet and created the labor councils for tlie purpose of developing co-operation be- , twecu labor nnd the government. ! State School Head I Sees Big Job in Penna. Continued From I'aice One these ttatrsjn;. , hiw-pitclied, and he expresses 1 his ideas with the ease nnd precision of n man who bus spent a lifetime in closely day. lie plainly lias tne pnysicai iorce to put these ideas into execution. War to Causa Kilucatlon Aihnnro "Tlie time is ripo everywhere," he 6aid today nt the ('ity Club, "for an advance in education growing out of war conditions. "If 1 had not believed that Pennsyl vania offered One of the greatest oppor- I fnr tin place made vacant by the death I of thelateDr. Hchaeffer "who was used to speaking with authority mid getting the things he wanted." The story of how Dr. Klnesan came to accept the post in Pennsylvania yel illustrates the npAV sitperlntcndpnt'H swiftness o Judg- problems whlcb will have early atten inent and derision. tlon hero." "I wan not looking for the job," aid' Doctor FinpRan doei not bellovp n Dr. Fltiegan with n iiulrt Kmlle. "Con- proper trnrhltii; forrp can lip eieatetl tin (lltlnus in New York were as ngrepable less n relatively high minimum wago n a man could ileHire. Hie entire leneli- ine force of the statp was po-n.tprntt.i'r 1 ) ....... .... .......... ... .1.. iiii us in nuv hi- niit; lljlltp; lu l.u, and I believe we were .nuking prog- 1PSX. "Ten ilajs before 1 agreed to coiup hpre I had never given n thought to such a step I expeetpd nml was will- ' ing to llnish my work right where 1 was. and hud Jio other thought or am bition. I hud been thirty -live jears in the services, in the Held, eight jears and in the department twenty-seven. Y tin know when you take into consider ation the friendships, that grow out of so many jeais of service, that service Is n nrettv haul tliinir to discard. I a pretty haul thing t discard. Olio Meeting Settles II s Doctor I'inegan explained, his first inkling of the desire of reniis.vl- !.. I-.... I. I ! .. lw... i . Mllllil HI. Ills sri n-i-s null'- on, -ii in- i, - i , , ,, ,. i.l p,.!,.,t ,.f win ill in' ii'i ui miiiii; jviiia iuiiii; reived II letter tiom an old triend or 11 his who was the i lose fripnd also of,''"','" ' '," . ,, . ins woo w.i u i "In reimsjlvanla there is a measurp (Jovpriior Snroiil. asking I till to Keep ..,,.,, . , , . minim ispioi i. ii ..,...,. i, ' I n he Legislature mcreas ng salaries up etiiriiceiiieiit in New i o rk city. Ioe- - . , . i . . . ,i ,i. iiiMimiin in hi . . .. nf teachers. I have not unaljs'.ed Hip Tor riiiegiiu was in in.iw "..-.". I, is friend made .to see the great op- i portunities whii-li l'l'tinsj Ivania otfered. i It was suggested that he come over j next dav to met the Cuernor in Philadelphia. "And the.v talk of Philadelphia as ! being slow. Doctor l'iiicgau chuckled. ! 'Seems to me that was pretty fast mirk " He came to I'hilailelpliia as an . ... act of courtes to lovernor Spruul. Ills 1,'icnil had asked him what inducement wl)U,i (,,. him fnun his wolk in New iiw.iii of education i assured me of the support of the ad ministration and tlie people generall.v. That reall.v is vvh.v I am here. "Jlefnre I h It New York I had a thousand lette.s ... telegrams from New York piople asking me to remain. That i. i t. . 1- . it... , :,,i.tmli l.-t-lof Hilt '"' j , ' tr( r0ill(.ts ' 1111(1 lllin.ll ' u ' ' . iifwl'pitiisvlvania aNo. ur to , ,, nine, anil uie- were as cordial in tne piessid as the letters I welcome the of my New Yolk friends were legi'it-i-.-i ' 'pi i.,m'v fi."in Tenusvlvanians , . ,, .,.,, .,,,,1 CnV( me made m.v (Icpjsioii easiei , .inn vm mi . ,,.,,, ,,, ,....,, i,i,i ,,f the lournge and henit to i.im uoiu ot int. u" '' Superintendents Want Action "Since 1 havp come to l'ennsylvnnia 1 have met several of the leading su perintendents of the state, and also many of the leading teachers. They all expressed just one spirit they see the educational oppoitunity in Amer ica lodav. and the.v are anxious to give support to any movement taking advan tage of it. I "The ( lovernor and numbers of the I Legislature have assured me ofsilllicieiit I funds to build nn organization at once which will he equipped to go right into I tlie big problems in front of us. I "That will be the first thing 1 shall ! do build up m.v organization. I hope i to have it in shape by September, so 'that vp mn tlipn hold conferences in I diffiucnt parts of tlie statp with the ' .. . ., ..t I ,..! ,1 leading ediieaiionai wiiiiivtr ..i... i..v leading professional and business men. One nt the nig proiuenis in u.c ..i. U the .'(instruction of an educational program which will meet industrial and economic conditions of the coun trv. In Pennsylvania, the great indus trial stnte of the nation, this is of course "ssentinl. A s. houl program will have to be mapped out to meet these con- dit ions. "Another great problem in every state today is that of training a teaching force. No school svstem will rise above the standard which the teachers set. No state in the country lias yet set a ' proper standard for the trainjng of teachers. . , Teaching Problem Greatest ' "The usual practice today is to tal.e sixteen or seventeen venr-old girls who Invi giaduatid from high schools, give them two jears more in normal or training schools, and rt the age of ' l. met. en set them to work in tile schools of the stat( to train American citizens. This of course will he one of the large CHALMERS 7-passcnger touring; splendid mo chanical condition; $400. LEXINGTON MOTOR CO. OF PENNA. 851 N. Broad Street siTI'VMsmp XOTIt'lN Vacation LStwise No better way to put mind and body in perfect health. Exhilarating days and balmy nights. A restful and invig orating voyage. Fares include meal's and stateroom berth. Excellent rail connections to and from all Southern points. OLD DOMINION S. S. LINE, for Old Toint Comfort, Norfolk, Newport News, Richmond, Va., and all points South. Leaving daily except Sunday from Pier 25, N. R., New York. OCEAN S. S. LINE, Mondays and Thursdays at 3 P. M., from Pier 35, N. R New York, for Savannah, Ga., and other Southern points. SOUTHERN PACIFIC S. S. LINE, Wed. and Sat. at 12 noon from Pier 48, N. R., New York, for New Orleans, La Gulf Points and Pacific Coast. For passenger information and reservations apply to Con solidated Ticket Offices, 1539 Chestnut St., Philadelphia. Phone Locufet iiBOO. 1. 1. BROWN, G. P. A Coastwise Steamship Lines, Pier 43, N. R., N. 7 UNITED STATES RAILROAD ADMINISTRATION Director General of Railroads I " " Ku7l'ATIiwAI. CAMI'S I'lH'CATKIXAT, CAMI'S O On Lake Champlain, N. Y. I O On Lake Champlain, N. Y. The Camp Where You Can Fly In Curtlts planes. Expert Curtlss pilots. Aerial observation. Ground School Machine controlled only bv experienced pilot, Wireless, other technlcul studies. l 1 t H pam tenctieiH. ah up expressed it 'You cannot get good teachers unless jour standard ii high, and you eautiot maintain a high standard unless tho salaries paid are attractive." It wn lnrgply Doctor Klncgan's efforts that gave New York thp teachers' minimum "T,'.."v:. .. v..i. .. ..... v..... ill ti.' ... ri.inj .,-v-,v'i iiii.-- gan. "we havp just put through one of the most comprehensive salary meas ures in the country, It was a state wide measure and applied to every teacher. In New York city It fixes the minimum salary at which a teacher may he einplo.M'd on kindergarten or clc- ,..r.. I Lf.li,.,1 nl 1111,11 fl Vnne 1 1 .1 my,rv fr twehe anniinl increments of Sid." each, based, of course, on cilicicucj and satisfactory service. York city who renders efficient service .... I ,t ..!,. ,. I..,, ,,.. ,.l,,..-lll. t '!,,. ,,. fif 11,1,1 I ought to injept myself into legislative problems until 1 really get Into thp work. ICitt whatever is done will be nil iinpiOM'iucnt. The bill carries an appropriation of $.'1,000,(100 to aid lo calities in increasing salaries. From what the (Jovernnr and several niciiiberH - of the Legislature have said there doulit of tho passage of this ineasiin. ,.-..,.. . Inhss snme relief of this character' Is afforded there undoubtedly will be n great shortage of teachers in the state." j .iM..i i-iiiiu-. a ins siaip. if ,, , .. .i ... , ..i.i. pu.iiii. nnd every iinn.ilntment. .Modern viariHT, cu.v .suiieriiueiiiient oi seiiotus. &s Seashore $tfP Excursions ATLANTIC CITY OCEAN CITY and CAPE fMY lATHV SINDAV ":30 A, 31. frem rl.cstni.t or Sonth Mr.et Terry A'lilttlnntil trnln to W'lltlwood nml PhH. nppr'a l.nnOlna: (i,':ipe ilay), II tin A M Iliturnlnp leave seashore points Coo 1' XI. Dally Utcuralons beslnnlns Juna ;r,tli sraiyiKit uixiiits -- hi'itobh ''i'iNriS!r.v lUggeja pawpnn.wHianaHB BEDFORD SPRINGS H'A.i ikti:i. I f'fircr.mndfrn hntfl In SOnfl-nrrpL I'.xrrllent niUIn, rtimnim rtir.-1 up niiiH'rul untrrn. On IJnrnln IIIkH-i purnic. "ill ir. iiimiia knt Urn r "in, i.onu motor mini in nil nirprtlniM IviinN, sn'f, Nulmni'nr rfnnrinrr. rltllne n. XV. I1KMIM. Mrr -SHBBI3UUUIUUUIUUU W" ctlv modern hotel with excellent tsih'o nnd aervicr. Altitude 201)0 feet. Splendid roads; eolf. tennia, pic. OlM'U J it no 401h to October lut Address until June 10th, John i. itli(mK. Manager Hotel Rennert Hn1tnnn-o Md oi:kmnt(vx, fin i, 1JL i'. . SHADOW LAWN INN Alrv roonid. pood table, private ground. tennia. Pa. & Rdtf. Hs , Wnyne &. Otn. A v. cars Miss Guylee, mpr TpI Gtn. -il4S, ii r von. p. WvnhiTne Inn 0n Maln Llns- V'pt Yvynourne inn ciaiu jesirabie for duV- nsa men with famlltPK. lloomi with bath at rensonalile rntes. Danctnc. Larg crouiiiin wide er"'li, T'hon? rrwin 17 NOItUI STQU.N. '.. Hamilton Apartment Hotel Kt Muln ht.. Norrlhtown, I'a. A comfortable suburban Hotel between town and country, ovcrlooklnu the Hchurl kill River. Lame veranda, elevator una all UlO'lern conventenceF. BH Telephone Knrrlliwn 184. YVKKXrUSVII.I.l;. l-A, Tlie lllnlilnnil lluie- N"'v open. Overlooklnc the famous: Lebinon V'..llcy. ,sntl for ratea and rlrculnrs. Ad'lre- ll K UltlNKI.ljy The Hillside - "'k"-.':- erlne O'erhart sTKXMsllIP MIIICIN Trips by iOI a All athletics Motor Uechunw, SrFCIAI. ANN0VNCEJ1KNT MAJOR OKNKItAT. JOHN F. UYAN, of I ho fumoua 21tli I)l slon, ulll conduct the ramp as it demonstration or the Huis srHtriu o2 'Irnlnlns, em.iliaslilns suwervitsd utlilttlcs. Elsih rtekn commenclns; July. J. l''or catalos address A. Si. UMITU. 1 tC. 4Sth Street. New York City. ntANKMN flH'NTV. I'A. ' tS? ' , , , ,' MiM-y.nmnwn.-n -. j r fjffU iivs-iK-sj,-rT Mil iiiii iis , Mfflamtttgr yC-"" " 'UlUt HIUUtnUWNIAINS 1 ; A strictly modern hotel with excellent i i H U.M.Mr. It KF.S0KT3 ATLANTtO CITY. W. J. lOXAmbasSsricIor VlUantLcCUu,c7.J. The Atlantic Coast's newest and most luxurious hotel costing $4,000,000 now open to the public and cater ing to a select clientele. On the- Board Walk, yet in the quiet Chelsea residential dis trict. Dining room overlooks ocenn great terraces, spa cious solariums and ideal bathing facilities. Direction of D. M. Linnard, President of the California Hotel Company, operatinjj the famous proup of exclusive hotels at Los Angeles, Pasndenu, Santa Bar bara, nnd Snn Francisco. ATLANTIC art. Opcrycit all. seasons r or t nc Year, -A rccoarxlsed ..standard or excellence. :Oitv60O. immu.BozBY. .nHAPTKS ' "Ii ---"--"- -"-- . mmmrr II tt El Jl, C93-?J uniKd i In flro-therapeutle ilppartnient Orchestra i PnncltiK Auto litis meets (rnlns. Hnoklot I livnerKhln illrpetlnn. V F SHAW. Itrst l.orn.Fil, I'lipumr l'rlrcd Hotel i Hotel Netherlands ! I New York Atp., o ynrd from nnnnlvrnlk. I I Cop -1110. l:ievator. rrlvntr baths; runnlm I water In bedrooms rtlKE FKATU11F.3 . , tintlilnB prtvllecp from hotel, Dance Floor I tin. nne rnir. rtmerirnn Clan ivvltn mrnisi 9a to s.i ..in.-, tin ! nn. n?n, wpelilr. 1 AmrST nrHAVVnn,. l-roprtetor. : HOTEL BILTM0RE , (Forrrerlv "VVeitniont) rtliode Island A v. . Near lloardwalk. AH iiutsldd rooms; suites with bath. Orchestra DanclnK. Caraeltv "50. Hot and cold sea writer baths. Under new management MLTMOItn IIOTEI, COMPANY 4 Virginia Ave., clona to brtch and Steel Pier. Capacity ZA. American ilan,UblandBervic flpMutl feature, privato bathe running water In r uma, elevator; reaionab'eratR. Onjniiji Tar.Owaeratijpmutiafc-tmnt J. L. LEEDS. ' HOTEL IMERION (nuni-itnon . Veimnnt nvc and th Ilpnrh, nar all Rt i tract ionH, f'Hpaclty 3.'0. IliKh-clasp, modern j lintel. Kuporlor tiibli, ehnator, prlv baths I runnlnp water Jn rooms. etcv Kxtcnwlv pnrpt'Pq fiwni-sh'p rrianng't M. T, KAlthKV HOTEL JACKSON k Vlrpirila nv. firt houi from Boardwalk and Steel Pier. F1REFHOOF. Irlv ate hatha, run ning Fatcr In rooms. Orchestra : Rrill. American and European plan. Moderate ratej QAnrghlp mnnacemrnt. S. J UltOGAN. THE CARLTON " avj.?m The Yarmouth V'J A Ownership Maonp-ement CIIAB. P. ZAZZALI I I Roo,uoa- South Carolina Avenue, ndiacent to beftcfe. i Cap 60J,Kfc.lnedpat.onace,mu.Tt.drncinit, atrici.iv modern, tibloiind service excet.eat-1 fljuxjm so tar mm. aooKiet. a. fi.u.o--j r-x t . ' . ... ... . -i HOTEL, FREDONIA nPI. AI.L YHAIt. TennrhHee a'f Just off rionrilwalk. European plan. Kvery appoint . ni m ulti,ii t . tf istautttut. HOTEL AUSTINE 1 IV' ille Ave. nnd St. James 1'I.ice Central, opf n surroundings. Opposite the Catholic an! Protectant churches. JM d.ty up. Under une management for 12 eara. J. it. Jones. BELLEVILLE HOTEL l'i'i ev Vork Aenue. July 4th Spfrl.il, 'IhurMlity to" Sunday or Friday lo Morning, Sl. Amer'fan plan. Dnnclnjf every extnlnfc-. H ithlna trnm hotel. A FEW ROOMS for reni 'p Pr,VR'! ft rt" rw-J cottoBo ono block flom lloanlvviilk. Mils'. C W. HOVD I10Sensld8 Avenue, Atlantic City. Is', J. RIsxPAYNF Kentucky Ave. Fourth hotel UIJV.n I 111- frnm Ttf.uS Amer oi." $2.ro up dally; $14 up weekly. Kurop?nn- tl up dally. HAHIUBON HlPrHJ. Prop. BREVOORT Larje ulry rooma. tUi 00 up wklv. 18 S. Carolina Ave. Near lleach & I'cnna. rt. R. Amer. plan J2..-.0 up daily. Under new management. HOTEL PLAZA ST. CHARLES TLACE ft PACIFIC AVE. r.levator. Private hatha. A. C. McCI.BLLASJ TAROR INN Ocean end Connecticut Ave. , ,MV- .- -. jjeaj location; tare, airy roomfl. Kxcellent table. 37th season; owner manatfPinent. Mod ratea. J. P. & A.M. Dunn. ' HOTEL EDION .UICIIK, Ah, AMI Onen: new manaKement. Thorouchlv rra,, I'llHIID AVKS. vut.,1 Amr & iluropoan. Sn-, . af,n m.. t HOTEL CONTINENTAL Always opn. Always ready. Term mod. fralP Phnne or write. M Walnh nunran Wnrthinpton -l8""'l and 'Pa'cinc Ave. J Depot Hot & cold lunnlntr water In oomr Tumi moderate J 11 WOHTHWOTO.V. Hotel Arlington M'c"Ant,;n';,?'Tlt' Qren nil 'ear K .T nsnnn.vp scis; Hotel Boscobel X ,' A iner plan, Honklet. A, H MA ll IO.V. Wrminter Ki- av' nr' Bch' Llev' to ' wesnninsier Vrlv lRth, runnlne water I IS. no up vvklv. I2.no up djlly. Cliaa. Huh re. Hotel Rio Grande n- 0 r"d! walk, rtreproof. Kurciponn plan. Hates $2.00. 11lv : run, water; garage. M, M. ATcCn 1 1. Pr, ainnnpll JlL anti la". aves. Heach-front ltuuiuii vlew Amert A Kuropean plan; rfltt? reow. rap. 2.r.O. A. C. Chwnne.1. Ownor. nlnnrv.lnkAwnnrl m Carolina "-w" Jt nr. : nr. beach: bath- !ng fmtn ho U: rates mod H. liriTA-N. Till': I'OMFOItT. 112 8t Jamei. Pl.nr. beach; rooms d.illv or wkly. i reg. at W. F. Farrer. Naw risirinn Kv- Ave. ft Deach. Gara. ..... -..-- T,k,,t s S K HOVIF-AOR i.ovorniiT. N, j. HOTEL ABERDEEN (I.ONGI'OUT. N. J. Directly on the ncean front. An Ideal family hotel In comfort and surrnundlnss at moderate rntes. 20 mlns, bv trolley nr auto from Atlantic City Ilklt. John C. (lousier. I.ongports lilir new concrete sea-wall and ocean pruinennde nre now completed. (ICKAN CITY. N. J. Normandie-by-the-Sea OCISAN CITY. N. J. ' COO rnnmii. 100 suites with nrlvnt Val.a own artesian well water; Ice plants electrlo ItlfM piani. i. levators irom crounq noor, Directly faclni; the ocean, Culstne she best, For rales, lull Information and booklet ad' dress P. II. H. CAKli. Monster. THE BREAKERS Only lloardwalk hotel. K. A. YOUNG. Jlir. HOTEL BRIGHTON 7th and Ocean Ave. Open .Tune gft. ll. It. SOOT. C!wsiririmoroTenn',courl"' Kear beach ft awannmoropttrii w.p.p.n.Lippincott. Mnlpl Henrv Moderats rates. Excellent yMt ON THE OCAN FRONT plcvon BtonoB of real JLtcomfort vitKa.v cnyi ixTiinont .ofdiatincttriliK- Biumm HFiortTS M otorist, Take Wotice gave detour of 13 miles on White Horse Pike by using Gloucester Ferry20-minutc service. Mileage economy means saving hi gas, tires and general wear and louTMirq;! wHtylil rittw tear. ywty -,-. Via Gloucester Ferry 0rfll(l y tn - xsjgz?:?. Courttwutfl (ft 7SrtfUfWt UCP!WYCiTf Gloucester Ferry Company JOHN A. WATERS, Superintendent CANADA r V. "l 'i IjiUMW M5W Kifi'ii:tfum ,;.,li'(...ti'jeS.'-r',i,, lit f. m w.WMZ.&TiViiUiittiVii:- 4.i-s. i Skv&fwratmA i'i' 'Miiw TO vacationists, tourists and motorists, Chateau Frontenac is the magnet star of the north. High on the cliffs of old French Quebec like a king's citadel it stands, impressive, domin ating; dispensing a royal hospitality a delight ful "Castle of Comfort." Below flows the St. Lawrence. The Laurcntian Mountains stretch to the horizon. An old-world atmosphere surrounds it with a glamor of history and romance. Fine roads, through most interesting country, lead to Quebec through the White Mountains, and by the way of Albany. Cool bracing air insures perfect comfort the hottest midsummer day. Com panionable, cosmopolitan people, music, dancing, life and color. It3 cuisine isof Paris and New York; its appointments 028 rlienlinit Montreal, Canada W'H.WVOOll. X. ! a .. WmM v hJ P.' 1 Always cool. Swept by con stant breezes from the Atlantic jj Ocean and 30-mile wide Dela ware Bay. Never a dull mo ment. Something doing all the lime. Bathing, boating, fishing, dancing, amusements, driving and automobiling. I'lensant, modern hotels furnish excellent accommodations nt mod erate rates. Fine cottage3 and l'Utieaows at icasonable rentals. Fast freiiuent trains on both tho Pennsylvania and Heading. For full information and folder, write ronrtrlicht Smith Secretary Hoard of Trade M.ll(lvvood, N'. J. KEW SHELDON , -, &r.0. Kiev.; private hatha; rooms en suite, bklt Auto. X? J. Wooda. Own met. Now opn I RHnelnn Inn centrally located nr. neaen; ulilty nervlee: cau. 'J.'O: booklet J. AIJiERT UARnlS. C'AI'I) MAY. N. .1. COLONIAL HOTEL j With Hath Kunnlne Water 22d Keason. W. II, CHUHCH. Owner and Proprietor ASIUlItV PAKK. N. i. The New Ocean Hotel FlneM Kuropenn lltel on (he North Jersey C'it. rnuafltr 330. II. OAniJNKR. Mut. HOTEL BRISTOL Direct v rn Mte Ocan Trnnt. IM'PW (iUOT,. y, j. SEASIDE HOTEL nirertly on the Ocean front All client moms ovprlrnk.nr Ocean f'Hnt.BS STOCKTON. TH- Mavherrv tn Wesley. 2:id eea. t,errw sritixn i Aitr. nKAni. n. j. SlielBreato SriUNO L.KE ItlLVCH. N, J. Ocenn front, Surf bathtntr; tennis, coir, ad1)e horees muic. Ideal 2hrall: music, laeai ikm v hotel. . L'OOil JxcUinlve chenU'U. Excellent table service. No tnoqultoe. uwnerahlp in sn b fern en t. I.Ot'tP N. MOSS. pr.Agior r.xnu. n. j. THk MANHASSET ptrectly or. the ocean front. Capacity tot Booklet Ii. IIOSS TUltyKH. Ovrti.r.Prop. llK,rll HAVE?. V. 3. THE ENGLESIDE The best combination of stenulne seashore features on the Atlantic Coast. .Matchless nahlnir. milling, bathlne, etc ocean and bay. l-'lve tennis courts. The Knuleilde offers modern appointments. 8ea and freah water private baths, etc. Orchestra Oarage Hooklet R.F. KV01X. Munarer. Aln The C'mlnrian. West I'lillnilelnhla WASII1NOTON. n. O. Burlington Hotel beef than five mlnut's from everythlnr. Amtvican and European Plan 431 Rooms, 222 Cnths, $2 &. Up .. --'i-: lUMWia.ni'n ie 8 Vi'svV'JV---- h H W. ronrtrlicht Smith lt?l. J$& a if wrMMt Wt22!!S32 Direct Auto Route, Philadelphia, At lantic City, Cape May and all sea shore points. j CANADA Weatianfenae .Quebec i.l (Panada nnd individual service, that of a Canadian Pacilic Hotel. For full particulars and rtiervation, addreitt CANADIAN PACIFIC HOTELS St.. riilln. 1S31 Ilronilivny.X.Y. .IKFFKRSON. N. 11. New Waumbek HOTEL AND COTTAGES Jefferson, N. H. IN THE IIEAHT 01" TIIK WHITE MOUNTAINS Golf, Tennis, Fishing, Riding 'and Dancing Dully Concerts OPKN l'HOM jrXi: 38 TO OCT. For booklet arlilrers lidlel or 8 West 40th St., Now York N. T. Stock Hxchanee Ofn of N. L. CARP1SNTEK & CO. Frank F. Sluite. Owner. John J. Ilennessy, Manager. IUXVIl.t.K NOTCH. N. II. The Balsams Dixville Notch White Mountains, N. H. Season June to October Booking otTice now open. 8 West 40th St. (Town 4 Country. DAVID B. PL.UMEB, Meager Ptione 22110 VanderbtlU , ? INTCBVAUB. N. n. - FWTPRVAI 17 WHITE i -., - .n. MOUNTAlMft HOUSE AND coTTAGB OI'iy JULY i. Select fnmllr hotel. FIm music hall and orchestra. All outdoor sport. Foi Illustrated booklet eddress II. C. MflWlETT. rrnc. INTCnTALS. N. OL fiOmiAM. N. II. MT. MADISON HOUSE Oorhnin. N. II, "The Gateway to the White, Mts." Opens June SO. Homelike atmosphere. Outdoor Sports, Fine June nnd July trout flhloR. Well-equipped enrnge. Write for bklt and terms to (' fl C'HANn.r.KIt. Prop, I'OUl.TM'.Y. VT. THF DORMS Ul uu' jihunt.is 1 11C VJtVllZ nu-A.ro t.rounds Phndel Sports: aood tshle Near H. It. an4 trolley. 1.10 (meats. Modern Improvements 110 to 120. Hooklet. Ilox I. lakh ri.Acm, LAKH M,AC!m. N. V. NOW orEN Modern In all Its appointment. J. J. SWKKNEY, Mnnaser. Winter Htchland Tnrk Hotel. Aiken. 3. C. Tui.cin:sTi:it i.KAcit. sin. HOTEL TOLCHESTER Deauttfully situated on Chesapeake Bay. All the Advantages ot Salt Water andOzon. Special ratea by tho week and week-end. Apply HOTKI. TOI.CHRSTER. Tolchester lieach. Md. VKKMON"! VKBMONT ItlCSOUTS Freq Information booklets by wrlttnsr Harry A. Itlack. Sec. of State. Publicity liureau. Montpeller. Vt. 3 MBUKOKA L.MIKia. TANAHA Oet swar to happiness awar to the nerre-restlatft pine-scented, sleep-giving ale of the Muskoka likcs. feetf. There ou will Had this , N. V.' WHBTEFME INN Hdval WPS. J-tJWLSa 3l at rmeJ rlc. IUutratd ' liooktctt A;l vxum nw r-v ' wwa.vw mJ 'Altr1 ' ". . t ' ' K wftSKJ t tt. Tl o'sP V,i- a VM'tf JJ.t 'J : . ?, , JM (?!. JJ tfiiiV(; "j