&HvWi.;',S "H WHSAtsF jrff ft' tJf'T-f-pi ' fc - "",i-TTJ wM' , 'j.jw..jhi"f jf f 3 T'lTr-fi. ' pr " r ?,- i.rji-s? : a. ii- t..).)--" , "tru,z'.-J'r--ii'ir r .- ' '...,. "W ihm ijflp ?- v Ju jwwj jsnuk '" ir , nir in-' m 1 i Fu Hi ' "t nS. v T $ icirenmg pumic mgoger :Yt JTJOT tyf ibid'" -&& Wi EHIEADELPHLAy' rFBIDAY, v.. I New Vacation Home for Youngsters : War-Scarred Cathedral : Ready to Anchor Dirigible CHERRY TIME at the new vacation home for youngsters at Bioomall, on the West Chester pike. The old Hunter estate has been purchased as a summer vacation home for children by women of St Martha's Social Center, Eighth Street and Snyder Avenue, interested in charitable work. V;,-' , .. 1 ' 'J a .,' Wfc.'5SSw; "-Jr . "'- 'i '' ." K&W' lH'' Sim 1 w?wi&'3A Hi mimKKk IBK'i mS$:u y'f WsS& HiH : BSig-4 - -' - -: ' : lJKmr f'i WHU, THE ARCHITEJCTURE of most city newsstands is of the hap. hazard period. This little kiosk, a la Paris, is on Arch Street above Sixteenth. POLLY PUTS the kettle on in the' morning in a blue linen frock, trimly made, with its loose blouse - THE OLD HUNTER estate a(j Broomall, just opened as a summer vacation home under the auspices of the Delta Kappa Psl V Fraternity, contains many chrrry, apple and fruit trees an ideal outing spot for youngsters. 5?;-tf -sir- 1 JJ '4 -l"? "s i"XUJ& :Vl !. ' M & & " afv " r&fU HjI' .a3K r.M. dh M ' . T P . irt ii J3 4 '' V ivi arical-,x-''.vP,vw"' '"-' r i?f , Zt&Ji "i 'fi 's&c v .Vi,'T-",x,'! , .,- . -j i- st' - -aasiaBr? . v i?5 ' i' ,r s,.g ' . '5- -' .' jmttt. v Jt i . '. BI".ftk i.i . rvpF;n''?sr '. .i-v -.4 :v Q m -(!lS. .- i .- f?'v 4 "-S!v ,i-, tr.'' ""- -' W!ffiS'" JWW .J .. . Ht2a HBft 'V&S&& "1 vB? if S r? rC "S v . Jkv.- fh Y's lit; k i::' : rm.&-.iU&im;. rrvKXu iAJfoM'tyai ' tK i y ,.LBH 'liKKKKKiBi y mv iBSHF i-'-S-B. v!KuJ3if1IIHHPr' ' s: " ', a i ffi 4SLa2f3i2yvcJ&. . M)fk .., '.V lll'rHriiilKMl" Tli5frr ' "mTi'i TSffr nKBJJ3BfcMMBBWHSte-v' MB9lll?KMKE!n ,psSS?L !LITii5wJ!l?f iV'rfijti ' .". s -S!i?f5: , -- ' tsiT?.-s"'-; ' UdPft' .--!1 - T."?'4 A '"i?5& " ' , ' , t ?avl -?.4t ?Iv& ,KJ TKSpMlfcJkrlltiR rf-. .. T ., -&.: Hw 18: 1 J ( '&' I ' .- . A fa, A'Vi'' . .. ?a& WRKfeSSto?': ti" v AN UNUSUAL view of shell-shattered Rhelma Cathedral photographed from one of the towers. ihBBhv ISBHBh'wB n' Mr BnliiKIFlnMii M) 11 -wiBMMWEWJMaBtW'-' hK JeMwHBB&Bri COSTUME seen at the opening of the Longchamps track near Paris. The meet was the first held since the war and the mannikins were out in force wearing thejiewest modes. .,?& ti "'. ' '- - ' i ' " i ' ' ,v:-: - , ' vv', ' l" 1 tit. . f i , r s 1 1-'" " '? -: . W ..""-, ft '.. .fet. y Jw, 1 --": afit-' ff-a Ei - . - 4UK. i ' O VBK? liiSw;'4HB9il& k. BBBkB SAILORS OP jhe Roctfawuy Naval Air Station at work at Rooseyelt Field, Minoola, L. I., preparing for. the arrival of the British transatlantic dirigible R-34, wh ch is expected to fly from England next week. The sailors' are Shorn had ing t"e huge stell anchor staples that will hold tho,glant balloon in place. The pin are to be sunk in concrete blocks. " . IB " i i Jl '! ,ll Hi1-." .. z&.n-yk "A yitei