sw p k$ ' - 5y l&erifi'ffijMlft: leSffir PHILADELPHIA . BXMfofeX UttlNErSl, Jfl&O-.r 4-- , ;. . J Boston Tennis Star Victor Over Champion : School Tug-of- War : Wreck of U. S, Milwaukee H 1 fRf , . r -"' ' '. '& Il X. WHEN CLAPS meets class on Robert Morris School field day then comes the tug-of-war. The field events and drill were held in $ IWSjjmmMSS f'fC'- ' '44i4 THE WEDDING of Lady Piana Manners, one of England's favorite beauties, and Lieutenant Duff Cooper, of the Grenadier Guards, at "W HEigy.. B&(S'P "tWSS L2?4 l' MarSaret'8 Westminster. In the view little pages are strewing flowers before the bride and groom as they are leaving the church. skf I f I AT THE Walter Keed Hospital, a government institution for soldiers, at Washington, there are baseball times when EN, it is .somewhat difficult, to fill up the batting order. But here efficient nurses are lending a helping hand to the 86- . 4V ov",- national rjastime. national pastime. THE LAST of-the United States cruiser Milwaukee, breaking up in the waters of the Pacific off palifornia. The warshp run ashore last year during a heavy jstorPi Only after many monthc of pounding is the stanchly built vessel giving vay. n ' v 4 J 4- Jl Vs X 'A fVSbB' J- fV ! J. - .-: s"?.