Evening public ledger. (Philadelphia [Pa.]) 1914-1942, June 21, 1919, Night Extra, Page 6, Image 6

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f - " li i v. W h " W
ki. . - fi.ii. V , L." W,. v ' " 'r.l.f'Mi.
(EVENING PUBIlbVd-3?HffiAJPBLPaiA; SATURbAfc 'JUNl321, .1910.'
"- v
Abandon Partisanship in Peace
Matters, Is Petition to
C. 0. P. Senators
Vote Is 12 to 5 Against Repeal
of Wartime Prohibi
tion Act
Washington, .lime -'1 -(By A P )
A prnmnl nnirmlinrnt to t lie poiiilltiK
prohibition nfeurrinpiit liill Kivinj; the
I'lc-idi-nt iintliontv to upiul the war
tiiiie prohibition net iu o far ns it ef
fiits tln sale of light wiiis mill bier.
Mil difentnl toiln fov tin ltouc ,Iu
ilmni I Olllllllttll J-' to ."
French Banker Now Accused in I
$1,600,000 Mexican Bond
Senate Committee Adds Mil
lions to Army Bill for Burling
ton County Station
WT-hlnrtoti 1mm 'l - t Im rtiili
li'i nit f nn norinon mi-hip tn
tn n nl t'iimp Ii mil ti l mar t imp Dit
II ii i 1.1' n eiintv i Icivi when
tin in fur ii
thnt cnitnlrv
Henri ymliit'o wis nrreteil in lSMIs
ImrKeil with 'ioiip switiillins In
i nnei tinn vv Itl tin perntion of hiieket
hops, it heme ill t-'l Hint $'J0 00(1 (Kill
l wns imnh((l It t m 1 on iinil. lit i
i i it-iit of mint iliiicihle iiii.lup. .nn'mnuiiil nt liherU intil 1012 when hi
I' hi' mi I tin ir supplies nml nitiip , ilisnppe-reil Hi v i- lev iteil in Mexico
N orl(, June 21 TwentT-ei-ht
Republicans of national nml een inter
tiationnl prominence nil reMilents of
New Aorl. men whose wonl in other
jears liu linil crent weight in the nniu
ils of the Kepuhlirnn piirtv lime fot
mnllj petitioned tlie Seuito of the
T'nitod States to nb-imluu tin paiiisjn
fiRlit on the 1'iiRiie of nntinns nml intif
the pence treats speedilj nml without,
ometidminl I
The plena of the lender nf the pirtv I
is nddressod in formal fnslncin tliriuigh
the two senators from New V'rk lairns
W. 'iiilwortli. .Ii . nml William M
Calilei It nsks foi the prompt rati
ficntinn of the ticitv (o tin end th it
n state of piaee mm n t he longer ile
laved, nn I it ppeeili ilh refers to tin ,
proposed l( irui of tint inns as i sunt
nKfncv foi the prccrv:itien of tint Ht
of peaei
In the li-t of thos, lir. have tint
foreefullv ii nde known (heir wishes to
the Senate nf the 1 nitnl Mite nri the,
Tinnies if men who hne m! hi t'n
rnbinets of l.i publican pHsiiient of
men who lint guided tin d tmi- if
the llipihlli in m t in i n lins
Stormv tirnei of men who 'nm mini
the pirtv tiunm i ilh time and as tin
hut who luvi ncccr sought i Ihti foi
Drawn I p !Sv Icl.crslnm
The petition wn- drawn tip In (nMrge
IV Wickcili itn fi imei 1 tntrtl "stilt s
attorncv generil lie irh I month ign
when the dilitnr tnetir of lertjin i l
ments of the Hi publn an n pnsi nt iti m
In M n-hingti n win Ii enh nn ited m il,(
Knox n vihitmu bigmi to gm those
lhn hw tliewilfnn i f tin Iti pnldi" ill
partv nt heart -inon. lonurn I he
petition follows
To the on Inim W t! il-i-,nlh
,i thr linn 11 ilhain CnlJ, i I tulrd
Rtatcv nnitot
(lentleimn I In nndeisigmil lejn
larh enmllid ! pnbln mis of th
state of . ioik ti spec rf ullt ui'
that polmeil pTrtisinslnp should him
no plan in the i onsul, iati m it Us
merits of tin ooustitutinn nt the )iro
posed leigui of n Itloiis 'he Ui pub
Iirnn pnit wliifli has d me v,, minh
to promi t the piinoiple i f tin p in i
fill settlmient of intcrnition ii di
putes r uinnt lllsih hi phi nl in in,
attitude of hostilm to tin pioieit
adopted b tin coiifiiiiin nt I'm is
for the extension of pi m ip, to ,ijl
the nssnointid nitions fm t hr- purpose
of averting all preventable wtis '
The midei signed uige tint the
treats containing tin peiee ioo
nant be prompth ritijied In the Sen
ate without itti mpting to emhminss
it b amendment thus dilmng tin
conclusion of peace and tin istibli-li
ment of a greit iigem j f r its futntc
The mine of Ml Wukn-lniii win
served in the dihinef nf I'ieMIH,t Tut
heads the Ij-r of the u , . ,.
follows the mime of Hinr fatt
president of tin Vow ,,rl Sriti I'.-ir
Association, Hid brotlnr of tin tonnei
President , th it of Osi n i- sti M,s fn,
mer nmbnssndor to Turkr -mil ,i Miem I
ber of the e lionet of Iicsiiet Jooi
velt. mid that of rhailes 1 I Iiltc - now
president of the N ork It'piihlienn
Club and ehnirnnn of tin Ucpnbhriri
National tommittie at tin tinn of tin
campaign to re ileit Iiosient Taft
Herbert I'm -on- forme, lotigu
man and Hepubln in st it liiiiinui
from this st it who s(n,il with ills
tinction with the nunv in Ti ime is ,,ne
of the siueis 'Ihioilioc P liuiton
president of the Jlin hints Vitioiul
Tank. of this i it ami formm I i.it,.l w,, ii, ,i.l tn the riiiiltiil last nmht to
States senator finm llln,, ,. . . ., , .... .. Al. I nn lnncs
, I, , . . """ tlli pirt in Hie loilieieini- iiini in me i . . ,,
of those win, snrneil Ai'n H h mi..,!,.. ... . '"" " ' ni
philanthropist, appoint.,! .,,,m,ss,oer J-lopm. nts wh.b mm follow
nf industrial lelitions bi I'resnlent s"ml m n Hois thought tin ipposmon
Taft, is still another of thoi who it would bung its plan to the point of
tached Ins s.gnitii.. to the d n ument ,,, t0(hn v the Senile ,d .,,
In ndditi in to tho-o 'alreadi mru , , , , .
tioned the s,,is wire '"f"11 f""' ,ll '" "n l"',"h""' ' "
Alfred K Mailing p,rs,det ,,f rhe'-" Versailles Moinlii 'I Ii. more ge
riiainber of f ommi i i i haininn of the '" pridietnm howeur w i- that the
international commute if the M i sulnect would go over into ' e,t .,eek
C. A., banker and ml (state opei itoi Con-ldi i itn u if opposition idans
foinur piesnli nt 1 1 1 ntmil iliiring the la nioinid initoi
roiuisil to i Kno s ri -olutnni b which tin filiate
to abutting nronrrtr owners for the In-
stallntlou of branch ncwera s'louhl be
' !...,. 1 t ,. M n .
iiM-i i-iise,i irom me present ,;: i,u to
M fiO This would mean that the city
would get 7 n foot for itn branch
sewcrH, (minting in the share paid by
the propirtj owmrs on both Bides of
the street
Cost SIS a Foot
"The tost of Bcwcr toustnij tiou to
the e,ltj at present Is about Rt2 a fool
In the old dns the '2 fid n foot Tns
nrii filiate, and in fact, paid the entire
I cost of branch sewer construction. The
f ' 7 n foot pioeided bv niT (iidlnmne
i would not pnv tin1 eiitlie cost, but would
CASE HAS STIRRED FRANCE brliic in so much more reicmie that
with Itn aid tin amount for branch
sewers ns suggested t Indeneudents In
the ameudid loan bill would permit the
oiH to build moie sewers than If the
full extent of the loin wire pnssed with
out the ordinance '
Opeintlw biiildirs who from the first
haw Interested thunselves In the loan
fight becnuse passage of the loan will
to throw open extcn
i in ii in Hie automobile sistim, was sio traits of nc nit land for improve
lunight In fore the criininnl eonrt a'iin ment ttput to i-sue n statement todav
toin on the chnrge of (he nbusi if di lining tin ir position
oniiiletn o in (onneetlon with the issui " i are for neither side politically ,"
nf , ii in (Kin finncs (SI, 000,000 1 in siid John N Medinev, cliairmnn of
bonds nf tli (Vntril Aliticnn ltallrotnl the eecutivi committee of the I'hiladel-
in l'i0 phi i OpiratlM' lIuildirH Associitieui,
M Itnilntt throws the rcponsihilit today,
mi Ins n-in nti M Cnrbomnnii imv i think tin efforts of the builders
(lead who h ilaims sent part of tin haw tided in liruigiiu out the sugges-
funds rnli7nl fi mi the sale eif the bonds tlon of a compiomise "
to a Miviiati i iiiiid Madero, who usid .
Anti-Sedition, Teachers' Salary,
Mothers' Pensions and Beer
Measures Up- Next Week
11 Hie Associated Tress
Calls, June.' 21 Henri lincliette,
bank r nnd promoter, who was con
n ted of swindling before the war broke
it and who disappeared while the ease
wns nn inpeal nnd who returned to
I mm md sencd under mi assumed make it possible
I itimiiir propagntuli in
Representatives Sail for Europe
New otl(, lune 21 Tio repieseti
tativis in Congress loins I! doodhall
of Mnnn : ndwnnl I King, of Illinois;
linns V .Mi (Initio of Oklahoma :
Man-tnld I. Neeh of Vit Virginia,
and KiitTtt Siinhrs of Indium, sailed
Mstiidn on tin Mi unship lawithan to
ol)siie (onditiniis in Tumpc
The Legislature rcgins its Inst lap
Mfuidnv night
I'lnnl ndioiunment of the Assemblv
Is siheduled for 12 o'clock noon, Thurs
dti nnd tlio prospectR nre thnt the
speaker's gnel will fall for the Inst
time this si'sslon nt cry close to thnt
A lintd week faces the legislators
Mthough the calendars of both blanches
an in the best shape thc hate been In
tlie final week for ers, the two bodies
ill Ime to moie rigiit along.
due of the most important debates of
the session i anticipated Mondn night
A.lieii the administration forees ntte npt
to reconsider the nntl sedition bill
whiih was defeated iu the House this
w C( k
Labor repiesentatncs hne staged n
f hittii light on the bill and wa attempt
a filibuster to block the measure
Should It fail to pass the House Mon
di night it could not be considered in
tlie Senate on the three sepniatc davs
lepurcd In the constitution unless tin
sc-sion wns extended until I'nda
Tin workmen's compensation bill,
ocr Avhlcli union labor and employers
of labor liavo wnged n long fight, nlso
comes up Monday night and may be the
occasion of a bitter battle.
Three other important measures
which come up for consideration nt the
Motidav night session nre the bill to
raise teachers' salaries, the mothers'
pension bill and reconsideration of the
Ituckmnn bill to permit small telephone
companies to merge.
Persons interested in the mothers'
pulsion hill arc making nn effort to
increase the appropriation from $.100,
000 to 7"0 00n. Senator Crow, ad
ministration leader in the Senate, and
Hi presenfnthe Vickcitnnn, lloor lend
er of the "drys" In the House, fnor
the proposed incrensc.
In the Senate the final liquor hearing
of the session will be held by the law
and order committee on the ltnmc
House bill to permit the mamifacttiie
and sale of. beer containing riot more
than -li per cent alcohol.
Woman suffrage comes up for final
notion in the House Tuesday. It is
eirtain to pass the lower chamber with
n substantial majorit, Jmt u debate is
sure to pieeede tlie action which will
plaee Tcimswvnnin ntnong the first of
the stntoH to ratin the amendment.
The usual grinding out of nppropria
tiim bills Will continue through the
week, nlthougli the two chambers hae
disposed of the ninjoiity of these meas
ures. Another act of importance next week
will be the signing of the Woodnnrd
e barter bill and the DaK-Hindy bills
b Oocrnor Sproul on Tuesdav. A
ccrotnon is being planned for the occn
sion b independents who were intei
cstcd m the passage of the bills.
Moro Than 400, Representing
130,000 Voters, Convene
at Tronton
Trenton, June 21. Itepubllcan clubs
from nil parts of New Jersey Rnthered
here today for n stntc convention tinder
the nusplces of the Stntc League of
Itepubllcan Clubs, which was opened nt
Crescent Temple nt noon.
The delegates present represented 40S
Itepublican clubs with n membership
of 130,000 oters. There were nlso
present members of the Itepubllcan or
gani7ations of the state, counties nnd
cities elected under the Inw by the Ite
publlcan oters.
Tlie meeting was presided over bj
Edward C. Hrennnn," president of the
league, and nfter a few introductory
remarks were made b State Chaiimnn
H ('. Stokes a recess was taken until
later in the day, when I'niteel States
Senator Watson, of Indiana, nnd Con
grtssmnn I'oss, of Ohio, will make ad
dresses. Itepublican Natlonnl Clinir
mnn Hays wns imitrd to be present
nnd speak, but be wns unable to at
tend. Mnu women from nil parts of the
state attended the convention. Accom
modatton for them was provided ln "the
gallery of the convention hall and thej
took n grent 'interest In the proceedings.
A pre-prlmnrj platform dealing with
brond principles of republicanism and
stntc policies will be adopted, It In
understood that It will not embrace
specific Issues like woman suffrage, and
that these Issues will be left to the
individual candidates.
State Hospital for Insane Gives Bar
racks Site for State Police ,
Harrlsbiirg, June 21, The board of
public grounds nnd buildings lins ob
talned from the trustees of the Penn
sylvania Stae Hospital for the Insane
n plot of ground of eight and one-third
ncrcs facing the Stntc Arsennl nnd the
proposed extension of the cltj's park
wav, upon which will be built the new
barracks for the Fifth Troop of state
police, soon to be organized under the
recently enncted lnw.
The nrsenal occupied nn entire block,
nnd the bnrrnck grounds will occupy
the two blocks ndjoinlng this, Tera-
tiornrilv the 200 trucks noil nthei- wnln1
vehicles of the Stntc Highway Depart
ment will be housed on the land.
Lloyd George III at Paris
Paris, June 21. (Hy A. P.) Pre
mier Llojd (Jeorgc is confined to his
room with a .Revere sore throat. His
Indisposition prevented his attendance
yesterday nt the meeting of the Supreme
Allied Council. His plncc nt the con
ference wns taken bj Arthui J. Bal
four, British foreign secretary.
i nl in in if ii tiiml ami tmil pro
miImI in tin ni in v ippi optimum hill
i pMtnl in ill ,s n iti lodiiv I In in
u ii i'i s to In lb. ut nun (inn
I !i item vim h w i- mldi ii lo tin
I'll li tin eiiti unlitaiv iiiiiuiiitte e
pi nlcs in itpptnpnnti oi of id'U Hill)
til Inning 21 !l nto nl I l ml in I'.in
liiigtnu ifiiiutv pint of whuli is now
t'n ( In inn li Wtufm I'linp at Cmnp
is iidrnk nml v s Jin (inn (m i'n ion
stnntioii of li Uigurs biiimk- ii u it
t' r. gas plants w in hotii s mil all
nthi I In i ess ii v I lllldllu's I in I npup
nn lit tic issi ti make tin imp
iwnlibli f 'i use as in inphne sta
I inn
( nlnliel l)s i Inef if the h i-iotl
if gioitid stations of tin milium mi
i ii,ii of tin Win I' paitiiieut in sni ik
in: of t n pio d lii-lup ( imp t
dn -ml
i hop, to get this uithoritv ind
nppiopn itions fi inn Congiiss si thnt
we i ni (stal)'ish i gieit hi,: "titiDii f' i
uiships thnt w ui s, mi js the i lin f stn
lion foi ill epi i iniental ind prutn il
lliL'hts iloiv tin tlintie i o 1st
' t p-eseut we lino no phue in the
I tilted St ites where we nn -tore n lu
nushi) oi m ike gis rr supplus foi it
In n tin k lg Ilntish airship 11 14 i onv s
ovei lieu wi line no plan.to sto o her.
hoi a post to tie her to All we nn
do is s( ml liinii men to Mineoli I
In i down with ropes md in i! i
soil "f n icini nt in hot for In i
Th it is win the U TI '.in s( iv licr
oiih foiu bonis .iticJ go u.'ht back to
1 ngland
fKi tin iimp is )stahli'hed wi
ll in to stui tin uiships fioni there
n ross the tlnntn up and down the
mi t and kioss tin (ciitinent
pi in t ' in ik) tl is mil gint lug
llinti (oist station nnd liter i stub
lish siinihu imp in Kansis ni siiiii
I oiiil niidw iv of tin eontimiit and
anotlii i on the Pai ihe
League Foes Plan
Test Vote Monday
111 lug
i hold
i nitor
mi i ai)1
1 reio
' ice One
Hi publican, IVnnsvl
i r opposition leaders
( itv I itn nnd o ( ipnd i position elosi
to I'rntiiisdi Minh i then piesnjint of.
Mi moo , 'Ihe I rrn li iiovrrument dc
nnnded his i ti nl i n but he nuuti l
disnppeaicd and to k xfue In Snitzcr
In October I'll fS It ieiette was found
i in mi aiilninolnl n u i f tin I'lcndi
nimv and iilned i i ill r niest He hud
si lied sune tin tns nf the war under
the nnme of (!enr linuiiniee
In 10U di u, i, , nb 1 1 ii t gov
eminent ofiumls li nl beep mtiristed in
proteiting Hmlntt afte In, reU ise
on bail pa i liami nt irv eommittce
K potted Hi it tlii lm lie(, "govern
inetii inti ri( nti in in T 'if as(
In I'll I when i, it n ( ilmette edi
tot of the I'm is Pigiro wis shot and
killed hv the wife of M (nilni, fm
mer iiiinistir of finimr the else was
ii me, ' I,,, shoot i tt. ,. (I,,, r, .,,!( nf
violent tittnd.s made ,,, M Cullanx
in nn i igiro atiuui: tli h ir-es I
in t In Inn beni , limited
It dn tti s operations
3 Arrested in Drive
on Motor Robbers
(entlnifil Irom Tifre flee
Insurance romp inns , this ritv and
'eventi foui compaiiKs in the eastern'1
md Niw Pnglind lii-urinn divisions
and i 'UIKs almost , mmplite list of
the th fts is tlie v ,ne lepnit d to the
pollir ,
Sino the beginning of this leir time
Imve been more than 170 iiitoniolules
toltn in this citv lecoiding to the
lime ins rnords, nmi nf tleve tnP11
have (nlv bun tluitv threi ncovenes
npeit. 1 'Ibis imliides tin woik of
th. pin iti ion nn and the pjln e.
List veai there win- 1(1 1 aiitomobib s
stolen fiom imir until the cud
V( ir I lien win. (lnrtv
(ins listr.,1 fm that period
lucre ises Noted
The thefts of automobiles here arc
inci easing moie than ever latch," sjml
one rf tin lompanv's offnaK who has
'lnrge of the molds. "Durnu the
last weik the theft of fifteen eais lms
lie en norted to u s n rule the pi
liee semi in, the tecoid of the ft and u ,
nf the
seven lecov
Chnrles i: Stton
of the Cm ( in b. I iw v r i
the State Tax ( uiniiiissiou under (ov- vrould isk that it be ernutted t
ernor Hughes n (j,,, pene turns wTTTiout n
Charles S Whitman former governor or "J""""!? f"r ,tl0 present tin I. igue
of this stntc fotnnr distnrt nttorniv, nf "t'l'1"- ' tirst it had indi hoped
rvevv l ()i k i ounte
Edward A Ilirris, former ineuibi i
of the .Vssenihlv pioiniueiit member of
the Itepublican Club
Paul 11 ( rnvatli lawver, legal nd
visor to th( I nitcd Stnhs fuiain e mis
fcion in Tiiropo dining the war
William C liried, linirinan of the
council of the Mi rdmnts Assoi iation
oierv vvlndi the lime huf tin, ,i
( hnrmin Lode" of the foreign rein that at their own dwrehnn and some i
lions eoniinittei who had been ixpnted tians wi do not get a full icpnrt "
to le nhsint on business until Mmidiv Ihe statistics slum that, whili all
unk(s of i ns nn taken, the die inn
wcie those most fieiiiu nth
is thought to 1 1 Ik ins, '
of the diflie ultv of disposing of (In nun i
ixpdisiw dirh
Coulson Shepherd, superintend! ut of
the aiitnmobili ilep u tment of tin Actin
Life Insiirune Companj , i oinmenting
tod n mi Assistant Superintendent of
Poll ( Mills's statement that l'i polm
win nleiputilv handling tin i u tin It
situation nnd that the iiism ni ( I
ninp lines were plaving pelitns ni
rladiig a liigher rate upon l'lnlnld
dIii l than Vow ioik, said'
I am not surprised that tlie until
( k in v ot tin poliei in pn(iitiu tin
unusual theft of eais here i-hoidd he
(Iniied The police aie alw ns u uh
to denv niij thing Of course ther is
nn Mibstiuu o ln a ehnige tint the in
Mirunii" (ouipanies lire diMiiiinnuiiiig
iignnst I'hiliidilphia in plaiin n luliei
inte hen The unmix r of (lis -tnlm
shows win till, citv is pcnihrd '
Ilish Insiirnnre Hate Here
William L Itansom formei judgi of of the hlnmi tin (ontiniiing
the ( ity ( ourt foimei eomi-il to the
Tllblic Service Commission
Laiucn Caunll pnsidnit of the Fif
tecnth Assembh District Itepublunu
William Clulvers, Itepublican state
committeeman, Fifteenth Distrut for
mer counsel to the governor of the State
of New 1 ork
Sam A I ewisohn, banker
Charles I) Norton, vice president
First National Hank, former soirotnrv
to the President nf tlie I'nited States,
former assistant secietnrv of the trees
tiry under President Tnft
Arthur Curtis .Inmes, merchant
II. (1 Ware', ji'd,' L'nite.1 Stateb
Circuit Court of Appeals
William II Wndhams, judge Court
ot General Sessions
Jfary Garrett Hav suffrage leader
Lieutenant Colonel Homer Folks, dl
rector Ited Cross civilian riliei iu
Fran ee
Levi Is II. Pounds, former president
iioronch of Ilrooklvn
William .Taj Scbieffeliu,
Citlzenr.' Union.
William Tcllowes Morgan,
Merchants Afcsociatinn
iin ;m iii nun on uns iiopnsai I)( toi e
'Mom! iv but tin best its support) snow
lli(( possil.li is a te-t vote
Mav ( li mge Plan
As an 1 It oi tin te course th re was
some ilisi'Dssinn of introducing i joint
ns, Union, in i ase l!ermam s,.ns the
treitv dc lining the wni at an i ml
with the olipct of rdlivin.' (ongirss
i ai ondi
I i t is ie
r uihi ation of tin
tion wlul
Still nnotlir piopdpal c nt nipbued
a wr mil in mil lobin to gin uotifiin
tlon of tin strength of Si mite opposition
t i tl i tuati in Its present from Ml of
tlnsi oxpdlii nts are c xpectul t on t in
for dis( ussinn at todav s lonluium,
Coast Steamer Ashore in Fog
Near New Bedford Bottom
Badly Damaged
New lledford, Mass , .lune Jl i Br
A P I- The htiimisliip Noithland, of
the I'nstern Steamship line n bound
floin otv Vol k to Itnstriii , itli n.inl
prcsmcjit liundied passi ngers and a large mrgo ot
fidght ran ngiiuiud in a fn,- on Wiht
president Islund, about ten miles from the Itii7
nrd's bav entrance to the Cane Cod
Darwin P. Kiugslej , preslUent cw (anal shortlj after .1 a in todaj Larly
York Life Insurance Companv j reports aid that the vessel' bottom
William D. Baldwin, president Otispvai bnellj damaged
Elevator Compauy I
Jt Is understood that when Mr AVicU Hostoti. June 21 (I A P l A
ersham nrepartU the dedaration lie had mirsags received at tbv office of the Last
not fully determined whether it should ' eru Steamship Company said that all
be used. The taitlcn of the Itepublieuns J (he li.'O passengers ou board the North
In Wasulnglou continuing, Jir, n iok mnu nuu wcu iukcii on aiiiciy ami car
erslmm decided yesterday to send theirird to Xew Bedford. Tlio transfe
tHnn to Senators Aadworth and
Cldcr without waiting to obtain more
CninpniiMin of tin Philailelphia lutes
nf nisinaiicc ngninst tin ft on ,)hasuii
ems as compared with tin st mil in!
i.itis observed iu New 1 orl Ii ston
Iialtunon nnd other citiis and tern
torus in tin enhte m nnd iw 1 iiglmid
divisions, ire ns follows
On cms valued nt less than SJloo
standnrd rnte, !sl . Philiidilplun rite
villi nine less than si soil standard
inti.N"? Philndelphia ran M 10 Value
hss than .(!()(), stnndiid rate. '51:
i Philndelphia rate, S7.10 Ihese fig
uies indlinte the amount paid per vcar
pi i eadi S100 for which the lonchlni
is insured Tin rate- of insurance on
inrh vnliml at more than S2100 in
dude no penalty foi the Philndelphia
ti rritorv
In the rate list the Philndelphia tir
utoiv eoiiiprises all terntorv within the
( it and (ounty of Philadelphia mid
counties of Delaware, Chestei Mont
(iniirv and lSuc Its, in Peuiisvlvani i,
and all territoij within the countv of
Camden, invNcw Jerse)
This schtdule has been effective hince
!' akeatures.
was made by tugs-and small boats. A
special train will, bring the passengers
to thVj pity.
Krusen Appeals
for Loan Passage
Continued From Tare One
independents in their amendment of the
loan bill, Mr Lamberton said that If
Chairman GalTney would report out of
rommittee nn ordinance wliifli Lam
berton introduced recently (he cut iu
the loan item for branch sewers vrould
more than be made up by extra revenue
which the Lnmberton ordinance would
bring to the city.
"His ordinance," said Mr. Lamber
ton, "provided that the tost per foot
'Jfe . Cv, in tlie A. E. F.
mSMSI ;lsH "ere 1S Opportunity "" i---i-'
My boy your Uncle Sam is sending 50,000 men like you, right
now, to serve in France and on the Rhine. The flag floats in
many parts of the world, and Uncle Sam will maintain an effi
cient, patriotic army to guard it So besides the contingents
for Europe, many other red-blooded men are invited to vol?
unteer and choose what part of the world they will serve in.
Will You Go?
In Panama, Alaska, Hawaii, the Philippines, China, as
well as France and the Rhine, opportunity is offered clean,
ambitious, intelligent young men. The choice is yours!
Thousands of Americans would gladly patf for this experi
ence you will get paid. And while you serve, you learn.
Read every word of this advertisement and see why service in the United
States Army is the best preparation you could have for success in life!
Good Pay, Enjoyable, Inspiring Work, Recreation and Man-Building
Food, clothing, living quarters,
medtcal and dental attention
all of the very beat absolutely
FREE. The present rate of
pay is 30 a month or more.
In other wordj, the soldier
now has o net profit of about
a dollar a da).
Can you pay all your living
expenses from your present
income and have a dollar a
day1 left over? Probably not.
Military Life
is Outdoor Life
It inculcates self-control, quick
thinking, alertness, regularity,
exactness, bodily fitness. It
makes you hard as nails; a
trained, co-ordinated linit of
clean bone and muscle. Most
men gain weight as a result
of army life !
Free Vocational Training
in the Army Fits You
for Success
Suppose you are a young man
looking about you for a trade 'as
a stepping stone to success
in hfe Uncle Sam offers
many educa
tional oppor
tunities, and
paya you
while you
Uncle Sam gives you your liv
ing, gives you the opportunity
to learn a skilled trade and
pays you real money at the
same time.jknd when you com
plete your enlistment and obtain
your discharge, if you have taken
full advantage of your chances,
your services will be in demand
wherever skilled men are em
ploy d. Among these skilled
trades are Land Surveying,
Auto Repairing, Telephone Re
pairing, Road Construction,
Wireless Telegraphy, Steam
fitting, Telegraphy, Switchboard
Installation, Motor Mechanics
(air or ground), Baking and
Cooking, Carpentry, Photog
raphy, Electrical Work, Litho
graphy, Bricklaying, Black
smithing, Drafting, Masonry,
Welding (acetyleneand electric),
Airplane Mechanics, Plumbing,
and a great many others.
Liberty and Recreation
The soldier off duty writes let
ters, smokes, plays baseball,
pool, football or most any other
game he likes; goes to the mov
ies, or theatres; in fact, doss
about as he pleases. He has no
difficulty in obtaining permis
sion to leave the camp or post
at proper times. He meets
agreeable people, including lots
of nice girls, at Hostess Houses,
etc. He goes to dances, if he
wants to. In fact, he usually
has a belter time than a civil
ian. Now, Men, What Do
You Want?
Where do you want to go?
France and the Rhine? (50,000
going right away.) Panama?
Hawaiian Islands? Philippine
Islands? China? Alaska?
Men are wanted for certain
branches of the Service in all
of the above places.
What Branch of the Service
Do You Like Best?
Infantry, Cavalry, Field Artil
lery, Ordnance Dept., Medical
Dept. (including Veterinary
Corps), Coast Artillery Corps,
Signal Corps, Tank Corps,
Air Service (including Balloon
Corps), Motor Transport
Corp3, Quartermaster Corps,
Corps of Engineers, Construc
tion Division. You can choose
your own branch of the Service.
What Useful Skilled Trade
Would You Like to Learn?
You can learn almost any trade
you wish, and quit at the end
of your enlistment with money
in the bank, and a livelihood in
your brain and at your finger
tips. Do You Want to Be
a Non-Com?
In every organization there are
now vacancies in the various
grades of non-commissicned
officers, carrying increased pay,
opportunity and experience.
Do YouWant to Be an Officer?
Appointments of selected en
listed men to the U. S. Military
Academy at West Point are
frequently made. The regula
tions provide that at all times
there shall be men so appointed
in West Point, to a number not
exceeding ninety; and many men
also receive commissions direct
from the ranks.
CaH at the nearest recruiting
station and ask all the questions
you wish. You incur not the
slightest obligation by doing so.
Courteous non - commissioned
officers on duty will cheerfully
tell you whatever you want to
know and
give you
printed mat
ter that you
can look
over at your
What else do you want to know ? This advertisement tells only a
,part of the story. Get the rest today. Don't delay. Act now!
Chester, Penna.
301 Market St.
Norristown, Penna.
Boyer Arcade BIdg.
Coatesville, Penna.
242 E. Main Street
Pottstown, Penna.
259 High Street
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