HXE "V tnrtl g V The Man Monirlght, iPls bit Oram' It Forem Co 1 jjVTiiisj STnrs run stoky 'Roger Morton lands from a runa liVay balloon on an island In the north ' of. Scotland Mistaking It for Cor jl many, ho dicovcis n Herman pj ami t cls ont to uncover tin- plot i"' effort result In hU own arrest through Mr Itendnll. the owner of the Island, who has a chiishtri nam pd Jean John Whiteclrtt. nn oth ccr, t Iit the Island and. promts to be Mortons cousin, dears him 5 of suspicion lit" "tun. however. Bj fl gets little eroelcme ami tnc ltrinsii K 'If liovcrnmcnt nmv suspects .1 rial pr P ftTiS on the j'lan.1 Merton l indue ' Ti'tA to return to the Maud to assist J In the inv.stigntion 111 the guise 01 I! n nlcoholi He assumes the innie , of Hohhon-e and becomes a pltiint t at the sanitarium of I'm tor Hen !i dall, n rcHtivo "f the nvvnci Vmon-; ( those whom he meets are 1 tupei and ' former patm it of 1 ten Itemhill s learned Ol'.nen and an nppirentlv half wittrd MitiS fumei 11 ime.l ,1 Scollav A British vessel n hbwn up in the In mi! 1 suspicion 'iirntn stances and Bolton a neh arrive 1 detective is trn-torinu-h timrlcreil ,sfait discover Ile.bhouse - lelmtitv L.ntoM mm: "' c oriMi SO IIBlvT w 1- ltolton s se, re t 1 Uher 0.IYln ,. a tu ill i" 'I"1 ;1""1 himself or I.. I id 1 onf..l rat. hctr nhd since tl.it .ut. a mid "ie or the two had..-1..-1 !"--" ""' "'"; by murdci.n,: th man wh" w 1- " track And wii- wa- tl.i- '"'". ' ; Or altering lv whet. is 1,"'' hlm?elf link,..- (I.m.m.j.U th. m Barnes were p. ,lod, Up... H ."-" lu-Bolton s .tniMti..ii anvil.'" f'f "" W' anl tie lin. thr-.iu'h tin ir tun..- fould onh in. an tnur In this l.-t .eMmn in""- "'l " Included- I hi lB..tf.r . '"" 'J', ' ..i ... ,i.n , .ittheih.ik 111.I -tut. jBmj feet Mi appoint:!., nt with lean was alrel.h mei.liie f No Mtn of h.r when 1 1 j - li 1 the road, sol -ptoT to walk shmlv t.nv-ird 1 U0P thik,n8 tlnnMHS Of course the i 1.. mo-t of " '" feuspected wi- h.r own '""' Aml Tcei,,,- Ikmw that. mi person X common- l;l i,n .n- to be Uare of coiiMms m hi- nh ulatnes n the isl-in 1 ll.it 1 W '"r" l knew better tl.... nm per-on nf mere , om monUiv. t.'' 1 .o..ldse-,rrev ask Wtoabetri. ,nconv,...nStl,odocto, Then I must not how Imr the note bnA luTth.t r,.int a l.r.h ... om .on fidence at the ier -'art " W'l, lo,t .111 wisapprnaeb In- ber hou nn-I -till there iu no slftn of her ahnid nor was tl,. re nnv Scluston i .- mind SVr cU-inced t. look .oi.nd and -iw her ruunci i,t n ronple of hastening 11 . ... ' , ". pB, m: I uhielp.l round liunurcu i .- lf m. arirt 011 me ...-.."" '.. , n.ll(1 V. ... ..... .1.1111 I.I I'll ivniell liana'aiU rie.i."i- sSpl show h.r the po.ket hook and hX.Wv,T",.".-.n.nn.cnn.l n,rt me .'f ' os, and half la.ish.nc Tna diunelv tlushe.1 after h.r -tern .. mtlpS '" "1're been chaing you n- '", ..ivk, ev.r didnt " looV lt crieu " j T..nfc I thoutsht y" " '-om,u'- stVaight from home" 1 T .. otn t I've "I never -aul ?". nmi ' " tf j- 1 J .MliiTr else tirst , lure else nrs! if UQV'I. P""" ' 1 to he 11 hint "I vm": m There sord- tiling sisnihPint tl.s. I.-' ... lltn iio.nt but I was so . Ve, ,0.0, iat 1 never paused 1 o .(i..-. "" T"rnmdr.alfnUv somv l-. " xUsMnkinu'sohirdl.,.;!. though ofiloolt.ns louud Ihiv.o. sou.e u.-us suit, ion for jou ' tHer eves sparkle.l "What is it ' she .tied "Bolton - " ketbook has b.i found n.longtheio.k, ,nd th-s was In- last en,trv before he w is killeil ' 1 "handed her the book open at the plL and waMed her face,- she read .i -. .l,,n tier rlll.ssinu liveileil bnd anv ..btht, oiiht e AOu " """ ' ' , ,-h, sli. and for some moment V.W iottinzs 111 dead nil lb nee Then 1 taVv a sudden gleam 111 her eve nnd H moment late, sue iurm-.i ... 111. and crjed' , , '"This wasn t written bv Bolton ht was nn turn to staie "Xot written hv Bolton' 1 e clfimed let me look at it agiin Standing there in the 11 iddh' "f the & rniil we mute folgot the tern Tiprntiire and " . .. ,1 nassiu? suuw eiivi.'. evVn whipped us unnotneil Jl'Ixiok' she said ' Tne writing 1 thicker and bla.kei and a litt'e bigg"i thn the other entries ' Mlt was evulentlv written with a m ferent pen. ll or with a blunt pointed pencil man writing with a short blunt stump natuiallv wnto a little bi'gser and black." But look .it the ts'und the is and tin capital 1' . m fa'rt, look at all the l-un The are eictlj the same tvpe j"Of course anv one Irving to . opv another man s hand would make h s lelters the same she retorted but thje character i-u t the nine nu t jcJu ee-' ' "There is a slight diTeien.e I nd mjtted, but I reallv can t honestlv sav I tee anv umcient ground for putting this dow,n as a fake Besides, vvhut do Jtju suppose it in 11 practu.il joke-' ' ."No, of comse not It was writteu byl.the real murderei to put people off thr f.cent 1 . . . .... ..I- Lit. t ii. nCrfin ft J trieu not iu wr . " ".. '' I did ... , , j- "Another bnlliant guess 1 sa,d and then hastened to add But a ino-t Vfugcniou one anU quiiL possum vi-i v irob-4bh in fa. t ou are light " tllutshesaw tlumigh 111 compliments. , ncl I ftlt tnth. r than observed an in 1 giant chang j l'Oh 'on rfnd handed "Or vvror tiy try to dis . . . .. 1 Ktaut tuangt m "ri M . ou may ue risui ii' aiu. 1 d me back the poekctbook rong, I lopneei out 1 moan scover wliuii Tostend of a-kiii' me what I meant th do. CS 1 feaied and expected, she talked b.v mi fide er.v thoughtfullv iid in silence I diniij 1 ".' I gave her a moment or two 10 put question wliicli nevci came, auu tueu nneU the Mibject. "Anu nave ou .iisvuicttru ouj neV I asked JSXot ilisixneied only guessed," she awereel with a smile iu her ees, half tflant, lialf misciitevous. 'Ana uiat nave oit guessea; "0)i T -won't trouble ou with more w$es. 4 must nnu someiniug oui trsopiethinvi jeally tonv Indus, like t notebook." Was n little piqued, but 1 merel ghfd and a,id5 WelJ. we'll seel" TTT'Tl1. :-t."L, ... .,... ., .. riWTWWi w pww ,tv- iV'A-fv" i From the infill w ' r f f '''WMli&;ty 'i '-'I'd By this tim" we were quite nar the ' hou-e Won t vou . 01110 111 and hav. lunch with us '" sn usked 'I lie temptation wis strong, but the s.ent sfitnid too vv.iim to loc , and I said I must he buk foi lun. h ut home We stopped, and as -tin looked at me I notti e. 111 her cut- what lirst, soi-mt'd to be doubt and anutv and a moment later to be. 0111. icsolution "Mr Melton, ' she said, her Voice lathe 1 low. ' vvliielievei of us w luhl. I think we must be gettuu 111 u l.athii a 1r1tn.1l point Dun t vou thiuk vou had bettei send off that wne to Cap Um hitee.hU ' ' I -hook niv hi ail .sot. quite vit. 1 sK 01 ( c it s a seiious nidttu diaggiiu m cousin out Here unless mi. tain he will lie needed pnteiei- 1 "But then he nnv not l. in tune" "I must rNk tint But von nnv iest nssiued I'll wne the v.rv instant I know it won't In luingiug him out on a vv ild gen.s.i e base ' Tor an instant sh, was sdi ut again, mil then sin siiddeuh sud " I iu Mil. tint vvntiiij wis forged'" It s.nud to me tint I nad iu her exi lam ition a kind of whipping up ot her unbelief as th.uiih she needed to iiassuie herself pur of gloves on it''" I sug gested f "- -- f ' 1 iiii.n r.i.rMrr. .1. .. :. . . . 'uur u'uii-.. uiiii it was uoi one estions -she Not that there was anv thing unkind 111 lit 1 eve lis n. s.nd good In , onl it was ehai tint 111 the meantime ve were each going our own wav I I et out at my best p ire ha. k for J I was hot for instant ,nti..u and j lean s doubts, though I diiiiied them as quite unjiistltied bv anvthiii in the writing, nevertueiess maile me onviuus to settle the question at om e I be md nugnt tie ver near ineiie.j 1 told mv self, as I stiode out with Ike last re mains of mv limp eiuitH vanished But what prompted tho-. doubts, a genuine disbelief in the oiithi iitieitv qfcthe hand "' H6.VS """" wntiug. 01 a p.r...pti..u ..tjffi'e logicul n..,.,,..,,.- on.i ., ,.., ,,n..,3 ti.,i 1111 - 'l. ... ..II'. I. I ' UULI.ll.! -n.iun lug from them'' I wonelereel verv mue h The fut that she had refraineel from asking a single qu.stiou as to what I meant to do sqgsestcd the second so'u tiou tjel vet it was curiouslv unlike lean Kendall s feailess spirit. I'irt of the Truth t r 1:1 J- ten-eh Mr.K reniembu feeling more m chagrined than when I reached out bleak house twentv minutes late for our eailv dinner to hnd the doe toi hail eate n i burned meal quaittr of an hour before the usual hour and rushed out to attend an ingeut case I asked at once whether lie had been told of the pocketbook es, it appeired he had Hi had seemed veiyy mteiested, DOROTHY DARNITShc Knew the Answer fHOWAr.rvcuCETTiNCALONfi flM COIMC TO ASK YOO A QUESTIOM WHAT IS THE DIFFERENCE BETWEEN BUT I ES J AT SCHOOL' J,, T ) AND SEE IF YOU AREsSMARTJ THA.T DUCIYAND MYSELF? ( tWQ HUMORED POUND. cr''i!atw vjifcp- sa '" ' ' ' ftwiw - EVENING .PUBLIC Clouds I & . xx v yBfrSSsftS .'v v. -. 'v-s ."1.. Tv 'SkJ6tJ ."-.vN1tO-. " sf&S ' So here was Bolton secret" hut had immediate. oidered his rlinner'have made an astonishing contrast to hour to be advanced and tin 11 hurried the Thomas Hobhousp he had last seen awnv without putting furthu questions W is bis lia-te a e'onsoeitie n ot what lie was told 01 mirth 1 . inn. id. n. e' Well I was l.snhcd to h iv e th it point in doubt 111 litei than hi- ictiini 1. li irdlv ehbateel at all th. quistion of' what to elo The baftirii business of Kiopm.' in th. dnk and dulv s, hem iu' lo elisiov.r a window without giving mvsplf 11w.1v bid gone i.n louj enough I hid tonne! 1 henl at I l-t r,n.l I 1111 nit to lilt it It might t it 1 11 out to be the Wloi' held still 1 felt e Olivine eel I 10t1ldscjK.lv fail to disc ovei something fi esli j But tli.iui,li I pieqios.el to take a bold . luiiisp and make :i shuit cut to tin hint of this lnfim il tu.ist.iv, 1 1. il . 1u pirf.etl.v tint if the cut .utulllv1 leel me theie, it would piove an e eeeeliuglv eliiig.roiis bv w.iv It wis su. h a gimbli th il I shrink from sum I iiiouing mv 1 oiisin until it hid ioine off, hut I wiot. out tin .ode telegram j we had 1111 jui il anil put it iu 111 v poe kit lemlv fol e liurgi ue les ( )t the doctor s j two sniants the voungei uuvhow was' absolute lv tiiistvvoithv 1 wis convinced, aud 1 ueaii! iei spuil bci with the wne tei tin 1.0-tofiire while 1 kept guard ever the ii'-iinei And then, to msuie theie lung 1 piiunei, 1 -aw that all Ihc . h im'ius of mv l evolve r weie loadeel 111. 1 put it 111 niv eoit poiket rtadv .,, mv hand 1 he afternoon diagged on. the winel -til blustering loiind the house and tin hail now anil then lattliug on the windows hut no Doctor Iteudall ap p. ami 'lei I inn ainvid anil still no sign of him I gave hnu half an houi line and thin hid mv own tea aud i.tmniil to the suioking-ioom The .veiling liv tin- tune had fallen aud the luitaius wen eliavvu aud the lamps j nd theu it list I heard him enter the front eloor 1 jumped up and, with a dramatic instinct for taking the center of the stige. puled uivsell befoii the ie, but I heaid him urn upstairs ami it .. .. . , 1. ..1 .i, 1 ... "- -uule ''"" '"""VT -"". his descending step- leached me 1 he moment the door opuiul I was ... -uniis that one of those peculiar manses I had so often noticed had taken pi 1. e in th man lie smiled at me. but with a unions! furtive cje. and then he shut tin. dooi nnel came forwaid ou hive hid tea, I hop- sap he I wasted no time in preliminaries Keeping mv light hnnd closed over th levoher in mv poeket I held out the po.ket bork with mv left Doctor Kendall," I said "vou have heard that Bolton's poiket biok has been found Here It is Ivindlv look at that eutr.v " The man started perrcptiblv and stared at me Speaking 111 that tone and without 111 e.veglasscs I must , , -- m 1 ' M I -.r.Js ns ja 1 v ,.. -l-i r v ..in l r- tar r amfik. .izs nub. Htyjivvg r yi--i -"v - - v -' "- ! By J. STORER CLOUSTON Author of "The Spy In Hindi," "The Lunatic at Large," etc. . " ..-- "-. , --.- .that 11101 mug at breakfast Iliad th it," I eommanded 1 Ie took the poe ket book and I watiheel him closelv I saw his eyc tnovvs ne as lie lead "What's all this about? ' he asked. "It is Bolton's hist entrv in his note book be fine he was murdered, and it means that O'ldlcu is cither still in this lslanil, 01 tint 1 coufedciati of his is pla.ving tr.ntoi 111 his place, nnd that one of the two has just lommitted mur di 1 It is epntc impossible that .vou don't know sonic thing of this!" His blue .ves now had cousiderabl mole anger than guilt in tlnm. Iu fact I was bound to admit that he looked a fine, unstanding man, with his 1111ist.11 he, high eoloi, aud an air of unmistakable indignation 111 his face ho the devil are ou.' he de mauilcd. I mav tell .vou that, I am uot Thomas t-lvester Ilobhouse, and that I have nevci taken liquoi enough iu uiy life tu hint uiself I am heio to in vestigate' certain things that have bicu going 011 111 this island, and I'll put one' question to ou sfiaight, Doitor Kendall. ou icuiembei being visited bv a certain man Merton last Aucust. W hen ou heaid him approaching our hou whj did ou pull dovvu our blind Ihat shot wen' straight home All the indignation vanishid aud I saw on the nistiui I had him at ni mercy. What what has that to do with it'' he stammered. I 'Don t tioubli 10 tiy and hedge. As I a mattei of fait I am Meitou and I sivv the blind go down myself. Since tlnu we have ulvvavs been on your (racks, Doitor Kendall ' j I swiar that that had nothing to I eh. vv ith tiea-on !" lou are unused of treason, your iclatious to O Brieu were ver peculiar j anil if ou can't explain that blind and , this eutr.v aud 0 number of other things vou will be in an extiemely nast position 1 he doctor made no further effort to stand up to me He sank into a chair while I stpod over him, uud 1 knew I was going to hear the truth 1 1 l,i ot nel 1 at tliu cnrlilan 1 s1 In no a ul '"-' "" .'" "" "si w..oii, amI "llltod h!s wl'ole, mk'. were so "uexpeitid that I felt more puzzled -u tiiumphuut. ('ro BE CONTINUED) 1 Wouldn't Ask Better feinie you've been calling on Miss Bute, how have her father and mother treated vou " Fine' I haven't even met them ' Doing Time So Micky got ten davs for stealing an eight -day clock''" "He did that An' poor boy he thinks be got two days the worst of it." LEDGEK PHILADELPHIA, SAajpEDAXvttlp Sl.lOiOl k - -i-, L ? - - i iwscjrr i-juw r c -v-n-jn DAILY NOVELETTE SPUNK i:Ulo U Cobb -L' pect to lle nt ralrmotint with Dad for several enrs yet. Win pick on me?" she lnughed gajly. "You'll probahlv he the next one to he engaged in the club roursclf, because 5011 know Fred Carter has just nrrhed homo from overseas " The voice was that of a wisp of a girl just leaving n club of girls who had been working for the lied Cross nt Kloinor Handolph's homo in Spring dale As. she leaped of the plazra she ran around the driveway for her little road ster, with her Huffy tnn dog, Spunk, nt her heels. Spunk and Beth Preston were tlfebost of friends, anil the two fairlj jumped into the car. Spunk taking n seat bj himself, lurking furiotislj beside his misfits", as Beth turned out of the drivevwiv into the roid. " 'liv. girls," she called, "we'll see ,vou agiin two weeks riom today at -." "Hope von make it, Bctli,"Klcanor called hack 111 a spronii nr iwo nothing but a cloud of dust could be seen down the road i;ii7nbeth Pieston l.nd left the club a little earh, because she hnd a erv im portant uigiigement with her father enrlv that evening out of tovrti. "Well, Spunk, I guess we can make it all right, if we continue nt this rate," said Beth, iust missing a chicken 111 the middle of the road. The distance from the Randolph to the Preston home 'was nine and one- hnlf miles The machine had eo-.cied four miles and a half when hang wentl thp tire, and Beth and Spunk il and looked at each other as the machine came to a top, "Oh, vou naiightv dog' Stop wag ging that tail of yours! What shall wp do'' Out herp on this countrv road and it's alrcadv fi o'clock," she exclaimed, glancing at tin; watch on her wrist. "And 1 haven't a tire with me or even a tool in the box. Who'd think this would happen, just coming home from El's housp"' "Well, I guess I'll turn in around this eurve on to tin- other road, so no bodv '11 run us clown." Winch she did. Spunk jumped out of the car and pro ceedeel to help his mistress b bark ing, but to no nvnil. She sat there for at least tvvpnty minutes, whifli sppiupcI to her an hour, but she could do nothing about it. Kinallv the dog began barking and ran out in the middle of the main road "Come here. Spunk' Don't make sn much noise'" But he persisted in stav ing there and 1 nntinued to bark louder than ever .lust as Beth was beginning to get rather peeved nt the condition of the machine she heard the sound of a dis tant motor roming nlong the road nt quite a rate of speed It quieklv shot bv the curve in the road, and Beth could lust manage to see the figure of a smart looking voung man disappearing down the road on a motorcycle Snunk continued to baik and velp nindlv and kept lumping up and down as if, his life depended on the noise he made. Soon the rider of the mntorovclo ap peared before Beth, lie had slowed up his machine when he heard the dog barking so loudlv. thinking there must be troub'e of some kind It was when lie turned arounel that he nntieed the girl all alone leaning over the machine "How do vou elo. Miss ," be said, "I see vou're in trouble Do vou sup pose I could help vnu'' That little dog of vours is responsible for mv spping you on this road " "Oh thank vou." she drawled "Well. I need n new tire, but ! dtdn't happen to bring an extra one along with me ' As slip spoke to him he noticed how small and attractive she was "Oh, if all you need is a tire I'll ride back to the garage onlv a mile and a half back and get you one " "Keallv. Mr. '" "Lansing." put in the chin "It's awfully kind of vou, I'm sure," she answered. "Oh. not at nil." Onlv twenty minutes had nassrd when Bob Lansing nppenree with the said tire around his neck He immediately left the motdrcvcle and was soon putting on the new tire. Thev soon became acquainted, learning much of each other's antecedents. It was discovered that Kohert Lansing had just been discharged from the aviation corps in the nrmv, and that he had ac cented a position three eln befo e with a business firm in the town nf Wendell, which was five milrs from where the Prestons lived Beth nlso learned that Bob Tan'ing bonreWl even nearer her home than Wendell He was now on his way home from thp office He at once decided to meet her the next night, if she was willing, to en to one of the theatres j it outside of Wen dell. The tire on, his tools put awav 1 arranged the meetim: for the next ni.-' Wter it was planned, Beth and S " once more started toward Fairnoi lie Preston home "You were certainlv a friend in need Mr. Lansing, nnd I shall never forget it," said Beth, as shP drove off "And I shall never forget you, Miss hv'jt f -rwiit"'i',a i &vj" wwmt- DREAMLAND AD VENTURES-By Daddy (Pruay and Hilly are chnnijcil into honey bees throunh n ie!fh gheii ihem hy Humble Bee Httzz. Peggy in in;i tured by lady irorlcr bees, ltllly yoes lo her rescue.) The Flight from the Hlvo PHOOY'S despair when she found her self locked up by the worker bees who wanted to make her their nuccii turned to quick Jov when she heard Billy Bee cutting n hole through the wall of her prison room. Nibble, nibble went Bills, "ke n mouse gnnwlng nt n piece of thetse. The wax wall was tough, but lie kept at It bravely and soon he came bi caking through. "Oh, Hill, Tin glad to see you! I thought I was a goner this time," bii77od I'egg. "We're not snfe yet," panted Hilly. "We will have to be might sly getting out of hcie, or the will catch us." "M, how Jiard ou'e worked," said I'egg, noticing how he was gasping for hicath. "And ct these lad beca sa that boy bees will not work." "I guess they nro right nt that," laughed Billy. "If oti hndn't been In danger, I'd never been able to come 111 bee laziness." Then BUI told her how he had got ten into the hive, eriepiug past the guards in the excitement over the re volt. And after he had entered the hive he had scan lied and searched in vain, until he hail heard I'egg s bee voice singing the song with which she had kept the bee queen from stinging her. flic bees are so upset that I think wo inn get out without being noticed,' snjd Billv. "(lener.al Swallow U nli jg on the tree above t.V hive. We will climb on his back and he will .carry us away so fast that the bees will nevci be nble to catch us." As soon us Billy was rested he leel Peggy out through the hole In the wall BR UNO DUKE, Solver of Business Problems By HAROLD WHITEHEAD, Author of "The Business Career of Peter Flint," etc. (Copyright) TIIH 1'KOBLli.M OK (SKITINC COM MISSION SALESMEN TO STICK The Training Period Ncars Its Knd TIIH ninth meeting of the automobile salesmanship class was held at the showrooms of the Glider Automobile Compan. Before the fellows got there Duke got Odd, the Detroit binncli manager; Doliber. the new sales emplo.vment mali nger and salesmanship instructor, and me togethei , and told us the reason for coming to the showroom instead of continuing at the ilassioom at the Y. M. ('. A. There should be but little weeding out to be done now. After the next meet ing we should know who we can afford to hire. The number is smnllei than when we started, isn't it' How man do vou expect, Peter?" "Nine men nnd two women," I told him. "It's time that they were maile famil iar with the tar, so bv having them here thev will be able to look over the tar, sit iu it, start it, examine the en gine and such like They have all read the literature of the companv, so are familiar with the talLiug points of the and the also know something of the compan 's personality and vva.vs We vc certaml lovereel more ground than I would hnve thought pos sible," Doliber interposed. "Exactl and if we get the number of permanent people we anticipate, wc will have twenty good men nt an ex pense that at piescnt only secures ouc. ou sec, Peter, Dolibei's expenses aud Preston! Tomorrow- evening at 7:30," he called back. Beth reached the house just in time to get icady for the engagement with her father. y Bob and Beth enjoyed the next eve ning at the theatre nnd Beth soon found herself becoming quite fond of Bob. Equally so with Bob, nnd many good times followed. One night he was leaving her from a party which the younger set had given at the Country Club nearby. "Beth." he sgjd, "can't we drive around the cliffs tomorrow evening?" "Yes, if Dadd is willing, Bob," she said, slowly. "He won't ebject, will he?" he asked. "Well, he thinks I'm .leaving him alone evenings an awful lot lately. He said so toda.v He may want me home tomorrow evening but if he doesn't ob jectI'll go." "All right bully for you," he said "I'll be over at S. I'll call you up to morrow nnd ou can let me know for sure. Good night, Beth." "Good night. Bobb.v " It was decided that Beth could go, so Bob appeared at 8 sharp. They got the little roadster out of the garage and they started off for Pine Cliff drive with Spunk. It was an ideal night. The moon was Inning down on the water and the -de stietch of the cliffs, hev rode several miles and then turned around toward home Don't you think I'd better drive ow, Beth? You sure are a dand little hauffeuse, but .vou must be tired. I feel so unnecessary being driven by a slip of a girl like ou." I'opjrutht 1910, by the Bell Sjaidlcatt, Inc "THE NEW BEE QUEEN" 1 away, I'egg," ho Minuted and down gloomy pnsagpwns, Near the entrance, bets were lushing about j in every direction. Bus.vbui'z vvns rail - ing uees to swnrm out wiin me 0111 queen, while Honedevv was urging others to stick to the hive nnd the new queen. The uproar became louder and louder, and fitiall the old" queen's swarm swept out of the hive like n mountain torrent breaking a dam Thousands nnd thou sands of bees were In it, nnd ever bee vvns buzzing its loudest. Up into the air the went, surrounding the old queen bee who vvns nmoiig the last to linvc the hive. "Now is our chance," whispered Billv to Peggv, rushing her into the end of the outgoing stream. There were so tnaai' I"1" and nil were so much exiited mat it seemeu ccrtniu no one would know them. But sharp eyes were watching the switling swarm. Iloneydevv was at the eutiance and as Pcgg swept past she saw her at once. "There goes Queen Pegg ! Stop her !" buzzed Hone dew. snlarv all told will be onlv aiound sSOOO a vear As it tosts $1000 at pres ent to get one iiermanent salesman (as I explained to feather and Martin Brninard, at that first lonfcnnce), Dol iber will onlv have to get two men in a .vear to equal the old record. I hope he'll get fortv and maintain that ratio of pcrmau"nt salesmen and saleswomen until enough hnve been established." "How man does the compan need"'" Doliber asked lnterestedlv "Well, Mi Feather thought he should have a thousand, but I feel that half that numbei will be ample, as the have .'100 now that means you have fivi vears in which to build up a permanent foice. You will elo it sooner, for I feel that the publicity of tins mithod of getting a salesmm will attract good pio ple to us. This method also makes it difficult for a man to get 111 aud once .vou make it exclusive, people aie eager to get in." "Think so?" Doliber nskcel, hesitat ingly. "Sine of it," Duke lesponded promptly. "I remember some years back fur ther than ou or Peter Flint can go Ibnck, I guess that a levivulist visited Boston. He vvns a famous exhoiter and for a few davs crowds filled the big Mechanics Building. "The att.ndnnce began to fall off, and the all got worried, until the evan gelist suggested giving tickets of ad mission on request. No admittance with out n ticket. Well, sir, as soon as it became a little difhcult to get iu, as "Oh. no. I 1 like it Bob! Isn't it exhilarating?" "Oh, icA' he ausvvered quieklv. "If ou must have cur naj, I suppose I can look on." "Beth, do you remember that after noon we met ou the road when you were tring to fix your car with no tire?" He laughed at the last part. "Do I, Bob? I should say so. Y'ou saved mv life that night. I had a ver important engagement with Dad earlj that evening, and if it hadn't been for you, I'd have been there on the road et." .fust then Spunk tossed around but soon settled down in Bob's lap, not, of course, hearing the conversation. "Really . Beth, ever since that r.ght I've thoght of no one but ou. You seem to hvpnotize me, when I look at you dearie." Just then he moved closer to her and placed his arm tightly around her. "Beth, I I loVe you. Do yofl" think vou could really care for me? "Bob, .vou're n dear!" "And we can build a little bungalow just for two in Wendell " "Oh, what about Spunk'" The dog jumped up immediately when he heard his name. Bob held in his arms both Beth and Spunk, mostl Spunk, as he seemed to be quite anxious to get his-share. "Of lourse he can live with us, too. You bet! Why, if it hadn't been for your little Spunk, I'd never have met jou dearest." The next complete novelette, Betty Tries Her Wings. By Cha8. McManus "3 CHARLES WMAIMUS , "i. JLd r j- "Ply for the tree! (leneral Svvnllowr is there!" cried Billy to Pegg. Pegg darted up through the branches, and theie, peering anxiously out nt tho bees, vvns llenernl Swallow. "Climb on til baik," he shrilled to I'egg, wlio clept nmong his feather mid held tight. It wasn't until then Hint she noticed Bill was not with her. "Walt for Bill," she in led. But f.'eneral Swallovv'couldii't wait. Ilone divv's followers were buzzing nngrlly luto the tire nfter Peggv, nnel threaten ing him with their stingers. He darted out through the leaves, and as the did so Pegg saw what had become of Hilly, lie had stopped lo battle with Iloney devv. Dozens of bees surrounded him, nnd finally Honcdew darted in nnd stung him. "Oh, they will kill htm," gasped Peggv . But the sting dldu't kill Billv. In stead it had an unexpected effect ou hlin. It turned him bark into Ids real self. And as he becnni" a bo.v again, he ran awa as fast as he louhl, thrashing his arms arounel his head to that the bees would not sting him. "Fly nvvnv, Pcgg." he shouted. "I'm going to tell the fnimer his bees are .mv arming aud help him get them into a new hive. I'lup, flap, flap went Geueial Swal low's wings as he darted nvvny. Prom far awa.v Pegg could hear the song of the bees: "Busv.. bus, busy bee Never idle, never free " "M, I'm glad I'm free again," she buzzed. Sa.viug this she wmt sound asleep on Mineral Swallow's baik. It was hours later when she awoke, and there she was safe at home. (Xcrt Keel inI be laid Judge Out s amuimg adienture tcicn he become the biggest bird in the uorld.) soon as it was given that tinge of exclu- siveness, the hall tilled up. People hunt ed for tickets, and those who had a spare one gave it to their friends ns a favor." We laughed at the- story, but got Duke's point all light. "Now to btP-iness ngain," Dukev re sumed "1 lompared the observation re- poit of those eleven people nnel also the ansvvus they turned in. The all look like vv 01 th while people, except a man named Snnbiirg lie seems too, too oil. We'll quiz him about the car iind sic if he leall does uiidci stand it. "Thin theie's tint young mau l'eni tnou I'm nfraid he's too immature to be able to get the respect and confidence of business people. With those two exceptions thev are all fine fellows espcciallv those two women." .Tust then two of Odd's older sales men tame in: his two best men, Iu fact. "Hello, bovs, glad you're on time," Duke giceted them iheeiily. "Have you got your pnits fullv rehearsed?" "Sure, gilnntd one, "mine's a cinch. I'll put Jim in a box aud nail him down before I've finished with him." ."The In cK you will," dinvvlcd Jim. "Believe me, kid, it'll take a leallv bright boy to do that to yotu humble sei vant." Introductions to Duliber and me fol lowed, when Duke said- "U lit si two fellows aio Ruing to give a demonstration of selling n car to your clnss. Jim is to be the salismnn nnd his side paitner the buver. After the demonstintiou youi fellows can ask them ull the questions thev want. Alo. the can be 'bucrs' to eithei of these fellows." "That's a bully good idea," Doliber said. By this time our eleven folks had ai rived and the work began The dem onstration and subsequent questions helped to tie up all I had said in class anil made clear the way to apply puu ciples of salesmanship to selling auto mobiles. Duke nsked Scinburg to act as sales man nnd Fcnmiore ns buver. Their weakness showed up epiickl.v, for Feni uioie asked bill questions, while Seiu burg, in his efforts to "show -off" said some smart nnd trick things. Both were released at the end of the session. The tenth session had another d cided change in method nnd our little force of nine profited much by it. TODAY'S BUSINESS Ql'KSTION What is a 'Sutlo"f 4iircr it;ill appea) Monday. ANSWER TO YESTERDAY'S BUSINESS QUESfiON A "Suspense .lccomtf" i an ac count made by doubtful balances to ascertain ptobable profit or loss. Uncle Jeff Snow Says: "The Corners reconstruction board met nt Nideffer's groceiy emporium last Saturday night to take up the matter of how to git the girls doin men's work to quit and give the sol diers comin' back a chance. After four hours we decided that a marriage II cense'd settle most of the cases." The Oregon Daily Journal. Looking Ahead Mr. Lane (of the Suivey) Sergeant, I wish to know what vocational ad vantages a prisoner with ninety-nine years has. Sergeant Oh, that's simple , he is either assigned to the bam) as a harpist or as n fireman at the powerhouse, ac cording to his past recoid. Stray Shots. Advanced Ideas "I tell you," went on the old lady at tho hotel, getting quite angry, "I won't have this room, 1 ain t going to pay ni money for a pigsty, anel as for sleeping in one of them beds, I simply won't do It." "(let on it, mum," said he. "TliU ain't your room; it's the elevator." Stray Shots. Ths Hyphen, ' "What Is the connectlus link be tween the a'nimal and vegetable king dom?" asked the teacher. "Hash!" elled theclasi with on v oice. nxchange. Ace Hlghl '"Sure. Melssner the Ace captured Kings, lie's a trump." The Brooklyn Standard Union, "S i 1 tf ' .VHir yi (7J't ,V- !' p !.. J i. U .rt . -3- Sv, .. ,.J. , ... sV'? ' , ' .. ...V sty . , . " A &,.. 1 W 'A -Jw "-V' . . 'J"u .Ettas' ..V "i K & . 1 !' ' ...3lv'' .J" V- 3JBfc .. . Wf! lL.iJ. J"W HiulK . . ' " 1 i ij ui v ., rj . ,KH. j Ml ' .it unfc-. m.r- '-,iriiii-i -if irr Aa ---