B V EVENING PUBLIC LlfoGikR- w WILSON HAILS BELGIUM s "AS WORLD INSPIRATION IW'' If- 'League of Right" Formed When Heroic Nation Was Invaded, President Tells Chamber or Deputies at Brussels m is :$. M 2 Ml till V tt. r;, I'H ' It t I 5 ' s 11' l H I I f If n II U . ! i Brussels .Time -0. Tho Miir nnel .1 - .-. f.1 1 I.-- ... B,jj queen oi me liPiRinn-e cnw kimi-u.i- u J'x Ircslelciit nnel Mrs. lVHnn Inst niijlit K,After n ilny of functions nnd sight cc- F&2 intr Hint Invml It,., ntipnfli'd nf r prv in . dividual In the American pnrtv. ' In his nclelrcs, before tlio Chamber of Deputies yesterday, PrcMilcut WINon said : "Your Majesty nnd Gentlemen It 1 with such profound emotion that 1 express my deepest appreciation nf the l Ki'iieroin vvcirouie yuu nine- rhi'ii iuc thnt I am not at nil sure that I can find the words to say what it 1r in ray heart to ;nv 'Mr. Tlrmnns has renented to Ton some of the things which America tried, made to its conscience and to its man- to do to show her profound irienelhtn noon of this war Tt win a league of rlrbts, and no thoughtful tnti.1nnti. who lot his thought run into the future, could vvlh for n niomtnt to Mm-ke-ii thixe bonds. HI llrvt thought would lie to btrengthen them and to perpetuate thli (ombluntioii of the great goemments of the world for the maintenance, of justice. I-eague Child of War "The league of nations is the chill of this grent war, for it U the expression of those pcrinam nt it-solutions which grew out of the temporary necessities of this great Mniggle. am! nil nation which declines to adhere to this cove nant deliberate!) turns awn) fiom the most telling appeal that has ecr been nnd svninathv with Tieleium: hut Mr IXymnns was not able to testify, as I nm, to the heart of America that was back of her efforts. Tor Amerlci did not do these things merely because he foneeUcd It her dutv to do them but because she rejoiced in this wny to show her renl humanity nnd her real knowledge of the needs of an old and faithful friend And these things, I hope, will be the denrer in vour nie-morv becnuve of the spirit which w.is btlund them. "The) were small in tltemselves We often had the feeling that we were not doing as much as we could do We knew all the time we were not doing fit much as we wanted to do. And it is this spirit, and not whit wns done, which deserves, I hope, to be remem bered. Could Not Neglect Dutv "It is verv delightful to find myself at last in ltelguim I have (nine nt tho first moment that was relieved from imperative eln-j I onld not come for my own pleasure anil in neg lect of dutv to a country where I knew that I should meet men who lml done their dutv, where 1 knew I should meet n sovereign who bad ionst.intly identi fied himself with the Interests anil the life of his people nt every sn(rifie to himself; where I should he greeted hv a burgomaster who never allowed the eneniv to thrust aside, and -lhv-ivs as serted the imjontv and niithnritv of, the inunicipilitv which lie iepresented . where T should have the privilege of meeting a cardinal who was the true '"I he nation that wishes to use the league of nations for Its convenience, .ind not for the service, of tho rest nf the world. il llberatel) chooses to turn lurk to those hid di)s of selllsh con test, when ever) nitlon thought first and alvvn.vs of itself, .mi! tint of Its urighhois thought of its rights .mil foigot its duties thought of its powtr and overlooked its responsibility Those lud davs 1 hope, are gone, nnd tin great moral powei backed, if need be b the gnat ph)siral power of the iivilircd intlnns of the world, will now stand tirm for the innintennnct nf the tine p." tin iship which we have thus inaugurated. "It catuiot be otherwise. Perhaps the conscieme of some chancelleries was asleep, and the outrage of (!er inativ aw likened il "i on cannot see onegreit nation violate ever) principle of right without beginning to know what the principles of right nre nnd to love them, to despite those who violate them nml to form the lirm resolve that such n violation shall now be pun Mied and in the fiitme be "'evented Kmbassy Is Advocated "These are the feelings with which 'I hnve come to lielgium, nnd it has been in thought to propose to the Congress of the I niteel States, as I (cognition nnd as a welcome of liel giuni Into her new status nf complete Independence, to raise the mission nf tho I'liited States of Viierieu to ltd giuin to the rank of an emlmss), and n ml on ambassador This is the lank v If era In the matter, that an organized method of accomplishing these things ran be found It Is n matter of almost dally discussion in Paris, and I believe work, work every day, work from tho dawn until the evening. These arc the nconle we must think about. 'I'liev con stitute! the rank ami file ot mankind, that as we discuss from elny to clay we They me Ilia constituents of statesmen come nearer nnu nearer io n Workable aim siaicsinrn miisi sec in it uiai poll- solution and a probable plan. I hope' not oni), inn i oeiieve, innt such a plan will be found, nnel jou mnv be sine that America will be plensed I will not sav more than any other friend of liel gium, but ns much ns nny other friend of Helgiuni if these plans arc per fecteil nml cnrrled nut "Friendship, gentlemen, Is n very practical matter One thine; thnt 'i think I have grown wenr) of is sentl mi nt that does not express itself in netlon lion renl the world has hcen mnile hv this war I How actual all its fHets seem! How terrible (hn circum stances nf its life! And If we he frienels we must think of each other, not imlv. but we must act for ench other, we must not only hnve a sen tlmentnl regard, but we must put that regard Into actual deeels. "There is nn old proverb which tins no llternrv benutv, but It has n gieit ileal ot significance -the proof of the pudding is the eating thereof ' It is hv thnt maxim thnt all friendships: nie to he judged It Is when friendship Is put to the proof that Its oualitv Is found So, our business now Is not to tnlli, but to act. It Is not so much to debate as to resolve It is not so much tn hesitate upon the plan as to perfect the ele tails of the plnn, nm nf every turn to be sure thai vve tlilnlt not onl) nf ourselves, hut nf liiiminlty. For. gentlemen, the realities of (bis world nie not (Use usse tl around dinner tables. "Do ynu realize for how small a per rentage of mankind it is pnwsii i(l g, t iMtbiug for touinriovv if von e!o not woik tenia) . how small n pci rentage of mankind c-nn sine ken their phvsirnl mid thoughtful effort for a moment mid not find the means nf subsistence full them' "Some men e in take holielavs, some men e-nii lelieve themselves fiom the burden of work I'nt most men cannot: most women caiinol -in! the children j led guaiils to invade (iennan-Austrin nan. u,iiu i nt- iii,-ii nun iiciiui-u who i nnu miiei-iim -i Miviet lepublic. rim urn not now run along (lie lines of national pride, hut along tho lines of liiitnaiiity, along toe tines ot service, along those lines which wo havo been taught are the renl lines by the deep sulfering eif this wnr, "This is the healing peace of which Mr. Ilvmnns eloquently spoke. 'You help (lie nations by serving Iho nations, and .von servo (hem b) thinking of man kind. " MEXICAN REBeIs' VICTIMS Bam Tusco. of Albert City, Killed; Two Penn State Boys Wounded Washington, June "0 One Penn mhaniiin was killed -ind two were wounded in the brush between Ameri can troops nnd the Villa bandits. when the Ann i n -ins i nlered .luniez to pre vent fuithcr llrini Into VA Paso. A re pent nf casualties issued b) flip War Uepnitiiient, showing that two Anier leins vveie killed two sev ere!) vvnundiel and eight slight!) wounded, lists the two Pcniis)Uanians us follows: Killed in action, Sam Tusco, Hend iliiarteis, llightv se-roud Field Artillery, nihil ess. John Tiisi o. fither, 817 Cres ccit nveinic, Albert Cit). Pa. Seveiel) wounded. Peter Ohlgns, 1'ioop I. Seventh Cavalry, ndelres, lobn ('higtis, i:i(i ('a)iitn street, Savre, Peniin VIENNA FINDS RED PLOT Takes Military Measures to Upset Conspiracy for Soviet Republic Copeuhaseii. June '.'() (It , ji A dispute h from Vniitin received hero leports that liulit.irv measures have lw,n taken to counteract a plot of Hungarian r . i s50, i-p-s.ifc SS 33 M IfW f S,r EL RECRUIT 26,450 Fl OR IBQCM BONER Bakor Authorizes Enlistment to Replace Men Eligible for Discharge rcsnlt of announcements from, Wash' Ington that tho Mexican federal gov ernment would net to protect Ameri cans from nny possible Uolcncc, tho situation on tho border nppenred more quiet today than for some time past. Five hundred Mexican federal troops, Hlarteel jesterday to protect tho Ameri can Mormon colonies near Casas fl ron dos, today were well on their way In that direction. On the American side of the bor der military dispositions remained much ns the) were jestrrdny. Scattering hands nf Villa men have been report - t ,.o-tons nnints nlone the bor- VILLA PLANS NO REPRISALS n"". I'" ,It,lc importance Is attached ' i 't is not thought they arc acting nccorelinB to nny pre Hv tho Associated Press . p mi. hut merely ns strng Washington, .Tune 20. Hccrctnry llaker has niithorlzed the recruiting of O.-I.'O men for service on the Mexican horili r. It wns announced today. They will replncc men enlisted for the war emergency nnd now eligible for ells chin ge. Men will be enlisted for the following arms anil corps, not to exceed the num bers indicated: White tnfnntrj . 000 negro Infantr), 2000; envnlr), 10,00 . field artiller). 2000; engineers, S00; medical corps. 1200; ordnance. IHO ; signal corps, .lOO; air seivicc, 000, and miartcrninster corps, 1500. Kl Paso, Texas, .Tunc 20. (Hy l 1 )VUln will make no reprisals upon American property and lives in Mexico because Aineiican troops drove his men back from the border Sunday night, said a courier fiom Villa's camp near Villa Ahuninila, who nrriveel hero last night on nn important mission. With Mexican federal Hoops moving lo several districts where Americans nie nt work in Mexico and with local ofli.lals of both deles taking a more optimistic view of the situation, as n glers from Villa's command, dispersed by American tioops earlier In the week. With n force ot airplanes, It wns expected scouting Mights would be undertaken on a conslelcrnble scnle today. Prisons, Head Is Named Washington,. Juno 20,-Appolntmcnt of Denver S. Dickinson, of Carson City, Nov,, ns superintendent of prisons nnd president of the board ot parole of tin. 512 ;. Departmfl'ntoV'jiwt'lcvSTWii'iifwSc yesterday by Attorney uenerm rainier. Sir, DIckerson, who Succeeds Francis II. Duohny, resigned, wns formerly Hen tenant governor of Nevada. Motorists ! Attention ! ! The White Horse Pike to Atlantic City Has Been Officially Closed' Until September. State Supply Co. Use the road from Ferries to Broad way, to Gloucester, to Atlantic City. ll'c are fully equipped io give you service in tires, gasoline, oils and accessories of ail hinds. 1121 Broadivau Camden, N. J. the m-ijestv oflwhuh Itelgmni enjoys In our esteem. i....i. i r l.ic. ein.i 1 aueriiiie'iu ', hi1 .". whose spiritual authority awed even i fciniiiiei - oui vujv .t .,. w.. 1 the unscrupulous enem) himself, who and I in fact . I knew- that thev did not dare lav hand "So gentlemen, vve turn to the future X upon thl" servant of Ood. and where I ir II) man, has spoken , true terms t !! shouhl have the privilege of grasping of the necessities that lie nhenel of Id I th?an. of a general who never surren- gium nnel of mam nnothei nation that ? ae?ed? and on eve,) hand should meet has eomo through this g.eat war vv. 1. I I men who had known their duty and suflering ...id loss. e have shown le ($ .1 ..... ..,,., ,,i tlw furins winch lie has been FT tin. I itnta ir I "A e V....1 nn I, "I could not come to lielgium until I felt that I was rolo-iscel from mv duty. I sought in this way tn honor yon bv recognizing the spirit which I knew I should meet with here When I realize that nt mv back are the fighting stand ards of lielgium it pleases me to think thnt I nm in the presence of those who knew how- to shed their blood, ns well as do their duty, for their country. Thev need no encomium from me. it .. ,,i,i mther lorn for a moment with you to the significance of the place generous enough to reatc, our friend- I Slllp ill enc pnsl. ll is now mir uui.v to organize our friendship nlong new lines. "The Tlelginn people nnd the liclgi-in lenders need onlv the tools tn restore ilie-ir life. Their thoughts nie not irusheel ; their purposes nre not ob- soured. Their plans nre complete nnd i their knowledge of what is involved in industrial revival is complete. "What their friends must do Is to see that Helgiuni gets the nc(essary -S2kj2j I 1115 CHESTMUT ST. (OPPOSITE KEITH'S) Forbes loill always be foremost. Ycu may depend upon this new store for that for the new things in style and for the most in savings and reductions wherever possible. Tomor row is an opportunity! Reducing the Prices on 460 :s-Tomorrow which Belgium bears in this contest, priority with regard to obtaining raw ,' Tvhlch, thank God, is ended. I came here because i wisneu n, na.isii,.- ..... self in counsel with the men who I knew had felt so deeply the pulse of this ter rible struggle, anil 1 waureii io e.uui-- materlals, the necessar) priori!) In ob tabling the means tu restore the machin ery by which she can use these raw materials, and the credit by which she (.in bridge over the jears which it will also because I reaUzel. I believe, that u( necessary for her to wait to begin TTMMl..m nn.l tipr nnrt in the war is ill nrntn. "'fc'1"" "..- ;-. ;. : .. ,.i. .. .io i -":.. one sense tne hev oi cm- nn"i- nu,,.. because the violation of Belgium was the call to duty which aroused the na tions. Invasion First Outrage "The enemy committed manv out rages in this war. gentlemen, hut the initial outrage was the fundamental outrage of all. The) , with that insolent Indifference, violated trie sacredness of treaties. Thev showed that they did not care for the honor nf any pledge. Thev showed that thev did not care for the independence nf any nation, whether it had raised its hand ngainst them or Thee arc not to much tasks for governments ns the) arc tasks for thoughtful business men and financiers utiel thosej who nre proelucem in other countries. It is a question of shipping also Hut the shipping of tho world will be relieved of its burdens of troops in a comparatively near future ami there will be new bottoms in which to carrv the cargoes, and the cargoes ought rendily impel the master of the ship to steer for Belgian ports. Solution at Hand I believe, after having consulted Open Every Evening Mr. Hill's Guarantee Goes With Every Purchase Store Orders Accepted Store Orders Accepted 1029 MARKET STREET Men's $8 White Flannel Trousers .95 Mr. Hill Will Help Every Man To Keep Cool TMs Summer! n's H m rsuiis To Sell Tomorrow at 1000 Me $10.00 Sum There is no icason for any man bo uncomfortable. These suits re dressy binait serviceable, anil not the chean. oiclinarv kind Summer Flannels ( "ZltVlf:!: truly a greater alue would be impossible. Men's $15 Genuine! Palm Beach Suits EC-' Ev bo". That the) were ruihlcs in thei.-1 many times with my very competent ad i determination to nave incir wnim uc --r- their pleasure 'therefore, it was tne vlolution of lielgium that awakened the w-orlel to the realization of the character of the struggle. , "A vers interesting thing came out i of that struggle which seems almost like nn illogical consequence. One of .the first things the representatives of Belgium said to me after the war began wns that they did not want their neutrality guaranteed. They did not want any neutrality. Thev wanted equality, not because, as I understood them, their neutrnlitv was insecure, but because their neutrality put them upon a different basis of action from other peoples. In their natural nnd proper pride they desireel to occupy a place thnt was not exceptional, but in the ranks of free peoples under all gov ernments. "I honored this Instinct In them, and I It wns for that reason that the first i time I had occasion to sneak of w-hnt the wnr might accompliih for Belgium, I spoke." So Belgium has. o to say, once more come into her own through this deep alle-) of suffering through which . . has gone "Not onlv thnt. but her cause has linked the governments of the rhilizrd vv orld together. The) have realized theh common ilut). Thev have drawn to gether as If instlnctivel) Into a league of right. The) have put the whole power of oignnlzed manhood behind this tonceptlon of justice, which Is common to mankind "That Is the significance, gentlemen, of the league of nations. The league of nations was an inevitable consequence Big Book Bargains Take Them to Your Summer Home They are by popular authors and havb been used In our library, but are In Rood, clean condition Stop In and look them over. 25c EACH Tive for One Dollar Special Prices to Summer Hotels Womrath's Circulating Library 15 S. 13th St., Philadelphia "I. in ct-fo rrt jKrcNnA .. wriyinai n rices, $i.ov jMKJfClfP r jjplll to $22.50 JjTa '3X lpf m j jj Sale Prices- JH Pf S -"tJ Skv I l ua v i st&K TB TWk .rfll A y yiQdSI G3 S-gf ' lrly '75 ) K 'VtW mmW J1V ',-t. i XT? 1. MM mOTfc, W 1 iTliAl.- I - il iii -r -. i- at VBKkfltSa itlllll .llllll I j , s j & x,' n s.wjsa "" " lu ; X rr fcv Frf-v W. V -Mm x 1W tmh O L rL a r nk. c7 ik - mi mx i j- s i 11 i n i x usls-m jp. mii iB-3HBra p n h s iiidii tii . i v s '-i niia la . a m i h i is s it i i -jrfjaa -itmmmmw oyATsra ' - .-- - rL ) J ' e&W" io- y &MMr m A Jmr ' i MsfWmk .t- HrWR 1 Jwu hv "-MijFmmwmma -fc. k. tvMmmmm iiWIi"'! I a, r, r, , ... , .. ... . . sWt I '- ifflB 5 Mmk Bermuda Cloths Georsrette sinrl TafTeta H.-ils. with Inro-o vare v pvlpnrl ner thrnnerh ii , v t'&Srm 18 !.,! 'mtOmm KlSEffirai numerous braids and rich combinations. A very host of colors, and among the 160 jrm rajf " niB! iws4 Men's $12.50 and $13.50 hats hardly two that are similar. Values as above stated. Be in attendance early' ?m3 Ffflfe,- Irrt mm ,, -. . . - , . , . . , y &sr .'"wlLISl Summer traits v ire Jiccvpi rurunusuty agents T'rfTfrrT -. ,B gfik, t ry.w;s iez&& wm& ,im-M?imwifs &SBIH "1 J9mm fWyy3iir? I B Vvs HVPw . sr7mfBSnflB ..Jtkst$J?. VJ Diimnirr . wnirrlif rhiiv. A ijaifiaft M sVS ilfe mI MpffmMmwmii iots ai wohaiis. -ffiW n llllflir Ji i FiflK5 & ralM S liBMiii & m awl 7 Z I .-J Hmil m4 kU .1U11UI1I Mil TVTl'iII ... -X.sk- " B -WPi - - ! mkdnm E1acMBS52Or .. ,: The Original .yN Home of La MORENA Where Little Tad Lincoln, Son of the Emancipator, Often Played! . tJV 5S vXx vsVV IS m Ift M I T C H E L L 1917, 5-passenger touring; newly refinished; excellent condition; $600. LEXINGTON MOTOR CO. OF PENNA. 851 N. Broad Street sX " : K" I ' I sfc ft Eft if, w: 'A. 4Sllfej EXCURSION SUNDAY $2.50 War Tax ZOe Addition.! TO NEW YORK and rerarn ' SUNlJAY, JUNE 22, 1919 ecll Uevfa ! Rraduur Termtnal S 0 A. !.. topplitr at C-nlum-Sa Ttnu. Iluntlnidon ptntt. Wajn Jttne-Uon, Locno, Jcoklnliwn abd Ktturntaic If ajyo New York. Went tad St,, 7 ! " c., r. ju, i, JfkiwtlpUa & Reading Railroad JK1 f Weighing 98 Carat Duj From I. I'reis & Bona. Diamond Cutter. Surh a value at thU on In try far of It, nfd no emphasl. Anil If )ou wondfr liow h ure flMn to do It, Juftt rrmemhrr ihat we are Diamond Cutters. Thl medal lot Koett on sale at U tomorrow morning, uml i adlft prompt action If you ant to profit br this extraordinary opportunlt . Theae are Kenutae diamond aolltulren, rath wtlhtmr carat, but tut m hm to ha all the appearance of diamond) rotlnr $100 and more. We will five n HKITTKN (H'AUXNTKE with each nnd ererr one cold and ncree to rfund your money If you don't belle v a that this talue mnnot be equaled anywhere. Mall Orders Vllled, Write for Catalog-. PKK OCR DIAMOND CCTTERH AT WORK st$is Press&son; &.. .W. Cor. 6TH 4 CHESTNUT STS. 1017 MARKETS!. 909 MARKET ST. ,4ra sMud .rKsjmamm i. ' - x? -'?. i . X W ( ' 'yB Kl.V ... " r-)J a'JP sN .ss This is 1341 Chestnut St. as it appeared Centennial year. THOUSANDS of men who know the goodness of LA MORENA Havana Cigars and make smoking them a daily habit doubtless will be interested in this repro duction of an old landmark belonging to a former day. The senior member of the firm of Gumpert Brothers (which was founded in 1856) was intimately acquainted with Abraham Lincoln, and in this old building, which stood at 1341 Chestnut street, his little son, Tad, was frequently entertained in ante-bellum days. So uniformly has the quality of Gumpert Brothers' Cigars been maintained and improved, that .today the Gumpert business is owned and directed by the third generation of Gumperts, with Mr. A. A. Gumpert its president. The building shown here was occuuied hv the firm from 1856 until 1890, and the photograph was taken during Centennial year, 1876, when the firm was awarded a medal for the superiority of their product. -7 LA MORENA is the perfect Havana evolu tion of a long line of cigars. If you smoke one you will want another. i i I in steel blue, grays, tans, 'blues nnd mixtures. Tl . . 6iu& 11 Offl 1M LWiiKlgr Suits Tlie man who wants a llcht-weicht suit for dress and particu lar wear should see these. They ore beauties and most extraor dinary values at these low pi ices. niAS. i.uVii Philadelphia I)llrlbu-)r MI'KrilV IIROS. New Jtntr lilalribiitora CO.. llrnccUU' I)llrllnMjr lealurtd br The Union .Nexe Companj I IS You can buy them at 10c each from all good dealers or at a special price if you purchase them by 4-L !.-. vV&ii$ZSl SSZSZXSSii sVSSSSS. J" . sftjl kv JmmW$r r :$$&8ammwr y&mmmWr jN&LW?!' WmWZP' d1ft (.!. -.&&?. n, . tin ..V - - . ,.. . ' -y rl -J.,,.. h.'H, Lu.ifv . aji. j t r, GUMPERT BROTHERS La Morena Cigars Philadelphia jjjifci,,,, L$'i it" M SO 1 You Will Agree With Mr. Hill About These en's SUITS ' tlO i o BHKZHBBH e Serie &. rmm'mmm Positive $30.00 Values They Are the Finest and Best Suits He Has Ever Offered at This Sen sationally Low Price THERE are no two ways about it every one who sees these suits acknowledges that they are the most wondeiful clothes to be bought at the price. The finest plain-color and stiiped flannels, homespuns', cheviots and mixtures. The Most Wonderful Silk-Lined Suits In Fast Color Blue Serges and Smartest of Mixture Weaves They are clothes that could on,ly be equaled by custom tailors. They represent the mabter prod ucts of 50 of this country's best-known and leading tailors. A 3lze a model a color a pattern for every man. ,Sale 1000 Boys' s2'50 & SS Wash Suits A Maker's Entire Surplus Stock Mothers should hurry in .tomorrow nnd buy two suits at the usual price of one, Good heavy quality galateas, reps, percales and chambrays in Tommy Tucker, Sailor, rJL OiUy Boy and Junior JSonoiK Biyios. aii sizes xrom own years, MmS mm i ur.tnevn' , j ,. A i 5fLJ. :.r The HiSl Co., 1029 Market & .at ''frffiVft ' 'Mrv. Wfr "', KI7i..7Kr nnyao'T ,f, U "V a l . :rft i'e-v-n l' " n-a" 'r i-:".a- V- .