??t, ffsisswiw ' r f,iapaWD'! JI tt ft ,' (J EVENING PUBLIC LEDGER PHILADELPHIA, FRIDAY, JUNE 20, 1919 v '3 . Wjlj r&OPE RUNS TRUE TO FORM WITH ELIMINATION OF FAVORITES AT BALA , ii"l "r, Crimson Crewmen Boat Yale in Early Races on Thames at New London WITT GETS REVENGE ON DUTCH LEONARD I ELI GENTLEMEN'S "8" LOSES fc Statistics of Harvard J and Yah Varsity- Crews ! HARVARD I'o.lllon Xnmr Alee Ilelslit Wuht Ron Datls . . .. 1 .U 150 t 2 noteholder . 2(1 B.11V4 m l, 3 Rrcwrr .. 2S (1.01 177 '. i 4 fllmstratt . in fl.00'4 18H '. B T.lnde. Jr. . . 21 S.ll m . a Morris. Jr . . IB ft.ll , 17'.4 i, 7 AVhltmnn (Capt.) ( a.AOVt 170 stroko Ilrliton 22 ft.ll Mi lni Cotiwnln rlfnon . in 4.11 O't ATerate 2UV4 B.OO 175W A YAi.n f Ponttlon Vnme Ann Hf lulit Well I. Ron- A Urn, .Ir 2(1 B.IO'j 170 ' 2 Horil 21 n.11 171 t Adorns ... 21 B.10V6 170 4 SchlKTVIIn . 21 n.OX 17S B Mood (CanM . 21 S.10V4 tun rnyson . 20 fl 02 IKI 7 Driscoll 22 O.flt 1SB s Ntroko relM . 31 , 0.01 107 Coxswain Carson. 3d 20 S.O0V4 115 Whitey Scores on South polo's M is takes and Avenges Treatment Re ceived in Other Days. PHILS MAKE IT 12 rut The n-5: New London, Conn., June 20. With thp junior, frpshman mid gentlemen fights race taken liv the Ilnivnrd Tcwmcn, now nil thnt remains is th N sirslty olash ntth Yule, which is heduled to start at 4:15 o'clock this ltcrnoon over the historic Thames. Harvard won the ccntlemen's eifilit yesterday, and (his morning the fieh men nnd junior eights swept past the finish line, each a quarter of a length in front of the Yale hladesmen. The junior race -was rowed in a vivid electrical storm and finished in a dovn pour of rain. Lone before the start of the fresh man race, the hanks of the Thames wercj lined with cnvly clad followers ot Crimson and the Elis. It wns the first Harvard-Yale grapple on the Thames Blnce 1910, when Harvard took all three races, the varsity lowering the record for the down-stream course. Harvard in Front Harvard blades got awav slow iu the freshman eight-oared eeut. and mil s Beaut quarter length separated them at the end ot the tuo-niilo lace. Yale took the water first, nnd jumped into a slight lead, which Harvard soon out down by increasing her stioke. At the one-milo mark the teams were on even terms nnd for the next quaiter mile it was a neck nnd neck battle. The Harvard coxswain again increased the stroke and at the one nnd threc-qunrteis distance was slightly in the lead. Yale snorted but was unable to down that quaiter length lend, official time was Horvnid, lOtfli Yale, 10:37 1-fi. Heavy Downpour j The junior race also went to the Crimson. .Tust before the crews took the water storm clouds were been in the dis tance. A beautiful electrical display greeted the oarsmen ns they took the wfeer, which they hit together. Harvard again went to tho front early. At the mile distance the news were rowing strong. At this point the rain started to drop heavily and when within a quarter mile of the finish it was a near deluge. Yale fought desperately to chop down that slight lead but failed and the Crimson again led the Tlis across the 'winning line. The official time of the Junior varsity , eight race was: Harvard 10:40 4-5; Yale 10:41 1-5. Crucial Hace Eveiv Harvatd-Yale varsit race is a crucial struggle and the one this aftei -noon is more crucial than usual. Knch vnrsity now lias, won twenty -five races sluce competition started on the water. This score is exclusive of the 1018 rae. Today will mark the first four-mile race since the war. Men of both col leges have turned out In unusual num bers for the victory regatta. This is due in part to the long absence of the many Harvard and Yale men wbo have 1- ,been lnscrvlce and are holding de layed class reunions. A little bit of the eagerness to come to New London, is due to something else again. The regatta has nlwnys been a wet event, both nshore nnd afloat. Yale nnd Harvard are hoping for something to celebrate. In default of that most of the -visitors nre willing to adopt the ' same course and call It "drowning their , sorrows." f Perhaps the most pathetic thought which intrudes Itself Into the situation is that the crews of the future will have hard work breaking training. The formula will have flown. Rut most of the visitors are faithful enough disciples of Omar not to heed the 1 rumble of the distant drums. By KINVIN .1. POLLOCK VtrlHTnY WITT is willing to rail it ' ' quits with Dutch Leonard now that the As have beaten the cliubby Tiger soutlinow. and crabbed their second straight win 2 to 1. Whitey had some thing to settle with tho former Ited Sox star nnd his run in yestcrda's engagement, due to Leonaid's mistakes, made it a flftj -fifty' break between the two baseball laborers. "I remember when that bird was pitching for the Sox" said Whitey as he pulled at one of his shoes iu the diess ing room after lite game. "nniPwe were playing In P.oston. Stuffy Mclnnis was with us then. "Three times during the game he passed Stuffy purposely to get at me. I never tried harder in my life to hit a ball. Tir&t time up-t pop I lifted one to the third baseman. Second time up I was madder pop a foul to the first bncman. Third time up I was wild to hit and pop foul to the catcher." Winter's bnt didn't min Leonard's reputation jesterday. but In the first Ittmtin Via h nil. Arl ntihlntiAil f n ennrHl rY JIlillilL, ill- lUJlllWt lUIILtllll Ml 1H.UIUI "11 . a sacrifice mid sprinted home nhon , woro collected off Mi dolioir. Dutch cut loo-sp with n wild pitch. DOPE IS SPILLED AS STYLES LOSES Old York Road Player pectedly Eliminated in Golf Tournament Unex-Bala GEORGE HOFFNER BEATEN He's "WHITEY" WITT no-rill with Duteli Leonard now sinfully wild, and one run was made as a lesult of hideous errors. String bean Sallee pitched one of tho-e nifty irmnes tlint linn ulnred lilm hack in the ' inntq nt t finnntnlinru. drill' tlnpn IlitH A's Fielding Flashy rpill' battle was almost n personal one J- between Mr. Leonard and Mr. John son. Both hurled splendid ball. Mr. Johnson won because his support was solid at critical times and Mr. Leonard tlir I It t because his support, consisting of a st. patched infield and outfield, cracked. i Itoth of tlie A's runs were cheaters. Witt got his on a walk, a sacrifice and n wild pitch, and Uotli, who came over with the deciding run also in the first, leached the initial bag on an error by Djer. Captain Hubert advanced to cec- , ond when limns was passed and came dashing into the scoring on Morry Shannon's hit. On the other talons, however, the' lone Tiger imiikcr wus ery much, earned and deceived Harry Heilman, j who did his hitting on Wednesday' mound Dick Nallin. lifted one of John- sons fast ones into the left-field bleaihers. , Johnson and Leonaid each allowed fie iiits. Dutch fanned n hnlf dozen against two by .Ting, but the Ut sinus alumnus had better coutiol than the lied Sox graduate. Leonard was trou bled with thnt pitching ailment of "too much stuff. " What May Happen in Baseball Today iii:ku'an i.ilri i: Won IxiRt Prl. Villi I oe Oilmen ill in nnn .tun .cm (irtrlnnd i in .nnn on" ,nin HilliliiKton 27 in IIJH .01(1 .1114 St. I.omIh . 2.1 2:1 .iWHI .511 ,4K0 IMroit . 21 -: .117 ,4ns .147 Itosfon IB 24 .447 .IVi .432 MlKlilnston ... 17 2H :I7H .Rill .310 Athletic 111 ,2.-, 271 ,:30 NATIOVAI. I.i: Mil K Won lint lrt. VI In I oe cu ork 31 15 n74 .flNI .(IBO C'lniliiniitl . 211 IK .017 .hJ.'i .001 rittsuiireli n "3 .Mi .Ml .511 hlonRi, 2" 2.1 .r. ! Ml .510 llrookhn 'I .'(I III') .4SII .4110 M. I011N 22 -, .1113 ,479 .45S Phillies . 1.1 4H .till .Mil .III lloitnn . 15 211 ..111 ,33n .333 YESTERDAY'S RESULTS Aiir.itirAX 1. i:tu 1: Alhlfllm. 2i Detroit. 1. rifreland. 4: lork. 3. I'hitnftn. 5t Mituhlniftnn, I llONton. 2: M. I.011U. 1. By SPICK HALL If you hntmen to be in need of a lot of nice dope, just go out to the Bala Golf Club. Thcte is a bunch of it there, lying loose Yes. the grnndoldopc was upset and spilled all over the place yesterday nfteinoon. LMdic Styles, of Old York road, antl George W. Iloffner, Bala, caused thei spilling, Thej were two heavy favor-1 ites when play began jestctday morn ing in the litst iniiuil of the annual tournament. Hut when the shadows had driven nwnj all of the daylight savings Tddie and Gemge weic no longer faior ites. They had been suiuniiuily antl brutally eliminated The Old Yml; mad star and the young Bula tinck inn blame it on the draw, or something At nnv late, ir Young Golfei- Shoots "Eagle" at Wilmington One of the shining lights in the opening day of the tournament wns the eagle shot by H. P. Scott, Jr., a brother of the young golfer who tied with Onmeron Buxton for second place in the fiist sixteen. A terrific drie sent ScoU'h ball to the fourth green, where he holed out his putt for n two. The stretch between the tee and the fourth hole is 1250 yaids To the uninitiated the term eagle In golf might have n vague meaning. To gnin the engle young Scott had to negotiate the hole in two strokes below four, which is considered par for the strckh. whole hothouse ot laurel vantage of it and put his clnbmate out of the running in one of the most popu lnr golf events of this section. Eddie Stylcs's downfall was much more surprising than Hoffner's. Eddie wns trimmed by John Luman, another Ilala man. Luman was not even con sidered to have a chance when he and Stjles diove off in the opening match of the first sixteen. All of whicli shows that golf is like eeiything else jou nncr can tell nen me players had completed the nrst nine holes Luman was 1 up. That, however, did not cause such a tremen dous stir, for everv one wns mrtnin ... ... tin ii ,l Ull, Kill i "4 1.C3 I , . -... the druw had been different the result l"nt h,y"" bad just been plnjing alon surely Would have been But ns it was Iloffner diew Walter lteinoliU. Arnni mink. nnd Sljles tocil nff with John Luman, Bala. He; until W considered one of the best meilmiiicnl golfeis in the Philadelphia disinit but in match play his iiiuii'lialniit manner often cnuses his defeat whin u little nunc cure would win lor him But yester day he wns going gunt ut tin. stmt nnd better nt the finish Ninetcen-IIole Mali li The result wns that I luff m r wns do j fentetl after a gruelling nineteen hole match 1 up. And (ieoige wasn't play ing hnd golf cither II wns simply nn "on" daj for ltpinnld antl lip took ad it an easy clip nnd would brace up. He did brace up and pln.ied good golf, but his opponent played better Therein lies the whole tale. It was just one of those times that one man was stacked up against fate This doesn't happen often with Eddie Stles. but it did yesterday Eddie's defeat wbh not one with nnv shame ntt!i(h"d foi Lmnati's victoij was de sening of wreaths With Iloffner and Styles out of the tournament, Heynolds, Woody I'lntt and Snencer Wright are the ruling favorites, with I'latt slightly in the lead ns far as predictions nre concerned. On the whole yesterday was a great da jfor Ilala There were six slxteens pin) lug. nn extrnordlnarily fine! showing considering the fact thnt the qualify ing round of the llmlngton totimn moil t was on. Bill Sykes. ex president of the Bala Club, who is nt present pulling off n mention as well us a golf tournament, met 1'. J. Brooke, f'obbs Creek Brooke did eveij tiling but bent Bill, who was - down when they drove for the sixteenth hole In other words, he had to win nil three ot the lemnlning holes from Brooke to capture, the inntch eeuiess to snv lie wns not oniy eium to but a little ahead of the occasion. He settled to the task nnd bv putting nil of his effort into his play won the sixteenth, seietiteenth and eighttenth holes anil the match I Natural Grand Stand One of the most pleasing fentuies of the Bain toutse is the nntiirnl grnutl stand. II is composed of a large sjca more tiee n pi hanging thp embankment nt the ninth green, lots of grass, plcntj ot eus chillis and golf nnd olhtr con cration galore l'rotn there one can see the players drive off from the first tee antl the poi tion of the halls after the time But the most interesting view is I he ninth gieen. Clearvlew Shoot On Tomorrow rh mrrithl Rhrwit ruin of FhllHilMphla it Darbv of th l'lnarteiv Uun I ulll h hflfl tomorrow The rco . ., a nemlpro tr line "am Ins June Jl open J M IMih '" 'i yrtJ ptreoi OTHER SPORTS ON PAGE 24 NATIONAL I.KMit'K (Inilnimll. It Phillies. I. Nr lork. 7: t. I.otils. 1. Hrool.bn It (TilniRO. 1. Pittsburgh. (It Motion, 5. tt. : ri 1 1 Wonderrul bummer Sale of Men's $10 and $1100 Palm Beach Suits Sacrificed at $6.45 We Have 2000 Suits in Neat Patterns I'liIIs Saed From Cellar rpHE mined Phils dropped their -twelfth straight in Cincinnati es terday. 4 to 1, but were saved from the cellar because the Pirates handed the go-by to the Bravts nnd the Btjston bunch stuck in Inst place. The Phils will move down as soon as the Braves win "It's n bnd-looking bnll club," is the wav Heinie Oroh, the Beds' captain, is said to liae expressed his opinion of the Phils, and every one will agree with him. ' The makeshift infield tloesn't combine right nnd the base runners have a lot of fun with tlie outfield. Whenever Cy Williams and Irish Mcusel get hold of the ball theie is no telling where they nre likelv to throw it. The pitchers, too, arc going wild Itixc) wasn't hit much, but he was TODAY'S SCHEDULE AMrJUfAN Infll'E Ilelrolt nt rhllnilrlphln f'lfnr. norland nt Now ork Otnr. St. IiOtiU tit ItoHton Clenr. (TilrnKn nt VtaRhliujtnn Clfor. NATIONAL LKAGITK ruillw. at Cincinnati Clear. New Aork nt HI. IxiiiIn Clondv, Ilrookbn at I hlraRo Clowh. Iloston nt rlttsbttr-Kli Clear. spusss DLCR ACROSS PROP'S. 1317 Market St I NEXTTQtheGLQBE THEATRE Auto Grind Sot for July 4 New York. June 20 A 100-mile automo bile racs will be held at the Shbepflhead Hay track July 4 by the Eaetern States Motor Racing Association. Ralph De Talma the winner of the fifty-mile raco last Sat urday, and all the other drivers In that race will take part In the contest. Nego tiations are under wav to have "Howdy Wilcox, who recently won the Indianapolis race, meet DePalma and other prominent racers In a contest for the sprint" cham pionship the name day. The distance for thle race has not been decided i LEXINGTON Several 5 and 7 passenger touring cars; lebuilt, rcfinished and guar anteed; attractive prices. LEXINGTON MOTOR CO. OP PENNA. 851 N. Broad Street ATHEETICS-vsr DETROnU G A M E HERE TODAY SlIIUi; PAHK TODAY. AT 3:30 1 SI. Heo Sir. Mnck'A fnmouN hlttrra In action. Hejtn, 'Me. ftSc. 8fic anil $1.10. ItfHfrrd. J1.10, -at fllmbtls' anil Snnlillnrw'. OVER 12.000.000 SOLD LEARN TO SWIM v 3SB2S5 AYVAD MANOF'G. CO,HoboUn.H 1 fA-MIIHIA Ol'KN-Ain ATIENA llurim and l'renrr. Slanaiers Frankford Ato. and Cninhrln FBII1AY HVKMM1. JUNK 29 YNO. JACK TOI.AM1 v. FltANKIK DAI.Y lour Other Crnrkfrjnrk llolito Men's $12.50 In wearing value, or fashion able correctness, or the com fort of fine quality a Boot Shop oxford is the wise choice. :M. & H. SELL IT FOR LESS: Vacation Needs in Sporting Goods at Eemoval Sale Prices Everything that you will need in sporting equipment Baseball, Tennis, Fishing, Gunning, etc. to make your vacation joy.s com plete, you will find here not only in a big assortment, but because of the fact that we are clearing out our stock before removing to our own six-story building at 512 Market street as soon as alterations are completed, we have put special removal sale prices on practically every article we have. An opportune time for you to save money. American &"C75C ("ietiil nc linnio ltlde oor ifrt'fn i mill red Mitch- ' lug , Rti.ir mteoil I for nine innlne1 Horsehide Genuine Fielder's Glove $3.50 Regular Value $6.S0 Leather lined, laced bottom , seams leathei welled Join the M. & H. 5th Annual Fishing Contest $300.00 in Prizes Free Everybody eligible to join with, out obligation. Call 01 it rite for reglitratlon eard giving full particulars MORE OF 3M. & H. 1919 Fishing Guides (S&) FREE I'rctty hard for the presses to keep up v, ith the demand A 9ti-p.iKe liooklit tilled .with aluahle in form itlon 10 all fishermen $6 Life Guard $ Ik All wool fllenelPM Rhlrt. Mut flannel pnnte, mony pocket, extra email ty belt $3.50 Suits Now $2 With cotton shut whlto web belt $2 Aany Specials in Fishing Tackle fiBkfilfcL JfiTtM M j tsass Blue Flannel Bathing Pants, BATHING Shirts Cotton, 75c; All-Wool, $2 Women's All-Wool One Piece Bathing Suils. $4 The k ml usf tl b1 piofp"ionaN Same in Cotton, 75c & ?? fflfrJ jJSaXfelgiail liFf T41 Ifll.fl ftfrt M0SKD1VITZ4HERBACH 430 MARKET ST Ol'KX TIIUHSDAY AND SATI'IJIl.W DtHMM We Move to 512 lilarket St. Alter Aug. IS SteitferuDali "V Z 1420 Chestnut St. "Wbere Only (he Ilrt Is Good Enough" lnc Summer Boxing Course Enroll for Tournament Juno 21-20 Phila. Jack O'Brien's S. K. Cor. 15th nnd Cheatnut $1 . S ICSumSj iMM.yzJp ilifjl ifa M II 1 Ml Fllvtvm IW1B1I Write nt onte for J H 1 IK I IMtf trati r.uBi. WI UI m 0UJ ra" . rau Th. HT...L, n... IVBlV V A I ISMW Ilrpt, I. 020 In built In 1-hllailel- A& A j M IJgW . !?" phla. A lionifi Indus- m 111 f JSwh S t?Vjl trr ortli patron Vs II 1 WISQ' "rt n A ifl ' . v i V W 5SL (V ) - CAM X -rfW Factory Hamilton. vis 1 1 M$W AT jil S t.lKiiV.rXI Tenth and llutlou- VSVl KjgJSW 'A 1T)il A I .WffiM'rrlWuaiL wood bts. ivV5aw C ETlL aTl""l!fl. Mr" ' (or the BlackBeautii m. v frueci TTIUI O National Reputation to coal men and MEN,SAVE$10to$15 We Will Make' to Your Order 100 Pure All-Wool Known from coait d(-n by thousands of and elrls. MadA rUht here Jn ThlladelphlA nnd delivered direct to vou from our dlsnlay rooms For 2 sears Black Deautr BUfle hae been The American Standard of perfect dfslBn material Hnlsh rive-Tour Quarantee und Six-Month Occident Insumnra Pollpv CHOICE OF 40 MODELS Each Blark Beauty Ulcycl Is equipped with $10 FIRESTONE Blue Non-bkld Tlrea a-id 10 other exeluslvo features. Vou can have the Black Denuty at once call at our salesroom pick out your Bla and model take It with jou and ray ua for It as ou ride Sundries Uuy your sundries here -.,.. at factory prices TIHES, lamps, horns, repairs, etc Even thing for Cyclists Haverford Cycle Company Fl. su $35 and $40 Values Tailored to Your Measure ABSOLUTE FIT GUARANTEED Including an Extra Pair of TROUSERS FREE Think of it! To buy a, pure wool suit for so little when prices of woolens are souring skyward. We could not pot tibly do it were it not that we made an extremely big pur chase and paid cash. BLUE SERGES Also Included in This Offer White Flannel Trousers 8-75 Made to yonr d; order. Finest LP qualltr. 100 nll-WOOl. For'' a limited time only. Silk Mohair Suits 1 -! ev Finest nu ntohaln mail to onr order, Iteadv matles'' would cost you 5 more, 12-so (Ehas. AJiama 8c Co. MERCHANT TAILORS 114 South 11th Street OPEN MONDAY AND SATURDAY EVENINGS Chestnut f Bfc if BBbH The House of Famous Clothes for Men and Young Men Tomorrow Night Saturday at 10 P.M. Tshis Unique Event Will Be Brought To A Close! -An Event That Means Big Money-Saving For You! We inaugurated this sale as a fit ting means of expressing our grati tude for the tremendous success which followed our introduction of qui; new merchandising policy of featuring two-score famous brands of clothes for men A jA II Guaranteed VALUES Xf jCfflfiip' tinl "tssjr In Which We Are Offering y.ooo Smart, Elegant UITS At Remarkable Savings The tremendous strides which our business has made under the auspices of two-score famous makers of nationally advertised brands of clothes, gives us cause for great pride. In less than a year it doubled our busi ness. By reason of the enor mous volume of business of our 3 big Eastern shops, we were able to sell these fa mous makes of clothes at big savings to our custom ers. Under the double im petus of big variety and un equalled values, our busi ness has leaped forward at a tremendous pace. And now, to show in a substantial way how gen uinely thankful we are for the liberal support the pub lic has given this enterprise, we are having an Apprecia tion Sale in which we are of fering thousands of gar ments at big savings. BUY NOW for this Sale ends tomorrow Saturday night! Guaranteed $SO VALUES Guaranteed 35 VALUES Guaranteed $40 VALUES Summer Suits In Palm Beach.Priestley Mohair, Crashes' Panama Fabrics, Tropical Worsteds, Silks, etc. Prices for Palm Beach Suits beg,' " $7.50 upward by easy stages to $35 for ttismtj est Gabardines. Open Daily Till 6 P.M., Saturday till 10 P,M.f m ;&(.- 4 VJC&-S-" "7T"7 V ft . ' 5 v- "? iWSR"" v . ',-." Xf ' r it '"? i!.?"." I X? yt, f, . -. y w. 1 && - , t " tl v t ! "" tv . . . r, s v. . " .. . ,.:!"?; ! '!